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Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

Redefining Mobile
Capgemini Mobile World Congress Show Special e-book


Media & Entertainment t

Mobile Data


Introduction Mobile Insights Network Operations Evolution Mobile Enterprise: Maximising Workforce Productivity in the Age of Consumerisation Pricing Strategies for Mobile Broadband Services Mobile Propositions Mobile Data Explosion Telecom Transformation About Us Who We Are and What We Do TME Experience Meet the Team

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Helping Redefine Mobile

Capgemini Mobile World Congress e-book

Far more than a mere communication device, mobiles now serve as our books, health monitors, payment transfer devices, social connectors and tour guides. Mobile technology is embedded in our cars, homes, appliances, governments and utilities. Mobile is enhancing and expanding education and thus, transforming the world. Mobile World Congress 2012 will celebrate the current state of mobile and offer a glimpse into where mobile has the potential to go next. 2012 Event Overview, GSMA Capgemini has produced a publication for our presence at Mobile World Congress 2012. Along with the rest of the mobile industry attending this annual gathering, we have a vision to enable, lead and accelerate the mobile redefinition.

MWC delegates will be interested in this e-book because:

Capgemini offers some perspective on the latest technological trends and growth strategies for the global mobile industry The Congress asks all of us to address the way that we redefine communication

Contact Capgemini now

Telecom, Media & Entertainment

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Assets, Unleashing Growth and Transforming to Succeed

In this e-book we share a collection of mobile insights exploring the key issues faced by those attending the MWC 2012 Congress. In addition, we showcase some select solutions and services of ours mapped to the show themes for those that may find it helpful in addressing some of the challenges raised. Capgemini is no stranger to the mobile industry and its evolving ecosystem. We have worked with telecom clients for over 40 years helping clients as fresh business models emerge, new players and trends demand change, and evolving technology shifts ways of doing things. I trust you find this selection of papers and solutions interesting and thought-provoking. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss anything further.

Dee Burger, Global Sector Leader

Telecom, Media & Entertainment,


Mobile Insights
A collection of mobile insights exploring the key issues faced by those attending the 2012 Mobile World Congress.
Network Operations Evolution Mobile Enterprise: Maximising Workforce Productivity in the Age of Consumerisation The Price is Right: Pricing Strategies for Mobile Broadband Services

Technology Evolution: Network Operations Evolution

Constantly evolving your network is a must if an operator is to stay competitive. Ensuring your approach to network growth matches the markets speed of change is difficult. Moreover, your migration must not jeopardize delivery of the latest services to your customers. Capgeminis Dee Burger will moderate a session at Mobile World Congress on managing this network evolution. Click here to find out more on the conference session: Technology developments and business pressures are destroying many old barriers between networks and IT, voice and data, fixed and mobile, telecoms and internet. This change offers operators the chance to manage their networks and services in new ways, lowering costs and opening up fresh business opportunities. However, for operators to take full advantage of these opportunities requires some radical changes throughout their business, networks and IT systems. There are considerable challenges to overcome, not least the management of converged networks, of different wireless technology

generations and of an increasingly complex multivendor environment. Based upon practical experience, this session focuses on how to evolve mobile network operations effectively. It offers delegates the chance to understand the path towards a new style of network operations, how to take advantage of its benefits and how to avoid the dangers on the way.

Session Title: Technology Evolution: Network Operations Evolution Session Date: Thursday 1 March 2012 Session Time: 13:30 15:00 Session Room: Hall 5 Auditorium 2

Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

MWC delegates will be interested in attending this session because:

Operations need to run smoothly and efficiently for customer experience Its tough to find the right balance of legacy and next generation OSS Find out more about evolving to Next Generation OSS

Dee Burger, Global Sector Leader

Telecom, Media & Entertainment,


Mobile Enterprise: Maximising Workforce Productivity in the Age of Consumerisation

Consumerisation of IT is softening business boundaries and companies must react faster than ever to market conditions and consumer demand. Capgeminis Fernando Alvarez will speak at Mobile World Congress on this very topic. Click here to find out more on the conference session. The enterprise is becoming increasingly mobile and personal. The lines between work and personal lives are blurring; the use of personal mobile devices in the workplace is adding to the complexity for enterprise IT departments which must manage this proliferation of personal mobile devices and ensure device security. In light of this growing consumerisation of IT, how can enterprises most effectively mobilise securely? Are bolt-on mobile enterprise solutions sufficient, or is it necessary to integrate mobile solutions deep within the enterprises infrastructure fabric? What is clear is that enterprise mobility needs to offer a compelling user experience. This session will showcase examples of solutions that are

successfully mobilising the enterprise. It will also discuss the challenges faced by mobile network operators and other service providers in rolling-out mobile enterprise solutions in the age of IT consumerisation and will ask how enterprises can most effectively utilise mobile technologies to maximise workforce productivity.

