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This is to certify that the student of 5th semester DIPLOMA IN ECE In GPT-WGL have undergone INDUSTRIAL TRAINING for a period of 6 months from 20,may,2011 to15,November,2011. The project titled is STUDY OF BSNL EXCHANGE PTB indoor, is a bonofied work done by them under our supervision and guidance.

Name of the student: Pin-No: Staff concern: Principal: HECE: charge: Training In


Practical training in an industry is an essential part of an engineering curriculum towards making a successful engineer, as in an industry only a student can realize the theory thought in classroom and it also gives an exposure to modern technology. In the field of Electronics and communication engineering there has been rapid development to support the ever increasing volume information, so Electronics students has an opportunity during Training period to knowledge about the latest technologies. Practical knowledge means the visualization of the knowledge, which we read in books. For this we perform experiments and get observations Practical knowledge is very important in every field. One must be familiar with the problems related to that field so that we may solve them and became successful person After achieving the proper goal of life an Engineer has to enter in professional life. According to this life he has to serve an industry, may be public or private sector or selfown. For the efficient work in the field he must be well aware of practical knowledge as well as theoretical knowledge. To be a good Engineer, one must be aware of the industrial environment &must know about management, working in industry, labor problems etc., so we can tackle them successfully. Due to all the above reasons & to bridge the gap between theory and practical, our engineering curriculum provides a practical training course of six months. During this period a student in industry and gets all type of experience and knowledge about the working and maintenance of various stypes of machinery. For this purpose, no organization other than BAHRAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED could have been a better choice. I have undergone by six month of training (after II yr.) at BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED POTHANA TELEPHONE BHAVAN, WARANGAL

. This report has been prepared on the basis of the knowledge which I acquired during my six months (20-5-2011 to 15-11-2011) training at exchange.


Practical training has an important role in a shaping up an engineering student for practical knowledge how a keeping him update with latest technology. First of all, I would like to express my attitude towards Mr.K.Narender (General manager telecom district, warangal) and towards Mrs.Mamatha kumari (H.O.D., Electronics department, GPT, WGL) for providing me a great opportunity to undertake training at BSNL . I would also like to thanks Mr. Kishan rao (JTO, D-TAX) Mr.Odelu (JTO, BB) Mrs.Sumathi (JTO,EWSD) Mr.C.S Sastry (JTO,MDF) Mr.Ravinder (JTO,MBM) and the co-operative helpful staff for giving me a knowledge of their services and helping me time to time. Last but not least I would like to thanks to training in charge Mrs.Srilatha (SDE,IT) PTB, WARANGAL for arranging the training programmer for my practical training.



Power plant is equipment, which gives uninterrupted DC power supply to the telecommunication systems. Because telecommunication systems require electrical energy 24 hours in 365 days and DC power supply is needed for : Conversion of speech signals to electrical signals. For operating switching, transmission equipment. Need of D.C. Power supply: Harmonics of A.C may affect the speech signals. Relays used in telecom systems are more sensitive to D.C than A.C Transistors and I.C.s etc. being unidirectional devices, the use of D.C has become necessary. Arranging standby source to A.C is difficult compare to D.C for which secondary cells can be used as S/Bsource. Conventional power plant: Power plant comprises 3 parts -Float Rectifier -Battery Charger -Switching Cubicle. FLOAT RECTIFIER: The function of the Float Rectifier is to receive three phases 440 V AC and to give a constant 51.50.5 Volts D.C without AC ripples. -The steps involved to achieve the function are a) Step-down b) Rectification c) Filtering of A.C. ripples. d) Regulation. Step down:

Transformer steps down the 3 phases A.C voltage from 440V to around 80 volts. Rectification: Any unidirectional device rectifies the AC to DC. Here Diodes & SCRs are used for rectification. Filtering: Here multi-stage L.C. Filters are used for filtering the A.C. Ripples. Regulation: As far as Float Rectifier is concerned, Regulation is the mechanism by which the output of a float rectifier is kept constant at 51.5 _+0.5V irrespective of input voltage variations of 12%. Output load variations of 5% to 105% and input frequency variations of 4% or 48-52 Hz. Problems of the conventional types of power plant: 1. Very large size, 2. Large weight 3. Lower efficiency. 4. No scope for modular expansion. To get rid of all these problems now SMPS power plant are used. SMPS POWER PLANT In these systems, the conversion of AC to DC is accomplished in two stages: First Stage conversion: The input AC voltage is directly rectified to high voltage DC. Second Stage Conversion: Rectified high voltage DC is stored in a capacitor. High voltage DC is then converted into a very high frequency AC (20 KHz and higher) by means of very powerful and fast semi-conductor switching devices. High frequency AC is stepped down to the required level, by means of a small high frequency transformer. Stepped down AC is rectified to DC of desired voltage and filtered by means of high frequency filters.

A feedback circuit monitors the output voltage and compares it with a reference voltage, which shown in the block diagram serves this purpose.

ADVANTAGES OF SMPS POWER PLANT: Due to high frequency the size of transformers and chokes is reduced to10 to15% of the conventional SCR/Thyristor controlled power plants. This makes the power plant compact due to which a lot of saving in floor area is achieved. The batteries (both VRLA as well as flooded Lead acid) are more prone to temperature variations . As most of the SMPS Power Plants employ microprocessor control techniques, the introduction of temperature compensation logic for batteries has become simple and easier. Being small and light in weight, fit perfectly in modular concept.Up-gradation of the capacity in modular system is easy; simply plugging-in the additional modules adds to the capacity, with the limit of ultimate capacity and does not require the replacement of existing Power Plants in the case of conventional Power Plants. These Power Plants have very high reliability and therefore are less prone to faults, which result in low operating cost. SMPS offer a very improved Power Factor (near unity) making the system more efficient and make easy to comply with state electricity boards P.F.norms. These power systems are suitable for VRLA batteries. Every 10 degree rise in battery temperature doubles the chemical reaction in the battery &capacity becomes half. The SMPS power plant takes care of the temperature by reducing the charging voltage but still it is important to measure individual cell temp. There is temperature compensation in SMPS PP and it is 3mV per degree raise in temp.

