C++ Book

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A Computer Science Tapestry

Exploring Programming and Computer Science with C++

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A Computer Science Tapestry

Exploring Programming and Computer Science with C++
Second Edition

Owen L. Astrachan Duke University

Boston Burr Ridge,IL Dubuque,IA Madison,WI New York San Francisco St. Louis Bankok Bogot Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto

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iii Front matter

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iv Copyright information

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About the Author

Owen L. Astrachan is Associate Professor of the Practice of Computer Science at Duke University and the departments Director of Undergraduate Studies for Teaching and Learning. After receiving his A. B. degree from Dartmouth College, he taught high school for seven years before returning to graduate school. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Duke in 1992. Professor Astrachan was a member of the Duke programming team that placed fourth in the world in the ACM programming contest in 1989 and coached the third place team in 1994. He was the chief Reader for the Advanced Placement Computer Science Exam from 1990 to 1994. Professor Astrachan has written many technical and pedagogical articles and has been the Principal Investigator in three NSF-sponsored educational projects: The Applied Apprenticeship Approach: An Object-Oriented/Object-Based Framework for CS2, CURIOUS: Center for Undergraduate Education and Research: Integration through Performance and Visualization, and Using and Developing Design Patterns. A well-regarded teacher, Professor Astrachan received the 1995 Robert B. Cox Distinguished Teaching in Science Award.

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vi To my teachers, colleagues, and friends, especially to those who are all three, for educating, arguing, laughing, and helping.

To Laura and Ethan

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TheTapestryViewed from Afar
This book is designed for a rst course1 in computer science that uses C++ as the language by which programming is studied. My goal in writing the book has not been to cover the syntax of a large language like C++, but to leverage the best features of the language using sound practices of programming and pedagogy in the study of computer science and software design. My intent is that mastering the material presented here will provide: A strong grounding in the analysis, construction, and design of programs and programming. A means for honing problem-solving skills associated with the study of computer programming and a taste of both the science and engineering aspects of programming. An introduction to computer science that gives the student more of an idea of what the discipline is about than most introductory programming texts. In particular, this is a book designed to teach programming using C++, not a book designed to teach C++. Nevertheless, I expect students who use this book will become reasonably adept C++ programmers. Object-oriented programming is not a programmers panacea, although it can make some jobs much easier. To mix metaphors, learning to program is a hard task, no matter how you slice itit takes time to master, just as bread takes time to rise. The material here is grounded in the concept that the study of computer science should be part of the study of programming. I also want students to use classes before writing them, so a library of useful classes is integrated into the text. Students will better appreciate good design by seeing it in practice than by simply reading about it. This requires studying and using classes that actually do something and that are easy for novice programmers to use. For example, I dont use any examples about bank accounts or Automated Teller Machines. These traditional examples work well in explaining concepts, but its not possible to implement a real bank account class or an ATM in the rst programming course. I do supply classes for calendar dates, unbounded integers, timing program segments, reading directories, random numbers, and several others. These classes can be used early (or late) in a semester, allowing students to write more interesting programs without writing more code. For example, using the Date class students can write a three-line program to determine how many days old they are whenever they run the program, an eight-line program to nd out what day Thanksgiving falls on in any year, and a forty-line program to print a calendar for any year. Using

This rst course has traditionally been called CS1 after early ACM guidelines.


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viii the classes for reading directories makes it possible to write a twenty-line program for nding all les that are large, or were last modied yesterday, or a host of other problems. Most importantly, this book takes the view that the study of computer science should involve hands-on activity and be fun. The study of programming must cover those areas that are acknowledged as fundamental to computer science, but the foundation that is constructed during this study must be solid enough to support continued study of a rapidly changing programming world, and the process of studying should make students want to learn more. Support for this position can be found in several places; I offer two quotes that express my sentiments quite well. Having surveyed the relationships of computer science with other disciplines, it remains to answer the basic questions: What is the central core of the subject? What is it that distinguishes it from the separate subjects with which it is related? What is the linking thread which gathers these disparate branches into a single discipline? My answer to these questions is simpleit is the art of programming a computer. It is the art of designing efcient and elegant methods of getting a computer to solve problems, theoretical or practical, small or large, simple or complex. It is the art of translating this design into an effective and accurate computer program. This is the art that must be mastered by a practising computer scientist; the skill that is sought by numerous advertisements in the general and technical press; the ability that must be fostered and developed by computer science courses in universities. C. A. R. Hoare Computer Science (reprinted in [Hoa89]) A supporting view is expressed in the following quote: Programming is unquestionably the central topic of computing. In addition to being important, programming is an enormously exciting intellectual activity. In its purest form, it is the systematic mastery of complexity. For some problems, the complexity is akin to that associated with designing a ne mechanical watch, i.e., discovering the best way to assemble a relatively small number of pieces into a harmonious and efcient mechanism. For other problems, the complexity is more akin to that associated with putting a man on the moon, i.e., managing a massive amount of detail. In addition to being important and intellectually challenging, programming is a great deal of fun. Programmers get to build things and see them work. What could be more satisfying? John V. Guttag Why Programming Is Too Hard and What to Do about It in [MGRS91]

Programming and Computer Science

This is more than a book about programming. Although its principal focus is on programming using C++, this is also a book about computer science. However, this is

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ix neither a book that adopts what some have called a breadth-rst approach to computer science, nor is it a book whose only purpose is to teach object-oriented programming in the rst course (although glimpses of both approaches will be evident). Introductory courses are evolving to take advantage of new and current trends in software engineering and programming language design, specically object-oriented design and programming. Some schools will adopt the approach that learning objectoriented design principles should be the focus of a rst programming course. Although this approach certainly has some merit, students in the rst course traditionally have a very difcult time with the design of loops, functions, and programs. I believe that attempting to cover object-oriented design in addition to these other design skills will not be as conducive to a successful programming experience as will using object-oriented concepts in the context of learning to program by reading and using classes before writing them. This may seem a subtle distinction, but if the focus of the course is on learning about the design and use of objects, there may be a tendency to delve too quickly and too deeply into the details of C++. The approach taken in this book is that C++ and OOP permit students with little or no programming background to make great strides toward developing foundational knowledge and expertise in programming. In subsequent courses students will hone the skills that are rst learned in the study of the material in this book and will expand the coverage of computer science begun here. Computer science is not just programming, and students in a rst course in computer science must be shown something of what the discipline is about. At the same time, programming provides a means of relating the subdisciplines that compose compter science. Many of the examples and programs in this book rely on classes, code, and libraries that are documented and supplied with the book. A major tenet of the approach used here is that students should read, modify, and extend programs in conjunction with designing and writing from scratch. This is enabled to a large extent by using the object-oriented features of C++ whenever appropriate. I view C++ as a tool to be used rather than studied. One of the most important ideas underlying the use of classes and objects in C++, and one of the most important concepts in computer science, is the idea of abstraction. Its [computer sciences] study involves development of the ability to abstract the essential features of a problem and its solution, to reason effectively in the abstract plane, without confusion by a mass of highly relevant detail. The abstraction must then be related to the detailed characteristics of computers as the design of the solution progresses; and it must culminate in a program in which all the detail has been made explicit; and at this stage, the utmost care must be exercised to ensure a very high degree of accuracy. The need for abstract thought together with meticulous accuracy, the need for imaginative speculation in the search for a solution, together with a sound knowledge of the practical limitations of the tools available for its implementation, the combination of formal rigour with a clear style for its explanation to othersthese are the combinations of attributes which should be inculcated and developed in a student and which must be developed in high degree in students of computer science. C. A. R. Hoare (reprinted in [Hoa89])

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x Students and teachers of computer science are not obliged to understand the IEEE standards for oating-point numbers in order to write code that uses such numbers. Although at one time a deep understanding of machine architecture was necessary in order to write programs, this is no longer the case. Just as Hoare exhorts the programmer to be articulate about his or her activity, this book is designed to bring the novice programmer and student of computer science and program design to a point where such behavior is possible. The use of C++ provides a mechanism for doing so in which details can be revealed if and when it is appropriate to do so and hidden otherwise.

Programming in C++
Although this book uses C++ as a tool to be used rather than studied, students coming out of a rst course must be well prepared for subsequent courses in computer science and other disciplines. Therefore, the essential features of C++ must be used, studied, and mastered. The syntactic and semantic features of C++ sufcient for an introductory course are thoroughly covered. At Duke, we teach our rst courses using C++, and then we move to Java. We have had great success with this approach. This book uses C++, not C. In particular, there is no coverage of I/O using printf and scanf, there is no coverage of C-style (char *) strings, and the coverage of C-style arrays is minimal and included only because initializing an array with several values shortens code. Instead, we use streams for I/O, the standard C++ class string, and a modication of the STL vector class called tvector that performs range-checking on all vector accesses. Many thought and programming exercises are integrated in the text, particularly in the pause and reect sections. These exercises are designed to make students think about what theyre doing and to cover some of the messier language details in thoughtprovoking and interesting ways. On-line materials accessible via the World Wide Web provide supporting programming lab assignments.

A CloserView of the CS Tapestry

This book is different from most other introductory programming contexts in several ways: Functions are introduced very early, but in a natural way that makes programming with functions easier than without. Strings are used before ints or doubles, though all are introduced early in the text so that numerical examples can be mixed with text and string examples. Whenever possible, the computer is exploitedsmall programs do not necessarily equate with toy programs. The classes included in the text make this possible. A large number of classes, programs, and libraries are supplied with the book. Students will use the classes rst, studying only their interfaces, before delving into implementation and design issues. Features of C++ that simplify programming are used, but not all features of C++ are emphasized. For example, since we use string and vector classes rather than

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xi pointer-based C-style objects, there is no reason to cover copy constructors or assignment operators. These topics are covered in the text, but theres no compelling reason to cover them.

How to Use the Book

I do not cover every section of the book in my courses, and instructors who used the rst edition indicated that they skip some sections as well. Ill provide an overview of how chapters can be covered, but the best recommendations will be your own after looking at the material. Ill also post sample syllabi on the books web site as people using the book send the syllabi to me.

The How to Sections

The How to sections are new to this second edition. One of the common complaints from users of the rst edition was that it was not an ideal reference. Material on languagespecic features of C++ was introduced as needed so that related material was not always found together. To address this valid concern, I have created How to sections that condense C++ specic topics into a series of appendices, making it easier to use the book as a reference as well as a textbook. The How to sections are referenced in the text by a ying carpet icon as shown to the left, with the relevant How to referenced in the text. For example, How to B provides detailed information on using streams and formatting output. By including the material in the How to appendix, it can be found quickly and it doesnt clutter a more general discussion of computer science and programming design with C++ specics.

Chapter Coverage and Dependencies

Chapter 1 is an overview of computer science and programming. None of the material is used in subsequent chapters, though covering Chapter 1 doesnt take much time and sets a tone for using the book.

Part 1: Foundations of C++ Programming

Chapters 2 through 5 cover material essential to what is covered in the rest of the text. However certain sections in this part can be skipped or treated less thoroughly since the material is repeated in other contexts later. The Balloon class used in Section 3.4 introduces a simple and compelling class, but the section can be skipped since the material on classes is studied again in Section 5.4. Its also possible to cover all the control statements early, then use the examples and classes introduced in Chapters 2 through 5. Chapters 2 through 5 should take less time to cover than Chapters 6 through 8. In general, the chapters later in the book take more time to digest than the earlier chapters, but offer more material.

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Part 2: Program and Class Construction: Extending the Foundation

The material in Chapters 6 through 8, combined with earlier material, will form the basis of many rst courses. Its possible to use sections of chapters from Part 3 to augment the material in the rst eight chapters as noted below. For those who prefer to cover vectors early, its possible to cover Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 7.4, then cover Chapter 8. The material in Section 8.4 on built-in arrays is completely optional. The class tvector is modeled after the STL class vector, but performs range-checking for the overloaded indexing operator. The discussion of tvector relies on the method push_back for adding elements to a vector so that the vector resizes itself as needed. The differences between size and capacity for vectors are emphasized in Chapter 8. The class WordStreamIterator introduced in Section 6.3 can be omitted each time its used, though its much easier to use the class to read a le more than once within the same program than using the stream functions described in How to B to reset a stream. The material on sets of strings in Section 6.5 is used in later chapters, but it can be skipped each time its covered. The random walk classes discussed in Section 7.3 can be skipped, though theyre used later in discussing inheritance and pointers.

Part 3: Design, Use, and Analysis: Building on the Foundation

Chapters 9 through 13 provide a wealth of material. Its unlikely that all the chapters can be covered in a single semester. In general, most of the chapters in this part are independent of each other, though not completely. The material in Chapter 13 can be covered early, though it uses pointers. A quick discussion of allocation using new can nesse the use of pointers since the pointers are used to store vectors of elements in an inheritance hierarchy, not for linked structures. Chapter 9, which covers getline, string streams, and overloaded operators, and Chapter 10 on recursion, can be covered in any order. Most of the material is not used in subsequent chapters, though the getline function is used in several examples and recursion is used in quick sort. These chapters could be covered before Chapter 8 on vectors except that the example of recursion in Section 10.3.3 that permutes the elements in a vector. The material on immutable lists in Section 10.5 can be skipped though it is used in a few examples in later chapters. Most of material in Chapter 11 can be skipped entirely or covered immediately after covering vectors. Section 11.3 on function objects is optional, though its the right way of sorting by several criteria and function objects are important in the STL and the Java Collections classes.

Many people have contributed to this book and the material in it, and I hope that many more will. I must single out several people who have offered criticisms and suggestions

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xiii that have been extremely useful during the development of this project: Rich Pattis (Carnegie Mellon University) and Dave Reed (Dickinson College). At Duke, Susan Rodger taught using a draft of the rst edition, waited patiently while chapters were revised, and offered a nearly uncountable number of exercises, improvements, and programs. Her efforts have been very important in the development of this material. Greg Badros (then at Duke) reviewed the entire manuscript of the rst edition and offered absolutely wonderful suggestions; he astonished me with his perspicacity. In the fall of 1995 David Levine used the rst edition at Gettysburg College and made many constructive suggestions based on this use. In the fall of 1996 Dee Ramm learned and taught using the nal draft, and made many useful suggestions. Through the auspices of McGraw-Hill, Marjorie Anderson offered wonderful suggestions for improving the quality of the rst edition. Although I havent vanquished the passive voice, any progress is due to her diligence, and all stylistic blunders are my own. Among the users of the rst edition, Beth Katz at Millersville University stands out for providing feedback that Ive tried to incorporate into this second edition. The folks from McGraw-Hill involved with the second edition have been absolutely wonderful. Betsy Jones, Emily Gray, and Amy Hill have helped with time, patience, and support throughout the development of the second edition. John Rogosich at Techsetters A created L TEX macros and supplied support for those macros with great alacrity. Pat Anton was my contact about the artwork at Techsetters; if it looks good its due to her, and if it doesnt its because I originated it all. In addition, the following people have reviewed the material and offered many useful suggestions both for the rst edition and for this second edition (if Ive left someone out, I apologize): Robert Anderson, Deganit Armon, John Barr, Gail Chapman, Mike Clancy, Robert Duvall, Arthur Farley, Sarah Fix, Donald Gotterbarn, Karen Hay, Andrew Holey, Judy Hromcik, Beth Katz, David Kay, Joe Kmoch, Sharon Lee, Henry Leitner, David Levine, Clayton Lewis, John McGrew, Jerry Mead, Judy Mullins, David Mutchler, Richard Nau, Jeff Naughton, Chris Nevison, Bob Noonan, Richard Pattis, Robert Plantz, Richard Prosl, Dave Reed, Margaret Reek, Stuart Reges, Stephen Schach, David Teague, Beth Weiss, Lynn Zeigler

The ideas and exercises in this book have been tested in the rst course for majors at Duke since 1993. Many people using the rst edition contributed thoughts and ideas. Im grateful to all of them, especially students at Duke who saw many versions of the material before it was a book. Versions of all the programs used in the book are available for Windows, Unix, and Macintosh operating systems. The software is currently available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.duke.edu in pub/ola/book/ed2/code. It is also accessible via the web at:

Although the rst edition of the book went through extensive classroom testing, there are undoubtedly errors that persist and new ones introduced with this edition. Nevertheless,

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xiv all code has been compiled and executed and is reproduced directly from the sources; it is not retyped. I will respond to all email regarding errors and will attempt to x mistakes in subsequent printings. I would be ecstatic to hear about suggestions that might improve certain sections, or comments about sections that caused problems even without suggestions for improvement. Of course I love to hear that something worked well. Please send all comments by email to
[email protected]

I will try to acknowledge all mail received. Materials for the book are also accessible via the World Wide Web from the URL

A mailing list is available for discussing any aspects of the book or the course. To subscribe, send email with the message
subscribe tapestry

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[email protected]

To unsubscribe, send the message

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A The second edition of the book was prepared using the LTEX package from Y & Y, Inc. A Macros and L TEX support were supplied by Techsetters, Inc. I used hardware donated by Intel to Duke University running Windows NT donated by Microsoft. I also used RedHat Linux 5.1 running on a (now old) Pentium 100. I tested all programs using Codewarrior donated by Metrowerks, Visual C++ donated by Microsoft, and egcs C++ under Linux which is free from Cygnus Software. I used Emacs running under Windows NT and the Unix-like shell for NT created by Cygnus; both were indispensable (I could not survive without grep, for example). Screen images were captured using Snagit/32 and processed using SmartDraw Professional running under Windows NT. I also used XV and Xg running under Linux to create drawings that were ultimately massaged by Techsetters using Adobe Photoshop. I printed preliminary versions of the manuscript on a Tektronix Color Laser/Phaser 740 and used Adobe Distiller to create pdf les from postscript.

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To paraphrase Newton, the work in this book is not mine alone; I have stood on the shoulders of giants. Of course Newton paraphrased Robert Burton, who said, A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself. The styles used in several books serve as models for different portions of this text. In particular, Eric Roberts The Art and Science of C [Rob95] provided style guidelines for formatting; the book A Logical Approach to Discrete Math [GS93] by David Gries and Fred B. Schneider motivated the biographies; books by Bjarne Stroustrup [Str94, Str97] and Scott Meyers [Mey92, Mey96] were indispensable in delving into C++. The way I think about programming was changed by [GHJ95] and other work from the patterns community. Ive borrowed ideas from almost all of the textbooks Ive read in 21 years of teaching, so I acknowledge them en masse. Thanks to Duke University and the Computer Science Department for providing an atmosphere in which teaching is rewarded and this book is possible. The research that led to the inclusion of patterns and the apprentice style of learning used in this book was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR9702550. This second edition was written during a sabbatical year in Vancouver, Canada where the salmon is great, the city is wonderful, and the rain isnt nearly as bad as people lead you to believe. Finally, thanks to Laura for always understanding. Owen Astrachan Vancouver, Canada 1999

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1 Computer Science and Programming 1.1 What Is Computer Science? . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 The Tapestry of Computer Science . . 1.2 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Arranging 13 Cards . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Arranging 100,000 exams . . . . . . 1.3 Computer Science Themes and Concepts . . 1.3.1 Theory, Language, Architecture . . . 1.3.2 Abstractions, Models, and Complexity 1.4 Language, Architecture, and Programs . . . 1.4.1 High- and Low-level Languages . . . 1.5 Creating and Developing Programs . . . . . 1.6 Language and Program Design . . . . . . . 1.6.1 Off-the-Shelf Components . . . . . . 1.6.2 Using Components . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 12 12 15 18 19 20 20 21

I Foundations of C++ Programming

2 C++ Programs: Form and Function 2.1 Simple C++ Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Syntax and Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 How a Program Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Flow of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 What Can Be Output? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Using Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Functions with Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 What Is a Parameter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2 An Example of Parameterization: Happy Birthday 2.5.3 Passing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Functions with Several Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Program Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 Identiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xviii 3 Program Design and Implementation 3.1 The Input Phase of Computation . . 3.1.1 The Input Stream, cin . . . . 3.1.2 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Processing Numbers . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Numeric Data . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Arithmetic Operators . . . . . 3.2.3 Evaluating Expressions . . . . 3.2.4 The type char . . . . . . . . 3.3 Case Study: Pizza Slices . . . . . . 3.3.1 Pizza Statistics . . . . . . . . 3.4 Classes and Types: An Introduction 3.4.1 Member Functions . . . . . . 3.4.2 Reading Programs . . . . . . 3.4.3 Private and Public . . . . . . . 3.5 Compiling and Linking . . . . . . . 3.6 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 68 69 69 73 75 77 79 82 83 83 86 88 89 91 93 94 95 99 100 103 105 107 108 111 112 113 114 116 119 124 127 129 130 138 138 141 144 145 147 149

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4 Control, Functions, and Classes 4.1 The Assignment Operator . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Choices and Conditional Execution . . . . . . 4.2.1 The if/else Statement . . . . . . . . 4.3 Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Relational Operators . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Logical Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Short-Circuit Evaluation . . . . . . . . 4.3.4 Arithmetic Assignment Operators . . . 4.4 Block Statements and Defensive Programming 4.4.1 Defensive Programming Conventions . 4.4.2 Cascaded if/else Statements . . . . 4.5 Functions That Return Values . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 The Math Library <cmath> . . . . . . 4.5.2 Pre- and Post-conditions . . . . . . . . 4.5.3 Function Return Types . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Class Member Functions . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1 string Member Functions . . . . . . 4.6.2 Calling and Writing Functions . . . . . 4.6.3 The Date class . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Using Boolean Operators: De Morgans Law . 4.8 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xix 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes 5.1 The while Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Innite Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Loops and Mathematical Functions . . . . . . . . . 5.1.3 Computing Factorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.4 Computing Prime Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.5 Kinds of Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.6 Efciency Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.7 Exponentiation: A Case Study in Loop Development 5.1.8 Numbers Written in English . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.9 Fence Post Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Alternative Looping Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 The for Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 The Operators ++ and . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 The do-while Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 Pseudo-Innite Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.5 Choosing a Looping Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.6 Nested Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.7 Dening Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Variable Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Using Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 The Date Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 The Dice Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Testing the Dice Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 155 158 159 160 164 168 168 169 175 177 179 180 181 182 183 185 185 190 191 193 193 197 200 204 205

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II Program and Class Construction Extending the Foundation

6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns 6.1 Classes: From Use to Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Class Documentation: The Interface (.h File) . . . . . . 6.1.2 Comments in .h Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Class Documentation: the Implementation or .cpp File . 6.1.4 Member Function Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.5 Scope of Private Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Program Design with Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Evaluating Classes and Code: Coupling and Cohesion . 6.2.2 Toward a Class-based Quiz Program . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Reference parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.4 Pass by Value and Pass by Reference . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.5 const Reference Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Recommended Problem-solving and Programming Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xx 6.3.2 A Pseudocode Solution . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 Solving a Related Problem . . . . . . . . . 6.3.4 The Final Program: Counting Words . . . . 6.3.5 Streams Associated with Files . . . . . . . 6.3.6 Type Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.7 A Word-Reading Class Using ifstream . Finding Extreme Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Largest/Smallest Values . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.2 Initialization: Another Fence Post Problem 6.4.3 Word Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.4 Using the CTimer class . . . . . . . . . . Case Study: Iteration and String Sets . . . . . . . 6.5.1 Iterators and the strutils.h Library . . . . . 6.5.2 The Type ofstream . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5.3 Sets and Word Counting . . . . . . . . . . Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 240 242 245 247 249 251 253 254 256 258 261 263 263 265 268 269 279 279 280 280 281 281 283 284 287 289 291 302 302 303 304 306 307 308 311 312 314 316 323 329 331 333 335 336



6.6 6.7

7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation 7.1 Designing Classes: From Requirements to Implementation . . . . . . 7.1.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.2 Nouns as Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.3 Verbs as Member Functions (Methods) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.4 Finding Verbs Using Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.5 Assigning Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.6 Implementing and Testing Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.7 Implementing the Class Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.8 Implementing the Class Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.9 Sidebar: Converting int and double Values to strings . . 7.2 A Conforming Interface: a new Question Class . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Using the New Question Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Creating a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.3 The Preprocessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.4 The Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.5 The Linker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.6 A New Question Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Random Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 One-Dimensional Random Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.2 Selection with the switch Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.3 A RandomWalk Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.4 A Two-Dimensional Walk Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.5 The Common Interface in RandomWalk and RandomWalk2D 7.4 structs as Data Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.1 structs for Storing Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.2 Operators for structs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xxi 7.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access 8.1 Arrays and Vectors as Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1.1 An Introduction to the Class tvector . . . . . 8.1.2 Counting with tvectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Dening and Using tvectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 tvector Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.2 tvector Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.3 tvector Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.4 A tvector Case Study: Shufing CD Tracks . 8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors . . . . . . . . 8.3.1 Size and Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.2 Using push_back, resize, and reserve . 8.3.3 Vector Idioms: Insertion, Deletion, and Searching 8.3.4 Insertion into a Sorted Vector . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.5 Deleting an Element Using pop_back . . . . . 8.3.6 Searching a Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.7 Binary Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3.8 Comparing Sequential and Binary Search . . . . 8.4 Built-in Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4.1 Dening an Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4.2 Initializing an Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4.3 Arrays as Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 342 345 346 349 349 350 350 354 359 360 360 365 368 370 371 376 377 382 382 383 384 388 390

III Design, Use, and Analysis Extending the Foundation

9 Strings, Streams, and Operators 9.1 Characters: Building Blocks for Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.1 The Type char as an Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.2 The Library <cctype> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.3 Strings as char Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.1 Input Using getline() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.2 Parsing Line-Oriented Data Using istringstream . 9.2.3 Output Using ostringstream . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.4 Strings, Streams, and Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Case Study: Removing Comments with State Machines . . . . 9.3.1 Counting Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.2 Problem Specication: What Is a Comment? . . . . . . 9.3.3 A State Machine Approach to I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.4 Enumerated Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xxii 9.4.1 Throw-Away Code vs. Class Design . 9.4.2 Implementing the ClockTime Class 9.4.3 Class or Data Invariants . . . . . . . 9.4.4 Overloaded Operators . . . . . . . . 9.4.5 Friend Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.6 Overloaded operator << . . . . 9.4.7 Overloaded Relational Operators . . . 9.4.8 Overloaded operator + and += . 9.4.9 Testing the ClockTime Class . . . . 9.4.10The Final Program . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 431 434 435 435 436 437 437 438 440 442 443 451 451 451 456 458 460 461 462 468 469 469 473 476 480 481 483 485 486 488 489 491 493 495 501 502 506 506 508 517 518

10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices 10.1Recursive Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1.1Similar and Simpler Functions . . . . . . . 10.1.2General Rules for Recursion . . . . . . . . 10.1.3Innite Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2Recursion and Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2.1Classes for Traversing Directories . . . . . 10.2.2Recursion and Directory Traversal . . . . . 10.2.3Properties of Recursive Functions . . . . . 10.3Comparing Recursion and Iteration . . . . . . . . 10.3.1The Factorial Function . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.2Fibonacci Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3.3Permutation Generation . . . . . . . . . . 10.4Scope and Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.1Global Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.2Hidden Identiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.3Static Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4.4Static or Class Variables and Functions . . 10.5Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist . . . . . 10.5.1What Is a CList Object? . . . . . . . . . 10.5.2Tail-ing Down a list . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.3Cons-ing Up a List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5.4Append, Reverse, and Auxiliary Functions 10.5.5Polynomials Implemented with Lists . . . . 10.5.6CList and Sparse, Sequential Structures . 10.6The class tmatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6.1A Simple tmatrix Program . . . . . . . 10.6.2Case Study: Finding Blobs . . . . . . . . . 10.7Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.8Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xxiii 11 Sorting, Templates, and Generic Programming 11.1Sorting an Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.1Selection Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.2Insertion Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2Function Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.1Printing a tvector with a Function Template 11.2.2Function Templates and Iterators . . . . . . . . 11.2.3Function Templates, Reuse, and Code Bloat . . 11.3Function Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3.1The Function Object Comparer . . . . . . . 11.3.2Predicate Function Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4Analyzing Sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4.1O Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4.2Worst Case and Average Case . . . . . . . . . 11.4.3Analyzing Insertion Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5Quicksort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5.1The Partition/Pivot Function . . . . . . . . . . 11.5.2Analysis of Quicksort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 527 528 532 537 538 541 545 545 546 551 555 558 558 559 561 563 566 569 570 573 573 573 577 580 583 584 585 591 597 600 601 602 602 604 608 612 613 614 616 618 622 627 634 636

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12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates 12.1Pointers as Indirect References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.1What is a Pointer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.2Heap Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.3Sharing Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.4Reference Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.5Pointers for Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.1.6Interdependencies, Class Declarations, and Header Files 12.1.7Delete and Destructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2Linked Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.1Creating Nodes with Linked Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.2Iterating over a Linked List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.3Adding a Last Node to a Linked List . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.4Deleting Nodes in a Linked List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.5Splicing Nodes into a Linked List . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.6Doubly and Circularly Linked Lists, Header Nodes . . . 12.3A Templated Class for Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.1Sets of Strings With Linked Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.2Searching, Clearing, Helper Functions . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.3Iterators and Friend Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.4Interactive Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.5Deep Copy, Assignment, and Destruction . . . . . . . . 12.3.6A Templated Version of LinkStringSet . . . . . . . 12.4Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xxiv 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design 13.1Essential Aspects of Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.1The Inheritance Hierarchy for Streams . . . . . . . . 13.1.2An Inheritance Hierarchy: Math Quiz Questions . . 13.1.3Implementing Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.4Public Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.5Virtual Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.6Protected Data Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2Using an Abstract Base Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.1Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions . . . . . 13.2.2When Is a Method virtual? . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns 13.3.1An Introduction to Gates and Circuits . . . . . . . . 13.3.2Wires, Gates, and Probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.3Composite Gates and Connectors . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.4Implementation of the Wire and Gate Classes . . . 13.3.5Gates and Wires: Observers and Observables . . . . 13.3.6Encapsulating Construction in WireFactory . . . 13.3.7Refactoring: Creating a BinaryGate Class . . . . 13.3.8Interactive Circuit Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3.9SimpleMap: Mapping Names to Gates . . . . . . . 13.4Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A How to: Use Basic C++, Syntax and Operators A.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1.1 The Function main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1.2 Built-in and Other Types . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1.3 Variable Denition and Assignment . . . . . . A.1.4 C++ Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1.5 Control Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Functions and Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.1 Dening and Declaring Functions and Classes . A.2.2 Importing Classes and Functions: #include A.2.3 Namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.4 Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.5 Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.6 Command-line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . B How to: Format Output and Use Streams B.1 Formatting Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1.1 General and Floating-Point Formatting B.1.2 Manipulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1.3 Stream Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Random Access Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.3 I/O Redirection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643 643 644 646 649 651 652 656 657 659 663 670 670 672 674 682 684 686 688 692 697 698 699 707 707 707 707 708 710 710 713 713 715 715 717 718 718 721 721 721 722 728 729 732

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xxv C How to: Use the Class string C.1 The Class string . . . . . . . . . . . . C.1.1 Basic Operations . . . . . . . . . . C.1.2 Conversion to/from C-style Strings . C.2 String Member Functions . . . . . . . . . C.2.1 Adding Characters or Strings . . . . C.2.2 Using Substrings . . . . . . . . . . C.2.3 Finding (Sub)strings and Characters D How to: Understand and Use const D.1 Why const? . . . . . . . . . . . D.1.1 Literal Arguments . . . . . D.2 const Member Functions . . . . D.2.1 Overloading on const . . . D.3 Mutable Data . . . . . . . . . . . D.4 Pointers and const . . . . . . . . D.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733 733 733 734 734 734 735 737 739 739 740 740 742 743 745 746 747 747 747 748 750 752 755 756 757 759 759 759 760 760 761 762 763 765 767 767 767 768 769 769 771 773 774

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E How to: Overload Operators E.1 Overloading Overview . . . . . . . . . E.2 Arithmetic Operators . . . . . . . . . . E.2.1 Binary Operators . . . . . . . . . E.2.2 Arithmetic Assignment Operators E.3 Relational Operators . . . . . . . . . . E.4 I/O Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.4.1 The Function tostring() . . . E.5 Constructors and Conversions . . . . . .

F How to: Understand and Use Standard Libraries F.1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F.1.1 The Library <cmath> . . . . . . . . . . F.1.2 The Library <cctype> . . . . . . . . . F.2 Constants and Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F.2.1 Limits in <climits> . . . . . . . . . . F.2.2 Double Limits in <cfloat> . . . . . . F.2.3 Limits in <limits> . . . . . . . . . . . F.2.4 ASCII Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G How to: Understand and Use Tapestry Classes G.1 A Library of Useful Classes . . . . . . . . . . G.1.1 Summary of Classes and Functions . . G.1.2 Implementations of Tapestry Classes . . G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes . . . . . . . G.2.1 Prompting Functions in prompt.h . . G.2.2 The Class Date . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.3 The Class Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.4 The Class RandGen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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xxvi G.2.5 The Class CTimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.6 The Class WordStreamIterator . . . . . G.2.7 The Class StringSet . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.8 The String Functions in strutils.h . . . . G.2.9 The Math Helper Functions in mathutils.h G.2.10 The struct Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.11 The Classes in directory.h . . . . . . . . G.2.12 The Class CList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.13 The Class Poly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.2.14 The Sorting Functions in sortall.h . . . . G.2.15 Header Files from Circuit Simulation . . . . . G.2.16 The Map Class SimpleMap . . . . . . . . . . H How to: Use the Graphics Classes in canvas.h H.1 The Graphics Library: TOOGL 1.0 . . . . . . . . . H.2 Using the Canvas Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.2.1 Canvas Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.2.2 Drawing, Styles, and Colors . . . . . . . . . H.2.3 Drawing Shapes and Text . . . . . . . . . . . H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class . . . . . . . . H.3.1 The Shape Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . H.3.2 Properties of Shape Objects . . . . . . . . . H.3.3 Using Shapes: addShape and clone . . . H.3.4 The CompositeShape Class . . . . . . . H.3.5 Processing Mouse and Key Events . . . . . . H.3.6 Animations with Bouncer and Mover . . . H.3.7 Canvas Iterator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.3.8 Specifying Color with Class CanvasColor H.3.9 The Class Key in key.h . . . . . . . . . . . . I How to: Cope with C++ Environments I.1 Coping with Compilers . . . . . . . I.1.1 Keeping Current . . . . . . . I.2 Creating a C++ Program . . . . . . I.2.1 The Preprocessor . . . . . . . I.2.2 The Compiler . . . . . . . . . I.2.3 The Linker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 775 777 778 778 779 780 783 786 787 789 794 797 797 798 798 798 800 803 803 804 805 807 809 812 815 817 818 819 819 820 820 820 822 822

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List of Programs
Program 2.1: hello.cpp . . . . Program 2.2: hello2.cpp . . . Program 2.3: drawhead.cpp . Program 2.4: parts.cpp . . . . Program 2.5: bday.cpp . . . . Program 2.6: bday2.cpp . . . Program 2.7: oldmac1.cpp . . Program 2.8: oldmac2.cpp . . Program 2.9: order.cpp . . . . Program 2.10: order2.cpp . . Program 3.1: macinput.cpp . Program 3.2: fahrcels.cpp . . Program 3.3: daysecs.cpp . . Program 3.4: express.cpp . . Program 3.5: pizza.cpp . . . Program 3.6: gy.cpp . . . . Program 3.7: gballoonx.h . . Program 3.8: gy2.cpp . . . . Program 4.1: change.cpp . . Program 4.2: change2.cpp . . Program 4.3: broccoli.cpp . . Program 4.4: noindent.cpp . . Program 4.5: monthdays.cpp Program 4.6: usemath.cpp . . Program 4.7: pizza2.cpp . . . Program 4.8: isleap.cpp . . . Program 4.9: isleap2.cpp . . Program 4.10: numtoeng.cpp Program 4.11: strdemo.cpp . Program 4.12: strnd.cpp . . Program 4.13: datedemo.cpp Program 5.1: revstring.cpp . . Program 5.2: fact.cpp . . . . Program 5.3: bigfact.cpp . . . Program 5.4: primes.cpp . . . Program 5.5: digits.cpp . . . Program 5.6: threeloops.cpp . Program 5.7: digitloops.cpp . Program 5.8: windchill.cpp . Program 5.9: multiply.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 31 40 41 46 47 52 55 58 60 68 74 75 80 83 86 89 98 101 104 106 116 119 125 127 131 132 133 138 140 144 157 160 162 165 175 177 180 186 188


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xxviii Program 5.10: usedate.cpp . . . . . Program 5.11: roll.cpp . . . . . . . Program 5.12: tryroll.cpp . . . . . Program 5.13: testdice.cpp . . . . . Program 6.1: dice.cpp . . . . . . . Program 6.2: simpquiz.cpp . . . . Program 6.3: simpquiz2.cpp . . . . Program 6.4: pbyvalue.cpp . . . . Program 6.5: constref.cpp . . . . . Program 6.6: sentinel.cpp . . . . . Program 6.7: countw.cpp . . . . . Program 6.8: countw2.cpp . . . . . Program 6.9: mindata.cpp . . . . . Program 6.10: mindata2.cpp . . . . Program 6.11: maxword.cpp . . . . Program 6.12: usetimer.cpp . . . . Program 6.13: maxword2time.cpp . Program 6.14: setdemo.cpp . . . . Program 6.15: setdemo2.cpp . . . Program 6.16: maxword3.cpp . . . Program 6.17: listcount.cpp . . . . Program 7.1: studentstub.cpp . . . Program 7.2: mainstub.cpp . . . . Program 7.3: quizstub.cpp . . . . . Program 7.4: question.h . . . . . . Program 7.5: numtostring.cpp . . . Program 7.6: mathquest.h . . . . . Program 7.7: mathquest.cpp . . . . Program 7.8: quiz.cpp . . . . . . . Program 7.9: capquest.cpp . . . . . Program 7.10: frogwalk.cpp . . . . Program 7.11: walk.h . . . . . . . Program 7.12: frogwalk2.cpp . . . Program 7.13: walk.cpp . . . . . . Program 7.14: brownian.cpp . . . . Program 7.15: twodwalk.cpp . . . Program 7.16: usepoint.cpp . . . . Program 8.1: dieroll.cpp . . . . . . Program 8.2: dieroll2.cpp . . . . . Program 8.3: letters.cpp . . . . . . Program 8.4: shufe.cpp . . . . . . Program 8.5: growdemo.cpp . . . . Program 8.6: stocks.cpp . . . . . . Program 8.7: timesearch.cpp . . . Program 8.8: xlist.cpp . . . . . . Program 9.1: charlist.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 197 199 200 219 224 228 231 233 240 244 245 252 254 256 259 260 262 264 265 276 285 285 288 290 292 294 296 297 309 313 317 318 321 324 329 333 342 346 350 356 362 365 378 385 401

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xxix Program 9.2: spreader.cpp . . . . Program 9.3: lelines.cpp . . . . Program 9.4: readnums.cpp . . . Program 9.5: lelines2.cpp . . . Program 9.6: wc.cpp . . . . . . . Program 9.7: decomment.cpp . . Program 9.8: enumdemo.cpp . . Program 9.9: clockt.h . . . . . . Program 9.10: useclock.cpp . . . Program 9.11: cdsum.cpp . . . . Program 10.1: digits2.cpp . . . . Program 10.2: digits3.cpp . . . . Program 10.3: recdepth.cpp . . . Program 10.4: les.cpp . . . . . Program 10.5: subdir.cpp . . . . Program 10.6: facttest.cpp . . . . Program 10.7: btest.cpp . . . . Program 10.8: usepermuter.cpp . Program 10.9: recb.cpp . . . . . Program 10.10: scope.cpp . . . . Program 10.11: recb2.cpp . . . Program 10.12: staticdemo.cpp . Program 10.13: listdemo.cpp . . Program 10.14: listsize.cpp . . . Program 10.15: readlist.cpp . . . Program 10.16: listappend.cpp . Program 10.17: listreverse.cpp . Program 10.18: polydemo.cpp . . Program 10.19: polymult.cpp . . Program 10.20: polycount.cpp . . Program 10.21: matdemo.cpp . . Program 10.22: bitmapdemo.cpp Program 10.23: blobs.cpp . . . . Program 10.24: nqueenpartial.cpp Program 11.1: selectsort1.cpp . . Program 11.2: selectsort2.cpp . . Program 11.3: insertsort.cpp . . . Program 11.4: timequadsorts.cpp Program 11.5: sortwlen.cpp . . . Program 11.6: countiter.cpp . . . Program 11.7: uniqueiter.cpp . . Program 11.8: strlensort.cpp . . . Program 11.9: sortstocks.cpp . . Program 11.10: dirvecfun.cpp . . Program 11.11: checkselect.cpp . Program 11.12: checkinsert.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 410 413 417 419 422 427 432 439 440 452 454 459 461 463 470 474 479 481 484 485 487 489 491 493 495 498 502 503 505 506 508 511 523 529 530 533 534 538 541 543 547 549 552 557 560

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xxx Program 12.1: pointerdemo.cpp . . . Program 12.2: sharetoy.cpp . . . . . Program 12.3: walkdesign.cpp . . . . Program 12.4: frogwalk3.cpp . . . . Program 12.5: strlink.cpp . . . . . . Program 12.6: orderedlist.cpp . . . . Program 12.7: listremove.cpp . . . . Program 12.8: linkstringsetiterator.h Program 12.9: testlinkset.cpp . . . . Program 12.10: linksetdemo.cpp . . Program 12.11: linkset.h . . . . . . . Program 12.12: linkset.cpp . . . . . Program 12.13: wordgame.h . . . . . Program 12.14: wordgame.cpp . . . Program 13.1: streaminherit.cpp . . . Program 13.2: inheritquiz.cpp . . . . Program 13.3: mathquestface.h . . . Program 13.4: mathquestface.cpp . . Program 13.5: questface.h . . . . . . Program 13.6: whatsthequizmain.cpp Program 13.7: whatstheface.h . . . . Program 13.8: inheritdemo.cpp . . . Program 13.9: gatetester.cpp . . . . . Program 13.10: gatewiredemo.cpp . Program 13.11: xorgate.cpp . . . . . Program 13.12: xordemo.cpp . . . . Program 13.13: gwinteraction.cpp . . Program 13.14: simplemapdemo.cpp Program 13.15: singleton.h . . . . . Program A.1: namespacedemo.cpp . Program A.2: mainargs.cpp . . . . . Program B.1: formatdemo.cpp . . . . Program B.2: streamags.cpp . . . . Program B.3: formatparams.cpp . . . Program B.4: binaryles.cpp . . . . Program C.1: stringdemo.cpp . . . . Program E.1: datecomps.cpp . . . . Program F.1: oldlimits.cpp . . . . . . Program F.2: limits.cpp . . . . . . . Program G.1: prompt.h . . . . . . . Program G.2: date.h . . . . . . . . . Program G.3: dice.h . . . . . . . . . Program G.4: randgen.h . . . . . . . Program G.5: ctimer.h . . . . . . . . Program G.6: worditer.h . . . . . . . Program G.7: stringset.h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 580 585 588 598 605 608 617 618 622 628 631 639 640 644 646 650 653 659 660 662 664 671 673 675 677 683 697 703 715 719 723 726 727 730 736 753 761 763 769 771 773 774 775 775 777

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xxxi Program G.8: strutils.h . . . . . . Program G.9: mathutils.h . . . . Program G.10: point.h . . . . . . Program G.11: directory.h . . . . Program G.12: clist.h . . . . . . Program G.13: poly.h . . . . . . Program G.14: sortall.h . . . . . Program G.15: wires.h . . . . . . Program G.16: gates.h . . . . . . Program G.17: simplemap.h . . . Program H.1: circles.cpp . . . . Program H.2: drawshapes.cpp . . Program H.3: grid.cpp . . . . . . Program H.4: abcshape.h . . . . Program H.5: bouncedemo.cpp . Program H.6: bouncesh.cpp . . Program H.7: circlefun.cpp . . . Program H.8: sketchpad.cpp . . . Program H.9: shforth.cpp . . . Program H.10: molebouncer.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 778 779 780 783 786 787 789 791 794 799 800 802 805 806 808 809 810 814 815

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[AA85] Donald J. Albers and G.L. Alexanderson. Mathematical People. Birkhuser, 1985.

[ACM87] ACM. Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years 19661985. ACM Press, 1987. [AS96] [Asp90] [Aus98] [Ben86] [Ben88] [Ble90] [Boo91] [Boo94] Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. 2nd. ed. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 1996. William Aspray. Computing Before Computers. Iowa State University Press, 1990. Matthew H. Austern Generic Programming and the STL. Addison-Wesley, 1998. Jon Bentley. Programming Pearls. Addison-Wesley, 1986. Jon Bentley. More Programming Pearls. Addison-Wesley, 1988. Guy E. Blelloch. Vector Models for Data-Parallel Computing. MIT Press, 1990. Grady Booch. Object-Oriented Design with Applications. Benjamin Cummings, 1991. Grady Booch. Object-Oriented Design and Analysis with Applications. 2nd. ed. Benjamin Cummings, 1994.

[BRE71] I. Barrodale, F.D. Roberts, and B.L. Ehle. Elementary Computer Applications in Science Engineering and Business. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1971. [Coo87] [Dij82] [DR90] [(ed91] [EL94] Doug Cooper. Condensed Pascal. W.W. Norton, 1987. Edsger W. Dijkstra. Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective. Springer-Verlag, 1982. Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold. Calendrical Calculations. Software-Practice and Experience 20, (September 1990) pp. 899928. Allen B. Tucker (ed.). Computing Curricula 1991 Report of the ACM/IEEECS Joint Curriculum Task Force. ACM Press, 1991. Susan Epstein and Joanne Luciano, eds. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Computing Research Association, 1994. [email protected]. 823

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824 [Emm93] Michele Emmer, ed. The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics. MIT Press, 1993. [G95] [Gar95] Denise W. Grer. Pioneering women in Computer Science. Communications of the ACM 38, (January 1995) pp 4554. Simson Garnkel. PGP: Pretty Good Privacy. OReilly & Associates, 1995.

[GHJ95] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Programming AddisonWesley, 1995 [Gol93] [Gri74] [GS93] [Har92] [Hoa89] [Hod83] [Hor92] [JW89] [Knu97] Herman H. Goldstine. The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann. Princeton University Press, 1993. David Gries. On Structured ProgrammingA Reply to Smoliar. Communications of the ACM 17, 11 (1974), pp 655657. David Gries and Fred B. Schneider. A Logical Approach to Discrete Math. Springer-Verlag, 1993. David Harel. Algorithmics, The Spirit of Computing 2nd. ed. Addison-Wesley, 1992. C.A.R. Hoare. Essays in Computing Science. ed. C.B. Jones. Prentice-Hall, 1989. Andrew Hodges. Alan Turing: The Enigma. Simon & Schuster, 1983. John Horgan. Claude E. Shannon. IEEE Spectrum, April 1992. William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. 3rd. ed. MacMillan Publishing Co., 1989. Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 1, Fundamental Algorithms. 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley, 1997.

[Knu98a] Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 2, Seminumerical Algorithms. 3rd. ed. Addison-Wesley, 1998. [Knu98b] Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3, Sorting and Searching. 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley, 1998. [KR78] [KR96] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. The C Programming Language. Prentice-Hall, 1978. Samuel N. Kamin and Edward M. Reingold. Programming with class: A C++ Introduction to Computer Science. McGraw-Hill, 1996.

[Mac92] Norman Macrae. John von Neumann. Pantheon Books, 1992.

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825 [McC79] Pamela McCorduck. Machines Who Think. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1979. [McC93] Steve McConnell. Code Complete. Microsoft Press, 1993. [MGRS91] Albert R. Meyer, John V. Gutag, Ronald L. Rivest, and Peter Szolovits, eds. Research Directions in Computer Science: An MIT Perspective. MIT Press, 1991. [Neu95] [Pat96] [Per87] [PL90] Peter G. Neumann. Computer Related Risks. Addison-Wesley, 1995. Richard E. Pattis. Get A-Life: Advice for the Beginning Object-Oriented Programmer. Turing TarPit Press, 2000. Alan Perlis. The synthesis of algorithmic systems. In ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years. ACM Press, 1987. Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Springer-Verlag, 1990.

[RDC93] Edward M. Reingold, Nachum Dershowitz, and Stewart M. Clamen. Calendrical Calculations, II: Three Historical Calendars. Software-Practice and Experience, 23, (April 1993), pp. 383404. [Rie96] [Rob95] Arthur Riel. Object-Oriented Design Heuristics. Addison-Wesley, 1996. Eric S. Roberts. Loop Exits and Structured Programming: Reopening the Debate. In Papers of the Twenty-Sixth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM Press, March 1995. SIGCSE Bulletin V. 27 N 1, pp. 268272. Eric S. Roberts. The Art and Science of C. Addison-Wesley, 1995. Robert Slater. Portraits in Silicon. MIT Press, 1987. Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison-Wesley, 1987. Bjarne Stroustrup. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison-Wesley, 1994. Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. 3rd. ed. AddisonWesley, 1997.

[Rob95] [Sla87] [Str87] [Str94] [Str97]

[Mey92] Scott Meyers. Effective C++. Addison-Wesley, 1992. [Mey96] Scott Meyers. More Effective C++. Addison-Wesley, 1996. [Wei94] [Wil56] Mark Allen Weiss. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. Benjamin Cummings, 1994. M.V. Wilkes. Automatic Digital Computers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1956.

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826 [Wil87] [Wil95] [Wir87] Maurice V. Wilkes. Computers then and now. In ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years, ACM Press, 1987, pp. 197205. Maurice V. Wilkes. Computing Perspectives. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995. Niklaus Wirth. From Programming Language Design to Compiler Construction. In ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years. ACM Press, 1987.

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Computer Science and Programming

The computer is no better than its program. Elting Elmore Morison Men, Machines and Modern Times Science and technology, and the various forms of art, all unite humanity in a single and interconnected system. Zhores Medvedev The Medvedev Papers I want to reach that state of condensation of sensations which constitutes a picture. Henri Matisse Notes dun Peintre

In this chapter we introduce you to computer science. Ideally, we would begin with a simple denition that could be expanded and rened throughout the book. Unfortunately, computer science, like other disciplines, has no simple denition. For example, we might say that biology is the study of life. But that doesnt explain much about the content of such subdisciplines as animal behavior, immunology, or geneticsall of which are part of biology. Nor does it explain much about the contributions that these disciplines make to biology in general. Similarly, is English the study of grammar and spelling, the reading of Shakespeares plays, or the writing of poems and stories? In many cases it is easier to consider the subelds within an area of study than it is to dene the area of study. So it is with computer science.

1.1 What Is Computer Science?

In some respects, computer science is a new discipline; it has grown and evolved along with the growth of computing technology and the cheaper, faster, and more accessible processing power of modern-day computers. As recently as 1970, many colleges and universities did not even have departments of computer science. But computer science has beneted from work done in such older disciplines as mathematics, psychology, electrical engineering, physics, and linguistics. Computer science inherits characteristics from all these elds in ways that well touch on in this book, but the thread that links these and the many subdisciplines of computer science is computer programming. Some people prefer the term used in many European languages, informatics, over what is called computer science in the United States. Computer science is more the study of managing and processing information than it is the study of computers. Computer science is more than programming, but programming is at the core of information processing and computer science. 3

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Chapter 1 Computer Science and Programming

This book will guide you through the study of the design, building, and analysis of computer programs. Although you wont become an expert by working through this book, you will lay a foundation on which expertise can be built. Wherever possible, the programming examples will solve problems that are difcult to solve without a computer: a program might nd the smallest of 10,000 numbers, rather than the smallest of 2 numbers. Longer examples are taken from various core areas of computer science. As this is a book about the design and analysis of computer programs, it must be used in conjunction with a computer. Reading alone cannot convey the same understanding that using, reading, and writing programs can.

1.1.1 TheTapestry of Computer Science

This chapter introduces computer science using a tapestry metaphor. A tapestry has much in common with computer science. A tapestry has many intricate scenes that form a whole. Similarly, computer science is a broad discipline with many intricate subdisciplines. In studying a tapestry, we can step back and view the work as a whole, move closer to concentrate on some particularly alluring or colorful region, and even study the quality of the fabric itself. Well similarly explore computer sciencestudying some things in detail, but stepping back to view the whole when appropriate. Well view programs as tapestries too. Youll study programs written by others, add to these programs to make them more useful, and write your own programs. Youll see that creating and developing programs is not only useful but is immensely satisfying, and often entertaining as well. Several unifying threads run through a tapestry, and the various scenes and sections originate from and build on these threads. Likewise in computer science, we nd basic themes and concepts on which the eld is built and that we use to write programs and solve problems. In this chapter we introduce the themes of computer science, which are like the scenes in a tapestry, and the concepts, which are like the unifying threads. Contexture is a word meaning both an arrangement of interconnected parts and the act of weaving (assembling) parts into a whole. It can apply to tapestries and to computer programming. This book uses a contextural approach in which programming is the vehicle for learning about computer science. Although it is possible to study computer science without programming, it would be like studying food and cooking without eating, which would be neither as enjoyable nor as satisfying. Computer science is not just programming. Too often this is the impression left after an initial exposure to the eld. I want you to learn something of what a well-read and well-rounded computer scientist knows. You should have an understanding of what has been done, what might be done, and what cannot be done by programming a computer. After a brief preview of what is ahead, well get to it.

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1.2 Algorithms

Alan Turing (19131954)

Alan Turing was one of the founders of computer science, studying it before there were computers! To honor his work, the highest achievement in the eld of computer scienceand the equivalent in stature to a Nobel prizeis the Turing award, given by the Association for Computing Machinery (the ACM). In 1937, Turing published the paper On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem. In this paper he invented an abstract machine, now known as a Turing Machine, that is (theoretically) capable of doing any calculation that todays supercomputers can. He used this abstract machine to show that there are certain problems in mathematics whose proofs cannot be found. This also shows that there are certain problems that cannot be solved with any computer. In particular, a program cannot be written that will determine whether an arbitrary program will eventually stop. This is called the halting problem. During World War II, Turing was instrumental in breaking a German coding machine called the Enigma. He was also very involved with the design of the rst computers in England and the United States. During this time, Turing practiced one of his loveslong-distance running. A newspaper account said of his secondplace nish (by 1 foot) in a 3-mile race in a time of 15:51: Antithesis of the popular notion of a scientist is tall, modest, 34-year-old bachelor Alan M. Turing.Turing is the clubs star distance runner[and] is also credited with the original idea for the Automatic Computing Engine, popularly known as the Electronic Brain. Turing was also fond of playing running-chess, in which each player alternated moves with a run around Turings garden. Turing was gay and, unfortunately, the 1940s and 50s were not a welcome time for homosexuals. He was found guilty of committing acts of gross indecency in 1952 and sentenced to a regimen of hormones as a cure. More than a year after nishing this therapy, and with no notice, Turing committed suicide in 1954. For a full account of Turings life see[Hod83].

1.2 Algorithms
To develop an initial understanding of the themes and concepts that make up the computer science tapestry, well work through an example. Consider two similar tasks of arranging objects into some predetermined order:

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Chapter 1 Computer Science and Programming

Arranging Cards
Arrange cards into four groups by suit: spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds Sort each group. To sort a group: For each rank (2, 3, 4, , 10, J, Q, K, A) put the 2 rst, followed by the 3, the 4, , followed by the 10, J, Q, K, A (if any rank is missing, skip it)

Figure 1.1 Arranging cards in order. 1. 2. A hand of cards (arrange by rank and suit) 100,000 exams (arrange by six-digit student ID number)

Card players often do the rst task because it makes playing much simpler than if the cards in their hands are arranged in a random order. The second task is part of the administration of the Advanced Placement exams given each year to high school students. Many people are hired to sort the exam booklets by student ID number before the scores are entered into a computer. In both cases people are doing the arranging. The differences in the scale of the tasks and the techniques used to solve them will illuminate the study of computer science and problem solving.

1.2.1 Arranging 13 Cards

A hand of cards might look like this:
10 10 5 5 Q Q 7 7 9 9 A A 8 8 J J 3 3 7 7 K K Q Q 8 8

Most people arrange cards in order by suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs), and within suit by rank (2, , 10, J, Q, K, A) with little thought. In fact, many people perform a slightly different sequence of steps in arranging different hands of cards, modifying their basic technique depending on the order in which the cards are dealt. However, if you are asked to describe the process of arranging a hand of cards to someone who has never seen cards before, the task becomes difcult. The careful description of such processes is one of the fundamental parts of computer science. The descriptions are called algorithms and are the focus of much study in computer science and in this book. The algorithm for sorting cards shown in Figure 1.1 is both correct and concise, two traits to strive for in writing algorithms. The instructions to sort a group are applicable to all groups, not just to the spades or to the diamonds. Instructions that apply in more than one situation are much more versatile than instructions that apply in a single situation. Algorithms are often compared to recipes used in cooking: they are step-by-step plans used in some process (arranging cards or baking bread) to arrive at some end (a

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1.2 Algorithms

sorted hand of cards or a loaf of bread). Although this analogy is apt, cooking often allows for a larger margin of error than do algorithms that are to be implemented on a computer. Phrases like beat until smooth, saut until tender, and season to taste are interpreted differently by cooks. A more appropriate analogy may be seen with the instructions that are used to knit a sweater or make a shirt. In such tasks, precise instructions are given and patterns must be followed or else a sweater with a front larger than the back or a shirt with mismatched buttons and buttonholes may result. You can easily determine that the hand below is sorted correctly, in part because there are so few cards in a hand and because grouping cards by suit makes it easier to see if the cards are sorted. Verifying that the algorithm is correct in general is much more difcult than verifying that one hand of cards is sorted.
7 7 8 8 9 9 7 7 10 10 K K 3 3 5 5 Q Q A A 8 8 J J Q Q

For example, suppose that an algorithm correctly sorts 1,000 hands of cards. Does this guarantee that the algorithm will sort all hands? No, its possible that the next hand might not be sorted even though the rst 1,000 hands were. This points out an important difference between verifying an algorithm and testing an algorithm. A veried algorithm has been proved to work in all situations. A tested algorithm has been rigorously tried with many examples to establish condence that it works in all situations.

1.2.2 Arranging 100,000 exams

Arranging 100,000 exams by ID number is a much more cumbersome task than arranging 13 cards. Imagine being confronted with 100,000 exams to sort. Where would you begin? This task is more time-consuming and more prone to error than arranging cards. Although you probably dont need a precise description of the card-arranging algorithm to sort cards correctly, youll need to think carefully about developing an algorithm to sort 100,000 exams using 40 people as assistants. Utilizing these computational assistants requires communication and organization beyond what is needed to arrange 13 cards in one persons hand. A sample of 32 student ID numbers is shown here: 672029 483595 712077 278827 662497 613046 816735 821759 118183 361999 540778 131232 452603 231519 975985 952606 637238 695368 950610 547825 249262 689831 846581 385646 617834 346006 931662 880295 396939 539184 625487 816645

These represent a small fraction of the number of exam booklets that must be arranged. Consider the algorithmic description in Figure 1.2. If this algorithm is implemented correctly, it will result in 32 numbers arranged from smallest to largest. If we had a computer to assist with the task, this might be an acceptable algorithm. (Well see later that there are more efcient methods for use on a computer but that this is a method that works and is simple to understand.) We might be tempted to use it with 32 exams, but with 100,000 exams it would be extremely time-consuming and would make inefcient use of the resources at our disposal since using 40 people to nd the smallest exam number is a literal waste of time.

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Sorting Exams Repeat the following until all 32 numbers (exams) have been arranged
scan the list of numbers (exams) looking for the smallest exam move the smallest number (exam) to another pile of exams that are maintained and arranged from smallest to largest

Figure 1.2 Arranging exams in order.

1.3 Computer ScienceThemes and Concepts

The previous sorting example provides a context for the broad set of themes and concepts that comprise computer science.

1.3.1 Theory, Language,Architecture

Three areas mentioned in [Ble90] as forming the core of computer science serve nicely as the essential themes, linking the various scenes of the computer science tapestry together. These themes are shown in Figure 1.3. Although we can develop algorithms for both sorting tasks, it would be useful to know if there are better algorithms or if there is a best algorithm in the sense that it can be proven to be the most efcient. Determining whether an algorithm is better than another may not be relevant for arranging cards because a nonoptimal algorithm will probably still work quickly. However, a good algorithm is very relevant when arranging 100,000 exams. Developing algorithms and evaluating them is the part of computer science known as theory.




Figure 1.3 Essential computer science themes.

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1.3 Computer Science Themes and Concepts

Levels of abstraction

Conceptual and formal models

Efficiency and complexity

Figure 1.4 Recurring concepts If the algorithms are to be implemented on a computer or used by people (who are in some sense computational engines), there must be a language in which the algorithms are expressed. We have noted that cooking recipes, while similar to algorithms, often leave room for ambiguity. Although English (or other natural languages) may at some point become a viable language in which to instruct computers, specialized computer languages are needed now. Many programming languages exist, and often the choice of language has a large impact on how well a program is written and on how fast it is developed. Languages are necessary to implement algorithms on specic kinds of computers. Although both these arranging tasks are similar, an algorithm for one may be inappropriate for the other. Viewing a person as a computational resource (or processor), we see that the card-arranging task is done using one processor while the exam-arranging task is done using several processors. Just as some people can sort cards more quickly than others, some computer processors are faster and work differently than other processors. The term architecture is used to describe how a computer is put together just as it is used to describe how a building is put together. One active research area in computer science involves developing algorithms and architectures for multiprocessor computing systems.

1.3.2 Abstractions, Models, and Complexity

In this section we continue our contextural approach, whereby we weave the essential themes into the fabric that is computer science and the scenes that make up its tapestry. In addition to the themes of theory, language, and architecture, well often refer to several of the recurring concepts presented in [(ed91]. These form part of the foundation on which computer science is built; they are shown in Figure 1.4. Both sorting tasks involve arranging things, yet the complexity of the second task makes it imperative that an efcient algorithm be used if the goal is to be achieved within a reasonable time frame. Both efciency and complexity are parts of the computer science

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Chapter 1 Computer Science and Programming

tapestry we are studying. In programming and computer science, these terms concern how difcult a problem is and the computational resources, such as time and memory, that a problem requires. We have avoided many of the details inherent in these examples that might be of concern as rough ideas evolve into detailed algorithms. If 40 people are sorting exams we might be concerned, for example, with how many are left-handed. This might affect the arrangement of the exams as they are physically moved about during the sorting process. Some playing cards are embellished with beautiful designs; it might be necessary to explain to someone who has never played cards that these designs are irrelevant in the arrangement process. In general these levels of detail are examples of levels of abstraction (Figure 1.4). In one sense this entire chapter mirrors the fact that we are viewing the computer science tapestry at a very high level of abstraction, with few details. Each subsequent chapter of this book involves a study of some aspect of the tapestry at a level of greater detail. Finally, both these tasks involve numbers. We all have an idea of what a number is, although the concept of number may be different to a mathematician and to an accountant. In computer science conceptual ideas must often be formalized to be well understood. For example, telling someone who is playing hide-and-go-seek to start counting from 1 and to stop when they reach the last number is an interesting way to teach the concept of innity. The nite memory of computers, however, imposes a limit on the largest number that can be represented. This difference between conceptual and formal models is a concept that will recur and that completes the three concepts in Figure 1.4, forming common threads of the computer science tapestry.

Pause to Reect

1.1 The New Hackers Dictionary denes bogo-sort as described here. Bogo-sort: Repeatedly throw a hand of cards in the air, picking them up at random, and stopping the process when examining the hand reveals the cards are in order. Using this algorithm, what is the minimum number of throws that yields a sorted hand? What is the danger of using this algorithm? 1.2 In the algorithm for sorting cards, nothing is stated about forming a hand from each of the separate suits. Does something need to be stated? Is too much left as understood by the player so that someone unfamiliar with cards couldnt use the algorithm? 1.3 Write a concise description of the method or algorithm you use to sort a hand of cards. 1.4 Suppose that the 32 student ID numbers listed in the text are sorted. Is it a simple matter to verify that the numbers are in the correct order? Consider the same question for 100,000 numbers.

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1.3 Computer Science Themes and Concepts


Charles Antony (Tony)Richard Hoare (b. 1934)

Perhaps best known for his invention of the sorting algorithm he modestly named Quicksort, Hoare has made profound contributions to many branches of computer science, especially in programming and programming languages. Hoare received the ACM Turing award in 1980. In his award address he had this to say about learning from failure: I have learned more from my failures than can ever be revealed in the cold print of a scientic article and now I would like you to learn from them, too. Besides, failures are much more fun to hear about afterwards; they are not so funny at the time. In a collection of essays [Hoa89], Hoare describes the programmer of the current era as part apprentice and part wizard; he urges that computer science education should focus on both theoretical foundations and practical applications. In his last essay of that collection he states I salute the bravery of those who accept the challenge of being the rst to try out new ideas; and I also respect the caution of those who prefer to stick with ideas which they know and understand and trust. I think Hoare may not like C++; it is too big, too full of features, and it doesnt have a formal foundation. However, according to his web page, he set himself the following task for his 19931994 sabbatical year: to become acquainted with Visual BasicTM . Of course as other goals for that year he listed: To complete a work on unication of theories of programming and to start new work on a range of scientic theories of computational phenomena. In describing computer science as, in part, an engineering discipline, Hoare states: the major factor in the wider propagation of professional methods is education, an education which conveys a broad and deep understanding of theoretical principles as well as their practical application, an education such as can be offered by our universities and polytechnics. For more information, see [Hoa89].

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Chapter 1 Computer Science and Programming

1.4 Language,Architecture, and Programs

Language is necessary for expressing algorithms. For computers, a precise programming language is necessary. In this section we briey touch on the process by which an algorithm is transformed from an idea into a working computer program. This process is the same regardless of the kind of computer being used. The nal computer program differs from machine to machine in the same manner that the same idea is expressed differently in German than it is in English. Consider the German word Gelndesprung dened: Gelndesprung: a jump made in skiing from a crouching position with the use of both poles. An idea whose expression requires many English words can be expressed in a single German word. Different computers can offer the same economy of expression; what one computer might do in a single instruction can require several instructions (and a corresponding increase in time to execute the instructions) on another computer. For example, so-called supercomputers can add 100 numbers with a single instruction. On ordinary computers, one instruction can add only two numbers.

1.4.1 High- and Low-level Languages

High thoughts must have high language. Aristophanes Frogs

How do computers work? We dont need to know this to use computers just as we dont need to know how internal combustion engines work to drive a car. A little knowledge, however, can help to demystify what a computer is doing when it executes a program. A computer can be viewed from many levels, from the transistors that make up its circuits to the programs that are used to design the circuits. At the lowest level, computers respond to electric signals at an extremely fast rate. Computers react to whether electricity is owing or not; the computer merely responds to switches that are in one of two states: on or off. This method of using two states involves what is termed the binary number system, or the base 2 system. This system is based on counting using only the digits 0 and 1. The base 10 system, with which you are most familiar, uses the digits 0 through 9. There are hundreds of different kinds of computers. You may have used Apple Macintosh computers, which are built using a computer chip called the Power-PC, or another kind of computer based on the Intel Pentium chip. Pictures of these different chips are shown at the end of the chapter in Figure 1.9 and 1.11. These chips are the foundation on which a computer is built. The chip determines how fast the computer runs and what kinds of software can be used with the computer. Since computers are constructed from different components and have different underlying architectures, they may respond differently to the same sequence of zeros and ones. Just as chat means to converse informally in English and means a small domesticated feline (cat) in

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1.4 Language,Architecture, and Programs


French, so might 00010100111010 instruct one computer to add two numbers and another computer to print the letter q. Rather than instruct computers at this level of zeros and ones, languages have been developed that allow ideas to be expressed at a higher levelin a way more easily understood by people. In addition to being more easily understood, these high-level languages can be translated into particular sequences of zeros and ones for particular computers. Just as translators can translate English into both Japanese and Swahili, so can translating computer programs translate a high-level language into a low-level language for a particular computer. The concept of higher level programming languages was a breakthrough. The rst computers were programmed literally by ipping switches by hand or physically rewiring the computer to create different on/off states corresponding to a program. The use of higher level languages made programming easier (although it is still an intellectually challenging task) and helped to make computer use more prevalent. The computer language used in this book is called C++.1 This language has its roots in the C programming language, which was developed in the 1970s. The language C is a high-level language2 that allows low-level concepts to be expressed more readily than some other high-level languages. For example, in C it is easy to write a program to change a single bit (a 0 or a 1) in the computers memory. This is hard, if not impossible, to do in other high-level languages, such as Pascal. Were not studying C++ because it permits one bit to be changed. Were studying C++ because with it several programming styles are possible. In particular, it can be used with a style of programming called object-oriented programming, often abbreviated as OOP. We will use OOP throughout this book, but it will be an aid to our study of programming and computer science rather than the principal focus. Well explore OOP briey at the end of this chapter. The intricacies of C++ are such that mastering the entire language, as well as the concepts of object-oriented programming, is a task too daunting and difcult for beginning programmers. In this book we present a signicant subset of C++ and use it to write programs that permit the study of essential areas of computer science. At the same time the power of C++ is exploited where possible to allow you to create more complicated programs than would be feasible using other languages. Dont be disheartened that you wont learn absolutely all of C++ in this bookyoull be building a foundation on which subsequent study can add. The few parts of the language that arent covered are mostly short-cuts that can be replaced using features of the language that are in the book.

A Concrete Example. To illustrate the difference between high- and low-level languages,
well study how a C++ program is translated into a low-level language. The low-level language of 0s and 1s that a computer understands is called machine language. Because different computers have different machine languages, a program is needed to translate the high-level C++ language into machine language. A compiler is a program that does this translation. Often the compiling process involves an intermediate step wherein the code is translated into assembly language.

1 2

This is pronounced as see plus plus. Although some computer scientists might take exception to this statement, C is clearly a much higherlevel language than machine or assembly language.

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main: save %sp,-128,%sp mov 7,%o0 st %o0,[%fp-20] mov 12,%o0 st %o0,[%fp-24] ld [%fp-20],%o0 ld [%fp-24],%o1 call .umul,0 nop st %o0,[%fp-28] mov 0,%i0 b .LL1 nop mov 0,%i0 b .LL1 nop .LL1: ret restore

main: pushl %ebp movl %esp,%ebp subl $12,%esp movl $7,-4(%ebp) movl $12,-8(%ebp) movl -4(%ebp),%eax imull -8(%ebp),%eax movl %eax,-12(%ebp) xorl %eax,%eax jmp .L1 .align 4 xorl %eax,%eax jmp .L1 .align 4 .L1: leave ret

Figure 1.5 Assembly code using g++ (Sparc on left, Pentium on right). To keep the example simple, well use a program that stores two numbers in memory, then multiplies the numbers storing the product in a different memory location. The program follows.
int main() { int x,y,z; x = 7; y = 12; z = x*y; return 0; }

We will not discuss the C++ instructions here; we use the program only to illustrate the differences between high- and low-level languages. The world is full of C++ compilers. Compilers exist for various kinds of computers, sizes of programs, and amounts of money. The code in this book has been tested using four different compilers. Some of these compilers cost hundreds of dollars, some are less expensive, and one is free. The assembly code generated by the same compiler running on two different machines is shown in Figure 1.5. The compiler used is g++ running on two different machines: a Sun Sparcstation and a Pentium-based computer.3 There is one column of assembly code for each machine. Note that although the programs are of roughly the same length, there are few similarities in the assembly instructions.

The characteristics of these machines are not important, but the same compiler runs on both machines, which facilitates a comparison.

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1.5 Creating and Developing Programs


Among the instructions are ld, call, and nop for the Sun assembly and pushl, subl, and xorl for the Pentium. The important point of Figure 1.5 is that you do not need to worry about assembly code to write programs in C++ or in any other high-level language. It is comforting to know that we can ignore most of the low-level details in writing programs and studying computer science and, perhaps, enticing to know that the details are there for those who are interested.

1.5 Creating and Developing Programs

How is a computer program created? Usually a problem arises whose solution requires computation. An algorithm for the solution is developed into a running program in several steps. The steps that lead to the programs execution on a computer are also important. Well look at developing a program for the problem of multiplying two numbers as shown in Figure 1.6. The process of developing an idea into an algorithm that is eventually realized as a working computer program is illustrated in Figure 1.7.

From Problem to Algorithm. Consider the steps labeled 1 and 2 in Figure 1.7. The problem of multiplying two specic numbers (1285 and 57) has been generalized to the problem of multiplying two arbitrary numbers (Y and Z). The two views of the problem, one concrete and one general, represent two levels of abstraction. A solution to the general problem will be useful for any two numbers, not just for 1285 and 57. If you can develop a general solution that is useful in many situations, it is usually worth it. Sometimes, however, a solution to a specic problem is needed and solving a general version would take too long or be too difcult. To write a program for solving this general problem, we must develop an algorithm for multiplication. Consider multiplying rational numbers (fractions), integers, real numbers, and complex numbers as illustrated in Figure 1.6. You may not be familiar with each of these types of numbers, but each uses a different method for multiplication. If were going to write a program to multiply, well need to determine what type of number is being used. The general form of X Y can be used to express multiplication regardless of which type of number is multiplied. One of the advantages of C++ is that this conceptual similarity in notation is formalized in code: the same symbol, *, can be used to multiply many types of numbers. In addition to the type of number, considerations in the development of the algorithm might include the size of the numbers being multiplied (an efcient algorithm would

Rational 3/4 * 8/9 2/ 3

Integer 1,285 * 57 73,245

Real 3.14 * 6.023 18.91222

Complex (3 + 5i) * (2 - 7i) 41 - 11i

Figure 1.6 Multiplying different types of numbers.

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1,285 x 57

Y xZ

int operator * (int x, int y) // pre: post: { 4 } 3

5 010001100101001000011110010101 7 6 ld [%fp+-0x8],%o0 set L8,%o1 mov 0xd,%o2 mov 0xd, %o3 call

8 73,245 8 73,245

Figure 1.7 The steps of transition from problem to program. be more important if the numbers were hundreds of digits long as opposed to three digits long), how many times numbers will be multiplied, and whether the result of multiplying the numbers can exceed the memory constraints of the computer. Although its impossible for numbers to get too big conceptually, the inherent niteness of a computers memory requires that a formal model of computation take this into account.

From Algorithm to Program. In step 3 we translate the algorithm into the high-level language C++. The name operator * has been given to the C++ instructions that perform

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1.5 Creating and Developing Programs


the multiplication. Translating the algorithm into code requires a knowledge of the programming languages syntaxthe symbols and characters used in the languageas well as the meaning, or semantics, of these characters. Once the algorithm is represented in a high-level language, a program must be entered into a computer. Step 4 consists of more than merely typing characters at a keyboard. Often the realization of the algorithm as a computer program has errors that become apparent as the program is tested. Testing can indicate that errors exist; removing the errors is another problem. Errors are often euphemistically called bugs.4 This makes the process of removing errors debugging. Testing and debugging can uncover errors in the original algorithm in addition to errors in the C++ representation of the algorithm. As you become more experienced at programming you can employ techniques called defensive programming: attempting to ensure that your programs are robust and errorfree as part of the design process rather than relying on testing and debugging exclusively. Many computer scientists are currently developing methods that will permit programs to be proved correct in the same manner that mathematical theorems are proved. Although we will not use such formal methods in our study, we introduce some of the techniques.

From High-level Program to Low-level Program. In step 5, the high-level C++ program is translated into a lower-level language called assembly language. The name is derived from the notion of assembling the individual low-level instructions available on a particular computer into a form understandable by people. Although some programming is still done directly in assembly, the process of translation from high-level to low-level has been rened enough that programming at this level is often unnecessary. Step 6 shows the translation of assembly language to machine language, the language of zeros and ones that a particular computer understands. Specic assembly language and machine language instructions differ according to the kind of computer being used (as shown in Figure 1.5), as opposed to high-level languages like C++, which are the same on various computers. The process of translation illustrated by steps 5 and 6 is accomplished by a computer program called a compiler and the process is called compiling. A compiler translates code written in a high-level language into machine language. This translation process often includes an intermediate step in which the code is translated into assembly language. Executing Machine Language. At the lowest level, the zeros and ones of machine language code cause switches to be turned on and off in the computer. These switches are extremely small and can be switched on and off quite rapidly. Technological advances have enabled transistors, which function as switches, to become increasingly smaller and faster. Switches are often represented by the diagrams in step 7. The execution of a program is separate and different from the compilation of the program. Compiling a C++ program yields a low-level program, whereas executing a

The derivation of the word bug is open to debate. Thomas Edison was reported to have discovered a bug in his phonograph in 1889. A literal example is the moth trapped in one of the rst computers, the Harvard Mark II. The moth was placed into the systems logbook with the annotation First actual case of bug being found and is now on display in the Naval Museum in Dahlgren, Virginia.

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machine language program results in the computer performing the tasks represented by the compiled machine code.

Coming Full Circle: Displaying the Results. Most current computers, and certainly the computers you will be using as you study computer science with this book, have a screen to display what happens when a program is run. Whether the program is a word processor or a C++ program for multiplying numbers, output is generally displayed on the screen. Note that the screens on the computers in Figure 1.7 display the answer to the original problem: 1285 57 = 73,245.

1.6 Language and Program Design

One of the eternal truths of computer science and the computer industry is Software is harder than hardware. This statement means that new computers (hardware) are developed at a faster pace and more easily than new programs (software). There is certainly some truth to this, although new programming languages and new design methods have been developed in an attempt to alleviate this disparity. Many people believe that object-oriented programming, or OOP, will be of great assistance in making software easier to develop. OOP allows pieces of code to be reused in other contexts more easily.


Figure 1.8 OOP: birdhouses and skyscrapers.

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1.6 Language and Program Design


To try to understand what OOP is about, I use an analogy (suggested in [McC93]) that comes from construction (see Figure 1.8). Suppose you decide to build a birdhouse; you can probably nail some boards together in a couple of hours and provide a useful dwelling for your favorite yers. You may not put much thought into the design of the house, although if you dont you may waste some wood. (A carpenters adage is measure twice, cut once.) Next suppose youre designing a doghouse for your favorite pet. You might take more care; youre probably more concerned with whether Rover gets wet than whether your neighborhood bluejay is inconvenienced by rain. You may buy a kita precut set of materials and plans for constructing the doghouse. Nevertheless, this is probably a day-long project, if youre used to using saws and hammers. What about building a house? If youve been involved with house building, you know that it can take a long time, requiring contractors, plumbers, electricians, and usually a lot of headaches. However, it is certainly possible to build a house yourself. Most of the pieces of a house come prebuilt. For houses that dont use prebuilt pieces and instead require custom manufacturing, the price of construction can be very high. Finally, consider building a skyscraper such as the Empire State Building. Such a building requires careful planning and is much more complex than a typical family dwelling. Yet hundreds of such tall buildings are designed and built each year. Computer scientists disagree about what OOP is and whether it is appropriate for use in an introductory course. By using a carefully chosen subset of C++, it is certainly possible to develop a mastery of basic programming concepts as well as an understanding and appreciation of OOP.

1.6.1 Off-the-Shelf Components

Using off-the-shelf components is one of the reasons that constructing large buildings is possible. The phrase off-the-shelf is used to mean a component that is manufactured in large quantity and that can be used in a variety of situations. Nails are no longer handcrafted by blacksmiths, and even houses can be purchased in a kit form. These components are often inexpensive but serve as well (or better) than custom-built components. The same is true of building computers. One of the reasons that computers get less expensive every year is that the pieces that make up a computer get cheaper as more are producedthis is sometimes called economy of scale. Viewed differently, the key is not to do all the work yourself but to use what others provide. Of course, off-the-shelf components dont always work. A roof of a birdhouse is different from the roof of the house you live in even though both share some common characteristics. It would be very useful to be able to order a standard roof, but then to be able to customize it easily to fulll your specic needs. In this book you will be using others code in the writing of your own code, and you will be reusing the code you write for yet other programs. Code reuse is increasingly important, partly because of the graphical user interfaces (window systems) that are popular on computers. These interfaces are time-consuming to program but are very similar from program to program, so the potential for code reuse is great. One of the goals of object-oriented programming is to provide objects to make code development easier. Objects are like off-the-shelf software components. You can

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imagine that using such objects might be much simpler than designing them yourself. Building a house from a kit is much simpler than designing the kit itself. The same is true of programming and program designits simpler to use software components supplied by others than to write everything yourself. In this book, however, OOP will be used in our study of programming and the examination of computer science rather than becoming the principal focus of study.

1.6.2 Using Components

As an example of how software components might be useful, consider digital clocks, the display on a CD player, a cars odometer, and a counter for web-page hits. All of these devices require the display of numerals that are manipulated in some fashion. The numerals displayed are different according to how the device is used: Clocks display time; the numerals represent hours, minutes, seconds. CD players display information on how many tracks are available on a CD (some also display time). Web-page counters display information about how many times the page has been accessed. Odometers display mileage as recorded by a cars wheels. It should be possible for the computer programs controlling these displays to share (reuse) the code that displays numerals, differing only in how it is determined which numerals should be displayed and, perhaps, where the numerals are displayed. Object-oriented programming involves reusable components. In C++ the word class refers to a family of components sharing common characteristics. A class allows operations that are used to manipulate the objects that are components of the class. For example, the class four-door sedan describes many makes and models of car. A specic four-door sedan, the one in my driveway, is an object of the generalized four-door sedan class. All objects in this class share the common characteristic of having four doors and being sedans. They share other characteristics too, such as having a steering wheel, an engine, and four wheels. These characteristics are shared by all cars, not just four-door sedans. Operations allowed by the class four-door sedan include being driven, storing luggage, and consuming fuel. As another example, the display of a numeral might be a different class than the value being displayed. A numeral display class might support operations such as assigning a value to be displayed and actually drawing the numeral. Other classes, such as a clock class or a timer class, could supply the values to be displayed.

1.7 Chapter Review

This chapter provides an introduction to the eld of computer science and places programming properly within the eld. In subsequent chapters youll begin the process

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1.8 Exercises


of augmenting and constructing programs. The important concepts introduced in this chapter are outlined here. Computer scienceis more than the study of computers. It includes many subelds that are linked by the study of programming. Key parts of computer science include theory, language, and architecture. Algorithmis a plan for solving a problem. Its related to a set of instructions to accomplish a task, such as knitting a sweater, but well use it to refer to a plan for accomplishing a task, such as sorting a hand of cards (and often a computer will be involved). Theoryrefers to underlying mathematical principles on which computer science is built. For example, being able to compare different algorithms to determine which is most efcient relies on theoretical tools. Architecturerefers to how a computer is designed and put together. Computers have different architectures: some computers rely on using several processors at one time rather than just one. Languagerefers to computer programming languages, which come in many forms and avors. Both high- and low-level languages are used in writing programs, but well concentrate on the high-level language C++. Efciency and complexityrefer to how difcult a problem is to solve using a computer and how various algorithms compare in solving problems (e.g., in how fast they run). Conceptual and formal modelsrefer to different ways of thinking. Programs can be thought of as instructions for a computer, but a mathematical notion of programming is possible too. Levels of abstractionrefer to different ways of observing. An idea can be turned into an algorithm, which is implemented as a C++ program, which is executed as a machine-language program. The same idea is viewed at many different levels and has particular characteristics depending on the level. Compileris a computer program that translates a high-level language such as C++ into a low-level language that can be executed on a computer. Bugis a mistake in a program. Finding such mistakes is called debugging. Object-oriented programmingis a method of programming that, in a nutshell, relies on the use of off-the-shelf software components. Classis a family of objects sharing common characteristics. The integers are a class of numbers; four-door sedans are a class of cars.

1.8 Exercises
1.1 The process of looking up a word in a dictionary is difcult to describe in a precise manner. Write an algorithm that can be used to nd the page in a dictionary on which a given word occurs (if the word is in the dictionary). You may assume that each page of the dictionary has guide words indicating the rst and last words on the page, but

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Chapter 1 Computer Science and Programming

you should assume that there are no thumb indices on the pages (so you cannot turn immediately to a specic letter section). 1.2 Suppose that you have 10 loads of laundry, one washer, and one dryer. Washing a load takes 25 minutes, drying a load takes 25 minutes, and folding the clothes in a load takes 10 minutes, for a total of 1 hour per load (assuming that the time to transfer a load is built into the timings given.) All the laundry can be done in 10 hours using the method of completing one load before starting the next one. Devise a method for doing all 10 loads in less than 10 hours by making better use of the resources. Carefully describe the method and how long it takes to do the laundry using the method. 1.3 Suppose that student ID numbers consist of two digits. The exams are sorted in a large room. Consider the following description of a sorting algorithm: Make 100 in-boxes labeled 00 to 99. Divide the exams among the people participating in the sort. Have each person put an exam in the correct box according to ID number. Collect the exams from the boxes in order (0099). This method will work correctly. Try to modify the method to work with four-digit ID numbers and six-digit ID numbers. In making the modication, assume you have only 100 boxes. (Hint: Consider examining only two digits at a time.) 1.4 The steps labeled 17 in Figure 1.7 illustrate the design, development, realization, and implementation of a computer program to multiply two numbers. Consider the following problem: Develop a recipe for a chocolate cake with chocolate icing that tastes delicious and makes you swoon. Develop analogs or parallels to the steps 17 for developing such a recipe. Write a detailed description of the process you might go through to develop a recipenot what the recipe is. 1.5 Assume that a young friend of yours knows how to multiply any two one-digit numbers (i.e., knows the times tables). Write an explanation (algorithm) of how to multiply an n-digit number by a one-digit number. Can you extend this algorithm into one that can be used to multiply two many-digit numbers (such as 1285 and 57, as shown in Figure 1.7)? 1.6 There are many different high-level programming languages. Common languages include Pascal, FORTRAN, Scheme, BASIC, and COBOL. Can you think of a reason for why there are many languages as opposed to a single language? Why is more than one language in use today? 1.7 (Suggested by a description in Computer Architecture, by Blaauw and Brooks.) Consider clocks and watches as examples of different architectures used for telling time. For clocks and watches that have hands and dials, write an outline of an algorithm that can be used to tell time. How is the architecture of a wristwatch (with hands) similar to that of a grandfather clock? How is it different? What features of the face of a watch are essential for telling time? In particular, are numbers needed on the face of a watch to tell time? Make a list of different watch faces and try to distill the essential features

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1.8 Exercises


of a watch face into a few descriptive sentences. Consider the inner workings of watches: list at least three different methods used to run a watch. How are different levels of abstraction illustrated by the concept of a watch? How is a digital watch different from a watch with hands? How is it similar? 1.8 C++ (and other high-level language) programs are written in a language that is a compromise between natural languages such as English and the language of zeros and ones, which is spoken by computers. Consider musical compositions written for different instruments or groups of musicians. Is music written in a high-level language or a lowlevel language? Are there different languages for expressing musical compositions as there are different natural languages and different computer languages? Why? 1.9 Suppose that you are playing in a large eld with several friends and one of you discovers that a house key has been lost. Write an algorithm for nding the key that is designed to nd it as quickly as possible. Write another algorithm designed to take a long time to nd the key. Can you reason about whether your algorithms are the best possible or worst possible algorithms for this particular task? How is this task related to how you look for a key when you have misplaced it inside your house?

Figure 1.9 A Pentium chip.

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Chapter 1 Computer Science and Programming

1.10 The program used to generate the assembler output in Figure 1.5 is used in Fig 1.10 on two different computers; the assembler code below on the right is generated on a Macintosh G3 computer, the code on the left on a Pentium computer running Windows NT. Both machines use the same compiler: Metrowerks Codewarrior. A Pentium chip is shown in Figure 1.9 and a G3 chip is shown in Figure 1.11. What is similar in these two versions of assembly language and what is different? Can you nd instructions that would be common to all the different assembly codes? Why do you think different compilers generate different code for the same program?
_main push mov sub mov mov mov imul mov mov leave ret ".main"(1) ebp ebp,esp esp,16 dword ptr dword ptr edx,dword edx,dword dword ptr eax,0 near stw stw li li mullw stw li lwz lwz blr r31,-4(SP) r30,-8(SP) r31,7 r30,12 r0,r31,r30 r0,-16(SP) r3,0 r31,-4(SP) r30,-8(SP)

[ebp-12],7 [ebp-8],12 ptr [ebp-12] ptr [ebp-8] [ebp-4],edx

Figure 1.10 Windows NT code on the left, Macintosh G3 code on the right

Figure 1.11 A PowerPC chip.

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1.8 Exercises


1.11 The cards that were used in the context of sorting in this chapter (ace, king, queen, etc.) provide a good example of an object. If a card is one object, and a hand and deck are other objects composed of card objects, list a few operations that might be useful in manipulating cards, hands, and decks. 1.12 Vending machines are objects composed of several different objects. Pick a specic kind of vending machine and list several objects that are used to make up the vending machine (e.g., buttons used to specify items to be bought). For each object, and for the vending machine as a whole, list several operations that might be useful in reasoning about or manipulating the objects. Are there some characteristics that all vending machines have in common? Are there classes of vending machines, each of which differs fundamentally from other kinds of vending machines?

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Foundations of C++ Programming


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C++ Programs: Form and Function

Scientists build to learn; engineers learn to build. Fred Brooks template (t mplt) n. A pattern, used as a guide in making something accurately e The American Heritage Dictionary Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment in recognition of the pattern. Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (June 10, 1943) It is a bad plan that admits of no modication. Publius Syrus, Maxim 469

To learn to write programs, you must write programs and you must read programs. Although this statement may not seem profound, it is a lesson that is often left unpracticed and, subsequently, unmastered. In thinking about the concepts presented in this chapter, and in practicing them in the context of writing C++ programs, you should keep the following three things in mind. 1. Programming has elements of both art and science. Just as designing a building requires both a sense of aesthetics and a knowledge of structural engineering, designing a program requires an understanding of programming aesthetics, knowledge of computer science, and practice in software engineering. Use the programs provided as templates when designing and constructing programs of your ownuse whats provided along with your own ingenuity. When some concept is unclear, stop to work on it and think about it before continuing. This work will involve experimenting with the programs provided. Experimenting with a program means reading, executing, testing, and modifying the program. When you experiment with a program, you can try to nd its weak points and its strengths. Practice.



This book is predicated on the belief that you learn best by doing new things and by studying things similar to the new things. This technique applies to learning carpentry, learning to play a musical instrument, or learning to program a computer. Not everyone can win a Grammy award and not everyone can win the Turing award,1 but becoming adept programmers and practitioners of computer science is well within your grasp.

The former is awarded for musical excellence, the latter for excellence in computer science.


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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

Ultimately programs are a means of expressing algorithms in a form that computers execute. Before studying complicated and large programs, its necessary to begin with the basics of what a program is, how programs are executed, and what C++ programs can do. However, understanding a program completely requires a great deal of experience and knowledge about C++. Well use some simple programs to illustrate basic concepts. Try to focus on the big picture of programming; dont get bogged down by every detail. The details will eventually become clearer, and youll master them by studying many programming examples.

2.1 Simple C++ Programs

In this section we introduce simple C++ programs to demonstrate how to use the C++ language. These programs produce output; they cause characters to be displayed on a computer screen. The rst C++ program is hello.cpp, Program 2.1. This program is based on the rst program in the book [KR78], written by the inventors of C; and it is the rst program in [Str97], written by the inventor of C++. It doesnt convey the power of C++, but its a tradition for C and C++ programmers to begin with this program. All programs have names, in this case hello, and sufxes, in this case .cpp. In this book all programs have the sufx .cpp, which is one convention (other sufxes used include .cc and .cxx). If this program is compiled and executed, it generates the material shown in the box labeled output.
Program 2.1 hello.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; //traditional first program // author: Owen Astrachan, 2/27/99 int main() { cout << "Hello world" << endl; return 0; }


prompt> hello Hello world

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2.1 Simple C++ Programs


Program 2.2, hello2.cpp, produces output identical to that of Program 2.1. Well look at why one of these versions might be preferable as we examine the structure of C++ programs. In general, given a specic programming task there are many, many different programs that will perform the task.
Program 2.2 hello2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // traditional first program with user defined function // author: Owen Astrachan, 02/27/99 void Hello() { cout << "Hello world" << endl; } int main() { Hello(); return 0; }


2.1.1 Syntax and Semantics

Programs are run by computers, not by humans. There is often much less room for error when writing programs than when writing English. In particular, youll need to be aware of certain rules that govern the use of C++. These rules fall into two broad categories: rules of syntax and rules of semantics. What are syntax and semantics? In English and other natural languages, syntax is the manner in which words are used to construct sentences and semantics is the meaning of the sentences. Well see that similar denitions apply to syntax and semantics in C++ programs. Before reviewing rules for C++ programs, well look at some rules that govern the use and construction of English words and sentences: Rules of spelling: i before e except after c or when sounding like a as in . . . neighbor and weigh. Rules of grammar: with none use the singular verb when the word means no one . . . a plural verb is commonly used when none suggests more than one thing or personNone are so fallible as those who are sure theyre right [JW89]. Rules of style: Avoid the use of qualiers. Rather, very, little, prettythese are the leeches that infest the pond of prose, sucking the blood of words [JW89].

