Practice4 (Adder & Sustractor

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Practice 4 Adder, Sustractor & Decoder.

Daniel Campos Chvez Jos Manuel Daz Sandoval


Abstract The digital circuits can be divided in two great groups, denominated combinatory (they are those in which its exit is a reflection of the combinations of its entrances) doors logics, multiplexers, coders etc. and on the other hand the sequential denominated ones (they are those in which their exit is a combination between the previous state that owned and its variables of entrance) it sees stable, oscillating, accountants, etc. The design of a combinational system of median complexity can include a great one I number of doors logics, which can get to include in a single chip up to 100000 of these and one of its main characteristics is the use of validation entrances, that is to say, entered that allows to qualify or to disability the exits of the circuits. These entrances allow the synchronous design of circuits, that is to say that allows that the exits can or not to be function of the entrances at a certain moment. Index I. Nomenclature. II. Introduction. III. Preparation of technical work. A. Objective. B. Theoretical basis. C. Development. D. Conclusions. IV. References.

have two entrances to and B. Its serious combinatory function, for a door OR would be. These operations can be combined forming more complex functions. Thus, the following scheme is defined by the function indicated underneath the same. Boolean algebra provides a set of assumptions and operations aimed at solving processes to run, obtaining a set of equations that must be translated and performed by mechanical, electrical or electronic. In the lab trying to understand the function and performance of the logic gates and Boolean algebra when they are stimulated with voltage. For the laboratory use various forms of interpretation and the circuital and simulations were done with NIMultisim. III. PREPARATION OF TECHNICAL W ORK. A. Target practice. The student will learn to distinguish, to arm and to simulate the suitable components for a sum or a subtraction being shown it in display giving the suitable values. B. Theoretical basis. Unlike Sequential Logic Circuits whose outputs are dependant on both their present inputs and their previous output state giving them some form of Memory, the outputs of Combinational Logic Circuits are only determined by the logical function of their current input state, logic "0" or logic "1", at any given instant in time as they have no feedback, and any changes to the signals being applied to their inputs will immediately have an effect at the output. In other words, in a Combinational Logic Circuit, the output is dependant at all times on the combination of its inputs and if one of its inputs condition changes state so does the output as combinational circuits have "no memory", "timing" or "feedback loops". Combinatorial Logic.


Logical gates. A logic gate is an elementary building

block of a digital circuit . Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binary conditions low (0) or high (1), represented by different voltage levels. The logic state of a terminal can, and generally does, change often, as the circuit processes data. In most logic gates, the low state is approximately zero volts (0 V), while the high state is approximately five volts positive (+5 V). Adder (74LS83). A sum is a circuit that realizes the arithmetical sum of two binary words. Decoder (74SL48) & Display 7 segments. It is a component that is used for the representation of numbers in many electronics. II. INTRODUCTION In digital electronics, there are a number of problems and unknowns to solve that normally arise. It is very common when designing a digital electronic circuit or need to have the opposite value of a point, or when a certain number of buttons are activated, an output remains off. All these situations can be expressed by zeros and ones, and treated by digital circuits. The basic elements of any digital circuit are logic gates. All the combination circuits can imagine using Boolean algebra from their logical function, generating of mathematical form the operation of the combinatory system. In this way, each signal of entrance is a variable of the logical equation of exit. For example, compound combinatory system an exclusively by a door AND would

Figure 1 Combinational Logic Circuits are made up from basic logic NAND, NOR or NOT gates that are "combined" or connected together to produce more complicated switching circuits. These logic gates are the building blocks of combinational logic circuits. An example of a

combinational circuit is a decoder, which converts the binary code data present at its input into a number of different output lines, one at a time producing an equivalent decimal code at its output. Combinational logic circuits can be very simple or very complicated and any combinational circuit can be implemented with only NAND and NOR gates as these are classed as "universal" gates. The three main ways of specifying the function of a combinational logic circuit are: Truth Table Truth tables provide a concise list that shows the output values in tabular form for each possible combination of input variables. Boolean Algebra Forms an output expression for each input variable that represents logic "1" Logic Diagram Shows the wiring connections of each individual logic gate implements the circuit. And all three are shown below. and that

in more detail we first need to understand how these devices use these "solid state switches" in their design.

