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case 4:o7-cr-00434 Document 127 Fited TXSD 03/13/09Page1 of5 in on

Ao 245E (Rev. 8106)Jrxr.gmcot e criminel carc for Gganizational in Dcfcadrotr Shcct I

UrunBp Srerns Drsrnlcr Counr

SouthernDistrict of Texas
Iloldlng SesslonIn llorieton

Uurtl> Srarrs op AuBRrca



(For Or ganizational Dcfcndaats)


f] So.eaaitionrl .{liascs


El E El pleaded guilry to count(s) plcadednolo contt,nrterc coun(s) to ' which was accptd by the court.*3o foundgulltycn goun(s) atteraPlca ot not gut[y. offenses:

ACCoRDINGLY' th: court hasadjudicated the dcfcndant that organization guilty of thc following is

Title & Sectioq

40 C.F.R.Part 58, Sections 3(b), 87(b)(.t) 7

Nature of,Offenqg

'; 42u.s.c. $ 7413()xl violation scctionl2(rx7)of thecrean Act of l Air

Date Offense Concluded $t23n0a5

Count Number(s)


S* laaiOooat Countcr'convicdon.

tr tr

The defendant crganization sentenced providedin pages ttuough6 of thisjudgment. is as 2 The defendantcrpanizationhasbeenfound not guilty on count(s) _Count(s) fl is tr are dismissed the motionof the UnitedSates. on


IT Is oRDERED tlt thc dcfendantorganizationshall.notify orc unitcd StatesAttomcy foidris district within 30 daysof any change of name,principa- bu ineseaddress, mailing addre-ss or until all fmes, restitution, coste,and speciaiasscssments imposed[y this i'uogrnent derendant organization sharr notiff 6ourt




(aoQ Q) Exhibit No' Worldwide Court

rters, Inc.



Case4:a7-cr'O0434Document 127 Filedin TXSDon 03/13/09 page 2 ot 5
Ao2458 Siilil,ljlj$inpt inecriminal fororsmizetiouel carc Dcfendenu
_Judgnrcot pagc 2 of 5


Thc defendantorganiatnn is herebysentenced probation for a te,rmof 3 vears. to This tcrm shallcorrsist THREE (3) YEARS asto Count l. of Additional Probati''fcrms rn tr Scc ShceL The defcndant organizi'ti')n shall not c.ommit aaother fcdcrat,siateor locatcrime.
E Scc Additional Mrndrrul' Conditionr Shcct

irqroqesa fine or a rcstitutiono-bligation, shallbe a conditionof probationrhatth it -_- orrestitution [_!i.^l-"-{gnentacc,:rdaG;iitlh; nne in



any ti,?ri,3it",*11Tr",illilffi:;ay such


The defendanl or!;atrization shallcomply with thc conditions rhathavebecnadoptcd this court(serforth below), by

tr Scc Additional C:ondiic,ns of Supcrvision on thc foltowing page.

Within thirfy day; fiom the dateof thisjudgment,thc dcfcndant organizationshall designate ofticial of the organization act an nclal organization to tr astfie organtaticn'lr rqrresentativeanc io bi the irirrary rrith the probation offter; I "ontu"t 2) The defcndanl orlarrizationshallanswerEuthfulty all inquiriesby thc probationofficcr and follow the instructions theprobation of officcr; l) 3) Thc defcndant or1;anization shallnotifu the probationoffrcerten daysprior to any change principalbusiness in or mailingaddress; 4) BP Products rnusrncti& the probationofficer within s-evenry-two h9u1s.of crininal prosecutiol.. (7| an_y Witrrinorirty(30) days, BP Products roustn')tify thcprobationof,Ecer the filingoiany majorhealth,r"rLty, * of civil cnforccment lirigation, or major health,s tft:ty',or envirounentsl administrativc enforcemEniproceeding, agiinst ""uilomntnarr"^., city nfii"ry;"{ nn proaucts 5) The defendant or;;anizationshall not dissolve, change_ name,or changethe nameunder which it doesbusiness unlessthis judgment and all :riminat monetarypenaltiesinposid its this iourr arc iither uy firlly satisnlo oli ."i"**ii" th" defendant's st.cce;s()rs essignees;7)the or defendint organization "r" "qo"rrv shallnot waste,nor without pcrmission the probation "guj*t of officer, sell,assign, transferits assets. or 6) If -BP Products fails to satisf the criminal monetary penalties imposed, may not waste,nor without pcrrnission thcprobation it of officer,sell, assign, transferany assets, or

