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CalliGrapher 8


CalliGrapher 8

End User License Agreement

CalliGrapher 8 is developed, distributed and supported exclusively by PhatWare Corp. Web: Email: [email protected] Support:

Copyright 1997-2005 by ParaGraph, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved

CalliGrapher is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries and is used under license from Microsoft. CalliGrapher is an independent product not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation.

PhatWare is the registered trademark of PhatWare Corp. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. CalliGrapher User's Guide is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of PhatWare Corporation. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The document may not in whole or in a part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent, in writing, from PhatWare Corp. PHATWARE CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR LIMITED, REGARDING THE DESCRIBED COMPUTER SOFTWARE PACKAGE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY, OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY PROVIDES YOU WITH SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. THERE MAY BE OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.


CalliGrapher 8

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
WELCOME .......................................................................................................................VII BEFORE GETTING STARTED .......................................................................................VIII CONVENTIONS ................................................................................................................. VIII MANUAL LAYOUT ............................................................................................................. VIII PART ONE: GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................... 1 CALLIGRAPHER FEATURES ................................................................................................. 1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 2 INSTALLING CALLIGRAPHER ............................................................................................... 3 REGISTERING CALLIGRAPHER ............................................................................................ 4 LAUNCHING CALLIGRAPHER ............................................................................................... 5 REMOVING CALLIGRAPHER ................................................................................................ 5 TIPS TO INCREASE THE RECOGNITION QUALITY..................................................................... 6 MODES OF OPERATION ...................................................................................................... 6 PART TWO: CALLIGRAPHER TUTORIALS .................................................................... 7 WRITE ANYWHERE TUTORIALS ........................................................................................... 7 Tutorial One: The Basics ............................................................................................. 7 Tutorial Two: Correcting Text .................................................................................... 14 Tutorial Three: Beyond the Basics ............................................................................ 17 Tutorial Four: PenCommander .................................................................................. 21 WRITE PAD TUTORIALS .................................................................................................... 24 Tutorial One: The Basics ........................................................................................... 24 Tutorial Two: Correcting Text Within an Application ................................................. 31 Tutorial Three: Correcting Text Within Write Pad...................................................... 33 Tutorial Four: PenCommander ................................................................................. 40 PART THREE: WRITE ANYWHERE MODE REFERENCE............................................ 42 WRITE ANYWHERE TOOLBAR ............................................................................................ 42 CREATING AND EDITING TEXT ........................................................................................... 44 Selecting Text While in Write Anywhere Mode.......................................................... 45 Control Gestures........................................................................................................ 45
Return Gesture.................................................................................................................... 45 Space Gesture .................................................................................................................... 46 Backspace Gesture ............................................................................................................. 46 Select words........................................................................................................................ 46 Tab Gesture ........................................................................................................................ 46 Correct Gesture................................................................................................................... 46 Quick Correct Gesture......................................................................................................... 46 Case Change Gesture......................................................................................................... 47 Configuration Gesture ......................................................................................................... 47 Undo Gesture...................................................................................................................... 47 Copy Gesture ...................................................................................................................... 47 Cut Gesture......................................................................................................................... 47 Paste Gesture ..................................................................................................................... 47

CORRECTING TEXT .......................................................................................................... 47 Correction Window .................................................................................................... 48 Overwriting Text......................................................................................................... 49 Correction Window Pop-Up Menus ........................................................................... 49
Word Menu.......................................................................................................................... 50 Selected Text Menu ............................................................................................................ 51

Adding Words to the User Dictionary ........................................................................ 51 Using the Spell Checker ............................................................................................ 52


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RITECALC ....................................................................................................................... 52 PENCOMMANDER............................................................................................................. 53 PART FOUR: WRITE PAD MODE REFERENCE .......................................................... 54 WRITE PAD TOOLBAR ...................................................................................................... 54 EDITING HANDWRITTEN TEXT ............................................................................................ 55 ADVANCED FEATURES ...................................................................................................... 56 PenCommander......................................................................................................... 56 RiteCalc ..................................................................................................................... 56 Keyboard.................................................................................................................... 56 Recognition Modes .................................................................................................... 57 Separate Letters Mode .............................................................................................. 57 Multiple Configurations .............................................................................................. 57 New Line Marker........................................................................................................ 57 CONTROL GESTURES ....................................................................................................... 57 Return Gesture .......................................................................................................... 57 Space Gesture ........................................................................................................... 58 Backspace Gesture ................................................................................................... 58 Case Change Gesture ............................................................................................... 58 Tab Gesture ............................................................................................................... 58 Quick Correct Gesture ............................................................................................... 58 Undo Gesture............................................................................................................. 58 Copy Gesture............................................................................................................. 59 Cut Gesture................................................................................................................ 59 Paste Gesture ............................................................................................................ 59 Insert Gesture ............................................................................................................ 59 Backspace Gesture ................................................................................................... 59 Erase Gesture............................................................................................................ 59 Clear Gesture............................................................................................................. 59 PART FIVE: CUSTOMIZING CALLIGRAPHER .............................................................. 60 CALLIGRAPHER SETTINGS ................................................................................................ 60 Configurations Tab .................................................................................................... 60 General Tab ............................................................................................................... 62 Write Anywhere Tab .................................................................................................. 63 Write Pad Tab ............................................................................................................ 64 Margins Tab (Write Anywhere mode only) ................................................................ 65 Toolbar Tab (Write Anywhere mode only)................................................................. 65 Buttons Tab................................................................................................................ 67 Advanced Tab (Write Anywhere mode only) ............................................................. 68 About Tab .................................................................................................................. 68 CONFIGURATION MANAGER .............................................................................................. 68 General Tab ............................................................................................................... 69 Recognizer Tab.......................................................................................................... 70 Dictionary Tab............................................................................................................ 71 Auto Corrector Tab .................................................................................................... 74
To add a new word.............................................................................................................. 76 To edit an existing word ...................................................................................................... 77 To delete a word.................................................................................................................. 77

Analyzer Tab.............................................................................................................. 77 Keyboard Tab ............................................................................................................ 78 Pen Tab ..................................................................................................................... 80 SHAPE SELECTOR ............................................................................................................ 80 CALLIGRAPHER KEYBOARD .............................................................................................. 81 CUSTOM KEYBOARD ........................................................................................................ 83 PART SIX: PENCOMMANDER REFERENCE ................................................................ 84 iv

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Table of Contents

WHAT IS A PENCOMMAND? .............................................................................................. 84 LAUNCHING PENCOMMANDS ............................................................................................ 85 PENCOMMANDER EXECUTION PROCESS ............................................................................ 85 Text Only PenCommands.......................................................................................... 85
PenCommand sign ........................................................................................................... 85 PenCommand addr........................................................................................................... 86 PenCommand: sinc........................................................................................................... 86

BUILDING PENCOMMANDS ................................................................................................ 86 Starting the PenCommander Editor........................................................................... 86

PenCommander Editor Buttons........................................................................................... 87 Assigning PenCommands to Hardware Buttons.................................................................. 87

Building Text Only PenCommands............................................................................ 88

Text Editor Toolbar Buttons................................................................................................. 89

Building Script Pen Commands (Advanced Mode) ................................................... 89

Toolbar Buttons................................................................................................................... 90 Accessing context-sensitive help......................................................................................... 91

PENCOMMANDER SCRIPT LANGUAGE ............................................................................... 92 Variables .................................................................................................................... 93 Special Symbols ........................................................................................................ 93 COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................... 94 General commands.................................................................................................... 94
Comment............................................................................................................................. 94 Type .................................................................................................................................... 94 Execute program (Open file) ............................................................................................... 95 Execute PenCommand ....................................................................................................... 95 Delay ................................................................................................................................... 95 Rotate Screen ..................................................................................................................... 96 Show Message Box............................................................................................................. 96 Set Error Handler ................................................................................................................ 96

Variable Manipulation Commands............................................................................. 97

Set String Variable .............................................................................................................. 97 Set Symbol Variable............................................................................................................ 97 Set Integer Variable............................................................................................................. 97 Ask String Variable.............................................................................................................. 97 Ask Symbol Variable ........................................................................................................... 98 Ask Integer Variable ............................................................................................................ 98

User-Defined Procedure Commands. ....................................................................... 98

Load User Library (DLL file) ................................................................................................ 98 Free User Library ................................................................................................................ 99 Call Procedure from User Library ........................................................................................ 99 Sample user-defined procedure .......................................................................................... 99

CalliGrapher commands .......................................................................................... 100

Show/Hide CalliGrapher keyboard .................................................................................... 100 Show/Hide CalliGrapher Custom keyboard ....................................................................... 101 Show/Hide CalliGrapher toolbar ........................................................................................ 101 Show CalliGrapher Options ............................................................................................... 101 Show CalliGrapher Corrector Window............................................................................... 101 Start Letter Shape Selector ............................................................................................... 101 Create a new text-only PenCommand............................................................................... 102 Start PhatPad.................................................................................................................... 102 Set Recognition Mode ....................................................................................................... 102 Set Recognition Direction.................................................................................................. 102 Select CalliGrapher Configuration ..................................................................................... 103

User-Defined Functions ........................................................................................... 103 Script Samples......................................................................................................... 106

Select all text (for Word).................................................................................................... 106 Select all text (for most text edit apps) .............................................................................. 107 Open Corrector Window.................................................................................................... 107 Open Favorite Internet WEB page .................................................................................... 107 Open CalliGrapher Help .................................................................................................... 107

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Table of Contents

Call PenCommander Editor............................................................................................... 107 Open Inbox........................................................................................................................ 107 Open Pocket Excel Spreadsheet....................................................................................... 107 Place the Symbol into Text.......................................................................................... 107

CalliGrapher Reserved PenCommands .................................................................. 108

@CgrOnInit. ...................................................................................................................... 108 @CgrOnClose................................................................................................................... 108 @CgrVars. ........................................................................................................................ 108

APPENDIX A DEFAULT PENCOMMANDS ................................................................. 109


CalliGrapher 8


This award-winning application uses proprietary CalliGrapher technology to bring you unprecedented recognition accuracy and ease of use to your Microsoft Windows powered portable device. CalliGrapher 8 recognizes all handwriting, be it

, or

. Additionally, you can enter equations such as

for use with CalliGraphers RiteCalcTM, the calculator that works with your natural handwriting. CalliGrapher adds natural handwriting recognition capability to your Microsoft Windows-powered Pocket PC for all handwriting styles - cursive, print or mixed. CalliGrapher analyzes pen strokes written in any application window, converts the pen strokes into text and sends the recognized text to a target application. Employing advanced fuzzy logic and neural net techniques, CalliGrapher recognizes arbitrary alphanumeric strings as well as words from its integrated dictionary. CalliGrapher also offers a comprehensive spell checker for all applications on your mobile device. The PenCommander utility allows users to create and execute command scripts by simply writing a word command and drawing a circle around it. CalliGrapher gives you the freedom to enter information quickly and efficiently into your mobile device. CalliGrapher supports multiple languages. CalliGrapher Language Packs are sold separately and can be added to CalliGrapher as needed. Many Windows Microsoft powered devices have small, cramped keyboards or no keyboard at all. CalliGrapher frees you from the constraints imposed by these devices and unleashes their power. Please visit our Web site at to get the latest news on CalliGrapher and other PhatWare products.


CalliGrapher 8

Before Getting Started

Before Getting Started

This manual uses several notational conventions to present information of special importance. NOTE: Notes highlight helpful and important things to keep in mind. These include things like tips and tricks, shortcuts, and hints. Lists of items, points to consider, or procedures that do not need to be performed in a specific order appear in bullet format: Item 1 Item 2 Procedures that must be followed in a specific order appear in numbered steps: 1. Perform this step first 2. Perform this step second Specific keyboard keys are depicted in square brackets and are capitalized, for example: [ESC]. If more than one key should be pressed simultaneously, the notation appears as [KEY1]+[KEY2], for example [ALT]+[F4]. Buttons and knobs are depicted in round brackets and are capitalized and italicized, for example: {RESET}. NOTE: The notation [tap] signifies a stylus or finger tapping a touch screen. Screen prompts are displayed in bold Courier font, for example: Start Items you must type appear in standard Courier font, for example: cd\letters\business\legal [ENTER]

Manual Layout
This manual is laid out as follows: Part One - Getting Started: This part details the CalliGrapher features, system requirements, and installation process. Part Two CalliGrapher Tutorials: Many people prefer to learn by doing. This part includes a few tutorials to help you get up and running with CalliGrapher quickly, both for Write Anywhere and Write Pad modes. Once you have finished the tutorials, you will want to read the reference chapters, which explain all of CalliGraphers many features. Of course, you may also choose to read the rest of the manual first and do the tutorials later.


CalliGrapher 8

Before Getting Started Part Three Write Anywhere Mode Reference: This part provides detailed instructions on using the Write Anywhere functions. Part Four Write Pad Mode Reference: This part provides detailed instructions on using the Write Pad functions Part Five - Customizing CalliGrapher: Instructions on customizing CalliGrapher to suit your individual needs and preferences. Part Six - PenCommander Reference: This chapter explains how to create custom PenCommands.


CalliGrapher 8

Getting Started

Part One: Getting Started

This chapter details the CalliGrapher 8 features, system requirements, and installation process.

