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Law of Contracts
1.1 NATURE OF CONTRACT (Sections 1-2)
We enter into contracts day after day. Taking a seat in a bus amounts to entering into a contract. When you put a coin in the slot of a weighing machine, you have entered into a contract. You go to a restaurant and take snacks, you have entered into a contract. In such cases, we do not even realise that we are making a contract. In the case of people engaged in trade, commerce and industry, they carry on business by entering into contracts. The law relating to contracts is to be found in the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The law of contracts differs from other branches of law in a very important respect. It does not lay down so many precise rights and duties which the law will protect and enforce; it contains rather a number of limiting principles, subject to which the parties may create rights and duties for themselves, and the law will uphold those rights and duties. Thus, we can say that the parties to a contract, in a sense make the law for themselves. So long as they do not transgress some legal prohibition, they can frame any rules they like in regard to the subject matter of their contract and the law will give effect to their contract.

Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines a contract as an agreement enforceable by law. Section 2(e) defines agreement as every promise and every set of promises forming consideration for each other. Section 2(b) defines promise in these words: When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal when accepted, becomes a promise. From the above definition of promise, it is obvious that an agreement is an accepted proposal. The two elements of an agreement are: (i) offer or a proposal; and (ii) An acceptance of that offer or proposal.

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What agreements are contracts? All agreements are not studied under the Indian Contract Act, as some of them are not contracts. Only those agreements which are enforceable at law are contracts. The Contract Act is the law of those agreements which create obligations, and in case of a breach of a promise by one party to the agreement, the other has a legal remedy. Thus, a contract consists of two elements: (i) an agreement; and (ii) legal obligation, i.e., it should be enforceable at law. However, there are some agreements which are not enforceable in a law court. Such agreements do not give rise to contractual obligations and are not contracts.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A invites B for dinner in a restaurant. B accepts the invitation. On the appointed day, B goes to the restaurant. To his utter surprise A is not there. Or A is there but refuses to entertain B. B has no remedy against A. In case A is present in the restaurant but B fails to turn up, then A has no remedy against B. (2) A gives a promise to his son to give him a pocket allowance of Rupees one hundred every month. In case A fails or refuses to give his son the promised amount, his son has no remedy against A.

In the above examples promises are not enforceable at law as there was no intention to create legal obligations. Such agreements are social agreements which do not give rise to legal consequences. This shows that an agreement is a broader term than a contract. And, therefore, a contract is an agreement but an agreement is not necessarily a contract. What obligations are contractual in nature? We have seen above that the law of contracts is not the whole law of agreements. Similarly, all legal obligations are not contractual in nature. A legal obligation having its source in an agreement only will give rise to a contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agrees to sell his motor bicycle to B for Rs. 5,000. The agreement gives rise to a legal obligation on the part of A to deliver the motor bicycle to B and on the part of B to pay Rs. 5,000 to A. The agreement is a contract. If A does not deliver the motor bicycle, then B can go to a court of law and file a suit against A for non-performance of the promise on the part of A. On the other hand, if A has already given the delivery of the motor bicycle and B refuses to make the payment of price, A can go to the court of law and file a suit against B for non-performance of promise.

Similarly, agreements to do an unlawful, immoral or illegal act, for example, smuggling or murdering a person, cannot be enforceable at law. Besides, certain agreements have been specifically declared void or unenforceable under the Indian Contract Act. For instance, an agreement to bet (Wagering agreement) (S. 30), an agreement in restraint of trade (S. 27), an agreement to do an impossible act (S. 56).

Law of Contracts I-5

An obligation which does not have its origin in an agreement does not give rise to a contract. Some of such obligations are 1. 2. 3. 4. Torts or civil wrongs; Quasi-contract; Judgments of courts, i.e., Contracts of Records; Relationship between husband and wife, trustee and beneficiary, i.e., status obligations.

These obligations are not contractual in nature, but are enforceable in a court of law. Thus, Salmond has rightly observed: The law of Contracts is not the whole law of agreements nor is it the whole law of obligations. It is the law of those agreements which create obligations, and those obligations which have, their source in agreements. Law of Contracts creates rights in personam as distinguished from rights in rem. Rights in rem are generally in regard to some property as for instance to recover land in an action of ejectment. Such rights are available against the whole world. Rights in personam are against or in respect of a specific person and not against the world at large.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A owns a plot of land. He has a right to have quiet possession and enjoyment of the same. In other words every member of the public is under obligation not to disturb his quiet possession and enjoyment. This right of A against the whole world is known as right in rem. (2) A is indebted to B for Rs. 100. It is the right of B to recover the amount from A. This right of B against A is known as right in personam. It may be noted that no one else (except B) has a right to recover the amount from A.

The law of contracts is concerned with rights in personam only and not with rights in rem.


We have seen above that the two elements of a contract are: (1) an agreement; (2) legal obligation. Section 10 of the Act provides for some more elements which are essential in order to constitute a valid contract. It reads as follows: All agreements are contracts if they arc made by free consent of parties, competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object and are not hereby expressly declared to be void. Thus, the essential elements of a valid contract can be summed up as follows 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Agreement. Intention to create legal relationship. Free and genuine consent. Parties competent to contract. Lawful consideration. Lawful object. Agreements not declared void or illegal.

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8. Certainty of meaning. 9. Possibility of performance. 10. Necessary Legal Formalities. These essential elements are explained briefly. 1. Agreement. As already mentioned, to constitute a contract there must be an agreement. An agreement is composed of two elements offer and acceptance. The party making the offer is known as the offeror, the party to whom the offer is made is known as the offeree. Thus, there are essentially to be two parties to an agreement. They both must be thinking of the same thing in the same sense. In other words, there must be consensus-ad-idem. Thus, where A who owns 2 cars x and y wishes to sell car x for Rs. 30,000. B, an acquaintance of A does not know that A owns car x also. He thinks that A owns only car y and is offering to sell the same for the stated price. He gives his acceptance to buy the same. There is no contract because the contracting parties have not agreed on the same thing at the same time, A offering to sell his car x and B agreeing to buy car y. There is no consensus-ad-idem. 2. Intention to create legal relationship. As already mentioned there should be an intention on the part of the parties to the agreement to create a legal relationship. An agreement of a purely social or domestic nature is not a contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A husband agreed to pay 30 to his wife every month while he was abroad. As he failed to pay the promised amount, his wife sued him for the recovery of the amount. Held: She could not recover as it was a social agreement and the parties did not intend to create any legal relations.[Balfour v. Balfour (1919)2 K.B. 571].

However, even in the case of agreements of purely social or domestic nature, there may be intention of the parties to create legal obligations. In that case, the social agreement is intended to have legal consequences and, therefore, becomes a contract. Whether or not such an agreement is intended to have legal consequences will be determined with reference to the facts of the case. In commercial and business agreements the law will presume that the parties entering into agreement intend those agreements to have legal consequences. However, this presumption may be negatived by express terms to the contrary. Similarly, in the case of agreements of purely domestic and social nature, the presumption is that they do not give rise to legal consequences. However, this presumption is rebuttable by giving evidence to the contrary, i.e., by showing that the intention of the parties was to create legal obligations.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) There was an agreement between Rose Company and Crompton Company, whereof the former were appointed selling agents in North America for the latter. One of the clauses included in the agreement was: This arrangement is not ... a formal or legal agreement and shall not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts.

Law of Contracts I-7 Held that: this agreement was not a legally binding contract as the parties intended not to have legal consequences [Rose and Frank Co. v. J.R. Crompton and Bros. Ltd. (1925) A.C. 445]. (2) An agreement contained a clause that it shall not give rise to any legal relationships, or be legally enforceable, but binding in honour only. Held: The agreement did not give rise to legal relations and, therefore, was not a contract. [Jones v. Vernons Pools Ltd. (1938) 2 All E.R. 626]. (3) An aged couple (C and his wife) held out a promise by correspondence to their niece and her husband (Mrs. and Mr. P.) that C would leave them a portion of his estate in his will, if Mrs. and Mr. P would sell their cottage and come to live with the aged couple and to share the household and other expenses. The young couple sold their cottage and started living with the aged couple. But the two couples subsequently quaralled and the aged couple repudiated the agreement by requiring the young couple to stay somewhere else. The young couple filed a suit against the aged couple for the breach of promise. Held: That there was intention to create legal relations and the young couple could recover damages. [Parker v. Clark (1960) 1 W.L.R. 286.].

3. Free and genuine consent. The consent of the parties to the agreement must be free and genuine. The consent of the parties should not be obtained by misrepresentation, fraud, undue influence, coercion or mistake. If the consent is obtained by any of these flaws, then the contract is not valid. 4. Parties competent to contract. The parties to a contract should be competent to enter into a contract. According to Section 11, every person is competent to contract if he (i) is of the age of majority, (ii) is of sound mind, and (iii) is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. Thus, there may be a flaw in capacity of parties to the contract. The flaw in capacity may be due to minority, lunacy, idiocy, drunkenness or status. If a party to a contract suffers from any of these flaws, the contract is unenforceable except in certain exceptional circumstances. 5. Lawful Consideration. The agreement must be supported by consideration on both sides. Each party to the agreement must give or promise something and receive something or a promise in return. Consideration is the price for which the promise of the other is sought. However, this price need not be in terms of money. In case the promise is not supported by consideration, the promise will be nudum pactum (a bare promise) and is not enforceable at law. Moreover, the consideration must be real and lawful. 6. Lawful object. The object of the agreement must be lawful and not one which the law disapproves. 7. Agreements not declared illegal or void. There are certain agreements which have been expressly declared illegal or void by the law. In such cases, even if the agreement possesses all the elements of a valid agreement, the agreement will not be enforceable at law. 8. Certainty of meaning. The meaning of the agreement must be certain or capable of being made certain otherwise the agreement will not be enforceable at law. For instance, A agrees to sell 10 metres of cloth. There is nothing whatever to show what type of cloth was intended. The agreement is not enforceable for want of certainty of meaning. If, on the other hand, the special description of the cloth is

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expressly stated, say Terrycot (80 : 20), the agreement would be enforceable as there is no uncertainty as to its meaning. However, an agreement to agree is not a concluded contract [Punit Beriwala v. Suva Sanyal AIR 1998 Cal. 44]. 9. Possibility of Performance. The terms of the agreement should be capable of performance. An agreement to do an act impossible in itself cannot be enforced. For instance, A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. The agreement cannot be enforced. 10. Necessary Legal Formalities. A contract may be oral or in writing. If, however, a particular type of contract is required by law to be in writing, it must comply with the necessary formalities as to writing, registration and attestation, if necessary. If these legal formalities are not carried out, then the contract is not enforceable at law.


Contracts may be classified in terms of their (1) validity or enforceability, (2) mode of formation, or (3) performance. 1. Classification according to validity or enforceability. Contracts may be classified according to their validity as (i) valid, (ii) voidable, (iii) void contracts or agreements, (iv) illegal or (v) unenforceable. A contract to constitute a valid contract must have all the essential elements discussed earlier. If one or more of these elements is/are missing, the contract is voidable, void, illegal or unenforceable. As per Section 2 (i) a voidable contract is one which may be repudiated at the will of one of the parties, but until it is so repudiated it remains valid and binding. It is affected by a flaw (e.g., simple misrepresentation, fraud, coercion, undue influence), and the presence of anyone of these defects enables the party aggrieved to take steps to repudiate the contract. It shows that the consent of the party who has the discretion to repudiate it was not free.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, a man enfeebled by disease or age, is induced by Bs influence over him as his medical attendant to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional services. B employs undue influence. As consent is not free; he can take steps to set the contract aside.

An agreement which is not enforceable by either of the parties to it is void [Section 2(i)]. Such an agreement is without any legal effect ab initio (from the very beginning). Under the law, an agreement with a minor is void (Section 11). A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable [Section 2(i)].
I Example _______________________________________________________________

(1) A and B contract to marry each other. Before the lime fixed for the marriage, A goes mad. The contract becomes void.

Law of Contracts I-9 (2) A contracts to take indigo for B to a foreign port. As government afterwards declares war against the country in which the port is situated. The contract becomes void when war is declared.

In the above two examples, the contracts were valid at the time of formation. They became void afterwards. In example (1) the contract became void by subsequent impossibility. In example (2) the contract became void by subsequent illegality.1 It is misnomer to use a void contract as originally entered into. In fact, in that case there is no contract at all. It may be called a void agreement. However, a contract originally valid may become void later. An illegal agreement is one of the consideration or object of which (1) is forbidden by law; or (2) defeats the provisions of any law; or (3) is fraudulent; or (4) involves or implies injury to the person or property of another; or (5) the court regards it as immoral, or opposed to public policy.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A, B and C enter into an agreement for the division among them of gains acquired or to be acquired, by them by fraud. The agreement is illegal. 2. A promises to obtain for B an employment in the public service, and B promises to pay rupees 1,000 to A. The agreement is illegal.

Every agreement of which the object or consideration is unlawful is not only void as between immediate parties but also taints the collateral transactions with illegality. In Bombay, the wagering agreements have been declared unlawful by statute.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A bets with B in Bombay and loses; makes a request to C for a loan, who pays B in settlement of As losses. C cannot recover from A because this is money paid under or in respect of a wagering transaction which is illegal in Bombay.

An unenforceable contract is neither void nor voidable, but it cannot be enforced in the court because it lacks some item of evidence such as writing, registration or stamping. For instance, an agreement which is required to be stamped will be unenforceable if the same is not stamped at all or is under-stamped. In such a case, if the stamp is required merely for revenue purposes, as in the case of a receipt for payment of cash, the required stamp may be affixed on payment of penalty and the defect is then cured and the contract becomes enforceable. If, however, the technical defect cannot be cured the contract remains unenforceable, e.g., in the case of an unstamped bill of exchange or promissory note. Contracts which must be in writing. The following must be in writing, a requirement laid down by statute in each case:
1. Other examples of contracts becoming void are: (a) a contingent contract to do or not to do anything if an uncertain future event happens becomes void if the event becomes impossible (Section 32). (b) a contract voidable at the option of the promisee, becomes void when the promisee exercises his option by avoiding the contract. (Sections 19; 19A).

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(a) A negotiable instrument, such as a bill of exchange, cheque, promissory note (The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881). (b) A Memorandum and Articles of Association of a company, an application for shares in a company; an application for transfer of shares in a company (The Companies Act, 1956). (c) A promise to pay a time-barred debt (Section 25 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872). (d) A lease, gift, sale or mortgage of immovable property (The Transfer of Property Act, 1882). Some of the contracts and documents evidencing contracts are, in addition to be in writing, required to be registered also. These are: (1) Documents coming within the purview of Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908. (2) Transfer of immovable property under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. (3) Contracts without consideration but made on account of natural love and affection between parties standing in a near relation to each other (Section 25, The Indian Contract Act, 1872). (4) Memorandum of Association, and Articles of Association of a Company, Mortgages and Charges (The Companies Act, 1956). 2. Classification According to Mode of Formation. There are different modes of formation of a contract. The terms of a contract may be stated in words (written or spoken). This is an express contract. Also the terms of a contract may be inferred from the conduct of the parties or from the circumstances of the case. This is an implied contract (Section 9).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

If A enters into a bus for going to his destination and takes a seat, the law will imply a contract from the very nature of the circumstances, and the commuter will be obliged to pay for the journey.

We have seen that the essence of a valid contract is that it is based on agreement of the parties. Sometimes, however, obligations are created by law (regardless of agreement) whereby an obligation is imposed on a party and an action is allowed to be brought by another party. These obligations are known as quasi-contracts. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 (Chapter V Sections 68-72) describes them as certain relations resembling those created by contract.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A supplies B, a minor, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. A is entitled to be reimbursed from Bs property. (2) A supplies the wife and children of B, a minor, with necessaries suitable to their condition in life. A is entitled to be reimbursed from Bs property. (3) A, a tradesman, leaves goods at Bs house by mistake. B treats the goods as his own. B is bound to pay A for them.

In all the above cases, the law implies a contract and a person who has got benefit is under an obligation to reimburse the other.

Law of Contracts I-11

CLASSIFICATION/TYPES OF CONTRACTS 1. From the point of view of enforceability

(a) Valid contracts (b) Voidable contracts (c) Void contracts or agreements (d) Illegal Agreements (e) Unenforceable Agreements (Certain contracts must be in writing)
2. According to Mode of Formation

(a) Express contract (b) Implied contract (c) Quasi-contracts

3. According to Performance

(a) Executed (b) Executory (c) Uni-lateral

3. Classification According to Performance. Another method of classifying contracts is in terms of the extent to which they have been performed. Accordingly, contracts are: (1) executed, and (2) executory or (1) unilateral, and (2) bilateral. An executed contract is one wholly performed. Nothing remains to be done in terms of the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracts to buy a bicycle from B for cash. A pays cash. B delivers the bicycle.

An executory contract is one which is wholly unperformed, or in which there remains something further to be done.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

On June 1, A agrees to buy a bicycle from B. The contract is to be performed on June 15.

The executory contract becomes an executed one when completely performed. For instance, in the above example, if both A and B perform their obligations on June 15, the contract becomes executed. However, if in terms of the contract performance of promise by one party is to precede performance by another party then the contract is still executory, though it has been performed by one party.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

On June 1, A agrees to buy a bicycle from B. B has to deliver the bicycle on June 15 and A has to pay price on July 1. B delivers the bicycle on June 15. The contract is executory as something remains to be done in terms of the contract.

A Unilateral Contract is one wherein at the time the contract is concluded there is an obligation to perform on the part of one party only.

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I Example _______________________________________________________________

A makes payment for bus fare for his journey from Bombay to Pune. He has performed his promise. It is now for the transport company to perform the promise.

A Bilateral Contract is one wherein there is an obligation on the part of both to do or to refrain from doing a particular thing. In this sense, Bilateral contracts are similar to executory contracts. An important corollary can be deduced from the distinction between Executed and Executory Contracts and between Unilateral and Bilateral contracts. It is that a contract is a contract from the time it is made and not from the time its performance is due. The performance of the contract can be made at the time when the contract is made or it can be postponed also. See examples above under Executory Contract. Classification of Contracts in the English Law. In English Law, contracts are classified into (a) Formal Contracts and (b) Simple Contracts. Formal contracts are those whose validity or legal force is based upon form alone. Formal Contracts can be either (a) contracts of record or (b) contracts under seal or by deed or speciality contracts. No consideration is necessary in the case of Formal Contracts. Such contracts do not find any place under Indian Law as consideration is necessary under Section 25 (of course there are some exceptions to the principle that a contract without consideration is void). Contracts of Record are not contracts in the real sense as the consensus-ad-idem is lacking. They are only obligations imposed by the court upon a party to do or refrain from doing something. A Contract of Record is either (i) a judgement of a court or (ii) recognizance. An obligation imposed by the judgement of a court and entered upon its records is often called a Contract of Record.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A is indebted to B for Rs. 500 under a contract. A fails to pay. B sues A and gets a judgement in his favour. The previous right of B to obtain Rs. 500 from A is replaced by the judgment in his favour and execution may be levied upon A to enforce payment, if need be.

A Recognizance is a written acknowledgement to the crown by a criminal that on default by him to appear in the court or to keep peace or to be of good conduct, he is bound to pay to the crown a certain sum of money. This is also an obligation imposed upon him by the court. A contract with the following characteristics is known as a contract under seal or by deed or a contract of speciality; (i) It is in writing, (ii) It is signed, (iii) It is sealed, and (iv) It is delivered by the parties to the contract. These contracts are used in English Law for various transactions such as conveyances of land, a lease of property for more than three years, contracts made by corporations, contracts made without consideration. Under the Indian Contract Act also, a speciality contract is recognised if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the contract must be in writing (2) it must be registered according to the law of registration of documents, (3) it must be between parties standing in near relation to each other, and (4) it should proceed out of natural love and affection between the parties (Section 25 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872).

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All contracts other than the formal contracts are called simple or parol contracts. They may be made: (i) orally, (ii) in writing, or (iii) implied by conduct.

1.3 OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE [Sections 3-9 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872]
A Proposal is defined as when one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal. [Section 2(a)]. An offer is synonymous with proposal. The offeror or proposer expresses his willingness to do or not to do (i.e., abstain from doing) something with a view to obtain acceptance of the other party to such act or abstinence. Thus, there may be positive or negative acts which the proposer is willing to do.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A offers to sell his book to B. A is making an offer to do something, i.e., to sell his book. It is a positive act on the part of the proposer. (2) A offers not to file a suit against B, if the latter pays A the amount of Rs. 200 outstanding. Here the act of A is a negative one, i.e., he is offering to abstain from filing a suit.


An offer can be made by (a) any act or (b) omission of the party proposing by which he intends to communicate such proposal or which has the effect of communicating it to the other (Section 3). An offer can be made by an act in the following ways: (a) by words (whether written or oral). The written offer can be made by letters, telegrams, telex messages, advertisements, etc. The oral offer can be made either in person or over telephone. (b) by conduct. The offer may be made by positive acts or signs so that the person acting or making signs means to say or convey. However silence of a party can in no case amount to offer by conduct. An offer can also be made by a party by omission (to do something). This includes such conduct or forbearance on ones part that the other person takes it as his willingness or assent. An offer implied from the conduct of the parties or from the circumstances of the case is known as implied offer.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A proposes, by letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. This is an offer by an act by written words (i.e., letter). This is also an express offer.

I-14 Business and Corporate Laws (2) A proposes, over telephone, to sell a house to B at a certain price. This is an offer by act (by oral words). This is an express offer. (3) A owns a motor boat for taking people from Bombay to Goa. The boat is in the waters at the Gateway of India. This is an offer by conduct to take passengers from Bombay to Goa. He need not speak or call the passengers. The very fact that his motor boat is in the waters near Gateway of India signifies his willingness to do an act with a view to obtaining the assent of the other. This is an example of an implied offer. (4) A offers not to file a suit against B, if the latter pays A the amount of Rs. 200 outstanding. This is an offer by abstinence or omission to do something.

Specific and General Offer. An offer can be made either: 1. to a definite person or a group of persons, or 2. to the public at large. The first mode of making offer is known as specific offer and the second is known as a general offer. In case of the specific offer, it may be accepted by that person or group of persons to whom the same has been made. The general offer may be accepted by any one by complying with the terms of the offer. The celebrated case of Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co., (1813) 1 Q.B. 256 is an excellent example of a general offer and is explained below.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A offers to sell his house to B at a certain price. The offer has been made to a definite person, i.e., B. It is only B who can accept it [Boulton v. Jones (1857) 2H. and N. 564.]2 (2) In Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.s case (supra), the patent-medicine company advertised that it would give a reward of 100 to anyone who contracted influenza after using the smoke balls of the company for a certain period according to the printed directions. Mrs. Carlill purchased the advertised smoke ball and contracted influenza in spite of using the smoke ball according to the printed instructions. She claimed the reward of 100. The claim was resisted by the company on the ground that offer was not made to her and that in any case she had not communicated her acceptance of the offer. She filed a suit for the recovery of the reward. Held: She could recover the reward as she had accepted the offer by complying with the terms of the offer.

The general offer creates for the offeror liability in favour of any person who happens to fulfil the conditions of the offer. It is not at all necessary for the offeree to be known to the offeror at the time when the offer is made. He may be a stranger, but by complying with the conditions of the offer, he is deemed to have accepted the offer.


For facts or this case, please refer to page I-20.

Law of Contracts I-15


An offer must have certain essentials in order to constitute it a valid offer. These are: 1. The offer must be made with a view to obtain acceptance [Section 2(a)]. 2. The offer must be made with the intention of creating legal relations. [Balfour v. Balfour (1919) 2 K.B. 571.]3 3. The terms of offer must be definite, unambiguous and certain or capable of being made certain (Section 29). The terms of the offer must not be loose, vague or ambiguous.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A offers to sell to B a hundred quintals of oil. There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The offer is not capable of being accepted for want of certainty. (2) A who is a dealer in coconut oil only, offers to sell to B one hundred quintals of oil. The nature of As trade affords an indication of the meaning of the words, and there is a valid offer.

4. An offer must be distinguished from (a) a mere declaration of intention or (b) an invitation to offer or to treat.


A person may make a statement without any intention of creating a binding obligation. It may amount to a mere declaration of intention and not to a proposal.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) An auctioneer, N advertised that a sale of office furniture would take place at a particular place. H travelled down about 100 Km. to attend the sale but found the furniture was withdrawn from the sale. H sued the auctioneer for his loss of time and expenses. Held: N was not liable [Harris v. Lickerson. (1875) L.R.SQ.B 286.]. (2) A father wrote to his would-be son-in-law that his daughter would have a share of what he would leave at the time of his death. At the time of death, the son-in-law staked his claim in the property left by the deceased. Held: The son-in-laws claim must fail as there was no offer from his father-in-law creating a binding obligation. It was just a declaration of intention and nothing more [Re Ficus (1900) 1. Ch. 331.].


An offer must be distinguished from invitation to offer. A prospectus issued by a college for admission to various courses is not an offer. It is only an invitation to offer. A prospective student by filling up an application form attached to the prospectus is making the offer.
3. See Page I-6.

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An auctioneer, at the time of auction, invites offers from the would-be-bidders. He is not making a proposal. A display of goods with a price on them in a shop window is construed an invitation to offer and not an offer to sell.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

In a departmental store, there is a self-service. The customers picking up articles and take them to the cashiers desk to pay. The customers action in picking up particular goods is an offer to buy. As soon as the cashier accepts the payment a contract is entered into [Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v. Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd. (1953) 1 Q.B. 401].

Likewise, prospectus issued by a company for subscription of its shares by the members of the public, the price lists, catalogues and quotations are mere invitations to offer. On the basis of the above, we may say that an offer is the final expression of willingness by the offeror to be bound by his offer should the other party choose to accept it. Where a party, without expressing his final willingness, proposes certain terms on which he is willing to negotiate, he does not make an offer, he only invites the other party to make an offer on those terms. This is perhaps the basic distinction between an offer and an invitation to offer. In Harvey v. Facie, the plaintiffs (Harvey) telegraphed to the defendants (Facie), writing: Will you sell us Bumper Hall Pen?4 Telegraph lowest cash price. The defendants replied also by a telegram, Lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen 900. The plaintiffs immediately sent their last telegram stating: We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for 900 asked by you. The defendants refused to sell the plot of land (Bumper Hall Pen) at that price. The plaintiffs contention that by quoting their minimum price in response to the inquiry, the defendants had made an offer to sell at that price, was turned down by the Judicial Committee. Their Lordship pointed out that in their first telegram, the plaintiffs had asked two questions, first as to the willingness to sell and second, as to the lowest price. They reserved their answer as to the willingness to sell. Thus, they had made no offer. The last telegram of the plaintiffs was an offer to buy, but that was never accepted by the defendants. 5. The offer must be communicated to the offeree. An offer must be communicated to the offeree before it can be accepted. This is true of specific as well as general offer.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

G sent S, his servant, to trace his missing nephew. Subsequently, G announced a reward for information relating to the boy. S, traced the boy in ignorance of the announcement regarding reward and informed G. Later, when S came to know of the reward, he claimed it. Held, he was not entitled to the reward on the ground that he could not accept the offer unless he had knowledge of it [Lalman Shukla v. Gauri Dutt, II, A.L.J. 489].

6. The offer must not contain a term the non-compliance of which may be assumed to amount to acceptance. Thus, the offeror cannot say that if the offeree does not accept the offer within two days, the offer would be deemed to have been accepted.
4. Bumper Hall Pen was the name of the real estate.

Law of Contracts I-17

I Example _______________________________________________________________

A tells B I offer to sell my dog to you for Rs. 45. If you do not send in your reply, I shall assume that you have accepted my offer. The offer is not a valid one.

7. A tender is an offer as it is in response to an invitation to offer. Tenders commonly arise where, for example, a hospital invites offers to supply eatables or medicines. The persons filling up the tenders are giving offers. However, a tender may be either: (a) specific or definite; where the offer is to supply a definite quantity of goods, or (b) Standing; where the offer is to supply goods periodically or in accordance with the requirements of the offeree. In the case of a definite tender, the suppliers submit their offers for the supply of specified goods and services. The offeree may accept any tender (generally the lowest one). This will result in a contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A invites tenders for the supply of 10 quintals of sugar. B, C, and D submit their tenders. Bs tender is accepted. The contract is formed immediately the tender is accepted.

In the case of standing offers, the offeror gives an open offer whereby he offers to supply goods or services as required by the offeree. A separate acceptance is made each time an order is placed. Thus, there are as many contracts as are the acts of acceptance.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

The G.N. Railway Co. invited tenders for the supply of stores. W made a tender and the terms of the tender were as follows: To supply the company for 12 months with such quantities of specified articles as the company may order from time to time. The company accepted the tender and placed the orders. W executed the orders as placed from time to time but later refused to execute a particular order. Held: W was bound to supply goods within the terms of the tender [Great Northern Railway v. Witham (1873) L.R. 9 C.P. 16].

The Supreme Court of India in this regard has observed: As soon as an order was placed a contract arose and until then there was no contract. Also each separate order and acceptance constituted a different and distinct contract [Chatturbhuj Vithaldas v. Moreshover Parashram AIR 1954 SC 326]. It is to be noted that if the offeree gives no order or fails to order the full quantity of goods set out in a tender there is no breach of contract. Revocation or Withdrawal of a tender. A tenderer can withdraw his tender before its final acceptance by a work or supply order. This right of withdrawal shall not be affected even if there is a clause in the tender restricting his right to withdraw. A tender will, however, be irrevocable where the tenderer has, on some consideration, promised not to withdraw it or where there is a statutory prohibition against withdrawal [The Secretary of State for India v. Bhaskar Krishnaji Samani AIR 1925 Bom 485].

I-18 Business and Corporate Laws

Special Terms in a Contract: The special terms, forming part of the offer, must be duly brought to the notice of the offeree at the time the offer is made. If it is not done, then there is no valid offer and if offer is accepted. and the contract is formed, the offeree is not bound by the special terms which were not brought to his notice. The terms may be brought to his notice either: (a) by drawing his attention to them specifically, or (b) by inferring that a man of ordinary prudence could find them by exercising ordinary intelligence. (a) The examples of the first case are where certain conditions are written on the back of a ticket for a journey or deposit of luggage in a cloak room and the words, For conditions see back are printed on the face of it. In such a case, the person buying the ticket is bound by whatever conditions are written on the back of the ticket whether he has read them or not.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) P, a passenger deposited a bag in the cloakroom at a Railway Station. The acknowledgement receipt given to him bore, on the face of it, the words See back. One of the conditions printed on the back limited the liability of the Railways for any package to 10. The bag was lost, and P claimed 24. 10s, its value, pleading that he had not read the conditions on the back of the receipt. Held, P was bound by the conditions printed on the back as the company gave reasonable notice on the face of the receipt as to the conditions at the back of the document. [Parker v. South Eastern Rly. Co. (1877) 2 C.P.D. 416]. (2) A lady, L, the owner of a cafe, agreed to purchase a machine and signed the agreement without reading its terms. There was an exemption clause excluding liability of the seller under certain circumstances. The machine proved faulty and she purported to terminate the contract. Held that she could not do so, as the exemption clause protected the seller from the liability [LEstrange v. Grancob Ltd. (1934) 2 R.B. 394]. (3) T purchased a railway ticket, on the face of which the words: For conditions see back were written. One of the conditions excluded liability for injury, however caused. T was illiterate and could not read. She was injured and sued for damages. Held, that the railway company had properly communicated the conditions to her who had constructive notice of the conditions whether she read them or not. The company was not bound to pay any damages. [Thompson v. L.M. and L. Rly. (1930) 1 KB. 417].

(b) The same rule holds good even where the conditions forming part of the offer are printed in a language not understood by the acceptor provided his attention has been drawn to them in a reasonable manner. In such a situation, it is his duty to ask for the translation of the conditions and if he does not do so, he will be presumed to have a constructive notice of the terms of the conditions [Mackillingan v. Campagine de Massangeres Maritimes (1897) 6 Cal. 227J]. If conditions limiting or defining the rights of the acceptor are not brought to his notice, then they will not become part of the offer and he is not bound by them.

Law of Contracts I-19

I Example _______________________________________________________________

A passenger was travelling with luggage from Dublin to Whitehaven on a ticket, on the back of which there was a term which exempted the shipping company from liability for the loss of luggage. He never looked at the back of the ticket and there was nothing on the face of it to draw his attention to the terms on its back. He lost his luggage and sued for damages. Held, he was entitled to damages as he was not bound by something which was not communicated to him. [Henderson v. Stevenson (1875) 2 H.L.S.C. 470].

Also, if the conditions are contained in a document which is delivered after the contract is complete, then the offeree is not bound by them. Such a document is considered a non-contractual document as it is not supposed to contain the conditions of the contract. For instance, if a tourist driving into Mussoorie, receives a ticket upon paying toll tax, he might reasonably assume that the object of the ticket was that by producing it he might be free from paying toll at some other toll-tax barrier, and might put in his pocket without reading the same. The ticket is just a receipt or a voucher.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

C hired a chair from the Municipal Council in order to sit on the beach. He paid the rent and received a ticket from an attendant. On the back of the ticket, there was a clause exempting the Council for any accident or damage arising from hire of chairs. C sustained personal injuries as the chair broke down while he was sitting therein. He sued for damages. Held, that the Council was liable. [Chapleton v. Barry U.D.C. (1940) 1 K.B. 532].

From the illustrations given it may be concluded that whether the offeree will be bound by the special conditions or not will depend on whether or not he had or could have had notice by exercising ordinary diligence. Detailed observations with respect to printed conditions on a receipt were made by the Bombay High Court in R.S. Deboo v. M.V. Hindlekar, AIR 1995 Bom. 68. These observations are: 1. Terms and conditions printed on the reverse of a receipt issued by the owner of the laundry or any other bailee do not necessarily form part of the contract of bailment in the absence of the signature of the bailor (customer) on the document relied upon. The onus is on the bailee to prove that the attention of the bailor was drawn to the special conditions before contract was concluded and the bailor had consented to them as contractual terms. 2. It cannot be just assumed that the printed conditions appearing on the reverse of the receipt automatically become contractual terms or part of the contract of bailment. 3. In certain situations, the receipt cannot be considered as a contractual document as such, it is a mere acknowledgement of entrustment of certain articles.

Where two parties make identical offers to each other, in ignorance of each others offer, the offers are known as cross-offers and neither of the two can be called an acceptance of the other and, therefore, there is no contract.

I-20 Business and Corporate Laws

I Example _______________________________________________________________

H wrote to T offering to sell him 800 tons of iron at 69s. per ton. On the same day T wrote to H offering to buy 800 tons at 69s. Their letters crossed in the post. T contended that there was a good contract. Held: that there was no contract. [Tinn v. Hoffman & Co. (1873) 29 L.T. Exa. 271].


An offer is made with a view to obtain assent thereto. As soon as the offer is accepted it becomes a contract. But before it is accepted, it may lapse, or may be revoked. Also, the offeree may reject the offer. In these cases, the offer will come to an end. (1) The offer lapses after stipulated or reasonable time. [Section 6(2)] The offer must be accepted by the offeree within the time mentioned in the offer and if no time is mentioned, then within a reasonable time. The offer lapses after the time stipulated in the offer expires if by that time offer has not been accepted. If no time is specified, then the offer lapses within a reasonable time. What is a reasonable time is a question of fact and would depend upon the circumstances of each case.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

M offered to purchase shares in a company by writing a letter on June 8. The company allotted the shares on 23rd November. M refused the shares. Held, that the offer lapsed as it was not accepted within a reasonable time. [Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co. v. Montefiore (1860) L.R.I. Ex. 109.].

(2) An offer lapses by the death or insanity of the offeror or the offeree before acceptance. Section 6(4) provides that a proposal is revoked by the death or insanity of the proposer, if the fact of his death or insanity comes to the knowledge of the acceptor before acceptance. Therefore, if the acceptance is made in ignorance of the death, or insanity of offeror, there would be a valid contract. Similarly, in the case of the death of offeree before acceptance, the offer is terminated. (3) An offer terminates when rejected by the offeree. (4) An offer terminates when revoked by the offeror before acceptance. (5) An offer terminates by not being accepted in the mode prescribed, or if no mode is prescribed, in some usual and reasonable manner. (6) A conditional offer terminates when the condition is not accepted by the offeree.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A proposes to B I can sell my house to you for Rs. 12,000 provided you lease out your land to me. If B refuses to lease out the land, the offer would be terminated.

(7) Counter Offer. An offer terminates by counter-offer by the offeree. When in place of accepting the terms of an offer as they are, the offeree accepts the same subject to certain condition or qualification, he is said to make a counter-offer. The following have been held to be counter-offers:

Law of Contracts I-21

(i) Where an offer to purchase a house with a condition that possession shall be given on a particular day was accepted varying the date for possession [Routledge v. Grant (1828) 130 E.R. 920]. (ii) An offer to buy a property was accepted upon a condition that the buyer signed an agreement which contained special terms as to payment of deposit, making out title completion date, the agreement having been returned unsigned by the buyer [Jones v. Daniel (1894) 2 Ch. 332]. (iii) An offer to sell rice was accepted with an endorsement on the sold and bought note that yellow and wet grain will not be accepted [Ali Shain v. Moothia Chetty, 2 Bom L.R. 556]. (iv) Where an acceptance of a proposal for insurance was accepted in all its terms subject to the condition that there shall be no assurance till the first premium was paid [Sir Mohamed Yusuf v. S. of S. for India 22 Bom. L.R. 872].
TERMINATION OF AN OFFER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. An offer lapses after stipulated or reasonable time. An offer lapses by the death or insanity of the offeror or the offeree before acceptance. An offer lapses on rejection. An offer terminates when revoked. It terminates by counter-offer. It terminates by not being accepted in the mode prescribed or in usual and reasonable manner. A conditional offer terminates when condition is not accepted.