3.EARTH ELECTRODE SYSTEM FOR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Earth electrode systems are installed at telephone exchanges: To provide an earth connection to the battery circuit to stabilize the battery potential of the lines and equipment with respect to earth, thus reducing the risk of cross talk due to lines and equipments assuming an indefinite voltage with respect to earth, and enabling single pole switching to be used on the exchange power plant. To provide a direct connection with earth for lightning protective apparatus. To provide protection to persons and plant against leakage from station power wiring to metallic apparatus, frames etc. To provide a means of earthing electrostatic screens on apparatus and of earthing lead sheaths of cables. To complete the circuit of telephone systems, employing a common earth path for signaling purposes. 4. ENGINE ALTERNATOR Engine alternator is used to provide suitable standby power supply to the power plant, lights, fans , and also AC units whenever the commercial supply is interrupted. Engine alternator consists of two separate machines one is Engine and another is Alternator or Generator. ENGINE: An engine is a machine which converts the natural forms of fuel energy into mechanical energy. GENERATOR: A Generator is an electromagnetic machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

In telephony a MDF is a Main Distribution Frame. It is the interconnection between line and exchange using jumper wire. It consist of two main segments: 1, Exchange side 2, MDF (line) side For the first half of 20th century, all the MDF jumpers were soldered. This was reliable but slow and expensive. All the cable copper wire pairs supplying services through user telephone lines are terminated at MDF and distributed through the MDF to equipment within the local exchange. Subscribers will be connected to MDF (vertical) through underground cable termination pin, their will be connection between vertical and N.E (equipment number). On line side, CT (cable termination) boxes are provided and modules are provided on exchange side. EXTERNAL PLANT External plant is a network, which is from MDF to the subscribers telephone instrument. At present this network consist of MDF, underground cables, pillar, DPs, drop wire and telephone instrument.

CC : Cable chamber D.P: Distributionpoint LJU: Line jack unit PILLAR: One exchange can have any number of pillars that are necessitated based on the topography of that exchange external plant. The C.T boxes are mounted inside the pillar on steel frame works,which are provided with brackets for jumper wires Proper termination of cable pairs and jumper wires at pillar is very important,any loose termination will result in various faults. DISTRIBUTION POINT {DP}: DP box is a terminal arrangement where underground cable pairs are connected to drop wires for providing connections at subs premises The DPs are usually given with 4 digits corresponds to the number of pillar from which the DP is working and 3rd & 4th digits of the DP denote the serial number of the DP starting serially from 01 to 99 within that pillar area. If the DPs are innerzone the first 2 digits of the DP number are 00. DPs capacity can be 1,2,5,10,20 or 50 pairs. CABLES: The cable connecting mdf to pillar is primary cable. The cable that is used to connect the pillar to DP is called secondary cable. From DP,a drop wire runs upto the subs telephone. The primary cable will be connected to pillar in 2 types.

1.DUCT CHAMBER METHOD . The cables will be buried and are connected using manholes. This manholes are provided for every 200fts. The cables within manholes are connected using sleeves or uv connectors. 2. SOILING METHOD The cable will buried at 3ft depth in olden days. To safeguard the cable from hits, damages, faults warning bricks are provided. TYPES OF CABLES: There are two types of cables PAPER INSULATED CABLES POLYTHENE INSULATED JELLY FILLED CABLES

PRIMARY CABLES:The cables which are used to connect MDF and pillar is called primary cables. Capacity:-800pr,400pr,200pr. 1) Blue 2) Brown 3) Orange 4) Green 5) Slate

SECONDARY CABLES:The cables which are used to connect pillar to the distribution point is called secondary cables. Capacity:- 100pr,50pr,20pr. 1) White 2) Yellow 3) Black 4) Violet 5) Red TEST DESK:It is used for cable test from pillar. It is used for finding whether is primary cable fault or exchange fault. Also used for finding earth faults and continuity check. TYPES OF FAULTS:The efficiency and maintenance of external plant largely depends on the proper maintenance of underground cable network i.e., primary and distribution cables. Earth fault- when the insulation between the earth and the wire of pair becomes very low. Low insulation fault- when the insulation between wires or between the pairs or between pair and earth falls below a prescribed limit(normally 0.5 M ohm). This may be due to entry of moisture or due to failure of insulation. Disconnection fault- conductor is cut or high resistance fault is introduced in the circuit. Short-circuit fault- when the resistance between the wires or between the pairs becomes very low. This may be the looping of the wires or pairs. PROTECTIVE DEVICES:In mdf the CT boxes are provided with some devices called IPM(integrated protective modules).

The protective devices are used to provide the exchange equipment from electrical hazards, induced voltages on lines or cables due to induction from power lines.

Introduction: To overcome the limitations of manual switching; automatic exchanges, having Electromechanical components, were developed. A telecommunication network establishes and realises temporary connections, in accordance with the instructions and information received from subscriber lines and inter exchange trunks, inform the various signals. Therefore it is necessary to interchange the information between an exchange and its external environment i.e. between different exchanges. Though these signals differ in implementation. They are collectively known as TELEPHONE SIGNALS. The first electronic exchange employing Space-Division switching (Analog switching) was commissioned in 1965 at Succasunna, New Jersey. Further research resulted in development of Time-Division switching (Digital Switching) which enabled sharing a single path by several calls, thus providing full availability. The first digital exchange was commissioned in 1970 in Brittany, France. DEFINITION: The process which is performed to establish a temporary connection between the calling subscriber and called subscriber is called SWITCHING. The primary function of a Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) is to Provide temporary path for simultaneous, bidirectional transmission of speech between two subscribers. In a telephone exchange, an inlet has to be connected to the correct outlet. This is known as switching.