CalliGrapher Features
Some of the advanced features include: Two modes of operation: Write Anywhere and Write Pad (new to version 8). In Write Anywhere mode, CalliGrapher interprets your drawing on the screen as handwriting. CalliGrapher recognizes it and sends the results to the active application window. The recognition mode can be turned on or off. In Write Pad mode, the writing pad is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can write characters or words on the writing pad area between the lines, like you would do it on the paper. The handwritten text is immediately recognized and the recognition result is displayed in the window that automatically appears above (or below, depending on the selected layout settings) the writing pad. Natural handwriting recognition: CalliGrapher recognizes print, cursive, and mixed script as well as arbitrary symbol strings and control gestures. Immediate usability: Unlike many handwriting recognition programs, CalliGrapher is ready to run right out of the box with no training required. You can, however, customize CalliGrapher to your personal handwriting style, thereby increasing CalliGraphers already superb accuracy and speed. Built-in dictionary: CalliGrapher recognizes words from its integrated dictionaries. This includes a main English dictionary containing approximately 100,000 words and a custom user dictionary. CalliGrapher also recognizes non-vocabulary words like personal names, geographical names, and arbitrary handwritten symbol strings. CalliGrapher Configuration Manager: Use the Configuration Manager to change various CalliGrapher settings and to create and edit recognition profiles. You can switch between recognition configurations by using the Configuration gesture or tapping the Configuration button in the CalliGrapher toolbar. CalliGrapher Full Keyboard: This virtual keyboard gives you all the functionality of a built-in keyboard when you cannot access the keyboard on your mobile device, or even when your mobile device has no keyboard at all. Customizable keyboard: You can choose any characters, punctuation signs, or navigation buttons to appear on a 24-key customizable keyboard. Recognition Margins: Allows users to set left, right, top, and bottom margins. If a user starts moving the pen outside the specified margins, CalliGrapher will ignore pen movements. However, after a user begins writing within the margins, he/she can continue writing anywhere on the Pocket PC screen. RiteCalc handwriting calculator: Simply write an equation, and let RiteCalc do the math. Extensive correction interface: By pointing out CalliGraphers mistakes, you can improve its performance.

CalliGrapher 8

Getting Started

Spell Checker: Spelling can be checked in any document containing text, whether it originated from your handwriting, the keyboard, or another document. Customizable Toolbar: Choose from 36 buttons to appear on the 10-button CalliGrapher toolbar. Auto Corrector: Improves quality of handwriting recognition by automatically replacing an incorrectly recognized or misspelled word with a specified alternative. Auto Corrector searches its word list for each recognized word and, if found, replaces it with the specified alternative (Replace With) word. Additionally, new words can be added to the Auto Corrector word list using the Quick Correct popup menu. CalliGrapher Statistical Analyzer (CSA): Improves overall handwriting recognition quality by addressing common recognition errors. If CSA is enabled, CalliGrapher will learn as you use it; the more you use it the faster it learns. While the Write Anywhere mode provides some statistical information, the most complete statistics is collected in the Write Pad mode. When enough data is accumulated (two - three weeks of average use), CalliGrapher will attempt to automatically fix common recognition errors. Letter Shape Selector: This utility allows you to adjust handwriting recognition to your personal style and to increase recognition speed and accuracy by choosing preferred ways of writing letters. PenCommander: Write a word and draw a circle around it to launch an automated script (PenCommand). Using PenCommands, you can perform a wide spectrum of tasks from simple text substitutions and launching applications to calling a function from any system or user-defined DLL. You may use many pre-defined PenCommands that are included with CalliGrapher and may also define your own in order to automate frequent tasks and create new functionality for your mobile device. Multiple Language Support: In addition to English, CalliGrapher supports handwriting recognition in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian and European), and Spanish. Language Packs are sold separately. To order any or all of the Language Packs, go to our Web site at NOTE: If you would like to have CalliGrapher support another Western European language in the future, email us at [email protected].

System Requirements
CalliGrapher requires the following minimum configuration: Microsoft Windows Powered Pocket PC 2003/2003SE/2005 or Pocket PC Phone Edition 2003/2003SE/2005. Note: CalliGrapher 8 does not support older models of Pocket PCs (a.k.a. PalmSize PCs) and Handheld PCs, such as Jornada 720. CalliGrapher 6 will continue to support Handheld PCs. Microsoft Windows CE 4.2 or later. 3.2 MB of free storage space on the device depending on the selected configuration.

CalliGrapher 8

Getting Started Windows-powered desktop PC or laptop with ActiveSync 3.8 or later is required for installation If you do not have a PC with ActiveSync 3.8 or later installed, you can download CalliGrapher as a .cab file and install it directly on your mobile device. Visit PhatWares download page at

Please note that the above represents minimum requirements only. CalliGrapher performs better on systems exceeding the listed requirements. NOTE: If using the new antialiasing feature, it will work reliably on Pocket PC with XScale 300MHz or faster. Not recommended for slower devices.

Installing CalliGrapher
1. Synchronize your mobile device with the desktop PC.

If you have CalliGrapher 6 or earlier already installed on your Pocket PC, you must uninstall it first. If youve downloaded CalliGrapher from the Internet as a single executable installation file (calligrapher80.exe), run this file. If youve downloaded CalliGrapher from the Internet as a zip file, unzip the archive into a temporary folder on your desktop computer and run the setup.exe program. Follow the on-screen installation instructions to install CalliGrapher. During CalliGrapher installation on the Pocket PC, youll see the Setup dialog box. This dialog box allows you to select the following options:



The Select Soft Input Panel (SIP) Configuration section allows you to choose which CalliGrapher SIPs to install: Write Pad, Write Anywhere or both. By default, both SIPs will be installed.

CalliGrapher 8

Getting Started The Remove Transcriber from SIP menu box allows you to hide the Transcriber menu if you do not intend to use it. If your device does not have Transcriber or it is already removed from the menu, this option is disabled. As always, we strongly recommend making a full backup of your Pocket PC before installing CalliGrapher.


Reset your mobile device when installation is completed.

Registering CalliGrapher
When you run CalliGrapher for the first time the Register CalliGrapher dialog box will appear (see picture below). If you have already purchased CalliGrapher, please enter the registration code* into the edit field and tap the Register button. If you downloaded a 30-day free trial version of CalliGrapher 8, just tap the Not Now button. While using the CalliGrapher in the trial mode, this dialog box will appear every time you start CalliGrapher until you enter the registration code. After the trial period expires, CalliGrapher will no longer work and you will be able to access the Register CalliGrapher dialog box only, until you enter the valid registration code.

* The registration code is located in the purchasing confirmation email, which is automatically sent to you, only when you purchase the product. If you have purchased CalliGrapher in a retail box, the registration code can be found on the CDROM cover. The Registration code is a case-sensitive alphanumeric string with no spaces inside. If you have problems finding the registration code, please contact PhatWare technical support. If you have downloaded and used the trial version of CalliGrapher and then decided to purchase it, you do not need to download or reinstall CalliGrapher. After you receive your registration code, restart CalliGrapher and when the Register CalliGrapher dialog box appears, enter the code in the space provided and tap the Register button.

CalliGrapher 8

Getting Started

Important! It is imperative that you keep the CalliGrapher Registration Code in a safe place. You will need it for future product upgrades and to contact product technical support. We strongly recommend filling out and submitting the Product Registration Form on our web site at to ensure that you are registered with PhatWare Corp.

Launching CalliGrapher
The easiest way to launch CalliGrapher is to select one of the CalliGrapher input methods from the SIP menu. Tap the arrow in the right-bottom corner of the screen and select either Write Anywhere or Write Pad from the popup menu. Alternatively you can launch CalliGrapher by going to Start>Programs> CalliGrapher and tapping either the Write Anywhere or Write Pad icon. The Write Anywhere icon or Write Pad icon appears in the Windows taskbar. Tapping the icon activates Write Anywhere or Write Pad.

You can customize the icons that appear in the toolbar. For more information, please refer to the Customizing CalliGrapher section, below.

Removing CalliGrapher
1. Disconnect the mobile device from the Desktop PC (if connected). 2. From the Start menu, choose the Settings item, then under the System tab, tap on Remove Programs. 3. When the Remove Programs dialog box appears, locate the PhatWare CalliGrapher entry in the list box.

CalliGrapher 8
4. Tap on it to select it. 5. Tap the Remove button to remove the CalliGrapher application. 6. Reset your mobile device to finish the uninstallation.

Getting Started

Tips to increase the recognition quality

You will have the best recognition quality when using the default letter shape settings. Disabling too many shapes will decrease the recognition quality. There is only one reason to disable a certain shape of a certain letter, which is if calligrapher recognizes this letter incorrectly because you wrote its shape similar to another letter. For example, if your "o" is recognized as "u", you can try to disable some shapes for "o" or for "u", or for both. However, if you disable too many shapes you will decrease the recognition quality. When you click on the selected shape in the Letter Shape Selector it will redraw the letter showing the direction in which you should move your pen. The direction of the pen strokes is as important as the shape. Try to write bigger characters. The minimum recommended size of your handwritten characters should be equivalent to size 16 (or bigger) of the Tahoma font. (To get an idea how big it is, run Pocket Word, select the Tahoma size 16 font and write something). Upper case characters should be at least twice as big (or bigger) as the lower case characters.

Modes of Operation
You can start CalliGrapher by selecting either the Write Anywhere or the Write Pad input method from the Pocket PC SIP menu. When CalliGrapher is running in the Write Anywhere mode, you will see the icon in the SIP panel window and the Toolbar. When icon in the SIP panel

CalliGrapher is running in the Write Pad mode, you will see the and the Write Pad windows.

CalliGrapher 8

CalliGrapher Tutorials

Part Two: CalliGrapher Tutorials

These tutorials cover a few of the most common ways in which people use CalliGrapher. To use them, simply turn on your mobile device and follow along! Be sure to read the rest of the manual for complete details on how CalliGrapher works once you are finished with the tutorials. NOTE: The tutorials in this manual are designed to be generic. CalliGrapher will function with practically any text editing software.

Write Anywhere Tutorials

Tutorial One: The Basics
This tutorial introduces you to some of the Write Anywhere basic features. Simply follow the steps outlined below to experiment and see for yourself some of the many things you can do using CalliGrapher:

1. Launch both your text editing application and CalliGrapher on your mobile device. 2. Make sure the Write Anywhere icon is highlighted (tap it if necessary) and write the
following on your screen. Try to write a bit more neatly that normal, and use larger letters until you get used to how the program responds to your input. This will not affect CalliGraphers accuracy; rather, it will help introduce you to the program. Write The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

3. Select fox jumps over a lazy dog and use the Backspace gesture as shown

CalliGrapher 8

CalliGrapher Tutorials

4. The selected text is erased.

5. Now, insert a carriage return (equivalent to pressing [ENTER]) by using the Return
gesture. Make sure that the horizontal part of the gesture is at least twice as long as the vertical part.

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CalliGrapher Tutorials

6. Note that the cursor moves down one line.

7. Now use the Backspace gesture (straight line from right to left) to erase the carriage
return and move back to the top line.

8. Tap the word brown between the b and the r to position the cursor, and use the Space
gesture. The space gets inserted.

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CalliGrapher Tutorials

9. The space is added. 10. Use the Backspace gesture to remove the space.

11. Select the word quick and use the Case Change gesture.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

12. This turns the word quick to QUICK. 13. To undo the previous action, use the Undo gesture.

14. The word reverts to lower case.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

15. You may use your stylus to change individual letters. For example, highlight the letter
b in brown and write the letter c.

16. The word changes.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

17. You may also select and replace entire words. For example:

18. This produces the following result:


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

Tutorial Two: Correcting Text

What if you make a mistake while writing? No problem. Write Anywhere allows you to correct mistakes quickly and easily as shown in this tutorial:

1. Launch both your text editing application and Write Anywhere on your mobile device. 2. Write The quick brown fox.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

3. Use the Correction gesture to launch the Correction Window. Be sure to enter the
gesture correctly (move the stroke from left to right and make the gesture large, with the right leg much higher than the left one as shown below).

4. The Correction Window appears.

5. Tap the word brown and note that a caret appears where you tapped; this is where
changes will occur. Either tap the caret or double-tap the selected word to bring up a list of suggested replacements.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

6. If the correct word is in the list (in this case grown), select it to make your changes. 7. If the correct word is not in the list, simply correct the misspelled word manually by
highlighting the incorrect letter and writing the correct letter.

8. Tap the OK button once you are finished making changes.


CalliGrapher 8

CalliGrapher Tutorials

Tutorial Three: Beyond the Basics

Our fox from the previous tutorials is not done yet. In this tutorial, you learn more about Write Anywheres gestures and spell-checking capabilities.

1. Launch both your text editing application and Write Anywhere on your mobile device
(or simply continue from the previous tutorial).

2. Write or type the following sentence: The quick broun fox jumps over the
lazy dog. The misspelling is intentional.

3. Use the Correction gesture.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

4. Because you have no text selected, the entire sentence will transfer to the Correction

5. Double-tap the misspelled word to bring up the list of suggested replacements.

6. Select the desired word, which replaces the word in your sentence.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

7. Select the word brown by drawing a single line across it from left to right and holding
for a moment.

8. The word brown is selected.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

9. Now erase the word by drawing a single line from right to left. The result appears

10. To capitalize a letter, draw a single vertical line from the base of the letter whose
case you wish to change to the top.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

11. The result is as follows:

12. To close the Correction window and accept the edits, tap OK. Tap X to close the
Correction window and reject your edits.