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines an acceptance as follows: When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted [Section 2 (b)]. Thus, acceptance is the act of giving consent to the proposal. A proposal when accepted becomes a contract. Acceptance how made? As mentioned above, the offeree is deemed to have given his acceptance when he gives his assent to the proposal. The assent may be express or implied. It is express when the acceptance has been signified either in writing, or by word of mouth, or by performance of some required act. The first two kinds of acceptance are self-explanatory. Acceptance by performing the required act is exemplified in the case of Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.5
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A trader receives an order from a customer and executes the order by sending the goods. The customers order for goods constitutes the offer which was accepted by the trader by
5. Explained earlier on page I-12.

I-22 Business and Corporate Laws sending the goods. It is a case of acceptance by conduct. Here the trader is accepting the offer by the performance of the act. (2) A loses his dog and announces a reward of Rs. 50 to anyone who brings his dog to him. B need not convey his acceptance of the general offer. If he finds the dog and gives it to A, he is entitled to the reward as he accepted the offer by doing the required act.

Acceptance is implied when it is to be gathered from the surrounding circumstances or the conduct of the parties.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A enters into a bus for going to his destination and takes a seat. From the very nature of the circumstance, the law will imply acceptance on the part of A. (2) Parker v. Clark (1960) 1 W.L.R. 286.6 (3) As scooter goes out of order and he was stranded on a lonely road. B, who was standing nearby, starts correcting the fault. A allows B to do the same. From the nature of the circumstances, A has given his acceptance to the offer by B.

Who can accept? In the case of a specific offer, it can be accepted only by that person to whom it is made. The rule of law is that if A wants to enter into a contract with B, then C cannot substitute himself for B without As consent.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

Boulton v. Jones. The facts of this case were as follows: B, who was a manager with X, purchased his business. J, to whom, X owed a debt, placed an order with X for the supply of certain goods. B supplied the goods even though the order was not addressed to him. J refused to pay B for the goods because he, by entering into contract with X, intended to set-off his debt against X. Held the offer was made to X and it was not in the power of B to have accepted the same.

In the case of a general offer, it can be accepted by anyone by complying with the terms of the offer.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.7


There are some legal rules which make the acceptance effective so as to give rise to a valid contract. These are:
6. 7. Explained earlier on page I-6. See page I-12.

Law of Contracts I-23

(1) Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified. (Section 7). An acceptance to be valid must be absolute and unqualified and according to the exact terms of the offer. An acceptance with a variation, however slight, is no acceptance, and may amount to a mere counter offer which the original offeror may or may not accept.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A offers to sell his house to B for Rs. 1,000. B replies, I can pay Rs. 800 for it. The offer of A is rejected by B as the acceptance is not unqualified. However, B subsequently changes his mind and is prepared to pay Rs. 1,000. This will also be treated as a counter offer and it is up to A whether to accept the same or not [Union of India v. Babulal, A.I.R. 1968 Bombay 294.]. (2) M offered to sell land to N for 280. N replied purporting to accept and enclosed 80, promising to pay the balance of 200 by monthly instalments of 50 each. Held, that N could not enforce acceptance because his acceptance was not an unqualified one [Neale v. Merrett (1930) W.N. 189.]. (3) A offers to sell his house to B for Rs. 10,000. B replies, I am prepared to buy your house for Rs. 10,000 provided you purchase my 1980 model Ambassador Car for Rs. 60,000. There is no acceptance on the part of B.

However, a mere variation in the language which does not involve any difference in substance would not make the acceptance ineffective. [Heyworth v. Knight (1864) 144 E.R. 120, 142 R.R. 855.]. Also, if some conditions are implied as a part of the contract, and the offeree accepts the offer subject to those conditions, the acceptance will be treated as valid.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A offers to sell his house to B, and B agrees to purchase it subject to the title being approved by Bs solicitor. The acceptance by B is absolute and unqualified as it is presumed that A has a title to the property and it was not necessary for A to mention anything about the title.

Further, an offeree may accept an offer subject to contract or subject to formal contract or subject to contract to be approved by solicitors. The significance of these words is that the parties do not intend to be bound, and are not bound, until a formal contract is prepared and signed by them. The acceptor may agree to all the terms of a proposal and yet decline to be bound until a formal agreement is drawn up.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) C accepted Es offer to sell nursery for 4,000, subject to a proper contract to be prepared by the vendors solicitors. As contract was prepared by Cs solicitors and approved by Es solicitors, but E refused to sign it. Held, that there was no contract as the agreement was only conditional. [Chillingworth v. Esche (1924) 1 Ch. 97.].

I-24 Business and Corporate Laws (2) E bought a house from B subject to a contract. The terms of the formal contract were agreed, and each party signed his part. E posted his part but B did not post his part as he changed his mind in the meantime. Held, that there was no binding contract between the parties. [Eccles v. Bryant (1948) Ch. 93.].

In the first example, one of the parties did not sign the contract. In the second example, separate parts duly signed by the parties were not exchanged. In both the cases, there was no binding contract. (2) Acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. The communication of acceptance may be express or implied. A mere mental acceptance is no acceptance. A mere mental acceptance means that the offeree is assenting to an offer in his mind only and has not communicated it to the offeror.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

B, a supplier, sent a draft agreement relating to the supply of Coal and Coke to the manager of a railway company for his acceptance. The manager wrote the word approved on the same and put the draft in the drawer of his table intending to send it to the companys solicitors for a formal contract to be drawn up. By an oversight, the draft agreement remained in the drawer. Held, that there was no contract as the manager had not communicated his acceptance to the proposer.

The acceptance of an offer cannot be implied from the silence of the offeree or his failure to answer.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

F offered by letter to buy his nephews horse for 30, saying: If I hear no more about it, I shall consider the horse is mine at 30. The nephew did not reply at all, but he told an auctioneer who was selling his horses not to sell that particular horse as he had sold it to his uncle. By mistake, the auctioneer sold the horse. F sued the auctioneer for conversion. Held, F could not succeed as his nephew had not communicated acceptance and there was no contract. [Felthouse v. Bindley (1862) 11 C.B. (N.S.) 869].

However if the offeree has by his previous conduct indicated that his silence means that he accepts, then the acceptance of the offer can be implied from the silence of the offeree. Further, in the case of a general offer, it is not necessary to communicate the acceptance if it is made by acting upon the terms or the offer [Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.8]. (3) Acceptance must be according to the mode prescribed. (Section 7). Where the offeror prescribes a particular mode of acceptance, then the acceptor should follow that mode. In case no mode of acceptance is prescribed by the proposer, then the acceptance must be according to some usual and reasonable mode. If the proposer prescribed a manner in which it is to be accepted, and the acceptance is not made in such manner, the proposer may, within a reasonable time after the acceptance is communicated to him, insist that his proposal shall be accepted in the prescribed manner, and not otherwise; but if he fails to do so, he accepts the acceptance.
8. See page I-12.

Law of Contracts I-25

I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A sends an offer to B through post in the usual course. B should make the acceptance in the usual and reasonable manner as no mode of acceptance is prescribed. He may accept the offer by sending a letter, through post, in the ordinary course, within a reasonable time. (2) A sends an offer to B through post in the usual course and asks for an acceptance by wire. B should accept the order by wire. However, if B accepts the offer by a letter, then A may insist that the acceptance should be in the prescribed mode. But if the proposer does not insist within a reasonable time then the proposer is bound by the acceptance, though not made in the prescribed mode. (4) The acceptance must be given within the time specified, if any, otherwise it must be given within a reasonable time. What is a reasonable time is a question of fact and would depend upon the circumstances of each case [Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co., v. Montefiore (1866) L.R.I. Ex. 1099]. (5) The acceptance must be in response to offer. There can be no acceptance without offer. Acceptance cannot precede offer. For instance, no allotment of shares in a company can be made unless the allottee has applied for them beforehand (Section 41 of the Companies Act, 1956). (6) The acceptance must be made before the offer lapses or is terminated, revoked or withdrawn. If the offer lapses, then there is nothing to accept. (7) Acceptance can be given by the person to whom the offer is made. However, in the case of a general offer, acceptance can be given by any member of the public.

Agreement to agree in future. Law does not allow making of an agreement to agree in the future. The parties must agree on terms of the agreement. The terms of the agreement must be either definite or capable of being made definite without further agreement of the parties.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

1. A, an actress was engaged for a provincial tour. The agreement provided that if the party went to London, A would be engaged at a salary to be mutually arranged between us. Held, that there was no contract as the terms were not definite and were incapable of being made definite without further agreement of the parties. [Lofus v. Roberts, (1902) 18 T.L.R. 532.]. 2. F sold part of his land to a motor company subject to a condition that the company should buy all their petrol from F at a price to be agreed by the parties in writing and from time to time. The agreement also provided that dispute, if any, was to be submitted to arbitration. The price was never agreed and the company refused to buy the petrol. Held, that there was a binding contract. The agreement provided the method by which the price could
9. See page I-18.

I-26 Business and Corporate Laws be ascertained. The terms of the agreement were definite and the parties did not agree to settle the terms in future by their mutual consent [Foley v. Classique Coaches Ltd. (1934) 2 K.B.I].
ESSENTIALS OF A VALID ACCEPTANCE Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified. It must be communicated. It must be according to the mode prescribed. It must be given within the time specified or within reasonable time. It must be in response to offer. It must be made before the offer lapses. It must be given by the person to whom the offer is made.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


As mentioned earlier that in order to be a valid offer and acceptance. (i) the offer must be communicated to the offeree, and (ii) the acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. Similarly, revocation of offer by the offeror to the offeree and revocation of the acceptance by the offeree to the offeror must be communicated. According to Section 4, the communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A proposes by letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. The communication of the proposal is complete when B receives the letter.

The completion of communication of acceptance has two aspects, viz: (i) as against the proposer, and (ii) as against the acceptor. The communication of acceptance is complete: (i) as against the proposer, when it is put into a course of transmission to him, so as to be out of the power of the acceptor; (ii) as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A proposes, by letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. B accepts As proposal by a letter sent by post. The communication of acceptance is complete: (i) as against A, when the letter is posted by B; (ii) as against B, when the letter is received by A.

Law of Contracts I-27

The communication of a revocation (of an offer or an acceptance) is complete: (1) as against the person who makes it, when it is put into a course of transmission to the person to whom it is made, so as to be out of the power of the person who makes it. (2) as against the person to whom it is made when it comes to his knowledge.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A proposes by letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. B accepts the proposal by a letter sent by post. A revokes his proposal by telegram. The revocation is complete as against A, when the telegram is despatched. It is complete as against B, when B receives it. B revokes his acceptance by telegram. Bs revocation is complete as against B, when the telegram is despatched, and as against A, when it reaches him.

Revocation of proposal and acceptance: Section 5 provides that a proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards. Also an acceptance may be revoked at any time before the communication of the acceptance is complete as against the acceptor, but not afterwards.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A proposes, by a letter sent by post, to sell his house to B. B accepts the proposal by a letter sent by post. A may revoke his proposal at any time before or at the moment when B posts his letter of acceptance, but not afterwards. B may revoke his acceptance at any time before or at the moment when the letter communicating it reaches A, but not afterwards.

The English Law on communication of proposal, acceptance and revocation through post office differs in some respects from the Indian Law. In England, post office is the agent of the party making the proposal to take the proposal to the offeree and to bring back the acceptance from the offeree. But in India post office is the agent of both offeror and offeree. Therefore, acceptance cannot be revoked in the English Law. In this context Sir William Anson observes that Acceptance to an offer is what a lighted match is to a train of gun-powder. It produces something which cannot be recalled or undone.


Persons may enter into contracts either: (1) when they are face to face, or (2) over telephone or telex, or (3) through post office. When persons are face to face, one person making the offer and the other accepting it, the contract comes into existence immediately. Similarly, in the case of conversation over telephone, the contract is formed as soon as the offer is accepted but the offeree must make it sure that his acceptance is received by the offeror, otherwise there will be no contract, as communication of acceptance is not complete.

I-28 Business and Corporate Laws

1.4 CAPACITY OF CONTRACT (Sections 10-12)

We have mentioned earlier that one of the essentials of a valid agreement is that the parties to the contract must be competent to contract (Section 10).


Section 11 provides that Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, and who is of sound mind, and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. Thus, incapacity to contract may arise from: (i) minority, (ii) mental incompetence, and (iii) status.

According to Section 3 of the Indian Majority Act, 1875, a minor is a person who has not completed 18 years of age. However, in the following two cases, a minor attains majority after 21 years of age: (1) Where a guardian of minors person or property has been appointed under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, or (2) Where the superintendence of minors property is assumed by a Court of Wards.

The position of minors contracts is summed up as follows: (1) A contract with or by a minor is void and a minor, therefore, cannot, bind himself by a contract. A minor is not competent to contract. In English Law, a minors contract, subject to certain exceptions, is only voidable at the option of the minor. In 1903 the Privy Council in the leading case of Mohiri Bibi v. Dharmodas Ghose (190, 30 Ca. 539) held that in India minors contracts are absolutely void and not merely voidable. The facts of the case were:
I Example _______________________________________________________________

Dharmodas Ghose, a minor, entered into a contract for borrowing a sum of Rs. 20,000 out of which the lender paid the minor a sum of Rs. 8,000. The minor executed mortgage of property in favour of the lender. Subsequently, the minor sued for setting aside the mortgage. The Privy Council had to ascertain the validity of the mortgage. Under Section 7 of the Transfer of Property Act, every person competent to contract is competent to mortgage. The Privy Council decided that Sections 10 and 11 of the Indian Contract Act make the minors contract void. The mortgagee prayed for refund of Rs. 8,000 by the minor. The Privy Council further held that as a minors contract is void, any money advanced to a minor cannot be recovered.

(2) A minor can be a promisee or a beneficiary. During his minority, a minor cannot bind himself by a contract, but there is nothing in the Contract Act which prevents him from making the other party to the contract to be bound to the minor. Thus, a minor is incapable of making a mortgage, or a promissory

Law of Contracts I-29

note, but he is not incapable of becoming a mortgagee, a payee or endorsee. He can derive benefit under the contract. (3) A minors agreement cannot be ratified by the minor on his attaining majority. A minor cannot ratify the agreement on attaining the age of majority as the original agreement is void ab-initio and, therefore, validity cannot be given to it later on.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, a minor makes a promissory note in favour of B. On attaining majority, he makes out a fresh promissory note in lieu of the old one. Neither the original, nor the fresh promissory note is valid. [Indran Ramaswamy v. Anthiappa Chettiar (1906) 16 M.L.J. 422.].

(4) If a minor has received any benefit under a void contract, he cannot be asked to refund the same. We have mentioned the facts of Mohiri Bibis case. Under that case, the lender could not recover the money paid to the minor. Also the property mortgaged by the minor in favour of the lender could not be sold by the latter for the realization of his loan. (5) A minor is always allowed to plead minority, and is not estopped to do so even where he had procured a loan or entered into some other contract by falsely representing that he was of full age. Thus, a minor who has deceived the other party to the agreement by representing himself as of full age is not prevented, from later asserting that he was a minor at the time he entered into agreement.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

S, a minor, borrowed 400 from L, a moneylender, by fraudulently misrepresenting that he was of full age. On default by S, L sued for return of 400, and damages for the tort of deceit. Held, L could not recover 400, and his claim for damages also failed. The court did not grant the relief; otherwise, it would have been an indirect way of enforcing a void contract. Even on equitable grounds, the minor could not be asked to refund 400, as the money was not traceable and the minor had already spent the same [Leslie v. Shiell (1914) 3 K.B. 607].

It is to be noted that if money could be traced then the court would have, on equitable grounds, asked the minor for restitution, as minor does not have a liberty to cheat. In the case of a fraudulent misrepresentation of his age by the minor, inducing the other party to enter into a contract the court may award compensation to that other party under sections 30 and 33 of the Specific Relief Act 1963.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A minor fraudulently mortgaged and sold certain properties. On the cancellation of the agreement at the instance of the minor, the lender and purchaser were awarded compensation. The lender and purchaser did not know about the fact that the seller was a minor. In fact, the minor fraudulently represented that he was of full age.

(6) A minor cannot be a partner in a partnership firm. However, a minor may, with the consent of all the partners for the time being, be admitted to the benefits of partnership (Section 30, the Indian Partnership Act, 1932).

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(7) A minors estate is liable to a person who supplies necessaries of life to a minor, or to one whom the minor is legally bound to support according to his station in life. This obligation is cast on the minor not on the basis of any contract but on the basis of an obligation resembling a contract (Section 68). However, there is no personal liability on a minor for the necessaries of life supplied. The term necessaries is not defined in the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The English Sale of Goods Act defines necessaries as goods suitable to the condition in life of the minor and to his actual requirements at the time of sale and delivery (Section 2). From the above definition, it is obvious that in order to entitle the supplier to be reimbursed from the minors estate, the following must be satisfied: (i) The goods are necessaries, for that particular minor having regard to his station in life (or status or standard of living) and thus purchase or hire of a car may be a necessity for a particular minor, and (ii) The minor needs the goods both at the time of sale and delivery. What is necessary to see is the minors actual requirements at the time of sale and at the time of delivery, where these times are different.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

I, a minor, was studying in B.Com., in a college. He ordered 11 fancy coats for about 45 with N, the tailor. The tailor sued I for the price. Is father proved that his son had already a number of coats and had clothes suitable to his condition in life when the clothes made by the tailor were delivered. Held, the coats supplied by the tailor were not necessaries and, therefore, the action failed [Nash v. Inman (1908)].

The minors estate is liable not only for the necessary goods but also for the necessary services rendered to him. The lending of money to a minor for the purpose of defending a suit on behalf of a minor in which his property is in jeopardy, or for defending him in prosecution, or for saving his property from sale in execution of a decree is deemed to be a service rendered to the minor. Other examples of necessary services rendered to a minor are: provision of education, medical and legal advice, provision of a house on rent to a minor for the purpose of living and continuing his studies.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

G, a minor and a professional billiards player, agreed with R, a leading professional player, to go on a world tour, competing against each other in matches. G was to pay a certain sum of money to R for this purpose and also for the purpose of learning the game. R made all arrangements for the matches and spent money, but G refused to go. R sued G and claimed damages for breach of his contract. Held, G was liable to pay as the agreement was for the minors benefit in that he would in effect be receiving instruction [Roberts v. Gray (1913) 1 K.B. 520].

(8) Minors parents/guardians are not liable to a minors creditor for the breach of contract by the minor, whether the contract is for necessaries or not. However, the parents are liable where the minor is acting as an agent of the parents or the guardian.

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(9) A minor can act as an agent and bind his principal by his acts without incurring any personal liability. Minors position under English law. In England, one who has not attained full age is treated as an infant or a minor. Infancy, under the English law, means the period of life which precedes the completion of the twenty-first year, and persons under that age are regarded as infants. Contracts entered into by an infant are classified into the following categories: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) void contracts voidable contracts valid contracts. contracts enforceable at the option of the infant but not at the option of the other party.

(i) Void Contracts. Section 1 of the Infants Relief Act, 1874 provides that the following three types of contracts (whether specialty or simple) are void: (a) any agreement for the repayment of money lent or to be lent, (b) any contract for goods supplied or to be supplied, other than necessaries, (c) all accounts stated.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

Leslie v. Shiell discussed on page 29.

(ii) Voidable Contracts. In this category of contracts, the position is that they are binding upon a minor unless he repudiates them before he reaches the age of majority or within a reasonable time thereafter. However, the contract cannot be enforced against him during infancy. Some such types of contracts are: (a) Contracts of a continuing nature. (b) Contracts under which a minor acquires an interest in property of a permanent kind, e.g., (i) leases of property, (ii) partnership agreement10, and (iii) agreements to take shares (which are not fully paid up) (iii) Valid Contracts. An infant is bound by such contracts. These are of two types: (a) Contracts for necessaries and (b) Contracts for the minors benefit such as for his education, training, etc.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

(1) Nash v. Inman (see page 30). Roberts v. Gray (see page 30)

(iv) Contracts enforceable at the option of the infant but not at the option of the other party. All contracts other than (i), (ii) and (iii) discussed above are enforceable at the option of the infant but not as against him, either during or after infancy.

10. See Chapter III.

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POSITION OF MINORS CONTRACTS A contract with a minor is void ab-initio. A minors agreement cannot be ratified by the minor on attaining majority. A minor cannot be asked to refund any benefit received under a void agreement. A minor is not estopped to plead minority even where he falsely represents himself to be of full age. A minor cannot be a partner in a partnership firm. He may, however, be admitted to the benefits of an already existing partnership. A minor can, however, be a promisee or beneficiary. A minors estate is liable to a person who supplies necessaries of life to a minor. Minors parents/guardians are not liable to a minors creditor for the breach of contract by a minor. A minor can act as agent.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


We have seen earlier that one of the essential elements of a valid contract is that the parties to the contract must be competent to contract, and a person must be of sound mind so as to be competent to contract (Section 10-11). Section 12 lays down a test of soundness of mind. It reads as follows: A person is said to be of unsound mind for the purpose of making a contract, if at the time when he makes it, he is incapable of understanding it, and of forming a rational judgement as to its effect upon his interests. A person who is usually of unsound mind, but occasionally of sound mind, may make a contract when he is of sound mind. A person who is usually of sound mind, but occasionally of unsound mind, may not make a contract when he is of unsound mind.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A patient, in a lunatic asylum, who is at intervals, of sound mind, may contract during those intervals. (2) A sane man, who is delirious from fever or who is so drunk that he cannot understand the terms of a contract or form a rational judgement as to its effect on his interest, cannot contract whilst such delirium or drunkenness lasts.

From the above examples given, it is obvious that Soundness of mind of a person depends on two facts: (i) his capacity to understand the terms of the contract, and (ii) his ability to form a rational judgement as to its effect upon his interests. If a person is incapable of both, he suffers from unsoundness of mind. Idiots, lunatics and drunken persons are examples of those having an unsound mind. But whether a party to a contract, at the time of entering into the contract, is of sound mind or not is a question of fact to be decided by the court. There

Law of Contracts I-33

is presumption that a person is sane but this presumption is rebuttable. The person interested in proving the unsoundness of a person has to satisfy the court. The liability for necessaries of life supplied to persons of unsound mind is the same as for minors (Section 68). The position of contracts by persons of unsound mind is given below. Lunatics. A lunatic is a person who is mentally deranged due to some mental strain or other personal experience. However, he has some intervals of sound mind. He is not liable for contracts entered into while he is of unsound mind. However, as regards contracts entered into during lucid intervals, he is bound. His position in this regard is identical with minor i.e. in general the contract is void but the same exceptions as discussed above (under minors contracts) are relevant. Idiots. An idiot is a person who is permanently of unsound mind. He does not have lucid intervals. He is incapable of entering into a contract and, therefore, a contract with an idiot is void. However, like a minor, his properties, if any, shall be liable for recoveries on account of necessaries of life supplied. Also he can be a beneficiary. Drunken or Intoxicated Persons. A person who is drunk, intoxicated or delirious from fever so as to be incapable of understanding the nature and effect of an agreement or to form a rational judgment as to its effect on his interests cannot enter into valid contracts whilst such drunkenness or delirium lasts. Under the English Law, contracts made by persons of unsound mind are voidable and not void.

Besides minors and persons of unsound mind, there are some other persons who are incompetent to contract, partially or wholly, so that the contracts of such persons are void. Incompetency to contract may arise from political status, corporate status, legal status, etc. Alien Enemy (Political Status). An alien is a person who is the citizen of a foreign country. Thus, in the Indian context, an alien is a person, who is not a subject of India. An alien may be (i) an alien friend, or (ii) an alien enemy. An alien friend (i.e., a foreigner) whose country is at peace with the Republic of India, has usually the full contractual capacity of a natural born Indian subject. But he cannot acquire property in Indian ship, and also cannot be employed as Master or any other Chief Officer of such a ship. In the case of contracts with an alien enemy (i.e. an alien whose country is at war with India) the position is studied under two heads: (i) contracts during the war; and (ii) contracts made before the war. During the subsistence of the war, an alien can neither contract with an Indian subject nor can he sue in an Indian court except by licence from the Central Government. As regards contracts entered into before the war breaks out, they are either dissolved or merely suspended. Those contracts, which are against the public policy or are such which would benefit the enemy, stand dissolved. Other contracts (i.e. not against the public policy) are merely suspended for the duration of the war and revived after the war is over, provided they have not already become time-barred under the law of limitation. It may be observed that an Indian, who resides voluntarily, or who is carrying on business, in a hostile territory would be treated as an alien enemy.

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Foreign Sovereigns and Ambassadors (Political status). Foreign sovereigns and accredited representatives of a foreign State or Ambassadors enjoy some special privileges. They cannot be sued in our courts unless they choose to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of our courts. They can enter into contracts and enforce those contracts in our courts. However, they cannot be proceeded against in Indian courts without the sanction of the Central Government. Company under the Companies Act or Statutory Corporation by passing Special Act of Parliament (Corporate status). A company cannot enter into a contract which is ultra vires its Memorandum of Association. A statutory corporation cannot go beyond the objects mentioned in the Act, passed by the Parliament. Similarly, Municipal Corporations (Local bodies) are disqualified from entering into contracts which are not within their statutory powers. Married Women (Marital status). A married woman has full contractual capacity and can sue and be sued in her own name. She is not incompetent to contract. Insolvent Persons (Legal status). Insolvent persons are incompetent to contract until they obtain a certificate of discharge.

1.5 FREE CONSENT (Sections 10; 13-22)

It is essential to the creation of a contract that both parties agree to the same thing in the same sense. When two or more persons agree upon the same thing in the same sense, they are said to consent.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A agrees to sell his Fiat Car 1983 model for Rs. 80,000. B agrees to buy the same. There is a valid contract since A and B have consented to the same subject matter. 2. A, who owns three Fiat Cars, offers to sell one, say, car x to B for Rs. 80,000. B agrees to buy the car for the price thinking that A is selling car y. There is no consent and hence no contract. A and B have agreed not to the same thing but to different things. 3. In Foster v. Mackinnon (1869) L.R. 4 C.P. 704, the defendant had purported to endorse a bill of exchange which he was told was a guarantee. The Court held that his signature, not being intended as an endorsement of a bill of exchange, there was no consent and consequently no agreement entered into by him, and therefore he was not liable on the Bill.

Free Consent Defined (Section 14). Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by (a) Coercion. (b) Undue influence. (c) Fraud. (d) Misrepresentation. (e) Mistake.

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For a contract to be valid it is not only necessary that parties consent but also that they consent freely. Where there is a consent, but no free consent, there is generally a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was not free.


Coercion is (i) the committing, or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code or (ii) the unlawful detaining, or threatening to detain, any property ,to the prejudice of any person whatever, with the intention of causing any person to enter into an agreement.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A Hindu widow is forced to adopt X under threat that her husbands corpse (dead body) would not be allowed to be removed unless she adopts X. The adoption is voidable as having been induced by coercion [Ranganayakamma v. Alwar Setti, 13 Mad. 24.]. 2. A threatens to kill B if he doesnt transfer his house in As favour for a very low price. The agreement is voidable for being the result of coercion. 3. An agent refused to hand over the books of accounts of the principal unless he (principal) released him from all liabilities concerning past transactions. Held, the release so given was not binding, being the outcome of coercion [Muthia v. Karuppan 50 Mad. 780]. Note that, it is not necessary that coercion must have been exercised against the promisor only, it may be directed at any person.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A threatens to kill B (Cs son) if C does not let out his house to A. The agreement is caused by coercion. 2. X threatens to kill A if he does not sell his house to B at a very low price. The agreement is caused by coercion though X is stranger to the transaction.

Further, note that, it is immaterial whether the Indian Penal Code is or is not in force in the place where the coercion is employed (Explanation to Section 15).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, on board an English ship on the high seas, causes B to enter into an agreement by an act amounting to criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code. A afterwards sues B for breach of contract at Calcutta. A has employed coercion, although his act is not an offence by the law of England, and although the Indian Penal Code was not in force at the time or place where the act was done.

Threat to Commit Suicide Is it Coercion? The doubt arises because suicide though forbidden by the Indian Penal Code is for obvious reasons not punishable. A dead person cannot be punished. But, since Section 15 declares that committing or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indian

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Penal Code is coercion, a threat to commit suicide should obviously be so regarded (suicide being forbidden). The same view was held in Ammiraju v. Seshamma (1917) 41 Mad. 33. In this case, A obtained a release deed from his wife and son under a threat of committing suicide. The transaction was set aside on the ground of coercion.

The English equal of coercion is Duress. Duress has been defined as causing, or threatening to cause, bodily violence or imprisonment, with a view to obtain the consent of the other party to the contract. Duress differs from coercion on the following points: 1. Coercion can be employed against any person, whereas duress can be employed only against the other party to the contract or the members of his family. 2. Coercion may be employed by any person, and not necessarily by the promisee. Duress can be employed only by the party to the contract or his agent. 3. Coercion is wider in its scope and includes unlawful detention of goods also. Duress on the other hand does not include unlawful detention of goods. Only bodily violence or imprisonment is duress.

Consequences of Coercion (Section 19)

When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so obtained. In other words, the aggrieved party can have the contract set aside or if he so desires to insist on its performance by the other party. Liability of person to whom money is paid or thing delivered under Coercion (Section 12). A person to whom money has been paid, or anything delivered under coercion must repay or return it.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A railway company refuses to deliver certain goods to the consignee, except upon the payment of an illegal charge for carriage. The consignee pays the sum charged in order to obtain the goods. He is entitled to recover so much of the charge as was illegally excessive.


Undue influence consists in the improper exercise of a power over the mind of one of the contracting parties by the other. According to Sec. 16, a contract is said to be induced by undue influence where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A having advanced money to his son B during his minority, upon B coming of age, obtains, by misuse of parental influence, a bond from B for greater amount than the sum due in respect of the advance. A employs undue influence.

Law of Contracts I-37 2. A, a man enfeebled by disease or age is induced by Bs influence over him as his medical attendant to agree to pay B an unreasonable sum for his professional service. B employs undue influence. 3. A, a spendthrift and a weak-minded just come of age, conveys a share of his family estate to his father-in-law for nominal consideration. Undue influence is presumed to have been exercised [Ram Krishan v. Parmeshwara (1931) M.W.N. 215.]

Undue Influence When Presumed

After reciting the general principle as above, Section 16 lays down rules of presumptions as regards persons in particular relations. It reads: A person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another: (a) where he holds a real or apparent authority over the other, or where he stands in a fiduciary relation to the other; or (b) where he makes a contract with a person whose mental capacity is temporarily or permanently affected by reason of age, illness or mental or bodily distress. Thus, the following relationships are said to raise a presumption of undue influence: (i) Parent and child; (ii) guardian and ward; (iii) doctor and patient; (iv) spiritual guru and disciple; (v) lawyer and client; (vi) trustee and beneficiary and other similar relationships.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A Hindu, well advanced in age, with the object of securing benefits to his soul in the next world, gave away his whole property to his guru, or spiritual adviser. Undue influence was presumed.

The presumption of undue influence can be rebutted by showing that the party said to have been influence had independent legal advice of one who had full knowledge of the relevant facts [Inche Noria v. Shaik Allie Bin Omar (1929) A.C. 127].

Consequences of Undue Influence (Section 19-A)

An agreement caused by undue influence is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was obtained by undue influence. However, any such contract may be set aside either absolutely or, if the party who was entitled to avoid it has received any benefit thereunder upon such terms and conditions as the court deems fit.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, a money-lender, advances Rs. 100 to B, an agriculturist, and by undue influence, induces B to execute a bond for Rs. 200 with interest at 6 percent per month. The Court may set the bond aside, ordering B to repay Rs. 100 with such interest as may seem just.

Burden of Proof [Section 16 (3)]. If a party is proved to be in a position to dominate the will of another and the transaction appears, on the face of it or on the evidence adduced, to be unconscionable,

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the burden of proving that the contract was not induced by undue influence, lies on the party who was in a position to dominate the will of the other. The power to dominate the will of another is presumed in circumstances mentioned in Section 16 (2) and discussed above. The presumption of undue influence has not been accepted in the following relationships: Husband and wife [Howes v. Bishop (1909) 2 KB 390]; master and servant [Daulat v. Gulabrao (1925) Nag. 369]; creditor and debtor; landlord and tenant; Lakshmi Chand v. Pt. Niader Mal, AIR (1961) All 295]. In these relationships undue influence cannot be presumed and the party alleging undue influence must prove that it existed.

Contracts with a Pardanashin Woman

Pardanashin woman is one who according to the custom of her community observes complete seclusion. The Courts in India regard such women as being especially open to undue influence. When, therefore, an illiterate pardanashin woman is alleged to have dealt with her properties and to have executed a deed, the burden of proving that there was no undue influence lies on the party setting up the deed. The law demands that the person who deals with a pardanashin lady must show affirmatively and conclusively that the deed was not only executed by, but was explained to, and was really understood by the lady. Notice that, a lady who claims to be pardanashin must prove complete seclusion; some degree of seclusion is not sufficient to entitle her to get special protection.

Undue Influence in Money Lending Transactions

The mere fact of the rate of interest being high is not evidence of undue influence. A who is in urgent need of money borrows from a lender who charges him very high rate of interest. The transaction, on the face of it, is not one induced by undue influence.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A applies to a banker for a loan at a time when there is stringency in the money market. The banker declines to make the loan except at an unusually high rate of interest. A accepts the loan on these terms. This is a transaction in the ordinary course of business, and the contract is not induced by undue influence [Illustration (a) to section 16].

Thus, a transaction will not be set aside merely because the rate of interest is high. The observation of Judicial Committee in Aziz Khan v. Duli Chand may be noted here with advantage. The transaction, it observed, may undoubtedly be improvident, but in the absence of any evidence to show that the money lender had actually taken advantage of his position, it is difficult for a Court of justice to give relief on the grounds of simple hardship. So, to claim relief under Section 16 it must be proved that the lender was in a position to dominate the will of the other but the urgent need of money on the part of the borrower does not by itself place the lender in a position to dominate his will.

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However, if the rate of interest is so high that the Court considers it unconscionable, the burden of proving that there was no undue influence lies on the creditor. In other words, undue influence is presumed in such cases. Illustration (c) to Section 16 establishes the point as follows:
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, being in debt to B, the money-lender of his village, contracts, for a fresh loan on terms which appear to be unconscionable. It lies on B to prove that the contract was not induced by undue influence.

Similarly, where a debtor was an old and illiterate person and was much involved in litigation and had agreed to pay to the creditor compound interest at 25 per cent, the Court held the transaction as unconscionable and allowed only 12 per cent simple interest [Ruknisa v. Mohib Ali Khan (1931), I.A. 938]. Still in another case, a poor Hindu widow wanted to bring a suit for maintenance and had to borrow Rs. 1,500. The rate of interest payable was 100 per cent per annum. The Court allowed interest at 24 per cent per annum [Annapurani v. Swaminathan, 1910, 34 Mad. 7].

Fraud (Sections 17 and 18)

Fraud means and includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract (or with his connivance or by his agent) with intent to deceive another party thereto or his agent; or to induce him to enter into the contract: (1) the suggestion, as a fact, of that which is not true by one who does not believe it to be true; (2) the active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of the fact; (3) A promise made without any intention of performing it; (4) any other act fitted to deceive; (5) any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent. From the analysis of the above, it follows that for fraud to exist there must be: (A) A representation or assertion, and it must be false. To constitute fraud there must be an assertion of something false within the knowledge of the party asserting it. Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter into a contract is not fraud.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) H sold to W certain pigs. The pigs were suffering from some fever and H knew it. The pigs were sold with all faults. H did not disclose the fever to W. Held there was no fraud [Ward v. Hobbs (1878) A.C. 13]. (2) A sells by auction to B, a horse which A knows to be unsound. A says nothing to B about the horses unsoundness. This is not fraud by A.

However, (i) silence is fraudulent, if the circumstances of the case are such that, regard being had to them, it is the duty of the person keeping silence to speak.11 The duty to speak exists where the parties
11. Explanation to Section 17.

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stand in a fiduciary relationship, e.g., father and son, guardian and ward, etc.; or where the contract is a contract uberimae fidei (requiring utmost good faith), e.g., contracts of insurance. The duty to disclose may also be an obligation imposed by statute.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A sells by auction to B, a horse which A knows to be unsound. B is As daughter and has just come of age. Here the relation between the parties would make it As duty to tell B if the horse is unsound.

(ii) Silence is fraudulent where the circumstances are such that, silence is in itself equivalent to speech [Explanation to Section 17].
I Example _______________________________________________________________

B says to A If you do not deny it, I shall assume that the horse is sound. A says nothing. Here As silence is equivalent to speech.

Thus, we may say that to constitute fraud, ordinarily, there must be active misstatement of fact or such a partial and fragmentary statement of fact as that the witholding of that which is not stated makes that which is stated absolutely false. In Peek v. Gurney (1873) 6 H.L. 377, the prospectus issued by a company did not refer to the existence of a document disclosing liabilities. The impression thereby created was that the company was a prosperous one, which actually was not the case. Held the suppression of truth amounted to fraud. (B) The representation or assertion must be of a fact. The representation or assertion alleged to be false must be of a fact. A mere expression of opinion, puffery or flourishing description does not constitute fraud.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, a seller of a horse, says that the horse is a Beauty and is worth Rs. 5,000. It is merely As opinion. But if in fact A paid only Rs. 2,000 for it, then he has misstated a fact.

(C) The representation or statement must have been made with a knowledge of its falsity or without belief in its truth or recklessly.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A company issued a prospectus giving false information about the unbounded wealth of Nevada. A share broker who took shares on the faith of such an information wanted to avoid the contract. Held, he could do so since the false representation in the prospectus amounted to fraud [Reese River Silver Mining Co. v. Smith (1869) L.R. 4 H.L. 64.].

