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Electrical Steel Grain Oriented Unisil, Unisil-H

Introduction Quality assurance Environmental management system Research and development Customer service Specific total loss Epstein tests Single sheet tests Magnetic properties Certificate of Magnetic Testing UKAS Accreditation Typical physical properties Insulation coatings Magnetostriction Dimensions, ranges and tolerances Annealing by the customer Typical data curves Typical specific total loss data at 50 Hz Specific total loss data at 60 Hz Page 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 46 47

Designations and registered trademarks

Grain oriented electrical steel from Orb Electrical Steels Ltd is supplied under the trademarks of UNISIL and UNISIL-H UNISIL refers to the conventional grain oriented steel and UNISIL-H refers to the high permeability grain oriented material. Heat resistant insulation coatings applied to these products are described by the trademarks of MAGNITE for UNISIL and MAGNITE-S for UNISIL-H.

This publication describes the range of grain oriented electrical steels Unisil-H and Unisil - produced by Orb Electrical Steels Ltd. These products comply with the latest specifications of the European Committee for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission.

Quality assurance
The products described in this brochure represent the latest materials in the development of grain oriented electrical steel. They are subjected to rigorous quality control procedures throughout the processing routes. Importantly, the quality management system of Orb Electrical Steels Ltd is approved by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Ltd to the Quality Management System Standard BS EN ISO 9001 applicable to the development and manufacture of electrical steels.

Research and development Environmental management system

Orb Electrical Steels Ltd recognises that the protection of the environment is a key priority of the company and this ideal is fully integrated into all aspects of the business. The Environmental Management System of Orb Electrical Steels Ltd has been approved by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance to the Environmental Management System Standard BS EN ISO 14001 applicable to the design and manufacture of electrical steels. Orb Electrical Steels Ltd draws on the extensive technical support of the Technical, Research and Development Group of Cogent Power Ltd. The company has invested heavily in new plant and in the development and installation of on-line sensors. In particular, Cogent Power Ltd is a world leader in the technology of on-line sensors and all material at Orb is monitored at specified points through the production process. Additionally, the power loss of the steel strip is measured continuously at the final inspection stage to ensure a product which has consistent magnetic properties over the total length of the strip. Continual research into the optimization of the processing variables has resulted in a product of low residual stress which is suited to the modern production techniques employed in the electrical machine construction industry

Customer service
The Technical, Research & Development Group of Cogent Power Ltd is pleased to offer a full consultancy service which is available to customers who require specialist technical data that may not be included in this brochure.

Specific total loss

Epstein tests
Grain oriented electrical steels are graded according to the specifications of the European Standard EN 10107 and the International Electrotechnical Commission Publication IEC 60404-8-7. As set out in these standards the measurement of specific total loss is performed according to the 25 cm Epstein frame method described in IEC 60404-2 and EN 60404-2.
Specific total loss at frequency of 50 Hz
Guaranteed Max Typical

Unisil grade
IEC 60404 60404 - 8 -7 EN 10107


J at H = 800 A/m, 50 Hz

Unisil-H M90-23P5 M100-23P5

J=1,5 T W/kg

J=1,7 T W/kg

J=1,5 T W/kg

J=1,7 T W/kg

M90-23P#* M100-23P M95-27P#* M103-27P M105-30P M111-30P M117-30P

0,23 0,23 0,27 0,27 0,30 0,30 0,30

0,90 1,00 0,95 1,03 1,05 1,11 1,17

0,62 0,66 0,68 0,71 0,77 0,80 0,84

0,88 0,92 0,92 0,97 1,02 1,08 1,14

1,90 1,91 1,90 1,93 1,93 1,93 1,92

M103-27P5 M105-30P5 M111-30P5 M117-30P5 Unisil M120-23S5 M127-23S5 M130-27S5 M140-27S5 M140-30S5 M150-30S5 M150-35S5 M165-35S5

M120-23S M080-23N M130-27S M089-27N M140-30S M097-30N M150-35S M111-35N M175-50N*

0,23 0,23 0,27 0,27 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,35 0,50