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

Similar rules exist in C++. One difference between English and C++ is that the meaning, or semantics, of a poorly constructed English sentence can be understood although the syntax is incorrect: Its inconceivable that someone can study a language and not know whether or not a kind of sentencethe ungainly ones, the misspelled ones, those that are unclearare capable of understanding. This sentence has at least four errors in spelling, grammar, and style; its meaning, however, is still discernible. In general, programming languages demand more precision than do natural languages such as English. A missing semicolon might make an English sentence fall into the runon category. A missing semicolon in a C++ program can stop the program from working at all.

Dennis Ritchie (b. 1941)

Dennis Ritchie developed the C programming language and codeveloped the UNIX operating system. For his work with UNIX, he shared the 1983 Turing award with the codeveloper, Ken Thompson. In his Turing address, Ritchie writes of what computer science is. Computer science research is different from these [physics, chemistry, mathematics] more traditional disciplines. Philosophically it differs from the physical sciences because it seeks not to discover, explain, or exploit the natural world, but instead to study the properties of machines of human creation. In this it is analogous to mathematics, and indeed the science part of computer science is, for the most part, mathematical in spirit. But an inevitable aspect of computer science is the creation of computer programs: objects that, though intangible, are subject to commercial exchange. Ritchie completed his doctoral dissertation in applied mathematics but didnt earn his doctorate because I was so bored, I never turned it in. In citing the work that led to the Turing award, the selection committee mentions this: The success of the UNIX system stems from its tasteful selection of a few key ideas and their elegant implementation. The model of the UNIX system has led a generation of software designers to new ways of thinking about programming. For more information see [Sla87, ACM87].

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2.1 Simple C++ Programs


1 #include <iostream> using namespace std; 2 // traditional first program // author: Owen Astrachan, 02/22/99 void Hello() { 3 #include statement(s) <return type> function name (parameter list) { C++ statement 0; C++ statement 1; ... C++ statement (n-1) ; } int main() { C++ statement 0; C++ statement 1; ... C++ statement (n-1); }

cout << "Hello World" << endl; } int main() Hello(); return 0; } 4

Figure 2.1 Format of a C++ program. Well illustrate the important syntactic details of a C++ program by studying hello.cpp and hello2.cpp, Progs. 2.1 and 2.2. Well then extend these into a typical and general program framework. Four rules for C++ program syntax and style will also be listed. A useful tool for checking the syntax of programs is the C++ compiler, which indicates whether a program has the correct formthat is, whether the program statements are worded correctly. You should not worry about memorizing the syntactic details of C++ (e.g., where semicolons go). The details of the small subset of C++ covered in this chapter will become second nature as you read and write programs. All the C++ programs well study in this book have the format shown in Figure 2.1 and explained below. Although this format will be used, the spacing of each line in a program does not affect whether a program works. The amount of white space and the blank lines between functions help make programs easier for humans to read but do not affect how a program works. White space refers to the space, tab, and return keys. 1. Programs begin with the appropriate #include statements.2 Each include statement provides access, via a header le to a library of useful functions. We normally think of a library as a place from which we can borrow books. A programming library consists of off-the-shelf programming tools that programmers can borrow. These tools are used by programmers to make the task of writing programs easier. In most C++ programs it is necessary to import information from such libraries into the program. In particular, information for output (and input) is stored in the iostream library, accessible by including the header le <iostream>, as shown in Figure 2.1. If a program has no output (or input), it isnt necessary to include <iostream>.

The # sign is read as either sharp or pound; I usually say pound-include when reading to myself or talking with others.

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function




All programs that use standard C++ libraries should have using namespace std; after the #include statements. Namespaces3 are explained in Section A.2.3 of Howto A. All programs should include comments describing the purpose of the program. As programs get more complex, the comments become more intricate. For the simple programs studied in this chapter, the comments are brief. The compiler ignores comments; programmers put comments in programs for human readers. C++ comments extend from a double slash, //, to the end of the line. Another style of commenting permits multiline commentsany text between /* and */ is treated as a comment. Its important to remember that people read programs, so writing comments should be considered mandatory although programs will work without them. Zero, one, or more programmer-dened functions follow the #include statements and comments. Program 2.2, hello2.cpp, has two programmer-dened functions, named Hello and main. Program 2.1, hello.cpp, has one programmerdened function, named main. In general, a function is a way of grouping C++ statements together so that they can be referred to by a single name. The function is an abstraction used in place of the statements. As shown in Figure 2.1, each programmer-dened function consists of the functions return type, the functions name, the functions parameter list, and the statements that make up the functions body. For the function Hello the return type is void, the name of the function is Hello, and there is an empty parameter list. There is only one C++ statement in Hello. The return type of the function main is int. In C++, an int represents an integer; well discuss this in detail later. The name of the function is main and it too has an empty parameter list. There are two statements in the function body; the second statement is return 0. Well also discuss the return statement in some detail later. The last statement in the function main of each program you write should be return 0. Every C++ program must have exactly one function named main. The statements in main are executed rst when a program is run. Some C++ compilers will generate a warning if the statement return 0 is not included as the last statement in main (such statements are explained in the next chapter). Its important to spell main with lowercase letters. A function named Main is different from main because names are case-sensitive in C++. Finally, the return type of main should be specied as int for reasons well explore in Chapter 4.4

Since program execution begins with main, it is a good idea to start reading a program beginning with main when you are trying to understand what the program does and how it works.

Compilers that support the C++ standard require using namespace std; but older compilers dont support namespaces. Howto A explains this in more detail. 4 Some books use a return type of void for main. According to the C++ standard, this is not legal; the return type must be int.

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2.2 How a Program Works

Pause to Reect


2.1 Find four errors in the ungainly sentence given above (and reproduced below) whose semantics (meaning) is understandable despite the errors. Its inconceivable that someone can study a language and not know whether or not a kind of sentencethe ungainly ones, the misspelled ones, those that are unclearare capable of understanding. Are humans better processors than computers because of the ability to comprehend faulty phrases? Explain your answer. 2.2 Find two syntax errors and one semantic error in the sentence There is three things wrong with this sentence. 2.3 Given the four rules for C++ programs, what is the smallest legal C++ program? (Hint: it doesnt produce any output, so it doesnt need a #include statement.) 2.4 No rules are given about using separate lines for C++ functions and statements. If main from Program 2.2 is changed as follows, is the program legal C++?
int main () { Hello(); return 0;}

2.2 How a Program Works

Computer programs execute sequences of statements often producing some form of output. Statements are executed whether the program is written in a high- or lowlevel language. Determining what statements to include in a program is part of the art and science of programming. Developing algorithms and classes, and the relationship between classes, is also part of this art and science. When you execute a program, either by typing the name of the program at a prompt or using a mouse to click on run in a menu, the execution starts in the function main. When the program is running it uses the processor of the computer; when the program is nished it returns control of the processor to the operating system. The explicit return 0 statement in main makes it clear that control is returning to the operating system. The output of Program 2.1, hello.cpp, results from the execution of the statement beginning cout << followed by other characters, followed by other symbols. This statement is in the body of the function main. The characters between the double quotation marks appear on the screen exactly as they appear between the quotes in the statement. (Notice that the quotes do not appear on the screen.) If the statement
cout << "Hello world" << endl;

is changed to
cout << "Goodbye cruel planet" << endl;

then execution of the program hello.cpp results in the output that follows:

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

Goodbye cruel planet

2.2.1 Flow of Control

In every C++ program, execution begins with the rst statement in the function main. After this statement is executed, each statement in main is executed in turn. When the last statement has been executed, the program is done. Several uses of << can be combined into a single statement as shown in hello.cpp, Program 2.1. Note that endl indicates that an end-of-line is to be output (hence end ell). For example, if the statement
cout << "Hello world" << endl;

is changed to
cout << "Goodbye" << endl << "cruel planet" << endl;

then execution of the program hello.cpp results in the output shown below, where the rst endl forces a new line of output.

Goodbye cruel planet

This modied output could be generated by using two separate output statements:
cout << "Goodbye" << endl; cout << "cruel planet" << endl;

Since each statement is executed one after the other, the output generated will be the same as that shown above. In C++, statements are terminated by a semicolon. This means that a single statement can extend over several lines since the semicolon is used to determine when the statement ends.
cout << "Goodbye" << endl << "cruel planet" << endl;

Just as run-on sentences in English can obscure the meaning, long statements in C++ can be hard to read. However, the output statement above that uses two lines isnt really too long; some programmers prefer it to the two statement version since it is easy to read.

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2.3 What Can Be Output?


Function Calls. If a statement invokes, or calls, a functionsuch as when the statement Hello(); in main invokes the function Hello in Program 2.2then each of the statements in the called function is executed. For example, while the statements in the function Hello are executing, the statements in main are suspended, waiting for the statements in Hello to nish. When all the statements in a function have executed, control returns to the statement after the call to the function. In Program 2.2 this is the statement return 0 after the function call Hello(). When the last statement in a program has executed, control returns from main to the computer just as control returns from Hello to main when the last statement in Hello is executed. If the return 0 statement in main is missing, control will still return to the computer. In the case of Program 2.2, three statements are executed:
1. 2. 3. The call Hello(); in the function main. The statement cout << "Hello World" << endl; in Hello. The statement return 0; in main.

The execution of the second statement above results in the appearance of 11 visible characters on the computers screen (note that a space is a character just as the letter H is a character).

Output Streams. To display output, the standard output stream cout is used. This stream is accessible in a program via the included library <iostream>. If this header le is not included, a program cannot make reference to the stream cout. You can think of an output stream as a stream of objects in the same way that a brook or a river is a stream of water. Placing objects on the output stream causes them to appear on the screen eventually just as placing a toy boat on a stream of water causes it to ow downstream. Objects are placed on the output stream using <<, the insertion operator, so named since it is used to insert values onto an output stream. Sometimes this operator is read as put-to. The word cout is pronounced see-out.

2.3 What Can Be Output?

Computers were originally developed to be number crunchers, machines used for solving large systems of equations. Not surprisingly, numbers still play a large part in programming and computer science. The output stream cout can be used for the output of numbers and words. In Program 2.1 characters appeared on the screen as a result of executing a statement that uses the standard output stream cout. Sequences of characters appearing between quotes are called string literals. Characters include letters az (and uppercase versions), numbers, symbols such as !+$%&*, and many other nonvisible characters, such as the backspace key, the return key, and in general any key that can be typed from a computer keyboard. String literals cannot change during a programs execution. The number 3.14159 is a numeric literal (it approximates the number ). In addition to string literals, it is possible to output numeric literals and arithmetic expressions.

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

For example, if the statement

cout << "Hello world" << endl;

is changed to
cout << "Goodbye" << endl << "cruel planet #" << 1 + 2 << endl;

then execution of the program hello.cpp results in the output shown below.

Goodbye cruel planet #3

The arithmetic expression 1 + 2 is evaluated and 3, the result of the evaluation, is placed on the output stream. To be more precise, each of the chunks that follow a << are evaluated and cause the output stream to be modied in some way. The string literal "Goodbye" evaluates to itself and is placed on the output stream as seven characters. The arithmetic expression 1+ 2 evaluates to 3, and the character 3 is placed on the output stream. Each endl begins a new line on the output stream.5 The C++ compiler ensures that arithmetic expressions are evaluated correctly and, with the help of the stream library, ensures that the appropriate characters are placed on the output stream. Changing the output statement in hello.cpp to the statement here:
cout << "The radius of planet #" << 1+2 << " is " << 6378.38 << " km," << endl << "which is " << 6378.38 * 0.62137 << " miles" << endl;

results in the output shown below. The symbol * is used to multiply two values, and the number 0.62137 is the number of miles in 1 kilometer.

The radius of planet #3 is 6378.38 km which is 3963.33 miles.

The capability of the output stream to handle strings, numbers, and other objects we will encounter later makes it very versatile.

An endl also ushes the output buffer. Some programmers think it is bad programming to ush the output buffer just to begin a new line of output. The escape sequence \n can be used to start a new line.

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2.3 What Can Be Output?

Pause to Reect


2.5 Suppose that the body of the function Hello is as shown here:
cout << "PI = " << 3.14159 << endl;

What appears on the screen? Would the output of

cout << "PI = 3.14159" << endl;

be the same or different? 2.6 Weve noted that more than one statement may appear in a function body:
void Hello() { cout << "PI = " << 3.14159 << endl; cout << "e = " << 2.71828 << endl; cout << "PI*e = " << 3.14159 * 2.71828 << endl; }

What appears on the screen if the function Hello above is executed? 2.7 If the third cout << statement in the previous problem is changed to
cout << "PI*e = 3.14159 * 2.71828" << endl;

what appears on the screen? Note that this statement puts a single string literal onto the output stream (followed by an endl). Why is this output different from the output in the previous question? 2.8 What does the computer display when the statement
cout << "1 + 2 = 5" << endl;

is executed? Can a computer generate output that is incorrect? 2.9 What modications need to be made to the output statement in Program 2.1 (the hello.cpp program) to generate the following output:
I think I think, therefore I think I am

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Chapter 2

C++ Programs: Form and Function

2.10 All statements in C++ are terminated by a semicolon. Is the programmer-dened function
void Hello() { cout << "Hello World" << endl; }

a statement? Why? Is the function call Hello() in main a statement? 2.11 If the body of the function main of Program 2.2 is changed as shown in the following, what appears on the screen?
cout << "I rode the scrambler at the amusement park" << endl; Hello();

2.4 Using Functions

The ow of control in hello.cpp, Program 2.1, is different from hello2.cpp, Program 2.2. The use of the function Hello in hello2.cpp doesnt make the program better or more powerful; it just increases the number of statements that are executed: a function call as well as an output statement. In this section well explore programs that use functions in more powerful ways. I say powerful in that the resulting programs are easier to modify and are useful in more applications than when functions are not used. Using functions can make programs longer and appear to be more complicated, but sometimes more complicated programs are preferred because they are more general and are easier to modify and maintain. Using functions to group statements together is part of managing the complex task of programming. Well now investigate Program 2.3 (drawhead.cpp) in which several cout << statements are used in the programmer-dened function Head. In drawhead.cpp the body of the main function consists of a call of the programmer-dened function Head and the statement return 0. For the moment we will assume that all programmer-dened functions are constructed similarly to the manner in which the function main is constructed except that the word void is used before each function. This is precisely how the syntactic properties of functions were given in Section 2.1.1. The word void will be replaced with other words in later examples of programmer-dened functions; for example, weve seen that int is used with the function main.
Program 2.3 drawhead.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // print a head, use of functions

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2.4 Using Functions


void Head() { cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << }

" |||||||||||||||| " " | | " " | o o | " " _| |_ " "|_ _|" " | |______| | " " | | "

<< << << << << << <<

endl; endl; endl; endl; endl; endl; endl;

int main() { Head(); return 0; }


prompt> drawhead |||||||||||||||| | | | o o | _| |_ |_ _| | |______| | | |

At this point the usefulness of functions may not be apparent in the programs weve presented. In the program parts.cpp that appears as Program 2.4, many functions are used. If this program is run, the output is the same as the output generated when drawhead.cpp, Program 2.3, is run.
Program 2.4 parts.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // procedures used to print different heads void PartedHair() // prints a "parted hair" scalp { cout << " |||||||///////// " << endl;

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

} void Hair() // prints a "straight-up" or "frightened" scalp { cout << " |||||||||||||||| " << endl; } void Sides() // prints sides of a head other functions should use distance // between sides of head here as guide in creating head parts (e.g., eyes) { cout << " | | " << endl; } void Eyes() // prints eyes of a head (corresponding to distance in Sides) { cout << " | o o | " << endl; } void Ears() // prints ears (corresponding to distance in Sides) { cout << " _| |_ " << endl; cout << "|_ _|" << endl; } void Smile() // prints smile (corresponding to distance in Sides) { cout << " | |______| | " << endl; } int main() { Hair(); Sides(); Eyes(); Ears(); Smile(); Sides(); return 0; }


The usefulness of functions should become more apparent when the body of main is modied to generate new heads. This program is longer than the previous programs and may be harder for you to understand. You should begin reading the program starting with the function main. Starting with main you can then move to reading the functions called from main, and the functions that these functions call, and so on. If each call of the function Sides in the body of main is replaced with two calls to Sides, then the new body of main and the output generated by the body are as shown here (as shown, Sides is called to add space between the eyes and the ears.)

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2.4 Using Functions


int main() { Hair(); Sides(); Sides(); Eyes(); Sides(); Ears(); Smile(); Sides(); Sides(); return 0; }

|||||||||||||||| | | | | | o o | _| |_ |_ _| | |______| | | | | |

Although parts.cpp, Program 2.4, is more complicated than drawhead.cpp, Program 2.3, it is easier to modify. Creating heads with different hairstyles or adding a nose is easier when parts.cpp is used, because it is clear where the changes should be made because of the names of the functions. Its also possible not only to have more than one hairstyle appear in the same program, but to change what is displayed. For example, adding a nose can be done using a function Nose:
void Nose() // draw a mustached nose { cout << " | O cout << " | ||||| }

| |

" << endl; " << endl;

On the other hand, the original program clearly showed what the printed head looks like; its not necessary to run the program to see this. As you gain experience as a programmer, your judgment as to when to use functions will get better.

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

2.12 If you replace the call to the function Hair by a call to the function PartedHair, what kind of picture is output? How can one of the hair functions be modied to generate a at head with no hair on it? What picture results if the call Hair() is replaced by Smile()? 2.13 Design a new function named Bald that gives the drawn head the appearance of baldness (perhaps a few tufts of hair on the side are appropriate). 2.14 Modify the function Smile so that the face either frowns or shows no emotion. Change the name of the function appropriately. 2.15 What functions should be changed to produce the head shown below? Modify the program to draw such a head.
|||||||///////// | | | ___ ___ | |---|o|--|o|---| | --- --| _| |_ | _ _| | |______| | | |

2.5 Functions with Parameters

Program 2.4, parts.cpp, showed that the use of programmer-dened functions enabled the program to be more versatile than the program drawhead.cpp. Nevertheless, the program had to be re-edited and recompiled to produce new heads. In this section and the next chapter, you will learn design methods that allow programs to be useful in more contexts.

2.5.1 What Is a Parameter?

In all the programs studied so far, the insertion operator << has been more useful than any programmer-dened function. The insertion operator is versatile because it can be used to write any message to the screen. Any sequence of characters between quotes (recall that such a sequence is termed a string literal) and any arithmetic expression can be inserted onto an output stream using the << operator. cout cout cout cout << << << << "Hello world" << endl; "Goodbye cruel planet" << endl; " |||||||///////// " << endl; "The square of 10 is " << 10*10 << endl;

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2.5 Functions with Parameters


The << operator can be used to output various things just as the addition operator + can be used to add them. Its possible to write programmer-dened functions that have this same kind of versatility. Youve probably used a calculator with a square root button: . When you nd the square root of a number using this button, youre invoking the square root function with an argument. In the mathematical expression 101, the 101 is the argument of the square root function. Functions that take arguments are called parameterized functions. The parameters serve as a means of controlling what the functions dosetting a different parameter results in a different outcome just as 101 has a different value than 157. The words parameter and argument are synonyms in this context. To see how parameters are useful in making functions more general, consider an (admittedly somewhat loose) analogy to a CD player. It is conceivable that one might put a CD of Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue in such a machine and then glue the machine shut. From that point on, the machine becomes a Gershwin player rather than a CD player. One can also purchase a weather box, which is a radio permanently tuned to a weather information service. Although interesting for determining whether to carry an umbrella, the weather box is less general-purpose than a normal (tunable) radio in the same way that the Gershwin player is less versatile than a normal CD player. In the same sense, the << operator is more versatile than the Head function in Program 2.3, which always draws the same head. Functions with parameters are more versatile than functions without parameters although there are times when both kinds of function are useful. Functions that receive parameters must receive the correct kind of parameter or they will not execute properly (often such functions will not compile). Continuing with the CD analogy, suppose that you turn on a CD player with no CD in it. Obviously nothing will be played. Similarly, if it were possible to put a cassette tape into a CD player without damaging the player, the CD player would not be able to play the cassette. Finally, if a 2.5-inch mini-CD is forced into a normal CD player, still nothing is played. The point of this example is that the parameterized CD player must be used properlythe appropriate parameter (a CD, not a cassette or mini-CD) must be used if the player is to function as intended.

2.5.2 An Example of Parameterization: Happy Birthday

Suppose you are faced with the unenviable task of writing a program that displays the song Happy Birthday to a set of quintuplets named Grace, Alan, John, Ada, and Blaise.6 In designing the program, we employ a concept called iterative enhancement, whereby a rough draft of the program is repeatedly rened until the desired program is nished. A naive, rst attempt with this problem might consist of 24 cout << statements; that is, 5 verses 4 lines per verse + 4 blank lines (note that there is one blank line between each verse so that there is one less blank line than there are verses). Such a program would yield the desired outputbut even without much programming experience this solution should be unappealing to you. Indeed, the effort required to generate a new

6 Coincidentally, these are the rst names of ve pioneers in computer science: Grace Hopper, Alan Turing, John von Neumann, Ada Lovelace, and Blaise Pascal.

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Chapter 2

C++ Programs: Form and Function

verse in such a program is the same as the effort required to generate a verse in the original program. Nevertheless, such a program has at least one important merit: it is easy to make work. Even though cut-and-paste techniques are available in most text editors, it is very likely that you will introduce typos using this approach. We want to develop a program that mirrors the way people sing Happy Birthday. You dont think of a special song BirthdayLaura to sing to a friend Laura and BirthdayDave for a friend Dave. You use one song and ll in (with a parameter!) the name of the person who has the birthday.

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday to you to you dear to you to you to you dear to you to you to you dear to you to you to you dear to you to you to you dear to you

Program 2.5 bday.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // first attempt at birthday singing

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2.5 Functions with Parameters

void Sing() { cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << }


"Happy "Happy "Happy "Happy endl;

birthday birthday birthday birthday

to you" to you" dear " to you"

<< << << <<

endl; endl; endl; endl;

int main() { Sing(); Sing(); Sing(); Sing(); Sing(); return 0; }


We need to print ve copies of the song. We will design a function named Sing whose purpose is to generate the birthday song for each of the quintuplets. Initially we will leave the name of the quintuplet out of the function so that ve songs are printed, but no names appear in the songs. Once this program works, well use parameters to add a name to each song. This technique of writing a preliminary version, then modifying it to lead to a better version, is one that is employed throughout the book. It is the heart of the concept of iterative enhancement. The rst pass at a solution is bday.cpp, Program 2.5. Execution of this program yields a sequence of printed verses close to the desired output, but the name of each person whose birthday is being celebrated is missing. One possibility is to use ve different functions (SingGrace, SingAlan, etc.), one function for each verse, but this isnt really any better than just using 24 cout statements. We need to parameterize the function Sing so that it is versatile enough to provide a song for each quintuplet. This is done in Program 2.6, which generates exactly the output required. Note that the statement
cout << "Happy birthday dear " << endl;

from Program 2.5 has been replaced with

cout << "Happy birthday dear " << person << endl;

Program 2.6 bday2.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <string> // working birthday program void Sing(string person) { cout << "Happy birthday to you" << endl; cout << "Happy birthday to you" << endl;

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

cout << "Happy birthday dear " << person << endl; cout << "Happy birthday to you" << endl; cout << endl; } int main() { Sing("Grace"); Sing("Alan"); Sing("John"); Sing("Ada"); Sing("Blaise"); return 0; }


This statement can be spread over several lines without affecting its behavior.
cout << "Happy birthday dear " << person << endl;

Because only one endl is used in the output statement, only one line of output is written.

2.5.3 Passing Parameters

When the function call Sing("Grace") in main is executed, the string literal "Grace" is the argument passed to the string parameter person. This is diagrammed by the solid arrow in Figure 2.2. When the statement
cout << "Happy birthday dear " << person << endl"

inSing is executed, the parameter person is replaced by its value, as indicated by the dashed arrow in Figure 2.2. In this case the value is the string literal "Grace". Since person is not between quotes, it is not a string literal. As shown in Figure 2.2, the parameter person is represented by a box. When the function Sing is called, the value that is passed to the parameter is stored in this box. Then each statement in the function is executed sequentially. After the last statement, cout << endl, executes, control returns from the function Sing to the statement that follows the function call Sing("Grace"). This means that the statement Sing("Alan") is executed next. This call passes the argument "Alan", which is stored in the box associated with the parameter person. If you review the format of a C++ function given in Figure 2.1, youll see that each function has a parameter list. In a parameter list, each parameter must include the name of the parameter and the type of the parameter. In the denition of Sing the parameter is given the name person. The parameter has the type string. Recall that a string is any sequence of characters and that string literals occur between double quotes. All parameters must have an indication as to their structurethat is, what type of thing the parameter is. A parameters type determines what kinds of things can be done with the parameter in a C++ program.

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2.5 Functions with Parameters


void Sing(string person) "Grace" { cout << "Happy birthday to you" << endl; cout << "Happy birthday to you" << endl; cout << "Happy birthday dear " << person << endl; cout << "Happy birthday to you" << endl; cout << endl; }

int main() { Sing("Grace"); Sing("Alan"); ... }

Figure 2.2 Parameter passing. The type string is not a built-in type in standard C++ but is made accessible by using the appropriate #include directive:

at the top of the program. Some older compilers do not support the standard string type. Information is given in howto C about tstring, an implementation of strings that can be used with older compilers. Include directives are necessary to provide information to the compiler about different types, objects, and classes used in a program, such as output streams and strings. Standard include les found in all C++ programming environments are indicated using angle brackets, as in #include <iostream>. Include les that are supplied by the user rather than by the system are indicated using double quotes, as in #include "tstring.h".7 There is a vocabulary associated with all programming languages. Mastering this vocabulary is part of mastering programming and computer science. To be precise about explanations involving parameterized functions, I will use the word parameter to refer to usage within a function and in the function header (e.g., person). I will use the word argument to refer to what is passed to the function (e.g., Grace in the call Sing("Grace").) Another method for differentiating between these two is to call the argument an actual parameter and to use the term formal parameter to refer to the

7 The C++ standard uses header les that do not have a .h sufx, such as, iostream rather than iostream.h. We use the .h sufx for header les associated with code supplied with this book.

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

parameter in the function header. Here we use the adjective formal because the form (or type as in string) of the parameter is given in the function header. We must distinguish between the occurrence of person in the statement cout << ... and the occurrence of the string literal "Happy birthday dear ". Since person does not appear in quotes, the value of the parameter person is printed. If the statement cout << "person" was used rather than cout << person, the use of quotes would cause the string literal person to appear on the screen.
Happy Happy Happy Happy birthday birthday birthday birthday to you to you dear person to you

The use of the parameters name causes the value of the parameter to appear on the screen. The value of the parameter is different for each call of the function Sing. The parameter is a variable capable of representing values in different contexts just as the variable x can represent different values in the equation y = 5 x + 3.
Pause to Reect

2.16 In the following sequence of program statements, is the string literal "Me" an argument or a parameter? Is it an actual parameter?
cout << " A Verse for My Ego" << endl; Sing("Me");

2.17 What happens with your compiler if the statement Sing("Grace") is changed to Sing(Grace)? Why? 2.18 What modications should be made to Program 2.6 to generate a song for a person named Bjarne? 2.19 What modications should be made to Program 2.6 so that each song emphasizes the personalized line by ending it with three exclamation points?
Happy birthday dear Bjarne !!!

2.20 What happens if the name of the formal parameter person is changed to celebrant in the function Sing? Does it need to be changed everywhere it appears? 2.21 What call of function Sing would generate a verse with the line shown here?
Happy birthday dear Mr. President

2.22 What is the purpose of the nal statement cout << endl; in function Sing in the birthday programs? 2.23 What is a minimal change to the Happy Birthday program that will cause each verse (about one person) to be printed three times before the next verse is printed three times (rather than once each) for a total of 15 verses? What is a minimal change that will cause all ve verses (for all ve people) to be printed, then all ve printed again, and then all ve printed again for a different ordering of 15 verses?

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2.6 Functions with Several Parameters


2.24 It is possible to write the Happy Birthday program so that the body of the function Sing consists of a single statement. What is that statement? Can you make one statement as readable as several?

Ada Lovelace (18161853)

Ada Lovelace, daughter of the poet Lord Byron, had a signicant impact in publicizing the work of Charles Babbage. Babbages designs for two computers, the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine,came more than a century before the rst electronic computers were built but anticipated many of the features of modern computers. Lovelace was tutored by the British mathematician Augustus De Morgan. She is characterized as an attractive and charming irt, an accomplished musician, and a passionate believer in physical exercise. She combined these last two interests by practicing her violin as she marched around the family billiard table for exercise. [McC79] Lovelace translated an account of Babbages work into English. Her translation, and the accompanying notes, are credited with making Babbages work accessible. Of Babbages computer she wrote, It would weave algebraic patterns the way the Jacquard loom weaved patterns in textiles. Lovelace was instrumental in popularizing Babbages work, but she was not one of the rst programmers as is sometimes said. The programming language Ada is named for Ada Lovelace. For more information see [McC79, Gol93, Asp90].

2.6 Functions with Several Parameters

In this section we will investigate functions with more than one parameter. As a simple example, well use the childrens song Old MacDonald, partially reproduced below. We

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Chapter 2

C++ Programs: Form and Function

would like to write a C++ program to generate this output.

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh! And on his farm he had a cow, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh! With a moo moo here And a moo moo there Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh! Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh! And on his farm he had a pig, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh! With a oink oink here And a oink oink there Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere a oink oink Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh!

As always, we will strive to design a general program, useful in writing about, for example, ducks quacking, hens clucking, or horses neighing. In designing the program we rst look for similarities and differences in the verses to determine what parts of the verses should be parameterized. Well ignore for now the ungrammatical construct of a oink. The only differences in the two verses are the name of the animal, cow and pig, and the noise the animal makes, moo and oink, respectively. Accordingly, we design two functions: one to sing about an animal and another to sing about the animals sounds, in Program 2.7, oldmac1.cpp. This program produces the desired output but is cumbersome in many respects. To generate a new verse (e.g., about a quacking duck) we must write a new function and call it. In contrast, in the happy-birthday-generating program (Program 2.6), a new verse could be constructed by a new call rather than by writing a new function and calling it. Also notice that the ow of control in Program 2.7 is more complex than in Program 2.6. Well look carefully at what happens when the function call Pig() in main is executed.
Program 2.7 oldmac1.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // working version of old macdonald, single parameter procedures void EiEio() { cout << "Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh!" << endl;

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2.6 Functions with Several Parameters

} void Refrain() { cout << "Old MacDonald had a farm, "; EiEio(); } void HadA(string animal) { cout << "And on his farm he had a " << animal << ", "; EiEio(); } void WithA(string noise) // the principal part of a verse { cout << "With a " << noise << " " << noise << " here" << endl; cout << "And a " << noise << " " << noise << " there" << endl; cout << "Here a " << noise << ", " << "there a " << noise << ", " << " everywhere a " << noise << " " << noise << endl; } void Pig() { Refrain(); HadA("pig"); WithA("oink"); Refrain(); } void Cow() { Refrain(); HadA("cow"); WithA("moo"); Refrain(); } int main() { Cow(); cout << endl; Pig(); return 0; }



There are four statements in the body of the function Pig. The rst statement, the function call Refrain(), results in two lines being printed (note that Refrain calls the function EiEiO). When Refrain nishes executing, control returns to the statement following the function call Refrain(); this is the second statement in Pig, the function call HadA("pig"). The argument "pig" is passed to the (formal)

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

void HadA(string animal) "pig" { cout << "and on his farm he had a " << animal << ", "; EiEiO(); }

void WithA(string noise) {

"oink" cout << "With a " << noise << " " << noise << " here" << endl;

... }

void Pig() { Refrain(); HadA("pig"); WithA("oink"); Refrain(); }

Figure 2.3 Passing arguments in Old MacDonald. parameter animal and then statements in the function HadA are executed. When the function HadA nishes, control returns to the third statement in Pig, the function call WithA("oink"). As shown in Figure 2.3 this results in passing the argument "oink", which is stored as the value of the parameter noise. After all statements in the body of WithA have executed, the ow of control continues with the nal statement in the body of the function Pig, another function call Refrain(). After this call nishes executing, Pig has nished and the ow of control continues with the statement following the call of Pig() in the main function. This is the statement return 0 and the program nishes execution. This program works, but it needs to be redesigned to be used more easily. This redesign process is another stage in program development. Often a programmer redesigns a working program to make it better in some way. In extreme cases a program that works is thrown out because it can be easier to redesign the program from scratch (using ideas learned during the original design) rather than trying to modify a program. Often writing the rst program is necessary to get the good ideas used in subsequent programs. In this case we want to dispense with the need to construct a new function rather than just a function call. To do this we will combine the functionality of the functions

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2.6 Functions with Several Parameters


HadA and WithA into a new function Verse. When writing a program, you should look for similarities in code segments. The bodies of the functions in Pig and Cow have the same pattern:
Refrain() call to HadA(...) call to WithA(...) Refrain()

Incorporating this pattern into the function Verse, rather than repeating the pattern elsewhere in the program, yields a more versatile program. In general, a programmerdened function can have any number of parameters, but once written this number is xed. The nal version of this program, Program 2.8, is shorter and more versatile than the rst version, Program 2.7 By looking for a way to combine the functionality of functions HadA and WithA, we modied a program and generated a better one. Often as versatility goes up so does length. When the length of a program decreases as its versatility increases, were on the right track.
Program 2.8 oldmac2.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // working version of old macdonald, functions with more than one parameter void EiEio() { cout << "Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh!" << endl; } void Refrain() { cout << "Old MacDonald had a farm, "; EiEio(); } void HadA(string animal) { cout << "And on his farm he had a " << animal << ", "; EiEio(); } void WithA(string noise) // the principal part of a verse { cout << "With a " << noise << " " << noise << " here" << endl; cout << "And a " << noise << " " << noise << " there" << endl; cout << "Here a " << noise << ", "

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

void Verse(string animal, string noise) {

"pig" "oink"

Refrain() Had(animal); WithA(noise); Refrain(); } int main() { Verse("pig","oink"); ... }

Figure 2.4 Passing multiple arguments.

<< "there a " << noise << ", " << " everywhere a " << noise << " " << noise << endl; } void Verse(string animal, string noise) { Refrain(); HadA(animal); WithA(noise); Refrain(); } int main() { Verse("pig","oink"); cout << endl; Verse("cow","moo"); return 0; }


I will sometimes use the word elegant as a desirable program trait. Program 2.8 is elegant compared to Program 2.7 because it is easily modied to generate new verses. Note that it is the order in which arguments are passed to a function that determines their use, not the actual values of the arguments or the names of the parameters. This is diagrammed in Figure 2.4. In particular, the names of the parameters have nothing to do with their purpose. If animal is replaced everywhere it occurs in Program 2.8 with vegetable, the program will produce exactly the same output. Furthermore, it is the order of the parameters in the

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2.6 Functions with Several Parameters


function header and the corresponding order of the arguments in the function call that determines what the output is. In particular, the function call

would generate a verse with the lines shown below since the value of the parameter animal will be the string literal "cluck".

And on his farm he had a cluck, Ee-igh, Ee-igh, oh! With a hen hen here And a hen hen there Here a hen, there a hen, everywhere a hen hen

The importance of the order of the arguments and parameters and the lack of importance of the names of parameters often leads to confusion. Although the use of such parameter names as param1 and param2 (or, even worse, x and y) might at rst glance seem to be a method of avoiding such confusion, the use of parameter names that correspond roughly to their purpose is far more useful as the programs and functions we study get more complex. In general, parameters should be named according to the purpose just as functions are named. Guidelines for using lowercase and uppercase characters are provided at the end of this chapter.

Pause to Reect

2.25 Write a function for use in Program 2.7 that produces output for a gobbling turkey. The function should be invoked by the call Turkey, which appears in the body of the function main. 2.26 Is it useful to have a separate function EiEiO? 2.27 How would the same effect of the function Turkey be achieved in Program 2.8? 2.28 If the order of the parameters of the function Verse is reversed so that the header is
void Verse(string noise, string animal)

but no changes are made in the body of Verse, then what changes (if any) must be made in the calls to Verse so that the output does not change? 2.29 What happens if the statement Verse("pig","cluck"); is included in the function main? 2.30 The statement Verse("lamb"); will not compile. Why?

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

2.31 What happens if you include the statement Verse("owl",2) in the function main? What happens if you include the statement Verse("owl",2+2)?
Stumbling Block

You must be careful organizing programs that use functions. Although we have not discussed the order in which functions appear in a program, the order is important to a degree. Program 2.9 is designed to print a two-line message. As written, it will not compile.
Program 2.9 order.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // order of procedures is important void Hi (string name) { cout << "Hi " << name << endl; Greetings(); } void Greetings() { cout << "Things are happening inside this computer" << endl; } int main() { Hi("Fred"); return 0; }


When this program is compiled using the g++ compiler, the compilation fails with the following error messages.
order.cpp: In function void Hi (class string): order.cpp:10: warning: implicit declaration of function Greetings undefined reference to Greetings collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

With the Turbo C++ compiler the compilation fails, with the following error message.
Error order.cpp 8: Function Greetings should have a prototype

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2.6 Functions with Several Parameters


Hi Fred Things are happening inside this computer

(intended output, but the program doesnt run)

These messages are generated because the function Greetings is called from the function Hi but occurs physically after Hi in Program 2.9. In general, functions must appear (be dened) in a program before they are called. This requirement that functions appear before theyre called is too restrictive. Fortunately, there is an alternative to placing an entire function before its called. Its possible to put information about the function before its called rather than the function itself. This information is called the signature of a function, often referred to as the functions prototype. Rather than requiring that an entire function appear before it is called, only the prototype need appear. The prototype indicates the order and type of the functions parameters as well as the Syntax: function prototype functions return type. All the functions we have studreturn type ied so far have a void refunction name ( type param-name, type param-name, ); turn type, but well see in the next chapter that functions (such as square root) can return double values, int values, string values, and so on. The return type, the function name, and the type and order of each parameter together constitute the prototype. The names of the parameters are not part of the prototype, but I always include the parameter names because names are useful in thinking and talking about functions. For example, The prototype for the function Hi is
void Hi (string name);

The prototype of the Verse function in Program 2.8 is different:

void Verse (string animal, string noise);

Just as arguments and parameters must match, so must a function call match the functions prototype. In the call to Greetings made from Hi, the compiler doesnt know the prototype for Greetings. If a function header appears physically before any call of the function, then a prototype is not needed. However, in larger programs it can be necessary to include prototypes for functions at the beginning of a program. In either case the compiler sees a function header or prototype before a function call so that the matching of arguments to parameters can be checked by the compiler. The function main has a return type of int and the default return type in C++ is int. Thus the error messages generated by the g++ compiler warn of an implicit declaration of the function Greetings, meaning that the default return of an integer is

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

assumed. Since there is no function Greetings with such a return type, the undened reference message is generated. The error message generated by the Turbo C++ compiler is more informative and indicates that a prototype is missing. Program 2.10 has function prototypes. Note that the prototype for function Hi is not necessary since the function appears before it is called. Some programmers include prototypes for all functions, regardless of whether the prototypes are necessary. In this book we use prototypes when necessary but wont include them otherwise.
Program 2.10 order2.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates function prototypes void Hi(string); void Greetings(); void Hi (string name) { cout << "Hi " << name << endl; Greetings(); } void Greetings() { cout << "Things are happening inside this computer" << endl; } int main() { Hi("Fred"); return 0; }


2.7 Program Style

The style of indentation used in the programs in this chapter is used in all programs in the book. In particular, each statement within a function or program body is indented four spaces. As programs get more complex in subsequent chapters, the use of a consistent indentation scheme will become more important in ensuring ease of understanding. I recommend that you use the indentation scheme displayed in the programs here. If you adopt a different scheme you must use it consistently. Indentation is necessary for human readers of the programs you write. The C++ compiler is quite capable of compiling programs that have no indentation, have multiple

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2.8 Chapter Review


statements per line (instead of one statement per line as we have seen so far), and that have function names like He553323xlo3.

2.7.1 Identiers
The names of functions, parameters, and variables are identiersa means of referral both for program designers and for the compiler. Examples of identiers include Hello, person, and Sing. Just as good indentation can make a program easier to read, I recommend the use of identiers that indicate to some degree the purpose of the item being labeled by the identier. As noted above, the use of animal is much more informative than param1 in conveying the purpose of the parameter to which the label applies. In C++ an identier consists of any sequence of letters, numbers, and the underscore character (_). Identiers may not begin with a number. And identiers are case-sensitive (lowerand uppercase letters): the identier verse is different from the identier Verse. Although some compilers limit the number of characters in an identier, the C++ standard species that identiers can be arbitrarily long. Traditionally, C programmers use the underscore character as a way of making identiers easier to read. Rather than the identier partedhair, one would use parted_hair. Some recent studies indicate that using upper- and lowercase letters to differentiate the parts of an identier can make them easier to read. In this book I adopt the convention that all programmer-dened functions and types8 begin with an uppercase letter. Uppercase letters are also used to separate subwords in an identier, such as, PartedHair rather than parted_hair. Parameters (and later variables) begin with lowercase letters although uppercase letters may be used to delimit subwords in identiers. For example, a parameter for a large power of ten might be largeTenPower. Note that the identier begins with a lowercase letter, which signies that it is a parameter or a variable. You may decide that large_ten_power is more readable. As long as you adopt a consistent naming convention, you shouldnt feel bound by conventions I employ in the code here. In many C++ implementations identiers containing a double underscore (__) are used in the libraries that supply code (such as <iostream>), and therefore identiers in your programs must avoid double underscores. In addition, differentiating between single and double underscores: ( _ and __ ) is difcult. Finally, some words have special meanings in C++ and cannot be used as identiers. We will encounter most of these keywords, or reserved words, as we study C++. A list of keywords is provided in Table 2.1.

2.8 Chapter Review

In this chapter we studied the form of C++ programs, how a program executes, and how functions can make programs easier to modify and use. We studied programs that displayed songs having repetitive verses so that an efcient use of functions would reduce

The type string used in this chapter is not built into C++ but is supplied as a standard type. In C++, however, its possible to use programmer-dened types just like built-in types.

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

Table 2.1 C++ keywords

asm auto bool break case catch char class const const_cast continue

default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit extern false oat

for friend goto if inline int long mutable namespace new operator

private protected public register reinterpret_cast return short signed sizeof static static_cast

struct switch template this throw true try typedef typeid typename union

unsigned using virtual void volatile wchar_t while

our programming efforts. At the same time, the verses had sufcient variation to make the use of parameters necessary in order to develop clean and elegant programsprograms that appeal to your emerging sense of programming style. C++ programs have a specic form: #include statements to access libraries comments about the program programmer-dened functions one function named main Libraries make off-the-shelf programming components accessible to programmers. System library names are enclosed between < and >, as in <iostream>. Libraries that are part of this book and nonsystem libraries are enclosed in double quotation marks, as in "tstring.h". Output is generated using the insertion operator, <<, and the standard output stream, cout. These are accessible by including the proper header le <iostream>. Strings are sequences of characters. The type string is not a built-in type but is accessible via the header le <string>. Functions group related statements together so that the statements can be executed together, by calling the function. Parameters facilitate passing information between functions. The value passed is an argument. The box that stores the value in the function is a parameter. Iterative enhancement is a design process by which a program is developed in stages. Each stage is both an enhancement and a renement of a working program. In designing programs, look for patterns of repeated code that can be combined into a parameterized function to avoid code duplication, as we did in Verse of Program 2.8. Prototypes are function signatures that convey to the compiler information that is used to determine if a function call is correctly formed.

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2.9 Exercises


Identiers are names of functions, variables, and parameters. Identiers should indicate the purpose of what they name. Your programs will be more readable if you are consistent in capitalization and underscores in identiers.

2.9 Exercises
2.1 Add a function Neck to parts.cpp, Program 2.4 to generate output similar to that shown below.

|||||||||||||||| | o o | _| |_ |_ _| | | | |______| | |_____ _____| | |

2.2 Modify the appropriate functions in Program 2.4 to display the head shown below.

|||||||||||||||| | __ __ | | ! ! __ ! ! | | !o !/ \!o ! | | !__! !__! | | | | ///|\\\ | \ / \ o / \________/

2.3 Write a program whose output is the text of hello.cpp, Program 2.1. Note that the output is a program!

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello world" << endl; return 0; }

To display the character " youll need to use an escape sequence. An escape sequence is a backslash \ followed by one character. The two-character escape sequence represents a single character; the escape sequence \" is used to print one quotation mark. The statement cout << "\"Hello\" " << endl; can be used to print the characters "Hello" on the screen, including the quotation marks! Be sure to comment your program-writing program appropriately. 2.4 A popular song performed by KC and the Sunshine Band repeats many verses using the words Thats the way Uh-huh Uh-huh I like it Uh-huh Uh-huh, as shown below.

Thats Uh-huh I like Uh-huh Thats Uh-huh I like Uh-huh the way Uh-huh it Uh-huh the way Uh-huh it Uh-huh

Write a program that generates four choruses of the song. 2.5 Write a program that generates the verses of a childrens song shown below. Dont worry about the ungrammatical qualities inherent in the use of goes and go in your rst attempt at writing the program. You should include a function with two parameters capable of generating any of the verses when the appropriate arguments are passed. Strive to make your program elegant.

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2.9 Exercises


The wheel on the bus goes round round round round round round round round round The wheel on the bus goes round round round All through the town The wipers on the bus goes swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish The wipers on the bus goes swish swish swish All through the town The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep All through the town The money on the bus goes clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink The money on the bus goes clink clink clink All through the town

Is it possible to generate a verse of the song based on the lines The driver on the bus goes move on back move on back move on back with small modications? How many parameters would the Verse function of such a song have? 2.6 Consider the song about an old woman with an insatiable appetite, one version of which is partially reproduced in the following.

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Chapter 2 C++ Programs: Form and Function

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly I dont know why she swallowed a fly Perhaps shell die. There was an old lady who swallowed a spider That wiggled and jiggled and tiggled inside her She swallowed the spider to catch the fly I dont know why she swallowed a fly Perhaps shell die. There was an old lady who swallowed a bird How absurd to swallow a bird She swallowed the bird to catch the spider That wiggled and jiggled and tiggled inside her She swallowed the spider to catch the fly I dont know why she swallowed a fly Perhaps shell die.

This song may be difcult to generate via a program using just the predened output stream cout, the operator <<, and programmer-dened parameterized functions. Write such a program or sketch its solution and indicate why it might be difcult to write a program for which it is easy to add new animals while maintaining program elegance. You might think about adding a verse about a cat (imagine that!) that swallows the bird. 2.7 In a song made famous by Bill Haley and the Comets, the chorus is One, two, three oclock, four oclock rock Five, six, seven oclock, eight oclock rock Nine, ten, eleven oclock, twelve oclock rock Were going to rock around the clock tonight Rather than using words to represent time, you are to use numbers and write a program that will print the chorus above but with the line 1, 2, 3 oclock, 4 oclock rock as the rst line of the chorus. Your program should be useful in creating a chorus that could be used with military time; i.e., another chorus might end thus: 21, 22, 23 oclock, 24 oclock rock Were going to rock around the clock tonight You should use the arithmetic operator + where appropriate and strive to make your program as succinct as possible, calling functions with different parameters rather than writing similar statements.

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Program Design and Implementation

GIGOGarbage In, Garbage Out Common computer aphorism GIGOGarbage In, Gospel Out New Hackers Dictionary Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Alfred North Whitehead An Introduction to Mathematics The memory of all that No, no! They cant take that away from me. Ira Gershwin They Cant Take That Away from Me

The song-writing and head-drawing programs in Chapter 2 generated the same output for all executions unless the programs were modied and recompiled. These programs do not respond to a user of the program at run time, meaning while the programs are running or executing. The solutions to many programming problems require input from program users during execution. Therefore, we must be able to write programs that process input during execution. A typical framework for many computer programs is one that divides a programs execution into three stages. 1. 2. 3. Inputinformation is provided to the program. Processthe information is processed. Outputthe program displays the results of processing the input.

This input/process/output (IPO) model of programming is used in the simple programs well study in this chapter as well as in million-line programs that forecast the weather and predict stock market uctuations. Breaking a program into parts, implementing the parts separately, and then combining the parts into a working program is a good method for developing programs. This is often called divide and conquer; the program is divided into pieces, each piece is implemented, or conquered, and the nal program results from combining the conquered pieces. Well employ divide and conquer together with iterative enhancement when designing classes and programs.


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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

3.1 The Input Phase of Computation

In this chapter well discuss how the user can input values that are used in a program. These input values can be strings like the name of an animal or the noise the animal makes, as well see in Program 3.1, macinput.cpp. The input values can also be numbers like the price and diameter of a pizza as well see in Program 3.5, pizza.cpp. Two runs of a modied version of Program 2.8, oldmac2.cpp are in the following output box. Input entered by the user (you) is shown in a bold-italic font. The computing environment displays prompt> as a cue to the user to enter a commandin this case, the name of a program. Prompts may be different in other computing environments. You may be using a programming environment in which the program is run using a menu-driven system rather than a command-line prompt, but well use the prompt to show the name of the program generating the output.

prompt> macinput Enter the name of an animal: cow Enter noise that a cow makes: moo Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, ee-igh, oh! And on his farm he had a cow, Ee-igh, ee-igh, oh! With a moo moo here And a moo moo there Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, ee-igh, oh! prompt> macinput Enter the name of an animal: hen Enter noise that a cow makes: cluck Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, ee-igh, oh! And on his farm he had a hen, Ee-igh, ee-igh, oh! With a cluck cluck here And a cluck cluck there Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck cluck Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-igh, ee-igh, oh!

Each run of the program produces different output according to the words you enter. If the function main in Program 2.8 is modied as shown in the code segment in Program 3.1, the modied program generates the runs shown above.

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3.1 The Input Phase of Computation


Program 3.1 macinput.cpp

// see program oldmac2.cpp for function Verse and #includes

int main() { string animal; string noise; cout << "Enter the name of an animal: "; cin >> animal; cout << "Enter noise that a " << animal << " makes: "; cin >> noise; cout << endl; Verse(animal,noise); return 0; }


3.1.1 The Input Stream, cin

Well investigate each statement in main of Program 3.1 When you run the program, you enter information and the program reacts to that information by printing a verse of Old MacDonalds Farm that corresponds to what you enter. In C++, information you enter comes from the input stream cin (pronounced cee-in). Just as the output stream, cout, generates output, the input stream accepts input values used in a program. In the run of Program 3.1, the output statement
cout << "Enter the name of an animal: "

is not followed by an endl. As a result, your input appears on the same line as the words that prompt you to enter an animals name. When you enter input, it is taken from the input stream using the extraction operator, >> (sometimes read as takes-from). When the input is taken, it must be stored someplace. Program variables, in this case animal and noise, are used as a place for storing values.

3.1.2 Variables
The following statements from Program 3.1 dene two string variables, named animal and noise.
string animal; string noise;

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

int main() string animal; string noise; "COW" "MOO" 1

int main() string animal; string noise; 2 cin >> animal; "COW" "MOO"

cout << "Enter the name of an animal "; cin >> animal;

cout << "Enter the name of an animal ";

cout << "Enter noise that a "<< animal <<" makes "; cout << "Enter noise that a "<< animal <<" makes "; cin >> noise; cout << endl; Verse (animal,noise); return 0; } cin >> noise; cout << endl; Verse (animal,noise); return 0; } 3

Figure 3.1 Using variables andstreams for input. These variables are represented in Figure 3.1 as boxes that store the variable values in computer memory. The value stored in a variable can be used just as the values stored in a functions formal parameters can be used within the function (see Figure 2.3). Parameters and variables are similar; each has a name such as animal or noise and an associated storage location. Parameters are given initial values, or initialized, by calling a function and passing an argument. Variables are often initialized by accepting input from the user. Variables in a C++ program must be dened before they can be used. Sometimes the terms allocate and create are used instead of dene. Sometimes the word object is used instead of variable. You should think of variable and object as synonyms. Just as all formal parameters have a type Syntax: variable denition or class, all variables in C++ have a type or class that determines type name; OR what kinds of operations can be type name1 , name2 ,, namek ; performed with the variable. The variable animal has the type or class string. In this book well dene each variable in a separate statement as was done in Program 3.1. Its possible to dene more than one variable in a single statement. For example, the following statement denes two string variables.
string animal,noise;

In the run of Program 3.1 diagrammed in Figure 3.1, values taken from the input stream are stored in a variables memory location. The variable animal gets a value in the statement labeled 1; the variable noise gets a value in the statement labeled 2. The value of animal is used to prompt the user; this is shown by the dashed arrow. The arrow labeled 3 shows the values of both variables used as arguments to the function

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3.1 The Input Phase of Computation


Value of variable (type string) Memory location cow animal Name of memory location/variable

Figure 3.2 Variables as named memory locations. Verse. In the interactive C++ environments used in the study of this book, the user must almost always press the return (enter) key before an input statement completes execution and stores the entered value in animal. This allows the user to make corrections (using arrow keys or a mouse, for example) before the nal value is stored in memory. An often-used metaphor associates a variable with a mailbox. Mailboxes usually have names associated with them (either 206 Main Street, or the Smith residence) and offer a place in which things can be stored. Perhaps a more appropriate metaphor associates variables with dorm rooms.1 For example, a room in a fraternity or sorority house (say, or ) can be occupied by any member of the fraternity or sorority but not by members of other residential groups.2 The occupant of the room may change just as the value of a variable may change, but the type of the occupant remains the same, just as a variables type remains xed once it is dened. Thus we think of variables as named memory storage locations capable of storing a specic type of object. In the foregoing example the name of one storage location is animal and the type of object that can be stored in it is a string; for example, the value cow can be stored as shown in Figure 3.2. In C++, variables can be dened anywhere, but they must be dened before theyre used. Some programmers prefer to dene all variables immediately after a left brace, {. Others dene variables just before theyre rst used. (Well have occasion to use both styles of denition.) When all variables are dened at the beginning of a function, it is easy to nd a variable when reading code. Thus when one variable is used in many places, this style makes it easier to nd the denition than searching for the variables rst use. Another version of the code in Program 3.1 is shown in the following block of code with an alternate style of variable denition:
int main() { cout << "Enter the name of an animal "; string animal; cin >> animal; cout << "Enter noise that a " << animal << " makes "; string noise;

1 2

This was suggested by Deganit Armon. The room could certainly not be occupied by independents or members of the opposite sex except in the case of co-ed living groups.

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

cin >> noise; cout << endl; Verse(animal,noise); return 0; }

Before the statement cin >> animal in Program 3.1 is executed, the contents of the memory location associated with the variable animal are undened. You can think of an undened value as garbage. Displaying an undened value probably wont cause any trouble, but it might not make any sense. In more complex programs, accessing an undened value can cause a program to crash. ProgramTip 3.1: When a variable is dened give it a value. Every variable must be given a value before being used for the rst time in an expression or an output statement, or as an argument in a function call.

One way of doing this is to dene variables just before theyre used for the rst time; that way you wont dene lots of variables at the beginning of a function and then use one before it has been given a value. Alternatively, you can dene all variables at the beginning of a function and program carefully.
Pause to Reect

3.1 If you run Program 3.1, macinput.cpp, and enter baah for the name of the animal and sheep for the noise, what is the output? What happens if you enter dog for the name of the animal and bow wow for the noise (you probably need to run the program to nd the answer)? What if bow-wow is entered for the noise? 3.2 Why is there no endl in the statement prompting for the name of an animal and why is there a space after the ell in animal?
cout << "Enter the name of an animal ";

3.3 Write a function main for Program 2.5 (the Happy Birthday program) that prompts the user for the name of a person for whom the song will be sung. 3.4 Add statements to the birthday program as modied in the previous exercise to prompt the user for how old she is, and print a message about the age after the song is printed. 3.5 What happens if the statement cin >> noise; is removed from Program 3.1 and the program is run?

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3.2 Processing Numbers


John Kemeny (19261992)

John Kemeny, with Thomas Kurtz, invented the programming language BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). The language was designed to be simple to use but as powerful as FORTRAN, one of the languages with which it competed when rst developed in 1964. BASIC went on to become the worlds most popular programming language. Kemeny was a research assistant to Albert Einstein before taking a job at Dartmouth College. At Dartmouth he was an early visionary in bringing computers to everyone. Kemeny and Kurtz developed the Dartmouth Time Sharing System, which allowed hundreds of users to use the same computer simultaneously. Kemeny was an inspiring teacher. While serving as president of Dartmouth College he still taught at least one math course each year. With a cigarette in a holder and a distinct, but very understandable, Hungarian accent, Kemeny was a model of clarity and organization in the classroom. In a book published in 1959, Kemeny wrote the following, comparing computer calculations with the human brain. Its interesting that his words are still relevant more than 35 years later. When we inspect one of the present mechanical brains we are overwhelmed by its size and its apparent complexity. But this is a somewhat misleading rst impression. None of these machines compare with the human brain in complexity or in efciency. It is true that we cannot match the speed or reliability of the computer in multiplying two ten-digit numbers, but, after all, that is its primary purpose, not ours. There are many tasks that we carry out as a matter of course that we would have no idea how to mechanize. For more information see [Sla87, AA85]

3.2 Processing Numbers

All the examples weve studied so far have used strings. Although many programs manipulate strings and text, numbers are used extensively in computing and programming. In this section well discuss how to use numbers for input, processing, and output. As well see, the syntax for the input and output of numbers is the same as for strings, but processing numbers requires a new set of symbols based on those you learned for

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

ordinary math. Well start with a simple example, but well build towards the programming knowledge we need to write a program that will help us determine what size pizza is the best bargain. Just as printing Hello World is often used as a rst program, programs that convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius are commonly used to illustrate the use of numeric literals and variables in C++ programs3 . Program 3.2 shows how this is done. The program shows two different types of numeric values and how these values are used in doing arithmetic in C++ programs.
Program 3.2 fahrcels.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // illustrates i/o of ints and doubles // illustrates arithmetic operations int main() { int ifahr; double dfahr; cout << "enter a Fahrenheit temperature "; cin >> ifahr; cout << ifahr << " = " << (ifahr 32) 5/9 << " Celsius" << endl; cout << "enter another temperature "; cin >> dfahr; cout << dfahr << " = " << (dfahr 32.0) 5/9 << " Celsius" << endl; return 0; }


prompt> fahrcels enter a Fahrenheit temperature 40 40 = 4 Celsius enter another temperature 40 40 = 4.44444 Celsius

3 Note, however, that using a computer program to convert a single temperature is probably overkill. This program is used to study the types int and double rather than for its intrinsic worth.

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3.2 Processing Numbers


Two variables are dened in Program 3.2, ifahr and dfahr. The type of ifahr is int which represents an integer in C++, what we think of mathematically as a value from the set of numbers {. . . 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3 . . .}. The type of dfahr is double which represents in C++ what is called a oating-point number in computer science and a real number in mathematics. Floating-point numbers have a decimal point; examples include 17, 3.14159, and 2.0. In Program 3.2 the input stream cin extracts an integer value entered by the user with the statement cin >> ifahr and stores the entered value in the variable ifahr. A oating-point number entered by the user is extracted and stored in the variable dfahr by the statement cin >> dfahr. Except for the name of the variable, both these statements are identical in form to the statements in Program 3.1 that accepted strings entered by the user. When writing programs using numbers, the type double should be used for all variables and calculations that might have decimal points4 . The type int should be used whenever integers, or numbers without decimal points, are appropriate.

3.2.1 Numeric Data

Although there is no largest integer in mathematics, the nite memory of a computer limits the largest and smallest int values in C++. On computers using 16-bit compilers, the values of an int can range from 32,768 to 32,767. When more modern 32-bit compilers are used, the typical range of int values is 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. You shouldnt try to remember these numbers, you should remember that there are limits. The smaller range of int values is really too small to do many calculations. For example, the number of seconds in a day is 86,400, far exceeding the value that can be stored in an int using C++ on most 16-bit compilers. To alleviate this problem the type long int should be used instead of int. The variable ifahr could be dened to use this modied long int type as long int ifahr. The type long int is usually abbreviated simply as long. This makes long secs; a denition for a variable secs. Program 3.3 shows the limitations of the type int. The rst run after the program listing is generated using a 32-bit compiler. The same run on a computer using a 16-bit compiler generates a much different set of results, as shown.
Program 3.3 daysecs.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // converts days to seconds // illustrates integer overflow int main() { int days;

The type float can also be used for oating-point numbers. We will not use this type, since most standard mathematical functions use double values. Using the type float will almost certainly lead to errors in any serious mathematical calculations.

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

cout << "how many days: "; cin >> days; cout << days << " days = " << days246060 << " seconds" << endl; return 0; }


prompt> daysecs how many days: 31 31 days = 2678400 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 365 365 days = 31536000 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 13870 13870 days = 1198368000 seconds

run using a 16-bit compiler prompt> daysecs how many days: 31 31 days = -8576 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 365 365 days = 13184 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 13870 13870 days = -23296 seconds

If the denition int days is changed to long days, then the runs will be the same on both kinds of computers.

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3.2 Processing Numbers


ProgramTip 3.2: Use long (long int) rather than int if you are using a 16-bit compiler. This will help ensure that the output of any program you write using integer arithmetic is correct. Its also possible to use the type double instead of either int or long int. In mathematics, real numbers can have an innite number of digits after a decimal point. For example, 1/3 = 0.333333 . . . and 2 = 1.41421356237 . . . , where there is no pattern to the digits in the square root of two. Data represented using double values are approximations since its not possible to have an innite number of digits. When the denition of days is changed to double days the program generates the same results with 16- or 32-bit compilers.

prompt> daysecs how many days: 31 31 days = 2.6784e+06 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 365 365 days = 3.1536e+07 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 13870 13870 days = 1.19837e+09 seconds

The output in this run is shown using exponent, or scientic, notation. The expression 2.6784e+06 is equivalent to 2,678,400. The e+06 means multiply by 106 . The same run results if the denition int days is used, but the output statement is changed as shown below.
cout << days*24.0*60*60 << " seconds" << endl;

Well explore why this is the case in the next section. In Howto B you can see examples that show how to format numeric output so that, for example, the number of digits after the decimal place can be specied in your programs.

3.2.2 Arithmetic Operators

Although the output statements in fahrcels.cpp, Program 3.2, are the same except for the name of the variable storing the Fahrenheit temperature, the actual values output by the statements are different. This is because arithmetic performed using int values behaves differently than arithmetic performed using double values. An operator, such as +, is used to perform some kind of computation. Operators combine operands as in 15 + 3; the operands are 15 and 3. An expression is a sentence composed of operands

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

Table 3.1 The Arithmetic Operators

Symbol * / % + -

Meaning multiplication division mod/remainder addition subtraction

Example 3*5*x 5.2/1.5 7 % 2 12 + x 35 - y

and operators, as in (X 32) 5/9. In this expression, X , 32, 5, and 9 are operands. The symbols -, *, and / are operators. To understand why different output is generated by the following two expressions when the same value is entered for both ifahr and dfahr, well need to explore how arithmetic expressions are evaluated and how evaluation depends on the types of the operands.
(ifahr - 32) * 5/9 (dfahr - 32.0) * 5/9

The division operator / yields results that depend on the types of its operands. For example, what is 7/2? In mathematics the answer is 3.5, but in C++ the answer is 3. This is because division of two integer quantities (in this case, the literals 7 and 2) is dened to yield an integer. The value of 7.0/2 is 3.5 because division of double values yields a double. When an operator has more than one use, the operator is overloaded. In this case the division operator is overloaded since it works differently with double values than with int values. The arithmetic operators available in C++ are shown in Table 3.1. Most should be familiar to you from your study of mathematics except, perhaps, for the modulus operator, %. The modulus operator % yields the remainder when one integer is divided by another. For example, executing the statement
cout << "47 divides 1347 " << 1347/47 << " times, " << "with remainder " << 1347 % 47 << endl;

would generate the following output because 1347 = 28 47 + 31.

47 divides 1347 28 times, with remainder 31

In general the result of p % q (read this as p mod q) for two integers should be a value r with the property that p = x*q + r where x = p/q. The % operator is often used to determine if one integer divides anotherthat is, divides with no remainder, as in 4/2 or 27/9. If x % y = 0, there is a remainder of zero when x is divided by y,

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3.2 Processing Numbers


28 47 1347 1316 31


1347 % 47

Figure 3.3 Using the modulus operator. indicating that y evenly divides x. The following examples illustrate several uses of the modulus operator. A calculation showing the modulus operator and how it relates to remainders is diagrammed in Figure 3.3.
25 25 48 48 % % % % 5 6 8 9 = = = = 0 1 0 3 13 13 13 13 % % % % 2 3 4 5 = = = = 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 % % % % 3 4 5 4 = = = = 1 0 4 1

If either p or q is negative, however, the value calculated may be different on different systems. Program Tip 3.3: Avoid negative values when using the % operator, or check the documentation of the programming environment you use. In theory, the result of a modulus operator should be positive since it is a remainder. In practice the result is usually negative and not the result you expect when writing code. The C++ standard requires that a = ((a/b) * b) + (a % b).

3.2.3 Evaluating Expressions

The following rules are used for evaluating arithmetic expressions in C++ (these are standard rules of arithmetic as well): 1. 2. 3. Evaluate all parenthesized expressions rst, with nested expressions evaluated inside-out. Evaluate expressions according to operator precedence: evaluate *, /, and % before + and -. Evaluate operators with the same precedence left to rightthis is called left-toright associativity.

Well use these rules to evaluate the expression (ifahr - 32) * 5/9 when ifahr has the value 40 (as in the output of Program 3.2). Tables showing precedence rules and associativity of all C++ operators are given in Howto A, see Table A.4.

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Chapter 3

Program Design and Implementation

(40 - 32) * 5/9 8 * 5/9

(40.0 - 32.0) * 5/9

8.0 * 5/9


40.0/9 4 4.44444

Figure 3.4 Evaluating arithmetic expressions. Evaluate (ifahr - 32) rst; this is 40 32, which is 8. (This is rule 1 above: evaluate parenthesized expressions rst). The expression is now 8 * 5/9 and * and / have equal precedence so are evaluated left to right (rule 3 above). This yields 40/9, which is 4. In the last step above 40/9 evaluates to 4. This is because in integer division any fractional part is truncated, or removed. Thus although 40/9 = 4.444 . . . mathematically, the fractional part .444 . . . is truncated, leaving 4. At this point it may be slightly mysterious why Program 3.2 prints 4.44444 when the expression (dfahr - 32.0) * 5/9 is evaluated. The subexpression (dfahr - 32.0) evaluates to the real number 8.0 rather than the integer 8. The expression (dfahr - 32) would evaluate to 8.0 as well because subtracting an int from a double results in a double value. Similarly, the expression 8.0 * 5/9 evaluates to 40.0/9, which is 4.44444, because when / is used with double values or a mixed combination of double and int values, the result is a double. The evaluation of both expressions from Program 3.2 is diagrammed in Figure 3.4. This means that if the rst cout << statement in Program 3.2 is modied so that the 5 is replaced by 5.0, as in (ifahr - 32) * 5.0/9, then the expression will evaluate to 4.44444 when 40 is entered as the value of ifahr because 5.0 is a double whereas 5 is an int.
Program 3.4 express.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // illustrates problems with evaluating // arithmetic expressions int main() { double dfahr;

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3.2 Processing Numbers

cout << "enter a Fahrenheit temperature "; cin >> dfahr; cout << dfahr << " = " << 5/9 (dfahr 32.0) << " Celsius" << endl; return 0; }



prompt> express enter a Fahrenheit temperature 40.0 40.0 = 0 Celsius prompt> express enter a Fahrenheit temperature 37.33 37.33 = 0 Celsius

Often arithmetic is done by specialized circuitry built to add, multiply, and do other arithmetic operations. The circuitry for int operations is different from the circuitry for double operations, reecting the different methods used for multiplying integers and reals. When numbers of different types are combined in an arithmetic operation, one circuit must be used. Thus when 8.0 * 5 is evaluated, the 5 is converted to a double (and the double circuitry would be used). Sometimes the word promoted is used instead of converted.
Stumbling Block

Pitfalls with evaluating expressions. Because arithmetic operators are overloaded and
because were not used to thinking of arithmetic as performed by computers, some expressions yield results that dont meet our expectations. Referring to Program 3.4, we see that in the run of express.cpp the answer is 0, because the value of the expression 5/9 is 0 since integer division is used. It might be a better idea to use 5.0 and 9.0 since the resulting expression should use double operators. If an arithmetic expression looks correct to you but it yields results that are not correct, be sure that youve used parentheses properly, that youve taken double and int operators into account, and that you have accounted for operator precedence.

Pause to Reect

3.6 If the output expressions in Program 3.2 are changed so that subexpressions are enclosed in parentheses as shown, why do both statements print zero?
(ifahr - 32) * (5/9)

3.7 What is printed if parentheses are not used in either of the expressions in Program 3.2?
ifahr - 32 * 5/9

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

3.8 If the expression using ifahr is changed as shown what will the output be if the user enters 40? Why?
(ifahr - 32.0) * 5/9

3.9 What modications are needed to change Program 3.2 so that it converts degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit rather than vice versa? 3.10 If daysecs.cpp, Program 3.3, is used with the denition long day, but the output is changed to cout << 24*60*60*days << endl, then the program behavior with a 16-bit compiler changes as shown here. The output is incorrect. Explain why the change in the output statement makes a difference.

prompt> daysecs how many days: 31 31 days = 646784 seconds prompt> daysecs how many days: 365 365 days = 7615360 seconds

3.11 The quadratic formula, which gives the roots of a quadratic equation, is b b2 4ac 2a

The roots of 2x 2 8x + 6 should be 3 and 1, where a = 2, b = 8, c = 6, and b2 4ac = 4. Explain why the statements below print 12 and 4 instead of 3 and 1.
cout << (8 + 4)/2*2 << endl; cout << (8 - 4)/2*2 << endl;

3.2.4 The type char

The individual letters used to construct C++ string values are called characters; the type char is used to represent characters. The type char is actually an integral type, in many ways char values act like int values. This means its possible to add char values, though well avoid using characters as though they were integers. Well use

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3.3 Case Study: Pizza Slices


chars almost exclusively as a way to build string values, and well study how to do this in later chapters. A char does print differently than an integer, otherwise it can be used like an integer. Single quotes (apostrophes) are used to indicate char values, e.g., a, !, and Z are all valid C++ characters.

3.3 Case Study: Pizza Slices

In this section well look at one program in some detail. The program uses the types int and double in calculating several statistics about different sizes of pizza. The program might be used, for example, to determine whether a 10-inch pizza selling for $10.95 is a better buy than a 14-inch pizza selling for $14.95.

3.3.1 Pizza Statistics

Pizzas can be ordered in several sizes. Some pizza parlors cut all pizzas into eight slices, whereas others get more slices out of larger pizza pies. In many situations it would be useful to know what size pie offers the best deal in terms of cost per slice or cost per square inch of pizza. Program 3.5, pizza.cpp, provides a rst attempt at a program for determining information about pizza prices.
Program 3.5 pizza.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // find the price of one slice of pizza // and the price per square inch void SlicePrice(int radius, double price) // compute pizza statistics { // assume all pizzas have 8 slices cout << "sq in/slice = "; cout << 3.14159radiusradius/8 << endl; cout << "one slice: $" << price/8 << endl; cout << "$" << price/(3.14159radiusradius); cout << " per sq. inch" << endl; } int main() { int radius; double price; cout << "enter radius of pizza "; cin >> radius;

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cout << "enter price of pizza "; cin >> price; SlicePrice(radius,price); return 0; }


prompt> pizza enter radius of pizza 8 enter price of pizza 9.95 sq in/slice = 25.1327 one slice: $1.24375 $0.0494873 per sq. inch prompt> pizza enter radius of pizza 10 enter price of pizza 11.95 sq in/slice = 39.2699 one slice: $1.49375 $0.0380381 per sq. inch

The function SlicePrice is used for both the processing and the output steps of computation in pizza.cpp. The input steps take place in main. Numbers entered by the user are stored in the variables radius and price dened in main. The values of these variables are sent as arguments to SlicePrice for processing. This is diagrammed in Figure 3.5. If the order of the arguments in the call SlicePrice(radius,price) is changed to SlicePrice(price,radius), the compiler issues a warning:
pizza.cpp: In function int main(): pizza.cpp:30: warning: double used for argument 1 of SlicePrice(int, double)

Its not generally possible to pass a double value to an int parameter without losing part of the value, so the compiler issues a warning. For example, passing an argument of 11.95 to the parameter radius results in a value of 11 for the parameter because double values are truncated when stored as integers. This is called narrowing. Until we discuss how to convert values of one type to another type, you should be sure that the type of an argument matches the type of the corresponding formal parameter. Since

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3.3 Case Study: Pizza Slices


void SlicePrice(int radius, double price) { ... ... cout << "$" < 3.14159*radius*radius/price ... } int main() { int radius; double price; ... SlicePrice(radius,price); }
8 11.95 8 11.95

Figure 3.5 Passing arguments. different types may use different amounts of storage and may have different internal representations in the computer, it is a good idea to ensure that types match properly. Program Tip 3.4: Pay attention to compiler warnings. When the compiler issues a warning, interpret the warning as an indication that your program is not correct. Although the program may still compile and execute, the warning indicates that something isnt proper with your program.

The area of a circle is given by the formula r 2 , where r is the radius of the circle. In SlicePrice the formula determines the number of square inches in a slice and the price per square inch; the parentheses used to compute the price per square inch are necessary.
cout << "$" << price/(3.14159*radius*radius)

If parentheses are not used, the rules for evaluating expressions lead to a value of $380.381 per square inch for a 10-inch pizza costing $11.95. The value of price/3.14159 is multiplied by 10 twicethe operators / and * have equal precedence and are evaluated from left to right. In the exercises youll modify this program so that a user can enter the number of slices as well as other information. Such changes make the program useful in more settings.

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

3.4 Classes andTypes: An Introduction

The types int and double are built-in types in C++, whereas string is a class. In object-oriented programming terminology, user-dened types are often called classes. Although some people make a distinction between the terms type and class, well treat them as synonyms. The term class is apt as indicated by the denition below from the American Heritage Dictionary: class 1. A set, collection, group, or conguration containing members having or thought to have at least one attribute in common All variables of type, or class, string share certain attributes that determine how they can be used in C++ programs. As weve seen in several examples, the types int and double represent numbers with different attributes. In the discussion that follows, Ill sometimes use the word object instead of the word variable. You should think of these as synonyms. The use of classes in object-oriented programming gives programmers the ability to write programs using off-the-shelf components. In this section well examine a programmer-dened class that simulates a computer-guided hot-air balloon as shown in Program 3.6; the graphical output is shown as Figure 3.6.
Program 3.6 gy.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "gballoon.h" // auto-pilot guided balloon ascends, cruises, descends int main() { Balloon b(MAROON); int rise; int duration;

// how high to fly // how long to cruise

(meters) (seconds)

cout << "Welcome to the windbag emporium." << endl; cout << "You'll rise up, cruise a while, then descend." << endl; cout << "How high (in meters) do you want to rise: "; cin >> rise; cout << "How long (in seconds) do you want to cruise: "; cin >> duration; b.Ascend(rise); b.Cruise(duration); b.Descend(0); WaitForReturn(); return 0; } // // // // ascend to specified height cruise for specified time-steps come to earth pause to see graphics window


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3.4 Classes and Types: An Introduction


Figure 3.6 Screendumps from a run of gy.cpp; rise to 100 m., cruise for 200 secs. You wont know all the details of how the simulated balloon works, but youll still be able to write a program that guides the balloon. This is also part of object-oriented programming: using classes without knowing exactly how the classes are implemented, that is, without knowing about the code used behind the scenes. Just as many people drive cars without understanding exactly what a spark plug does or what a carburetor is, programmers can use classes without knowing the details of how the classes are written. A fundamental property of a class is that its behavior is dened by the functions by which objects of the class are manipulated. Knowing about these functions should be enough to write programs using the objects; intimate knowledge of how the class is implemented is not necessary. This should make sense since youve worked with double variables without knowledge of how double numbers are stored in a computer. In gy.cpp, an object (variable) b of type, or class, Balloon is dened and used to simulate a hot-air balloon rising, cruising for a specied duration, and then descending to earth. Running this program causes both a graphics window and a console window to appear on your screen. The console window is the window weve been using in all our programs so far. It is the window in which output is displayed and in which you

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

enter input when running a program. The graphics window shows the balloons actually moving across part of the computer screen. The run below shows part of the text output that appears in the console window. Snapshots of the graphics window at the beginning, middle (before the balloon descends), and end of the run are shown in Figure 3.6. Clearly there is something going on behind the scenes since the statements in Program 3.6 do not appear to be able to generate the output shown. In subsequent chapters well study how the Balloon class works; at this point well concentrate on understanding the three function calls in Program 3.6.

Part of a run, the balloon rises and travels for seven seconds prompt> gy Welcome to the windbag emporium. Youll rise up, cruise a while, then descend. How high (in meters) do you want to rise: 100 How long (in seconds) do you want to cruise: 200
balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at (0, (0, (0, (0, (0, (0, (0, (0, (1, (2, (3, (4, (5, (6, (7, 0) 0) 10) 20) 30) 40) 50) 50) 49) 49) 49) 45) 54) 51) 51) **** rising to 50 meters burn burn burn burn burn ***** Cruise at 50 m. for 100 secs. wind-shear -1

wind-shear -4 wind-shear -1 wind-shear -3

too low!


3.4.1 Member Functions

We have studied several programs with user-dened functions. In macinput.cpp, Program 3.1, the function Verse has two string parameters. In pizza.cpp, Program 3.5, the function SlicePrice has one int parameter and one double parameter. In Program 3.6, gy.cpp, three function calls are made: Ascend, Cruise, and Descend. Together, these functions dene the behavior of a Balloon object. You cant affect a

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3.4 Classes and Types: An Introduction


balloon or change how it behaves except by using these three functions to access the balloon. These functions are applied to the object b as indicated by the dot syntax as in

which is read as b dot ascend rise. These functions are referred to as member functions in C++. In other object-oriented languages, functions that are used to manipulate objects of a given class are often called methods. In this example, the object b invokes its member function Ascend with rise as the argument. Note that denitions of these functions do not appear in the text of Program 3.6 before they are called. The prototypes for these functions are made accessible by the statement
#include "gballoon.h"

which causes the information in the header le gballoon.h to be included in Program 3.6. The header le is an interface to the class Balloon. Sometimes an interface diagram is used to summarize how a class is accessed. The diagram shown in Figure 3.7 is modeled after diagrams used by Grady Booch [Boo91]. Detailed information on the Balloon class and all other classes that are provided for use with this book is found in Howto G. Each member function5 is shown in an oval, and the name of the class is shown in a rectangle. Details about the member function prototypes as well as partial specication for what the functions do are found in the header le. The interface diagram serves as a reminder of what the names of the member functions are.

3.4.2 Reading Programs

One skill you should begin to learn is how to read a program and the supporting documentation for the program. Rich Pattis, the author of Karel the Robot, argues that you should read a program carefully, not like a book but like a contract you desperately want to break. The idea is that you must pay close attention to the ne print and not just read for plot or characterization. Sometimes such minute perusal is essential, but it is often possible to gain a general understanding without such scrutiny. The header le gballoon.h is partially shown in Program 3.7. The private section of the code is not shown here, but is available if you look at the header le with the code that comes with this book.
Program 3.7 gballoonx.h
#ifndef _GBALLOON_H #define _GBALLOON_H

We will not use the functions GetAltitude and GetLocation now but will return to them in a later chapter.

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Chapter 3

Program Design and Implementation

Header file gballoon.h


Ascend Rise Cruise Member functions

Class name

GetAltitude GetLocation

Figure 3.7 Interface diagram for Balloon class

// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // class for balloon manipulation using simulated auto pilot (based on an idea of Dave Reed) graphics version 3/22/99 Ascend: rise to specified height in a sequence of burns Each burn raises the altitude by 10 meters Cruise: cruise for specified time-steps/seconds Random wind-shear can cause balloon to rise and fall, but vents and burns keep ballon within 5 m. of start altitude Descend: descend to specified height in sequence of vents Each vent drops the balloon 10 m. or to ground if < 10 m.

int GetAltitude: returns altitude (in meters) (y-coord) int GetLocation: returns how many time steps/secs elapsed (x-coord)

#include "canvas.h" #include "utils.h" class Balloon { public: Balloon(); Balloon(color c); void Ascend (int void Descend (int void Cruise (int int GetAltitude() int GetLocation() private: height); height); steps); const; const;

// use default color (gold) // balloon of specified color // // // // // ascend so altitude >= parameter descend so altitude <= parameter cruise for parameter time-steps returns height above ground (y-coord) returns # time-steps (x-coord)

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3.4 Classes and Types: An Introduction

void Burn(); void Vent(); int myAltitude; int mySteps; }; #endif


// ... see gballoon.h for details


There are three important details of this header le. 1. 2. Comments provide users and readers of the header le with an explanation of what the member functions do. Member functions are declared in the public section of a class denition and may be called by a user of the class as is shown in Program 3.6. Well discuss the special member functions Balloon later. The other functions, also shown in the interface diagram in Figure 3.7, each have prototypes showing they take one int parameter except for GetAltitude and GetLocation. Functions and data in the private section are not accessible to a user of the class. As a programmer using the class, you may glance at the private section, but the compiler will prevent your program from accessing whats in the private section. Denitions in the private section are part of the classs implementation, not part of the classs interface. As a user, or client, of the class, your only concern should be with the interface, or public section.


3.4.3 Private and Public

The declaration of the class Balloon in Program 3.7 shows that the parts of the class are divided into two sections: the private and the public sections. The public section is how an object of a class appears to the world, how the object behaves. Objects are manipulated in programs like Program 3.6, gy.cpp, by calling the objects public member functions. Private member functions6 exist only to help implement the public functions. Imagine a company that publishes a list of its company phone numbers. For security reasons, some numbers are accessible only by those calling from within the company building. An outsider can get a copy of the company phonebook and see the inaccessible phone numbers, but the company switchboard will allow only calls from within the building to go through to the inaccessible numbers. In general, the designation of what should be private and what should be public is a difcult task. At this point, the key concept is that you access a class is via its public functions. Some consider it a drawback of C++ that information in the private section can be seen and read, but many languages suffer from the same problem. To make things simple, you should think of the private section as invisible until you begin to design your own classes. There are often variables in the private section. These variables, such as myAltitude, dene an objects statethe information that determines the objects characteristics. In

Prototypes for private member functions like Burn and AdjustAltitude are visible in the full listing of gballoon.h, but are not shown in the partial listing of gballoonx.h in Program 3.7.

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

the case of a Balloon object, the altitude of the balloon, represented by the int variable myAltitude, is part of this state. Knowledge of the private section isnt necessary to understand how to use Balloon objects.

Donald Knuth (b. 1938)

Donald Knuth is perhaps the best-known computer scientist and is certainly the foremost scholar of the eld. His interests are wide-ranging, from organ playing to word games to typography. His rst publication was for MAD magazine, and his most famous is the three-volume set The Art of Computer Programming. In 1974 Knuth won the Turing award for major contributions to the analysis of algorithms and the design of programming languages. In his Turing award address he says: The chief goal of my work as educator and author is to help people learn how to write beautiful programs. My feeling is that when we prepare a program, it can be like composing poetry or music; as Andrei Ershov has said, programming can give us both intellectual and emotional satisfaction, because it is a real achievement to master complexity and to establish a system of consistent rules. In discussing what makes a program good, Knuth says: In the rst place, its especially good to have a program that works correctly. Secondly it is often good to have a program that wont be hard to change, when the time for adaptation arises. Both of these goals are achieved when the program is easily readable and understandable to a person who knows the appropriate language. Of computer programming Knuth says: We have seen that computer programming is an art, because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because it produces objects of beauty. For more information see [Sla87, AA85, ACM87].

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3.5 Compiling and Linking


gfly.cpp #include "gballoon.h" int main() { Balloon b; b.Ascend(30); return 0; client program

gfly.o 01010100111010101011 01010110101... object code gfly



gballoon.cpp #include "gballoon.h" void Balloon::Ascend(int height) { cout << endl; cout << "***** (Height = "; cout << myAltitude << ")"; ... class implementation

executable program

balloon.o 110101110101010101011 110111100001... object code

Figure 3.8 Compiling and linking. The public section describes the interface to an object, that is, what a client or user needs to know to manipulate the object. In a car, the brake pedal is the interface to the braking system. Pressing the pedal causes the car to stop, regardless of whether antilock brakes, disc brakes, or drum brakes are used. In general, the public interface provides buttons and levers that a user can push and pull to manipulate the object as well as dials that can be used to read information about the object state. All header les well use in this book will have statements similar to the #ifndef _BALLOON_H statement and others that begin with the # sign, as shown in balloon.h. For the moment well ignore the purpose of these statements; theyre necessary but are not important to the discussion at this point. The ifndef statement makes it impossible to include the same header le more than once in the same program. Well see why this is important when programs get more complex.

3.5 Compiling and Linking

In Chapter 1 we discussed the differences between source code, written in a high-level language like C++, and machine code, written in a low-level language specic to one kind of computer. The compiler translates the source code into machine code. Another step is almost always necessary in making an executable program. Code from libraries needs to be linked together with the machine code to form an executable program. For example, when the header le <iostream> is used, the code that implements input and output streams must be linked. When the header le "balloon.h" is used, the code that implements the balloon class must be linked. This process of compiling and linking is illustrated in Figure 3.8. The compiler translates source code into machine, or object, code. The word object

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here has nothing to do with object-oriented programming; think of it as a synonym for machine code. In some environments object code has a .o extension; in other environments it has a .obj extension. The different object les are linked together to form an executable program. Sometimes you may not be aware that linking is taking place. But when you develop more complex programs, youll encounter errors in the linking stage. For example, if you try to compile gy.cpp, Program 3.6, you must link-in the code that implements the balloon class. The implementation of the class is declared in gballoon.h and is found in the le balloon.cpp. The corresponding object code, as translated by the compiler, is in balloon.o. Its often convenient to group several object les together in a code library. The library can be automatically linked into your programs so that you dont need to take steps to do this yourself.
Pause to Reect

3.12 Some pizza parlors cut larger pies into more pieces than small pies: a small pie might have 8 pieces, a medium pie 10 pieces, and a large pie 12 pieces. Modify the function SlicePrice so that the number of slices is a parameter. The function should have three parameters instead of two. How would the function main in Program 3.5 change to accommodate the new SlicePrice? 3.13 In pizza.cpp, what changes are necessary to allow the user to enter the diameter of a pizza instead of the radius? 3.14 Based on the descriptions of the member functions given in the header le balloonx.h (Program 3.7), why is different output generated when Program 3.6 is run with the same input values? (Run the program and see if the results are similar to those shown above.) 3.15 What would the function main look like of a program that denes a Balloon object, causes the balloon to ascend to 40 meters, cruises for 10 time-steps, ascends to 80 meters, cruises for 20 time-steps, then descends to earth? 3.16 What do you think happens if the following two statements are the only statements in a modied version of Program 3.6?
b.Ascend(50); b.Ascend(30);

What would happen if these statements are reversed (rst ascend to 30 meters, then to 50)?

3.6 Chapter Review

In this chapter we studied the input/process/output model of computation and how input is performed in C++ programs. We also studied numeric types and operations and a user-dened class, Balloon. The importance of reading programs and documentation in order to be able to modify and write programs was stressed.

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3.7 Exercises


Input is accomplished in C++ using the extraction operator, >>, and the standard input stream, cin. These are accessible by including <iostream>. Variables are memory locations with a name, a value, and a type. Variables must be dened before being used in C++. Variables can be dened anywhere in a program in C++, but well dene most variables at the beginning of the function in which theyre used. Numeric data represent different kinds of numbers in C++. Well use two types for numeric data: int for integers and double for oating-point numbers (real numbers, in mathematics). If youre using a microcomputer, you should use the type long (long int) instead of int for quantities over 5,000. Operators are used to form arithmetic expressions. The standard math operators in C++ are + - * / %. In order to write correct arithmetic expressions you must understand operator precedence rules and the rules of expression evaluation. Conversion takes place when an int value is converted to a corresponding double value when arithmetic is done using both types together. The type char represents characters, characters are used to construct strings. In C++ characters are indicated by single quotes, e.g., y and Y. Classes are types, but are dened by a programmer rather than being built into the language like int and double. The interface to a class is accessible by including the right header le. Member functions manipulate or operate on objects. Only member functions dened in the public section of a class denition can be used in a client program. A class is divided into two sections, the private section and the public section. Programs that use the class access the class by the public member functions. Executable programs are created by compiling source code into object code and linking different object les together. Sometimes object les are stored together in a code library.

3.7 Exercises
3.1 Write a program that prompts the user for a rst name and a last name and that prints a greeting for that person. For example:

enter first name Owen enter last name Astrachan Hello Owen, you have an interesting last name: Astrachan.

3.2 Write a program that prompts the user for a quantity expressed in British thermal units (BTU) and that converts it to Joules. The relationship between these two units of

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

measure is given by: 1 BTU = 1054.8 Joules. 3.3 Write a program that prompts the user for a quantity expressed in knots and that converts it to miles per hour. The relationship needed is that 1 knot = 101.269 ft/min (and that 5,280 ft = 1 mile). 3.4 Write a program using the operators / and % that prompts the user for a number of seconds and then determines how many hours, minutes, and seconds this represents. For example, 20,000 seconds represents 5 hours, 33 minutes, and 20 seconds. 3.5 Write a program that prints three verses of the classic song One hundred bottles of on the wall as shown here.

56 56 If 55 bottles of cola on the wall bottles of cola one of those bottles should happen to fall bottles of cola on the wall

The functions prototype is void BottleVerse(string beverage, int howMany) The rst parameter, beverage, is a string representing the kind of beverage for which a song will be printed. The second parameter, howMany, is not a string but is a C++ integer. The advantage of using an int rather than a string is that arithmetic operations can be performed on ints. For example, given the function BottleVerse shown below, the function call BottleVerse("cola",56) would generate the abbreviated verse shown here. void BottleVerse(string beverage, int howMany) { cout << howMany << " bottles of " << beverage << ", "; cout << "one fell, " << howMany - 1 << " exist" << endl; }

56 bottles of cola, one fell, 55 exist

Note how the string parameter is used to indicate the specic kind of beverage for which a verse is to be printed. The int parameter is used to specify how many bottles

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3.7 Exercises


Figure 3.9 Screendumps from a run of gy2.cpp.

are in use. Note that because int parameters support arithmetic operations, the expression howMany - 1 is always 1 less than the just-printed number of bottles. In the program you write, three verses should be printed. The number of bottles in the rst verse can be any integer. Each subsequent verse should use 1 bottle less than the previous verse. The user should be prompted for the kind of beverage used in the song. 3.6 Write a program that calculates pizza statistics, but takes both the number of slices into account and the thickness of the pizza. The user should be prompted for both quantities. 3.7 Write a program that can be used as a simplistic trip planner. Prompt the user for the number of car passengers, the length of the trip in miles, the capacity of the fuel tank in gallons, the price of gas, and the miles per gallon that the car gets. The program should calculate the number of tanks of gas needed, the total price of the gas needed, and the price per passenger if the cost is split evenly. 3.8 Write a program that uses a variable of type Balloon that performs the following sequence of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Prompt the user for an initial altitude and a number of time steps. Cause the balloon to ascend to the specied altitude, then cruise for the specied time steps. Cause the balloon to descend to half the altitude it initially ascended to, then cruise again for the specied time steps. Cause the balloon to descend to earth (height = 0).