With regard to cases of above kind, there seems to be no difficulty since fraud is proved when it is shown that a false representation has been made knowingly or without belief in its truth. However, with

Law of Contracts I-41

regard to reckless misstatement it may appear difficult to say whether it amounts to fraud because the person making such misstatement does not himself definitely know that the statement is false. But, if we carefully look into it, we find that it does amount to fraud because though the person making it is not sure of the truth of the statement, yet he represents to the other party as if he is absolutely certain about its truth. A person shall be liable in fraud where the false statement he has made was (i) made knowingly, (ii) without belief in its truth, or (iii) recklessly, carelessly whether it be true or false. [Derry v. Peek (1889) 14 A.C. 337]. The facts of Derry v. Peek were as follows: The directors of a Tramway Co. issued a prospectus stating that they had the right to run tramcars with steam power instead of with horses as before. In fact, the Act incorporating the company provided that such power might be used with the sanction of the Board of Trade. But, the Board of Trade refused to give permission and the company had to be wound up. P, a shareholder sued the directors for damages for fraud. The House of Lords held that the directors were not liable in fraud because they honestly believed what they said in the prospectus to be true. (D) The representation must have been made with the intention of inducing the other party to act upon it. For fraud to exist, the intention of misstating the facts must be to cause the other party to enter into an agreement. (E) The representation must in fact deceive. It has been said that deceit which does not deceive is not fraud. A fraud or misrepresentation which did not cause the consent to a contract of the party on whom such fraud was practised or to whom such misrepresentation was made does not render a contract voidable.12
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A bought a cannon of B. B knew the cannon had a defect, which rendered it worthless, and so put a metal plug to conceal the defect. A accepted the cannon without examining it. The cannon burst, when used. Held there was no fraud because A would have bought it even if no deceptive plug had been put. He was not in fact deceived by it [Horsefall v. Thomas, (1862) 158 E.R. 813].

(F) The Party subjected to fraud must have suffered some loss. It is a common rule of law that there is no fraud without damages. As such, fraud without damage does not give rise to an action of deceit.

Consequences of Fraud (Section 19)

The party defrauded has the following remedies: 1. He can avoid the performance of the contract. 2. He can insist that the contract shall be performed and that he shall be put in the position in which he would have been if the representation made had been true.
12. Explanation to Section 19.

I-42 Business and Corporate Laws

REQUISITES OF FRAUD 1. A representation or assertion, and it must be false. 2. The representation or assertion must be of a fact. 3. The representation or assertion must have been made with a knowledge of its falsity or without belief in its truth or recklessly. 4. The representation must have been made with the intention of inducing the other party to act upon it. 5. The representation must in fact deceive. 6. The party subjected to fraud must have suffered some loss.

I Example _______________________________________________________________

A fraudulently informs B that As estate is free from encumbrance. B, therefore, buys the estate. The estate is subject to mortgage. B may either avoid the contract, or may insist on its being carried out and the mortgage deed redeemed.

3. He can sue for damages. Exceptions, i.e., where the contract is not voidable. In the following cases, the contract is not voidable: (1) When the party whose consent was caused by misrepresentation or fraud had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence (Exception to Section 19). (3) Where a party, after becoming aware of the misrepresentation or fraud, takes a benefit under the contract or in some other way affirms it.

Misrepresentation (Sections 18 and 19)

Like fraud, misrepresentation is incorrect or false statement but the falsity or inaccuracy is not due to any desire to deceive or defraud the other party. It is innocent. The party making it believes it to be true. Section 18 of the Contract Act classifies cases of misrepresentation into three groups as follows: 1. The positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to be true.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

X learns from A that Y would be director of a company to be formed. X tells this to B in order to induce him to purchase shares of that company and B does so. This is misrepresentation by X, though he believed in the truthness of the statement and there was no intent to deceive, as the information was derived not from Y but from A and was mere hearsay.

2. Any breach of duty which, without an intent to deceive, gives an advantage to the person committing it (or anyone claiming under him), by misleading another to his prejudice or to the prejudice of anyone claiming under him.

Law of Contracts I-43

3. Causing, however innocently, a party to an agreement to make a mistake as to the substance of thing which is the subject of the agreement.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. X entered into contract with C for the sale of hops. X told Y that no sulphur had been used in their growth. Y agreed to buy only if no sulphur had been used for their growth. As a matter of fact, sulphur had been used in 5 out of 300 acres which fact was evidently forgotten by X when he represented that no sulphur was used. Held that the representation that no sulphur had been used was in the nature of a primary stipulation and in a sense a condition, without which the contract would not have been proceeded with and, therefore, the contract could be avoided, though the representation was not fraudulent [Bonnerman v. White (1861) 142 E.R. 658.] 2. A chartered a ship from B which was described in the charter party and was represented to him as being not more than 2,800 registered tonnage. It turned out that the registered tonnage was 3,045 tons. A refused to accept the ship in fulfilment of the charter party, and it was held that he was entitled to avoid the charter party by reason of the erroneous statement as to tonnage [Oceanic Steam Navigation Co. v. Soonderdas Dhurumsey (1890) 14 Bom. 241].

Consequences of Misrepresentation (Section 19)

In cases of misrepresentation the party aggrieved or wronged can: (1) avoid the agreement, or (2) insist that the contract be performed and that he be put in the position in which he would have been if the representation made had been true.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A informs B that his estate is free from encumbrance. B thereupon buys the estate. In fact, the estate is subject to mortgage, though unknown to A also. B may either avoid the contract or may insist on its being carried out and the mortgage debt redeemed.

Notice that, unlike fraud, misrepresentation by a party does not entitle the other to claim damages. This, however, is subject to certain exceptions, that is, in certain cases (mentioned below), the right to claim damages arises even in case of misrepresentation. These are: (a) Breach of warranty of authority of an agent. Where an agent believes that he has the authority to represent his principal while in fact he has no such authority, the agent is liable in damages, even though he is only guilty of innocent misrepresentation. [Collen v. Wright (1857) E. & B. 647.] (b) Negligent representation made by one person to another between whom a confidential relationship exists, e.g., solicitor and client. However, if the party whose consent was caused by misrepresentation had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence, he has no remedy.

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Misrepresentation and Fraud Distinguished

The following are the points of difference between the two: 1. In case of fraud, the party making a false or untrue representation makes it with the intention to deceive the other party to enter into a contract. Misrepresentation on the other hand, is innocent, i.e. without any intention to deceive or to gain an advantage. 2. Both misrepresentation and fraud make a contract voidable at the option of the party wronged. But in case of fraud, the party defrauded, gets the additional remedy of suing for damages caused by such fraud. In case of misrepresentation, except in certain cases13, the only remedies are rescission and restitution. 3. Although in both the cases, the contract can be avoided; in case of misrepresentation the contract cannot be avoided if the party whose consent was so caused had the means of discovering the truth with ordinary diligence.

Mistake may be defined as an erroneous belief concerning something. Mistake is of two kinds: (1) Mistake of fact, and (2) Mistake of law.

(1) Mistake of Fact

A mistake of fact may either be: (a) bilateral or (b) unilateral. Bilateral Mistake When both the parties to the agreement are under a mistake of fact essential to the agreement, the mistake is called a bilateral mistake of fact and the agreement is void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A agrees to buy from B a certain horse. It turns out that the horse was dead at the time of the bargain, though neither party was aware of the fact. The agreement is void. (2) A agrees to sell to B a specific cargo of goods supposed to be on its way from England to Bombay. It turns out that before the day of the bargain, the ship conveying the cargo had been cast away and the goods lost. Neither party was aware of the facts. The agreement is void.

Mistake, so as to render the agreement void, must relate to some essential matter. Some typical cases of mistake invalidating the agreement are given below.
(A) Mistake as to the Existence of Subject-Matter
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A being entitled to an estate for the life of B, agrees to sell it to C. B was dead at the time of the agreement but both parties were ignorant of the fact. The agreement is void.
13. These exceptional cases are discussed above under the heading Consequences of Misrepresentation (see page I-37).

Law of Contracts I-45 2. A agreed to assign to B a policy of assurance upon the life of X. X had died before the contract was made. Held, there was no contract [Scott v. Coulson (1903) 2 Ch. 249]. 3. A agrees to buy from B a certain horse. It turns out that the horse was dead at the time of the bargain, though neither party was aware of the fact. The agreement is void. 4. A and B entered into a contract for the sale and purchase of Indian corn supposed to be on board a particular ship bound for England. Unknown to both parties the corn was damaged and discharged at an intermediate port, some days prior to the contract. Held the contract was void on the ground of mistake [Courturier v. Hastic (1856) 10 E.R. 1065]. (B) Mistake as to Identity of the Subject-Matter

Where the parties agree upon different things, i.e., one meaning one thing and the other meaning another, the contract is void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A contract was entered into for the purchase of certain bales of cotton to arrive by a ship called Peerless from Bombay. Two ships of the same name (Peerless) were to sail from Bombay. The buyer intended to buy the cargo of one ship but the seller was selling the cargo of the other. The contract was held to be void. 2. A, who owns four Fiat cars, offers to sell his car x for Rs. 80,000. B accepts the offer thinking A is selling his car y. There is a mistake as to the identity of the subject-matter and hence no contract. (C) Mistake as to Title to the Subject-Matter

Where the parties believe that the seller is the owner of the thing which he purports to sell, but in fact, he has no title to it, the contract is void on the ground of mistake.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agreed to take a lease of a fishery from B though contrary to the belief of both parties at the time A was tenant of the fishery and B never had any title to it. The contract was void [Cooper v. Phibbs (1867) 159 E.R. 375]. (D) Mistake as to Quantity of Subject-Matter
I Example _______________________________________________________________

P wrote to H inquiring the price of rifles and suggested that he might buy as many as 50. On receipt of the information, he telegraphed Send three rifles. But because of the mistake of the telegraph authorities, the message transmitted was Send the rifles. H despatched 50 rifles. Held, there was no contract between the parties. However, P could be held liable to pay for three rifles on the basis of an implied contract [Henkel v. Pape (1870) 6 Ex. 7].

I-46 Business and Corporate Laws (E) Mistake as to Price of the Subject-Matter

Where a contract of lease of a house was agreed to at a lease of 230 but in the written agreement, the figure 130 was inserted by mistake, the contract was held to be void. However, an erroneous opinion as to the value of the thing which forms the subject-matter of the agreement is not to be deemed a mistake as to a matter of fact [Explanation to Section 20].
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A buys an article thinking it is worth Rs. 10,000 while it is actually worth Rs. 5,000 only. The agreement cannot be avoided on the ground of mistake.

Unilateral Mistake In the case of unilateral mistake, i.e., where only one party to a contract is under a mistake, the contract, generally speaking is not invalid. Section 22 reads, A contact is not voidable merely because it was caused by one of the parties to it being under a mistake as to a matter of fact. Exceptions. To the above rule, however, there are the following exceptions: (A) Where the unilateral mistake is as to the Nature of the contract. A contract is void when one of the parties to it does not intend to enter into it, but through the fault of another and without any fault of his own, makes a mistake as to the nature of the contract. Thus, in Foster v. Mackinnon (1869) L.R. 4 C.P. 704, an old illiterate man was made to sign a bill of exchange, by means of a false representation that it was a guarantee. Held, the contract was void. It should be noted that the plea of mistake will be available only when it relates to the nature of the contract, and not to the terms of the contract [Bay v. Polla and Morris (1930) 1 K.B. 628]. (B) Mistake as to Quality of the promise. In Scriven v. Hindley (1913) 3 K.B. 564, A held an auction for the sale of some lots of hemp and some lots of tow. B thinking that hemp was being sold, bid for a lot of tow for an amount which was out of proportion to it, and was only a fair price for hemp. Held, the contract could be avoided. (C) Mistake as to the Identity of the person contracted with. Where A intends to contract with B but by mistake enters into a contract with C believing him to be B, the contract is void on the ground of mistake. The following cases are important illustrations of the point: In Cundy v. Lindsay & Co., (1878) 3 App. Cas. 459., one Blenkarn, knowing that Blenkiron & Co., were the reputed customers of Lindsay & Co., ordered some goods from Lindsay & Co., by imitating the signature of Blenkiron. These goods were then sold to Cundy, an innocent purchaser. In a suit by Lindsay against Cundy for recovery of goods, it was held that as Lindsay never intended to contract with Blenkarn, there was no contract between them and as such even an innocent purchaser of the goods from Blenkarn did not get a good title, and must return them or pay their price. Similarly, in Lake v. Simmons (1927) A.C. 487, a lady X induced Y to deliver possession of two pearl necklaces falsely representing that she was the wife of baron Z and that she wanted them for showing them to her husband for his approval. Held, Y intended to contract only with the wife of the baron, and not with X herself. Hence the contract was void and X could not convey any title even to bonafide buyers. Philips v. Brooks (1919) 2 K.B. 243. The facts of this case should, however, be contrasted with Lake v. Simmons. In this case a man, N, called in person at a jewellers shop and chose some jewels, which the jeweller was prepared to sell him as a casual customer. He tendered in payment a cheque which he signed in the name G,

Law of Contracts I-47

a person with credit. Thereupon N was allowed to take away the jewels which N pledged with B who took them in good faith. Held, the pledgee, B, had a good title since the contract between N and the jeweller could not be declared void on the ground of mistake but was only voidable on the ground of fraud. Horridge, J. held that although the jeweller believed the person to whom he was handing the jewels was G, he in fact contracted to sell and deliver to the person who came into his shop. The contract, therefore, was not void on the ground of mistake but only voidable on the ground of fraud. The Learned Judge cited with approval an American case of Edmunds v. Merchant Despatch Co., 135 Mass. 283 in which Moorton, C.J. said, The minds of the parties met and agreed upon all the terms of the sale, the thing sold, the price and terms to payment, the person selling and the person buying..... The plaintiff could not have supposed that he was selling to another person: his intention was to sell to the person present and identified by sight and hearing, it does not affect the sale because the buyer assumed a false name and practised any other deceit to induce the vendor to sell.

(2) Mistake of Law (Section 21)

Mistake of law may be (a) mistake of law of the land, and (b) mistake of foreign law. Mistake of law of the land. In this regard, the rule is Ignorantia juris non excusat, i.e., ignorance of law is no excuse. Following this principle, Section 21 declares that A contract is not voidable because it was caused by a mistake as to any law in force in India. Thus, where, A and B make a contract grounded on the erroneous belief that a particular debt is barred by the Indian Law of Limitation; the contract is not voidable. Mistake of Foreign Law. The above maxim that ignorance of law is no excuse applies only to the law of the country and not to foreign law. The mistake of foreign law is to be treated as a mistake of fact. Section 21 reads, A mistake as to a law not in force in India has the same effect as a mistake of fact.
Consequences of Mistake

Mistake renders a contract void and as such in case of a contract which is yet to be performed the party complaining of the mistake may repudiate it, i.e., need not perform it. If the contract is executed, the party who received any advantage must restore it or make compensation for it, as soon as the contract is discovered to be void.

1.6 CONSIDERATION [Sections 2(d), 10, 2325, 148, 185]

In simplest terms, consideration is what a promisor demands as the price for his promise. Sir Frederick Pollock defines consideration as an act or forbearance of one party or the promise thereof is the price for which the promise of the other is bought and the promise thus given for value is enforceable. In Currie v. Misa (1875) L.R. 10 Ex. 162, consideration was termed as A valuable consideration in the sense of the law may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other.

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From the foregoing definitions it is clearly brought out that the term consideration is used in the sense of quid-pro-quo which means something in return. This something may be some benefit, right, interest or profit or it may also be some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility upon the other party. In India, the definition of consideration is contained in Section 2 (d) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. It reads: When at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or abstained from doing, or does or abstains from doing, or promises to do or promises to abstain from doing something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A agrees to sell his house to B for Rs. 10,000. Here Bs promise to pay the sum of Rs. 10,000 is consideration for As promise to sell the house; and As promise to sell the house is the consideration for Bs promise to pay Rs. 10,000. 2. A promises to pay B Rs. 1,000 at the end of 6 months, if C, who owes that sum to B, fails to pay it. B promises to grant time to C, accordingly. Here the promise of each party is the consideration for the promise of the other party. 3. A promises, for a certain sum paid to him by B to make good to B the value of his ship if it is wrecked on a certain voyage. Here As promise is the consideration for Bs payment and Bs payment is the consideration for As promise. 4. A promises to maintain Bs child and B promises to pay A Rs. 1,000 yearly for the purpose. Here the promise of each party is the consideration for the promise of the other party.

A promise without consideration is purely gratuitous and, however sacred and binding in honour it may be, cannot create a legal obligation. An analysis of any contract will show that it consists of two clearly separable parts: (i) the promise and (ii) the consideration for the promise. A person who makes a promise to do or abstain from doing something usually does so as a return or equivalent of some loss, damage, or inconvenience that may have been occasioned to the other party in respect of the promise. The benefit so received and the loss, damage or inconvenience so caused is regarded in law as the consideration for the promise. Thus, generally speaking, a contract cannot be thought of without consideration.14 No consideration, no contract is the rule of the law. The following two cases prove this point: 1. Abdul Aziz v. Mazum Ali (1914) 36 All. 268.
In this case a person verbally promised the secretary of the Mosque Committee to subscribe Rs. 500 for rebuilding of a mosque. Later, he declined to pay the said amount. Held, there was no consideration and hence the agreement was void.
14. Exceptions, i.e., cases where an agreement even without consideration is valid are discussed on page I-45.

Law of Contracts I-49 2. Kedarnath v. Gori Mohamed (1886) 14 Cal. 64. In this case the defendant had agreed to subscribe Rs. 100 towards the construction of a Town Hall at Howrah. The Secretary, on the faith of the promise, called for plans and entrusted the work to contractors and undertook liability to pay them. Held, the agreement was enforceable being one supported by consideration in the form of a detriment to the secretary who had undertaken a liability to the contractors on the faith of the promise made by the defendant.

Moreover, since agreement, by very definition as per section 2(e), is a promise/(s) in exchange for a promise/(s), each promise forming consideration for the other. It will therefore be an inconsistency in itself to think of an agreement and consequently contract without consideration. Thus, in one sentence we may sum up the importance of consideration: Except in certain cases, a contract without consideration cannot be thought of and if made, it is devoid of any legal obligation.

Following are the rules as to consideration: (1) Consideration must move at the desire of the promisor. Accordingly, an act done at the desire of a third party is not a consideration.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

D constructed a market at the instance of the Collector of a District. The occupants of the shops in the said market promised to pay D a commission on articles sold through their shops. Held, there was no consideration because the money was not spent by the plaintiff at the request of the defendants, but voluntarily for a third person and thus the contract was void [Durga Prasad v. Baldeo (1881) 3 All. 211.].

Notice that although the promisee must give consideration at the desire of the promisor, it is not necessary that the promisor himself should benefit by the consideration. The promise would be valid even if the benefit accrued to a third party.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A owed Rs. 20,000 to B. He (A) persuaded C to sign a promissory note in favour of B. C promised B that he would pay the amount. On the faith of promise by C, B credited the amount to As account. Held, the discharge of As account was consideration for Cs promise [National Bank of Upper India v. Bansidhar (1930) 5 Luck 1].

(2) Consideration may move from the promisee or any other person. Although it is necessary that consideration must move at the desire of the promisor, it may be supplied either by the promisee or any other person. The case of Chinnayya v. Ramayya, 4 Mad. 137 is a good illustration on the point.

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In that case, A, a lady, by a deed of gift transferred certain property to her daughter, with a direction that the daughter should pay an annuity to As brother, as had been done by A. On the same day the daughter executed a writing in favour of the brother, agreeing to pay the annuity. Afterwards, she declined to fulfil her promise saying that no consideration had moved from her uncle (As brother). The Court, however, held that the words the promisee or any other person in Section 2(d) clearly show that the consideration need not necessarily move from the promisee, it may move from any other person. Hence, As brother was entitled to maintain the suit. Thus, in India, stranger to the consideration may maintain a suit. In England, however, the position is different. A stranger to the consideration, in England, cannot maintain a suit. Thus, if A pays 100 to B and in consideration of that payment B promises to deliver a necklace to C the promise of B to C, cannot be enforced. Stranger to the Contract v. Stranger to Consideration. A stranger to the consideration must, however, be distinguished from a stranger to a contract. A stranger to a contract cannot sue in England as well as in India.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

1. A who is indebted to B sells his property to C and C promises to pay off the debt to B. In case C fails to pay, B has no right to sue; C being stranger to the contract. 2. Upon As marriage his father and father-in-law entered into a contract to contribute a certain sum of money to be given to A after his marriage. As father paid his contribution but his father-in-law failed to pay. Held, A could not sue his father-in-law since he (A) was a stranger to the contract [Tweddle v. Atkinson (1861) 1 B. & S. 393].

To the above rule that a stranger to a contract cannot sue, there are the following exceptions: 1. In the case of trusts, the beneficiary may enforce the contract. Thus, where a contract between X and Y is intended to secure benefit to Z as cestue que trust. Z may sue in his own right to enforce the trust. In Khwaja Muhammad v. Hussaini Begum (1910) 32 All 410, H sued her father-in-law K to recover Rs. 15,000 being the arrears of allowance called Kharchi-iPan-danBetel box expense, i.e. Pinmoney payable to her by K under an agreement made between K and Hs father in consideration of Hs marriage to Ks son D. Both H and D were minors at the date of marriage. The Privy Council held the promise to be enforceable by H. Their Lordship observed that in India where marriages are contracted for minors by parents and guardians, it might occasion serious injustice if the Common Law doctrine of privity of contract was applied. 2. On the same principle, the provision of marriage expenses of female members of a joint Hindu family on a partition between male members entitles the female member to sue for such expenses [Rakhmanbai v. Govind (1904), 6 B.L.R. 421]. 3. In the case of an acknowledgement of liability or by past performance thereof; e.g. where X receives money from Y for paying it to Z and X admits to Z the receipt of that amount then X becomes the agent of Z and will be liable to pay the amount to him.

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4. In the case of a family settlement the terms of the settlement are reduced into writing, the members of the family who originally had not been parties to the settlement, may enforce the agreement [Shuppu v. Subramaniam 33 Mad. 238]. 5. In the case of assignment of a contract when the benefit under a contract has been assigned, the assignee can enforce the contract [Kishan Lal Sadhu v. Prantila Bala Dasi (1928,) Cal. 1315]. (3) Consideration need not be adequate. Adequacy of consideration is always the lookout of the promisor. Courts do not see whether every person making the promise has recovered full return for the promise. Thus, if A promises to sell a house worth Rs. 80,000 for Rs. 20,000 only, the inadequacy of the price in itself shall not render the transaction void. But where a party pleads coercion, undue influence or fraud, inadequacy of consideration will also be a piece of evidence to be looked into.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agrees to sell a horse worth Rs. 1,000 for Rs. 100. A denies that his consent to the agreement was freely given. The inadequacy of consideration is a fact which the Court should take into account in considering whether or not As consent was freely given.

Section 25 (Explanation 2) contains the above provisions. It reads, An agreement to which the consent of the party is freely given is not void merely because the consideration is inadequate; but the inadequacy of the consideration may be taken into account by the Court determining the question whether the consent of the promisor was freely given.

Consideration must move at the desire of the promisor. Consideration may move from the promisee or any other person, i.e., a stranger to consideration may maintain a suit. A stranger to the contract cannot maintain a suit. Consideration need not be adequate. Consideration must he real and competent.
Consideration must be legal.

(4) Consideration must be real and competent. Consideration must be real. If it is illusory, e.g., if a man promises to discover treasure by magic, the transaction is void. The consideration must also be competent, that is, it must be something to which law attaches some value. Thus, an agreement to do something which the promisor is already under a duty to do, is void being without competent consideration.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A promises to pay an existing debt punctually if, B, the creditor, gives him a discount. The agreement is without consideration and the discount cannot be enforced.

I-52 Business and Corporate Laws 2. In Collins v. Godfrey (1831) 100 E.R. 1040, it was held that when a witness who has received summons to appear at a trial, a promise to pay him anything beyond his expenses is void for want of consideration, because the witness was bound to appear and give evidence.

But, a promise made to a stranger to perform an existing contract, is enforceable because the promisor undertakes a new obligation upon himself which can be enforced by the stranger. (5) Consideration must be Legal. Illegal consideration renders a contract void. For details see Part 1.7 Legality of the object on page 64.

A consideration may be: 1. Executed or Present. Consideration which moves simultaneously with the promise is called present consideration. Cash Sales provide an excellent example of the present consideration. 2. Executory or Future. When the consideration is to move at a future date, it is called future or executory consideration. It takes the form of a promise to be performed in the future.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises B to deliver him 100 bags of wheat at the future date. B promises to pay for it on delivery.

3. Past. A past consideration is something wholly done, forborne, or suffered before the making of the agreement.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A saves Bs life. B promises to pay A Rs. 1,000 out of gratitude. The consideration for Bs promise is a past consideration, something done before making of the promise.

In India, past consideration is a good consideration. The words has done or abstained from doing in Section 2(d) are a recognition of the doctrine of past consideration.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, a minor was given the benefit of certain services by the plaintiff, who rendered those services, not voluntarily but at the desire of A and these services were continued even after majority at the request of A who subsequently promised to pay an annuity to the plaintiff, it was held that the past consideration was a good consideration [Sindha v. Abraham (1895) 20 Bom. 755].

But under English Law past consideration is no consideration. Thus, if the above promise was made in England, it could not have been enforceable.

Law of Contracts I-53


The general rule of law is that an agreement without consideration is void. A bargain without consideration is a contradiction in terms and cannot exist.15 But there are a few exceptional cases where a contract, even though without consideration, is enforceable. They are as follows: 1. An agreement made without consideration is valid if (a) it is expressed in writing and (b) it is registered (under the law for the time being in force for registration of documents), and (c) it is made on account of natural love and affection, and (d) made between parties standing in a near relation to each other.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. An elder brother, on account of natural love and affection, promised to pay the debts of his younger brother. The agreement was put to writing and was registered. Held, the agreement was valid [Venkatswamy v. Rangaswamy (1903) 13 M.L.J. 428]. 2. A Mohammedan husband, by a registered agreement promised to pay his earnings to his wife. Held the agreement, though without consideration, was valid [Poonoo Bibi v. Fyaz Buksh (1874) Bom. L.R. 57].

Notice that for an agreement to be valid under this clause, the agreement must be the result of natural love and affection and nearness of relation by itself does not necessarily import natural love and affection.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A Hindu husband by a registered document, after referring to quarrels and disagreements between himself and his wife, promised to pay his wife a sum of money for her maintenance and separate residence, it was held that the promise was unenforceable [Raihikhy Dohee v. Bhootnath (1900) 4. C.W.N. 488] 2. A promise made without consideration is valid if, it is a promise to compensate wholly or in part, a person who has already voluntarily done something for the promisor, or something which the promisor was legally compellable to do [Section 25(2)].
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A finds Bs purse and gives it to him. B promises to give A Rs. 50. This is a valid contract. 2. A supports Bs infant son. B promises to pay As expenses in so doing. This is a valid contract. 3. A promise to pay, wholly or in part a debt which is barred by the law of limitation can be enforced if (a) it is in writing, and (b) is signed by the debtor or his authorised agent [Section 25(3)].
15. Lord Loughbotough.

I-54 Business and Corporate Laws

A debt barred by limitation16 cannot be recovered. Therefore, a promise to pay such a debt is, strictly speaking, without any consideration. But as noted above, if a written promise is made to repay, it is enforceable.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A owes B Rs. 1,000 but the debt is barred by the Limitation Act. A signs a written promise to pay B Rs. 500 on account of the debt. This is a valid contract.

Notice that the above section [Section 25(3)] applies only when the promisor was liable himself for the time-barred debt; the sub-section does not apply to the case of a promise to pay a time-barred debt owing by a third party. [Pestonji v. Meherbai, 30 Bom. L.R. 1407]. Further, sub-section (3) of Section 25 would not apply unless the promise is to pay an ascertained sum. A promise to pay what is due after taking accounts is not a promise within the meaning of Section 25(3) [Chowksi v. Chowksi, 8 Bom. 194]. 4. Consideration is not necessary to effect bailment (Section 148). 5. No consideration is required to create an agency (Section 185). Notice, however, that if no consideration has passed to the agent, he is only a gratuitous agent and is not bound to do the work entrusted to him, although if he begins the work, he must do it to the satisfaction of his principal. 6. The rule no consideration no contract does not apply to completed gifts [Explanation 1 to Section 25].

1.7 LEGALITY OF OBJECT (Sections 23, 24)

An agreement will not be enforceable if its object or the consideration is unlawful. According to Section 23 of the Act, the consideration and the object of an agreement are unlawful in the following cases: 1. If it is forbidden by law. If the object or the consideration of an agreement is the doing of an act forbidden by law, the agreement is void. An act or an undertaking is forbidden by law when it is punishable by the criminal law of the country or when it is prohibited by special legislation derived from the legislature.17
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A loan granted to the guardian of a minor to enable him to celebrate the minors marriage in contravention of the Child Marriage Restraint Act is illegal and cannot be recovered [Srinivas v. Raja Ram Mohan (1951) 2 M.L.J. 264]. 2. A partnership entered into for the purpose of doing business in arrack on a licence granted only to one of the partners, is void ab-initio whether the partnership was entered into before the licence was granted or afterwards as it involved a transfer of licence, which is forbidden
16. Limitation Act. 17. Pollock and Mulla: Indian Contract Act, p. 138.

Law of Contracts I-55 and penalised by the Akbari Act and the rules thereunder [Velu Payaychi v. Siva Sooriam, A.I.R. (1950) Mad. 987]. 3. A promises to drop a prosecution which he has instituted against B for robbery, and B promises to restore the value of the things taken. The agreement is void, as its object is unlawful [Illustration (h) to Section 23].

2. If it is of such a nature that if permitted, it would defeat the provisions of any law. If the object or the consideration of an agreement is of such a nature that, though not directly forbidden by law, it would defeat the provisions of the law, the agreement is void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. As estate is sold for arrears of revenue under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature, by which the defaulter is prohibited from purchasing the estate. B, upon an understanding with A, becomes the purchaser and agrees to convey the estate to A upon receiving from him the price which B has paid. The agreement is void, as it renders the transaction, in effect, a purchase by the defaulter, and would so defeat the object of the law [Illustration (i) to Section 23]. 2. A let a flat to B at a rent of 1200 a year. With a view to reduce the municipal tax A made two agreements with B. One, by which the rent was stated to be 450 only and the other, by which B agreed to pay 750 for services in connection with the flat. Held, A could not recover 750 since the agreement was made to defraud the municipal authority and thus void [Alexander v. Rayson (1936) 1 K.B. 169].

3. If it is fraudulent. An agreement with a view to defraud other is void.

I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A, B and C enter into an agreement for the division among them of gains acquired or to be acquired, by them by fraud. The agreement is void as its object is unlawful. 2. A, being an agent for a landed proprietor, agrees, for money, without the knowledge of his principal, to obtain for B a lease of land belonging to his principal. The agreement between A and B is void as it implies a fraud by concealment by A, on his principal [Illustration (g) to Section 23].

4. If it involves or implies injury to the person or property of another. If the object of an agreement is to injure the person or property of another it is void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A borrowed Rs. 100 from B. He (A) executed a bond promising to work for B without pay for 2 years and in case of default agreed to pay interest at a very exhorbitant rate and the principal amount at once. Held, the contract was void [Ram Saroop v. Bansi 42 Cal. 742]. 2. An agreement between some persons to purchase shares in a company with a view to induce other persons to believe, contrary to the fact, that there is a bona fide market for the shares is void [Gherulal Parekh v. Mahadeo. A.I.R. (1956) S.E. 781].

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5. If the Court regards it as immoral or opposed to public policy. An agreement whose object or consideration is immoral or is opposed to the public policy, is void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A let a cab on hire to B, a prostitute, knowing that it would be used for immoral purposes. The agreement is void [Pearce v. Brooks (1886) L.R. 1 Ex. 213]. 2. A, who is Bs mukhtar, promises to exercise his influence, as such, with B in favour of C and C promises to pay 1,000 rupees to A. The agreement is void, because it is immoral. 3. A agrees to let her daughter to B for concubinage. The agreement is void, because it is immoral, though the letting may not be punishable under the Indian Penal Code.


The Indian Contract Act, 1872 declares certain agreements to be void. These are explained below.


The term public policy is not capable of being defined with any degree of precision because public policy, in its nature, is highly uncertain and fluctuating. It keeps on varying with the habits and fashions of the day, with the growth of commerce and usage of trade18. In simple words, it may be said that an agreement which conflicts with morals of the time and contravenes any established interest of society, it is void as being against public policy. Thus, an agreement which tends to be injurious to the public or against the public good is void as being opposed to public. According to F. Pollock, Agreements may offend against the public policy, or tend to the prejudice of the State in time of war (trading with the enemies, etc.), by tending to the perversion or abuse of municipal justice, (stifling prosecution, champerty, maintenance) or in private life by attempting to impose inconvenient and unreasonable restrictions on the free choice of individuals in marriage or their liberty to exercise any lawful trading or calling. Some of the commonly accepted grounds of public policy including those contained in Sections 26 to 28 are dealt with in the following paragraphs. 1. Trading with Enemy. All contracts made with an alien (foreigner) enemy are illegal unless made with the permission of the Government. An alien enemy is a person who owes allegiance to a Government at war with India. Such agreements are illegal on the ground of public policy because either the further performance of the contract would involve intercourse with the enemy or its continued existence would confer upon the enemy an immediate or future benefit.
18. In England, Lord Halsbury in Janson v. Drieftein Consolidated Mines Ltd. (1902) A.C. 484 observed that categories of public policy are closed, and that no court can invent a new head of public policy. Section 23 of the Indian Contract Act, however, leaves it open to court to hold any contract as unlawful on the ground of being opposed to public policy.

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2. Agreements for Stifling Prosecution. Contract for compounding or suppression of criminal charges, for offences of a public nature are illegal and void. The law is you cannot make a trade of your felony (crime). You cannot convert crime into a source of profit. The underlying principle is If the accused is innocent, the law is abused for the purpose of extortion; if guilty, the law is eluded by a corrupt compromise screening the criminal for a bribe.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, knowing that B has committed a murder, obtains a promise from B to pay him (A) Rs. 10,000, in consideration of not exposing B, there is a case of stifling prosecution and the agreement is illegal and void.

3. Contracts in the nature champerty and maintenance. Maintenance means the promotion of litigation in which a person has no interest of his own. In other words, where a person agrees to maintain a suit, in which19 he has no interest, the proceeding is known as Maintenance. Thus, maintenance tends to encourage speculative litigation. Champerty is a bargain whereby one party is to assist another in recovering property and, in turn, is to share in the proceeds of the action. Under English Law, both of these agreements are declared illegal and void being opposed to public policy. Indian Law is different. In Raja Venkata Subhadrayamma Guru v. Sree Pusapathi Venkatapathi Raju, 48 Mad. 230 (P.C.), the Privy Council held that champerty and maintenance are not illegal in India, and that Courts will refuse to enforce such agreements only when they are found to be extortionate and unconscionable and not made with the bonafide object of assisting the claims of the person unable to carry on litigation himself. In other words, only those agreements which appear to be made for purposes of gambling in litigation, and for injuring or oppressing others, by encouraging unholy litigation, that will not be enforced, but not all agreements of champerty or maintenance. Thus, an agreement to render services for the conduct of litigation in consideration of payment of 50 per cent of the amount recovered through Court would be legally enforceable. But, where it was found that the value of the part of the estate promised to be conveyed amounted to Rs. 64,000 in return for Rs. 12,000 which was to be spent by the financier on the prosecution of an appeal in the Privy Council, it was held that although the agreement was bond fide, it could not be enforced, the reward being extortionate and unconscionable. 4. Agreements for the Sale of Public Offices and Titles. Traffic by way of sale in public offices and appointments obviously tends to the prejudice of the public service by interfering with the selection of the best qualified persons. Such sales, are, therefore, unlawful and void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A promises to pay B Rs. 5,000 if B secures him an employment in the public service. The agreement is void. 2. Similarly, where A promises to pay a sum to B in order to induce him to retire so as to provide room for As appointment to the public office held by B, the agreement is void [Saminathan v. Muthusami, 30 Mad. 530].
19. See Bhagwat Dayal Singh v. Debi Dayal Sahu (1908) 35 I.A. 48: 35 Col. 4.

I-58 Business and Corporate Laws 3. The secretary of a college promised Col. Parkinson that if he made a large donation to the college, he would secure a knighthood for him. Held, the agreement was against public policy and thus void [Parkinson v. College of Ambulance Ltd. (1925) 2 K.B.1].

5. Agreements in restraint of parental rights. According to law the father is the guardian of his minor child; after the father, the right of guardianship vests in the mother. This right cannot be bartered away by any agreement. [Re Caroll (1931) 1 K.B. 307.] Thus, the authority of a father cannot be alienated irrevocably and any agreement purporting to do so is void.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A father having two minor sons agreed to transfer their guardianship in favour of Mrs. Annie Besant and also agreed not to revoke the transfer. Subsequently, he filed a suit for recovery of the boys and a declaration that he was the rightful guardian, the Court held that he had the right to revoke his authority and get back the children [Giddu Narayanish v. Mrs. Annie Besant. (1915) 38 Mad. P.C].

6. Agreement in Restraint of Marriage. According to Section 26 of the Contract Act, Every agreement in restraint of the marriage of any person, other than a minor, is void.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promised to marry none else except Miss B, and in default pay her a sum of Rs. 1,000. A married some one else and B sued A for recovery of the sum. Held, the contract was in restraint of marriage, and as such void.