case 4:07-cr-00434Document 127 Fitedin TXSDon 03/13/09 page 3 of 5

Ao usE (Rcv. &06) Jxlgmcnt in a_criminal casa for organizarional Dcfendanas 1llcct 2 - C<nlibucd | - probetion Jrdgmcnr- pagc 3 of :


7) BP Products rnus cornplywitlr all theprovisionsof thc plca agreement. 8) As statedin the plen agreemend Productsmultcompty futly with the settlement BP Agrcementexecutcdbetwcenit and the unitcd occnpational states Hcaltha'd SafetyAdministration("os_HA"l .i s"ptr"u"iiz,zoos,in r"ro"r.,tioioiiorp""aoo n'mbers10g314640 30831498E. BPPro'lurts-mustaleocornplytullywith{reAgr';ed;;";;tt"o6"t","*ft;;;'iL.*commissiononF,nvironmental and -In Quality ("TCEQ") utd:r docket numberzoosizz+-ltg--e. &e eveatBp prod_u_cFunauie t is outig"tlon-o,,ffi ire rcee order within thc lhre:';lear probation tcrm, it m'st inform the united statcc sixty (60) datr "oiplete-its L;f;; iie loa ortnc three-year term, and Bp Productsand thc un'tcd states mustjointly move the court to cxtendthe tcrm rq ,;il;1."r" andwill askrhe sourt ro sct complianccwith anc crnrpletion of the TCEQ otder as tlc only terms of the extenaeap."u"fr* "intrri"t,il p*.,i.

9) IfBPProductsc(rn:mitsanyfcdcralcnvironmcntalorproccss-safetycrimerelatingtoitsTcxascityrefineryopcrations,itwillbreac plea agreemcnt' su( h crimes includc those laws and reguLtion. tfl_*_ir-"u trasCtn detegatcd ststauhorities to excludingclass c n.iujenoeanors infractions, defrned r s u.s.c. nnmary "ifo.c.ment and as uy $'isss. l0) If BP Productsiailsto satis9 the criminal monetary penalties imposed, mustprovidc any financialinformation tlis it that courtor the probalion officer rc( u(rsls.

case 4:a7-cr-00434 Document 127 Filedin TXSD on 03/13/0g page4 of 5


-_ _

($ar,- !r{6) Judgncnt i_{r_r.q4miqdCgsefor OrganizationalDcfcndants Strcd 3. PErrA .- Criminel Moncorv pcnernct Judgrncat_pagc4of:




Thedefendant orc;fiization shatlpay tLe following totalcriminal monetany penalties accordance in with the schedule pey'en,, set of forth on Shect PartE. 3, Asses$mcnt TOTALS S 400 Flne $ 50,000,000 $ Rerdtutlon

S* laai,iooel Tcrmr br Crimioal Moncaarypmrkicr Shcct

El E

ttre dctermina.tionf rcstitutionis defcrreduntil o ' An Amended Judgment a criminal case(Ao 245c) wit be in affersuchdetermi entered xrtion. ttre defendant orlar'fization shall makerestitution(includingcomrnunity restitution)to the following payecs theamount in tistedbelow. If thedefendant o:prmizatio.n makesa partiatpayment, eachpayeeshallreceivean approximargtJrpn"ogo_1.9,paymen! unless specilied otherwise tlrc p ici in

pursirint must ,"o,, bc ,"'. ,lflif:i";itrffgEtffiiii'Fffi.*llJ:ii'ol.,.,, '. " ,rs.3os"*?1?$5lifflhHl:

{ Namg of Prvee *Totrl Amount of Loss


Amount of

PrloritY order


S." rlddidonrt F.erit tion Payecr Shecr

tr El



If applicabte, resritution amountordered pursuantto pleaagrccment $_ The defendarrt org;raization shall nay iu-te-rest any fine or restitution-of o-n rnorethan$?,qgg,unlessthe fine or restihrtion paid is in firll bcforcthe fifteenfhdav aflcr the dati of thel'ud$int, iu.sirairf t" rs orr tt, may be subject penalties delinquency?rnf,uerauiilursu"nt ls^u.i-C.^ffiizror$tt of rhepaymentoprions sheet5, part B for to U.' 5i^o'i)tet. Thc courtd'em inedthat the defendant organization doesnot havethe ability to pay interesqand it is ordered that: El ttreinterest teguirement waived for the EJ fine andl/or is E restirution.


recuiremenr the f] fine and/or E EI rfreinterest for

restitutionis modified as follows:





rinds thareasonabte toeollect speciat efforts the assessmenr likery be are not ro etrective,

r0eA,Ir0,I r0A,and ofritre r13A r8,unitedSrarescode, foro{fense :"T*tTSfTil'#Jll,ffiHlrt".tTfri?E,llfflf,1Hffr.j:tsf

case 4:07-cr-o0434 Document127 Filed in TXSD on 03/13/09 page 5 of 5

AO2J4sE (Rov. M)6) J r1pq4t in s Criminal Ca6efor Organizational Dcfcndrnts Shct3, PartB .- Schcdule Pavmmr Schcdule of Pavmcots Judgmenr-prgc5of5


Having asscssed or1:utiration'sabitity to pay, paymentof thc total crininal monetarypenalties thtt shall be duc ac follows: A El tump$rrt.paJnlcntof $400 dueimmcdiatety,balanceduc

H f ljiI.f,".""ffi
B tl

o, HilJ,'u,.,,,
E D, or El E below);or
Of _ (c.g.,30 or 6CdE-ygCffiIE-c oftt ii-j-uii,rr,.r,t; aaii or OVef a pefiOd

Paymenrtobcgirrimmediately(may be combined with E c,

C tr


(e.g.,egu{,.weekly,monrhly,quarterly)insallmcntsul ,Derrursuul of

E El

Payment ------=--_:=_,(c.g., cqual,.wcckly, in monthly,quafierly)insallmentsof ovcr a periodof (e,c.-3Oor 6{ (e.g.,30 6d@fa-FrE[ead.f-'. fiil;"nnenr *..(c.9., montnsor yearc),to commence


Specialinstru,:ticns rcgardingthe paymcntof criminalmonetary penaltics: Make all peyrlcntspayableto: U.S. District Clcrk, Attn: Financc, p.O. Box 610t0, Housto t,TX772Og are madeto the clcrk of thc cour! unlessotherwisedirccted by the court, rhe probationofficer, criminal monctarypcnaltics imposcd.


D JointandSeveral Crs Number flncluding Dr:fenrk nt Number)
Defendent Name

The dcfendant orginizrtion shall receivecrcdit for all paymcnts previousty madetowardany

Joint end Severel Amount


SecAdditional Defcnrlalts Hcld Joint rnd Sevcnl shcct

f] E tr tr

Thedefendant orJ;anization shallpay &e cost of proscculion. the defenOant ortiarrization shallpay the following courtcos(s): The defendant ori;anization shaltforfeit the defen&nt organization's intercstin the foilowing propcrtyto the unitcd states: SccAdditional Forfeicrl Propcrry Shccr

Pavments shallbc aor lird in tbe followins order:{l) asscssment, restihrtion (2) princip$ (3), fineprincipal, (4) (Sicommunitvr*ti'tritic,n,(6) fine inrcresl izj iil;itirr,;:^i(iiilJt;;1il;e't"g costof prosecurion courrcos*. ano


case 4:07-cr-0043{Document Filedin TXSDon 1or22t0l page 1 1 of g

rNTHE uNrrED srArEsDrsrRrcr couRr

OcI z z z00l
llictud lfftty, t drtdsll



I "***" f[ 0? I
Lrr{pER sEAL


CRIMINAL INFORIvIATION The United States Attomey Charges: COUNT 1


BP TexasCitv RefineryOperations 1. At all relevantlimes,BP Products North AmericaInc. ('BP hoducts"), a subsidiary of