3.9 The program gy2.cpp is shown on the next page as Program 3.8. Several different balloons are used in the same program. A screendump is shown in Figure 3.9. Modify the program so the user is prompted for how high the rst balloon should rise. The

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Chapter 3 Program Design and Implementation

other two balloons should rise to heights two and three times as high, respectively. The user should be prompted for how far the balloons cruise. The balloons should cruise for one-third this distance, then the function WaitForReturn should be called so that the user can see the balloons paused in ight. Repeat this last step twice so that the balloons all y for the specied time, but in three stages.
Program 3.8 gy2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "gballoon.h" // illustrates graphical balloon class // auto-pilot guided balloon ascends, cruises, descends int main() { Balloon b1(MAROON); Balloon b2(RED); Balloon b3(BLUE); WaitForReturn(); b1.Ascend(50); b1.Cruise(100); b2.Ascend(100); b2.Cruise(160); b3.Ascend(150); b3.Cruise(220); WaitForReturn(); b1.Descend(20); b1.Cruise(100); b2.Descend(20); b2.Cruise(100); b3.Descend(20); b3.Cruise(100); WaitForReturn(); return 0; }


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Control, Functions, and Classes

Leave all else to the gods. Horace Odes, Book I, Ode ix

If A equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. Albert Einstein quoted in SIGACT News, Vol. 25, No. 1, March 1994 Your if is the only peacemaker; much virtue in if. William Shakespeare As You Like It, V, iv

In the programs studied in Chapter 3, statements executed one after the other to produce output. This was true both when all statements were in main or when control was transferred from main to another function, as it was in SlicePrice in pizza.cpp, Program 3.5. However, code behind the scenes in gy.cpp, Program 3.6, executed differently in response to the users input and to a simulated wind-shear effect. Many programs require nonsequential control. For example, transactions made at automatic teller machines (ATMs) process an identication number and present you with a screen of choices. The program controlling the ATM executes different code depending on your choicefor example, either to deposit money or to get cash. This type of control is called selection: a different code segment is selected and executed based on interaction with the user or on the value of a program variable. Another type of program control is repetition: the same sequence of C++ statements is repeated, usually with different values for some of the variables in the statements. For example, to print a yearly calendar your program could call a PrintMonth function twelve times:
PrintMonth("January", 31); //... PrintMonth("November",30); PrintMonth("December",31);

Here the name of the month and the number of days in the month are arguments passed to PrintMonth. Alternatively, you could construct the PrintMonth function to determine the name of the month as well as the number of days in the month given the year and the number of the month. This could be done for the year 2000 by repeatedly executing the following statement and assigning values of 1, 2, . . . , 12 to month:
PrintMonth(month, 2000);


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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

In this chapter well study methods for controlling how the statements in a program are executed and how this control is used in constructing functions and classes. To do this well expand our study of arithmetic operators, introduced in the last chapter, to include operators for other kinds of data. Well also study C++ statements that alter the ow of control within a program. Finally, well see how functions and classes can be used as a foundation on which well continue to build as we study how programs are used to solve problems. At the end of the chapter youll be able to write the function PrintMonth but youll also see a class that encapsulates the function so you dont have to write it.

4.1 The Assignment Operator

In the next three sections well use a program that makes change using U.S. coins to study relational and assignment statements and conditional execution. Well use the same program as the basis for what could be a talking cash register. A run of change.cpp, Program 4.1, shows how change is made using quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The program shows how values can be stored in variables using the assignment operator, =. In previous programs the user entered values for variables, but values can also be stored using the assignment operator. The code below assigns values for the circumference and area of a circle according to the radius value, then prints the values.1
double radius, area, circumference; cout << "enter radius: "; cin >> radius; area = 3.14159*radius*radius; circumference = 3.14159*2*radius; cout << "area = " << area << " circumference = " << circumference << endl;

The assignment operator in Program 4.1 has two purposes, it assigns the number of each type of coin needed to the appropriate variable (e.g., quarters and dimes) and it resets the value of the variable amount so that change will be correctly calculated. The assignment operator = stores values in variables. The expresSyntax: assignment operator = sion on the right-hand side of the = is evaluated, and this value is variable = expression stored in the memory location associated with the variable named on the left-hand side of the =. The use of the equal sign to assign values to variables can cause confusion, especially if you say equals when you read an expression like quarters = amount/25. Operationally, the value on the right is stored in quarters, and it would be better to write quarters amount / 25. The assignment statement can be read as The memory location of the variable quarters is

The formula for the area of a circle is r 2 , the formula for circumference is 2r where r is the radius.

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4.1 The Assignment Operator


assigned the value of amount/25, but that is cumbersome (at best). If you can bring yourself to say gets for =, youll nd it easier to distinguish between = and == (the boolean equality operator). Verbalizing the process by saying Quarters gets amount divided by twenty-ve will help you understand whats happening when assignment statements are executed.
Program 4.1 change.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // make change in U.S. coins // Owen Astrachan, 03/17/99 int main() { int amount; int quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies; // input phase of program cout << "make change in coins for what amount: "; cin >> amount; // calculate number of quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies quarters = amount/25; amount = amount quarters25; dimes = amount/10; amount = amount dimes10; nickels = amount/5; amount = amount nickels5; pennies = amount; // output phase of program cout cout cout cout << << << << "# "# "# "# quarters =\t" dimes =\t" nickels =\t" pennies =\t" << << << << quarters dimes nickels pennies << << << << endl; endl; endl; endl;

return 0; }


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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

int amount; 87 Before execution int quarters; 3 amount = amount - quarters*25; 87 - 3*25

int amount; 12 After execution

Figure 4.1 Updating a variable via assignment.

prompt> change make change in coins for what amount: 87 # quarters = 3 # dimes = 1 # nickels = 0 # pennies = 2 prompt> change make change in coins for what amount: 42 # quarters = 1 # dimes = 1 # nickels = 1 # pennies = 2

The statement amount = amount - quarters*25 updates the value of the variable amount. The right-hand side of the statement is evaluated rst. The value of this expression, amount - quarters*25, is stored in the variable on the lefthand side of the assignment statementthat is, the variable amount. This process is diagrammed in Fig. 4.1 when amount is 87. A sequence of assignments can be chained together in one statement:
x = y = z = 13;

This statement assigns the value 13 to the variables x, y, and z. The statement is interpreted as x = (y = (z = 13)). The value of the expression (z = 13) is 13, the value assigned to z. This value is assigned to y, and the result of the assignment to y is 13. This result of the expression (y = 13) is then assigned to x. Parentheses arent needed in the statement x = y = z = 13, because the assignment operator = is right-associative: in the absence of parentheses the rightmost = is evaluated rst.

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4.2 Choices and Conditional Execution


Table 4.1 Escape sequences in C++

escape sequence \n \t \v \b \r \f \a \\ \? \ \"

name newline horizontal tab vertical tab backspace carriage return form feed alert (bell) backslash question mark single quote (apostrophe) double quote


In contrast, the subtraction operator is left-associative, so the expression 8 - 3 - 2 is equal to 3, because it is evaluated as (8 - 3) - 2 rather than 8 - (3 - 2): here the leftmost subtraction is evaluated rst. Most operators are left-associative; the associativity of all C++ operators is shown in Table A.4 in Howto A.

Escape Sequences. The output of change.cpp is aligned using a tab character \t. The tab character prints one tab position, ensuring that the amounts of each kind of coin line up. The backslash and t to print the tab character are an example of an escape sequence. Common escape sequences are given in Table 4.1. The table is repeated as Table A.5 in Howto A. Each escape sequence prints a single character. For example, the following statement prints the four-character string "\".
cout << "\"\\\\"" << endl;

4.2 Choices and Conditional Execution

I shall set forth from somewhere, I shall make the reckless choice Robert Frost The Sound of the Trees

In this section well alter Program 4.1 so that it only prints the coins used in giving change. Well also move the output part of the program to a separate function. By parameterizing the output and using a function, we make it simpler to incorporate modications to the original program.

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Control, Functions, and Classes

Program Tip 4.1: Avoid duplicating the same code in several places in the same program. Programs will be modied. If you need to make the same change in more than one place in your code it is very likely that you will leave some changes out, or make the changes inconsistently. In many programs more time is spent in program maintenance than in program development. Often, moving duplicated code to a function and calling the function several times helps avoid code duplication.

Program 4.2 change2.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // make change in U.S. coins // Owen Astrachan, 03/17/99 void Output(string coin, int amount) { if (amount > 0) { cout << "# " << coin << " =\t" << amount << endl; } } int main() { int amount; int quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies; // input phase of program cout << "make change in coins for what amount: "; cin >> amount; // calculate number of quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies quarters = amount/25; amount = amount quarters25; dimes = amount/10; amount = amount dimes10; nickels = amount/5; amount = amount nickels5; pennies = amount; // output phase of program Output("quarters",quarters); Output("dimes",dimes);

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4.2 Choices and Conditional Execution

Output("nickels",nickels); Output("pennies",pennies); return 0; }



prompt> change2 make change in coins for what amount: 87 # quarters = 3 # dimes = 1 # pennies = 2

In the function Output an if statement is used for conditional executionthat is, if makes the execution depend on the value of amount. In the C++ statement
if (amount > 0) { cout << "# " << coin << " =\t" << amount << endl; }

the test expression (amount > 0) controls the cout << statement so that output appears only if the value of the int variable amount is greater than zero.

4.2.1 The if/else Statement

An if statement contains a test expression and a body: a group of statements within curly braces { and }. These statements are executed only when the test expression, also called a condition or a guard, is true. The test must be enclosed by parentheses. In the next section well explore opSyntax: if statement erators that can be used in tests, including <, <=, >, and >=. The if ( test expression ) body of the if statement can con{ tain any number of statements. statement list; } The curly braces that are used to delimit the body of the if statement arent needed when theres only one statement in the body, but well always use them as part of a defensive programming strategy designed to ward off bugs before they appear.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

Program 4.3 shows that an if statement can have an else part, which also controls, or guards, a body of statements within curly braces { and } that is executed when the test expression is false. Any kind of statement can appear in the body of an if/else statement, including other if/else Syntax: if/ else statement statements. Well discuss formatting conventions for writing such if ( test expression ) code after we explore the other { kinds of operators that can be used statement list; } in the test expressions that are else part of if statements. You may { nd yourself writing code with statement list; an empty if or else body: one } with no statements. This can always be avoided by changing the test used with the if using rules of logic well discuss in Section 4.7. In Program 4.3, if the value of response is something other than "yes", then the cout << statements associated with the if section are not executed, and the statements in the else section of the program are executed instead. In particular, if the user enters "yeah" or "yup", then the program takes the same action as when the user enters "no". Furthermore, the answer "Yes" is also treated like the answer "no" rather than "yes", because a capital letter is different from the equivalent lower-case letter. As we saw in Program 4.1, change.cpp, the rules of C++ do not require an else section for every if.
Program 4.3 broccoli.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates use of if-else statement int main() { string response; cout << "Do you like broccoli [yes/no]> "; cin >> response; if ("yes" == response) { cout << "Green vegetables are good for you" << endl; cout << "Broccoli is good in stir-fry as well" << endl; } else { cout << "De gustibus non disputandum" << endl; cout << "(There is no accounting for taste)" << endl; } return 0; }


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4.3 Operators


prompt> broccoli Do you like broccoli [yes/no]> yes Green vegetables are good for you Broccoli is good in stir-fry as well prompt> broccoli Do you like broccoli [yes/no]> no De gustibus non disputandum (There is no accounting for taste)

The else section in Program 4.3 could be removed, leaving the following:
int main() { string response; cout << "Do you like broccoli [yes/no]> "; cin >> response; if ("yes" == response) { cout << "Green vegetables are good for you" << endl; cout << "Broccoli is good in stir-fry as well" << endl; } return 0; }

In this modied program, if the user enters any string other than "yes", nothing is printed. ProgramTip 4.2: Use an if statement to guard a sequence of statements and an if/else statement to choose between two sequences. The if statement solves the problem of guarding the sequence of statements in the body of the if so that these statements are executed only when a certain condition holds. The if/else statement solves the problem of choosing between two different sequences. Later in the chapter well see how to choose between more than two sequences using cascaded if/else statements.

4.3 Operators
Weve seen arithmetic operators such as +, *, %, the assignment operator =, and the < operator used in if/else statements. In this section well study the other operators available in C++. Youll use all these operators in constructing C++ programs.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

Table 4.2 The relational operators

symbol == > < != >= <=

meaning equal to greater than less than not equal to greater than or equal to less than or equal to if if if if if if

example ("yes" == response) (salary > 30000) (0 < salary) ("yes" != response) (salary >= 10000) (20000 <= salary)

4.3.1 Relational Operators

Comparisons are odious. John Fortescue De Laudibus Legum Angliae, 1471

The expressions that form the test of an if statement are built from different operators. In this section well study the relational operators, which are used to determine the relationships between different values. Relational operators are listed in Table 4.2. The parenthesized expression that serves as the test of an if statement can use any of the relational operators shown in Table 4.2. The parenthesized expressions evaluate to true or false and are called boolean expressions, after the mathematician George Boole. Boolean expressions have one of two values: true or false. In C++ programs, any nonzero value is considered true, and zero-valued expressions are considered false. The C++ type bool is used for variables and expressions with one of two values: true and false. Although bool was rst approved as part of C++ in 1994, some older compilers do not support it.2 Well use true and false as values rather than zero and one, but remember that zero is the value used for false in C++ . The relational operators < and > behave as you might expect when used with int and double values. In the following statement the variable salary can be an int or a double. In either case the phrase about minimum wage is printed if the value of salary is less than 10.0.

If youre using a compiler that doesnt support bool as a built-in type, you can use the header le bool.h supplied with the code from this book via #include"bool.h" to get access to a programmer-dened version of type bool.

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4.3 Operators


if (salary < 10.0) { cout << "you make below minimum wage" << endl; }

When string values are compared, the behavior of the inequality operators < and > is based on a dictionary order, sometimes called lexicographical order:
string word; cout << "enter a word: "; cin >> word; if (word < "middle") { cout << word << " comes before middle" << endl; }

In the foregoing code fragment, entering the word "apple" generates the following output.

apple comes before middle

Entering the word "zebra" would cause the test (word < "middle") to evaluate to false, so nothing is printed. The comparison of strings is based on the order in which the strings would appear in a dictionary, so that "A" comes before "Z". Sometimes the behavior of string comparisons is unexpected. Entering "Zebra", for example, generates this output:

Zebra comes before middle

This happens because capital letters come before lower-case letters in the ordering of characters used on most computers.3 To see how relational operators are evaluated, consider the output of these statements:
cout << (13 < 5) << endl; cout << (5 + 1 < 6 * 2) << endl;

Well explore the ASCII character set, which is used to determine this ordering, in Chapter 9.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

0 1

The value of 13 < 5 is false, which is zero; and the value of 6 < 12 is true, which is one. (In Howto B, a standard method for printing bool values as true and false, rather than 1 and 0, is shown.) In the last output statement, the arithmetic operations are executed rst, because they have higher precedence than relational operators. Youve seen precedence used with arithmetic operators; for example, multiplication has higher precedence than addition, so that 3 + 4 2 = 11. You can use parentheses to bypass the normal precedence rules. The expression (3 + 4) 2 evaluates to 14 rather than 11. A table showing the relative precedence of all C++ operators can be found in Table A.4 in Howto A. Program Tip 4.3: When you write expressions in C++ programs, use parentheses liberally. Trying to uncover precedence errors in a complex expression can be very frustrating. Looking for precedence errors is often the last place youll look when trying to debug a program. As part of defensive programming, use parentheses rather than relying exclusively on operator precedence. Because execution of an if statement depends only on whether the test is true or false (nonzero or zero), the following code is legal in C++ :
if (6 + 3 - 9) { cout << "great minds think alike" << endl; } else { cout << "fools seldom differ" << endl; }

These statements cause the string fools seldom differ to be output, because the expression (6 + 3 9) evaluates to 0, which is false in C++ . Although this code is legal, it is not necessarily good code. It is often better to make the comparison explicit, as in
if (x != 0) { DoSomething(); }

rather than relying on the equivalence of true and any nonzero value:
if (x) { DoSomething(); }

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4.3 Operators


which is equivalent in effect, but not in clarity. There are situations, however, in which the second style of programming is clearer. When such a situation arises, Ill point it out.

4.3.2 Logical Operators

As we will see (for example, in usemath.cpp, Program 4.6, it can be necessary to check that a value you enter is in a certain range (e.g., not negative). In change.cpp, Program 4.1, the program should check to ensure that the users input is valid (e.g., between 0 and 99). The following code implements this kind of check.
if (choice < 0) { cout << "illegal choice" << endl; } else if (choice > 99) { cout << "illegal choice" << endl; } else { // choice ok, continue }

This code has the drawback of duplicating the code thats executed when the user enters an illegal choice. Suppose a future version of the program will require the user to reenter the choice. Modifying this code fragment would require adding new code in two places, making the likelihood of introducing an error larger. In addition, when code is duplicated, it is often difcult to make the same modications everywhere the code appears. Logical operators allow boolean expressions to be combined, as follows:
if (choice < 0 || choice > 99) { cout << "illegal choice" << endl; } else { // choice ok, continue }

The test now reads, If choice is less than zero or choice is greater than ninety-nine. The test is true (nonzero) when either choice < 0 or choice > 99. The operator || is the logical or operator. It evaluates to true when either or both of its boolean arguments is true. The logical and operator && operates on two boolean expressions and returns true only when both are true. The preceding test for valid input can be rewritten using logical and as follows:
if (0 <= choice && choice <= 99) { // choice ok, continue } else { cout << "illegal choice" << endl; }

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

Table 4.3 Truth table for logical operators

A false false true true

B false true false true

A || B false true true true

A && B false false false true

!A true true false false

Be careful when translating English or mathematics into C++ code. The phrase choice is between 0 and 99 is often written in mathematics as 0 choice 99. In C++, relational operators are left-associative, so the following if test, coded as it would be in mathematics, will evaluate to true for every value of choice.
if (0 <= choice <= 99) { // choice ok, continue }

Since the leftmost <= is evaluated rst (the relational operators, like all binary operators, are left associative), the test is equivalent to ( (0 <= choice) <= 99 ) and the value of the expression (0 <= choice) is either false (0) or true (1), both of which are less than or equal to 99, thus satisfying the second test. There is also a unary operator ! that works with boolean expressions. This is the logical not operator. The value of !expression is false if the value of expression is true, and true when the value of expression is false. The two expressions below are equivalent.
x != y !(x == y)

Because ! has a very high precedence, the parentheses in the expression on the right are necessary (see Table A.4).

4.3.3 Short-Circuit Evaluation

The following statement is designed to print a message when a grade-point average is higher than 90%:
if (scoreTotal/numScores > 0.90) { cout << "excellent! very good work" << endl; }

This code segment might cause a program to exit abnormally4 if the value of numScores is zero, because the result of division by zero is not dened. The abnormal exit can be avoided by using another nested if statement (the approach required in languages such as Pascal):

4 The common phrase for such an occurrence is bomb, as in The program bombed. If you follow good defensive programming practices, your programs should not bomb.

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4.3 Operators


if (numScores != 0) { if (scoreTotal/numScores > 0.90) { cout << "excellent! very good work" << endl; } }

However, in languages like C, C++, and Java another approach is possible:

if (numScores != 0 && scoreTotal/numScores > 0.90) { cout << "excellent! very good work" << endl; }

The subexpressions in an expression formed by the logical operators && and || are evaluated from left to right. Furthermore, the evaluation automatically stops as soon as the value of the entire test expression can be determined. In the present example, if the expression numScores != 0 is false (so that numScores is equal to 0), the entire expression must be false, because when && is used to combine two boolean subexpressions, both subexpressions must be true (nonzero) for the entire expression to be true (see Table 4.3). When numScores == 0, the expression scoreTotal/numScores > 0.90 will not be evaluated, avoiding the potential division by zero. Similarly, when || is used, the second subexpression will not be evaluated if the rst is true, because in this case the entire expression must be trueonly one subexpression needs to be true for an entire expression to be true with ||. For example, in the code
if (choice < 1 || choice > 3) { cout << "illegal choice" << endl; }

the expression choice > 3 is not evaluated when choice is 0. In this case, choice < 1 is true, so the entire expression must be true. The term short-circuit evaluation describes this method of evaluating boolean expressions. The short circuit occurs when some subexpression is not evaluated because the value of the entire expression is already determined. Well make extensive use of short-circuit evaluation (also called lazy evaluation) in writing C++ programs.

4.3.4 Arithmetic Assignment Operators

C++ has several operators that serve as contractions, in the grammatical sense that Ive is a contraction of I have. These operators arent necessary, but they can simplify and shorten code that changes the value of a variable. For example, several statements in change.cpp, Program 4.1, alter the value of amount; these statements are similar to the following:
amount = amount - quarters*25;

This statement can be rewritten using the operator -=.

amount -= quarters*25;

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

Table 4.4 Arithmetic assignment operators.

symbol += *= -= /= %=

example x += 1; doub *= 2; n -= 5; third /= 3; odd %= 2;

equivalent x = x + 1; doub = doub * 2; n = n - 5; third = third / 3; odd = odd % 2;

Similarly, the statement number = number + 1, which increments the value of number by one, can be abbreviated using the += operator: number += 1;. In general, the statement variable = variable + expression; has exactly the same effect as the statement variable += expression; Using such assignment operators can make programs easier to read. Often a long variable name appearing on both sides of an assignment operator = will cause a lengthy expression to wrap to the next line and be difcult to read. The arithmetic assignment operators summarized in Table 4.4 can alleviate this problem. Its not always possible to use an arithmetic assignment operator as a contraction when a variable appears on both the left and right sides of an assignment statement. The variable must occur as the rst subexpression on the right side. For example, if x has the value zero or one, the statement x = 1 - x changes the value from one to zero and vice versa. This statement cannot be abbreviated using the arithmetic assignment operators.

4.4 Block Statements and Defensive Programming

Following certain programming conventions can lead to programs that are more understandable (for you and other people reading your code) and more easily developed. In this book we follow the convention of using block delimiters, { and }, for each part of an if/else statement. This is shown in change2.cpp, Program 4.2. It is possible to write the if statement in Program 4.2 without block delimiters:
if (amount > 0) cout << "# " << coin << " =\t" << amount << endl;

The test of the if statement controls the output statement so that it is executed only when amount is greater than zero. As weve seen, it is useful to group several statements together so that all are executed precisely when the test of an if/else statement is true. To do this, a block (or compound) statement is used. A block statement is a sequence of one or more statements enclosed by curly braces, as shown in Program 4.2. If no braces are used, a program may compile and run, but its behavior might be other than expected. Consider the following program fragment:

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4.4 Block Statements and Defensive Programming


int salary; cout << "enter salary "; cin >> salary; if (salary > 30000) cout << salary << " is a lot to earn " << endl; cout << salary*0.55 << " is a lot of taxes << endl; cout << "enter \# of hours worked "; ...

Two sample runs of this fragment follow:

enter salary 31000 31000 is a lot to earn 17050.00 is a lot of taxes enter # of hours worked

enter salary 15000 8250.00 is a lot of taxes enter # of hours worked

Stumbling Block

Note that the indentation of the program fragment might suggest to someone reading the program (but not to the compiler!) that the lot of taxes message should be printed only when the salary is greater than 30,000. However, the taxation message is always printed. The compiler interprets the code fragment as though it were written this way:
int salary; cout << "enter salary "; cin >> salary; if (salary > 30000) { cout << salary << " is a lot to earn " << endl; } cout << salary*0.55 << " is a lot of taxes " << endl; cout << "enter # of hours worked ";

When 15000 is entered, the test salary > 30000 evaluates to false, and the statement about a lot to earn is not printed. The statement about a lot of taxes, however, is printed, because it is not controlled by the test. Indentation and spacing are ignored by the compiler, but they are important for people reading and developing programs. For this reason, we will always employ braces {} and a block statement when using if/else statements, even if the block statement consists of only a single statement.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

4.4.1 Defensive Programming Conventions

This convention of always using braces is an example of a defensive programming strategy: writing code to minimize the potential for causing errors. Suppose you decide to add another statement to be controlled by the test of an if statement that is initially written without curly braces. When the new statement is added, it will be necessary to include the curly braces that delimit a block statement, but that is easy to forget to do. Since the missing braces can cause a hard-to-detect error, we adopt the policy of including them even when there is only a single statement controlled by the test. ProgramTip 4.4: Adopt coding conventions that make it easier to modify programs. Youll rarely get a program right the rst time. Once a program works correctly, its very likely that youll need to make modications so that the program works in contexts unanticipated when rst designed and written. More time is spent modifying programs than writing them rst, so strive to make modication as simple as possible.

Program 4.4 noindent.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string response; cout << "Do you like C++ programming [yes/no]> "; cin >> response; if ("yes" == response) { cout << "It's more than an adventure, it can be a job" << endl; } else { cout << "Perhaps in time you will" << endl; } return 0;}


In this book the left curly brace { always follows an if/else on the next line after the line on which the if or else occurs. The right curly brace } is indented the same level as the if/else to which it corresponds. Other indentation schemes are possible; one common convention follows, this is called K&R style after the originators of C, Kernighan and Ritchie.
if ("yes" == response) { cout << "Green vegetables are good for you" << endl; cout << "Broccoli is good in stir-fry as well" << endl; }

You can adopt either convention, but your boss (professor, instructor, etc.) may require a certain style. If youre consistent, the particular style isnt that important, although its often the cause of many arguments between supporters of different indenting styles.

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4.4 Block Statements and Defensive Programming


In this book we usually include the rst statement between curly braces on the same line as the rst (left) brace. If you use this style of indenting, you will not press return after you type the left curly brace {. However, we sometimes do press return, which usually makes programs easier to read because of the extra white space5 . To see that indentation makes a difference, note that noindent.cpp, Program 4.4, compiles and executes without error but that no consistent indentation style is used. Notice that the program is much harder for people to read, although the computer reads it with no trouble.
Stumbling Block

Problems with = and ==. Typing = when you mean to type == can lead to hard-to-locate
bugs in a program. A coding convention outlined here can help to alleviate these bugs, but you must keep the distinction between = and == in mind when writing code. Some compilers are helpful in this regard and issue warnings about potentially unintended assignments. The following program fragment is intended to print a message depending on a persons age:
string age; cout << "are you young or old [young/old]: "; cin >> age; if (age = "young") { cout << "not for long, time flies when youre having fun"; } else { cout << "hopefully youre young at heart"; }

If the user enters old, the message beginning not for long is printed. Can you see why this is the case? The test of the if/else statement should be read as if age gets young. The string literal "young" is assigned to age, and the result of the assignment is nonzero (it is "young", the value assigned to age). Because anything nonzero is regarded as true, the statement within the scope of the if test is executed. You can often prevent such errors by putting constants on the left of comparisons as follows:
if ("young" == age) // do something

If the assignment operator is used by mistake, as in if ("young" = age), the compiler will generate an error.6 It is much better to have the compiler generate an error message than to have a program with a bug in it. Putting constants on the left in tests is a good defensive programming style that can help to trap potential bugs and eliminate them before they creep into your programs.

In a book, space is more of a premium than it is on diskhence the style of indenting that does not use the return. You should make sure you follow the indenting style used by your boss, supervisor, or programming role model. 6 On one compiler the error message error assignment to constant is generated. On another, the less clear message sorry, not implemented: initialization of array from dissimilar array type is generated.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

4.4.2 Cascaded if/ else Statements

Sometimes a sequence of if/else statements is used to differentiate among several possible values of a single expression. Such a sequence is called cascaded. An example is shown in monthdays.cpp, Program 4.5.
Program 4.5 monthdays.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates cascaded if/else statements int main() { string month; int days = 31;

// default value of 31 days/month

cout << "enter a month (lowercase letters): "; cin >> month; // 30 days hath september, april, june, and november if ("september" == month) { days = 30; } else if ("april" == month) { days = 30; } else if ("june" == month) { days = 30; } else if ("november" == month) { days = 30; } else if ("february" == month) { days = 28; } cout << month << " has " << days << " days" << endl; return 0; }


Its possible to write the code in monthdays.cpp using nested if/else statements as follows. This results in code that is much more difcult to read than code using cascaded if/ else statements. Whenever a sequence of if/else statements like this is used to test the value of one variable repeatedly, well use cascaded if/else statements. The rule of using a block statement after an else is not (strictly speaking) followed, but the code is much easier to read. Because a block statement follows the if, were not violating the spirit of our coding convention.

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4.4 Block Statements and Defensive Programming


if ("april" == month) { days = 30; } else { if ("june" == month) { days = 30; } else { if ("november" == month) { days = 30; } else { if ("february" == month) { days = 28; } } } }

prompt> days4 enter a month (lowercase letters): january january has 31 days prompt> days4 enter a month (lowercase letters): april april has 30 days prompt> days4 enter a month (lowercase letters): April April has 31 days

Pause to Reect

4.1 The statements altering amount in change.cpp, Program 4.1, can be written using the mod operator %. If amount = 38, then amount/25 == 1, and amount % 25 == 13, which is the same value as 38 - 25*1. Rewrite the program using the mod operator. Try to use an arithmetic assignment operator. 4.2 Describe the output of Program 4.3 if the user enters the string "Yes", the string "yup", or the string "none of your business". 4.3 Why is days given a default value of 31 in monthdays.cpp, Program 4.5?

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

4.4 How can monthdays.cpp, Program 4.5, be modied to take leap years into account? 4.5 Modify broccoli.cpp, Program 4.3, to include an if statement in the else clause so that the taste lines are printed only if the user enters the string "no". Thus you might have lines such as
if ("yes" == response) { } else if ("no" == response) { }

4.6 Using the previous modication, add a nal else clause (with no if statement) so that the output might be as follows:

prompt> broccoli Do you like broccoli [yes/no]> no De gustibus non disputandum (There is no accounting for good taste) prompt> broccoli Do you like broccoli [yes/no]> nope Sorry, only responses of yes and no are recognized

4.7 Write a sequence of if/else statements using > and, perhaps, < that prints a message according to a grade between 0 and 100, entered by the user. For example, high grades might get one message and low grades might get another message. 4.8 Explain why the output of the rst statement below is 0, but the output of the second is 45:
cout << (9 * 3 < 4 * 5) << endl; cout << (9 * (3 < 4) * 5) << endl;

Why are the parentheses needed? 4.9 What is output by each of the following statements (why?)
cout << (9 * 5 < 45) << endl; cout << (9*5 < 45 < 30) << endl;

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4.4 Block Statements and Defensive Programming


4.10 Write a code fragment in which a string variable grade is assigned one of three states: "High Pass", "Pass", and "Fail" according to whether an input integer grade is between 80 and 100, between 60 and 80, or below 60, respectively. It may be useful to write the fragment so that a message is printed and then modify it so that a string variable is assigned a value.
Stumbling Block

The Dangling Else Problem. Using the block delimiters { and } in all cases when writing

if/else statements can prevent errors that are very difcult to nd because the indentation, which conveys meaning to a reader of the program, is ignored by the compiler when code is generated. Using block delimiters also helps in avoiding a problem that results from a potential ambiguity in computer languages such as C++ that use if/else statements (C and Pascal have the same ambiguity, for example). The following code fragment attempts to differentiate odd numbers less than zero from other numbers. The indentation of the code conveys this meaning, but the code doesnt execute as intended:
if (x % 2 == 1) if (x < 0) cout << " number is odd and less than zero" << endl; else cout << " number is even " << endl;

What happens if the int object x has the value 13? The indentation seems to hint that nothing will be printed. In fact, the string literal "number is even" will be printed if this code segment is executed when x is 13. The segment is read by the compiler as though it is indented as follows:
if (x % 2 == 1) if (x < 0) cout << " number is odd and less than zero" << endl; else cout << " number is even " << endl;

The use of braces makes the intended use correspond to what happens. Nothing is printed when x has the value 13 in
if (x % 2 == 1) { if (x < 0) cout << " number is odd and less than zero" << endl; } else { cout << " number is even " << endl; }

As we have noted before, the indentation used in a program is to assist the human reader. The computer doesnt require a consistent or meaningful indentation scheme. Misleading indentation can lead to hard-to-nd bugs where the human sees what is intended rather than what exists.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

One rule to remember from this example is that an else always corresponds to the most recent if. Without this rule there is ambiguity as to which if the else belongs; this is known as the dangling-else problem. Always employ curly braces { and } when using block statements with if/else statements (and later with looping constructs). If braces are always used, there is no ambiguity, because the braces serve to delimit the scope of an if test.

Claude Shannon (b. 1916)

Claude Shannon founded information theorya subeld of computer science that is used today in developing methods for encrypting information. Encryption is used to store data in a secure manner so that the information can be read only by designated people. In his 1937 masters thesis, Shannon laid the foundation on which modern computers are built by equating Boolean logic with electronic switches. This work enabled hardware designers to design, build, and test circuits that could perform logical as well as arithmetic operations. In an interview in [Hor92], Shannon responds to the comment that his thesis is possibly the most important masters thesis in the century with It just happened that no one else was familiar with both those elds at the same time. He then adds a wonderful non sequitur: Ive always loved that word Boolean. Shannon is fond of juggling and riding unicycles. Among his inventions are a juggling dummy that looks like W.C. Fields and a computer THROBAC: Thrifty Roman Numeral Backward Computer. Although much of Shannons work has led to signicant advances in the theory of communication, he says: Ive always pursued my interests without much regard for nancial value or the value to the world; Ive spent lots of time on totally useless things. Shannons favorite food is vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Shannon received the National Medal of Science in 1966. For more information see [Sla87, Hor92].

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4.5 Functions That Return Values


Calling function sqrt(115.0) double value; cin >> value; ... }


cout << ... << sqrt(value) << endl;

double sqrt(double x) 115.0 { double root; // code to give root a value return root; }

cin >> value; cout << ... << ... } 10.7238 << endl;

Returning 10.7238 from sqrt(115.0)

Figure 4.2 Evaluating the function call sqrt115.0

4.5 FunctionsThat ReturnValues

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Alfred North Whitehead An Introduction to Mathematics

In Chapter 3 we studied programmer-dened functions, such as SlicePrice in pizza.cpp, Program 3.5, whose prototype is
void SlicePrice(int radius, double price)

The return type of SlicePrice is void. Many programs require functions that have other return types. Youve probably seen mathematical functions on hand-held calcula tors such as sin(x) or x. These functions are different from the function SlicePrice in that they return a value. For example, when you use a calculator, you might enter the number 115, then press the square-root key. This displays the value of 115 or 10.7238. The number 115 is an argument to the square root function. The value returned by the function is the number 10.7238. Program 4.6 is a C++ program that processes information in the same way: users enter a number, and the square root of the number is displayed. Control ow from usemath.cpp is shown in Fig. 4.2. The value 115, entered by the user and stored in the variable value, is copied into a memory location associated with the parameter x in the function sqrt. The square root of 115 is calculated, and a return statement in the function sqrt returns this square root, which is used in place of the expression sqrt(value) in the cout statement. As shown in Fig. 4.2, the value 10.7238 is displayed as a result.

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The function sqrt is accessible by including the header le <cmath>. Table 4.5 lists some of the functions accessible from this header le. A more complete table of functions is given as Table F.1 in Howto F. In the sample output of usemath.cpp, Program 4.6, the square roots of oating-point numbers arent always exact. For example, 100.001 = 10.0000499998, but the value displayed is 10. Floating-point values cannot always be exactly determined. Because of inherent limits in the way these values are stored in the computer, the values are rounded off to the most precise values that can be represented in the computer. The resulting roundoff error illustrates the theme of conceptual and formal models introduced in Chapter 1. Conceptually, the square root of 100.001 can be calculated with as many decimal digits as we have time or inclination to write down. In the formal model of oating-point numbers implemented on computers, the precision of the calculation is limited.
Program 4.6 usemath.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; // illustrates use of math function returning a value int main() { double value; cout << "enter a positive number "; cin >> value; cout << "square root of " << value << " = " << sqrt(value) << endl; return 0; }


prompt> usemath enter a positive number 115 square root of 115 = 10.7238 prompt> usemath enter a positive number 100.001 square root of 100.001 = 10 prompt> usemath enter a positive number -16 square root of -16 = nan

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4.5 Functions That Return Values


Table 4.5 Some functions in <cmath>

function name double double double double double double double double double double fabs log log10 sin cos tan asin acos atan pow

prototype (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double double (double (double (double x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x, y) x) x) x)

returns absolute value of x natural log of x base-ten log of x sine of x (x in radians) cosine of x (x in radians) tangent of x (x in radians) arc sine of x [/2, /2] arc cosine of x [0, ] arc tangent of x [/2, /2] xy x, square root of x largest integer value x smallest integer value x

double sqrt double floor double ceil

Finally, although the program prompts for positive numbers, there is no check to ensure that the user has entered a positive number. In the output shown, the symbol nan stands for not a number.7 Not all compilers will display this value. In particular, on some computers, trying to take the square root of a negative number may cause the machine to lock up. It would be best to guard the call sqrt(value) using an if statement such as the following one:
if (0 <= value) { cout << "square root of " << value << " = " << sqrt(value) << endl; } else { cout << "nonpositive number " << value << " entered" << endl; }

Alternatively, we could compose the function sqrt with the function fabs, which computes absolute values.
cout << "square root of " << value << " = " << sqrt(fabs(value)) << endl;

The result returned by the function fabs is used as an argument to sqrt. Since the return type of fabs is double (see Table 4.5), the argument of sqrt has the right type.

Some compilers print NaN, others crash rather than printing an error value.

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Chapter 4

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4.5.1 The Math Library <cmath>

In C and C++ several mathematical functions are available by accessing a math library using #include <cmath>.8 Prototypes for some of these functions are listed in Table 4.5, and a complete list is given as Table F.1 in Howto F. All of these functions return double values and have double parameters. Integer values can be converted to doubles, so the expression sqrt(125) is legal (and evaluates to 11.18033). The function pow is particularly useful, because there is no built-in exponentiation operator in C++. For example, the statement
cout << pow(3,13) << endl}

outputs the value of 313 : three to the thirteenth. The functions declared in <cmath> are tools that can be used in any program. As programmers, well want to develop functions that can be used in the same way. On occasion, well develop functions that arent useful as general-purpose tools but make the development of one program simpler. For example, in pizza.cpp, Program 3.5, the price per square inch of pizza is calculated and printed by the function SlicePrice. If the value were returned by the function rather than printed, it could be used to determine which of several pizzas was the best buy. This is shown in pizza2.cpp, Program 4.7. Encapsulating the calculation of the price per square inch in a function, as opposed to using the expression smallPrice/(3.14159 * smallRadius * smallRadius), avoids errors that might occur in copying or retyping the expression for a large pizza. Using a function also makes it easier to include other sizes of pizza in the same program. If it develops that weve made a mistake in calculating the price per square inch, isolating the mistake in one function makes it easier to change than nding all occurrences of the calculation and changing each one.
Program 4.7 pizza2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // // // // // // find the price per square inch of pizza to compare large and small sizes for the best value Owen Astrachan March 29, 1999

double Cost(double radius, double price) // postcondition: returns the price per sq. inch { return price/(3.14159radiusradius); }

8 The name cmath is the C++ math library, but with many older compilers you will need to use math.h rather than cmath.

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4.5 Functions That Return Values

int main() { double smallRadius, largeRadius; double smallPrice, largePrice; double smallCost,largeCost; // input phase of computation cout << "enter radius and price of small pizza "; cin >> smallRadius >> smallPrice; cout << "enter radius and price of large pizza "; cin >> largeRadius >> largePrice;


// process phase of computation smallCost = Cost(smallRadius,smallPrice); largeCost = Cost(largeRadius,largePrice); // output phase of computation cout << "cost of small pizza = " << smallCost << " per sq.inch" << endl; cout << "cost of large pizza = " << largeCost << " per sq.inch" << endl; if (smallCost < largeCost) { cout << "SMALL is the best value " << endl; } else { cout << "LARGE is the best value " << endl; } return 0; }


prompt> pizza2 enter radius and price of small enter radius and price of large cost of small pizza = 0.0618052 cost of large pizza = 0.0546598 LARGE is the best value pizza 6 6.99 pizza 8 10.99 per sq.inch per sq.inch

From the users point of view, Program 3.5 and Program 4.7 exhibit similar, though not identical, behavior. When two programs exhibit identical behavior, we describe this sameness by saying that the programs are identical as black boxes. We cannot see the

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inside of a black box; the behavior of the box is discernible only by putting values into the box (running the program) and noting what values come out (are printed by the program). A black box species input and output, but not how the processing step takes place. The balloon class and the math function sqrt are black boxes; we dont know how they are implemented, but we can use them in programs by understanding their input and output behavior.

4.5.2 Pre- and Post-conditions

In the function SlicePrice of pizza2.cpp, Program 4.7, a comment is given in the form of a postcondition. A postcondition of a function is a statement that is true when the function nishes executing. Each function in this book will include a postcondition that describes what the function does. Some functions have preconditions. A precondition states what parameter values can be passed to the function. Together a functions precondition and postcondition provide a contract for programmers who call the function: if the precondition is true the postcondition will be true. For example, a precondition of the function sqrt might be that the functions parameter is non-negative. Program Tip 4.5: When calling functions, read postconditions carefully. When writing functions, provide postconditions. When possible, provide a precondition as well as a postcondition since preconditions provide programmers with information about what range of values can be passed to each parameter of a function. In the main function of pizza2.cpp, the extraction operator >> extracts two values in a single statement. Just as the insertion operator << can be used to put several items on the output stream cout, the input stream cin continues to ow so that more than one item can be extracted.
Pause to Reect

4.11 Write program fragments or complete programs that convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, British thermal units (Btu) to joules (J), and knots to miles per hour. Note that x degrees Celsius equals (9/5)x + 32 degrees Fahrenheit; that x J equals 9.48 104 (x)Btu; and that 1 knot = 101.269 ft/min (and that 5,280 ft = 1 mile). At rst do this without using assignment statements, by incorporating the appropriate expressions in output statements. Then dene variables and use assignment statements as appropriate. Finally, write functions for each of the conversions. 4.12 Modify pizza2.cpp, Program 4.7, to use the function pow to square radius in the function Cost. 4.13 If a negative argument to the function sqrt causes an error, for what values of x does the following code fragment generate an error?
if (x >= 0 && sqrt(x) > 100) cout << "big number" << endl;

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4.5 Functions That Return Values


4.14 Herons formula gives the area of a triangle in terms of the lengths of the sides of the triangle: a, b, and c. area = s (s a) (s b) (s c) (4.1)

where s is the semiperimeter, or half the perimeter a + b + c of the triangle. Write a function TriangleArea that returns the area of a triangle. The sides of the triangle should be parameters to TriangleArea. 4.15 The law of cosines gives the length of one side of a triangle, c, in terms of the other sides a and b and the angle C formed by the sides a and b: c2 = a 2 + b2 2 a b cos (C) Write a function SideLength that computes the length of one side of a triangle, given the other two sides and the angle (in radians) between the sides as parameters to SideLength. 4.16 The following code fragment allows a user to enter three integers:
int a,b,c; cout << "enter three integers "; cin >> a >> b >> c;

Add code that prints the average of the three values read. Does it make a difference if the type is changed from int to double? Do you think that >> has the same kind of associativity as =, the assignment operator?

4.5.3 Function ReturnTypes

The functions sqrt and SlicePrice used in previous examples both returned double values. In this section well see that other types can be returned.

Determining Leap Years. Leap years have an extra day (February 29) not present in nonleap years. We use arithmetic and logical operators to determine whether a year is a leap year. Although its common to think that leap years occur every four years, the rules for determining leap years are somewhat more complicated, because the period of the Earths rotation around the Sun is not exactly 365.25 days but approximately 365.2422 days.
If a year is evenly divisible by 400, then it is a leap year. Otherwise, if a year is divisible by 100, then it is not a leap year. The only other leap years are evenly divisible by 4.9

These rules correspond to a year length of 365.2425 days. In the New York Times of January 2, 1996 (page B7, out-of-town edition), a correction to the rules used here is given. The year 4000 is not a leap year, nor will any year thats a multiple of 4000 be a leap year. Apparently this rule, corresponding to a year length of 365.24225 days, will have to be modied too, but we probably dont need to worry that our program will be used beyond the year 4000.

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For example, 1992 is a leap year (it is divisible by 4), but 1900 is not a leap year (it is divisible by 100), yet 2000 is a leap year, because, although it is divisible by 100, it is also divisible by 400. The boolean-valued function IsLeapYear in Program 4.8 uses multiple return statements to implement this logic. Recall that in the expression (a % b) the modulus operator % evaluates to the remainder when a is divided by b. Thus, 2000 % 400 == 0, since there is no remainder when 2000 is divided by 400. The sequence of cascaded if statements in IsLeapYear tests the value of the parameter year to determine whether it is a leap year. Consider the rst run shown, when year has the value 1996. The rst test, year % 400 == 0, evaluates to false, because 1996 is not divisible by 400. The second test evaluates to false, because 1996 is not divisible by 100. Since 1996 = 4 499, the third test, (year % 4 == 0), is true, so the value true is returned from the function IsLeapYear. This makes the expression IsLeapYear(1996) in main true, so the message is printed indicating that 1996 is a leap year. You may be tempted to write
if (IsLeapYear(year) == true)

rather than using the form shown in isleap.cpp. This works, but the true is redundant, because the function IsLeapYear is boolean-valued: it is either true or false. The comments for the function IsLeapYear are given in the form of a precondition and a postcondition. For our purposes, a precondition is what must be satised for the function to work as intended. The as intended part is what is specied in the postcondition. These conditions are a contract for the caller of the function to read: if the precondition is satised, the postcondition will be satised. In the case of IsLeapYear the precondition states that the function works for any year greater than 0. The function is not guaranteed to work for the year 0 or if a negative year such as 10 is used to indicate the year 10 B.C. It is often possible to implement a function in many ways so that its postcondition is satised. Program 4.9 shows an alternative method for writing IsLeapYear. Using a black-box test, this version is indistinguishable from the IsLeapYear used in Program 4.8.
Program 4.8 isleap.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // illustrates user-defined function for determining leap years bool IsLeapYear(int year) // precondition: year > 0 // postcondition: returns true if year is a leap year, else returns false { if (year % 400 == 0) // divisible by 400 { return true; }

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4.5 Functions That Return Values

else if (year % 100 == 0) { return false; } else if (year % 4 == 0) { return true; } return false; } int main() { int year; cout << "enter a year "; cin >> year; if (IsLeapYear(year)) { cout << year << " has 366 days, it is a leap year" << endl; } else { cout << year << " has 365 days, it is NOT a leap year" << endl; } return 0; } // divisible by 100


// divisible by 4


prompt> isleap enter a year 1996 1996 has 366 days, it is a leap year prompt> isleap enter a year 1900 1900 has 365 days, it is NOT a leap year

Program 4.9 isleap2.cpp

bool IsLeapYear(int year) // precondition: year > 0 // postcondition: returns true if year is a leap year, else false { return (year % 400 == 0) || ( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 ); }


A boolean value is returned from IsLeapYear because the logical operators && and || return boolean values. For example, the expression IsLeapYear(1974) causes the following expression to be evaluated by substituting 1974 for year:

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Control, Functions, and Classes

(1974 % 400 == 0) || ( 1974 % 4 == 0 && 1974 % 100 != 0 );

Since the logical operators are evaluated left to right to support short-circuit evaluation, the subexpression 1974 % 400 == 0 is evaluated rst. This subexpression is false, because 1974 % 400 is 374. The rightmost parenthesized expression is then evaluated, and its subexpression 1974 % 4 == 0 is evaluated rst. Since this subexpression is false, the entire && expression must be false (why?), and the expression 1974 % 100 != 0 is not evaluated. Since both subexpressions of || are false, the entire expression is false, and false is returned. Boolean-valued functions such as IsLeapYear are often called predicates. Predicate functions often begin with the prex Is. For example, the function IsEven might be used to determine whether a number is even; the function IsPrime might be used to determine whether a number is prime (divisible by only 1 and itself, e.g., 3, 17); and the function IsPalindrome might be used to determine whether a word is a palindrome (reads the same backward as forward, e.g., mom, racecar). Program Tip 4.6: Follow conventions when writing programs. Conventions make it easier for other people to read and use your programs and for you to read them long after you write them. One common convention is using the prex Is for predicate/boolean-valued functions.

Converting Numbers to English. Well explore a program that converts some integers to their English equivalent. For example, 57 is fty-seven and 14 is fourteen. Such a program might be the basis for a program that works as a talking cash register, speaking the proper coins to give as change. With speech synthesis becoming cheaper on computers, its fairly common to encounter a computer that speaks. The number you hear after dialing directory assistance is often spoken by a computer. There are many home nance programs that print checks; these programs employ a method of converting numbers to English to print the checks. In addition to using arithmetic operators, the program shows that functions can return strings as well as numeric and boolean types, and it emphasizes the importance of pre- and postconditions.
Program 4.10 numtoeng.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // converts two digit numbers to English equivalent // Owen Astrachan, 3/30/99 string DigitToString(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num < 10 // postcondition: returns english equivalent, e.g., 1->one,...9->nine

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4.5 Functions That Return Values

{ if (0 == num) else if (1 == num) else if (2 == num) else if (3 == num) else if (4 == num) else if (5 == num) else if (6 == num) else if (7 == num) else if (8 == num) else if (9 == num) else return "?"; } string TensPrefix(int num) // precondition: 10 <= num <= 99 and num % 10 == 0 // postcondition: returns ten, twenty, thirty, forty, etc. // corresponding to num, e.g., 50->fifty { if (10 == num) return "ten"; else if (20 == num) return "twenty"; else if (30 == num) return "thirty"; else if (40 == num) return "forty"; else if (50 == num) return "fifty"; else if (60 == num) return "sixty"; else if (70 == num) return "seventy"; else if (80 == num) return "eighty"; else if (90 == num) return "ninety"; else return "?"; } string TeensToString(int num) // precondition: 11 <= num <= 19 // postcondition: returns eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, etc. // corresponding to num, e.g., 15 -> fifteen { if (11 == num) return "eleven"; else if (12 == num) return "twelve"; else if (13 == num) return "thirteen"; else if (14 == num) return "fourteen"; else if (15 == num) return "fifteen"; else if (16 == num) return "sixteen"; else if (17 == num) return "seventeen"; else if (18 == num) return "eighteen"; else if (19 == num) return "nineteen"; else return "?"; } string NumToString(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num <= 99 // postcondition: returns english equivalent, e.g., 1->one, 13->thirteen { if (0 <= num && num < 10) { return DigitToString(num); } return return return return return return return return return return "zero"; "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five"; "six"; "seven"; "eight"; "nine";


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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

else if (10 < num && num < 20) { } else if (num % 10 == 0) { } else { } // concatenate tens digit with ones digit return TensPrefix(10 (num/10)) + "-" + DigitToString(num % 10); return TensPrefix(num); return TeensToString(num);

} int main() { int number; cout << "enter number between 0 and 99: "; cin >> number; cout << number return 0; } << " = " << NumToString(number) << endl;


prompt> numtoeng enter number between 0 and 99: 22 22 = twenty-two prompt> numtoeng enter number between 0 and 99: 17 17 = seventeen prompt> numtoeng enter number between 0 and 99: 103 103 = ?-three

The code in the DigitToString function does not adhere to the rule of using block statements in every if/else statement. In this case, using {} delimiters would make the program unnecessarily long. It is unlikely that statements will be added (necessitating the use of a block statement), and the form used here is clear.

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4.5 Functions That Return Values


Program Tip 4.7: White space usually makes a program easier to read and clearer. Block statements used with if/ else statements usually make a program more robust and easier to change. However, there are occasions when these rules are not followed. As you become a more practiced programmer, youll develop your own aesthetic sense of how to make programs more readable.

A new use of the operator + is shown in function NumToString. In the nal else statement, three strings are joined together using the + operator:
return TensPrefix(10*(num/10))+ "-" + DigitToString(num%10);

When used with string values, the + operator joins or concatenates (sometimes catenates) the string subexpressions into a new string. For example, the value of "apple" + "sauce" is a new string, "applesauce". This is another example of operator overloading; the + operator has different behavior for string, double, and int values.

Robust Programs. In the sample runs shown, the nal input of 103 does not result in the display of one hundred three. The value of 103 violates the precondition of NumToString, so there is no guarantee that the postcondition will be satised. Robust programs and functions do not bomb in this case, but either return some value that indicates an error or print some kind of message telling the user that input values arent valid. The problem occurs in this program because "?" is returned by the function call TensPrefix(10 * (num/10)). The value of the argument to TensPrefix is 10(103/10) == 1010 == 100. This value violates the precondition of TensPrefix. If no nal else were included to return a question mark, then nothing would be returned from the function TensPrefix when it was called with 103 as an argument. This situation makes the concatenation of nothing with the hyphen and the value returned by DigitToString(num % 10) problematic, and the program would terminate, because there is no string to join with the hyphen. Many programs like numtoeng.cpp prompt for an input value within a range. A function that ensures that input is in a specic range by reprompting would be very useful. A library of three related functions is specied in prompt.h. Well study these functions in the next chapter, and you can nd information about them in Howto G. Here is a modied version of main that uses PromptRange:
int main() { int number = PromptRange("enter a number",0,99); cout << number << " = " << NumToString(number) << endl; return 0; }

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

prompt> numtoeng enter number between 0 enter a number between enter a number between enter a number between 99 = ninety-nine and 99: 103 0 and 99: 100 0 and 99: -1 0 and 99: 99

You dont have enough programming tools to know how to write PromptRange (you need loops, studied in the next chapter), but the specications of each function make it clear how the functions are called. You can treat the functions as black boxes, just as you treat the square-root function sqrt in <cmath> as a black box.
Pause to Reect

4.17 Write a function DaysInMonth that returns the number of days in a month encoded as an integer with 1 = January, 2 = February,, 12 = December. The year is needed, because the number of days in February depends on whether the year is a leap year. In writing the function, you can call IsLeapYear. The specication for the function is
int DaysInMonth(int month,int year) // pre: month coded as: 1 = january, ..., 12 = december // post: returns # of days in month in year

4.18 Why are parentheses needed in the expression TensPrefix(10*(num/10))? For example, if TensPrefix(10*num/10) is used, the program generates a non-number when the user enters 22. 4.19 Write a predicate function IsEven that evaluates to true if its int parameter is an even number. The function should work for positive and negative integers. Try to write the function using only one statement: return expression. 4.20 Write a function DayName whose header is
string DayName(int day) // pre: 0 <= day <= 6 // post: returns string representing day, with // 0 = "Sunday", 1 = "Monday", ..., 6 = "Saturday"

so that the statement cout << DayName(3) << endl; prints Wednesday. 4.21 Describe how to modify the function NumToString in numtoeng.cpp, Program 4.10, so that it works with three-digit numbers.

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4.6 Class Member Functions


4.22 An Islamic year y is a leap year if the remainder, when 11y + 14 is divided by 30, is less than 11. In particular, the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th, and 29th years of a 30-year cycle are leap years. Write a function IsIslamicLeapYear that works with this denition of leap year. 4.23 In the Islamic calendar [DR90] there are also 12 months, which strictly alternate between 30 days (odd-numbered months) and 29 days (even-numbered months), except for the twelfth month, Dhu al-Hijjah, which in leap years has 30 days. Write a function DaysInIslamicMonth for the Islamic calendar that uses only three if statements.

4.6 Class Member Functions

Section 3.4 discusses a class named Balloon for simulating hot-air balloons. Weve used the class string extensively in our examples, but we havent used all of the functionality provided by strings themselves. Recall from Section 3.4 that functions provided by a class are called member functions. In this section well study three string member functions, and many more are explained in Howto C. Well also have a sneak preview at the class Date which is covered more extensively in the next chapter. Well show just one example program using the class, but the program provides a glimpse of the power that classes bring to programming.

4.6.1 string Member Functions

The functions weve studied so far, like those in <cmath>, are called free functions because they do not belong to a class. Member functions are part of a class and are invoked by applying a function to an object with the dot operator. Program 4.11 shows the string member functions length and substr. The function length returns the number of characters in a string, the function substr returns a substring of a string given a starting position and a number of characters.
Program 4.11 strdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates string member functions length() and substr() int main() { string s; cout << "enter string: "; cin >> s; int len = s.length(); cout << s << " has " << len << " characters" << endl; cout << "first char is " << s.substr(0, 1) << endl;

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

cout << "last char is " << s.substr(s.length()1, 1) << endl; cout << endl << "all but first is " << s.substr(1,s.length()) << endl; return 0;


prompt> strdemo enter string: theater theater has 7 characters first char is t last char is r all but first is heater prompt> strdemo enter string: slaughter theater has 9 characters first char is s last char is r all but first is laughter

The rst position or index of a character in a string is zero, so the last index in a string of 11 characters is 10. The prototypes for these functions are given in Table 4.6. Each string member function used in Program 4.11 is invoked using an object and the dot operator. For example, s.length() returns the length of s. When I read code, I read this as s dot length, and think of the length function as applied to the object s, returning the number of characters in s.
Table 4.6 Three string member functions

function prototype and description int length() postcondition: returns the number of characters in the string string substr(int pos, int len) precondition: 0 <= pos < length() postcondition: returns substring of len characters beginning at position pos (as many characters as possible if len too large, but error if pos is out of range) int find(string s) postcondition: returns rst position/index at which string s begins (returns string::npos if s does not occur)

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4.6 Class Member Functions


Program Tip 4.8: Ask not what you can do to an object, ask what an object can do to itself. When you think about objects, youll begin to think about what an object can tell you about itself rather than what you can tell an object to do. In the last use of substr in Program 4.11 more characters are requested than can be supplied by the arguments in the call s.substr(1, s.length()). Starting at index 1, there are only s.length()-1 characters in s. However, the function substr does the right thing when asked for more characters than there are, and gives as many as it can without generating an error. For a full description of this and other string functions see Howto C. Although the string returned by substr is printed in strdemo.cpp, the returned value could be stored in a string variable as follows:
string allbutfirst = s.substr(1,s.length());

The string Member Function find. The member function find returns the index
in a string at which another string occurs. For example, "plant" occurs at index three in the string "supplant", at index ve in "transplant", and does not occur in "vegetable". Program 4.12, strnd.cpp shows how find works. The return value string::npos indicates that a substring does not occur. Your code should not depend on string::npos having any particular value10 .
Program 4.12 strnd.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string target = "programming is a creative process"; string s; cout << "target string: " << target << endl; cout << "search for what substring: "; cin >> s; int index = target.find(s); if (index != string::npos) { cout << "found at " << index << endl; } else { cout << "not found" << endl; } return 0; }



Actually, the value of string::npos is the largest positive index, see Howto C.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

prompt> strnd target string: programming search for what substring: found at 0 prompt> strnd target string: programming search for what substring: found at 3 prompt> strnd target string: programming search for what substring: not found is a creative process pro

is a creative process gram

is a creative process create

The double colon :: used in string::npos separates the value, in this case npos, from the class in which the value occurs, in this case string. The :: is called the scope resolution operator, well study it in more detail in the next chapter.

4.6.2 Calling andWriting Functions

When you rst begin to use functions that return values, you may forget to process the return value. All non-void functions return a value that should be used in a C++ expression (e.g., printed, stored in a variable, used in an arithmetic expression). The following C++ statements show how three of the functions studied in this chapter (sqrt, NumToString, and IsLeap) are used in expressions so that the values returned by the functions arent ignored.
double hypotenuse = sqrt{side1*side1 + side2*side2); cout << NumToString(47) << endl; bool millenniumLeaps = IsLeap(2000) || IsLeap(3000);

It doesnt make sense, for example, to write the following statements in which the value returned by sqrt is ignored.
double s1, s2; cout << "enter sides: "; cin >> s1 >> s2; double root; sqrt(s1*s1 + s2*s2);

The programmer may have meant to store the value returned by the function call to sqrt in the variable root, but the return value from the function call in the last statement is ignored.

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4.6 Class Member Functions


Whenever you call a function, think carefully about the functions prototype and its postcondition. Be sure that if the function returns a value that you use the value.11 ProgramTip 4.9: Do not ignore the value returned by non-void functions. Think carefully about each function call you make when writing programs and do something with the return value that makes sense in the context of your program and that is consistent with the type and value returned.

Write Lots of Functions. When do you write a function? You may be writing a program
like pizza2.cpp, Program 4.7, where the function Cost is used to calculate how much a square inch of pizza costs. The function is reproduced here.
double Cost(double radius, double price) // postcondition: returns the price per sq. inch { return price/(3.14159*radius*radius); }

Is it worth writing another function called CircleArea like this?

double CircleArea(double radius) // postcondition: return area of circle with given radius { return radius*radius*3.14159; }

In general, when should you write a function to encapsulate a calculation or sequence of statements? There is no simple answer to this question, but there are a few guidelines. Program Tip 4.10: Functions encapsulate abstractions and lead to code thats often easier to read and modify. Do not worry about so-called execution time overhead in the time it takes a program to execute a function call. Make your programs correct and modiable before worrying about making them fast. As an example, its often easier to write a complex boolean expression as a function that might include if/else statements, and then call the function, than to determine what the correct boolean expression is. In the next section well study a tool from logic that helps in writing correct boolean expressions, but writing functions are useful when youre trying to develop appropriate loop tests. For example, if you need to determine


Some functions return a value but are called because they cause some change in program state separate from the value returned. Such functions are said to have side-effects since they cause an effect on the side, or in addition to the value returned by the function. In some cases the returned value of a function with side-effects is ignored.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

if a one-character string represents a consonant, its probably easier to write a function IsVowel and use that function to write IsConsonant, or to use !IsVowel() when you need to determine if a string is a consonant.
bool IsVowel(string s) // pre: s is a one-character string // post: returns true if s is a vowel, return false { if (s.length() != 1) { return false; } return s == "a" || s == "e" || s == "i" || s == "o" || s == "u"; }

The return Statement. In the function IsVowel() there are two return statements and an if without an else. When a return statement executes, the function being returned from immediately exits. In IsVowel(), if the string parameter s has more than one character, the function immediately returns false. Since the function exits, there is no need for an else body, though some programmers prefer to use an else. Some programmers prefer to have a single return statement in every function. To do this requires introducing a local variable and using an else body as follows.
bool IsVowel(string s) // pre: s is a one-character string // post: returns true if s is a vowel, else return false { bool retval = false; // assume false if (s.length() == 1) { retval = (s == "a" || s == "e" || s == "i" || s == "o" || s == "u"); } return retval; }

You should try to get comfortable with the assignment to retval inside the if statement. Its often easier to think of the assignment using this code.
if (s == "a"|| s == "e"|| s == "i"|| s == "o"|| s == "u") { retval = true; } else { retval = false; }

This style of programming uses more code. Its just as efcient, however, and its ok to use it though the single assignment to retval is more terse and, to many, more elegant.

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4.6 Class Member Functions


4.6.3 The Date class

At the beginning of this chapter we discussed writing a function PrintMonth that prints a calendar for a month specied by a number and a year. As described, printing a calendar for January of the year 2001 could be done with the call PrintMonth(1,2001). You could write this function with the tools weve studied in this chapter though it would be cumbersome to make a complete calendar. However, using the class Date makes it much simpler to write programs that involve dates and calendars than writing your own functions like IsLeap. In general, its easier to use classes that have been developed and debugged than to develop your own code to do the same thing, though its not always possible to nd classes that serve your purposes. We wont discuss this class in detail until the next chapter, but you can see how variables of type Date are dened, and two of the Date member functions used in Program 4.13. More information about the class is accessible in Howto G. To use Date objects youll need to add #include"date.h" to your programs.
Program 4.13 datedemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "date.h" // simple preview of using the class Date int main() { int month, year; cout << "enter month (1-12) and year "; cin >> month >> year; Date d(month, 1, year); cout << "that day is " << d << ", it is a " << d.DayName() << endl; cout << "the month has " << d.DaysIn() << " days in it " << endl; return 0; }


After examining the program and the output on the next page, you should be think about how you would use the class Date to solve the following problems, each can be solved with just a few lines of code.
Pause to Reect

4.24 Determine if a year the user enters is a leap year. 4.25 Determine the day of the week of any date (month, day, year) the user enters. 4.26 Determine the day of the week your birthday falls on in the year 2002.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

prompt> datedemo enter month (1-12) and year 9 1999 that day is September 1 1999, it is a Wednesday the month has 30 days in it prompt> datedemo enter month (1-12) and year 2 2000 that day is February 1 2000, it is a Tuesday the month has 29 days in it

4.7 Using Boolean Operators: De Morgans Law

Many people new to the study of programming have trouble developing correct expressions used for the guard of an if statement. For example, suppose you need to print an error message if the value of an int variable is either 7 or 11.
if (value == 7 || value == 11) { cout << "**error** illegal value: " << value << endl; }

The statement above prints an error message for the illegal values of 7 and 11 only and not for other, presumably legal, values. On the other hand, suppose you need to print an error message if the value is anything other than 7 or 11 (i.e., 7 and 11 are the only legal values). What do you do then? Some beginning programmers recognize the similarity between this and the previous problem and write code like the following.
if (value == 7 || value == 11) { // do nothing, value ok } else { cout << "**error** illegal value: " << value << endl; }

This code works correctly, but the empty block guarded by the if statement is not the best programming style. One simple way to avoid the empty block is to use the logical negation operator. In the code below the operator ! negates the expression that follows so that an error message is printed when the value is anything other than 7 or 11.
if ( ! (value == 7 || value == 11) ) { cout << "**error** illegal value: " << value << endl; }

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4.7 Using Boolean Operators: De Morgans Law


Table 4.7 De Morgans Laws for logical operators

expression ! ! (a && b) (a || b)

logical equivalent by De Morgans law (!a) || (!b) (!a) && (!b)

Alternatively, we can use De Morgans law12 to nd the logical negation, or opposite, of an expression formed with the logical operators && and ||. De Morgans laws are summarized in Table 4.7. The negation of an && expression is an || expression, and vice versa. We can use De Morgans law to develop an expression for printing an error message for any value other than 7 or 11 by using the logical equivalent of the guard in the if statement above.

if ( (value != 7 && (value != 11) ) { cout << "**error** illegal value: " << value << endl; }

De Morgans law can be used to reason effectively about guards when you read code. For example, if the code below prints an error message for illegal values, what are the legal values?

if (s != "rock" && s != "paper" && s != "scissors") { cout << "** error** illegal value: " << s << endl; }

By applying De Morgans law twice, we nd the logical negation of the guard which tells us the legal values (what would be an else block in the statement above.)

if (s == "rock" || s == "paper" || s == "scissors") //legal

This shows the legal values are rock or paper or scissors and all other strings represent illegal values.


Augustus De Morgan (18061871), rst professor of mathematics at University College, London, as well as teacher to Ada Lovelace (see Section 2.5.2.)

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

Richard Stallman (b. 1953)

Richard Stallman is hailed by many as the worlds best programmer. Before the term hacker became a pejorative, he used it to describe himself as someone fascinated with how things work, [who would see a broken machine and try to x it]. Stallman believes that software should be free, that money should be made by adapting software and explaining it, but not by writing it. Of software he says, Im going to make it free even if I have to write it all myself. Stallman uses the analogy that for software he means free as in free speech, not as in free beer. He is the founder of the GNU software project, which creates and distributes free software tools. The GNU g++ compiler, used to develop the code in this book, is widely regarded as one of the best compilers in the world. The free operating system Gnu/Linux has become one of the most widely used operating systems in the world. In 1990 Stallman received a MacArthur genius award of $240,000 for his dedication and work. He continues this work today as part of the League for Programming Freedom, an organization that ghts against software patents (among other things). In an interview after receiving the MacArthur award, Stallman had a few things to say about programming freedom: I disapprove of the obsession with prot that tempts people to throw away their ideas of good citizenship.businesspeople design software and make their prot by obstructing others understanding. I made a decision not to do that. Everything I do, people are free to share. The only thing that makes developing a program worthwhile is the good it does.

4.8 Chapter Review

In this chapter we discussed using and building functions. Changing the ow of control within functions is important in constructing programs. Encapsulating information in functions that return values is an important abstraction technique and a key concept in building large programs. The if/else statement can be used to alter the ow of control in a program.

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4.8 Chapter Review


You can write programs that respond differently to different inputs by using if/else statements. The test in an if statement uses relational operators to yield a boolean value whose truth determines what statements are executed. In addition to relational operators, logical (boolean), arithmetic, and assignment operators were discussed and used in several different ways. The following C++ and general programming features were covered in this chapter: The if/else statement is used for conditional execution of code. Cascaded if statements are formatted according to a convention that makes them more readable. A functions return type is the type of value returned by the function. For example, the function sqrt returns a double. Functions can return values of any type. The library whose interface is specied in <cmath> supplies many useful mathematical functions. Boolean expressions and tests have values of true or false and are used as the tests that guard the body of code in if/else statements. The type bool is a built-in type in C++ with values of true and false. A block (compound) statement is surrounded by { and } delimiters and is used to group several statements together. Relational operators are used to compare values. For example, 3 < 4 is a relational expression using the < operator. Relational operators include ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=. Relational expressions have boolean values. Logical operators are used to combine boolean expressions. The logical operators are ||, &&, !. Both || and && (logical or and logical and, respectively) are evaluated using short-circuit evaluation. Boolean operators in C++ use short-circuit evaluation so that only as much of an expression is evaluated from left-to-right as needed to determine whether the expression is true (or false). Defensive programming is a style of programming in which care is taken to prevent errors from occurring rather than trying to clean up when they do occur. Pre- and postconditions are a method of commenting functions; if the preconditions are true when a function is called, the postconditions will be true when the function has nished executing. These provide a kind of contractual arrangement between a function and the caller of a function. Several member functions of the string class can be used to determine the length of a string and to nd substrings of a given string. Non-member functions are called free functions. Functions encapsulate abstractions like when a leap year occurs and in calculating a square root. Functions should be used with regularity in programs. Classes encapsulate related functions together. The class string encapsulates functions related to manipulating strings and the class Date encapsulates functions related to calendar dates. De Morgans laws are useful in developing boolean expressions for use in if statements, and in reasoning about complex boolean expressions.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

4.9 Exercises
4.1 Write a program that prompts the user for a persons rst and last names (be careful; more than one cin >> statement may be necessary). The program should print a message that corresponds to the users names. The program should recognize at least four different names. For example:

enter your first name> Owen enter your last name> Astrachan Hi Owen, your last name is interesting. enter your first name> Dave enter your last name> Reed Hi Dave, your last name rhymes with thneed.

4.2 Write a function whose specication is string IntToRoman(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num <= 10 // postcondition: returns Roman equivalent of num so that cout << IntToRoman(7) << endl; would cause "VII" to be printed. Note the precondition. Write a program to test that the function works. 4.3 Write a function with prototype int Min2(int,int) that returns the minimum value of its parameters. Then use this function to write another function with prototype int Min3(int,int,int) that returns the minimum of its three parameters. Min3 can be written with a single line: int Min3(int x, int y, int z) // post: returns minimum of x, y, and z { return Min2( ); } where the two-parameter function is called with appropriate actual parameters. Write a test program to test both functions. You can then rewrite the minimum functions, naming them both Min. In C++, functions can have the same name, if their parameters differ (this is another example of overloading). 4.4 Write a program in which the user is prompted for a real number (of type double) and a positive integer and that prints the double raised to the integer power. Use the function pow from <cmath>. For example:

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4.9 Exercises


enter real number 3.5 enter positive power 5 3.5 raised to the power 5 = 525.218

4.5 Write a program that is similar to numtoeng.cpp, Program 4.1, but that prints an English equivalent for any number less than one million. If you know a language other than English (e.g., French, Spanish, Arabic), use that language instead of English. 4.6 Use the function sqrt from the math library13 to write a function PrintRoots that prints the roots of a quadratic equation whose coefcients are passed as parameters. PrintRoots(1,-5,6); might cause the following to be printed, but your output doesnt have to look exactly like this.

roots of equation 1*x2 - 5*x + 6 are 2.0 and 3.0

4.7 (from [Coo87]) The surface area of a person is given by the formula 7.1843 weight0.452 height0.725


where weight is in kilograms and height is in centimeters. Write a program that prompts for height and weight and then prints the surface area of a person. Use the function pow from <cmath> to raise a number to a power. 4.8 Write a program using the class Date that prints the day of the week on which your birthday occurs for the next seven years. 4.9 Write a program using ideas from the head-drawing program parts.cpp, Program 2.4, that could be used as a kind of police sketch program. A sample run could look like the following.


On some systems you may need to link the math library to get access to the square root function.

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

prompt> sketch Choices of hair style follow (1) (2) (3) parted brush cut balding

enter choice: 1 Choices of eye style follow (1) (2) (3) beady-eyed wide-eyed wears glasses

enter choice: 3 Choices of mouth style follow (1) (2) (3) smiling straightfaced surprised

enter choice: 3 ||||||||//////// | | | --- --| |---|o|--|o|---| | --- --| _| |_ |_ _| | o | | |

4.10 Write a function that allows the user to design different styles of T-shirts. You should allow choices for the neck style, the sleeve style, and the phrase or logo printed on the T-shirt. For example,

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4.9 Exercises


prompt> teedesign Choices of neck style follow (1) turtle neck (2) scoop neck (rounded) (3) vee neck enter choice: 1 Choices of sleeve style follow (1) short (2) sleeveless (3) long enter choice: 2 Choices of logo follow (1) logo once (2) logo three times (3) logo slanted enter choice: 3 +------+ | | -----------/ \ / \ --| | | | | | --| F | | O | | O | | | | |

4.11 (from[KR96]) The wind chill temperature is given according to a somewhat complex formula derived empirically. The formula converts a temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) and a wind speed to an equivalent temperature (eqt) as follows: if wind 4 temp eqt = a (b + c wind d wind) (a temp)/e if temp 45 (4.3) 1.6 temp 55.0 otherwise

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Chapter 4 Control, Functions, and Classes

Where a = 91.4, b = 10.45, c = 6.69, d = 0.447, e = 22.0. Write a program that prompts for a wind speed and a temperature and prints the corresponding wind chill temperature. Use a function WindChill with the following prototype: double WindChill(double temperature, double windSpeed) // pre: temperature in degrees Fahrenheit // post: returns wind-chill index/ // comparable temperature 4.12 (also from [KR96]) The U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Controlthis time, not Control Data Corporation) determine obesity according to a body mass index, computed by index = weight in kilograms (height in meters)2 (4.4)

An index of 27.8 or greater for men or 27.3 or greater for nonpregnant women is considered obese. Write a program that prompts for height, weight, and sex and that determines whether the user is obese. Write a function that returns the body mass index given the height and weight in inches and pounds, respectively. Note that one meter is 39.37 inches, one inch is 2.54 centimeters, one kilogram is 2.2 pounds, and one pound is 454 grams. 4.13 Write a program that converts a string to its Pig-Latin equivalent. To convert a string to Pig-Latin use the following algorithm: 1. 2. If the string begins with a vowel, add "way" to the string. For example, Pig-Latin for apple is appleway. Otherwise, nd the rst occurrence of a vowel, move all the characters before the vowel to the end of the word, and add "ay". For example, Pig-Latin for strong is ongstray since the characters str occur before the rst vowel.

Assume that vowels are a, e, i, o, and u. Youll nd it useful to write several functions to help in converting a string to its Pig-Latin equivalent. Youll need to use string member functions substr, find, and length. Youll also need to concatenate strings using +. Finally, to nd the rst vowel, you may nd it useful to write a function that returns the minimum of two values. Youll need to be careful with the value string::npos returned by the string member function find. Sample output for the program follows.

prompt> pigify enter string: strength strength = engthstray prompt> pigify enter string: alpha alpha = alphaway prompt> pigify enter string: frzzl frzzl = frzzlay

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Iteration with Programs and Classes

What IS the use of repeating all that stuff, the Mock Turtle interrupted, if you dont explain it as you go on? Its by far the most confusing thing I ever heard! Lewis Carroll Alices Adventures in Wonderland I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world. Albert Einstein Einstein, His Life and Times, Philipp Frank

The if/else statement selects different code fragments depending on values calculated at run time by the program. In this chapter we will study control statements called loops, which are used to execute code segments repeatedly. Repetition signicantly extends the kinds of programs we can write. We will also study several classes that extend the domain of problems we can solve by writing programs. To extend the range of problems and programs, we will use some basic design guidelines that help in writing code, functions, and programs. As programs get larger and more complicated, these design guidelines will help in managing the complexity that comes with harder and larger problems. In the rst part of the chapter well introduce a basic loop statement. Well use loops to study applications in different areas of computer science. Well end the chapter with a study of two classes used in this book that extend the kind of programs you can write. Using loops and these classes will make it possible to write programs to print calendars for any year, to simulate gambling games, and to solve complex mathematical equations.

5.1 The while Loop

banana problem: Not knowing where or when to bring a production to a close. I know how to spell banana, but I dont know when to stop. The New Hackers Dictionary

In the last chapter Program 4.10, numtoeng.cpp, printed English text for integers in the range of 199. Converting this program to handle all C++ integer values would be difcult without using loops. Loops are used to execute a group of statements repeatedly. Repeated execution is often called iteration. The most basic statement in C++ for looping is the while statement. It is similar syntactically to the if statement, but very different semantically. Both statements have tests whose truth determines whether a block of 153

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

if (test) { statement list; } next statement;

while (test) { statement list; } next statement;





statement list;

statement list;

next statement;

next statement;

Figure 5.1 Flow control for if and while statements. statements is executed. When the test of an if statement is true, the block of statements that the test controls is executed once. In contrast, the block of statements controlled by the test of a while loop is executed repeatedly, as long as the test is true. The control ow for if statements and while statements is shown in Fig. 5.1. In a while loop, after execution of the last statement in the loop body (the block of statements guarded by the test), the test expression is evaluated again. If it is true, the statements in the loop body are executed again, and the process is repeated until the test becomes false. The test of a loop must be false when the loop exits. The body of a while loop is the group of stateSyntax: while statement ments in the curly braces guarded by the parenthesized test. The while ( test expression ) test is evaluated once before all { the statements in the loop body statement list; } are executed, not once after each statement. If the test is true, all the statements in the body are executed. After the last statement in the body is executed, the test is evaluated again. If the test evaluates to true, the statements in the loop body are executed again, and this process of test/execute repeats until the test is false. (We will learn methods for breaking out of loops later that invalidate this rule, but it is a good rule to keep in mind when designing loops.) When writing loops, remember that the loop test is not reevaluated after each statement in the loop body, only after the last statement. To ensure that loops do not execute forever, its important that at least one statement in the loop changes the values that are part of the test expression. As a simple example, Program 5.1 prints a string backwards.

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5.1 The while Loop


Program 5.1 revstring.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int k; string s; cout << "enter string: "; cin >> s; cout << s << " reversed is "; k = s.length() 1; // index of last character in s while (k >= 0) { cout << s.substr(k,1); k = 1; } return 0; }


prompt> revstring enter string: desserts desserts reversed is stressed prompt> revstring enter string: deliver deliver reversed is reviled

In Program 5.1 the value of the indexing variable k changes each time the loop executes. Since k is used in the loop guard, and k decreases each time the loop executes, you can reason informally that the loop will terminate: the loop executes exactly as many times as there are characters in the string s. Developing loop tests/guards can be difcult, and well study techniques that will help you develop loops that execute correctly. In general there are three conceptual parts in developing a loop test. 1. The initialization of variables/expressions that are part of the loop, in particular of the loop guard. In revstring.cpp the initialization is the following statement.
k = s.length() - 1; // index of last character in s

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

2. 3.

The loop guard or test which is a boolean expression whose truth determines if the loop body executes. This is k >= 0 in revstring.cpp. The update of variables/expressions. The update must have the potential to make the loop test false. Usually this means changing the value of a variable used in the test. In revstring.cpp the following statement is the update.
k -= 1;

For the string "flow", the initial value of k is 3. The loop body executes for k having the values 3, 2, 1, and 0. When k is zero, the letter f is printed, and k is decremented to have the value 1. The loop guard is tested and is false, so the loop exits when k has the value 1.

5.1.1 Innite Loops

You must be careful when writing loops, because it is possible for a loop to execute forevera so-called innite loop. As a simple example, consider the loop
while (6 != 4) { cout << "this will be printed many times" << endl; }

which will execute forever (or until the user stops the program), because 6 is not equal to 4, and the truth of the loop test is unchanged by any of the statements in the loop body. On many systems, typing Ctrl-C will stop an innite loop. Usually innite loops arent as easy to spot as the loop above. You may, for example, forget to update a variable and thus create an innite loop. For example, leaving out the statement k -= 1 in revstring.cpp, Program 5.1 creates an innite loop that prints the last character of the string forever. The following loop is innite for some values of num.
int num; cin >> num; int start = 0; while (start != num) { start += 2; }

The values for start are {0, 2, 4, . . .}. If num is an odd number, the loop is innite. If the purpose of the loop is to increment start until it passes num, then it would be better to use the following loop test.
int num; cin >> num; int start = 0; while (start <= num) { start += 2; }

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5.1 The while Loop

Pause to Reect


5.1 Write a loop to print the numbers from 1 up to a value entered by the user, one number per line. Modify the loop to print the numbers from the user-entered value down to 1. 5.2 Complete the following loop so that it prints all powers of two less than 30,000, starting with 1 2 4 8 16 You can do this by adding a single *= statement to the loop.
num = 1; while (num < 30000) { cout << num << endl; }

5.3 How can you determine quickly that the following loop is an innite loop (and will execute forever) whenever num is less than 100?
cout << "enter number "; cin >> num; while (num < 100) { product = product * num; answer = answer + 1; }

5.4 Write a loop that allows the user to enter a string, and that prints the rst vowel that occurs in the string. Assume a boolean-valued function IsVowel exists that takes a string as a parameter and returns true if the string is vowel, otherwise returns false. 5.5 Write the function with the following specication.
string revstring(string s) // pre: returns reverse of s, that is, "stab" for "bats"

Assuming revstring works, write a boolean-valued function IsPalindrome that returns true if a string is a palindrome, (i.e., is the same forwards as backwards like "mom" and "racecar").

5.1.2 Loops and Mathematical Functions

The rst computers were used almost exclusively as number crunchersmachines that solved numerical problems and equations. The very word computer formerly meant a person employed to perform such extensive calculations. For that reason, one of the rst machines to do the job had the name ENIAC, for Electronic N umerical I ntegrator And Computer. This special-purpose computer eventually evolved into a more general machine called UNIVAC, for Universal Automatic Computer.

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Chapter 5

Iteration with Programs and Classes

Today the machines we now call computers are much more general-purpose, and many people nd it difcult to imagine writing without using a word processor, movies without digital special effects, and banking without automatic tellers. All these applications require computers used in ways that at least on the surface dont involve numerical computations. Nevertheless, all information stored in todays computers is represented at some level by a number (even words are converted to 0s and 1s when stored in a computers memory). Numerical analysis is a branch of computer science in which mathematical methods for solving many kinds of equations using computers are designed and developed. Although we wont delve deeply into this branch of computer science, well use some simple mathematical examples to study some broader concepts. Well investigate three mathematical functions: one to calculate the factorial of an integer, one to determine whether an integer is prime, and one to do exponentiation or raising a number to a power. These functions provide simple examples of loops and loop development, reinforce the concept of programmer-dened functions, and introduce functions to which we will return later.

5.1.3 Computing Factorials

The factorial function, usually denoted mathematically as f (x) = x!, is used in statistics, probability, and an area of computer science and mathematics called combinatorics. One denition of the function is n! = 1 2 (n 1) n (5.1)

so that 6! = 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 720. As a special case, by denition 0! = 1. Program 5.2 implements and tests a function for computing factorials.
Program 5.2 fact.cpp
#include <iostream> #include "prompt.h" using namespace std; // illustrates loop and integer overflow long Factorial(int num); int main() { int highValue = PromptRange("enter max value for factorial",1,30); int current = 0; // compute factorial of this value while (current <= highValue) { cout << current << "! = " << Factorial(current) << endl; current += 1; } return 0; }

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5.1 The while Loop

long Factorial(int num) // precondition: num >= 0 // postcondition returns num! { long product = 1; int count = 0; while (count < num) { count += 1; product = count; } return product; } // invariant: product == count!



In the function Factorial the variable product accumulates the result with the statement product *= count; this result is returned when the loop nishes executing. The values of the variables product and count change each time that the loop test is evaluated in computing 6!, as shown in Fig. 5.2.

prompt> fact enter max value for factorial between 1 and 30: 17 0! = 1 1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 6! = 720 7! = 5040 8! = 40320 9! = 362880 10! = 3628800 11! = 39916800 12! = 479001600 13! = 1932053504 14! = 1278945280 15! = 2004310016 16! = 2004189184 17! = -288522240

Each time that the loop test is evaluated, the value of the variable product is always equal to (count)! (thats count factorial), as shown. Since 0! = 1 (by denition), this is true the rst time the loop test is evaluated as well as after each iteration of the

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Iteration with Programs and Classes

Product Count

1 0

1 1

2 2

6 3

24 4

120 5

720 6

Figure 5.2 Relationship between variables product and count in fact.cpp. loop body. A statement that is true each time a loop test is evaluated is called a loop invariantthe truth of the statement does not vary or change. Loop invariants can help us reason about the correctness of programs that use loops. Since product == count! is an invariant, and product is returned, we can reason that the Factorial function calculates the correct value if count == num. Since the loop test is false when the loop exits, and the logical negation of count < num is count >= num were almost there. Since count is incremented by one, it cannot go past num without being equal to num rst. Thus the loop tests negation, in conjunction with the invariant, help us reason about the correctness of the loop. Conceptually, the function Factorial in Program 5.2 will always return the correct value. However, in practice the correct value may not be returned, as is evident from the foregoing run of the program. Note that 16! < 15!; that 17! is a negative number; and that although 13! = 13 12!, the value for 13! ends in a four while 12! ends in a zero. None of these results represents mathematical truth. Because integers stored in a computer have a largest value, it is possible for seemingly bizarre results to occur when this largest value is exceeded. Keep in mind that the limitation on integer values is one of many ways that a computer program can function exactly as it should (although not, perhaps, as intended), but produce unanticipated and often inexplicable results. I used long as the return type of Factorial and as the type of product to ensure that the function returns correct results through twelve factorial even on 16-bit machines. Using the class BigInt instead of int or long allows calculations with arbitrarily large integers.1 Details of the class BigInt can be found in Howto G, but you can program with them as though they were integers, that is use arithmetic operators, print them, and read them. Program 5.3, bigfact.cpp, shows how simple it is to use BigInt (you must use #include"bigint.h" when programming with BigInt values.)
Program 5.3 bigfact.cpp
#include <iostream> #include "prompt.h" #include "bigint.h" using namespace std;

1 The integers arent really arbitrarily large, theyre limited by the memory in the computer. In practice BigInt values are as big as you want; your programs will most likely run out of time in making calculations with them before running out of memory.

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5.1 The while Loop

// illustrates loop and integer overflow BigInt Factorial(int num); int main() { int highValue = PromptRange("enter max value for factorial",1,50); int current = 0; // compute factorial of this value while (current <= highValue) { cout << current << "! = " << Factorial(current) << endl; current += 1; } return 0; } BigInt Factorial(int num) // precondition: num >= 0 // postcondition returns num! { BigInt product = 1; int count = 0; while (count < num) { count += 1; product = count; } return product; } // invariant: product == count!



prompt> bigfact enter max value for factorial between 1 and 50: 18

output of 0! to 11! is not shown here

12! 13! 14! 15! 16! 17! 18! = = = = = = = 479001600 6227020800 87178291200 1307674368000 20922789888000 355687428096000 6402373705728000

Unlike the results generated by Program 5.2, fact.cpp, the factorial calculations from bigfact.cpp are correct.

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

Cryptography and Computer Science

Before the 1970s, encryption techniques were largely based on sharing a private key that was used to encrypt messages. Both the sender and the receiver needed to have the private key. This was a potential security leak: how is the key transmitted from one person to another? In old movies couriers transported keys in briefcases strapped to their wrists. Apparently this method was used in real life as well. In the mid-1970s several people developed public-key cryptography. The essence of these methods is that there are two keys: one private and one public. Everyone in the world has access to the public key and can use it to encrypt messages. Only the receiver of the message has the private key, and this key is required to decrypt the message. The keys are numbers and are calculated by choosing two large prime numbers, multiplying them together, and then doing a few other mathematical operations. The August 1977 Mathematical Games section of the magazine Scientic American explained this method of cryptography and had a challenge from the inventors of the method: Decrypt a message based on factoring the number called RSA-129 (it has 129 digits and is named for the inventors of the encryption method: Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman):
114,381,625,757,888,867,669,235,779,976,146, 612,010,218,296,721,242,362,562,561,842,935, 706,935,245,733,897,830,597,123,563,958,705, 058,989,075,147,599,290,026,879,543,541

The column claimed that it would take 40 quadrillion years to decrypt the message and offered $100.00 to the rst person to do it. In 1994, more than 1600 computers around the world were put to work for eight months using new factoring methods to factor RSA-129. Coordinated by Arjen Lenstra, the computers used "wasted cycles"time that the computers would have been otherwise idleto factor RSA-129. The number was successfully factored, and the message from the Scientic American article decrypted. The message was THE MAGIC WORDS ARE SQUEAMISH OSSIFRAGE. For an illuminating account of the method and history of public-key cryptography, and of a public-domain program called PGP that can be used for encrypting/decrypting, see [Gar95].

5.1.4 Computing Prime Numbers

Prime numbers used to be the domain of pure mathematicians specializing in number theory. Today, they play an increasingly important role in computer science applications. Current encryption techniques, used to encode data so that information cannot be read (electronically or visually), are largely based on efcient methods for determining whether a number is prime. Data encryption is a big business, with many ethical and

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5.1 The while Loop


privacy considerations. In addition, writing programs to determine whether numbers are prime is part of the rites of passage one traditionally undergoes in studying programming. By denition, a number is prime if its only divisors are 1 and the number itself. For example, 5, 7, 53, and 97 are prime, but 91 is not prime, since it is divisible by 7 (and 13). The only even prime number is 2. By convention, 1 is not considered prime. It seems that well need to check divisors of a number N to see whether the number is prime. We could navely check all numbers from 1 to N as potential divisors, checking the remainder each time. This method can be improved by checking only potential divisors less than the square root of a number. For example, to determine whether 119 is prime, we check divisors up to 11 (because 112 = 121 > 119). Any number greater than 11 that divides 119 must have a corresponding factor less than 11, since factors come in pairs. Thus 7 and 17 are both factors of 119, but only one factor is needed to show that 119 is not prime (and the second factor is easily obtained by dividing by the rst). We need to be careful. We dont want to check that 1 is a divisor, since it divides every number evenly. We can also avoid testing even numbers as potential divisors, since 2 is the only even number thats prime. The approach used in the boolean-valued function IsPrime shown in Program 5.4 tests numbers less than or equal to 2 explicitly, avoids testing even numbers other than 2, then uses a loop to check all potential divisors less than the square root of n, the parameter of IsPrime.
Program 5.4 primes.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std;

// for sqrt

// program to check for primeness // Owen Astrachan, 4/1/99 bool IsPrime(int n); int main() { int k,low,high; int numPrimes = 0; cout << "low number> "; cin >> low; cout << "high number> "; cin >> high; cout << "primes between " << low << " and " << high << cout << "" << endl; k = low; while (k <= high) { if (IsPrime(k)) { cout << k << endl; endl; // determines if n is prime

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

numPrimes += 1; } k += 1; } cout << "" << endl; cout << numPrimes << " primes found between " << low << " and " << high << endl; return 0;

} bool IsPrime(int n) // precondition: n >= 0 // postcondition: returns true if n is prime, else returns false // returns false if precondition is violated { if (n < 2) // 1 and 0 arent prime { return false; // treat negative #s as not prime } else if (2 == n) // 2 is only even prime number { return true; } else if (n % 2 == 0) // even, cant be prime { return false; } else // number is odd { int limit = int(sqrt(n) + 1); // largest divisor to check int divisor = 3; // initialize to smallest divisor // invariant: n has no divisors in range [2..divisor) while (divisor <= limit) { if (n % divisor == 0) { return false; } divisor += 2; } return true; } }

// n is divisible, not prime

// check next odd number // number must be prime


Each return statement in IsPrime exits the function. Flow of control continues with the statement that follows the call of IsPrime. In particular, the return statement in the while loop permits a kind of premature loop exit. As soon as a divisor is found, the function exits and returns false. If control reaches the return statement after the while loop, the loop test must be false; that is, divisor > limit. In this case n is prime.