Notice that in India any restraint of marriage whether total (absolute) or partial is opposed to public policy and hence void. In English Law, however, only an absolute restraint is void e.g., an agreement to marry no one but the promisee. 7. Marriage Brokerage or Brocage Contracts. A marriage brokerage contract is one in which, in consideration of marriage, one or the other of the parties to it, or their parents or third parties receive a certain sum of money. Accordingly, dowry is a marriage brokerage and hence unlawful and void.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. In Venkatakrishna v. Venkatachalam 32, Mad. 185, a sum of money was agreed to be paid to the father in consideration of his giving his daughter in marriage. Held, such a promise amounted to a marriage brokerage contract and was void. 2. Where a purohit was promised a certain sum of money in consideration of procuring a second wife for the defendant, it was held that the promise was opposed to public policy and thus void [Vaidyanathan v. Gangarazu (1290) 17 Mad. 9].

In the above cases, if marriage had been performed and the money remains unpaid, it cannot be recovered in a Court of Law. But, if the money had been paid and marriage also performed, the money cannot be got back. 8. Agreements in restraint of legal proceedings. Section 28, as amended by the Indian Contract (Amendment) Act, 1996 w.e.f 8.1.1997, provides that every agreement

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(a) by which any party thereto is restricted absolutely from enforcing his rights under or in respect of any contract, by the usual legal proceedings in the ordinary tribunals, or which limits the time within which he may thus enforce his rights; or (b) which extinguishes the rights of any party thereto, or discharges any party thereto from any liability, under or in respect of any contract on the expiry of a specified period so as to restrict any party from enforcing his rights, is void to that extent. However, an agreement to refer disputes to arbitration is valid. Similarly, the Supreme Court in M/s. Angile Insulations v. M/s. Davy Ashmore India Ltd. AIR 1995 SC 1766 has held that an express agreement between parties to vest jurisdiction to refer any dispute to a specified court does not amount to contracting against the statute. Thus, the clause in the agreement, viz., This work order is issued subject to the jurisdiction of the High Court situated in Bangalore, in the State of Karnataka was held to be valid. Supreme Court said Mercantile Law and Practice permit such agreements. 9. Contracts interfering with course of Justice. Any agreement for the purpose or to the effect of using improper influence of any kind with judges or officers of justice is void. 10. Contracts tending to create monopolies. Such agreements are void being opposed to public interest.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

In District Board of Jhelum v. Harichand 1934 Lah. 474, a local body granted a monopoly to A to sell vegetables in a particular locality. Held, the agreement was void.

11. Agreements in Restraint of Trade. Courts do not allow any tendency to impose restrictions upon the liberty of an individual to carry on any business, profession or trade. In England, originally, all agreements in restraint of trade were void. But now, the rule is that though total restraint will be bad, reasonable restraint will be enforceable. In Nordenfelt v. Maxim Nordenfelt, etc., Co. (1893) A.C. 535, the House of Lords held that the real test for determining the validity of agreements in restraint of trade was, whether the restraint imposed was reasonable, for good consideration, not prejudicial to the interests of the public, and not more onerous than necessary for the protection of the party imposing the restraint. In India, the law on the subject is contained in Section 27 which reads: Every agreement by which any one is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade or business of any kind, is to that extent void. Thus, in India, all agreements in restraint of trade, whether general or partial, qualified or unqualified, are void. It is, therefore, not open to the Courts in India to enter into any question of reasonableness or otherwise of the restraint [Khemchand v. Dayaldas, (1942) Sind, 114].
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. 29 out of 30 manufacturers of combs in the city of Patna agreed with R to supply him with combs and not to any one else. Under the agreement R was free to reject the goods if he found there was no market for them. Held, the agreement amounted to restraint of trade and was thus void [Shaikh Kalu v. Ramsaran Bhagat (1909) 13 C.W.N. 388].

I-60 Business and Corporate Laws 2. J, an employee of a company, agreed not to employ himself in a similar concern within a distance of 800 miles from Madras after leaving the companys service. Held, the agreement was void [Oakes & Co. v. Jackson (1876) 1 Mad. 134]. 3. A and B carried on business of braziers in a certain locality in Calcutta. A promised to stop business in that locality if B paid him Rs. 900 which he had paid to his workmen as advances. A stopped his business but B did not pay him the promised money. Held, the agreement was void and, therefore, nothing could be recovered on it [Madhav v. Raj Coomar (1874) 14 B.L.R. 76].

Exceptions [or Cases in which restraint of trade is valid in India.] The following are the exceptions to the above rule that a restraint of trade is void: 1. Sale of Goodwill. Exception 1 to Section 27 provides that the seller of the goodwill of a business may agree with the buyer to refrain from carrying on a similar business, within specified local limits, so long as the buyer or any one deriving title to the goodwill from him carries on a like business, provided that such limits are reasonable.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

S, a seller of imitation jewellery, sells his business to B and promises not to carry on business in imitation jewellery and real jewellery. Held, the restraint with regard to imitation jewellery was valid but not regarding real jewellery [Goldsoll v. Goldmand (1915)1 Ch.D. 292].

2. Partners agreement. Partners may agree that: (a) a partner shall not carry on any business other than that of the firm while he is a partner. [Section 11(2) of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932]; (b) a partner on ceasing to be a partner will not carry on any business similar to that of the firm within a specified period or within specified local limits. The agreement shall be valid if the restrictions are reasonable [Section 32(2) of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932]; (c) partners may, upon or in anticipation of the dissolution of the firm, make an agreement that some or all of them will not carry on a business similar to that of the firm within a specified period or within specified local limits and such agreement shall be valid if the restrictions imposed are reasonable [Section 54 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932]; (d) a partner may, upon the sale of the goodwill of a firm, make an agreement that such partner will not carry on any business similar to that of the firm within a specified period or within specified local limits; and such agreement shall be valid if the restrictions imposed are reasonable [Section 55 of the Indian Partnership, 1932]. 3. Service Agreements. An agreement of service by which a person binds himself during the term of the agreement not to take service with anyone else or directly or indirectly take part in or promote or aid any business in direct competition with that of his employer is valid [Charles v. Macdonald (1899) 23 Bom. 103].

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I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agreed to become assistant for 3 years to B who was a doctor practising at Zanzibar. It was agreed that during the term of the agreement A was not to practise on his own account in Zanzibar. After one year, A started his own practice. Held, the agreement was valid and A could be restrained by an injunction from doing so.

These days it is a common practice to appoint management trainees. A lot of time, money and energy is spent in training the selected candidates in the management techniques. So, it will be a waste on the part of such organisations if these persons left for other organisations immediately after training. Therefore, a service bond is normally got signed whereby the trainee agrees to serve the organisation for a stipulated period. Such agreements, if reasonable, do not amount, to restraint of trade and hence are enforceable. Thus, where an employee undertook to serve his employer for a period of 3 years but leaves the service after one year, he may be asked to abide by the agreement [Deshpande v. Arvind Mills, AIR 1946 Bom. 423]. But, if a restraint imposed on the employee is to operate after the expiry of the period of his service it shall prima facie be void [Krishna Murgai v. Superintendence Co. of India, AIR, 1979 Delhi 232].20 Thus, where A bank appoints an officer subject to the condition that after ceasing to be in service he would not join the service of any other bank in India for a period of 5 years, the bank shall not be in a position to enforce such condition.

A wagering agreement, says Sir William Anson, is a promise to give money or moneys worth upon the determination or ascertainment of an uncertain event. Cockburn C.J. defined it as A contract by A to pay money to B on the happening of a given event in consideration of Bs promise to pay money to A on the event not happening. Thus, a wagering agreement is an agreement under which money or moneys worth is payable, by one person to another on the happening or non-happening of a future, uncertain event. The essence of gaming and wagering is that one party is to win and the other to lose upon a future event, which at the time of the contract is of an uncertain nature-that is to say, if the event turns out one way A will lose but if it turns out the other way, he will win.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A and B bet as to whether it would rain on a particular day or not A promising to pay Rs. 100 to B if it rained, and B promising an equal amount to A, if it did not. This agreement is wager. 2. A and B agree to deal with the differences in prices of a particular commodity. Such an agreement is a wager.
20. Also see Brahamputra Tea Co. v. Scarth (1855) I.L.R. 11 Col. 545 and Oakes & Co. v. Jackson (1876) I.L.R. 1 Mad 134.

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Effects of Wagering Agreements. An agreement by way of wager is void. Section 30 provides Agreements by way of wager are void; and no suit shall be brought for recovering anything alleged to be won on any wager or entrusted to any person to abide by the result of any game or other uncertain event on which any wager is made. Thus, in India all agreements by way of wager are void. Wagering Agreement Void and not Illegal. In India, unless the wager amounts to a lottery, which is a crime according to Section 294-A of the Indian Penal Code, it is not illegal but simply void. Thus, except in case of lotteries, the collateral transactions remain enforceable.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A borrows Rs. 500 from B to pay to C, to whom B has lost a bet. Contract between A and B is valid.

Lottery is an arrangement for the distribution by chance among persons purchasing tickets. The dominant motive of the participants need not be gambling. Where a wagering transaction amounts to a lottery, it is illegal as per Sec. 294-A of the Indian Penal Code. In Sir Dorabji Tata v. Edward F Lance (1918) I.L.R. 42 Bom. 676, where the Government of India had sanctioned a lottery, the Court held that the permission granted by the Government will not have the effect of overriding Sec. 30 of the Indian Contract Act and making such a lottery legal. Its only effect was that the persons responsible for running the lottery would not be punishable under the Indian Penal Code. However, in H. Anraj v. Govt. of Tamil Nadu AIR 1986 SC 63, the Supreme Court upheld lotteries with the prior permission of the Government as legal, thereby conferring upon the winner of a lottery, a right to receive the prize and the sale of lotteries subject to payment of sales-tax. Supreme Court held that a sale of lottery ticket confers on the purchaser thereof two rights (a) a right to participate in the draw and (b) a right to claim a prize contingent upon his being successful in the draw. Exceptions (Transactions Held Not Wagers). The following transactions have been held not to be wagers: 1. Transactions for the sale and purchase of stocks and shares, or for the sale and delivery of goods, with a clear intention to give and lake delivery of shares or goods, as the case may be. Notice that, where the intention is only to settle in price difference, the transaction is a wager and hence void. 2. Prize competitions which are games of skill, e.g., picture puzzles, athletic competitions. Thus, an agreement to enter into a wrestling contest in which the winner was to be rewarded by the entire sale proceeds of tickets, was held not to be wagering contract [Babalalteb v. Rajaram (1931) 33 Bom. L.R. 260]. A crossword competition is not a wager since it involves skill. But, in Coleys v. Odhams Press21 (1936) 1 K. 416 it was held that a crossword puzzle in which prizes depend upon correspondence of the competitors solution with a previously prepared solution kept with the editor of a newspaper is a lottery and therefore, a wagering transaction. According to Prize Competition Act, 1955 prize competitions in games of skill are not wagers provided the prize money does not exceed Rs. 1000. 3. An agreement to contribute a plate or prize of the value of above Rs. 500 to be awarded to the winner of a horse race. (Section 30).
21. Also see J.N. Gupta v. State of West Bengal, (1959) Cal. 141.

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4. Contracts of Insurance. Contracts of insurance are not wagering agreements even though the payment of money by the insurer may depend upon a future uncertain event. Contracts of insurance differ from the wagering agreements in the following respects: (a) It is only person possessing an insurable interest that is permitted to insure life or property, and not any person, as in the case of a wager. (b) In the case of fire and marine insurance, only the actual loss suffered by the party is paid by the company, and not the full amount for which the property is insured. Even in the case of life insurance, the amount payable is fixed only because of the difficulty in estimating the loss caused by the death of the assured in terms of money, but the underlying idea is only indemnification. (c) Contracts of insurance are regarded as beneficial to the public and are, therefore, encouraged. Wagering agreements, on the other hand, are considered to be against public policy.

1.9 CONTINGENT CONTRACTS (Sections 31-36)

A contingent contract, is a contract to do or not to do something, if some event, collateral to such contract does or does not happen.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracts to pay B Rs. 10,000 if Bs house is burnt. This is a contingent contract.

Essentials of a Contingent Contract

(1) The performance of a contingent contract is made dependent upon the happening or non-happening of some event. (2) The event on which the performance is made to depend, is an event collateral to the contract, i.e. it does not form part of the reciprocal promises which constitute the contract.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A agrees to deliver 100 bags of wheat and B agrees to pay the price only afterwards, the contract is a conditional contract and not contingent, because the event on which Bs obligation is made to depend is a part of the promise itself and not a collateral event. 2. A promises to pay B Rs. 10,000 if he marries C, it is not a contingent contract.

(3) The contingent event should not be the mere will of the promisor.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to pay B Rs. 1,000, if he so chooses, it is not a contingent contract.22

22. In fact, it is not a contract at all.

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However, where the event is within the promisors will but not merely his will, it may be a contingent contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to pay B Rs. 1,000, if A left Delhi for Bombay, it is a contingent contract, because going to Bombay is an event no doubt within As will, but is not merely his will.

Rules Regarding Enforcement of Contingent Contracts (Sections 32 to 36). The rules regrading contingent contracts are summarised hereunder: (1) Contracts contingent upon the happening of a future uncertain event, cannot be enforced by law unless and until that event has happened. And if, the event becomes impossible such contract become void (Section 32).
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A makes a contract with B to buy Bs horse if A survives C. This contract cannot be enforced by law unless and until C dies in As life-time. 2. A makes a contract with B to sell a horse to B at a specified price if C, to whom the horse has been offered, refuses to buy him. The contract cannot he enforced by law unless and until C refuses to buy the horse. 3. A contracts to pay B a sum of money when B marries C. C dies without being married to B. The contract becomes void.

(2) Contracts contingent upon the non-happening of an uncertain future event can be enforced when the happening of that event becomes impossible, and not before. (Section 33).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agrees to pay B a sum of money if a certain ship does not return. The ship is sunk. The contract can be enforced when the ship sinks.

(3) If a contract is contingent upon as to how a person will act at an unspecified time, the event shall be considered to become impossible when such person does anything. which renders it impossible that he should so act within any definite time, or otherwise than under further contingencies. (Section 34).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agrees to pay B a sum of money if B marries C. C marries D. The marriage of B to C must now be considered impossible, although it is possible that D may die and C may afterwards marry B.

(4) Contracts contingent upon the happening of a specified uncertain event within a fixed time become void if, at the expiration of the time fixed, such event has not happened or if, before the time fixed, such event becomes impossible (Section 35 para I).

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I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to pay B a sum of money if a certain ship returns within a year. The contract may be enforced if the ship returns within the year, and becomes void if the ship is burnt within the year.

(5) Contracts contingent upon the non-happening of a specified event within a fixed time may be enforced by law when the time fixed has expired and such event has not happened, or, before the time fixed expired, if it becomes certain that such event will not happen (Section 35 para II).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to pay B a sum of money if a certain ship does not return within a year. The contract may be enforced if the ship does not return within the year, or is burnt within the year.

(6) Contingent agreements to do or not to do anything, if an impossible event happens, are void, whether the impossibility of the event is known or not to the parties to the agreement at the time when it is made.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A agrees to pay B Rs. 1,000 if two parallel straight lines should enclose a space. The agreement is void. 2. A agrees to pay B Rs. 1,000 if B will marry As daughter C. C was dead at the time of the agreement. The agreement is void.

1.10 QUASI CONTRACTS [Certain Relations resembling those created by Contracts (Sections 68-72)]
Quasi Contracts are so-called because the obligations associated with such transactions could neither be referred as tortious nor contractual, but are still recognised as enforceable, like contracts, in Courts. According to Dr. Jenks, Quasi-contract is a situation in which law imposes upon one person, on grounds of natural justice, an obligation similar to that which arises from a true contract, although no contract, express or implied, has in fact been entered into by them.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

X Supplies goods to his customer Y who receives and consumes them. Y is bound to pay the price. Ys acceptance of the goods constitutes an implied promise to pay. This kind of contract is called a tacit contract. In this very illustration, if the goods are delivered by a servant of X to Z, mistaking Z for Y, then Z will be bound to pay compensation to X for their value. This is Quasi-Contract.

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The principle underlying a quasi-contract is that no one shall be allowed unjustly to enrich himself at the expense of another, and the claim based on a quasi-contract is generally for money. Sections 68 to 72 of the Contract Act describe the cases which are to be deemed Quasi-contracts. (1) Claim for Necessaries Supplied to a person incapable of Contracting or on his account. If a person, incapable of entering into a contract, or any one whom he is legally bound to support is supplied by another person with necessaries suited to his condition in life, the person who furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of such incapable person (Sec. 68).
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. A is entitled to be reimbursed from Bs property. 2. A, who supplies the wife and children of B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to their conditions in life, is entitled to be reimbursed from Bs property.

The above Section covers the case of necessaries supplied to a person incapable of contracting (say, a minor, lunatic, etc.) and to persons whom the incapable person is bound to support (e.g, his wife and minor children). However, following points should be carefully noted: (a) The goods supplied must be necessaries. What will constitute necessaries shall vary from person to person depending upon the social status he enjoys.23 (b) It is only the property of the incapable person that shall be liable. He cannot be held liable personally. Thus, where he doesnt own any property, nothing shall be payable. (2) Reimbursement of person paying money due by another in payment of which he is interested. A person who is interested in the payment of money which another is bound by law to pay, and who, therefore, pays it, is entitled to be reimbursed by the other. (Section 69).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

B holds land in Bengal, on a lease granted by A, the Zamindar. The revenue payable by A to the Government being in arrear, his land is advertised for sale by the Government. Under the Revenue Law, the consequence of such sale will be the annulment of Bs lease. B, to prevent the sale and the consequent annulment of his own lease, pays the Government, the sum due from A. A is bound to make good to B the amount so paid.

In order that the Section may apply, it is necessary to prove that: (a) The person making the payment is interested in the payment of money, i.e. the payment was made bona fide, for the protection of his own interest. (b) The payment should not be a voluntary payment. It should be such that there is some legal or other coercive process compelling the payment. (c) The payment must be to another person. (d) The payment must be one which the other party was bound by law to pay.
23. For details see discussion on Minors under Capacity to Contract [Page I-24].

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(3) Obligation of a person enjoying benefits of non-gratuitous act. Where a person lawfully does anything for another person, or delivers anything to him, not intending to do so gratuitously, and such other person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is bound to make compensation to the former in respect of, or to restore the thing so done or delivered [Section 70].
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A, a tradesman, leaves goods at Bs house by mistake. B treats the goods his own. He is bound to pay for them. 2. A saves Bs property from fire. A is not entitled to compensation from B, if the circumstances show that he intended to act gratuitously.

In order that Section 70 may apply, the following conditions must be satisfied: (a) the thing must be done lawfully; (b) the intention must be to do it non-gratuitously; and (c) the person for whom the act is done must enjoy the benefit of it. (4) Responsibility of Finder of Goods. Ordinarily speaking, a person is not bound to take care of goods belonging to another, left on a road or other public place by accident or inadvertence, but if he takes them into his custody, an agreement is implied by law. Although, there is in fact no agreement between the owner and the finder of the. goods, the finder is for certain purposes, deemed in law to be a bailee and must take as much care of the goods as a man of ordinary prudence would take of similar goods of his own. This obligation is imposed on the basis of a quasi-contract. Section 71, which deals with this subject, says: A person who finds goods belonging to another and takes them into his custody, is subject to the same responsibility as a bailee.24 (5) Liability of person to whom money is paid, or thing delivered by mistake or under coercion (Section 72). A person to whom money has been paid, or anything delivered by mistake or under coercion, must repay or return it.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

1. A and B jointly owe Rs. 1,000 to C. A alone pays the amount to C and B not knowing this fact, pays Rs. 1,000 over again to C. C is bound to repay the amount to B. 2. A railway company refuses to deliver certain goods to the consignee except upon the payment of an illegal charge for carriage. The consignee pays the sum charged in order to obtain the goods. He is entitled to recover so much of the charge as was illegally excessive.

Notice that the term mistake as used in Section 72 includes not only a mistake of fact but also a mistake of law. There is no conflict between the provisions of Section 72 on the one hand, and Sections 21 and 22 on the other, and the true principle is that if one party under mistake, whether of fact or law, pays
24. Details on p. II-21.

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to another party money which is not due by contract or otherwise, that money must be repaid [Sales Tax Officer, Benares v. Kanhaiyalal Makanlal Saraf, (1959), S.C.J. 53]. Quantum Meruit. The phrase quantum meruit means as much as merited or as much as earned. The general rule of law is that unless a person has performed his obligations in full, he cannot claim performance from the other.25 But in certain cases, when a person has done some work under a contract, and the other party repudiated the contract, or some event happens which makes the further performance of the contract impossible, then the party who has performed the work can claim remuneration for the work he has already done. The right to claim quantum meruit does not arise out of the contract as the right to damages does; it is a claim on the quasi-contractual obligation which the law implies in the circumstances. [Patel Engg. Co. Ltd. v. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., AIR (1975) Pat. 212]. The claim on quantum meruit arises in the following cases: 1. When a contract is discovered to be unenforceable (Section 65). When an agreement is discovered to be void or becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under such agreement or contract is bound to restore it, or to make compensation for it to the person from whom he received it.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A pays B Rs. 1,000 in consideration of Bs promising to marry C, As daughter. C is dead at the time of the promise. The agreement is void, but B must repay A the 1,000 rupees. (2) A contracts with B to deliver to him 250 kilos of rice before the first of May. A delivers 130 kilos only before that day and none after. B retains the 130 kilos after the first of May. He is bound to pay A for them. (3) A, a singer, contracts with B, the manager of a theatre, to sing at his theatre for two nights every week during the next two months, and B engages to pay her Rs. 100 for each nights performance. On the sixth night, A wilfully absents herself from the theatre, and B, in consequence, rescinds the contract. B must pay A for the five nights on which she had sung.

2. When one party abandons or refuses to perform the contract. Where there is a breach of contract, the aggrieved party is entitled to claim reasonable compensation for what he has done under the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

C, an owner of a magazine, engaged P to write a book to be published by instalments in his magazine. After a few instalments were published, the magazine was abandoned. Held, P could claim payment on quantum meruit for the part already published [Planche v. Colburn (1831) 8 Bing. 14].

3. When a Contract is divisible, and the party not in default, has enjoyed the benefit of the part performance, the party in default may sue on quantum meruit.
25. Cutter v. Powell (1795) T.T. 320.

Law of Contracts I-69

4. When an indivisible contract is completely performed but badly. When an indivisible contract for a lump sum is completely performed, but badly, the person who has performed can claim the lump sum less deduction for bad work.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agreed to decorate Bs flat for a lump sum of 750. A did the work but B complained for faulty workmanship. It cost B 204 to remedy the defect. Held, A could recover from B 750 less 204 [Hoening v. Isaacs (1952) AIR 11 E.R. 176].

1.11 PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACTS (Sections 37-67)

A contract creates obligations. Performance of a Contract means the carrying out of these obligations. Section 37 requires that the parties to a contract must either perform or offer to perform their respective promises, unless such performance is dispensed with or excused under the provisions of the Contract Act, or of any other law.


It may happen that the promisor offers performance of his obligation under the contract at the proper time and place but the promisee refuses to accept the performance. This is called as Tender or attempted performance. According to Section 38, if a valid tender is made and is not accepted by the promisee, the promisor shall not be responsible for non-performance nor shall he lose his rights under the contract. A tender or offer of performance to be valid must satisfy the following conditions: 1. It must be unconditional. A conditional offer of performance is not valid and the promisor shall not be relieved thereby. A tender is conditional where it is not in accordance with the terms of the contract.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) X offers to Y the principal amount of the loan. This is not a valid tender since the whole amount of principal and interest is not offered. (2) X a debtor, offers to pay Y the debt due by instalments and tenders the first instalment. This is not a valid tender [Behari Lal v. Ram Ghulam, 24 All. 461].

2. It must be made at proper time and place, and under such circumstances that the person to whom it is made may have a reasonable opportunity of ascertaining that the person offering to perform is able and willing there and then to do the whole of what he is bound by his promise to do.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) X offers by post to pay Y the amount he owes. This is not a valid tender, as X is not able there and then to pay.

I-70 Business and Corporate Laws (2) X offers the goods contracted to Y at 1 A.M. This is not a valid tender unless it was so agreed.

As to what is proper time and place, depends upon the intention of the parties and the provisions of Section 46 to 50 which are discussed on p. 86. 3. Since the tender is an offer to deliver anything to the promisee, the promisee must have a reasonable opportunity to see that the thing offered is the thing contracted for.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracts to deliver B at his warehouse, on 1st March 1989, 100 bales of cotton of a particular quality. A must bring the cotton to Bs warehouse on the appointed day, under such circumstances that B may have a reasonable opportunity of satisfying himself that the thing offered is cotton of the quality contracted for, and that there are 100 bales.

Notice that an offer to one of several joint promisees has the same Legal effect as an offer to all of them.


The promise may be performed by promisor himself, or his agent or by his legal representative. 1. Promisor himself (Section 40). If it appears that it was the intention of the parties that the promise should be performed by the promisor himself, such promise must be performed by the promisor.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to paint a picture for B. A must perform this promise personally.

2. Agent. In cases other than the one specified in (1) above, the promisor may employ a competent person to perform it.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to pay to B a sum of money. A may perform this promise either personally paying the money to B or causing it to be paid to B by another.

3. Legal Representative. In case of death of the promisor, the Legal representative must perform the promise unless a contrary intention appears from the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to deliver goods to B on a certain day on payment of Rs. 1,000. A dies before that day. As legal representatives are bound to deliver the goods to B and B is bound to pay Rs. 1,000 to As representatives.

4. Where, however, a contract involves personal skill or is founded on normal considerations, it comes to an end with the death of the promisor.

Law of Contracts I-71

I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to paint a picture for B by a certain day. A dies before that day. The contract cannot be enforced either by As representatives or by B.


A contract need not be performed: 1. If the parties mutually agree to substitute the original contract by a new one or to rescind or alter it (Section 62).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A owes money to B under a contract. It is agreed between A, B and C that B shall henceforth accept C as his debtor, instead of A . The old debt of A to B is at an end, and a new debt from C to B has been contracted.

2. If the promisee dispenses with or remits, wholly or in part the performance of the promise made to him or extends the time for such performance or accepts any satisfaction for it (Section 63).
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A promises to paint a picture for B. B afterwards forbids him to do so. A is no longer bound to perform the promise. (2) A owes B Rs. 5,000. C pays to B Rs. 1,000 and B accepts them, in satisfaction of his claim on A. This payment is a discharge of the whole claim.

3. If the person, at whose option the contract is voidable, rescinds it (Section 64). 4. If the promisee neglects or refuses to afford the promisor reasonable facilities for the performance of his promise (Section 67).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracts with B to repair Bs house. B neglects or refuses to point out to A the places in which his house requires repair. A need not perform.


When two or more persons make a joint promise, the promisee may, in the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, compel any (one or more) of such joint promisors to perform whole of the promise (Section 43).

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I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, B and C jointly promise to pay D Rs. 3,000. D may, compel either A or B or C or any two of them to pay him Rs. 3,000.

Thus, in India the liability of joint promisors is joint as well as several. In England, however, the liability of the joint promisors is only joint and not several and accordingly all the joint promisors must be sued jointly. In England, therefore, release or discharge of any of the joint promisor shall discharge all the joint promisors. Right of Contribution. Where a joint promisor has been compelled to perform the whole promise, he may compel every other joint promisor to contribute equally with himself to the performance of the promise (unless a contrary intention appears from the contract). If any one of the joint promisors makes default in such contribution, the remaining joint promisors must bear the loss arising from such default in equal shares.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A, B and C are under a joint promise to pay D Rs. 3,000. A is compelled to pay the whole. A can recover Rs. 1,000 each from B and C. (2) A, B and C jointly promise to pay D the sum of Rs. 3,000. C is compelled to pay the whole. A is insolvent, but his assets are sufficient to pay 1/2 of his debts. C is entitled to receive Rs. 500 from As estate. and Rs. 1,250 from B. (3) A, B and C are under a joint promise to pay D Rs. 3,000. C is unable to pay anything, and A is compelled to pay the whole. A is entitled to receive Rs. 1.500 from B.

Release of joint promisor (Section 44). Where two or more persons have made a joint promise, a release of one of such joint promisors by the promisee does not discharge the other joint promisor or promisors, neither does it free him from responsibility to the other joint promisor or promisors. In Kirtee Chunder v. Struthers, (1878), 4 Cal. 336, the plaintiff sued some of the partners of a firm for damages, but then he settled his claim against one of them and agreed to withdraw his claim and suit against him. Held, that the suit could be carried on against the rest of the partners. The position in English Law is, however, different. Under the English Law, if the promisee discharges one of the several joint promisors, such discharge acts as a discharge of all the joint promisors. Thus, under English Law suit must be brought against all the promisors jointly.


When a person has made a promise to two or more persons jointly, then, unless a contrary intention appears from the contract, the right to claim performance rests with all the joint promisees and after the death of any of them with the representatives of such deceased promisee jointly with the survivor or survivors and after the death of the survivors also, with the representatives of all jointly. Thus, unlike the case of joint promisors whose liability is joint as well as several, the right of the joint promisees is only joint and thus any of them cannot enforce performance unless so agreed.

Law of Contracts I-73

I Example _______________________________________________________________

A in consideration of Rs. 5,000 lent to him by B and C, promises B and C jointly to repay them that sum with interest on a day specified. B dies. The right to claim performance rests with Bs representative jointly with C during Cs life, and after Cs death with the representatives of B, and C jointly.

TIME, PLACE AND MANNER OF PERFORMANCE (Sections 46 to 50 and 55)

The rules laid down regarding the time, place and manner of performance are summed up hereunder: 1. Where the time for performance has been specified and the promisor has undertaken to perform it without application by the promisee, the promisor must perform on the day fixed during the usual business hours and at the place at which the promise ought to be performed.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to deliver goods to B at his warehouse on 15th July, 1999. A offers the goods at Bs warehouse but after the usual hours for closing it. The performance of A is not valid.

2. But, where the time of performance is not specified, and the promisor agreed to perform without a demand from the promisee, the performance must be made within a reasonable time. What reasonable time is, in each particular case is a question of fact. 3. Where a promise is to be performed on a certain day, and the promisor has not undertaken to perform it without application by the promisee, the promisee must apply for performance at a proper place and within the usual business hours. What proper time and place is, in each particular case is a question of fact. 4. When a promise is to be performed without application by the promisee and no place is fixed for its performance, the promisor must apply to the promisee to appoint a reasonable place for the performance of the promise, and perform it at such place.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A undertakes to deliver 1,000 kilos of Jute to B on a fixed day. A must apply to appoint a reasonable place for the purpose of receiving it, and must deliver it to him at such place.

5. The performance of any promise may be made in any manner, or at any time which the promisee prescribes or sanctions.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) B owes A Rs. 2,000. A desires B to pay the amount to As account with C, a banker. B who also banks with C orders the amount to be transferred from his account to As credit and this is done by C. Afterwards, and before A knows of the transfer, C fails. There has been a good payment by B. (2) A owes B Rs. 2,000. B accepts some of As goods in deduction of the debt. The delivery of the goods operates as a part payment.

I-74 Business and Corporate Laws (3) A desires B, who owes him Rs. 100 to send him a note for Rs. 100 by post. The debt is discharged as soon as B puts into the post a letter containing the note duly addressed to A.


Reciprocal promise means a promise in return for a promise. Thus, where a contract consists of promise by one party (to do or not to do something in future) in consideration of a similar promise by other party, it will be called a case of reciprocal promises. Reciprocal promises maybe divided into three groups: 1. Mutual and Dependent, 2. Mutual and Independent, and 3. Mutual and Concurrent. 1. Mutual and Dependent. In such a case the performance of one party depends upon the prior performance of the other party. Thus, if the promisor who must perform, fails to perform it, he cannot claim the performance of the reciprocal promise. On the other hand, he must make compensation to the other party to the contract for any loss which such other party may sustain by the non-performance of the contract.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A contracts with B to execute certain builders work for a fixed price, B supplying the necessary timber for the work. B refuses to furnish any timber and the work cannot be executed. A need not execute the work and B is bound to make compensation to A for any loss caused to him by the non-performance of the contract. (2) A promises B to sell him 100 bales of merchandise, to be delivered next day and B promises A to pay for them within a month. A does not deliver according to his promise. Bs promise to pay need not be performed, and A must make compensation.

2. Mutual and Independent. In such cases, each party must perform his promise without waiting for the performance or readiness to perform on the part of the other.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

X promises Y to deliver him goods on 10th July and Y in turn promises to pay the price on 6th July. Ys paying the price is independent of Xs delivering the goods and even if Y does not pay the price on 6th July, X must deliver the goods, on 10th July. He can of course, sue Y for compensation.

3. Mutual and Concurrent. In such cases the promises have to be simultaneously performed. According to Section 51, when a contract consists of reciprocal promises to be simultaneously performed, no promisor need perform his promise unless the promisee is ready and willing to perform his reciprocal promise.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A and B contract that A shall deliver goods to B to be paid by instalments, the first instalment to be paid on delivery. A need not deliver, unless B is ready and willing to pay for the

Law of Contracts I-75 goods on delivery. And B need not pay for the goods unless A is ready and willing to deliver them on payment. (2) A and B contract that A shall deliver goods to B at a price to be paid for by B on delivery. A need not deliver, unless B is ready and willing to pay the first instalment on delivery. And B need not pay the first instalment, unless A is ready and willing to deliver the goods on payment of the first instalment.

Reciprocal promises to do things legal and also other things illegal (Section 57). Where persons reciprocally promise, firstly, to do certain things which are legal and secondly, under specified circumstances, to do certain things which are illegal, the first set of promises is a contract but second is a void agreement.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A and B agree that A shall sell B a house for Rs. 10,000 but that if B uses it as a gambling house, he shall pay A 50,000 rupees for it. The first set of reciprocal promises, namely, to sell the house and pay 10,000 rupees for it is a contract. The second set is for unlawful object, that B may use the house as a gambling house and is a void agreement.

Assignment means transfer. When a party to a contract transfers his right, title and interest in the contract to another person or other persons, he is said to assign the contract. Assignment of a contract can take place by operation of law or by an act of the parties. 1. Assignment by operation of law. The instances of assignment by operation of law are the assignment of interest by insolvency or death of the party to the contract. In the case of insolvency, the Official Receiver or Assignee acquires the interest in the contract and in the case of death, the legal representative. 2. Assignment by act of parties. In this case, the parties themselves make the assignment. The rules regarding assignment of contracts are summarised below: 1. The obligations or liabilities under a contract cannot be assigned. Thus, if A owes B 1,000 rupees, he cannot transfer his obligation to pay to C and compel B to collect his money from C. But, if the promisee agrees to such assignment, he will be bound by it. In such a case, a new contract is substituted for an old one. This is called novation. Thus, in the above example, if B agrees to accept payment from C, the assignment will be valid and A shall stand discharged of his obligation to pay. 2. Rights and benefits under a contract may be assigned. For example, where A owes B Rs. 1,000, B may assign his right to C. But, even a right or benefit under a contract cannot be assigned if it involves personal skill, ability, credit or other personal qualifications. For example, a contract to marry cannot be assigned. In Namasivaya v. Kadir Ammal 1894, 17 Mad. 168, A, a salt manufacturer agreed with B to manufacture for him for a period of 7 years quantity of salt as B required, at a fixed rate. B agreed, to execute all repairs (except petty repairs) in the manufacturers workshop. Held, these latter

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elements in the contract rendered it as one based on the character, credit and substance of the party and, therefore, B could not assign it without As consent. 3. The rights of a party under a contract may amount to actionable claim or chose-in-action. An actionable claim is a claim to any debt (except a secured debt) or to any beneficial interest ....whether such claim or beneficial interest be existent, accruing, conditional or contingentSection 3 of the Transfer of Property Act. Examples of actionable claims area money debt; the interest of a buyer in goods in a contract for forward delivery; etc. Actionable claims can be assigned by a written document under Section 130 of the Transfer of Property Act. Notice of the assignment must be given to the debtor to make the assignment valid.


When a debtor owes several debts in respect of which the payment must be made (to the same creditor), the question may arise as to which of the debts, the payment is to be appropriated. In England, the law on the subject was laid down in Claytons case.26 In India, the rules regarding appropriation of payments are contained in Sections 59 to 61 which in fact have adopted with certain modifications the rules laid down in Claytons case. The provisions of these sections are summarised below: Rule No. 1. Appropriation by Debtor. Where a debtor owing several distinct debts to one person, makes a payment to him, with express intimation that the payment is to be applied to the discharge of some particular debt, the payment, if accepted, must be applied to that debt. (Section 59). Where, however, no express intimation is given but the payment is made under circumstances implying that it should be appropriated to a particular debt, the payment, if accepted, must be applied to that debt (Section 59).
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A owes B, among other debts, Rs. 1,000 upon a promissory note which falls due on the 1st June. He owes B no other debt of that amount. On the 1st June A pays B Rs. 1,000. the payment is to be applied to the discharge of the promissory note. (2) A owes B, among other debts, the sum of Rs. 567. B writes to A and demands payment of this sum. A sends to B Rs. 567. This payment is to be applied to the discharge of the debt of which B had demanded payment.

Rule No. 2. Appropriation by Creditor. Where the debtor does not intimate and there are no circumstances indicating to which debt the payment is to be applied, the creditor may apply it at his discretion to any lawful debt actually due and payable to him from the debtor. The amount, in such a case can be applied even to a debt which has become time barred. However, it can not be applied to a disputed debt (Section 60).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A obtains two loans of Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively. Loan of Rs. 20,000 is guaranteed by B. A sends the bank Rs. 5,000 but does not intimate as to how it is to be appropriated
26. (1816) 1 Mer 572, 610.

