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(Application Deadline: March 15, 2012) I. Name, address and phone number of the sponsoring United Methodist Church or Agency applying for funding: Name: Address: _Filipino American United Methodist Ministry of NIC__ _Prince of Peace United Methodist Church _1400 Arlington Heights Road Elk Grove Village, IL 60007__ Phone: Fax: II. Describe the Proposed Program (if you need more space, use a separate page): Youth Christmas Institute for Servant-Leadership Development This program was designed by the youth leaders and pastors of the Northern Illinois Conference to develop and sustain servant leadership among the youth and go beyond the borders and reach out to the community. Filipino-American pastors of NIC has recently convened and organized a caucus, which they named the Filipino-American United Methodist Ministry of Northern Illinois Conference. Along with the youth leaders, they identified the needs of the young people today, and from these needs emerged the Youth Christmas Institute. This program surfaced from the youths desire to explore the parameters of their faith and their desire to learn what is required as effective servant leaders of the church even at a young age. Furthermore, they seek to not only focus on themselves, but instead exercise their faith through serving others. Their commitment is reflected in their mission statement: Through faithful servant leadership, fellowship, biblical study, and mission we grow in our relationship with God and one another. The major project of the program is to hold this December a five-day leadership retreat/camp designed to develop leadership skills as they serve in an urban setting, called the Christmas Institute. The rationale for attending described by one youth member as follows: Christmas Institute (CI) is a place where we can get away from the hustle and bustle of the material world and strengthen our relationships with God. We see through the consumer holiday Christmas has become and are reminded of what it is really about. We learn about being leaders and about serving others in need. We meet other Christians and make lifelong friends. We are given the chance to serve as peer mentors. In that way, CI shows us that we cannot do everything in the world, but we can always do something. Together, with our fellow Christians, we can make a positive difference. CI is an annual youth event started by the Filipino workers in the United States. The _(847) 439-0668__________________________________

camp usually runs for three to five days and its goal is to empower young people to become effective leaders through bible studies, group activities, lectures and fellowship. CI used to be a joint between the North Central Jurisdiction and South Eastern Jurisdiction. However, as aforementioned, in 2011, the Northern Illinois Conference decided to holds its own event, starting the year 2012. We aim to make CI a more multi-racial camp by tapping into our Hispanic, Asian, and American communities. Although CI is held every December, numerous events are held prior to the culminating gathering at the end of the year. This summer, a Sports Fest will be held for prospective delegates in order to emphasize the role of brotherhood and fellowship in a Christian life. Furthermore, a Pre-CI gathering will be held, to preview the upcoming anticipated event. On the other hand, a Post-CI gathering will also be held to talk about improvements and highlights of the occasion. Derived from the first book of Corinthians, chapter 12 verses 12 to 31, this years theme is Grace Anatomy. Aside from building a relationship with our God, each of us has a role in our Christian society and it is very important that the youth are aware of this duty. Just as the body cannot function without its parts, the church cannot function without its people. We are Gods hands and it is our job to fulfill his will. We have a lot of plans in the upcoming year, and we recognize the importance of FAAs financial support in the success of our activities. As our youth continues their journey of faith, they will surely let their light shine throughout the world, never giving up from the drawbacks and challenges of their generation. We sincerely request that you pray for our ministries and our young people. Thank you and may God continue to pour His blessings upon FAA.

III. What are the goals of this program? We celebrate, we connect and we contribute. The youth through this program seeks to: - recognize and affirm their roles as young leaders in the transformation of the church and our society; - develop servant-leadership among them; - become instruments of spreading Gods love and the Good News to their community through ministries of peace and justice; striving to live a life pleasing to the Lord; and - provide a venue of fellowship among Filipino-American youths of NIC in celebrating the life and ministry of the church

IV. $_1,400__ being requested. (Attach budget, indicating all sources of income.)

V. Have you applied for FAA funding before? (If yes, have you submitted the report for the last funded program? Both financial and program reports need to included with this application.) No. Christmas Institute in NIC was established in 2011, and this is the first time we are applying for funding from FAA.