The range of switching and signalling was increased further with the invention of Electromechanical automatic exchanges and is still growing after the advent of SPC Exchanges. TYPES OF SWITCHES: ANALOG SWITCHES: Strowger switch mechanical switch Crossbar switch electromechanical switch DIGITAL SWITCHES: E10B France made (it doesnt support CCNC#7) CDOT Indian made OCB France made EWSD German made (Siemens) 5ESS USA made AXE-10 Sweden made INTRODUCTION TO EWSD SWITCH:

EWSD: Electronic Wheeler Switching Digital EWSD is the digital switching system that has been designed and manufactured by SIEMENS OF GERMANY. This switch can support maximum 2, 50,000 subscribers or 60,000 incoming, outgoing or both way trunks when working as tandem exchange. It can carry 25,000 Erlangs. In automatic exchange a more precise unit of traffic flow is required. This is called Traffic Intensity. Traffic intensity is the average number of calls simultaneously in progress. The unit of traffic intensity is Erlang. Traffic and can withstand 1.4 million BHCA (Busy Hour Call Attempt). The architecture of EWSD switch will support to work as both local and TAX exchange. It has CCS#7, ISDN and IN capabilities. EWSD has both Time Switch Group (TSG) and Space Switch Group (SSG). EWSD uses T-S-T switch. EWSD Architecture: The main hardware units of an EWSD switch is:

DLU- Digital Line Unit LTG-Line Trunk Group SN-Switching Network CP-Coordination Processor CCNC-Common Channel Signaling Network Control CAP-Call Processor BAP-Base Processor CMY-Common Memory IOP-Input Output Processor IOC-Input Output Controller MB-Message Buffer


All the above hardware is used to perform the process of switching and signaling and the total function is controlled by OMT (Operation and Maintenance Terminal). It consists of OMTs, ALEX (Alarm External) Module is used for forwarding external alarms like fire , temperature to system control Panel (SYP). We can know the status of the hardware by giving the command in OMTs. If there is any problem in the equipment, respective alarm in the panel will ring with an indication through LED, so that we can rectify it. The detailed call records are taken from CP through MOD-Magnetic Optical Device. DIGITAL LINE UNIT (DLU): It is the basic unit in which subscriber lines and PBX lines in EWSD are connected. DLU can be operated in either exchange or remotely. DLU consists of following cards DCC: Direct Current Convertors

Digital, analogue, PBX lines are terminated on DLU. DLUs can be used as local and remote switch. The subscribers are terminated on the above cards. The analogue subscribers are terminated on SLMA and digital subscribers (ISDN) are terminated on SLMD cards. Each card can support up to 16 subscribers. A rack of DLU can handle 1k (1000) subscribers.

This DLUs also contain control cards(SLMCP,DLUC,DIUD). The latest type of DLU is DLU-G. DLU can carry traffic of 100 erlangs. Each DLU is connected to two LTGs for security reasons. The output of DLU is only 4 E1s. In case of link between a remote DLU and the main exchange is broken the subscribers connected to the R-DLU(remote DLU) can still communicate with each other due to the presence of standalone subscriber card. But metering is not possible. DLU consists of 4 frames and each frame consists of above cards. Each frame has 16 cards. Each card having capacity of 16 subscribers. Totally each frame can have 256 subscribers. Total DLU can accommodate 952 subscribers. There is a Bus Distributor (BD) card in each frame which will inter connect it to the other frames. 4x32 channels = 128 channels. 4 channels are used for signalling purpose. So, each DLU can handle the call processing of 124 subscribers at a time. For testing of cards in DLU, there are 2 modules- FMTU & LCMM at slots 3,4 in first frame. LINE TRUNK GROUP (LTG): The LTG is a subsystem of EWSD. It acts as interface between digital environment and switching networks of EWSD exchange. The main function of LTG is for routing calls. Digital trunks and DLUs are connected to LTG. RLUs are also connected to LTG. The LTGs are connected to both TAX and switching networks. When a call lands on DLU, it is processed to LTG. If it is a local call, then switching is done in the local exchange. If it is a STD or ISD call, it routes it to a TAX (Trunk Automatic Exchange). LTG is connected to switching network (SN) through Secondary digital carrier (SDC). The primary function of LTG is: Call processing function, Safe guarding function, Operation and maintenance

LTG consists of Group Processor (GP). It is an independent control unit. All the functions of LTG are controlled by it. COORDINATION PROCESSOR (CP): CP acts as the heart of the EWSD switch. CP in turn consists of Base processor (BAP), Call processor (CAP), Common memory (CMY), Input/output controller (IOC), Input/output processor (IOP), and Central clock generator (CCG). The main functions of CP are routing, zoning, etc.., It supervises all the subsystem. It is used for error detection and error correction. It is also called as Control Sub System (CSS). BASE PROCESSOR (BAP): It is used for call processing. We have BAP0 BAP1. Two BAPs in which one is master and the other is standby. It is also used for operation and maintenance. CALL PROCESSOR (CAP): For sharing call processing load with BAP, if the exchange Busy Hour Call Attempt (BHCA) cannot be handled by BAPs. CAPs are used. Maximum 10 CAPs can be provided. COMMON MEMORY (CMY): It is used to store caller details. 64 to 1024 MB is used for resident programs and database. The information is taken in MODs (Magnetic Optical Devices). IOP & IOC: These input/output processors and controllers are used to interconnect the systems. CP consists of 3 or 4 IOCs and each IOC can handle up to 16 IOPs. MESSAGE BUFFER (MB): This unit is used for internal message transfer between CPSN, CP-LTG, and LTG-CCNC in the exchange. COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALLING NETWOR CONTROL (CCNC): This unit is connected to the switching unit through 8 mbps link. The functions of MTP (Message Transfer Part) are handled by CCNC. The UP (user part) is incorporated in the software of the relevant LTG Maximum of 254 channels are present between CCNC and SN. The channels carry signaling data between LTG and SN. It consists of duplicated processor CCNP which is connected to the CP. And it consists of 32 SILT (signaling link terminal) groups. In originating or destination exchange, it acts as signaling point (SP) through associated signaling. But in transit exchange it acts as signaling transfer point (STP) through quasi associated signaling. SWITCHING NETWORK (SN): LTGs, CCNC, CP, MB all are connected to the SN through 8mbps SDC. The switching process is carried out in this unit. It inter connects the lines and trunks connected the exchange in accordance with the call requirements.

The functions of SN are controlled by CP. There are SN0 and SN1. one is for standby. SN can handle up to 63 LTGs of lines and trunks. EWSD uses T-S-T switching that is a combination of time and space switch. A Digital switching system, in general, is one, in which are switched in digital form These signals may represent speech or data the digital signals of several speech samples are time multiplexed on a common media before being switched through the system. To connect two subscribers, it is necessary to interconnect the time slots of the two speech samples which may be on same or different PCM highways. TYPES OF SWITCHING: Time Switch (time slot changer) Space Switch (highway changer) Usually a combination of both switches is used.