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5.1 The while Loop


prompt> primes low number> 100000 high number> 100100 primes between 100000 and 100100 ----------------------------------100003 100019 100043 100049 100057 100069 ----------------6 primes found between 100000 and 100100

Program Tip 5.1: When a return statement is executed, ow of control immediately leaves the function in which the return is located and continues with the statement that follows the function call. No other statements within the function are executed. One school of thought says that each function should have exactly one return statement. This is always possible, but it often requires the introduction of extra variables or more complicated code. You will nd that judicious use of multiple returns within one function can make the function simpler to write and easier to reason about. On some computers the assignment int limit = sqrt(n) + 1 may cause a warning:
primes.cpp: In function bool IsPrime(int): primes.cpp:53: warning: initialization to int from double

The value returned by sqrt is a double. Assigning a double to an int is not always possible, because the largest double value may be greater than the largest int value. Even though a program compiles, compiler warnings should not be ignored; they are often an indication that you have misused the language. In this case, you can avert the warning by explicitly converting the double value to an int. This is shown in primes.cpp in the statement assigning a value to limit:
int limit = int(sqrt(n) + 1); // largest divisor to check

Using the type int like a function call explicitly converts the value sqrt(n) + 1 into an integer. This is called a type cast. The cast prevents the warning, because you, the

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programmer, explicitly converted one type to another. Well study casts in more detail in Section The value sqrt(n) + 1 is used instead of sqrt(n) because of the limited precision of oating-point numbers. For example, the square root of 49 might be calculated as 6.9999 rather than 7.0. In this case, the assignment int limit = sqrt(49) stores the value 6 in limit, because the double is truncated when its assigned to an int. Adding 1 avoids this kind of problem.

5.1.5 Kinds of Loops

The loop in main of primes.cpp iterates exactly high-low+1 times, so if low is 10 and high is 20, the loop executes 11 times, for k having values 10, 11, . . . , 19, 20. When the value of a simple arithmetic expression like high-low+1 gives the number of loop iterations (and the value can be calculated before the loop executes the rst time), the loop is called a denite loop. When the update of the expression used in the loop test is an increment by one, such as k += 1 or a decrement by one, such as k -= 1 in Program 5.1, revstring.cpp, the denite loop is often called a counting loop. In contrast, the loop in the function IsPrime of primes.cpp, is not a denite loop. Although the maximum number of iterations can be calculated in advance3 the loop exits as soon as a divisor is found. The early exit means that no simple expression determines the number of loop iterations. However, in some sense the loop is a kind of counting loop since the value of divisor is incremented by two for each iteration.

How important is it to check divisors up to n rather than n in determining whether a number is prime? People often suggest using n/2 rather than n. Is this better than n? These questions are important in determining the efciency or complexity of the algorithm used in IsPrime, but they dont affect the correctness of the algorithm. Consider that 50,000 = 223.6, but that 50,000/2 = 25,000. This difference means that using n/2 as the limit in IsPrime could result in approximately 12,388 more numbers being checked as potential divisors in determining that 49,999 is prime (it is). The extra number of divisors is 12,388 rather than 24,776 because only odd numbers are checked as potential divisors in the loop. I timed two versions of Program 5.4: one that used limit = sqrt(n) + 1 and one that used limit = n/2 + 1. It took 1.44 seconds to determine that there are 5,133 primes between 1 and 50,000 when the square root limit was used, but 45.78 seconds when the limit based on half of n was used. Interestingly, even checking only divisors less than the square root of a number is much too slow for the encryption algorithms that are based on using large prime numbers. These encryption algorithms use pairs of large prime numbers, so they need to determine whether 200-digit numbers are prime. The square root of such a number has 100 digits. Testing 10100 numbers as potential divisors would require more time

5.1.6 Efciency Considerations

As well see in Section 6.3.6, the latest C++ standard has a casting operator static_cast, whose use is preferred to the style of cast weve shown here. Not all compilers support static_cast. 3 The maximum number of iterations is roughly n/2.

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5.1 The while Loop


than the universe has been in existence. What makes the encryption algorithms feasible? Computer scientists and mathematicians developed efcient methods for determining whether a number is prime. These methods dont actually factor a number; they just yield a yes or no answer to the question Is this number prime? However, no one has developed an efcient algorithm for factoring numbers. The keys to the encryption methods used are (1) efciently determining that a number is prime, and (2) difculty in factoring the product of the two primes.

5.1.7 Exponentiation: A Case Study in Loop Development

Well use the mathematical operation of raising a number to a power, called exponentiation, as an illustration of algorithm efciency and of using invariants to develop a loop. Todays businesses and governments rely increasingly on electronic messages and transactions. With powerful computers to assist in electronic spying, many worry that no message is safe from being stolen and deciphered. However, computer scientists have developed methods of data encryption that result in messages that are provably difcult to decrypt or decode. These techniques of data encryption require that large prime numbers (approximately 150 digits) be manipulated by raising these numbers to large powers4 . Data encryption is used to prevent people from spying on electronic information. For example, someone sending an electronic message from an ofce in Europe to an ofce in Canada might be worried that the message will be intercepted by electronic eavesdroppers. Instead of being sent as plain text (i.e., understandable by anyone), the message might be encrypted so that it cannot be intercepted and understood. Efcient methods for computing x n , the operation of exponentiation, are essential when both x and n are large. In C++, the exponentiation operation is not a built-in operator, as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and some others are (e.g., the % operator for remainder). The library of routines specied in the header le <cmath> does include an exponentiation routine called pow (see Table F.1), but it is useful for us to examine ways of implementing a function to perform exponentiation. Not only will doing so illuminate concepts of programming and C++; it is sometimes necessary to implement such a function when the one provided in the math library wont work, such as in raising a BigInt value to a power. Exponentiation can be dened in at least three ways. The rst method is the one you may be accustomed to. (5.2) an = a a a
n times An equivalent inductive or recursive denition follows.

an =

1 if n = 0 a a (n1) otherwise


4 This is part of how RSA encryption works; the powers are computed modulo another number m so that the result is constrained to be between 0 and m 1.

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Table 5.1 Calculating 316 Efciently. The Answer column cannot be lled in until the Depends On column is lled in from the bottom to the top. xi indicates a value to ll in.

Power 3 x4 x3 x2 x1

Depends On
8 2

Answer 43, 046, 721 6, 561 81 9 3

= (3 ) = 38 = (34 )2 = 34 = (32 )2 = 32 = (31 )2 = 31

(x4 ) (x3 )2 (x2 )2 (x1 )2 none

Finally, its possible to take advantage of properties of exponents such as 38 = 34 34 to dene exponentiation. an = 1 a n/2 a n/2 a a n/2 a n/2 if n = 0 if n is even if n is odd (note that n/2 truncates to an integer) (5.4)

This last denition has the advantage that it may lead to fewer multiplications than the rst two denitions when we develop a program to translate the denitions into code. For example, given the task of computing 316 , you might break the problem down as shown in Table. 5.1, where 316 is calculated by computing 38 and squaring the result. In turn, 38 is calculated by computing 34 and squaring it. This process of breaking down a number continues until the simple case of 31 = 3 is reached. Note that only four multiplications are requiredone for squaring each of the numbers: 3, 9, 81, 6561. This is many fewer multiplications than the 16 required by the nave method used in the rst denition of exponentiation above. Denition 5.2 leads to the following relatively simple counting loop in the function Power for raising a number to an integer power.
double Power(double base,int expo) // precondition: expo >= 0 // postcondition: returns baseexpo (base to the power expo) { double result = 1.0; while (expo > 0) { result *= base; expo -= 1; } return result; }

The loop iterates exactly expo times so that calculating x n requires n multiplications and n subtractions. We want to develop a similar function, one that is black-box equivalent to Power, but that uses fewer multiplications as with denition 5.4. Well use a loop guard similar to the one above, but well use a loop invariant to help explain the loop and reason about its correctness. The invariant will also help you remember how to develop

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the code on your own. Well start with the following code that accumulates the nal answer in the variable result.
double Power(double base, int expo) // precondition: expo >= 0 // postcondition: returns baseexpo (base to the power expo) { double result = 1.0; // invariant: result * (baseexpo) == answer while (expo > 0) { } return result; }

Recall that a loop invariant is true each time the loop test is evaluated. In particular, it is true the rst time the test is evaluated. The invariant is expressed as a comment: result baseexpo = answer (5.5)

Since the initial value of result is 1.0, the invariant is true the rst time the loop test is evaluated. Since expo is used in the loop test, the value of expo must change as the loop iterates. For the invariant to remain true, the values of either result or base must change as well. When the loop terminates, well want the value of expo to be zero. Since the invariant is true, this will guarantee that the correct answer is returned since x 0 = 1 for all x. When the exponent is even, denition 5.4 dictates dividing the exponent by 2, that is taking advantage of the property that 320 = 310 310 . If the exponent is divided in half then either result or base (or both) must change to establish the truth of the invariant. Well use the following properties of even exponents. a b = a b/2 a b/2 = (a a)b/2 (5.6)

Using this property, when we divide expo by 2 well square base so that the value of the expression in the invariant shown in Equation 5.5 remains the same. result baseexpo = result (base base)expo/2
double result = 1.0; // invariant: result * (baseexpo) == answer while (expo > 0) { if (expo % 2 == 0) // exponent is even { expo /= 2; base *= base; // (a*a)(b/2) == ab } else // must handle this case } return result;


This relationship leads to the following loop (the function header isnt duplicated).

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The loop is almost done, but we must still deal with odd exponents. Denition 5.4 for odd exponents is similar to the case for even exponents, but an additional factor of base is involved, that is: result baseexpo = (result base) baseexpo/2 baseexpo/2 (5.8)

The part of this expression involving expo/2 is identical to the expression used for even exponents. To incorporate the additional factor of base well multiply result by base. This re-establishes the invariant.
double result = 1.0; // invariant: result * (baseexpo) == answer while (expo > 0) { if (expo % 2 == 0) // exponent is even { expo /= 2; base *= base; // (a*a)(b/2) == ab } else { expo /= 2; result *= base; base *= base; } } return result;

Before we look at the code one nal time, well review how the invariant helps reason about the correctness of the program. 1. 2. The invariant is true each time the loop test is evaluated. In particular, it must be true the rst and last times the test is evaluated. When the loop nishes, the loop test must be false. We can use this, in conjunction with the truth of the invariant, to reason about a loops correctness.

In the loop from Power, the value of expo will be zero when the loop exits. We can infer this because since the loop test is false, we know that expo <= 0. But expo can never be negative since it is only changed when it is divided by two. Since the invariant is true, and the value of expo is zero, we have the following: result baseexpo = result base0 = result = nal answer (5.9)

Since result is returned, we have proved that the function correctly satises its postcondition. Of course this is an informal proof, but hopefully it is effective in convincing you about the loop and the function. Before you decide youre done in writing a function, class, or program, you should review the code. In the function Power the same statements appear in both the if and the else block. You should always factor out duplicated code by moving it before or after the if/else statement as appropriate. Here, we can factor out two statements,

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and leave an if without an else. To do this, we negated the original test used in the if so that now the code tests for odd exponents.
double Power(double base, int expo) // precondition: expo >= 0 // postcondition: returns baseexpo (base to the power expo) { double result = 1.0; // invariant: result * (baseexpo) = answer while (expo > 0) { if (expo % 2 != 0) // exponent is odd { result *= base; } expo /= 2; // 4/2 == 2, 5/2 == 2 base *= base; // (a*a)(b/2) == ab } return result; }

Program Tip 5.2: Invariants are useful in developing and documenting loops. You should try to include an invariant in every loop you write. At rst this will seem difcult or useless. But whats obvious to you today wont be obvious to someone else, or to you tomorrow, so document, document, document your code.

Program Tip 5.3: Factor out common code. Dont be satised when your function or program works. Be sure that your code is easy to understand, is not uselessly redundant, and that code duplication is minimized.

Pause to Reect

5.6 Assume that the factorial of a negative number is dened to be the factorial of the corresponding absolute value so that, for example, (5)! = 5! = 120. Modify the function Factorial in Program 5.2 so that the correct value is returned for any value of num. Be sure to change the comments. 5.7 What value is returned by the call Factorial(-7) in the program fact.cpp, Program 5.2? 5.8 Write a function to calculate x!! where x!! = (x!)!. For example, 3!! = 6! = 720. 5.9 Generalizing the previous exercise, write a function with two parameters to calculate x(!)n , where x(!)n = x !! . . .! . Use BigInts for the calculations.


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5.10 Here is another version of Factorial; this version is changed only slightly from that given in Program 5.2. Does this version pass a black-box test comparing it with the original? What is a good invariant for the loop?
int Factorial(int num) { int product = 1; int count = 1; while (count <= num) { product *= count; count += 1; } return product; }

5.11 If the statement divisor += 2 is changed to divisor += 1, does the function IsPrime still work as intended? 5.12 What value is returned by the call IsPrime(1)? Is this what should be returned? 5.13 It is possible to write a loop without a return from the middle of the loop in the function IsPrime. The while loop can be replaced by the following:
while (divisor <= limit && n % divisor != 0) { divisor += 2; }

What statement is needed after the loop to ensure that the correct value is returned? 5.14 What values does expo have each time the loop test is evaluated in the nal version of the function Power if the original value is 1,024? If the original value is 1,000? (the last value is 0 in all cases). 5.15 Why is the invariant for the loop of IsPrime in primes.cpp, Program 5.4 true the rst time the loop test is evaluated? Write an informal argument about the correctness of IsPrime using the invariant and the loop test together. 5.16 Before common code was factored out in the loop for calculating powers, the two statements below were part of the else clause.
result *= base; base *= base;

Can the order of these statements be changed? Why? 5.17 Modify the function Power to work with negative exponents, where a n = 1/a n .

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5.1 The while Loop


5.1.8 NumbersWritten in English

As another example of a loop well use DigitToString from numtoeng.cpp, Program 4.10, to convert a number to an English equivalent string formed from the digits. For example, 123 is represented by "one two three", and 4017 is represented by "four zero one seven". Well need a loop to do two things: Extract one digit at a time from the number Build up the string one word at a time The modulus operator % makes it easy to determine the rightmost digit of any number. Its difcult to get the leftmost digit, because we dont know how many digits are in the number. To build the English equivalent, well have to build a string by concatenating each digit-string in the proper order. Each time a digit is peeled off the number, its corresponding string is concatenated to the front of the string being built.
Program 5.5 digits.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates loops, convert a number to a string of English digits // i.e., 1346 -> one three four six // Owen Astrachan, 6/8/95 string DigitToString(int num); string StringOut(long int number); int main() { long number; cout << "enter an integer: "; cin >> number; cout << StringOut(number) << endl; return 0; } string DigitToString(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num < 10 // postcondition: returns english equivalent, e.g., 1->one,...9->nine { if (0 == num) return "zero"; else if (1 == num) return "one"; else if (2 == num) return "two"; else if (3 == num) return "three"; else if (4 == num) return "four";

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else else else else else else }

Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

if (5 == num) if (6 == num) if (7 == num) if (8 == num) if (9 == num) return "?"; return return return return return "five"; "six"; "seven"; "eight"; "nine";

string StringOut(long number) // precondition: 0 < number // postcondition: returns string formed from digits written in English // e.g., 123 -> "one two three" { string s = ""; int digit; while (number != 0) { digit = number % 10; s = DigitToString(digit) + " " + s; number /= 10; } return s; }


prompt> digits enter an integer: 9299338 nine two nine nine three three eight prompt> digits enter an integer: 401706 four zero one seven zero six prompt> digits enter an integer: -139 ? ? ? prompt> digits enter an integer: 18005551212 eight two five six eight two zero two eight prompt> digits enter an integer: 8005551212 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? zero

The rst time the loop test is evaluated, s represents the empty string "": a string with no characters. The value of digit is undened because no value has been assigned to digit. Since a space is always added after the digit string added to the front of string s, there is a space at the end of s. This space wont be visible if s is printed, unless another string is printed immediately after s. The space will be included

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in calculating the length of s, so StringOut(111).length() == 12, since the string is "one one one ".

5.1.9 Fence Post Problems

The extra space after the last English digit of the string made by StringOut in Program 5.5, digits.cpp, is undesirable. Spaces should occur between each two digits rather than after each digit. A similar problem occurs with the following loop, intended to print the numbers 1 through 10 separated by commas: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The loop doesnt work properly:
int num = 1; while (num <= 10) { cout << num << ","; num += 1; } cout << endl;

The loop prints 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, instead (note the trailing comma). The problem here is that the number of numbers is one more than the number of commas, just as the number of digits is one more than the number of spaces in the function StringOut. This kind of problem is often called a fence post problem, because a fence (see picture below) has one more fence post than fence crosspieces. In our example, the numbers are the posts and the commas are the crosspieces. The correct number of posts and crosspieces cannot be printed in a loop that outputs both fences and crosspieces, because the loop generates the same number of each. There are three alternatives: print the rst fence post (number) before the loop; print the last post (number) after the loop; or guard the printing of the crosspiece inside the loop. The three approaches are coded as follows:
Program 5.6 threeloops.cpp
int n = 1; cout << n; n += 1; while (n <= 10) { cout << "," << n; n += 1; } cout << endl; int n = 1; while (n < 10) { cout << n << ","; n += 1; } cout << n << endl; int n = 1; while (n <= 10) { cout << n; if (n < 10) cout << ","; n += 1; } cout << endl;


In the solution on the left, the comma is printed before each number is printed in the loop. This requires an increment before the loop or a different initialization of n. Printing the comma after each number requires printing the nal number after the loop. This is shown in the code in the middle where the loop test is modied to use < instead of <=.

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Both solutions share the problem of code duplication. In the code segment at the top left, n is incremented by one in two places. In the segment at the top right, there are two cout << n statements. Code duplication often causes maintenance problems, since changes must be made identically in more than one place. The solution on the right avoids the code duplication but mimics the loop test inside the loop, which is a slightly different kind of code duplication. Each of these solutions is an acceptable way to solve fence post problems.
Pause to Reect

5.18 Write code that permits the user to enter the number of fence posts in a fence and that then draws a fence as shown in the following sample output:

enter number of fence posts: 8 |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|

5.19 Alter the code in the function StringOut in Program 5.5, digits.cpp, so that spaces occur between each digit as opposed to after each digit. 5.20 Modify StringOut to generate a string thats backwards, for example, "three two one" for the number 123. 5.21 Write a function that returns the number of characters in an int, accounting for a minus sign for negative numbers. For example, NumDigits(1234) returns 4, and NumDigits(-1234) returns 5. 5.22 Write a loop that prints the numbers 1 through 100 with each group of 10 numbers starting on a new line. There should be a space between each of the numbers on a line:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

You may nd it useful to use the statement

if (num % 10 == 0) { cout << endl; }

in the loop body.

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5.2 Alternative Looping Statements


5.23 Write a loop using the operator /= that calculates how many times a number can be divided in half before 0 is reached. For example, 2 can be divided twice (attaining 1 then 0), 3 can be divided twice, 511 can be divided 9 times, and 512 can be divided 10 times. Use this loop to write a function IntegerLog that has two parameters, number and n, and returns how many times number can be divided by n.

5.2 Alternative Looping Statements

Writing loops can be difcult. Its not always easy to determine what the loop test should be, what statements belong in the loop body, and how variables should be initialized and updated before, in, and after a loop. Loops tend to have four sections: Initialization: This step occurs prior to the loop. Variables that need to be initialized are given values prior to the rst time the loop test is evaluated. Loop test: The test determines whether the loop body will be executed. When the loop test is false, the loop body is not executed. If the loop test is always true, an innite loop results, unless the loop is exited with a return statement, as used in IsPrime in primes.cpp, Program 5.4. Loop body: The statements that are executed each time the loop test evaluates to true. Update: The statements that affect values in the loop test. These statements ensure that the loop will eventually terminate. Values of variables in the loop test will be changed by the update statements. These sections are diagrammed in Fig. 5.3 for the two loops in primes.cpp, Program 5.4

k = low; while (k <= high) { if (IsPrime(k)) { cout << k << endl; numPrimes += 1; } k += 1; }

int limit = sqrt(n) + 1; int divisor = 3; Initialization Test Body Update while (divisor <= limit) { if (n % divisor == 0) { return false; } divisor += 2; }

Figure 5.3 The four sections of a loop.

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5.2.1 The for Loop

These loops are often written using an alternative looping construct to the while loop. The for loop is just a kind of shorthand, or syntactic sugar,5 that can be used instead of a while loop. Anything written with one loop can be written with the other and vice versa. The for loop offers some economy in terms of lines of code when compared with its while loop equivalent. The initialization statement is executed only once, before the evaluation of the test for the rst time. The test expression is evaluated; if it is true, the loop body executes. After the last statement in the loop body is executed, the update statement executes. The test Syntax: for loop is then evaluated again, and the process continues (without initialfor (initialization; test expression; update) ization) until the test is false. Since { all the information in a for loop statement list; appears at the beginning of the } loop, it is often easier to understand than the corresponding while loop. The update statement should change values used in the test expression so that the loop makes progress toward termination. Here is the while loop from main in primes.cpp, Program 5.4, with the corresponding for loop:
k = low; while (k <= high) { if (IsPrime(k)) { cout << k << endl; numPrimes += 1; } k += 1; } for(k=low; k <= high; k += 1) { if (IsPrime(k)) { cout << k << endl; numPrimes += 1; } }

The parentheses following the for loop enclose three separate parts of a loop: initialization, test, and update. These parts are separated by semicolons as shown. Block statement delimiters enclose the body of the for loop just as they enclose the body of the while loop. I adhere to a style of programming in which for loops are used only when a bound on the number of iterations can be simply calculated. Such loops are sometimes called denite loops. Typically, these loops are counting loopsloops that execute a sequence of statements a xed number of times, as shown in the example above from primes.cpp. Many C++ programmers use for loops exclusively; the economy of code makes programs appear shorter. Choosing the style of loop to use should not be a major decision point in developing a program. Sticking with the style adopted in this book is one way of ensuring that little time is spent on deciding what kind of loop to use. As an example of when I choose not to use a for loop, a while loop from digits.cpp, Program 5.5, is shown in Program 5.7 on the left with the corresponding for loop on the right:

5 The term syntactic sugar is used for constructs that dont have a new meaning but are more aesthetically pleasing in some way. Often this means easier for a human reader to understand.

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5.2 Alternative Looping Statements


Program 5.7 digitloops.cpp

while (number != 0) { digit = number % 10; s = DigitToString(digit) + " " + s; number /= 10; } for(; number != 0; number /= 10) { s = DigitToString (digit) + " " + s; }


This is not a counting loop. The number of times the loop body is executed depends on how many times number can be divided by ten.6 This example shows that the initialization part of a for loop can be omitted. The other parts of a for loop can be omitted too, but omitting the test part results in an innite loop.

5.2.2 The Operators ++ and

Counting loops often require statements such as k += 1. Because incrementing by one is such a common operation, C++ includes an operator that can be used to increment by one in place of += 1. The statement

can be used in place of k += 1. Similarly, the statement k-- can be used in place of k -= 1 to decrement a value by one. The operator ++ is the postincrement operator, and the operator -- is the postdecrement operator. In all the code in this book, the expression x++ is used only as shorthand for x += 1. Similarly, x-- is used only as shorthand for x -= 1. If you read other books on C++, you may nd these operators used as parts of other expressions. For example, the statement x = z + y++ is legal in C++. This statement stores z + y in x, and then increments the value of y by one. Dont try to use the operator this wayit will invariably get you into trouble. Instead, use ++ and -- only as abbreviations as already described. When used in this way, the statements below on the left affect x the same way: its value is incremented by one. Similarly, the statements on the right decrement x by one.
x += 1; x++; ++x; x -= 1; x--; --x;

I dont use the preincrement operator ++x or the predecrement operator --x in this book. When used in expressions like x = z + ++y, the value of y is incremented rst, then the value of z + y is stored in x. Since I dont use ++ and -- except as abbreviations for += 1 and -= 1, I use only the postincrement and postdecrement operators. An example of a counting for loop using the postincrement operator follows; this is the while loop from main of primes.cpp, Program 5.4:

Although this number of iterations can be calculated using logarithms, this isnt done in this loop.

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for(k = low; k <= high; k++) { if (IsPrime(k)) { cout << k << endl; numPrimes++; } }
Pause to Reect

5.24 The function Factorial in fact.cpp Program 5.2, uses a while loop to calculate the factorial of a number. Rewrite the function so that a for loop is used instead. 5.25 Write a while loop equivalent to the following for loop:
double total = 0.0; double val; for(val = 1.0; val < 10000; val *= 1.5) { total += val; }

5.26 Write a for loop equivalent of the following while loop:

int k = 1; int sum = 0; while (k <= num) { sum += k; k += 2; }

5.27 What is printed by the following for loop?

int k; for(k=1024; k >= 0 ;k/=2) { cout << k << endl; }

5.2.3 The do-while Loop

Many programs prompt for an input value within a range. For example, Program 4.10, numtoeng.cpp, prompts for an int between 0 and 100. The PromptRange functions declared in "prompt.h" ensure that input is within a range specied by the programmer. Think for a moment about how to write a loop that continually reprompts if input is not within a specic range. Since you must enter a value before any test can determine whether the value is valid, using a while loop leads to a fence post problem. Instead, a do-while loop can be used. The do-while loop works similarly to a while loop, but the loop test occurs at the end of the loop rather than at the beginning. This means that the body of a do-while loop is executed at least once. In contrast, a while loop does not iterate at all if the loop test is false the rst time it is evaluated. Here is the body of one of the PromptRange functions (from prompt.cpp):

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5.2 Alternative Looping Statements


int PromptRange(string prompt,int low, int high) // pre: low <= high // post: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) { int value; do { cout << prompt << " between "; cout << low << " and " << high << ": "; cin >> value; } while (value < low || high < value); return value; }

Note that the output statements for the prompt are executed prior to the input statement. If the value entered is not valid, the loop continues to execute until a valid value is entered.

5.2.4 Pseudo-Innite Loops

Because of errors in design, loops sometimes execute forever. Its fairly common to forget to increment a counter when writing a while loop. This is a good reason to use a for loopits harder to forget the update statement in a for loop. Sometimes, however, its useful to write seemingly innite loops with an exit condition from within the loop body. Well use this style of loop with an exit only in situations that would cause code to be duplicated otherwise. Consider the following loop, which sums user-entered values until the user enters zero:
int sum = 0; int number; cin >> number; while (number != 0) { sum += number; cin >> number; } cout << "total = " << sum << endl;

To evaluate the test while (number != 0), the variable number is given a value before the test is evaluated for the rst time as well as each time the loop body is executed. Reading an initial value so that the loop test can be evaluated the rst time is called priming the loop. A word is read again within the loop body before the next evaluation. Eric Roberts, author of The Art and Science of C, calls these loop-and-ahalf loops [Rob95]. Studies show that loop-and-a-half7 loops are easier for students to write as innite loops with an exit.

It would be nice to say that four out of ve programmers surveyed prefer while (true) with break loops. Studies do indicate that students nd it easier to write code using this kind of loop than using a primed while loop.

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The following loop avoids duplicating the code that extracts a value for number from cin:
while (true) // until break from within loop { cin >> number; if (number == 0) { break; // OUT OF LOOP } sum += number; } cout << "total = " << sum << endl;

Since the loop test is always true, the loop appears to be an innite loop. There is no way for the test to become false. The break statement in the loop causes an abrupt change in the ow of control. When executed, a break causes execution to break out of the innermost loop in which the break occurs. In the example here, execution continues with the output statement cout << "total = ..." when the break is executed. As an alternative to while(true), the loop test for(;;) is a special C++ idiom that also means execute forever. I dont use this style of innite loop since its purpose doesnt seem as clear as the while(true) loop. It is easy to carry this style of writing loops to extremes and write only innite loops with break statements. You should try to write loops with explicit loop tests and use while(true) loops only for loop-and-a-half problems. ProgramTip 5.4: The break statement causes termination of the innermost loop in which it occurs. Control passes to the next statement after the innermost loop. Use the break statement judiciously in situations where code would be duplicated otherwise. As well see in later chapters, loop tests often provide meaningful clues when it becomes necessary to reason about how a loop works and whether or when the loop terminates. A test of true doesnt provide many clues. However, used properly, innite loops avoid code duplication and thus lead to programs that are easier to maintain.

Some programmers nd it easier to understand the logic of the following loop than that of the loop used in PromptRange shown previously:
while (true) { cout << prompt << " between "; cout << low << " and " << high << ": "; cin >> value; if (low <= value && value <= high) return value; }

The return statement exits the function (and the loop) when the user-entered value is within the specied range. Sometimes its easier to develop the logic for loop termination,

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5.2 Alternative Looping Statements


as shown above, than for loop continuation, as shown in the function PromptRange. De Morgans law from Section 4.7 can help in converting logical expressions for continuation into expressions for termination since one is typically the logical negation of the other.

5.2.5 Choosing a Looping Statement

The while loop is the kind of loop to use in most situations. For writing denite loops, a for loop may be appropriate. For writing loops that must iterate once, a do-while loop may be appropriate. Given that there are three different kinds of loops, its natural to wonder whether there are rules that can make the correct choice of what kind of loop to apply easier to determine. Since any loop can be made to do the work of any other by using appropriate statements, we wont worry too much about this kind of decision. In summary, however, the following guidelines may prove helpful: The while loop is a general-purpose loop. The test is evaluated before the loop body, so the loop body may never execute. The for loop is best for denite loopsloops in which the number of iterations is known before loop entry. The do-while loop is appropriate for loops that must execute at least once, because the test is evaluated after the loop body. Innite loops, with a break (or return from function) statement, are often useful alternatives, especially when loop priming is necessary or when its difcult to develop the logic used in the loop test. In all three types of loop the braces {} that surround the loop body are not required by the compiler if the loop body is a single statement. However, the style guidelines for code in this book require the bodies of loops and if/else statements to be enclosed in braces, even if they consist of single comments.

5.2.6 Nested Loops

When one loop occurs in the body of another loop, the loops together are called nested loops. In primes.cpp, Program 5.4, there is a virtual nested loop, because the loop in the function IsPrime is executed repeatedly by the call from the loop in main. An example adapted from [KR96] shows how nested loops can be used to print a table of wind chill values. The effective temperature is signicantly decreased when the wind speed is high. For example, a 20 mile-per-hour wind on a 50-degree day reduces the temperature to an equivalent wind chill index of 32 degrees. The desired output is a table of wind speed and temperature, with the wind chill index temperature given as follows:

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prompt> windchill deg. F: 50 40 0 mph: 5 mph: 10 mph: 15 mph: 20 mph: 25 mph: 30 mph: 35 mph: 40 mph: 45 mph: 50 mph: 50 47 40 35 32 29 28 26 25 25 25 40 37 28 22 17 14 12 11 9 9 9 30 30 26 15 8 3 0 -2 -4 -5 -6 -7 20 20 16 3 -4 -10 -14 -17 -20 -21 -22 -23 10 10 5 -9 -18 -24 -29 -33 -35 -37 -38 -39 0 0 -4 -21 -31 -39 -44 -48 -51 -53 -54 -55 -10 -10 -15 -33 -45 -53 -59 -63 -67 -69 -70 -71 -20 -30 -40

-20 -30 -40 -25 -36 -47 -46 -58 -70 -58 -72 -85 -67 -82 -96 -74 -89 -104 -79 -94 -109 -82 -98 -113 -85 -101 -116 -86 -102 -118 -87 -103 -119

Because the table must be printed one row at a time, a rst cut at the code is roworiented, with one row for each wind speed between 0 and 50 miles per hour:
for(windspeed=0; windspeed <= 50; windspeed += 5) print a row of temperatures;

Printing a row also requires a loop, and this leads to the nested loops shown in windchill.cpp, Program 5.8. Each wind chill temperature is printed by the inner loop, in which temperature varies from 50 down to 40 degrees; the inner loop prints a complete row of the table. The inner loop executes completely before one iteration of the outer loop has nished.
Program 5.8 windchill.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; // // // // // //

// for setw // for sqrt

Owen Astrachan nested loops to print wind-chill chart idea: Programming with Class by Kamin and Reingold, McGraw-Hill formula for wind-chill from UMAP Module 658, COMAP, Inc., Lexington, MA 1984, Bosch and Cobb

double WindChill(double temperature, double windSpeed); int main()

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5.2 Alternative Looping Statements

{ const int WIDTH = 5; const int MIN_TEMP = 40; const int MAX_TEMP = 50; const string LABEL = "deg. F: "; int temp,wind; // print column headings cout << LABEL; for(temp = MAX_TEMP; temp >= MIN_TEMP; temp =10) { cout << setw(WIDTH) << temp; } cout << endl << endl; // print table of wind chill temperatures for(wind = 0; wind <= MAX_TEMP; wind += 5) // row heading { cout << wind << " mph:\t"; for (temp = MAX_TEMP; temp >= MIN_TEMP; temp = 10) // print the row { cout << setw(WIDTH) << int(WindChill(temp,wind)); } cout << endl; } return 0; } double WindChill(double temperature, double windSpeed) // precondition: temperature in degrees Fahrenheit // postcondition: returns wind-chill index/comparable temperature { if (windSpeed <= 4) // low wind, temperature unaltered { return temperature; } else if (windSpeed <= 45) // high wind { return 91.4 (10.45 + 6.69sqrt(windSpeed) 0.447 windSpeed) (91.4 temperature)/22.0; } else { return (1.6 temperature 55.0); } }



Because the function WindChill returns a double value and there is no reason to print several numbers after a decimal point in the table, the value returned by the WindChill function is stored in an int variable. The value is converted to an int using the expression int(WindChill(temp,wind)) just as the value returned by the function sqrt was converted to an int in primes.cpp, Program 5.4. To make each column of the table line up properly, a stream manipulator setw for the input stream cout is used. The argument to setw species a eld width used to print the next value. Printing a number like 27 in a eld width of ve requires three extra spaces in addition to

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the two characters of 27 to pad the output to ve characters. If the output occupies three spaces (e.g., the number 123 or the string "cat"), then two literal blanks will pad the output to ve spaces. If the value being printed requires more than ve spaces (e.g., for the number 123456), the entire value is still printed. You dont need setw; its possible to print the right number of spaces by testing the value being printed as follows and padding with spaces as shown below, but using setw is much simpler.
if (num < 10) { cout << " "; } else if (num < 100) { cout << " "; } cout << num; // two spaces

// one space

Program output should be easy to read, but you should not concentrate on well-formatted output when rst implementing a program. Information on setw and other functions that help in formatting output is in Howto B. Sometimes it is useful to use the value of the outer loop to control how many times the inner loop iterates. This is shown in multiply.cpp, Program 5.9, which prints the lower half of a multiplication table (the upper half is the same, because multiplication is commutative: 2 5 = 5 2). Both loops are counting loops. The outer loop, whose loop control variable is j, determines how many rows appear in the output. The statement cout << endl is executed once each time the body of the outer loop is executed. The number of iterations of the inner loop is determined by the value of j. As can be seen in the output, the number of entries in each row increases by 1 in each successive row. When j is one, there is one number, 1, in the rst row. When j is three, there are three numbers, 3 6 9, in the third row. The width member function ensures that three-digit numbers and two-digit numbers line up properly in columns.
Program 5.9 multiply.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // for setw #include "prompt.h" using namespace std; // simple illustration of nested loops int main() { int j,k; int limit = PromptRange("number for multiply table",2,15); for(j=1; j <= limit; j++) { for(k=1; k <= j; k++) { cout << setw(3) << kj << " "; }

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5.2 Alternative Looping Statements

cout << endl; } return 0; }



prompt> multiply number for multiply table between 2 and 15: 5 1 2 4 3 6 9 4 8 12 16 5 10 15 20 25 prompt> multiply number for multiply table between 2 and 15: 10 1 2 4 3 6 9 4 8 12 16 5 10 15 20 25 6 12 18 24 30 36 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

If a break statement is inserted as the last statement of the inner loop, immediately following cout << setw(3) << k*j << " ", the output changes:

prompt> multiply number for multiply table between 2 and 15: 4 1 2 3 4

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Note that the outer loop is not exited early. The break statement causes the inner loop (in which the loop control variable is k) to exit before the loop test k <= j becomes false. This means that the inner loop executes exactly once. You should think very carefully when you decide that nested loops are necessary, especially if youre using while loops. Nested loops are often necessary when data are printed or processed in a tabular format, but it is often possible to use a single loop with an if statement in the loop body, and one loop is usually easier to code properly than two nested loops are. Program Tip 5.5: Coding is often easier if you move the inner loop of a nested loop into a separate function, and then call the function. Its often easier to test a function than to test a loop, and keeping the inner loop in a separate function helps in developing correct programs.

5.2.7 Dening Constants

In windchill.cpp, Program 5.8 several constant identiers are dened.
const int WIDTH = 5; const int MIN_TEMP = -40; const int MAX_TEMP = 50;

The type modier const means that MIN_TEMP is a constant. Because it is constant, MIN_TEMP cannot be assigned a new value or changed in any way. For example, if the line
MIN_TEMP = -80;

is added immediately after the denition of MIN_TEMP, one compiler generates the error message below.8
Error : not an lvalue windchill.cpp line 19 MIN_TEMP = -80;

In general, it is good programming practice to use constants to represent values that do not change during the execution of a program. Some examples of constant denitions are the following:
const const const const double PI = 3.14159265; double INCHES_PER_CM = 0.39370; int January = 1; string cpp = "C++";

An lvalue is an object to which a value can be assigned; the l is for left, since assignment changes the variable on the left.

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5.3 Variable Scope


Using named constants not only improves the readability of a program; it permits edit changes in a program to be localized in one place. For example, if you need a more precise value of of 3.1415926535897, only one constant is changed (and the program recompiled). Mnemonic names, or names that indicate the purpose they serve, also provide meaning and make it easSyntax: const value ier to read and understand code. Using the constant January inconst type identier = value; stead of 1 in a calendar-making program can make the code much easier to follow. It is a common convention for constant identiers to consist of all capital letters and to use underscores to separate different words. Using constants also protects against inadvertent modication of a variable. The compiler can be an important tool in developing code if you use language features like const appropriately.
Pause to Reect

5.28 Write a loop that accepts input from the user until the number zero is entered. The output should be the number of positive numbers entered and the number of negative numbers entered. 5.29 There is a fence post problem in multiply.cpp: a space is printed after every number rather than between numbers. Modify the loop so that no space is printed after the last number in a row (Hint: its possible to do this by modifying how setw is used). 5.30 Write nested loops to print (a) the pattern of stars on the left and (b) the pattern of stars on the right. The number of rows should be entered by the user; there are k stars in row k.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * *

5.31 Write appropriate constant denitions to represent the number of feet in a mile (5,280); the number of ounces in a pound (16); the mathematical constant e (2.71828); the number of grams in a pound (453.59); and the number foot-pounds in an erg (1.356 107 ).

5.3 Variable Scope

In Section 3.1.2 we discussed where variables are dened, and we showed that it is possible to dene variables anywhere, not just immediately following a curly brace {. You need to be aware of how the location of a variables denition affects the use of the variable. For example, the variable numPrimes, dened in main of primes.cpp, Program 5.4, is not accessible from the function IsPrime. A variable dened within a

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function is local to the function and cannot be accessed from another function. Parameters provide a mechanism for passing values from one function to another. Similarly, a variable dened between two curly braces { } is accessible only within the curly braces. To be more precise, a variable name can be used only from the point at which it is dened to the rst right curly brace }. For example, consider the following fragment from the function IsPrime. The variables limit and divisor are accessible only within the else block in which they are dened. The added comment after the else block indicates that these variables cannot be accessed at that point.
else // number is odd { int limit = int(sqrt(n) + 1); int divisor = 3; // smallest divisor while (divisor <= limit) { if (n % divisor == 0) { return false; } divisor += 2; } return true; } // comment added: limit and divisor NOT defined here

// n is divisible, not prime

// check next odd number // number must be prime

The following code fragment shows a variable count that can only be accessed in the bottom half of a loop:
while(total <= limit) { // count NOT accessible here int count = 0; // count IS accessible here } // count NOT accessible here

The variable count is accessible only from within the loop, and only from its denition to the bottom of the loop. The part of a program in which a variable name is accessible is called the variable names scope. You should be careful when dening variables in loop bodies (or if/else blocks), because these variables will not be accessible outside the loop body. In particular, be careful of for loops written as follows:
for(int k=0; k < 10; k++) { // loop body }

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The variable k is not, strictly speaking, dened within the curly braces that delimit the body of the loop. Nevertheless, the scope of k is local to the loop; k cannot be accessed after the loop. Not all compilers support this kind of scoping with for loops, but according to the C++ standard the scoping should be supported. It is common to need to access the value of a loop index variable (k in the example above) after the loop has nished. In such a case, the loop index cannot be local to the loop.

5.4 Using Classes

In addition to built-in C++ types like int and double, weve made extensive use of the class string in the programs weve studied so far. In Section 5.1.3 we showed how the BigInt class was useful for representing integers without the limits on values inherent in using the int type. In this section we extend our programming toolkit by looking briey at two classes: the Date for representing calendar dates and the class Dice for simulating the kind of dice used in board games. Well look at these classes as client programmers or users of the classes rather than implementers. In the next chapter well look more closely at how classes are implemented, but here were more interested in extending the kinds of programs we can write by using classes, rather than studying the classes themselves.

5.4.1 The Date Class

In general, manipulating and understanding dates and calendars is an integral part of many software products. The so-called year 2000 problem has cost companies billions of dollars as they try to cope with software written when memory and disk space were expensive; the software typically uses two digits to represent a year, that is 99 represents 1999. The year 2000 will cause problems with much of this software because, for example, a credit card issued in 1998 that expires in two years might be stored in software as expiring in the year 100 (two years after the year 98). Careless programming and design can lead to serious problems with such products. In [Neu95] several potential problems with software that manipulates dates and times are illustrated: With COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language), a programming language used extensively in business and nance, most software allocates only two digits for the year part of a date. This will undoubtedly cause problems in switching from December 31, 1999, to January 1, 2000. Early releases of the spreadsheet program Lotus 1-2-3 treated 2000 as a nonleap year and 1900 as a leap year when, in fact, the opposite is the case. Later versions of the software corrected the problem for the year 2000, but not for 1900, which remains a leap year according to the software. A Washington, D.C., hospital computer crashed on September 19, 1989, precisely 32,768 days after January 1, 1900. Note that 32,767 is the largest integer representable by an int on typical microcomputers.

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Well examine a class that represents calendar dates for any month in any year after October, 1752.9 Some of the tools for implementing a calendar date class have been developed already in previous programs: determining the number of days in a month and determining when a year is a leap year. Rather than use these tools to develop code that calculates the day of the week, well use a class Date, accessible using the include le "date.h". In making a calendar, not all of the member functions of the Date class will be used. (Full details of the class can be found in Howto G.) Instead, well rely on a simple example program to understand how to use some of the member functions of the class Date.
Program 5.10 usedate.cpp
#include <iostream> #include "date.h" using namespace std; // show Date member functions int main() { Date today; Date birthDay(7,4,1776); Date million(1000000L); Date badDate(3,38,1999); Date y2k(1,1,2000); cout cout cout cout << << << << "today \t: " "US bday \t: " "million \t: " "bad date \t: " << << << << today birthDay million badDate << << << << endl; endl; endl; endl << endl;

cout << y2k << " is a " << y2k.DayName() << endl << endl; Date one = million 999999L; Date birthDay2000(birthDay.Month(), birthDay.Day(), 2000); today++; cout << "day one \t: " cout << "bday2K \t: " cout << "tomorrow \t: " return 0; } << one << " on a " << one.DayName() << endl; << birthDay2000 << endl; << today << endl;


9 The calendar used in the United States is the Gregorian calendar, which went into effect in 1582, but not in the English-speaking world until 1752. Several countries did not adopt this calendar until the 1900s, but it is adopted almost universally today. In-depth and interesting information about calendars can be found in [DR90, RDC93].

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5.4 Using Classes


In reading the output below it might help to know that I ran the program on March 15, 1999. Think about what appears on each line of the output and how the Date class works.

prompt> usedate today US bday million bad date : : : : March 15 1999 July 4 1776 November 28 2738 March 1 1999

January 1 2000 is a Saturday day one bday2K tomorrow : January 1 1 on a Monday : July 4 2000 : March 16 1999

Constructors and Initialization. The technical word that describes object initialization and denition is construction. Construction initializes the state of an object. For programmer-dened classes like Date, a special member function, called a constructor, performs this initialization. The rst line of output from usedate.cpp will differ depending on the day the program is run. This is because the variable today, dened using the parameterless or default constructor, constructs a variable with todays date according to the documentation in date.h, Program G.2. The variable birthDay is constructed using the three-parameter constructor. According to the documentation in date.h the parameters specify the month, day, and year of a Date object. The variable million is constructed using the single-parameter constructor. The documentation in date.h indicates that the value of the parameter species the absolute number of days from January 1, A.D. 1; one million days from this date is November 28, 2738.10 Finally, the variable badDate is constructed with an invalid date in March; the invalid date is converted to March 1 (as described in the beginning of the header le.) Invalid months (i.e., outside the range 112) are converted to January. Classes often have more than one constructor, especially when there is more than one way to specify the value of an object. The compiler can determine which constructor to use since the parameter lists are different.


In the constant value 1000000L, the L is used to indicate that this is a long int value. On 32-bit machines the L isnt necessary, but it is needed on 16-bit machines where the largest int value is 32,767.

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Other Date Member Functions. Based on the output of usedate.cpp you may be able to determine that the Date member function DayName() returns the day of the week on which a date occurs. You can check a calendar to see that New Years day in 2000 is a Saturday (which makes it convenient to celebrate on Friday night!) The functions Month() and Day() return the number of the month (1 . . . 12) and day, respectively, for a given date. These return int values, as you might have determined by the similarity of the construction of birthDay2000 to birthDay. Its also possible to perform arithmetic with Date objects. The variable one is constructed by subtracting a (long) integer value from the Date object million. This yields another date, in the same way that the value of today - 1 is a Date representing yesterday. The statement today++ changes today to represent the next day, or tomorrow. Of course its confusing that the value of today becomes tomorrow after the statement executes. You can compare dates using the relational operators, such as <, <=, and others. For complete information, see the header le "date.h" and the exercises at the end of this chapter.
Pause to Reect

5.32 How would you use a Date variable to determine on what day of the week you were born? 5.33 How would you use the Date class to determine how many days youve been alive (hint: subtract two Date objects)? 5.34 Using one Date variable and the member function DaysIn() (that returns the number of days in the month, see date.h) write the boolean-valued function IsLeapYear as specied, in isleap.cpp, Program 4.8. 5.35 If the one-millionth day is November 28, 2738 (see usedate.cpp), do we need to worry that the Date class is not robust and might cause problems when the absolute number of days since 1 A.D. exceeds the largest value of a long? 5.36 In Canada and Europe dates are usually specied by giving the day rst rather than the month. In the United States, 4/8/2000 means April 8, 2000. The same date means August 4, 2000 in Canada. Is it possible to write a program using the Date class for dates in Canada? How? 5.37 Write a function that determines and returns the Date on which Thanksgiving (a U.S. holiday) occurs in any year. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November. Use the following header.
Date Thanksgiving(int year) // post: returns the Date for Thanksgiving in year

5.38 Many people prefer Fridays to Mondays. Write a function that prints all the months in a given year that have more Fridays than Mondays.

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5.4 Using Classes


5.4.2 The Dice Class

In this section youll learn about a programmer-dened class, named Dice, that permits the computer to simulate the kind of dice used in board games. The class simulates dice with any number of sides, not just common six-sided dice. Its even possible to have one-sided dice and million-sided dice, both of which are easy to simulate but hard to carve. Six- and twelve-sided dice are shown in the following gure.

The class Dice is very general and permits simulation of an N -sided die for any N . These simulated dice, and the computer-generated random numbers on which they are based, are part of an application area of computer science called simulation. Simulations model real-world phenomena using a computer, which becomes a virtual laboratory for experimenting with models of physical systems without the expense of building the systems. Computer-based simulations are used to design planes, trains, and automobiles; to predict the weather; and to build and design computers and programs. Well study simulation in more detail in the later chapters, but well use the Dice11 class to study program and class construction. To use the Dice class in a program you must include "dice.h" just as you must include "date.h" to use the Date class and <string> to use the string class. (The header le for the Dice class is in Howto G.) Program 5.11 is a simple program showing all the Dice member functions.
Program 5.11 roll.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" // simple program illustrating use of Dice class // roll two dice, print results, Owen Astrachan, 3/31/99 int main() { Dice cube(6); Dice dodeca(12); cout cout cout cout << << << <<

// six-sided die // twelve-sided die

"rolling " << cube.NumSides() << " sided die" << endl; cube.Roll() << endl; cube.Roll() << endl; "rolled " << cube.NumRolls() << " times" << endl;

11 The word dice is the plural form of the word die, but a class named Die seems somewhat macabre. Also, using Dice prevents professors from jokingly saying Die Class to their students.

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cout << "rolling " << dodeca.NumSides() << " sided die" << endl; cout << dodeca.Roll() << endl; cout << dodeca.Roll() << endl; cout << dodeca.Roll() << endl; cout << "rolled " << dodeca.NumRolls() << " times" << endl; return 0; }


prompt> roll rolling 6 sided die 5 3 rolled 2 times rolling 12 sided die 8 1 12 rolled 3 times prompt> roll rolling 6 sided die 1 6 rolled 2 times rolling 12 sided die 8 9 2 rolled 3 times

Dice Construction. When you dene a Dice object like cube or dodeca you must specify the number of sides for the simulated Dice object. Unlike the class Date which has a default (parameterless) constructor, the Dice class does not; you must supply the number of sides. Many people think it makes sense to have a default constructor yield a six-sided Dice object, so that Dice x1,x2,x3; denes three six-sided dice. However, when I designed the Dice class I decided to require a parameter. You can, of course, change the implementation of the class to permit a default constructor. Well study how classes are implemented in the next chapter.

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5.4 Using Classes


In C++ a constructor is a member function with the same name as the class. Constructors are functions with no return type. Neither void, int, double, nor any other type can be specied as the return type of a constructor. If a Dice variable is dened without providing arguments to the constructor as shown in tryroll.cpp, Program 5.12, an error message will be generated. Different compilers issue different error messages and the messages are not always intuitive for beginning programmers. However, the compilers always identify the line on which an error occurs.
Program 5.12 tryroll.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" int main() { Dice spinner; cout << "# of sides = " << spinner.NumSides() << endl; return 0; }


The error message generated by the g++ compiler follows:

tryroll: In function int main(): tryroll:7: no matching function for call to Dice::Dice () tryroll:7: in base initialization for class Dice

Note that the error messages indicate that the compiler tries to nd a constructor with no parameters, Dice::Dice() but cannot nd one. Well discuss the :: operator later. Using Metrowerks Codewarrior the error is less helpful:
Error : function call ?0() does not match Dice::Dice(int) Dice::Dice(const Dice &) tryroll.cpp line 7 Dice spinner;

Using Visual C++ the error indicates that no default constructor can be found:
Compiling... tryroll.cpp C:\tryroll.cpp(7) : error C2512: Dice : no appropriate default constructor available Error executing cl.exe.

A default constructor is one with no parameters, see the error message from the g++ compiler.

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Iteration with Programs and Classes

ProgramTip 5.6: When compilation errors occur at the point an object is constructed in a program, look carefully at the constructors in the corresponding header le to see why the error occurs. You must try to nd a constructor whose parameters correspond to the the arguments passed when the object is dened.

5.4.3 T esting the Dice Class

When a new class is designed and implemented, it must be tested. Testing usually requires programs specically designed for testing rather than for general use or for a specic application. For the Dice class wed like to know whether the simulated dice behave as wed expect real dice to behave. Are the simulated dice truly random? Do the simulated dice conform to the mathematical models that exist for random events such as dice rolls? To test the Dice class, well use a program to see whether the theoretical outcomes of rolling dice are matched by the empirical results of the test program. Well use a program dicetest.cpp, designed to toss two six-sided dice and to determine how many rolls are needed to obtain a specic sum. For example, we should expect that fewer rolls of a pair of dice are required to obtain a sum of 7 than to obtain a sum of 2. Furthermore, given that there is exactly one way to obtain a sum of 2 and one way to obtain a sum of 12 (rolling two ones and two sixes, respectively), we should expect the same number of simulated rolls to obtain either the sum of 2 or 12. The program will simulate tossing two dice and record the number of rolls needed to obtain some target between 2 and 12. Well repeat this experiment several times and output the average number of rolls needed to obtain each sum. We wouldnt be surprised, for example, if a program needed only one roll to obtain a sum of twelvetossing double sixes does happen. We should be surprised, however, if the experiment of trying for a twelve was repeated 1,000 times and the average number of rolls before rolling a twelve was reported to be 1this doesnt match either our intuitive expectation or the mathematical expectation of how many rolls it takes to obtain a twelve with two six-sided dice.
Program 5.13 testdice.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" #include "dice.h" // simulate rolling two dice to obtain all possible sums // repeat the "experiment" specified number of times // Owen Astrachan, 8/9/94, modified 6/9/95, 4/20/99 double RollTest(int target,int experiments); int main() {

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5.4 Using Classes

int numTimes; long totalRolls; int k; // for one trial // accumulate for all trials


numTimes = PromptRange("number of 'trials' ",100,20000); totalRolls = 0; for(k=2; k <= 12; k++) { cout << k << "\t" << RollTest(k,numTimes) << endl; } return 0; } double RollTest(int target, int trials) // precondition: 2 <= target <= 12, 0 < trials // postcondition: returns average # of rolls needed to obtain target // trying trials times { Dice d1(6); Dice d2(6); int total = 0; int k; for(k=0; k < trials; k++) { int numRolls = 1; //first time through loop is 1 roll while (d1.Roll() + d2.Roll() != target) { numRolls += 1; } total += numRolls; } return double(total)/trials; }


number of trials 2 35.9015 3 18.0322 4 11.9391 5 9.0508 6 7.1973 7 5.9474 8 7.2554 9 8.9598 10 12.0036 11 17.9579 12 36.9615 between 100 and 20000: 10000

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

The results obtained for trying to roll a two and a twelve are very close. Consulting a book on discrete mathematics provides an answer that is correct theoretically12 and might further validate these empirical results. The average returned by the function RollTest() in Program 5.13 is converted to a double value by casting:
return double(total)/trials;

Casting is needed because both total and trials are int values and the result of dividing an int by an int value is an int. A long is used for totalRolls in main instead of an int because the total number of rolls over many trials will exceed the largest int value on 16-bit computers.
Pause to Reect

5.39 Modify the loop in testdice.cpp, Program 5.13, so that the values of the dice rolls are printed for each simulated roll (run the program for only one trial). Youll need to dene two integer variables to store the values of the dice rolls to print them (this can be tricky). 5.40 Write a function that rolls two N-sided dice and returns how many rolls are needed before the dice show the same numberthat is, until doubles are rolled. The function should have one parameter: the number of sides on the dice. 5.41 Write a function that ips a coin (a two-sided Dice object) N times, where N is a parameter, and returns the number of times heads is ipped. 5.42 Write a function that rolls three six-sided dice and returns the number of rolls needed before all three dice show the same number. De Morgans law may be useful in developing a loop test. 5.43 Write code that picks a random month of the year, and a random day in that month, then prints the date. The Dice objects you use should never cause an error. This means that for February youll need either a 28-sided die or a 29-sided die depending on whether its a leap year. 5.44 Write a loop to count how many times three six-sided dice must be rolled until the values showing are all different. De Morgans law may be useful in developing a loop test.


Mathematically, the expected number of rolls to obtain either a two or a twelve is 36. This is a property of independent, discrete random variables. The expected number of rolls to obtain a seven is 6.

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5.4 Using Classes


Grace Murray Hopper (19061992)

Grace Hopper was one of the rst programmers of the Harvard Mark I, the rst programmable computer built in the United States. In her words she was the third pro grammer on the worlds rst large-scale digital computer [G95]. This work was done while she was in the Navy in the last years of World War II. It was while working on the Mark II that Hopper was involved with the rst documented bug: the famous moth inside one of the computers relays that led to the use of the term debugging. She developed the rst compiler, called A-0, while working for Remington Rand in 1952. Until that time, many people believed that computers were only good for number crunching, that computers were not capable of programmingwhich is what a compiler does: it produces a working program from a higher-level language. After a period of retirement, Hopper returned to naval duty in 1967, at the age of 60. She remained on active duty for 19 more years and was promoted to commodore in 1983 and to admiral in 1985. She was a proponent of innovative thinking and kept a clock on her desk that ran counterclockwise to show that things could be done differently. Although very proud of her career in the Navy, Hopper had little tolerance for bureaucracies, saying: Its better to show that something can be done and apologize for not asking permission, than to try to persuade the powers that be at the beginning. The Grace M. Hopper award for contributions to the eld of computer science is given each year by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) for work done before the age of 30. In 1994 this award was given to Bjarne Stroustrup for his work in inventing and developing the language C++. For more information see [Sla87], from which some of this biography is taken.

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

5.5 Chapter Review

In this chapter we discussed how classes are implemented. We also covered different looping and selection statements. Guidelines were given to assist in determining what kind of loop statement should be used and how loops are developed. The important topics covered in this chapter are summarized here. Interface (.h le) and implementation (.cpp les) provide an abstraction mechanism for writing and using C++ classes. Constructors are member functions that are automatically called to construct and initialize an object. Member functions are used to access an objects behavior or to get information about the objects state. The for loop is an alternative looping construct used for denite loops (where the number of iterations is known before the loop executes for the rst time). The do-while loop body is always executed once, in contrast to a while loop body, which may never be executed. Innite loops formed using while(true) or for(;;) are often used with break statements to avoid duplicated code and complex loop tests. However, you should be judicious in using break statements, because overreliance on them can lead to code that is hard to understand logically. A loop invariant is a statement that helps reason about and develop loops. A loop invariant is true each time the loop test is evaluated, although its truth must often be reestablished during the loops execution. The built-in types int and double represent a limited range of values in computing, compared to the innite range of values of integers and real numbers in mathematics. You must be careful to take this limited range of values into account when interpreting data and developing programs. Often small differences in a program can have a drastic effect on program efciency. Determining whether a number is prime illustrates some considerations in making a program efcient. A return statement causes a function to stop, and control is returned to the calling statement. It is possible and often convenient to use return to exit a function early, much as a break statement is used to exit innite loops. Fence post problems are typical in code that loops. A fence post problem is often solved using a special case before the loop or after the loop. The postincrement and postdecrement operators ++ and -- are convenient shortcuts for adding and subtracting one, respectively. Variables modied with const have values that do not change. Using such constants can make programs more readable; for example, the constant AVOGADRO or MOLE carries more meaning than 6.023e23. A variable is accessible only within its scope, usually delimited by curly braces: { and }. Private data variables in a class are global to all member functions of the

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class. Constructors are special member functions used to initialize an object. A default constructor is one with no parameters. A class can have more than one constructor, like the Date class or only one constructor, like the Dice class. Develop test programs when you design and implement classes. Testing should be an integral part of the process of program and class design.

5.6 Exercises
5.1 Write a program modeled after the 100 bottles of X on the wall song (see the Exercises in Chapter 3.) that will print as many verses of the song as the user species (both the kind of beverage and the number of bottles should be specied by the user). Try to make the program grammatical so that it doesnt print one bottles of sarsaparilla on the wall note the incorrect plural of bottle). 5.2 Write a program that prints a totem pole of random heads. Prompt the user for the number of heads; each head of the totem pole should be randomly drawn by using a Dice variable to choose among different choices for hair, eyes, mouth, etc.

prompt> totem how many head: 2 |||||||///////// | | | | | O O | | | _| |_ |_ _| | -------| | | |||||||||||||||| | | | | | . . | | | _| |_ |_ _| | |______| | | |

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

5.3 Modify testdice.cpp, Program 5.13, so that it calculates the average number of rolls to obtain all possible sums for two n-sided dice, where n is a value entered by the user. The number of trials should also be entered by the user. Write functions that can be used to minimize the amount of code that appears in main. As an example, you might consider a function with the following prototype: double AverageRolls(int target, int trials, int numSides) // pre: 2 <= target <= 2*numSides // post: returns average # of rolls needed to obtain // sum target rolling two dice with numSides // sides, repeating the experiment trials times Can you modify this program easily to work for three n-sided dice rather than two? 5.4 Write a program that nds the greatest common divisor, or gcd, of two numbers. The gcd of two numbers x and y is the largest number that evenly divides both x and y. For example, the gcd of 12 and 42 is 6, and the gcd of 14 and 74 is 2. Euclid developed an algorithm for determining the gcd more than 2,000 years ago. You should use this algorithm in calculating the greatest common divisor of x and y: assign r the value x % y if r equals 0 then STOP, gcd is y else assign x the value y assign y the value r repeat (back to top) Write a function that returns the gcd of two numbers, and use the function to create a table of gcds similar to the following table, where the range of x and y are entered by the user. y x | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---+----------------------11 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 | 1 2 3 4 1 6 1 13 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 | 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 15 | 1 1 3 1 5 3 1 5.5 Write a program to simulate tossing a coin (use a two-sided die). The program should toss a coin 10,000 times (or some number of times specied by the user) and keep track of the longest run of heads or tails that occurs in a sequence of simulated coin ips. Thus, in the sequence HTHTTTHHHHT there is a sequence of 3 tails and a sequence of 4 heads. To keep track of the runs, four variablesheadRun, tailRun, maxHeads, and maxTailsare dened and initialized to 0. These variables keep track of the length of the current head run, the length of the current tail run, and the maximum runs of heads and of tails, respectively. After the statement heads++, the value of headRun

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is incremented. After the statement tails++ the value of tailRun is incremented. In addition, these variables must be reset to zero at the appropriate time and the values of the max head run and max tail run variables set appropriately. 5.6 Write a program that computes all twin primes between two values entered by the user. Twin primes are numbers that differ by two and are both primes, such as 1019 and 1021. 5.7 Write a function with prototype int NumDigits(num) that determines the number of digits in its parameter. Use the ideas of the previous exercise, but be sure that the function works for all integer values (including zero, which has one digit, and negative numbersdont forget about the function fabs). 5.8 Write a boolean-valued predicate function similar to IsPrime that returns true if its parameter is a perfect number and false otherwise. A number is perfect if it is equal to the sum of its proper divisors (i.e., not including itself). For example, 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 and 28 = 1+2+4+7+14 are the rst two perfect numbers. Recall that the expression num % divisor has value 0 exactly when divisor divides num exactly; for example, 30 % 6 == 0 but 30 % 7 = 2. The function should be named IsPerfect. 5.9 Write a function SumOfNums that calculates and returns the sum of the numbers from 1 to n (where n is a parameter). The statement cout << SumOfNums(100) << endl; should cause 5050 to be printed since 1+2+ +100 = 5050. Its possible to write this program without using a loop (such a solution is often attributed to the mathematician C. F. Gauss, who supposedly discovered it when he was a boy). 5.10 The following loop sums all numbers entered by the user (and stops when the user enters a nonpositive number). int num; cin >> num; int sum = 0; while (num >= 0) { sum += num; cin >> num; } Explain how the two uses of cin >> correspond to a kind of fence post problem. Then write a program based on the foregoing loop to calculate the average of a sequence of nonnegative numbers entered by the user. 5.11 Write a function that simulates a slot machine by printing three randomly chosen strings as the values displayed by the slot machine. Each string should be chosen randomly from among four different choices, such as "orange", "lemon", "lime", "cherry" (but any words will do). Choose the random values eight times and display each choice of three as shown in the following sample run. If the strings are all the same or are all different when the nal sequence of these strings appears, then print a message that the user wins; otherwise the user loses.

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

prompt> slots Welcome to the slot machine simulation Heres a spin.... cherry orange cherry lime lemon cherry lime lemon lemon lime cherry cherry lemon lime cherry lemon lemon lime orange lime lime you lose!! prompt> slots Welcome to the slot machine simulation Heres a spin.... lime lime orange orange cherry orange orange cherry lime cherry orange lime lime orange orange cherry orange lemon lemon lemon lemon all values equal, you win!! prompt> slots Welcome to the slot machine simulation Heres a spin.... lemon cherry orange lemon orange lemon cherry orange lime lime cherry lime cherry cherry cherry orange cherry cherry orange lime cherry all values different, you win!!

5.12 Using the class BigInt make a table of how many times each of the digits 0 . . . 9 occurs in huge numbers like 200! or 25000 . You can determine digits by peeling off digits one at a time, as in digits.cpp, Program 5.5, or you can use the BigInt member function ToString() which returns a string of digits, such as "1234567" for the value 1,234,567, then look at each character of the string. 5.13 Write a program that displays the prime factors of a number. The prime factors of 60 are 2 2 3 5. Use the program to display the prime factors of all numbers between two user-entered numbers.

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5.14 Consider the following U.S. holidays: Mothers Day, the second Sunday in May Labor Day, the rst Monday in September Thanksgiving, the fourth Thursday in November Write one function that determines the date on which these holidays fall in any year. The same function should be called with different parameters for the different holidays. For example, for Labor Day you would pass parameters "Monday", 1, and 9 for the rst Monday in September (the ninth month); for Mothers day you would pass "Sunday", 2, and 5 (for May). Use this function and write code to determine how many school days (MonFri) there are between Labor Day and Thanksgiving in any year. 5.15 Daylight-saving time causes clocks to be reset in the spring and fall in many (but not all) parts of the United States. Daylight saving begins on the rst Sunday of April (set clocks ahead one hour, spring ahead) and ends on the last Sunday of October (set clocks back one hour, fall back). Write a program that shows the number of days in which daylight-saving time is in effect for all years from 1990 to 2010. You may nd it useful to write a function that returns the number of daylight-saving days given the year (as a parameter). 5.16 Some people believe that our physical, emotional, and intellectual habits are governed by biorhythms. A biorhythm cycle exists for each of these three traits; the length of the cycle differs, but all cycles start when we are born. The physical cycle is 23 days long, the intellectual cycle is 33 days long, and the emotional cycle is 28 days long. The cycles repeat as sine waves, with the period of each wave given by the cycle length. A critical day occurs when all three cycles cross at the equivalent of y = 0 if the cycles are plotted on x and y axes. When a cycle is at its peak (e.g., as sin(/2) is the peak of a sine wave), we are favored for that cycle, so that a peak on the intellectual cycle is a good day to take an exam. Use the Date class to determine when your next critical day is and when your next peak and low days are for each of the three cycles. 5.17 Here are rules for one version of the game of craps, played with six-sided dice. Aplayer rolls two dice. If the sum of the two is 7 or 11, the roller wins immediately; if the sum is a 2, 3, or 12, the roller loses at once. If the sum is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, the roller rolls again. By repeating the initial number, the roller makes his or her point and wins. By rolling a 7 the roller craps out and loses. Otherwise, the roller keeps on rolling again until he or she wins or loses. Write a program that simulates a game of craps, then modify the program to simulate 10,000 games, reporting how many simulated games are won. 5.18 Write a program that prints a calendar for any month in any year as shown below.

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Chapter 5 Iteration with Programs and Classes

prompt> calendar enter month between 1 and 12: 6 enter year between 1752 and 2500: 1999 June 1999 Su Mo Tu We 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 Th 3 10 17 24 Fr 4 11 18 25 Sa 5 12 19 26

For a real challenge, make it possible for the user to specify how large the calendar should be, something like this: Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| 12| 13| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 28| 29| 30| | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ or like this Sunday Monday Tuesday +---------+---------+---------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+---------+---------+


5.19 Write a program to track the number of times each sum for two 12-sided dice occurs over 10,000 rolls, or more generally, the number of times each sum for two N -sided dice occurs. Well learn how to do this simply in Chapter 8, but with the programming tools you have, youll need to write a program to write the program for you! Write a program, named metadice.cpp, that reads the number of sides of the dice and outputs a program that can be compiled and executed. For example, the following function might be part of the program; it denes and initializes variables to track each dice sum:

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void Definitions(int sides) // post: variable definitions for c2, c3, ... // are output int cX = 0; 2 <= x <= 2*sides { int k; for(k=2; k <= 2*sides; k++) { cout << "\t" << "int c" << k << " = 0;" << endl; } cout << endl << endl; } The function Definitions creates the variable denitions shown below; these are part of the program that is output by the program metadice.cpp that you write (and of which the function Definitions is a part).

prompt> metadice enter # sides: 5 #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" int main() { int int int int int int int int int

c2 = 0; c3 = 0; c4 = 0; c5 = 0; c6 = 0; c7 = 0; c8 = 0; c9 = 0; c10 = 0;

program continues here return 0; }

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Program and Class Construction Extending the Foundation


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Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her pattern, so each small piece of the fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. Richard Feynman in Grady Booch, Object Solutions

The control structures we studied in Chaps. 4 and 5 permit program statements to be executed selectively or repeatedly according to values entered by the user or calculated by the program. In Section 5.4 we saw how using classes like Dice and Date extends the domain of problems we can solve by programming. In this chapter well extend the idea of repetition by processing various data in several applications. A common pattern emerges from all these applications: the pattern of iterating over a sequence of data. Examples of such iteration include processing each word in one of Shakespeares plays, processing the elements of a set, and processing movement of a simulated molecule. Well also explore classes in more depth, studying class implementation as well as class use. Well explore design guidelines for constructing classes and programs. In particular, well cover classes used to read information from les stored on a disk rather than entered from the keyboard. Well use a standard stream class that behaves in the same way cin behaves but that allows data to ow from text les. Well develop a new class for reading words from les and build on the pattern of iteration developed for the class to develop new classes. Writing programs and functions that use these classes requires a new kind of parameter, called a reference parameter, which well discuss in some detail.

6.1 Classes: From Use to Implementation

In Section 5.4 we studied code examples using classes Dice and Date. These classes complement the standard C++ class string and will be part of the toolkit of classes well extend and use throughout the book. In this section well examine classes more closely. This will help you get comfortable with the syntax of class implementation in addition to the syntax of using classes that youve already seen. Youll learn how to modify classes and how to implement your own.

6.1.1 Class Documentation: The Interface (.h File)

C++ classes encapsulate state and behavior. The behavior of a class is what the class does. Behavior is often described with verbs: cats eat, sleep, and play; dice are rolled. The state of a class depends on physical properties. For example, dice have a xed number of sides. 213

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

Class behavior is dened by public member functions; these are the class functions that client programs can call. Public member functions of the class Dice are the Dice constructor and the functions NumRolls(), NumSides(), and Roll(). The class declaration for Dice is shown below; the entire header le dice.h is found in Howto G as Program G.3 (the header le includes many comments that arent shown below.)
class Dice { public: Dice(int sides); int Roll(); int NumSides() const; int NumRolls() const; private: int myRollCount; int mySides; };

// // // //

constructor return the random roll how many sides this die has # times this die rolled

// # times die rolled // # sides on die

The state of an object is usually specied by class private data like myRollCount and mySides for a Dice object. Private state data are often called member data, data members, instance variables or data elds. As well see, the term instance variable is used because each Dice instance (or object) has its own data members. When an object is dened, by a call to a constructor, memory is allocated for the object, and the objects state is initialized. When a built-in variable is dened, the variables state may be uninitialized. For programmer-dened types such as Dice, initialization takes place when the Dice variable is dened. As a programmer using the Dice class, you do not need to be aware of how a Dice object is initialized and constructed or what is in the private section of the Dice class. You do need to know some properties, such as when a Dice object is constructed it has been rolled zero times. As you begin to design your own classes, youll need to develop an understanding of how the state of an object is reected by its private data and how member functions use private data. Class state as dened by private data is not directly accessible by client programs. A client program is a program like roll.cpp, Program 5.11, that uses a class. Well soon see how a class like Dice is implemented so that client programs that use Dice objects will work.

6.1.2 Comments in .h Files

The documentation for a class, in the form of comments in the header le in which the class is declared, furnishes information about the constructors parameters and about all public member functions. The names of header les traditionally end with a .h sufx. When the C++ standard was nalized, the .h sufx was no longer used so that what used to be called <iostream.h> became <iostream>. I continue to use the .h sufx for classes supplied with this book, but use the standard C++ header le names.

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6.1 Classes: From Use to Implementation


In this book the name of a header le almost always begins with the name of the class that is declared in the header le. The header le provides the compiler with the information it needs about the form of class objects. For programmers using the header le, the header le may serve as a manual on how to use a class or some other set of routines (as <cmath> or <math.h> describes math functions such as sqrt). Not all header les are useful as programmer documentation, but the compiler uses the header les to determine if functions and classes are used correctly in client programs. The compiler must know, for example, that the member functions NumSides and Roll are legal Dice member functions and that each returns an int value. By reading the header le you can see that two private data variables, myRollCount and mySides, dene the state of a Dice object. As the designer and writer of client programs, you do not need to look at the private section of a class declaration. Since client programs can access a class only by calling public member functions, you should take the view that class behavior is described only by public member functions and not by private state. A header le is an interface to a class or to a group of functions. The interface is a description of what the behavior of a class is, but not of how the behavior is implemented. You probably know how to use a stereoat least how to turn one on and adjust the volume. From a users point of view, the stereos interface consists of the knobs, displays, and buttons on the front of the receiver, CD player, tuner, and so on. Users dont need to know how many watts per channel an amplier delivers or whether the tuner uses phase-lock looping. You may know how to drive a car. From a drivers point of view, a cars interface is made up of the gas and brake pedals, the steering wheel, and the dashboard dials and gauges. To drive a car you dont need to know whether a car engine is fuel-injected or whether it has four or six cylinders. The dice.h header le is an interface to client programs that use Dice objects. Just as you use a stereo without (necessarily) understanding fully how it works, and just button without understanding what algorithm as you use a calculator by pressing the is used to nd a square root, a Dice object can be used in a client program without knowledge of its private state. As the buttons and displays provide a means of accessing a stereos features, the public member functions of a class provide a means of accessing (and sometimes modifying) the private elds in the class. The displays on an amp, tuner, or receiver are like functions that show values; the buttons that change a radio station actually change the state of a tuner, just as some member functions can change the state of a class object. When a stereo is well-designed, one component can be replaced without replacing all components. Similarly, several models of personal computer offer the user the ability to upgrade the main chip in the computer (the central processing unit, or CPU) without buying a completely new computer. In these cases the implementation can be replaced, provided that the interface stays the same. The user wont notice any difference in how the buttons and dials on the box are arranged or in how they are perceived to work. Replacing the implementation of a class may make a users program execute more quickly, or use less space, or execute more carefully (by checking for precondition violations) but should not affect whether the program works as intended. Since client programs depend only on the interface of a class and not on the implementation, we say that classes provide a method of information hidingthe state of a class is hidden from client programs.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

William H. (Bill) Gates (b. 1955)

Bill Gates is the richest person in the United States and CEO of Microsoft. He began his career as a programmer writing the rst BASIC compiler for early microcomputers while a student at Harvard. When asked whether studying computer science is the best way to prepare to be a programmer, Gates responded: No, the best way to prepare is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and I shed out listings of their operating system. Youve got to be willing to read other peoples code, then write your own, then have other people review your code. Gates is a visionary in seeing how computers will be used both in business and in the home. Microsoft publishes best-selling word processors, programming languages, and operating systems as well as interactive encyclopedias for children. Some people question Microsofts business tactics, but in late 1994 and again in 1999 antitrust proceedings did little to deter Microsofts progress. There is no questioning Gatess and Microsofts inuence on how computers are used. Although Gates doesnt program anymore, he remembers the satisfaction that comes from programming. When I compile something and it starts computing the right results, I really feel great. Im not kidding, there is some emotion in all great things, and this is no exception. For more information see [Sla87].

6.1.3 Class Documentation: the Implementation or .cpp File

The header le <cmath> (or <math.h>) contains function prototypes, or headers, for functions like sqrt and sin. The bodies of the functions are not part of the header le. A function prototype provides information that programmers need to know to call the function. A prototype also provides information that enables the compiler to determine

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6.1 Classes: From Use to Implementation


if a function is called correctly. The prototype is an interface, just as the class declaration in "dice.h" is an interface for users of the Dice class. The bodies of the Dice member functions are not part of the header le dice.h, Program G.3. These function bodies provide an implementation for each member function and are put in a separate le. As a general rule (certainly one we will follow in this book), the name of the implementation le will begin with the same prex as the header le but will end with a .cpp sufx, indicating that it consists of C++ code1 . Like all functions weve studied, a member function has a return type, a name, and a parameter list. However, there must be some way to distinguish member functions from nonmember functions when the function is dened. The double colon :: scope resolution operator species that a member function is part of a given class. The prototype int Dice::NumSides() indicates that NumSides() is a member function of the Dice class. Constructors have no return type. The prototype Dice::Dice(int sides) is the Dice class constructor. The prototype for the constructor of the Balloon class described in gballoon.h, Program 3.7, is Balloon::Balloon(), since no parameters are required. As an analogy, when Im with my family, Im known simply as Owen, but to the world at large Im Syntax: member function prototype Astrachan::Owen. This helps identify which of many ClassName::ClassName (parameters) possible Owens I am; I belong //constructor (cannot have return type) to the Astrachan class. type ClassName::FunctionName (parameters) The implementation of each //nonconstructor member function Dice member function is in dice.cpp, Program 6.1. Each Dice member function is implemented with only a few lines of code. The variable mySides, whose value is returned by Dice::NumSides, is not a parameter and is not dened within the function. Similarly, the variable myRollCount, incremented within the function Dice::Roll, is neither a parameter nor a variable locally dened in Dice::Roll.
Program 6.1 dice.cpp
#include "dice.h" #include "randgen.h" // implementation of dice class // written Jan 31, 1994, modified 5/10/94 to use RandGen class // modified 3/31/99 to move RandGen class here from .h file Dice::Dice(int sides) // postcondition: all private fields initialized { myRollCount = 0; mySides = sides; } int Dice::Roll()

A sufx of .cc is used in the code provided for use in Unix/Linux environments.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

// postcondition: number of rolls updated // random die roll returned { RandGen gen; // random number generator myRollCount= myRollCount + 1; return gen.RandInt(1,mySides); } int Dice::NumSides() const // postcondition: return # of sides of die { return mySides; } int Dice::NumRolls() const // postcondition: return # of times die has been rolled { return myRollCount; } // update # of times die rolled // in range [1..mySides]


The variables myRollCount and mySides are private variables that make up the state of a Dice object. As shown in Figure 6.1, each object or instance of the Dice class has its own state variables. Each object may have a different number of sides or be rolled a different number of times, so different variables are needed for each objects state. The convention of using the prex my with each private data eld emphasizes that the data belongs to a particular object. The variable cube in roll.cpp, Program 5.11, has a mySides eld with value six, whereas the mySides that is part of the dodeca variable has value 12. This is why dodeca.NumSides() returns 12 but cube.NumSides() returns 6; the member function NumSides returns the value of mySides associated with the object to which it is applied with ., the dot operator.

Dice ( int sides)

Dice ( int sides)




int NumSides () const int NumRolls () const

int NumSides () const int NumRolls () const



0 6


myRollCount mySides

0 12


cube, after Dice cube(6);

dodeca , after Dice dodeca (12);

Figure 6.1 After Dice constructors have executed.




int Roll()

int Roll()

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6.1 Classes: From Use to Implementation


If the interface (header le) is well designed, you can change the implementation without changing or recompiling the client program.2 Similarly, once the implementation is written and compiled, it does not need to be recompiled each time the client program changes. For large programs this can result in a signicant savings in the overhead of designing and testing a program. With the advent of well-constructed class libraries that are available for a fee or for free, users can write programs much more easily and without the need for extensive changes when a new implementation is provided. This process of compiling different parts of a program separately is described in Section 3.5.

6.1.4 Member Function Implementation

Well look briey at the implementation of each member function of the Dice class as given in dice.cpp, Program 6.1.

The Dice Constructor. A classs constructor must initialize all private data (instance
variables), so each data member should be given a value explicitly by the constructor. In the body of the constructor Dice::Dice() both instance variables mySides and myRollCount are initialized. Program Tip 6.1: Assign a value to all instance variables in every class constructor. Its possible that you wont know what value to assign when an object is constructed, because the actual value will be determined by another member function. In this case, provide some known value, such as zero for an int instance variable. Known values will help as you debug your code.

The Member Functions Dice::NumRolls and Dice::NumSides. Class member functions are often divided into two categories: Accessor functions that access state, but do not alter the state. Mutator functions that alter the state. The functions Dice::NumRolls() and Dice::NumSides() are accessor functions since they return information about a Dice object, but they do not change the objects state. Note that the implementation of these functions is a single line that returns the value of the appropriate instance variable. Accessor functions often have simple implementations like this. Nearly every programmer that designs classes adheres to the design heuristic of making all state data private. A heuristic is a rule of thumb or guideline. As a guideline, there may be exceptional situations in which the guideline is not followed, but in this book all class state will be private.

You will need to relink the client program with the new implementation.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

Program Tip 6.2: All state or instance variables in a class should be private. You can provide accessor functions for clients to get information about an objects state, but all access should be through public member functions; no instance variables should be public.

Accessor functions in C++ almost always have the keyword const following the parameter lists, both in the .h le and in the .cpp le. We discuss this use of const in detail in Howto D. Since accessor functions like Dice::NumSides do not change an objects state, the word const is used by the compiler to actually prohibit changes to state. Program Tip 6.3: Make accessor functions const. You make a member function a const function by putting the keyword const after the parameter list.

The Member Function Dice::Roll. The function Dice::Roll() is a mutator

function since it alters the state of a Dice object. State is altered since a Dice object keeps track of how many times it has been rolled. The private instance variable myRollCount is modied as follows.
myRollCount = myRollCount + 1;

Because the state changes, the function Dice::Roll() cannot be a const function. The other lines in Dice::Roll() actually generate the random roll using another class RandGen that generates pseudo-random numbers.

6.1.5 Scope of PrivateVariables

The instance variables dened in the private section of a class declaration are accessible in all member functions of the class. Private variable names are global to all member functions, since they can be accessed in each member function. In the Dice class the instance variable mySides is initialized in the constructor and used in Dice::Roll() to generate a random roll. The instance variable myRollCount is initialized in the constructor, incremented in Dice::Roll() and used to return a value in Dice::NumRolls(). Program Tip 6.4: If a variable is used in only one member function, its possible that the variable should be dened locally within the function, and not as a private instance variable. There are occasions when this heuristic doesnt hold (e.g., when a variable must maintain its value over multiple calls of the same member function), but its a good, general class design heuristic.

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6.1 Classes: From Use to Implementation


By dening a variable at the beginning of a program and outside of any function, you can make it global to all the functions in a program. A global variable is accessible everywhere in a program without being passed as a parameter. This is considered poor programming style, because the proliferation of global variables in large programs makes it difcult to modify one part of the program without affecting another part. Because global variables cannot be used in large programs without great care (and even then global variables can cause problems) we will not use any global variables even in small programs. Program Tip 6.5: Avoid using global program variables. Global variables dont work in large programs, so practice good coding style by avoiding their use in small programs.

Pause to Reect

6.1 How do the displays and buttons on a stereo receiver provide an interface to the receiver? If you purchase a component stereo system (e.g., a CD player, a tuner, a receiver, and a cassette deck), do you need to buy a new receiver if you upgrade the CD player? How is this similar to or different from a header le and its corresponding implementation? 6.2 Do you know how a soda-vending machine works (on the inside)? Can you invent a description of how one works that is consistent with your knowledge based on using such machines? 6.3 Why are there so many comments in the header le dice.h? 6.4 What is the purpose of the member functions NumSides and NumRolls? For example, why wont the lines
Dice tetra(4); cout << "# of sides = " << tetra.mySides << endl;

compile, and what is an alternative that will compile? 6.5 In the member function Dice::Roll() the value returned is specied by the following:

What type/class of variable is gen and where is the class declared? 6.6 What changes to roll.cpp, Program 5.11, permit the user to enter the number of sides in the simulated die? 6.7 Can the statement myRollCount++ by used in place of myRollCount = myRollCount + 1 in Dice::Roll()?

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6.8 Suppose a member function Dice::LastRoll() is added to the class Dice. The function returns the value of the most recent roll. Should Dice::LastRoll() be a const function? What changes to private data and to other member functions are needed to implement the new member function?
int Dice::LastRoll() // is const needed here? // post: returns value of last time Roll() was called

6.2 Program Design with Functions

To see how useful classes are in comparison to using only free functions3 in the design and implementation of programs well study a program that gives a simple quiz on arithmetic using addition. For example, you might be asked to write a program like this to help your younger sibling practice with math problems, or to help an elementary school teacher with a drill-and-practice program for the computer. Well begin with a program that uses free functions to implement the quiz. In the next chapter well modify the quiz programs from this chapter so that several collaborating classes are used instead of free functions. The version developed in this chapter serves as a prototype of the nal version. A prototype is not a nished product, but is useful in understanding design issues and in getting feedback from users. Program Tip 6.6: A prototype is a good way to start the implementation phase of program development and to help in the design process. A prototype is a realistic model of a systems key functions [McC93]. Booch says that prototypes are by their very nature incomplete and only marginally engineered. [Boo94] A prototype is an aid to help nd some of the important issues before design and implementation are viewed as frozen, or unchanging. For those developing commercial software, prototypes can help clients articulate their needs better than a description in English. Program 6.2 uses classes and functions weve used in programs before. The header le randgen.h for class RandGen is in Howto G, but well need only the function RandGen::RandInt that returns a random integer between (and including) the values of the two parameters as illustrated in Program 6.2
Program 6.2 simpquiz.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "randgen.h" #include "prompt.h"

// for setw

// for RandInt

Recall that a free function is any function dened outside of a class.

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6.2 Program Design with Functions


// simple quiz program int MakeQuestion() // postcondition: creates a random question, returns the answer { const WIDTH = 7; RandGen gen; int num1 = gen.RandInt(10,20); int num2 = gen.RandInt(10,20); cout << setw(WIDTH) << num1 << endl; cout << "+" << setw(WIDTH1) << num2 << endl; cout << "-" << endl; return num1 + num2; } int main() { string name = PromptString("what is your name? "); int int int correctCount = 0; total = PromptRange(name + ", how many questions, ",1,10); answer,response, k;

for(k=0; k < total; k++) { answer = MakeQuestion(); cout << "answer here: "; cin >> response; if (response == answer) { } else { } } int percent = double(correctCount)/total 100; cout << name << ", your score is " << percent << "%" << endl; return 0; } cout << "incorrect, answer = " << answer << endl; cout << "correct! " << endl; correctCount++;


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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

prompt> simpquiz what is your name? Owen Owen, how many questions, between 1 and 10: 3 20 + 18 ------answer here: 38 correct 13 + 17 ------answer here: 20 incorrect, answer = 30 18 + 10 ------answer here: 28 correct Owen, your score is 66%

6.2.1 Evaluating Classes and Code: Coupling and Cohesion

This program works well for making simple quizzes about arithmetic, but its hard to modify the program to make changes such as these: 1. Allow the student (taking the quiz) more than one chance to answer the question. A student might be allowed several chances depending on the difculty of the question asked. Allow more than one student to take a quiz at the same time, say two students sharing the same keyboard. Record a students results so that progress can be monitored over several quizzes.

2. 3.

As we noted in Program Tips 4.4 and 4.10, writing code thats simple to modify is an important goal in programming. You cant always anticipate what changes will be needed, and code thats easy to modify will save lots of time in the long run. The modications above are complicated for a few reasons. 1. 2. Theres no way to repeat the same question. If the student is prompted for an answer several times, the original question may scroll off the screen. The body of the for loop could be moved into another function parameterized by

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6.2 Program Design with Functions



name. This might be the rst step in permitting a quiz to be given to more than one student at the same time, but in the current program its difcult to do this. Once we learn about reading and writing information from and to les well be able to tackle this problem more easily, but it will still be difcult using the current program. Its difcult in part because the code for giving the quiz and the code for recording quiz scores will be mixed together, making it hard to keep the code dealing with each part separate. Keeping the code separate is a good idea because it will be easier to modify each part if it is independent of the other parts.

The last item is very important. It is echoed by two program and class design heuristics. Program Tip 6.7: Code, classes, and functions should be as cohesive as possible. A cohesive function does one thing rather than several things. A cohesive class captures one idea or set of related behaviors rather than many more unrelated ideas and behaviors. When designing and implementing functions and classes you should make them highly cohesive. The function MakeQuestion from Program 6.2 does two things: it makes a question and it returns the answer to the question. Doing two things at the same time makes it difcult to do just one of the two things, (e.g., ask the same question again). Functions that do one thing are more cohesive than functions that do two things. ProgramTip 6.8: Code,classes,and functions should not be coupled with each other. Each function and class should be as independent from others as possible, or loosely coupled. Its impossible to have no coupling or functions and classes wouldnt be able to call or use each other. But loose coupling is a goal in function and class design.

A function is tightly coupled with another function if the functions cant exist independently or if a change in one causes a change in the other. Ideally, changing a functions implementation without changing the interface or prototype should cause few changes in other functions. In Prog 6.2, simpquiz.cpp the function MakeQuestion which makes questions and main which gives a quiz are tightly coupled with each other and with the student taking the quiz. These three parts of the program should be less coupled than they are.

6.2.2 T oward a Class-based Quiz Program

We want to develop a quiz program that will permit different kinds of questions, that is not just different kinds of arithmetic problems, but questions about state capitals, English literature, rock and roll songs, or whatever you think would be fun or instructive. Wed like the program to be able to give a quiz to more than one student at the same time, so

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that two people sharing a keyboard at one computer could both participate. If possible, wed like to allow a student to have more than one chance at a question. In the next chapter well study one design of a program that will permit different kinds of quizzes for more than one student. That program will use three collaborating classes. However, we need to study a few more C++ language features and some new classes before we tackle the quiz program. Before we develop the class design we must study another mode of parameter passing that well need in developing more complex classes, functions, and programs. Well use a modied version of simpquiz.cpp, Program 6.2. As we move toward a new quiz program, think about how the program changes. Youll nd that there is no best design or correct design when it comes to writing programs. However, there are criteria by which classes and programs can be evaluated, such as coupling and cohesion as outlined in Program Tips 6.8 and 6.7.