Law of Contracts I-77 towards the loans. The bank appropriates the whole of Rs. 5,000 to the loan of Rs. 10,000 (the loan not guaranteed). The appropriation is valid and cannot be questioned either by A or B.

Rule No. 3. Where neither party appropriates. Where neither party makes any appropriation the payment is to be applied in discharge of the debts in order of time, including time-barred debts. If the debts are of equal standing, the payment is to be applied proportionately (Section 61). The above rule is generally applicable in case of running accounts between two parties, money being paid and withdrawn from time to time from the account, without any specific indication as to appropriation of the payment made. In such a case debits and credits in the accounts will be set up against one another in order of their dates, leaving only final balance to be recovered from the debtor by the creditor. Rule in re Halletts Estate case. The rule in Halletts Estate case is an exception to the above rule (i.e., Rule No. 3). The rule applies where a trustee had mixed up trust funds with his own funds. In such a case, if the trustee misappropriates any money belonging to the trust, the first amount so withdrawn by him would be first debited to his own money and then to the trust funds. Similarly, any deposits made by him would be first credited to trust fund and then to his own fund, whatever be the order of withdrawal and deposit.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A trustee deposits Rs. 10,000 being trust money with a bank and subsequently deposits Rs. 50,000 of his own in the same account. Thereafter, he withdraws Rs. 10,000 from the bank and misappropriates it. The said withdrawal will not be appropriated against the Trust amount of Rs. 10,000 but only against his own deposit, though this was made later than the first deposit, thus leaving the Trust fund intact.

1.12 DISCHARGE OF CONTRACTS (Sections 73-75)

The cases in which a contract is discharged may be classified as follows: A. By performance or tender. B. By mutual consent. C. By subsequent impossibility. D. By operation of law. E. By breach.

The obvious mode of discharge of a contract is by performance, that is, where the parties have done whatever was contemplated under the contract, the contract comes to an end. Thus where A contracts

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to sell his car to B for Rs. 85,000 as soon as the car is delivered to B and B pays the agreed price for it, the contract comes to an end by performance.27 Tender. The offer of performance or tender has the same effect as performance. If a promisor tenders performance of his promise but the other party refuses to accept, the promisor stands discharged of his obligations.28


If the parties to a contract agree to substitute a new contract for it, or to rescind it or alter it, the original contract is discharged. A contract may terminate by mutual consent in any of the followings ways: 1. Novation. Novation means substitution of a new contract for the original one. The new contract may be substituted either between the same parties or between different parties.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A who owes B Rs. 20,000 enters into an arrangement with him thereby giving B a mortgage of his estate for Rs. 15,000. This arrangement constitutes a new contract and terminates the old. (2) A owes money to B under a contract. It is agreed between A, B and C that B shall thenceforth accept C as his debtor instead of A. The old debt of A to B is at an end, and a new debt from C to B has been contracted.

Notice that, the contract which is substituted must be one capable of enforcement in law. Thus, where the subsequent agreement is insufficiently stamped and, therefore, cannot be sued upon, novation does not become effective, that is, the original party shall continue to be liable. 2. Rescission. Rescission means cancellation of all or some of the terms of the contract. Where parties mutually decide to cancel the terms of the contract, the obligations of the parties thereunder terminate. 3. Alteration. If the parties mutually agree to change certain terms of the contract, it has the effect of terminating the original contract. There is, however, no change in the parties. 4. Remission (Section 63). Remission is the acceptance of a lesser sum than what was contracted for or a lesser fulfilment of the promise made.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A owes B Rs. 5,000. A pays to B who accepts in satisfaction of the whole debt Rs. 2,000 paid at the time and place at which the Rs. 5,000 were payable. The whole debt is discharged. (2) A owes B Rs. 5,000. C pays to B Rs. 1,000 and B accepts them, in satisfaction of his claim on A. This payment is a discharge of the whole claim.
27. For details see the preceding Part 1.11 Performance of Contracts. 28. Also see p. I-60.

Law of Contracts I-79

Thus, in India promisee may remit or give-up a part of his claim and promise to do so is binding even though there is no consideration for doing so. Accord and Satisfaction. These two terms are used in English Law. In England remission must be supported by a fresh consideration. The accord is the agreement to accept less than what is due under the contract. The satisfaction is the consideration which makes the agreement operative. In other words, satisfaction means the payment or fulfilment of the lesser obligation. An accord is unenforceable, but an accord accompanied by satisfaction is valid and thereby discharges the obligation under the old contract. Thus, in our above example (1) where B agrees to accept Rs. 2,000 in full satisfaction, the agreement is an accord and cannot be enforced under English Law but when Rs. 2,000 are actually paid to B who accepts them in full satisfaction of his claim of Rs. 5,000 it is a valid discharge, that is the balance of Rs. 3,000 can never be claimed. 5. Waiver. Waiver means relinquishment or abandonment of a right. Where a party waives his rights under the contract, the other party is released of his obligations.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises to paint a picture for B. B afterwards forbids him to do so. A is no longer bound to perform the promise.

6. Merger. A contract is said to have been discharged by way of merger where an inferior right possessed by a person coincides with a superior right of the same person.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A man who is holding certain property under a lease, buys it. His rights as a lessee vanish. They are merged into the rights of ownership which he has now acquired, the rights associated with lease being inferior to the rights associated with the ownership.


Impossibility in a contract may either be inherent in the transaction or it may be introduced later by the change of certain circumstances material to the contract. Examples of Inherent Impossibility. (1) A promises to pay B Rs. 50,000 if B rides on horse to the moon. The agreement is void. (2) A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. The agreement is void. The impossibility in these cases is inherent in the transaction. Such a contract is void ab-initio. On the other hand, where a contract originates as one capable of performance but later due to change of circumstances its performance becomes impossible, it is known to have become void by subsequent or supervening impossibility. We shall now consider this kind of impossibility in details. Subsequent Impossibility in England is referred to as Doctrine of Frustration. A contract is deemed to have become impossible of performance and thus void under the following circumstances: 1. Destruction of Subject-Matter of the Contract. Where the subject-matter of a contract is destroyed, for no fault of the promisor, the contract becomes void by impossibility.

I-80 Business and Corporate Laws A music hall was agreed to be let out on certain dates, but before those dates it was destroyed by fire. Held, that the owner was absolved from liability to let the building as promised. [Taylor v. Caldwell (1863) 122 E.R. 299.]

2. By the Death or Disablement of the Parties. Where the performance of the contract must be executed personally by the promisor, his death or physical disability to perform shall render the contract void and thus exonerate him from the obligation.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A and B contract to marry each other. Before the time fixed for the marriage, A dies. The contract becomes void. (2) A, a singer, agrees with B to give his performance at some particular theatre on a specified date. While on his way to the theatre A meets an accident and is rendered unconscious. The agreement becomes void. (3) A contracts to act at a theatre for six months in consideration of a sum paid in advance to B. On several occasions A is too ill to act. The contract to act on those occasions becomes void.

3. Subsequent Illegality. Where by subsequent legislation the performance of a contract is forbidden by law, the parties are absolved from liability to perform it.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracts to supply B 100 bottles of wine. Before the contract is executed, i.e., bottles supplied, dealings in all sorts of liquor are declared forbidden, the contract becomes void.

4. Declaration of War. If war is declared between two countries subsequent to the making of the contract, the parties would be exonerated from its performance.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracts to take indigo for B to a foreign port. As Government afterwards declares war against the country in which the port is situated. The contract becomes void when war is declared.

5. Non-existence or non-occurrence of a particular state of things. When certain things necessary for performance cease to exist the contract becomes void on the ground of impossibility.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A and B contract to marry each other. Before the time fixed for the marriage, A goes mad. The contract becomes void. (2) A contract was to hire a flat for viewing the coronation procession of the king. The procession had to be cancelled on account of kings illness. In a suit for the recovery of the rent, it

Law of Contracts I-81 was held that the contract became impossible of performance and that the hirer need not pay the rent. [Krell v. Henry (1903) 2 K.B. 740].

Apart from the cases mentioned above, impossibility does not discharge contracts. He that agrees to do an act should do it, unless absolutely impossible which may happen in any one of the ways discussed above. Some of the circumstances in which a contract is not discharged on the ground of subsequent impossibility are stated hereunder: 1. Difficulty of Performance. The mere fact that performance is more difficult or expensive or less profitable than the parties anticipated does not discharge the duty of performance.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

X promised to send certain goods from Bombay to Antwerp in September. In August war broke out and shipping space was not available except at very high rates. Held the increase of freight rates did not excuse performance.

2. Commercial Impossibility. It means that if the contract is performed, it will result in a loss to the promisor. Commercial impossibility to perform a contract does not discharge the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contract to lay gas mains is not discharged because the outbreak of war makes it expensive to procure the necessary materials [M/s. Alopi Pd. v. Union of India (1960) S.C. 589]. However, the Madras High Court in Easun Engineering Co. Ltd. v. The Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd. and Another (AIR 1991 Mad. 158) has held that the abnormal increase in price due to war conditions was an untoward event or change of circumstances which totally upset the very foundation upon which parties rested their bargain. Therefore, in a contract for supply of transformers, an increase of 400 per cent in the price of transformer oil due to war was held to be an impossibility of performance and the supplier not held liable for breach.

3. The promisor is not exonerated from his liability if the third person, on whose work the promisor relied, fails to perform. Thus, a wholesalers contract to deliver goods is not discharged because a manufacturer has not produced the goods concerned. 4. Strikes, lockouts and Civil Disturbances. Events like these do not terminate contracts unless there is a clause in the contract to that effect.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agreed to supply B certain goods to be produced in Algeria. The goods could not be produced because of riots and civil disturbances in that country. Held there was no excuse for non-performance of the contract. [Jacobs v. Credit Lyonnais (1884) 12 Q.B.D. 589.].

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5. Failure of one of the objects. If the contract is made for several purposes, the failure of one of them does not terminate the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agreed to let a boat to H to (i) view the naval review at the coronation and (ii) to cruise round fleet. Owing to the kings illness, the naval review was cancelled, but the fleet was assembled and the boat could have been used to cruise round the fleet. Held the contract was not discharged. [Herne Bay Steamboat Co. v. Hutton K.B. 740].
SUBSEQUENT IMPOSSIBILITY (When does Contract Become Void?) By Destruction of subject matter of the contract. By the death or disablement of the parties. By subsequent illegality. By declaration of war. By non-existence or non occurrence of a particular state of things. Difficulty of performance does not amount to impossibility. Commercial impossibility does not render a contract void. Strikes, lock-outs and civil disturbances do not terminate contracts unless provided for in the contract. Failure of one of the objects does not terminate the contract. Non-performance by the third party does not exonerate the promisor from his liability.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Effects of Supervening Impossibility

1. A contract to do an act which, after the contract is made becomes impossible, or by reason of some event which the promisor couldnt prevent, unlawful, becomes void when the act becomes impossible or unlawful. (Section 56, para 2). 2. According to para 3 of Section 56, where a person has promised to do something which he knew, or with reasonable diligence, might have known, and which the promisee did not know to be impossible or unlawful, such promisor must make compensation to such promisee for any loss which such promisee sustains through the non-performance of the promise. 3. When a contract becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under such contract is bound to restore it, or to make compensation for it to the person from whom he received it (Section 65).
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A contracts to sing for B at a concert for Rs. 1,000, which is paid in advance. A is too ill to sing. A must refund to B 1,000 rupees. (2) A pays B 1,000 rupees in consideration of Bs promising to marry C, As daughter. C dies before marriage. B must repay A the 1,000 rupees.

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Discharge under this head may take place as follows: 1. By death. Death of the promisor results in termination of the contract in cases involving personal skill or ability. 2. By Insolvency. The Insolvency Acts provide for discharge of contracts under certain circumstances. So, where an order of discharge is passed by an Insolvency Court, the insolvent stands discharged of liabilities of all debts incurred previous to his adjudication. 3. By merger. When between the same parties, a new contract is entered into, and a security of a higher degree, or a higher kind is taken, the previous contract merges in the higher security, for example, a right of action on an ordinary debt which would be merged in the right of suing on a mortgage for the same debt. 4. By the unauthorised alteration of terms of a written document. Where any of the parties alters any of the terms of the contract without seeking the consent of the other party to it, the contract terminates.

A contract terminates by breach of contract. Breach of contract may arise in two ways: (a) Anticipatory breach, and (b) Actual breach.

Anticipatory Breach of Contract

Anticipatory breach of contract occurs, when a party repudiates it before the time fixed for performance has arrived or when a party by his own act disables himself from performing the contract.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A contracts to marry B. Before the agreed date of marriage he married C. B is entitled to sue A for breach of promise. (2) A promised to marry B as soon as his (As) father should die. During the fathers life time, A absolutely refused to marry B. Although the time for performance had not arrived, B was held entitled to sue for breach of promise [Frost v. Knight L.R. 7 Ex. 111.] (3) A contracts to supply B with certain articles on 1st of August. On 20th July, he informs B that he will not be able to supply the goods. B is entitled to sue A for breach of promise.

Consequences of Anticipatory Breach. Where a party to a contract refuses to perform his part of the contract before the actual time arrives the promisee may either: (a) rescind the contract and treat the contract as at an end, and at once sue for damages, or (b) he may elect not to rescind but to treat the contract operative and wait for the time of performance and then hold the other party liable for the consequences of non-performance. In the latter case, the party who has repudiated may still perform if he can. Thus, from the above discussion it follows that anticipatory breach of contract does not by itself discharge the contract. The contract is discharged only when the aggrieved party accepts the repudiation of the contract, i.e., elects to rescind the contract, Notice that if the repudiation is not accepted and

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subsequently an event happens, discharging the contract legally, the aggrieved party shall lose his right to sue for damages.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A agreed to load a cargo of wheat on Bs ship at Odessa by a particular date but when the ship arrived A refused to load the cargo. B did not accept the refusal and continued to demand the cargo. Before the last date of loading had expired the Crimean War broke out, rendering the performance of the contract illegal. Held, the contract was discharged and B could not sue for damages [Avery v. Bowen (1856) 6 E. & B. 965].

Actual Breach of Contract

The actual breach may take place (a) at the time when performance is due, or (b) during the performance of the contract. Actual breach of Contract, at the time when performance is due. If a person does not perform his part of the contract at the stipulated time, he will be liable for its breach.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A seller offers to execute a deed of sale only on payment by the buyer of a sum higher than is payable under the contract for sale, the vendor shall be liable for the breach. [Jaggo Bai v. Hari Har Prasad Singh, A.I.R. 1947, P.C. 173]

Time as Essence of Contract

But, if the promisor offers to perform his promise subsequently, the question arises whether it should be accepted, or whether the promisee can refuse such acceptance and hold the promisor liable for the breach. The answer depends upon whether time was considered by the parties to be of the essence of the contract or not. Section 55, in this respect, lays down as follows: When a party to a contract promises to do a certain thing at or before a specified time, or certain things at or before specified times and fails to do any such thing at or before the specified time, the contract, or so much of it as has not been performed becomes voidable at the option of the promisee, if the intention of the parties was that time should be of the essence of the contract. If it was not the intention of the parties that time should be of the essence of the contract, the contract does not become voidable by the failure to do such thing at or before the specified time but the promisee is entitled to compensation from the promisor for any loss occasioned to him by such failure. If in case of a contract voidable on account of the promisors failure to perform his promise at the time agreed, the promisee accepts performance of such promise at any time other than agreed, the promisee cannot claim compensation for any loss occasioned by the non-performance of the promise at the time agreed, unless, at the time of such acceptance he gives notice to the promisor of his intention to do so. According to the above provisions, if performance beyond the stipulated time is accepted, the promisee must give notice of his intention to claim compensation. If he fails to give such notice, he will

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be deemed to have waived that right. In England, however, no such notice is necessary, and the promisee can, even after accepting the belated performance, claim compensation. Breach during the Performance of the Contract. Actual breach of contract also occurs when during the performance of the contract one party fails or refuses to perform his obligation under the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A contracted with a Railway Company to supply it certain quantity of railway-chairs at a certain price. The delivery was to be made in instalments. After a few instalments had been supplied, the Railway Company asked A to deliver no more. Held, A could sue for breach of contract. [Cort v. Ambergate, etc. Rly. Co. (1851) 17 Q.B. 1271.


As soon as either party commits a breach of the contract, the other party becomes entitled to any of the following reliefs: 1. Rescission of the Contract. 2. Damages for the loss sustained or suffered. 3. A decree for specific performance. 4. An injunction. 5. Suit on Quantum Meruit. 1. Rescission of the Contract When a breach of Contract is committed by one party, the other party may sue to treat the contract as rescinded. In such a case, the aggrieved party is freed from all his obligations under the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A promises B to supply 100 bags of rice on a certain date and B promises to pay the price on receipt of the goods. A does not deliver the goods on the appointed day, B need not pay the price.

Party rightfully rescinding contract entitled to compensation (Section 75). A person who rightfully rescinds the contract is entitled to compensation for any damage which he has sustained through the non-fulfilment of the contract.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A, a singer, contracts with B, the manager of a theatre, to sing at his theatre for two nights in every week during the next two months, and B engages to pay her Rs. 100 for each nights performance. On the sixth night, A wilfully absents herself from the theatre, and B in

I-86 Business and Corporate Laws consequence, rescinds the contract. B is entitled to claim compensation for the damage which he has sustained through the non-fulfilment of the contract.

2. Damages Damages, generally speaking, are of four kinds: A. Ordinary Damages, B. Special Damages, C. Vindictive, or Punitive or Exemplary Damages, and D. Nominal Damages. A. Ordinary Damages (Sec. 73). Ordinary damages are those which naturally arose in the usual course of things from such breach. The measure of ordinary damages is the difference between the contract price and the market price at the date of the breach. If the seller retains the goods after the breach, he cannot recover from the buyer any further loss if the market falls, nor be liable to have the damages reduced if the market rises.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A contracts to deliver 100 bags of rice at Rs. 100 a bag on a future date. On the due date he refuses to deliver. The price on that day is Rs. 110 per bag. The measure of damages is the difference between the market price on the date of the breach and the contract price, viz., Rs. 1,000. (2) A contracts to buy Bs ship for Rs. 60,000 but breaks his promise. A must pay to B, by way of compensation, the excess, if any, of the contract price over the price which B can obtain for the ship at the time of the breach of promise.

Notice that ordinary damages shall be available for any loss or damage which arises naturally in the usual course of things from the breach and as such compensation cannot be claimed for any remote or indirect loss or damage by reason of the breach (Sec. 73).
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A railway passengers wife caught cold and fell ill due to her being asked to get down at a place other than the Railway Station. In a suit by the plaintiff against the railway company, held that damages for the personal inconvenience of the plaintiff alone could be granted, but not for the sickness of the plaintiffs wife, because it was a very remote consequence.

B. Special Damages (Sec. 73). Special damages are claimed in case of loss of profit, etc. When there are certain special or extraordinary circumstances present and their existence is communicated to the promisor, the non-performance of the promise entitles the promisee to not only claim the ordinary damages but also damages that may result therefrom.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A, a builder, contracts to erect and finish a house by the first of January, in order that B may give possession of it at that time to C, to whom B has contracted to let it. A is informed of

Law of Contracts I-87 the contract between B and C. A builds the house so badly that, before the first of January, it falls down and has to be rebuilt by B, who, in consequence, loses the rent which he was to have received from C, and is obliged to make compensation to C for the breach of his contract. A must make compensation to B for the cost of rebuilding the house, for the rent lost, and for the compensation made to C. (2) A delivers to B, a common carrier, a machine to be conveyed, without delay, to As mill, informing B that his mill is stopped for want of the machine. B unreasonably delays the delivery of the machine, and A in consequence, loses a profitable contract with the Government. A is entitled to receive from B, by way of compensation, the average amount of profit which would have been made by the working of the mill during the time that delivery of it was delayed. But, however, the loss sustained through the loss of the Government contract cannot he claimed.

Notice that the communication of the special circumstances is a pre-requisite to the claim for special damages.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) In Hadley v. Baxendale, Xs mill was stopped due to the breakdown of a shaft. He delivered the shaft to Y, a common carrier, to be taken to a manufacturer to copy it and make a new one. X did not make known to Y that delay would result in a loss of profits. By some neglect on the part of Y the delivery of the shaft was delayed in transit beyond a reasonable time. As a result the mill remained idle for a longer time than otherwise would have been had the shaft been delivered in time. Held, Y was not liable for loss of profits during the period of delay as the circumstances communicated to Y did not show that a delay in the delivery of shaft would entail loss of profits to the mill. (2) Where A contracts to sell and deliver to B, on the first of January, certain cloth which B intends to manufacture into caps of a particular kind, for which there is no demand, except at that season. The cloth is not delivered till after the appointed time and too late to be used that year in making caps. B is entitled to receive from A only ordinary damages, i.e., the difference between the contract price of the cloth and its market price at the time of delivery but not the profits which he expected to obtain by making caps, nor the expenses which he has put in making preparation for the manufacture.

C. Vindictive Damages. Vindictive damages are awarded with a view to punish the defendant, and not solely with the idea of awarding compensation to the plaintiff. These have been awarded (a) for a breach of promise to marry; (b) for wrongful dishonour of a cheque by a banker possessing adequate funds of the customer. The measure of damages in case of (a) is dependent upon the severity of the shock to the sentiments of the promisee. In case of (b) the rule is smaller the amount of the cheque dishonoured, larger will be the amount of damages awarded. D. Nominal Damages. Nominal damages are awarded in cases of breach of contract where there is only a technical violation of the legal right, but no substantial loss is caused thereby. The damages granted in such cases are called nominal because they are very small, for example, a rupee or a shilling. Duty to mitigate damages suffered. It is the duty of the injured party to minimise damages. [British Westinghouse & Co. v. Underground Electric etc. Co., (1915) A.C. 673.]. He cannot claim to be

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compensated by the party in default for loss which is really not due to the breach but due to his own neglect to minimise loss after the breach.
Liquidated Damages and Penalty

Sometimes parties themselves at the time of entering into a contract agree that a particular sum will be payable by a party in case of breach of the contract by him. Such a sum may either be by way of liquidated damages, or it may be by way of penalty. Liquidated Damages. The essence of liquidated damages is a genuine covenanted pre-estimate of damages. Thus, the stipulated sum payable in case of breach is to be regarded as liquidated damages, if it is found that parties to the contract conscientiously tried to make a pre-estimate of the loss which might happen to them in case the contract was broken by any of them. Penalty. The essence of a penalty is a payment of money stipulated as in terorem of the offending party. In other words, if it is found that the parties made no attempt to estimate the loss that might happen to them on breach of the contract but still stipulated a sum to be paid in case of a breach of it with the object of coercing the offending party to perform the contract, it is a case of penalty. Thus, a term in a contract amounts to a penalty where a sum of money, which is out of all proportion to the loss, is stipulated as payable in case of its breach. English law recognises a distinction between liquidated damages and penalty whereas liquidated damages are enforceable but penalty cannot be claimed. In India, there is no such distinction recognised between penalty and liquidated damages. Section 74 which contains law in this regard states When a contract has been broken, if a sum is named in the contract as the amount to be paid in case of such breach, or if the contract contains any other stipulation by way of penalty, the party complaining of the breach is entitled (whether or not actual damage or loss is proved to have been caused thereby), to receive from the party who has broken the contract, reasonable compensation not exceeding the amount as named or, as the case may be, the penalty stipulated for. Thus, where the amount payable in case of breach is fixed in advance whether by way of liquidated damages or penalty, the party may claim only a reasonable compensation for the breach, subject to the amount so fixed.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) A contracts with B to pay B Rs. 1,000, if he fails to pay B Rs. 500 on a given day. A fails to pay B Rs. 500 on that day. B is entitled to recover from A such compensation, not exceeding Rs. 1,000, as the Court considers reasonable. (2) A contracts with B that if A practices as a surgeon within Calcutta, he will pay B Rs. 5,000. A practices as a surgeon in Calcutta. B is entitled to such compensation, not exceeding Rs. 5,000 as the Court considers reasonable. (3) A gives B a bond for the repayment of Rs. 1,000 with interest at 12% at the end of six months, with a stipulation that in case of default, interest shall be payable at the rate of 75 per cent from the date of default. This is a stipulation by way of penalty, and B is only entitled to recover from A such compensation as the Court considers reasonable.

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Payment of Interest. Whether payment of interest at a higher rate amounts to penalty shall depend upon the circumstances of the case. However, the following rules may be helpful in understanding the legal position in this regard. (1) A stipulation for increase from the date of default shall be a stipulation by way of penalty if the rate of interest is abnormally high.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

A gives B a bond for the repayment of Rs. 1,000 with interest at 12 per cent, at the end of six months, with a stipulation that in case of default, interest shall be payable at the rate of 75% from the date of default. This is a stipulation by way of penalty, and B is only entitled to recover from A such compensation as the court considers reasonable.

(2) Where there is a stipulation to pay increased interest from the date of the bond and not merely from the date of default, it is always to be considered as penalty. (3) Compound Interest. Compound interest in itself is not a penalty. But it is allowed only in cases the parties expressly agree to it. However, a stipulation (clause in the agreement) to pay compound interest at a higher rate on default is to be considered a penalty. In Sunder Koer v. Rai Sham Krishan (1907) 34 Cal. 150, the Privy Council observed that compound interest at a rate exceeding the rate of interest on the principal money being in excess of the ordinary and useful stipulation, may well be regarded as in the nature of a penalty. (4) An agreement to pay a particular rate of interest with a stipulation that a reduced rate will be acceptable if paid punctually is not a stipulation by way of penalty.
I Example _______________________________________________________________

Where a bond provides for payment of interest at 12 per cent per annum with a proviso that, if the debtor pays interest punctually at the end of every year, the creditor would accept interest at the rate of 9 per cent per annum. Such a clause is not in the nature of a penalty and hence interest @ 12 per cent shall be payable.

3. Specific Performance Where damages are not an adequate remedy, the court may direct the party in breach to carry out his promise according to the terms of the contract. This is called specific performance of the contract. Some of the instances where Court may direct specific performance are: a contract for the sale of a particular house or some rate article or any other thing for which monetary compensation is not enough because the injured party will not be able to get an exact substitute in the market. Specific performance will not be granted where: (a) Monetary compensation is an adequate relief. (b) The contract is of a personal nature, e.g., a contract to marry. (c) Where it is not possible for the Court to supervise the performance of the contract, e.g., a building contract. (d) The contract is made by a company beyond its objects as laid down in its Memorandum of Association.

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4. Injunction Injunction means an order of the Court. Where a party is in breach of a negative term of contract (i.e. where he does something which he promised not to do), the Court may, by issuing an order, prohibit him from doing so.
I Examples ______________________________________________________________

(1) G agreed to buy the whole of the electric energy required for his house from a certain company. He was, therefore, restrained by an injunction from buying electricity from any other person. [Metropolitan Electric Supply Company v. Ginder]. (2) N, a film star, agreed to act exclusively for a particular producer, for one year. During the year she contracted to act for some other producer. Held, she could be restrained by an injunction.

5. Quantum Meruit The phrase Quantum Meruit means as much as is merited (earned). The normal rule of law is that unless a party has performed his promise in its entirely, it cannot claim performance from the other. To this rule, however, there are certain exceptions on the basis of Quantum Meruit. A right to sue on a quantum meruit arises where a contract, partly performed by one party, has become discharged by the breach of the other party. This has already been discussed under Quasi Contracts (Part 1-10).


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9A. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. All agreements are not contracts but all contracts are agreements. Examine this statement. What tests would you apply to ascertain whether an agreement is a contract? A proposal need not be certain. Comment. Define offer and distinguish between offer and invitation to offer. What is a general offer? Illustrate. Distinguish between general and specific offer. A counter-offer can constitute an acceptance of an offer. Comment. Discuss the role of offer and acceptance in the formation of a valid contract. Acceptance is to offer what lighted match is to a train of gunpowder. Discuss with reference to revocation and communication for the formation of a valid contract. Explain the general rules relating to acceptance under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Discuss rules regarding communication of offer and acceptance. Explain the effect of silence on acceptance. State whether a contract is valid even if there is no proper communication of acceptance. A mere mental acceptance is no acceptance. Comment. Acceptance must be according to the mode prescribed. Discuss. Explain role of communication, acceptance and revocation of proposals in the formation of valid contract. Discuss the rules relating to offer and acceptance by post, and mention the circumstances under which an offer lapses. Distinguish between void and voidable contracts.

Law of Contracts I-91

18. Explain what do you understand by void, voidable, illegal and valid contract. Briefly refer to the rights of parties under such agreements. 19. Distinguish between void, voidable and illegal agreements bringing out clearly the rights of the parties under such agreement collateral to them. 20. State essential elements of a valid contract? 21. What is contract? State essentials of a valid contract. What is void contract? 22. State the contracts expressly declared void by the Contract Act? 23. Briefly explain competency to contract. Who is competent to contract as per the Indian Contract Act? 24. Discuss the law relating to competency of parties to enter into a valid contract? 25. A minors contract is valid. Comment. 26. A minors contract is void. Discuss. 27. Write a short note on Minors contract for necessities 28. State whether all void agreements are illegal. 29. Explain consent as an element of a valid contract. 30. What is free consent? 31. Analyse and explain the concept of free consent of parties? State its essentials and impact on the formation of a contract? 32. What is free consent? When a consent will not be considered free? 33. Explain what do you understand by free consent and state its essentials and impact on the contract? 34. What is undue influence? State its legal effect. 35. Explain the undue influence and illustrate. 36. Explain the effect of undue influence on contract. 37. What is undue influence in a contract? State the relationships where presumption arises for the use of such influence. 37A. What is meant by undue influence? A applies to a banker for a loan at a time where there is stringency in the money market. The banker declines to make the loan except at an unusually high rate of interest. A accepts the loan on these terms. Whether the contract is induced by undue influence? Decide [November 2002] 38. What is the difference between coercion and undue influence. 39. When does mere silence of a party to an agreement become fraudulent. 39A. Explain the concept of misrepresentation in the matters of contract. [May 2003] 40. Distinguish between fraud and misrepresentation. 41. Is agreement without consideration void? 42. Consideration is essential for a valid contract. Discuss briefly its essential aspects. 43. Consideration is required for every kind of contract. Comment. 44. Insufficiency of consideration is immaterial but an agreement without consideration is void. Comment. 45. Explain briefly: (a) Agreement in restraint of marriage (b) Invitation to treat does not amount to an offer (c) Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate. 46. Explain briefly: (a) Stranger to a contract (b) Offer and invitation to offer (c) An agreement without consideration.

I-92 Business and Corporate Laws

47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. What precisely is meant by a wagering contract. State whether an agreement by way of wager is a voidable contract. All agreements against public policy are void. Comment. State whether all agreements which are against public policy of the State cannot be enforced. An agreement in restraint of trade is void. Examine this statement mentioning exceptions, if any. What is a contingent contract? Explain the rules regarding enforcement of contingent contracts. Explain the Doctrine of Frustration and discuss its application in India. State Indian Law on Doctrine of Frustration. What do you understand by impossibility of performance? Write a short note on Doctrine of Supervening Impossibility What is novation? State its essential requirements. Discuss the consequences of non-performance of a valid contract under the Indian Contract Act? Briefly explain the various remedies for breach of contract. Write a note (in brief) on the reliefs an injured party can obtain due to breach of contract. State briefly the principles on which damages are awarded for breach of contract. Where there is a right, there is a remedy. Amplify this statement and briefly explain the various remedies available for breach of contract. Distinguish between Penalty and Liquidated damages. Define contingent contract. Briefly explain its Rules. Distinguish between contingent contract and wager. State whether a contract to pay Rs. 10.000 by X if the house of Y is burnt a contingent contract. Write a note on quasi-contracts. Define and state nature of quasi-contracts. Explain what is quasi-contract? State the various quasi-contracts as recognised by the Indian Contract Act. State whether finder of goods is not entitled to sell. State the grounds on which a contract may be discharged under the provisions of Indian Contract Act, 1872. [November 2002]

1. A minor, falsely representing himself to be of age, enters into an agreement to sell his property to B and receives from him as price a sum of Rs. 1,00,000 in advance. Out of this sum, the minor buys a car for Rs. 55,000 and spends the rest on a pleasure trip to Europe. After the minor has attained majority, B sues him for the conveyance of the property or, in the alternative, for the refund of Rs. 1,00,000 and damages. How would you decide the case? o HINTS: B will not succeed in his suit for conveyance of the property or refund of Rs. 100,000 since a contract with a minor is void-ab-initio and misrepresentation by a minor about his age does not change the status of the contract. However, on principle of equity B can lay his claim on car worth Rs. 55,000 purchased out of the advance money. 2. The manager of a theatre gave instructions that no tickets were to be sold to S. S, knowing this, asked a friend to buy a ticket for him. With this ticket S went to the theatre but was refused admission. He filed a suit for damages for breach of contract. Would he succeed?

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o HINTS: No, S will not succeed because of absence of consent on the part of the manager to contract with S. A similar decision was given in the case of Said v. Butt on the facts of which the present problem is based. 3. A, in Bombay, bets with B and loses; applies to C for a loan in order to pay B. C gives the loan to A to enable him to pay B. Can C recover the amount of the loan from A? Would it make any difference to your answer if this transaction had taken place in Delhi. o HINTS: No. Betting (i.e. wagering agreements) in Bombay is not only void but illegal also and in case of illegal agreements collateral (i.e., helping transactions) are also void. However, the transaction between A and C shall be valid if it had taken place in Delhi because in Delhi wagering agreements are only void and not illegal. 4. H, a captain in the army, was stationed in a house requisitioned by the Government. He accidently found a broach in a room occupied by him. He handed over the broach to the police, and they, failing in their attempts to discover the right owner delivered it to P, who was the owner of the house. P sold the jewel for Rs. 2,000. H sued for the recovery of the broach or its value on the ground that he was the finder. Will he succeed? o HINTS: H will succeed. Finder is entitled to the possession of the goods found against the whole world except the true owner. He is the second best owner (Hollins v. Fowler). 5. A, a building contractor, contracts to errect and finish a house by first January, in order that B may give possession of it at that time to C, to whom B has contracted to let it. A is informed of the contract between B and C. A builds the house so badly that, before the first January, it falls down and has to be rebuilt by B, who in consequence, loses the rent which he was to have received from C, and is obliged to make compensation to C for breach of his contract. What are Bs rights against A? o HINTS: B shall be entitled to (i) ordinary damages, viz, any escalation in costs; (ii) special damages, viz, loss of rents and compensation paid to C (Sec 73 of the Indian Contract Act). 6. B, an actress, had entered into a contract in which she agreed to act exclusively for W for 12 months. During the year she contracted to act for N. W sued her for specific performance and injunction. Decide the case. o HINTS: B can be restrained by injunction from acting for N (Warner Bros. v. Nelson). 7. In the following statements only one is correct. Write down the correct statement. (i) A stranger to a consideration cannot maintain a suit. (ii) A promise against a promise is a good consideration. (iii) Past consideration is no consideration. o HINTS: (ii) 8. Gs husband has misappropriated money entrusted to hum by K, his employer. G made a contract in writing with K under which she agreed to make good the loss, K agreeing not to prosecute the husband. On Gs failure to pay the amount, K sues her. Is K entitled to recover money? o HINTS: Yes; K shall be entitled to recover the money on grounds of breach of contract. 9. A man, by name of Kutil, called at a jewellers shop and chose a costly ring. He tendered in payment a cheque which he signed in the name of Karorpati, a man of credit. He took the ring and pledged it to Bhole Nath. Can the jeweller recover the ring from Bhole Nath? o HINTS: No (Philips v. Brooks).

