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FORM OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF RECRUITING AGENT {See rule 7 of the Emigration Rules, 1983} 1. Name of the applicant

2. Status (Company/a partnership firm/sole proprietor) (in case of a company copy of the registration certificate and memorandum of articles and in case of a firm copy of the registration certificate and partnership deed shall be annexed to this application).

3. Date of setting up of the establishment

4. Name, designation and address of director, partner or proprietor who are authorised to sign on behalf of the applicant firm or proprietary concern (specimen signatures to be attached)

5. Name and address of bankers

6. Financial status: (i) value of assets supported by a certificate issued by an approved valuer; (ii) bank deposits supported by a certificate of the bank; (iii) investments (iv) net worth (v) permanent income-tax number (enclose a copy of the previous year income-tax

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amount certificate (vi) permanent income-tax number of the partners of the company / firm (if the applicant is a company / firm) and the permanent income-tax number of the companies / firms in which the partners are also partners / directors;

7. Business during the last five years

8. Experience, if any, in recruitment of manpower for overseas employment; if so: (a) whether the applicant was registered earlier as Recruiting Agency and if so, the details (b) whether any director / partner / proprietor had been associated with any recruiting agency in the past and if so, give details,

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9. If previously in the business of recruitment, total number of workers deployed abroad, year-wise, country-wise and category-wise during the last five years

10.Whether there are any complaints against the applicant in respect of the workers recruited, if so, details thereof

11.Whether there is any criminal or civil case pending in any Court against the applicant, if so, details thereof

12.Whether any director / partner / proprietor has ever been convicted; if so, details thereof

13.Whether any certificate issued under the Emigration Act, 1983, was cancelled; if so, reasons thereof

14.Address of the office premises for conducting business

15.Whether the office premises is owned, on hire or on lease, if the office is in hired / leased premises, the name and address of the owner

16.Whether business premises are adequate and easily accessible for the public

17.Give details of the facilities for conducting business at the applicants disposal

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18.Name of countries where the applicant proposes to concentrate his efforts to deploy Indian workers. How does he remain in contact with these markets

19.Number of workers proposed to be recruited and form in which security is to be deposited

20.Period for which registration is applied for

UNDERTAKING I undertake that in the event of any of the information furnished above being found to be false or incorrect in any respect, the certificate is liable to be cancelled

Date Applicant

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I, . son of Shri.............................................. age.. resident of . do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

1.That I, the Company / firm own(s) fixed assets of the value of rupees

2.That I, the Company / firm own(s) bank deposits of rupees ..

3.That I, the Company / firm have made the following other investments: (a) (b) (c) (d)

4.That I, the Company / firm have the following liabilities: (a) (b) (c)

VERIFICATION I do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of paras 1 to 4 above are true to the best of my knowledge and that nothing has been concealed

Verified at . on DEPONENT

Attested before

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Metropolitan Magistrate / Judicial Magistrate NAME, SIGNATURE AND SEAL

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guidelines for filling up affidavit in Form -II 1.The value of immovable property/assets in the name of the establishment only may be mentioned against item 1. It should be duly supported by a Valuation Report from an approved valuer. 2. Balance in current account in the name of the establishment may be mentioned against item 2. This should be supported by a Bank Certificate duly sealed/stamped. 3. Value of other investments like investment in Fixed Deposits, furniture, office equipment, LIC, movable property etc. should be indicated against item 3. This should be supported by relevant documents/documentary evidence like valuers report etc.

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I son of Shri.

age ..

resident of

declare as under:

1.That I am sole owner of the office premises of

2. That I have rented out the same to Shri . Proprietor / Managing Partner / Managing Director of M/s. .

3.That I have no objection in running the manpower business for overseas Employment by M/s. .


I do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of paras 1 to 3 above are true to the best of my knowledge and that nothing has been concealed

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Verified at . on DEPONENT

Attested before Metropolitan Magistrate / Judicial Magistrate NAME, SIGNATURE AND SEAL

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I . son of Shri . Proprietor / Managing Partner / Partner / Managing Director / Director of M/s. . at . declare as under:

1.That no other recruiting agency or firm is functioning from the said premises.

2.That neither myself nor any member of my family has ever applied for registration as recruiting agent under the Emigration Act, 1983.

