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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 332 March 10, 2012

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In This Issue:
Page Feature 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 Tidbits from the media Election Fraud in Virginia? Tommy Smith for BoC Chair On Target with Pipkin Can Elections be Bought? Jason Hill for Rockdale Chair Care Giver s Basics Henry Candidates for Chair McDonough: State of Affairs Mitt Beat Rick; NEWT BEAT OBAMA Henry BoC Illegally Overpaid Announcements
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Newt Gingrich Wins Georgia

Great win in every county in our area. In fact it appears that only Fulton and DeKalb went for Romney, the other 157 counties won by Newt. Congratulations on seeing the fruits of your hard work for Newt. Let's hope now Newt can move that success to Alabama and Mississippi next Tuesday and build on what he has started in SC and GA.

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The Truth Hurts

120-mile Algae Bloom Seen from Space: BLOOM-SEEN-SPACE-170100352.HTML

Gingrich mocks Obama's algae energy comments as 'Cloud Cuckoo Land' HTTP://ARTICLES.LATIMES.COM/2012/MAR/05/NEWS/LA-PN-GINGRICH-OBAMA-ALGAE-20120305 "Algae," Gingrich confirmed. "I think this is a 'Saturday Night Live' skit. You don't often get presidential speeches that could literally be delivered on 'Saturday Night Live' and you wouldn't realize it was a fake. But presidents are supposed to, like, run the country today." "We were in Nashville," Gingrich said, "and a man came up to Callista and me and said, 'I want you to tell Herman Cain that I know what Obama's 9-9-9 plan is.' He said, 'Obama's 9-9-9 plan is to make all of us pay $9.99 a gallon.' "

Just a note to say that last night, at a special called meeting, the Stockbridge City Council extended City Administrator Ray Gibson's contract until Dec 31, 2013. The city s mayor has tried to recommend two people to replace Mr. Gibson . The council thought otherwise. Good for them! The mayor, is fit to be tied and we may expect another law suit from him as he made threats about it. John Douglas Rush Limbaugh says on his radio show today, two of the sponsors so quick to leave want back in now. One he says is virtually begging to come back. He says they will take a close look before deciding what to do. My recommendation: Tell them to advertise on CNN or some liberal show no one watches. They had their chance.


Watching the vote tally come in I am more convinced than ever... Atlanta ain't Georgia. Those folks ain't from here. Rule #1: If the ballot question contains the words "tax" or "levy" or "bond," VOTE NO Every talking head - even FoxNews - is saying the GOP nominee 'must' be chosen in April or May - not as late as August. Therefore the numerical odds to Mittens. Dick Morris said "We [Mittens] must have time to mount a defense against Obama." In reality Mitt only wins in Northern or otherwise liberal primaries. He is the darling of the media and the unions. i.e., Michigan and Massachusetts. Look at Santorum and watch his delegate count climb. People, especially evangelicals, like Rick. Look at Newt - and listen to him. He gives Americans hope AND a solid energy policy. Conservatives of all stripes like him. NONE of them will win enough delegates to capture the Convention by acclamation. Thanks be to God. Neither the talking heads nor Mitt's money should dictate the GOP nominee. FRED CHITWOOD: I agree..........if the RINOs nominate Obama Lite to run against Obama in Nov., to quote R. Limbaugh when McCain got the nomination 4 years ago, "we are so screwed." Rush was right!