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10. A agreed to decorate Bs flat and to fit a wardrobe and a book-case for a lumpsum of Rs. 15,000. The work was done, but B complained of faulty workmanship, the cost to remedy which being Rs. 6000. Can A recover anything from B? o HINTS: A can recover Rs. 9,000 (Rs. 15,000 Rs. 6,000) on principle of quantum meruit. 11. In the following statements only one is correct statement. (i) An invitation to negotiate is a good offer (ii) A quasi-contract is not a contract at all (iii) An agreement to agree is a valid contract. o HINTS: (ii) 12. State whether the following statements are true or false; (i) An attempt at deceit which does not deceive is not fraud. (ii) Offer determines modes of acceptance. o HINTS: (i) True; (ii) True. 13. B ordered some machinery from J & Co. Before the company had taken any action on the order, it received a letter from B cancelling the order. The company refused to recognise the cancellation and sued B for the purchase price. Is B liable to pay? o HINTS: No, proposal stands revoked (Sec. 5 of the Indian Contract Act). 14. A letter accepting an offer of employment was followed by a further letter withdrawing the acceptance. Both letters were received by the same post. Was there a valid revocation of the acceptance? o HINTS: Yes, if the letter of revocation is opened first; otherwise, No. 15. A sold to N a cargo of cotton seeds to be shipped by a specified ship in a named month. Before the ship arrived, the ship was so incapacitated as to be unable to load by the agreed time. Is the contract discharged? Would it make any difference to your answer if A had not named the ship? o HINTS: In the first case, the contract stands discharged on grounds of frustration, that is, supervening impossibility (Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act.) However, in the second case, A shall be held liable for breach because ship being not named, cargo could have been shipped by any other ship). 16. A owes B Rs. 5000. A pays B and B accepts in full satisfaction Rs. 3000. Later on, B sues A for the balance of Rs. 2000. Will he succeed? o HINTS: B will not succeed (Sec. 63 of the Indian Contract Act) the principle of accord and satisfaction. 17. In each set of the following statements, only one is correct. State the correct statement. (a) (i) No contract arises from cross offers (ii) Consideration must always move from the promisee (iii) A married woman cannot enter into a contract. o HINTS: (i) (b) (i) A stranger to a contract can never sue on it (ii) The liability of joint promisors is joint and several (iii) Remission of performance of a contract must be supported by consideration. o HINTS: (ii)

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18. A sells by auction to B, a horse which A knows to be unsound. A says nothing to B about the horses unsoundness. Can B avoid the contract on discovering the horse to be unsound? o HINTS: No, silence is not fraudulent (Explanation to Sec. 17 of the Indian Contract Act). 19. A offered to buy a car from B and to pay by cheque. B refused the offer and the cheque, as she did not know him. A then convinced her that he was well known person and being convinced, she accepted the cheque and let him take the car. A sold the car to C, and the cheque proved worthless. B filed a suit to recover the car from C. Would she succeed? o HINTS: No, on ground of fraud, contract between A and B is voidable and not void. In case of a voidable contract, before the option to avoid the contract is exercised by the aggrieved party, if the goods are sold to a bonafide purchaser, he gets a good title thereto (Philips v. Brooks). 20. A contracted to pay B Rs. 1 lakh on a specified day. A did not pay the money on the appointed day. B, in consequence of not receiving the money on that day, is unable to pay his debts, and is totally ruined. What damages, if any, would you award? o HINTS: Only ordinary damages. Remote (consequential) loss is not to be allowed (Sec. 73). 21. A shipowner agreed to carry a cargo of sugar belonging to A from Constanza to Busrah. He knew that there was a sugar market in Busrah and that A was a sugar merchant, but did not know that he intended to sell the cargo, immediately on its arrival. Owing to Shipments default, the voyage was delayed and sugar fetched a lower price than it would have done had it arrived on time. A claimed compensation for the full loss suffered by him because of the delay. Give your decision. o HINTS: A can only claim ordinary damages. Loss of profits is a special loss and can be claimed only if the other party was aware of the possibility of such a loss (Sec. 73). 22. A, B and C, as sureties for D enter into three several bonds, each in a different penalty, of A Rs. 1000, B in that of Rs, 2,000 and C in that of Rs. 4,000 conditioned for Ds duly accounting to E. D makes a default to the extent of Rs. 4,000. State the Liability of A, B, and C. o HINTS: A Rs. 1000, B Rs. 1500 and C Rs. 1500. As per Section 147 of the Indian Contract Act, co-sureties who are bound in different sums are liable to pay equally as far as the limits of their respective obligations permit. 23. State who is competent to contract (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) A minor girl A person of sound mind A patient in a lunatic asylum A purdanasheen woman.

o HINTS: (ii) 24. A offered to sell his estate for Rs. 1000/-. B offered Rs. 950/- which A refused. After some time B wrote to A accepting the original offer of Rs. 1000/-. A having refused to sell the property, B sued for specific performance. Decide. o HINTS: B shall not succeed. Counter-offer terminates the original offer. Bs later acceptance actually amounts to a fresh proposal.

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25. A young boy ran away from his fathers house. The father issued a pamphlet offering a reward in these terms: Any body who finds trace of the boy and brings him will get Rs. 2000/-. Ram was at the Dharmashala of a Railway Station where he saw a boy from whose conversation, which he overheard, he realised that the boy was the missing boy. Ram took that boy to the Railway Police Station where he made a report and sent a telegram to the boys father saying that he had found his son? Whether Ram is entitled for Rs. 2000/- and why? o HINTS: Ram is entitled for Rs. 2000. In case of a general offer, doing of the stipulated act amounts to acceptance. 26. A agrees to sell B a specific cargo of goods supposed to be on its way from England to Bombay. It turns out that before the bargain, the ship conveying the cargo has been cast away and the goods lost. Neither party was aware of facts. What is the position of such an agreement in law? o HINTS: Such contracts are void-ab-inito (S. 56 of the Indian Contract Act). 27. A, a man enfeebled by disease or age, is induced by Bs influence over him as his medical attendant, to agree to pay B an unreasonable amount for his professional services. A paid the amount. Whether there is undue influence? o HINTS: Yes, a doctor is presumed to be in a position to dominate the will of his patient (Sec. 16). 28. A and B agree that A shall sell B a house for Rs. 10,000/- but that if B uses it as a gambling house, he shall pay A Rs. 50,000 for it. State which part is valid and void agreement. o HINTS: The first part, viz., to sell the house for Rs. 10,000 is a contract. The second part is for an unlawful object, namely, that B may use the house as a gambling house, and is a void agreement (Sec. 57 of the Indian Contract Act). 29. A promised to paint a picture for B a certain day at a certain day at a certain price. A dies before that day. Discuss whether contract can be enforced? o HINTS: No, supervening impossibility discharges the contract (Sec. 56 of the Indian Contract Act). 30. State who is competent to contract (i) Person of the age of majority (ii) A minor of ten years (iii) A person who is not capable of understanding the contract at the time of its making (iv) Lunatic during lucid intervals. o HINTS: (i) and (iv) 31. State whether the following statements are true or false: (i) Even if a proposal is not accepted properly it becomes a valid contract. (ii) The communication of a revocation is complete, as against the person to whom it is made, when it comes to his knowledge. (iii) For breach of contract a party cannot claim compensation for loss or damage. (iv) All agreements which are against the public policy of the State, cannot be enforced. (v) Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense. o HINTS: (i) false; (ii) true; (iii) false; (iv) true; (v) true.

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32. The proprietors of a medical preparation called the Carbolic Smoke Ball published in several newspapers the following advertisement:__ 1000 reward will be paid by the Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. to any person who contracts the increasing epidemic influenza after having used the Smoke Ball three times daily for two weeks according to printed directions supplied with each ball. 1000 is deposited with the Alliance Bank showing our sincerity in the matter. On the faith in this advertisement, the plaintiff bought a Smoke Ball and used it as directed. She was attacked by influenza. She sued the company for the reward. Will she succeed? o HINTS: She (Mrs. Carlill) was held entitled to the announced reward of 1000. A general offer may be accepted by any person doing the stipulated act (Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.). 33. State whether the following agreements are void or valid: (i) Agreements, entered through mutual mistake of fact between the parties. (ii) The agreements, the object or consideration for which is unlawful. (iii) An agreement in restraint of marriage. (iv) Where a proposal is accepted by the other party and acceptance is communicated by telegram as desired by the proposer. o HINTS: (i) void; (ii) void; (iii) void; (iv) valid. 34. Where each of the two persons, writes a letter to the other on the same day in ignorance at the time of what the other did, the one offering to buy and the other to sell the same article, at the same price and the two such letters cross each other. Decide whether there will be legal contract? o HINTS: No, two cross offers do not make a valid contract (Tinn v. Hoffman). 35. A was looking for a customer to buy his scooter. B offered him Rs. 5000/- Meanwhile C, his teacher, offered Rs. 4000/- for the scooter. A accepted the offer but later declined to sell. Has C any cause of action against A? o HINTS: Yes, see remedies in case of breach of contract. 36. A contracts to sell and deliver 500 bales of cotton cloth to B on a fixed day. A knows nothing of Bs mode of conducting his business. A breaks his promise and B having no cotton is obliged to close his mill. state how for A is liable for loss caused to B? o HINTS: Only ordinary damages. Claim for remote loss is not maintainable (Sec. 73 of the Indian Contract Act). 37. A, a singer, contracts with B, the manager of a theatre, to sing at his theatre for two nights in every week during the next two months, and B engages to pay her Rs. 100/- for each nights performance. On the sixth night, A wilfully absents herself from the theatre and B in consequence recinds the contract. State whether B is right in doing so. o HINTS: Bs conduct in rescinding the contract is within his legal right (Sec. 39 of the Indian Contract Act). 38. A sends a letter to B on 1.1.1980 offering to sell a machine for Rs. 5000. B receives the letter on 3.1.1980. On 4.1.80, B sends the letter of acceptance which is received by A on 6.1.80. Meanwhile on 3.1.80, A posts a letter revoking his offer of 1.1.80. This letter is received by B on 5.1.80. Decide whether there is binding contract between A and B?

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o HINTS: Yes, there is binding contract between A and B. Communication of revocation of an offer is complete, as against the acceptor, when it comes to his knowledge but communication of acceptance is complete, as against the proposer, when the letter of acceptance is posted. Hence, the offer is duly accepted (Sec. 4, 5 and 6 of the Indian contract Act). 39. A offers to sell some goods to B thinking him to be X. B accepted the offer. Later on when A discovered that the acceptor is B and not X, he declined to sell the goods. can A decline to sell the goods? why? o HINTS: Yes, Boulton v. Jones. 40. A delivers to B, a common carrier, a machine, to be conveyed, without delay to As mill, informing B that his mill is stopped for want of machine. B unreasonably delays the delivery of the machine, and A, in consequence loses a profitable contract with the Government. Whether A is entitled to receive from B any compensation? If so, what? o HINTS: A is entitled to receive special damages equivalent to loss of average profits for period of delay. However, he cannot claim loss of expected profit from the lost Government contract (Sec. 73). 41. Three telegrams were exchanged between Harvey and Facey: 1. Harvey to Facey Will you sell us Bumper Hall Pen? Telegram lowest cash price. 2. Facey to Harvey Lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen 900. 3. Harvey to Facey We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for the sum of 900 asked by you. Facey refused to sell. (i) Whether refusal to sell was legally tenable. (ii) State the principle of law. o HINTS: Telegram of Facey to Harvey (2) was only an invitation to offer and did not constitute an offer to sell at that price. There is, therefore, no contract. Faceys refusal is justified. 42. A minor borrowed Rs. 1000/- from B on a fraudulent representation that he was a major and he spent it. Can B sue for the return of the amount? o HINTS: No, a contract with a minor is void-ab-initio. Misrepresentation of age by a minor does not change the status of the contract. 43. Shiva owes three debts of Rs. 200, Rs. 300 and Rs. 500 to Ram. Ram demands all the three debts from Shiva. Shiva sends a sum of Rs. 500 with a letter stating that the amount is sent in discharge of the third debt of Rs. 500. Ram desires to appropriate the sum of Rs. 500 in discharge of the first and second debts which have in fact become time-barred. Can Ram do so? o HINTS: No, Ram cannot do so. Section 59 of the Indian Contract Act requires the payment to be appropriated to the desired debt only. 44. A contracts with B to pay Rs. 1000 if he fails to pay Rs. 500 on a given date. A fails to pay on that day. Discuss the right available to B. o HINTS: B can only claim a reasonable compensation upto a maximum of Rs. 1000 Sec. 74 of the Indian Contract Act. 45. A and B are standing on the opposite banks of a small river. A shouts offering his scooter to B for Rs. 5000. B hears the offer and shouts back that he accepts it. Unfortunately at that precise

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moment, low flying aircraft passes by and Bs acceptance is not heard by A because of the noise. Is there a binding contract between A and B? o HINTS: No, there is no contract between A and B. Acceptance is not communicated (Sec. 4 of the Indian Contract Act). 46. State whether the following statements are right or wrong: (i) All void agreement are illegal (ii) A counter-offer cannot constitute an acceptance of an offer. o HINTS: (i) wrong; (ii) right. 47. State whether the contract is void: (Yes/No) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Contract in restraint of marriage Money lent for carrying out a contract Mistake as to the nature of a contract A contract for fire insurance.

o HINTS: (i) yes; (ii) No; (iii) yes (Cundy v. Lindsey); (iv) No. 48. State whether the following are legal: (i) A, B and C enter into an agreement for division among them of the gains acquired by them by fraud (ii) A contract made during war with an alien enemy (iii) An agreement made for smuggling goods o HINTS: (i) Unlawful (Sec. 23); (ii) illegal; (iii) illegal. 49. State whether the following statements are right or wrong: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) A proposal need not be certain A counter-offer can constitute an acceptance of offer. A contract to pay Rs. 100000 by X if the house of Y is burnt is a contingent contract. Agreement by way of wagers is not a voidable contract.

o HINTS: (i) Wrong; (ii) wrong; (iii) right; (iv) right. 50. State whether the following contracts are void: (Yes/No). (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) A promises to maintain Bs child and B promises to pay Rs. 500 for it. A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. A contract of sale made with a minor. A sells, by auction, to B a horse which he knows to be unsound.

o HINTS: (i) No; (ii) yes; (iii) yes; (iv) No. 51. A, who is suffering from cancer, agrees to sell his house worth Rs. 50,000 to B, his Doctor for Rs. 1000 only. Fortunately, A recovers from cancer and returns Rs. 1000 to the Doctor saying that the sale was illegal. Doctor refuses to return the house stating that he paid the price for the house. Decide. o HINTS: Inadequacy of consideration does not render a contract illegal or void. It may only be a supporting evidence to absence of free consent. Since, there is nothing like coercion or undue influence exercised by the Doctor, Contract is valid and binding.

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52. A has two houses, one in Old Delhi and the other in New Delhi. A offers to sell his old Delhi house for Rs. 2,00,000. B accepts the offer thinking it to be in respect of As house in New Delhi. Is this agreement enforceable? Why? o HINTS: No, there is absence of consensus-ad-idem, i.e., consent and hence there is no contract between A and B. 53. A offers to sell his cycle to B for Rs. 500. B offers to buy it for Rs. 400. A refuses to sell. B then writes a letter to A saying I accept your offer and shall purchase the cycle for Rs. 500 Is A bound to sell the cycle to B for Rs. 500. o HINTS: No, counter-offer terminates the original offer; Bs letter to A amounts to a fresh offer which may or may not be accepted by A. 54. X transferred his property to Y, his spiritual advisor in the belief that his soul would attain salvation. Subsequently he sought to set aside the transaction. Can he succeed? o HINTS: Yes, presumption of undue influence (Sec. 16). 55. A enters into a contract with B for supplying 600 tonnes of coal to B within 6 months. A failed to make the delivery in accordance with the terms of the contract owing to government restrictions on transport of coal from collieries. However, coal was available and could be purchased from the local market. Can A successfully take plea that the contract stood discharged because of impossibility of performance? o HINTS: No, difficulty in performance or even commercial impossibility, viz., likely loss is not covered under the doctrine of supervening impossibility (Sec. 56). 56. D bought tyres from X Ltd. and sold them to S, a sub dealer, who agreed with D not to sell below X Ltds list price and to pay X Ltd. Rs. 75 as damages on every tyre he undersells. S sold two tyres at less than the list price and thereon X Ltd. filed a suit for the breach. Will X Ltd. succeed? o HINTS: X Ltd. shall not succeed being a stranger to the contract. 57. A ship owner contracts with B to convey him from Calcutta to Sydney in his ship sailing on 1st January. B pays A one half of the fare by way of deposit. The ship did not sail on 1st January. B was detained in Calcutta for sometime and was thus put to some expenses and finally B sailed to Sydney in another vessel. As a consequence of his arriving late in Sydney he loses a big business deal. Determine the liability of A. o HINTS: A shall be liable for Bs expenses in Calcutta plus any additional fare paid. No compensation for loss of business deal shall be available, being remote loss (Sec. 73). 58. Fazal consigned four cases of Chinese crackers at Kanpur to be carried to Allahabad on the 30th May, 1987. He intended to sell them at the Shabarat festival of 5th June 1987. The railway discovered that the consignment could not be sent by passenger train and asked Fazal either to remove them or authorise their despatch by goods train. He took no action and the goods arrived at Allahabad a month after they were booked. Fazal filed a suit against Railways for damages due to late delivery of the goods which deprived him of the special profits at the festival sale. Decide. o HINTS: Fazal shall not be entitled to any special damages since railways were not informed of the special circumstances. Moreover, Railway informed Fazal of the changed circumstances and

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his failure to remove the goods as per railways request may be deemed to be an implied approval for their transportation by goods train. 59. X, Y and Z borrow Rs. 30,000 from A. All of them have executed a promissory note in favour of A. X dies. A sues Y alone for Rs. 30,000. Is A entitled to do so? If so, what is the remedy, if any, to B? o HINTS: Under Section 43 of the Indian Contract Act, in the absence of any express agreement to the contrary, liability of joint promisors is not only joint but also several. Thus, in the given case, A is entitled to claim performance from Y alone. Y shall, however, be allowed to claim contribution in excess of his share (i.e. 1/3rd) from Z as well as Xs legal representatives. 60. A company appoints an officer subject to the condition that after ceasing to be in service, he would not join the service of any other competing establishment in India for a period of 5 years. Can the company enforce this condition in a court of Law? o HINTS: No, the company cannot enforce such a condition, it being in restraint of trade. A restraint that becomes operative after the expiry of the period of service (as in the given problem) shall be prima facia void [Krishana Murgai v. Superintendence Co. of India (1979)]. 61. A offers by post to sell a machine to B on 1.1.90. B receives the letter on 3.1.90 and posts a letter of acceptance on the same day. Meanwhile, A revokes his offer by a letter dated 2.1.90 which is received by B on 4.1.90. Is there a contract between A and B? o HINTS: Yes, A contract is concluded on offer being accepted. Acceptance of an offer, in case of postal contracts, is complete as soon as the letter of acceptance is posted [i.e., on 3.1.90 in the given case]. Revocation of an offer is complete only when the letter of revocation reaches the other party [4.1.90 in the given case]. Since revocation shall be valid on 4.1.90 and the acceptance as on 3.1.90, the contract stands concluded as on 3.1.90; the revocation thereafter is rendered ineffectuous. 62. X sells to Y a specific horse which is to be delivered to Y the week following. Y is to pay price on delivery. In the following week Y was ready to pay the price for the horse but X was not in a position to deliver the horse to Y. X asks Y to take delivery of the horse after another week and pay the price then. During the second week the horse dies before it is delivered and paid for. Who shall bear the loss and why? o HINTS: Because of failure of consideration, price of the horse shall not be recoverable from Y [Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act]. 63. Lifeboy Soap company advertised that it would give a reward of Rs. 2000 who contracted skin disease after using the Lifeboy soap of the company for a certain period according to the printed directions. Mrs. Jacob purchased the advertised Lifeboy and contracted skin disease inspite of using this soap according to the printed instructions. She claimed reward of Rs. 2000. The claim is resisted by the company on the ground that offer was not made to her and that in any case she had not communicated her acceptance of the offer. Decide whether Mrs. Jacob can claim the reward or not. Give reasons. o HINTS: Mrs Jacob can claim the reward. General offer may be accepted by any body [Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.]. 64. A promised to marry none else except Miss B, and in default pay her a sum of Rs. 5000. A married Miss C. Miss B sued A for the recovery of Rs. 5000. Decide and give reasons. o HINTS: Miss B shall not succeed; the agreement being void-ab-initio. According to Section 26, every agreement in restraint of marriage of any person otherwise than a minor, is void.

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65. A applies to a banker for a loan at a time when there is stringency in the money market. The banker declines to make the loan except at a unusually high rate of interest. A accepts the loan on these terms. Whether the contract is induced by undue influence? Decide. o HINTS: For relief on ground of undue-influence under Section 16, two requirements need to be satisfied, viz., (i) the party alleged must be in a position to dominate the will of the other; and (ii) he must have exercised that domination to obtain an undue advantage. In the given case, a bank cannot be said to be in a position to dominate the will of the borrowerthe borrower having option to borrow from other banks or other sources. Thus, contract cannot be said to be induced by undue influence.


CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Business Laws 2. Indian Contract Act, 1872 3. Patent Act, 1970 4. Trade & Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 5. Copyright Act, 1957 6. Consumer (Protection) Act, 1986 7. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 8. Information Technology Act, 2000 9. Environment Protection Act 10.Competition Act, 2002


Wha t i s la w ?

1. 2. 3. 4.

A ci tize n may thi nk o f law as a set of r ul es whi ch he must obey . A law yer who pr actice s law may thi nk of law as a vo cat ion. A le gis lat or may lo ok at law as a so met hi ng cr eate d by h im. A jud ge may thi nk of law as a gui di ng pr inci ples to b e app li ed i n maki ng deci si ons.


Law includes all those rules and regulations which regulate our relations with other individuals and with the state.

Meaning of law
Law means a set of rules. It may be defined as the rules of conduct recognized and enforced by the state to control and regulate the conduct of people, to protect their property and contractual rights with a view to securing justice, peaceful living and social security.

The law is not rigid, it is flexible. Since the value system of society keeps on changing , the law also keeps changing according to the changing requirements of the society. There are several branches of law such as International law, constitutional law, criminal law, civil law etc.. Every branch of law regulates and controls a particular field of activity.

Why should one know law

Because ignorance of law is no excuse. Ex : 1 If X is caught traveling in a train without ticket, cannot plead that he was not aware of the rule regarding the purchase of ticket and therefore, he may be excused. Ex : 2 If Y is caught driving scooter without driving license, he cannot plead that he was not aware of the traffic rule regarding the obtaining of a driving license and therefore, he may be excused.

Definition of Law by Salmond

Law is the body of principles recognized and applied by the State in the administration of the justice .

Object of law

The object of law is order, and the result of order is that men are enabled to look ahead with some sort of security as to the future.

Need for the kn owled ge o f law

Ign or anti a j ur is no n e xcus at is a familiar maxim. Th is me an s ig nor an ce of la w is no t e xc us abl e.

The law now a days is a matter of great intricacy. As such no sound bus iness man would atte mpt t o so lve im porta nt l egal ques tions aff ecting his busi ness inte rest with out ex pert lega l advi ce .


Business laws are those laws which regulate the conduct of the business.

Sources of Business Law

1.English Mercantile Law 2.The Statute Law 3.The Common Law (sometimes called as case law) 4.Customs and Usages

English Mercantile Law: English laws are the primary sources of Indian Mercantile Law. English laws are based on customs and usages of merchants in England. The Statute Law: The various Acts passed by the Indian Legislature are the main sources of mercantile law in India, e.g. Indian Contract Act, 1872, The Sale of Goods Acts,1930, The Partnership Act, 1932, The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, The Companies Act, 1956.

The Common Law : This source consists of all those unwritten legal doctrines embodying customs and traditions developed over centuries by the English courts. Thus, the common law is found in the collected cases of the various courts of law and is sometimes known as case law. The common law emphasizes precedents.

Customs and usages: The customs and usages of a trade are also one of the sources of mercantile law in India. These customs and usages govern the merchants of a trade in their dealings both each other. Some Acts passed by the Indian Legislature recognizes the importance of such customs and usages.

Module: II

Law of Contract
The law of contract is regulated by Indian Contract Act, 1872 OBJECT OF THE LAW OF CONTRACT

The law of contract is that branch of law which determines the circumstances in which promises made by the parties to a contract shall be legally binding on them. In simple words, the purpose of law of contract is to ensure the realization of reasonable expectation of the parties who enter in to contract.


According to Sir William Anson,

The law of contract is intended to ensure that, what a man has been led to expect shall come to pass, and that what has been promised to him shall be performed.

JUS IN REM & JUS IN PERSONAM Law of contract creates, jus in rem and jus in personam.

Jus in rem means, right against the world at large. jus in personam means, the right against particular persons.

Definition of Contract

Section 2(h) of Indian Contract Act, 1872

defines a contract as .. An agreement enforceable by law.

So, a contract is an agreement made between two or more parties which the law will enforce.

An agreement enforceable by law is a contract. Cont ract = Ag reemen t + Enfo rceab ilit y Agr eemen t = Offer + Acc epta nce

An agree ment is defined as, ever y pro mise and s et of prom ises, form ing cons idera tion for e ach other [Sec2(e)].

Definition of Promise A promise is defined thus:

When the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent there to, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise. [Section 2(b)].
An agreement is an accepted proposal.

Consensus ad idem
The essence of an agreement is meeting of the minds of the parties.There must in fact, be consensus ad idem. Eg., A, (owns two horses named Rajhans & Hansraj), is selling horse Rajhans to B. B thinks he is purchasing Hansraj. There is no consensus ad idem consequently no contract.

Agreement and its types

Legal Agreement Social Agreement Domestic Agreement

An agreement, to become a contract, must give rise to a legal obligation or duty. An obligation is a legal tie which imposes upon a definite person or persons the necessity of doing or abstaining from doing a definite act or acts. Ex. A agrees to sell his car to B for Rs.1,00,000/-.The agreement gives rise to an obligation on the part of A to deliver the car to B on the part of B to pay Rs.1,00,000/to A. This is a legal agreement. This agreement is a contract.

An agreement which gives rise to social obligation is not a contract . An agreement is a wider term. An agreement may be a social agreement or a legal agreement. If A invites B to a dinner and B accepts the invitation, it is a social agreement.

A social agreement does not give rise to contractual obligations and is not enforceable in a Court of law. It is only those agreements which are enforceable in a court of law which are contracts. A father promises to pay his son Rs.100/- every month as pocket allowance. Later he refuses to pay. The son cannot recover as it is a domestic agreement and there is no intention on the part of the parties to create legal relations.

All contracts are agreements, but all agreements are not necessarily contracts

2. Offer and Acceptance 3. Intention to create legal relationship 4. Lawful consideration 5. Capacity of parties-Competency 6. Free and genuine consent 7. Lawful object 8. Agreement not declared void 9. Certainty and possibility of performance 10. Legal formalities


1.Offer and Acceptance:

There must be two parties to an agreement, i.e., one party making the offer and the other accepting it The terms of the offer must be definite and the acceptance of the offer must be absolute and unconditional. The acceptance must also be according to the mode prescribed.

ESSENTIALS OF A VALID CONTRACT: 2.Intention to create legal relationship: When two parties enter into an agreement, their intention must be to create legal relationship between them .If there is no intention on the part of the parties, there is no contract between them. E g., A husband promised to pay his wife a house hold allowance of 30 pounds every month .Later the parties separated and the husband failed to pay the amount. The wife sued for the allowance . Held, the agreement such as these were outside the realm of contract altogether [Balfour

ESSENTIALS OF A VALID CONTRACT: 3. Lawful consideration : An agreement to be enforceable by law must be supported by consideration. Consideration means advantage or benefit moving from one party to the other. It is the essence of a bargain. In simple words, it means something in return. A promise to do something and, getting nothing in return is usually not enforceable by law. Consideration need not be in cash or kind. It may be an act or abstinence.


4.Capacity of parties-Competency: The parties to the agreement must be capable of entering in to a valid contract.
Every person is competent to contract if he, (a) is of the age of majority, (b) is of sound mind, and (c) is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. The flaw in capacity to contract may arise from minority, lunacy, idiocy, drunkenness, etc.


5.Free and genuine consent:

It is essential to the creation of every contract that there must be free and genuine consent of the parties to the agreement. The parties are said to be of the same mind when they agree about the subject matter of the contract in the same sense and at the same time(Sec.13).

There is absence of free consent if the agreement is induced by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation and mistake(Sec.14).


6.Lawful object: The object of the agreement must be lawful. In other words, it means that the object must not be (a) illegal, (b) immoral, or (c) opposed to public policy(Sec.23) If an agreement suffers from any legal flaw, it would not be enforceable by law.


7. Agreement not declared void: The agreement must not have been expressly declared void by law in force in the country under the provisions of sections 24 to 30 of the Indian Contract Act,1872 Under these provisions, agreement in restraint of marriage, agreement in restraint of legal proceedings, agreement by way of wager have been expressly declared as void


8. Certainty and possibility of performance:

The agreement must be certain and not vague or indefinite (Sec.29). If it is vague and if it is not possible to ascertain its meaning, it cannot be enforced. Ex. A agrees to sell to B a hundred

tons of oil.
There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is void.


9.Legal formalities: A contract may be made by words spoken or written.

As regards the legal effects, there is no difference between a contract in writing and a contract made by word of mouth.

It is however in the interest of the parties that the contract should be in writing.
In some other cases, a contract, besides being a written one, has to be registered.

of Contracts
Contracts may be classified according to,
1.Validity 2.Formation, and 3.Performance




1.Voidable Contract [2(i)] 1.Express Contract [9] 1.Executed Contract 2.Void Agreement [2(g)] 2.Implied Contract [9] 2.Executory Contract 3.Void Contract [2(j)] 3.Quasi Contract 3.Unilateral Contract 4.Illegal Agreement 4.Bilateral Contract 5.Unenforceable Contract

1.Classification according to Validity

i] Voidable contract: An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one party but not at the option of the other or others is a voidable contract [Sec.2(i)]. The party whose consent is not free may either rescind (avoid or repudiate) the contract, if he so desires, or elect to be bound by it. A voidable contract continues to be valid till it is avoided by the party entitled to do so.

Classification of Contract

Example of Voidable Contract: A promises to sell his car to B for rs. 2000. His consent is obtained by use of force. The contract is voidable at the option of A .
He may avoid the contract or elect to be bound by it.

Example 2: X threatens to kill Y if he does not sell his house for rs. 1,00,000 to X. Y sells his house to X and receives payment. Here, Ys consent has been obtained by coercion and hence this contract is voidable at the option of Y, the aggrieved party. If Y decides to avoid the contract, he will have to return rs.1,00,000 which he had received from X. If Y does not exercise his option to repudiate the contract within a reasonable time and in the mean time, Z purchases that house from X for rs. 1,00,000 in good faith, Y cannot repudiate the contract.

Classification of Contract

ii] Void Agreement: An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void [Sec.2(g)].Such agreements are void-ab-initio which means that they are unenforceable right from the time they are made
E.g., An agreement with a minor or a person of unsound mind is void-ab-initio because a minor or a person of unsound mind is incompetent to contract


iii] Void Contract: A contract which ceases

to be enforceable by law is a void contract.

[2 (j)]. A void contract is a contract which was valid when entered into but which subsequently became void due to impossibility of performance, change of law or some other reason.

E.g., A contract to import goods becomes void, when war breaks out between the countries.


iv] Illegal Agreement: An illegal agreement

is one which is unlawful. Such an agreement cannot be enforced by law. Thus, illegal agreements are always voidab-initio( i.e., void from the very beginning)

E g :An agreement to import prohibited goods.

Example: X agrees to pay Y rs.1,00,000 if Y kills Z and claims rs.1,00,000. Y cannot recover from X because the agreement between X and Y is illegal as its object is unlawful Effect on collateral agreements: In case of illegal agreements, even the collateral agreements become void Example: If in the above example, x borrows rs,1,00,000 from W who is aware of the purpose of the loan, the main agreement between X and Y is illegal and the agreement between X and W which is collateral to the main agreement is also void. Hence, W cannot recover the money from X.


.Illegal Agreement: An illegal agreement is not only void as between the parties but has this further effect that even the collateral transactions to it become tainted with illegality. A collateral transaction is one which is subsidiary, incidental or auxiliary to the principal or original contract.


v] Unenforceable Contract: An unenforceable Contract is one which cannot

be enforced in a Court of law because of some technical defect such as absence of writing or where the remedy has been barred by lapse of time.

The contract may be carried out by the parties concerned; but in the event of breach or repudiation of such a contract, the aggrieved party will not be entitled to the legal remedies.

2.Classification according to Formation

A contract may be (a) made in writing or by word of mouth, or (b) inferred from the conduct of the parties or circumstances of the cases. These are the modes of formation of contract.

On the basis of Formation Contract can be classified as,

(i) Express Contract, (ii) Implied Contract, & (iii) Quasi Contract.


conditions of contracts are expressly agreed upon (whether words spoken or written) at the time of formation of contract, the contract is said to be Express Contract . Ex: X says to Y will you buy my car for rs. 1,00,000? Y says to X I am ready to buy your car for rs. 1,00,000. (ii) IMPLIED CONTRACT: One which is inferred from the acts or conduct of the parties or course of dealings between them. An implied contract is one which is not an express contract.

EXPRESS CONTRACT: If the terms and

Ex: A transport company runs buses on different routes to carry passengers. This is an implied acceptance by X. Now, there is an implied contract and X is bound to pay the prescribed fare. Ex: X, a coolie in uniform picks up the baggage of Y to do so and Y allows it from platform to the taxi without being asked by to do so and Y allows it. In this case there is ay the coolie and an implied acceptance by the passenger. Now, there is an implied contract between the coolie and the passenger and the passenger is bound to pay for the services of the coolie

Contracts classified.
(iii)QUASI CONTRACT: Strictly speaking Quasi

Contract is not a contract at all. A contract is intentionally entered in to by the parties. A quasi contract, on the other hand is created by law. It rests on the ground of equity that, a person shall not be allowed to enrich himself unjustly at the expense of another .

Ex: A finds some goods belonging to B, it is his duty to restore them to the rightful owner. These contracts are based on the principle of equity, justice and good conscience. The Indian Contract Act 1872, has described the obligations arising under these contracts as certain relations those created by contracts

III. Classification according to Performance

(i) Executed Contract (ii) Executory Contract -Unilateral or One-sided Contract -Bilateral Contract

.. Classification according to Performance

(I) EXECUTED CONTRACT: Executed means that which is done. An executed contract is one in which both the parties have performed their respective obligations. Ex: X offers to sell his car to Y for rs. 1,00,000. Y accepts xs offer. X delivers the car to Y and Y pays rs. 1,00,000 to x. It is an executed contract (ii) EXECUTORY CONTRACT: Executory means that which remains to be carried in to effect. It is a contract where both the parties to the contract have still to perform their respective obligations. Ex: X offers to sell his car to Y for rs.1,00,000. Y accepts Xs offer. If the car has not yet been delivered by X and the price has not yet been paid by Y, it is an executory contract.

Partly Executed and partly Executory Contract: It is a contract where one of the parties to the contract has fulfilled his obligation and the other party has still to perform his obligation. Ex. X offers to sell his car to Y for rs. 1,00,000 on a credit of one month. Y accepts Xs offer. X delivers the car to Y. Here, the contract is executed as to X and executory as to Y.

ONE-SIDED OR UNILATERAL CONTRACT Performance of only one party is outstanding. BILATERAL CONTRACT. Performance of both the parties remains outstanding.

Over a cup of tea in a restaurant, A invites B for a dinner at his house on a Sunday. B hires a taxi and reaches As house at the appointed time, but A fails to perform his promise. Can B recover any damage ???

No. [Balfour V. Balfour,1919] A husband promised o pay his wife a household allowance of 30 sterling pounds every month. Later the parties separated and the husband failed to pay the amount. The wife sued for the allowance. Held, agreement such as these were outside the realm of contract altogether.

(a) A engages B for a certain work and promises to pay such remuneration as shall be fixed by C. B does the work. (b) A and B promise to marry each other. (c) A takes a seat in public vehicle. (d) A invites B for a card party

(a) There is a contract between A and B and A is bound to pay the remuneration as shall be fixed by C. If C does not fix , or refuses to fix the remuneration, A is bound to pay a reasonable remuneration. (b) There is a contract between A and B (c) There is a contract between A and B (D) There is no contract

A forced B to enter in to a contract at the point of pistol. What remedy is available to B. If he (B) does not want to be bound by the contract ..??

He (B) can repudiate the contract as his consent is not free.

M mows Ls lawn without being asked by L to do so. L watches M do the work but does not attempt to stop him. Is L bound to pay any charges to M ?

Yes, L is bound to pay M a reasonable remuneration.

C orally offered to pay A, an auto mechanic, Rs 50 for testing a used car which C was about to purchase from D. A agreed and tested the car. C paid A Rs 50 in cash for his services. Is the agreement between C and A,
(a) express or implied,..??? (b) executed or executory, ??? (c) Valid,void, voidable or unenforceable???

The agreement is, (a) express, (b)executed, and (c) valid.

A promises to pay B Rs.500, if he(B) beats C. B beats C, but A refuses to pay. Can B recover the amount.. ???

No as the agreement is illegal.

D lived as a paying boarder with a family. He agreed with the members of the family to share prize money of a newspaper competition. The entry sent by D won a prize 750 sterling pounds. He refused to share the amount won. Can the members of the family recover their share .???

Yes, as there was mutuality in the agreement between the parties and the parties had intended to be bound.


An offer is a proposal by one party to another to enter in to a legally binding agreement with him.

Offer [Proposal]
A person is said to have made a proposal, when, he,.

signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything with a view to obtaining the assent of that other, to such act or abstinence [Sec.2(a)]


1. It must be made by one person to another person. In other words, there can be no proposal by a person to himself ex: X says to Y that he wants to sell his car to himself for rs. 1 lakh. There is no proposal because there can be no proposal by a person to himself.

2. It must be an expression of readiness or willingness to do (i.e., a positive act) or to abstain from doing something (i.e., a negative act) ex: X offers to sell his car to Y for rs. 1 lakh. It is a positive act on the part of X ex: X offers not to file a suit against Y if Y pays X the outstanding amount of rs. 1,00,000 . It is a negative act on the part of X

3. It must be made with a view to obtain the consent of that other person to proposed act or abstinence. ex: X jokingly says to Y I am ready to sell my car for rs.1000. Y, knowingly that X is not serious in making the offer, says I accept your offer. In this case, Xs offer was not the real offer as he did not make it with a view to obtain the consent of Y.

The person making the offer is known as the,

offeror, proposer or promisor, and

the person to whom it is made is called the,

offeree or proposee.
When the offeree accepts the offer, he is called the acceptor or promisee [Sec.2(c)].

How an offer is made

E.g., An offer may be made by express words, spoken or written. This is known as Express offer.
When A says to B, will you purchase my house at Meerut for Rs.5,00,000 ?

How an offer is made

An offer may be inferred from the conduct of the parties or the circumstances. This is known as Implied Offer.
E.g.,When a transport company runs a bus on a

particular route, there is an implied offer by the transport company to carry passengers for a certain fare.

Specific and General Offer..

When an offer is made to a particular person, it is called specific offer. E.g. A offers to sell car to B [only] for Rs.1,00,000. When an offer is made to the world at large, it is called general offer. A general offer can be accepted by any person by fulfilling the terms of offer.
E.g., Mrs Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.[1893].


Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. advertised in the newspaper that it would pay rs.1000 to anyone who contracts influenza after using the smoke ball of the company according to the printed instructions. Mrs.Carlil uses the smoke ball according to the printed directions but subsequently she contracted influenza. She filed a suit for the reward. It was held that she was entitled to recover the reward because she had accepted the offer by fulfilling the terms of the offer.