0,77 0,80 0,85 0,89 0,92 0,97 1,05 1,11 1,75

1,20 1,27 1,30 1,40 1,40 1,50 1,50 1,65 -

0,72 0,76 0,77 0,83 0,84 0,91 0,95 0,99 1,35

1,09 1,15 1,12 1,21 1,21 1,31 1,35 1,42 1,92

1,83 1,83 1,83 1,83 1,83 1,83 1,83 1,83 1,82

Note 1: J represents the peak magnetic polarization in Teslas. H represents the peak magnetic field strength in A/m. Note 2: The grades marked* do not appear in the EN standard designation. Note 3: The grades marked # are enhanced lower loss high permeability grades. The final processing to achieve these values of specific total loss may include a ball unit domain refinement treatment. This process imparts a defined stress treatment to the surface of the sheet which is not visible and does not cause a deterioration of the surface insulation coating. Accordingly, these grades of material should not be subjected to a stress relief anneal treatment. The specific total losses are measured by the single sheet method of IEC 60404-3.

Specific total loss

Single sheet tests
The specific total loss of grain oriented electrical steels may increase if the steel sheet retains a degree of internal stress after final processing. These stresses may be removed by subjecting the cut transformer laminations to a stress relief anneal. However, the modern production processes and controls for Unisil and Unisil-H realise a product with very low levels of internal stress. The material has loss characteristics that are so close to its best potential value that annealing of wide strip by the customer is becoming less common. Specific total loss values based on annealed Epsteins may be less relevant to the user than losses measured on single sheets which have been tested in the non-stress relief annealed condition. Therefore, Orb Electrical Steels Ltd also samples and tests all coils of Unisil and Unisil-H in the single sheet non-annealed condition. The method of measurement of the power loss in single sheet test specimens of dimensions 500 mm x 500 mm is that described by IEC 60404-3. It is of key importance that this standard is being revised to incorporate an informative annex to correlate single sheet and Epstein tests on grain oriented material. The range of conversion factors which is declared in the draft standard IEC 60404-3 Annex C has been accepted by Orb Electrical Steels Ltd to produce Epstein test results from single sheet measurements. Therefore, where power loss data are required from single sheet tests as, for example, in the case of domain refined material the method of IEC 60404-3 Annex C will be followed.

Magnetic properties
Certificate of magnetic testing
The magnetic properties of every coil of Unisil and Unisil-H are reported by the Magnetic Testing Laboratory in the Certificate of Magnetic Testing. In addition to the specific total loss at the guarantee level of peak magnetic flux density ( J = 1,5 T, or 1,7 T), measurements are taken of the specific apparent power, magnetic field strength and permeability. The Certificate of Magnetic Testing includes these data so that the customer receives, as well as confirmation of the loss guarantee, a comprehensive summary of the loss and magnetic properties for each slit coil of material that is purchased.

UKAS Accreditation
The magnetic measurement systems employed at Orb Electrical Steels Ltd are traceable to national references of measurement through the Standards Laboratory of the Technical, Research and Development Group. This laboratory is accredited as United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Calibration Laboratory No 0082 for the measurement of power loss in electrical steel strip. The laboratory is authorized to issue UKAS certificates 0082 which are accepted internationally.

Typical physical properties

Density, kg/dm3 Silicon content, % Resistivity, microhm-cm 7,65 3,1 48

7,65 3,1 48

0,2 % Proof stress, N/mm2 (kg/mm2) 0 to the rolling direction 320 (32,6) 90 to the rolling direction 340 (34,7)

310 (31,6) 330 (33,7)

Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 (kg/mm2)

0 to the rolling direction 90 to the rolling direction 350 (35,7) 400 (40,8) 350 (35,7) 400 (40,8)

% elongation on 80 mm gauge length

0 to the rolling direction 90 to the rolling direction Hardness, HV 2,5 kg Bend test 10 30 175 >6 10 30 175 >6

Stacking factor, %
0,23 mm 0,27 mm 0,30 mm 0,35 mm 0,50 mm 96,0 96,0 96,5 N.A. N.A. 96,0 96,0 96,5 97,0 97,0

Insulation coatings
Magnite and Magnite-S are heat resistant insulation coatings applied to Unisil and Unisil-H respectively. The coatings are approximately 3 microns thick per side and provide good electrical resistance with only a marginal effect on stacking factor. The coatings have good adherence properties and will withstand normal punching operations. The coatings give some protection against corrosion and are unaffected by, and in turn do not affect, transformer oil.