Romney, Virginia GOP commit election fraud: FOX News

With only minutes before the first Super-Tuesday Caucuses were set to close, FOX NEWS AND THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CENTER FOR POLITICS reported a likely election fraud situation, committed by Mitt Romney and the Virginia GOP. The establishment elite may be up to their usual 2012, nomination process shenanigans again as more people in positions of knowing have come forward to proclaim their displeasure with the establishment s handling of challenges to their favorite candidate. Multiple states across the country reported precincts tampered with, votes permanently lost, elections oddly postponed, permanently unverifiable results, and now simply not even allowing candidates to even be on the ballot to begin with. Reporting from Virginia, FOX News s Shannon Breen gave voice to political analyst, Virginia Tech s Larry Sabato, who says it is very likely Mitt Romney and the Virginia GOP establishment, and their minions purposely kept signatures from being counted so, at least, Newt Gingrich wouldn t be on Virginia s ballot on Super-Tuesday. If the allegations are investigated and found to be accurate, it would represent an addition to the growing list of reports showing the establishment elite to be manipulating the nomination process country wide, in favor on Mitt Romney. Further stealing caucuses from other candidates, mainly Ron Paul, to likely insure the continuance of a 1% r agenda that, according to Wall Street and the lion s share of its campaign donation money, Mitt Romney is most likely to support should he be the nominee and beat Obama in November.




Dear Friends, As you may know, I have made a very personal decision to become a candidate for the Chairman of the Henry County Board of Commissioners (BOC). This is a life-changing decision, of course, and is one that I take very seriously. After a term of irresponsible overspending by our current leadership, our future is now clouded by the specter of unsustainable debt. The citizens of Henry County must wake up to the seriousness of the discussions and decisions that are made in closed-door meetings by our BOC. This has resulted in the purchases of an airport ($3,000,000 so far), Abernathy Farm ($4,000,000), a golf course ($22,000,000), Tim Jones property on Jonesboro Road ($1,200,000), Nash Farm ($8,000,000), old McDonough R/V property ($1,200,000) and a bank, which we as taxpayers cannot afford. The Commissioners have had to lay off 57 employees, not fill 30 key positions, and mandated all county employees take off 4 days without pay, just to help pay for all of the property mentioned-above, while keeping their inflated salaries in place for themselves and upper management. I am writing today to ask that my friends support me in this campaign, both politically and financially. Will you help me? With just a few months before the July 31 election, I need your open support today. I am holding a crucial Kickoff Fundraising Event on March 22 at 5:30 to 8:00 at the American Legion 55 Hall on Veterans Drive in McDonough. I look forward to seeing you there. I have always told it straight, and this is no different. I NEED YOUR HELP TODAY. It is the early stages of my campaign now when your support will have a maximum impact. Sincerely, Tommy N. Smith Tommy Smith for Chairman, PO BOX 1652, Hampton, Georgia 30228.


Low Country Boil & Turkey Shoot Fundraiser

A family event in support of Trea Pipkin

On target for Pipkin

Saturday, March 17th 10 AM to 2 PM Southern Belle Farm 1767 Turner Church Road, McDonough Rain date: Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Hosted by the Committee to Elect Pipkin to the State House


Romney Has No One to Blame for His Negatives But Himself; America - Can Voters Save Us?

This is part of a discussion board for my Constitutional Law class - the teacher said we could talk about current issues in politics this week and this is what I said... When it comes to Equal Representation & Apportionment and current political campaigns; the first thing that comes to mind for me is going back to campaign finance reform and how it can affect equal representation and apportionment. When candidates are being outspent 65:1 in television ads in Florida, and the ads are not a positive reflection of the one spending the money to put on 65:1 ads and only a negative attack against the opponent spending the money for the 1 in the 65:1 ad ratio something is wrong in this equation. (Galloway, n.p.) I am not a hate the rich kind of girl or an occupy anything and am in support of the free market. However, with that said, can elections be bought?


The answer to the above question initially appears to be yes in the primary but not looking good for the general election. However, in the example above the candidate spending the money for the 65 in the 65:1 ratio is now showing signs of his political party s negative ratings going up and his own personal unfavorable impressions have outpaced his favorable impressions since this negative ad campaign began. This candidate s unfavorable ratings have, skyrocketed by 10 points on average since the end of October. Since then, his standing has deteriorated even further. Please go to HTTP://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ELIZABETH-CHRISTIAN-ALLEN/ROMNEY-HAS-NO-ONE-TO-BLAME-FOR-HISNEGATIVES-BUT-HIMSELF-AMERICA-CAN-VOTERS-SAVE/10150621861979232 Read this great analysis in its entirety.

