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Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Wings Retail for Vijay Sales a Case Study

Vijay Sales
Vijay Sales (VS, the Company) is the largest chain of retailers selling consumer durables, electronics, white goods and appliances. It has its head office at Prabhadevi , Mumbai and 32 branches across the country. This includes 25 branches in Mumbai, 5 branches in Gujarat, 5 branches in Pune and 2 branches in Delhi. The company is in an expansion mode and expects to add more branches and scale up volumes substantially. VS is highly regarded for being in the forefront of technology-based solutions to improve management efficiencies. It has a staff of over 1500.

Client Comments
Mr Nilesh Gupta, Managing Director, says this: We are extremely satisfied with Wings Software , the best part being the involvement and dedication of the Wings software team. They have a high degree of domain knowledge in their field.

Existing Systems
The Company had been using Kshitij, the desktop software product from Kshitij Infotech for its accounting, inventory, promotions and service management. Each branch had its own software with no consolidation of data. Payroll and other functions were not automated. There was no centralized billing, centralized payments, complete schemes functionality and MIS.

It had become almost impossible to manage the business in the face of unprecedented growth in volume of business, the kinds of services rendered, the number and variety of products sold and expansion of branches. Separate islands of data of each branch which are not automatically merged resulted in disjointed data, and to get consolidated data and analysis of the entire enterprise was an impossibility. Without an enterprise system where all functions are controlled and managed in one system it would be difficult to manage growth and, with weak systems and processes, the company would suffer hugely, have a constant fear of leakages, and would be unable to grow. Availability of real time data was absolutely essential for good decision making and improving efficiencies, especially in the highly competitive business the company was in.

The company evaluated various software solutions available in the market. After an evaluation of all alternatives, the company chose Wings Retail Solution consisting of Wings Retail Appliances, Wings Accounting, Wings Asset and Wings Payroll for deployment as its enterprise solution. The company chose to deployed and off-line system across all its locations. The implementation was completed by April 1, 2008 and all systems are live on Wings. 1

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Solution Architecture
Wings is deployed as a distributed system. The Wings Central Server is deployed on a server at the head office. Satellite Servers are deployed on local servers at a very branch. The Satellite Servers have the software installed and serve local computers for PoS and back office operations. The central server serves all the satellite servers, aggregates data from all of them, downloads data to all of them, and keeps the system fully synchronized with the unified database. The branches and the head office are connected over leased lines of 2MBS bandwidth.

Offline System
The total volume of data handled across the system is huge. The number of transactions at each location are voluminous. PoS billing is extremely time critical. Even though the company has leased lines, it is not completely reliable. For all these reasons, the company chose to deployed Wings in an off-line environment so that all billing is done locally on databases stored locally at every branch. All systems, users and masters are controlled and managed centrally. All data from branches is synchronized into the central database.

Auto Synchronization
One of the most important functions that Wings performs is integrating data of all remote locations into the central server. Considering the number of transactions and volume of data, this is an extremely critical function. The system deployed with the company works as under: Each Satellite Server keeps the database of each branch with all the transactions. Each Satellite Server synchronizes the data with a central server every 10 minutes. This synchronization is done automatically by the satellite servers without manual intervention. As such, the central server has an almost real time data base of the company.

During synchronization, the following happens: Local data is a product in an incremental manner to the central server. That is, data since the last synchronization gets uploaded and not the entire database. The central server aggregates the data uploads from all satellite servers and keeps a company-wide database

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Corporate policies which require to be managed centrally are downloaded to satellite servers in which they get embedded instantly Local users have access to data only of their own branch and not other data

Centrally Managed Functions

The following functions are managed centrally by the Administrator for better control: User Rights (giving specific rights to every user of the system) Product and Account masters Price Lists Promotions etc

The following functions are centrally managed for efficiency: Centralized deliveries from gowdowns : Invoicing done at branches and deliveries to be centralized from gowdowns. Centralized payments to parties : Material will be received at respective branches, purchase invoicing will be done at head office and payment will be done for all the purchases of branches from head office. Centralized customer billing in godowns : Sales orders raised at branches and deliveries will be done from gowdowns.