Tutorial Four: PenCommander

PenCommander technology adds a whole new dimension to CalliGrapher by allowing you to perform a wide variety of simple and complex tasks simply by writing them. No more tapping through endless menus and icons! This tutorial introduces you to some of the many things you can do using PenCommands:


CalliGrapher 8

CalliGrapher Tutorials

1. Enter some text in a document, then write the word all and draw a circle around it.

2. The text is selected. Now write cut and draw a circle around it.

3. The text is cut from the current document and placed in the Windows clipboard. To
restore it, simply write paste and circle it.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

4. The text reappears:

Please refer to the sections Write Anywhere Mode Reference and PenCommander Reference, below, for complete information on how PenCommander can revolutionize the way you use your PDA.


CalliGrapher 8

CalliGrapher Tutorials

Write Pad Tutorials

Tutorial One: The Basics
This tutorial introduces you to some of the Write Pad basic features. Simply follow the steps outlined below to experiment and see for yourself some of the many things you can do using Write Pad:

1. Launch both your text editing application and the Write Pad SIP on your mobile device. 2. Make sure the Write Pad icon is highlighted (tap it if necessary) and write the following
on your screen. Try to write a bit more neatly that normal, and use larger letters until you get used to how the program responds to your input. This will not affect CalliGraphers accuracy; rather, it will help introduce you to the program. Write The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Once you run out of room in the writing pad and when you are finished with the sentence, either tap on the Enter button next to the result window or use the Return gesture. Alternatively, the recognized text can be automatically sent to the application, if you start writing a new line of text on the left side of the ^ marker. The marker appears only if you have the Automatically insert results box in the Write Pad tab of the Configuration Manager checked. You can change the position of the marker by tapping and holding your pen on the new line marker for about 0.5 seconds. A vertical line will appear above the marker. Now you can drag the marker left or right.

3. Select fox jumps over a lazy dog in the application, then use the Backspace
button or the Backspace gesture in the writing pad as shown below.


CalliGrapher 8

CalliGrapher Tutorials

4. The selected text is erased.

5. Now, insert a carriage return by either tapping on the Enter button

or using the Return gesture. Make sure that the horizontal part of the gesture is at least twice as long as the vertical part.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

6. Note that the cursor moves down one line.

7. Now use the Backspace gesture (straight line from right to left) or the Backspace
button to erase the carriage return and move back to the top line. or use the Space gesture.

8. Tap the word brown between the b and the r to position the cursor, and either tap
the Space button


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

9. The space is added.

10. Use the Backspace gesture or the Backspace button

to remove the space.

11. Select the word quick and use the Case Change gesture.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

12. This turns the word quick to QUICK. 13. To undo the previous action, use the Undo gesture.

14. The word reverts to lower case.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

15. You may use your stylus to change individual letters. For example, highlight the letter
b in brown and write the letter c.

16. Once you tap on the Enter button

, the word changes.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

17. You may also select and replace entire words. For example:

18. Once you tap on the Enter button

, it produces the following result:


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

Tutorial Two: Correcting Text Within an Application

What if you make a mistake while writing? No problem. Write Pad allows you to correct mistakes directly in the application quickly and easily as shown in this tutorial:

1. Launch both your text editing application and Write Pad on your mobile device. 2. Write The quick brown fox, then highlight the work brown.

3. Use the Quick Correct gesture to bring up a list of suggested replacements.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

Note: If the selected word is not recognized, the pop-up menu will also have an Add to Dictionary item as an option.

4. If the correct word is in the list (in this case grown), select it to make your changes.

5. If the correct word is not in the list, simply correct the misspelled word manually by
highlighting the incorrect letter and writing the correct letter.


CalliGrapher 8 Tutorial Three: Correcting Text Within Write Pad

CalliGrapher Tutorials

You can also correct errors, spelling, etc., inside the Write Pad pane before sending it on to your application:

1. Launch both your text editing application and Write Pad on your mobile device. 2. Write The quick brown. You will notice in the figures below that the handwritten
text is immediately recognized and the recognition result is displayed in the window that automatically appears above (or below, depending on the selected layout settings) the writing pad. After the text appears, if a word is not recognized, Write Pad will automatically change the word to one that is in one of the loaded dictionaries.

Notice the w gesture is initially recognized as a u. to display a list of alternative words.

After the word is complete, the u is changed to a w in the results window.

3. If a word was not recognized correctly, simply click on the word in the results window
NOTE: It is recommended not to try to change a word until after you finish writing the entire line, because recognition results may change as you write.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

If the suggested word is not there, you can delete characters or words using control gestures inside the Word Pad window. For instance:

4. Use the Erase gesture to delete all crossed strokes (characters or words).

5. To erase your last remaining gesture, use the Backspace gesture. The line should be at
least 4 average characters long. You can use this gesture anywhere inside Write Pad. You can also tap on the Backspace button to achieve the same result.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

Using the Backspace gesture.

Notice since it took two gestures to create the letter k, only the last gesture used is erased. To erase the entire letter, you must repeat the Backspace gesture.

6. You can also use the Cross and Hold method of deleting text. To delete any number
of strokes, cross the strokes you want to delete and hold pen for 0.5 seconds. The crossed strokes will be deleted. You can cross the strokes either from right to left or left to right.

- or -

Notice the dot from the letter i did not get erased, since it was not touched with the gesture.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

7. Use the Clear gesture to delete all text in Write Pad. You can use this gesture
anywhere inside Write Pad.

Using the Clear gesture.

Results after using the Clear gesture.

If for some reason you need to move some letters horizontally to create or delete spaces between words, you can perform the following:

8. Write The quickbrown with no space between quick and brown.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

9. Tap and hold your pen below the baseline between the letters k and b (but not on
the new line marker). After the timeout (the timeout can be changed in Configuration Manager, by default it is 0.5 seconds) a vertical line will appear and all strokes located on the right side of this line will become selected.

10. Move the pen horizontally to change spacing between strokes.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

Notice the words automatically change in the results window after the two words are separated, since these words are now recognized. You also may correct words by writing the correct letter directly on top of the misspelling from within the Write Pad window. First make sure Auto-Replace separate letters is selected from the CalliGrapher Settings dialog, under the Write Pad tab. Then tap on the Separate Letters button . In this mode, recognition is restricted to disconnected letters only. This mode can be combined with one of the recognition modes. NOTE: If you never connect your letters, recommend you always use this option for more accurate recognition.

11. Tap the Clear button

the Write Pad window.

to clear all the strokes. Write The quick crown inside


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

12. Now write a b directly over the c in crown.

13. crown is now changed to brown.


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CalliGrapher Tutorials

Note that this might not always work for letters written in multiple strokes.

Tutorial Four: PenCommander

If a single handwritten word is recognized as the existing PenCommand, a new button containing the PenCommand name will be added next to the result window. See Appendix A Default PenCommands.

1. Enter some text in a document, then write the PenCommand sign in the writing pad.

2. To execute the PenCommand, simply tap on the sign button.


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The pre-recorded PenCommand text appears.

CalliGrapher Tutorials


CalliGrapher 8

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Part Three: Write Anywhere Mode Reference

When Write Anywhere is selected, the recognition mode can be turned on or off. Recognition mode interprets your drawing on the screen as handwriting. CalliGrapher recognizes it and sends the results to the active application window (the current location of the caret). In the recognition mode single and double pen taps are still processed in the usual way, allowing use of menus and buttons. When recognition is turned off CalliGrapher does not process pen activity - use this mode if your application requires direct pen input, such as drawing or ink note taking applications. Recognition mode can be turned on and off by clicking on the SIP button.

Write Anywhere Toolbar

While in Write Anywhere mode, CalliGrapher has a customizable toolbar that appears in the Write Anywhere panel. The default icons appear below.

The Write Anywhere toolbar can be customized by using the Configuration Manager toolbar editor. You can choose 10 out of 36 possible buttons to be displayed; the table below lists the available buttons.

Show/hide the CalliGrapher soft keyboard. Please refer to the CalliGrapher Keyboard section below. Show/hide the custom keyboard. Please refer to the CalliGrapher Keyboard section below. Open CalliGrapher Settings dialog. Allows you to change many settings such as adding and editing multiple configurations, each able to use a different recognition engine, dictionary, keyboard, ink color and ink width. You can also change other usability options, customize the toolbar, enable/disable orientation and recognition modes. Please refer to the Calligrapher Settings section below. Run PhatPad. Run PenCommander. Launches the PenCommand Editor. Please refer to the PenCommander Reference section below. Open Letter Shape Selector. Please refer to the Letter Shape Selector section below. Open the Correction Window to correct the selected text. Please refer to the Correcting Text section below.


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Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Open the Correction Window to correct all text. Please refer to the Correcting Text section below. Undo Cut Copy Paste Select all Insert tabulation Insert space Insert line feed Backspace

Navigation keys

Escape key Delete key Change case

Turn CalliGrapher sounds on/off Turn recognition on/off Turn PenCommander on/off


CalliGrapher 8

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Select Recognition mode. There are four recognition modes available: Normal (a): Supports all kinds of writing (default) Capitals (A): Converts all writing to upper case Numeric (12): Only recognizes digits, punctuation, and selected letters (such as AM, PM, etc.) Internet (@): Will not insert any spaces, which is useful when writing an internet or email address. Select writing orientation. The arrow points perpendicular to the currently selected writing direction. You may choose from six possible orientations. NOTE: To enhance recognition accuracy, be sure to write and gesture in the selected direction. Select configuration. If more than one configuration is available, displays the list of configurations. If only two configurations are installed, will toggle between both. The configuration icon identifies the currently selected configuration. Create PenCommander command from the selected text. Run PenCommand (or display popup menu with the selected PenCommands) Show CalliGrapher Help Close CalliGrapher You may enable or disable the CalliGrapher Toolbar using the Write Anywhere tab within the CalliGrapher Settings dialog.

Creating and Editing Text

When in Recognition Mode, CalliGrapher interprets your drawing on the screen as handwriting. CalliGrapher recognizes the handwriting and sends the results to the currently active application window. Single and double taps will still work, meaning you can access menus, icons, and windows while in Recognition Mode. Use one of the following methods to enter Recognition Mode: If CalliGrapher is not running, select Write Anywhere from the Pocket PC SIP menu. Tap the button in the SIP panel window if Write Anywhere is selected as a current method but the button is not depressed and recognition mode is disabled. When on the Today screen and CalliGrapher is already running, tap the pen icon the Windows taskbar. Tap the CalliGrapher folder, then the Write Anywhere button in the Programs Dialog found in the Start menu. in


CalliGrapher 8

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

You may select text while in Recognition Mode by following the instructions contained in the next section below. In addition to its remarkable recognition capabilities, CalliGrapher features some advanced editing tools.

Selecting Text While in Write Anywhere Mode

As CalliGrapher interprets movement of pen over the screen as writing, selecting text, menu and scroll bar operations are done a bit differently: There are three methods of selecting text: Tap the desired text and hold until you hear the sound. This lets you perform actions such as dragging windows/icons/scrollbars and text. This method is called "delay at the beginning of stroke" or "start delay". Alternatively, you can make a selection (text, menu items, etc) or drag (icon, scrollbars, etc.) by drawing a line across the selection and holding the pen still for a second. The ink will disappear and the block of text between the starting point of trajectory and the current position of the pen becomes highlighted, or the dragged object will move to the pen tip location. This is called "delay at the end of stroke" or "end delay". Third, you can use the 'select words' gesture. Simply draw a horizontal line from left to right over a line of text and all words under it will be selected.

Control Gestures
You may edit text either in the active applications window, or in CalliGraphers own Correction Window. For information on using the Correction Window, please refer to the Correction Window section below. To edit text in the active applications window, use control gestures, which are specially shaped strokes that signal CalliGrapher to perform the appropriate edit function. You may use gestures for common operations such as [ENTER], [SPACE], and [BACKSPACE]. Many gestures are positional, meaning that their location on the screen determines the text affected by the gesture. If, however, the starting point of the gesture does not correspond to a specific place in a paragraph of the text, the desired action will be applied at the current cursor location. You do not need to draw the arrows that appear on the gesture depictions below. They merely serve to illustrate the end point of the particular gesture. Gray arrows next to a gesture depict the proper method of drawing the gesture. Return Gesture This gesture is the functional equivalent of pressing ENTER. This action occurs at the current cursor location.


CalliGrapher 8
Space Gesture

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

This gesture is the functional equivalent of pressing SPACE. This action occurs at the current cursor location. Backspace Gesture Draw the line from right to left. This gesture is the functional equivalent of pressing BACKSPACE. Select words This gesture is a quick way to select words in one line. Draw it over the words you wish to select, moving the pen from left to right. All words under the gesture will become selected. This gesture has two effective points -- starting and ending. Note: this gesture is positional only, and works not only in the Correction window, but in most applications as well, though some applications may not respond properly to it. Tab Gesture This gesture is the functional equivalent of pressing TAB. This action occurs at the current cursor location.

Correct Gesture It opens the Correction Window and copies the selected text into it. Holding the pen for a moment at the end of the gesture copies the entire document into the Correction Window. This operation is particularly useful for spell checking documents. This gesture only works outside the CalliGrapher Correction Window. For more information on correcting text, please refer to the Correcting Text section, below. Quick Correct Gesture Use this gesture to: Add a selected word to the dictionary Go to the Auto Corrector word list. If you want to add the replacement word to the Auto Corrector word list, select the desired alternative from the Auto Corrector submenu. If CalliGrapher's recognition engine returns the same word again, it will be replaced with the specified alternative while handwriting is converted to the digital text. Open the Correction Window (see the following section) If no text is selected, the Quick Correct gesture opens the CalliGrapher Keyboard in punctuation layout (see above).