Elect Jason Hill - Rockdale County Commission Chair

Former Post I Commissioner Jason Hill is running for the Rockdale County Georgia, Board of Commissioners in 2012, but this time he'll be running for Chairman. Jason is committed to winning the race for Chairman of the Rockdale Board of Commissioners, and to making Rockdale County a better place to live and work. He joins the majority of Rockdale citizens who are dissatisfied with the current leadership. Rockdale County deserves better and more responsible leadership than we ve had in the last three years. Jason has that experience -and the knowledge that Rockdale County needs during this time. Upon his election, Jason will hit the ground running to improve government operations, focus on basic services, and minimize the burden on taxpayers. Like you, Jason wants to set Rockdale back on track.

Jason Hill is a respected and dedicated business leader and community volunteer with deep roots in Rockdale County. Jason believes in recapturing and preserving those qualities that have made Rockdale County an attractive place to live, work, and play, while at the same time positioning the community to move forward in ways that makes sense for our citizens. Jason is a successful businessman and is Manager of Still Lumber Company, a local business started by his grandfather, L.B. Still, more than 60 years ago. Prior to coming on board with the family business in 1999, Jason worked at JGA Southern Roof Center in Atlanta and was a co-op student employee with Atlanta Gas Light Company for four years. While he has strong private sector experience, Jason is no stranger to public service in the local community. He served in 2003 as a member of the Conyers/Rockdale Planning Commission before being elected in 2004 to the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners Post 1. Contact information:


The Committee to Elect Jason Hill 678-720-8480 email: [email protected]

Event sponsored by Third District Community Coalition

Care Giver's Basics From Beginning to End

How do we become a Care Giver for our seriously ill or dying love ones? The 3rd District Community Coalition, Inc. (3DCC, Inc.) presents Palliative or Comfort Care information by Tracy English, Sacred Journey HOSPICE, for our community and families facing a serious or life-threatening illness of a loved one. The presentation s objective is to provide health information to individuals and caregivers fulfilling advance care wishes. Ms. English will discuss social trends and barriers to quality of life. She will define Palliative Care/Comfort Care and talk about a Quality of Life Model. This public service meeting will take place March 26, 2012. There will be a Meet and Greet session starting at 6:30 p.m. The presentation will start at 7:00 p.m. and will end before 8:30 p.m. at Cooperative Extension Office, Conference Room A, (next to Jason Harper Event Center), 97 Lake Dow Road, McDonough, GA. For more information contact Charles Downey: 770-898-7931 or [email protected].

From the McDonough Square take Highway 81 East, go approximately 2 miles to Lake Dow Road, turn left at light (between McDonald s & Zaxby s). Take next left into Heritage Park. The entrance to the Cooperative Extension Office is on the left. Go through the glass doors and follow the signs to Conference Room A. Cooperative Extension Conference Room A 97 Lake Dow Road McDonough, GA 30252 770-288-8421

Start Thinking About a Candidate for Chair

By TheDoctor Below are those who have proposed to run for the Chairman s seat in Henry County for the 2012 election. So far we have heard from three individuals who will be running on the Republican ticket and no one yet from the Democrats. Qualifying will be in May so there could be some more to throw their hats into the ring before the primary in July. It should be an interesting election cycle. (A) Elizabeth B.J. Mathis, the incumbent, is apparently making another run for the seat. She attended a function by the Conservative Republican Women back in the fall of 2011 to help with her campaign in Stockbridge. Ms. Mathis began her political career in the 2nd District Commission seat where she began by creating a stir about stopping a man from building homes on land at Babb s Mill and Jonesboro Roads. She and the other commissioners used eminent domain to stop him because she forced the issue of it being a Civil War Battle site. The county paid him over $8 million for a farm valued at that time at just over $3 million. If the area was of historical significance, why did the county not buy it for much less money before the


