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General Authority for Islamic Affairs & Awqaf(GAIAA)

United Arab Emirates

Dr. Ahmed Al-Mousa

Editor in Chief

By the General the Authority for Islamic Affairs & Endowments(GAIAE) The United Arab Emirates All correspondence to be addressed to: Editor-in-Chief
P.O.Box 2922 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel. : +971 2 6143666 Fax.: +971 2 6212484 E-mail: [email protected]

Established in 1394 Hihri (1974) Issued on 1st day of every lunar month

Monthly Islamic & Cultural Magazine

Editorial Board
Maisara Al-Hibir Hassan Ezat Abdul Mu,en Da,as Hajar Al-Awadhi Naama Al Shaibani Amna Al Mansori

Editing & Proof Reading

Mohammad Jamal Masri

Arabic into English Translation

Rima Allaham, Ph.D.

Ahmed Amin Syed Bilal Ahmed



Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors and the publisher.

Ongoing Evaluation and Training Courses for UAE Khatteebs

Dear Reader, this magazine contains verses from the

Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh). Kindly handle it with special care.

Sharjah Department of Islamic Affairs and GAIAE to Strengthen Cooperation

Sheikh Saqr bin Mohammad Al Qasimi, Chairman of Sharjah Department of Islamic Affairs, and Sheikh Abdullah Al Qasimi, recently paid an official visit to the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments in Abu Dhabi. The visit aimed at strengthening collaboration and coordination between both Islamic authorities in the framework of UAE strategic goals and the directives of the prudent leadership to achieve excellence. The guests were briefed on GAIAE latest development and modernization in terms of building and caring for mosques, Awqaf (religious endowments) investment and management, supporting charitable work, and enhancing religious awareness based

on moderation and tolerance. Sheikh Saqr conveyed the greetings of His Highness Dr.Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member, Ruler of Sharjah, , and His Highness the Crown Prince. Dr.Hamdan AlMazrouei, GAIAE Chairman, expressed GAIAE thanks and gratitude to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan for his continuous valuable support. The meeting highlighted GAIA main achievements such as GAIAE website earning full grade by international standard, using computer and other technologies to facilitate the memorization of the Holy Quran, unifying and improving Friday sermons as well as fulfilling all mosques needs.

A Mosque for 1000 Worshippers to be Built in Al Nahda Area in Abu Dhabi under the Sandy Grove Nest Awareness Campaign
The General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments signed a contract with Wave International General Contracting whereby the latter will handle the construction and maintenance of a 8.632 million dirham mosque in Al Nahda Military area in Abu Dhabi. It is the second mosque covered through contributions in the Sandy Grove Nest Campaign. The first mosque will be constructed in Ajman. The new mosque has an area of 1725 square meters, and can accommodate 940 worshippers. The total area of 3655.55 and it will have housing for both the imam and the muezzin, in addition to other facilities. Under the terms of the contract, Wave International is to deliver the mosque in 16 months from the construction approved start date. Wave International will also be in charge of one year maintenance until the final delivery of the mosque. It is to be noted that the design of this mosque will be the model for all mosques paid through by the Sandy Grove Nest Campaign in Abu Dhabi. Northern Emirates mosques paid through the same campaign will also have a unique and unified design. Dr.Mohammad AlKaabi, GAIAE director general, and Mr. Mohammad Mustafa, Wave executive director, signed the contract. Present during the signing were Mr. Mohammad Obeid AlMazrouei, GAIAE executive director for Islamic affairs, and Mr.Khaled Al Neyadi, GAIAE executive director for Awqaf affairs. Dr.Alkaabi conveyed his thanks and appreciation to all who contributed in the Sandy Grove Nest campaign for building mosques. He added the great interest in this campaign reflects the eagerness of philanthropists to do good deeds, and their strong belief in the great reward which Almighty Allah will bestow upon those who contribute in mosque building. The success of this campaign, Dr.AlKaabi added, would not have been possible without the UAE prudent leadership great interest in this endeavor. He also said it is our hope that this successful campaign will prompt other philanthropists to make awqaf (religious endowments) dedicated to mosque building. Dr.Alkaabi stressed that building mosques and improving their services are the major goals of the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments. Mosques have become significant landmarks in the UAE urban planning design.
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GAIAE to Activate Partnership Agreements with the Ministry of Interior and the Armed Forces
The General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GAIAE) held a meeting for its office directors in the UAE. The meeting, which took place at GAIAE premises in Abu Dhabi, discussed means to activate partnership agreements with the Ministry of Interior and the Armed Forces. Both agreements relate to caring for mosques and meeting its needs. Further, suggestions and mechanism for Emiratization of imams and increasing their financial incentives were also tackled. At the outset, Dr.Mohammad AlKaadi, GAIAE director general, extended his gratitude to UAE prudent leadership for the support of development and modernization in all emirates. He also conveyed the