CalliGrapher 8
Case Change Gesture

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Use this gesture over any letter in the Correction Window to change its case. Begin the gesture over the desired letter or symbol, and draw it straight upward. In other applications, this gesture changes the case of a selected word or block of text. It can also be used to change the case of the letter immediately after the cursor. Configuration Gesture This gesture changes the active configuration. If CalliGrapher has only one configuration, the gesture has no effect. If two configurations exist, the gesture toggles between the configurations. In case of more than two configurations, the gesture either selects a configuration that is next in the list or displays the drop-down menu if the corresponding option is selected in CalliGrapher settings. Undo Gesture Undoes the previous action. It is the equivalent of pressing CTRL+Z in most Windows applications.

Copy Gesture Copies selected text to the Windows clipboard while leaving the original text in place. It is the equivalent of pressing CTRL+C in most Windows applications.

Cut Gesture This gesture removes selected text from the current application and places it in the Windows clipboard. It is the equivalent of pressing CTRL+X in most Windows applications. Paste Gesture This gesture copies text previously placed in the Windows clipboard into the current application while leaving the text available in the clipboard for repeat pasting, if desired. It is the equivalent of pressing CTRL+V in most Windows applications.

Correcting Text
CalliGrapher provides convenient means for text correction both in its own Correction Window and directly in other applications windows. Use the Correct gesture to copy selected text and Correct All to copy all document text to the Correction Window. The Correction Window allows you to use positional gestures. You can point a position of an action and do the action with a single stroke of a pen. You can also add or remove text, and directly overwrite letters.


CalliGrapher 8 Correction Window

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

When invoked, the Correction Window appears (see picture below) with your selected text copied into it.

The Correction Window toolbar has several buttons that aid you in correcting your text: Cut Copy Paste Undo/Redo: Tapping this button alternates between undoing and redoing the previous action. Select All: Highlights all the words and letters in the Correction Window. Spacebar: Inserts a space at the cursor position. Backspace: Deletes a character to the left of the cursor position. Spell-checker: Highlights and underlines all words that do not appear in CalliGraphers internal dictionaries. This is useful for spell checking and finding non-standard terms and jargon.


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Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Record Changes (OK): When you are finished correcting the selected text, tapping this button places the corrected text back into your document and closes the Correction Window. Close Correction Window (Cancel): Click this button to close the Correction Window. You will lose all changes.

Overwriting Text
You may correct words by writing the correct letter directly on top of the misspelling, as shown below: Note: Write the new character about the size of the printed one.

Word before correction

Overwriting the misspelling

Corrected word

Correction Window Pop-Up Menus

The Correction Window contains different types of context menus. Tapping the cursor when text is not selected brings up the Word menu. Double-clicking a word or a single tap on the cursor on a word that is selected brings up the Selected Text menu. If you click the cursor when it is not located under any text, the Custom Keyboard will pop up -- convenient for entering hard-to-write punctuation marks. Double-clicking on an empty area brings up the Non-Text Menu.


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Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Word Menu Alternative Words: This part of the menu lists recognition alternatives or words suggested by the spell-checker. Auto Corrector: Use this to modify Auto Corrector settings. See the Auto Corrector section, below. Add To Dictionary: Adds the current word to the user dictionary. This menu item displays when the currently selected word is absent from both the user and main dictionaries. Case Switch: changes capitalization of the selected character Add Space: adds a space in front of the selected character


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Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Selected Text Menu Delete Selected: removes selected text and replaces it with a space Replace Selected with Space: inserts a space in place of the selected text Case Switch: changes the capitalization of the whole selection Copy Selected: copies the selected text to the clipboard Paste: inserts the clipboard contents in place of the selection

Adding Words to the User Dictionary

If a word is properly spelled but not found in the main or user dictionaries, you may add the word to the user dictionary by selecting the word and using the Quick Correct gesture. In this case the pop-up menu will have an Add to Dictionary option. Choose it and the selected word will be added to the dictionary. (If the word is already in the dictionary, this menu will not appear.) You can also go to the Correction Window from this menu.


CalliGrapher 8

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

Using the Spell Checker

When CalliGrapher is in Write Anywhere mode, its spell checker can be used with any standard Windows CE application edit window, which supports clipboard operations. To spell check part of a document, select the desired text and draw the Correct gesture or tap on the Correct All Text toolbar icon to launch the Correction Window containing your selected text. Make sure that the Spell Checker button is active. Words not in the CalliGrapher dictionaries appear highlighted and underlined. Make the required corrections and then press the Record Changes button (described in the Correction Window section above) to insert the corrected text back into the document. To spell check the whole document, draw the Correct gesture or tap on the Correct All Text button to bring all the text in the document to the Correction Window.

RiteCalc seamlessly integrates a basic calculator into CalliGraphers recognition functions. When using Recognition Mode, simply enter a formula as a single sentence with the syntax: <operand1> <operation> <operand2>= where <operand1> and <operand2> are numbers, and <operation> is the function being performed. You may use multiple terms with the above syntax in one formula (nested operations enclosed in brackets are not allowed). Valid operands include any whole or decimal number, with up to two digits after the decimal point and seven digits before it. The result of calculations is limited to the same range.


CalliGrapher 8

Write Anywhere Mode Reference

RiteCalc calculates the result using the standard mathematical hierarchy: multiplication before division before addition before subtraction. For example 2*3+5= will yield 11 (2*3=6, 6+5=11). The equal sign (=) at the end of the formula signals RiteCalc to perform the calculation. All formulas must be written as one sentence. For better recognition, please write operation signs (+,*,etc) a bit smaller than the digits. Valid operations are: Addition: + Subtraction: Multiplication: * or x. Division: /, :, or To use RiteCalc, simply write or type an equation using the CalliGrapher keyboard:

The text will appear in your application as: 32.6+74= 106.60

PenCommander technology allows you to perform many functions (PenCommands) such as editing or inserting text, opening applications, and virtually any function by simply writing a word command and drawing a circle around it. Please refer to the table below for a list of pre-recorded PenCommands included with CalliGrapher 8. In addition to the pre-recorded PenCommand commands, you may create your own. These may be simple or complex. Please refer to the Part Six: PenCommander Reference section below for details on creating your own PenCommands. You may also embed the Text Only PenCommands in your writing, just as you do with control gestures. Please see Appendix A for the list of provided PenCommands.


CalliGrapher 8

Write Pad Mode Reference

Part Four: Write Pad Mode Reference

When Write Pad mode is selected, the writing pad window is displayed at the bottom of the Pocket PC screen.

You can write characters or words on the writing pad area between the lines, like you would do on paper. The handwritten text is immediately recognized and the recognition result is displayed in the window that automatically appears above (or below, depending on the selected layout settings) the writing area. To send the recognition result to the application you are working with, tap on the Enter button next to the result window or use the Return gesture. Alternatively, the recognized text can be automatically sent to the application, if you start writing a new line of text on the left side of the ^ marker. Note that the Automatically insert results box in the Write Pad tab of the Configuration Manager must be checked. You can also change the position of the marker by tapping and holding your pen on the new line marker for about 0.5 seconds. A vertical line will appear above the marker. Now you can drag the marker left or right.

Write Pad Toolbar

While in Write Pad mode, CalliGrapher has a customizable toolbar that appears above the Write Pad SIP. The icons appear below.

Write Pad Toolbar in Portrait Mode


CalliGrapher 8

Write Pad Mode Reference

Write Pad Toolbar in Landscape Mode The table below lists the available buttons: Run in mixed recognition mode. Will recognize both upper and lower case letters. Run in upper case characters only recognition mode. Run in numbers only recognition mode. Run in internet address (no spaces) recognition mode. Run in separate letters recognition mode. This mode can be combined with one of the other above recognition modes. Opens the CalliGrapher keyboard. If you have more than one configuration created, allows you to switch between different configurations. If you only have one configuration, will bring you to the CalliGrapher Configuration dialog. Open the Shape Selector dialog. Opens up the PenCommander application. (Available in landscape mode only.) Opens up the CalliGrapher Settings dialog. (Available in landscape mode only.) Opens up Write Pad mode help. (Available in landscape mode only.) The space button, which adds a space inside your application. The tab button, which inserts a tab inside your application. (Available in landscape mode only.) The enter button, which will send the recognition result to the application you are working with if there is text in the Word Pad window, or moves the cursor down to the next line in your application if there is no text in the Word Pad window. The backspace button, which removes the character or selected text from the Word Pad window, or if no text in the Word Pad window, directly in your application. Clears the write pad area without sending the recognized text to the application.

Editing handwritten text

While entering the handwritten text, you can use the following editing commands: To delete the last stroke, use the Backspace button or the Backspace gesture.


CalliGrapher 8

Write Pad Mode Reference To delete any stroke, cross the stroke you want to delete and hold pen for 0.5 seconds. The crossed stroke(s) will be deleted. You can finish t's and i's at any time, additionally, you can insert characters or words between already written strokes. If a handwritten word was incorrectly recognized, tap on the corresponding word in the result window. The menu with possible alternatives will be displayed. If you see the desired word in the menu, select it to replace the incorrectly recognized word. In some situations you may need to move one or more strokes horizontally to create or delete spaces between words. To move strokes located on the right side of the pen horizontally, tap and hold your pen below the baseline (but not on the new line marker). After the timeout (the timeout can be changed in Configuration Manager, by default it is 0.5 seconds) the vertical line will appear and all strokes located on the right side of this line will become selected. Move the pen horizontally to change spacing between strokes. To clear the write pad area without sending the recognized text to the application, use the Clear button or the Cut gesture.

Advanced features
If a single handwritten word is recognized as the existing PenCommand, a new button containing the PenCommand name will be added next to the result window. To execute the PenCommand, simply tap on this button.

You can write simple formulas such as 23*7.5-12= or 3.23+32.57= . RiteCalc performs calculations on numbers with up to 7 digits before the decimal point and 2 digits after it. The result of calculations is limited to the same range. You may use the following operands: +, -, , *, , :, /. The equal sign (=) at the end of the formula signals RiteCalc to perform the calculation. All formulas must be written as one sentence. For better recognition, write operation signs (+,*,etc) a bit smaller than the digits.

To switch to CalliGrapher's keyboard, tap the Keyboard button . The keyboard will appear in place of the Write Pad. Because the keyboard is a little taller than the Write Pad, the application will be resized automatically. To switch back to the Write Pad, tap the Close [x] button on the keyboard's title.


CalliGrapher 8 Recognition Modes

Write Pad Mode Reference

Write Pad supports four recognition modes: mixed (default) , upper case characters only , numbers only , and internet address (no spaces) . To switch between recognition modes, tap the desired mode button.

Separate Letters Mode

If you prefer to use CalliGrapher's separate letter recognition mode, tap the Separate Letter Mode button . To switch back to mixed handwriting recognition mode, tap this button again. Separate Letters mode can be combined with one of the recognition modes.

Multiple Configurations
If you have set up more than one recognition configuration, you can switch between different configurations by tapping on the Configuration button , then selecting the desired configuration from the menu. If you only have one configuration, tapping on this button will bring up the CalliGrapher Configuration dialog.

New Line Marker

The new line marker ^ appears under the Write Pad's baseline when the Automatically insert results box is checked in the Configuration Manager. If you start writing on the left side of the marker, the current recognition results (if any) will be sent to the foreground application, and all ink but the last stroke will be removed. This allows the continuous text input without tapping on the Enter button or using the Enter gesture. If you need to change the position of the new line marker, tap on it and hold the pen for 0.5 sec. When you see the vertical line appear from the tip of the marker, move your pen horizontally to change the marker's position. When you release the pen, the vertical line will disappear.

Control Gestures
While there is no handwritten text on the writing pad, you can use the following gestures:

Return Gesture
Similar to tapping the Enter button next to the result window, which will send the recognition result to the application you are working with. This gesture's effective point is its starting point.


CalliGrapher 8 Space Gesture

Write Pad Mode Reference

Inserts a space. Similar to tapping the Space button in the Write Pad toolbar. Effective point is the starting point of the gesture.

Backspace Gesture
Removes the character or selected text. Similar to tapping the Backspace button next to the result window. Effective point is the starting point of the gesture.

Case Change Gesture

Alternates capitalization of a letter or selected block of text. Effective point is the first point of the gesture.

Tab Gesture
Inserts the tabulation symbol (equivalent of pressing the TAB key). First point of the gesture is its effective point.

Quick Correct Gesture

Opens the context menu on top of an active application window or the custom CalliGrapher keyboard. If a single word is selected, the context-sensitive menu will provide alternatives for the word. If this word is not found in any dictionary, you'll see the Add to Dictionary menu. If no text is selected, this gesture launches the Custom CalliGrapher Keyboard for selecting a punctuation sign or a special symbol. The keyboard will close automatically after you pick a symbol to insert. To make it stay, click on the 'pin' icon in the top left corner of the keyboard. If the foreground application does not allow text editing, this gesture has no effect.

Undo Gesture
Undoes the most recent change (equivalent of pressing Ctrl+Z) in the active application. There is no effective point for this gesture. Note: The undo action is dependent on the recipient application.


CalliGrapher 8 Copy Gesture

Write Pad Mode Reference

Copies the selected block of text to the clipboard (equivalent of pressing Ctrl+C). There is no effective point for this gesture.

Cut Gesture
Cuts the selected block of text to the clipboard (equivalent of pressing Ctrl+X). There is no effective point for this gesture.

Paste Gesture
Inserts the clipboard contents (equivalent of pressing Ctrl+V). Top point of the gesture is its effective point.