3.That neither myself nor any member of my family has ever been associated with any Recruiting Agency doing recruitment for overseas deployment.


I do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of paras 1 to 3 above are true to the best of my knowledge and that nothing has been concealed.

Verified at . on DEPONENT

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Attested before Metropolitan Magistrate / Judicial Magistrate NAME, SIGNATURE AND SEAL

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Guidelines for Registration as Recruiting Agent under the Emigration Act, 1983

Guidelines for Registration as Recruiting Agent under the Emigration Act, 1983

1. Application for registration should be made in Form I

2. Affidavit in Form II relating to assets would be non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value and duly sworn in before a Metropolitan / Judicial Magistrate. Affidavit sworn in before Notary etc. is not acceptable.

3. The Registration fee of Rs. 500/- {Rupees Five Hundred Only} is to be paid in the form of a Demand Draft in favour of Pay and Accounts Officer (Main Secretariat), Ministry of Labour payable at New Delhi.

4. Three passport-size photographs [duly attested on the back side by a Gazetted Officer] of the Proprietor / Managing Partner / Managing Director are to be furnished.

5. In the case of Partnership firm, all the partners should sign Forms I and II or alternatively authorise one of the partners to act as Managing Partner to sign the papers on behalf of the firm. In the case of Company, the Managing Director should sign these forms.

6. Name(s) and address(s) of the Proprietor / All Partners / All Directors are to be furnished along with their designation and business/professional activities during the last 5 years.

7. Specimen signatures of the Proprietor / Managing Partner / Managing Director duly attested by a Gazetted Officer are to be furnished.

8. In the case of partnership firm, a copy of the partnership deed duly attested by a Gazetted Officer is to be furnished. The deed must provide for recruitment of workers for overseas employment. True extracts from the Registrar of Firms in support of registration are also to be furnished.

9. In the case of Company, attested copies of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association are to be furnished which should provide for recruitment of workers for overseas employment.

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Guidelines for Registration as Recruiting Agent under the Emigration Act, 1983

10 .Each page of the application should be signed, dated and stamped by the applicant.

11. All the photocopies submitted should be attested by a Gazetted Officer.

12. All documents submitted to the Ministry on behalf of a company should invariably have the seal of the company.

13 .In case where the office premises is on lease/hire, name and address of the owner, attested copy of the lease deed, latest rent receipt and no objection from the owner in Form III are required to be furnished. In case where the office is owned, necessary supporting documents in this regard are to be furnished.

14. A certificate under the Shops and Establishment Act or from the local competent authority to the effect that the office premises is situated in a commercial area and is easily assessable to the public is required to be furnished.

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15. A lay out plan of the office premises giving details like covered area, number of rooms, seating arrangement for the staff, space for interview, seating arrangement for visitors etc. duly authenticated by a Government approved architect is to be furnished.

16. Valuation report of the property as declared in Form II duly certified by an approved valuer is to be furnished.

17. Attach a certificate from the Bank in original with proper seal/stamp to the effect that there exists not less than Rs. 25,000/- in the name of the applicant in his current account.

18. Indicate facilities available to contact the business like telephone, telex, fax etc. with documentary proof.

19. Indicate details of arrangements made/proposed to be made to test skill of the workers to be deployed (Trade Testing facilities) alongwith documentary proof.

20. A certificate from the Chartered Accountant to the effect that the firm/company is financially sound for conducting recruiting agency or a copy of latest income tax statement duly attested by a Gazetted Officer is to be furnished.

21. The applicant shall furnish Bank Guarantee on receipt of the eligibility letter from the Ministry of Labour for the amount indicated therein. The present scale of Bank Guarantee is as under:Upto 300 workers 301 to 1000 workers 1001 and above Rs. 3.00 Lakhs Rs. 5.00 Lakhs Rs. 10.00 Lakhs

(Note: The limit of workers on the Registration Certificate can be subsequently got enhanced by furnishing additional Bank Guarantee.)

Please ensure that all the forms / documents etc. are duly filled in, duly authenticated and date affixed. Submission of correct and proper documents would avoid delay and unnecessary correspondence.

If you are applying for re-registration after the expiry of your Registration Certificate, the old Certificate and Emigration Clearance Book should also be surrendered in original in addition to the above formalities.
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Mailing Address : The Protector General of Emigrants, Ministry of Labour, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110 001.

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