What constitutes an offer. 1.The offer must show an obvious intention on the part of the offeror to be bound by it. Thus, if A jokingly offers B Rs 10 for his typewriter and B knowing that A is not serious, says I accept, As proposal does not constitute an offer.

What constitutes an offer

2.The offeror must make the offer with a view to obtaining the assent of the offeree to such act or abstinence. 3.The offer must be definite. 4.It must be communicated to the offeree.


1.Intention to create legal relationship 2.Certain and unambiguous terms 3.Different from a mere declaration of intention 4.Different from an invitation to offer 5.Communication 6.A statement of price is not an offer 7.No term the Non-compliance of which amounts to Acceptance


1.Offer must be such in law is capable of being accepted and giving rise to legal relationship. ex:

Rose & Frank Company v. Crompton Brothers

Ex: Rose & Frank Company was appointed as selling agents in North America by Crompton Brothers by an agreement. One of the clauses in the agreement provided this agreement is not entered into formal or legal agreement and shall not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts. It was held that this agreement was not a legally binding contract because there was no intention to create legal relations.

2.Certain and Unambiguous Terms

The terms of the offer must be certain and unambiguous and not vague. If the terms of the offer are vague, no contract can be entered into because it is not clear as to what exactly the parties intended to do.

Ex 1: X offers to sell to Y a 100 tons of oil. If X is a dealer in coconut oil or mustard oil, his offer is not certain because it is not clear that he wants to sell coconut oil or mustard oil. But if X is a dealer in coconut oil only, it is clear that he wants to sell coconut oil. Hence, the offer is certain.


3.An offer must be distinguished from; (i) A declaration of intention and an announcement.: The offer must be distinguished from a mere declaration of intention . Such statement or declaration merely indicates that an offer will be made or invited in future, (ii) An invitation to make an offer or to do business.

A mere declaration of intention

Ex 1: A father wrote to his would be sonin-law that his daughter would have a share of what he left after the death of his wife. It was held, that the letter was a mere statement of intention and not an offer. (Farine v. Fickar)

Ex 2: X, a broker of Bombay wrote to Y a merchant of Ghaziabad stating the terms on which he is willing to do business. It was held that the letter was a mere statement of intention and not an offer. (Devidatt v. Shriram) Ex 3: A notice that the goods stated in the notice will be sold by tender does not amount to an offer to sell.( Spencer v. Harding)

Ex 4: An auctioneer advertised in a newspaper that a sale of office furniture will be held on a particular day. Mr. X with the intention on buy to furniture came from a distant place for the auction but the auction was cancelled. It was held that Mr X cannot file a suit against the auctioneer for his loss of time and expenses because the advertisement was merely a declaration of intention to hold auction and not an offer to sell. (Harris v. N.Nickerson)

Invitation to offer
An offer must be distinguished from an invitation to offer. In case of an invitation to offer, the person making an invitation invites others to make an offer to him.

Ex 1: Goods were displayed in the shop for sale with price tags attached on each article and self service system was there. One customer selected the goods. It was held that the display of goods was only an intention to offer and the selection of the goods was an offer by the customer to buy and the contract was made when the cashier accepted the offer to buy and received the price. (Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v. Boots Cash Chemists Ltd.)

Ex 2: A prospectus issued by a company for subscription to its shares and debentures is only an invitation to general public to make an offer to buy the shares/debentures which may or may not be accepted by the company.


4.Offer must be communicated: An offer must be communicated to the person to whom it is made. An offer is complete only when it is communicated to the offeree. One can accept the offer only when he knows about it

Thus , an offer accepted without its knowledge does not confer any legal rights on the acceptor. Ex 1: S offered a reward to anyone who traces his lost dog. F brought the dog without any knowledge of the offer of reward. It was held F was not entitled to the reward because F cannot be said to have accepted the offer which he did not know.( Fitch v.Snedaker,1868)

Lalman Shukla v.Gauri Dutt

G sent his servant L to trace his lost nephew. When the servant had left, G announced a reward of Rs.500 to anyone who traces the missing boy. L found the boy and brought him home. When L came to know about the reward, he filed a suit against G to recover the reward. It was held that L was not entitled to reward because he did not know about the reward when he found the missing boy.

Legal rules as to offer..

6.A statement of price is not an offer. HARVEY Vs. FACEY,[1893]

E.g., Three telegrams were exchanged between Harvey and Facey. 1. Will you sell your Bumper Hall Pen ? Telegraph lowest cash price-answer paid. [Harvey to Facey] 2. Lowest price for Bumper Hall Pen 900 pounds. [Facey to Harvey]

..6.A statement of price is not an offer. HARVEY Vs. FACEY,[1893]

3. We agree to buy Bumper Hall Pen for the sum of 900 pounds asked by you [Harvey to Facey] Held, there was no concluded contract between Harvey and Facey The first telegram asked two questions; (i) the willingness of Facey to sell, and (ii) the lowest price. Facey replied only to the second question and gave his lowest price, i.e., he supplied mere information and no offer had been made by him to sell. There could be contract only if he had accepted Harveys last telegram.

Special Terms of Contract The special terms of the offer must also be communicated along with the offer. If the special terms of the offer are not communicated, the offeree will not be bound by those terms.

The question of special terms arises generally in case of standard form of contracts. Standard contracts are made with big companies such as insurance companies, railways, shipping companies, banking companies, hotels, dry cleaning companies.

Since such companies are in position to exploit the weakness of general public by including certain terms in the contract which may limit their liabilities, it is provided that the special terms of the offer must be brought to the notice of general public.

Ex 1: X purchased a ticket Dablin to White Haven and on the back of the ticket, certain conditions were printed one of which excluded the liability of the company for loss, injury or delay to the passengers or his luggage. X never looked at the back of the ticket and there was nothing to draw his attention to the conditions printed on the back side. His luggage was lost due to the negligence of the servants of the shipping company, it was held that X was entitled to claim compensation for the loss of his luggage in spite of the exemption clause because there was no indication on the face of the ticket to draw his attention to the special terms printed on the back of the ticket.

Special Terms of Contract E.g., A hotel put up a notice in a bed room, exempting the proprietor from liability for loss of clients goods. Held, the notice was not effective as it came to the knowledge of the client only when the contract to take a room had already been entered in to. Olley v. Marlborough Court Ltd., [1949].

Example of Special Terms of Contract

A deposited a bag in the cloak room of a railway station. On the face of the ticket, issued to him, was written see back. One of the printed conditions, limited the liability of the company for loss of a package to 10 pounds.The bag was lost and P claimed 24.50 pounds, as its value. Held, P was bound by the conditions on the back of the ticket even if he had not read them [Parker Vs. S E Rail Co.(1877) ]

Example of Special Terms of Contract

If conditions are printed on the back of a ticket, but there are no words at all on the face of it to draw the attention of the person concerned to those conditions, he is not bound by them; Example: C hired a deck chair from Municipal Council. He paid a hire of 2 $ for two sessions of 3 hours .He sat on the chair, it broke and injured him. Held ,Council was liable
[Chapleton Vs. Barry Urban District Council,1940].

AGREEMENT TO AGREE IN FUTURE IS NOT A CONTRACT If the parties have not agreed upon the terms of

the contract, but have made an agreement to agree in future, there is no contract. An agreement to be finally settled must comprise all the terms which the parties intend to introduce in to the agreement. E.g., An actress was engaged in a theatrical company for a certain period .One of the terms of the agreement was that if the play was shown in London, she would be engaged at a salary to be mutually agreed upon. Held , there was no contract.

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Acceptance means giving consent to the offer. It is an expression by the offeree of his willingness to be bound by the terms of the offer. According to sec 2(b) of the Indian Contract Act,1872, A proposal is said to have accepted when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto. A proposal when accepted becomes a promise.

An acceptance may be express or implied.

It is express when it is communicated by

words, spoken or written or by doing some required act. It is implied when it is to be gathered from the surrounding circumstances of the cases or the conduct of the parties.

Who can accept offer ?
Acceptance of a particular offer: Specific Offer When an offer is made to a particular person, it can only be accepted by him alone. If it is accepted by any other person, there is no valid acceptance. The rule of law is clear that if you propose to make a contract with A, B cannot substitute himself for without your consent.

Acceptance of a general offer When an offer is made to world at large, any persons to whom the offer is made can accept it
[Mrs.Carlill Vs.Carbolic Smokeball Co.(1893)]

Legal Rules as to Acceptance

The acceptance of an offer is the very essence of a contract. To be legally effective, it must satisfy the following conditions:

1.It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer. 2.It must be communicated to the offeror 3.It must be according to the mode prescribed or usual and reasonable mode. 4.It must be given within a reasonable time

..Legal Rules as to Acceptance

5.It cannot precede an offer. 6.It must show an intention on the part of the acceptor to fulfill terms of the promise. 7.It must be given by the party or parties to whom the offer is made. 8.It must be given before the offer lapses or before the offer is withdrawn. 9.It cannot be implied from silence.

1. It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer.
An acceptance, in order to be binding, must be absolute and unqualified [Sec.7(1)] in respect of all terms of the offer, whether material or immaterial, major or minor. If the parties are not ad idem on all matters concerning the offer and acceptance, there is no contract. Examples: a) A made an offer to B to purchase a house with possession from 25 th July. The offer was followed by an acceptance suggesting possession from 1st August. Held, there was no contract. [ Rutledge Vs .Grant (1828)]

.1.It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer.

Examples: b) M offered to sell a piece of land to N at 280 sterling pounds. N accepted and enclosed 80 sterling pounds with a promise to pay the balance by monthly installments of 50 sterling pounds each. Held, there was no contract between M and N, as the acceptance was on condition. [Neale Vs. Merret (1930)].

.1.It must be absolute and unconditional i.e., it must conform with the offer

c) N offered to buy Js horse if warranted quiet in harness. J agreed to the price and warranted the horse in quiet double harness. Held, there was no acceptance [Jordon Vs.Norton,1838]
d) A says to B, I offer to sell my car for Rs.50,000.B replies, I will purchase it for Rs.45,000. This is no acceptance and amounts to counter offer.

2.It must be communicated to the offeror

To conclude a contract between the parties, the acceptance must be communicated in some perceptible form. A mere resolve or mental determination on the part of the offeree to accept an offer, when there is no external manifestation of the intention of the intention to do so, is not sufficient.
[ Bhagwandas Kedia Vs. Giridharilal (1966)]

2.It must be communicated to the offeror


a) A tells B that, he intends to marry C. But tells C nothing of his intention. There is no contract even if C is willing to marry A. b) A draft agreement relating to supply of coal was sent to the manager of a railway company for his acceptance. The manager wrote the word approved and put the draft in the drawer . Held, there was no contract.
[Brogden Vs. Metropolitan Rail Co.(1877)].

2.It must be communicated to the offeror

F offered to buy his nephews horse for 30 sterling pounds saying: If I hear no more about it I shall consider the horse is mine at 30 sterling pounds. The nephew did not write to F at all, but he told his auctioneer who was selling his horses not to sell that particular horse because it had been sold to his uncle. The auctioneer inadvertently sold the horse. Held, F had no right of action against the auctioneer as the horse had not been sold to F, his offer of 30 pounds not having been accepted [Felthouse Vs. Brindley

3.It must be according to the mode prescribed or usual and reasonable mode.

The communication must be according to the mode prescribed [ Sec.7(2)] Eg. If the Offeror has sought the communication of acceptance from offeree by telephone it cannot be given by post.
In case, the acceptance is made in a manner other than the mode prescribed but the offeror does not raise any objection within a reasonable time, the acceptance will be binding.

4. It must be given within a reasonable time

If any time limit is specified ,the acceptance to an offer must be given within a reasonable time. If it is not given within the reasonable time, the offer lapses.

In Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Ltd. Vs. Montefiore(1886) M applied for the shares of R & Co. on 8 th June. But the Company did not intimate about allotment until November. M refused to take shares. Held, the offer was lapsed by unreasonable delay.

5.It cannot precede an offer.

In a company shares were allotted to a person who had not applied for them. Subsequently when he applied for shares , he was unaware of the previous allotment. The allotment of shares previous to application is invalid.

6.It must show an intention on the part of the acceptor to fulfill terms of the promise.

If no such intention is present, the acceptance is invalid.

7. It must be given by the party or parties to whom the offer is made. Acceptance must be communicated by the offeree himself or by a person who has the authority to accept. If acceptance is communicated by an unauthorized person, it will not give rise to legal relations.

Ex: P applied for the post of a headmaster in a school. The managing committee passed a resolution approving P to the post but this decision was not communicated to P. But one member of the managing committee in his individual capacity and without any authority informed P about the decision. Subsequently, the managing committee cancelled its resolution and appointed someone else. P filed a suit for breach of contract. It was held that Ps suit was not maintainable because there was no communication of acceptance as he was not informed about his

8.It must be given before the offer lapses or before the offer is withdrawn. The acceptance must be given before the offer lapses or is withdrawn. In other words, if an acceptance is made after the lapse or withdrawal of the offer, it will not give rise to legal relations. Ex: X offered by a letter to sell his car for Rs.1,00,000. Subsequently, x withdrew his offer by a telegram which was duly received by Y. After the receipt of telegram, Y sent his acceptance to X. In this case, the acceptance is invalid because it was made after the effective withdrawal of the offer.

9.It cannot be implied from silence.

The acceptance of an offer cannot be implied from the silence of the offeree or his failure to answer, unless the offeree has by his previous conduct indicated that his silence means that he accepts. A
wrote to B., I offer you my car for Rs.10,000. If I dont hear from you in seven days , I shall assume that you accept. B did not reply at all. There is no contract.

Communication of Offer, Acceptance and Revocation An offer, its acceptance and their revocation (withdrawal) to be completed must be communicated. When the parties are at distance and the offer and acceptance and their revocation are made through post, i.e., by letter or telegram, the rules contained in Secs.3 to 5 apply.

Mode of communication (Sec.3)

The communication of offer, its acceptance and their revocation respectively are deemed to be made by any (a) act, or (b) omission, of the party offering, accepting or revoking. In other words, offer, acceptance or revocation may be communicated by words spoken or written, or by conducted. Thus installation of a weighing machine at a public place is an offer, putting of a coin in the slot of the machine is the acceptance of the offer, and the switching off the machine amounts to revocation of the offer.

When is communication complete

Communication of offer: The communication of offer is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made.

E.g., A proposes by a letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. The letter is posted on 10th July. It reaches B on the 12th July. The communication of offer is complete when B receives the letter i.e., 12th July.

When is communication complete[S.4]

Communication of Acceptance: Communication of acceptance is complete* as against the proposer, when it is put in the course of transmission to him, so as to be out of power of the acceptor ; * as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer. E.g., B accepts A s proposal, in the above case, by a letter sent by post on 13th instant. The letter reaches A on 15th instant. The communication of Acceptance is complete, as against the A, when the letter is posted, i.e., on 13th, as against B, when the letter is received by A, i.e., on 15th.

When is communication complete..

The communication of revocation is complete: Revocation means taking back recalling or withdrawal. It may be revocation of offer or acceptance. The communication of a revocation is complete--as against the person who makes it, when it is put in to the course of transmission to the person to whom it is made so as to be out of the power of the person who makes it ; -as against the person to whom it is made, when it comes to his knowledge(Sec.4)

When is communication complete

Ex. A proposes, by a letter, to sell his house to B at a certain price .The letter is posted on 15th May. It reaches B on 19th May. A revokes his offer by telegram on 18th May. The telegram reaches B on 20th May. The revocation is complete as against A when the telegram is dispatched i.e., on 18th May. It is complete as against B when he receives

Time for Revocation of Offer and Acceptance (Sec.5)

Time for Revocation of Proposal(Sec.5,para 1) A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards. Ex. A proposes by a letter sent by post to sell his house to B. The letter is posted on the 1st of the month. B accepts the proposal by a letter sent by post on the 4th.The letter reaches A on the 6th. A may revoke his offer at any time before B posts his letter of
acceptance, i.e., on 4th but not afterwards. B may revoke his acceptance at any time before the letter of acceptance reaches A, i.e., on 6th but not afterwards.

A contract by telephone or telex has the same effect as an oral agreement entered into between the parties when they are face to face. But the offeree must make sure that his acceptance is properly received, i.e.,heard and understood by the offeror (Kanhaiyalal v. Dineshwara Chandra)


A makes an offer to B across a river or a courtyard. B shouts back accepting As offer, but A does not hear Bs reply as it was drowned by an aircraft flying overhead. There is no contract at that moment. If B wishes to make a contract, he must wait till the aircraft is gone and then shout back his acceptance so that A can hear what B says. Until A hears Bs reply, there is no contract.


1. By communication of notice of revocation by the offeror at any time before its acceptance is complete as against him Ex: At an auction sale, A makes the highest bid for Bs goods. He withdraws the bid before the fall of the hammer. The offer has been revoked before its acceptance.

2. By lapse of time: If it is not accepted within the prescribed time, then it ends in revocation of offer. If no time is prescribed, it lapses by the expiry of a reasonable time. Ex: On June 8 M offered to take shares in R company. He received a letter of acceptance on November 23. He refused to take the shares. Held, M was entitled to refuse as his offer had lapsed as the reasonable period during which it could be accepted had elapsed (Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co. v. Montefiore)

3. By non-fulfilment by the offeree of a condition precedent to acceptance: Ex: S, a seller, agrees to sell certain goods subject to the condition that B, the buyer, pays the agreed price before a certain date. If B fails to pay the price by that date, the offer stands revoked.

4. By death or insanity of the offeror provided the offeree comes to know of it before acceptance. 5. If a counter-offer is made to it: 6. If an offer is not accepted according to the prescribed or usual mode:

OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE:PRACTICAL PROBLEMS 1.Are the following offers valid ?

(a) A garment store gave the following advertisement in a newspaper: Special sale for tomorrow only. Mens night suits reduced from Rs200 to Rs100. (b) P says to Q I will sell you a camera. P owns three different types of cameras of different prices. (c) An auctioneer displays a refrigerator before a gathering in an auction sale. (d) A advertises in The Statesman that he would pay Rs 200 to anyone who finds and returns his lost dog.

Solution for Case.1

1.(a),(b) and (c) there is no offer. In case of (d) there is a valid offer. Any person can accept it by performing the act with knowledge of the reward.
[Fitch vs.Snedaker]

Case 2.
A tells B in the course of a conversation with him that he will give Rs10,000 to anyone who marries his daughter with his consent. B marries As daughter with As consent . Is he entitled to recover the amount ?

Solution for Case.2

No, as what A tells B is a statement of intention.

A sees a rare book displayed in a shop. It is labeled First Edition Rs15. A enters the shop and puts Rs 15 on the counter and asks for the book. seller does not agree to sell that book, says, the real price of the book is Rs 50 and that it had been marked as Rs 15 by mistake. Is the bookseller bound to sell the book for Rs. 15 ?

Solution for Case.3

No. (Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Vs. Boots Cash Chemists).

A sent a telegram to B, will you sell your car? Quote lowest price. B sent a reply Lowest price Rs 25,000. A sent a second telegram to B. I agree to buy your car for Rs 25,000. B there after refuses to sell. Can A compel B to do so ? Is there a contract between A and B ?. What is the name of the case related to this?

Solution for Case.4

(a) No (b) No. (c) ( Harvey vs. Facey)

A sent a letter to B offering to sell his house to B. The next day, A wrote another letter revoking his offer. Meanwhile, B had accepted As offer by return of post. What is Bs remedy, if any, against A: (a) If As letter of revocation reaches B before Bs letter of acceptance reaches A; (b) If Bs letter of acceptance is lost in the post; If Bs letter of acceptance is posted an hour after posting of As letter of revocation ?

Solution for Case.5

In all three cases there is a concluded contract between A and B.
I.e., as soon as the letter of acceptance is posted by B.

B offered to sell his house to A for Rs.50,000.A accepted the offer by post. On the next day, A sent a telegram withdrawing the acceptance which reached B before the letter. Is the revocation of acceptance valid ? Would it make any difference if both the letter of communicating acceptance and the telegram communicating revocation of acceptance, reach B at the same time?

Solution for Case. 6

(a) Yes. (b) If A opens the telegram first (and this would be normally so in case of rational person) and reads it, the acceptance stands revoked. If he reopens the letter first and reads it, revocation of acceptance is not possible as the contract has already been concluded.


Consideration is one of the essential elements to support a contract. Subject to certain exceptions, an agreement made without consideration is nudum pactum (a nude contract) and is void. Justice Patterson defines consideration in the following words: Consideration means something which is of some value in the eye of lawIt may be some benefit to the plaintiff or some detriment to the defendant. [Thomas vs. Thomas(1842)].There are two leading cases which explain this point.

Abdul Aziz vs. Masum Ali (1914)

The secretary of a Mosque, Committee filed a suit to enforce a promise which the promisor had made to subscribe Rs.500 to the rebuilding of a mosque. Held, the promise was not enforceable because there was no consideration in the sense of benefit , as the person who made the promise gained nothing in return for the promise made, and the secretary of the Committee to whom the promise was made, suffered no detriment as nothing had been done to carry out the repairs. Hence the suit was dismissed.

Kedarnath vs. Gauri Mohammad Calcutta [1886]

The facts of this case were almost similar to those of the previous case, but the secretary in this case incurred a liability on the strength of the promise. Held, the amount could be recovered, as the promise resulted in a sufficient detriment to the secretary. The promise could, however, be enforced only to the extent of the liability (detriment-loss) incurred by the secretary. In this case, the promise, even though it was gratuitous, became enforceable because on the faith of the promise the secretary had incurred a detriment (loss).

Definition of Consideration
[Section 2(d) of Indian Contract Act,1872] When at the desire of the promisor, promisee or any other person has done or abstained from doing or does or abstains from doing, or promises to do or to abstain from doing, something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise.

Analysis of Definition of Consideration

(1) An act, i.e., doing of something. In this sense consideration is in

an affirmative form. Example: A promises B to guarantee payment of price of the goods which B sells on credit to C. Here selling of goods by B to C is consideration for As promise. (2) An abstinence or forbearance, i.e., abstaining or refraining from doing something. In this sense consideration is in a negative form. Example :A promises B not to file a suit against him if he pays him Rs.500.The abstinence of A is the consideration for Bs payment. (3) A return promise. Example: A agrees to sell his horse to B for Rs 10,000. Here Bs promise to pay the sum of Rs.10,000 is the consideration for A s promise to sell the horse, and As promise to sell the horse is the consideration for Bs promise to pay the sum of Rs.10,000.

Legal Rules as to Consideration

1. It must move at the desir e of the pr omi so r. 2. It may move from the pr omisee or a ny other per son. 3. It may be an act, ab st inen ce o r a retur n pr omise. 4. It may be past, pr esent or fu ture. 5. It n ee d n ot b e adequate. 6. It must be real an d not illusor y 7. It must be some thing w hich the pr omisor is no t al ready bound to do . 8. It must not be illegal, immor al o r opposed to pu bli c policy (Sec. 23) .

Legal Rules as to Consideration. 1.It m ust m ove a t th e d esir e of the p romis or: An a ct c onsti tutin g c onsidera tio n m ust h ave b een done a t th e d es ire o r r eq uest o f th e pro miso r. I f it is d one at th e i nsta nce o f a th ir d p arty o r with out th e d es ire o f th e p ro miso r, it w ill n ot b e a g ood co nsid era tio n. Example:A saves Bs goods from fire without being asked to do so. A cannot demand payment for his services.

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

2.It may move from the promisee or any other person. Consideration may move from promisee or any other person, i.e., even a stranger. This means that as long as there is consideration for a promise it is immaterial who has furnished it. But the stranger to consideration will be able to sue only if he is a party to the contract.

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

2.It may move from the promisee or any other person

Example: An old lady, by a deed of gift, made over certain property to her daughter D , under the direction that she should pay her aunt, P (sister of the old lady), a certain sum of money annually. The same day D entered in an agreement with P to pay her the agreed amount. Later, D refused to pay the amount on the plea that no consideration had moved from P to D. Held, P was entitled to maintain suit as consideration had moved from the old lady, sister of P, to the daughter.
[Chinnayya vs.Ramayya(1882)]

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

3.It may be an act, abstinence or a a return promise.( The following are good consideration for a contract)

(1) Forbear ance to sue : If a per so n who c ould sue another for the enf or cement o f a right agr ees no t to pur sue h is clai m, this con st itutes a good con si der ati on fo r the pr omise b y the o ther p er son. This results in a benef it to the per son not sued and a detr im ent to the per son who could sue. Example : A borrows from B Rs.100 at 20 percent p.a., and fails to pay the amount. When B is about to file a suit, A agrees to pay a higher rate of interest. B, as a result, does not file the suit. This forbearance on the part of B to file a suit is a sufficient consideration and B can enforce the promise by A to pay the higher rate of interest.

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

3. It may be an act, absti nence or a r etur n pr om ise . (2) Co mprom ise of a disputed clai m: Compr omise is a kind o f for bear ance. Or iginally , the clai m shou ld b e reason able an d the per son clai ming shou ld h onestl y b el iev e that it is a vali d claim. He shou ld also act bona fide (in g ood faith) . (3) Compo si tion wit h cr editor s: A debtor w ho is financiall y embar rassed may call a meet ing o f his cr editor s and request them to accept a lesse r amoun t in sati sf action of their debt. I f the cr editor s agr ee to it , the agr eement is bind ing both upon the debtor and the cr edit ors and this amounts to a com promi se of the clai ms of the cr editor s.

Legal Rules as to Consideration. 4.It m ay b e p ast, p re se nt o r f u tu re . (1)Past C onsid er atio n: Wh en c onsid eratio n b y a p ar ty f or a p resen t pro mise wa s g iv en in th e p ast, i.e. , b efore th e date o f th e p ro mise , it is sa id to b e p as t consid erati on. Example: A renders some service to B at latters desire. After a month B promises to compensate A for services rendered to him. It is past consideration. A can recover promised amount.

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

4. It may be past, pr esent or futur e. (2) Present or Execu ted Consider ation : When consider ation is g iven sim ultaneou sl y w ith pr omise, i. e. , at the time of pr omi se , it is said to be pr esent consider ation. In case sal e, for example, consider ation is pr esent or executed . Example: A receives Rs. 50 in return for which he promises to deliver certain goods to B. The money A receives which he promises to deliver certain goods to B. The money A receives is the present consideration for the promise he makes to deliver the goods.

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

4. It may be past, pr esent or futur e. (3) Futur e or execu tory consider ati on: When consider ation from o ne par ty to the other is to pass subseque ntl y to the making of the contr act , it is f uture o r executor y consider ation.

Example: D promises to deliver certain goods to P after a week; P promises to pay the price after a fortnight. The promise of D is supported by the promise of P. Consideration in this case is future or executory.

Legal Rules as to Consideration. 5.It need not be adequate. Consideration, as already explained, means something in return. This something in return need not necessarily be equal to something given. The law simply provides that a contract should be supported by consideration. So long as consideration exists, the Courts are not concerned as to its adequacy, provided it is of some value.

Ex: A agrees to sell a horse worth rs.1,000 for rs.10. A denies that his consent to the agreement was freely given. The inadequacy of the consideration is a fact which the Court should take into account in considering whether or not As consent was freely given.

Legal Rules as to Consideration. 6.It must be real, and not illusory.

Although consideration need not be adequate, it must be real, competent and of some value in the eyes of the law. There is no real consideration in the following cases: Physical Impossibility: A promises to put life in to Bs dead wife and B should pay him Rs.500.As promise is physically impossible of performance. Legal Impossibility: A owes Rs 100 to B. He promises to pay Rs.20 to C, the servant of B, who in return promises to discharge A from the debt. This is legally impossible

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

.6.It must be real, and not illusory (3) Uncertain consideration: A engages B for doing a certain work and promises to pay a reasonable sum. There is no recognized method of ascertaining the reasonable remuneration. The promise is unenforceable as consideration is uncertain. (4) Illusory consideration: Two of the crew of a ship deserted it half way through a voyage. The captain thereby promised to divide the salary of the deserters among the rest of the crew if they worked the vessel home. Held, they could not recover the amount as the consideration was illusory. They were already under an obligation to bring the vessel home.

Legal Rules as to Consideration.

7. It mu st be so me th ing wh ic h the is no t al rea dy bo un d t o d o. p ro mi sor

A promise to do what is already bound to do, either by general law or under an existing contract, is not a good consideration for a new promise, since it adds nothing to the pre-existing legal or contractual obligation. Likewise a promise to perform a public duty by a public servant is not a consideration.

Ex: (1) A promised to pay B, who had received summons to appear at a trial in a civil suit, a certain sum being a compensation for the loss of time during his attendance. Held, the promise was without consideration, for B was under a duty imposed by law to appear and give evidence. (Collins v. Godefroy,(1831))

Ex: (2) There was a promise to pay to a lawyer an additional sum if the suit was successful. Held, the promise was void for want of consideration. The lawyer was under a pre-existing contractual obligation to render the best of his services under the original contract. But where a person being already under a legal or contractual duty to do something undertakes to do something than he is bound to do under the original contract, this will be a good consideration for the promise.

Legal Rules as to Consideration. 8.It must not be illegal, immoral or opposed to public policy.

The consideration given for an agreement must not be unlawful. Where it is unlawful, the Court do not allow an action on the agreement.

It is a general rule of law that only parties to a contract may sue and be sued on that contract. This rule is known as the Doctrine of privity of contract. Privity of contract means relationship subsisting between the parties who have entered in to contractual obligations. It implies a mutuality of will and creates a legal bond or tie between the parties to

Two Consequences of the Doctrine of Privity of Contract

(1) A perso n wh o is no t a pa rty to a con tra ct c an no t su e u po n it e ve n tho ug h the co ntract is fo r his ben efit an d he prov ided co nsid erati on. (2) A co ntra ct c an no t con fer ri ghts or imp ose ob li gati on ari sin g un der it on an y perso n other than the parti es to it .
Thus, if there is a contract between A and B, C cannot enforce.
[Dun lop Pne uma tic T yre C o.L td. V s. S elf ridge & Co.L td. ,( 19 15) ]

Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.Ltd. Vs. Selfridge & Co.Ltd.,(1915)

S bought tyres from the Dunlop Rubber Co. and sold them to P, a subdealer, who agreed with S not to sell below Dunlops list price and to pay the Dunlop Co., 5 pounds as damages on every tyre P undersold. P sold two tyres at less than the list price and thereupon the Dunlop Co. sued him for the breach. Held, the Dunlop Co. could not maintain the suit as it was a stranger to the contract.

Exceptions to the rule Stranger to a contract cannot sue. 1.A trust or charge: A person (called beneficiary) in whose favor a trust or other interest is created can enforce it even though he is not a party to the contract. Example: A agrees to transfer certain properties to be held by T in trust for the benefit of B. B can enforce the agreement (i.e., the trust) even though he is not a party to the agreement [M.K. Rapai vs. John(1965)]

Exceptions to the rule stranger to a contract cannot sue. 2.Marriage settlement, partition or other family arrangements. Example: Two brothers, on a partition of joint properties, agreed to invest in equal shares a certain sum of money for the maintenance of their mother. Held, she was entitled to require her sons to make the investment.
[Shuppu Ammal vs. Subramaniam (1910) Madras High Court.]

Exceptions to the rule stranger to a contract cannot sue.

3.Acknowledgement or estoppel: Where the promisor by his conduct, acknowledges or otherwise constitutes himself as an agent of a third party, a binding obligation is thereby incurred by him towards the third party.
Example: A receives some money from T to be paid over to P. A admits of this receipt to P. P can recover the amount from A who shall be regarded as the agent of P.

Exceptions to the rule stranger to a contract cannot sue.

4.Assignment of contract : Where a benefit under a contract has been assigned, the assignee can enforce the contract subject to all equities between the original parties to the contract e.g. the assignee of an insurance policy. 5.Contracts entered in to through an agent: The principal can enforce the contracts entered in to by his agent provided the agent acts within the scope of his authority and in the name of the principal.

A contract without consideration is void


The general rule is ex nudo pacto non oritur actio, i.e., an agreement made without consideration is void. Sec.25 and 185 dealt with the exceptions to this rule. In such cases agreements are enforceable even though they are made without consideration. These cases are---

A contract without consideration is void


1.Love and Affection [Sec.25(1)]: Such agreement made without consideration is valid if: (i) It is expressed in writing (ii) It is registered under the law (iii) It is made on account of love and affection, and (iv) It is between parties standing in a near relation to each other.

F ,for natural love and affection, promises to give his son, S, Rs.1,000.F puts his promise to S in writing and registers it . There is a contract. By a registered agreement, V on account of natural love and affection for his brother, R, promises to discharge his debt to B. If V does not discharge the debt, R may discharge it and then sue V to recover the amount.
[Venkatasw am y v s. R am asw amy , (19 03)

A contract without consideration is void -Exceptions 2.Compensation for voluntary services.[Sec.25(2)] A promise to compensate, wholly or in part, a person who has already voluntarily done something for the promisor, is enforceable, even though without consideration. In simple words, a promise to pay for a past voluntary service is binding. Examples: (a) A finds Bs purse and gives it to him. B promises to give rs. 50 .There is a contract. (b) A says to B, At the risk of your life you saved me from a serious accident. I promise to pay you Rs.1,000.There is a contract between A and B.

(c) X, a neighbor helped putting down the fire in Ys house. Afterwards , Y promised X to give Rs.1000. This is a valid contract even though the consideration did not move at the desire of the promisor. (d) X, supported Ys infant son. Y promised to pay Xs expenses in so doing. This is a valid contract. Here, X has done that act which Y was legally bound to do.

A contract without consideration is void -Exceptions 3.Promise to pay a time barred debt: Such promise with out consideration is valid if: (1) It is made in writing (2) It is signed by the debtor or his agent, and (3) It relates to a debt which could not be enforced by a creditor because of limitation. Note: According to the Law of limitation, a debt which remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of 3 years becomes a time barred debt which is legally not recoverable.

A contract without consideration is void -Exceptions

Example: D owes C Rs.1,000 but the debt is barred by the Limitation Act. D signs a written promise o pay C Rs.500 on account of the debt. This is a contract.

A contract without consideration is void -Exceptions

4.Comp leted Gift : The rule No co nsid eration , no c ontr act doe s no t app ly to co mp leted g if ts.. e.g ., X tr ansfe rre d so me p rop erty to Y b y a duly w ritt en an d re gist ered de ed as a gift . This is a va lid c on tra ct eve n th ou gh no con si dera tion . 5. Agency [Sec .185] No con sider ation is n ecess ary t o crea te an agen cy.

A contract without consideration is void -Exceptions

6. Ch arita ble S ubscr iptio n: Whe re th e pro misee on t he st rengt h of t he pr omise make s com mitme nts, i.e. , cha nges his p ositi on to his detr iment [Refer. Kedarnath Vs. Gauri Mohammad].

Important Cases
Abdul Aziz, V. Masum Ali: The secretary of a Mosque, Committee filed a suit to enforce a promise which the promisor had made to subscribe rs.500 to the re-building of a mosque. Held, the promise was not enforceable because there was no consideration in the sense of benefit , and the secretary of the Committee to whom the promise was made, suffered no detriment as nothing had been done to carry out the repairs. Hence the suit was dismissed.

Kedar Nath v. Gauri Mohamed: The facts of this case were almost similar to those of the previous case, but the secretary in this case incurred a liability on the strength of the promise. Held, the amount could be recovered, as the promise resulted in a sufficient detriment to the secretary. In this case, the promise, even though it was gratuitous, became enforceable because on the faith of the promise the secretary had incurred a detriment.

Consideration: Practical Problems


A promises a subscription of Rs.10,000 to the National Defense Fund. He does not pay. Is there any legal remedy against him?

Answer: Case.1
No. (Abdul Aziz vs. Masum Ali)

Can A recover in the following cases? (a) B gets in to difficulties while swimming in the river Ganga and cries for help. A hears the cry, removes his coat and dives in to water and rescues B. B, who is full of gratitude, promises to pay A Rs.200 but fails to do so.

(b) B writes to A, At the risk of your own life, you saved me from a serious motor accident. I promise to pay you Rs.1,000.

(c) While B is away on holiday, a storm damages the roof of Bs house, and his neighbor, A, carries out the necessary repairs. On his return, B promises to pay A Rs.200 for the work done and materials supplied.

(d) A finds Bs purse and gives it to him. B promises A to give him Rs.100

(e) A, who is Bs friend, seeks the help of a few persons in putting down a fire in Bs house. B promises to give A Rs. 100 for his timely help.

Answers to case.2
Yes. A can recover the amount from B in all the cases. [Sec.25(2)]

A owes B Rs.1,000 but the debt is barred by limitation. A gives a letter to B agreeing to pay him Rs 500 on account of the debt.Is this a valid agreement?

Answer to Case.3
Yes. [Sec.25(3)]

A, being a dire need of money, sells his new car purchased two months ago at a cost of Rs.1,72,000 for Rs.11,000. Afterwards A seeks to set aside the contract on the ground of inadequacy of consideration. Will he succeed?

Answer to Case.4

A,B, and C enter in to a contract under which A promises both B and C that if B will dig As garden, he (A) will give Rs.50 to C. Can C compel A to pay the money on Bs digging As garden according to the terms of the contract? Give reasons.

Answer to Case.5

As Uncle in a sudden display of generosity promises him a watch as a gift on his next birthday. If the uncle fails to give the watch, can A do anything about it legally?

Answer to Case.6

H who was badly in need of money offered to sell his piano worth rs.5,000 to C for rs.4,000. C refused to buy . H gradually lowered his price until rs.1000 was reached, which C accepted. Before the piano was delivered, H received an offer of a larger sum from T, and he refused to carry out the contract with C, claiming that the consideration was inadequate. Is H liable to pay damages to C for failure to carry out his part of the contract?