Session Title: Mobile Enterprise: Maximising Workforce Productivity in the Age of Consumerisation Session Date: Tuesday 28th February Session Time: 16.00-17.30 Session Room: Auditorium 2

Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

Figure: Mobility Increases the Consumerisation of IT

Mobility increases the Consumerization of IT

This wave of computing will drive new levels of enterprise productivity, innovation and end-user expectation Global (10+B)


Computer-Centric (IT Driven)

People-Centric (Consumer Driven)

Local (1M)

(Data Management)

(Local Processing)

(Information Access & Communication)

Mobile Computing
(Persistent Personal Access)

Source: Capgemini

2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

MWC delegates will be interested in attending this session

Mobility has become a fact of business The only thing constant about mobility is change IT consumers expect current mobile technology and current is fleeting Mobility is not just about the creation of appealing mobile applications. Its about changing the way you run your business. Find out more about Capgeminis Mobile Solutions at

Fernando Alvarez, Global Service Line Leader, Mobile Solutions

Pricing Strategies for Mobile Broadband Services

Reap the benefits of rising mobile broadband demand and surging data volumes

metrics can be used to extract pockets of customer value that the more generalized volume metrics cannot

Most developed countries have seen rapid growth in the adoption of mobile broadband. In addition, the proliferation of new mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, along with the consumption of high-bandwidth services such as content streaming, VoIP and mobile cloud services has led to a drastic increase in data traffic. However, data revenues have not kept pace with this growth in traffic and the widening gap is putting pressure on the sustainability of a mobile operators business model. We believe that the pricing of mobile broadband is a critical lever for operators to effectively monetize this growing data consumption. Telcos should introduce innovative pricing models that are tailored for specific consumer segments and designed based on consumercontext information such as the device used, location, time-ofuse and service being consumed rather than only the volume of consumption. Designing these innovative pricing models requires a clear understanding of the components of a mobile broadband pricing model and operational as well as market pre-requisites that allow the rapid roll-out of these new pricing models. Consequently,

telcos should constitute a pricing process that includes identifying high-value customer segments, designing tailored pricing models, and then launching these new plans using traditional and digital channels.


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the way we do it

Figure: Holistic Mobile Broadband Pricing Strategy

Source: Capgemini TME Strategy Lab

Copyright 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved

Telcos need to
MWC delegates will be interested in this whitepaper because: The digital channel will gain more importance over the next few years and operators have to be ready to serve a new breed of customers Operators that offer flexible and innovative pricing plans will be able to successfully monetize the growth in data traffic

Download the full report now

adopt broader architectural principles in changing IT systems to facilitate new pricing models


Mobile Propositions
Select Capgemini solutions and services mapped to the show themes for those that may find it helpful in addressing some of the challenges raised at the 2012 Mobile World Congress.
Mobile Data Explosion Telecom Transformation

Mobile Data Explosion

CSPs are looking

for a real-time platform that is designed with the data consumer in mind, and can meet the demands of the smartphone generation in both scalability and sophistication. MATRIXX is the first solution designed for data that can help CSPs compete in this supermobile era

To boost the sales of smartphones, most of the telecom operators around the world have launched unlimited offers for data. Since then, these smartphone bundles have been more successful than expected, and the data usage they generate is much higher than initially planned. If we stretch the present trend over the next 5 years, data traffic should grow by a factor of 26, generating network costs by a factor of 6, while revenues would only be multiplied by 2. This situation would squeeze the telecom players and it is therefore very likely that several initiatives will be undertaken to alleviate this pressure. The proposed Mobile Data Explosion initiative enables telcos to leverage the broad range of capabilities that Capgemini delivers in this domain. Enabling Mobile Data Explosion means telcos may promote cutting edge service propositions that can help increase revenues and lower investments. A portfolio of Mobile Data Explosion propositions address revenue increase and cost reduction needs:

developed a strong expertise in 3G and 4G/LTE data offers and the associated marketing. This expertise covers critical areas such as definition, migration from existing offers to new ones, improved IT systems, and business plans set up. Due to the natural richness of data usage, data marketing should certainly be more refined than voice data. Moreover, a smarter approach will address the greater emphasis on criteria such as quality of service, guaranteed bandwidth, network lag time, and traffic security an approach that demands additional network controls as well as new charging and billing capabilities. Capgemini and its partner MATRIXX propose innovative real time charging and control solutions, which are the key
MWC delegates will be interested in this service offering because:

Mobile data is booming and among the first concerns of the mobile operators for investment Mobile data represents the only significantly growing sector in the telecom industry for potential revenue For more information visit:

Smarter Offers and Targeted Marketing for Revenue Increase: Capgemini has


Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

features required to propose pre-paid data offers, real-time traffic shaping, contentrelated offers, and data consumption follow-up.

Smarter Network Management and Business Analytics for Cost Reduction: Capgemini has shown that significant network cost can be reduced through network planning optimization,
Figure: The Volume and Revenue Gap

network cooperation, and service assurance. As the network infrastructure is becoming a considerable part of investment, business intelligence analytics will help focus and prioritize these investments. WiFi/3G/4G network cooperation will also be central in the network costs management.

While mobile operators are well advised to transform their business models to focus on enhancing their revenues, cost reduction opportunities are not exhausted.

Source: Capgemini TME Strategy Lab analysis; WCIS Forecasts, 2011; Cisco, Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 20102015, 2011


Telecom Transformation
A significant head start for your telco transformation

Capgeminis platform as a starting point provides tremendous advantage over starting from scratch. Delivered through dedicated centers of excellence, we have created and continue to build pre-packaged reusable solutions. So, whatever your stated aim, this robust platform will support you toward your end goal faster, with less risk and a greater return on investment

The signs that a communications company needs a business transformation an uncompetitive cost structure, high customer churn rates, an inability to launch new products or services quickly are common enough. But until now, the effort required to alter the companys operations fundamentally was fraught with risk; transformation projects tended to be both costly and time consuming, with little or no assurance of success. As a result, companies in the industry took a wait and see stance. The business case to change simply wasnt compelling enough until now. Doing nothing is no longer an option Today doing nothing is no longer an option. Established carriers have started to lose market share to newer entrants that have lower cost structures and newer technologies. For companies large and small, being nimble is increasingly the prerequisite for staying profitable.


Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

Figure: Deployment Options: Telecom Transformation can be Implemented with a High Degree of Flexibility

Source: Capgemini

Copyright 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved

A significant head start to your IT & Systems transformation To help communications companies achieve this muchneeded agility, Capgemini has developed a Telecom Transformation solution, an integrated set of systems and business processes that gives a communications company the power to change the way it works, so that the enterprise can become something different, something new, something better.

MWC delegates will be interested in this service offering because:

The modular approach of Telecom Transformation (see Figure) creates enormous flexibility for clients requiring integration of legacy solutions into the target framework Telecom Transformation includes three already proven elements: 1) best of breed packaged systems (for optimal functionality), 2) documented best practice processes, and 3) the glue to integrate both into a single, comprehensive solution that transforms how work gets done, from A to Z. Click here for more information


About Us
Capgemini is no stranger to the mobile industry and its evolving ecosystem. We have worked with telecom clients for over 40 years helping clients as fresh business models emerge, new players and trends demand change, and evolving technology shifts ways of doing things.

Who We Are and What We Do

Global Telecom, Media & Entertainment Sector

Telecom, Media & Entertainment (TME) is a global sector organization of Capgemini, dedicated to helping the telecommunications, media, and entertainment industries achieve strategic goals and world-class results. By combining technical expertise and insight with a passion for innovation, TME delivers true value to clients worldwide. We leverage expert industry knowledge, our core consulting, architecture and systems integration skills, and strong alliances to help our clients maximize assets, unleash growth, and transform to succeed. To help you achieve strategic goals and worldclass results:

A dedicated team of around 8,000 business and management consultants, program managers, and systems integrators based around the globe. The sector includes onshore and offshore centers of excellence and IT factories concentrating best practice for leading software and business processes as part of Capgeminis Rightshore approach*

Acknowledged industry leader with more than a forty-year track record of delivering benefits to 300+ clients worldwide including fixed, mobile, Internet Service Provider, cable, broadcast, publishing, and entertainment organizations Global network of strategy labs and innovation teams, producing an ongoing program of thought leadership materials such as white papers, and technology proofs of concept Key protagonist in an ecosystem of strategic and innovative technology alliances, enjoying strong links with leading academics and industry analysts Harnessing Capgeminis Global Service Line initiatives to bring TME players experience and reassurance for large and cross-country projects in critical areas such as Business Information Management and Testing.