greetings of Dr.Hamdan AlMazrouei, GAIAE chairman, to the directors of GAIAE offices for attending the meetings and the monthly workshops. This regular attendance, Dr.AlKaabi added, helps GAIAE meet its operational and executive plans. Rules and regulations pertaining to allocation of endowment revenue for mosques in a particular emirate were discussed. Further, attendees overviewed GAIAE endowment properties in Sharjah and its maintenance needs. Speeding up procurement of mosque furniture prior to the holy month of Ramadan, providing mosques with needed copies of the Holy Quran in addition to meeting other needs were part of the discussion.

Ongoing Evaluation and Training Courses for UAE Khatteebs

The General Authority for Islamic Affairs and endowments (GAIAE) is pursuing its plan to improve Khatteebs performance (religious figures delivering Friday sermons). In this regard, a training course in public speaking was conducted at Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan mosque in Abu Dhabi. The course spanned two weeks and was attended by sixty Khatteebs. More training courses are expected to be held across the UAE. The purpose of these courses is to enhance proper recitation by exposing Khatteebs to the latest trends in public speaking and highlighting the pivotal role they play in shaping the community. Dr.Mohammed AlKaabi, GAIAE director general, said evaluation of the khatteb is conducted by a highly qualified committee, and in accordance with very specific criteria. He also noted that GAIAE organizes seminars and training courses to enhance the knowledge and performance of the khatteb. Training is conducted throughout the year and in all UAE mosques. Dr.AlKaabi added that GAIAE is keen to honor and reward khatteebs who excel in their work performance. According to Dr.AlKaabi, the training courses offer lectures on different public speaking topics, taking into consideration that it is both an art and a science. Lectures address, the history of public speaking, the importance of educational and language abilities of the speaker, and means ti improve this skill. It is to be noted that the personality of the Khatteb, his body language and gestures, his pace and tone are all important tips to learn to deliver effective Friday sermons. The training courses also offer lectures on moderation and tolerance in Islam.t
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The virtues of memorizing the Quran? I have been trying to memorize the Quran for several years. What are the virtues of memorizing the Quran in this World and the Hereafter?

We implore Allah to make the Quran the joy of your heart and the relief of your sorrow. We beseech Allah, the Exalted, to help you memorize it: Verily this Quran does guide to that which is the most right. (17:9) In order to benefit from memorizing the Quran, you have to memorize it for the sake of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in his first sermon in Medina said:Verily, the best discourse is the Book of Allah. One is truly successful whose heart Allah has adorned with the love of His Book. Memorizing the Quran will open all the doors of good for you. The Quran is a healing for physical and psychological diseases. If reading Al-Fatiha (The Opening) may heal a patient, just imagine the impact of memorizing the whole Quran. The Quran includes all the sciences of this world and the Hereafter. It unveils many of the scientific, cosmic, legislative and medical facts. It also includes provisions, laws and legislations that regulate the life of the believer and make him much happier. When you decide to memorize the Quran, you wont have extra time, boredom, stress and fear. The Quran will make you feel peaceful and will remove your concerns and grieves. Merits in the Day of Judgment The Quran will intercede for you with Allah, the Exalted

It was narrated that abu Umamah al-Baahili said:I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, Recite the Quran, for it will come on the day of Resurrection to intercede for its companions. The hafez will be rewarded with a crown of honor. Whoever memorizes the Quran and acts upon it, Allah will reward him and honor him greatly, so that he will rise in status in Paradise to a level commensurate with what he memorized of the Book of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and rise in status, recite as you used to recite in the world, for your status will be at the last verse that your recite. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said:The Quran will come on the Day of resurrection and will say, O lord, adorn him. So he will be given a crown of honor. Then it will say, O Lord, be pleased with him. So Allah will be pleased with him. Then it will be said to him, Recite and advance in status, and for each verse will gain one more hassanah (reward for good deed). The reward for the parents of children who memorize the Quran With regard to his parents, there is evidence that they will be clothed with garments which far surpass everything to be found in this world, and that will only be because they took care and taught their child. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Quran will come on the Day of Resurrection like a pale man saying to its
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companion, Do you recognize me?... Then he will be given dominion in his right hand and eternity in his left, and a crown of dignity will be placed upon his head, and his parents will be clothed with garments which far surpass everything to be found in this world. They will say, O Lord, how did we earn this. It will be said to them, Because you taught your child the Quran. Make us of the people of the Quran who are Your specially favored people. O Allah, make us of those who recite its words and apply its rulings. Allah benefits us and raise us in ranks by the Glorious Quran. Remember that the differentiation in status in Paradise will depend on how much was memorized in this world. In summary, the Quran is a source of happiness and peace as well as a healing of both physical and psychological illnesses when combined with conventional treatment. In the Day of Judgment, the differentiation in status in Paradise will depend on how many verses of the Quran one has memorized in this world. Allah Knows best.
Charity to non-Muslims Is it permissible to give charity to nonMuslims?