Figure 3

Binary Decoder A Decoder is the exact opposite to that of an "Encoder" we looked at in the last tutorial. It is basically, a combinational type logic circuit that converts the binary code data at its input into one of a number of different output lines, one at a time producing an equivalent decimal code at its output. Binary Decoders have inputs of 2-bit, 3-bit or 4-bit codes depending upon the number of data input lines, and a n-bit decoder has 2n output lines. Therefore, if it receives n inputs (usually grouped as a binary or Boolean number) it activates one and only one of its 2n outputs based on that input with all other outputs deactivated. A decoders output code normally has more bits than its input code and practical binary decoder circuits include, 2-to-4, 3-to-8 and 4-to-16 line configurations.

Figure 2 As combinational logic circuits are made up from individual logic gates only, they can also be considered as "decision making circuits" and combinational logic is about combining logic gates together to process two or more signals in order to produce at least one output signal according to the logical function of each logic gate. Common combinational circuits made up from individual logic gates that carry out a desired application include Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Encoders, Decoders, Full and Half Adders etc. Classification of Combinational Logic. One of the most common uses of combinational logic is in Multiplexer and De-multiplexer type circuits. Here, multiple inputs or outputs are connected to a common signal line and logic gates are used to decode an address to select a single data input or output switch. A multiplexer consist of two separate components, a logic decoder and some solid state switches, but before we can discuss multiplexers, decoders and de-multiplexers

A binary decoder converts coded inputs into coded outputs, where the input and output codes are different and decoders are available to "decode" either a Binary or BCD (8421 code) input pattern to typically a Decimal output code. Commonly available BCD-to-Decimal decoders include the TTL 7442 or the CMOS 4028. An example of a 2-to-4 line decoder along with its truth table is given below. It consists of an array of four NAND gates, one of which is selected for each combination of the input signals A and B. A 2-to-4 Binary Decoders.

has been implemented using two smaller 3-to-8 decoders. A 4-to-16 Binary Decoder Configuration.

Figure 4

Figure 7

Figure 5

Inputs A, B, C are used to select which output on either decoder will be at logic "1" (HIGH) and input D is used with the enable input to select which encoder either the first or second will output the "1". BCD to 7-Segment Display Decoder As we saw in the previous tutorial, a Decoder IC, is a device which converts one digital format into another and the most commonly used device for doing this is the Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) to 7-Segment Display Decoder. 7-segment LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LCD (Liquid Crystal) displays, provide a very convenient way of displaying information or digital data in the form of numbers, letters or even alpha-numerical characters and they consist of 7 individual LED's (the segments), within one single display package. In order to produce the required numbers or HEX characters from 0 to 9 and A to F respectively, on the display the correct combination of LED segments need to be illuminated and BCD to 7-segment Display Decoders such as the 74LS47 does just that. A standard 7-segment LED display generally has 8 input connections, one for each LED segment and one that acts as a common terminal or connection for all the internal segments. Some single displays have an additional input pin for the decimal point in their lower right or left hand corner. There are two important types of 7-segment LED digital display. The Common Cathode Display (CCD) - In the common cathode display, all the cathode connections of the LED's are joined together to logic "0" and the individual segments are illuminated by application of a "HIGH", logic "1" signal to the individual Anode terminals. The Common Anode Display (CAD) - In the common anode display, all the anode connections of the

In this simple example of a 2-to-4 line binary decoder, the binary inputs A and B determine which output line from D0 to D3 is "HIGH" at logic level "1" while the remaining outputs are held "LOW" at logic "0" so only one output can be active (HIGH) at any one time. Therefore, whichever output line is "HIGH" identifies the binary code present at the input, in other words it "decodes" the binary input and these types of binary decoders are commonly used as Address Decoders in microprocessor memory applications. Some binary decoders have an additional input labeled "Enable" that controls the outputs from the device. This allows the decoders outputs to be turned "ON" or "OFF" and we can see that the logic diagram of the basic decoder is identical to that of the basic demultiplexer. Therefore, we say that a demultiplexer is a decoder with an additional data line that is used to enable the decoder. An alternative way of looking at the decoder circuit is to regard inputs A, B and C as address signals. Each combination of A, B or C defines a unique address which can access a location having that address.

Figure 6 Sometimes it is required to have a Binary Decoder with a number of outputs greater than is available, or if we only have small devices available, we can combine multiple decoders together to form larger decoder networks as shown. Here a much larger 4-to-16 line binary decoder

LED's are joined together to logic "1" and the individual segments are illuminated by connecting the individual Cathode terminals to a "LOW", logic "0" signal. 7-Segment Display Format

BCD to 7-Segment Decoder

Figure 9 The use of packed BCD allows two BCD digits to be stored within a single byte (8-bits) of data, allowing a single data byte to hold a BCD number in the range of 00 to 99. An example of the 4-bit BCD input (0100) representing the number 4 is given below.