If there is some handwritten text on the writing pad, you can use the following gestures:

Insert Gesture
Inserts the recognized text into the active application. This gesture's effective point is its starting point.

Backspace Gesture
Removes the last stroke. To perform the gesture, draw the line from right to left. The line should be at least four average characters long. There is no effective point for this gesture.

Erase Gesture
Deletes all crossed strokes (characters or words). To perform this gesture, cross out the words or characters you want to delete from left to right and back without lifting the stylus. The effective area of this gesture equals to its length; all strokes above and below the gesture are also deleted.

Clear Gesture
Deletes all handwritten and recognized text in the Write Pad. There is no effective point for this gesture.


CalliGrapher 8

Customizing CalliGrapher

Part Five: Customizing CalliGrapher

This section describes how to set CalliGrapher to suit your individual needs and preferences. There are several ways to customize CalliGrapher: CalliGrapher Settings and the Configuration Manager, from which you can set multiple CalliGrapher configurations and other Calligrapher Settings such as customizing your toolbar and enabling/disabling your orientations and recognition modes.

Calligrapher Settings
You may access the CalliGrapher Settings dialog by clicking on the CalliGrapher Settings button in the Write Anywhere Toolbar or with the CalliGrapher item in the system control panel. You can also tap on the Options SIP menu item, and then tap on the Options button with Write Anywhere or Write Pad set as the Input method. The Calligrapher Settings window appears. It has the following tabs: Configurations: Allows you to create, modify, delete and disable multiple CalliGrapher configurations. General: Set general CalliGrapher options. Write Anywhere: Set Write Anywhere mode options. Write Pad: Set Write Pad mode options. Margins: Set recognition margins (Write Anywhere mode only). Toolbar: Customize the Write Anywhere toolbar (Write Anywhere mode only) Buttons: Assign your favorite PenCommands to the hardware buttons Advanced: Disable the recognition modes and screen orientations that you never use (Write Anywhere mode only). About: Provides information about your installed CalliGrapher version. The following section describes each tab in detail.

Configurations Tab
This page of the CalliGrapher Settings dialog box allows you to create, edit, delete, and disable CalliGrapher configurations.


CalliGrapher 8

Customizing CalliGrapher

Use the check-boxes next to the configuration names in the list to temporarily disable configurations. CalliGrapher keeps all the disabled configurations but does not let you select them. Tap Add to create a new configuration.

o o o

Enter a name for your new configuration. Select the Use default settings option to create a new configuration based on the default settings; Select Copy settings from the existing configuration and pick an existing configuration from the list to create a copy of the configuration.


CalliGrapher 8

Customizing CalliGrapher Tap Edit to edit the selected configuration. This brings up the CalliGrapher Configuration Manager (See the Configuration Manager section, below) Tap Delete to delete the selected configuration. Tap Export to export a CalliGrapher configuration. It will be saved with a .csf extension. Tap Import to import a CalliGrapher configuration.

General Tab

On this page you can set the CalliGrapher General Options: Activate Write Anywhere SIP after reset: If checked, CalliGrapher's Write Anywhere SIP will automatically start after a soft reset. Activate Write Pad SIP after reset: If checked, CalliGrapher's Write Pad SIP will automatically start after a soft reset. Show intro screen: If checked, the introduction screen appears each time CalliGrapher's Write Pad or Write Anywhere SIP is started. Sound On: If checked, CalliGrapher sounds are enabled. This option applies to Write Pad and Write Anywhere modes. Classic Menus: If checked, all CalliGrapher utilities will use "classic" Pocket PC menus; if not checked, soft-key menus are used (available only on Windows Mobile 5.0 or later).


CalliGrapher 8 Write Anywhere Tab

Customizing CalliGrapher

On this page you can set the following Write Anywhere options: Pen change sound on: If checked, Write Anywhere activate/deactivate sounds are enabled. Show menus when changing modes: If checked, Write Anywhere displays menus when you click Recognition Mode, Writing Orientation, or the Configuration button in the Write Anywhere Toolbar; otherwise it cycles through all the available options. Show toolbar: If checked, the Toolbar will be displayed while Write Anywhere SIP is active. Smooth ink mode (antialiasing): If checked, will display smoother-looking handwriting.


CalliGrapher 8 Write Pad Tab

Customizing CalliGrapher

On this page you can set the following Write Pad options: Right align results window: If checked, the recognized text will appear in the result window right aligned. Show buttons above writing pad: If checked, Write Pad buttons and the window containing the recognized text will appear above the writing pad area. Auto-replace separate letters: If checked and Write Pad is in separate letter mode, you can replace a letter by writing a new letter on top of the old one. Note that it might not always work for letters written in multiple strokes. Automatically insert results: If checked, the recognized text will be inserted automatically in the foreground application when you start writing on the left side of the ^ marker located on the writing pad. You can still edit handwritten text on the right side of the marker. Highlight non-dictionary words: If checked, words that are not found in the main or user dictionaries will be highlighted in the results window in a different color. Pen hold timeout: Specifies pen hold timeout in milliseconds (1 sec = 1000 ms). The default timeout is 500 (0.5 sec). Pad color and Grid color: To select the desired pad and grid colors, tap on the corresponding color button, then select the color from the palette. If you do not find the desired color in the palette, tap the Custom button to use the Color Picker dialog box to select a custom color.


CalliGrapher 8 Margins Tab (Write Anywhere mode only)

Customizing CalliGrapher

Use this dialog box to set CalliGrapher recognition margins (in pixels). You can set left, right, top and bottom margins. If you start moving the pen outside the specified margins, CalliGrapher will ignore pen movements; however after you begin writing within the margins, you can continue writing anywhere on the Pocket PC screen.

Toolbar Tab (Write Anywhere mode only)


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Customizing CalliGrapher

The Toolbar Editor window allows you to customize the Write Anywhere Toolbar. To modify the toolbar just tap on a button in the list of available buttons and drag it onto the toolbar at the top of the dialog. The description of the button you selected will appear below the toolbar. When you release the pen over a button, the button will be replaced by the one you were dragging. ) require you to specify additional parameters The three PenCommand buttons ( before they can be used. When you select one of the three PenCommand buttons the Configure button appears at the bottom of the available buttons list. Tap the button to display the PenCommand Buttons dialog where you can select one or more PenCommands for the button, either in simple or menu mode.


CalliGrapher 8 Buttons Tab

Customizing CalliGrapher

The Hardware Buttons page allows you to assign your favorite PenCommands to the hardware buttons. To assign a PenCommand to a button, select the button in the list and then select the command from the Button assignment drop-down box. Select <Default> to restore the original action of the button. Tap the Restore Defaults button to reset all the hardware buttons to their default actions. Note: On some devices the changes made to the hardware buttons configuration may become active only after a soft reset.


CalliGrapher 8 Advanced Tab (Write Anywhere mode only)

Customizing CalliGrapher

This window allows you to disable the screen orientations and recognition modes that you never use by deselecting the corresponding checkbox. When disabled, the modes do not appear in the modes menus and they also get skipped when cycling through by pressing mode buttons on the toolbar.

About Tab
This window shows information on your currently loaded version of CalliGrapher.

Configuration Manager
To open the Configuration Manager, go to the Calligrapher Settings dialog (see above), and with the Configurations tab selected, tap on the Edit button. The Calligrapher Configuration window appears. It has the following tabs: General: Change the configuration name and its corresponding icon. Recognizer: Select the recognition engine and customizes the way CalliGrapher recognizes your writing. Dictionary: Select main and user dictionaries to be used by recognizer and spell checker. Auto Corrector: Modify Auto Corrector settings. Analyzer: Modify CalliGrapher Statistical Analyzer (CSA) settings. When enabled, CalliGrapher will attempt to automatically fix common recognition errors.


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Customizing CalliGrapher

Keyboard: Select the layout of the main keyboard and select the keys to use for the Custom Keyboard. Pen: Customize the line thickness and color. The following section describes each tab in detail.

General Tab

From here you can enter/edit the name of the configuration and select the corresponding icon from the drop down menu. Once this configuration is saved, you can easily activate the configuration by selecting this icon from the toolbar.


CalliGrapher 8 Recognizer Tab

Customizing CalliGrapher

The Recognizer tab allows you to customize how CalliGrapher recognizes your handwriting. The recognizer is the software module that actually recognizes your handwriting. By selecting different recognizers, you can customize the way CalliGrapher recognizes your writing. For example, if you write in different languages, you may wish to have different recognizers available for use. Contact PhatWare to learn about the availability of different recognizers. Enable recognizer: Check this box to enable the recognizer, and clear it to disable. You may select different recognizers by either typing in the full path or tapping the Browse () button and using the standard Windows interface to locate your desired recognizer. Add space after word/phrase: tells CalliGrapher to insert a space after each recognized word or fragment. Don't add space after single letter: check this box if you do not want to add a space after a single letter. This box is disabled if the Add space after word/phrase options is not checked. Separate letters mode: This mode forces the recognizer to recognize only words written in separate letters. Connected letters will not be recognized if writing in script. If you never connect your letters, select this option for more accurate recognition. This option is applicable only to the Write Anywhere SIP. When using the Write Pad SIP use the Separate Letters Mode button in the Write Pad toolbar. Recognition delay: This option determines how long CalliGrapher should wait for you to cross your ts and dot your is before putting out the result. If CalliGrapher recognizes your handwriting into typed text too quickly, it might be confusing because your writing might disappear even before you finished writing a single word. Also, you would not have enough time to write multi-stroke letters (such as crossing the letter t). Therefore, setting an appropriate delay allows you to write comfortably. As you


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Customizing CalliGrapher

gain experience with CalliGrapher, try decreasing the number to speed up the recognition. If you feel that there is not enough time for you to finish writing before recognition starts, increase the number. This option is applicable only to the Write Anywhere SIP. Click on the Select Letter Shapes button to go to the Shape Selector. For more information on how to use the Shape Selector, see the Shape Selector section below.

Dictionary Tab

While CalliGrapher is running, it may use up to two dictionaries to increase recognition accuracy. Dictionaries are files that store lists of words. Thus, the dictionaries help the recognizer software transform your handwriting into typed text. The main dictionary is part of the CalliGrapher package and contains tens of thousands of frequently used words. If you write in different languages, you may wish to use a main dictionary customized to the language(s) you use. Please contact PhatWare Corp. to find out what main dictionaries are available. You may select any valid CalliGrapher dictionary file as the main dictionary. At this time, PhatWare Corp. is the only source of main dictionary files. Note that you cannot edit dictionaries supplied with CalliGrapher. Enable Main Dictionary: The Main Dictionary box enables the main dictionary. You may select different main dictionaries either by typing in the full path to the desired main dictionary, or by tapping Browse and using the standard Windows interface to locate your desired main dictionary. Enable User Dictionary: The User Dictionary box enables the user dictionary. The User Dictionary performs the same function as main dictionaries. However, the user dictionary is fully created and maintained by the user. You may select different user dictionaries either by typing in the full path to the desired main dictionary, or by


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Customizing CalliGrapher

tapping Browse () button and using the standard Windows interface to locate your desired user dictionary. The default location of the user dictionary is in the My Documents folder. NOTE: To create a new user dictionary, you must enter the desired name for the new dictionary. Suggest only dictionary words: This mode will only make suggestions that are in the currently active dictionary(s) when the spell checker option is used in the Correction Window. Otherwise, CalliGrapher adds words returned by the recognition engine to the suggestions list. Recognize only dictionary words: This mode will only allow your handwriting to be interpreted as words found in the currently active dictionary(s). If a user writes a word that is not in the dictionary it will be substituted with the closest dictionary word. The Import button allows you to import a word list from a text file. The file format is simple: one word per line; spaces are not allowed. The maximum word's length is 39 characters. Note that the existing user dictionary will be replaced with the imported word list.

The Export button allows you to save the word list for the user dictionary as a text file, which can be edited with any text editing application. NOTE: Word list is a simple text file, it must contain one word per line; spaces are not allowed. The maximum word length is 40 characters.


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Customizing CalliGrapher

The Edit Button opens the user dictionary edit dialog, allowing you to convert lists of words into custom dictionaries for use with CalliGrapher. It may be also used for converting user dictionaries created by the previous version of CalliGrapher to the new format. Tapping the button allows you to edit the user dictionary via the following window:

The word list window shows all the words currently contained in the dictionary. To add a word, type it in the field on the top of the window and tap Add. To remove a word, select it from in list of words in the bottom field and tap Delete. Save your changes by tapping OK, or ignore them by tapping Cancel.


CalliGrapher 8 Auto Corrector Tab

Customizing CalliGrapher

Use this dialog box to modify Auto Corrector settings. Enable Auto Corrector: If checked, CalliGrapher will enable Auto Corrector. Enter the desired name for the Auto Corrector word list into the provided space. Tap on the [...] button to browse for an existing file. Fix mixed capitalization: If checked, CalliGrapher will fix words with MIxed capitalization. Capitalize names of days/month: If checked, CalliGrapher will always capitalize names of days and months (English language only). Tap the Import button to import the word list from the CSV file. The existing word list will be replaces with the imported list. NOTE: The Auto Corrector CSV file has the following format: Recognized Word, Replaced With, Ignore Case, Always Replace, Disabled The first 2 parameters can be any text up to 39 characters long. The recognized word cannot contain spaces, but the replace with word can. Other three parameters can be either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE).


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Customizing CalliGrapher

Tap the Export button to export the word list as the CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. You can edit CSV files using any spreadsheet or text editor application.