In summary, it is permissible to give charity (other than zakat) to poor non-Muslims.

Severing family ties I cut my relations with my parents after a strong argument and the fact that my opinion is the right one. Is it legally permissible to sever ties with ones parents for a valid reason?

All praise is due to Allah. May the peace of blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad, his family, and his companions. The concept of charity in Islam encompasses zakat (obligatory alms) al-fitr zakat and all kinds of charitable work. There is scholarly consensus that Zakat must only be given to Muslims. Other charity may be given to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Dear brother, It is illegal for the Muslim to break ties with any Muslim, or to turn away from him. Indeed, if misunderstanding happens between two Muslims, they can set apart for three days after which they have to reconcile. The prohibition of severing ties with family members is even more illegal in the case of blood relatives, especially parents. It is important to maintain good ties with ones parents regardless of any argument. Bear in mind, dear brother, that the Quran urges children to be soft-spoken towards parents and show respect and kindness in their behavior even if they believe they might be wrong. When you sever ties with your parents, your penalty will be doubled; it is your duty to look after their physical and financial needs. The Prophet (pbuh) asked a man who came to him Are either of your parents alive? The man said, Yes, both of them. The Prophet asked, and do you wish to receive reward from Allah? The man replied Yes. So the kindhearted and compassionate Prophet told him Go back and keep them company in the best possible way. In summary, taking care of ones parents is an Islamic obligation. It is strictly forbidden to sever ties with them, especially if they are

Work termination and Islam I am a department director. One of my employees violates workplace regulations. Her performance is so poor that every work she does has to be either corrected or redone. It impacts work efficiency and delays submission of our monthly reports. In the past one and a half years, I made all efforts to teach her to no avail! Finally, I have been requested by the higher management to terminate her. Is this considered haram in Islam because she will lose her income?

not feel guilty. Please be aware, dear sister, that God bless us with sustenance. The Almighty says in His Holy Book:And in heaven is your sustenance, as (also) that which you are promised. Then, by the Lord of heaven and earth, this is the very Truth. Rest assured that she will find another job once shes terminated. Allah knows best. In summary, Muslim employee must perform well in the workplace. Allah, Exalted be He, ordains us to perfect our work. It is perfectly fine to fire a Muslim employee who is careless and inefficient.
Treating non-Muslims Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe. Does this apply to non-Muslims as well?

Dear sister, May God bless you for this important question. Employees must be treated fairly; those who excel must be rewarded, and those who perform poorly must be eitherrebuked, punished or terminated depending on the severity of their cases. Islam is no different is in this respect. In the Holy Quran, God emphasizes equality in the workplace God commands justice, the doing of good(16:90). In another verse, Almighty God says:That man can have nothing but he strives for; that (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight. Then he will be rewarded with a reward complete (53:39-41). Clearly, you did not pass wrong judgment on your employee nor did you make harsh decisions except when you have been asked by the higher authority to do so. Indeed, it would be unfair to treat both diligent and careless employees equally. Moreover, lazy employees affect the companys overall performance. Terminating an employee due to his/her poor performance is fair and therefore you should

Please be advised, dear brother, that Islam came as mercy to mankind. Unfortunately, there is rampant misinterpretation of Islam by non-Muslims and Muslims as well. Indeed, many verses in the Quran instructs Muslims to treat non-Muslims courteously in a spirit of kindness and generosity. One of the main teachings in Islam is to forgive people in order to be forgiven by God. The concepts of forgiveness and tolerance are fundamental in Islam. God describes whom He loves Those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people God loves the good doers. (3:134). Muslims are commanded to commanded to believe in all God prophets, Holy Books, religions, cultures and race. The Prophet (pbuh) said:Whoever kills a nonJune 2011 11