an BP plc, ownedand operated oil refinery locatedin TexasCity, Texas(hereinafter"TexasCity refinery"),within the Southern District of Texas. 2. Prior to December 1998,the TexasCity refinerywas ownedby Amoco. In December

with Amoco. As a resultof themerger,BP hoducts' predecessor 1998.BP plc merged acquired theTexasCity refinery. As of March23,2005,theTexasCity refinerywasthelargestrefinery ownedby BP hoducts in the United States.The TexasCity refinery coveredmorethan 1200 acres,employedapproximately1800pemlanentBP Productsstaff and approximately2000 contractworkers. 3. Within the BP ProductsTexasCity refinery, there were29 different refining units and

four chemicalunitsthathadthe capacityto process 460,000barrelsof crudeoil per day into jet includinggasoline, fuel, dieselfuel, andchemicalfeedstocks. components

case 4:o7-cr-a0434^DocumentFired TXSDon lotz2lar page 1 in 2 of g


During operarions the BP Products at TexasCity refinery, it wasa commonand accepted

practicefor contractorernployees personnel work out of temporarytmilers throughout and to the faciliry. 5' During operations the BP Products at TexasCity refinery,if it wasnecessary release to

hydrocarbon vaPors theopenair, therefiningunitsusedthreemethods: ,,flalesystem,,, to a a "blowdownstack"or directahospheric vents. 6. A flare system allowedhydrocarbon vaporsto be released throughthetop of a tall pipe

wherea flameburnedoff thehydrocarbon structure, vaporin orderto combust hazardous air pollutantsemittedinto &e air, and to ensure the hydrocarbons not reachan ignition that did source away fronr the flare. Most of the BP Products TexasCity refinery'srefining unirsuseda flare systemfor releasinghydrocarbonvaporduring an emergency upset. or


A blowdownslackemployed largedrumto receive a hydrocarbon vaporsandliquids. In

a properlydesigned functioningblowdownsystem, and hydrocarbon liquidswerereceived the in blowdowndrurn and sentto a closedsewersystem, hydrocarbon and vapors werereleased up throughthe blowdownsLack, largepipedirectly above drum,and thendirectlyto theopen a the air. The blowdown stackdid not usea flame at the top to burn hydrocarbonvaporsand instead vapors containinghazardous pollutantsdirectly to the openair. If not properly released air designedand rraintained,in somecircumstances, hydrocarbonvapor and liquids released from theblowdownstackhadttrepotentialto reacha groundlevel ignition source explode. and

case 4:o7-cr-0o434*Document Fifed TXSDon 10e2r0z page 1 in 3 of g

The CleanAir Act 8. The CleanAir Act ("CAA,1,Title 42,UnitedStates Code,Section7401etseg.,is the

Nation'scomprehensive pollutioncontrolstatute.As part of the 1990CAA amendments, air congresspromulgated section Ll2(r)(7),Title 42,united statescode, section 7412(r)(7),to "preventaccidental relcases ofregulatedsubstances' from facilitiessuchastheBp produch TexasCity refinery. Sectionll2(r)(7) in turn authorizes Administrator the Environmental the of urelease Protection Agency("EPA'; to promulgate prevention, detection correction and requirements" prevent to accidental releases. Title 42, United States Code,Section 7al2$)('7)(A). The regulations knownasRisk Management are Plan("RMp") regulations and aresct forth at Title 40, Codeof Federal part 6g. (,,C,F.R.,), Regulations 9.

Underthe RMP regulations, Products requiredto irnplement BP was prevention,

and detection correction requirements forth in 40 C.F.R.Part68, in orderto prevent set explosions from accidencal releases hazardous pollutants.40 c.F.R. S 6g.12(dx3). of air 10. Pursuant Section to 113(c)(l)of theClean Acr, 42 U.S.C.Section Air 7413(cXl),it is a

criminal violationto knowingly violateRMP regulations promulgated underSectionI l2(rX7) of theCleanAir Act.