Wings takes care of every function of the company and is a true enterprise system: POS and retail - front office Back office system for workshops Financial accounting and inventory management Accounts Receivable and Payable Payroll Fixed Assets Management Inter Branch Seamless integration between all functions all work from the same menu and share data with each other transparently

Each function takes care of several complex business processes. An overview is given below by way of flowcharts for various business functions. 3

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

The software has a large number of tools and utilities to help the Company manage its systems efficiently. This includes: Forms Designing helped design printed documents for all kinds of documents, exactly as required, including some unusual ones Dashboard helps manage the business easily Customizable screens helps in adapting the software to the companys needs The Report Designer helps design and manage new use of reports and get more out of the system by way of information and analysis.

Unique Functionality
Wings take care of every business process of an appliances retailer making it a complete solution. Some unique functions covered by Wings Retail are described below. Dealer gifts tracking : Assigning gifts to be issued against a product branch wise for a particular period of time. Tracking of gifts to be issued right from sales order Sales invoice against orders. Tracking of gifts to be received back from customer in case of sales order cancellations sales returns done. Vendor gifts tracking : Assigning vendor gifts to be issued against a product branch wise for a particular period of time. Tracking of vendor gifts to be issued right from sales order Sales invoice against orders. Tracking of vendor gifts to be received back from customer in case of sales order cancellations sales returns done. Buy Back tracking : Tracking of buy backs to be received right from sales order Sales invoice against orders. Tracking of buy backs to be returned back to customer in case of sales order cancellations sales returns done. Placards for Products with images Barcode designing and printing. Hire-purchases and financing: Hire purchases include manufacturer buy down calculations, Dealer buy down calculations, down payments and disbursement amount calculations for finance company. Tracking of disbursement amount from financing company and manufacturer buy down amount from manufacturer. Replacement: Product replacement done for customer (Serial number replacement). Credit card payment receipts from customers: Credit card receipts from customer. Tracking credit card receipts and discount charges from credit card company. Cheques management: Cheques management right from cheque deposit cheque clearance cheque bounce cheque returned to customer generating receipts from customer against a cheque bounce. 4

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Third Party Gift vouchers : Third party gift vouchers receipts form customer in all sales screens. Dealer Gift Vouchers : Tracking of gift vouchers issued by dealer to customer at any branch Validating gift voucher at time of redemption at head office Redemption of gift vouchers by customer at branch. Inter branch cash, bank and stock transfers. Deliveries : Deliveries done centrally from gowdowns and individually from branches. Tracking of delivered, undelivered and unable to be delivered products to customers.

Wings takes care of all the functionality required by the Company. The workflows of all major business processes for individual functions below give an overview of Wings scope for each function.

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study


Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study


Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Inter Branch
Inter-branch transactions are described below.

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study


Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Sales Replacement

Cheques Management


Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study



Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

Fixed Assets

Wings generates highly valuable reports. Some of the key reports with regard to sales, purchases and inventory are listed below. Wings also generates reports for every function in great detail.

Sales Reports
Sales Register Net Sale Register (Detailed, Summary) Attribute-wise Register with targeted sales Below landed cost and Price List 12

Wings Infonet Limited Wings Retail Appliances for Vijay Sales Case Study

By Collection/Sale type Return Register Targeted Orders Status Targeted Orders Status vs. Actual Stock Targeted Sales (Voucher wise and Branch wise) Gift Voucher Mismatch Sales Replacement History Sales Price & Landed Cost Margin Sales Executive Incentives Sales Value > n Amount against (Cash and Cheques Received)

Purchase Reports
Register (with landed cost, Product wise, Vendor wise, attribute wise) Returns Register Top n Vendors (Products, Quantity, and Value)

Inventory Reports
Ledgers Stock List Ageing Valuation Balances (with Variants, Flat, Stock in transit) Transaction Analysis Serial Number History Barcode Generation


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