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Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth


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Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

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Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

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Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Craft "Ten Healed of Leprosy" (found on

How to Make the Craft:

1) Make double-sided figures of Jesus and the lepers (cut the figures out, glue them to the sheet of
cardboard, and colour them);
2) Make strips of cardboard, 3x27 cm each.
3) Fasten the figures to the strips of cardboard (picture #1), join the strips (picture #2).

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Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Picture #2
Picture #1

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. (Show strip 1 with the figure of Jesus,
cover the rest of the figures, picture #3.) Suddenly, He heard some people
crying in a loud voice, "Jesus! Help us! We are suffering!"
These people had leprosy. (Lift up strips 2 and 3 so that the lepers are
looking at Jesus, picture #4.) They did not dare come closer to Jesus
because of their sickness, so they tried to draw His attention by crying out.
Leprosy is a very severe contagious disease. The skin of a person sick with leprosy is covered
with sores and wounds. Such people were usually sent out of the cities and villages so that no one
would catch the disease from them. The lepers had to leave their homes, families, relatives and
friends and go who knows where. Their life was not easy!
Jesus came to those poor people and said, "Go, show
yourselves to the priests." What a strange order that was! At
that time a leper could address a priest only if he had
completely recovered. Then the priest would announce that
person cleansed, and he would then need to bring a sacrifice to the Lord. But these people were
still sick when Jesus told them to do that. Yet they went on their way to the priest. (Turn strips 2
and 3 at 180 degrees. The lepers will look like they are leaving Jesus.) On their way the lepers
noticed that their skin was completely clean, and all of their wounds were gone. How happy they
were, finally their separations from their loved ones had come to an end. And they hurried to their
But all of a sudden one of the lepers stopped. "I
can't leave like this, without saying 'thanks' to
Jesus!" he thought to himself and turned back.
(Turn strip 2 at 180 degrees so that the 1st leper
would face Jesus, picture #5.) He was happy, he
gave praises to God. Jesus asked him, "Were not
all ten cleansed?" "All of them were, my Lord." answered the man who had been healed. "Where
are the other nine? Why didn't they give praise to God for their healing? Go home! Your faith has
made you well," said Jesus to the recovered man.

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Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Print more ready made family home evening lessons at

Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Print more ready made family home evening lessons at

Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Print more ready made family home evening lessons at

Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Print more ready made family home evening lessons at

Lesson put together by Montserrat Wadsworth

Thanksgiving Blessing Mix Recipe:

2 cups Bugles brand corn snacks

2 cups small pretzels (not the stick kind)
1 cup candy corn
1 cup dried fruit bits or raisins
1 cup peanuts or sunflower seeds
1 cup M&Ms
1 cup Hershey's Kissables candy

Gently mix all ingredients together. Place about 1 cup mix into small cellophane bags. Close bag with
twist tie. Attach gift tag with raffia.

References for the lesson:

Pat Graham, “Sharing Time: Blessings of Every Color!,” Friend, Nov 1986, 46
Sydney Reynolds, “Sharing Time: Giving Thanks,” Friend, Nov 1998, 14
James E. Faust, “Grateful Heart,” Friend, May 1994, inside front cover

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