* Capgemini relies on its global delivery model called Rightshore, which aims to get the right balance of the best talent from multiple locations, working as one team to create and deliver the optimum solution for clients.


Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

Capgemini has developed a suite of solutions tailored to the Telecom, Media & Entertainment industries. These solutions combine a broad range of industry-specific capabilities and the Groups foundation services. These assets include those such as consulting services, Application Lifecycle Services (ALS) and testing. Our services are designed to be the right solution for many different client scenarios. This means that TME players may consider major, evolutionary or

modular transformation with us. Results are guaranteed through our Collaborative Business Experience and measured to be on target and above customer expectation (OTACE). We talk a bit about our Mobile Data Explosion and Telecom Transformation solutions earlier in this e-book.

TME Experience
Spanning key players, market segment and geography

Working with capgemini was a trully colloborative experience...

The work that has been carried out by Capgemini has givin the SABC new impetus and resilience...

Rabo Mobiel

Head of Strategy and Risk Management


By working with Capgemini to implement software-on-demand we have been able to achieve a state-ofthe-art subscription management system in just six months. We have also minimised the upfront funding required and we are confident of seeing a positive return on our investments in months rather than years.

When putting strategy and plans together Capgeminis concern was always to keep it real and make sure that it can actually be implemented and measured.


Telefnica O2 Czech Republic

Paul Cheesbrought

Chief Information Officer, TMG

Capgeminis project team integrated seamlessly with ours...

The joint post-merger project team of Invitel and Capgemini not only overachieved on the initial synergy estimates but also mastered the exciting merger integration process in record time.

Deputy COO

CEO, President


Telecom, Media & Entertainment

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We work with 8 of the top 10 worlds biggest telecom network operators

By maintaining a continuous heartbead, Capgemini ensured that this complex project with many stakeholders delivered its results in time.
Marketing Manager Corporate
Vodafone Neitherlands

Cell C has made tremendous progress over the past 18 months and Capgemini have been true partners in helping us on this journey...
Cell C

We are really satisfied.

Sales & Marketing Director
Telia Mobility

What do you wish your mobile phone could also do?

I wish my mobile had an expandable keyboard and screen so I didnt need to carry the laptop!

Dee Burger,
Global Sector Leader Telecom, Media & Entertainment Based in North America [email protected] +1 404 806 4912

I have lots of wishes for my future phones, like projecting the hour on the ceiling, like my alarm clock, or videos on the wall, with decent sound and image quality, but most of all I would like it to replace all my devices and have batteries that last months or even years, and spare me the burden of half a suitcase of power supplies and plug adapters when I travel with my family.

I wish my mobile phone provided seamless and reasonably priced data services while roaming!

Pierre Blanchard,
VP Strategic Deals, TME Based in France [email protected] +33 671 710 326

Jean-Marc Steffann,
VP and Global Deputy Head Telecom, Media & Entertainment [email protected] +33 149 005 706


Telecom, Media & Entertainment

the way we do it

Meet Us

Whilst attending the 2012 Congress in Barcelona, the TME team will be hosting briefings and a cocktail reception at the nearby AC Vilamari Hotel. The AC Vilamari is just a five minute walk from Fira de Barcelona. You are welcome to join us in these relaxed surroundings to discuss any of the topics that are in this e-book or indeed that piqued your interest at the Congress itself. To arrange a briefing please contact: Lorna Neville Global TME Marketing Manager [email protected] Mobile: + 44 (0) 7891 153 577

AC VILAMARI Vilamar, 34-36 08015, Barcelona T. +34 932 890 909 [email protected] 1117-AC_VILAMARI.html


About Capgemini

With around 120,000 people in 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the worlds foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2011 global revenues of EUR 9.7 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want.

A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore, its worldwide delivery model. More information is available at
Rightshore is a trademark belonging to Capgemini


Capgemini UK 40 Holborn Viaduct London, EC1N 2PB Tel: +44 20 7936 3800 [email protected]

Copyright 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

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