TIME SWITCH: In this switching, time-slot (Ts x) of an incoming highway can be connected to the different time-slot (Ts y) of the same highway. In the other words, a timeswitch is basically, a time-slot changer in a same high-way (PCM).

SPACE SWITCH: The digital space switch consists of several input highways X1,X2, .Xm and several output highways Y1,Y2,Y3,.Yn interconnected by a cross point matrix of m rows and n columns. In this switching highways can be changed. ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS FOR PROCESSING A CALL:

TSS-Terminating Sub System SSS-Switching Sub System CSS-Control Sub System SIGNALING TIME BASE

INTRODUCTION: C-DOT-Center for Development of Telemetics C-DOT is developed in India in 1984 by Dr.Sam Petroda,Head Quartrs at Bangalore. The Main Objective of C-DOT is to design and develop digital exchanges suitable for Indian environment. C-DOT SBM:It is the THIRD generation of C-DOT DSS Family. It is the DOUBLE the size of C-DOT 256 RAX and also serves Rural Areas and Small Urban Areas. It has a total of 2024 terminations and it contains 10 frames, Base Module (BM) have 488 terminations and LM1 have 768 terminations and LM2 have768 terminations. It is controlled by Input-output processor(IOP) Module.

It now replaced by C-DOT RBMs(Remote Base Modules). C-DOT MBM:It is the FOURTH generation of C-DOT DSS Family. C-DOT MAX is two types. MAX-L (Main Automatic Exchange Large)which supports a maximum Of 16 BMs. MAX-XL (Main Automatic Exchange Extra Large)which supports A maximum of 16 BMs. It is controlled by Input-output processor(IOP) Module. In MBM ,IOPs are connected to AP. In MBM, ADPs are connected to AP. BASIC GROWTH/BUILDING MODULES:C-DOT DSS MAX exchanges can be configured using four basic modules Administrative Module Input Output Module Base Module Central Module BASE MODULE (BM):Base Module (BM) is the basic building block of C-DOT DSS MAX. It interfaces the subscribers, trunks and special circuits. The subscribers may be individual or grouped PBX lines, analog or digital lines Analog Terminal Unit - to interface analog lines/trunks, and providing special circuits as conference, announcements and terminal tester. Digital Terminal Unit - for interfacing digital trunks i.e. 2Mbps E-1/PCM Links. #7 Signalling Unit Module - to support SS7 protocol handlers and some call processing functions for CCS7 calls. ISDN Terminal Unit - to support termination of BRI/PRI interfaces andimplementation of lower layers of DSS1 signalling protocol. Time Switch Unit - for voice and message switching and provision of service Circuits. Base Processor Unit - for control message communication and call processing functions.


ADMINISTRATIVE MODULE: Administrative module (AM) consist of Administrative processor(APC). It Communicates with Base processors via the central message switch. It supports the Input output module for providing man-machine Interface. It also supports the Alarm display panel for the audio visual indication of faults in the system. INPUT-OUTPUT MODULE: Input-output module (IOM) consist of input-output processor (IOP). Input-output processor is a general purpose computer with UNIX Operating system. It is used as a front end processor in C-DOT switch. In MBM(multi base module) IOP connected to AP(administrative processor) in CM RACK. In MBM alarm display panel connected to AP

CENTRAL MODULE: Central module is responsible for communication between base Module and administrative module ,clock distribution and network Synchronization for these functions, central module has a space Switch, space switch controller and central message switch.

CM provides connectivity to 16 BMs if it is CM-L and 32 BMs if it is CM-XL Each BM interfaces with CM via two 512 channel parallel buses as BUS-0 and BUS-1 each operating at 4 mbps. BUS TERMINATION UNIT (BTU0) SPACE SWITCH UNIT (SSU0) SPACE SWITCH UNIT (SSU1) BUS TERMINATION UNIT (BTU1) SPACE SWITCH CONTROLLER UNIT (SSCU) HIGH POWER ADMINISRATIVE UNIT (HPU)& AM FIG: CENTAL MODULE

ALARM DISPLAY PANEL: Alarm display panel (ADP) is a micro processor based hardware unit which is attached to the BP in SBM configuration or AP in MBM configuration. It is a three card implementation. A matrix of LEDs is provided to indicate the maintenance status of the witch units and their Level of initialization. SUM BM:Signalling unit module (SUM) BM is used for signaling. The calls which are going through TAX are routed through this SUM BM. Any one of the ATU or DTU in a BM can be replaced by sum frame to support CCS7 Signalling.


VU BM is used to interface AN-RAXs. It uses DTUs (Digital terminal unit). In VU BM DTS (Digital terminal synchronization) cards are used to interface AN-RAXs. VU BM consist BPU & TSU frames.


TAX: Trunk automatic exchange.

Trunk exchange handles the transit calls Inter SDCA ,inter district ,inter state calls are known as transit or trunk calls Level-1 tax handles the ,inter district and inter state calls Level-2 tax handles the inter SDCA (short distance charging area) and inter district calls These exchanges are automatic ,which means there is no need of manual operation Stored programme control is the principle of this exchanges Stored programme control is the technical name used for telephone exchanges controlled by a computer programme stored in memory system. The type of tax which is at Warangal is level-2 tax It is digital trunk automatic exchange Warangal DTAX is of EWSD CHRONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL EXCHANGES:

1965 1973 1975 1976 1978 1981 1990

ESS(No. 1) Metaconta Proteo ESS(No.4) AXE E-10B EWSD

Local Local Local and transit Transit Local Local and transit Local and transit

Bell labs ,USA LMT ,France Proteo ,Italy Bell labs USA Ericsson ,Sweden CIT ,ALCATEL ,France Siemens , Germany

A telecommunication network established and realized temporary connections, in accordance with the instructions and information received from subscriber lines and Inter exchange trunks, inform of various signals. Therefore it is necessary to interchange information between an exchange and it external environment i.e. between different exchanges, between subscriber lines and exchange. Though these signals may differ widely in their implementation there are collectively known as Telephone signals. A signalling system used a language which enables two switching equipments to converse for the purpose of setting up calls Telephony stared with the invention of magneto telephone which uses a magneto to generate the ringing current, the only signal sent over a dedicated line between two subscribers. The need for more signals was felt with the advent of manual switching. Two additional signals were, therefore introduced to indicate call request and call release .the range of signals increased further with the inversion of electro-mechanical automatic exchanges and is still growing further at a very fast pace, after the advent of SPC electronic exchanges. Signalling can be classified as

Channel associated signaling

In the PCM system the signaling information conveyed on a separate channel which is rigidly associated with the speech channel. Hence, this method is known as channel associated signaling (CAS). TS (time slot) 16 of each frame of 125 microseconds is used to carry signals of 2 speech channels, each using 4 bits Although 4 bits per channel are available for signaling only two bits are used. As the transmission is separate in the forward and backward direction the bits in the forward link are called af and bf and those in the backward link are called ab and bb.