6.2.3 Reference parameters

Program 6.3, simpquiz2.cpp, is a modied version of Program 6.2 that uses a function GiveQuiz as an encapsulation of the code in main of Program 6.2. This encapsulation makes it easier to give a quiz to more than one person in the same program and is a step toward developing a class-based program. The output of Program 6.2 and Program 6.3 are exactly the same (given that the random questions may be different). The function GiveQuiz passes two values back to main when GiveQuiz is called: the number of questions answered correctly and the total number of questions. Since two values are passed back, its not possible to use a return type which passes only one value back. In the header of GiveQuiz in Program 6.3, simpquiz2.cpp, note that the last two parameters are preceded by an ampersand, &. Using an ampersand permits values to be passed back from the function to the calling statement.
Program 6.3 simpquiz2.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "randgen.h" #include "prompt.h" // simple quiz program int MakeQuestion() // postcondition: creates a random question, returns the answer { const WIDTH = 7; RandGen gen; int num1 = gen.RandInt(10,20); int num2 = gen.RandInt(10,20); cout << setw(WIDTH) << num1 << endl;

// for setw

// for RandInt

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6.2 Program Design with Functions

cout << "+" << setw(WIDTH1) << num2 << endl; cout << "-" << endl; return num1 + num2; } void GiveQuiz(string name, int & correct, int & total) // precondition: name = person taking the quiz // postcondition: correct = # correct answers, total = # questions { correct = 0; total = PromptRange(name + ", how many questions, ",1,10); int answer,response, k; for(k=0; k < total; k++) { answer = MakeQuestion(); cout << "answer here: "; cin >> response; if (response == answer) { cout << "correct! " << endl; correct++; } else { cout << "incorrect, answer = " << answer << endl; } } } int main() { int correctCount, total; string student = PromptString("what is your name? "); GiveQuiz(student, correctCount, total); int percent = double(correctCount)/total 100; cout << student << ", your score is " << percent << "%" << endl; return 0; }



The rst parameter of the function GiveQuiz represents the name of the student taking the quiz. This value is passed into the function. The other parameters are used to pass values back from the function GiveQuiz to the statement calling the function. These last three parameters are reference parameters; the ampersand appearing between the type and name of the parameter indicates a reference parameter. The diagram in Figure 6.2 shows how information ows between GiveQuiz and the statement that calls GiveQuiz from main. The ampersand modier used for the last three parameters in the prototype of GiveQuiz makes these references to integers rather than integers. Well elaborate on this distinction, but a reference is used as an alias to refer to a variable that has already been dened. The memory for a reference parameter is dened somewhere else, whereas the memory for a nonreference parameter, also called a value parameter, is allocated in the function.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

int correctCount,total; string student; Function call, arguments GiveQuiz(student, Owen correctCount, 6 total); 10

Owen void GiveQuiz(string name, int & correct, int & total) Function prototype/header, formal parameters

Figure 6.2 Passing parameters by value and by reference in simpquiz2.cpp

The value of student (Owen, in the gure) is copied from main into the memory location associated with the parameter name in GiveQuiz. Once the value is copied, the variable student dened in main and the parameter name in GiveQuiz are not connected or related in any way. For example, if the value of name in GiveQuiz is changed, the value of name in main is not affected. This is very different from how reference parameters work. As indicated in Figure 6.2, the storage for the last two arguments in the function call is referenced, or referred to, by the corresponding parameters in GiveQuiz. For example, the variable correctCount dened in main is referred to by the name correct within the function GiveQuiz. When one storage location (in this case, dened in main) has two different names, the term aliasing is sometimes used. Whatever happens to correct in GiveQuiz is really happening to the variable correctCount dened in main since correct refers to correctCount. This means that if the statement correct++; assigns 3 to correct in GiveQuiz, the value is actually stored in the memory location allocated in main and referred to by the name correctCount in main. Rich Pattis, author of Get A-Life: Advice for the Beginning C++ Object-Oriented Programmer [Pat96] calls reference parameters voodoo doll parameters: if you stick correct in GiveQuiz, the object correctCount in main yells ouch. One key to understanding the difference between the two kinds of parameters is to remember where the storage is allocated. For reference parameters, the storage is allocated somewhere else, and the name of the parameter refers back to this storage. For value parameters, the storage is allocated in the function, and a value is copied into this storage location. This is diagrammed by the leftmost arrow in Figure 6.2. When reference parameters are used, memory is allocated for the arguments, and the formal

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parameters are merely new names (used within the called function) for the memory locations associated with the arguments. This is shown in Figure 6.2 by the arrows that point up from the identiers correct and total that serve as aliases for the memory locations allocated for the variables correctCount and total in main.

6.2.4 Pass byValue and Pass by Reference

Program 6.4, pbyvalue.cpp shows a contrived (but hopefully illustrative) example of parameter passing.
Program 6.4 pbyvalue.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates pass-by-value/pass-by-reference semantics void DoStuff(int number, string & word) { cout << "DoStuff in:\t" << number << " " << word << endl; number = 2; word = "What's up Doc?"; cout << "DoStuff out:\t" << number << " " << word << endl; } void DoStuff2(int & one, int & two, string & word) { cout << "DoStuff2 in:\t" << one << " " << two << " " << word << endl; one = 2; cout << "DoStuff2 mid:\t" << one << " " << two << " " << word << endl; two += 1; word = "What's up Doc?"; cout << "DoStuff2 out:\t" << one << " " << two << " " << word << endl; } int main() { int num = 30; string name = "Bugs Bunny"; DoStuff(num,name); cout << endl << "DoStuff main:\t" << num << " " << name << endl << endl; DoStuff2(num,num,name); cout << endl << "DoStuff2 main:\t" << num << " " << name << endl; return 0; }


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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

The parameter number in the function DoStuff is passed by value, not by reference, so assignment to number does not affect the value of the argument num. The same does not hold for the reference parameter word; the changed value does change the value of the argument name in main. In contrast, all parameters are reference parameters in DoStuff2. Whats very tricky4 about DoStuff2 is that the reference parameters one and two both alias the same memory location num in main. Assignment to one is really assignment to num and thus also assignment to two since both one and two reference the same memory. It helps to draw a diagram like the one in Figure 6.2, but with arrows from one and two both pointing to the same memory location associated with num in main.

prompt> pbyvalue DoStuff in: 30 Bugs Bunny DoStuff out: 60 Whats up Doc? DoStuff main: DoStuff2 in: DoStuff2 mid: DoStuff2 out: DoStuff2 main: 30 Whats up Doc? 30 30 Whats up Doc? 60 60 Whats up Doc? 61 61 Whats up Doc? 61 Whats up Doc?

The rst line of output prints the values that are passed to DoStuff. The value of the parameter number in DoStuff is the same as the value of num in main since this value is copied when the argument is passed to DoStuff. After the value is copied, there is no relationship between number and num. This can be seen in the rst line of output generated in main: num is still 30. However, the change to parameter word does change name in main. Values are not copied when passed by reference. The identiers word and name are aliases for the same memory location. When a function is called and an argument passed to a reference parameter, we use the term call by reference. When an argument is copied into a functions parameter, we use the term call by value. Value parameters require time to copy the value and require memory to store the copied value; its possible for this time and space to have an impact on a programs performance. Sometimes reference parameters are used to save time and space. Unfortunately, this permits the called function to change the value of the argumentthe very reason we used reference parameters in Program 6.3. You can, however, protect against unwanted change and still have the efciency of reference parameters when needed.

I could have written, whats verwy twicky, but I didnt.

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6.2 Program Design with Functions


6.2.5 const Reference Parameters

Value parameters are copied from the corresponding argument, as shown in pbyvalue.cpp, Program 6.4. For parameters that require a large amount of memory, making the copy takes time in addition to the memory used for the copy. In contrast, reference parameters are not copied, and thus no extra memory is required and less time is used. Some programs must make efcient use of time and memory space. Value parameters for large objects are problematic in such programs. Using const reference or constant reference parameters yields the efciency of reference parameters and the safety of value parameters. Safety means that its not possible to change a value parameter so that the argument is also changed. The argument is protected from accidental or malicious change. Like value parameters, const reference parameters cannot be changed by a function so that the argument changes (as well see, assignments to const reference parameters are prohibited by the compiler.) A const reference parameter is dened using the const modier in conjunction with an ampersand as shown in constref.cpp, Program 6.5. Const reference parameters are also called read-only parameters.
Program 6.5 constref.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // illustrates const reference parameters // Owen Astrachan, 7/11/96, 4/19/99 void Print(const string & word); int main() { string word = PromptString("enter a word: "); Print("hello world"); Print(word); Print(word + " " + word); return 0; } void Print(const string & word) { cout << "printing: " << word << endl; }


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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

prompt> constref enter a word: rabbit printing: hello world printing: rabbit printing: rabbit rabbit

The parameter word in Print is a const reference parameter. The use of const prevents the code in Print from accidentally modifying the value of the argument corresponding to word. For example, adding the statement word = "hello" just before the output statement generates the following error message with one compiler:
Error : cannot pass const/volatile data object to non-const/volatile member function constref.cpp line 23 {word = "hello";

In addition, const reference parameters allow literals and expressions to be passed as arguments. In constref.cpp, the rst call of Print passes the literal "hello world", and the third call passes the expression word + " " + word. Literals and expressions can be arguments passed to value parameters since the value parameter provides the memory. However, literals and expressions cannot be passed to reference parameters since there is no memory associated with either a literal or an expression. Fortunately, the C++ compiler will generate a temporary variable for literals and expressions when a const reference parameter is used. If the const modier is removed from Print in constref.cpp, the program will fail to compile with most compilers. ProgramTip 6.9: Parameters of programmer-dened classes like string should be const reference parameters rather than value parameters. (Occasionally a copy is needed rather than a const reference parameter, but such situations are rare). There is no reason to worry about this kind of efciency for built-in types like int and double; these use relatively little memory, so that a copy takes no more time to create than a reference does and no temporary variables are needed when literals and expressions are passed as arguments.

For some classes a specic function is needed to create a copy. If a class does not supply such a copy-making functionactually a special kind of constructor called a copy constructorone will be generated by the compiler. This default copy constructor may not behave properly in certain situations that well discuss at length later. A brief discussion of copy constructors can be found in Section 12.10. The compiler will allow only accessor functions (see Section 6.1) labelled as const member functions to be applied to a const reference parameter. If you try to invoke a

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6.2 Program Design with Functions


mutator (non-const) member function on a const reference parameter the compilation will catch this error and fail to compile the program.5
Pause to Reect

6.9 What is the function header and body of a function GetName that prompts for a rst and last name and returns two strings, one representing each name? 6.10 Write a function Roots having the following function header:
void Roots(double a, double b, double c, double & root1, double & root2) // precondition: a,b,c coefficients of // ax2 + bx + c // postcondition: sets root1 and root2 to roots // of quadratic

that uses the quadratic formula: b b2 4ac 2a

to nd the roots of a quadratic. The call Roots(1,5,6,r1,r2) would result in r1 and r2 being set to 2 and 3. Youll have to decide what to do if there are no real roots. 6.11 Suppose that a function Mystery has only value parameters. What is printed by the following statements? Why?
int num = 3; double top = 4.5; Mystery(num,top); cout << num << " " << top << endl;

6.12 Write the header for a function that returns the number of weekdays (Monday through Friday) and weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) in a month and year that are input to the function as integer values using 1 for January and 12 for December. Dont write the function, just a header with pre- and post-conditions. 6.13 Two formal parameters can alias the same argument as shown in Change:
void Change(int & first, int & second) { first += 2; second *= 2; }

Some older compilers may issue a warning rather than an error, but 32-bit compilers will catch const errors and fail.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

Using the function Change above, explain why 20 is printed by the code fragment below and determine what is printed if num is initialized to 3 rather than 8.
int main() { int num = 8; Change(num,num); cout << num << endl; return 0; }

6.14 It is often necessary to interchange, or swap, the values of two variables. For example, if a = 5 and b = 7, then swapping values would result in a = 7 and b = 5. Write the body of the function Swap (Hint: Youll need to dene a variable of type int).
void Swap(int & a, int & b) // postcondition: interchanges values of a and b

We want to develop question classes for different kinds of quizzes, but we need some more programming tools. In the next sections well see how to read from les instead of just from the keyboard. Well see how to write to les too.

6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration

If you steal from one author, its plagiarism; if you steal from many, its research. Wilson Mizner

Word processing programs merely manipulate words and characters, but scholars sometimes use programs that process character data to determine authorship. For example, literary investigators have sought to determine the authorship of Shakespeares plays and sonnets. Some have argued that they were written by philosopher Francis Bacon or dramatist Christopher Marlowe, but most Shakespearean authorities doubt these claims. To amass evidence regarding the authorship of a literary work, it is possible to gather statistics to create a literary ngerprint. Such a ngerprint can be based on frequently used words, phrases, or allusions. It can also include a count of uncommon words. Computer programs facilitate the gathering of these data. In this section, we demonstrate the pattern of iterating over words and characters by simpler, but similar, kinds of programs. These programs will count words and letters the kind of task that is built into many word processing programs and used when a limit on the number of words in an essay is set, (e.g., by newspaper columnists and students writing English papers). Well rst write a program that counts words entered by the user or stored in a text le. A text le is the kind of le in which C++ programs are stored or word processing documents are saved when the latter are saved as plain text6 .

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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


Ill adopt a four-step process in explaining how to develop the program. As you write and develop programs, you should think about these steps and use them if they make sense. These steps are meant as hints or guidelines, not rules that should be slavishly followed.

6.3.1 Recommended Problem-solving and Programming Steps

1. Think about how to solve the problem with paper, pencil, and brain (but no computer). Consider how to extend the human solution to a computer-based solution. You may nd it useful to sketch a solution using pseudocode, a mixture of English and C++. If, after thinking about how to solve the problem with a computer (and perhaps writing out a solution), you are not sure how to proceed, pause. Try thinking about solving a related problem whose solution is similar to a program previously studied. Develop a working program or class in an iterative manner, implementing one part at a time before implementing the entire program. This can help localize problems and errors because youll be able to focus on small pieces of the program rather than the entirety. When youve nished, pause to reect on what youve learned about C++, programming, and program design and implementation. You may be able to develop guidelines useful in your own programming, and perhaps useful to others as well.




We will use these steps to solve the word count problem. First well specify the problem in more detail and develop a pseudocode solution. This step will show that were missing some knowledge of how to read from les, so well solve a related problem on the way to counting the words in a text le. After writing a complete program well develop a class-based alternative that will provide code thats easier to reuse in other contexts.

6.3.2 A Pseudocode Solution

Counting the words in this chapter or in Shakespeares play Hamlet by hand would be a boring and arduous task. However, its an easy task for a computer programsimply scan the text and count each word. It would be a good idea to specify more precisely what a word is. The rst part of any programming task is often a careful specication of exactly what the program should do. This may require dening terms such as word. In this case, well assume that a word is a sequence of characters separated from other words by white space. White space characters are included in the escape characters in Table A.5 in Howto A; for our purposes, white space is , \t, and \n: the space, tab, and newline characters7 . Escape sequences represent certain characters such

6 The adjective plain is used to differentiate text les from les in word processors that show font, page layout, and formatting commands. Most word processors have an option to save les as plain text. 7 Other white space characters are formfeed, return, and vertical tab.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

as the tab and newline in C++. To print a backslash requires an escape sequence; \\ prints as a single backslash8 . For this problem, well write a pseudocode description of a loop to count words. Pseudocode is a language that has characteristics of C++ (or Java, or some other language), but liberties are taken with syntax. Sketching such a description can help focus your attention on the important parts of a program.
numWords = 0; while (words left to read) { read a word; numWords++; } print number of words read

White Space Delimited Input for Strings. These pseudocode instructions are very close
to C++, except for the test of the while loop and the statement read a word. In fact, weve seen code that reads a word using the extraction operator >> (e.g., Program 3.1, macinput.cpp). White space separates one string from another when the extraction operator >> is used to process input. This is just what we want to read words. As an example, what happens if you type steel-gray tool-box when the code below is executed?
string first, second; cout << "enter two words:"; cin >> first >> second; cout << first << " : " << second << endl;

Since the space between the y of steel-gray and the t of tool-box is used to delimit the words, the output is the following:

steel-gray : tool-box

As another example, consider this loop, which will let you enter six words:
string word; int numWords; for(numWords=0; numWords < 6; numWords++) { cin >> word; cout << numWords << " " << word << endl; }

8 Consider buying groceries. Often a plastic bar is used to separate your groceries from the next persons. What happens if you go to a store to buy one of the plastic bars? If the person behind you is buying one too, what can you use to separate your purchases?

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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


Suppose you type the words below with a tab character between it and aint, the return key pressed after broke, and two spaces between dont and fix.
If it dont aint broke, fix it.

0 1 2 3 4 5 If it aint broke, dont fix

Although the input typed by the user appears as two lines, the input stream cin processes a sequence of characters, not a sequence of words or lines. The characters on the input stream appear as literally a stream of characters (the symbol is used to represent a space). If it\tain\t broke,\ndon\t fix it.

There are three different escape characters in this stream: the tab character, \t, the newline character, \n, and the apostrophe character, \. We dont need to be aware of these escape characters, or any other individual character, to read a sequence of words using the loop shown above. At a low level a stream is a sequence of characters, but at a higher level we can use the extraction operator, >>, to view a stream as a sequence of words. The extraction operator, >>when used with string variablesgroups adjacent, nonwhite space characters on the stream to form words as shown by the output of the while loop above. Note that punctuation is included as part of the word broke, because all nonwhite space characters, including punctuation, are the same from the point of view of the input stream cin. Since the operator >> treats all white space the same, the newline is treated the same as the spaces or tabs between adjacent words. Any sequence of white space characters is treated as white space, as can be seen in the example above, where a tab character space separates it from aint and two spaces separate dont from fix. Now that we have a better understanding of how the extraction operator works with input streams, characters, and words, we need to return to the original problem of counting words in a text le. We address two problems: reading an arbitrary number of words and reading from a le. We cannot use a denite loop because we dont know in advance how many words are in a lethats what were trying to determine.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

6.3.3 Solving a Related Problem

How can a loop be programmed to stop when there are no more words in the input? Step two of our method requires solving a familiar but related problem when confronted with a task whose solution isnt immediately apparent. In this case, suppose that words are to be entered and counted until you enter some specic word signaling that no more words will be entered. The test of a while loop used to solve this task can consist of while (word != LAST_WORD), where LAST_WORD is the special word indicating the end of the input and word holds the value of the string that you enter. This is an example of a sentinel loopthe sentinel is the special value that indicates the end of input. Such loops are classic fence post problems: you must enter a word before the test is made and, if the test indicates there are more words, you must enter another word. Program 6.6 shows such a sentinel loop accepting entries until the user enters the word end. The special sentinel value is not considered part of the data being processed. Sometimes its difcult to designate a sentinel value since no value can be singled out as invalid data. In the second run the number of words does not appear immediately after the word end is entered since more typing takes place afterward. The number of words is not output until after the return key is pressed, and this occurs several words after the word end is entered.
Program 6.6 sentinel.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // count words in the standard input stream, cin int main() { const string LAST_WORD = "end"; string word; int numWords = 0;

// initially, no words

cout << "type '" << LAST_WORD << "' to terminate input" << endl; cin >> word; while (word != LAST_WORD) // read succeeded { numWords++; cin >> word; } cout << "number of words read = " << numWords << endl; return 0; }


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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


prompt> sentinel type end to terminate input

One sh, two sh, red sh, blue sh end number of words read = 8
prompt> sentinel type end to terminate input

How will the world end with a bang or a whimper? number of words read = 4

This apparent delay is a side effect of buffered input, which allows the user to make corrections as input is entered. When input is buffered, the program doesnt actually receive the input and doesnt do any processing until the return key is pressed. The input is stored in a memory area called a buffer and then passed to the program when the line is nished and the return key pressed. Most systems use buffered input, although sometimes it is possible to turn this buffering off. Although we still havent solved the problem of developing a loop that reads all words (until none are left), the sentinel loop is a start in the right direction and will lead to a solution in the next section.
Pause to Reect

6.15 The sentinel loop shown here reads integers until the user enters a zero. Modify the loop to keep two separate counts: the number of positive integers entered and the number of negative integers entered. Use appropriate identiers for each counter.
const int SENTINEL = 0; int count = 0; int num; cin >> num; while (num != SENTINEL) { count++; cin >> num; }

6.16 Does your system buffer input in the manner described in this section? What happens if Program 6.6 is run and the user enters the text below? Why?
This is the start, this is the end --- nothing is in between.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

6.17 Another technique used with sentinel loops is to force the loop to iterate once. This is called priming the loop9 . If the statement cin >> word before the while loop in Program 6.6 is replaced with the statement word = "dummy";, how should the body of the while loop be modied so that the program counts words in the same way? 6.18 Suppose that you want to write a loop that stops after either of two sentinel values is read. Using the technique of the previous problem in which the loop is forced to iterate once by giving a dummy value to the string variable used for input, write a loop that counts words entered by the user until the user enters either the word end or the word finish. Be sure to use appropriate const denitions for both sentinels.

6.3.4 The Final Program: Counting Words

We are nally ready to nish a program that counts all the words in a text le or all the words a user enters. We would like to rene the loop in Program 6.6, sentinel.cpp, so that it reads all input but does not require a sentinel value to identify the last word in the input stream. This will let us calculate the number of words (or characters, or occurrences of the word the) in any text le since we wont need to rely on a specic word to be the sentinel last word. This is possible in C++ because the extraction operator not only extracts strings (or numbers) from an input stream, but returns a result indicating whether the extraction succeeds. For example, a code fragment used earlier read the words steel-gray and tool-box using the statement
cin >> first >> second;

This statement is read, or parsed, by the C++ compiler as though it were written as
(cin >> first) >> second;

because >> is left-associative (see Table A.4 in Howto A.) Think of the input stream, cin, as owing through the extraction operators, >>. The rst word on the stream is extracted and stored in first, and the stream continues to ow so that the second word on the stream can be extracted and stored in second. The result of the rst extraction, the value of the expression (cin >> first), is the input stream, cin, without the word that has been stored in the variable first.

The ReturnValue of operator >>. The most important point of this explanation is
that the expression (cin >> first) not only reads a string from cin but returns the stream so that it can be used again, (e.g., for another extraction operation). Although it may seem strange at rst, the stream itself can be tested to see if the extraction succeeded. The following code fragment shows how this is done.

9 The derivation of priming probably comes from old water-pumps that had to be primed or lled with water before they started.

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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


int num; cout << "enter a number: "; if (cin >> num) { cout << "valid integer: " << num << endl; } else { cout << "invalid integer: " << num << endl; }

enter a number: 23 valid integer: 23 enter a number: skidoo23 invalid integer: 292232 enter a number: 23skidoo valid integer: 23

The expression (cin num) evaluates to true when the extraction of an integer from cin has succeeded. The characters skidoo23 do not represent a valid integer, so the message invalid integer is printed. The integer printed here is a garbage value. Since no value is stored in the variable num when num is rst dened, whatever value is in the memory associated with num is printed. Other runs of the program may print different values. Note that when 23skidoo is entered, the extraction succeeds and 23 is stored in the variable num. In this case, the characters skidoo remain on the input stream and can be extracted by a statement such as cin >> word, where word is a string variable. The use of the extraction operator to both extract input and return a value used in a boolean test can be confusing since the extraction operation does two things. Some people prefer to write the if statement using the fail member function of the stream cin.
cin >> num; if (! cin.fail()) { cout << "valid integer: " }

<< num << endl;

The member function fail returns true when an extraction operation has failed and returns false otherwise. You do not need to use fail explicitly since the extraction operator returns the same value as fail, but some programmers nd it clearer to use fail. The stream member function fail returns true whenever a stream operation has failed, but the only operations weve seen so far are I/O operations. Details of all the stream member functions can be found in Howto B.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

Program 6.7 correctly counts the number of words in the input stream cin by testing the value returned by the extraction operator in a while loop.
Program 6.7 countw.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // count words in the standard input stream, cin int main() { string word; int numWords = 0;

// initially, no words

while (cin >> word) // read succeeded { numWords++; } cout << "number of words read = " << numWords << endl; return 0; }


The test of the while loop is false when the extraction operation fails. When reading strings, extraction fails only when there is no more input. As shown above, input with integers (and doubles) can fail if a noninteger value is entered. Since any sequence of characters is a string, extraction fails for strings only when there is no more input. If youre using the program interactively, you indicate no more input by typing a special character called the end-of-le character. This character should be typed as the rst and only character on a line, followed by pressing the return key. When UNIX or Macintosh computers are used, this character is Ctrl-D, and on MS-DOS/Windows machines this character is Ctrl-Z. To type this character the control key must be held down at the same time as the D (or Z) key is pressed. Such control characters are sometimes not shown on the screen but are used to indicate to the system running the program that input is nished (end of le is reached).

prompt> countw How shall I love thee? Let me count the ways. D number of words read = 10

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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


The end-of-le character was not typed as the string D but by holding down the Control key and pressing the D key simultaneously. Well modify countw.cpp so that it will count words stored in a text le; then well see how to turn this program into a class that makes it a general-purpose programming tool.

6.3.5 Streams Associated with Files

In Program 6.6, sentinel.cpp, and Program 6.7, countw.cpp, the standard input stream, cin, was used as the source of words. Clearly you cant be expected to type in all of Hamlet to count the words in that play. Instead, you need some way to create a stream associated with a text le (rather than with the keyboard and the standard input stream, cin). A class ifstream, accessible by including the le <fstream> (or <fstream.h> on some systems), is used for streams that are associated with text les. Program 6.8, countw2.cpp, is a modication of Program 6.7 but uses an ifstream variable.
Program 6.8 countw2.cpp
#include #include #include #include <iostream> <fstream> <string> "prompt.h"

// for ifstream

// count words in a file specified by the user int main() { string word; int numWords = 0; int sum = 0; ifstream input;

// initially no words // sum of all word lengths

string filename = PromptString("enter name of file: "); input.open(filename.c_str()); // bind input to named file

while (input >> word) // read succeeded { numWords++; sum += word.length(); } cout << "number of words read = " << numWords << endl; cout << "average word length = " << sum/numWords << endl; return 0; }


In the following runs, the le melville.txt is the text of Herman Melvilles Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street. The le hamlet.txt is the complete

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

text of William Shakespeares Hamlet. These, as well as other works by Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, and others, are accessible as text les.10

prompt> countw2 enter name of file: melville.txt number of words read = 14353 average word length = 4 prompt> countw2 enter name of file: hamlet.txt number of words read = 31956 average word length = 4 prompt> countw2 enter name of file: macbet.txt number of words read = 0 Floating exception

The variable input is an instance of the class ifstreaman input le stream and supports extraction using >> just as cin does. The variable input is associated, or bound, to a particular user-specied text le with the member function ifstream::open().
input.open(filename.c_str()); // bind input to named file

The string filename that holds the name of the user-specied le is an argument to the member function ifstream::open(). The standard string member function c_str() returns a C-style string required by the prototype for the function open(). The open() function may be modied to accept standard strings, but the conversion function c_str() will always work. Once input is bound to a text le, the extraction operator >> can be used to extract items from the le (instead of from the user typing from the keyboard as is the case with cin). There is a similar class ofstream (for output le stream) also accessible by including the header le <fstream>. This class supports the use of the insertion operator, <<, just as ifstream supports extraction, using the >> operator. The code fragment below writes the numbers 1 to 1,024 to a le named "nums.dat", one number per line.
ofstream output; output.open("nums.dat"); int k; for(k=0; k < 1024; k++)

The les containing these literary works are available with the material that supports this book. These texts are in the public domain, which makes on-line versions of them free.


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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


{ }

output << k << endl;

In the example of using Program 6.8, le macbet.txt has no words. I made a mistake when entering the name of the le to read (I meant to type macbeth.txt), which caused the extraction operation to fail because the le does not exist. Because no words were read, the average calculation resulted in a division-by-zero error. On some systems, division by zero can cause the machine to crash. A robust program protects against errors. Program 6.8 could be made robust by guarding the average calculation with an if statement to check whether numWords == 0. Its also possible to check the result of the function ifstream::open as shown.
input.open(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail()) { cout << "open for " << filename << " failed " << endl; }

You should always look carefully at program output to determine if it meets your expectations. The average printed for both Hamlet and Melville is four. This is surprising; you probably do not expect the averages to be exactly the same. To x this problem well need to change how the average is calculated; we need to use double values.

6.3.6 Type Casting

Since both numWords and sum are int variables, the result of the division operator, /, is an int. How can the correct average be calculated? One method is to dene sum to be a double variable. Since the statement
sum += word.length();

will correctly accumulate a sum of integers even when sum is a double variable, this method will work reasonably well. However, it may not be the best method, since the wrong type (double) is being used to accumulate the sum of integers. Instead, we can use a type cast. This is a method that allows one type to be converted (sometimes called coerced) into another type. For example, the statement:
cout << "average length = " << double(sum)/numWords << endl;

yields the correct average of 4.705 for Melville and 4.362 for Hamlet. The expression double(sum) shows that the type double is used like a function name with an argument sum. The result is a double that is as close to the integer value of sum as possible. Since the result of a mixed-type arithmetic expression is of the highest type (in this case, double), 3.5 will be printed. You can also write a cast as ((double) sum)/numWords.11 A cast has higher precedence than arithmetic operators (see Table A.4 in Howto A), so (double) sum/numWords will also work because sum is cast to a double value before the division occurs.


This is the C-style of casting but can be used in C++ and is useful if the cast is to a type whose name is more than one word, such as long int.

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Alternatively, the statement

cout << "average length = " << sum/double(numWords) << endl;

also gives a correct result since the mixed-type expression yields a double result. ProgramTip 6.10: Be careful when casting a value of one type to another. It is possible that a type cast will result in a value changing. Casting is sometimes necessary, but you should be cautious in converting values of one type to another type. For example, using Turbo C++ the output of the three statements
cout << int(32800.2) << endl; cout << double(333333333333333) << endl; cout << int(3.6) << endl;


-32736 9.214908e+08 3

The third number printed is easy to explaincasting a double to an int truncates, or chops off, the decimal places. The rst two numbers exceed the range of valid values for int and double, respectively using Turbo C++. In general, casting is sometimes necessary, but you must be careful that the values being cast are valid values in the type being cast to.

Casting with static_cast. Four cast operators are part of standard C++. In this book the operator static_cast will be used.12 As an example, the statement
cout << double(sum)/numWords << endl;

is written as shown in the following to use the static_cast operator.

cout << static_cast<double>(sum)/numWords << endl;

Your C++ compiler may not support static_cast, but this will change soon as the C++ standard is adopted. Using static_cast makes casts easier to spot in code. Also, since casting a value of one type to another is prone to error, some people prefer to use static_cast because it leads to ugly code and will be less tempting to use.

12 The other cast operators are const_cast, dynamic_cast, and reinterpret_cast; well have occasion to use these operators, but rarely.

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6.3 Reading Words: Stream Iteration


6.3.7 A Word-Reading Class Using ifstream

The third of the program development guidelines given in Section 6.3.1 calls for programs to be developed using an iterative process. Sometimes this means redesigning an already working program so that it will be useful in different settings. In the case of Program 6.7, countw.cpp, we want to reimplement the program in a new way to study a programming pattern that we will see on many occasions throughout this book. The resulting program will be longer, but it will yield a C++ class that is easier to modify for new situations than the original program. It will also help us focus on a pattern you can use in other classes and programs: the idea of processing entries. In this case well process all the words in a text le. The same design pattern can be used to process all the prime numbers between 1000 and 9999, all the les in a computer disc directory, and all the tracks on a compact disc. The pattern of iteration over entries is expressed in pseudocode as
find the first entry; while (the current entry is valid) { process the current entry; advance to the next entry; }

Well use a WordStreamIterator class to get words one at a time from the text le. As an example of how to use the class, the function main below is black-box equivalent to Program 6.7, countw.cpp. For any input, the output of these two programs is the same.
int main() { string word; int numWords = 0; WordStreamIterator iter;

// initially, no words

iter.Open(PromptString("enter name of file: ")); for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) { numWords++; } cout << "number of words read = " << numWords << endl; return 0; }

This program fragment may seem more complex than the code in countw2.cpp, Program 6.8. This is often the case; using a class can yield code that is lengthier and more verbose than non class-based code. However, class-based code is often easier to adapt to different situations. Using classes also makes programs easier to develop on more than one computing platform. For example, if there are differences in how text les

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

are read using C++ on different computers, these differences can be encapsulated in classes and made invisible to programmers who can use the classes without knowing the implementation details. This makes the code more portable. The process of developing code in one computing environment and moving it to another is called porting the code. The member functions Init, HasMore, Next, and Current together form a programming pattern called an iterator. This iterator pattern is used to loop over values stored somewhere, such as in an ifstream variable. By using the same names in other iterating contexts we may be able to develop correct code more quickly. Using the same names also lets us use programming tools developed for iterators. We have focused on how to use classes rather than on how to design classes. In general, designing classes and programs is a difcult task. One design rule that helps is based on building new designs on proven designs. This is especially true when a design pattern can be reused. Program Tip 6.11: A pattern is a solution to a problem in a context. In the case of the WordStreamIterator class, the problem is accessing the strings in a stream many times within the same program. The class hides the details of the stream functions and lets us concentrate on accessing a sequence of strings rather than on details of how to re-read a stream. The class declaration forWordStreamIterator is found in worditer.h, Program G.6 in Howto G. We wont look at the implementation in worditer.cpp, but the code is provided for use with this book. You need to understand how to use the class, but to use the class you dont need to understand the implementation. In the case of a WordStreamIterator object, you should know that the member function WordStreamIterator::HasMore will return true if there is more input to be read. When HasMore returns false, accessing the current word using the Current member function is not a valid operation. The constructor WordStreamIterator::WordStreamIterator leaves the object iter in a state where accessing the current word is not valid. In this state the function HasMore will return false. You must call the function Init to access words. The call iter.Init reads the rst word from the input stream and updates the internal state accordingly.
Pause to Reect

6.19 What statements can be added to countw2.cpp, Program 6.8 so that three values are tracked: the number of small (13 letter) words, the number of medium (47 letter) words, and the number of large (8 or more letter) words. 6.20 What is the function header for a function that accepts a le name and returns the number of small, medium, and large words as dened in the previous exercise (the function has four parameters, the le name is passed into the function, the other values are returned from the function via parameters.) 6.21 What is the value of 1/2 and why is it different from 1/2.0? What is the value of 20/static_cast<double>(6)?

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6.4 Finding Extreme Values


6.22 Write code that prompts for two le names, one for input and one for output. Every word in the input le should be written to the output le, one word per line. 6.23 The statement below reads one string and two ints.
string s; int m,n; cin >> s >> m >>n;

The statement succeeds in reading three values if the user types "hello 12 3" (without the quotes.) What is the value of n in this case? If the user types "hello 1 2 3 4 5" the statement succeeds (what is the value of n?), but if it is executed immediately again, the value of n will be 5. Why, and what is the value of s after the statement executes again. 6.24 Suppose a text le named "quiz.dat" stores student information, one student per line. Each students rst name, last name, and ve test scores are on one line (there are no spaces other than between names and scores.)
owen astrachan 70 85 80 70 60 josh astrachan 100 100 95 97 93 gail chapman 88 90 92 94 96 susan rodger 91 91 91 55 91

Write a loop to read information for all students and to print the average for each student. 6.25 Why cant the WordStreamIterator class be used to solve the problem in the previous exercise (knowing what youve learned so far, there is a way to solve the problem using the function atoi from "strutils.h", see Howto G.)

6.4 Finding ExtremeValues

We ascribe beauty to that which is simple, which has no superuous parts; which exactly answers its end, which stands related to all things, which is the mean of many extremes. Ralph Waldo Emerson The Conduct of Life

The maximum and minimum values in a set of data are sometimes called extreme values. In this section well examine code to nd the maximum (or minimum) values in a set of data. For example, instead of just counting the number of words in Shakespeares Hamlet we might like to know what word occurs most often. Using the WordStreamIterator class we can do so, although the program is very slow. Later

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in the chapter I will introduce a mechanism for speeding up the program. As a preliminary step, well look at mindata.cpp, Program 6.9, designed to nd the minimum of all numbers in the standard input stream. The if statement compares the value of the number just read with the current minimum value. A new value is assigned to minimum only when the newly read number is smaller. However, Program 6.9 does not always work as intended, as you may be able to see from the second run of the program. Using the second run, you may reason about a mistake in the program: the variable minimum is initialized incorrectly. You may wonder about what happens when the string "apple" is entered when a number is expected. As you can see from the output, the program only counts four numbers as read in the second run. The operator >> fails when you attempt to extract an integer but enter a noninteger value such as "apple". The operator >> fails in the following situations: 1. 2. There are no more data to be read (extracted) from the input stream; (i.e., all input has been processed). There was never any data because the input stream was not bound to any le. This can happen when an ifstream object is constructed and initialized with the name of a le that doesnt exist or isnt accessible. The data to be read are not of the correct type, (e.g., attempting to read the string "apple" into an integer variable).


Program 6.9 mindata.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // determine minimum of all numbers in input stream int main() { int numNums = 0; int minimum = 0;

// initially, no numbers // tentative minimal value is 0

int number; while (cin >> number) { numNums++; if (number < minimum) { minimum = number; } } cout << "number of numbers = " << numNums << endl; cout << "minimal number is " << minimum << endl; return 0; }


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6.4 Finding Extreme Values


prompt> mindata 3 5 2 135 33 14 3 199 257 582 9392 78 number of numbers = 19 minimal number is 582 prompt> mindata

20 30 40 50 apple 60 70 number of numbers = 4 minimal number is 0

There are two methods for xing the program so that it will work regardless of what integer values are entered; currently the test in the if statement of mindata.cpp will never be true if the user enters only positive numbers. Initialize minimum to innity so the rst time the if statement is executed the entered value will be less than minimum. Initialize minimum to the rst value entered on the input stream. Well elaborate on each of these approaches in turn.

6.4.1 Largest/ SmallestValues

To implement the rst approach well take advantage of the existence of a largest integer in C++. Since integers (and other types such as double) are stored in a computer using a xed amount of memory, there cannot be arbitrarily large or small values. In the standard system le <climits> ( or limits.h), several useful constants are dened:

These constants represent, respectively, the largest and smallest int values and the largest and smallest long values. We can now initialize minimum from Program 6.9 as follows (assuming <climits> is included.)
int main() { int numNums = 0; // initially, no numbers int minimum = INT_MAX; // all values less than this }

The program nds the correct minimum because the if test evaluates to true the rst time, since any integer value is less than or equal to INT_MAX. However, if only values

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

of INT_MAX are encountered, the test of the if statement will never be true. In this case the program still nds the correct minimum of INT_MAX. Similar constants exist for double values; these are accessed by including <cfloat> (or <float.h>). The largest and smallest double values are represented by the constants DBL_MIN and DBL_MAX, respectively.

6.4.2 Initialization: Another Fence Post Problem

Implementing the second approach to the extreme value problemusing the rst item read as the initial value for minimumis a typical fence post problem. An item must be read before the loop to initialize minimum. Items must continue to be read within the loop. In developing code for this approach, we must decide what to do if no items are entered. What is the minimum of no values? Perhaps the safest approach is to print an error message as shown in Program 6.10.
Program 6.10 mindata2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // determine minimum of all numbers in input stream // illustrates fencepost problem: first item is minimum initialization int main() { int numNums = 0; int minimum; int number;

// initially, no numbers // smallest number entered // user entered number

if (cin >> number) // read in first value { minimum = number; // to initialize minimum numNums++; } while (cin >> number) // read in any remaining values { numNums++; if (number < minimum) { minimum = number; } } if (numNums > 0) { cout << "number of numbers = " << numNums << endl; cout << "minimal number is " << minimum << endl; } else { cout << "no numbers entered, no minimum found" << endl; } return 0; }


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6.4 Finding Extreme Values


The input statement cin >> number is the test of the if statement. It ensures that a number was read. Another approach to using the rst number read as the initial value of minimum uses an if statement in the body of the while loop to differentiate between the rst number and all other numbers. The value of numNums can be used for this purpose.
while (cin >> number) { numNums++; if (numNums == 1 || number < minimum) { minimum = number; } }

Many people prefer the rst approach because it avoids an extra check in the body of the while loop. The check numNums == 1 is true only once, but it is checked every time through the loop. In general, you should prefer an approach that does not check a special case over and over when the special case can only occur once. On the other hand, the check in the loop body results in shorter code because there is no need to read an initial value for minimum. Since code isnt duplicated (before the loop and in the loop), there is less of a maintenance problem because code wont have to be changed in two places. The extra check in the loop body may result in slightly slower code, but unless you have determined that this is a time-critical part of a program, ease of code maintenance should probably be of greater concern than a very small gain in efciency. There is no single rule you can use to determine which is the best method. As with many problems the best method depends on the exact nature of the problem. ProgramTip 6.12: The safest approach to solving extreme problems is to use the rst value for initialization of all variables that track the extreme (minimum or maximum). If youre nding the minimum or maximum of numeric values represented by int or double, then constants like INT_MIN can be used, but using the rst value is always safe.

Pause to Reect

6.26 If mindata.cpp, Program 6.9, is modied so that it reads oating-point numbers (of type double) instead of integers, which variables types change? What other changes are necessary? 6.27 If the largest and smallest in a sequence of BigInt values are being determined, what is the appropriate method for initializing the variables tracking the extreme values? (The type BigInt was introduced in Section 5.1.3.) 6.28 What happens if each of the following statements is used to calculate the average of the values entered in Program 6.8 Why?
cout << "average word length = " << (double) sum/numWords << endl;

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Does the statement below produce different output?

cout << "average word length = " << (double sum/numWords) << endl;

6.29 Write and run a small program to output the largest and smallest integer values on your system. 6.30 Modify mindata.cpp, Program 6.9, and mindata2.cpp, Program 6.10, to calculate the maximum of all values read. 6.31 Strings can be compared alphabetically (also called lexicographically) using the operators < and > so that "apple" < "bat" and "cabinet" > "cabbage". What is the function header and body of a function that exhaustively reads input and returns the alphabetically rst and last word read?

6.4.3 Word Frequencies

We can use the method of nding extreme values from mindata.cpp, Program 6.9, and the WordStreamIterator class to nd the word that occurs most often in a text le. The idea is to read one word at a time using a WordStreamIterator object and to use another iterator to read the entire text le from beginning to end counting how many times the given word occurs. This is shown in Program 6.11. Using nested iterators in this way results in a very slow program, because if there are 2000 words in a le, the le will be read 2000 times. Redundancy occurs because we dont have the programming tools to track whether a word is already counted; thus we may count the number of times the occurs more than 100 times.
Program 6.11 maxword.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "worditer.h" #include "prompt.h" // illustrates nested loops using WordStreamIterator class // to find the word that occurs most often in a file // Owen Astrachan, 2/13/96, 4/10/99 int main() { int maxOccurs = 0; int wordCount = 0; string word,maxWord; string filename = PromptString("enter file name: "); WordStreamIterator outer,inner;

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6.4 Finding Extreme Values

outer.Open(filename); inner.Open(filename); // open two iterators


for(outer.Init(); outer.HasMore(); outer.Next()) { wordCount++; word = outer.Current(); // current word for comparison int count = 0; // count # occurrences for(inner.Init(); inner.HasMore(); inner.Next()) { if (inner.Current() == word) // found another occurrence { count++; } } if (count > maxOccurs) // maximal so far { maxOccurs = count; maxWord = word; } if (wordCount % 100 == 0) // update "progress bar" { cout << ".."; if (wordCount % 1000 == 0) cout << endl; } } cout << endl << "word \"" << maxWord << "\" occurs " << maxOccurs << " times" << endl; return 0; }


prompt> maxword enter file name: poe.txt .................... .................... ...... word "the" occurs 149 times

The outer loop, using the iterator outer, processes each word from a text le one at a time. The inner loop reads the entire le, counting how many times word occurs in the le. Since each WordStreamIterator object has its own state, the iterator outer keeps track of where it is in the input stream, even as the iterator inner reads the entire stream from beginning to end.
Pause to Reect

6.32 According to countw2.cpp, Program 6.8, Hamlet has 31,956 words and an average word length of 4.362 characters. If a computer can read 200,000 characters per second, provide a rough but reasoned estimate of how long it will take maxword.cpp to nd the word in Hamlet that occurs most often.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

6.33 Suppose that the code in main from mindata.cpp, Program 6.9, is moved to a function named ReadNums so that the new body of main is
{ .... ReadNums(numNums,minimum); cout << "number of numbers = " << numNums << endl; cout << "minimal number is " << minimum << endl; }

What is the function header and body of ReadNums? How would the function header and body change if only the average of the numbers read is to be returned? 6.34 How can you modify maxword.cpp so that instead of printing two dots every 100 words as it does currently, it prints a percentage of how much it has processed, like this:
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... word "the" occurs 149 times

(Hint: count the total words rst.)

6.4.4 Using the CTimer class

Program 6.11 is slow, but how slow is it? User-interface studies show that people are more willing to put up with slow programs, or slow internet connections, if feedback is provided about how much time a program or download is expected to take13 . Using the class CTimer, whose interface is given in ctimer.h as Program G.5 in Howto G, allows us to provide a user with feedback. The CTimer class also allows us to time how long code fragments or functions take to execute which, in turn, allows us to evaluate algorithm and program efciency. Program 6.12 shows how CTimer can be used to time loop-execution time. The program shows all but one of the CTimer member functions. The function CTimer::Reset resets a CTimers internal stopwatch to zero. The precision or granularity of the timing done by CTimer may depend on the machine on which its run. On many machines, the class ticks in increments of one-sixtieth of a second14 .


Have you ever watched the progress bar in an internet browser as it updates the time to complete a download? 14 The tick-value is found as the constant CLOCKS_PER_SEC in the header le <ctime> or time.h.

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6.4 Finding Extreme Values


Program 6.12 usetimer.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std;

#include "ctimer.h" #include "prompt.h"

// illustrate CTimer class and loop timings

int main() { int inner = PromptRange("# inner iterations x 10,000 ",1,10000); int outer = PromptRange("# outer iterations",1,20);

long j,k; CTimer timer;

for(j=0; j < outer; j++) { timer.Start(); for(k=0; k < inner10000L; k++) { // nothing done here } timer.Stop(); cout << j << "\t" << timer.ElapsedTime() << endl; } cout << "-" << endl; cout << "total = " << timer.CumulativeTime() << "\t" << innerouter10000L << " iterations "<< endl;

return 0; }


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run on a PII, 300 Mhz machine running Windows NT prompt> usetimer #inner iterations x 10,000 between 1 and 10000: 10000 # outer iterations between 1 and 20: 3 0 2.364 1 2.353 2 2.373 ------total = 7.090 300000000 iterations run on a P100 machine running Linux prompt> usetimer #inner iterations x 10,000 between 1 and 10000: 10000 # outer iterations between 1 and 20: 3 0 17.11 1 17.11 2 17.12 ------total = 51.34 300000000 iterations

Using the CTimer class we can add code to Program 6.11 to give the user an estimate of how long the program will take to run. The modied program is maxword2.cpp. The entire program is accessible online, or with the code that comes with this book. The timing portions of the code are shown as Program 6.13 after the output.

prompt> maxword2 enter file name: poe.txt 2.314 of 46.5

timing data removed

46.197 of 48.5 of 50.804 of 53.107 of word "the" 46.5 46.5 46.5 46.5 occurs 149 times

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6.5 Case Study: Iteration and String Sets


Program 6.13 maxword2time.cpp

CTimer timer; timer.Start(); for(outer.Init(); outer.HasMore(); outer.Next()) { wordCount++; } timer.Stop(); double totalTime = timer.ElapsedTime()wordCount; wordCount = 0; timer.Reset(); for(outer.Init(); outer.HasMore(); outer.Next()) { word = outer.Current(); // current word for comparison wordCount++; int count = 0; // count # occurrences timer.Start(); for(inner.Init(); inner.HasMore(); inner.Next()) { if (inner.Current() == word) // found another occurrence { count++; } } if (count > maxOccurs) // maximal so far { maxOccurs = count; maxWord = word; } if (count > maxOccurs) // maximal so far { maxOccurs = count; maxWord = word; } timer.Stop(); if (wordCount % 100 == 0) { cout << timer.CumulativeTime() << "\tof " << totalTime << endl; } }


As you can see in the output, the time-to-completion is underestimated by the program. The loop that calibrates the time-to-completion reads all the words, but does not compare words. The string comparisons in the inner nested loop take time thats not accounted for in the time-to-completion calibrating loop.

6.5 Case Study: Iteration and String Sets

Well take one step toward speeding up maxword.cpp, Program 6.11 by studying the class StringSet and its associated iterator class StringSetIterator. Sets used in programming are based on the mathematical notion of set: a collection of elements with no duplicates. Examples include sets of integers: {1, 3, 2, 4}, sets of shapes: { , , , }, and sets of spicy spices {"paprika", "cayenne",

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

"chili"}. The collection {1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1} is not a set because it contains duplicate elements. Program 6.14 illustrates how to program using the class StringSet and the associated class StringSetIterator. The member functions of StringSetIterator have the same names as those of the class WordStreamIterator.
Program 6.14 setdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "stringset.h" // demonstrate string set use int main() { StringSet sset; sset.insert("watermelon"); sset.insert("apple"); sset.insert("banana"); sset.insert("orange"); sset.insert("banana"); sset.insert("cherry"); sset.insert("guava"); sset.insert("banana"); sset.insert("cherry"); cout << "set size = " << sset.size() << endl; StringSetIterator it(sset); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { cout << it.Current() << endl; } return 0; }


prompt> setdemo set size = 6 apple banana cherry guava orange watermelon

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6.5 Case Study: Iteration and String Sets


Client programs can call StringSet::insert hundreds of times with the same argument, but only the rst call succeeds in inserting a new element into the set. Other StringSet member functions include StringSet::clear which removes all elements from a set and StringSet::erase which removes one element, if it is present; that is, sset.erase("apple") decreases the size of the set used in setdemo.cpp, Program 6.14 by removing ("apple"). The header le stringset.h is Program G.7 in Howto G.

6.5.1 Iterators and the strutils.h Library

Program 6.15, setdemo2.cpp shows two different kinds of iterators used in the same program. The program reads a le and stores all the words in a StringSet object. The words are rst converted to lowercase and all leading and trailing punctuation is removed using functions ToLower and StripPunc from "strutils.h" (for details see Program G.8 in Howto G.) This reduces the number of different words in many of the English text les used in this book. For example, the line below occurs in The Cask of Amontillado, used in this book as the le poe.txt.
Yes, yes, I said; yes, yes.

If we dont strip punctuation and convert to lowercase this line contains four occurrences of the word yes (each word is shown surrounded by double quotes that arent part of the word as read by the program): Yes,, yes,, yes,, and yes..

6.5.2 TheType ofstream

Program 6.15, setdemo2.cpp shows how to print to a text le of type ofstream. Opening an ofstream variable uses the same syntax as opening an ifstream variable. Writing to an ifstream uses the same syntax as writing to cout as shown by the function Print which accepts either cout or the ifstream variable output as arguments. The reason that both streams can be arguments is that the parameter has type ostream. Well explore why both cout and an ifstream object have the type ostream in a later chapter.15 Program Tip 6.13: When passing streams as parameters, use ostream for output streams and istream for input streams. Using the most general kind of stream as a parameter ensures that youll be able to pass many different kinds of streams as arguments. Although weve only studied cin and ifstream for input, and cout and ofstream for output, youll encounter other kinds of streams later in this book and your study of C++.

This works because of inheritance, but you do not need to understand inheritance conceptually, or how it is implemented in C++, to use streams.


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Program Tip 6.14: Streams must be passed by reference. The compiler may not complain if you pass a stream by value, but your program will not work properly. Streams are almost never const-reference parameters since stream functions invariably change the state of the stream.

Program 6.15 setdemo2.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> // for ifstream and ofstream #include <string> using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "worditer.h" "stringset.h" "strutils.h" "prompt.h"

Print(StringSetIterator& ssi, ostream& output) { for(ssi.Init(); ssi.HasMore(); ssi.Next()) { output << ssi.Current() << endl; } } int main() { string filename = PromptString("enter file name: "); WordStreamIterator wstream; wstream.Open(filename); string word; StringSet wordset; for(wstream.Init(); wstream.HasMore(); wstream.Next()) { word = wstream.Current(); ToLower(word); StripPunc(word); wordset.insert(word); } StringSetIterator ssi(wordset); Print(ssi,cout); cout << "# different words = " << wordset.size() << endl; filename = PromptString("file for output: "); ofstream output(filename.c_str()); Print(ssi,output); return 0; }


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6.5 Case Study: Iteration and String Sets


prompt> hamlet.txt 1 1604 a amercy

output words removed

yourself yourselves youth zone # different words = 4832 file for output: hamwords.dat

When the program is run on Shakespeares Hamlet as shown, the le hamwords.dat is created and contains the 4,832 different words occurring in Hamlet. The words are printed in alphabetical order because of how the StringSet class is implemented. Note that words include 1 and 1604 and that these appear before words beginning with a because of the character system used in computers in which digits come before letters.

6.5.3 Sets andWord Counting

Using a StringSet object greatly speeds up the execution time for maxword.cpp, Program 6.11. The original program used nested iterators to nd the most frequently occurring word in a le. The modied version below, maxword3.cpp, Program 6.16, puts the words in a set, then the outer iterator goes over the set while the inner iterator reads the le each time. The program uses an object of type CircleStatusBar to monitor how much time remains as its reading a le and nding the most frequently occurring word.16 Three snapshots of the CircleStatusBar timing a run using Poes The Cask of Amontillado are shown in Figure 6.3. The program does not use the "strutils.h" functions StripPunc and ToLower that were used in setdemo2.cpp, Program 6.15. This is why the number of different words is shown as 1,040 for maxword3.cpp, but as 810 for setdemo2.cpp.

16 The CircleStatusBar class in tstatusbar.h requires the use of the graphics library discussed in Howto H.

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Figure 6.3 Timed output from maxword3.cpp using StatusCircle, WordIter, and
StringSet classes.

Program 6.16 maxword3.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "worditer.h" #include "stringset.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "statusbar.h" // 4/23/99, find most frequently occurring word using stringsets/iterators int main() { int maxOccurs = 0; int wordsRead = 0; string word,maxWord; StringSet wordSet; StatusCircle circle(50); string filename = PromptString("enter file name: "); WordStreamIterator ws; ws.Open(filename); for(ws.Init(); ws.HasMore(); ws.Next()) { wordSet.insert(ws.Current()); } cout << "read " << wordSet.size() << " different words" << endl; StringSetIterator ssi(wordSet); for(ssi.Init(); ssi.HasMore(); ssi.Next()) { circle.update(wordsRead/double(wordSet.size())100); int count = 0; wordsRead++; word = ssi.Current(); for(ws.Init(); ws.HasMore(); ws.Next())

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6.5 Case Study: Iteration and String Sets

{ if (ws.Current() == word) { count++; }


} if (count > maxOccurs) { maxOccurs = count; maxWord = word; } } cout << endl << "word \"" << maxWord << "\" occurs " << maxOccurs << " times" << endl; return 0; }


enter file name: poe.txt read 1040 different words word "the" occurs 149 times

If the functions StripPunc and ToLower are used, the word the will occur more than 149 times.
Pause to Reect

6.35 Write the body of the function below that creates the union of two string sets.
void union(const StringSet& lhs, const StringSet& rhs, StringSet& result) // post: result contains elements in either lhs or rhs

6.36 Write the body of the function below that creates the intersection of two string sets.
void intersect(const StringSet& lhs, const StringSet& rhs, StringSet& result) // post: result contains elements in both lhs and rhs

(If you compare the sizes of lhs and rhs you can make the function more efcient by looping over the smallest set). 6.37 Write a loop that prints all the strings in a set that are still elements of the set if the rst character is removed, (e.g., like "eat" and "at" if both were in the set). 6.38 Write a loop to print all the strings in a set that are pseudo-palindromes different words when written backwards, such as "stressed" and "desserts" (if both are in the set.)

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

6.6 Chapter Review

In this chapter we studied how classes were implemented, with an in-depth look at the class Dice. Member functions of classes are categorized as constructors, accessor, and mutator functions; private data makes up the state of a class. We studied different modes of parameter/argument passing. We saw how (relatively) simple it is to read and write text les in C++ because of the similarity of le streams to cin and cout. We saw a pattern of iteration using functions Init, HasMore, and Next used with both streams and with sets of strings. The pattern was used to permit programs to access the elements of a collection without real knowledge of how the collection is implemented. By using the same names for iterator functions, well make it easier to understand new iterators when we encounter them. We also studied how to solve extreme problems; such as nding the maximum and minimum in a collection. Important topics covered include the following: Accessor and mutator functions allow a class state to be examined and changed, respectively. Private instance variables are accessible only in member functions, not in client programs. Coupling and cohesion are important criteria for evaluating functions, classes, and programs. Reference parameters permit values to be returned from functions via parameters. This allows more than one value to be returned. Const reference parameters are used for efciency and safety. Parameters are passed by value (a copy is made) unless an ampersand, &, is used for pass by reference. In this case the formal parameter identier is an alias for the memory associated with the associated function argument. A variable is dened when storage is allocated. A variable is declared if no storage is allocated, but the variables type is associated with the variables identier. Parameters for programmer-dened classes are often declared as const reference parameters to save time and space while ensuring safety. Programs are best designed in an iterative manner, ideally by developing a working program and adding pieces to it so that the program is always functional to some degree. Writing pseudocode rst is often a good way of starting the process of program development. The extraction operator, >>, uses white space to delimit, or separate, one string from another. In sentinel loops, the sentinel value is not considered part of the data. The extraction operator returns a value that can be tested in a loop to see whether the extraction succeeds, so while (cin word) is a standard idiom for reading streams until there is no more data (or until the extraction fails). The stream member function fail can be used too. Files can be associated with streams using ifstream variables. The extraction operator works with these streams. The ifstream member function open is

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used to bind a named disk le to a le stream. An ofstream variable is used to associate an output le stream with a named disk le. If you enter a nonnumeric value when a numeric value (e.g., an int or a double) is expected, the extraction will fail and the nonnumeric character remains unprocessed on the input stream. Types sometimes need to be cast, or changed, to another type. Casting often causes values to change; that is when casting from a double to an int, truncation occurs. A new cast operator, static_cast, should be used if your compiler supports it. Constants for the largest int and double values are accessible and can be found in the header les <limits.h> and <float.h>, respectively. The constants dening system extreme values are INT_MAX, INT_MIN, LONG_MAX, LONG_MIN, DBL_MAX, and DBL_MIN. Finding extreme (highest and lowest) values is a typical fence post problem. Initializing with the rst value is usually a good approach, but sometimes a value of innity is available for initialization (e.g., INT_MAX). The class CTimer can be used to time program segments. The granularity of its underlying clock may differ among different computers. The WordStreamIterator class encapsulates le-reading so that the same le can be easily read many times within the same program. The StringSet class is used to represent sets of strings (no duplicates). An associated class StringSetIterator allows access to each value in a set.

6.7 Exercises
6.1 Create a data le in the format firstname lastname testscore firstname lastname testscore where the rst two entries on a line are string values and the last entry is an int test score in the range 0100. For example: Owen Astrachan 95 Dave Reed 56 Steve Tate 99 Dave Reed 77 Steve Tate 92 Owen Astrachan 88 Mike Clancy 100 Mike Clancy 95 Dave Reed 47 Write a program that prompts for a name and then reads the text le and computes and outputs the average test score for the person whose name is entered. Use the following while statement to read entries from an ifstream variable input.

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

string first, last; int score; while (input >> first >> last >> score) { // read one line, process it } 6.2 Implement a class similar to the class Dice but like the childs game Magic 8-Ball. Call the class Fortune. A Fortune object should represent a many-sided fortune-teller. You can choose six sides, or eight sides, or even twenty sides like the real Magic 8-ball, but the number of sides is xed. It is not specied at construction as it is for the class Dice. Each time the object is rolled, (or shaken, or asked to tell the future) a different fortune is returned. For example, consider the code below and the sample output. #include "fortune.h" int main() { int rolls = PromptRange("# of fortunes ", 1, 10); Fortune f; int k; for(k=0; k < rolls; k++) { cout << f.Shake() << endl; } return 0; }

prompt> testfortune # of fortunes 4 Reply Hazy, Try Again My Reply is No Concentrate and Ask Again Signs Point to Yes

Be creative with your fortunes, and develop a program that illustrates all the member functions of your class. For an added challenge, make the class behave so that after it has told more than 100 fortunes it breaks and tells the same one every time. 6.3 Create a class WordDice similar to the class from the previous exercise, but with a constructor that takes a le name and reads strings from the specied le. The strings can be stored in a StringSet instance variable. One of the strings is returned at random each time the function WordDice::Roll is called. For example, the code segment below might print any one of seven different colors if

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the data le "spectrum.dat" contains the lines: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet The code fragment using this le follows: WordDice wd("spectrum.dat"); cout << wd.Roll() << endl; cout << wd.Roll() << endl; cout << wd.Roll() << endl;

prompt> testwordie red green yellow

You should test the program with different data les. For an added challenge, test the program by rolling a WordDice object as many times as needed until all the different words are rolled. Print the number of rolls needed to generate all the possible words. 6.4 Create a data le where each line has the format item size retail-price-sold-for For example, a le might contain information from a clothing store (prices arent meant to be realistic): coat small 110.00 coat large 130.00 shirt medium 22.00 dress tiny 49.00 pants large 78.50 coat large 140.00 Write a program that prompts the user for the name of a data le and then prompts for the name of an item, the size of the item, and the wholesale price paid for the item. The program should generate several statistics as output:

Average retail price paid for the item Total prot made for selling the item Percentage of all sales accounted for by the specied item and size, both by price and by units sold Percentage of all item sales, where the item is the same as specied, both by price and by units sold

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

For example, in the data le above, if the wholesale price of a large coat is $100.00, then the output should include: Average retail price for large coats is $135.00. Total prot is $70.00. Percentage of all sales is one-third (2 out of 6). Percentage of all coat sales is two-thirds (2 out of 3). 6.5 Write a program based on the word game Madlibs. The input to Madlibs is a vignette or brief story, with words left out. Players are asked to ll in missing words by prompting for adjectives, nouns, verbs, and so on. When these words are used to replace the missing words, the resulting story is often funny when read aloud. In the computerized version of the game, the input will be a text le with certain words annotated by enclosing the words in brackets. These enclosed words will be replaced after prompting the user for a replacement. All words are written to another text le (use an ofstream variable).17 Since words will be read and written one at a time, youll need to keep track of the number of characters written to the output le so that you can use an endl to nish off, or ush, lines in the output le. For example, in the sample run below, output lines are ushed using endl after writing 50 characters (the number of characters can be accumulated using the string member function length.) The output below is based on an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet annotated for the game. Punctuation must be separated from words that are annotated so that the brackets can be recognized (using substr). Alternatively, you could search for brackets using find and maintain the punctuation. The text le mad.in is But soft! What [noun] through yonder window [verb] ? It is the [noun] , and [name] is the [noun] ! Arise, [adjective] [noun] , and [verb] the [adjective] [noun] , Who is already [adjective] and [another_adjective] with [emotion] The output is shown on the next page. Because we dont have the programming tools to read lines from les, the lines in the output arent the same as the lines in the input. In the following run, the output le created is reread to show the user the results.

17 You may need to call the member function close on the ofstream object. If the output le is truncated so that not all data is written, call close when the program has nished writing to the stream.

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prompt> madlibs enter madlibs file: mad.in name for output file: mad.out enter noun: sh enter verb: jumps enter noun: computer enter name: Susan enter noun: porcupine enter adjective: wonderful enter noun: book enter verb: run enter adjective: lazy enter noun: carwash enter adjective: creative enter another_adjective: pretty enter emotion: anger But soft! What fish through yonder window jumps ? It is the computer, and Susan is the porcupine ! Arise, wonderful book , and run the lazy carwash , Who is already creative and pretty with anger

6.6 Write a program to compute the average of all the numbers stored in a text le. Assume the numbers are integers representing test scores, for example: 70 85 90 92 57 100 88 87 98 First use the extraction operator, >>. Then use a WordStreamIterator object. Since WordStreamIterator::Current returns a string, youll need to convert the string to the corresponding integer; that is, the string "123" should be converted to the int 123. The function atoi in "strutils.h" in Howto G will convert the string. int atoi(string s) // pre: s represents an int, that is "123", "-457", etc. // post: returns int equivalent of s // if s isnt properly formatted (that is "12a3") // then 0 (zero) is returned 6.7 The standard deviation of a group of numbers is a statistical measure of how much the numbers spread out from the average (the average is also called the mean). A low standard deviation means most of the numbers are near the mean. If numbers are denoted as (x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn ), then the mean is denoted as x. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. (The standard deviation is usually denoted by the Greek letter sigma, , and the variance is denoted by 2 .

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

The mathematical formula for calculating the variance is 2 = = 1 [(x1 x)2 + (x2 x)2 + (xn x)2 ] n1 n 1 [ (xi x)2 ] n 1 i=1

Using algebra this formula can be rearranged to yield the formula 2 = 1 1 [ x2 ( xi )2 ] n 1 i=1 i n i=1
n n


This formula does not involve the mean, so it can be computed with a single pass over all the data rather than two passes (one to calculate the mean, the other to calculate the variance). Write a program to compute the variance and standard deviation using both formulae. Although these formulae are mathematically equivalent, they often yield very different answers because of errors introduced by oating-point computations. Use the technique from the previous exercise so that you can read a le of data twice using a WordStreamIterator object. If the data consist of oating-point values instead of integers, you can use the function atof to convert a string to the double value it represents, such as atof("123.075") == 123.075. 6.8 The hailstone sequence, sometimes called the 3n + 1 sequence, is dened by a function f (n): n/2 if n is even f (n) = (6.2) 3 n + 1 otherwise, if n is odd We can use the value computed by f as the argument of f as shown below; the successive values of n form the hailstone sequence.18 while (n != 1) { n = f(n); } Although it is conjectured that this loop always terminates, no one has been able to prove it. However, it has been veried by computer for an enormous range of numbers. Several sequences are shown below with the initial value of n on the left. 7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 14 7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1


Its called a hailstone sequence because the numbers go up and down, mimicking the process that forms hail.

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8 4 2 1 9 28 14 7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 Write a program to nd the value of n that yields the longest sequence. Prompt the user for two numbers, and limit the search for n to all values between the two numbers. 6.9 Use the CTimer class test two methods for computing powers outlined in Section 5.1.7. The rst method outlined there makes n multiplications to compute x n ; the second method makes roughly log2 (n) multiplications, that is, 10 multiplications to compute x 1024 (here x is a double value but n is an int.) Write two functions, with different names but the same parameter lists, for computing x n based on the two methods. Call these functions thousands of times each with different values of n. For example, you might calculate 3.050 , 3.0100 , 3.0150 and so on. Youll need to do several calculations for a xed n to make a CTimer object register. Plot the values with values of n on the x-axis and time (in seconds) on the y-axis. If you have access to a spreadsheet program you can make the plots automatically by writing the data to an output le. You should also compare the time required by these two methods, with the time using the function pow from <cmath>. Finally, you should test both methods of exponentiation using BigInt values rather than double values for the base (the exponent can still be an integer.) You should try to explain the timings you observe with BigInt values which should be different from the timings observed for double values. 6.10 Data les for several of Shakespeares plays are available on the web pages associated with this book (and may be included in a CD you can get with the books programs.) Write a program that reads the words from at least ve different plays, putting the words from each play in a StringSet object. You should nd the words that are in the intersection of all the plays. Finding the intersection may take a while, so test the program with small data les before trying Shakespeares plays. After youve found the words in common to all ve plays (or more plays) nd the top ten most frequently occurring of these words. There are many ways to do this. One method is to nd the most frequently occurring word using code from Program 6.16, maxword3.cpp. After this word is found, remove it from the set of common words and repeat the process. You can use this method to rank order (most frequent to least frequent) all the words in common to the plays, but this will take a long time using the WordStreamIterator class. 6.11 Do the last exercise, but rather than reading a le of words many times (e.g., once for each word in the list of common words) adopt a different approach. First read all the words from a le into a list, using the class StringList from clist.h. Program 6.17, listcount.cpp shows how StringList is used. The only function thats needed other than iterating functions is the function cons that attaches an element to the front of a list and returns the new list (the old list is not changed).

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Chapter 6 Classes, Iterators, and Patterns

prompt> hamlet.txt rst 31,949 words removed DENMARK OF PRINCE HAMLET, OF TRAGEDY THE 1604 31957 words read

Program 6.17 listcount.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "clist.h" #include "prompt.h" int main() { string filename = PromptString("enter filename "); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); string word; StringList slist; while (input >> word) { slist = cons(word,slist); } StringListIterator it(slist); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { cout << it.Current() << endl; } cout << slist.Size() << " words read " << endl; return 0; }


Since new words are added to the front using cons, the words are stored in the list so that the rst word read is the last word in the list. Using the class StringList can make string processing programs faster that using the class WordStreamIterator

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because strings are read from memory rather than from disk. For example, on my 300 MHz Pentium, using maxword.cpp, Program 6.11 takes approximately 53 seconds to process poe.txt. Using maxword3.cpp, Program 6.16 takes approximately 28 seconds. Replacing the inner WordStreamIterator by a StringListIterator reduces the time to 3.4 seconds because memory is so much faster than disk.

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Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

There is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity. Fred P. Brooks No Silver Bullet Essence and Accident in Software Engineering

One tenet of object-oriented programming is that a library of well-designed classes makes it easier to design and write programs. The acronym COTS, for commercial, off-the shelf software, is often used to identify the process of reusing (commercial) libraries of classes and code. Classes are often easier to reuse in programs than non-class code. For example, weve used the Dice and RandGen classes and the functions from "prompt.h" in many programs. In almost every program weve used cout and cin, objects that are part of the hierarchy of stream classes. As programmers and designers, we need to be familiar with what classes are available and with patterns of design that we can use. Reusing concepts is often as important as reusing code. In this chapter well discuss the design and implementation of a class-based program for administering on-line quizzes. Well see that careful planning makes it possible to reuse the same class interface so that different kinds of quizzes can be given. Well study another example of class interface reuse in a program that simulates random walks in one- and two-dimensions.

7.1 Designing Classes: From Requirements to Implementation

Choosing classes and member functions is a difcult design process. Its very hard to choose the right number of classes with the right member functions so that the classes are cohesive, loosely coupled, easy to modify, and yield an elegant and correctly working program. Many programmers and computer scientists are good algorithmic thinkers but bad class designers, and vice versa. You shouldnt expect to become an accomplished designer early in your studies, but you can build expertise by studying other designs, and by modifying existing designs before creating your own. In this way youll learn as an apprentice learns any craft.1

Programming is both an art and a science. To some, its only a science or only an art/craft. In my view there are elements of both in becoming an accomplished programmer. You must understand science and mathematics, but good design is not solely a scientic enterprise.


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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

7.1.1 Requirements
The requirements of a problem or programming task are the constraints and demands asked by the person or group requesting a programming solution to a problem. As a designer/programmer your task in determining requirements is to interact with the user (here user means both the person using the program and the person hiring you) to solicit information and feedback about how the program will be used, what it must accomplish, and how it interacts with other programs and users. In this book and in most early courses, the requirements of a problem are often spelled out explicitly and in detail. However, sometimes you must infer requirements or make a best guess (since you dont have a real user/software client with whom to interact.) The specication of the quiz problem from Section 6.2.2 is reproduced below. From the specication you may be able to infer the requirements. Well use the specication as a list of requirements and move toward designing classes. We want to develop a quiz program that will permit different kinds of questions; that is not just different kinds of arithmetic problems, but questions about state capitals, English literature, rock and roll songs, or whatever you think would be fun or instructive. Wed like the program to be able to give a quiz to more than one student at the same time, so that two people sharing a keyboard at one computer could both participate. If possible, wed like to allow a student to have more than one chance at a question. Thinking about this specication leads to the following requirements (in no particular order). 1. 2. 3. More than one kind of question can be used in a quiz. Several students can take a quiz sharing a keyboard. Students may be allowed more than one chance to answer a question.

With a real client you would probably get the chance to ask questions about the requirements. Should a score be reported as in Programs 6.2 and 6.3? Should the scores be automatically recorded in a le? Should the user have the choice of what kind of quiz to take? Well go forward with the requirements weve extracted from the problem specication. Well try to design a program that permits unanticipated demands (features?) to be incorporated. As we develop classes well keep the examples simple and wont go deeply into all the issues that arise during design. Our goal here is to see the process simply, glossing over many details but giving a real picture of the design process. In later chapters and future courses youll delve more deeply into problems and issues of designing classes.

7.1.2 Nouns as Classes

The nouns in a specication are usually good candidates for classes. In the specication above the nouns that seem important include: quiz, question, problem, student, computer, keyboard, chance

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7.1 Designing Classes: From Requirements to Implementation


Our program doesnt need to deal with the nouns computer and keyboard, so well use the other nouns as candidates for classes. As you become more experienced, youll develop a feel for separating important nouns/classes from less important ones. Youll learn to identify some candidate class nouns as synonyms for others. For this quiz program well develop three classes: quiz, question, and student. A question object will represent a kind of question factory that can generate new problems. For example, an arithmetic question class might generate problems like what is 2 + 2? or what is 3 7? On the other hand, an English literature question class might generate problems like Who wrote Charlottes Web? or In what work does the character Holden Cauleld appear?. As youll see, a problem will be a part of the question class rather than a separate class.

7.1.3 Verbs as Member Functions (Methods)

The rst step in designing identied classes is determining class behavior and responsibility. A classs public member functions determine its behavior. In some object-oriented languages member functions are called methods; Ill often use the terms member function and method interchangeably. Sometimes you may think at rst that a method belongs to one class, but during the design process it will seem better to place it in another class. There isnt usually one right way to design classes or a program. The responsibilities of a class are the methods associated with the class and the interactions between classes. Sometimes candidate class methods can be found as verbs in a specication. Often, however, youll need to anticipate how a program and classes are used to nd methods.

7.1.4 Finding Verbs Using Scenarios

Its not always clear what member functions are needed. Sometimes creating scenarios of how a program works helps determine class behavior and responsibility. A scenario is a description, almost like a dialog, between the user and the program or between classes in a program. In the quiz example scenarios could include: Two students sit at a keyboard, each is asked to enter her name, then a quiz is given and students alternate providing answers to questions. When a quiz is given, the student determines the number of questions that will be asked before the quiz starts. If two people are taking a quiz together, both are asked the same number of questions. Students have two chances to respond to a question. A simple correct or incorrect is given as feedback to each student response. If a student doesnt type a correct response, the correct answer is given. At the end of a quiz, each student taking the quiz is given a score. Some verbs from these scenarios follow (long, descriptive names are chosen to make the verbs more clear).

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

EnterName, ChooseNumberOfQuestions, ChooseKindOfQuestion, RespondToQuestion, GetCorrectAnswer, GetScore, AskQuestion, ProvideFeedback Which of these verbs goes with which class? In assigning responsibilities well need to return to the scenarios to see how the classes interact in a program. At this point were concentrating only on public behavior of the classes, not on private state or implementation of the classes. ProgramTip 7.1: Concentrate on behavior rather than on state in initial class design. You can change how a class is implemented without affecting client programs that use the class, but you cannot change the member functions (e.g., the parameters used) without affecting client programs.

Client programs depend on the interface provided in a header le. If the interface changes, client programs must change too. Client programs should not rely on how a class is implemented. By writing code that conforms to an interface, rather than to an implementation, changes in client code will be minimized when the implementation changes.2
Pause to Reect

7.1 The method Dice::Roll in dice.cpp, Program 6.1 uses a local RandGen variable to generate simulated random dice rolls. If the RandGen class is changed, does a client program like roll.cpp, Program 5.11 change? Why? 7.2 What are the behaviors of the class CTimer declared in the header le ctimer.h, Program G.5 and used in the client code usetimer.cpp, Program 6.12? 7.3 Write a specication for a class that simulates a coin. Tossing the coin results in either heads or tails. 7.4 Write a specication and requirements for a program to help a library with overdue items (libraries typically loan more than books). Make up whatever you dont know about libraries, but try to keep things realistic. Develop some scenarios for the program. 7.5 Suppose youre given an assignment to write a program to simulate the gambling game roulette using a computer (see Exercise 9 at the end of this chapter for an explanation of the game). Write a list of requirements for the game; candidate classes drawn from nouns used in your description; potential methods; and scenarios for playing the game.

Client programs may depend indirectly on an implementation, that is, on how fast a class executes a certain method. Changes in class performance may not affect the correctness of a client program, but the client program will be affected.

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7.1 Designing Classes: From Requirements to Implementation


Mary Shaw (b. 19??)

Mary Shaw is Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests are in the area of software engineering, a subeld of computer science concerned with developing software using well-dened tools and techniques. In [EL94] Shaw says this about software engineering: Science often grows hand-in-hand with related engineering. Initially, we solve problems any way we can. Gradually a small set of effective techniques enters the folklore and passes from one person to another. Eventually the best are recognized, codied, taught, perhaps named. Better understanding yields theories to explain the techniques, to predict or analyze results, and to provide a base for systematic extension. This improves practice through better operational guidance and tools that automate details. The software developer, thus freed from certain kinds of detail, can tackle bigger, more complex problems. In discussing her current research interests, Shaw combines the themes of both language and architecture. She describes her research in the following: Software now accounts for the lions share of the cost of developing and using computer systems. My research is directed at establishing a genuine engineering discipline to support the design and development of software systems and reduce the costs and uncertainties of software production. My current focus is on design methods, analytic techniques, and tools used to construct complete software systems from subsystems and their constituent modules. This is the software architecture level of design, which makes me a software architect. (This is from her World Wide Web home page at Carnegie Mellon.) In 1993 Shaw received the Warnier prize for contributions to software engineering. Among her publications are guides to bicycling and canoeing in western Pennsylvania.

7.1.5 Assigning Responsibilities

Not all responsibilities will be assigned to a class. Some will be free functions or code that appears in main, for example. In my design, I decided on the following assignments of responsibilities to classes.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

Student Construct using name (ask for name in main) RespondTo a question GetScore GetName (not in scenario, but useful accessor) Quiz ChooseKindOfQuestion AskQuestion of/GiveQuestion to a student Question Create/Construct question type AskQuestion GetCorrectAnswer These assignments are not the only way to assign responsibilities for the quiz program. In particular, its not clear that a Student object should be responsible for determining its own score. It might be better to have the Quiz track the score for each student taking the quiz. However, well think about how scores are kept (this is state, and we shouldnt think about state at this stage, but we can think of which class is responsible for keeping the state). If Quiz keeps score, then it may be harder to keep score for three, four, or more students. If each Student keeps score, we may be able to add students more easily. We havent assigned to any class the responsibilities of determining the number of questions and of providing feedback. Well prompt the student for the number of questions in main and feedback will be part of either Quiz::GiveQuestionTo or Student::RespondTo. Were using the scope resolution operator :: to associate a method with a class since this makes it clear how responsibilities are assigned.

7.1.6 Implementing andT esting Classes

At this point you could write a header (.h) le for each class. This helps solidify our decisions and writing code usually helps in nding aws in the initial design. Design is not a sequential process, but is a process of iterative enhancement. At each step, you may need to revisit previous steps and rethink decisions that you thought were obviously correct. As you begin to implement the classes, you may develop scenarios unanticipated in the rst steps of designing classes. Program Tip 7.2: One cornerstone of iterative enhancement is adding code to a working program. This means that the software program grows, it doesnt spring forth fully functional. The idea is that its easier to test small pieces and add functionality to an already tested program, than it is to test many methods or a large program at once.

Ideally well test each class separately from the other classes, but some classes are

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strongly coupled and it will be difcult to test one such class without having the other class already implemented and tested. For example, testing the Student::RespondTo method probably requires passing a question to this method that the student can respond to. If we dont have a question what can we do? We can use stub functions that are not fully functional (e.g., the function might be missing parameters) but that generate output well use to test our scenarios. We might use the stub shown as Program 7.1.
Program 7.1 studentstub.cpp
void Student::RespondTo( missing Question parameter ) { string answer; cout << endl << "type answer after question " << endl; cout << "what is your favorite color? "; cin >> answer; if (answer == "blue") { cout << "that is correct" << endl; myCorrect++; } else { cout << "No! your favorite color is blue" << endl; } }


We could use this stub function to test the other member functions Student::Name() and Student::Score(). Program 7.2 shows a test program for the class Student.
Program 7.2 mainstub.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "student.h" #include "prompt.h" int main() { string name = PromptString("enter name: "); int numQuest = PromptRange("number of questions: ",1,10); Student st(name); int k; for(k=0; k < numQuest; k++) { st.RespondTo(); // question parameter missing } cout << st.Name() << ", your score is " << st.Score() << " out of " << numQuest << endl; return 0; }


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In testing the class Student I created a program teststudent.cpp like mainstub.cpp above. I put the class interface/declaration (.h le) and implementation/denition (.cpp le) in teststudent.cpp rather than in separate les (although the program above shows a #include"student.h", thats not how I originally wrote the test program). After the class was tested, I cut-and-pasted the code segments into the appropriate student.h and student.cpp les. Although not shown here, a test program similar to the one above is available as teststudent.cpp in the on-line programs available for this book (but see quiz.cpp, Program 7.8 for a complete program with classes Student and Quiz). A run of teststudent.cpp (or mainstub.cpp, Program 7.2) follows.

enter name: Owen number of questions: between 1 and 10: 3

type answer after question what is your favorite color? red No! your favorite color is blue type answer after question what is your favorite color? blue that is correct type answer after question what is your favorite color? yellow No! your favorite color is blue Owen, your score is 1 out of 3

After testing the Student class we can turn to the Quiz class. In general the order in which classes should be implemented and tested is not always straightforward. In [Ben88] John Bentley offers the following tips from Al Schapira: ProgramTip 7.3: Always do the hard part rst. If the hard part is impossible, why waste time on the easy part? Once the hard part is done, youre home free.

Program Tip 7.4: Always do the easy part rst. What you think at rst is the easy part often turns out to be the hard part. Once the easy part is done, you can concentrate all your efforts on the hard part.

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7.1.7 Implementing the Class Quiz

There are two behaviors in the list of responsibilities for the class Quiz: choosing the kind of question and giving the question to a student. The kind of question will be an integral part of the class Question. Its not clear what the class Quiz can do in picking a type of question, but if there were different kinds of questions perhaps the Quiz class could choose one. Since we currently have only one type of question well concentrate on the second responsibility: giving a question to a student. In designing and implementing the function Quiz::GiveQuestionTo we must decide how the Quiz knows which student to ask. There are three possibilities. The important difference between these possibilities is the responsibility of creating Student objects. 1. A Quiz object knows about all the students and asks the appropriate student. In this case all Student objects would be private data in the Quiz class, created by the Quiz. The student of whom a question will be asked is passed as an argument to the Quiz::GiveQuestionTo member function. In this case the Student object is created somewhere like main and passed to a Quiz. The student is created in the function Quiz::GiveQuestionTo and then asked a question.



These are the three ways in which a Quiz member function can access any kind of data, and in particular a Student object. The three ways correspond to how Student objects are dened and used: 1. 2. 3. As instance variables of the class Quiz since private data is global to all Quiz methods, so is accessible in Quiz::GiveQuestionTo. As parameter(s) to Quiz::GiveQuestionTo. Parameters are accessible in the function to which theyre passed. As local variables in Quiz::GiveQuestionTo since local variables dened in a function are accessible in the function.

In our quiz program, the third option is not a possibility. Variables dened within a function are not accessible outside the function, so Student objects dened within the function Quiz::GiveQuestionTo are not accessible outside the function. This means no scores could be reported, for example. If we choose the rst option, the Quiz class must provide some mechanism for getting student information since the students will be private in the Quiz class and not accessible, for example, in main to print scores unless the Quiz class provides accessor functions for students. The second option makes the most sense. Student objects can be dened in main, as can a Quiz object. We can use code like the following to give a quiz to two students.

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int main() { Student owen("Owen"); Student susan("Susan"); Quiz q; q.GiveQuestionTo(owen); q.GiveQuestionTo(susan); cout << owen.Name() << " score = " << owen.Score() << endl; cout << susan.Name() << " score = " << susan.Score() << endl; return 0; }

This code scenario corresponds to one of the original requirements: allow two students to take a quiz at the same time using the same program. The code should also provide a clue as to how the Student parameter is passed to Quiz::GiveQuestionTo, by value, by reference, or by const-reference. If you think carefully about the code, youll see that the score reported for each student must be calculated or modied as part of having a question asked. This means the score of a student changes (potentially) when a question is asked. For changes to be communicated, the Student parameter must be a reference parameter. A value parameter is a copy, so any changes will not be communicated. A const-reference parameter cannot be changed, so the number of correct responses cannot be updated. Reference parameters are used to pass values back from functions (and sometimes to pass values in as well), so the Student parameter must be passed by reference. Well design the function Quiz::GiveQuestionTo() to permit more than one attempt, one of the original program requirements. The code is shown in Program 7.3.
Program 7.3 quizstub.cpp
void Quiz::GiveQuestionTo(Student & s) // postcondition: student s asked a question { cout << endl << "Ok, " << s.Name() << " it's your turn" << endl; cout << "type answer after question " << endl; myQuestion.Create(); if (! s.RespondTo(myQuestion)) { cout << "try one more time" << endl; if (! s.RespondTo(myQuestion)) { cout << "correct answer is " << myQuestion.Answer() << endl; } } }


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This code shows some of the methods of the class Question. From the code, and the convention of using the prex my for private data, you should be able to reason that the object myQuestion is private data in Quiz and that methods for the Question class include Question::Create() and Question::Answer(). The other method listed in the original responsibilities for Question, which well call Question::Ask() is responsible for asking the question. As well see, this method is called in Student::RespondTo().
Pause to Reect

7.6 If myQuestion is an instance variable of the class Quiz, where is myQuestion constructed? 7.7 Why is s, the parameter of Quiz::GiveQuestionTo() a reference parameter? Why cant it be a const reference parameter (think about the scenarios and what happens to parameter s after a question is given.) 7.8 As shown in Program 7.3, the function Student::RespondTo() returns a bool value. Based on the values use, what is an appropriate postcondition for the function? 7.9 How is the function Student::RespondTo() in Program 7.3 different from the version used in mainstub.cpp, Program 7.2? Is it appropriate that the function changed? 7.10 What is the prototype of the method Student::RespondTo() as it is used in Program 7.3? In particular, how is the parameter passed: by value, by reference, or by const reference (and why)? 7.11 Question::Answer() returns the correct answer in some printable form. When do you think the correct answer is determined?

7.1.8 Implementing the Class Question

In testing the function Quiz::GiveQuestionTo above, I didnt have the class Question implemented. I could have implemented a simple version of the class; a version good enough for testing other classes. Alternatively I could use output statements in place of calling the Question methods, much like the quiz about favorite colors was used in testing the class Student. Since a simple version of the class is useful in testing other classes, I implemented the version shown in question.h, Program 7.4. Note that each member function is implemented in the class rather than as a separate function outside the class. In general, the class declaration (interface) should be kept separate from the denition (implementation). For a test implementation like this one, which will eventually be replaced by separate .h and .cpp les, making all the code part of the class declaration is acceptable practice. When function denitions are included in a class declaration, the functions are called inline functions. In general you should not use inline member functions, but should dene them in a separate .cpp le.

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Program Tip 7.5: Some programmers use inline member functions for small classes those classes that have few member functions and few instance variables. However, as youre learning to design and implement classes its a good idea to use the generally accepted practice of separating a classs interface from its implementation by using separate .h and .cpp les.

Program 7.4 question.h

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // simple Question class for testing other classes class Question { public: Question() { // nothing to initialize } void Create() { // the same question is used every time } void Ask() { cout << "what is your favorite color? "; } string Answer() const { return "blue"; } };


Our test version of Student::RespondTo can be modied to use the simple Question class as shown. The output of the program will not change from the original version in teststudent.cpp.
void Student::RespondTo(Question & q) { string answer; cout << endl << "type answer after question " << endl; q.Ask(); cin >> answer; if (answer == q.Answer()) { cout << "that is correct" << endl; myCorrect++; } else

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{ } }

cout << "No! your favorite color is " << q.Answer() << endl;

With this simple version of Question done, we can test the implementations of Student and Quiz completely. Then we can turn to a complete implementation of a Question class for implementing quizzes in arithmetic as called for in the requirements for this problem.

7.1.9 Sidebar: Converting int and doubleValues to strings

In our test-version of the Question class the function Question::Answer() returns a string. As we turn to the nal implementation it seems like well need to change this return type to be an int since the answer to a question about an arithmetic operation like addition is almost certainly an integer, not a string. Theres a compelling reason to leave the return type as string, however. One of the original requirements was to design and implement a program that allows quizzes about a wide variety of topics, such as English literature and rock and roll songs in the original list of topics. The answers to these questions will almost certainly be strings rather than numbers. How can we accommodate all possible quiz answers? If we could convert int values to strings, such as the number 123 to the string "123", we could continue to use strings to represent answers. Since almost any kind of answer can be represented as a string, wed like to use strings. For example, the string "3.14159" prints just like the double value 3.14159. We built functions for converting integers to an English representation in numtoeng.cpp, Program 4.10 and in digits.cpp, Program 5.5. These programs converted an int value like 123 to "one hundred twenty three" and "one two three", respectively. We could use these as a basis for writing our own conversion functions. Fortunately, there are functions already written that convert numeric values to equivalent strings and vice versa. These functions are demonstrated in numtostring.cpp, Program 7.5. As shown in the output, the functions tostring, atoi, and atof do no error checking (non-numeric strings are converted to zero by both atoi and atof.) These conversion functions are part of the string processing functions accessible using strutils.h given in Howto G as Program G.8.3 With the conversion functions from strutils.h now in our programming tool kit, we can tackle the problem of implementing the Question class for questions about arithmetic problems.