Figure 7

Truth Table for a 7-segment display

Individual Segmentes b c d e f

Display g 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a

Individual Segments b c d e f

Display g 8 9 A b C d E F

For example:

Figure 10 In practice current limiting resistors of about 150 to 220 would be connected in series between the decoder/driver chip and each LED display segment to limit the maximum current flow. Different display decoders or drivers are available for the different types of display available, e.g. 74LS48 for commoncathode LED types, 74LS47 for common-anode LED types, or the CMOS CD4543 for liquid crystal display (LCD) types. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have one major advantage over similar LED types in that they consume much less power and nowadays, both LCD and LED displays are combined together to form larger Dot-Matrix Alphanumeric type displays which can show letters and characters as well as numbers in standard Red or Tri-colour outputs.

7-Segment Display Elements for all Numbers.

Figure 8

It can be seen that to display any single digit number from 0 to 9 or letter from A to F, we would need 7 separate segment connections plus one additional connection for the LED's "common" connection. Also as the segments are basically a standard light emitting diode, the driving circuit would need to produce up to 20mA of current to illuminate each individual segment and to display the number 8, all 7 segments would need to be lit resulting a total current of nearly 140mA, (8 x 20mA). Obviously, the use of so many connections and power consumption is impractical for some electronic or microprocessor based circuits and so in order to reduce the number of signal lines required to drive just one single display, display decoders such as the BCD to 7Segment Display Decoder and Driver IC's are used instead.

The Binary Adder Another common and very useful combinational logic circuit which can be constructed using just a few basic logic gates and adds together binary numbers is the Binary Adder circuit. The Binary Adder is made up from standard AND and Ex-OR gates and allow us to "add"

together single bit binary numbers, a and b to produce two outputs, the SUM of the addition and a CARRY called the Carry-out, ( Cout ) bit. One of the main uses for the Binary Adder is in arithmetic and counting circuits. Consider the addition of two denary (base 10) numbers below.





123 + 789 912


(Augend) (Addend)

Figure 13 From the above equations we know that an Ex-OR gate will only produce an output "1" when "EITHER" input is at logic "1", so we need an additional output to produce a carry output, "1" when "BOTH" inputs "A" and "B" are at logic "1" and a standard AND Gate fits the bill nicely. By combining the Ex-OR gate with the AND gate results in a simple digital binary adder circuit known commonly as the "Half Adder" circuit. The Half Adder Circuit 1-bit Adder with Carry-Out Symbol Truth Table A B SUM CARRY 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Boolean Expression: Sum = A B Figure 13 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Figure 11 Each column is added together starting from the right hand side and each digit has a weighted value depending upon its position in the columns. As each column is added together a carry is generated if the result is greater or equal to ten, the base number. This carry is then added to the result of the addition of the next column to the left and so on, simple school math's addition. The adding of binary numbers is basically the same as that of adding decimal numbers but this time a carry is only generated when the result in any column is greater or equal to "2", the base number of binary. Binary Addition Binary Addition follows the same basic rules as for the denary addition above except in binary there are only two digits and the largest digit is "1", so any "SUM" greater than 1 will result in a "CARRY". This carry 1 is passed over to the next column for addition and so on. Consider the single bit addition below.

Carry = A . B

0 +0 0

0 +1 1

1 +0 1

1 +1 10

From the truth table we can see that the SUM (S) output is the result of the Ex-OR gate and the Carry-out (Cout) is the result of the AND gate. One major disadvantage of the Half Adder circuit when used as a binary adder is that there is no provision for a Carry-in from the previous circuit when adding together multiple data bits. For example, suppose we want to add together two 8-bit bytes of data, any resulting carry bit would need to be able to ripple or move across the bit patterns starting from the least significant bit (LSB). The most complicated operation the half adder can do is 1 + 1 but as the half adder has no carry input the resultant added value would be incorrect. One simple way to overcome this problem is to use a Full Adder type binary adder circuit. The Full Adder Circuit The main difference between the Full Adder and the previous seen Half Adder is that a full adder has three inputs, the same two single bit binary inputs A and B as before plus an additional Carry-In (C-in) input as shown below. Full Adder with Carry-In