One of the refining units at the BP ProductsTexasCity refinery uscdfor processing

gasoline components the Isomerization was Unit ("ISOM unit"). Within theISOM unit wasa process component known as the Raffina0e Splitter. "Raffinate"wasa tenn usedto describe gasoline components theISOM unit that werein theprocess or hadbeenrefined. The in of Raffinate Splitter's main function was to separate raffinate into "light' and "heavy"raffinate.

case 4:07-cr-0a434 Document Fired TXSDon fie2to7 page4 of g 1 in

The light raffinate wasnormally processed the ISOM unit andthe heavyraffinate was in normallyblendedinto gasoline.TheRaffinate Splitterwasa singletowerwith a heightof 164 feet andan approximate volumeof 3700barrels.Raffinatewasreferred asa,'light end to that hydrocarbon," could easilyignite. 12. The RaffinateSplinerwasequipped with relief valvesandheaders, which wererequired

to be designed rnaintained ensure releases hydrocarbon and to that of vapors the openair were to only the resultofan unplanned process upset emergency. or 13. The RaffinateSplitterrelief valvesandheaders wereconnected a piping sysrem a by to

blowdownstack,known as "F-20." TheF-20stackalsoreceived hydrocarbon vaporsandliquids from othercomponents theISOM unit. BP Products requiredto designandrnaintain in was all therelief valvesand headers theISOM unit, so thatreleases hydrocarbons in of weresentto the

blowdownstackonly in the caseof anunplanned process upsetor emergency. 14. The blowdowndntm andstackstructure designed operate was to with a.quenchsystem,"

wherewatercould be injectedinto the blowdowndrum to cool the hydrocarbon vaporsand someof the hydrocarbon change from vaporsto liquids,which weresentto a closedsewer system.Remaining hydrocarbon vapors weresentthroughthe stackandreleased directlyto the openair. BxBlosion March23. 2005 of 15. In the monthprior to March 23,2005,the ISOM unit was undergoing non-cycle a ending

oturnaround" lryhere unit wasshutdown andscheduled the maintenance necessary and repairs on wereperformed differentcomponents the unit. On March Z3,ZOO5, RaffinateSplitter in the a whereafterhavingbeenshutdown for a month,it wasbeing wasin turn undergoing "startup,"

case 4:07-cr-00434* Document Fired TXSDon 10e2t07 page5 of g 1 in

re-startedfor operationto enhance raffinatefecdstocks.The start-upprocess required sending up to 22,000gallonsof productto theRaffinateSplitter, the interior of which was subjected to pressures to 40 poundsper square up inch (psi) and temperahues high as 300 degrees as Fahrenheit.The RaffinateSpliner wasviewcd by the BP ProductsTexasCity refinery workers as one of the morebasicrrnitsat therefineryto startup andoperate.The startup procedure of the RaffinareSplitterwasalsorecngnued themostdifficult or dangerous as phase the unit's of due operation, to the re-introduction high temperatures, of feedstock increased and pressurc. 16. The startupprocedure theRaffinateSplitterinvolvedthework of several for operabrs

personnel.BP Products required federalregulations ensure andsupervisory was by to that supervisors operators and followed specificwritteninstructions ensure to safestaftups the at RaffinateSplitter.BP Products alsowasrequired ensure to that alarrnsystems process and safety

components the ISOM unit werpoperating in conectlyto enablesupervisors operators and to perforur startupsat the Raffinate Splitter in a safemanner. I7. At approximately 1:15pm on March 23,2W[ afterexcessive liquid pressure and

temperature built up insidethe RaffinateSplitterfor several had hours,hydrocarbon vapors and liquids were released throughrelief valvesandheaders from fte RaffinateSplitter ro the F-20 blowdownstack, The volumeof the hydrocarbon liquid was so greatthat it exceeded the capacityof the F-20 blowdownstackandreleased directly out the top of blowdownstackinto the openair. The hydrocarbons released from the stackformeda vaporcloudat groundlevel an which resulted a catastrophic andreached ignition source, in explosion. 18. The explosion caused deaths 15contractor the of employees the BP Products at Texas

