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Character List (Major characters) Steve Harmon He is a sixteen-year-old young African American man who has been arrested

for acting as the . lookout in a robbery that goes bad and ends in a murder. He is the narrator of the story, writing it in the form of a screenplay interspersed with his journal entries . . Kathy O'BrienShe is Steve's defense attorney who uses his character traits before the crime and makes sure she distances him from the other defendants as a way of getting a not guilty verdict. Sandra Petrocelli She is the Assistant District Attorney who prosecutes the case against Steve andJames King. She labels them "monsters." James King An African American man who is also young, but older than Steve. He encourages Steve to be part of his crew, which will rob the drugstore. He is accused of being in the drugstore, wrestling Mr. Nesbitt for the gun, and ultimately shooting the older man to death. AsaBriggs He is the defense attorney who is representing James King and trying to get the jury to fmd him not guilty. Richard "Bobo" Evans He is the other young man accused of being in the store at the time of the murder. He admits to stealing the money and grabbing the cartons of cigarettes while King is wrestling Nesbitt for the gun. He makes a deal with the prosecution to testify-against King and Steve to get a lighter sentence. Osvaldo Cruz He is another participant in the crime. It was his job to stand outside and trip up anyone who tries to catch them after they rob the store. He claims he did it because he was afraid of Bobo, but he is a member of a street gang and slashed someone's face to be accepted into the gang. Minor Characters Lorelle Henry She is a grandmother who was in the drugstore at the time of the murder. She testifies that she. saw two men in the drugstore, and she picks James King from a handful of photos and then from a lineup. Jose Delgado He worked in the drugstore and found Mr. Nesbitt's body. He also determined that several cartons of cigarettes had been stolen along with money from the cash register. Steve's parents They are depicted as hard-working people who have tried to raise their sons right. Steve's mother continues to believe in him no matter what, but his father looks at him like he doesn't really know him.

Dorothy Moore James King's cousin, she testifies that James had brought hera new lamp for Christmas at the time of the murder. SalZinzi An inmate in prison who testified he heard another prisoner. talking about buying cigarettes from . a guy who helq up a drugstore where the owner was killed . . Wendell Bolden. '.'. A prisoner who testified that he bought cigarettes "from Bobo Evans. He"also testified that Bobo told him a man was killed during the drugstore robbery. . George Nipping .

.He testifies that James King is left-handed which creates reasonable doubt that King committed
the crime since it was more likely that Mr. Nesbitt was shot by a right-handed perpetrator. His' . testimony is weak, however, because the perpetrator was wrestling with Mr. Nesbitt over the gun. '. Alguinaldo Nesbitt The victim of the crime, he is depicted as a decent, hard-working citizen who lost his life in defense of his property. However, his characterisn'twell presented because the focus of the story is Steve and the other voung men on trial.

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