developer stepped in. The farm sat for sale for two before he bought it. But after all that has been paid for different things there it looks pretty much the way it did back when it was bought. Even the BoC voted on April 8, 2008 to change the name of the park and it still sits today. Then she was supposed to step down from her office to run for chairman due to an ordinance, but she fought in court and was allowed to remain on the BoC and run for chairman at the same time. She won the position, but not with an extreme amount of votes. (no mandate). After going into office as chairman she has had many things that have been a controversy in the county to happen. She owed her benefactor Mr. Billy Abbate so she appointed him to the Hospital Board and then later to the Board of Health. Of course he had to resign just before he was arrested for child molestation here and in Virginia. Now Ms. Mathis in no way would condone this type of behavior. He was the same gentleman who wanted the film studio at Tara Field and wanted Henry County to front the money, but he could not come up with his part so the deal fell through. But she worked out a deal with Clayton County to buy Tara Field and spent $17.7 million for the deal and we had to put up $2.2 million. What really hurt here was this was done just a week after laying-off 57 people because we didn t have the money to pay them. There have been other issues like the buying of the Cotton Fields Golf Course, the buying of the property for the police training area that belonged to a relative of the former police chief, and her pushing for T-SPLOST after sitting on the ARC board and Henry County didn t get its fair shake. There is more, but space will not contain it. The bottom line is that she has let a lot of people down here and for what reason? (B) Then we have Mr. Tommy Smith, the former Mayor of Hampton. Mr. Smith is a lifelong resident of the area and he has also worked in several other capacities for the Henry County Government. Mr. Smith knows much about the inner workings of the county government and he knows that the county government has grown to such a size that it is very hard to maintain itself in any kind of economy. Mr. Smith is a fair minded gentleman and will be running as a conservative Republican. He feels that we should maintain our essential services first such as firemen, policemen, and infrastructure such as roads before we spend on other areas. Mr. Smith s daughter is the Probate Judge for Henry County. She has done a very good job since the passing of Judge Buttrill. If he has a weakness it is with some of the people who are too close to him that many people here in the county do not like and that can hurt a candidate. The old saying we are known by the company we keep. (C) Then we have Mr. Monroe Roark, who has stated he is running for the seat. Mr. Roark is a TV reporter for one of our local stations. He also has served on the BoC after being chosen to serve out the term left by Rick Jeffares who left to run for the State House. Mr. Roark has seen the inner workings of the BoC and should have a good take on what is happening with the commission. Mr. Roark is a family man and since redistricting took place he is now in the 5th district. Mr. Roark attends Glen Haven Baptist Church and is a very intelligent gentleman. The only thing that has been perceived by him is when the 3DCC and Mr. Mike Eddy went before the commission with a good and ample ethics code, he was chosen to put them down. That meeting could hurt him because it shows that he will be linked to those who can sway him away from what is the norm. Now the people of Henry County will have plenty of time to speak with these individuals and try and come up with a candidate they can back. Citizens need to ask the hard questions and see what answers they receive. Remember it is everyone s county and money they are trusted to handle.


From an email we received on

the state of affairs in McDonough:

It is interesting to note the following: We have: 1.) One councilperson who continues to kite checks. 2.) Another councilperson who purchased a computer and equipment over $5,000 and charged the city of McDonough while she was a citizen. 3.) Another councilperson who has three illegetimate children and survives on governement assistance. 4.) Another councilperson who shoots his son in the rear end. 5.) And another councilperson whose past is very, very troubling with his finances. No, we are not talking about the state jail in Jackson. We are talking about the McDonough City Council!! I also find it disturbing that the new McDonough city manager sued Henry County while employed there, refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and is not a citizen of the United States." It is the policy of The Citizen to reprint commentary as it is submitted to us... and some we find:
Hey Henry, why in the world is the McDonough City Council rushing through modifications to the city charter before the citizens have had an opportunity to review them and express their concerns? Seems like Councilwoman Notti is imitating her hero, Nancy Pelosi, to pass the legislation so we can read what's in it. This is serious, folks!