However, the utilisation of such a dedicated channel for signaling for each channel is highly inefficient as it remain idle in the speech phase. Hence, another form of signaling known as common-channel signaling evolved

Common channel signaling 7

Control information has to be transferred between the exchanges for call control and for the use of facilities In digital, processor controlled communication networks, the amount and variety of the information to be transferred is accordingly larger. The information can no longer be economically transported by the conventional channel-associated signaling systems. For this reason, a new, efficient signaling system is required in digital, processor controlled communication networks.

Main features Internationally standardized (national variations possible) Suitable for various communication services such as telephony, text services, data services digital network (ISDN) High performance and flexibility along with a future-oriented concept which will meet new requirements. Processor friendly structure of messages Use of signalling links for transferring uses data also used on various transmission media Cable(copper, optical fibre) Radio relay Satellite(up to 2 satellite link)

Use of the transfer rate of 64kbits/seconds typical in digital networks Signalling links

Generally, more than one signalling link exists between two sps in order to provide redundancy All the signalling links between two sps are combined in a signalling link set Connectivity to Warangal TAX: Inter TAX : 26 SDCA exchanges : 09 BSOs : 02 Cellular operators (2G) : 09 3G MSC (cell one) : 01 Inter TAX Warangal TAX is connected to 6 level-1 Taxs 4 level-1 is in Hyderabad and remaining two level-1 taxs are of Tamilnadu and Chennai. Warangal tax is connected to 20 level-2 Taxs of Andhra Pradesh It is also connected to two SSTPs (Stand alone signalling transfer points) one is at Chennai and other is at Hyderabad. It is connected to 4 MSC WLLS (Mobile Switching Centre of Wireless Local Loop) Basic operators There are two basic operators ( wire line) in Warangal TAX. They are: - 1. RELIANCE 2. TATA Cellular operators Warangal TAX is connected to 8 cellular operators MSC (mobile switching centre) They are: UNINOR VODAFONE AIRTEL AIRCEL RELIANCE(CDMA&GSM) IDEA CELLONE(2G&3G) TATA(CDMA & GSM) SYSTEMA SHYAM

All MSCs are situated in Hyderabad except cellone which is at Hanmakonda All MSCs are of 2G only 3G MSC connected to tax is Cellones MSC Warangal TAX is a POI (Point of Interconnectivity).It is the point where TAX and MSCs are connected. SDCA Exchange Total 9 SDCA exchanges are connected to TAX Cherial Jangaon Narsampet Mahabubabad Eturunagaram Mulugu Parkal Ghanpur Warangal

Mulugu is a multi LAC (Local Area Code) exchange. An exchange which has more than one Local Area Code is known as multi LAC exchange. Tax interconnects all this 9 SDCA, so that inter SDCA calls can be routed. DAILY ACTIVITIES IN TAX 1. Taking trunk group meter reading (TGP reading) it is also known as IUC reading (inter usage charge). Mainly private operators usage details are taken in this. 2. Average daily peak hour report: Telephone traffic is originated by the individual needs of different subscribers and so it is beyond the control of telephone administration. Any and every subscriber can originate call at any and every moment. Without giving any previous information and the duration of the calls is also not previously known. Although the individual telephone traffic for a particular exchange follows the general pattern of activity in the exchange area. Normally there is a peak in the morning, a dip during lunch period followed by afternoon peak. The hour in which maximum traffic usually occurs in an exchange is known as busy hour or peak hour. It is measured in erlangs Here, the reading is taken at 11A.M to 12P.M and 7P.M to 8P.M. 3. Taking grade of service report (GOSX):

Owing to the fact that calls originated in a pure chance manner, it is likely that during the busy hour some calls may fail to mature due to inefficiency of switching equipment. To ensure that the number of calls so lost is reasonably small, it is the standard practice switching equipment such that on the average not more than one call out of every 500 in the busy hour is lost at each switching stage. The allowable loss is termed the grade of service Quantitative indicators for quality of service: there are number of technical and customer services indicators that determine the quality of service .specific technical performance indicators are: Fault rate, no. of faults per main line per year. Average number of lines fault any day as % of total main lines % of faults cleared by next working day Call completion rates. Call completion ratio or rate: CCR measures the percentage of originated calls successfully completed. A successful call could be defined in two ways. First, the call could be considered as successfully Completed only if the called party answers and communication is established. Another interpretation of a successful call could be establishing connection successfully to the called number although the called party may not answer. The CCR reflects directly the Degree of congestion in the network and indirectly the fault rate The CCR has been further classified into : Answer bid ratio (ABR): it is the ratio of successful calls to total originating international calls ABR= successful calls/ total calls Answer seizure ratio (ASR): it is the ratio of answered calls to the successful calls. Congestion: the congestion is the percentage of calls lost due to congestion in the network

The Internet is a global computer network made up of smaller computer networks; it has been called a "Network of Networks." What is Broadband? A definition to broadband is a must as different service providers defines in their own terms & context. TRAI (Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India) defines broadband as follows:An always-on data connection that is able to support interactive services including Internet access and has the capability of the minimum download speed of 256 kilobits per second (kbps) to an individual subscriber from the Point Of Presence (POP) of the service provider intending to provide Broadband service where multiple such individual Broadband connections are aggregated and the subscriber is able to access these interactive services including the Internet through this POP. Broadband Access Broadband access technology is broadly classified into two categories. They are Wired Line & Wireless and further classified as detailed in the following diagram.