City refinery,who werelocatedin two temporiuy trailersapproximately feet from wherethe 150

case 4:07-cr-a0434* Document Fired TXSDon 1oD2l07 page6 1 in of I

hydrocarbons had beenreleased the openair. Their nameswere: Glenn Bolton, Lorena to CruzAlexander,Rafael Herera, Daniel Hogan,Jimmy Hunnings,Morris King, Larry Linsenbardt, Arthur Ramos,Ryan Rodriguez, James Rowe,Linda Rowe,Kimberly Smith,Susan Taylor, Larry Thomas,andEugeneWhite. The explosionalsocaused injuries of at least 170other the workersat the TexasCity refinery. 19, The release thehydrocarbons of theblowdownstackandtheexplosion of out were

preceded severalevents: by aBP Productsfailed to notify non-essential contractoremployees all nonand

essential Products BP employees located temporary in trailersin closeproximityto the Raffinate Splitterthat the startupwasgoingto takeplace. b. The RaffinateSplirterbottoms areawasfilled abovethe levelthat waspermitted

underwritten procedures startups, for thoughthis hadbeconrc routinepractice startups a for of the Raffina0eSplittcr. c. The ISOM unit control boardoperatorhad filled the Raffinate Splitter rowerwith

feed,but raffinatewasnot beingemptiedfrom theRaffinateSplitter. A level instrument the on conftol boardindicaledto the operator that the level in the tower wasdecreasing when in fact it wasincreasing.Otherinformationreflected rising level of raffinatefeedin theRaffinate the Splitter. The control boardpaneldid not automaticallycalculateand display to rhe olrrator that was changing. themassbalance d. Alarrrs in the Raffinate Splitter andin the blowdown stackfailed to

functionor wereignored.

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pressure relieved sending Excess was by hydrocarbons throughthe8" chainvalve

to theF-20 blowdownstackinstead to the3-pound of ventsystemthatled to a flarc. Al6rough this had not beenauthorized, had alsobecome common practioe startupsof the Raffinate it a for Splitter for severalyears. f. BP koducts wasreleasing hydrocarbons the openair throughthe F-20 into

blowdown stack during startupsalthoughBP Products had repearcdlyfaited to provideadvance noticeto the TexasCommission Environmental on Quality ("TCEQI that it would be releasing the hydrocarbons duringthe startups. g' BP Products not believethat'anoverfill of the RaffinateSplitterwasa did

crediblethreatand chose to performa uwhat-if'scenario an overfill of theRaffinate not for Splitteror theF-20 blowdownstack. h' BP Products failed sinceat least1999to perfonna relief valvestudyon the had

ISOM unit to determine whetherthe F-20blowdownstackhadthe capacity safelyrelease to excess hydrocarbons. gement Knowing Violationsof Ri sk Mana &actices 20. Between or aboutJanuary1999andon or aboutMarch 23,20f,is,inTexasCity, Texas, in

within the Southern District of Texas, defendanr, PRODUCTSNORTHAMERICA INC., the BP did knowingly violatea rcquirement promulgated pursuant the CleanAir Act, Title 42, to united statescode, section7a0(r)(7); specifically, defendant pRoDucrs NoRTH Bp AMERICA INC. knowingly failed to do the folloWing:

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Establish and impleme,ntwritten proceduresto maintain the ongoing mechanical integnty of processequipment,in violation of Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations,Section68.23 (b).


Inform contract owners and operators of the known potential fire, explosion, or toxic releasehazxds related to the contractors ocrupation of temporary hailers in the vicinity of the ISOM Unit, in violation of Title 40, Codeof FederalRegulations, Section 68.87(b)(2),

All in violation of Title 42, United StatesCode, Section Zat3(c)(l).


DONALD J. DeGABRIELLE, Jr. United States Attorney Southern Dishict of Texas

RONALD J. TENPAS Acting Assistant Attomey General Enviroruhent and Natural Resources Division

UnitedStates lepartpentgl Justic By: DaffielW.\Dooher

Assistant United StatesAttorney Southern District of Texas SeniorTrial Attomey Environmental Crimes Section

Southern District of Texas


Trial Attorney

Environmental CrimesSection

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