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Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

ECDL Module 7 Information & Communication

Study resources for the module........................................................................................... 2 Online sources..................................................................................................................... 2 What is ICT? ....................................................................................................................... 2 What is the Internet? ........................................................................................................... 3 What is the World Wide Web? ........................................................................................... 3 Common Acronyms & Terms............................................................................................. 4 URL Structure..................................................................................................................... 5 Web Browsers..................................................................................................................... 6 Search Engine ..................................................................................................................... 7 Book marking Websites...................................................................................................... 8 Book Mark Folder............................................................................................................... 8 Protected Websites.............................................................................................................. 8 Digital Certificate................................................................................................................ 9 Viruses ................................................................................................................................ 9 Protection from Viruses .................................................................................................... 10 Fraud ................................................................................................................................. 10 Communications ............................................................................................................... 11


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

Study resources for the module.

Modules 2-7 of the ECDL examination are practical examinations, in other words, the student is expected to show competent knowledge in the use of the applications. This knowledge may only be gained through continual practice, gained through using the application and experimenting with various scenarios. It is very important that the student does not solely rely on the work that is done in the classroom, but supplements their knowledge by searching the internet for past papers and attempting them, asking where they do not understand. These notes are designed to supplement course content delivered in class and should not replace any notes you should be taking. Remember people have failed the exams because they could not interpret the question and did not know what the examiner was asking them to do.

Online sources > syllabus > Computer Studies and ICT> ECDL Google search engine > type in +ECDL +Module +7 +Practice +Papers (or any other similar combination)

What is ICT?
ICT is the fusion of computers and telecommunications. Computers enable people to work creatively. But they are limit by what they can access. Adding a communications channel, such as the Internet or other information services, significantly extends the capability of the computer. It allows it to be not only an inexpensive communications device. It can also become a means of obtaining education, information, and working creatively with others irrespective of geographical barriers.


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

What is the Internet?

A worldwide network of computer networks. It is an interconnection of large and small networks around the globe. The Internet began in 1962 as a resilient computer network for the US military and over time has grown into a global communication tool of more than 12,000 computer networks that share a common addressing scheme.

Figure 1 shows how the internet is depicted as a cloud

What is the World Wide Web?

A smaller network within Internet1, the World Wide Web is a portion of the Internet comprised of a constellation of networked resources


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

Figure 2 THe World Wide Web connections

Common Acronyms & Terms

Acronym WWW Modem HTTP FTP HTML URL Meaning World Wide Web Modulator/Demodulator Hypertext Transfer Protocol File Transfer Protocol Hypertext Markup Language Uniform Resource Locator


St. Michael Foundation ISP hyperlink Digital certificate cookie cache Internet Service Provider

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

A link in a document to information within that document or another document An electronic "identification card" which contains such information as the certificate holder's name and a serial number A small text file of information that certain Web sites attach to a user's hard drive while the user is browsing the Web site The location where visited web pages are stored, enabling them to be displayed more rapidly at the next visit. Each browser has its own cache on the hard drive.


A way of coding the information in a file or e-mail message so that if it is intercepted by a third party as it travels over a network it cannot be read.

URL Structure
A typical URL would look something like this:
Method that website will be transmitted Website is located on the World Wide Web Domain: i.e. unique owner identifier Type extension. See following list

Extension .com .net .org

Type Commercial Network Organization


St. Michael Foundation .gov Government

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

Commercial company with UK web address (Note that the country code is two letters long)

Commercial company with Maltese web address (Note that the country code is two letters long)

Web Browsers
What is a Web Browser? A web browser is a program used to access the Internet services and resources available through the World Wide Web. Examples of Web Browsers are: o Internet Explorer o Netscape Navigator o Opera o Mozilla


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

Figure 3 shows a screenshot of Internet Explorer

Search Engine
What is a Search Engine? Software that enables users to search the Internet using keywords1. Popular Search engines are: o Google o Altavista o Lycos

Keywords are words that the user knows that they would appear on the website they are looking for.


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

Figure 4 shows a screenshot of the Google Search Engine Interface

Book marking Websites

What do we understand when we say we book mark a website? Well a bookmark is a method of storing links to individual web pages or web locations on your computer. Bookmark is the term used by Netscape; Favorites is the Internet Explorer term.

Book Mark Folder

A book mark folder is basically a folder setup on your computer and all your links to your book marked websites reside in it

Protected Websites


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

Protected websites are sites that require the user to have a user name and a password to gain access to the protected area.

Digital Certificate
A digital certificate is an electronic "credit card" that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web. It is issued by a certification authority (CA). It contains your name, a serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the certificate holder's public key (used for encrypting and decrypting messages and digital signatures), and the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real.

A computer virus is a term applied to any program designed to damage data stored on a computer system or network. The affected data may include documents, photographs, applications or worst of all system files that are vital to the proper operation of the computer system. The virus is written by an ill-


St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

intentioned computer programmer and spread to other systems by means of email, floppy disks or downloaded software The easiest way that you can get a virus is through an email attachment, therefore great care must be exercised before opening them.

Protection from Viruses

There is only of type of computer user that does not require anti-virus software to be installed: those that have NO Internet connection, do not share floppy disks or zip disks with anyone, and if they live in a remote cabin on Filfla that might help also. For the rest of us, you really should go out straight away and buy some decent software. Anti-virus software resides in the active memory of your computer, and takes control of it to alert you to an active virus present on your machine. If the software cannot repair the infected file, it will quarantine this file or give you the option of safely deleting the file. Antivirus software should be updated regularly, preferably daily, in this way you will be offered the best coverage and protection for your PC.

Nowadays there are lots of websites that offer services and goods for sale. Basically the way that these website operate are to have images and descriptions of their goods and services, if the viewer would like to purchase the item they would fill in an online form and generally pay with plastic money i.e. credit card.

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St. Michael Foundation

ECDL Module 7 Vers. 1.1

This process has brought about a new danger from the possibility of hackers getting hold of peoples credit card details and going on shopping sprees at their expense. The safest way to purchase is to limit your purchases to bona fide and legitimate websites; these are usually recognized as they will have a digital certificate which is indicated by a closed padlock icon .

Generally internet communications are defined as being sent through emails (Short for 'electronic mail'). Electronic mail, sometimes written as E-mail, e-mail or email. This is the way in which messages are passed from one computer user to another using a local network or by using modems over telephone lines. The message is eventually delivered to the recipients mailbox which is a file on his/her computer and it can then be read using a mail program such as Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express.

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