The parties who enter in to contract must have capacity to do so. Capacity here means competency of the parties to enter in to contract. According to Sec.10 an agreement becomes a contract if it is entered in to between the parties who are competent to contract According to Sec.11 every person is competent to enter in to contract who (a) is of the age of majority. (b) is of sound mind, and (c) is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. Thus Section 11 declares the following persons to be incompetent to contract; 1.Minor 2.Persons of unsound mind 3.Persons disqualified by any law to which they are subject.

According to Indian Majority Act,1875, a minor is a person who has not completed 18 years of age. In the following two cases , he attains majority after 21 years of age. (1) Where a guardian of a minors person or property has been appointed under the Guardians and Wards Act,1890 or (2) Where the superintendence of a minors property is assumed by a Court of Wards.

Minors Agreements
1. An agreement with or by a minor is void and inoperative ab initio.
[Mohiribibi vs. Dharmodas Ghose,(1903) Calcutta High Court]

In this case a minor mortgage his house in favor of a money lender to secure a loan of Rs.20,000 out of which the mortgagee (the money lender) paid the minor a sum of Rs.8000. Subsequently the minor sued for setting aside the mortgage, stating that he was underage when he executed the mortgage. Held, the mortgage was void and, therefore, it was cancelled. Further the money lenders request for the repayment of the amount advanced to the minor as part of the consideration for the mortgage was also not accepted.

Minors Agreements
2.He can be a promisee or a beneficiary:
Incapacity of a minor to enter in to a contract means incapacity to bind himself by a contract. There is nothing which debars from becoming a beneficiary. Such contracts may be enforced at his option, but not at the option of the other party. [Sharafat Ali Vs. Noor Mohammed(1924)]. Example: (a) M, aged 17, agreed to purchase a secondhand scooter for Rs.5,000 from S. He paid Rs.200 as advance and agreed to pay the balance the next day and collect the scooter. When he came with the money the next day, S told him that he had changed his mind and offered to return the advance. S cannot avoid the contract, though M may, if he likes.

Minors Agreements
3.His agreement cannot be ratified by him on attaining the age of majority. Consideration which passed under the earlier contract cannot be implied in to the contract which the minor enters on attaining majority. [Nazir Ahmed Vs. Jiwan Dass Thus consideration given during minority is no consideration. If it is necessary a fresh contract may be entered in to by the minor on attaining majority provided it is supported by fresh consideration. [S.Shanmugam Pillai vs.K.S.Pillai (1973)SC].

Minors Agreements
4.If he has received any benefit under a void agreement , he cannot be asked to compensate or pay for it. Sec.65 provides for restitution in case of agreements discovered to be void does not apply to a minor. Example: M, a minor, obtains a loan by mortgaging his property. He is not liable to refund the loan. Not only this, even his mortgaged property cannot be made liable to pay the debt.

Minors Agreements
5.He can always plead minority:

Even ,if he has , by misrepresenting his age, induced the other party to contract with him, he cannot be sued in contract for fraud because if the injured party were allowed to sue for fraud, it would be giving him an indirect means of enforcing the void agreement.

Minors Agreements
5.He can always plead minority: Example: S, minor, by fraudulently representing himself to be of full age, induced L to lend him 400 POUNDS. He refused to repay it and L sued him for the money . Held, the contract was void and S was not liable to repay the amount [Leslie vs. Shiell,1914] Lawrence J observed that in this case Wherever an infant is still in possession of any property in specie which he has obtained by his fraud, he will be made to restore to its former owner. But I think it is incorrect to say that he can be made to repay money which he has spent , merely because he received it under a contract induced by fraud.

Minors Agreements
5.He can always plead minority:

The Court may, where some loan or property is obtained by the minor by some fraudulent representation and the agreement is set aside , direct him, on equitable considerations, to restore the money or property to the other party. Where as the law gives protection to the minors , it does not give them liberty to cheat men.

Minors Agreements
6.He cannot enter in to a contract of partnership. But he may be admitted to the benefits of an already existing partnership with the consent of the other partners. 7.He cannot be adjudged insolvent. This is because he is incapable of contracting debts.

Minors Agreements
8.He is liable for the necessaries supplied or necessary services rendered to him or anyone whom he is legally bound to support. 9.He can be an agent. An agent is merely a connecting link between his principal and third party. As soon as the principal and the third party are brought together, the agent drops out. A minor binds the principal by his acts without incurring any personal liability.

Minors Agreements
10. His parents / guardian are /is liable for the contract entered in to by him , even though the contract is for the supply of necessaries to the minor. But if the minor is acting as an agent for the parents/guardian, the parents/guardian shall be liable under the contract.

Minors Agreements
11.A minor is liable in tort (A civil wrong). But where a tort arises out of contract a minor is not liable in tort as an indirect way of enforcing a invalid contract.

Minors Agreements

Minors Liability for Necessaries of Life.

A minor is liable to pay out of his property for necessaries supplied to him or to anyone whom he is legally bound to support.(Sec.68). The claim arises not out of contract but out of what is known as quasi contracts. Again it is only the property of the minor that is liable for meeting the liability arising out of such contracts. He is not personally liable. The law has provided this exception intentionally because if it were not so, it would be impossible for minors even to live.

What are necessaries of life ?

The term necessaries is not defined in, ICA,1872. The English Sale of Goods Act 1893, defines it in Sec.2 as goods suitable to the condition in life of such infant or other person, and to his actual requirement at the time of sale and delivery. Such goods need not necessarily belong to a class of goods, but they must be (I) suitable to the position and financial status of the minor, and (ii) necessaries both at the time of sale and at the time of delivery

One of the essential conditions of competency of parties to a contract is that they should be of sound mind.Sec.12 lays down a test of soundness of mind. It reads as follows: A person is said to be of sound mind, for the purpose of making a contract if, at the time when he makes it, he is capable of understanding it and of forming a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interests. A person who is usually of unsound mind but occasionally of sound mind, may make a contract when he is of sound mind. A person who is usually of sound mind, but occasionally of unsound mind, may not make a contract when he is of unsound mind. EXAMPLES..

2.Persons of Unsound Mind.

Persons of Unsound Mind.


A patient in a lunatic asylum, who is at intervals of sound mind, may contract during those intervals. A sane man who is delirious from fever, or who is so drunk that he cannot understand the terms of a contract, or form a rational judgment as to its effect on his interests, cannot contract while such delirium or drunkenness lasts.

Persons of Unsound Mind

Soundness of mind of a person depends upon two facts: 1.His capacity to understand the contents of the business concerned, and 2.His ability to form a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interests. If a person is incapable of both, he suffers from unsoundness of mind. Whether a party to a contract is of sound mind or not is a question of fact to be decided by the Court. There is a presumption in favor of sanity. If a person relies on unsoundness of mind, he must prove it sufficiently to satisfy the Court.

Contracts of Persons of Unsound Mind

LUNATICS. A lunatic is a person who is mentally deranged due to some mental strain or other personal experience. He suffers from intermittent intervals of sanity and insanity. He can enter in to contract when he is of sound mind. IDIOTS. An idiot is a person who has completely lost his mental powers. He does not exhibit understanding of even ordinary matters. Idiocy is permanent where as lunacy denotes periodical insanity with lucid intervals. An agreement of an idiot, like that of a minor, is void.

Contracts of Persons of Unsound Mind DRUNKEN OR INTOXICATED PERSONS. A drunken or intoxicated person suffers from temporary incapacity to contract, i.e. ,at the time when he is so drunk or intoxicated that he is incapable of forming a rational judgment. However, persons of unsound mind are liable for necessaries supplied to them or to anyone whom they are legally bound to support .

1. Alien Enemies 2. Foreign Sovereigns 3. Convicts 4. Insolvents


3. Other persons
ALIEN ENEMIES. Contracts with alien enemy [an alien whose State is at war with the Republic of India] may be studied under two heads, namely(a) contracts during the war, and (b) contracts made before the war (a) During the continuance of the war, an alien enemy can neither contract with an Indian subject nor can he sue in an Indian Court. He can do so only after he receives a license from the Central Government.

3. Other persons
ALIEN ENEMIES. (b) Contracts made before the war may either be suspended or dissolved. They will be dissolved if they are against the public policy or if their performance would benefit the enemy. For this purpose even an Indian who resides voluntarily in a hostile country, or who is carrying on business there would be treated as an alien enemy.

Foreign sovereigns, their diplomatic staff and accredited representatives of foreign states They have some special privileges and generally cannot be sued unless they of their own submit to the jurisdiction of our law Courts. But an Indian has to obtain prior sanction of the Central government in order to sue them in our law Courts.


A corporation is an artificial person created by law, having a legal existence apart from its members. It may come in to existence by a special Act of Legislature registration under Companies Act, 1956. A contractual capacity of a company [corporation] is regulated by the terms of Memorandum of Association and the provisions of Companies Act,1956. If it exceeds its powers, whether expressly conferred on it or derived by reasonable implication from its objects clause in the Memorandum, the contract ultra vires and is void.


INSOLVENTS: When a debtor is adjudged insolvent is deprived of his power to deal in that property. It is only the official Receiver or Official Assignee who can enter in to contracts relating to his property, and sue and be sued on his behalf. CONVICTS: A convict when undergoing imprisonment is incapable of entering in to contract.

1.A minor fraudulently represented to a money lender that he was of full age and executed a mortgage deed for Rs.10.000. Has the money lender any right of action against the minor for the money lent or for damages for fraudulent misrepresentation ?

Answer to Case.1
No. (Mohiri bibi v. Dharmodas Ghose) (Leslie vs. Shiell)

Case 2.
2.A minor is supplied with necessaries of life by a grocer. He makes out a promissory note in favor of the grocer. Is the grocer entitled to claim payment under the promissory note (a) from minor personally, (b) against his estate.

Answer to Case.2
(a) No (b) Yes(Sec.68)

Case .3
3. M, a minor aged 17, broke his right arm in a hockey game. He engaged a physician to set it. Does the physician have a valid claim for his services ?

Answer to Case.3
Yes, but it is only Ms estate which will be liable(sec.68).

A, an adult, said to M, a minor: I will not pay the commission I promised you for selling my magazines. You are a minor and cannot force me to pay. Is A right?

Answer to Case.4
No. A minor can be a beneficiary or a promisee.

Free Consent
Meaning of Consent [Sec.13]

Consent means acquiescence or an act of assenting to an offer.

Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense.

What is Free Consent ?

Meaning of Free Consent[Sec.14] A consent is said to be free when it is not caused by1.Coercion as defined in Sec15, or 2.Undue Influence in Sec.16 or 3.Fraud as defined in Sec.17,or 4.Misrepresentation as defined n Sec.18 or 5.Mistake, subject to the provisions of Sec.20,21 or Sec.22].

Coercion [Sec.15]
When a person is compelled to enter in to a contract by the use of force by the other party or under a threat, coercion is said to be employed. Coercion is the committing or threatening to commit, any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code,1860 or unlawful detaining, or threatening to detain, any property, to the prejudice of any person whatever, with the intention of any person to enter in to an agreement.(Sec.15).Examples are.

Examples of


a. A threatens to shoot B if he (B) does not release him (A) from a debt which A owes to B. B releases A under the threat. The release has been brought about by Coercion. b .A threatens to kill B if he does not lend Rs.1,000 to C. B agrees to lend the amount to C. The agreement entered in to under coercion. Consent is said to be caused by coercion when it is obtained by: (1) Committing or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code,1860. Example A threatens to shoot B if he (B) does not lend Rs 500.B lends the amount. The threat amounts to coercion.

Examples of


2. Unlawful detaining or threatening to detain any property.

An agent refused to hand over the account books of a business to the new agent unless the principal released him from all liabilities. The principal had to give a release deed as demanded. Held, the release deed was voidable at the option of the principal.
[Muthia vs.Muthu Karuppa,(1927)Madras High Court]

Effect of Coercion
When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused(Sec.19). According to Sec.72, a person to whom money has been paid, or anything delivered by mistake or under coercion, must repay or return it.

Threat to commit suicide-Does it amount to coercion?

Chikham Amiraju vs.Seshamma(1917)Madras HC. In this case, a person held out a threat of committing suicide to his wife and son if they did not execute a release in favor of his brother in respect of certain properties. The wife and son executed the release deed under the threat. Held, the threat of suicide amounted to coercion within Sec 15 and the release deed was, therefore, voidable.

Threat to commit suicide-Does it amount to coercion? [Purabi Mukherjee vs. Basudev Mukherjee(1969)Calcutta] It was observed that, one committing suicide places himself or herself beyond the reach of the law, and necessarily beyond the reach of any punishment too. But it does not follow that suicide is not forbidden by the Penal Code. Sec.306 of the Penal Code punishes abetment of suicide. Sec.309 punishes an attempt to commit suicide. Thus suicide as such is no crime, as indeed, it cannot be. But its attempt is: its abetment too is. So, it may very well be said that the Penal Code does forbid suicide. As such a threat to commit to suicide amounts to coercion.

In the English Law, the near equivalent of the term coercion is duress. Duress involves actual or threatened violence over the person of another (or his wife, parent, or child) with a view to obtaining his consent to the agreement. If the threat is with regard to the goods or property of the other party, it is not duress.

Section 16(1)

Definition: A contract is said to be induced by undue influence (a) where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of other (b) and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other.

A person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another.

Sec 16(2)
(a) Where he holds real or apparent authority over the other.E.g.,the relationship between master and servant, doctor and patient. (b) Where he stands in a fiduciary relation.[Relation of trust and confidence] to the other. E.g., father and son, solicitor and client, trustee and beneficiary, and promoter and company. (c) Where he makes a contract with person whose mental capacity is temporarily or permanently affected by reason of age, illness or bodily distress. E.g., Between a medical attendant and his patient.

Difference Between

Coercion and Undue Influence

1.The consent is given under the threat of an offence (Forbidden by Indian Penal Code) 2.Coercion is mainly of physical character. (Violent force) 3.It involves criminal act. 1.The consent is given by a person who is so situated in relation to another that the other person is in a position to dominate the will of the other. 2.Undue influence is of moral character. (Mental pressure) 3.No criminal act is involved. 4.Uses to obtain an unfair advantage over the other.

4.There must be an intention of causing any person to enter in to contract.

Examples of UNDUE INFLUENCE 1. A spiritual guru induced his devotee

to gift him the whole of his property in return of a promise of salvation of the devotee. Held, the consent of the devotee was given under undue influence
[Mannu Singh vs.Umadat Pandey (1890)]


2.An illiterate elderly woman made a deed of gift of practically the whole of her property to her nephew who managed her affairs. Held, the gift should be set aside on the ground of undue influence. [Inche Noriah vs.Shaikh
Allie Bin Omar(1929)]

When a consent to an agreement is caused by undue influence, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused. Discretion of Court: Any such contract may be set aside either absolutely or if the party who was entitled to avoid it has received any benefit thereunder, upon such terms and conditions as the court may seem just and equitable.


Ex 1: As son forged Bs name to a promissory note. B under threat of prosecuting As son obtains a bond from A, for the amount of the forged note. If B sues on this bond, the Court may set the bond aside. Ex 2: A, a money-lender, advances Rs.100 to B, an agriculturist, and by undue influence induces B to execute a bond for Rs.200 with interest at 6 per cent per month. The Court may set aside, ordering B to repay Rs.100 with such interest as may seem to it just.

Parent and child Guardian and ward Trustee and beneficiary Religious adviser and disciple Doctor and patient Solicitor and client The presumption of undue influence applies whenever the relationship between the parties is such that one of them is , by reason of confidence reposed in him by the other, able to take unfair advantage over the other.


Landlord and tenant Creditor and debtor Husband and wife. (The wife should not be pardanashin otherwise the presumption will arise.) In the above cases undue influence will have to be proved if any.


When a contract is avoided on the ground of undue influence, the liabilities of dominant party and weaker party has to be proved. The weaker party has to prove (c) That the other party was in a position to dominate the will (d) That the other party actually used his influence to obtain an unfair advantage (e) That the transaction is unconscionable (unreasonable)

In case of unconscionable transaction, the dominant party has to prove that such contract was not induced by undue influence. Note: A transaction is said to be unconscionable if the dominant party makes an exorbitant profit of the other s distress.

Example of unconscionable transaction

X was in great need of money. The market rate of interest prevailing at that time was 15% to 24%. A lender agreed to grant the loan at 30% because of stringency in the money market. This cannot be called as unconscionable transaction because of an unusual high rate of interest. However, if the lender agreed to grant the loan at a rate which is so high (say 75% or 100%) then the Court considers it unconscionable, and the transaction will be called unconscionable


A woman who observes complete seclusion ( i.e., who does not come in contact with people other than her family members) is called pardanashin woman. Legal Presumption: A contract with a pardanashin woman is presumed to have been induced by undue influence. Burden of Proof: The other party who enters into a contract with a pardanashin woman must prove (a) that he made full disclosure of all the facts to her. (b) that she understood the contracts and the implications of the contract. (c) that she was in receipt of competent independent advice before entering into the contract.

A statement of fact which one party makes in the course of negotiations with a view to inducing the other party to enter in to a contract is known as a representation. It may be expressed by words spoken or written or implied from the acts and conduct of the parties. A representation when wrongly made, either innocently or intentionally, is a misrepresentation.


Misrepresentation may beAn innocent or unintentional misrepresentation, or An intentional, deliberate or willful misrepresentation with an intent to deceive or defraud the other party.

The former is called MISREPR ESE NTATI ON and the latter FR AUD

Misrepresentation is a misstatement of a material fact made innocently with an honest belief as to its truth or nondisclosure of a material fact, without any intent to deceive the other party.

Examples of


1. A while selling his mare to B, tells him that the mare is thoroughly sound. A genuinely believes the mare to be sound although he has no sufficient ground for the belief. Later on B finds the mare to be unsound. The representation made by A is a misrepresentation.

Examples of


2.A companys prospectus contained a representation that it had statutory powers to run its tramways by steam provided the consent of a Government authority was obtained. The directors issued a prospectus stating there in that the permission for the use of steam power would be granted. The permission was refused .The company was then wound up. Held, the directors were guilty of misrepresentation and not of fraud. [Derry vs.Peek(1889)]

Requirements of

MISREPRESENTATION 1.It must be a representation of material fact. Mere expression of opinion does not amount to misrepresentation even if it turns out to be wrong. 2.It must be made before the conclusion of the contract with a view to inducing the other party to enter in to contract. 3.It must be made with the intention that it should be acted upon by the person to whom it is addressed. 4.It must actually have been acted upon and must have induced the contract. 5.It must be wrong but the person who made it honestly believed it to be true.

6.It must be made without any intention to deceive the other party. 7.It need not be made directly to the plaintiff. A wrong statement of facts made to a third party with the intention of communicating it to the plaintiff, also amounts to misrepresentation. E.g., A told his wife within the hearing of their daughter that the bridegroom proposed for her was a young man. The bridegroom, however, was a over sixty years. The daughter gave her consent to marry him believing the statement by her father. Held, the consent was vitiated by misrepresentation and fraud. [Babul vs.Singh(1968)Patiala High Court]

Fraud exists when it is shown that, (1) a false representation has been made (i) knowingly, or (ii) with out belief in its truth, or (iii) recklessly, not caring whether it is true or false, and (iv) the maker intended the other party to act upon it. (2) there is a concealment of material fact.


The intention of the party making fraudulent misrepresentation must be to deceive the other party to the contract or to induce him to enter in to a contract.

According to Sec.17. fraud means and includes any of the following acts committed by a party to a contract: 1.The suggestion that a fact is true when it is not true and the person making the suggestion does not believe it to be true; 2.The active concealment of a fact by a person having knowledge or belief of the fact; 3.A promise made without any intention of performing it; 4.Any other act fitted to deceive; 5.Any such act or omission as the law specially declares to be fraudulent.


1.There must be a representation and it must be false: E.g., The prospectus of a company did not refer to the existence of a document disclosing liabilities. This gave the impression that the company was prosperous. If the existence of the document had been disclosed the impression would have been different. Held, non disclosure of information amounted to fraud and any one who purchased shares on the faith of this prospectus could avoid the contract.[Peek vs.Gurney(1873)]

2.The representation must relate to a material fact which exists now or existed in the past. (i) A sells some spoons to B and makes the following statements. The spoons are as good as that of X. [This is a statement of opinion]. (ii) The spoons have as much silver in them as that of X [This is a statement of fact] (iii) The spoons are the best available in the market for the price. [This is a puffing statement].


ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF FRAUD 3.The representation must have been made before the conclusion of the contract with the intention of inducing the other party to act upon it. 4.The representation must have been made with a knowledge of its falsity or without belief in its truth or recklessly, not caring whether it is true or false.

the representation or assertion.A mere falsehood is not enough to give a right of action. Eg., A bought shares in a company on the faith of a prospectus which contained an untrue statement that one B was a director of the company. A had never heard of B and, therefore, the statement was immaterial from his point of view .As claim for damages in this was dismissed because the untrue statement had not induced A to buy the shares. [Smith vs.Chadwick(1884)]

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF FRAUD 5.The other party must have been induced to act upon


6.The other party must have relied upon the representation and must have been deceived.If representation does not come to the notice of a party, it cannot be said to have misled that party because it does not lead that party at all. 7.The other party, acting on the representation or assertion, must have subsequently suffered some loss.

When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused. But in the following cases, the contract is not voidable: 1.Where the consent of a party to a contract was caused by misrepresentation or fraud and that party could discover the truth by ordinary diligence. E.g., A by misrepresentation, leads B erroneously to believe that five hundred tonnes of indigo are made annually at his factory. B examines the accounts of the factory,which show that only four hundred tonnes of indigo have been made. After this B buys the factory. The contract is not voidable on account of As misrepresentation.

Contracts not necessarily voidable -Exceptions.

Mistake is erroneous belief about something. It may be a (1) Mistake of law, or (2) Mistake of fact. (1)Mistake of law: It may be. (a) Mistake of law of the country (b) Mistake of law of foreign country (2) Mistake of fact: Mistake of fact may be, (a) Bilateral Mistake, or (b) Unilateral Mistake.

MISTAKE OF LAW Example of (1) Mistake of law of the country A party cannot be allowed to get any relief on the ground that it had done a particular act in ignorance of law.A mistake of law is, therefore, no excuse, and the contract cannot be avoided. E.g., A and B enter in to contract on the erroneous belief that a particular debt is barred by Indian Law of Limitation. This contract is not voidable. But, if a person enters in to a contract by making a mistake of law through the inducement of another, whether innocent or otherwise ,the contract may be avoided.

MISTAKE OF LAW (2) Mistake of law of a foreign country

Such a mistake is treated as mistake of fact and the agreement in such a case is void (Sec.21).

Bilateral Mistake: Where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void [Sec.20].It may be Bilateral or Unilateral Mistake Bilateral Mistake: It may relate to (a)Subject mater,or (b) Possibility of performance (a) Subject matter may relate to .. (i)Existence (ii)Price (iii)Quantity (iv) Quality (v) Identity or (vi) Title. (b) Possibility of performance :It may relate to, (i) Physical, or Legal impossibility.

Bilateral Mistake
The following two conditions have to be fulfilled. 1.The mistake must be mutual: E.g., A agreed to purchase Bs motor car which was lying down in Bs garage.Unknown to either party, the car and garage were completely destroyed by fire a day earlier.The agreement is void. 2.The mistake must relate tom a matter of fact essential to the agreement: E.g.,A man and woman entered in to a separation agreement under which a man agreed to pay a weekly allowance to the woman, mistakenly believing themselves lawfually married.Held, the agreement was void as there was mutual mistake on a point of fact which was material to the existence of the agreement. [Galloway vs.Galloway(19141)].

Bilateral Mistake
: The various cases whish fall under Bilateral mistake are as follows. 1.Mistake as to the Subject matter: (a)MISTAKE AS TO THE EXISTENCE OF THE SUBJECT MATTER. E.g., A agrees to buy a horse from B a certain horse. It turns out that the horse was dead at the time of the bargain, though the neither party was aware of the fact. The agreement is void. (b) MISTAKE AS TO THE IDENTITY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER: E.g., W agreed to buy from R a cargo of cotton to arrive ex-peerless from Bombay.There were two ships of that name sailing from Bombay.One sailing in October and the other in December.W meant the former ship and R, the latter.Held, there was a mutual or bilateral mistake and there was no contract.[Rafles vs.Wichelhaus(1864)]

.Bilateral Mistake

(c) MISTAKE AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE SUBJECT MATER: E.g., Table Napkins were sold at an auction by y description with the crest of Charles 1 and the authentic property of that monarch. In fact the napkins were Georgian. Held the agreement was void as there was a mistake as to the quality of the subject matter. [Nicholson &Venn vs.Smith Mariott(1947)] (d) MISTAKE AS TO THE QUANTITY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER: E.g., A silver bar was sold under a mistake as to its weight. There was a difference in value between the weight as it was and as it was supposed to be. Held, the agreement was void. [Cox vs.Prentice(1815)]

.Bilateral Mistake

(e) MISTAKE AS TO THE TITLE OF THE SUBJECT MATTER: E.g., A person took a lease of a fishery which, unknown to either party, already belonged to him. Held, the lease was void. [Cooper vs.Phibbs (1815)] (f)MISTAKE AS TO THE PRICE OF THE SUBJECT MATTER. E.g., C wrote to W offering to sell certain property for 1,250 pounds. He had earlier declined an offer from W to buy the same property for 2000 pounds. W Who knew that this offer of 1,250 pounds was a mistake for 2,250 pounds, immediately accepted the offer. Held, W knew perfectly well that that the offer was made by mistake and hence the contract could not be enforced. [Webster vs.Cecil(1861)]

Unilateral Mistake: Where only one of the parties is under a mistake as to a matter of fact, the contract is not voidable(Sec.22). E.g., A offers to sell his house for Rs.44,000.By mistake he makes an offer in writing for Rs..40,000.He cannot plead mistake as a defense. There are however, two exceptions. Regarding the (i) identity of the person contracted with. (ii) Nature of contract.

(I )Mistake at to the identity of the person contracted with: E.g. ,If A intends to enter in to a contract with B, C cannot give himself any right in respect of the contract by accepting the offer. In such a case the contract is void. (ii) Mistake as to the nature of the contract: Where a person is made to enter in to a contract through the inducement of another but through no fault. E.g., M, an old man of poor sight, endorsed a bill of exchange thinking that it was a guarantee. Held, there was no contract on the ground that the mind of the signer did not accompany the signature [Foster vs. Mackinson (1869)]

Legality of Object
An agreement is a contract if it is made for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object (Sec.10) Every agreement of which the object or consideration is unlawful is void.

The consideration or object of an agreement is unlawful if(a) It is forbidden by law; or (b) If it is of such a nature that, if permitted it would defeat the provisions of any law. Ex: X borrowed Rs.1,00,000 from Y and agreed not to raise any objection as to the limitation and that Y may recover the amount even after the expiry of limitation period. This agreement is void as it defeats the provisions of the Law of Limitation Act; or


(c) It is fraudulent; or (d) It involves or implies injury to the person or property of another; or (e)The Court regards it as immoral, or opposed to public policy. No action is allowed on an illegal agreement.

Void Agreements
A void agreement is one which is not enforceable by law. [Sec.2(g)] The following agreements are declared to be void.
1.An agreement made by incompetent persons( Sec.11). 2.Agreement made under mutual mistake of fact (Sec.20) 3.Agreements the consideration or object is unlawful (Sec.23) 4.Agreements the consideration or object is unlawful in part.(Sec.24) 5.Agreement made without consideration is void ( Sec.25) 6.Agreement in restraint of marriage (Sec.26) 7.Agreement in restraint of trade (Sec.27) 8.Agreement in restraint of legal proceedings (Sec.28) 9.Agreement the meaning of which is uncertain ( Sec.29)

10.Agreement by way of wager (Sec.30)

11.Agreement contingent on impossible events(Sec.36) 12.Agreement to do impossible acts.(Sec.56)

Wager or Wagering Agreement [Sec.30]

A wager agreement is an agreement between two persons under which money or moneys worth is payable, by one person to another on the happening or non-happening of a future uncertain event. Ex. X promises to pay rs.1,000 to Y if it rains on a particular day, and Y promises to pay rs.1,000 to X if it did not. Such agreement is a wagering agreement.

Wager or Wagering Agreement [Sec.30] The essence of gambling and wagering is that one party is to win and the other to lose upon a future event, which at the time of the contract is of an uncertain nature, that is to say, if the event turns out one way, A will lose but if it turns out the other way he will win. [Thacker

Essentials of a wagering Agreement 1.Promise to pay money or moneys worth 2.Uncertain event 3.Each party must stand to win or lose. 4.No control over the event 5.No other interest in the event

The following transactions however are, not wagers

1. A crossword competition involving a good measure of skill for its successful solution 2.Games of skill, e.g., picture puzzles or athletic competitions 3.A subscription or contribution or an agreement to subscribe or contribute toward any plate (a cup or other prize for a race or other contest), prize or sum of money of the value of Rs.500 or above to be awarded to the winner or winners of a horse race (Exception to Sec.30) 4.Share market transactions in which delivery of stocks and shares is intended to be given and taken. 5.A contract of insurance.


According to Section 36 of the Indian Contract Act,1872 contingent agreements to do or not to do anything, if an impossible event happens are void whether the impossibility of the event is known or not to the parties to the agreement at the time when it is made. Ex: A agrees to pay Rs.1,000 if B marries C (a Hindu) who is already married to D . This is a void agreement.


According to Section 56 of the ICA 1872, An agreement to do an impossible act is void. Ex: A undertakes to put life to the dead wife of B. This agreement is void

Restitution means return or restoration of benefit. Ex 1: A , a singer contracts with B the manager of a theatre to sing at his theatre for two nights every week during the next two months and B agrees to pay her rs.100 for each nights performance. On the sixth night, A willfully absents herself from the theatre and B in consequence rescinds the contract, B must pay A for the five nights on which she had sung.


Ex 2: A contracts to sing for B on a specified day and receives an advance of Rs.1000 but is unable to sing due to serious illness on that day. Since the contract has become void. A must return Rs.1,000 to B.

Contingent Contracts
Contingent contract is a contract to do something, if some event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen. Characteristics of a contingent contract. 1.Its performance depends upon the happening or non happening in future of some event. 2.The event must be uncertain. 3.The uncertain future event must be collateral to the contract.

Performance of Contract
The parties to a contract either perform or offer to perform their respective promises. By whom the contract must be performed ? (a) By promisor himself (b) By agent (c) By legal representative (d) By Joint promisors (e) By Third Party

Who can demand performance ?

(a) Promisee: It is only the promisee himself. In case of his death, the legal representative, who can demand performance. Ex: X promises Y to pay Rs.1000 to Z. It is only Y who can demand performance and not Z. (b) Joint Promisees: In case of joint promisees, any of the joint promisees can demand performance. When all promisees die ,the legal representatives of all the deceased persons can demand performance. Ex: X promises Y and Z jointly to repay loan of Rs.1,000 on a specified day. Ys representative jointly with Z can demand the

Performance from X on specified day. If Y and Z die before that specified day, the representatives of Y and Z jointly can demand the performance from X on specified day. (c) Third Party: A third party can also demand the performance of the contract in some exceptional cases like beneficiary in case of trust, the person for whose benefit the provision is made in family arrangements.

(d) Legal representative: In case of death of the promisee, his legal representative can demand performance unless a contrary intention appears from the contract or the contract is of a personal nature. Ex: X promises to marry Y on the specified day. Y dies before the specified day. The legal representatives of Y cannot demand performance of the promise from X because the contract is of personal nature.

Who must Perform

(a) Promisor: If it appears from the nature of the case that it was the intention of the parties to any contract that any promise contained in it should be performed by the promisor himself, such promise must be performed by the promisor. Ex: X promises to marry Y. X must perform this promise personally. Ex: X promises to paint a picture for Y. X must perform the promise personally,

(b) Promisors Agent: If it was not the intention of the parties that the promise should be performed by the promisor himself, such contracts can be performed by the promisor himself or any competent person employed by him. Ex: A promises to pay B a sum of money. A may perform this either by personally paying the money to B, or by causing it to be paid to B by another, and if A dies before the time appointed for payment, his representatives must perform the promise, or employ some proper person to do so.

(c) Legal Representatives: In case of death of promisor, his legal representative can perform the contract unless a contrary intention appears or the contract is of personal nature. Ex: X promises to marry Y. X dies. Xs legal representatives cannot perfom this promise. (d) Third Party (e) Joint Promisors

D i s c h a r g e of Contract
A contract is said to be discharged when the obligations created by it come to an end. The various modes of discharge of contract are as follows: 1.Discharge by performance 2.Discharge by agreement or consent 3.Discharge by impossibility 4.Discharge by lapse of time 5.Discharge by operation of law 6.Discharge by breach of contract.

1. Discharge by performance: It takes place when the parties to a contract fulfill their obligations arising under the contract within the time and the manner prescribed. The performance may be. (i) Actual Performance or (ii) Attempted Performance [Tender] 2. Discharge by agreement or consent: The contract rests on the agreement of the parties. The parties may get discharged from the obligations of performance of contract by agreement or mutual consent.

Discharge.. of
Contract by consent may 2.Discharge by agreement or consent: The discharge
be express or implied. Discharge by consent (a) Novation : When a new contract is substituted for an existing one, either between the same parties or between the one of the parties and the third party. (b) Rescission: When all or some of the terms of contract are cancelled. (c) Alteration : When one or more terms of the contract is/are altered by the mutual consent of the parties to a contract. (d) Remission: Acceptance of a lesser fulfillment of the promise made (e) Waiver: Intentional relinquishment or giving up of a right by a party entitled thereto under a contract. (f) Merger: When an inferior right accruing to a party under a contract merges in to a superior right accruing to the same party under a new contract.

Discharge of Contract
3.Discharge by impossibility: Impossibility of performance may be(1)Initial impossibility or (2) Supervening impossibility. (1)Initial impossibility:An agreement to do an impossible act in itself is void. (2)Supervening impossibility:Impossibility which arises subsequent to the formation of contract (which could be performed at the time when the contract was entered in to) is called supervening impossibility.The cases covered by of supervening impossibility include: (a) Destruction of the subject mater (b) Non-Existence or non-occurrence of a particular state of things (c) Death or incapacity for personal service (d) Change of law, & (e) Outbreak of war The contract is discharged in these cases.

Discharge of Contract
The following cases are not covered by supervening impossibility:

(a) Difficulty of performance (b) Commercial impossibility (c) Failure of a third person on whose work the promisor relied (d) Strikes, lock outs and civil disturbances (e) Failure of one of the objects The contract is not- discharged in these cases.

Discharge of Contract
4.Discharge by lapse of time: If the contract is not performed within the period of limitation and if no action is taken by the promisee in a court, the contract is discharged. 5.Discharge by operation of law: law

This includes discharge by, (a) death (b) merger (c) insolvency (d) unauthorized alteration of the terms of a written agreement, and (e) rights and liabilities becoming vested in the same person.

Discharge of Contract
6.Discharge by breach of contract: If a party breaks his obligation which the contract imposes, there takes place breach of contract. Breach of contract may be,(a) Actual or(b) Anticipatory breach. (1)Actual breach of contract may occur, (a) at the time when the performance is due, or (b) during the performance of the contract. (2)Anticipatory breach of contract occurs when a party repudiates his liability or obligation under the contract before the time for performance arrives.

Remedies for

Breach of Contract
In case of breach of contract, the injured party has one or more of the following remedies: 1.RESCISSION:When there is breach of a contract by a party , the injured party may sue to treat the contract as rescinded. He is also absolved of all the obligations under the contract. 2.DAMAGES:Damages are monetary compensation awarded to the injured party by Court for the loss or injury suffered by him. The foundation for modern law of damages, both in India and England, is to be found in the case of Hadley vs. Baxandile.

2.Hadley vs.Baxandile(1854)
Xs mill was stopped by the breakdown of a shaft. He delivered the shaft to Y, a common carrier, to be taken to a manufacturer to copy it and make a new one. X did not make known to Y that delay would result in loss of profits. By some neglect on the part of Y the delivery of the shaft was delayed in transit beyond a reasonable time (so that the mill was idle for a longer period than otherwise would have been the case had there been no breach of the contract of carriage). Held, Y was not liable for loss of profits during the period of delay as the circumstances communicated to Y did not show that a delay in the delivery of the shaft would entail loss of profits to the mill.

2.Damages may be of four types:

(1) Ordinary Damages: These are damages which actually arise in the usual course of things from the breach of a contract. (2) Special Damages: Damages which may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of both the parties at the time when they made the contract as the probable result of the breach of it, are known as special damages and may be recovered.

..Damages may be of four types:

3.Vindictive or Exemplary Damages:These damages are allowed in case of the breach of a contract to marry or dishonor of a cheque by a banker wrongfully. 4.Nominal Damages: Where the injured party has not suffered any loss by reason of the breach of a contract, the Court may award a very nominal sum as damages.

[As much as earned] A right to sue on a quantum meruit (as much as earned) arises where a contract, partly performed by one party, has become discharged by the breach of the contract by the other party. This right is founded on the implied promise by the other party arising from the acceptance of a benefit by that party.

Liquidated Damages and penalty.

Liquidated damages represent a sum, fixed or ascertained by the parties in the contract, which is a fair and genuine pre estimate of the probable loss that might ensue as a result of breach.A penalty is a sum named in the contract at the time of its formation, which is disproportionate to the damage likely to accrue as a result of breach the Courts in India allow only reasonable compensation.

4.Specific Performance

4.Specific Performance :In certain cases the Court may direct the party in terms of the contract to actually carry out the promise, exactly according to the terms of the contract.This is called specific performance of the contract.


5.Injunction: It is a mode of securing the specific performance of the negative terms of a contract.

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