The magnetostriction coefficient of the transformer core lamination is a significant parameter in determining the acoustic noise output of the transformer. The Magnite and Magnite-S coatings are beneficial in controlling the magnetostriction of the material by imparting a tensile stress to the steel. Magnite-S applies a greater degree of control to Unisil-H which results in a product of lower magnetostriction.

Dimensions, ranges and tolerances

Internal bore size of coil
Internal bore size is nominally 508 mm.

Weight of wide coil

The maximum weight of wide coil is 5 tonnes.

Slit coil width tolerances* Nominal width range

The nominal width range is from 10mm to 915 mm, and greater by special arrangement. The width tolerance for side trimmed coil is 0 + 2,0 mm.
Over mm Up to and including mm Width tolerance mm Edge burr mm

Thickness tolerance*
Thickness tolerance for side trimmed coil up to 915 mm wide is 0,030** mm. The thickness variation along the length of the strip does not exceed 0,030 mm within a 1,5 m long sheet, and the thickness variation across the width, excluding the outer 40 mm, does not exceed 0,020 mm. The edge camber on sheets greater than 150 mm wide does not exceed 0,5 mm in a 1,5 m length of strip.

150 400 750

150 400 750 915

+0 - 0,2 +0 - 0,3 +0 - 0,5 +0 - 0,6

0,025 max 0,025 max 0,025 max 0,025 max

Note: positive tolerances are available by arrangement

Cut length tolerances

Over mm 2000 Up to and including mm 2000 3000 Not resheared -0 1 (or 10 +mm%max) or Resheared

-0 + 1,5 -0 + 2,0

Sheets are available in cut lengths of up to 3000 mm. Alternative tolerances can be arranged for specific orders.

Sheet weight per unit area

Nominal thickness mm 0,23 0,27 0,30 0,35 0,50
* in accordance with EN 10107 ** For the thickness of 0,23 mm the thickness tolerance is 0,025 mm.

Weight per unit area kg/m2 1,721 2,023 2,257 2,654 3,791

Annealing by the customer

Unisil and Unisil-H are sensitive to strains imposed by shearing, punching and handling. Careful processing and the use of correctly adjusted sharp tungsten carbide tools and blades are necessary to minimize the introduction of residual stresses which can cause a marked deterioration in the specific total loss. In general, the stress relief annealing of strip wider than 200 mm will result in a loss improvement of 2 % to 3 %. At slit widths of less than 200 mm fabrication stresses can cause a significant increase in specific total loss and it may be advisable for the customer to carry out a stress relief anneal as the last operation before assembly into a core. Several methods of stress relief annealing are available.

Mesh belt annealing (800C 10C)

Stacks of laminations are annealed in a mesh belt furnace when it is required that they are held at the specified temperature for about one hour. Annealed laminations are subject to distortion, but this may be controlled by adjustment of the stack height and cooling rate in the inert atmosphere.

Note: It is important to avoid carbonaceous and oxidising conditions which would result in the magnetic properties of the laminations being impaired. Advice and guidance on the correct annealing practices for Unisil and Unisil-H are available from the Technical, Research and Development Group, Cogent Power Ltd.

Batch annealing (760C to 840C, typically 800C 20C)

Roller hearth annealing (800C 10C)

The material is packed carefully into an inner cover before annealing for two hours at the specified temperature in a dry atmosphere. Excessive temperature gradients during the heating and cooling cycles must be avoided in order to prevent lamination distortion. It should be noted that the size of the lamination will influence the duration of the annealing cycle.

Roller hearth annealing (30 to 60 seconds at the specified temperature in an air atmosphere) of single laminations should result in the laminations being stress free and non-oxidised (the rapid anneal prevents oxidation).