Broadband access technologies

DSL (Digital Subs Line) Cable Modem PLC (Power Line Communication) Optical Fibre Technologies

3G Mobile Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) WiMAX FSO (Free Space Optics) LMDS & MMDS Satellite

Wiredline access:
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) :DSL uses the existing twisted-pair telephone lines as the access media. Over a period of time, a number of technologies (xDSL) have been introduced to provide faster data speeds over this medium. Frequency plan for DSL

In DSL, we use CAP,DMT modulation techniques. Common Elements In DSL

The common elements of DSL are CPE(Customer Premises Equipment) containing a Splitter, ADSL Modem & a PC. Central Office Premises Equipment containing DSLAMs(Digital Subscriber Line Access Miltiplex),MDFs & PSTN. Aggregator and ATM core consists of Tier II,TierI switches,BRAS(Broad Band Remote access Service) ,Servers and Core routers.

Wireless access:
2G 3G Mobile Of late cellular mobile telephony has started maturing in delivering data access over the air. The evolution of cellular mobile telephony has taken place in following steps 1. 2G GSM, CDMA 2. 2.5G GSM(GPRS/EDGE), CDMA 2000 1x 3. 3G UMTS/WCDMA, CDMA 2000 1xEVDO/EVDV The speeds achieved with above different cellular mobile telephony is given below. 1).2G GSM/CDMA 9-14 Kbps 2).2.5G GSM GPRS 115 Kbps EDGE 384 Kbps 3).2.5G CDMA 2000 1x 170 Kbps 4).3G UMTS/WCDMA 3G 384K (M), 2048K(S)



1x 384K (M), 2048K(S)

However the technologies 2.5G GSM(EDGE) & 3G (Both CDMA 2000 1x EVDO*/EVDV* & UMTS*/WCDMA*) falls into the category of Broadband access. (*Note:_EVDO-Evolution Data Optimised ,EVDV-Evolution Data and Voice ,UMTSUniversal Mobile Telephony System & WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) NATIONAL INTERNET BACKBONE: Short for Internet Service Provider, a company that provides access to the Internet is called ISP. Any Internet Service Provider will have several ISP nodes as Point of Presence of Internet (POP) at various locations across the country. BSNL is also an Internet service provider, providing Internet service throughout the entire country

NIB stands for National Internet Backbone of BSNL which comprises of 436 ISP Nodes in

India networked in a definite fashion. The NIB Nodes are classified as A1, A2, A3,A4,B1 and B2 on the basis of: Functions to be carried out International Connectivity No. Of PSTN Subscriber Routing (Internal & External) Equipment Deployment Trained Manpower Availability Cost

The NIB-II nodes are proposed in 71 cities and categorized as A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 & B2 nodes. NIB I had B nodes and the same has been further classified as B1 and B2 in NIB II.

Connectivity of Core router: The Core routers in A1 nodes viz Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta and Bangalore will be connected on mesh topology on STM16. The Core routers in 9 nodes viz A2 Node (Total 3) at Pune, Hyderabad & Ahmedabad and A3 Nodes (Total 6) at Lucknow, Jullundhar, Jaipur, Indore, Ernakulam & Patna are connected to A1 Nodes in dual mesh with link bandwidths of STM-16. The core routers in A4 nodes (Total 10) at Chandigarh, Allahabad, Guwahati, Ranchi, Bhubaneshwar, Coimbatore, Raipur, Mangalore, Nagpur and Vijayawada shall be dual homed over STM-1 links to the nearest A1/A2/A3 nodes.

Connectivity of Edge router in A1, A2, A3 and A4 Nodes There will be four edge routers in A1 Nodes, three edge routers in A2 Nodes, Two edge routers in A3 Nodes and one edge router in A4 Node. One of the edge router in each A1, A2, A3 and A4 Node will be collocated with the Core router in the above node, connected through gigabit Ethernet Interface. The remaining edge routers in A1, A2 and A3 nodes will be geographically distributed in each city to serve different pockets interconnected on a SDH metro-ring fibre network with STM-1 interfaces for each edge router Connectivity of Edge router in B1 and B2 Nodes: One number of Edge router will be deployed in 21 B1 nodes and 26 B2 Nodes. The edge routers in B1 and B2 nodes will be dual homed to the core at A1, A2, A3 and A4. The core routers in A1, A2 and A3 cities are proposed to be interconnected via the DWDM systems . The interconnectivity of core routers in A4 nodes and edge routers in B1 and B2 cities is via STM-1 links connected through SDH rings


Ajmer Ludhiana Ferozpur Bhopal Gwalior Amritsar Lucknow Jabalpur Jull undar M ehsana Jaipur
Si Si

A1 Nodes- 5 Noida A2+A3 Nodes 9 Ghaziabad A4 Nodes- 10 B1 + B2 Nodes 47 Allahabad



Ambala Faridabad Gurgaon Kanpur

Varanasi Dehradun Meerut Agra Dimapur



Chandi garh


P atna



Kalyan Rajkot Ahmedabad Indore




K o lkata


Bhubneshwar Jamshedpur


Surat Vadodara Aurangabad P anjim Kolhapur











Madurai Hyderabad


Trichy Pondicherry

Nashik Vizag Rajmundary Tirupati Belgaum Hubli Mysore Kalikat Palghat Tri vandrum Trichur

Router Router is a device that forwards data packets along networks. Routers are one of the vital

equipment of an ISP.

Basically a router is used for connecting o at least two networks,commonly two LANs or

WANs or a LAN and its ISPs network. In the case of ISP nodes the any ISP node is connected to another ISP Node at a remote location and hence this is WAN network and Routers are used for routing the packets. Routers use headers and forwarding tables to determine the best path for forwarding the

packets Now MPLS(multi protocol label switching) routers are used

The limitations of the packet switching are: Creation and processing of routing table is tedious. Class of services (Priorities) as in circuit switch is not implemented presently. Type of services (category) as in manual board is not available in the present IP network. Loss of packet, because of the random routing of packets. Delayed processing at receiving end, since packets are not reaching the destination sequentially. Security problem.