Tap the Edit button to view/modify the Auto Corrector word list.


CalliGrapher 8

Customizing CalliGrapher

To add a new word o o o Start the CalliGrapher Settings dialog, select the desired configuration from the Available Configurations list and tap Edit. Tap on the Auto Corrector tab and tap the Edit button. When the Auto Corrector Word List window appears, tap New in the toolbar.

o o

In the Add/Edit Word dialog box, enter the Recognized and the Replace With words into the provided spaces. Both words can be up to 40 characters long. To add another word tap New in the toolbar again or tap OK when finished.


CalliGrapher 8
To edit an existing word o o o

Customizing CalliGrapher

Double-tap on the desired word in the Auto Corrector Word List. Make any necessary modifications in the Add/Edit Word dialog box. Tap Edit in the toolbar, then Previous or Next to browse the Word List, or tap OK when finished.

To delete a word o o o o Double-tap on the desired word in the Auto Corrector Word List. Tap Edit in the toolbar, then tab Delete. Confirm the deletion when prompted. Alternatively, you can temporarily disable unwanted word replacements, by unchecking the Enable word substitution box.

Analyzer Tab

The CalliGrapher Statistical Analyzer (CSA) is the new technology that improves overall handwriting recognition quality by addressing common recognition errors. If CSA is enabled, CalliGrapher will learn as you use it; the more you use it the faster it learns. When enough data is accumulated, CalliGrapher will attempt to automatically fix common recognition errors. The analyzer works on the word level and will not affect recognition of individual characters. CSA can be used with any supported language, but if you use multiple languages, you should have separate statistic files for each language. CSA data is unique to each user, because it learns based on the user's writing habits. Therefore, a CSA file created by one user may not work for another user. Enable statistical analyzer: Check this box if you want CalliGrapher to collect statistical data as you write. The information is stored in the file specified in the


CalliGrapher 8

Customizing CalliGrapher edit box below. Note that while the Write Anywhere mode provides some statistical information; the most complete statistics is collected in the Write Pad mode. This box is checked by default. Use statistical analyzer for recognition: Check this box if you want to use CSA during the recognition process. It is recommended that you use CalliGrapher for 1-2 weeks before enabling this option. When using CSA, main and/or user dictionaries must be enabled. Analyzer data file name: This provides a space for you to enter the CSA data file. The CSA file should not grow over 50KB. For faster performance, it should be stored in the main memory.

Keyboard Tab

Use the Layout drop-down box to choose between 13 pre-defined keyboard configuration layouts for 11 Western European languages. Layout: Select the CalliGrapher keyboard layout. Enable spell checker in keyboard: When checked, enables the spell checker in the keyboard.


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Customizing CalliGrapher

Floating keyboard: When checked, the on-screen keyboard appears on top of the application and can be moved around the screen; otherwise the keyboard is attached to the active SIP. Custom keyboard: Click to open the Calligrapher Keyboard Editor to edit the custom keyboard for the configuration. The custom keyboard is available only in the Write Anywhere mode. Tap on a character in the list of available characters and drag it onto the keyboard shown at the top of the dialog. You can also select a button in the layout and drag it to a different position - when you release the pen the two buttons will swap positions.


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Customizing CalliGrapher

This may help you in situations in which you are having difficulties because of incorrect recognition of certain characters. The custom keyboard can be easily accessed with pen gesture or from the toolbar. Tap the Apply to all button if you want to use the same custom keyboard layout for all the configurations. Tap the Reset button to revert back to the default custom keyboard. For more information on the CalliGrapher Keyboard or the Custom Keyboard, see the CalliGrapher Keyboard or Custom Keyboard section below.

Pen Tab

The Pen tab allows you to control the digital ink (pen) settings in the recognition mode. Note that these settings are applicable to Write Anywhere SIP only. Pen Width: Controls the line thickness in screen pixels. Pen Color: Allows you to select the pen color from the available palette. To create a custom color, tap the Custom button in the Color Palette window. Apply to all: Click to apply pen settings to all the existing configurations.

Shape Selector
The Shape Selector allows you to tailor CalliGrapher recognition to suit your unique writing style. This helps to improve both the speed and accuracy of recognition. You are able to modify shapes separately for each installed language.


CalliGrapher 8

Customizing CalliGrapher

To use Letter Shape Selector, open the CalliGrapher Configuration dialog box and click the Select Letter Shapes button on the Recognizer tab, or use the LSS button on the Write Anywhere Toolbar. The Shape Selector screen presents various means of writing numbers, letters, and common symbols. For each letter, number, or symbol, tap each possible variation to see the animated writing pattern and check the appropriate icon in the toolbar to tell CalliGrapher if you use that variation Often, Rarely, or Never. You may tap the letter, number, or symbol you wish to customize, or you may use the scroll arrows to move through the list. Close Letter Shape Selector when finished. Your settings are automatically saved. You can export and import current writing profiles to and from files using Tools>Import and Tools>Export menu items or tapping on either icon in the toolbar. The writing profile files have .lss extensions. If you accidentally enter erroneous settings, you can tap Tools>Use Original Settings or the toolbar icon to restore the factory defaults. Letter shape settings are stored separately for each configuration. Depending on the language of the recognition engine, letter shapes may appear differently.

CalliGrapher Keyboard
CalliGrapher includes a soft keyboard, which provides all of the functionality of a hardware keyboard. There are two ways to open the CalliGrapher keyboard:


CalliGrapher 8
Tap the Keyboard icon ( the toolbar.

Customizing CalliGrapher

in Write Anywhere mode or

in Write Pad mode) in

Draw the Quick Correct gesture when no text is selected to open the Custom Keyboard. If the CalliGrapher keyboard was invoked by tapping the Keyboard icon, the following CalliGrapher Keyboard appears:

You can drag the keyboard to anywhere on the screen if Floating Keyboard is checked in the CalliGrapher Configuration dialog. Simply tap the key of your choice. It will have the same effect as typing the same key using a built-in keyboard. If you are typing words, you will see a list of suggestions appear in the pull-down window at the top of the keyboard (if this option is selected in the CalliGrapher Configuration dialog box). This can help save time when typing common words. If you change the CalliGrapher configuration while the keyboard is visible, the keyboard will automatically change to the layout selected for the new configuration. Shown below is the French keyboard:

The keyboard disappears once you tap on a button unless you use the Pin button the upper left corner to make it stay.


The special function keys (Ctl, Alt, Shift, etc.) remain pressed until you press another key, with the exception of the Caps key, which remains pressed until you toggle it off. This allows you to use other functions. For example, you could tap [Alt], which remains pressed, followed by [F] ([Alt] pops up after you press [F]). You can perform standard calculations using the CalliGrapher Keyboard. Type in a mathematical expression followed by the equal sign (=) and see the result appear in the suggestion window (e.g. 23+7*8=). To enter the result into the document, simply tap inside the suggestion window. Please refer to the RiteCalc section below for more details about the functions and limitations of the calculator feature.


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Customizing CalliGrapher

Custom Keyboard
In addition to entering text or numbers, you may need to use the CalliGrapher Custom Keyboard to add a punctuation symbol to text that has been already written. To open the on the CalliGrapher Keyboard, or Custom Keyboard, either tap on the keyboard icon from within the application, use the Quick Correct gesture (please refer to the Quick Correct Gesture section below) with no text selected, or tap on the Custom Keyboard icon in the toolbar.

The topmost row of the Custom Keyboard window is not customizable and shows the following three buttons (from left to right): Pin button: The keyboard disappears once you tap a symbol button unless you use the Pin button to make it stay. The Keyboard button opens the full keyboard. Tapping the Close button in the upper right corner closes the CalliGrapher Custom Keyboard. Upon reopening, the keyboard will remember its last position. Both keyboards support gestures similar to the standard Pocket PC keyboard: Space - horizontal stroke to the right Backspace - horizontal stroke to the left Enter - vertical stroke down Shift + Key - vertical stroke up (if Shift or CAPS key is already pressed the gesture has no effect)


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

Part Six: PenCommander Reference

PenCommander allows you to launch pre-recorded, user-defined commands (PenCommands). PenCommander features are available only while CalliGrapher is in Recognition mode.

What is a PenCommand?
A PenCommand is a sequence of instructions that are performed when a command is called. Each PenCommand has a name. The name can be any sequence of ASCII symbols up to 11 symbols. It cannot start with # or *. Examples of correct PenCommand names include: select, address, sel, phones, spell, date, news, mail, and a23. Incorrect names include: my_home_address (too long), #account (starts with #), and *test (starts with *). PenCommand Names are case insensitive. For example, BTW, Btw or btw are all recognized as the same name. There are various categories of elementary instructions that can be used to build PenCommands. For example, type predefined text, start program, delay execution, call user defined function, open CalliGraphers menu etc. Examples of PenCommands: Add name, address, and phone number to the current text of a document; Insert special symbol (e.g. , , , ) to the text; Select all text in the current document and copy it to the clipboard; Open a spreadsheet file, e.g. PHONES.XLS; Create a new mail message; Open System item in Control Panel; Print the current document; PenCommands are written in PenCommander Script. A simplified form of PenCommand is a Text Only command. To create and edit Text Only PenCommands, you do not need to know the scripting language. It is highly recommended that you confine yourself to Text Only PenCommands at the first stage.


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

Launching PenCommands
Make sure the CalliGrapher is in Recognition Mode. To launch a PenCommand, write and encircle its name:



PenCommander execution process

PenCommander interprets instructions from the definitions of its commands one by one until the end of the definition. Some instructions can return a non-success return code (e.g. Load library, Ask variable etc.), in which case the execution of a PenCommand interrupts and the error handler instruction is performed (if defined).

Text Only PenCommands

The simplest form of PenCommand enters a predefined or user-defined text into the current document. Such commands are called Text Only PenCommands. The predefined text can contain any printable symbols as well as tabulations and new-line symbols. Following are some examples of Text Only PenCommands: PenCommand sign
Name: sign Comment: // My signature Text:


CalliGrapher 8
John Smith Vice President & General Manager AnySoft Inc. Tel. (408) 555-1212 E-mail: [email protected]

PenCommander Reference

PenCommand addr
Name: addr Comment: // my address Text: 1234 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014

PenCommand: sinc
Name: sinc Comment: // sincerely yours Text: Sincerely yours, John Smith

You do not need to know the PenCommander script language to create and edit Text Only PenCommands. The PenCommander Editor has a dedicated Text Only Mode to build such commands, as described below.

Building PenCommands
All information about existing PenCommands is stored in the file PENMACROS.MCR, which is located in the CalliGrapher folder. PenCommander Editor is the program that allows you to edit this file by altering, adding or deleting PenCommands.

Starting the PenCommander Editor

To start PenCommander Editor, either tap on the PenCommander icon from with the Start/Programs dialog, or with CalliGrapher running tap on the PenCommander icon in the toolbar, or run the PenCmd PenCommand. The PenCommander Editor dialog box will appear:


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

PenCommander Editor Buttons to create a new PenCommand. Depending on the mode selected you will be Tap presented with either PenCommander Text Editor dialog or PenCommander Script Editor dialog. Click on a PenCommand name to select it and then tap Tap Tap Tap Tap to delete the selected command. to enable or to disable the selected command. to change it.

to view text-only commands (text mode) to view all the commands (advanced mode)

From the Tools menu you can perform the following: Save: Saves all your PenCommand changes Export: Saves a list of PenCommands to a .MCR file Import: Loads a list of PenCommands from a .MCR file Assigning PenCommands to Hardware Buttons If you tap and hold on a PenCommand in the list, the popup menu appears that allows you to edit, delete, enable (or disable) the command. Assign to Button command of the popup menu displays the dialog box that allows you to associate the selected PenCommand with a hardware button.


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

From the Assign to Button dialog, select a hardware button in the list. Tap the Assign button to assign the PenCommand to the selected hardware button. If the PenCommand is already assigned to the selected button, the Reset button allows you to restore the original action of the hardware button.

Building Text Only PenCommands

The following dialog box will appear as the result of tapping the New PenCommand Edit PenCommand buttons in Text Only Mode: or

Text field


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

When you edit a PenCommand in Text Only mode you can modify its name (which you will write to execute the PenCommand), add an optional short description, which is for your reference only, and text that will be inserted into a document when you execute the PenCommand. Note: All symbols you enter in the text field will be pasted in the target document, including carriage returns, spaces and tabulation. You can enter new line symbols to the Text field by pressing Enter and tabulations by pressing [CTRL]+[TAB]. When you are done editing, press OK to save the PenCommand and return to the previous screen. Text Editor Toolbar Buttons - Undo - Cut - Copy - Paste - Delete selected text - Select all - Show Help - Close dialog box without saving changes

Building Script Pen Commands (Advanced Mode)

The following dialog box will appear as the result of tapping the New PenCommand Edit PenCommand buttons in the Advanced Mode: or


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PenCommander Reference

Script field

In Advanced Mode, the PenCommander Script Editor dialog allows you write PenCommand scripts in addition to just typing text. When you are done editing, press OK to save the PenCommand and return to the previous screen. After you finished editing/creating your PenCommand, you can try it on writing its name and encircling it. Toolbar Buttons - Check syntax - Activate recording of the keystrokes you make on the keyboard. Keystrokes are inserted in your PenCommands at the current caret position. - Stop recording - Insert keyword. This button provides you with menus of useful commands, special symbols and existing PenCommands, which may be included in your PenCommand script. This simplifies entry of PenCommand script statements and eliminates the need to memorize the script language commands. - Browse for a desired file and insert the full pathname - Insert coordinates of a screen point. Just tap it with the pen and drag to some location on the screen. When you lift the pen, screen coordinates of the last position of your pen will be inserted in the PenCommand script. This is useful if you wish to emulate pen taps from your PenCommand (e.g. simulate click on the Windows 'Start' button). - Insert PenCommand - Show context-sensitive Help


CalliGrapher 8
- Close dialog box without saving changes

PenCommander Reference

Insert filename example. Accessing context-sensitive help

Insert Coordinates example

You can access the PenCommander Scripting Language reference directly from the PenCommander Script Editor. To view help information for a specific special symbol, variable or command, place the cursor on the desired keyword, then tap the button. The Help window will appear displaying the information about the selected keyword. If the selected word is not a PenCommander keyword, the default help information about the PenCommander Script Editor dialog box will appear. See images below for examples.