Annealing of wound toroidal cores

Wound toroidal cores may be annealed in batch furnaces or in mesh belt furnaces under the conditions described above. It is important that the cores are not excessively stressed during winding and that they are not subjected to rapid rates of cooling.

Typical data curves

The following pages contain data curves to show the typical characteristics of Unisil-H and Unisil grades of material.

Specific total loss

M90-23P M100-23P M95-27P M103-27P M105-30P M111-30P M117-30P

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

M120-23S M080-23N M130-27S M089-27N M140-30S M097-30N M150-35S M111-35N M175-50N

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Specific apparent power

M100-23P M103-27P M105-30P M111-30P M117-30P

26 27 28 29 30

M120-23S M130-27S M140-30S M150-35S M175-50N

31 32 33 34 35

A.C. magnetization
M100-23P M103-27P M105-30P M111-30P M117-30P

36 37 38 39 40

M120-23S M130-27S M140-30S M150-35S M175-50N

41 42 43 44 45

Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M90-23P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Single sheet test at 0 to the rolling direction.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M100-23P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M95-27P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Single sheet test at 0 to the rolling direction.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M103-27P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M105-30P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M111-30P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M117-30P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M120-23S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M080-23N
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M130-27S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M089-27N
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M140-30S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M097-30N
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M150-35S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,35 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M111-35N
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,35 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific total loss vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M175-50N
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,50 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.





Specific total loss, W/kg Specific total loss, W/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M100-23P
50,0 Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 26 1,0 1,5 2,0

Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M103-27P

Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M105-30P

Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M111-30P

Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil-H M117-30P

Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M120-23S
50,0 Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 31 2,0

Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M130-27S

Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0


Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M140-30S
50,0 Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 33 2,0

Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M150-35S
50,0 Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,35 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 34 1,0 1,5 2,0

Specific apparent power vs peak magnetic polarization

Grade: Unisil M175-50N
50,0 Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,50 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.






Specific apparent power, VA/kg

Peak magnetic polarization, T

0,1 0,5 1,0 1,5 35 2,0



A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil-H M100-23P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil-H M103-27P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil-H M105-30P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil-H M111-30P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil-H M117-30P
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil M120-23S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,23 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil M130-27S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,27 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil M140-30S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,30 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil M150-35S
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,35 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000




A.C. magnetization curve Peak magnetic polarization vs peak magnetic field strength
Grade: Unisil M175-50N
Typical curve Thickness: Conventional density: Frequency: Test method: 0,50 mm 7,65 kg/dm3 50 Hz Epstein strips at 0 to the rolling direction. Samples stress relief annealed.



Peak magnetic polarization, T


Peak magnetic field strength, A/m

1000 10000


Typical specific total loss data, W/kg at 50 Hz

IEC 60404-8-7 EN 10107 0,5 W/kg 0,7 W/kg 0,9 W/kg

Specific total loss at frequency = 50 Hz

J (T) = 1,1 1,3 W/kg W/kg 1,5 W/kg 1,7 1,9 W/kg W/kg

Unisil-H M90-23P5 M100-23P5

M90-23P* M100-23P M95-27P* M103-27P M105-30P M111-30P M117-30P 0,114 0,118 0,126

0,135 0,141 0,149 0,165 0,197 0,210 0,220

0,221 0,232 0,244 0,261 0,300 0,321 0,338

0,325 0,344 0,360 0,380 0,425 0,452 0,475

0,457 0,487 0,505 0,532 0,585 0,615 0,640

0,620 0,660 0,680 0,715 0,768 0,800 0,842

0,880 0,915 0,920 0,970 1,02 1,08 1,14

1,44 1,44 1,45 1,62 1,70 1,75 1,85

M103-27P5 M105-30P5 M111-30P5 M117-30P5 Unisil M120-23S5 M127-23S5 M130-27S5 M140-27S5 M140-30S5 M150-30S5 M150-35S5 M165-35S5

