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89/ Transpo De Gillaco v.

MRR acts of others Facts:

Liability for

Lieut. Tomas Gillaco, husband of the plaintiff, was a passenger in the early morning train of the Manila Railroad Company from Calamba, Laguna to Manila. When the train reached the Paco Railroad station, Emilio Devesa, a train guard of the MRR happened to be in said station waiting for the same train which would take him to Tutuban Station, where he was going to report for duty. Emilio had a long standing personal grudge against Tomas. Because of this, Emilio shot Tomas with the carbine furnished to him by the MRR for his use as such train guard upon seeing him inside the train coach. Tomas died. Emilio was convicted of homicide. A complaint for damages was filed by the victims widow. Damages were awarded to the plaintiff, hence the instant petition. Appellant's contention is that, no liability attaches to it as employer of Emilio because the crime was not committed while the slayer was in the actual performance of his ordinary duties and service and that no negligence on appellant's part was shown. Issue: Whether or not MRR could be held liable for the acts of its employee. Held: No. While a passenger is entitled to protection from personal violence by the carrier or its agents or employees, since the contract of transportation obligates the carrier to transport a passenger safely to his destination, the responsibility of the carrier extends only to those acts that the carrier could foresee or avoid through the exercise of the degree of care and diligence required of it. In the present case, the act of the train guard of the Manila Railroad Company in shooting the passenger (because of a personal grudge nurtured against the latter since the Japanese occupation) was entirely unforseeable by the Manila Railroad Co. The latter had no means to ascertain or anticipate that the two would meet, nor could it reasonably forsee every personal rancor that might exist between each one of its many employees and any one of the thousands of eventual passengers riding in its trains. The shooting in question was therefore "caso fortuito" within the definition of Art. 1105 of the old Civil Code (which is the law applicable), being both unforeseeable and inevitable under the given circumstances; and pursuant to established doctrine, the resulting breach of the company's contract of safe carriage with the deceased was excused thereby.

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