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Appendix A In-Class Essay Scoring Rubric

To achieve a score in the upper half, an essay must contain all or most of the descriptors for a specific score point . 6 Superior contains a main idea stated in a thesis statement develops the main idea fully and logically through a series of paragraphs that contain topic sentences is focused and well organized, with a beginning, middle and end contains convincing examples to support ideas consistently uses appropriate vocabulary and diction contains appropriate transitions exhibits consistent control over verbs, verb forms and subject-verb agreement displays sentence variety and uses punctuation correctly displays command of the elements of Standard Written English but there may be a few errors 5 Strong contains a main idea stated in a thesis statement develops the main idea well and logically through a series of paragraphs that contain topic sentences is organized, with a beginning, middle and end, though there may be a lapse in focus contains appropriate examples to support ideas uses appropriate vocabulary and diction contains some transitions generally exhibits control over verbs, verb forms and subject-verb agreement displays some sentence variety and uses punctuation correctly displays control of the elements of Standard Written English, but there may be some errors Adequate contains a main idea stated in a thesis statement develops the main idea through a series of paragraphs that contain topic sentences is generally organized, with a beginning, middle and end, though there may be intermittent problems with focus contains examples to support ideas generally uses appropriate vocabulary and diction may contain some transitions exhibits control over verbs, verb forms and subject-verb agreement generally displays control over sentence boundaries and generally uses punctuation correctly

67 generally displays control of the elements of Standard Written English, but there will be errors To achieve a score in the lower half, at least one of the descriptors must predominate. 3 Flawed / Limited contains a main idea but there may not be a thesis statement contains limited development of the main idea exhibits problems with organization and/or focus does not consistently provide examples to support ideas displays errors in vocabulary and word choice that affect clarity is generally awkward because of missing transitions or problems with transitions displays problems with control over verbs, verb forms, and subject-verb agreement displays intermittent control over sentence boundaries and punctuation displays intermittent control over the elements of Standard Written English that sometimes affects meaning Seriously Flawed / Seriously Limited main idea is hard to define is seriously limited in development displays serious problems with organization and/or focus does not support ideas displays serious weaknesses in vocabulary and word choice that frequently interfere with meaning exhibits serious problems with verbs, verb forms and subject-verb agreement displays serious problems with sentence boundaries and punctuation displays serious problems with the elements of Standard Written English that sometimes obscure meaning Fundamentally Flawed does not contain a main idea lacks development is disorganized or unfocused displays fundamental weaknesses in vocabulary and word choice that persistently interfere with meaning exhibits fundamental problems with verbs, verb forms and subject-verb agreement displays severe problems with sentence formation and punctuation displays severe problems with the elements of Standard Written English that regularly obscure meaning

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