M120-23S M080-23N M130-27S M089-27N M140-30S M097-30N M150-35S M111-35N M175-50N*

0,170 0,168 0,178 0,178 0,186 0,217 0,227 0,248 0,302

0,263 0,270 0,282 0,290 0,300 0,343 0,356 0,380 0,485

0,380 0,392 0,415 0,427 0,443 0,495 0,510 0,545 0,710

0,530 0,549 0,575 0,596 0,620 0,676 0,705 0,750 0,985

0,720 0,761 0,775 0,830 0,840 0,910 0,950 0,990 1,35

1,09 1,15 1,12 1,21 1,21 1,31 1,35 1,42 1,92

1,87 1,89 1,87 1,90 1,89 1,94 2,03 2,21 2,70

0,110 0,102 0,117 0,125 0,137 0,164

Note: The grades marked * do not appear in the EN standard designation.


Specific total loss, W/kg at 60 Hz

Grade IEC EN 10107 60404-8-7 Specific total loss at frequency of 60 Hz Thickness Guaranteed Max Typical J = 1,5 T 1,7 T 1,5 T 1,7 T mm W/kg W/kg W/kg W/kg

Unisil-H M90-23P5 M100-23P5

M90-23P* M100-23P M95-27P* M103-27P M105-30P M111-30P M117-30P

0,23 0,23 0,27 0,27 0,30 0,30 0,30

1,19 1,32 1,23 1,35 1,38 1,46 1,54

0,81 0,84 0,90 0,93 1,00 1,05 1,10

1,15 1,19 1,20 1,28 1,35 1,41 1,49

M103-27P5 M105-30P5 M111-30P5 M117-30P5 Unisil M120-23S5 M127-23S5 M130-27S5 M140-27S5 M140-30S5 M150-30S5 M150-35S5 M165-35S5

M120-23S M080-23N M130-27S M089-27N M140-30S M097-30N M150-35S M111-35N M175-50N*

0,23 0,23 0,27 0,27 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,35 0,50

1,01 1,06 1,12 1,17 1,21 1,28 1,38 1,46 2,27

1,57 1,65 1,68 1,85 1,83 1,98 1,98 2,18 -

0,94 0,99 1,01 1,08 1,09 1,18 1,26 1,30 1,89

1,43 1,50 1,46 1,57 1,59 1,70 1,77 1,86 2,65

Note: The grades marked * do not appear in the EN standard designation.

The information and data in this brochure are accurate to the best of Cogent's knowledge, but are intended for general information only. Applications suggested for the materials are described only to help the reader make his or her own evaluation and decision, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as expressed or implied warranties of suitability for these and other applications. Cogent and its subsidiaries accept no liability in respect thereof.


Cogent Power Ltd

Cogent Power Ltd is a multinational company comprising electrical steels, laminations, transformer products, precision engineering and electric motor design businesses. These form a unique company that offers the customer complete solutions, from steel through to components; design to delivery.

Comprehensive Steel Product Range

The specialist product range of Cogent electrical steels extends from the high permeability grain oriented electrical steel for large transformers to fully processed silicon steels for large rotating machines and special non-alloyed semi-processed grades for smaller motors. Cogent is backed by internationally renowned steelmakers.

Product Information
This publication is part of a range of brochures that cover the following products from Cogent, on electrical steel: Grain Oriented electrical steels Non-Oriented fully processed electrical steels Non-Oriented semi-processed electrical steels Thin Non-Oriented fully processed electrical steels Magnetic Shielding For all electrical steel enquiries please contact:
Orb Electrical Steels Ltd PO Box 30 Newport South Wales NP19 0XT United Kingdom T: +44 1633 29 00 33 F: +44 1633 29 45 42 E: [email protected] Surahammars Bruks AB PO Box 201 S 735 23 Surahammar Sweden T: +46 220 34500 F: +46 220 30372 E: [email protected]

Cogent Power Ltd. PO Box 30 Newport South Wales NP19 0XT United Kingdom T: +44 1633 290 033 F: +44 1633 290 067 E: [email protected] Cogent Power Ltd is a joint venture company
owned 75% by Corus and 25% by SSAB.

Cogent by SIR-Gruppen Sweden 2002-10

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