Label Switching
Above limitations can be overcome by using following techniques in the present IP network. Connectionless IP routing is converted into connection oriented routing by overlaying IP address is converted as Labels (Rout codes in circuit switch), according to the class and Intermediate Routers uses the Labels only (Rout Codes in Circuit Switch) for further Network Layer function with Data link layer Function. type of services like categories and Priorities in circuit switches. routing of destined IP packet with appropriate Label. The above techniques are used in Multi Protocol Label switching. Hence, MPLs is the

implementation of circuit switch model in the Packet switch area. MPLS frame uses the various Data Link frames like ATM, Frame Relay PPP/Ethernet etc. Since MPLS uses label switching and supports the multiple protocols, it is called Multi Protocol Label Switching.

Components of MPLS IP Network:

Customer Edge, which works at IP level. Provider Edge is the entry point of MPLS Domain. It is called Label Edge Router Provider Routers are working as transit switches in between LERs. These are known as Label switched path is the data path between two routers, through which packets are

Label Switching Routers. traveling. How MPLS works?

LER(label edge router) receives destined IP packet from the Customer Edge and selects the correct label (5) from its LIB(forwarding information table). It binds the selected label (5) according to the FEC(forwarding equivalence class) over the IP packet and sends it through the pre programmed LSP (2) towards the LSR 1. On receipt of labeled IP Packet, LSR1 analyses label only and it will ignore the IP address. It will consult its LIB for further routing. As the result it removes the incoming label (5), winds the newly assigned label (3) over the IP Packet and sends it towards the LSR2 over the assigned LSP(label switched paths) (7). LSR(label switching router)2 consults its LIB and transmits the IP Packet after swapping the incoming Label (3) with outgoing Label (10) towards the egress LER over the pre assigned LSP (4). Egress LER stripes the label (10), goes through the destined IP address ( and hands over it to the correct CE. MPLS Benefits The initial goal of label based switching was to bring the speed of Layer 2 switching to Layer 3. Label based switching methods allow routers to make forwarding decisions based on the contents of a simple label, rather than by performing a complex route lookup based on destination IP address. However, MPLS brings many other benefits to IP-based networks. Forwarding packets based on labels rather than routing them based on headers results in several important advantages:

Since a packet is assigned to a FEC when it enters the network, information that cannot be for FEC assignment. For example,

gleaned from the network layer header, can be used classification of packets based on the source of the packets.

Packets can be assigned a priority label, making Frame Relay and ATM-like quality-of-

service guarantees possible. This function relates to the QoS field. The considerations that determine how a packet is assigned to a FEC can become ever more and more complicated, without any impact at all on the routers that merely forward labeled packets. Packet payloads are not examined by the forwarding routers, allowing for In MPLS, a packet can be forced to follow an explicit route rather than the different levels of traffic encryption and the transport of multiple protocols. route chosen by normal dynamic algorithm as the packet travels through the network. This may be done to support traffic engineering, as a matter of policy or to support a given QoS. In addition to all the above advantages, one of the most important advantages of MPLS is that it is independent of the layer 2 and layer 3 technologies and hence allows integration of networks with different layer 2 and layer 3 protocols.


The Customer premises equipment (CPE) will be aggregated at DSLAMs The DSLAM will be collocated with the exchange (MDF), either in the same room or as The DSLAM traffic will then be aggregated through a Tier 2 LAN Switch Aggregator The traffic from Tier 2 LAN Switch Aggregator will be further aggregated through a The BNG (broadband network gateway) will be connected to the Tier 1 LAN

close as possible to MDF. through Ethernet on dark fibre. Tier 1 LAN Aggregator through Ethernet on dark fibre. Aggregator on Gigabit Ethernet Interface. The BNG is connected to provider edge router. Provider edge router is connected to more than two core routers (A2 or A3 nodes)

for the purpose of redundancy. The core routers(only which are present atA1 nodes) are connected to international gateway router. International gateways: In all A1 nodes International Gateway is connectivity to the ISP of another country to route the packets intended for any host outside our country. SNL network is connected to Internet exchange point where all ISPs (internet service providers) are interconnected. DNS: Short for Domain Name System (or Service or Server), an Internet service that

translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Internet however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time a domain name is used , a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name might translate to using the DNS.









TIER-1 WGL TIER-2 Hanamkonda

TIER-2 H an




TIER-2 Timmapur 960P PTB Dslam 240P Kasibuga Dslam 480P Shivanagar Dslam 960P PTB Dslam 480P PTB Dslam 120P PTB Dslam 240P Shivanagar Dslam 120P Rangasaipet Dslam





120P Kasibuga Dslam OCLAN-THORRUR 120P Enumamula Dslam OCLAN-MULUGU OCLAN-PARKALA OCLAN-GHANPUR-Stn Huawei Tier2 P2 at HNK


480P UT-P2 PTB Dslam 240P HW-P2 PTB Dslam 32P HW-P2 APLY Dslam

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CONNECT TO THE INTERNET When u click connect on your internet connection, a request will be sent to LDAP ( lightweight directory access protocol) server. Then your username will be sent to AAA (Authentication, authorization and accounting) It will sent request to BNG to allot an IP for that user. BNG allots an IP address to your computer. Now your computer is connected to Internet and billing starts. server, it will check whether you are a valid user and then authenticates if you are.


About 100 years ago, Alexander Graham Bell transmitted a telephone signal over distances of several hundred meters using visible light beams. He called this photophone. This amazing discovery marked the first demonstration of the basic principle of optical communications as it is practiced today. Evolution of Transmission Capacity In the 80s, it was possible to transmit 140 Mbit/s with optical PDH systems. SDH technology in the 90s has improved this capacity. SDH can transmit the capacity of 16 times 140 Mbit/s or 155 Mbit/s (16 X STM 1 = STM 16, 2.5 Gbit/s) or up to 64 times 140 Mbit/s or 155 Mbit/s (64 X STM 1 = STM 64, 10 Gbit/s). Currently, it is possible with WDM wavelength division multiplex systems to transmit between 32 and 96 times 10 Gbit/s (320 Gbit/s) over very large distances. Soon we will have 160 times 10 Gbit/s, and in the laboratory it is possible to transmit in the terabit range (10 X 1012). In the case of optical systems the available bandwidth can exceed several Terahertz (1012Hz). TDM could not be used to take advantage of this tremendous bandwidth due to limitations on electrical technology. Electrical circuits simply cannot work on these frequencies. The solution was to use frequency multiplexing at the optical level or Wavelength Division Multiplexing. The basic idea is to use different optical carriers or colours to transmit different signals in the same fibre.