The functions atoi and atof are adapter functions for standard conversion functions with the same names in <cstdlib> (or <stdlib.h>). The functions atoi and atof in <cstdlib> take C-style, char * strings as parameters, so functions accepting string parameters are provided in "strutils.h" as adapters for the standard functions.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

Program 7.5 numtostring.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "strutils.h" // for tostring, atoi

// illustrate string to int/double conversion and vice versa int main() { int ival; double dval; string s; cout << "enter an int "; cin >> ival; s = tostring(ival); cout << ival << " as a string is " << s << endl; cout << "enter a double "; cin >> dval; cout << dval << " as a string is " << tostring(dval) << endl; cout << "enter an int (to store in a string) "; cin >> s; ival = atoi(s); cout << s << " as an int is " << ival << endl; cout << "enter a double (to store in a string) "; cin >> s; cout << s << " as a double is " << atof(s) << endl; return 0; }


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prompt> numtostring enter an int 1789 1789 as a string is 1789 enter a double 2.7182 2.7182 as a string is 2.7182 enter an int (to store in a string) -639 -639 as an int is -639 enter a double (to store in a string) 17e2 17e2 as a double is 1700 prompt> numtostring enter an int -123 -123 as a string is -123 enter a double 17e2 1700 as a string is 1700 enter an int (to store in a string) 23skidoo 23skidoo as an int is 23 enter a double (to store in a string) pi pi as a double is 0

The member function Question::Ask() must ask the question last created by the function Question::Create(). Since these functions are called independently by client programs, the Create function must store information in private, state variables of the Question class. These state variables are then used by Question::Ask() to print the question. Well use simple addition problems like what is 20 + 13?. Well store the two numbers that are part of a question in instance variables myNum1 and myNum2. Values will be stored in these variables by Question::Create() and the values will be accessed in Question::Ask(). Well also store the answer in the instance variable myAnswer so that it can be accessed in the accessor function Question::Answer(). ProgramTip 7.6: Instance variables are useful for communicating values between calls of different member functions. The values might be set in one function and accessed in a different function. Sometimes instance variables are used to maintain values between calls of the same function. As the last step in our design well think about frequent uses of the class that we can make easier (or at least simpler). Client code will often check if a student response is correct, using code like this:
if (response == q.Answer()) // correct

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Well make this easier by using a bool-valued function Question::IsCorrect so that checking code will change to this:
if (q.IsCorrect(response)) // correct

This opens the possibility of changing how the function Question::Answer works. For example, we could allow albany to be a match for Albany by making IsCorrect ignore the case of the answers. We could even try to allow for misspellings. We might also try to prevent clients from calling Answer, but allow them to check if an answer is correct. Well leave the Answer function in place for now, but in designing classes the goal of hiding information and minimizing access to private state should be emphasized. Consider the unnecessary information revealed in some campus debit-card systems. If a student buys some food, and the register shows a balance of $1,024.32 to everyone in the checkout line, too much information has been revealed. The only information thats needed to complete the purchase is whether the student has enough money in her account to cover the purchase. Its ne for the everyone to see Purchase OK, but its not acceptable for everyone to see all balances. A student balance, for example, could be protected by using a password to access this sensitive information. Finally, we decide which functions are accessors and which are mutators. Accessor functions dont change state, so they should be created as const functions. The nal class declaration is shown as mathquest.h, Program 7.6.
Program 7.6 mathquest.h
#ifndef _MATHQUEST_H #define _MATHQUEST_H // ask a question involving arithmetic // // This class conforms to the naming conventions // of quiz questions in "A Computer Science Tapestry" 2e, // this convention requires the following functions: // // void Create() ask a new question // void Ask() const ask the last question Create()d // // bool IsCorrect(const string& answer) const // return true iff answer is correct to last (Create()) question // string Answer() const // return the answer to the last (Create()) question // #include <string> using namespace std; class Question { public: Question(); bool IsCorrect(const string& answer) const;

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string Answer() void Ask() void Create(); private: string myAnswer; int myNum1; int myNum2; }; #endif // store the answer as a string here // numbers used in question const; const; // create a new question



The nal class denition/implementation is shown as mathquest.cpp, Program 7.7. Some new syntax is shown in Program 7.7 for initializing instance variables in a constructor. In previous constructors like the Dice constructor in dice.cpp, Prog 6.1, instance variables were assigned values in the body of the constructor using syntax identical to variable assignment in other contexts. The code in the Question::Question constructor uses an initializer list to give initial values to all instance variables. Each instance variable must be constructed. Construction of instance variables takes place before the body of the constructor executes. When parameters must be supplied to a variable at construction Syntax: initializer list time, the values are supplied in an initializer list that appears beClassName::ClassName (parameters) tween the constructor header and : myVar1(parameters), the body of the constructor. A myVar2(parameters), myVar3( ), single colon : is used to begin myVarN(parameters) the initializer list and each item { in the list is separated from other code as needed for further initialization items by a comma , but } note that the last item is not followed by a comma since commas separate items (this is a fence post problem.) Since some instance variables require parameters at construction time, such as a Dice variable requires a parameter, Ill use initializer lists for constructors in code shown from now on. When an instance variable doesnt need a constructor you can show it with a parameterless constructor as shown for myVar3 in the syntax diagram. Alternatively you can omit this constructor call, but then one of the instance variables wont appear in the list. Ill try to be consistent in initializing all instance variables. Instance variables are initialized in the order in which they appear in a class declaration, and not in the order in which they appear in the initializer list. To avoid problems, make the order of construction in the initializer list the same as the order in which instance variables appear in the private section of a class declaration. Some compilers will catch inconsistent orderings and issue a warning.

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Program 7.7 mathquest.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "mathquest.h" #include "randgen.h" #include "strutils.h"

Question::Question() : myAnswer("*** error ***"), myNum1(0), myNum2(0) { // nothing to initialize } void Question::Create() { RandGen gen; myNum1 = gen.RandInt(10,20); myNum2 = gen.RandInt(10,20); myAnswer = tostring(myNum1 + myNum2); } void Question::Ask() const { const int WIDTH = 7; cout << setw(WIDTH) << myNum1 << endl; cout << "+" << setw(WIDTH1) << myNum2 << endl; cout << "-" << endl; cout << setw(WIDTHmyAnswer.length()) << " "; } bool Question::IsCorrect(const string& answer) const { return myAnswer == answer; } string Question::Answer() const { return myAnswer; }


Program 7.8, quiz.cpp, uses all the classes in a complete quiz program. The class declarations and denitions for Student and Quiz are included in quiz.cpp rather than in separate .h and .cpp les. The Question class is separated into separate les to make it easier to incorporate new kinds of questions.

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Program 7.8 quiz.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "mathquest.h" #include "prompt.h" // quiz program for illustrating class design and implementation class Student { public: Student(const string& name); int Score() const; string Name() const; bool RespondTo(Question & q); private: string myName; int myCorrect; }; Student::Student(const string& name) : myName(name), myCorrect(0) { // initializer list does the work } bool Student::RespondTo(Question & q) // postcondition: q is asked, state updated to reflect responses // return true iff question answered correctly { string answer; q.Ask(); cin >> answer; if (q.IsCorrect(answer)) { myCorrect++; cout << "yes, that's correct" << endl; return true; } else { cout << "no, that's not correct" << endl; return false; } } // my name // my # correct responses

// student has a name // # correct // name of student // answer a question, update stats

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int Student::Score() const // postcondition: returns # correct { return myCorrect; } string Student::Name() const // postcondition: returns name of student { return myName; } class Quiz { public: Quiz(); void GiveQuestionTo(Student & s); // ask student a question private: Question myQuestion; // question generator }; Quiz::Quiz() : myQuestion() { // nothing to do here } void Quiz::GiveQuestionTo(Student & s) // postcondition: student s asked a question { cout << endl << "Ok, " << s.Name() << " it's your turn" << endl; cout << "type answer after question " << endl; myQuestion.Create(); if (! s.RespondTo(myQuestion)) { cout << "try one more time" << endl; if (! s.RespondTo(myQuestion)) { cout << "correct answer is " << myQuestion.Answer() << endl; } } } int main() { Student owen("Owen"); Student susan("Susan"); Quiz q; int qNum = PromptRange("how many questions: ",1,5); int k; for(k=0; k < qNum; k++) { q.GiveQuestionTo(owen); q.GiveQuestionTo(susan); }

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cout << << << cout << << << owen.Name() << " score:\t" << owen.Score() " out of " << qNum " = " << double(owen.Score())/qNum 100 << "%" << endl; susan.Name() << " score:\t" << susan.Score() " out of " << qNum " = " << double(susan.Score())/qNum 100 << "%" << endl;


return 0; }


prompt> quiz how many questions: between 1 and 5: 3

Ok, Owen its your turn type answer after question 19 + 17 ------36 yes, thats correct Ok, Susan its your turn type answer after question 11 + 16 ------27 yes, thats correct Ok, Owen its your turn type answer after question 17 + 15 ------34 no, thats not correct try one more time

output continued

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17 + 15 ------32 yes, thats correct Ok, Susan its your turn type answer after question 20 + 17 ------37 yes, thats correct Ok, Owen its your turn type answer after question 16 + 17 ------23 no, thats not correct try one more time 16 + 17 ------27 no, thats not correct correct answer is 33 Ok, Susan its your turn type answer after question 15 + 17 ------32 yes, thats correct Owen score: 2 out of 3 = 66.6667% Susan score: 3 out of 3 = 100%

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Pause to Reect


7.12 What (simple) modications can you make to the sample Question class in question.h, Program 7.4 so that one of two colors is chosen randomly as the favorite color. The color should be chosen in Question::Create() and used in the other methods, Ask() and Answer(). 7.13 Why is the string "pi" converted to the double value zero by atof in the sample run of Program 7.5, numtostring.cpp? 7.14 Does conversion of "23skidoo" to the int value 23 mirror how the string would be read if the user typed "23skidoo" if prompted by the following:
int num; cout << "enter value "; cin >> num;

7.15 Why is the function Question::Ask() declared as const in mathquest.h, Program 7.6? 7.16 The declaration for a class Game is partially shown below.
class Game { public: Game(); ... private: Dice myCube; int myBankRoll; };

The constructor should make myCube represent a six-sided Dice and should initialize myBankRoll to 5000. Explain why an initializer list is required because of myCube and show the syntax for the constructor Game::Game() (assuming there are only the two instance variables shown in the class). 7.17 The statements for reporting quiz scores for two students in quiz.cpp, Program 7.8 duplicate the code used for the output. Write a function that can be called to generate the output for either student, so that the statements below replace the score-producing output statements in quiz.cpp.
reportScores(owen,qNum); reportScores(susan,qNum);

7.18 What question is asked if a client program calls Question::Ask() without ever calling Question::Create()?

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

7.2 A Conforming Interface: a new Question Class

We want to develop a new Question class for a different kind of quiz. As an illustration, well develop a class for asking questions about state capitals for U.S. states. We dont have the programming tools needed to easily store the state/capital pairs within the new Question class.4 Instead, well put the state/capital pairs in a text le and read the text le repeatedly using a WordStreamIterator object. To generate a random state/capital question well skip a random number of lines of the le when reading it. Suppose the rst ve lines of the text le are as follows.
Alabama Montgomery Alaska Juneau Arizona Phoenix Arkansas Little_Rock California Sacramento

If we skip two lines of the le well ask what the capital of Arizona is; if we skip four lines well ask about the capital of California; and if we dont skip any lines well ask about Alabama.

7.2.1 Using the New Question Class

Well call the new class Question. This will allow us to use the class without changing the program quiz.cpp, Program 7.8, except to replace the #include"mathquest.h" line by #include"capquest.h". Since the class about capitals declared in capquest.h has the same interface, (i.e., the same class name and the same public member functions) as the class declared in mathquest.h, the client program in quiz.cpp doesnt change at all. A run of the program quiz.cpp, Program 7.8, modied to include "capquest.h" is shown below. The downside of this approach is that we cant let the user choose between math questions and capital questions while the program is running; the choice must be made before the program is compiled. This is far from ideal, because we wouldnt expect a real student-user to compile a program to take a quiz using a computer. However, until we study inheritance in Chapter 13 we dont really have any other options.

Perhaps the simplest way to do this is to use a vector or array, but the method used in the Question class developed in this chapter is fairly versatile without using a programming construct we havent yet studied.

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7.2 A Conforming Interface: a new Question Class


prompt> quiz how many questions: between 1 and 5: 2

its your turn Owen type answer after question the capital of Wisconsin is Madison yes, thats correct its your turn Susan type answer after question the capital of Washington is Seattle no, try one more time the capital of Washington is Tacoma no, correct answer is Olympia its your turn Owen type answer after question the capital of Utah is Salt_Lake_City yes, thats correct its your turn Susan type answer after question the capital of New_Mexico is no, try one more time the capital of New_Mexico is yes, thats correct Owen score: 2 out of 2 = Susan score: 1 out of 2 =

Albuquerque Santa_Fe
100% 50%

7.2.2 Creating a Program

Before looking briey at the new implementation of Question, well review the process of creating a working C++ program. This will help you understand how the different Question classes work with the quiz program. Three steps are needed to generate an executable program from source les. 1. 2. The preprocessing step handles all #include directives and some others we havent studied. A preprocessor is used for this step. The compilation step takes input from the preprocessor and creates an object le (see Section 3.5) for each .cpp le. A compiler is used for this step.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation


One or more object les are combined with libraries of compiled code in the linking step. The step creates an executable program by linking together systemdependent libraries as well as client code that has been compiled. A linker is used for this step.

7.2.3 The Preprocessor

The preprocessor is a program run on each source le before the source le is compiled. A source le like hello.cpp, Program 2.1 is translated into something called a translation unit which is then passed to the compiler. The source le isnt physically changed by the preprocessor, but the preprocessor does use directives like #include in creating the translation unit that the compiler sees. Each preprocessor directive begins with a sharp (or number) sign # that must be the rst character on the line.

Processing #include Statements. A #include statement literally cut-and-pastes the code in the le specied into the translation unit that is passed to the compiler. For example, the preprocessor directive #include<iostream> causes the preprocessor to nd the le named iostream and insert it into the translation unit. This means that what appears to be a seven line program like the following might actually generate a translation unit that causes the compiler to compile 10,000 lines of code.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "hello world" << endl; return 0; }

I tried the program above with three different C++ environments. The size of the translation unit ranged from 2,986 lines using g++ with Linux, to 16,075 using Borland CBuilder, to 17,261 using Metrowerks Codewarrior. Compilers are fast. At this stage of your programming journey you dont need to worry about minimizing the use of the #include directive, but in more advanced courses youll learn techniques that help keep compilation times fast and translation units small.

Where are include Files Located? The preprocessor looks in a specic list of directories to nd include les. This list is typically called the include path. In most environments you can alter the include path so that the preprocessor looks in different directories. In many environments you can specify the order of the directories that are searched by the preprocessor.

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7.2 A Conforming Interface: a new Question Class


Program Tip 7.7: If the preprocessor cannot nd a le specied, youll probably get a warning. In some cases the preprocessor will nd a different le than the one you intend; one that has the same name as the le you want to include. This can lead to compilation errors that are hard to x. If your system lets you examine the translation unit produced by the preprocessor you may be able to tell what les were included. You should do this only when youve got real evidence that the wrong header le is being included. Most systems look in the directory in which the .cpp le thats being preprocessed is located. More information about setting options in your programming environment can be found in Howto I.

Other Preprocessor Directives. The only other preprocessor directive we use in this book is the conditional compilation directive. Each header le begins and ends with preprocessor directives as follows (see also dice.h, Program G.3). Suppose the le below is called foo.h.
#ifndef _FOO_H #define _FOO_H header file for Foo goes here #endif

The rst line tells the preprocessor to include the le foo.h in the current translation unit only if the symbol _FOO_H is not dened. The n in ifndef means if NOT dened, then proceed. The rst thing that happens if the symbol _FOO_H is not dened, is that it becomes dened using the directive #define. The nal directive #endif helps limit the extent of the rst #ifndef. Every #ifndef has a matching #endif. The reason for bracketing each header le with these directives is to prevent the same le from being included twice in the same translation unit. This could easily happen, for example, if you write a program in which you include both <iostream> and "date.h". The header le "date.h" also includes <iostream>. When you include one le, you also include all the les that it includes (and all the les that they include, and all the les that they include). Using the #ifndef directive prevents an innite chain of inclusions and prevents the same le from being included more than once. Occasionally its useful to be able to prevent a block of code from being compiled. You might do this, for example, during debugging or development to test different versions of a function. The directive #ifdef causes the preprocessor to include a section of a le only if a specic symbol is dened.
#ifdef FOO void TryMe(const string& s) { cout << s << " is buggy" << endl; } #endif

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

{ }

void TryMe(const string& s) cout << s << "is correct" << endl;

In the code segment above, the call TryMe("rose") generates rose is correct as output. The rst version (on top) of TryMe isnt compiled, because the preprocessor doesnt include it in the translation unit passed to the compiler unless the symbol FOO is dened. You can, of course, dene the symbol FOO if you want to. Some programmers use #ifdef 0 to block out chunks of code since zero is never dened.

7.2.4 The Compiler

The input to the compiler is the translation unit generated by the preprocessor from a source le. The compiler generates an object le for each compiled source le. Usually the object le has the same prex as the source le, but ends in .o or .obj. For example, the source le hello.cpp might generate hello.obj on some systems. In some programming environments the object les arent stored on disk, but remain in memory. In other environments, the object les are stored on disk. Its also possible for the object les to exist on disk for a short time, so that the linker can use them. After the linking step the object les might be automatically erased by the programming environment. Object les are typically larger than the corresponding source le, but may be smaller than the translation unit corresponding to the source le. Many compilers have options that generate optimized code. This code will run faster, but the compiler will take longer to generate the optimized code. On some systems you wont be able to use a debugger with optimized code. ProgramTip 7.8: Turn code optimization off. Unless you are writing an application that must execute very quickly, and youve used proling and performance tools that help pinpoint execution bottlenecks, its probably not worth optimizing your programs. In some systems, debuggers may get confused when using optimized code, and its more important for a program to be correct than for it to be fast.

Since the compiler uses the translation unit provided by the preprocessor to create an object le, any changes in the translation unit from a .cpp source le will force the .cpp le to be recompiled. For example, if the header le question.h is changed, then the source program quiz.cpp, Program 7.8 will need to be recompiled. Since the le question.h is part of the translation unit generated from quiz.cpp, the recompilation is necessary because the translation unit changed. In general, a source le has several compilation dependencies. Any header le included by the source le generates a dependency. For example, Program 7.8, quiz.cpp has four direct dependencies: <iostream> and string, two system dependencies. "prompt.h" and "mathquest.h", two non-system dependencies.

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7.2 A Conforming Interface: a new Question Class


There may be other indirect dependencies introduced by these. Since both "prompt.h" and "mathquest.h" include <string>, another dependency would be introduced, but <string> is already a dependency. ProgramTip 7.9: You should tryto minimize the number of dependencies for each source le. Since a change in a dependency will force the source le to be recompiled, keeping the number dependencies small means youll need to recompile less often during program development.

Notice that mathquest.cpp, Program 7.7 depends directly on the les randgen.h and strutils.h. These two les are not dependencies for quiz.cpp since theyre not part of the translation unit for quiz.cpp.

Libraries. Often youll have several object les that you use in all your programs. For example, the implementations of iostream and string functions are used in nearly all the programs weve studied. Many programs use the classes declared in prompt.h, dice.h, date.h and so on. Each of these classes has a corresponding object le generated by compiling the .cpp le. To run a program using all these classes the object les need to be combined in the linking phase. However, nearly all programming environments make it possible to combine object les into a library which can then be linked with your own programs. Using a library is a good idea because you need to link with fewer les and its usually simple to get an updated library when one becomes available.

7.2.5 The Linker

The linker combines all the necessary object les and libraries together to create an executable program. Libraries are always needed, even if you are not aware of them. Standard libraries are part of every C++ environment and include classes and functions for streams, math, and so on. Often youll need to use more than one library. For example, I use a library called tapestry.lib for all the programs in this book. This library contains the object les for classes Dice, Date, RandGen and functions from strutils among many others. The sufx .lib is typically used for libraries. You arent usually aware of the linker as you begin to program because the libraries are linked in automatically. However, as soon as you begin to write programs that use several .cpp les, youll probably encounter linker errors. For example, if I try to create an executable program from quiz.cpp, Program 7.8, but I forget to link in the code from the class Question in mathquest.cpp, Program 7.7, the following errors are generated. The rst two errors using Metrowerks Codewarrior follow:
Link Error : Undefined symbol: ?Ask@Question@@QBEXXZ (Question::Ask) in file: quiz.cpp

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

Link Error : Undefined symbol:?IsCorrect@Question@@QBE_NABV? $basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$ allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z (Question::IsCorrect) in file:quiz.cpp

Using Microsoft Visual C++ the rst two errors follow:

quiz.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void__thiscall Question::Ask(void)const " (?Ask@Question@@QBEXXZ) quiz.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: bool__thiscall Question::IsCorrect (class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > const &)const " (?IsCorrect@Question@@QBE_NABV?$basic_string@DU

These errors may be hard to understand. The key thing to note is that they are linker errors. Codewarrior specically identies the errors as linker errors. If you look at the Visual C++ output youll see a clue that the linker is involved; the errors are identied as error LNK2001. Program Tip 7.10: If you get errors about unresolved references, or undened/ unresolved external symbols, then youve got a linker error. This means that you need to combine the object les from different .cpp les together. In most C++ environments this is done by adding the .cpp le to a project, or by changing a Makele to know about all the .cpp les that must be linked together.

String Compilation and Linker Errors. The other reason the errors are hard to read is because of the standard class string. The string class is complicated because it is intended to be an industrial-strength class used with several character sets (e.g., ASCII and UNICODE) at some point. The string class is actually built on top of a class named basic_string which you may be able to identify in some of the linker errors above.

7.2.6 A New Question Class

The new question class in capquest.h has the same public member functions as, but a different private section from, the class in mathquest.h. Part of capquest.h follows.
class Question { public: Question(const string& filename);

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7.2 A Conforming Interface: a new Question Class


bool IsCorrect(const string& answer) const; string Answer() const; void Ask() const; void Create(); private: string myAnswer; // answer (state capital) string myQuestion; // the state WordStreamIterator myIter; // iterates over file }; // create a new question

The instance variable myIter processes the le of states and capitals, choosing one line at random as the basis for a question each time Question::Create() is called (see Program 7.9, capquest.cpp.) The instance variable myQuestion replaces the two instance variables myNum1 and myNum2 from mathquest.h, Program 7.6. The method Question::Create() in capquest.cpp does most of the work. In creating the new Question class three goals were met. Using the same interface (public methods) as the class in mathquest.h helped in writing the new class. When I wrote the new class I concentrated only on the implementation since the interface was already done. The client program quiz.cpp did not need to be rewritten. It did need to be recompiled after changing #include"mathquest.h" to use "capquest.h". The new class Question can be used for questions other than states and capitals. The modications are straightforward and discussed in the following Pause and Reect exercises.

Program 7.9 capquest.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "randgen.h" #include "strutils.h" Question::Question(const string& filename) : myAnswer("*** error ***"), myQuestion("*** error ***") { myIter.Open(filename.c_str()); } void Question::Create() {

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

RandGen gen; int toSkip = gen.RandInt(0,49); // skip this many lines int k; myIter.Init(); for(k=0; k < toSkip; k++) { myIter.Next(); // skip the state myIter.Next(); // and the capital } myQuestion = myIter.Current(); myIter.Next(); myAnswer = myIter.Current();

} void Question::Ask() const { cout << "the capital of " << myQuestion << " is "; } bool Question::IsCorrect(const string& answer) const { return myAnswer == answer; } string Question::Answer() const { return myAnswer; }


Pause to Reect

7.19 Why are the state New York and the capital Little Rock stored in the data le as New_York and Little_Rock, respectively (why arent spaces used)? 7.20 The class Question declared in capquest.h uses a WordStreamIterator instance variable, so it has #include"worditer.h" at the top of the le. This means that quiz.cpp, Program 7.8, depends directly on "worditer.h" and indirectly on <string> since <string> is included in worditer.h. What prevents the le <string> from being included multiple times when the preprocessor creates a translation unit for quiz.cpp? 7.21 The le capquest.cpp, Program 7.9 includes "randgen.h". Does quiz.cpp depend on "randgen.h"? Why? 7.22 If the class RandGen declared in "randgen.h" is rewritten so that the header le changes, does quiz.cpp need to be recompiled? Relinked (to create an executable program about state capitals)? Why? 7.23 The constant 49 is hardwired into the denition of Question::Create() for skipping lines in the le of states and capitals. Explain how myIter could be used in the constructor of the class to count the lines in the le so that the number 49 would be computed by the class itself at run time.

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7.3 Random Walks


7.24 Suppose you want to create a quiz based on artists/groups and their records. Data are stored in a text le as follows:
Lawn_Boy Phish A_Live_One Phish Automatic_for_the_People R.E.M. Broken Nine_Inch_Nails The_Joshua_Tree U2 Nick_of_Time Bonnie_Raitt

The idea is to ask the user to identify the group that made an album. How can you change the class Question in capquest.h and capquest.cpp so that it can be used to give both state/capital and group/recording quizzes. With the right modications you should be able to use questions of either type in the same quiz program. (Hint: the new Question class constructor could have two parameters, one for the le of data and one for the prompt for someone taking the quiz.)

7.3 Random Walks

When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it Lord Kelvin Popular Lectures and Addresses We must never make experiments to conrm our ideas, but simply to control them. Claude Bernard Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine, vol. IV, p. 997

In this section well explore some programs and classes that are simulations of natural and mathematical events. Well also use the pattern of iteration introduced with the WordStreamIterator class in worditer.h, Program G.6 (see Howto G) and used in maxword.cpp, Program 6.11. Well design and implement several classes. Classes for one- and two-dimensional random walks will share a common interface, just as the class Question declared in both mathquest.h and capquest.h did. Because of this common interface, a class for observing random walks (graphically or by printing the data in the walk to a le) will be able to observe both walks. First well write a simple program to simulate random walks, then well design and implement a class based on this program. Comparing the features of both programs will add to your understanding of object-oriented programming. Well also study structs, a C++ feature for storing data that can be used instead of a class. A random walk is a model built on mathematical and physical concepts that is used to explain how molecules move in an enclosed space. Its also used as the basis for several mathematical models that predict stock market prices. First well investigate a random walk in one dimension and then move to higher dimensions.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

Figure 7.1 Initial position of a frog in a one-dimensional random walk.

7.3.1 One-Dimensional Random Walks

Suppose a frog lives on a lily pad and there are lily pads stretching in a straight line in two directions. The frog walks by ipping a coin. If the coin comes up heads, the frog jumps to the right, otherwise the frog jumps to the left. Each time the frog jumps, it jumps one unit, but the length of the jump might change. This jumping process is repeated for a specic number of steps and then the walk stops. The initial conguration for such a random walk is shown in Figure 7.1. We can gather several interesting statistics from a random walk when it is complete (and sometimes during the walk). In a walk of n steps we might be interested in how far from the start the frog is at the end of the walk. Also of interest are the furthest points from the start reached by the frog (both east and west or positive and negative if the walk takes place on the x-axis) and how often the frog revisits the home lily pad. Well look at a simple program for simulating random walks, then think about designing a class that encapsulates a walk, but be more general than the walk weve described. The size of a frogs world might be limited, for example, if the frog lives in a drain pipe. Well use a two-sided Dice object to represent the coin that determines what direction the frog jumps. Program 7.10, frogwalk.cpp, simulates a one-dimensional random walk. The program uses the C++ switch instead of an if/else statement. The switch statement is the nal control statement well use in our programs. A switch statement is often shorter than the corresponding sequence of cascaded if/else statements, but its also easier to make programming errors when writing code using switch statements. Well discuss the statement after the program listing. With a graphical display, the frog could be shown moving to the left and right. Alternatively, a statement that prints the position of the frog could be included within the for loop. This would provide clues as to whether the program is working correctly. In the current program, the only output is the nal position of the frog. Without knowing what this position should be in terms of a mathematical model, its hard to determine if the program accurately models a one-dimensional random walk.

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7.3 Random Walks


Program 7.10 frogwalk.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" #include "prompt.h" // simulate one-dimensional random walk // Owen Astrachan, 8/13/94, modified 5/1/99 int main() { int numSteps = PromptRange("enter # of steps",0,20000); int position = 0; // "frog" starts at position 0 Dice die(2); // used for "coin flipping" int k; for(k=0; k < numSteps; k++) { switch (die.Roll()) { case 1: position++; // step to the right break; case 2: position; // step to the left break; } } cout << "final position = " << position << endl; return 0; }


prompt> frogwalk enter # of steps final position = prompt> frogwalk enter # of steps final position = prompt> frogwalk enter # of steps final position = between 0 and 20000: 1000 32 between 0 and 20000: 1000 -14 between 0 and 20000: 1000 66

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

7.3.2 Selection with the switch Statement

In Exercise 9 of Chapter 4 a program was specied for drawing different heads as part of a simulated police sketch program. The following function Hair comes from one version of this program:
void Hair(int choice) // precondition: 1 <= choice <= 3 // postcondition: prints hair in style specified by choice { if (1 == choice) { cout << " |||||||///////// " << endl; } else if (2 == choice) { cout << " |||||||||||||||| " << endl; } else if (3 == choice) { cout << " |______________| " << endl; } }

The cascaded if/else statements work well. In some situations, however, an alternative conditional statement can lead to code that is shorter and sometimes more efcient. You shouldnt be overly concerned about this kind of efciency, but in a program differentiating among 100 choices instead of three the efciency might be a factor. The switch statement provides an alternative method for writing the code in Hair.
void Hair(int choice) // precondition: 1 <= choice <= 3 // postcondition: prints hair in style specified by choice { switch(choice) { case 1: cout << " |||||||///////// " << endl; break; case 2: cout << " |||||||||||||||| " << endl; break; case 3: cout << " |______________| " << endl; break; } }

Each case label, such as case 1, determines what statements are executed based on the value of the expression used in the switch test (in this example, the value of the

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7.3 Random Walks


variable choice). There should be one case label for each possible value of the switch test expression. All of the labels are constants that represent integer values known at compile time. Examples include 13, 53 - 7, true, and a. Its not legal to use double values like 2.718, string values like "spam", or expressions that use variables like 2*choice for case labels in a switch statement. If the value of expression in the switch Syntax: switch statement test matches a case label, then the corresponding statements are executed. The switch (expression) break causes ow of control to con{ tinue with the statement following the case constant1 : switch. If no matching case label statement list; break; is found, the default statements, if case constant2 : present, are executed. Most programstatement list; mers put the default statement last inbreak; side a switch, but a few argue that it should be the rst label. There are no default : shortcuts in forming cases. You canstatement list; not write case 1,2,3:, for exam} ple, to match either one, two, or three. For multiple matches, each case is listed separately as follows:
case 1 : case 2 : case 3 : statement list break;

In the switch statement shown in Hair, exactly one case statement is executed; the break causes control to continue with the statement following the switch. (Since there is no following statement in Hair, the function exits and the statement after the call of Hair is executed next.) In general, a break statement is required, or control will fall through from one case to the next. Program Tip 7.11: Its very easy to forget the break needed for each case statement, so when you write switch statements, be very careful.

ProgramTip 7.12: As a general design rule, dont include more than two or three statements with each case label. If more statements are needed, put them in a function and call the function. This will make the switch statement easier to read.

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Stumbling Block

Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

A missing break statement often causes hard-to-nd errors. If the break corresponding to case 2 in the function Hair is removed, and the value of choice is 2, two lines of output will be printed. (Warning! Incorrect code follows!)
void Hair(int choice) // precondition: 1 <= choice <= 3 // postcondition: prints hair in style specified by choice { switch(choice) { case 1: cout << " |||||||///////// " << endl; break; case 2: cout << " |||||||||||||||| " << endl; case 3: cout << " |______________| " << endl; break; } }

|||||||||||||||| |______________|

Because there is no break following the hair corresponding to case 2, execution falls through to the next statement, and the output statement corresponding to case 3 is executed. The efciency gained from a switch statement occurs because only one expression is evaluated and the corresponding case statements are immediately executed. In a sequence of if/else statements it is possible for all the if tests to be evaluated. As mentioned earlier, its not worth worrying about this level of efciency until youve timed a program and know what statements are executed most often. The switch statement does make some code easier to read, and the efciency gains cant hurt.

7.3.3 A RandomWalk Class

Program 7.10, frogwalk.cpp, is short. Its not hard to reason that it correctly simulates a one-dimensional random walk. However, modifying the program to have more than one frog hopping on the lily pads is cumbersome because the program is not designed to be

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7.3 Random Walks


extended in this way. If we encapsulate the state and behavior of a random-walking frog in a class, it will be easier to have more than one frog in the same program. With a class we may be able to have different random-walkers jump with different probabilities, that is, one walker might jump left 50% of the time, another 75% of the time. Using a class will also make it easier to extend the program to simulate a two-dimensional walk. Well use a class RandomWalk whose interface is shown in walk.h, Program 7.11. Member functions Init, HasMore, and Next behave similarly to their counterparts in the WordStreamIterator class (see Program 6.11, maxword.cpp) and the StringSetIterator class (see maxword2.cpp.) This usage of the iterator pattern is somewhat different from what weve used in previous classes and programs, but we use the same names since the random walk is an iterative process. There are two differences in the use of an iterator here. The iterator functions are part of the class RandomWalk rather than belonging to a separate class. In the other uses the iterator class was separate from the class being iterated over. In the StringSetIterator and WordStreamIterator classes the collection being iterated over was complete when the iterators execute. For the RandomWalk class the iterating functions create the random walk using the functions again results in a different random walk rather than reiterating over the same walk.

Program 7.11 walk.h

#ifndef _RANDOMWALK_H #define _RANDOMWALK_H // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Owen Astrachan, 6/20/96, modified 5/1/99 class for implementing a one dimensional random walk constructor specifies number of steps to take, random walk goes left or right with equal probability two methods for running simulation: void Simulate() run a complete simulation

Init(); HasMore(); Next() idiom for starting and iterating one step at a time accessor functions: int Position() int Current() int TotalSteps() returns x coordinate (# steps left/right from origin) alias for GetPosition() returns total # steps taken

class RandomWalk

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public: RandomWalk(int maxSteps); void Init(); bool HasMore(); void Next(); void Simulate(); int Position() const; int Current() const; int TotalSteps() const; private: void TakeStep(); int myPosition; int mySteps; int myMaxSteps; }; #endif

// // // //

constructor, parameter = max # steps take first step of walk returns false if walk finished, else true take next step of random walk

// take all steps in simulation // returns position (x coord) of walker // same as position // returns total # of steps taken

// // // //

simulate one step of walk current x coordinate # of steps taken maximum # of steps allowed


A parameter to the RandomWalk constructor species the number of steps in the walk. A main function that uses the class follows.
int main() { int numSteps = PromptRange("enter # steps",0,1000000); RandomWalk frog(numSteps); frog.Simulate(); cout << "final position = " << frog.GetPosition() << endl; }

In this program an entire simulation takes place immediately using the member function Simulate. The output from this program is the same as the output from frogwalk.cpp. Using the RandomWalk class makes it easier to simulate more than one random walk at the same time. In frogwalk2.cpp, Program 7.12, two random walkers are dened. The program keeps track of how many times the walkers are located at the same position during the walk. It would be very difcult to write this program based on frogwalk.cpp, Program 7.10. Since the number of steps in the simulation is a parameter to the RandomWalk constructor, variables frog and toad must be dened after you enter the number of steps. One alternative would be to have a member function SetSteps used to set the number of steps in the simulation.
Program 7.12 frogwalk2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std;

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7.3 Random Walks

#include "prompt.h" #include "walk.h" // simulate two random walkers at once // Owen Astrachan, 6/29/96, modified 5/1/99 int main() { int numSteps = PromptRange("enter # steps",0,30000); RandomWalk frog(numSteps); RandomWalk toad(numSteps); int samePadCount = 0; frog.Init(); toad.Init(); while (frog.HasMore() && toad.HasMore()) { if (frog.Current() == toad.Current()) { } frog.Next(); toad.Next(); } cout << "frog position = " << frog.Position() << endl; cout << "toad position = " << toad.Position() << endl; cout << "# times at same location = " << samePadCount << endl; return 0; } samePadCount++; // # times at same location // initialize both walks // define two random walkers



Because both random walkers take the same number of steps, it isnt necessary to have checks using both frog.HasMore() and toad.HasMore(), but since both walkers must be initialized using Init and updated using Next, we use HasMore for both to maintain symmetry in the code.5 Reviewing Program Tip 7.1 we nd that its good advice to concentrate rst on class methods and behavior, then move to instance variables and state.

5 Checking both HasMore functions will be important if we modify the classes to behave differently. Write programs anticipating that theyll change.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

prompt> frogwalk2 enter # steps between 0 and 30000: 10000 frog position = -6 toad position = -26 # times at same location = 87 prompt> frogwalk2 enter # steps between 0 and 30000: 10000 frog position = 16 toad position = 40 # times at same location = 392

For RandomWalk I rst decided to use the iteration pattern of Init, HasMore, and Next. Since it may be useful to execute an entire simulation at once I decided to implement a Simulate function to do this. As well see, it will be easy to implement this function using the iterating member functions. Finally, the class must provide some accessor functions. In this case we need functions to determine the current location of a RandomWalk object and to determine the total number of steps taken. Determining what data should be private is not always a simple task (see Program Tip 7.6 for some guidance.) Youll often need to revise initial decisions and add or delete data members as the design of the class evolves. As a general guideline, private data should be an intrinsic part of what is modeled by the class. For example, the current position of a RandomWalk object is certainly an intrinsic part of a random walk. The Dice object used to determine the direction to take at each step is not intrinsic. The state of one Dice object does not need to be accessed by different member functions, nor does the state need to be maintained over several invocations of the same function. Even if a Dice object is used in several member functions, there is no compelling reason for the same Dice object to be used across more than one function. When you implement a class you should use the same process of iterative enhancement we used in previous programs. For classes this means you might not implement all member functions at once. For example, you could leave a member function out of the public section at rst and add it later when the class is partially complete. Alternatively, you could include a declaration of the function, but implement it as an empty stub function with no statements. When I implemented RandomWalk I realized that there would be code duplicated in Init and Next since both functions simulate one random step. Since its a good idea to avoid code duplication whenever possible, I decided to factor the duplicate code out into another function called TakeStep called from both Init and Next.6 This kind of helper function should be declared in the private section so that it is not accessible to client programs. Member functions, however, can call private helper functions.

Actually, I wrote the code for Init and Next and then realized it was duplicated after the fact so I added the helper function.

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7.3 Random Walks


Its not unreasonable to make TakeStep public so that client programs could use either the iteration member functions or the TakeStep function. Similarly you may decide that the function Simulate is superuous since client programs can implement it by using Init, HasMore, and Next (see Program 7.13, walk.cpp). There is often a tension between including too many member functions in an effort to provide as much functionality as possible and too few member functions in an effort to keep the public interface simple and easy to use. There are usually many ways of writing a program, implementing a class, skinning a cat, and walking a frog. In [Rie96], Arthur Riel offers two design heuristics well capture as one programming tip. Program Tip 7.13: Minimize the number of methods in the interface (protocol) of a class. You should also implement a minimal public interface that all classes understand. The RandomWalk member functions are fairly straightforward. All private data are initialized in the constructor; the function RandomWalk::TakeStep() simulates a random step and updates private data accordingly, and the other member functions are used to simulate a random walk or to access information about a walk, such as the current location of the simulated walker. The implementation is shown in Program 7.13.
Program 7.13 walk.cpp
#include "walk.h" #include "dice.h" RandomWalk::RandomWalk(int maxSteps) : myPosition(0), mySteps(0), myMaxSteps(maxSteps) // postcondition: no walk has been taken, but walk is ready to go { // work done in initializer list } void RandomWalk::TakeStep() // postcondition: one step of random walk taken { Dice coin(2); switch (coin.Roll()) { case 1: myPosition; break; case 2: myPosition++; break; }

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mySteps++; }

Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

void RandomWalk::Init() // postcondition: first step of random walk taken { myPosition = 0; mySteps = 0; TakeStep(); } bool RandomWalk::HasMore() // postcondition: returns true when random walk still going // i.e., when # of steps taken < max. # of steps { return mySteps < myMaxSteps; } void RandomWalk::Next() // postcondition: next step in random walk simulated { TakeStep(); } void RandomWalk::Simulate() // postcondition: one simulation completed { for(Init(); HasMore(); Next()) { // simulation complete using iterator methods } } int RandomWalk::Position() const // postcondition: returns position of walker (x coordinate) { return myPosition; } int RandomWalk::Current() const // postcondition: retrns position of walker (x coordinate) { return Position(); } int RandomWalk::TotalSteps() const // postcondition: returns number of steps taken by walker { return mySteps; }


Each member function requires only a few lines of code. The brevity of the functions makes it easier to verify that they are correct. As you design your own classes, try to

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7.3 Random Walks


keep the implementations of each member function short. Using private helper functions can help both in keeping code short and in factoring out common code. ProgramTip 7.14: Use private helper functions to avoid code-duplication in public methods. The helper functions should be private because client programs dont need to know how a class is implemented, and helper functions are an implementation technique.

7.3.4 AT wo-Dimensional Walk Class

In this section well extend the one-dimensional random walk to two dimensions. A two-dimensional random walk is a more realistic model of a large molecule moving in a gas or liquid, although it is still much simpler than the physical forces that govern molecular motion. Nevertheless, the two-dimensional walk provides insight into the phenomenon known as Brownian motion, named after the botanist Robert Brown who, in the early 1800s, investigated pollen grains moving in water. His observations were modeled physically by Albert Einstein, whose hypotheses were conrmed by JeanBaptiste Perrin, who won a Nobel prize for his work. The class RandomWalk2D models a two-dimensional random walk, the implementation and use of which are shown in brownian.cpp, Program 7.14. In two dimensions, a molecule can move in any direction. This direction can be specied by a random number of degrees from the horizontal. A random number between 1 and 360 can be generated by a 360-sided dice. However, using a Dice object would constrain the molecule to use a direction that is an integer. Wed like molecules to be able to go in any direction, including angles such as 1.235157 and 102.3392. Instead of using a Dice object, well use an object from the class RandGen, specied in randgen.h, Program G.4. Since the sine and cosine functions sin and cos from <cmath> are needed for this simulation, and since these functions require an angle specied in radians7 rather than degrees, we need to use random double values. The geometry to translate a random direction into x and y distances follows:
siz e



cos(a) = X / step size sin(a) = Y/ step size

If a random angle a is chosen, the distance moved in the X -direction is cos(a) step size as shown in the diagram.

There are 360 degrees in a circle and 2 radians in a circle. Its not necessary to understand radian measure, but 180 = radians. This means that d = d(3.14159/180) radians. You can also use conversion functions deg2rad and rad2deg in mathutils.h, Program G.9 in Howto G.

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Chapter 7

Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

The distance in the Y -direction is a similar function of the sine of the angle a. In the member function RandomWalk2D::TakeStep() these properties are used to update the coordinates of a molecule in simulating a two-dimensional random walk. The manner in which a direction is calculated changes in moving from one to two dimensions. We also need to change how a position is stored so that we can track both an x and y coordinate. We could use two instance variables, such as myXcoord and myYcoord. Instead, well use the Point class for representing points in two dimensions ( the header le point.h is Program G.10 in Howto G). As well see in Section 7.4, Point acts like a class, but is in some ways different because it has public data. These are the principal differences between the class RandomWalk and RandomWalk2D: The implementation of the member function TakeStep to cope with a twodimensional random direction. The change of type for instance variable myPosition from int to Point to cope with two dimensions. The change in return type for methods Position and Current from int to Point.

Program 7.14 brownian.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "randgen.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "mathutils.h" #include "point.h" using namespace std;

// for sin, cos, sqrt

// for PI

// simluate two-dimensional random walk // Owen Astrachan, 6/20/95, modified 6/29/96, modified 5/1/99 class RandomWalk2D { public: RandomWalk2D(long maxSteps, int size); // void Init(); // bool HasMore(); // void Next(); // void Simulate(); // long TotalSteps() const; Point Position() const; Point Current() const; private: void TakeStep(); Point myPosition;

# of steps, size of one step take first step of walk returns false if walk finished, else true take next step of random walk complete an entire random walk // total # of steps taken by molecule // current position // alias for Position

// simulate one step of walk // coordinate of current position

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7.3 Random Walks

long int long }; RandomWalk2D::RandomWalk2D(long maxSteps,int size) : myPosition(), mySteps(0), myStepSize(size), myMaxSteps(maxSteps) // postcondition: walker initialized { } void RandomWalk2D::TakeStep() // postcondition: one step of random walk taken { RandGen gen; // random number generator double randDirection = gen.RandReal(0,2PI); myPosition.x += myStepSize cos(randDirection); myPosition.y += myStepSize sin(randDirection); mySteps++; } void RandomWalk2D::Init() // postcondition: Init step of random walk taken { mySteps = 0; myPosition = Point(0,0); TakeStep(); } bool RandomWalk2D::HasMore() // postcondition: returns false when random walk is finished // i.e., when # of steps taken >= max. # of steps // return true if walk still in progress { return mySteps < myMaxSteps; } void RandomWalk2D::Next() // postcondition: next step in random walk simulated { TakeStep(); } void RandomWalk2D::Simulate() { for(Init(); HasMore(); Next()) { // simulation complete using iterator methods } } mySteps; myStepSize; myMaxSteps; // # of steps taken // size of step // maximum # of steps allowed


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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

long RandomWalk2D::TotalSteps() const // postcondition: returns number of steps taken by molecule { return mySteps; } Point RandomWalk2D::Position() const // postcondition: return molecules position { return myPosition; } Point RandomWalk2D::Current() const // postcondition: return molecules position { return myPosition; } int main() { long numSteps= PromptRange("enter # of random steps",1L,1000000L); int stepSize= int trials= PromptRange("size of one step",1,20); PromptRange("number of simulated walks",1,1000);

RandomWalk2D molecule(numSteps,stepSize); int k; double total = 0.0; Point p; for(k=0; k < trials; k++) { molecule.Simulate(); p = molecule.Position(); total += p.distanceFrom(Point(0,0)); } cout << "average distance from origin = " << total/trials << endl; return 0; } // total final distance from origin


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7.3 Random Walks


prompt> brownian enter # of random steps between 1 and 1000000: 1024 size of one step between 1 and 20: 1 number of simulated walks between 1 and 1000: 100 average distance from origin = 26.8131 prompt> brownian enter # of random steps between 1 and 1000000: 1024 size of one step between 1 and 20: 4 number of simulated walks between 1 and 1000: 100 average distance from origin = 108.861

If the output of one simulation is printed and used in a plotting program, a graph of the random walk can be made. Two such graphs are shown in Figs. 7.2 and 7.3. Note that the molecule travels in completely different areas of the plane. However, the molecules nal distance from the origin doesnt differ drastically between the two runs. The distance from the origin of a point (x, y) is calculated by the formula x 2 + y 2 . The distances are accumulated in Program 7.14 using the method Point::distanceFrom() so that the average distance can be output. The paths of the walk shown in the plots are interesting because they are self-similar. If a magnifying glass is used for a close-up view of a particular part of the walk, the picture will be similar to the overall view of the walk. Using a more powerful magnifying glass doesnt make a difference; the similarity still exists. This is a fundamental property of fractals, a mathematical concept that is used to explain how seemingly random phenomena arent as random as they initially seem. The results of both random walks illustrate one of the most important relationships of statistical physics. In a random walk, the average (expected) distance D from the start of a walk of N steps, where each step is of length L, is given by the following equation: (7.1) D = N L The results of the simulated walks above dont supply enough data to validate this relationship, but the data are supportive. In the exercises youll be asked to explore this further.
Pause to Reect

7.25 Modify frogwalk.cpp, Program 7.10, so the user enters a distance from the origin say, 142and the program simulates a walk until this distance is reached (in either the positive or negative direction). The program should output the number of steps needed to reach the distance. 7.26 Only one simulation is performed in Program 7.10. The code for that one simulation could be moved to a function. Write a prototype for such a function that returns both the nal distance from the start as well as the maximum distance from the start reached during the walk.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 25

Brownian motion: 1,024 steps of unit length







Figure 7.2 Fractal characteristics of two-dimensional random walks. 7.27 Can you nd an expression for use in frogwalk.cpp, Program 7.10, so that no switch or if/else statement is needed when the position is updated? For example: position += die.Roll() would add either 1 or 2 to the value of position. Whats needed is an expression that will add either 1 or 1 with equal probability. 7.28 A two-dimensional walk on a lattice constrains the random walker to take steps in the compass point directions: north, east, south, west. How can the class RandomWalk be modied to support a frog that travels on lattice points? How can the class RandomWalk2D be modied? 7.29 If you modied the random walking classes RandomWalk2D and RandomWalk with code to track the number of times the walker returned to the starting position, either (0,0) or 0 respectively, would you expect the results to be similar? 7.30 Suppose the one-dimensional walker is restricted to walking in a circle instead of on an innite line. Outline a modication to the class RandomWalk so that the number of lily pads on a circle is specied as well as the number of steps in a walk. Strive for a modication that entails minimal change to the class.

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7.3 Random Walks


40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10

Brownian motion: 1,024 steps of unit length






Figure 7.3 Fractal characteristics of two-dimensional random walks (continued).

7.3.5 The Common Interface in RandomWalk and RandomWalk2D

Because the methods of RandomWalk and RandomWalk2D have the same names, we can modify Program 7.12, frogwalk2.cpp very easily. That program keeps track of how many times two walkers have the same position (we used the metaphor of two frogs sharing the same lily pad). The only difference between the one-dimensional walk class declared in walk.h and the two-dimensional class whose declaration and denition are both given in brownian.cpp, Program 7.14 is that the functions Current() and Position() return an int in the one-dimensional case and a Point in the twodimensional case. As well see in Section 7.4, Point objects can be compared for equality and printed, so the only change needed to the code in frogwalk2.cpp to accommodate two-dimensional walkers is a change in the #include from "walk.h" to "walk2d.h". Here Im assuming that the class RandomWalk2D has been dened and implemented in .h and .cpp les rather than in brownian.cpp. Actually a small change must be made in the constructor calls of frog and toad since the size of the step is specied for the two-dimensional walkers.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

Program 7.15 twodwalk.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" #include "walk2d.h" // simulate two random walkers at once // Owen Astrachan, 6/29/96, modified 5/1/99 int main() { int numSteps = PromptRange("enter # steps",0,30000); RandomWalk2D frog(numSteps,1); RandomWalk2D toad(numSteps,1); int samePadCount = 0; frog.Init(); toad.Init(); // define two random walkers // # times at same location // initialize both walks

while (frog.HasMore() && toad.HasMore()) { // if (frog.Current() == toad.Current()) if (frog.Current().distanceFrom(toad.Current()) < 1.0) { samePadCount++; } frog.Next(); toad.Next(); } cout << "frog position = " << frog.Position() << endl; cout << "toad position = " << toad.Position() << endl; cout << "# times at same location = " << samePadCount << endl; return 0; }


prompt> twodwalk enter # steps between 0 and 30000: 20000 frog position = (138.376, 118.173) toad position = (59.5489, -61.5897) # times at same location = 0 prompt> twodwalk enter # steps between 0 and 30000: 20000 frog position = (-57.0885, 53.7944) toad position = (-6.07683, 142.7) # times at same location = 0

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7.4 structs as Data Aggregates


Its probably not surprising that the two-dimensional walkers never occupy the same position. Even if the walkers are very close to each other its extraordinarily unlikely that the double values representing both x and y coordinates will be exactly the same. This is due in part to accumulated round-off errors introduced when small double values are added together. In general you should avoid comparing double values for exact equality, but use a function like FloatEqual in mathutils.h, Program G.9 and discussed in Howto G. A simple change in Program 7.15, twodwalk.cpp, can track if two walkers are very close rather than having exactly the same position. Using Point::distanceFrom() (see Program 7.14, brownian.cpp) lets us do this if we change the if test as follows.
if (frog.Current().distanceFrom(toad.Current()) < 1.0)

Two runs with this test show a change in behavior.

prompt> twodwalk enter # steps between 0 and 30000: 20000 frog position = (-37.9018, 68.9209) toad position = (-4.6354, 18.2154) # times at same location = 6 prompt> twodwalk enter # steps between 0 and 30000: 20000 frog position = (-125.509, 98.8204) toad position = (82.7206, -24.1438) # times at same location = 11

7.4 structs as Data Aggregates

Suppose youre writing a function to nd the number of words in a text le that have fewer than four letters, between four and seven letters, and more than seven letters. The prototype for such a function might be:
void fileStats(const string& filename, int& smallCount, int& medCount, int& largeCount) // postcondition: return word counts for text-file filename // smallCount = # words with length() < 4 // medCount = # words with 4 <= length() <= 7 // largeCount = # words with 7 < length()

Its easy to imagine a more lengthy and elaborate set of statistics for a text le; the parameter list for a modied fileStats function would quickly become cumbersome.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

We could write a class instead, with instance variables recording each count or other statistic. However, if we write a single member function to get all the statistics, we have the same prototype as the function fileStats shown above. If we use one member function for each statistic, that quickly gets cumbersome in a different way. Instead of using several related parameters, we can group the related parameters together so that they can be treated as a single structure. A class works well as a way to group related data together, but if we adhere to the guideline in Program Tip 6.2, all data should be private with public accessor functions when clients need access to some representation of a class state. Object-oriented programmers generally accept this design guideline and implement accessor and mutator methods for retrieving and updating state data. Sometimes, rather than using a class to encapsulate both data (state) and behavior, a struct is used. In C++ a struct is similar to a class but is used for storing related data together. Structs are implemented almost exactly like classes, but the word struct replaces the word class. The only difference between a struct and a class in C++ is that by default all data and functions in a struct are public whereas the default in a class is that everything is private. Well use structs to combine related data together so that the data can be treated as a single unit. A struct used for this purpose is described in the C++ standard as plain old data, or pod. In the le statistics example we could use this declaration:
struct FileStats { string fileName; int smallCount; int medCount; int largeCount; };

// // // //

name of # words # words # words

text with with with

file length() < 4 4 <= length() <= 7 7 < length()

Since the combined data have different types, that is string and int, a struct is often called a heterogeneous aggregate, a means of encapsulating data of potentially different types into one new type. As a general design rule we wont require any member functions in a struct and will rely on all data elds being public by default. As well see, it may be useful to implement some member functions, including constructors, but we wont insist on these as we do for the design and implementation of a new class. In general, well use structs when we want to group data (state) and perhaps some behavior (functions) together, but we wont feel obligated to use the same kinds of design rules that we use when we design classes (e.g., all data are private). You should know that other programmers use structs in a different way and do not include constructors or other functions in structs. Since constructors often make programs shorter and easier to develop without mistakes, well use them when appropriate. Using the struct FileStats we might have the following code:
void computeStats(FileStats& fs) // precondition: fs.fileName is name of a text file // postcondition: data fields of fs represent statistics { // code here

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7.4 structs as Data Aggregates


} int main() { FileStats fs; fs.fileName = "poe.txt"; computeStats(fs); cout << "# large words in " << fs.fileName << " = " << fs.largeCount << endl; return 0; }

ProgramTip 7.15: If youre designing a class with little or no behavior,but just data that are accessed and modied,consider implementing the class as a struct. A class should have behavior beyond setting and retrieving the value of each instance variable. Using structs for encapsulating data (with helper functions when necessary, such as for construction and printing) is a good compromise when development of a complete class seems like overkill.

7.4.1 structs for Storing Points

Weve used objects of type Point in programs for simulating two-dimensional random walks (see Program 7.14, brownian.cpp, for an example.) The type Point declared in point.h, Program G.10 in Howto G is implemented as struct rather than a class. With our design guidelines, a struct allows us to make the data public. For Point the data are x and y coordinates. Using a struct means we dont need to provide methods for getting and setting the coordinates, but can access them directly as shown in Program 7.16, usepoint.cpp.
Program 7.16 usepoint.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "point.h" int main() { Point p; Point q(3.0, 4.0); // print the points cout << "p = " << p << " q = " << q << endl; q.x = 2;

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

q.y = 2; cout << "q doubled = " << q << endl; p = q; if (p == q) { cout << "points are now equal" << endl; } else { cout << "points are NOT equal" << endl; } p = Point(0,0); cout << q.distanceFrom(p) << " = distance of q from " << p << endl; return 0;


prompt> usepoint p = (0, 0) q = (3, 4) q doubled = (6, 8) points are now equal 10 = distance of q from (0, 0)

The data members of the structs p and q are accessed with a dot notation just as member functions of a class are accessed. However, because the data elds are public, they can be updated and accessed without using member functions. Sometimes the decision to use either a struct, or several variables, or a class will not be simple. Using a struct instead of several variables makes it easy to add more data at a later time. ProgramTip 7.16: Be wary when you decide to use a struct rather than a class. When you use a struct, client programs will most likely depend directly on the implementation of the struct rather than only on the interface. If the implementation changes, all client programs may need to be rewritten rather than just recompiled or relinked as when client programs use only an interface rather than direct knowledge of an implementation.

If you reason carefully about the output from usepoint.cpp youll notice several properties of Point. You can verify some of these by examining the header le point.h in Howto G. The default (parameterless) Point constructor initializes to the origin: (0,0).

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7.4 structs as Data Aggregates


Point objects can be assigned to each other, as in p = q, and compared for equality, as in if (p == q). A temporary (or anonymous) Point object can be created by calling a constructor and using the constructed Point in a statement. The following statement from usepoint.cpp creates a temporary Point representing the origin (0,0) and assigns it to p.
p = Point(0,0);

A temporary is also used in brownian.cpp, Program 7.14 to compute a walkers nal distance from the origin. The method Point::distanceFrom() computes the distance of one point from another.

7.4.2 Operators for structs

In the programs using Point objects we printed points and compared them for equality. These operations are possible on Point objects because the relational operators and the output insertion operator << are overloaded for the class Point. The denition of the overloaded stream insertion operator is shown below (see also point.cpp with the les provided for use with this book.)
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Point& p) // postcondition: p inserted on output as (p.x,p.y) { os << p.tostring(); return os; }

The parameter output represents any output stream, that is, either cout or an ofstream object. After the point p is inserted onto stream output, the stream is returned so that a chain of insertions can be made in one statement as shown in usepoint.cpp. A full description of how to overload the insertion operator and all other operators is found in Howto E Program Tip 7.17: Many classes should have a member function named tostring that produces a representation of the class as a string. Using the tostring method makes it very simple to overload the stream insertion operator, but is also useful in other contexts. If you use the graphics package associated with this book youll probably use the tostring method to print on the graphics screen since the screen displays strings, but not streams. As another example, here is the relational operator == for Point objects.

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

bool operator == (const Point& lhs, const Point& rhs) { return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y; }

Note that the prototype for this function is declared in point.h, but the denition above is found in point.cpp just as methods are declared in a header le and implemented in the corresponding .cpp le. Program Tip 7.18: When possible, design a class to behave as users will expect from the behavior of built-in types like int and double. This often means overloading relational operators, the stream insertion operator, and ensuring that objects can be assigned to each other.

As well see in Howto E and study in later chapters, overloaded operators can make the syntax of developing programs with new classes much simpler than if no overloaded operators were implemented.

7.5 Chapter Review

The rst step in developing programs and classes is to develop a specication and a list of requirements. Nouns in a problem statement or specication help identify potential classes; verbs help identify potential methods. When designing and implementing classes, rst concentrate on behavior (methods), then concentrate on state (private data). Use scenarios to help develop classes and programs. Use stub functions when you want to test a class (or program) without implementing all the functions at once. Test classes in isolation from each other whenever possible. Factor out common code accessed by more than one function into another function that is called multiple times. For member functions, make these helping functions private so that they can be called from other member functions but not from client programs. Try to keep the bodies of each member function short so that the functions are easy to verify and modify. Functions atoi, atof allow conversion from strings to ints and doubles, respectively. These and the overloaded function tostring to convert from ints and doubles to strings are found in strutils.h. Keep classes to a single purpose. Use more than one class rather than combining different or unrelated behaviors in the same class. Program by conforming to known interfaces whenever possible. This reduces both

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7.6 Exercises


conceptual hurdles and potential recompilation and relinking. Creating a program from source les in C++ consists of preprocessing, compiling, and linking. Libraries are often accessed in the linking phase. Compilation errors and linking errors have different causes. Initializer lists are used to construct private data in a class. You should use initializer lists rather than assigning values in the body of a constructor. Random walks are useful models of many natural phenomenon with a basis in mathematics and statistical physics. The switch statement is an alternative to cascaded if/else statements. Structs are used as heterogeneous aggregates. When related data should be stored together without the programming and design overhead of implementing a class, structs are a useful alternative. Structs are classes in which the data are public by default. Structs can also have constructors and helper functions to make them easier to use. The insertion operator can be overloaded for programmer-dened types as can relational operators.

7.6 Exercises
7.1 Write a quiz program similar to quiz.cpp, Program 7.8, but using different levels of mathematical drill questions. Give the user a choice of easy, medium, or hard questions. An easy question involves addition of two-digit numbers, but no carry is required, so that 23 + 45 is ok, but 27 + 45 is not. A medium question uses addition, but a carry is always required. A hard question involves multiplication of a two-digit number by a one-digit number, but the answer must be less than one-hundred. 7.2 Modify Program 7.10, frogwalk.cpp, to keep track of all the locations that are visited more than once, not just the number of times the walkers are at the same location. To do this, use a StringSet object (see Programs 6.14 and 6.15 in Section 6.5.) Use the functions tostring from strutils.h to convert walker positions to strings so that they can be stored in a StringSet. Then change the program so that two two-dimensional walkers are used as in twodwalk.cpp. Youll need to use Point::tostring() to store two-dimensional locations in a StringSet. 7.3 A result of Dirichlet (see [Knu98a], Section 4.5) says that if two numbers are chosen at random, the probability that their greatest common divisor equals 1 is 6/ 2 . Write a program that repeatedly chooses two integers at random and calculates the approximation to . For best results use a RandGen variable gen (from randgen.h) and generate a random integer using gen.RandInt(1,RAND_MAX).

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

7.4 A reasonable but rough approximation of the mathematical constant can be obtained by simulating throwing darts. The simulated darts are thrown at a dart board in the shape of a square with a quarter-circle in it.
(0, 1)

(1, 0)

If 1000 darts are thrown at the square, and 785 land in the circle, then 785/1000 is an approximation for /4 since the area of the circle (with radius 1) is /4. The approximation for is 4 0.785 = 3.140. Write a program to approximate using this method. Use a unit square as shown in the gure, with corners at (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), and (0,1). Use the RandGen class specied in randgen.h and the member function RandReal, which returns a random double value in the range [0 . . 1). For example, the following code segment generates random x and y values inside the square and increments a counter hits if the point (x, y) lies within the circle. x = gen.RandReal(); y = gen.RandReal(); if (x*x + y*y <= 1.0) { hits++; } This works because the equation of the unit circle is x 2 + y 2 = 1. Allow the user to specify the number of darts (random numbers) thrown or use a varying number of darts to experiment with different approximations. This kind of approximation is called a Monte Carlo approximation. 7.5 This problem (adapted from [BRE71]) is a simplistic simulation of neutrons in a nuclear reactor. Neutrons enter the lead wall of a nuclear reactor and collide with the lead atoms in the wall. Each time a neutron collides with a lead atom it rebounds in a random direction (between 0 and 2 radians) before colliding with another lead atom, reentering the reactor, or leaving the wall. To simplify the simulation well assume that all neutrons enter the wall at a right angle; each neutron travels a distance d before either colliding, reentering the reactor, or leaving the wall; and the wall is 3d units thick. Figure 7.4 diagrams a wall; the reactor is at the bottom. The neutron at the left reenters the reactor, the neutron in the middle leaves the wall outside the reactor, and the neutron on the right is absorbed in the wall (assume that after 10 collisions within the wall a neutron is absorbed). If p is the depth of penetration inside the wall, then p is changed after each collision by p += d * cos(angle) where angle is a random angle (see brownian.cpp, Program 7.14). If p < 0, then the neutron reenters the reactor, and if 3d < p, then the

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7.6 Exercises


distance = 3d

Figure 7.4 Collisions in a nuclear reactor.

neutron leaves the wall; otherwise it collides with another lead atom or is absorbed. Write a program to simulate this reactor. Use 10,000 neutrons in the simulation and determine the percentage of neutrons that return to the reactor, are absorbed in the wall, and penetrate the wall to leave the reactor. Use the simulation to determine the minimal wall thickness (as a multiple of d ) required so that no more than 5% of the neutrons escape the reactor. To help test your simulation, roughly 26% of the neutrons should leave a 3d-thick wall and roughly 22% should be absorbed. 7.6 Repeat the simulation from the previous exercise but assume the neutrons enter the wall at a random angle rather than at a right angle. Then implement a neutron observer class that records the movements of a neutron. Record the motion of 10 neutrons and graph the output if you have access to a plotting program. 7.7 Write a program to test the relationship D = N L from statistical physics, described in Section 7.10. Use a one-dimensional random walk and vary both the length of each step L and the number of steps N . Youll need to run several hundred experiments for each value; try to automate the process. If you have access to a graphing program, graph the results. If you know about curve tting, try to t a curve to the results and see if the empirical observations match the theoretical equation. You can repeat this experiment for the two-dimensional random walk. 7.8 Write a program for two-dimensional random walks in which two frogs (or two molecules) participate at the same time. Keep track of the closest and furthest distances the molecules are away from each other during the simulation. Can you easily extend this to three frogs or four frogs? 7.9 Write a program to simulate a roulette game. In roulette you can place bets on which of 38 numbers is chosen when a ball falls into a numbered slot. The numbers range from 1 to 36, with special 0 and 00 slots. The 0 and 00 slots are colored green; each of the numbers 1 through 36 is red or black. The red numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, and 36. Gamblers can make several different kinds of bet, each of which pays off at different odds as listed in Table 7.1. A payoff of 1 to 1 means that a $10.00 bet earns $10.00 (plus the bet $10.00 back); 17 to 1 means that a $10.00 bet earns $170.00 (plus the $10.00 back). If the wheel spins 0 or 00, then all bets lose

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Chapter 7 Class Interfaces, Design, and Implementation

Table 7.1 Roulette bets and payoff odds

bet red/black odd/even single number two consecutive numbers three consecutive numbers

payoff odds 1 to 1 1 to 1 35 to 1 17 to 1 11 to 1

except for a bet on the single number 0/00 or on the two consecutive numbers 0 and 00. You may nd it useful to implement a separate Bet class to keep track of the different kinds of bets and odds. For example, when betting on a number, youll need to keep track of the number, but betting on red/black requires only that you remember the color chosen. 7.10 Design and implement a struct for representing points in three dimensions. Then program a random walk in three dimensions and determine how often two walkers are within 10 units of each other. Use a class RandomWalk3D patterned after the class RandomWalk2D in brownian.cpp, Program 7.14.

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Arrays, Data, and Random Access

A teacher who can arouse a feeling for one single good action . . . , accomplishes more than he who lls our memory with rows on rows of natural objects, classied with name and form. Goethe Elective Afnities, Book II, Ch. 7 Computers are useless, they can only give you answers. Pablo Picasso 21st Century Dictionary of Quotations

A compact disc (CD), a computer graphics monitor, and a group of campus mailboxes share a common characteristic, as shown in Figure 8.1: Each consists of a sequence of items, and each item is accessible independently of the other items. In the case of a CD, any track can be played without regard to whether the other tracks are played. This arrangement is different from the way songs are recorded on a cassette tape, where, for example, the fth song is accessible only after playing or fast-forwarding past the rst four. In the case of a graphics monitor, any individual picture element, or pixel, can be turned on or off, or changed to a different color, without concern as to what the values of the other pixels are. The independence of each pixel to display different colors permits images to be displayed very rapidly. The address of a student on many campuses, or a person living in an apartment building, is typically specied by a box number.

Track 3





hello world


Figure 8.1 Random or constant-time access. 339

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

Postal workers can deliver letters to box 117 without worrying about the location of the rst 100 boxes, the last 100 boxes, or any boxes other than 117. This characteristic of instant access is useful in programming applications. The terminology used is random access, as opposed to the sequential access to a cassette tape. Most programming languages include a construct that allows data to be grouped together so that each data item is accessible independently of the other items. For example, a collection of numbers might represent test scores; a collection of strings could represent the different words in Hamlet; and a collection of strings and numbers combined in a struct might represent the words in Hamlet and how many times each word occurs. Weve studied three ways of structuring data in C++ programs: classes, structs, and les accessible using streams. In this chapter you will learn about a data structure called an arrayone of the most useful data structures in programming. Examples of array use in this chapter include: Using an array as many counters, for example, to keep track of how many times all sums of rolling n-sided dice occur or to keep track of how many times each letter of the alphabet occurs in Hamlet. Using an array to store a list of words in a le, keeping track of each different word and then extending this array to track how many times each different word occurs. Using an array to maintain a database of on-line information for over 3,000 different CD titles, or alternatively, an on-line address book.

8.1 Arrays andVectors as Counters

Consider Program 8.1, dieroll.cpp, which tracks the number of times each sum between 2 and 8 occurs when two four-sided dice are rolled. Modifying this program to track the number of times each possible dice roll occurs for six-sided dice would be very ugly.
Program 8.1 dieroll.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" #include "prompt.h" // illustrates cumbersome programming // roll two dice and track occurrences of all possible rolls const int DICE_SIDES = 4; int main() { int twos= int threes= int fours=

0; 0; 0;

// counters for each possible roll

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8.1 Arrays and Vectors as Counters

int int int int fives= sixes= sevens= eights= 0; 0; 0; 0;


int rollCount = PromptRange("how many rolls",1,20000); Dice d(DICE_SIDES); int k; for(k=0; k < rollCount; k++) // simulate all the rolls { int sum = d.Roll() + d.Roll(); switch (sum) { case 2: twos++; break; case 3: threes++ ; break; case 4: fours++; break; case 5: fives++; break; case 6: sixes++; break; case 7: sevens++; break; case 8: eights++; break; } } // output for each possible roll # of times it occurred cout cout cout cout cout cout cout cout << << << << << << << << "roll\t# "2\t" << "3\t" << "4\t" << "5\t" << "6\t" << "7\t" << "8\t" << of occurrences" << endl; twos << endl; threes << endl; fours << endl; fives << endl; sixes << endl; sevens << endl; eights << endl;

return 0; }


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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

prompt> dieroll how many rolls between 1 and 20000 roll # of occurrences 2 623 3 1204 4 1935 5 2474 6 1894 7 1246 8 624


The code in dieroll.cpp would be much more compact if loops could be used to initialize the variables and generate the output. To do this we need a new kind of variable that maintains several different values at the same time; such a variable could be used in place of twos, threes, fours, and so on. Most programming languages support such variables; they are called arrays. An array structures data together, but has three important properties: 1. An array is a homogeneous collection. Each item stored in an array is the same type; for example, all integers, all doubles, or all strings. It is not possible to store both integers and strings in the same array. Items in an array are numbered, or ordered; that is, there is a rst item, a fteenth item, and so on. The number that refers to an item is the items index, sometimes called the subscript. An array supports random access. The time to access the rst item is the same as the time to access the fteenth item or the hundredth item.



In C++ the built-in array type has many problems; it is difcult for beginning programmers to use and its use is too closely coupled with its low-level implementation.1 Well study built-in arrays, but we want to study the concept of homogeneous collections and random access without the hardships associated with using the built-in array type. Instead, well use a class that behaves like an array from a programming perspective but insulates us from the kind of programming problems that are common with built-in arrays. Well use a class tvector, dened in the header le tvector.h.2 The t in

The built-in array type in C++ is the same as its C-based counterpart. It is based on pointers, designed to be very efcient, and prone to hard-to-nd errors, especially for beginning programmers. 2 The class vector is dened as part of the STL library in standard C++. The class tvector declared in tvector.h is consistent with this standard class. The class apvector, dened for use in the Advanced Placement computer science course, is based on the class tvector. All member functions of the apvector class are also member functions of the tvector class. Howeover, the tvector class supports push_back and pop_back functions not supported by apvector.

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8.1 Arrays and Vectors as Counters


tvector stands for Tapestry. You can use the standard vector class in any of the programs in this book, but youll nd the tvector class is much more forgiving of the kinds of mistakes that beginning and experienced programmers make. Because tvector catches some errors that vector doesnt catch, tvector is slightly less efcient. If you really need the efciency, develop using tvector and then switch to vector when you know your program works correctly. Before studying Program 8.2, a program that is similar to dieroll.cpp but uses a tvector to track dice rolls, well discuss important properties of the tvector class and how to dene tvector variables.

8.1.1 An Introduction to the Class tvector

The simplest denition of a tvector variable includes the variables name, the type of item being stored, and an integer value passed to the constructor that indicates how many items the vector can store. The denitions below dene a variable numbers that can store seven integer values and a variable words that can store ve string values.
tvector<int> numbers(7); tvector<string> words(5);

Because a tvector is a homogeneous collection, you can think of a tvector variable as a collection of boxes:

0 Words

Each box or item in the tvector is referenced using a numerical index. In C++ the rst item stored in a tvector has index zero. Thus, in the diagram here, the ve items in words are indexed from zero to four. In general, the valid indices in a tvector with n elements are 0, 1, . . . , n 1. An element of a tvector is selected, or referenced, using a numerical index and brackets: [ ]. The following statements store the number 13 as the rst element of numbers and the string "fruitcake" as the rst element of words (remember that the rst element has index zero):
numbers[0] = 13; words[0] = "fruitcake";

tvector variables can be indexed using a loop as follows, where all the elements of numbers are assigned the value zero:
int k; for(k=0; k < 5; k++) { numbers[k] = 0; }

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

tvector<int> diceStats(2*DICE_SIDES+1); Type of variable Variable identifier Argument passed to constructor

Dice d(6);

Figure 8.2 Comparing a tvector variable denition to a Dice variable denition. Both
variables have names and a constructor parameter.

The number of elements in a vector variable is specied by a parameter to the tvector constructor, just as the number of sides of a Dice variable is specied when the Dice variable is constructed, as shown in Figure 8.2. This value can be a variable whose value is entered by the user; an expression; or, in general, any integer value. More details on dening tvector variables are given in Section 8.2.1.

8.1.2 Counting with tvectors

Program 8.2, dieroll2.cpp uses a tvector to keep track of different dice rolls but otherwise performs the same tasks as Program 8.1, dieroll.cpp. From a black-box viewpoint there is no difference between the programs dieroll.cpp and dieroll2.cpp. The tvector variable diceStats can store nine different integer values. The capacity of diceStats is determined when the variable is dened by the statement tvector<int> diceStats(2*DICE_SIDES+1).
Program 8.2 dieroll2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "tvector.h" // use vector to simulate rolling of two dice // Owen Astrachan, March 9, 1994, modified 5/2/99 const int DICE_SIDES = 4; int main() { int sum; int k; Dice d(DICE_SIDES); tvector<int> diceStats(2DICE_SIDES+1); // room for largest dice sum int rollCount = PromptRange("how many rolls",1,20000);

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8.1 Arrays and Vectors as Counters


for(k=2; k <= 2DICE_SIDES; k++) { diceStats[k] = 0; } for(k=0; k < rollCount; k++) { sum = d.Roll() + d.Roll(); diceStats[sum]++; }

// initialize counters to zero

// simulate all the rolls

cout << "roll\t\t# of occurrences" << endl; for(k=2; k <= 2DICE_SIDES; k++) { cout << k << "\t\t" << diceStats[k] << endl; } return 0; }


prompt> dieroll2 how many rolls between 1 and 2000010000 roll # of occurrences 2 623 3 1204 4 1935 5 2474 6 1894 7 1246 8 624

There is one major difference between the denition of diceStats as a tvector variable and that of d as a Dice variable: the tvector denition indicates that the tvector contains integers. Well discuss this in depth after examining other parts of the program. Because the indexing begins with 0, the last location in a nine-element array has index 8. This is why space for nine integer values is allocated in Program 8.2 even though only seven of the locations are accessed in the programdiceStats[2] through diceStats[8]as shown in Figure 8.3. The conceptual simplicity of using diceStats[sum] to represent the number of times two dice are rolled more than compensates for the two memory locations that could be saved by dening an array of seven values and using diceStats[sum-2] to store the number of times sum is obtained. In Figure 8.3 the switch statement used to increment the appropriate counter in Program 8.1 is contrasted with the single statement diceStats[sum]++, which increments the corresponding vector location serving as a counter in Program 8.2.

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

When a vector is dened, the values in each vector location, or cell, are initially undened. The vector cells can be used as variables, but they must be indexed, as shown here for a vector named diceStats containing nine cells: tvector<int> diceStats(9); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? values undened
index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

diceStats[1] = 0; ? 0 ? ? ? ?
index 0 1 2 3 4 5




one value dened

diceStats[1]++; ? 1 ? ? ?
index 0 1 2 3 4





one value incremented

The indexing expression determines which of the many array locations is accessed. Indexing makes arrays extraordinarily useful. One array variable represents potentially thousands of different values, each value specied by the array variable name and the indexing value. The expression diceStats[1] is read as diceStats sub one, where the word sub comes from the mathematical concept of a subscripted variable such as n1 .

switch (sum){ case 2: twos += 1; break; case 3: threes += 1; break; case 4: fours += 1; break; case 5: fives += 1; break; case 6: sixes += 1; break; case 7: sevens += 1; break; case 8: eights += 1; break; }

diceStats[sum]++; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 8.3 Using a tvector to store counts for tracking dice rolls.

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8.2 Dening and Using tvectors


8.2 Dening and Using tvectors

8.2.1 tvector Denition
When you dene a tvector variable youll normally specify the number of entries, or cells, in the tvector. As well see later in this chapter, when you use a vector so that it grows to accommodate more cells, its possible that you wont specify the number of cells when the vector is rst constructed. Since vectors are homogeneous collections, you must also specify the type stored in each entry, such as int, string, or double. The following statements dene three tvector variables: values stores 200 doubles, names stores 50 strings, and scores which stores some number between 1 and 1000 of int values.
tvector<double> values(200); tvector<string> names(50); tvector<int> scores(PromptRange("# of scores",1,1000));

The type of value stored in each cell of a tvector variable is specied between angle brackets (the less-than and greater-than symbols) before the name of the variable is given. The size of the tvector is an argument to the constructor, as illustrated in Figure 8.2. The type that denes what kind of element is stored in each array cell Syntax: tvector denition can be any built-in type (e.g., int, double, bool). It can also be tvector<type> varname; a programmer-dened type such as tvector<type> varname(size expression); tvector<type> varname(size expression, string. The only qualication on value); programmer-dened types is that the type must have a default (or parameterless) constructor. For example, it is not possible to have a denition tvector<Dice> dielist(10) for an array of 10 dice elements, because a Dice object requires a parameter indicating the number of sides that the Dice object has. It is possible to dene a vector of Date elements (see date.h, in Howto G or Program 5.10, usedate.cpp), because there is a default constructor for the Date class. The expression in the tvector constructor determines the number of cells of the tvector variable. This integer expression can use variables, arithmetic operators, and function calls. For example, it is possible to use
tvector<int> primes(int(sqrt(X)));

to allocate a variable named primes whose number of cells is given by the (integer) truncated value of the square root of a variable X. If no integer expression is used, as in tvector<int> list, a vector with zero cells is created. Well see later that sometimes this is necessary and that the number of cells in a vector can grow or shrink. The third form of constructor initializes all the cells to the value passed as the second argument to the constructor.

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

8.2.2 tvector Initialization

For vectors of user-dened types like string, all vector elements are initialized using the default constructor unless an argument is supplied the tvector constructor for initalization as shown below. For built-in types the tvector class does not initialize each vector cell, so the values will most likely be undened.3 For example, when a variable is used to represent several counters, as it is in Program 8.2, dieroll2.cpp, each element of the vector must be initialized to zero. As shown in the syntax diagram for tvector construction, its possible to initialize all elements of a vector when the vector is constructed. For example, the statements below create a vector of 20 strings in which each string has the value "Fred Brooks" and a vector of 100 ints in which each int has the value 25.
tvector<string> names(20,"Fred Brooks"); tvector<int> nums(100,25);

8.2.3 tvector Parameters

tvector variables can be passed as parameters just like any other variable in C++.4 To illustrate how vectors are used and passed as parameters, well study another example in which a vector is used to count several quantities. First well count how many times each different character occurs in an input le. For example, we can count the number of occurrences of the letter e in Hamlet using Program 8.3, letters.cpp. Just as a vector of counters was used to count dice rolls in dieroll2.cpp, Program 8.2, a tvector of counters is used to track how many times each character occurs in the le. Counting characters is similar to counting dice rolls: each tvector element records the number of occurrences of one character. We mentioned the type char briey in Section 3.2.4. You can nd more information on the type char in Howto A and in Chapter 9. Two character processing functions are used in letters.cpp that we havent seen before, but hopefully youll understand their use from the context and the comments. The function isalpha from <cctype> (or <ctype.h>) returns true if its char parameter is a letter, either az or AZ (see Table F.2 in Howto F for more information.) The stream function get() reads one character at a time from a stream; white space is not skipped. More information on get is found in Howto A and in Chapter 9.
Program 8.3 letters.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream>

// for ifstream

3 The standard vector class initializes all vector elements, including built-in types. Built-in types are initialized to 0, where 0 means false for bool values and 0.0 for double values, for example. The tvector class uses a different method to allocate memory than the standard vector class, so cells will not, necessarily, have a dened value unless one is supplied when the tvector is constructed. 4 This is not quite true of arrays, as well see later in this chapter. This is another reason to prefer using the tvector class to using built-in arrays.

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8.2 Dening and Using tvectors

#include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <climits> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" #include "tvector.h" // count # occurrences of all characters in a file // written: 8/5/94, Owen Astrachan, modified 5/1/99 void Print(const tvector<int> & counts, int total); void Count(istream & input, tvector<int> & counts, int & total); int main() { int totalAlph = 0; string filename = PromptString("enter name of input file: "); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail() ) { cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; exit(1); } tvector<int> charCounts(CHAR_MAX+1,0); // all initialized to 0 Count(input,charCounts,totalAlph); Print(charCounts,totalAlph); return 0; } void Count(istream & input, tvector<int> & counts, int & total) // precondition: input open for reading // counts[k] == 0, 0 <= k < CHAR_MAX // postcondition: counts[k] = # occurrences of character k // total = # alphabetic characters { char ch; while (input.get(ch)) // read a character { if (isalpha(ch)) // is alphabetic (a-z)? { total++; } ch = tolower(ch); // convert to lower case counts[ch]++; // count all characters } } void Print(const tvector<int> & counts, int total) // precondition: total = total of all entries in counts[a]..counts[z] // postcondition: all values of counts from a to z printed { const int MIDALPH = 13; // for exit() // for tolower() // for CHAR_MAX


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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

cout.setf(ios::fixed); // print 1 decimal place cout.precision(1); char k; for(k = 'a'; k <= 'm'; k++) { cout << k << setw(7) << counts[k] << " "; cout << setw(4) << 100 double(counts[k])/total << "% \t\t"; cout << char(k+MIDALPH) << setw(7) << counts[k+MIDALPH] << " "; cout << setw(4) << 100 double(counts[k+MIDALPH])/total << "%" << endl; }


For all practical purposes, a char variable is an integer constrained to have a value between 0 and CHAR_MAX. Since char variables can be used as integers, we can use a char variable to index an array. Well use the vector element with index a to count the occurrences of a, the element with index b to count the bs, and so on. The constant CHAR_MAX is dened in <climits> (or <limits.h>.) We use it to initialize charCounts, a tvector of counters, so that all counters are initially zero.
tvector<int> charCounts(CHAR_MAX+1,0);

Only the 26 vector elements corresponding to the alphabetic characters a through z are printed, but every character is counted.5 An alternative method of indexing charCounts that uses only 26 array elements rather than CHAR_MAX elements is explored in the Pause to Reect exercises. To make the output look nice, we use stream member functions to limit the number of places after a decimal point when a double value is printed. These member functions are discussed in Howto B. tvector parameters should always be passed by reference, unless you need to pass a copy of the tvector rather than the tvector itself, but its very rare to need a copy. Avoid copying, because it takes time and uses memory. Some functions require value parameters, but these are rare when tvector parameters are used, so you should use reference or const-reference parameters all the time. Use a const reference parameter, as shown in Print in Program 8.3, when a tvector parameter isnt changed. A const reference parameter is efcient and also allows the compiler to catch inadvertent attempts to change the value of the parameter. The parameter counts in the function Print is not changed; its contents are used to print the values of how many times each letter occurs. ProgramTip 8.1: tvector parameters should be passed by reference (using &) or by const reference. Use a const reference parameter as part of a defensive programming strategy when a parameter is not changed, but is passed by reference because of efciency considerations.

I had a bug in the version of this program that appeared in the rst edition: I used CHAR_MAX instead of CHAR_MAX+1 as the size of the vector. If CHAR_MAX has the value 255, then the array will have 255 elements, but the largest index will be 254, and a character with value 255 will cause an illegalindex error. I never encountered this error in practice because I use letters.cpp to read text les, and the characters in text les typically dont have values of CHAR_MAX. This kind of off-by-one indexing error is common when using vectors. Some people call this an OBOB error (off-by-one bug).

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8.2 Dening and Using tvectors


Notice that the for loop in the function Print uses a char variable to index the values between a and z. The loop runs only from a to m because each line of output holds data for two letters, such as a and n or b and o. The result of adding 13 to a is n, but the explicit cast to char in Print() of Program 8.3 ensures that a character is printed. When ASCII values are used, these characters a to z correspond to array cells 97 to 122 (see Table F.3 in Howto F.)

prompt> letters enter name of input file: hamlet.txt a 9950 7.6% n 8297 b 1830 1.4% o 11218 c 2606 2.0% p 2016 d 5025 3.9% q 220 e 14960 11.5% r 7777 f 2698 2.1% s 8379 g 2420 1.9% t 11863 h 8731 6.7% u 4343 i 8511 6.5% v 1222 j 110 0.1% w 3132 k 1272 1.0% x 179 l 5847 4.5% y 3204 m 4253 3.3% z 72 6.4% 8.6% 1.5% 0.2% 6.0% 6.4% 9.1% 3.3% 0.9% 2.4% 0.1% 2.5% 0.1%

Pause to Reect

8.1 In Program 8.1, how many lines must be changed or added to simulate two 12sided dice? How many lines must be changed or added in Program 8.2 to simulate two 12-sided dice? 8.2 What changes must be made to Program 8.2 to simulate the rolling of three 6-sided dice? 8.3 Write denitions for a tvector doubVec of 512 doubles and intVec of 256 ints. Write code to initialize each vector location to twice its index so that doubVec[13] = 26.0 and intVec[200] = 400. 8.4 Is it possible to create a vector of Balloons as declared in Program 3.7, gballoon.h? Why? 8.5 Write a denition for a tvector of strings that stores the names of the computer scientists for whom Happy Birthday was printed in Program 2.6, bday2.cpp. Write a loop that would print the song for all the names stored in the vector.

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

8.6 Suppose letters.cpp is modied so that the count of how many times a occurs is kept in the vector element with index zero (and the count of z occurrences is in the vector element with index 25). What changes are needed to do this (hint: if a + 13 == n as shown in Print, the value of b - a is 1 and the value of z - a is 25. 8.7 Write a short program, with all code in main, that determines how many twoletter, three-letter, , up to 15-letter words there are in a text le.

8.2.4 A tvector Case Study: Shufing CD Tracks

Many CD players have an option for random play. Pressing the random-play or shufe button causes the tracks on the CD to be shufed and played in some arbitrary order, which may be different each time the CD is played. CD jukeboxes shufe collections of CDs rather than just the collection of tracks on a single CD. In this section well develop the program shufe.cpp, Program 8.4, to simulate this random-play feature for a single CD. Well need to store the tracks in a tvector and rearrange the elements in the tvector to simulate the shufing. Well want to identify the original track number as well as the title of the track, so well use a struct to encapsulate this information.

Developing the Program. Well start with the declaration below for a struct Track to store information about each track on a CD. All the tracks on a CD are stored in a tvector<Track> object.
struct Track { string title; int number; };

// title of song/track // the original track number

Rather than designing, coding, and testing the entire program at once, well concentrate rst on the two main features of the program: printing, and shufing CD track information. Before shufing, well need to print, so well implement Print rst. Programming Tip 7.2 reminds us to grow a program develop a program by adding to a working program rather than implementing the entire program at once. A function to print the contents of a vector will need the vector and the number of elements in the vector. Well write a function to encapsulate the loop below that prints the rst count elements of a vector tracks.
int k; for(k=0; k < count; k++) { cout << tracks[k].number << "\t" << tracks[k].title << endl; }

Sometimes it is hard to interpret (and even read) the expressions from the loop above that follow:

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tracks[k].title; tracks[k].number;

To decipher such expressions, you can read them inside out, one piece at a time.6 The [] are used to indicate an entry in a vector. The identier to the left of them indicates that the name of the tvector is tracks. The identier k is used to select a particular cellnote that the initial value of k is 0, indicating the rst cell. I read the rst expression as tracks sub k dot title. Now you should think about what kind of element is represented by tracks[k], what is stored in tracks? Were dealing with a vector of Track structs. Now you should think about what Track is. Its a struct, so, as with a class, a period or dot . is needed to access one of its elds. The struct Track has two elds: title and number. Examining the struct declaration may remind you what type each eld is. In particular, title is a string.

Initializing a tvector. To test a print function well need to store track information in a vector. Instead of reading track names from a le, well test by hard-wiring several tracks in main, then pass the vector to the print function. Given the declaration for the struct Track above, were stuck writing code like the following:
tvector<Track> tracks(9); tracks[0].title= tracks[0].number= tracks[1].title= tracks[1].number= ... "The Squirming Coil"; 1; "Reba"; 2;

When you nd yourself writing ugly code like this you should say to yourself, There must be a better way. Program Tip 8.2: If you nd yourself writing code that seems unnecessarily redundant, tedious, or that just offends your sense of aesthetics (its ugly), step back and think if there might be a way to improve the code. Sometimes youll just have to write code you dont consider ideal, either because you dont know enough about the language, because you cant think of the right approach, or because there just isnt any way to improve the code. Ugly code is often a maintenance headache, and some time invested early in program development can reap benets during the lifetime of developing and maintaining a program. In this case, adding a constructor to the struct Track makes initialization simpler. We want to write code like the following:

Sometimes the most inside piece isnt obvious, but there are often several places to start.

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tvector<Track> tracks(10); tracks[0] = Track("The Squirming Coil",1); tracks[1] = Track("Reba",2); tracks[2] = Track("My Sweet One",3); ...

Adding a two-parameter constructor to the struct lets us write this code; see the new declaration for Track in shufe.cpp, Program 8.4. Since we want to make a vector of Track structs we must supply a default/parameterless constructor as well (see the Syntax Diagram for tvector construction.) With initialization in main and the implementation of Print, were ready to remove compilation errors, test the program, and then add the shufing function. When we write Print well need to pass the number of elements in the vector. As well see in the next section, we can avoid using two parameters by having the vector keep track of how many elements it has, but for now well pass two parameters to Print: a vector and a count of how many elements are in the vector. Program Tip 8.3: Functions that have tvector parameters sometimes require an int parameter that species the number of values actually stored in the tvector. The number of values stored is often different from the capacity of the tvector. Well see that its easy to avoid this second size parameter if the vector itself keeps track of the number of values it stores as well as its capacity. Well discuss the shufing algorithm and code after the program listing.
Program 8.4 shufe.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "randgen.h" struct Track { string title; int number;

// title of song/track // the original track number

Track::Track() : title("no title"), number(0) { } Track::Track(const string& t, int n) : title(t),

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number(n) { } }; void Print(const tvector<Track>& tracks, int count) // precondition: there are count locations in tracks // postcondition: contents of tracks printed { int k; for(k=0; k < count; k++) { cout << tracks[k].number << "\t" << tracks[k].title << endl; } } void Shuffle(tvector<Track> & tracks,int count) // precondition: count = # of entries in tracks // postcondition: entries in tracks have been randomly shuffled { RandGen gen; // for random # generator int randTrack; Track temp; int k; // choose a random song from [k..count-1] for song # k for(k=0; k < count 1; k++) { randTrack = gen.RandInt(k,count1); temp = tracks[randTrack]; tracks[randTrack] = tracks[k]; tracks[k] = temp; } } int main() { tvector<Track> tracks(10); tracks[0] tracks[1] tracks[2] tracks[3] tracks[4] tracks[5] tracks[6] tracks[7] tracks[8] tracks[9] = = = = = = = = = = Track("Box of Rain",1); Track("Friend of the Devil",2); Track("Sugar Magnolia",3); Track("Operator",4); Track("Candyman",5); Track("Ripple",6); Track("Brokedown Palace",7); Track("Till the Morning Comes",8); Track("Attics of my Life",9); Track("Truckin",10);


// random track // swap entries

Print(tracks,10); Shuffle(tracks,10); cout << endl << "- after shuffling -" << endl << endl; Print(tracks,10); }


Each time the program is run a different order of tracks is generated.