Henry County Times Editorial Board

Occupy McDonough?
The expectation is that elected officials realize that they are in office to represent the will of the people. Unfortunately voters seem to have short-term memories, and oftentimes what happens close to an election dictates what happens in an election. If the citizens don t like the way something as important as the city s constitution is being handled, if they don t feel that they have been heard and if they are feeling disenfranchised, then the hope is that they will elect officials whom they believe are true to the principles and purpose of the office. It was encouraging to see the flurry of emails being circulated and the residents attending local meetings to voice concerns. It s exciting to see the political process work. But it is a terrible sight to see citizens talking and nobody listening. Link: Residents voice concern over rushed process HTTP://WWW.HENRYCOUNTYTIMES.COM/ARCHIVES/2012/03.07.12/FEATURE.HTM


Mitt beat Rick, but Newt beat Barack

By Dr. Milton R. Wolf - The Washington Times
This wouldn t be the first time the media missed the real story. In the wake of a split SUPER TUESDAY, MITT ROMNEY and RICK SANTORUM scored wins against each other, but it was former Speaker NEWT GINGRICH who single-handedly drove President OBAMA into panic mode. a 30-minute video titled $2.50 per Gallon Gasoline, Energy Independence and Jobs, MR. GINGRICH unveiled his vision for renewed American prosperity centered around oil and natural-gas production. He demonstrated his unparalleled insight into the intersection of energy, security and prosperity. MR. GINGRICH rightly declared that never again should an American president bow before a Saudi king. Meanwhile, MR. OBAMA, stung by his recent half-billion-dollar failed Solyndra boondoggle, began floating his latest green fantasy of harvesting algae to cure the pain at the pump. Panicked by MR. GINGRICH, MR. OBAMA was forced off his game and repeatedly tried to respond, only making matters worse for himself. He stayed true to the Democrats anti-energy agenda and mocked Republicans for wanting to drill for new oil. This made the president the butt of a joke for Jay Leno on The Tonight Show : Democrats claim that new drilling for oil won t help us for at least 10 years, but haven t they been saying that now for more than 10 years? Read the entire article at BEAT-BARACK/

Henry Commissioners Overpay themselves

Henry County Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-2-23. Compensation and allowances.

The chairman of the board shall receive an annual salary in an amount equal to forty (40) percent of the annual salary provided by general law for the sheriff of Henry County. In talks with county commissioners and other officials the prevailing wisdom is that fixing the 2006 salary freeze would actually mean giving some commissioners back pay. The salaries they froze were attached to the annual salary provided by general law plus the annual supplement provided by the County. It is simple math to deduce the Henry County commissioners have been overpaid for a long time. County supplements are a measure to provide competitive compensation in line with surrounding counties. In our Issues #329 and #330 the listing of all supplement recipients was provided. Since the county code provides for to forty (40) percent of the annual salary provided by general law for the sheriff of Henry County, there is no add-on for commissioner s compensation because of the $36,000 supplement granted to the Sheriff. Joanie Scott wrote at Proof of Right:

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By [adjusting commissioner pay to the legal amount], the annual combined saving of all six Board Members would amount to more than $45,000 per year. Frankly, I am of the opinion that they should also pay back the illegitimately gained funds they ve each received for the last three years, too. That s another $135,000.

Southern Crescent Senior Republican Network

Please join us in welcoming the Honorable Judge Kelley Powell of the Henry Probate Court for an update on the many jobs of the Probate Court and any changes in the law we may need to be aware of. Judge Powell will also discuss Living Wills including healthcare issues. Friday, March 16, 2012 6:00pm in the Ballroom

Henry County Moose Lodge, Hwy 155 McDonough GA

Republican Women of Henry County

Join us as we welcome Col. Stephen Simpson, running for U.S. Congress GA District 10 Sakura Hibachi Sushi Buffet, 1001 Regency Plaza Blvd, McDonough GA March 13, 2012 11:30am Please note this is our quarterly luncheon meeting

America takes better care of illegals than our military


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The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor

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