Consider a highway analogy where one fibre can be thought of as a multi-lane highway. Traditional TDM systems use a single lane of this highway and increase capacity by moving faster on this single lane. In optical networking utilizing DWDM is analogues to accessing the unused lanes on the highway (increasing the number of wavelengths on the embedded fibre base) to gain access to an incredible amount of untapped capacity in the fibre. An additional benefit of optical networking is that the highway is blind to the type of traffic that travels on it. Consequently the vehicles on the highway can carry ATM packets, SDH and IP. A distinction is made between WDM and DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing). With WDM the spacing between channels can be relatively large. In Dense multiplexing the frequency spacing between channels can be as small as 50 GHz or less, increasing the overall spectral density of the transmitted signal.


T ransponer



T ransponer








Fig.5. Transponer

A pplication

Optical Amplifiers
Fiber loss and dispersion limit the transmission distance of any fibre-optic communication system. For long-haul WDM systems this limitation is overcome by periodic regeneration of the optical signal at repeaters, where the optical signal is converted into electric domain by using a receiver and then regenerated by using a transmitter. Such regenerators become quite complex and expensive for multichannel light wave systems. Although regeneration of the optical signal is necessary for dispersion-limited systems, loss limited systems benefit considerably if electronic repeaters were replaced by much simpler and potentially less expensive, optical amplifiers which amplify the optical signal directly. The technology has matured enough that the use of optical amplifiers in fiberoptic communication systems has now become widespread.


Introduction The GSM standard is the first international standard that gives its subscribers full access to the network of various operating companies in all participating countries. The GSM was developed as the next generation (2nd Generation) digital cellular mobile communication system for CEPT Europe. Frequency bands used in GSM GSM 900 Mhz DCS 1800 MHz Frequency band in uplink and downlink.

Fig.1 GSM 900 Mhz Mobile to Cell(UP-LINK) GSM 1800 Mhz Mobile to Cell(UP-LINK) GSM Specifications Frequency Bands Mobile to Cell(UP-LINK)- 890 to 915 MHz Cell to Mobile (DOWN -LINK)- 935 to 960 MHz Channel Bandwidth Access Method Modulation 200 KHz - TDMA/FDMA - GMSK 1710 to 1785 MHz 1805 to 1880 MHz Cell to Mobile(DOWN -LINK) 890 to 915 MHz 935 to 960 MHz Cell to Mobile (DOWN -LINK)

GSM uses both FDMA & TDMA FDMA Access along Freq. axis Each RF carrier 200khz apart Total 124 RF Channels available.


Fig.5 Typical GSM Architecture Typical GSM architecture basically consists of the following entities. MS MSC BTS BSC VLR HLR EIR Mobile Station Mobile Switching Centre Base Transceiver Station Base Station Controller Visited Location Register Home Location Register Equipment Identity Register


Authentication Centre

1st system of 2nd Generation International Roaming Very good speech quality through Digital Transmission Economical use of frequencies using FDMA & TDMA Interception Proof by Ciphering Protected against misuse by SIM card & PIN code CCS # 7 signalling Barring of defective terminals by EIR Discontinuous transmission saves battery life. Frequency Hopping helps in difficult areas Additional Subscriber Features Future GPRS ; EDGE

The current generation network of BSNL, popularly known as PSTN is mainly circuit switching based network and it is divided into an hierarchical architecture viz. Level I TAX exchanges, then Level-II exchanges and then tandem/local exchanges. The PSTN network is mainly optimized for voice calls and not much suited for data services. We have a separate network for data services. Today the world over trend is for a single converged network used for all type of services viz. voice, data, video which is called Next Generation Network and is a packet switching based network. To change over from current generation network to next generation network we have to move in a step-by-step manner to safeguard our existing network infrastructure and investment and therefore we have to follow an evolutionary path. IP TAX is the first step toward The Evolution of Current Generation Network to Next generation Network . In other words IP TAX is the replacement of existing Level I TAX exchanges to IP based network (Packet switching network) and rest all the network still remaining circuit switched network. The other reasons why we should evolve our existing network to NGN are that the existing circuit switched networks have following problems:

Slow to develop new features and capabilities. Expensive upgrades and operating expenses. Proprietary vendor troubles Large power and cooling requirements. Limited migration strategy to New tech. What is NGN? As per ITU NGN is a packet based network which is able to provide multimedia telecom services and able to make use of multiple broadband, QoS enabled transport technologies in which service related functions are independent from underlying transport related technologies In NGN basically the call control (i.e. signaling) and the switching is separated out in different layers and between these layers open interfaces are used. The call control functionality is realised by the component which is called call server or soft switch or media gateway controller and the interfaces to the existing PSTN switches is done with the help of media gateways for voice transport and by signaling gateways for signaling transport. For switching and transport of the packets existing IP/MPLS backbone is used. With NGN architecture the new and innovative services can be given very fast and cost effectively. Also the capital expenditure and operational expenditure come down drastically

NMS SG SS7 H.248 STP SS7 Core ip ba ckbone network A.S A.S Soft switch SIP-T Soft switch SG







The protocols used are: Between Soft switch and media gateway H.248 Between two soft switches - SIP(T) or BICC Between Soft switch and Signaling gateway sigtran Between soft switch and Application server sip, parley etc.

Transition to NGN: Third wave

Today Tomorrow


Telephone network


Mobile radio network

One network for everything

Multimedia Access - Advantages: easy to handle reliable mobile

REFERENCES: 1.Regional telecom training center materials

2.EWSD manual 3. C-DOT manual

In the practical training for a period of six months, I have learned a lot about the present scenario in the field of communication. The six months industrial training also has provided me the opportunities to develop and improve my soft and functional skills. All of this valuable experience and knowledge that I have gained were not only acquired through the direct involvement in task given but also through other aspect of the training such as work observation, interaction with colleagues. From what I have undergone, I hundred percent agree that the industrial training program have achieve its entire primary objective. Its also the best way to prepare student in facing the real working life. As a result of the program now I am more confident to enter the employment world and build my future career.

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