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PenCommander Reference

PenCommander Script Language

PenCommand Definition (extension) describes the sequence of instructions comprising the command. Its format:
<CommandID_1>[Parameters1] <CommandID_2>[Parameters2] <CommandID_N>[ParametersN] Command_X command identifier ( e.g. #type, #start, #delay) ParametersX parameter string, which consists of ASCII text and special symbols; <>- angular brackets are part of script syntax for commands and special symbols ; [ ] square brackets mean optional element;

Command ID and special symbol names are case insensitive. Examples of single-instruction PenCommand Definitions include:
<#start>pword \My Documents\phones.doc with \My Documents\phones.doc file); (start Pocket Word Application

<#type>Sincerely yours,<*return><*tab>John then type John on new line after tabulation).

(type Sincerely yours,,

The last example includes two special symbols <*tab> and <*return>. New line symbols (CR-LF) in script text are ignored, you can use them anywhere to make text more easy readable, e.g. the example above can be written this way:

<#type>Sincerely yours,<*return> <*tab>John

To insert the symbol < into the parameter string, write <<, for example:


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

<#type>sometimes 1<<2

(type sometimes 1<2)

Some examples of more complex PenCommand definitions:

<#macro>all (call PenCommand with name all; <#delay>1000 then make delay for 1 sec.; <#corr> then open CalliGraphers Corrector Window); <#askstr>Enter program file name: (ask program name through dialog and place answer to string <#start><*str> then execute program with name from the string variable)

The last example uses string variable. Variables will be discussed in the next section.

There are some internal variables, which can be used in the parameter area of a PenCommand script: 10 text strings up to 256 symbols length (<*str0>-<*str9>) 10 one character symbols (<*symb0>-<*symb9>) 10 integers (<*int0>-<*int9>) You can omit index digit 0 (e.g. <*str> is equal to <*str0>). Examples of variables usage include:
<#macro><*str>(perform PenCommand with name from string0); <#type>Sincerely yours,<*return><*str8> (type Sincerely yours,, then type string8 content on the next line). <#Start>C:\Program Files\Apps\<*str3>.exe (start program with name from string3, which is located in C:\Program Files\Apps\ folder);

Commands for variables manipulation:

<#SetStr>, <#SetSymb>, <#SetInt> <#AskStr>, <#AskSymb>, <#AskInt> (set value to appropriate variable); (show dialog box to ask variable value);

Special Symbols
Special symbols to use in <#Type> command only.
<*ctr_dn> <*ctr_up> <*alt_dn> <*alt_up> <*shift_dn> <*shift_up> <*bksp> <*tab> <*return> <*right> <*left> <*down> <*up> Press [CTRL] Release [CTRL] Press [ALT] Release [ALT] Press [SHIFT] Release [SHIFT] Type [BACKSPACE] Type [TAB] Type [ENTER] Type [RT ARROW] Type [LEFT ARROW] Type [DN ARROW] Type [UP ARROW]


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<*home> <*end> <*pgdn> <*pgup> <*esc> Type Type Type Type Type [HOME] [END] [PG DN] [PG UP] [ESC]

PenCommander Reference

<#type><*ctr_dn>z<*ctr_up> (Type [CTRL]+[Z]) <#type>Sincerely yours,<*return>John line + John) (Type Sincerely yours, + new

This section lists available commands:

General commands
Comment Keyword: <#> Parameters: Any text string (symbol < should be doubled) Action: None. There is another form of Comment-command: you can place double slash // in the beginning of line. In this case whole following line will be treated as comment, for example:
<#> This is the comment. // PenCommand to place the address

Type Keyword: <#Type> Parameters: Any text string, including Special Symbols and Variables. Action: Emulates keyboard activity (e.g. for text input). Remarks: Parameter string for this command can include Special Symbols (e.g. Escape, Home,BackSpace etc). Examples:
<#type>John Smith type John Smith) <#type><*str> (type String0 variable) <#Type> My address:<*return> (type My Address: 1234 California Street,<*return> 1234 California Street, Cupertino, CA 5014<*return> Cupertino, CA 95014) <#Type><*ctr_dn>c<*ctr_up> (type Ctr+C) <#Type><*alt_dn>f<*alt_up>o {type Alt+F and then type o)


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

<#Type><*alt_dn>T<*alt_up><*down><*down><*return> (type Alt+T ; then twice cursor down; then Entr)

Execute program (Open file) Keyword: <#Start> Parameters: Path to the file to open or execute + [optional parameter string for starting program] Action: Start program Remarks: If file name includes spaces use quotes. Program parameters should be separated from program name by the space symbol. For example:
<#Start>c:\windows\notepad.exe (start Notepad.exe) <#Start>notepad (start Notepad.exe) <#Start>notepad C:\My Documents\phones.txt C:\My Documents\phones.txt file) <#Start>C:\My Documents\test.txt (open (non-CE)) (start Notepad.exe and open

C:\My Documents\test.txt file

<#Start>pxl \LoanCalculator.pxl (Open LoanCalculator.pxl in Pocket Excel)

Execute PenCommand Keyword: <#Macro> Parameters: Name of the PenCommand to execute. Action: Execute a PenCommand. Remarks: The next PenCommand will be processed after this step of execution. Not more than 10 PenCommand execution levels can be nested. No recursion is allowed. For example:
<#Macro>all (perform the PenCommand all) <#Macro><*str3> (perform the PenCommand with its name taken from the variable String3)

Delay Keyword: <#Delay> Parameters: Time interval for delay (in milliseconds) Action: Pauses the script execution for a specified time Remarks: This command usually is used to give the system some time to perform the previously asked action before performing the next script command (e.g. wait after <#start> command). For example:
<#Delay>1000 (wait 1 second)


CalliGrapher 8
Rotate Screen Keyword: <#ScrMode> Parameters: 0 - Portrait mode 1 - Right-handed landscape mode 2 - Upside-down portrait mode 3 - Left-handed landscape mode none - rotate to the next mode

PenCommander Reference

Action: Rotates Pocket PC screen to a certain position. Remarks: This command is only supported on the latest models of Pocket PC 2003 that natively support landscape mode. Some older devices also could be upgraded to the latest version of the Microsoft Windows Mobile software that supports screen rotation. If you are not sure whether your Pocket PC supports landscape mode, contact the manufacturer of the device. For example:
<#ScrMode> (rotate to the next mode)

Show Message Box Keyword: <#ShowMsg> Parameters: Text to show in the message box. Action: Shows Message Box with the given text. Remarks: You can use symbol sequence \n to force the new line in the message. For example:
<#showmsg>Ready to go. <#showmsg>Error while performing the PenCommand <*str7>.

Set Error Handler Keyword: <#DoIfErr> Parameters: Name of a PenCommand to execute. Action: Save name of a PenCommand as the error handler name. Remarks: This command sets the PenCommand name as an error handler. If the subsequent instructions in current the PenCommand definition return an error code (e.g. <#LoadLib> could not load user library), than the error handler PenCommand will be executed (if defined). This setting is good only for the PenCommands currently being executed and has no effect upon the nesting ones. For example:
<# DoIfErr >%loaderr (Set error handler PenCommand name to %loaderr <#LoadLib>mylib.dll Load library0 mylib.dll <# DoIfErr >%caller Set error handler PenCommands name to %callerr <#CallLib>myfunc Call user defined procedure MyFunc from library0


CalliGrapher 8
<# DoIfErr > Turn of error handling <#FreeLib> Free Library0 )

PenCommander Reference
(no handling defined)

Variable Manipulation Commands

Set String Variable Keyword: <#SetStr0> - <#SetStr9> Parameters: String to place to the string variable Action: Set the appropriate string variable to given value. Remarks: Variable index 0 can be omitted. For examples
<#SetStr>John Smith (Set String0 to the value John Smith )

<#SetStr4><*str3>\myfile.txt \myfile.txt to string4).

(Set String4 to the concatenation String3 and

Set Symbol Variable Keyword: <#SetSymb0> - <#SetSymb9> Parameters: Character to place to the symbol variable Action: Set the appropriate symbol variable to given value. Remarks: Variable index 0 can be omitted. Only the first symbol from Parameters area is using. For example:
<#SetSymb> (Set Symbol0 to ) <#SetSymb2>N (Set Symbol2 to N)

Set Integer Variable Keyword: <#SetInt0> - <#SetInt9> Parameters: Number to place to the integer variable Action: Set the appropriate integer variable to given value. Remarks: Variable index 0 can be omitted. For example:
<#SetInt>1000 (Set Integer0 variable to 1000)

Ask String Variable Keyword: <#AskSymb0> - <#AskSymb9> Parameters: Title text to show in the dialog box.


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

Action: Show dialog box for string value input. Set the appropriate string variable to given value. Remarks: Variable index 0 can be omitted. Current value of variable will be shown in the input field of dialog box. For example:
<#AskStr4>Please enter program file name:

Ask Symbol Variable Keyword: <#AskSymb0> - <#AskSymb9> Parameters: Title text to show in the dialog box. Action: Show dialog box for symbol value input. Set the appropriate symbol variable to given value. Remarks: Variable index 0 can be omitted. Current value of variable will be shown in the input field of dialog box. For example:
<#SetSymb4>k (Set default value k <#AskSymb4>Enter first letter for searching: variable). Place result to Symbol4

Ask Integer Variable Keyword: <#AskInt0> - <#AskInt9> Parameters: Title text to show in the dialog box. Action: Show dialog box for integer value input. Set the appropriate integer variable to given value. Remarks: Variable index 0 can be omitted. Current value of variable will be shown in the input field of dialog box. For example:
<#AskInt2>Please, Enter Zoom Percent: (Place result to Integer0 variable)

User-Defined Procedure Commands.

Load User Library (DLL file) Keyword: <#LoadLib0> - <# LoadLib9> Parameters: Path to user dll-file to load. Action: Loads dll-file. Remarks: Library index 0 can be omitted. If file name includes spaces use quotes. For example:


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

<#LoadLib>\my documents\mylib.dll <#LoadLib><*str8>

Free User Library Keyword: <#FreeLib0> - <#FreeLib9> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Frees dll-file. Remarks: Library index 0 can be omitted. For example:
<#LoadLib> <#LoadLib3>

Call Procedure from User Library Keyword: <#CallLib0> - <#CallLib9> (See the User-Defined Functions section, below.) Parameters: Calling procedure name [optional parameters string for procedure]. Action: Calls user defined procedure from proper DLL-file. Remarks: Library index 0 can be omitted. Procedure name and parameters string must be separated by the space symbol. User defined procedure has access to internal PenCommand variables and can change them. For example:
typedef TCHAR MCR_STRINGS_TYPE[10][256]; typedef TCHAR MCR_SYMBS_TYPE[10]; typedef INT MCR_INTS_TYPE[10]; typedef _declspec(dllexport) BOOL UserProcName (MCR_STRINGS_TYPE *pStrings, MCR_SYMBS_TYPE *pSymbs, MCR_INTS_TYPE *pInts, TCHAR *pParmStr, LPARAM lParam);

Parameters pStrings, pSymbs, pInts are the pointers to arrays of PenCommand variables. The variables may be read or changed by the function. Parameter pParmStr points to optional parameters string. Parameter lParam is reserved, currently not used. Result: non-zero for OK. Sample user-defined procedure PenCommand Name: TIME
// PenCommand for typing the current Time <#LoadLib>D:\Cgr98\macrousr.dll (Load User Library) <#CallLib>UsrPutTimeToStr 5 0 (Call user defined function UsrPutTimeToStr, which puts current time in American style to String5 variable)


CalliGrapher 8
<#FreeLib> <#Type> <*str5>

PenCommander Reference
(Free User Library) (type String5 content)

User-defined function text:

_declspec(dllexport) BOOL UsrPutTimeToStr( MCR_STRINGS_TYPE *pStrings, MCR_SYMBS_TYPE *pSymbs, MCR_INTS_TYPE *pInts, TCHAR *pParmStr, LPARAM lParam) { int iStrNum = 0; //target string number int iFormat = 0; //time format (0-American; non-0 - European) SYSTEMTIME st; //struct for GetLocalTime() //read target string number and time format type if(pParmStr==0 || _stscanf(pParmStr, TEXT("%d %d"), &iStrNum, &iFormat)<1 || iStrNum<0 || iStrNum>9) return FALSE; GetLocalTime(&st); if(iFormat==0) { //American time format TCHAR AmPm; int iHour; if(st.wHour>=12) AmPm = 'P'; else AmPm = 'A'; if((iHour=st.wHour%12)==0) iHour = 12; wsprintf((*pStrings)[iStrNum], "%d:%02d %cM.", iHour, (int)st.wMinute, AmPm); } else { //European time format wsprintf((*pStrings)[iStrNum], "%d:%02d", (int)st.wHour, (int)st.wMinute); } return TRUE; }

A full source code of the macrousr.dll can be download from PhatWares web site at

CalliGrapher commands
Show/Hide CalliGrapher keyboard Keyword: <#Kbrd> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Toggles the display state of the CalliGrapher soft keyboard. For example:


CalliGrapher 8
Show/Hide CalliGrapher Custom keyboard Keyword: <#CustKbrd> Parameters: Ignored.