Muslim shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise even though its fragrance can be discerned from a distance of forty years of traveling. In short, Islam calls for peace and love among people regardless of their religions, cultures, colors or genders. Muslim are ordained by Almighty Allah to be kind, forgiving and tolerant with non-Muslims. Muslim must believe in all prophets and accept and respect all cultures. It is strictly forbidden to kill non-Muslims.
Congregational prayer

his ablution, the angels keep on praying (for him): O Allah, bless him. O Allah, have mercy on him. In summary, congregational prayer in the mosque is worth twenty-seven times the individual prayer. Congregational prayer in your house is accepted by Allah, but is rewarded less by Allah.
The Bonds of Brotherhood

Which is considered more virtuous congregational prayer at home or in the mosque? What is congregational prayer? The least number required for congregational prayer is two: the imam and another person. Please note, dear Muslim, that there are many authentic sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) that highlight the superiority of congregational prayer Prayer in congregation is superior to a prayer performed individually by twenty seven degrees. The congregational prayer is better to be performed in the mosque than at home. That is not to say that congregational prayer at home is not accepted by Almighty Allah. The Prophet also said:The prayer of a man in congregation is twenty something times more superior (in reward) to his prayer in his house or market- and this is because he performs ablution and perfects it and does to the mosque with the sole purpose of performing prayer. He does take a step without being raised a degree and having one of his sins pardoned. When he prays, as long as he does not lose

What the Islamic interpretation of brotherhood for the sake of God? Most Muslims focus on the ritualistic worship aspects of Islam i.e. the five pillars (the two shahadas, prayers, fasting, zakat - obligatory religious charity - and hajj). They forget about one of the most important pillars of our dealings with others, the concept of brotherhood which is highlighted in the Quran and the Sunnah. Allah, exalted be He, says in the Holy Quran:Believers are indeed brothers.(49:10). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:Dont hate one another, dont envy one another, dont dispute with one another, and dont back-bite one another. The servants of Allah are brethren to one another. Please note that the term brotherhood is meant to encompass both genders. Brotherhood in Islam is a relation between people of faith and ethics whose bond is based on fairness, exchanging good advices, sincerity, kindness and mercy. Sharing good deeds for the sake of Allah among brothers is a great endeavor. As Muslims, our faith is not complete, and our worship is not sufficient, until we have brotherhood amongst ourselves. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:You will not enter Paradise until

you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another.
Accepting gifts from clients

seeking Islamic Knowledge and implementing its teachings in real life.

I am an engineer. Some clients offer me gifts (cash or in kind) upon completion of their projects. My companys owner and president approves of it. Is it legally permissible in Islam? There are three kinds of gifts that may be given to employees: Bribery which is totally forbidden in Islam and a violation of professional ethics. It is a major sin in Sharia. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) cursed the one who bribes and the one who takes bribe. Gifts offered by the clients as a gesture of thanks and appreciation. They are usually given after work completion. It is permissible to accept it provided the boss or the companys owner is aware and approve of it. Gifts given for personal reasons such as old friendship between an employee and a client provided it doesnt entail in return any illegal act. In summary, Islam does not tolerate bribery. Thus, any gift in kind or cash given to a Muslim employee in return for any favor is strictly forbidden. Gifts for work appreciation or for personal reasons may be accepted.
The merits of pursuing Islamic studies I am eager to enhance my knowledge of Islam, and I intend to change my major from Business Administration to Islamic studies. I would like to know whether my new major has in a higher reward in the Hereafter, and whether Muslims will be punished for not

Muslim is required to know basic Islamic knowledge, such as the creed and some other Sharia (legal) rules. It is mostly the duty of the parents to teach their children. Nevertheless, It doesnt forfeit your duty to seek information on Islam from trustworthy Islamic scholars. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: So ask those who know the Scripture, if you know not.(16:43). We advise you to learn more performing the five pillars of Islam and financial issues. You are not required to have deep knowledge, and therefore you dont have to change your major to acquire this information. Bear in mind, dear brother, that Allah will reward you for studying Business Administration. This major is in need to manage establishments and improve services to the benefit of your people and nation. We encourage you to excel in your studies, while seeking Islamic knowledge from religious scholars. New technologies have made it easier than ever to communicate with eminent religious scholars across the globe. We also encourage you to attend religious lecture and seminars. Allah knows best. In summary, seeking basic religious knowledge from reliable Islamic scholars is sufficient, youre not expected to have deep information on Islam. If you come across any problem or issue, you may ask for a relevant fatwa (Islamic ruling). It is not advisable to change your major which is Business Administration. Upon graduation, you will play a vital role in management and improving services to the benefit of your people and your country. Allah knows best.
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