VI. Names of two persons who are writing support letters: 1. _Rev. Reuel Talapian, St. Johns UMC (Oak Park) 2. _Rev. Romir Esguerra, Calvary UMC (Villa Park)

VII. Contact Person: Name: Address: _Rev. Cerna Castro Rand _Prince of Peace United Methodist Church _1400 Arlington Heights Road Elk Grove Village, IL 60007__ Phone: _(847) 532-1538__________________________________

VIII. Signature of person submitting the proposal: __________________________________________ Date: _________________

IX. If the check should be sent to a person or group other than stated in Item I, please give the name and address of the person or the group: Name: Address: _Prince of Peace United Methodist Church _1400 Arlington Heights Road Elk Grove Village, IL 60007__

NIC Christmas institute Budget Report Expenses Venue Sports Fest Day- 100 youth, 1 day Christmas Institute- 100 youth, 5 days
*based on CI 2011 venue rates

16,250.00 200 10,800 5,250 425.00 100 75 150 50 50 625.00 50 50 100 100 50 100 50 50 75 800.00 CI breakfasts & cultural lunch Pre-CI event Post-CI event Sports Fest event Leadership Trainings 400 100 100 100 100 300.00 150 100 50 $18400.00

Lodging ($27 x 4 nights) Meals ($7.50 x 7 meals) Office and Art Supplies Ink Cartridges Writing Utensils Paper, Chart Paper, Poster Board, etc. Art Materials Miscellaneous Program Leadership Training Resources Bible Study resources Love Gifts to Speakers Decorations Creative Ministries: Hand mime materials Praise Dancing materials Program Materials: Sports Fest Trainings Christmas Institute Food

Media/ Technology Equipment Projector Printer Laminating Machine GRAND TOTAL

Income Registration Sports Fest ($3 X 100) Christmas Institute ($150 x 100) FAA Grant request Fundraising Pre-CI Worship Night Donations Shirts 15,300 300 15,000 1,400 1,700 400 500 800



March 12, 2012

Reverend T. J. Kim Finance Chair, Fellowship of Asian American c/o Salem Korean United Methodist Church 10 S. Walnut Lane Schaumburg, IL 60193 Dear Rev. Kim: Greetings in Christ. As the Vice-President of Filipino American United Methodist Ministry (FAUMM) of NIC, I am endorsing the application of NIC Christmas Institute (Youth) for a program grant from our distinguished organization this year, 2012. I believe that the amount of support youll be giving the young people of the FAUMM of NIC will be translated to productive service to address the needs for servant leadership in the conference. Thank you very much. In Christs service,

REV. REUEL TALAPIAN Pastor, St. Johns UMC of Oak Park Vice-President, FAUMM of NIC

March 12, 2012 Rev. T.J. Kim ( Finance) Fellowship of Asian Americans Northern Illinois Conference

Re: Christmas Institute 2012

I am writing to support the application of the Christmas Institute 2012 for the Northern Illinois Conference for the missional purposes of spiritual development, leadership training, engaging in mission and reaching people for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Christmas Institute has been instrumental in developing principled new youth leaders for the church. The last venue for the Christmas Institute 2011 was held in Wesley Woods and attracted Filipino-American youth and adults in this conference. While it is a yearly event, there are ongoing activities that support ministries locally and globally. As a Pastor, I am very excited about this collaborative effort in ministry. Through the initiatives of the leadership of the CI or Christmas Institute I have personally witnessed how God is at work in the lives of our young people. This ministry is totally awesome. It is inspiring. It is a spring board to something new. I want to thank you for the ministry of the Fellowship of Asian Americans in the NIC and the way gifts for ministry are being used in a variety of ways. We are called for such a time like these. I would reiterate my full support of this Christmas Institute 2012 request for allocated funds. Sincerely, Rev. Romir R. Esguerra Calvary UMC Villa Park, IL Email: [email protected] Cc: Rev. Kye Hong

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