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prompt> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

shufe Box of Rain Friend of the Devil Sugar Magnolia Operator Candyman Ripple Brokedown Palace Till the Morning Comes Attics of my Life Truckin

---- after shuffling ---5 2 8 4 10 7 6 3 9 1 Candyman Friend of the Devil Till the Morning Comes Operator Truckin Brokedown Palace Ripple Sugar Magnolia Attics of my Life Box of Rain

ShufingTracks. The shufing algorithm well employ is simple and is good theoretically that is, it really does shufe things in a random way. In this case each of the possible arrangements, or permutations, of the tracks is equally likely to occur. The basic algorithm consists of picking a track at random to play rst. This can be done by rolling an N -sided die, where there are N tracks on the CD, or by using the RandGen class used in Program 7.14, brownian.cpp. Once the rst random track is picked, one of the remaining tracks is picked at random to play second. This process is continued until a song is picked for the rst track, second track, and so on through the N th track. Without a tvector this would be difcult (though not impossible) to do. Program 8.4, shufe.cpp, performs this task. The expression randTrack = gen.RandInt(k,count-1) is used in the function Shuffle to choose a random track from those remaining. The rst time the for loop is executed, the value of k is 0, all the tracks are eligible for selection, and the random number is a valid index between 0 and count-1 (which is a number from 0 to 9 in shufe.cpp.) The contents of the tvector cell at the randomly generated

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index are swapped with the contents of the cell with index 0 so that the random-index track is now the rst track. The next time through the loop, the random number chosen is between 1 and count-1 so that the rst track (at index 0) cannot be chosen as the random track.
Pause to Reect

8.8 Suppose a new function Initialize is added to shufe.cpp to initialize the elements of a vector of Track structs. Write the header/prototype, pre-, and post-conditions for the function. Youll need two parameters, just as the two functions Print, and Shuffle have. 8.9 In Print, why cant the output be generated by this statement?
cout << tracks[k] << endl;

8.10 In Shuffle, is it important that the test of the for loop be k < count - 1 instead of k < count? What would happen if the test were changed? 8.11 The statement below from Shuffle assigns the contents of one vector element to another.
tracks[randTrack] = tracks[k];

What kind of object is assigned in this statement? How many assignments do you think are part of this assignement? 8.12 Suppose no items are specically assigned in main, but instead this code is used.
tvector<Track> tracks(10); Print(tracks,10); Shuffle(tracks,10); Print(tracks,10); return 0;

Would you be able to tell if the shufe function works? Why (whats printed)? 8.13 A different method of shufing is suggested by the following idea. Pick two random track numbers and swap the corresponding vector entries. Repeat this process 1,000 times (or some other time as specied by a constant). Write code that uses this method for shufing tracks. Do you have any intuition as to why this method is worse than the method used in shufe.cpp?

8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors

Our rst example programs used vectors as counters to determine how many times each of several possible simulated dice rolls occurs and how many times each character in an input le occurs. As we saw with the CD track-shufing program, its possible to use vectors to store objects other than counters. For example, we could store all the words

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from a text le in a vector and write a program like Program 6.16, maxword3.cpp, to nd the most frequently occurring word. Using a vector will make the program execute quickly since words will be in memory (in a vector) rather than on disk as theyre scanned repeatedly to nd the word that occurs most often. In many programs, the number of items stored in a vector will not be known when the program is compiled, but will be determined at runtime. This would be the case, for example, if we store all the words in a text le in a vector. How big should we dene vectors to be in order to accommodate the many situations that may arise? If we make a vector that can hold lots of data, to accommodate large text les, then well be wasting memory when the program is run on small text les. Conversely, if the vector is too small we wont be able to process large les. Fortunately, vectors can grow during a programs execution so that vector usage can be somewhat efcient. There will be some inefciency because to grow a vector well actually have to make a new one and throw out the old one. As a metaphor, suppose you keep addresses and phone numbers of friends in an electronic personal organizer. You may become so popular, with so many friends, that you run out of memory for all the addresses you store. You may be able to buy more memory, but with most organizers youll need to replace the old memory chip with a larger chip. This means youll need to copy the addresses youve saved (to a computer, for example, but onto paper if youre really unlucky), install the new memory, then copy the addresses into the new memory.

8.3.1 Size and Capacity

In general, the number of elements stored in a vector will not be the same as the capacity of the vector. The capacity is how many elements could be stored, or how many cells the vector has. The size is the number of elements that are actually stored in the vector. These are different ideas conceptually, and programs will usually need to track both quantities separately. Using the electronic organizer as an example again, the capacity is how many names and addresses the organizer is capable of storing (how much memory it has) whereas the size is how many names are currently stored in it. Although client code can grow a vector explicitly, its usually simpler and more efcient to have the vector grow itself.

8.3.2 Using push_back, resize, and reserve

When a vector is dened with an explicit size as an argument to the constructor, this argument determines both the capacity and the size of the vector. The size is determined since default objects will be constructed in each vector cell. Member function tvector::size() returns the size.
tvector<Date> tvector<double> tvector<int> tvector<string> holidays(17); values(1000); scores; names(10,"Joe"); // // // // holidays.size() == 17 values.size() == 1000 scores.size() == 0 names.size() == 10

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The member function tvector::push_back is used to add elements to the end of a vector; the vector resizes itself as needed by doubling its capacity. The lines below illustrate push_back and how size and capacity change each time an element is added.
tvector<string> names; // names.push_back("Fred"); // names.push_back("Wilma"); // names.push_back("Barney"); // names.push_back("Betty"); // names.push_back("Pebbles");// size() size() size() size() size() size() == == == == == == 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, capacity() capacity() capacity() capacity() capacity() capacity() == == == == == == 0 2 2 4 4 8

The size of a vector is determined by three things. The number of times push_back is called, each call increases the size by one. The initial size of a vector when an argument is supplied at construction, this initial value is the size and the capacity. The argument in a call to tvector::resize() which changes the size and can change the capacity when the vector grows (resizing cannot shrink the capacity). The code below prints the values stored in names in the example above.
int k; for(k=0; k < names.size(); k++) { cout << names[k] << endl; }

Fred Wilma Barney Betty Pebbles

If a vector is given a size at construction, with subsequent elements added using push_back, the method tvector::size will not return the number of elements added by calling push_back.
tvector<string> names(7); // size() == capacity() == 7 names.push_back("Grace"); // size() == 8, capacity() == 14 names.push_back("Alan"); // size() == 9, capacity() == 14

The value of names[0] is "" because this value is constructed by the default string constructor. The value of names[7] is "Grace" since the initial size puts default string values in array elements 06.

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A vector grows when its size and capacity are equal and push_back adds a new element to the vector. When a vector grows itself by client programs calling push_back, the capacity doubles.7 Since the capacity doubles, it might go from 8 to 16 to 32 and so on. If youre writing a program and you know youll need to store at least 5,000 elements, this growing process can be inefcient.8 The member function tvector::reserve() is used to create an initial capacity, but the size remains at zero.
tvector<string> names; // size() == 0, capacity() == 0 names.reserve(2048); // size() == 0, capacity() = 2048

ProgramTip 8.4: If youre going to use push_back do not dene a vector by giving a size when the vector is constructed. If you construct with a size, the method tvector::size wont return the number of elements added by push_back, it will return that number plus the initial size. If you want to allocate space for efciency reasons use tvector::reserve. Well use two functions in Program 8.5 that read words from a le and store them in a vector to illustrate the differences between using push_back and calling resize explicitly. The runs also show that using tvector::reserve can lead to increased efciency when a vector would double frequently otherwise.
Program 8.5 growdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "prompt.h" "tvector.h" "worditer.h" "ctimer.h"

// show differences between push_back and calling resize explicity void ReadAll(WordStreamIterator& iter, tvector<string>& list) // postcondition: all words from iter stored in list { for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) { list.push_back(iter.Current()); }

7 The class tvector doubles its capacity each time except when the capacity is initially zero, that is, when the vector is rst constructed. The capacity goes from 0 to 2, and then doubles each time. The standard vector class should double in capacity too, but implementations are not required to double the capacity. Most implementations use doubling, but there may be some that dont. 8 Recall that doubling requires copying the elements into a new vector thats twice as large.

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8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors

} void ReadAll2(WordStreamIterator& iter, tvector<string>& list, int& count) // postcondition: all words from iter stored in list, // { count = 0; for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) { if (count >= list.capacity()) { } list[count] = iter.Current(); count++; } } int main() { CTimer timer; string filename = PromptString("enter filename "); WordStreamIterator iter; iter.Open(filename); tvector<string> listA; tvector<string> listB; timer.Start(); ReadAll(iter,listA); timer.Stop(); cout << "# words: " << listA.size() << " capacity: " << listA.capacity() << " time: " << timer.ElapsedTime() << endl; int count; timer.Start(); ReadAll2(iter,listB,count); timer.Stop(); cout << "# words: " << count << " capacity: " << listB.capacity() << " time: " << timer.ElapsedTime() << endl; return 0; } // # elements stored in listB // listA.reserve(100000); // listB.reserve(100000); list.resize(list.capacity()2 + 1); // grow by doubling count = number of words read



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enter filename # words: 31956 # words: 31956 enter filename # words: 85753 # words: 85753

hamlet.txt capacity: 32768 time: 0.751 capacity: 32767 time: 0.941 hawthorne.txt capacity: 131072 time: 2.874 capacity: 131071 time: 4.587

calls to reserve uncommented or both listA and listB

enter filename hawthorne.txt # words: 85753 capacity: 100000 time: 1.302 # words: 85753 capacity: 100000 time: 1.302

The code in ReadAll is considerably simpler than the code in ReadAll2. As the runs show, ReadAll is also more efcient when there is considerable doubling.9
Pause to Reect

8.14 If the WordStreamIterator is replaced by an ifstream variable in Program 8.5, the call to ReadAll returns the same values, but the call to ReadAll2 returns a value of zero in reference parameter count, with nothing stored in the vector. Why? 8.15 Why is the expression list.capacity()*2 + 1 used in ReadAll2 of growdemo.cpp rather than list.capacity()*2? 8.16 What value would be returned by listB.size() during the middle run shown in the output box (when listB.capacity() returns 131071). 8.17 What changes are needed in main of Program 8.4, shufe.cpp to use push_back? How could the functions Print and Shuffle change to take advantage of using push_back in main? 8.18 A tvector is constructed with size zero, then grows itself to a size of 2, 4, 8, 16, vector elements (assuming reserve is not used). Each time the vector grows, new memory is allocated, and old memory de-allocated. When the capacity of the vector is 512 how many vector elements has been allocated (including the nal 512)? If the capacity is 16,384 how many vector elements have been allocated? 8.19 If a tvector grows by one vector element instead of doubling, (e.g., grows to 1, 2, 3, 4, elements) then how many elements have been allocated when the capacity is 32 (including the nal 32)? When the capacity is 128? When the capacity is 16,384? (Hint: 1 + 2 + + n = n(n + 1)/2.)
9 The efciency improvements are a property of the tvector implementation. When the standard class vector is used instead of tvector in growdemo.cpp the efciency gains are not nearly as pronounced.

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8.20 Why do you think the time used in growdemo.cpp, Program 8.5 by the push_back function ReadAll is less than the time used by the function ReadAll2 (when reserve isnt used)?

8.3.3 Vector Idioms: Insertion, Deletion, and Searching

To illustrate common vector operations, well use a small program that reads information representing a portfolio of stocks. Well show examples of adding a new stock, deleting a stock, and nding stocks that match certain criteria, that is, trading below $50.00, above $100.00, on the NASDAQ exchange,10 or stocks whose symbols begin with the letter Q. Well read a le of information similar to whats shown below, but without the company name on the end of each line.11 . The information below is out-of-date; it is from 1996 and not meant to reect current stock prices. The data for each stock includes its symbol, such as, KO, the exchange (N = New York, T = NASDAQ), the price, the number of shares traded, and the name of the company which doesnt appear in the data le well use.
KO DIS ABPCA NSCP F N N T T N 50.5 64.125 5.688 42.813 32.125 735000 282200 49700 385900 798900 COCA COLA CO DISNEY CO WALT HLDG CO AU BON PAIN CO INC CL A NETSCAPE COMM CORP FORD MOTOR CO

Program 8.6 uses a class Portfolio to read and print a collection of stocks.
Program 8.6 stocks.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "strutils.h" #include "prompt.h" struct Stock { string name; string exchange; double price;

// for atoi and atof

10 There are several stock exchanges in the world. Examples include the New York Exchange, the NASDAQ exchange, the Toronto Exchange, and others. 11 The other information on a line can be read using , but the company name requires the use of the function getline because the name consists of more than one word. Well study getline in Chapter 9.

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Stock() : name("dummy"), exchange("none"), price(0.0), shares(0) { } Stock(const string& n, const string& xc, double p, int ns) : name(n), exchange(xc), price(p), shares(ns) { } }; class Portfolio { public: Portfolio(); void Read(const string& filename); void Print(ostream& out) private: tvector<Stock> myStocks; }; Portfolio::Portfolio() : myStocks(0) { myStocks.reserve(20); } const;

// start with room for 20 stocks

void Portfolio::Read(const string& filename) { ifstream input(filename.c_str()); string symbol, exchange, price, shares; while (input >> symbol >> exchange >> price >> shares) { myStocks.push_back(Stock(symbol,exchange,atof(price),atoi(shares))); } } void Portfolio::Print(ostream& out) const { int k; int len = myStocks.size(); out.precision(3); out.setf(ios::fixed); for(k=0; k < len; k++) // show 3 decimal places // for every stock price

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8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors

{ out << << << << myStocks[k].name << "\t" myStocks[k].exchange << "\t" setw(8) << myStocks[k].price << "\t" setw(12) << myStocks[k].shares << endl;


} cout << endl << "-" << endl << "# stocks: " << len << endl; } int main() { string filename = PromptString("stock file "); Portfolio port; port.Read(filename); port.Print(cout); return 0; }


The conversion functions atoi and atof from strutils.h are discussed in Howto G. The formatting functions precision and setf for displaying a xed number of decimal places are discussed in Howto B.

prompt> stocks stock file stocksmall.dat KO N 50.500 DIS N 64.125 ABPCA T 5.688 NSCP T 42.813 F N 32.125 ---# stocks: 5 735000 282200 49700 385900 798900

The Portfolio constructor initializes the instance variable myStocks to have zero elements in the initializer list, then reserves space for 20 stocks in the body of the constructor. tvector instance variables must be constructed in an initializer list. Its not possible to include the size of a vector in the class declaration, (e.g., the following code does not work).
class Thing { ... private: tvector<int> myData(30); };

// ***illegal***

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A class declaration does not allocate memory; memory is allocated in the class denition, specically in a constructor. This means you must construct each private tvector data eld in the initializer list of each constructor.12 Program Tip 8.5: When a tvector instance variable is used in a class, each constructor for the class should explicitly construct the tvector in the constructors initializer list. A vector can be given a size, or sized to zero with space reserved by a call to tvector::reserve in the constructor body.

8.3.4 Insertion into a SortedVector

As shown in stocks.cpp, the function push_back is simple to use and effectively adds a new element to the end of a vector. What can you do if you want to add a new element to the middle of a vector, or to some other location? If the list of stocks is kept in alphabetical order by symbol, for example, new stocks should be added in the correct location to keep the list in sorted order. The only way to do this with a vector is to shift elements to create an empty vector cell for the new element. Suppose, for example, that you keep books arranged alphabetically by author, or a collection of compact discs (CDs) arranged alphabetically by artist. When you get a new book (or a new CD), youll probably have to move or shift several books to make a spot for the new one. If youre facing a bookshelf, you might start at the rightmost end and slide the books to the right until you nd where the new book belongs. This mimics exactly how new elements are inserted into a vector when the vector is mainted in sorted order. Well write code to shift vector elements to the right. The key statement follows.
myStocks[loc] = myStocks[loc-1];

When loc has the value eight, for example, this copies the element with index seven into the vector cell with index eight, effectively shifting an element to the right. After this statement executes, the element in the vector cell with index seven is still there, but has been copied into the cell with index eight as well. Well stop shifting when weve looked at every vector element or when we nd where the new stock belongs in the sorted order. The code below inserts a stock s in sorted order by symbol. 13
void Portfolio::Add(const Stock& s) // postcondition: s added to porfolio in sorted order { int count = myStocks.size(); // size before adding myStocks.push_back(s); // vector size is updated

If you dont include an explicit tvector constructor in a class initializer list, the vector will have zero elements, which is actually the right thing to do if youre using push_back. 13 This code is from stocks2.cpp, not shown in the book, but available with the programs that come with the book or from the book website.


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int loc = count; while (0 < loc && s.symbol <= myStocks[loc-1].symbol) { myStocks[loc] = myStocks[loc-1]; loc--; } myStocks[loc] = s; }

The new stock is rst inserted at the end of the vector using push_back simply to allow the vector to update its count of how many elements are in the vector. Elements are then shifted and the stock s is stored in the proper location when the loop nishes. To understand and reason about the loop that shifts elements to the right, well concentrate on three properties of the variable loc. These properties are true each time the loop test is evaluated, so they constitute a loop invariant and should help us reason about the correctness of the loop. loc-1 is the index of the item that will be shifted right if necessary; this is the rightmost element not yet processed. loc is the index of the cell in which the new stock will be inserted in sorted order. All items with index loc + 1 through index count are greater than the new stock being inserted. Figure 8.4 illustrates the process of inserting a stock with symbol D into a sorted vector (for the purposes of illustration, all symbols are single characters.) Initially the vector has eight elements, so the value of loc is 8. The three properties that make up the loop invariant hold the rst time the loop test is evaluated. loc-1, or 7, is the index of V, the rightmost unprocessed element. It will be shifted as necessary. loc, or 8, is the cell in which the new stock will be stored (if the new stock has symbol Z, it is stored in location 8.) All items with indexes 9 through 8 are greater than the stock being inserted. In this case the range 9 . . . 8 represents an empty range, since 9 > 8. There are no elements in this empty range, so its true that all the elements in the range are greater than the element being inserted.14 When loc is 4, as shown in Figure 8.4, the three properties still hold. At this point the letters Q, S, T, and V have been shifted to the right, since the loop body has been executed for values of loc of 7, 6, 5, 4. Since the loop test is true, the body is executed, and M is shifted to the right. Finally, when loc == 2, the three properties still hold:


Dont worry too much about this. The key here is that its impossible to nd a word in the range 9 . . . 8 thats smaller than the word being inserted. Its impossible because there are no words in the empty range.

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

loc-1, or 1, is the rightmost unprocessed element loc, or 2, is the index where the new stock will be inserted all items with indexes between 3 and 8 have values greater than D. However, the loop test is false, because s.symbol > myStocks[loc].symbol since D > C. The loop exits, and the new stock is inserted in the cell with index loc, as described by the invariant.

8.3.5 Deleting an Element Using pop_back

Deleting the last element of a vector is very simple; the method tvector::pop_back reduces a vectors size by one, effectively deleting the last element. The capacity of the vector is unchanged, but since client programs use tvector::size() to determine the number of elements stored in a vector, calling pop_back removes the element. The code below shows a simple method for removing an element from the middle of a vector when the vector is not maintained in sorted order. The last element is copied into the vector cell that will be deleted. Calling pop_back ensures that the vector updates its internal state properly.

0 Original list loc = 8

myCount 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

loc = 6

myCount 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

loc = 4

myCount 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

loc = 2




Add D to vector maintained in sorted order

Figure 8.4 Maintaining a vector in sorted order. The new element will go in the vector cell
with index loc when shifting is nished. The shaded location is being considered as the location of the new element.

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8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors


// remove element with index loc from vector v int lastIndex = v.size() - 1; v[loc] = v[lastIndex]; v.pop_back();

If the vector is maintained in sorted order, vector elements must be shifted to delete an element while maintaining the sorted order. In contrast to the code that shifted elements to the right to make space for a new element, deletion requires shifts to the left.
// delete element with index loc int k; for(k=loc; k < myStocks.size()-1; k++) { myStocks[k] = myStocks[k+1]; } myStocks.pop_back();

8.3.6 Searching aVector

Searching and sorting are common applications in programming. In the stock portfolio example from stocks.cpp, Program 8.6, the program was modied to keep stocks in sorted order. In this section well see how to search for stocks that match some criterion. Sometimes searching will yield an exact, or single, match. If we search for the stock with symbol HRL we expect only one match. In general, searching for a stock by symbol should yield zero or one matches since stock symbols are unique. On the other hand, if we search for all stocks below $10.00, or that traded more than 500,000 shares, there may be many matches.

Searching for a Unique Match. In a sequential search (sometimes called a linear search), elements in a vector are scanned in sequence, one after the other. Sequential search is necessary, for example, if you want to nd the person whose phone number is 555-2622 in your local phone book. Phone books are arranged alphabetically by name rather than numerically by phone number, so you must scan all numbers, one after the other, hoping to nd 555-2622. A search function must return something. Typically the returned value is an index into the vector, or the matching element found during the search. Using an index as a return value makes it possible to encode a failed search by returning a bad index value like 1. If a vector element is returned, its not possible, in general, to return a value indicating a failed search. Some people code search functions to return two values: a bool to indicate if the search is successful and the matching element. If the bool value is false, the matching element has no dened value. The code below shows a function that returns the index of a match in a vector of strings. This code can also be found in Program 8.7, timesearch.cpp.
int search(const tvector<string>& list, const string& key) // pre: list.size() == # elements in list // post: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found {

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

int k; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { if (list[k] == key) { return k; } } return -1; // reach here only when key not found }

Counting Matches. You may want to know how many stocks sell for more than $150.00 or traded more than 500,000 shares, but not care which stocks they are. This is an example of a counting search or counting match. Modifying the linear search code to count matches is straightforward. The sequential search code returned as soon as a match was found, but in counting all matches no early return is possible.
int countMatches(const tvector<Stock>& list, int minShares) // pre: list.size() == # stocks in list // post: returns # stocks that traded more than minShares shares { int k, count = 0; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { if (list[k].share > minShares) { count++; } } return count; }

Collecting Matches. In the previous example, the function countMatches could determine the number of stocks that traded more than 500,000 shares, but could not determine which stocks these are. It would be simple to add an output statement to the function so that the stocks that matched were printed, but you may want to know the average price of the matching stocks rather than just a printed list of the stocks. The easiest way to collect matches in a search is to store the matches in a vector. The function below is a modication of countMatches that returns the matching stocks as elements of the parameter matches.
void collectMatches(const tvector<Stock>& list, int minShares,tvector<Stock>& matches) // pre: list.size() == # elements in list // post: matches contains just the elements of list // that traded > minShares shares { int k; matches.resize(0); // initially no matches

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for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { if (list[k].share > minShares) { matches.push_back(list[k]); } } }

The call to matches.resize() ensures that matches contains just the stocks that match the criterion of trading more than minShares shares. Recall that resize cannot reduce the capacity of a vector, but it does make the size zero.
Pause to Reect

8.21 The loop below is designed to nd the index at which a new item should be inserted in an array to keep the array in sorted order. The loop nds the index but doesnt insert. For example, if list is ("avocado", "banana", "lemon", "orange") and s is "cherry" the function should return 2; if s is "watermelon" the function should return 4.
int insertionIndex(const tvector<string>& list, const string& s) // pre: list is sorted, list[0] <= list[1] ... <= list[n] // where n = list.size()-1 // post: return index i of s in list, so that // i is largest value with list[0]..list[i-1] < s { int len = list.size(); int k=0; // invariant: list[0]..list[k-1] < s while (k < len && list[k] < s) { k++; } return k; }

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why is list a const reference parameter? What value should be returned if s is "apple"? Is this value returned? Is 4 returned when s is "watermelon"? Why is the text k < len needed?

8.22 Assuming the function insertionIndex from the previous problem satises its postcondition, write the function below which could be used as the basis for a new Portfolio::Add from Section 8.3.4.
void insertAt(tvector<string>& list, const string& s, int loc) // post: s inserted into list at location with index loc // order of list elements unchanged

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

To insert a string into a sorted vector, leaving it sorted, the following call should work.
string s = "apple"; insertAt(list, s, insertionIndex(list,s));

8.23 In a vector of n elements, what is the fewest number of elements that are shifted to insert a new element in sorted order? What is the most number of elements that are shifted? 8.24 The method tvector::clear makes the size of a vector 0, the call t.clear() has the same effect as t.resize(0). If there were no functions clear or resize you could write a function to remove all the elements of vector by calling pop_back. Write such a function. 8.25 Write a function deleteAt that works like insertAt from the second pause and reect exercise in this section.
void deleteAt(tvector<string>& list, int loc) // post: item at index loc removed, // order of other items unchanged

How could you call deleteAt to remove "banana" from the vector ("avocado", "banana", "lemon", "orange")? 8.26 Assume the function isVowel exists.
bool isVowel(const string& s) // post: returns true if s is a, e, i, o, u // (or upper case equivalent)

Write the function below.

int vowelCount(const tvector<string>& list) // post: return # strings in list that begin with a vowel

Assuming vowelCount works, what expression returns the number of strings in a vector list that do not begin with a vowel? 8.27 Modify the function in the previous exercise to return a vector containing all the strings that begin with a vowel, instead of just the count of the number of strings. 8.28 Write a function to return the sum of all the elements in a vector of ints.
int sum(const tvector<int>& list) // post: returns list[0] + ... + list[list.size()-1]

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8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors


8.29 Write a function that removes duplicate elements from a sorted vector of strings.
void removeDups(tvector<string>& list) // pre: list[0] <= ... <= list[list.size()-1] (sorted) // post: duplicates removed from still sorted list

For example, the vector


should be changed to

David Gries (b. 19??)

David Gries is a computer scientist and educator at Cornell University. He is well known for his advocation of the use of formal methods in designing and implementing software and in the training of undergraduates in computer science. He has done perhaps more than any one person in making the study of loop invariants and formal methods accessible to students in introductory courses. In his World Wide Web biography he writes of encounters with recursion when earning his masters degree in 1963: it was fun, guring out how to implement recursion efciently before there were many papers on the topic. In an essay [Gri74] written in 1974 he provides timeless advice: It must be made clear that one technique will never sufce (for example, top-down programming). A programmer needs a bag of tricks, a collection of methods for attacking a problem. Secondly, if we are to raise the level of programming, each programmer (no matter how good he feels he is) must become more conscious of the tools and techniques he uses. It is not enough to just program; we must discover how and why we do it. Gries has twins, and in a coincidence of the highest order, the twins were born on the birthday of Gries and his twin sibling. In noting that he is (perhaps) better known for his educational work than his research work, Gries writes, Do what you are good at; bloom where you are planted. For his work in education Gries was awarded the 1994 IEEE Taylor L. Booth Award, the 1991 ACM SIGCSE award, and the 1995 Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award.

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

Sequential search one guess two guesses three guesses four guesses five guesses six guesses

Binary search

(low, high, high, low)

Figure 8.5 Comparing sequential/linear search, on the left, with binary search, on the right.

8.3.7 Binary Search

Phone books are arranged alphabetically by name rather than numerically by phone number, so you must scan all numbers, one after the other, hoping to nd 555-2622. Of course if you were doing this, you could easily miss the number; people arent good at this kind of repetitive task, but computers are. On the other hand, you can look up John Armstrongs, Nancy Drews, or Mr. Mxyzptlks number without scanning every entry. Since name/number pairs are stored alphabetically by name, its possible to search for a name efciently. In this section well investigate binary search: a method of searching that takes advantage of sorted data to speed up search. As well see, binary search is not always better than sequential search. Choosing the right searching algorithm depends on the context in which the search will be used. Binary search is based on the method you may have used in playing a guess-a-number game. Suppose someone thinks of a number between 1 and 100 and will tell you whether your guess is low, high, or correct. Youll probably use 50 as the rst guess. This will eliminate half of the numbers from consideration and is considerably more fruitful than guessing 1 (which, invariably, is low). The strategy of guessing the middle number works regardless of the the range of numbers. For example, if someone initially thinks of a number between 1 and 1024, you would guess 512. One guess shrinks the number of possibilities by half, from 1024 to 512. The number of possibilities continues to shrink from 512 to 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and nally 1. This is a total of 10 guesses to nd one of 1024 possible different numbers. Consider what happens if youre told yes or no rather than high/low, and how this affects your guessing strategy. That example illustrates the difference between binary search and sequential search. Eliminating half of the numbers with one guess, rather than one number, is shown graphically in Figure 8.5. A tvector of 32 elements is shown; the shaded area represents the region of items still being considered after each guess is made. The size of the region being considered is reduced by half each time for binary search, but by only one for sequential search. When binary search is used, each comparison cuts the range of potential matches in half. The total number of guesses will be how many times the initial number of items

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can be cut in half. As weve seen, 1024 items require 10 guesses; its not a coincidence that 210 = 1024. Doubling the number of items from 1024 to 2048 increases the number of guesses needed by only one, because one guess cuts the list of 2048 down to 1024 and we know that 10 guesses are needed for 1024 items. Again, its not a coincidence that 211 = 2048. Looking up a name in a phone book of 1024 names might require 11 guesses. When there is only one name left to check, it must be checked too, because the name being sought might not be in the phone book (this doesnt happen with the guess-a-number game). How many guesses are needed using binary search to search a list of one million names? As weve seen, this depends on how many times one million can be cut in half. We want to nd the smallest number n such that 2n 1, 000, 000; this will tell us how many items must be checked (we might need to add 1 if theres a possibility that the item isnt in the list; this cuts the nal list of one item down to a list of zero items). Since 219 = 524, 288 and 220 = 1, 048, 576, we can see that 20 (or 21) guesses are enough to nd an item using binary search in a list of one million items. If youre familiar with logarithms, you may recall that log functions are the inverse of exponential functions, and therefore that the number of times a number x can be cut in half is log2 (x), or log base 2 of x. Again, we may need to add 1 if we need to cut a number in half to get down to zero instead of 1. This is the analog of reducing the items down to a zero-element list or a one-element list.

8.3.8 Comparing Sequential and Binary Search

Were more concerned with comparing sequential search and binary search than with the exact number of items examined with binary search. The difference between 20 and 21 items examined is far less important than the difference between 21 items (binary search) and one million items (sequential search). Although its possible that only one item is examined when a sequential search is used (consider looking up a word like aardvark in the dictionary), the worst case is that one million items might need to be examined (consider looking up zzzz in a million-word dictionary). Table 8.1 provides a comparison of the number of items that must be examined using sequential and binary search. Examining 18 items will be much faster than examining 100,000 items, but how
Table 8.1 Comparing sequential/linear search with binary search

list size 1 10 1,000 5,000 100,000 1,000,000

number of items examined binary search sequential search 1 4 11 14 18 21 1 10 1,000 5,000 100,000 1,000,000

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

much faster? If two strings can be compared in a microsecond (one millionth of a second)which is very possible on moderately fast computersboth searches will take less than one second. Does it matter that binary search requires 0.000018 seconds and sequential search requires 0.1 seconds? The answer is, It depends. It probably wont matter to you if youre waiting for a response to appear on a computer monitor, but it may matter if the computer is waiting for the search and 100 million searches are necessary. On the computers I used to develop the code in this book, searching for one word in an on-line dictionary of 25,000 words appears to take no time to me using either sequential or binary search. To be precise, I can type a word to search for, press Enter, and the word found in the dictionary appears on the screen instantaneously. However, in Program 8.7, timesearch.cpp, a le of words is read, and then every different word in the le is searched for in a vector of all the words in the le. To be precise, the following sequence takes place in timesearch.cpp. 1. 2. 3. 4. All the words in a le are read and stored in a vector. Words are converted to lower case and leading/trailing punctuation is removed. A StringSet is created from the words in the vector. The set is effectively a list of the different words in the le (the vector contains duplicates.) A copy of the vector is made, and the copy is sorted. There are now two vectors: one sorted and one unsorted.15 Each word in the set is searched for in the vector. Sequential search is used with the unsorted vector; binary search is used with the sorted vector.

As you can see in the runs, the time to search using a sorted vector with binary search is very much faster than the time to search using sequential search. For Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, searching for 9,164 different strings in a vector of 85,754 strings took 267 seconds using sequential search and only 0.17 seconds using binary search in a sorted vector. Of course it took more than one minute to sort the vector in order to use binary search, but the total time is still much less than the time for sequential search. On the other hand, consider the times for Poes The Cask of Amontillado. While still drastically different at 0.501 and 0.01 seconds, a user doesnt see much impact in a process that nishes in half a second. Thats why the answer to whether binary search or sequential search is better is It depends.
Program 8.7 timesearch.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "ctimer.h"

The function QuickSort from sortall.h is used to sort. Sorting is discussed in Chapter 11, but you can call a sort function without knowing how it works.


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8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors

#include #include #include #include "strutils.h" "stringset.h" "prompt.h" "sortall.h" // for StripPunc and ToLower


// demonstrate differences between sequential and binary search // Owen Astrachan, 5/4/99 void Read(const string& filename, tvector<string>& list) // post: list is unsorted collection of all the strings // in text file filename, each string is converted to // lower case with leading/trailing punctuation removed { ifstream input(filename.c_str()); string word; while (input >> word) { StripPunc(word); ToLower(word); list.push_back(word); } } void makeSet(const tvector<string>& list,StringSet& sset) // post: sset is set of strings from list { int k; int len = list.size(); for(k=0; k < len; k++) { sset.insert(list[k]); } } int search(const tvector<string>& list, const string& key) // precondition: list.size() == # elements in list // postcondition: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found { int k; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { if (list[k] == key) { return k; } } return 1; // reach here only when key not found } int bsearch(const tvector<string>& list, const string& key) // precondition: list.size() == # elements in list // postcondition: returns index of key in list, -1 if key not found { int low = 0; // leftmost possible entry int high = list.size()1; // rightmost possible entry int mid; // middle of current range while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high)/2; if (list[mid] == key) // found key, exit search

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

{ return mid; } else if (list[mid] < key) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid 1; } } return 1;

// key in upper half

// key in lower half

// not in list

double timeLinear(const StringSet& sset, const tvector<string>& list) { CTimer timer; StringSetIterator it(sset); timer.Start(); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { int index = search(list,it.Current()); if (index == 1) { cout << "missed a search for " << it.Current() << endl; } } timer.Stop(); return timer.ElapsedTime(); } double timeBinary(const StringSet& sset, const tvector<string>& list) { CTimer timer; StringSetIterator it(sset); timer.Start(); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { int index = bsearch(list,it.Current()); if (index == 1) { cout << "missed a search for " << it.Current() << endl; } } timer.Stop(); return timer.ElapsedTime(); } int main() { string filename = PromptString("enter file "); CTimer timer; tvector<string> list, sortedList; StringSet sset; timer.Start(); Read(filename,list); timer.Stop();

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8.3 Collections and Lists Using tvectors

cout << timer.ElapsedTime() << " secs to read " << list.size() << " total words" << endl; timer.Start(); makeSet(list,sset); timer.Stop(); cout << "make set time:\t" << timer.ElapsedTime() << " set size: " << sset.size() << endl; timer.Start(); sortedList = list; QuickSort(sortedList,sortedList.size()); timer.Stop(); cout << "make sorted time:\t" << timer.ElapsedTime() << endl; cout << "unsorted search time:\t" << timeLinear(sset,list) << endl; cout << "sorted search time:\t" << timeBinary(sset,sortedList) << endl; return 0; }



prompt> timesearch enter file poe.txt 0.08 secs to read 2325 total words make set time: 0.17 set size: 810 make sorted time: 0.09 unsorted search time: 0.501 sorted search time: 0.01 prompt> timesearch enter file hamlet.txt 1.072 secs to read 31957 total words make set time: 6.429 set size: 4832 make sorted time: 6.429 unsorted search time: 56.652 sorted search time: 0.08 prompt> timesearch enter file hawthorne.txt 3.895 secs to read 85754 total words make set time: 24.896 set size: 9164 make sorted time: 68.228 unsorted search time: 267.585 sorted search time: 0.17

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

The postconditions for functions search and bsearch in Program 8.7, timesearch.cpp, are identical. You can use either function to search, but a vector must be sorted to use binary search.

8.4 Built-in Arrays

This section covers materials not used in this book other than in this section. In this section well study the built-in C++array type and compare it with the tvector class weve used to implement a homogeneous, random-access data structure. The tvector class is dened using the built-in C++ array type. Using built-in arrays results in code that will probably execute more quickly than when the tvector class is used, because of overhead associated with checking tvector indices. However, it is much more difcult to develop correct programs with arrays than it is with vectors. Any integer value can be used to subscript an array, even if the value doesnt represent a valid array location. In some languages (e.g., Java), indexing values that do not represent valid array locations cause a program to generate an error message, which can be used to trace the programs behavior. In C and C++, on the other hand, an invalid subscript value can cause unexpected behavior that can lead to hard-to-nd errors. Such invalid subscripts are not checked before being used to index a built-in array. Using the tvector class rather than the built-in array type provides some safety when using indexed variables, because indices are checked with the tvector class. Arrays in C++ have several properties that, at best, might be described as idiosyncratic, and at worst, are a programmers nightmare. There are three reasons to study arrays in addition to vectors. If you read programs written by other people youll proably see lots of array code. Arrays are more low-level so can offer some performance gains, though the builtin vector class (which has no range checking) should be just as fast with any reasonable implementation. Its easier to initialize an array than it is to initialize a vector.

8.4.1 Dening an Array

In C++ the size of an array must be specied by an expression whose value can be determined at compile time. The three statements below on the left dene two arrays: one named numList, capable of storing 200 values of type double, and one named names that can store 50 string values. Corresponding tvector denitions are given on the right.
const int SIZE = 100; double numList[SIZE*2]; string names[SIZE/2]; const int SIZE = 100; tvector<double> numList(SIZE*2); tvector<string> names(SIZE/2);

In contrast, the following denition of numList is illegal according to the C++ standard, because the value of size must be determined at compile time but here is known only at

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8.4 Built-in Arrays


run time. Nevertheless, some compilers may permit such denitions, and in Chapter 12 we will see how to dene in a legal manner an array whose size is not known at compile time. There is no compile-time limit on the size of tvector variablesonly on built-in array variables.
int size; cout << "enter size "; cin >> size; double numList[size];

// not legal in standard C++

8.4.2 Initializing an Array

Arrays can be initialized by assigning values to the individual array locations, using a loop. It is also possible to assign values to individual array locations when an array is dened. For example, the following denitions assign values representing the number of days in each month to monthDays and the names of each month to monthNames:
int monthDays[13] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30, 31,31,30,31,30,31}; string monthNames[13] = {"","January","February","March", "April","May","June","July", "August", "September","October", "November","December"};

Given these denitions, its possible to print the names of all the months, in order from January to December, and how many days are in each month, with the following loop.
for(k=1; k <= 12; k++) { cout << monthNames[k] << ", " << monthDays[k] << " days" << endl; }

This kind of initialization is not possible with tvector variablesonly with variables dened using built-in arrays. Note that the zeroth location of each array is unused, so that the kth location of each array stores information for the kth month rather than storing information for March in the location 2. Again, the conceptual simplicity of this scheme more than compensates for an extra array location. Although the number of entries in each array (13) is specied in the denitions above, this is not necessary. It would be better stylistically to dene a constant const int NUM_MONTHS = 12, and use the expression NUM_MONTHS + 1 in dening the arrays, but no number at all needs to be used, as follows:
int monthDays [] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30, 31,31,30,31,30,31}; string dayNames [] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday"};

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

The denition for dayNames causes an array of seven strings to be allocated and initialized. The denition of monthDays allocates and initializes an array of 13 integers. Since the compiler can determine the necessary number of array locations (essentially by counting commas in the list of values between curly braces), including the number of cells is allowed but is redundant and not necessary. It is useful in some situations to assign all array locations the value zero as is done in Program 8.2. This can be done when the array is dened, by using initialization values as in the preceding examples, but an alternative method for initializing all entries in an array to zero follows:
int diceStats[9] = {0};

The int array diceStats has 9 locations, all equal to 0. When zero is used to initialize all array locations, the number of locations in the array is not redundant as it is in the earlier examples, because there is no comma-separated list of values that the compiler can use to determine the number of array values. This method cannot be used to initialize arrays to values other than zero. The denition
int units[100] = {1};

results in an array with units[0] == 1, but all other locations in units are zero. When a list of values used for array initialization doesnt have enough values, zeros are used to ll in the missing values. This is essentially what is happening with the shortcut method for initializing an array of zeros. I dont recommend this method of initialization; it leads to confusion, because zero is treated differently from other values. In contrast, tvector variables can be initialized so that all entries contain any value, not just zero. This can be done using the two-parameter tvector constructor.

8.4.3 Arrays as Parameters

Arrays are fundamentally different from other types in C++ in two ways: 1. 2. It is not possible to assign one array to another using an assignment operator =. An array passed as a parameter is not copied; it is as though the array were passed by reference.

The reason for these exceptions to the normal rules of assignment and parameter passing in C++ (which permit assignment between variables of the same type and use call-byvalue for passing parameters) is based on what an array variable name is: a constant whose value serves as a reference to the rst (index 0) item in the array. Since constants cannot be changed, assignments to array variables are illegal:
int coins[] = {1,5,10,25}; int bills[] = {1,5,10,20}; coins = bills; // illegal in C and C++ coins[3] = bills[3]; // legal, assigning to array location

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Because the array name is a reference to the rst array location, it can be used to access the entire contents of the array, with appropriate indexing. Only the array name is passed as the value of a parameter, but the name can be used to change the arrays contents even though the array is not explicitly passed by reference. When an array is passed as a parameter, empty brackets [ ] are used to indicate that the parameter is an array. The number of elements allocated for the storage associated with the array parameter does not need to be part of the array parameter. This is illustrated in Program 8.8
Program 8.8 xlist.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // illustrates passing arrays as parameters void Change(int list[], int numElts); void Print(const int list[], int numElts); int main() { const int SIZE = 10; int numbers[SIZE]; int k; for(k=0; k < SIZE; k++){ numbers[k] = k+1; } cout << "before" << endl << "" << endl; Print(numbers,SIZE); cout << endl << "after" << endl << "" << endl; Change(numbers,SIZE); Print(numbers,SIZE); return 0; } void Change(int list[], int numElts) // precondition: list contains at least numElts cells // postcondition: list[k] = list[0] + list[1] + ... + list[k] // for all 0 <= k < numElts { int k; for(k=1; k < numElts; k++) { list[k] += list[k1]; } } void Print(const int list[], int numElts) // precondition: list contains at least numElts cells // postcondition: all elements of list printed {

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int k;

Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

for(k=0; k < numElts; k++) { } } cout << list[k] << endl;


before --------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 after --------1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55

The identier numbers is used as the name of an array; its value is the location of the rst array cell (which has index zero). In particular, numbers does not change as a result of being passed to Change(), but the contents of the array numbers do change. This is a subtle distinction, but the array name is passed by value, as are all parameters by default in C and C++. The name is used to access the memory associated with the array, and the values stored in this memory can change. Since it is not legal to assign a new value to an array variable (e.g., list = newlist), the parameter list cannot be changed in any case, although the values associated with the array cells can change.

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8.4 Built-in Arrays


ProgramTip 8.6: An array name is like a handle that can be used to grab all the memory cells allocated when the array is dened. The array name cannot be changed, but it can be used to access the memory cells so that they can be changed.

const Parameters. The parameter for the function Print in Program 8.8 is dened as const or a constant array. The values stored in the cells of a constant array cannot be changed; the compiler will prevent attempts to do so. The values stored in a const array can, however, be accessed, as is shown in Print. If the statement list[k] = 0 is added in the while loop of Print, the g++ compiler generates the following error message:
fixlist.cpp: In function void Print(const int *, int): fixlist.cpp:46: assignment of read-only location Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Sat Jun 4 14:02:18

ProgramTip 8.7: Using a const modier for parameters is good, defensive programmingit allows the compiler to catch inadvertent attempts to modify a parameter. A const array parameter protects the values of the array cells from being modied.

Array Size as a Parameter. The number of elements in an array parameter is not included
in the formal parameter. As a result, there must be some mechanism for determining the number of elements stored in an array parameter. This is commonly done by passing this value as another parameter, by using a global constant, by using the array in a class that contains the number of entries, or by using a sentinel value in the array to indicate the last entry. As an example, the following function Average returns the average of the rst numScores test scores stored in the array scores.
double Average(const int scores, int numScores) // precondition: numScores = # of entries in scores // postcondition: returns average of // scores[0] ... scores[numScores-1] { int total = 0; double average = 0.0; // stores returned average int k; for(k=0; k < numScores; k += 1) { total += scores[k];

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

} if (numScores != 0) // guard divide by zero { average = double(total)/numScores; } return average; }

Some other section of code might read numbers, store them in an array, and call the function Average to compute the average of the numbers read. Alternatively, the numbers stored in the formal parameter scores might be data generated from a simulation or some other computer program. In the following program segment, numbers representing grades (for students in a hypothetical course) are read until the input is exhausted or until the number of grades would exceed the capacity of the array. The average of these grades is then calculated using the function Average.
const int MAX_GRADES = 100; int grades[MAX_GRADES]; int numGrades = 0; // maximum # of grades // # of grades entered

while (cin >> score && numGrades < MAX_GRADES) { grades[numGrades] = score; numGrades++; } cout << "average grade = " << Average(grades,numGrades) << endl;

This example is meant to illustrate how an array might be used. The approach of storing the grades in an array to calculate the average is not a good one. Because the size of an array is determined at compile time, the code in this example is limited to manipulating at most MAX_GRADES grades. Since it is possible to calculate the average of a set of numbers without storing all the numbers, the approach used above is unnecessarily limiting. The value of numScores in Average is exactly the number of values stored in the array scores but is one more than the largest index of an array cell with a valid value. This off-by-one difference is potentially confusing, so be careful in writing loops that access all the elements in an array.

8.5 Chapter Review

We studied the vector class tvector used in place of built-in arrays to store collections of values accessible by random access. Vectors can store thousands of values, and the fth, ve-hundredth, and ve-thousandth values can be accessed in the same amount of time. Vectors and their built-in counterparts, arrays, are very useful in writing programs that store and manipulate large quantities of data. The important topics covered include the following:

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8.5 Chapter Review


tvectors can be used as counters, for example to count the number of occurrences of each ASCII character in a text le or the number of times a die rolls each number over several trials. tvectors are constructed by providing the size of the vector (the number of elements that can be stored) as an argument to the constructor. Vectors are indexed beginning at zero, so a six-element vector has valid indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. tvectors can be grown by client programs using resize or can grow themselves when elements are added using push_back. Client programs should double the size when a vector is grown as opposed to growing the size by adding one element. When using push_back, vectors should be constructed without specifying a size, though space can be allocated using tvector::reserve. tvectors of all built-in types can be dened, and vectors of programmer-dened types (like string) can be dened if the type has a default constructor. tvectors can be initialized to hold the same value in every cell by providing a second argument to the constructor when the vector is dened. tvectors should always be passed by reference to save memory and the time that would be required to copy if pass by value were used. There are occasions when a copy is needed, but in general pass by reference is preferred. Use const reference parameters to protect the parameter from being altered even when passed by reference. Initializer lists should be used to construct vectors that are private data members of class objects. The function pop_back removes the last element of a vector and decreases by one the size of the vector. Sequential search is used to nd a value in an unsorted vector. Binary search can be used to nd values in sorted vectors. Binary search is much faster, needing roughly 20 comparisons to nd an item in a list of one million different items. The drawback of binary search is that its use requires a sorted vector. Insertion and deletion in a sorted vector requires shifting elements to the right and left, respectively. Built-in arrays are cumbersome to use but may be more efcient than vectors. Nevertheless, you should use vectors and switch to arrays only when youve determined that speed is essential and that the use of vectors is making your program slow (which is probably not the case). Built-in arrays can be initialized with several values at once. Built-in arrays cannot be resized, cannot be assigned to each other, and do not support range-checked indexing. The size of a built-in array must be known at compile time (although well see in Chapter 12 that an alternative form of array denition does permit array size to be determined at run time).

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

8.6 Exercises
8.1 Modify Program 8.3, letters.cpp, so that a vector of 26 elements, indexed from 0 to 25, is used to track how many times each letter in the range az occurs. To do this, map the character a to 0, b to 1,, and z to 25. Isolate this mapping in a function CharToIndex whose header is int CharToIndex(char ch) // pre: a <= ch and ch <= z // post: returns 0 for a, 1 for b, ... 25 for z Note that a - a == 0, b - a == 1, and z - a == 25.) 8.2 Write a program that maintains an inventory of a CD collection, a book collection, or some other common collectible. Model the program on stocks.cpp, Program 8.6, but instead of implementing a class Portfolio, implement a class called CDCollection, for example. The user of the program should have the choice of printing all items, deleting items given an identication number, or artist, searching for all work by a particular artist, reading data from a le and saving data to a le. The data le cd.dat that comes with the on-line materials for this book contains thousands of CD entries. For example, the lines below show information for ve CDs: an id, the price, the group, and the name of the CD/album. 100121 100122 100126 100127 : : : : 15.98 14.98 14.98 11.98 : : : : R.E.M. : Automatic for the People Happy Mondays : Yes, Please 10,000 Maniacs : Our Time In Eden Skid Row : B-Side Ourselves

You wont be able to read a le in this format using the extraction operator because the artist and title contain whitespace. To read these youll need to use the function getline discussed in Chapter 9. The loop below shows how to read a le in the format above, and store the information in a struct CD. The code is very similar to the function Portfolio::Read from stocks.cpp. void CDCollection::Read(const string& filename) { ifstream input(filename.c_str()); string idnum, price, group, title; while (getline(input,idnum, :) && getline(input,price, :) && getline(input,group, :) && getline(input,title, \n)) { myCDs.push_back(CD(idnum, atof(price), group, title)); } } 8.3 Modify the class RandomWalk found in walk.h, Program 7.11 so that the one-dimensional walker keeps track of how many times it visits every position in the range 100 to 100.

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8.6 Exercises


You can either use one tvector with 201 elements or two tvector instance variables: one for nonnegative positions and one for negative positions. A RandomWalk object should also keep track of how many times it goes outside the [100..100] range. Youll need to add one or more member functions to get or print the data kept about how many times each position is visited. The simplest approach is to add a method PrintStats to print the data. Alternatively you could return a vector of statistics to client programs. Youll need to think carefully about how to verify that the program is tracking visits properly. For an extra challenge, keep track of every position visited, not just those in the range [100..100]. Youll need to grow the vector(s) that keep track of visits to do this. 8.4 Write a program to implement the guess-a-number game described in Section 8.3.7 on binary search. The user should think of a number between 1 and 100 and respond to guesses made by the computer. Make the program robust so that it can tell whether the user cheats by providing inconsistent answers.

prompt> guessnum Think of a number between 1 and 100 and Ill guess it. Is the number 50 [y/n]? no Is the number less than 50 [y/n]? no Is the number 75 [y/n]? no Is the number less than 75 [y/n]? no Is the number 87 [y/n]? no Is the number less than 87 [y/n]? yes Is the number 81 [y/n]? yes I guessed your number using 7 questions.

Youll nd it useful to call the function PromptYesNo in prompt.h (see Program G.1 in Howto G.) 8.5 Write a program that reads a text le and keeps track of how many time each of the different words occur. A StringSet object can keep track of the different words, but the program needs to keep track of how many times each word occurs. There are several ways you might solve this problem; one is outlined below. Create a struct containing a word and a count of how many times the word occurs. Each time a word is read from the le, it is looked up in a vector of these structs. If the word has been seen before, the words count is incremented, otherwise the word is added with one occurrence. 8.6 Design and implement a Histogram class for displaying quantities stored in a tvector. A histogram is like a bar graph that displays a line relative to the size of the data being visualized. You can construct a Histogram object from a vector, and use the vector as a source of data that generates the histogram. For example, the results of using letters.cpp, Program 8.3, to nd occurrences of each

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

letter in Hamlet can be displayed as a histogram as follows:

prompt> letters enter name of input file: hamlet a ( 9950 ) ************************** b ( 1830 ) **** c ( 2606 ) ****** d ( 5025 ) ************* e ( 14960 ) **************************************** f ( 2698 ) ******* g ( 2420 ) ****** h ( 8731 ) *********************** i ( 8511 ) ********************** j ( 110 ) k ( 1272 ) *** l ( 5847 ) *************** m ( 4253 ) *********** n ( 8297 ) ********************** o ( 11218 ) ***************************** p ( 2016 ) ***** q ( 220 ) r ( 7777 ) ******************** s ( 8379 ) ********************** t ( 11863 ) ******************************* u ( 4343 ) *********** v ( 1222 ) *** w ( 3132 ) ******** x ( 179 ) y ( 3204 ) ******** z ( 72 )

The absolute counts for each letter are shown in parentheses. The bars are scaled so that the longest bar (for the letter e) has 40 asterisks and the other bars are scaled relative to this. For example, the letter h has 23 asterisks and 8731/14960 40 = 23.32 (where we divide using double precision, but truncate the nal result to an integer). Member functions for the Histogram class might include setting the length of the longest bar, identifying labels for each bar drawn, plotting a range of values rather than all values, and grouping ranges; for example, for plotting data in the range 099, you might group by tens and plot 09, 1019, 2029, , 9099. Its difcult to write a completely general histogram class, so youll need to decide how much functionality you will implement. The following histogram tracks 10,000 rolls of two six-sided dice and scales the longest bar to 40 characters:

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8.6 Exercises


prompt> rollem how many sides for dice: 6 how many rolls: 10000 2 ( 282 ) ****** 3 ( 522 ) ************ 4 ( 874 ) ********************* 5 ( 1106 ) ************************** 6 ( 1376 ) ********************************* 7 ( 1650 ) **************************************** 8 ( 1431 ) ********************************** 9 ( 1131 ) *************************** 10 ( 815 ) ******************* 11 ( 545 ) ************* 12 ( 268 ) ******

8.7 Reimplement the histogram class from the previous exercise to draw a vertical histogram. For example, a graph for rolling two six-sided dice (scaled to 10 asterisks in the longest bar) is shown below, followed by the same graph drawn vertically. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 243 594 827 1066 1327 1682 1465 1091 807 606 292 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * *** **** ****** ******* ********** ******** ****** **** *** *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Chapter 8 Arrays, Data, and Random Access

Its harder to get labels drawn well for the vertical histogram, so rst try to determine how to draw the bars and dont worry initially about the labels. 8.8 Implement a Sieve of Eratosthenes to nd prime numbers. A sieve is implemented using a tvector of bool values, initialized so that all elements are true. To nd primes between 2 and N , use tvector indices 2 through N , so youll need an (N +1)-element tvector. 1. Find the rst entry that is true (initially this entry has index 2, because 0 and 1 do not count in the search for primes). Well call the index of the true entry p, since this entry will be prime. Set each entry whose index is a multiple of p to false. Repeat until all tvector elements have been examined.

2. 3.

The process is illustrated in Figure 8.6 for the numbers 2 through 18. Circled numbers are true. In the topmost view of the array the rst true cell has index 2, so all the even numbers (multiples of 2) are changed to false. These are shown as shaded entries in the diagram. The next true value is 3, so all multiples of 3 are changed to false (although 6, 12, and 18 have already been changed). In the third row no more new entries will be set to false that are not already false, and the primes have been determined (although the steps are repeated until all tvector elements have been examined). 8.9 Write a program that keeps track of important dates/events and reminds you of all the important dates that occur in the next two weeks each time you run the program. For example, you can store events in a data le as follows: 04 02 01 07 11 01 08 01 16 22 April Fools Day Moms birthday New Years Day Lauras birthday Margarets birthday

To read data in this format youll need to use the getline function from Chapter 9 to read all the words on a line after the month and day. The code below reads an ifstream named input in this format and prints all the events.

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

6 6 6

7 7 7

8 8 8

9 9 9

10 10 10

11 11 11

12 12 12

13 13 13

14 14 14

15 15 15

16 16 16

17 17 17

18 18 18

Figure 8.6 Using a Sieve of Eratosthenes to nd primes

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8.6 Exercises


int month, day; string event; while (input >> month >> day && getline(input,event) { Date dday(month,day,1999); cout << event << " occurs on " << dday << endl; } The program should prompt the user for a time frame, like one day, or one week, or 15 weeks, and print all the events that occur within that time frame of the current day (the day on which the program is run). See date.h, Program G.2 in Howto G for a review of the Date class. You should allow the user the option of printing all the events in chronological order. 8.10 Write a program that determines the frequently used words in a text le. Well dene frequently used to mean that a word accounts for at least 1% of all the words in a le. For example, in the le melville.txt there are 14,353 total words, so any word that occurs more than 143 times is a frequently used word. For melville.txt the frequently used words are shown in Table 8.2 with their number of occurrences.
Table 8.2 Frequent words in melville.txt

334 376 218 219 519 265 164

a and he his i in it

196 151 359 194 603 432 195

my not of that the to was

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Design, Use, and Analysis Extending the Foundation


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Strings, Streams, and Operators

He was a poet and hated the approximate. Rainer Maria Rilke The Journal of My Other Self Computer programs require precision even when abstraction is required to make them intelligible. J.A. Zimmer Abstraction for Programmers Abstraction is seductive; forming generic abstract types can lead into confusing excess Marian Petre Psychology of Programming, 112.

In 1936 Alan Turing, a British mathematician, published a famous paper titled On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem. This paper helped lay the foundation for much of the work done in theoretical computer science, even though computers did not exist when the paper was written.1 Turing invented a model of a computer, called a Turing machine, and he used this model to develop ideas and proofs about what kinds of numbers could be computed. His invention was an abstraction, not a real machine, but it provided a framework for reasoning about computers. The ChurchTuring thesis says that, from a theoretical standpoint, all computers have the same power. This is commonly accepted; the most powerful computers in the world compute the same things as Turings abstract machine could compute. Of course some computers are faster than others, and computers continue to get faster every year,2 but the kinds of things that can be computed have not changed. How can we dene abstraction in programming? The American Heritage Dictionary denes it as the act or process of separating the inherent qualities or properties of something from the actual physical object or concept to which they belong. The general users view of a computer is an abstraction of what really goes on behind the scenes. You do not need to know how to program a pull-down menu or a tracking mouse to use these tools. You do not need to know how numbers are represented in computer memory to write programs that manipulate numeric expressions. In some cases such missing knowledge is useful, because it can free you from worrying unnecessarily about issues that arent relevant to programming at a high level. Abstraction is a cornerstone of all computer science and certainly of our study of programming. The capability that modern programming languages and techniques pro-

At least, computers as we know them had not yet been invented. Several kinds of calculating machines had been proposed or manufactured, but no general-purpose computer had been built. 2 No matter when you read this sentence, it is likely to be true.


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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

vide us to avoid dealing with details permits more complex and larger programs to be written than could be written with assembly language, for example. In this chapter well discuss characters, strings, les, and streams. These form an abstraction hierarchy with characters at the lowest level and streams at the highest level. A character is a symbol such as a. Strings and les are both constructed from characters. Well see that streams can be constructed from strings as well as from les. Although a character lies at the lowest level, well see that characters are also abstractions. Well discuss programming tools that help in using and combining these abstractions.

9.1 Characters: Building Blocks for Strings

From the beginning of our study of C++ we have worked with the class string. Although we havent worried about how the string class is implemented or about the individual characters from which strings are built, we have used the string class extensively in many programs. We have treated strings as abstractionswe understand strings by their use and behavior rather than by their construction or implementation. If we understand the string member functions (such as length, substr, operator ==, and operator <<), we do not need to understand the details and idiosyncrasies of the implementation. However, some programs manipulate the individual characters used to build strings, so well need to expand our understanding of characters.

9.1.1 TheType char as an Abstraction

We have discussed strings as sequences of characters but have not included detailed discussions of how a character is implemented in C++. The type char is used for characters in C++.3 A char variable stores legal character values. The range of legal values depends on the computer system being used and even the country in which the system is used. The range of legal characters that is supported in a computing system is called the character set. The most commonly used set is the ASCII set (pronounced askee, an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange); all programs in this book are run on a system with this character set. An emerging standard set is called Unicode, which supports international characters, such as , that are not part of the ASCII set. Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and Cyrillic character sets may also be represented using Unicode. You must try to isolate your programs as much as possible from the particular character set being used in the programs development. This will help ensure that the program is portablethat is, useful in other computing environments than the one in which it was developed. The type char is the smallest built-in type. A char variable uses less (actually, no more) memory than any other type of variable. A char literal is identied by using

Some people pronounce char as care, short for character. Others pronounce it char as in charcoal. A third common pronunciation is car (rhymes with star). I dont like the charcoal pronunciation and use the pronunciation that has character.

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9.1 Characters: Building Blocks for Strings


single quotes, as shown in the rst two of the following examples:

char letter = a; char digit = 9; string word = "alphabetic";

Note that string literals use double quotes, which are different from two single quotes. As an abstraction, a char is very different from an int. Unfortunately, in almost all cases a char can be treated as an int in C++ programs. This similarity has the potential to be confusing. From a programmers view, a char is distinguished from an int by the way it is printed and, perhaps, by the amount of computer memory it uses. The relationship between char and int values is determined by the character set being used. For ASCII characters this relationship is given in Table F.3 in Howto F. Program 9.1 shows how the type char is very similar to the type int but prints differently. The char variable k is incremented just as an int is incremented, but, as the output shows, characters appear on the screen differently than integers. The output of Program 9.1 shows that capital letters come before lower-case letters when the ASCII character set is used. Notice that the characters representing the digits 0 through 9 are contiguous and come before any alphabetic character.
Program 9.1 charlist.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // illustrates use of char as an integral type int main() { char first,last; cout << "enter first and last characters" << endl; cout << "with NO SPACE separating them: "; cin >> first >> last; cout << first; // print first char (fencepost problem) char k; for(k=first+1; k <= last; k++) { cout << " " << k; } cout << endl; return 0; }


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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

prompt> charlist enter first and last characters with NO SPACE separating them: AZ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z prompt> charlist enter first and last characters with NO SPACE separating them: 2B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B prompt> charlist enter first and last characters with NO SPACE separating them: Zf Z [ \ ] \{} _ a b c d e f prompt> charlist enter first and last characters with NO SPACE separating them: &3 & ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3

If we change the output statement to cast the character to an int,

cout << " " << int(k);

the program will display the internal numeric representation of each char rather than its symbolic character representation.

prompt> charlist enter first and last characters with NO SPACE separating them: AM 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

Using the cast makes it more difcult to verify that the output is correct, because the symbolic form of each character isnt used. In general, there isnt any reason to be concerned with what the numerical representation of each character is, because C++ provides many mechanisms that allow programs to use the type char abstractly without regard for the underlying character set. You can make the following assumptions about character codes on almost every system youll use. 1. The digit characters 0 through 9 (ASCII values 48 through 57) are consecutive with no intervening characters.

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9.1 Characters: Building Blocks for Strings


Table 9.1 Some functions in <cctype>

function prototype int int int int isalpha(int isalnum(int islower(int isdigit(int c) c) c) c)

returns true when c is alphabetic (upper or lower case) c is alphabetic or a digit c is a lowercase letter c is a digit character 0-9


The lower-case characters a through z (ASCII 97 through 122) are consecutive, and the upper-case characters A through Z (ASCII 65 through 90) are consecutive.

These assumptions are true for the ASCII character set and the Unicode character set, but not necessarily for all character sets.4 In almost all programming environments youll use either ASCII or Unicode. In the next section well study utility functions that help in writing portable programs.

9.1.2 The Library <cctype>

To be portable, your code must not rely on a specic character set. Just as the functions in the math library <cmath> make writing mathematical and scientic programs easier, a library of character functions helps in writing portable character-manipulating programs. This character library is accessible by using #include <cctype> or on some systems using <ctype.h>. The prototypes for some of the functions in <cctype> are given in Table 9.1; prototypes for all the functions are found in Table F.2 in Howto F. Although the formal parameter for each function is an int, these functions are intended to work with char arguments. Thus isalpha(9) evaluates to zero (false), because 9 is not an alphabetic character. In an ASCII environment isdigit(57) evaluates to nonzero (true), because 57 is the ASCII value for the character 9. You should avoid using these functions in such a manner; treat characters as symbolic abstractions. Program Tip 9.1: The functions in <cctype> return an int value rather than a bool value; but treat the value as a bool. In particular, there is no guarantee that the return value will be 1 for true (although the return value will always be 0 for false). This means you should write if (isdigit(ch)) rather than if (isdigit(ch) == 1) in your code.

The C++ standard requires that 0 through 9 be consecutive, but in the EBCDIC character set the letters a through z and A through Z are not consecutive.

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

To write portable programs, use the functions in <cctype> rather than writing equivalent functions. For example, if the ASCII character set is used, the following function could serve as an implementation of tolower:
int tolower(int c) // postcondition: returns lowercase equivalent of c // if c isnt upper case, returns c unchanged { if (A <= c && c <= Z) // c is uppercase { return c + 32; } return c; }

This function works only when the ASCII character set is used, and it relies on two properties of the character set: The uppercase letters occur in order with no intervening characters. The difference between a lower-case letter and its corresponding upper-case equivalent is always 32. You can isolate some dependencies on ASCII by subtracting characters:
int tolower(int c) // postcondition: returns lowercase equivalent of c // if c isnt upper case, returns c unchanged { if (A <= c && c <= Z) // c is uppercase { return c + (a - A); } return c; }

The correctness of this code depends only on a character set in which a through z and A through Z are consecutive ranges. Since char values can be manipulated as int values, you can subtract one character from another, yielding an int value. However, although you can multiply a * b, the result doesnt make sense; using ASCII, the result is 97*98 == 9506, which is not a legal character value. Although you can use char variables as integers, you should restrict arithmetic operations of characters to the following: 1. 2. 3. Adding an integer to a characterfor example, 0 + 2 == 2 Subtracting an integer from a characterfor example, 9 - 3 == 6 and C - 2 == A Subtracting two charactersfor example, 8 - 0 == 8 and Z - A == 25

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9.1 Characters: Building Blocks for Strings


You can use a char value in a switch statement, because char values can be used as integers. You can also compare two char values using the relational operators <, <=, >, >=. Character comparisons are based on the value of the underlying character set, which will always reect lexicographic (dictionary) order. Now that we have covered the lowest level of the characterstringlestream hierarchy, well see how characters are used to build strings and les. Well investigate strings rst.

9.1.3 Strings as char Sequences

The class string, accessible using the header le <string>,5 is an abstraction that represents sequences of characters. However, we havent yet studied any mechanism for extracting individual characters from a string. Although the substr member function extracts strings and operator + concatenates strings, until now we havent been able to alter the individual characters of a string. Basically, a string acts like a vector of characters. The characters are indexed from 0 to s.length()-1. For example, if str represents the string "computer", then c has index 0 and r has index 7. Individual characters in a string are accessed using the indexing operator [], shown in spreader.cpp, Program 9.2, to print a string with spaces between each character.
Program 9.2 spreader.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // spread a string by inserting spaces between characters int main() { string s = PromptString("enter a string: "); int k, limit = s.length(); // # of chars in s if (limit > 0) // at least one character { cout << s[0]; // first character, fencepost problem for(k=1; k < limit; k++) // then loop over the rest { cout << " " << s[k]; } cout << endl; } return 0; }


The C++ standard string class is accessible using the header le <string>. You may be using "tstring.h" or "apstring.h" rather than the standard header le. Each of these implementations work with the programs in this book.

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

prompt> enter a l o n prompt> enter a ! * #

spreader string: longwinded g w i n d e spreader string: !*#$% $ %

Because the expression s[k] is used for output, and because the compiler can determine that the expression s[k] is a char, the symbolic form of each character is printed; that is, an o instead of 111 (the ASCII value of o). The indexing operator can also be used to change an individual character in a string. For example, the following sequence of statements would cause taste to be displayed:

string s = "paste"; s[0] = t; cout << s << endl;

A program that uses the [] operator with an index that is out of range (i.e., less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of characters in a string) will cause undened behavior if the standard string class is used because the standard class does not check for illegal indexes.6

Program Tip 9.2: Out-of-range string indexes can cause indeterminate and hard-to-nd errors. The errors are indeterminate because the program may behave differently each time it is run, depending on what values are in memory. An outof-range index will either read from or write to a memory location that is not part of the string. Such memory accesses invariably lead to errors.

The implementations of string in "tstring.h" or "apstring.h" do check for illegal indexes. These implementations will generate an error message when a program indexes a string with an out-ofrange value.

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9.1 Characters: Building Blocks for Strings


John von Neumann (19031957)

John von Neumann was a genius in many elds. He founded the eld of game theory with his book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (cowritten with Oskar Morgenstern). He helped develop the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project. Almost all computers in use today are based on the von Neumann model of stored programs and use an architecture that he helped develop in the early years of computing. In 1944, von Neumann was working with the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), a machine whose wires had to be physically rearranged to run a different program. The idea of storing a program in the computer, just as data are stored, is generally credited to von Neumann (although there has been a history of sometimes rancorous dispute; see [Gol93, Mac92]). Hans Bethe, a Nobel Prizewinning physicist, graded academic seminars on a scale of one to ten: Grade one was something my mother could understand. Grade two my wife could understand. Grade seven was something I could understand. Grade eight was something only the speaker and Johnny von Neumann could understand. Grade nine was something Johnny could understand, but the speaker didnt. Grade ten was something even Johnny could not yet understand, but there was little of that. Von Neumanns powers of memory and calculation were prodigious, as were his contributions to so many elds. For a full account of von Neumanns life see [Mac92].

Pause to Reect

9.1 The following function is intended to return the decimal equivalent of a digit character; for example, for 0 it should return 0, and for 3 it should return 3.
int todigit(int c) // pre: c is a digit character: 0,1, ..., 9 // post: returns digit equivalent, // e.g., 3 for 3 { if (isdigit(c)) { return c - 0; } }

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

This function does return the correct values for all digit characters. The function is not robust, because it may cause programs to crash if the precondition isnt true. How would you make it more robust? 9.2 The underlying numeric value of a character (in ASCII and other character sets) reects lexicographic order. For example, C < a, since upper-case letters precede lower-case letters in the ASCII ordering. Why does this help to explain why "Zebra" < "aardvark" but "aardvark" < "yak"? 9.3 Explain why the statement cout << a + 3 << endl generates the integer 100 as output. Why does the statement cout << char(a + 3) << endl generate the character d? 9.4 If the ASCII set is used, what are the values of iscntrl(\t), isspace(\t), and islower(\t)? 9.5 Write a function isvowel that returns true when its parameter is a vowel: a, e, i, o, or u (or the upper-case equivalent). What is an easy way of writing isconsonant (assuming isvowel exists)? 9.6 Write a boolean-valued function IsPalindrome that returns true when its string parameter is a palindrome and false otherwise. A palindrome is a word that reads the same backwards as forwards, such as racecar, mom, and amanaplanacanalpanama (which is A man, a plan, a canalPanama! with no spaces, capitals, or punctuation). For a challenge, make the function ignore spaces and punctuation so that A man, a plan, a canal Panama!! is recognized as a palindrome. 9.7 Write the body of the following function MakeLower so that all upper-case letters in s are converted to lower case. Why is s a reference parameter?
void MakeLower(string & s) // post: all letters in s are lower case

9.8 There are several functions in the library "strutils.h" (see strutils.h, Program G.8 in Howto G.) for converting strings to numbers: atoi converts a string to an int and atof converts a string to a double. (The a is for alphabetic; atoi is pronounced a-to-i.) Write a function with prototype int atoi(string s) that converts a string to its decimal equivalent; for example, atoi("1234") evaluates to 1234, and atoi("-52") evaluates to 52.

9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters

A string variable is a sequence of characters, but we manipulate strings abstractly without knowing the details of how the characters are stored or represented. When

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9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters


information is hidden in this way, and a type is used independently of the underlying representation of the data, the type is sometimes called an abstract data type, or ADT. The data type is abstract because knowledge of its underlying implementation is not necessary to use it. You probably dont know how individual 0s and 1s are stored to represent int and double values, but you can still write programs that use these numeric types. In this section well see that a stream is also an abstract data type. Until now we have viewed a stream as a sequence of words or numbers. We extract words or numbers from a stream using >> and insert onto a stream using . We have developed programs using the standard streams cin and cout, as well as streams bound to les using the classes ifstream and ofstream. In this section well study functions that let us view streams as a sequence of lines rather than words and numbers. Other functions let us view streams as sequences of characters; different views are useful in different settings. Well see some applications that are most easily implemented when streams are viewed as sequences of lines and others where a sequence of characters is a better choice.

9.2.1 Input Using getline()

Input operations on strings using >> result in word-at-a-time input, where words are treated as any sequence of nonwhite space characters. In some applications other methods of input are needed. In particular, an ifstream variable bound to a le may require line-oriented input. Consider, for example, processing a le in the following format, where an artist/group name is followed on the next line by the title of a compact disc (CD) by the artist:
Spin Doctors Pocket Full of Kryptonite The Beatles Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra The Grateful Dead American Beauty

There is no way to read all the words on one line of a le using the stream-processing tools currently at our disposal. Since many text les are arranged as a sequence of lines rather than white spacedelimited words, we need a method for reading input other than the extraction operator . The function getline allows an entire line of input to be read at once. When we view a stream as line-oriented rather than word-oriented, we need to be able to include white space as part of the line read from a stream. If the line cin s in spreader.cpp, Program 9.2, is replaced with getline(cin,s), the user can enter a string with spaces in it:

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

prompt> spreader enter a string: G r e e n

Green Eggs and Ham E g g s a

In the original program the only word read by the program is Green, because the space between Green and Eggs terminates the extraction operation when >> is used. The characters "Eggs and Ham" will not be processed but will remain on the input stream. The function getline is used in Program 9.3 to count the total number of lines in a le. This gives a better count of the number of characters in a le too, because a line can contain white space characters that would not be read if >> were used.
Program 9.3 lelines.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // count # of lines in input file int main() { ifstream input; string s; // line entered by user long numLines = 0; long numChars = 0; string filename = PromptString("enter name of input file: "); input.open(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail() ) { cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; exit(1); } while (getline(input,s)) { numLines++; numChars += s.length(); } cout << "number of lines = " << numLines << ", number of characters = " << numChars << endl; return 0; }


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9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters


The function getline extracts a line, stores the line in a string variable, and returns the state of the stream. Some programmers prefer to test the stream state explicitly:
while (getline(input,s) && ! input.fail())

However, it is ne to use getline in a loop test, both to extract a line and as a test to see whether the extraction succeeds, just as the expression infile word can be used as the test of a while loop to process all the white spacedelimited words in a stream.

prompt> lelines enter name of input file: macbeth.txt number of lines = 2849, number of characters = 110901 prompt> lines enter name of input file: hamlet.txt number of lines = 4463, number of characters = 187271 prompt> lelines enter name of input file: lelines.cpp number of lines = 31, number of characters = 696

As used in Program 9.3, getline has two parameters: an input stream and a string for storing the line extracted from the stream. The stream can be a predened stream such as cin or an ifstream variable such as input, as used in Program 9.3. An optional third parameter to getline indicates the line delimiter or sentinel character that identies the end of line. The string function getline extracts one line from the stream passed as the rst parameter. The characters composing the line Syntax: getline are stored in the string parameter s. The state of the stream after the extracistream & tion is returned as the value of the funcgetline(istream & is, tion. The return value is a reference to string & s, char sentinel = \n); the stream, because streams should not be passed or returned by value. Normally, the end of a line is marked by the newline character \n. However, it is possible to specify a different value that will serve as the end-of-line character. An optional third argument can be passed to getline. This char parameter, (sentinel in the diagram), is used as the end-of-line character. The end-of-line character is extracted from the stream but is not stored in the string s. For example, suppose a le is formatted with a CD artist and title on the same line, separated by a colon :, as follows:

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

Jimmy Buffet : Fruitcakes Paul Simon : The Rhythm Of The Saints Boyz II Men : Cooleyhighharmony

The following loop reads this le storing the artist and title in two strings.
string artist,title; while (getline(input,artist,:) && getline(input,title)) { cout << artist << "\t" << title << endl; }

Program Tip 9.3: Be very careful when using both getline and the extraction operator >> with the same stream. Extraction skips white space, but often leaves the white space on the stream. For example, if you type characters and press Enter when >> is used, the newline character that was input by pressing the Enter key is still on the cin stream. A subsequent getline operation reads all characters until the newline, effectively reading nothing. If your programs seem to be skipping input from the user, look for problems mixing these two input operations. Its better to to use just getline to read strings, and the conversion operators atof and atoi (see "strutils.h" in Howto G) to convert a string to an int or to a double, respectively, than to mix the two forms of stream input. The value returned by getline is the same value that would be returned if the stream member function fail were called immediately after the call to getline. As weve seen, some programmers prefer to make the call to fail explicitly rather than to use the value returned by getline. A getline operation will fail if the stream cannot be read, either because it is bound to a nonexistent le or because no more lines are left on the stream. A stream variable can be used by itself instead of the function fail. For example,
input.open(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail()) { cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; exit(1); }

can be replaced by the statements

input.open(filename.c_str()); if (! input) { cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; exit(1); }

The use of !input in place of input.fail() is common in C++ programs. Ill use fail most of the time, because it makes it clear how the stream is being tested.

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9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters


9.2.2 Parsing Line-Oriented Data Using istringstream

Data are often line-oriented, because people nd it easy to edit and read lines of words, numbers, and other data. Reading data is straightforward when the number of items per line is the same for an entire data set, since a for loop can be used to iterate a set number of times for each input line. Another approach is needed when the number of items per line varies. For example, we might want to access the individual words in the titles of the CDs stored in a le:
The Beatles Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra ...

We might need to write a program to average students grades, where each student has a different number of grades stored in the following format (rstname lastname grades):
Dave Reed 55 60 75 67 72 59 Mike Clancy 88 92 91 97 Stuart Reges 99 94 98 91 95

In general, parsing input and reading data often make up the hardest part of developing a program. Reading data is not an algorithmically challenging problem, but dealing with badly formed data and different kinds of data can be an unpleasant part of programming. We already know how to process stream input a word at a time using the extraction operator >>. We need a tool that lets us use >> on one line of a le. The class istringstream (for input string stream), accessible by including the le <sstream>7 , is just the tool we need. The istringstream class constructs a stream bound to a string as the source of the input, much as the ifstream class constructs a stream bound to a disk le as the source of input. Because an istringstream object is a stream, it supports the same functions and operators as ifstream objects and the standard input stream cin. The code in readnums.cpp, Program 9.4, uses an istringstream variable to read line-oriented numerical data where the number of integers on each line varies. The average of the numbers on each line of input is calculated and printed.
Program 9.4 readnums.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; // illustrates use of input string streams

The name istringstream is relatively new; older compilers that dont use this name will use istrstream. The header le for istrstream is <strstream.h>. On some systems this may be shortened to <strstrea.h>.

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

int main() { string s; cout << "program computes averages of lines of numbers." cout << "to exit, use end-of-file" << endl << endl; while (getline(cin,s)) { int total = 0; int count = 0; int num; istringstream input(s); while (input >> num) { count++; total += num; } if (count != 0) { cout << "average of " << count << " numbers = " << double(total)/count << endl; } else { cout << "data not parsed as integers" << endl; } } return 0; }

<< endl;


prompt> readnums program computes averages of lines of numbers. to exit, use end-of-file

10 20 30 average of 3 numbers = 20 12345678 average of 9 numbers = 4.5 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 4 -4 5 -5 average of 10 numbers = 0 apple orange guava data not parsed as integers 2 4 apple 8 10 average of 2 numbers = 3 Z

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9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters


The getline function reads one line of input into the string s, and the istringstream variable input is constructed from s. Then input is used as a stream: integers are extracted using >> until the extraction fails. The variable input must be dened (and hence constructed) inside the while (getline(cin,s)) loop of readnums.cpp. The source of data in an istringstream object is the string passed as an argument to the istringstream constructor. It is not possible to dene input before the loop and then rebind input to a string entered by the user within the loop. The istringstream variable input is constructed anew at each iteration of the while (getline(cin,s)) loop. An istringstream is constructed from a standard string object, but it will work correctly when constructed from a C-style string8 . Changing the value of the string used to construct an istringstream object while the stream is being used can lead to trouble.

9.2.3 Output Using ostringstream

Its relatively easy to learn to program with istringstream objects because they behave exactly like cin or an ifstream variable. Sometimes its useful in programs to be able to form a string by joining different values, such as a string formed from the string "the answer is " and the int 257. The string formed by joining the different values can be passed as a parameter, printed, and in general be treated like any string object. You can use the conversion function tostring from strutils.h in Howto G and string catenation for this.
string result = "the answer is " + tostring(257);

The value of result is the string "the answer is 257". However, its much easier to combine together different values using an ostringstream object (output string stream).
ostringstream output; output << "the answer is " << 257; string result = output.str();

An ostringstream (like istringstream, accessible from <sstream>) behaves like an output stream, that is like cout or an ofstream variable. Values can be written to the output string stream using standard stream insertion, including formatting operators like setw (see Howto B). The method ostringstream::str() returns a string that contains the characters written to the output string stream.

If a non-standard string class is used, (e.g., from "apstring.h" or "tstring.h"), youll need to use the c_str() string member function when constructing an istringstream variable.

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

Niklaus Wirth (b. 1934)

Niklaus Wirth is perhaps best known as the inventor/developer of the programming language Pascal. He also was an early adherent of a methodology of programming he called stepwise renement, writing a paper in 1971 that called for developing programs in a style Ive called iterative enhancement in this book. Pascal was developed in the early 1970s; it was not, as conventional wisdom would have it, developed solely as a language for educational use. In his 1984 Turing Award lecture Wirth says: Occasionally, it has been claimed that Pascal was designed as a language for teaching. Although this is correct, its use in teaching was not the only goal. In fact, I do not believe in using tools and formalisms in teaching that are inadequate for any practical task. By todays standards, Pascal has obvious deciencies for programming large systems, but 15 years ago it represented a sensible compromise between what was desirable and what was effective. Wirth continued to develop languages that were successors of Pascal, notably Modula-2 and Oberon. In discussing the difculties of developing hardware and software, Wirth has this to say about the complexity of these tasks: It is true that we live in a complex world and strive to solve inherently complex problems, which often do require complex mechanisms. However, this should not diminish our desire for elegant solutions, which convince by their clarity and effectiveness. Simple, elegant solutions are more effective, but they are harder to nd than complex ones, and they require more time, which we too often believe to be unaffordable. When contacted about providing a picture for the second edition of this book, Wirth replied I must say that I have never been a friend of C++. Most of this material is taken from [Wir87].

9.2.4 Strings, Streams, and Characters

Sometimes it is useful to regard a le (and its associated stream) as a collection of characters rather than as a collection of lines. Of course, we could read a le a line at a time using getline and then access each character of the extracted string, but sometimes character-at-a-time input is more appropriate than line-at-a-time input. The stream member function get is used to read one character at a time. White space is not skipped when get is used. Program 9.5, lelines2.cpp, uses get to count the characters in a le one at a time. Note that getline is not a stream member function but that get is.

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9.2 Streams and Files as Lines and Characters


Program 9.5 lelines2.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // count # of lines and chars in input file int main() { long numChars = 0; long numLines = 0; char ch; string filename = PromptString("enter name of input file: "); ifstream input; input.open(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail() ) { cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; exit(1); } while (input.get(ch)) // reading char succeeds? { if ('\n' == ch) // read newline character { numLines++; } numChars++; } cout << "number of lines = " << numLines << ", number of characters = " << numChars << endl; return 0; }

// for exit


prompt> lelines2 enter name of input file: macbeth.txt number of lines = 2849, number of characters = 113750 prompt> lelines2 enter name of input file: hamlet.txt number of lines = 4463, number of characters = 191734

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

The number of lines printed by lelines2.cpp, Program 9.5, is the same as the number of lines calculated by lelines.cpp, Program 9.3, but the number of characters printed is different. If you look carefully at all the numbers printed by both programs, you may be able to determine what the missing characters are. In the on-line version of Hamlet, both programs calculate the number of lines as 4,463, but Program 9.3 calculates 187,271 characters, compared to the 191,734 calculated by Program 9.5. Not coincidentally, 187, 271 + 4, 463 = 191, 734. The newline character \n is not part of the total number of characters calculated by Program 9.3. This points out some subtle behavior of the getline function. getline reads a line of text, terminated by the newline character \n. The newline character is read but is not stored in the string parameter to getline. You can change Program 9.3 to count newlines is by changing the calculation of numChars as follows:
numChars += s.length() + 1; // +1 for newline

The comment is important here; the reason for the addition of + 1 may not be apparent without it.
Pause to Reect

9.9 Write a small program that prompts for the name of an artist and prints all CDs by the artist. Assume input is in the following format.
The Black Crowes The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion 10,000 Maniacs Blind Mans Zoo The Beatles Rubber Soul

For example, if the user enters The Beatles, the output might be
Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band The White Album Revolver Rubber Soul

depending on what CD titles are stored in the le. 9.10 From its use in lelines2.cpp, Program 9.5, the char parameter to get must be a reference parameter. Why is this the case? 9.11 Program 9.5, lelines2.cpp, can be modied so that it copies a le by writing every character (using <<) that is read. What modications are necessary so that the user is prompted for the name of a new le to be written that will be a copy of the le that is read? 9.12 How can the copy program from the previous exercise be modied so that all upper-case letters in the input le are converted to lower-case letters in the output le? (Hint: The change is very straightforward.)

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9.3 Case Study: Removing Comments with State Machines


9.3 Case Study: Removing Comments with State Machines

With the stream and string functions we have studied, we now have the choice of reading streams in several ways: A word at a time, using >> and string variables A line at a time, using getline and string variables A character at a time, using get and char variables In this section well develop a program to remove all comments from a le. Well see that character-at-a-time input facilitates this task, and well study an approach that extends to other parsing-related problems.9 Well use a new syntactic feature of C++ called an enum.

9.3.1 Counting Words

To make the method used to remove comments more familiar, well modify lelines2.cpp to count words in addition to counting lines and characters. Well use the same specication for words that the extraction operator >> uses: a white space delimited sequence of characters. Since were reading one character at a time, well need a method to determine when a word starts and when it ends. Well use the function isspace from <cctype> (see Table F.2 in Howto F) to determine if a character is white space, but how can we keep track of word boundaries? The key is recognizing that the program is in one of two states. It is either reading a word, or not reading a word. When the program reads a space, it is not in a word. When it reads a non-space character it is in a word. The transition from the in-a-word state to the not-in-a-word state marks a word, so whenever this transition occurs well update the word count. The transitions are diagrammed in Figure 9.1 and shown in code in Program 9.6, wc.cpp.10
Program 9.6 wc.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <string> using namespace std;

// for exit // for isspace

A program is parsed by the compiler in the process of converting it into assembly or machine language. Parse usually refers to the process of reading input in identiable chunks such as C++ identiers, reserved words, etc. 10 The Unix program wc counts words, lines, and characters, hence the name.

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Chapter 9

Strings, Streams, and Operators




! isspace(ch)

! inWord

Figure 9.1 State for counting words.

#include "prompt.h" // count # of lines and chars in input file int main() { long numChars long numLines long numWords char ch; bool inWord =

= 0; = 0; = 0; false; // initially not reading a word

string filename = PromptString("enter name of input file: "); ifstream input; input.open(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail() ) { cout << "could not open file " << filename << endl; exit(1); } while (input.get(ch)) // reading char succeeds? { if ('\n' == ch) // read newline character { numLines++; } numChars++; if (isspace(ch)) { if (inWord) // just finished a word { inWord = false; numWords++; } } else // not a space { if (! inWord) // just started a word { inWord = true; } } }

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9.3 Case Study: Removing Comments with State Machines

if (inWord) numWords++; // ended in a word


cout << "lines = " << numLines << "\tchars = " << numChars << "\twords = " << numWords << endl; return 0; }


prompt> wc enter name of input file: melville.txt lines = 1609 chars = 82140 words = 14353 prompt> wc enter name of input file: bible10.txt lines = 228760 chars = 4959549 words = 822899

9.3.2 Problem Specication: What Is a Comment?

The rst step in writing almost any program is to specify the problem properly. We must decide what a comment is, and we should try to identify potential problems in our denition. Well write a program that removes comments beginning with //. These comments extend to the end of a line and are simpler to remove than /* */ comments, which can extend over several lines. Well read and echo all characters except those that are part of a comment.

9.3.3 A State Machine Approach to I/ O

Our comment-removing program will prompt for the name of a program (actually any text le) and print the program with all the comments removed. Our rst program will output using cout, but well design the program so that output to an ofstream object will be a simple change. We must decide whether to read a program a line at a time or a character at a time. Since // comments are line-oriented, reading input a line at a time makes sense. We could use the string member function find to determine whether each line contains the string "//" and, if so, where the "//" begins. However, this approach cannot be extended to removing /* */ comments, which can extend over several lines, so well use character-at-a-time input instead. Well use a state machine approach in reading and removing comments. In a state machine program, each input character causes the program to change its behavior depending on the programs state. Well use a three-state function to remove comments. The function will be in one of three states as it reads each character:

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

ch == '/'



ch != '/' Echo(ch)

ch != '/'

ch == '\n' Echo('\n')

ch == '/'

ch != '\n'


Figure 9.2 State machine diagram for removing // comments. 1. 2. 3. Processing regular, uncommented text A slash / has just been read Processing commented text

In Figure 9.2, these states are labeled as TEXT, FIRST_SLASH, and COMMENT. Each state is shown as a circle, and state changes are shown with arrows. The program can change state each time a character is read, although its possible to stay in the same state. Some state changes (or state transitions) are accompanied by an action, shown in a shaded box. In the text-processing state TEXT, nonslash characters are echoed; a slash character is not echoed but causes a state transition to the state labeled FIRST_SLASH. In the state FIRST_SLASH we dont know yet whether a comment follows or whether the division operator / was just read. The answer depends on the next character read. If a slash character is read, we know a comment follows, so we change state to COMMENT; otherwise there was only one slash, so we echo the slash and the character just read and return to TEXT, the state of parsing noncommented text. Finally, in the COMMENT state, we ignore all characters. However, when a newline character \n is read, we know the comment has ended, so the newline is echoed and the state changes back to TEXT. The advantage of the state approach is that we simply read one character at a time and take an action on the character depending on the current state of the program. In a way, the states serve as memory. For example, in the state FIRST_SLASH we know that one slash remains unprocessed. If the slash doesnt begin a comment, well echo the unprocessed slash and change to reading regular text. Program 9.7, decomment.cpp, implements this state machine approach. The method Decomment::Transform actually removes the comments. An enumerated type Decomment::ReadState is used so that symbolic values appear in code for each state. The symbolic label FIRST_SLASH is more informative than a number like 1 in reading code. Well cover enumerated types after we discuss the program.

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Program 9.7 decomment.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h"

// for exit

// Owen Astrachan 7/4/1996, revised 5/4/99 // state-machine approach for removing all // comments from a file // (doesnt handle // in a string, e.g., " test // comment " class Decomment { public: Decomment(); void Transform(istream& input, ostream& output); private: void Echo(char ch, ostream& output); const char SLASH; const char NEWLINE; enum ReadState{TEXT, FIRST_SLASH, COMMENT}; }; Decomment::Decomment() : SLASH('/'), NEWLINE('\n') { // constants initialized } void Decomment::Echo(char ch, ostream& output) { output << ch; } void Decomment::Transform(istream& input, ostream& output) { char ch; ReadState currentState = TEXT; while (input.get(ch)) // read one char at a time { switch(currentState) { case TEXT: if (ch == SLASH) // potential comment begins { currentState = FIRST_SLASH; } else { Echo(ch,output);

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case FIRST_SLASH: if (ch == SLASH) { } else { Echo(SLASH,output); Echo(ch,output); currentState = TEXT; } break; // one slash not followed by another // print the slash from last time // and the current character // reading uncommented text currentState = COMMENT;

case COMMENT: if (ch == NEWLINE) { Echo(NEWLINE,output); currentState = TEXT; } break; } } } // end-of-line is end of comment // be sure to echo end of line

int main() { string filename = PromptString("enter filename: "); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail()) { cout << "could not open " << filename << " for reading" << endl; exit(1); } Decomment dc; dc.Transform(input,cout);

return 0; }


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9.3 Case Study: Removing Comments with State Machines


prompt> decomment enter name of input file: commtest.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 3; cout << x / 3 << endl; return 0; }

Enum values are used as the values of the variable currentState. Otherwise the logic is precisely illustrated in Figure 9.2. The test input is the following le, named commtest.cpp:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // this is a sample program for comment removal int main() { int x = 3; // meaningful identifier?? cout << x / 3 << endl; // complex math is fun return 0; // this is a useful comment }

The program decomment.cpp does remove all comments properly, but there is a case that causes text to be removed when it shouldnt be. When the two-character sequence // is embedded in a string, it is not the beginning of a comment:
cout << "Two slashes // not a comment" << endl; // tricky?