PenCommander Reference

Action: Toggles the display state of the CalliGrapher Custom keyboard. For example:

Show/Hide CalliGrapher toolbar Keyword: <#Toolbar> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Toggles the display state of the CalliGrapher toolbar. Remarks: This keyword is not supported if PenCommander is used in Write Pad mode. For example:

Show CalliGrapher Options Keyword: <#Options> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Shows CalliGrapher Options Dialog Box. For example:

Show CalliGrapher Corrector Window Keyword: <#Corr> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Opens CalliGrapher Corrector Window. Remarks: This command has the same result as Correct-gesture in CalliGrapher. This keyword is not supported if PenCommander is used in Write Pad mode. For example:

Start Letter Shape Selector Keyword: <#Shape> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Starts CalliGrapher Letter Shape Selector program. For example:


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference

Create a new text-only PenCommand Keyword: <#NewMacro> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Opens PenCommander Text Editor Dialog box (see the Building Text Only PenCommands section for more information). If a text is selected in the active application it is copied to the dialog box. For example:

Start PhatPad Keyword: <#PhatPad> Parameters: Ignored. Action: Starts the PhatPad application (if installed). For example:

Set Recognition Mode Keyword: <#ScrMode> Parameters: 0 - Normal mode 1 - Capitals mode 2 - Numeric mode 3 - Internet mode none - selects next recognition mode

Action: Changes CalliGrapher recognition mode (mixed, capital, numeric, internet). For example:
<#ScrMode> (switch to the next recognition mode)

Set Recognition Direction Keyword: <#RecDir> Parameters: 0 - Normal orientation 1 - Device turned right 45 degrees 2 - Device turned right 90 degrees 3 - Device turned 180 degrees 4 - Device turned left 90 degrees 5 - Device turned left 45 degrees none - selects next direction

Action: Changes CalliGrapher recognition direction (screen orientation). For example:


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference
(changes to the next recognition direction)

Select CalliGrapher Configuration Keyword: <#Cfg> Parameters: Configuration name (if name is not given the next configuration is selected)

Action: Switches active CalliGrapher configuration. For example:

<#Cfg> English (switch to the English configuration)

User-Defined Functions
PenCommander includes macrousr.dll which is loaded when the system PenCommand @CgrOnInit is executed. This DLL includes the following functions which can be called using the <#CallLib> keyword. (See the Call Procedure from User Library section, above.)

Function: Action: Parameters:

UsrEmptyClipboard This function empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard. None.

Example: // Empty clipboard <#CallLib>UsrEmptyClipboard

Function: Action:


UsrSetStrFromClipboard <strnum> This function copies the text from the system clipboard to the specified string variable. If the clipboard content is larger than 255 characters, it will be truncated. strnum 0-based index of string variable that receives Clipboard data. Must be a positive integer number between 0 and 9.

Example: //Copy selected text to str#9 <#CallLib>UsrEmptyClipboard <#Type><*ctr_dn>C<*ctr_up> <#Delay>400 <#CallLib>UsrSetStrFromClipboard 9

Function: Action:

UsrMathFuncs <funcname> <param1> [param2] This function uses the mathematical function <funcname> to calculate a


CalliGrapher 8

PenCommander Reference new value. The result is displayed in the message box that appears when the calculation is completed. funcname Math function name. Could be one of the following values: sqrt calculates square root of param1 power calculates param1 raised to the power of param2 exp calculates the exponential of param1 sin - determines the sine of a param1 (an angle in radians) param1 first function parameter param2 second function parameter (where required).


Example: //Math Power function applied to selected text <#Macro>clip <#CallLib>UsrMathFuncs power <*str9>

Function: Action:


UsrTextStat This function calculates clipboard text statistics, such as number of symbols, words, sentences and paragraphs. The result is displayed in the message box. None.

Example: //Get statistics for the selected text <#Macro>clip <#CallLib>UsrTextStat

Function: Action: Parameters:

UsrMakeList This function makes a list of words from the clipboard text. The result is copied back to the clipboard. None.

Example: //Create word list for the selected text <#Macro>clip <#CallLib> UsrMakeList

Function: Action: Parameters:

UsrPutTimeToStr <strnum> [format] This function copies the current time into the specified string variable. The time is formatted according to current local settings. strnum 0-based index of string variable that receives Clipboard data. Must be a positive integer number between 0 and 9. fomat optional parameter which indicates the time format: 1 long time format (with seconds) 0 short time format

Example: //Type current time


CalliGrapher 8
<#CallLib>UsrPutTimeToStr 5 <#Type><*str5> Function: Action: Parameters:

PenCommander Reference

UsrPutDateToStr <strnum> [format] This function copies the current date into the specified string variable. The date is formatted according to current local settings. strnum 0-based index of string variable that receives Clipboard data. Must be a positive integer number between 0 and 9. fomat optional parameter which indicates the time format: 1 long date format 0 short date format

Example: //Insert current date <#CallLib>UsrPutDateToStr 5 1 <#Type><*str5> Function: Action: UsrSendForegroundMessage <resnum> <msg> [wParam] [lParam] This function sends the specified message to a foreground window. It calls the window procedure for the foreground window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. If there is no foreground window, the function returns an error. resnum 0-based index of numeric variable that receives the return value of the SendMessage function. Must be a positive integer number between 0 and 9. msg specifies the message to be sent wParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0). lParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0).


Example: // Get window text length (WM_GETTEXTLENGTH) <#CallLib>UsrSendForegroundMessage 1 14 Function: Action: UsrSendFocusMessage <resnum> <msg> [wParam] [lParam] This function sends the specified message to a window that currently has a keyboard focus. It calls the window procedure for the focused window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. If there is no focused window, the function returns an error. resnum 0-based index of numeric variable that receives the return value of the SendMessage function. Must be a positive integer number between 0 and 9. msg specifies the message to be sent wParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0). lParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0).




CalliGrapher 8
// Select all text in the edit box (Send EM_SETSEL windows message) <#CallLib>UsrSendFocusMessage 1 177 0 -1

PenCommander Reference

Function: Action:


UsrPostForegroundMessage <msg> [wParam] [lParam] This function places a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the foreground window and then returns without waiting for the thread to process the message. If there is no foreground window, the function returns an error. msg specifies the message to be sent (required) wParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0). lParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0).

Example: // Close dialog box (emulate OK button click) <#CallLib>UsrPostForegroundMessage 273 1

Function: Action:


UsrPostFocusMessage <msg> [wParam] [lParam] This function places a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the window that has the current keyboard focus and then returns without waiting for the thread to process the message. If there is no foreground window, the function returns an error. msg specifies the message to be sent (required) wParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0). lParam Specifies additional message-specific information (optional; if not specified, set to 0).

Example: // Paste data from clipboard (Post WM_PASTE message) <#CallLib>UsrPostFocusMessage 770

Script Samples
Below are a few useful samples of PenCommand definitions: Select all text (for Word) PenCommand name: ALL
// Select all text (Ctrl+A) // this PenCommand works in Word <#type><*ctr_dn>a<*ctr_up>

You can easy implement some [CTRL]+ PenCommands, such as Copy ([CTRL]+[C]), Cut ([CTRL]+[X]), Undo ([CTRL]+[Z]), Paste ([CTRL]+[V]) etc.


CalliGrapher 8
Select all text (for most text edit apps) PenCommand name: ALL
//Select all text

PenCommander Reference

<#Type><*ctr_dn><*home><*shift_dn><*end><*shift_up><*ctr_up> Open Corrector Window PenCommand name: SPELL

// Open Corrector Window for all current document // first: select all text (see the PenCommand in sample2) <#Macro>all // then open corrector window <#corr>

Open Favorite Internet WEB page PenCommand name: WEB

// Open CalliGrapher WEB page

<#Start>iexplorer Open CalliGrapher Help PenCommand name: CHELP

// Open CalliGrapher help <#Start>iexplorer \windows\calligrapher.htm

Call PenCommander Editor PenCommand name: CHELP

// Call PenCommander Editor <#Start>\program files\calligrapher\pencmd.exe

Open Inbox PenCommand name: INBOX

//open inbox <#Start>pMail

Open Pocket Excel Spreadsheet PenCommand name: LOAN

// Call Loan Calculator <#Start>pxl \My Documents\LoanCalculator.pxl

Place the Symbol into Text PenCommand name: TM

// Place the symbol into text. <#Type>


CalliGrapher 8 CalliGrapher Reserved PenCommands

PenCommander Reference

There are three PenCommand names, which are reserved for CalliGrapher usage: @CgrOnInit @CgrOnClose @CgrVars @CgrOnInit. @CgrOnInit is executed (if present) by CalliGrapher while PenCommander PenCommands are loading to the system. You can place any commands within this PenCommand that you wish executed at that time. For example:
//do it on init <#ShowMsg>PenCommander is ready <#loadlib3>\Program Files\myfolder\usrmacro.dll

@CgrOnClose. @CgrOnInit is executed (if present) by CalliGrapher while closing PenCommander. You can place any commands within this PenCommand that you wish executed at that time. For example:
//do it on close macros <#ShowMsg>PenCommander is off <#FreeLib3>\Program Files\myfolder\usrmacro.dll

@CgrVars. This PenCommand is automatically generated by CalliGrapher when PenCommander is closing. It allows to CalliGrapher to save and restore variable values. Do not correct this PenCommand manually.


CalliGrapher 8

Default PenCommands

Appendix A Default PenCommands

The following table lists the PenCommands included with CalliGrapher 8. They are supplied mostly as samples to become the basis for your own set of PenCommands. NOTE: Some of the provided PenCommands may not work in some text fields and applications. PenCommand Name Text Substitution PenCommands addr btw e sign smile sinc Types in a sample address. Types in by the way. Inserts sample signature information. :-) Types Sincerely Yours, current date and time. Function

Internet Support com edu ftp ie mail msg org www Date and Time date time Types in the current date using the current locale settings. Types in the current time using the current locale settings. Types and sets the cursor between the dots. Types and sets the cursor between the dots. Types ftp://ftp. Starts Pocket Internet Explorer application. Starts Inbox (Pocket Outlook Mail) application. Starts MSN Messenger application on Pocket PC 2002. Types and sets the cursor between the dots. Types


CalliGrapher 8

Default PenCommands

PenCommand Name Text Edit PenCommands all bold Select all.


Changes the style of the selected text to bold ([CTRL]+[B]). Not supported by Pocket Word on Pocket PCs. Copies the selected text to clipboard([CTRL]+[C]). Cuts the selected text to clipboard ([CTRL]+[X]). Finds text [CTRL]+[F]. Changes the style of the selected text to italic ([CTRL]+[I]). Not supported by Pocket Word on Pocket PCs. Pastes data from the clipboard ([CTRL]+[V]). Displays statistics of the selected text. Changes the style of the selected text to underline ([CTRL]+[U]). Not supported by Pocket Word on Pocket PCs. Undo ([ALT]+[BKSP]). Not on pocket PCs.

copy cut find ital

paste stat under


Application Launch PenCommands calc cln ex ok read run sol task word Starts Windows Calculator program. Starts Calendar application. Starts Pocket Excel application. Emulates click on OK button in active dialog box. Starts Microsoft Reader application. Prompts you for a program name, then runs that program. Starts Solitaire game. Starts Tasks application. Starts Pocket Word application.


CalliGrapher 8

Default PenCommands

PenCommand Name CalliGrapher-related PenCommands clip cor lss key ck new tb opt spell RecMode


Places clipboard contents into string #9. Opens the Correction Window (equivalent to the Correct gesture). Starts Letter Shape Selector. Show/hide CalliGrapher keyboard. Show/hide CalliGrapher Custom keyboard. Opens PenCommander Text Editor dialog box. Show/hide CalliGrapher toolbar. Opens the CalliGrapher Options dialog. Selects all text and opens the Correction Window. If a numeric parameter is used, selects the specified recognition mode (0 Normal, 1 Capital, 2 Numeric, 3- Internet). If used without a parameter, selects the next recognition mode. If a numeric parameter is used, selects the specified writing direction. If used without a parameter, selects the next recognition direction. Selects the specified configuration, or if a configuration name is not present, selects the next configuration in the list. Changes the screen orientation. If a numeric parameter is used, selects the specified orientation (0 - Portrait mode, 1 - Righthanded landscape mode, 2 - Upside-down portrait mode, 3 - Lefthanded landscape mode), otherwise rotates the screen 90 degrees clockwise. This command is only supported on the latest models of Pocket PC 2003 that natively support landscape mode. Some older devices also could be upgraded to the latest version of the Microsoft Windows Mobile software that supports screen rotation. If you are not sure whether your Pocket PC supports landscape mode, contact the manufacturer of the device.




Math functions (brings up a math function window with the result) pow Brings N to the power of P, where N is the first number in the selected text and P is the second one.


CalliGrapher 8

Default PenCommands

PenCommand Name root

Function Calculates the square root of N, where N is the number in the selected text.


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