Figure 12 The single bits are added together and "0 + 0", "0 + 1", or "1 + 0" results in a sum of "0" or "1" until you get to "1 + 1" then the sum is equal to "2". For a simple 1-bit addition problem like this, the resulting carry bit could be ignored which would result in an output truth table resembling that of an Ex-OR Gate as seen in the Logic Gates section and whose result is the sum of the two bits but without the carry. An Ex-OR gate only produces an output "1" when either input is at logic "1", but not both. However, all microprocessors and electronic calculators require the carry bit to correctly calculate the equations so we need to rewrite them to include 2 bits of output data as shown below.

00 + 00

00 + 01

01 + 00

01 + 01

inputs A and B change, the sum at its output will not be valid until any carry-input has "rippled" through every full adder in the chain. Consequently, there will be a finite delay before the output of a adder responds to a change in its inputs resulting in the accumulated delay especially in large multi-bit binary adders becoming prohibitively large. This delay is called Propagation delay. Also "overflow" occurs when an n-bit adder adds two numbers together whose sum is greater than or equal to 2n One solution is to generate the carry-input signals directly from the A and B inputs rather than using the ripple arrangement above. This then produces another type of binary adder circuit called a Carry Look Ahead Binary Adder were the speed of the parallel adder can be greatly improved using carry-look ahead logic. The 4-bit Binary Subtractor Now that we know how to "ADD" together two 4-bit binary numbers how would we subtract two 4-bit binary numbers, for example, A - B using the circuit above. The answer is to use 2s-complement notation on all the bits in B must be complemented (inverted) and an extra one added using the carry-input. This can be achieved by inverting each B input bit using an inverter or NOT-gate.

Figure 14 The 1-bit Full Adder circuit above is basically two half adders connected together and consists of three Ex-OR gates, two AND gates and an OR gate, six logic gates in total. The truth table for the full adder includes an additional column to take into account the Carry-in input as well as the summed output and carry-output. 4-bit full adder circuits are available as standard IC packages in the form of the TTL 74LS83 or the 74LS283 which can add together two 4-bit binary numbers and generate a SUM and a CARRY output. But what if we wanted to add together two n-bit numbers, then n 1-bit full adders need to be connected together to produce what is known as the Ripple Carry Adder. The 4-bit Binary Adder The Ripple Carry Binary Adder is simply n, full adders cascaded together with each full adder represents a single weighted column in the long addition with the carry signals producing a ripple effect through the binary adder from right to left. For example, suppose we want to add together two 4-bit numbers, the two outputs of the first full adder will provide the first place digit sum of the addition plus a carry-out bit that acts as the carry-in digit of the next binary adder. The second binary adder in the chain also produces a summed nd output (the 2 bit) plus another carry-out bit and we can keep adding more full adders to the combination to add larger numbers, linking the carry bit output from the first full binary adder to the next full adder, and so forth. An example of a 4-bit adder is given below. A 4-bit Binary Adder

Figure 16 Also, in the above circuit for the 4-bit binary adder, the first carry-in input is held LOW at logic "0", for the circuit to perform subtraction this input needs to be held HIGH at "1". With this in mind a ripple carry adder can with a small modification be used to perform half subtraction, full subtraction and/or comparison. There is a number of 4-bit full-adder ICs available such as the 74LS283 and CD4008. This will add two 4-bit binary numbers and provide an additional input carry bit, as well as an output carry bit, so you can cascade them together to produce 8-bit, 12-bit, 16-bit, etc. C. Development Began with the virtual armed adder circuit in multisim and taking into account the over sized in mind and with the codec datasheet and adder needed to work in conjunction with our display.

Figure 15 One main disadvantage of "cascading" together 1-bit binary adders to add large binary numbers is that if

Figure 17 Once after having run the simulated right and continued with the building of the physical circuit. Figure 20 D. Conclusions The conclusion was reached an agreement that both the building as in the simulation were a few setbacks were due to faults, especially in the building, and that was because the chips were defective or poorly connected one thing but in spite of that they arrived just practice so learning how useful are the displays Figure 18 Is performed the same way for the creation of subtraction IV. REFERENCES. [1] Roger Tokeheim Principios digitales, Mc-Graw Hill 3th. [2] TOCCI Sistemas digitales, principios y aplicaciones, Prentice Hall 8th.

Figure 19

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