This situation causes problems with the state machine used in decomment.cpp, but its possible to add more states to x the problem.
Pause to Reect

9.13 Modify decomment.cpp, Program 9.7, so that the output goes to a le specied by the user. 9.14 Draw a state transition diagram similar to Figure 9.2 but for removing /* */ comments. Dont worry about // comments; just remove the other kind of comment.

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9.15 Its possible to use two states to remove // comments. Instead of using the state COMMENT in decomment.cpp, use getline to gobble up the characters on a line when a slash is read in the state FIRST_SLASH. Modify decomment.cpp to use this approach. 9.16 Add states to either the diagram or the program decomment.cpp to avoid removing the // sequence when it is embedded in a string. 9.17 Write a state transition diagram for word-at-a-time input that you could use to nd all int variables. Solve a simple version of the problem, assuming that every variable is dened separatelythat is, there are no denitions in the form
int x, y, z;

What other situations can cause problems for your approach?

9.3.4 EnumeratedTypes
An enumerated type allows you to create all the legal values for a new type. For example, a coin type might have the values heads and tails, and a color spectrum type might have the values red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Using enumerated types makes programs more readable. The type ReadState in the class Decomment from decomment.cpp, Program 9.7 has three values: TEXT, FIRST_SLASH, and COMMENT. A variable of type ReadState can have only these values. An enum introduces a new type whose possible values are dened completely when the enum is declared. Each value of an enum type has an associated integer value; default values of 0, 1, . . . are assigned to each enum value in succession. However, enums are most often used because they let values be represented symbolically rather than numerically. For example, the declaration
enum CardSuit{spade, heart, diamond, club};

creates a new type CardSuit. The variable denition CardSuit suit; creates a variable suit whose only possible values are spade, heart, diamond, and club. The assignment suit = spade is legal; the assignment suit = 1 is not legal. The integer values associated with CardSuit values make spade have the value 0 and club have the value 3. The statement cout << suit outputs an integer, either 0, 1, 2, or 3. Enums are not printed symbolically except, perhaps, in a debugging environment. Its possible to assign explicit values using
enum CardSuit {spades=2, hearts=5, diamonds=7, clubs=9};

so that the value associated with diamonds is 7, for example, but there are very few good reasons to do this. Enums let you use symbolic values in your code, and this can make code easier to read and maintain. Relying on a correspondence between the value 1 and a suit of hearts, which would be necessary if enums werent used, can cause errors since its easy to forget that 1 means hearts and 0 means spades.

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9.3 Case Study: Removing Comments with State Machines


Using enums: Conversion between enum and int. As noted earlier, an int value cannot be assigned to an enum variable. It is possible, however, to assign an enum to an int.
enum CardSuit{spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs}; int k = spades; // legal CardSuit c = 3; // illegal CardSuit s = CardSuit(3); // legal

As this example shows, if an explicit cast is used, an int can be converted to an enum. Program 9.8 shows an enum used as an int as an argument to RandGen::RandInt and as the index of an array.
Program 9.8 enumdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "randgen.h" int main() { enum spectrum{red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet}; string specstrings[] = {"red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"}; RandGen gen; spectrum color = spectrum(gen.RandInt(red,violet)); cout << specstrings[color] << endl; if (color == red) { cout << "roses are red" << endl; } else { cout << "that's a pretty color" << endl; } return 0; }


prompt> enumdemo indigo thats a pretty color prompt> enumdemo red roses are red

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Class enums. By restricting an enum to be used as part of a class, several different classes can share the same enum symbolic names. For example, it is not legal to declare the following two enums in the same program unless they are declared inside separate classes because the value orange cannot be shared among different enumerated types.
enum spectrum {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet}; enum fruit {orange, apple, cherry, banana};

However, if the enumerated types are moved inside classes Spectrum and Fruit, respectively, then there is no conict since the values are Spectrum::orange and Fruit::orange, which are different.
class Spectrum { public: ... enum Color{red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet}; }; class Fruit { public: ... enum Kind{orange, apple, cherry, banana}; };

Here the new types introduced by the enum declaration are Spectrum::Color and Fruit::Kind; the scope-resolution operator :: is required as part of the enum type name except when the enum is used within a member function.

9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class

Often the hardest part of writing a program is reading the data. This can be difcult because data are often stored in a form that is inconvenient from the point of view of the programmer. In general, this sentiment is aptly stated as I/O is messy. In this section well develop a program that calculates the total playing time for all the music stored on a compact disc (CD). The program could be extended with more options such as those found on typical CD players: select some specic songs/tracks or play all songs/tracks after randomly shufing them. You could also use the program to combine tracks from different CDs and compute the total playing time, part of making your own CD of your favorite songs. Well use the program to explore the implementation of overloaded operators. We have used overloaded operators in many programs.

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9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class


Overloaded operators are used when we add BigInt values using a plus sign, compare them using a less-than sign, and read and write them using extraction and insertion operators. These operators are dened for built-in types, but C++ allows programmers to dene the operators for user-constructed types. Operator overloading is covered in detail in Howto E, but well give basic guidelines and details here on how to overload operators with minimal programmer effort without sacricing performance. The input to the program is a le in the format shown here. Each line of the le consists of the duration of a track followed by the name of the track. For example, for the compact disc The Best of Van Morrison (1990, Mercury Records) the input follows.
3:46 2:36 4:31 2:40 4:19 3:04 4:21 3:22 3:57 2:57 3:14 4:28 2:46 3:04 4:05 3:32 4:40 4:54 4:54 4:44 Bright Side Of The Road Gloria Moondance Baby Please Dont Go Have I Told You Lately Brown Eyed Girl Sweet Thing Warm Love Wonderful Remark Jackie Wilson Said Full Force Gale And It Stoned Me Here Comes The Night Domino Did Ye Get Healed Wild Night Cleaning Windows Whenever God Shines His Light Queen Of The Slipstream Dweller On The Threshold

For Handels Water Music (Suite in F Major, Suite in D Major) (Deutsche Grammophon, 1992, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra) the input is
3:12 1:49 2:23 2:11 2:25 3:22 3:26 2:33 1:38 2:17 2:53 1:52 2:42 Ouverture Adagio e staccato Allegro Andante da capo Presto Air.Presto Minuet Bourree.Presto Hornpipe (without indication) Allegro Alla Hornpipe

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

1:01 1:37 1:10

Minuet Lentement Bourree

To determine the total playing time of a CD, the following pseudocode provides a good outline.
total = 0; while (getline(input,line)) { parse track_time and title from line total += track_time; } cout << "total playing time = " << total;

There are several details that must be handled to translate the pseudocode into a working program. Most of these details involve getting the data from a le into the computer for a program to manipulate. Although algorithmically this is a simple problem, the details make it hard to get right.11 There are enough sticky details in the I/O that developing the program takes patience, even if it seems easy at rst.

9.4.1 Throw-Away Code vs. Class Design

Well be able to read the input using the string and stream functions weve covered in this chapter. In previous programs we used the functions atoi and atof from strutils.h, Program G.8 in Howto G to convert strings to ints or doubles. We can use atoi here to transform strings into int values for minutes and seconds. At this point we face a decision as developers of the program. We could develop code specically for this program that correctly accumulates the total time for a CD. The program would work well for the task at hand, but the code would not be very general. At another extreme, we could develop a class for manipulating time stored in hours, minutes, and seconds with overloaded arithmetic and I/O operators. The class would provide code that could be reused in other contexts. Code reuse is a goal of objectoriented design and programming, but it takes more effort to develop reusable code than to develop program-specic code. The decision as to which approach to take is not always simple; often a quick and dirty programming approach is quite appropriate. We might even implement the quick and dirty solution as a rst step in developing a working program. Program Tip 9.4: A quick and dirty solution is sometimes the best approach in getting a working program to solve a problem. Even quick and dirty programs should be elegant and should be carefully commented since todays quick and dirty, use it once and forget it program may be still running ten years from now.

David Chaiken, a computer scientist trained at MIT, uses the acronym SMOP to refer to this kind of problemits a Simple Matter Of Programming. Usually those who claim its simple arent writing the program.


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9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class


Using the three-parameter getline function, for example, we could write this loop to solve the problem.
string minutes, seconds, title; int secSum = 0, minSum = 0; while (getline(input,minutes,:) && getline(input,seconds, ) && getline(input,title)) // reading line ok { minSum += atoi(minutes); secSum += atoi(seconds); } cout << "total time is " << minSum << ": " secSum << endl;

This will yield a total like 65:644, not quite as readable as 1:15:44. Well design a class for manipulating time as stored in the format: hours, minutes, and seconds. Well name the class ClockTime and write functions that permit times in this format to be added together, compared using boolean operators, and output to streams.

9.4.2 Implementing the ClockTime Class

In designing a class, two major decisions inuence the development process. 1. 2. What is the class behavior? This helps in determining appropriate public and private member functions. (See Programming Tip 7.1.) What is the class state? This helps in determining what instance variables are needed for the class.

Well concentrate on behavior rst. To make the ClockTime class minimally useful well need to implement the following. Constructor(s). We should probably include a default constructor so that vectors of ClockTime objects can be dened, and other constructors that seem useful as we develop scenarios of how the class will be used. Printing. This means overloading the stream insertion operator << so that ClockTime objects can be written to cout and other streams. Well use the same method in this class we use in other classes developed for this book; well implement a converter function ClockTime::tostring() that converts a ClockTime object to a string. This makes it easy to insert onto a stream since we can already output string objects. The ClockTime::tostring() function is useful in other contexts. For example, we use it in the implementation of the class CircleStatusBar (from statusbar.h) used in Program 6.16, maxword3.cpp. Relational operators. Well need at least operator ==, but as well see the implementation of these operators is relatively straightforward. Arithmetic. We need to be able to add ClockTime objects since thats the reason were exploring the class. Well implement addition only, but make it possible to implement other operations later.

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These functions lead to the interface given in clockt.h, Program 9.9. As well see when discussing overloaded operators, the functions Less and Equal are helper functions for implementing the relational operators. Well discuss the prototype for the arithmetic operator += in Section 9.4.8, and the function Normalize when we discuss constructors below.
Program 9.9 clockt.h
#ifndef _CLOCKTIME_H #define _CLOCKTIME_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // class for manipulating "clock time", time given in hours, minutes, seconds class supports only construction, addition, Print() and output << Owen Astrachan: written May 25, 1994 modified Aug 4, 1994, July 5, 1996, April 29, 1999 ClockTime(int secs, int mins, int hours) normalized to <= 60 secs, <= 60 mins access functions Hours() Minutes() Seconds() tostring() returns # of hours in ClockTime object returns # of minutes in ClockTime object returns # of seconds in ClockTime object time in format h:m:s (with :, no space, zero padding)

operators (for addition and output) ClockTime & operator +=(const ClockTime & ct) ClockTime operator +(const ClockTime & a, const ClockTime & b) ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, const ClockTime & ct) inserts ct into os, returns os, uses Print()

class ClockTime { public: ClockTime(); ClockTime(int secs, int mins, int hours); int int int string bool Hours() Minutes() Seconds() tostring() const; const; const; const; // // // // returns # hours returns # minutes returns # seconds converts to string

Equals(const ClockTime& ct) const; // true if == ct

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9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class

bool Less (const ClockTime& ct) const; // true if < ct


const ClockTime & operator +=(const ClockTime & ct); private: void Normalize(); int mySeconds; int myMinutes; int myHours; // < 60 secs, < 60 min // constrained: 0-59 // constrained: 0-59

}; // free functions, not member functions ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const ClockTime & ct); ClockTime operator + (const ClockTime & lhs, const ClockTime & rhs); bool bool bool bool bool bool operator operator operator operator operator operator == != < > <= >= (const (const (const (const (const (const ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& lhs, lhs, lhs, lhs, lhs, lhs, const const const const const const ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& ClockTime& rhs); rhs); rhs); rhs); rhs); rhs);



The ClockTime Constructors. An instance of the class ClockTime might be constructed by specifying just the seconds or just the hours. For the preliminary development of the class well provide a default constructor, which will initialize a time to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds, and a three-parameter constructor, which species all three quantities. In our nal design, the default constructor will construct an object representing the current time when the object is constructed, just as the default Date class constructor yields the current day (see date.h, Program G.2, Howto G.) The rst step in implementing the class requires implementing a constructor and some mechanism for determining the value of a ClockTime object. For example, we could implement accessor functions for obtaining hours, minutes, or seconds. We could also implement a function to print a ClockTime object. We cant develop other operators or member functions until we can dene objects and determine what the objects look like. Program Tip 9.5: The rst step in implementing a class should include constructors and some method for determining what an object looks like. The state of an object can be examined by accessor functions or by using a tostring method and then printing the object.

We cant implement a constructor without deciding about the state of the class. For the ClockTime class the state instance variables are straightforward: hours, minutes,

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and seconds. These are each integer elds, although the minutes and seconds elds are constrained to have values in the range 0 through 59. There are alternatives. Rather than store three values, we could store just seconds, and convert to other formats for printing. This would make it very easy to add 1:02:15 and 2:17:24 since these values would be represented as 3,735 and 8,244 seconds, respectively. The sum is simple to compute in C++, but conversion to hours, minutes, and seconds is needed for printing.

9.4.3 Class or Data Invariants

What if the user constructs objects as follows (hours rst, seconds last)?
ClockTime a; ClockTime b(2,27,31); ClockTime c(3,77,91);

Object a is 0:0:0, object b is 2:27:31, and object c is 4:18:31, although this isnt immediately obvious from the arguments to the constructor of c. We could ignore values that arent between 0 and 59 for minutes and seconds, but wed like our class to be robust in the face of errors so well try to do something that makes sense, but leaves an object in a good state (i.e., minutes and seconds between 0 and 59.) Just as the constructor may involve overow values, the code for operator += will need to check for overow of minutes and seconds and adjust the other elds accordingly. Alternatively, a normalizing function could be written to ensure that all minutes and seconds were within proper range, as a data invariant of the class ClockTime. Just as a loop invariant is a statement that is true on every pass through a loop, a class data invariant is a property of class state that is true after each method has executed. In this case the data invariant would be something like: Internal representations of minutes and seconds in a ClockTime object are always between 0 and 59. All objects must maintain this invariant, but some methods like operator += may invalidate the invariant, so the code must ensure that the invariant is re-established after each method executes. An object that maintains the invariant is said to be in a normal form. Well include a private, helper member function Normalize, that ensures that the invariant is maintained. This normalizing function will be called after adding two times and after construction in case a time is constructed with 79 seconds. At this point, well implement two constructors and accessors for hours, minutes, and seconds. The constructors are shown below with the accessor function for hours.
ClockTime::ClockTime() : mySeconds(0), myMinutes(0), myHours(0) // postcondition: time is 0:0:0 { } ClockTime::ClockTime(int secs, int mins, int hours) : mySeconds(secs), myMinutes(mins), myHours(hours)

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// postcondition: all data fields initialized { Normalize(); } int ClockTime::Hours() const // postcondition: return # of hours { return myHours; }

With the header le clockt.h, constructors, and accessors were ready to test the preliminary implementation. Once were sure we can construct valid ClockTime objects, well turn to implementing the overloaded operators. Well test the class rst, so that we know its minimal implementation works correctly before developing new code.

9.4.4 Overloaded Operators

Only member functions have access to an objects private data. This makes it difcult to overload the stream insertion operator <<, which for technical reasons cannot be a member function of the ClockTime class (see Howto E.) Instead, we implement a member function tostring() that can be used to print a ClockTime object. We can then overload the insertion operator << using tostring().

9.4.5 Friend Classes

It is not so much our friends help that helps us as the condent knowledge that they will help us. Epicurus

Sometimes, however, it is useful for nonmember functions to have access to private data elds. You can design functions (and even other classes) that have access to private data by declaring the functions as friend functions (or friend classes). However, granting nonmember functions access to private data violates the principles of encapsulation and information hiding that weve upheld in our programs. You should be very careful if you decide you need to implement a friend function. Well discuss the syntax for declaring friends in Section 12.3.3. The only use of friends in the code used in this book is to couple a class with its associated iterator, for example, the class StringSetIterator is a friend of the class StringSet (see Section 6.5.) In the ClockTime class, implementing tostring and an overloaded operator += makes it possible to implement operator << and operator + without making them friend functions. Well also implement member functions Less and Equal and use these to implement overloaded relational operators. An in-depth discussion of why we overload operators this way instead of using friend functions is found in Howto E.

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9.4.6 Overloaded operator <<

If we assume, for the moment, that the ClockTime::tostring function is implemented, we can easily overload the stream insertion operator as follows.
ostream& operator << (ostream & os, const ClockTime & ct) // postcondition: inserts ct onto os, returns os { os << ct.tostring(); return os; }

The ClockTime object ct is inserted onto the stream os and the stream is returned. Returning the stream allows insertion operations to be chained together since the insertion operator is left-associative (see Table A.4 in Howto A.) Using a tostring member function to overload insertion has two benets. The same method for overloading insertion can be used for any class, and the tostring function may be useful in other contexts, such as in a debugging environment. Using tostring avoids making the insertion operator a friend function. The statement below rst inserts ct onto the stream cout, then returns the stream so that the string literal "is the time for run" can be inserted next.
ClockTime ct(1,30,59); cout << ct << " is the time for fun" << endl;

Careful coding in the implementation of ClockTime::tostring() ensures that 5 seconds is printed as 05 and that 1:02:03 is printed for one hour, two minutes, and three seconds. Two digits are always printed for each number, and a leading zero is added when necessary. The stream manipulator setw species a eld width of 2, and a ll character 0 is specied using the stream function fill.
string ClockTime::tostring() const { ostringstream os; os.fill(0); os << Hours() << ":" << setw(2) << Minutes() << ":" << setw(2) << Seconds(); return os.str(); }

Because we use an ostringstream variable its ne to set the ll character to 0. If we were using cout, for example, we couldnt set the ll character to 0 and leave it that way since users wont expect the ll character to change (e.g., from the default ll character space) just by printing a ClockTime object. Details on setting and resetting the ll character can be found in Howto B.

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9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class


9.4.7 Overloaded Relational Operators

The relational operators <, <=, ==, !=, >, >= should be overloaded for a class as free functions, not as member functions (see Howto E for details.) As free functions, these operators do not have access to class data which are private. Instead of making the operators friend functions, well use member functions Less and Equal in implementing the relational operators. In fact, only operator == and operator < are implemented in terms of class member functions. The other relational operators are implemented in terms of == and < as follows.
bool operator != (const ClockTime& lhs, const ClockTime& rhs) { return ! (lhs == rhs); } bool operator > (const ClockTime& lhs, const ClockTime& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; } bool operator <= (const ClockTime& lhs, const ClockTime& rhs) { return ! (lhs > rhs); } bool operator >= (const ClockTime& lhs, const ClockTime& rhs) { return ! (lhs < rhs); }

Using this method to overload operators means we only implement operator == and operator < and these implementations are also the same for any class with member functions Less and Equal (see, for example, BigInt and Date.)
bool operator == (const ClockTime& lhs, const ClockTime& rhs) // post: returns true iff lhs == rhs { return lhs.Equals(rhs); } bool operator < (const ClockTime& lhs, const ClockTime& rhs) // post: returns true iff lhs < rhs { return lhs.Less(rhs); }

9.4.8 Overloaded operator + and +=

When implementing arithmetic operators, it is much simpler to implement operator += rst and then call += when implementing operator +. Just as using tostring made it simple to overload operator <<, using operator += makes it simple to overload operator + for any class that has both operators.

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

ClockTime operator + (const ClockTime & lhs, const ClockTime & rhs) // postcondition: return lhs + rhs { ClockTime result(lhs); result += rhs; return result; }

To execute the statement lhs + rhs using this implementation a copy of lhs is made, the value of rhs added to the copy, and the result returned. Compare this implementation, for example, to operator + for the Date class in date.cpp (see Howto G) the bodies of the functions are identical. The implementation of operator += is straightforward; we add values and normalize.
ClockTime & ClockTime::operator += (const ClockTime & ct) // postcondition: add ct, return result (normalized) { mySeconds += ct.mySeconds; myMinutes += ct.myMinutes; myHours += ct.myHours; Normalize(); return *this; }

For now, well ignore the return type of Clocktime& and the last statement return *this. These are explained in detail in Howto E. If you overload any of the arithmetic assignment operators you should have the same Syntax: operator += statement to return a value: return const ClassName & *this;. The return type should be operator += (const ClassName& rhs) a const reference to the class, such as { const ClockTime&. The same implementation syntax is used for any of the arithreturn *this; metic assignment operators, such as } *=, -=, /=, and %=. The implementation changes, but the format of the overloaded function does not.

9.4.9 T esting the ClockTime Class

Before proceeding with the development of the program to manipulate CDs, we must test the ClockTime class. In testing the program well look for cases that might cause problems such as adding 59 seconds and 1 second. It may seem like too much work to develop a program just to test a class, but this kind of work pays dividends in the

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long run. By constructing a simple test program its possible to debug a class rather than debug a larger application program. This will make the development of the client program easier as well, because (we hope) the class will be correct. In the sample run following this program, a complete set of test data is not used. You should think about developing a set of test data that would test important boundary cases.
Program 9.10 useclock.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "clockt.h" // test program for ClockTime class int main() { int h,m,s; cout << "enter two sets of 'h m s' data " << endl << "Enter non integers to terminate program." << endl << endl; while (cin >> h >> m >> s) { ClockTime a(s,m,h); cin >> h >> m >> s; ClockTime b(s,m,h); ClockTime c = a + b; cout << a << " + " << b << " = " << c << endl; } return 0; }


prompt> useclock enter two sets of h m s data Enter nonintegers to terminate program.

1 40 20 1 15 40 1:40:20 + 1:15:40 = 2:56:00 0 59 59 0 0 1 0:59:59 + 0:00:01 = 1:00:00 0 0 89 0 0 91 0:01:29 + 0:01:31 = 0:03:00 done done done

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Chapter 9

Strings, Streams, and Operators

9.4.10 The Final Program

Each track for a CD is stored in the following format:
4:19 2:46 Have I Told You Lately Here Comes The Night

Because white space is used to delimit strings when reading input using the extraction operator >>, well need to use getline to read the title of a CD track, since the number of words is different for each track. Well also use the optional third parameter of getline to signal a sentinel other than newline when we read the minutes and seconds that make up the time of a CD track. Well read all the characters up to the : as the minutes, then all the characters up to a space as the seconds. The remaining characters on a line are the tracks title. Since getline reads strings, well convert the strings for minutes and seconds to integers using the function atoi from strutils.h.12 The third parameter for getline has a default value of \n. This means that if no value is specied for the third parameter, a default value of \n is used.
Program 9.11 cdsum.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "strutils.h" #include "clockt.h" #include "prompt.h"

// for ifstream // for exit

// for atoi

// reads file containing data for a cd in format below (one line/track) // min:sec title // and sums all track times int main() { ifstream input; string filename = PromptString("enter name of data file: "); input.open(filename.c_str()); if (input.fail()) { cerr << "could not open exit(0); } string minutes, // seconds, // title; // ClockTime total(0,0,0); //

file " << filename << endl;

# of minutes of track # of seconds of track title of track total of all times


atoi, read as a two i, stands for alphabetic to integer.

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9.4 Case Study: Overloaded Operators and the ClockTime Class

while (getline(input,minutes,':') && getline(input,seconds,' ') && getline(input,title)) // reading line ok { ClockTime track(atoi(seconds.c_str()),atoi(minutes.c_str()),0); cout << track << " " << title << endl; total += track; } cout << "" << endl; cout << "total = " << total << endl; return 0; }



prompt> cdsum enter name of data file vanmor.dat 0:04:31 Moondance 0:02:40 Baby Please Dont Go 0:04:19 Have I Told You Lately 0:03:04 Brown Eyed Girl 0:04:21 Sweet Thing 0:03:22 Warm Love 0:03:57 Wonderful Remark 0:02:57 Jackie Wilson Said 0:03:14 Full Force gail 0:04:28 And It Stoned Me 0:02:46 Here Comes The Night 0:03:04 Domino 0:04:05 Did Ye Get Healed 0:03:32 Wild Night 0:04:40 Cleaning Windows 0:04:54 Whenever God Shines His Light 0:04:54 Queen Of The Slipstream 0:04:44 Dweller On The Threshold -----------------------------total = 1:15:54

If you review the specication for getline, youll see that the sentinel is read but is not stored as part of the string minutes. The second getline uses a space to delimit the number of seconds from the title. Finally, the third use of getline relies on the default value of the second parameter: a newline \n. The function atoi converts a string to the corresponding integer. If the string parameter does not represent a valid integer, then zero is returned.

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Pause to Reect

Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

9.18 In cdsum.cpp, Program 9.11, the title read includes leading white space if there is more than one space between the track duration and the title. Explain why this is and describe a method for removing the leading white space from the title. 9.19 Provide three sets of data that could be used with useclock.cpp, Program 9.10, to test the ClockTime implementation. 9.20 Explain why the ClockTime parameters for operators <<, +, and += are declared as const reference parameters. 9.21 What is output by the statement cout << ct << endl after each of the following denitions? ClockTime ClockTime ClockTime ClockTime ClockTime ct(71,16,1); ct(5,62,1); ct(12); ct(21,5); ct;

9.22 If operators -= and - are implemented for subtracting clock times, which one is easiest to implement? Write an implementation for operator -=. 9.23 After reading the number of minutes using getline(input, minutes), is it possible to replace the expression getline(input, seconds) with input >> seconds? What if seconds is dened as an int rather than as a string?

9.5 Chapter Review

In this chapter we discussed details of streams and characters and how these abstractions are implemented in C++. We also discussed operator overloading and how it makes it simpler to use some classes by mirroring how the built-in types work. We saw that a low-level understanding of how strings and streams are implemented is not necessary in order to use them in programs. The following are some of the important topics covered: The type char represents characters and is used to construct strings and streams. Most systems use ASCII as a way of encoding characters, but you should try to write code that is independent of any particular character set. The library <cctype> has prototypes for several functions that can be used to write programs that do not depend on a particular character set such as ASCII. Except for output and use in strings, char variables can be thought of as int variables. In particular, its possible to add 3 to a and subtract a from z.

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9.6 Exercises


String variables are composed of char values. Individual characters of a string are accessible using [], the indexing operator. The standard string class does no range-checking for illegal index values. The function getline is used to read an entire line of text and doesnt use white space to delimit one word from another. The sentinel indicating end of line is an optional third parameter. The function get reads one character at a time from a stream. String streams, variables of type istringstream or ostringstream, are useful in reading line-oriented data and in writing to a string, respectively. State machines can be useful when parsing data one character at a time or even one word at a time. Enumerated types, or enums, are useful as symbolic labels. When possible, enums should be declared within a class. A friend class (or function) has access to another classs private data members. Friendship must be granted by the class whose private data members will be accessed. A class data invariant is a property of class state that is always true after each member function has executed. Using class invariants helps develop and reason about a classs implementation and use. It is possible to overload relational, arithmetic, and I/O operators for classes that you write. A set of guidelines for implementing overloaded operators helps makes coding them a straightforward process. Class development and testing should be done together, with testing helping the development process and increasing condence in the correctness of the class implementation (whether the class works as it should).

9.6 Exercises
9.1 Modify decomment.cpp, Program 9.7, so that removed comments are output to a separate le. Use string functions so that the name of the output le has a .ncm (for no comments) sufx with the same prex as the input le. For example, if the comments are removed from frogwalk.cpp, the removed comments will be stored in frogwalk.ncm. Each comment should be preceded by the line number from which it was removed. For example: 3 4 10 37 // // // // author: Naomi Smith written 4/5/93 update the counter here, watch out for overflow avoid iterating too many times

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

9.2 Add two new operators to the ClockTime class and develop a test program to ensure that the operators work correctly. operator - for subtraction of two times. Here its clear that 03:02:05 - 02:01:03 == 01:01:02 but youll have to make a decision about what 0:01:03 - 0:02:05 means. operator >> to read from a stream. Its probably easiest to read rst into a string, and then convert the string to a ClockTime value. 9.3 Modify Program 9.4, readnums.cpp, so that all integers on a line are parsed and added to total but nonintegers are ignored. Youll need to change the type of the variable num to string. If you use the function atoi, it will be difcult to determine when an integer is read and when a noninteger string such as "apple" is read since atoi("apple") returns zero. However, all valid integers in C++ begin with either a +, a -, or a digit 09. 9.4 Write a program that acts as a spell-checker. The program should prompt the user for a lename and check each word in the le. Possible misspellings should be reported for each line with a misspelled word, where the rst line in a le is line number one. Print the line number and the entire line, and use the caret symbol to underline the word as shown below. Each line should appear only once in the output, with each misspelled word in the line underlined. 20: 31: This is a basic spell chekc program. There are more thngs in heven and earth,

To tell if a word is misspelled, read a le of words from an on-line list of words (see words.dat that comes with the les for this book.) This wont be perfect because of plurals and other endings that typically arent recorded in word lists, but the program will be a start towards a functioning spell checker. Store the list of words in a StringSet object and use the method StringSet::find() to search for a match. For extra credit, when a word ends with s and is judged as misspelled, look up the word without the s to see if its a possible plural. 9.5 Write a program to generate junk mail (or spam, the electronic equivalent of junk mail). The program should read two les. A template le for the junk mail letter; see spam.dat below. A data le of names, addresses, and other information used to ll in the template. For each line of the data le a spam message should be generated. In each message, one line of the template le should generate one line of output, with any entry <n> of the template le lled in by the nth item in the line of the data le (where the rst item in a data le has number zero.) At rst you should write the junk letters to cout. However, the user should have the option of creating an output le for each entry in the data le. The output les should

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9.6 Exercises


be named 0.spm, 1.spm, and so on. Each output le has a .spm sufx, and the name of the le is the number corresponding to the line in the data le that generated the spam output. A template le looks like spam.dat below. Dear <0> <1>, <0>, as you know, the <1> family name is one of the few names to be treasured by family name experts. The branch of the family in <4> is certainly one of the best of the <1> families. <0>, your own family in <3> is in the unique position to lead the world of <1> families as we approach the year 2000. For only $100.00, <0>, you can be be one of the top <1>-family leaders. A corresponding data le for this template follows. John:Doe:26 Main St:Los Alamos:NM:[email protected] Susan:Smith:103 Oak St:St. Louis:MO:[email protected] Fred:OHare:22 Post Rd, #3:Apex:NC:[email protected] The second line from this data le generates the following message, the linebreaks can change depending on how you write the program. Dear Susan Smith, Susan, as you know, the Smith family name is one of the few names to be treasured by family name experts. The branch of the family in MO is certainly one of the best of the Smith families. Susan, your own family in St. Louis is in the unique position to lead the world of Smith families as we approach the year 2000. For only $100.00, Susan, you can be be one of the top Smith-family leaders. 9.6 Write a program that reads a text le and creates a pig-latin version of the le. The output (piglatin) le should have the same name as the input le, but with a .pig sufx added so that poe.txt would be written as poe.txt.pig (or, for extra credit, replace any sufx with .pig). You can write lines to the output le in one of two ways: Each output line corresponds to an input line, but each word on the output line is the pig-latin form of the corresponding word on the input line. Write at most 80 characters to each output line (or some other number of characters). Put as many words on a line as possible, without exceeding the 80-character limit, and then start a new line. The rst method is easier, but the lines will be long because each word grows a sufx

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

in its pig-latin form. The lines below could be translated as shown. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness Heres the translation, with end-of-word punctuation preserved, although the line breaks are not preserved. Itway asway ethay estbay ofway imestay, itway asway ethay orstway ofway imestay, itway asway ethay ageway ofway isdomway, itway asway ethay ageway ofway oolishnessfay Youll need to be careful if you want to preserve punctuation. As a rst step, dont worry about punctuation at all. See the exercises in Chapter 4 for the denition of pig-latin used in the example above. 9.7 Design, implement, and test a class Rational for fractions, or rational numbers, like 2/3 and 7/11. Overload operators so that fractions can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided. Use BigInt values for the (private state) numerator and denominator. You should also write functions so that rational numbers can be printed. Youll need to write a normalizing function to reduce fractions to lowest terms (i.e., so that 1 + 1 = 1 ). 4 4 2 See Euclids algorithm for nding greatest common divisors in the exercises of Chapter 5 for help with the normalizing function. Youll want to include at least three different constructors. Rational r(2,3); Rational t(3); Rational s; // r represents 2/3 // t represents 3/1 // s represents 1/1

Youll also need to decide what to do if the user uses 0 for the denominator since this isnt a valid fraction. 9.8 Design, implement, and test class for complex numbers. A complex number has the a form a + b i, where i = 1. Implement constructors from double values and from complex values. Overload arithmetic and output operators for complex numbers. 9.9 Design, implement, and test a class Poly for polynomials. A polynomial has the form an x n + an1 x n1 + a1 x + a0 . For example: (3x 4 + 2x 2 + x 5) + (2x 4 + 3x 3 2x 2 + 5) = (5x 4 + 3x 3 + x) Youll need to use a vector to store exponents and coefcients. You should implement a constructor that takes a coefcient and an exponent as arguments so that you can write Poly c = Poly(3,4) + Poly(2,2) + Poly(7,1) + Poly(-5,0); To get the polynomial 3x 4 + 2x 2 + 7x 5. You should overload arithmetic operators +=, -= and +, - for addition and subtraction. You should overload *= to multiply a polynomial by a constant: 3 (2x 3 3x) = 6x 3 9x. Finally, you should include a member function at, that evaluates a polynomial at a specic value for x. For example Poly c = Poly(4,2)+Poly(3,1)+Poly(5,0); // 4x2 + 3x + 5 double d = c.at(7); // d = 232 = 4*72 + 3*7 + 5

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9.6 Exercises


9.10 Write a program that reads a le and generates an output le with the same words as the input le, but with a maximum of n characters per line, where n is entered by the user. The rst version of the program should read words (white space delimited characters) and put as many words on a line as possible, without exceeding n chars per line. In the output le, each word on a line is separated from other words by one space. The le transforms input as follows. Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way Ill get into the garden, and I dont care which happens! This is transformed as shown below for n = 30. Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way Ill get into the garden, and I dont care which happens! Once this version works, the user should have the option of right-justifying each line. Here the lines are padded with extra white space so that each line contains exactly n characters. Extra spaces should be inserted between words, starting at the left of the line and inserting spaces between each pair of words until the line is justied. If adding one space between each word isnt enough to justify the line, continue adding spaces until the line is justied. Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way Ill get into the garden, and I dont care which happens! 9.11 Write a program to play hangman. In hangman one player thinks of a word and the other tries to guess the word by guessing one letter at a time. The guesser is allowed a xed number of missed letters, such as 6; if the word is not guessed before 6 misses, the guesser loses. Traditionally each missed letter results in one more part being added to the gure of a person being hanged, as shown in Figure 9.3. When the gure is complete, the guesser loses. Sample output is shown after Figure 9.3.

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Chapter 9 Strings, Streams, and Operators

Figure 9.3 Slowly losing at hangman.

prompt> hangman # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: # misses left = enter a letter: YOU LOSE!!! The 6 word e 6 word a 5 word i 4 word r 4 word o 3 word n 3 word t 3 word l 2 word u 1 word p word is = = = = = = = = = = * * * * * * * * * * * * * E * * * * E * * * * E * * * * E * * * * E * * * * E * * * R E * * * * E * * * R E * * * * E * * * R E N * * * E N * T R E N * T * E N * T R E N * T * E N * T R E N * T * E N


Rather than use graphics (although if you have access to a graphics library, you should try to use it), the program should tell the user how many misses are left and should print a schematic representation of what letters have been guessed correctly. You should try to design and implement a program that uses several classes. Some are suggested here, but youre free to develop scenarios, list nouns for classes and verbs for methods, and develop your own classes. class WordSource is the source of the secret word the user tries to guess. This class at rst could return the same word every time, but eventually it should read

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9.6 Exercises


a le (like a le of good hangman words or an on-line dictionary) and return one of the words at random. The same word should not be chosen twice during one run of the program. class Letters represents the letters the user has guessed (and the unguessed letters). The user might be shown a list of unguessed letters before each guess, or might request such a list as an option. Guessing an already-guessed letter should not count against the user. The case of a letter should not matter so that e and E are treated as the same letter. class Word represents the word the user is trying to guess (its initialized from a WordSource.) Instead of using string, this class encapsulates the word being guessed. The class Word might have the following methods (and others). Display writes the word with spaces or asterisks (or something else) for unguessed letters. See the sample output for an example. This function could write to cout or return a string. ProcessChar process a character the user guesses. If the character is in the word, it will be displayed by the next call of Display. Perhaps this function should return a boolean value indicating if the character is in the word. class Painting (or Gallows for the macabre) is responsible for showing progress in some format as the game progresses. This class might draw a picture, simply display the number of misses and how many remain, or it might use a completely different approach thats not quite as gruesome as hanging someone (be creative).

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Recursion, Lists, and Matrices


Art, it seems to me, should simplify. That, indeed, is very nearly the whole of the higher artistic process; nding what conventions of form and what detail one can do without and yet preserve the spirit of the wholeso that all that one has suppressed and cut away is there to the readers consciousness as much as if it were type on the page. Willa Cather On the Art of Fiction

In this chapter we focus on recursion, a technique for structuring functions and classes that helps solve self-referential problems. Well also study two classes that structure data: a self-referential structure called a list and an extension of the tvector class, called tmatrix, that represents two-dimensional data. In studying these structures well also explore properties of objects in a program that relate to how and where the objects can be accessed. Well see two important properties of objects: scope, where the object can be accessed, and lifetime, the duration of an object during program execution. Well see that recursive functions seem to call themselves, but they are better understood as functions that solve problems whose solution can be expressed by combining solutions to problems that are similar, but smaller. Some problems have terse and comprehensible solutions expressed as recursive functions but have convoluted nonrecursive solutions. Other problems seem to be suitable for recursive solution but are better solved nonrecursively.

10.1 Recursive Functions

As a rst example of a problem whose solution is elegantly expressed using recursion, we turn to the problem of outputting an English version of an integer by printing each digits spelled-out English equivalent. For example, 1053 should be output as one zero ve three. We solved this problem with digits.cpp, Program 5.5, using string concatenation. Now we limit ourselves to a solution using only int variables. To make the problem simpler, well initially limit the input to four-digit numbers. However, the recursive solution will work for all int values.

10.1.1 Similar and Simpler Functions

When we solved this problem using strings, we concatenated digits to the front of a string as it was built up from each digit in an int. To convert 123, we rst concatenated "three" to an empty string called s. Then we concatenated "two" to the front of s, forming "two three". Concatenating "one" to the front of s now yields the desired string (see digits.cpp, Program 5.5). Basically, we peeled the numbers digits 449

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Chapter 10

Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

from the right, concatenating them to the string from the left. Since we arent using string functions, we must rewrite the program to print string literals for each digit of an int. This is done in digits2.cpp, Program 10.1.
Program 10.1 digits2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // prelude to recursion: print English form of each digit // in an integer: 123 -> "one two three" void PrintDigit(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num < 10 // postcondition: prints english equivalent, e.g., 1->one,...9->nine { if (0 == num) cout << "zero"; else if (1 == num) cout << "one"; else if (2 == num) cout << "two"; else if (3 == num) cout << "three"; else if (4 == num) cout << "four"; else if (5 == num) cout << "five"; else if (6 == num) cout << "six"; else if (7 == num) cout << "seven"; else if (8 == num) cout << "eight"; else if (9 == num) cout << "nine"; else cout << "?"; } void PrintOne(long number) // precondition: 0 <= number < 10 // postcondition: prints English equivalent of number { if (0 <= number && number < 10) { PrintDigit(number); } } void PrintTwo(long int number) // precondition: 10 <= number < 100 // postcondition: prints English equivalent of number { if (10 <= number && number < 100) { PrintOne(number / 10); cout << " "; PrintDigit(number % 10); } } void PrintThree(long int number) // precondition: 100 <= number < 1000 // postcondition: prints English equivalent of number

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10.1 Recursive Functions

{ if (100 <= number && number < 1000) { PrintTwo(number / 10); cout << " "; PrintDigit(number % 10); } } void PrintFour(long int number) // precondition: 1000 <= number < 10,000 // postcondition: prints English equivalent of number { if (1000 <= number && number < 10000) { PrintThree(number / 10); cout << " "; PrintDigit(number % 10); } } int main() { int number = PromptRange("enter an integer",1000,9999); PrintFour(number); cout << endl; return 0; }



prompt> digits2 enter an integer between 1000 and 9999: 8732 eight seven three two prompt> digits2 enter an integer between 1000 and 9999: 7003 seven zero zero three prompt> digits2 enter an integer between 1000 and 9999: 1000 one zero zero zero

The function PrintFour prints a four-digit number. We know how to peel the last digit from a number using the modulus and division operators, % and /. In digits2.cpp, a four-digit number is printed by printing the rst three digits using the function PrintThree, then printing the nal digit using the function PrintDigit. For example, to print 1357 we rst print 135, which is 1357/10, by calling PrintThree, and then print "seven", the last digit of 1357 obtained using 1357%10. Printing a threedigit number is a similar process: rst print a two-digit number by calling PrintTwo,

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Chapter 10

Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

and then print the last digit. For example, to print 135 we rst print 13, which is 135/10, and then print "five", which is 135%10. Continuing with this pattern we call PrintOne and PrintDigit to print a two-digit number. Finally, to print a one-digit number we simply print the only digit. The code in digits2.cpp should offend your emerging sense of programming style. Each of the functions PrintFour, PrintThree, and PrintTwo are virtually identical except for the name of the function, PrintXXXX, that each one calls (e.g., PrintThree calls PrintTwo). We can combine the similar code in all the PrintXXXX functions. Rather than using four separate functions, each one processing a certain range of numbers, we can rewrite the nearly identical functions as a single function Print. This is shown in digits3.cpp, Program 10.2.
Program 10.2 digits3.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // recursion: print English form of each digit // in an integer: 123 -> "one two three" void PrintDigit(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num < 10 // postcondition: prints english equivalent, e.g., 1->one,...9->nine { if (0 == num) cout << "zero"; else if (1 == num) cout << "one"; else if (2 == num) cout << "two"; else if (3 == num) cout << "three"; else if (4 == num) cout << "four"; else if (5 == num) cout << "five"; else if (6 == num) cout << "six"; else if (7 == num) cout << "seven"; else if (8 == num) cout << "eight"; else if (9 == num) cout << "nine"; else cout << "?"; } void Print(long int number) // precondition: 0 <= number // postcondition: prints English equivalent of number { if (0 <= number && number < 10) { PrintDigit(int(number)); } else { Print(number / 10); cout << " "; PrintDigit(int(number % 10)); } }

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10.1 Recursive Functions


int main() { long number = PromptRange("enter an integer",0L,1000000L); Print(number); cout << endl; return 0; }


prompt> digits3 enter an integer between 1 and 1000000: 13 one three prompt> digits3 enter an integer between 1 and 1000000: 7 seven prompt> digits3 enter an integer between 1 and 1000000: 170604 one seven zero six zero four

The if statement in Print from digits3.cpp corresponds to the equivalent if in the function PrintOne from the previous program, digits2.cpp. A number in the range 09 is simply printed by calling PrintDigit. In all other cases, the code in the body of the else statement in Print from digits3.cpp, Program 10.2, is the same code in the functions from digits2.cpp, Program 10.1. Although you may think that the function Print is calling itself in digits3.cpp, it is not. As shown in Figure 10.1, four separate functions named Print are called when the user enters 1478. These functions are identical except for the value of the parameter number stored in each function. The rst Print, shown in the upper-left corner of Figure 10.1, receives the argument 1478 and stores this value in number. Since the value of number is greater than 10, the else statements are executed. A function Print is called with the argument 1478 / 10, which is 147. This is not the same function as in the upper left, but another version of the function Print, in essence a clone function of Print, except that the value of number is different. Altogether there are four clones of the Print function, each with its own parameter number. The last clone called (lower-right corner of Figure 10.1) does not generate another Print call, since the value of number is between 0 and 9. The if statement is executed, and the function PrintDigit is called with the argument 1. Its important to realize that this is the rst call of PrintDigit, so the rst digit printed is one. Although each clone executes the statement PrintDigit(number % 10), this statement is executed only after the recursive clone function call to Print. Each clone waits for control to return from the recursive call, except for the last function, which doesnt make

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

From main( ) Print(1478)

number Print(147)





Print(14) PrintDigit(7);




PrintDigit(4); PrintDigit(1);

Figure 10.1 Recursively printing digits. a recursive call. The rst clone called is the last clone to print a digit, so the last digit printed is 1478 % 10, which is 8. This means the last word printed is eight. Youll need to develop two skills to understand recursive functions. 1. 2. The ability to reason about a recursive function so that you can determine what the function does. The ability to think recursively so that you can write recursive functions to solve problems.

Developing the second skill is more difcult than the rst, but practice with reasoning about recursive functions will help with both skills.

10.1.2 General Rules for Recursion

When you write a loop, you reason about when the loop will stop executing so that you dont write an innite loop. You must take the same care when writing recursive functions to avoid an innite succession of recursively called clones. Each clone uses space, so you wont be able to actually generate an innite number of clones, but you can easily use up all the memory in your computing environment if youre not careful. To avoid an innite chain of recursive calls, each recursive function must include a base case that does not make a recursive call. The base case in Print of digits3.cpp, Program 10.2, is a single-digit number identied by this test:

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10.1 Recursive Functions


if (0 <= number && number < 10)

A functions base case is usually determined by nding a value, or a set of values, that does not require much work to compute. Well look at a recursive version of the function to raise a number to a power that we studied in Section 5.1.7. If youre asked to calculate 38 , you could multiply 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. You could also calculate 34 = 81 and then calculate 8181 = 6561, since 38 = 34 34 . The second method uses far fewer multiplications to calculate a n than the rst. The method is summarized in the following (repeated from Section 5.1.7.) an = 1 a n/2 a n/2 a a n/2 a n/2 if n = 0 if n is even (10.1) if n is odd (note that n/2 truncates to an integer)

For example, to calculate 411 using this method, we rst calculate 411/2 = 45 = 1024 and then multiply 4 1024 1024 = 4,194,304. The base case requires no power calculation and no recursion. The base case in the formula corresponds to an exponent of zero. For nonzero exponents, the recursion comes from the calculation of a n/2 in the formula. Well write a function Power with two parameters: one for the base a and one for the exponent n in calculating a n . Note that there is one recursive call and the value returned by the call is stored in a local variable semi:
double Power(double base, int expo) // precondition: expo >= 0 // postcondition: returns baseexpo { if (0 == expo) { return 1.0; // correct for zeroth power } else { double semi = Power(base,expo/2); if (expo % 2 == 0) // even exponent { return semi*semi; } else // odd exponent { return base*semi*semi; } } }

The calculation of 235 using Power(2,35) generates seven clone Power functions with expo values 35, 17, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0. Since the recursive call uses expo/2 as the value of the second argument, the total number of recursive calls is limited by how many times the original argument can be divided in half. The seven clones are shown in Figure 10.2, where the value of expo can be used to determine the sequence of recursive calls. The result of each clones one recursive call is stored in the calling functions local variable semi. The value of semi is used to calculate the returned result. Just as each iteration of a loop body changes values so

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int result = Power(2,35); base = 2, expo = 35

find 2^17 return 2 * result * result base = 2, expo = 17

find 2^8 return 2 * result * result base = 2, expo = 8 Return 256 find 2^1 return result * result base = 2, expo = 1 Return 2

find 2^4 return result * result base = 2, expo = 4 Return 16 find 2^0 return 2 * result * result base = 2, expo = 0 Return 1

Return 34359738368

Return 131072 find 2^2 return result * result base = 2, expo = 2 Return 4

return 1

Figure 10.2 Recursively calculating 235 .

that the loop test eventually becomes false and the loop terminates, each recursive call should get closer to the base case. This ensures that the chain of recursively called clones will eventually stop. In general, recursive functions are built from calling similar, but simpler functions. The similarity yields recursion; the simplicity moves toward the base case. Program Tip 10.1: Recursive functions must make recursive calls that are similar to the original call, but simpler than the original call.
1. Identify a base case that does not make any recursive calls. Each call should make progress towards reaching the base case; this ensures termination since the function will end. Solve the problem by making recursive calls that are similar, but simpler, (i.e., that move towards the base case). The similarity ensures that the recursion works, youll be solving a similar problem.


10.1.3 Innite Recursion

You must guard against writing functions that result in innite recursion, that is, functions that generate a potentially endless number of recursive calls. When you forget a base case, innite recursion results, as shown in recdepth.cpp, Program 10.3. The output for Program 10.3 came from a Pentium PC with 256 megabytes of memory using Metrowerks Codewarrior; it shows that 36,977 recursive calls are made before memory is exhausted.

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10.1 Recursive Functions


Program 10.3 recdepth.cpp

#include<iostream> using namespace std; // Owen Astrachan // illustrates problems with "infinite" recursion void Recur(int depth) { cout << depth << endl; Recur(depth+1); } int main() { Recur(0); return 0; }


prompt> recdepth 0 1

some output removed

36977 36977 Unhandled exception: c00000fd

The maximum number of clones, or recursive calls, is limited by the memory of the computer used and depends on certain settings of the programming environment. For example, when I used g++ on a Linux machine with 32 megabytes of memory the program crashed with a segmentation fault after 698,911 calls.1 Using Visual C++ 6.0 yields an exception, with the program halting, after 11,740 calls. As a programmer you must be careful when writing recursive functions. You should always identify a base case that does not make any recursive calls.

The recursive call in Recur is an example of tail recursion. In a tail recursive function the last statement executed is a recursive call. Smart compilers can turn tail recursive functions into looping functions automatically, thus saving memory.

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices







hello.cpp pts.cpp bday.cpp isleap.cpp fly.cpp fahr.cpp

gfly.cpp pizza.cpp

Figure 10.3 Hierarchy of directories and les. You may study methods in more advanced courses that involve changing a recursive function to a nonrecursive function. This is often a difcult task. Sometimes, however, it is possible to write a simple nonrecursive version of a recursive function. Nevertheless, some functions are much more easily written using recursion; well study examples of these functions in the next section.

10.2 Recursion and Directories

In this section well use recursion to solve problems that cannot be solved without recursion unless auxiliary data structures are used. The recursive functions nd information about les and directories stored on disk. Almost all computers have an operating system in which directories help organize the many les you create and use. For example, you may have a directory for each of the computer courses you have taken, a directory for the electronic mail you receive, and a directory for your home page on the World Wide Web. Using directories to organize les makes it easier for you to nd a specic le. Directories contain les as well as subdirectories, which can also contain les and subdirectories. For example, the hierarchical arrangement of directories enables you to have a courses directory in which you have subdirectories for English, computer science, biology, and political science courses. A diagram of some of my directories and les for this book is shown in Figure 10.3. Directories are shown as le folders, and les are shown as rectangles. In this section we investigate classes that use recursion to process directory hierarchies. For example, we will develop a program that mimics what some operating systems do (and some dont) in determining how much space les use on disk. We will also develop a program that scans a hierarchy of directories to nd a le whose name you remember but whose location you have forgotten.

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10.2 Recursion and Directories


10.2.1 Classes forTraversing Directories

Program 10.4, les.cpp, prompts the user for the name of a directory and then prints all the les in that directory. This kind of listing is often needed when opening les from within a word processor; you must be able to type or click on the name of the le you want to edit. The variable dir is a class DirStream object. The DirStream class supports iteration using Init, HasMore, Next, and Current similarly to other classes, (e.g., the class WordStreamIterator from maxword.cpp, Program 6.11 and the class StringSetIterator from setdemo.cpp, Program 6.14).
Program 10.4 les.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "directory.h" #include "prompt.h" // illustrates use of the DirStream and DirEntry classes int main() { DirStream dir; DirEntry entry; int num = 0;

// directory information // one entry from a directory // each file is numbered in output

string name = PromptString("enter name of directory: "); dir.open(name); if (dir.fail()) { cerr << "could not open directory " << name << endl; exit(1); } for(dir.Init(); dir.HasMore(); dir.Next()) { entry = dir.Current(); num++; cout << "(" << setw(3) << num << ") " << setw(12) << entry.Name() << "\t"; if (! entry.IsDir() ) { cout << entry.Size(); } cout << endl; } return 0; }


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prompt> les enter name of directory: c:\book\mcgraw ( 1) . ( 2) .. ( 3) design.pdf 246489 ( 4) designspecs.pdf 60876 ( 5) fixreview 24481 ( 6) hromcik.doc 41472 ( 7) hsreviews 59797 ( 8) notes 305 ( 9) photo 1488 ( 10) schedule.xls 17408 ( 11) tapestry 420692 ( 12) tapsurv.SIT 15836 prompt> les enter name of ..\chap22 could not open directory ..\chap22

The member function DirStream::Current() returns a DirEntry object. Repeated calls of Current, in conjunction with the iterating functions HasMore and Next, return each entry in the directory. These directory entries are either les or subdirectories. In les.cpp, the member function DirEntry::IsDir() differentiates les from directories, returning true when the DirEntry object is a directory and false otherwise. DirEntry::Size() returns the size, in bytes, of a le. On Windows machines this is zero for directories, on Linux/Unix machines directories have nonzero sizes. The lename . (a single period) represents the current directory. The lename .. (a double period) represents the parent directory. This convention is followed by many operating systems. The member functions for the class DirEntry and the class DirStream are given in directory.h, Program G.11 in How to G. The header le, directory.h,2 that contains declarations for the classes DirEntry and DirStream, is provided on-line with the code provided with this book.

10.2.2 Recursion and DirectoryTraversal

Program 10.4, les.cpp, prints all the les in a given directory. Some applications require lists of subdirectories, and the les within the subdirectories, as well. For example, to calculate the total amount of disk space used by all les and directories, a program must accumulate the sum of le sizes in all subdirectories. Well modify les.cpp, Program 10.4, so that it prints both les and subdirectories (and les and subdirectories of the subdirectories, and so on). As a rst step, well move the for loop that iterates

On some 16-bit systems the le may be named directry.h.

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10.2 Recursion and Directories



chap1 book.tex progs chapter1.tex finalbigpic.eps




progs chapter2.tex oldmac.eps chapter3.tex dice.h dice.cpp prompt.h

hello.cpp bday.cpp oldmac.cpp

gfly.cpp pizza.cpp macinput.cpp

Figure 10.4 Files and subdirectories used in run of subdir.cpp, Program 10.5. over all the les in a directory into a function ProcessDir. The nal program is subdir.cpp, Program 10.5. Figure 10.4 contains a diagram of the les and subdirectories that generate the sample run.3
Program 10.5 subdir.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "directory.h" #include "prompt.h"

// print all entries in a directory (uses recursion) void Tab(int count) // postcondition: count tabs printed to cout { int k; for(k=0; k < count; k++) {cout << "\t"; } }

The sufxes in Figure 10.4 represent different kinds of les: .cpp for C++ source code, .tex for A LTEX les (a document-processing system), .eps for PostScript les, and so on.

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void ProcessDir(const string & path, int tabCount) // precondition: path specifies pathname to a directory // // { DirStream indir(path); DirEntry entry; int num = 0; for(indir.Init(); { // number of files in this directory indir.HasMore(); indir.Next()) // either file or subdirectory tabCount specifies how many tabs for printing printed, subdirectories tabbed over 1 more than parent // postcondition: all files and subdirectories in directory path

entry = indir.Current();

// dont process self: ".", or parent directory: ".." if (entry.Name() != "." && entry.Name() != "..") { num++; Tab(tabCount); cout << "(" << setw(3)<< num << ")" << "\t" << entry.Name() << endl; if (entry.IsDir() ) { } } } } int main() { string dirname = PromptString("enter directory name "); ProcessDir(dirname,0); return 0; } // process subdir ProcessDir(entry.Path(),tabCount+1);


The les in a subdirectory are indented and numbered after the name of the subdirectory is printed. For example, the subdirectory named chap2 contains one subdirectory, progs, and two les, chapter2.tex and oldmac.eps. The subdirectory progs of chap2 contains three les: hello.cpp, bday.cpp, and oldmac.cpp. The directory tapestry, whose name is entered when the program is run, contains four subdirectories: chap1, chap2, chap3, and library, and one le: book.tex. Notice that the les in a subdirectory are numbered starting from one. We cannot control the order in which les and subdirectories are processed using the DirStream iterating functions Init, Next, and Current. For example, the operating system may scan the les alphabetically, ordered by date of creation, or in some random order. However, you can print the les in any order by storing them in a vector and sorting by different criteria.

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10.2 Recursion and Directories


prompt> subdir enter directory name tapestry ( 1) book.tex ( 2) chap1 ( 1) chapter1.tex ( 2) finalbigpic.eps ( 3) chap2 ( 1) chapter2.tex ( 2) oldmac.eps ( 3) progs ( 1) bday.cpp ( 2) hello.cpp ( 3) oldmac.cpp ( 4) chap3 ( 1) chapter3.tex ( 2) progs ( 1) gfly.cpp ( 2) macinput.cpp ( 3) pizza.cpp ( 5) library ( 1) prompt.h ( 2) dice.cpp ( 3) dice.h

Well investigate the function ProcessDir from subdir.cpp in detail. One key to the recursion is an understanding of how a complete lename is specied in hierarchical le systems. Most systems specify a complete lename by including the directories and subdirectories that lead to the le. This sequence of subdirectories is called the les pathname. The subdirectories that are pathname components are separated by different delimiters in different operating systems. For example, in UNIX the separator is a forward slash, so the pathname to gfly.cpp shown in the output run of subdir.cpp is tapestry/chap3/progs/gfly.cpp. On Windows computers the separator is a backslash, so the pathname is tapestry\chap3\progs\gfly.cpp. The string used as a separator is specied by the constant DIR_SEPARATOR in directory.h,. The last component in a path is a les name; its returned by DirEntry::Name. The entire path, including the name, is returned by DirEntry::Path. Both of these member functions are used in subdir.cpp: one to print the name, and one to recurse on a subdirectory since the entire path is needed to specify a directory. The for loop that iterates over directory entries in the function ProcessDir is similar to the loop used in les.cpp, Program 10.4. However, when the information stored in the DirEntry object entry represents a directory, the function ProcessDir

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makes a recursive using the pathname for the subdirectory. For example, the call ProcessDir("tapestry",0) directly generates four recursive calls for the subdirectories chap2, chap1, chap3, and library, as diagrammed in Figure 10.4. The pathname for the subdirectory chap3 is obtained directly from the DirEntry object entry, but it can also be formed from the expression
path + DIR_SEPARATOR + entry.Name()

where, for example, path is "tapestry" and entry.Name() is "chap3". The value of tabCount is calculated from the expression tabCount+1 so that the arguments for the recursive call are

This recursive call will, in turn, generate a recursive call for the subdirectory progs. Examine the output run of subdir.cpp on the directory tapestry, diagrammed in Figure 10.5. Each clone of the function ProcessDir is shown as a gure. The call ProcessDir(dirname,0) from main is shown in the upper-left corner of Figure 10.5 as ProcessDir("tapestry",0); dirname has the value "tapestry". Each recursive clone of ProcessDir has its own formal parameters path and tabCount and its own local variables indir, entry, and num. Each recursive clone will print all the les in the subdirectory specied by the clones path parameter. For example, the four clones generated by calls from the upper-left clone of ProcessDir are shown with num values 1, 2, 3, and 5. When num is 4, the le book.tex is printed as shown in the output from subdir.cpp. As shown in the output of the program, the les and subdirectories in tapestry are processed by Next and Current in the following order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. chap2 chap1 chap3 book.tex library

The rst le/subdirectory printed and processed is (1) chap2. The number 1 is the value of local variable num shown in the stick gure in the upper left corner. The les/subdirectories of chap2 are shown indented one level. The indentation level is determined by the value of parameter tabCount, which is 1 because of the recursive call of ProcessDir:

The value passed as the second parameter is tabCount+1, which in this case is 0+1=1. Because the value passed is always one more than the current value, each recursive call results in one more level of indentation. The output of subdir.cpp shows that the progs subdirectory is the second entry printed in the chap2 directory. The rst entry printed is chapter2.tex. The recursive call generated by progs, shown in Figure 10.5 as

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10.2 Recursion and Directories





tabCount 0 path num 1

path "tapestry\chap2\progs" tabCount 2 num 0

tabCount 1 num 2



path ProcessDir("tapestry\chap1",1) num 2


tabCount 1 num 0


path "tapestry\chap3\progs" tabCount 2 num 0

ProcessDir("tapestry\chap3",1) tabCount 1 num 3 num 0 ProcessDir("tapestry\chap3\progs",2)

ProcessDir("tapestry\library",1) num

path "tapestry\library"

tabCount 1 num 0

Figure 10.5 Recursive calls/clones for run of subdir.cpp, Program 10.5.

the call ProcessDir("tapestry\chap2\progs",2), shows that num has the value two when the call is made reecting that progs is printed as the second entry under chap2: (2) progs. Like all functions, the recursively called functions communicate only via passed parameters. There is nothing magic or different in the case of recursively called functions; each function just happens to have the same name as the function that calls it.

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10.2.3 Properties of Recursive Functions

At most, three clones of function ProcessDir exist at one time, as shown in Figure 10.5. The three clones at the top of the gure exist at the same time (with path values of "tapestry", "tapestry\chap2", and "tapestry\chap2\progs"). When the recursive call that processes the chap2\progs subdirectory nishes executing, the clone with path parameter "tapestry\chap2" still has one more entry to process: oldmac.eps (see the output). Then this clone nishes executing, and only the rst version of ProcessDir, invoked by the call ProcessDir("tapestry",0), exists. A recursive call for the chap1 subdirectory is then made. When the clone invoked by the call ProcessDir("tapestry\chap1",1) nishes executing, a recursive call is made for the chap3 subdirectory. This, in turn, makes a recursive call for the chap3\progs subdirectory. Note that at this point the value of num for the original ProcessDir is 3, as shown in Figure 10.5. Finally, after printing (4) book.tex, the subdirectory library generates the nal recursive call; the value of num is 5 as shown.
Pause to Reect

10.1 Write a function based on Print in digits3.cpp, Program 10.2, that prints the base two representation of a number. The number 17 in base 2 is 10001 since 17 = 24 + 20 . Just as 5467 in base 10 means 5 104 + 4 103 + 6 101 + 7 100 , so does 10110 in base 2 mean 1 24 + 0 23 + 1 22 + 1 21 + 0 20 . 10.2 The recursive Power function makes the recursive call as follows, and squares the return value.

double semi = Power(base,expo/2); .. return semi*semi;

Its possible to square base in the argument to the recursive call and just return the result as follows.

double semi = Power(base*base,expo/2); ... return semi;

Explain why these are equivalent. Which do you think is better? Does your answer change if BigInt values are used instead of double values? How can you test your answers?

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10.3 Comparing Recursion and Iteration


10.3 Based on the output generated by subdir.cpp, Program 10.5 for the directory tapestry, what would be the output of the program les.cpp, Program 10.4 if run on tapestry? (Make up numbers for le size; its the names of the les that are important in this question.) 10.4 Why is the if statement
if (entry.Name() != "." \&\& entry.Name() != "..")

used in subdir.cpp necessary? Describe what would happen if the comparison with "." were removed, but the other comparison remained. What would happen if the comparison with ".." were removed (but the other remained)? 10.5 How can you modify subdir.cpp to print a list of every le (starting from a directory whose name the user enters) whose size is larger than a number the user enters? 10.6 How can you modify subdir.cpp to print the name of every le containing a word, in either upper or lower case, that the user enters. 10.7 Describe how the output of subdir.cpp will change if the expression tabCount+1 in the recursive call is replaced with tabCount+2. 10.8 If the call of Tab and the cout << ... statement in function ProcessDir of subdir.cpp are moved after the if (entry.IsDir()) statement, how will the output change (e.g., if the directory tapestry is used for input)?

10.3 Comparing Recursion and Iteration

As an apprentice software engineer and computer scientist you must learn to judge when recursion is the right tool for a programming task. Weve already seen that recursion is indispensable when traversing directories. As an apprentice, you should learn part of the programming folklore of recursion. Well use two common examples to investigate tradeoffs in implementing functions recursively and iteratively.

10.3.1 The Factorial Function

In fact.cpp, Program 5.2, the function Factorial computes the factorial of a number where n! = 1 2 n. A loop accumulated the product of the rst n numbers. An alternative version of the factorial function is dened mathematically using this denition: n! = 1 if n = 0 n (n 1)! otherwise (10.2)

According to the denition, 6! = 6 5!. What, then, is to be done about 5!? According to the denition, it is 5 4!. This process continues until 1! = 1 0! and 0! = 1 by denition. The method of dening a function in terms of itself is called an inductive

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denition in mathematics and leads naturally to a recursive implementation. The base case of 0! = 1 is essential since it stops a potentially innite chain of recursive calls. As we noted in the rst section of this chapter, the base case is often a case that requires little or no computation, such as the calculation of zero factorial, which, by denition, is one. Recursive and iterative versions of the factorial function are included and tested in facttest.cpp, Program 10.6. Statements are included to check if the values returned by the recursive and iterative functions are different, but the values returned are always the same when I run the program.
Program 10.6 facttest.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "ctimer.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "bigint.h" BigInt RecFactorial(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num // postcondition: returns num! (num factorial) { if (0 == num) { return 1; } else { return num RecFactorial(num1); } } BigInt Factorial(int num) // precondition: 0 <= num // postcondition: returns num! (num factorial) { BigInt product = 1; int count; for(count=1; count <= num; count++) { product = count; } return product; } int main() { CTimer rtimer,itimer; long j,k; BigInt rval,ival; long iters = PromptRange("enter # of iterations",1L,1000000L); int limit = PromptRange("upper limit on factorial",10,100); for(k=0; k < iters; k++) // compute factorials specified # of times { for(j=0; j <= limit; j++) { rtimer.Start(); // time recursive version

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10.3 Comparing Recursion and Iteration



num 5 RecFactorial(4) Return 5 * ___ = 120 Return 4 * ___ = 24

num 4 RecFactorial(3) Return 3 * ___ = 6

num 3

num 0 RecFactrial(0) Return 1

num 1 RecFactorial(1) Return 1 * ___ = 1

num 2 Return 2 * ___ = 2 RecFactorial(2)

Figure 10.6 Recursive calls of RecFactorial(6).

rval = RecFactorial(j); rtimer.Stop(); itimer.Start(); // time iterative version ival = Factorial(j); itimer.Stop(); if (rval != ival) // note any differences { cout << "calls differ for " << j << endl; cout << "recursive = " << rval << " iterative = " << ival << endl; } } } cout << iters << " recursive trials " << rtimer.CumulativeTime() << endl; cout << iters << " iterative trials " << itimer.CumulativeTime() << endl; return 0; }


The recursive function RecFactorial is similar to the inductive denition of factorial given earlier. You will get better at understanding recursive functions as you gain more experience, but two ideas are helpful. (See ctimer.h, Program G.5 in How to G for information on the class CTimer used to time execution of program segments.) To compute 5!, six clones of the factorial function are needed as shown in Figure 10.6. The rst call, from main, is shown in the upper left as RecFactorial(5). The recursive calls are shown as solid arrows. The value passed to parameter num is shown in each clone. The return value is calculated by the expression num * RecFactorial(num-1); this is shown by the dashed lines. For example, the last clone called generates no recursive calls and returns 1. This value is used to calculate 1 1 so that 1 is returned from the clone with parameter num == 1. Each returned

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value is plugged into the expression num * RecFactorial(num-1) as the value of the recursive call, nally yielding 5 24 == 120, which is returned to main.

Runs on a Pentium II 300Mhz running Windows NT prompt> facttest enter # of iterations between 1 and 1000000: upper limit on factorial between 10 and 100: 1000 recursive trials 6.2 1000 iterative trials 4.816 prompt> facttest enter # of iterations between 1 and 1000000: upper limit on factorial between 10 and 100: 1000 recursive trials 24.807 1000 iterative trials 22.581 using int rather than BigInt
prompt> facttest enter # of iterations between 1 and 1000000: 10000 upper limit on factorial between 10 and 100: 20 10000 recursive trials 0.791 10000 iterative trials 0.691

1000 20

1000 30

Runs on a Sparc Ultra 30 with 384 megabytes of memory prompt> facttest enter # of iterations between 1 and 1000000: 10000 upper limit on factorial between 10 and 100: 20 10000 recursive trials 4.28 10000 iterative trials 1.9

Two things will help you understand recursion, but practice in thinking recursively is the best way to gain understanding.

Trace each recursive call by drawing clones or other diagrams that show each recursive function call, the functions variables and parameters, and the value returned. Believe the recursion works and verify that that returned value is used correctly.

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10.3 Comparing Recursion and Iteration


ProgramTip 10.2: Believe the recursion works. This means that you assume that the recursive call works correctly, and you examine the code to see that the result of the recursive call is used correctly. For example, in calculating 4!, you assume that the call to calculate 3! yields the correct result: 6. The statement that uses this result
return num * RecFactorial(num-1);

will then return 4 6, the value of num times the result of the recursive call. This is the correct answer for 4!.

ProgramTip 10.3: Trace the recursive calls to see that the clones produce the correct results. This can be a tedious task, but some people like the assurance of understanding precisely how the recursively called functions work together. (A trace is shown in Figure 10.6 for the computation of 5!). In many examples of recursion that youll see, tracing all the calls will be difcult to impossible because there will be so many of them. Its often helpful to trace the last call before the base case is reached, and to verify that the base case return value works with the last call. Based on the sample runs, which of the recursive and iterative functions is best? The answer isas it is so oftenit depends. It depends on (at least) how many times the factorial function will be called, it depends on what kind of computer is used, and it depends on what compiler is used. When run on a Pentium computer, the difference between the two versions is 0.1 seconds for 200,000 calls with int values as shown in the output. The difference is greater for BigInt values. The differences on a Sun UltraSparc computer are much more pronounced since that computer doesnt process recursion very well.

10.3.2 Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci numbers are integral in many areas of mathematics and computer science. These numbers occur in nature as well [PL90]. For example, the scales on pineapples are grouped in Fibonacci numbers. In [Emm93], Fibonacci numbers are cited as the conscious basis of works by the composers Bartok and Stockhausen. Knuth [Knu97] describes the mathematical constant = 1 (1 + 5) as intimately connected with the 2 Fibonacci numbers, and the ratio of to 1 is said to be the most pleasing proportion aesthetically, and this opinion is conrmed from the standpoint of computer programming aesthetics as well. The rst 16 Fibonacci numbers are given below; this sequence originated in 1202 with Leonardo Fibonacci, whom Knuth calls by far the greatest European mathematician before the Renaissance.
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

In general, each number in this sequence is the sum of the two numbers before it; the rst two Fibonacci numbers are the exception to this rule. In keeping with tradition in C++

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numbering schemes, the rst Fibonacci number is F (0); that is, we start numbering from zero rather than one. This leads to the inductive or recursive denition of the Fibonacci numbers: F (n) = 1 F (n 1) + F (n 2) if n = 0 or n = 1 otherwise (10.3)

As is the case with the recursive denition of factorial, the recursive denition of the Fibonacci numbers can be translated almost verbatim into a C++ function. The function RecFib is shown in btest.cpp, Program 10.7. The function Fib computes Fibonacci numbers iteratively. The difference in this case between the recursive and iterative functions is much more pronounced than it was for the factorial function. Note that F (30) = 1,346,269.
Program 10.7 btest.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "ctimer.h" #include "prompt.h" // Illustrates "bad" recursion for computing Fibonacci numbers const int FIB_LIMIT = 20; // largest fib # calculated

long RecFib(int n) // precondition: 0 <= n // postcondition: returns the n-th Fibonacci number { if (0 == n || 1 == n) { return 1; } else { return RecFib(n1) + RecFib(n2); } } long Fib(int n) // precondition: 0 <= n // postcondition: returns the n-th Fibonacci number { long first=1, second=1, temp; int k; for(k=0; k < n; k++) { temp = first; first = second; second = temp + second; } return first; } int main()

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10.3 Comparing Recursion and Iteration

{ CTimer rtimer,itimer; int j; long k; long ival,rval; long iters = PromptRange("enter # of iterations",1L,100000L); int limit = PromptRange("n, for n-th Fibonacci ",1,30); for(k = 0; k < iters; k++) { for(j=0; j <= limit; j++) { rtimer.Start(); rval = RecFib(j); rtimer.Stop(); itimer.Start(); ival = Fib(j); itimer.Stop(); if (ival != rval) { cout << "calls differ for cout << "recursive = " << } } } cout << iters << " recursive trials " cout << iters << " iterative trials " return 0; }


" << j << endl; ival << " iterative = " << rval << endl;

<< rtimer.CumulativeTime() << endl; << itimer.CumulativeTime() << endl;


Run on a Pentium II 300Mhz running Windows NT prompt> btest enter # of iterations between 1 and 100000: 100 n, for n-th Fibonacci between 1 and 30: 30 100 recursive trials 49.932 100 iterative trials 0.02 Run on a Pentium 100Mhz running Linux prompt> btest enter # of iterations between 1 and 100000: 100 n, for n-th Fibonacci between 1 and 30: 30 100 recursive trials 205.5 100 iterative trials 0.0

The granularity of the timing doesnt accurately reect the iterative function; 10,000 calls of the iterative function take about 1.1 seconds to compute F(30). Extrapolating the result of 49.932 seconds for 100 trials of the recursive function shows that 100,000 iterations would take 49,932 seconds, or nearly 13 hours, for what is done in about 10

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RecFib(6) 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 3 1 0 2 1 4 3 1 0 2 1 0

Figure 10.7 Recursive calls of RecFib(6), the number in each box is the value of the parameter num. seconds using the iterative function. What are the differences between calculating n! and F(n) that cause such a disparity in the timings of the recursive and iterative versions? For example, is the time due to the recursive depth (number of clones)? As we will see, the depth of recursive calls is not what causes problems here. Only 30 clones exist at one time to calculate F(30). However, the total number of clones (or recursive calls) is 2,692,637. This huge number of calls is illustrated in Figure 10.7 for the calculation of F(6), which requires a total of 25 recursive calls. If you examine Figure 10.7 carefully, youll see that the same recursive call is made many times. For example, F(1) is calculated eight times. Since the computer is not programmed to remember a number previously calculated, when the call F(6) generates calls F(5) and F(4), the result of F(4) is not stored anywhere. When the calculation of F(5) generates F(4) and F(3), the entire sequence of calls for F(4) is made again. The iterative function Fib in btest.cpp is fast because it makes roughly n additions to calculate F(n); the number of additions is linear. In contrast, the recursive function makes an exponential number of additions. In this case the speed of the machine is not so important, and the recursive function is much slower than the iterative function. In later courses you may study methods that will permit you to determine when a recursive function should be used. For now, you should know that recursion is often very useful, as with the directory searching functions, and sometimes is very bad, as with the recursive Fibonacci function.

10.3.3 Permutation Generation

A permutation is a re-arrangement. In mathematics, a permutation of a list of n numbers like (1,2,3) is any one of the n! different orderings of the numbers. For example, all orderings of the numbers 13 follow.

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10.3 Comparing Recursion and Iteration


1 1 2 2 3 3

2 3 1 3 1 2

3 2 3 1 2 1

Permutations are used in a branch of computer science called combinatorics, and also in statistics, social sciences, and mathematics. As well see, generating permutations recursively uses a technique called backtracking that can be applied to solve many different problems. Well develop a recursive function for generating all the permutations of the elements in a vector. The function will print all permutations, but well discuss how to process the permutations in other ways. Well follow the two guidelines from Program Tip 10.1 in developing our recursive function. First well identify a base case, a case that is easy to compute and that wont make any recursive calls. We also have to identify why its the base case and use that to focus on the second guideline: what part of the problem will get smaller with each recursive call, thus eventually getting to the base case? Most recursive problems are parameterized by some notion of size. In each recursive call the size decreases, eventually reaching the base case. In digits3.cpp, Program 10.2, the size of the problem is the number of digits in the number being converted to English. In traversing directories the size is the the number of subdirectories in a directory; eventually a directory with no subdirectories must be found. In computing factorial, the number n for which n! is computed is the size of the problem. The permutation problem is parameterized by the size of the vector being permuted. A vector with no elements, or with only one element, is very easy to permute in all ways. If this is the base case, well need to work on transforming the problem of permuting an n-element vector into a problem that permutes a smaller-sized vector. If you look at the list of the six different permutations of (1,2,3) you may see that the permutations can be divided into three groups of two permutations. In each group the rst number stays the same and the other elements are permuted in all ways. This will work for a 4-element list too. The rst element can take one of four values. For each of the four values, permute the remaining three in all possible ways. The rst six of twenty-four permutations of (1,2,3,4) are shown below. The four is xed and the rest of the vector is permuted in all ways as a 3-element vector.
4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 1

Its actually tricky to develop a recursive solution thinking about the problem this way because the simpler problem, one of permuting the rest of the vector, isnt the same kind of problem as what we start with. We start with a vector of n-elements, and the subproblem is to permute everything except the rst element. But this subproblem

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doesnt involve a vector, it involves a part of the vector. Well adopt an approach that is often useful in recursive problems, well think of the problem in a different way that is more easily reducible to a simpler case. Note that in permuting (1,2,3,4) when the rst two elements are xed, say (4,1), the rest of the elements are permuted in all possible ways. Well use the idea of xing the rst k elements in a vector, those with indexes 0 . . . k 1 in a vector. Well permute the other elements, with indexes k . . . n1, in all possible ways. The base case thats easily solved is when all n elements are xed, there are no more elements to permute. Initially no elements are xed. This leads to the two functions whose headers follow.
void PermuteHelper(tvector<int>& list, int n); // pre: first n elements of list are fixed and wont change // post: elements n..list.size()-1 are permuted in // all possible ways, list is in original order void Permute(tvector<int>& list) // post: elements of list permuted in all possible ways { PermuteHelper(list,0); }

Users will call Permute, the function PermuteHelper exists only to make the recursion simple to code. In a class, PermuteHelper would be a private helper function, not accessible to the user.

Developing PermuteHelper. Weve already decided that the base case, in which all elements are xed so that n == list.size(), results in printing the vector. What about the recursive calls? The vector element with index n is the left-most element that changes since elements with indexes 0 . . . n 1 are xed. Element list[n] must take on all values from the remaining, unxed elements, and then all permutations should be generated. For example, to permute (5,3,1,4,2), with one element xed (index zero), well let the index one element take on each of the unxed values. This is shown below, where the x indicates where the 3, originally with index one, is swapped to bring each unxed element into the index one slot. The 3 originally in the index one slot is swapped into slots with indexes two, three, and four to generate each recursive call. Its swapped back after the recursive call to restore the vector as it was, satisfying the postcondition.
5 5 5 5 5 ___ _3_ _1_ _4_ _2_ ___ ___ _x_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _x_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _x_

This leads to the function below.

void PermuteHelper(tvector<int>& list, int n);

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// pre: first n elements of list are fixed and wont change // post: elements n..list.size()-1 are permuted in // all possible ways, list is in original order { int len = list.size(); int k; if (n == len) // all elements fixed, print { Print(list); } else { for(k=n; k < len; k++) { Swap(list[n],list[k]); PermuteHelper(list,n+1); Swap(list[n],list[k]); } } }

This prints all the permutations. If instead of printing, you wanted to pass the permuted vector to a function for processing, youd have to change the call of Print in PermuteHelper. Alternatively, you could develop a method for iterating over the permutations, one at a time. The class Permuter does this (see How to G for details.) A Permuter object is constructed from a vector, and then iterates over the vector returning permutations in alphabetic or lexicographic order. If a Permuter is initialized with the vector (4,3,2,1), then the rst two vectors returned by Current will be (4,3,2,1) and (1,2,3,4) since a Permuter wraps to the rst vector alphabetically after the list one. A Permuter uses only int vectors, but as Program10.8, shows, an int vector can be used to index any other vector effectively permuting any kind of vector.
Program 10.8 usepermuter.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "permuter.h" int main() { tvector<int> list; tvector<string> slist; string names[] = {"first", "second", "third"}; int k; for(k=0; k < 3; k++) { list.push_back(k); slist.push_back(names[k]);

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} Permuter p(list); for(p.Init(); p.HasMore(); p.Next()) { p.Current(list); for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { cout << list[k] << " "; } cout << endl; } for(p.Init(); p.HasMore(); p.Next()) { p.Current(list); for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { cout << slist[list[k]] << " "; } cout << endl; } return 0;


prompt> usepermuter 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 first second third first third second second first third second third first third first second third second first

10.4 Scope and Lifetime

In this section well discuss methods that are used to alter the lifetime of a variable in a class or program and the scope of declaration. Well use two simple examples that extend the computation of Fibonacci numbers from btest.cpp, Program 10.7, and then use these examples as a springboard to explore general principles of lifetime and scope. We touched on scope in Section 5.3; the scope of a declaration determines where in a function, class, or program the declaration can be used. Lifetime refers to the duration of storage associated with a variable. To be precise, scope is a property of a name or

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10.4 Scope and Lifetime


identier (e.g., of a variable, function, or class) that determines where in a program the identier can be used. Lifetime is a property of the storage or memory associated with an object.

10.4.1 GlobalVariables
Suppose we want to calculate exactly how many times the function RecFib is called to compute RecFib(30) in btest.cpp, Program 10.7. We can increment a counter in the body of RecFib, but we need to print the value of the counter in main when the initial call of RecFib returns. The global variable gFibCalls in recb.cpp, Program 10.9, keeps this count. The scope of a global variable is an entire program as opposed to a local variable that can be accessed only within the function in which the variable is dened. In C++ a global variable has le scope since it is accessible in all functions dened in the le in which the global variable appears.
Program 10.9 recb.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // Illustrates "bad" recursion for computing Fibonacci numbers // and a global variable to count # function calls int gFibCalls = 0; long RecFib(int n) // precondition: 0 <= n // postcondition: returns the n-th Fibonacci number { gFibCalls++; if (0 == n || 1 == n) { return 1; } else { return RecFib(n1) + RecFib(n2); } } int main() { int num = PromptRange("compute Fibonacci #",1,40); cout << "Fibonacci # " << num << " = " << RecFib(num) << endl; cout << "total # function calls = " << gFibCalls << endl; return 0; }


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prompt> recb compute Fibonacci # between 1 and 40: 10 Fibonacci # 10 = 89 total # function calls = 177 prompt> recb compute Fibonacci # between 1 and 40: 20 Fibonacci # 20 = 10946 total # function calls = 21891 prompt> recb compute Fibonacci # between 1 and 40: 30 Fibonacci # 30 = 1346269 total # function calls = 2692537

I use the prex g to differentiate global variables from other variables. Global variables are declared outside of any function, usually at the beginning of a le. Unlike local variables, global variables are automatically initialized to zero unless a different initialization is specied when the variable is dened. There are rare occasions when global variables must be used, as with gFibCalls in recb.cpp. However, using many global variables in a large program quickly leads to maintenance headaches because it is difcult to keep track of what identiers have been used. In particular, its possible for a global declaration to be hidden or shadowed by a local declaration. For example, suppose you want to implement the member function Point::tostring. The class Point has two private instance variables x and y, both are doubles. The functions tostring in strutils.h, Program G.8 (see How to G) convert ints and doubles to strings, so you might write:
string Point::tostring() const { return "("+ tostring(x) + ", " + tostring(y) +")"; }

Unfortunately, this will not compile. The compiler treats the calls of tostring, that are intended as calls of the free, or global functions in strutils.h, as recursive calls with arguments that do not match the formal parameter list. The member function Point::tostring shadows the global, free functions. We can x this problem using the scope resolution operator ::. Applied to an identier, :: references a global object (or function) so we can write the function as follows:
string Point::tostring() const { return "("+ ::tostring(x) + ", " + ::tostring(y) +")"; }

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10.4 Scope and Lifetime


10.4.2 Hidden Identiers

Even nonglobal identiers can be shadowed, as illustrated in scope.cpp, Program 10.10. Because the braces, {}, that delimit function bodies and compound statements cannot overlap, there is always a scope closest to an identiers declaration. It is possible for an identier to be reused within a nested scope. A scope is nested in another when the braces that dene the scope occur within another set of braces. When a variable is used, it may seem unclear in which scope the variable is declared, but the nearest denition is the one used. The variable first dened within the scope of the if statement is accessible only within the if statement. Assignments to first within the statement do not affect the variable first dened at the beginning of main, as shown in the output where first is printed as 4, 8, 16, and 32 except for the indented values, which show first within the if statement. It is also apparent from the output that the value of second dened in main is not affected by assignments to second in the while loop since these assignments are made to a variable dened within the loop. Schematically the scopes are illustrated in Figure 10.8, in which a variable is known within the innermost box in which it appears. The variable second dened within the while loop shadows the variable dened at the top of the function main. In general, shadowing leads to unexpected, although well-dened, behavior.

ProgramTip 10.4: Avoid using identiers with the same name in nested scopes. Hidden and shadowed identiers lead to programs that are difcult to understand and ultimately lead to errors.

main int first,second; while int second; if int first;

Figure 10.8 Boxing to illustrate scope in Program 10.10

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Program 10.10 scope.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // illustrates scope int main() { int first = 2; int second = 0; while (first < 20) { int second = first 2; // shadows previous second cout << "\tsecond = " << second << endl; first = 2; if (first > 10) { int first = second; // shadows previous first first = first/10; cout << "\tfirst = " << first << endl; } cout << "first = " << first << endl; } cout << "second = " << second << endl; return 0; }


prompt> scope second = 4 first = 4 second = 8 first = 8 second = 16 first = 1 first = 16 second = 32 first = 3 first = 32 second = 0

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10.4 Scope and Lifetime


10.4.3 Static Denitions

Global variables maintain their value throughout the execution of a program; they exist for the duration of the program. In contrast, a local variable dened in a function is constructed anew each time the function is called. We can change the lifetime of a local variable so that the variable maintains its value throughout a programs execution by using the word static as a modier when the variable is dened. This is illustrated in recb2.cpp, Program 10.11. A static tvector is dened to keep track of recursive calls so that the same recursive call is never made more than once. For example, the rst call of RecFib(4) results in recursive calls of RecFib(3) and RecFib(2). When these values are calculated, the values are stored in the tvector storage so that the values can be retrieved, for example, when RecFib(2) is called again. The key idea is that a recursive call is made once. All subsequent recursive calls with the same argument are evaluated by retrieving the stored value from storage rather than by making a recursive call. Notice how many fewer calls are made compared to the calculations of recb.cpp, Program 10.9.
Program 10.11 recb2.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "prompt.h" // Illustrates "bad" recursion for computing Fibonacci numbers // but made better using a static vector for storing values int gFibCalls = 0; const int FIB_LIMIT = 40; long RecFib(int n) // precondition: 0 <= n // postcondition: returns the n-th Fibonacci number { static tvector<int> storage(FIB_LIMIT+1,0); gFibCalls++; if (0 == n || 1 == n) { return 1; } else if (storage[n] == 0) { storage[n] = RecFib(n1) + RecFib(n2); return storage[n]; } else { return storage[n]; } } int main() {

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int num = PromptRange("compute Fibonacci #",1,FIB_LIMIT); cout << "Fibonacci # " << num << " = " << RecFib(num) << endl; cout << "total # function calls = " << gFibCalls << endl; return 0;


Like global variables, static local variables are automatically initialized to zero. However, it is a good idea to make initializations explicit. Static variables are constructed and initialized when a program rst executes, not when a function is rst called. The variable storage must be static in recb2.cpp, or the values stored will not be maintained over all recursive calls. For recursive functions like RecFib, only one static variable is dened for all the recursive clones. The variable storage is local to RecFib but maintains its values for the duration of the program recb2.cpp.

prompt> recb2 compute Fibonacci # between 1 and 40: 10 Fibonacci # 10 = 89 total # function calls = 19 prompt> recb2 compute Fibonacci # between 1 and 40: 20 Fibonacci # 20 = 10946 total # function calls = 39 prompt> recb2 compute Fibonacci # between 1 and 40: 30 Fibonacci # 30 = 1346269 total # function calls = 59

10.4.4 Static or ClassVariables and Functions

Just as its possible for a static variable to have a lifetime for the duration of a program, maintaining its value over many function calls, a static class variable maintains its value over many object denitions. A static class variable actually exists outside of any object, its part of a class rather than an object. In staticdemo.cpp, the static variable ourCount is incremented each time a Pair object is constructed. Its value is the number of Pair objects constructed in an entire program execution.

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10.4 Scope and Lifetime


Program 10.12 staticdemo.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" struct Pair { int x, y; Pair(int a, int b) : x(a), y(b) { ourCount++;} static int ourCount; }; int Pair::ourCount = 0; int main() { Pair p(0,0); int k,limit = PromptRange("number of pairs? ",1,20000); for(k=0; k < limit; k++) { Pair p(k,2k); } cout << "# pairs created = " << Pair::ourCount << endl; return 0; }


prompt> static number of pairs? between 1 and 20000: 1000 # pairs created = 1001 prompt> static number of pairs? between 1 and 20000: 5000 # pairs created = 5001

As shown, static class variables must be initialized outside the class declaration. Static variables are dened before main begins to execute. A static variable or function can be accessed using dot notation as though it were an instance variable or member function. In staticdemo.cpp the last output line could print p.ourCount. However, since static variables belong to a class rather than an object, its possible to access them

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using the class name and the scope resolution operator as shown. The prex our signies that the variable belongs to all objects, not to any particular object.
Pause to Reect

10.9 The code segment shown below illustrates shadowing. Describe an input sequence that causes the words Banana yellow Banana red Apple to be printed (one per line).
string last = "Apple"; string word; while (cin >> word && word != last) { string last = "Banana"; cout << last << " " << word << endl; } cout << last << endl;

Describe an input sequence that causes the single word Apple to be printed. If the denition of last within the while loop is removed, what input sequence generates Banana yellow Banana red Apple? 10.10 In the code fragment in the previous problem, if the denition of last before the while loop is removed, will the segment compile? Why? 10.11 Describe how to use a static vector in a function to compute factorial to avoid computing n! if it has been computed before. 10.12 In staticdemo.cpp, if p.ourCount is used instead of Pair::ourCount what variable p is accessed? If two Pair variables p and q are dened before the loop, and the only statement in the loop is
p = q;

What will the output of the program be?

10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist

The programming language Lisp, and related languages like Scheme, have a long history of providing elegant and useful solutions to a wide variety of problems. Lisp was one of the rst languages; its development began in 1958 and it was running on computers by 1960. Today Lisp is still used extensively, has an object-oriented extension, and is used in programming the text editor Emacs which I used to write this book. The basic structure in Lisp is a list. In this section well use a Lisp-like list class4 called CList to explore recursion and an elegant solution to representing polynomials.

Its Lisp-like in that programmers dont worry about memory management and cannot change a list once the list is created. Its not Lisp-like in that in this chapter list elements must be the same type.

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10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist


10.5.1 What Is a CList Object?

The class CList is similar to the class tvector in that its a homogeneous aggregate: each element of a list has the same type. It differs in two ways: CList collections do not support random access; accessing the rst element takes less time than accessing the second, and accessing the nth element takes n-times longer than accessing the rst element. A CList collection is immutable. Once a list is created, it cannot be changed. You cant change an element of a list and you cant add an element to an existing list. Instead, you can create new lists. The C in CList stands for constant since lists cannot change once created. There are two ways to create a CList object. Dening a CList object creates an empty list, one with no elements. The function cons is used to create a new list from a rst element and an existing list. The program listdemo.cpp, Program 10.13 shows how cons is used to create lists from old lists.5
Program 10.13 listdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "clist.h" void Display(const CList<string>& list) // post: list displayed on one line, comma separated { cout << "size = " << list.Size() << ": " << list.Printer(",") << endl; } int main() { CList<string> s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; // create empty lists s2 = cons(string("tomato"),s1); s3 = cons(string("carrot"),s2); s4 = cons(string("celery"),s3); s5 = cons(string("peapod"),s3); Display(s1); Display(s2); Display(s3); Display(s4); Display(s5); return 0; } Display(s1.Tail()); Display(s2.Tail()); Display(s3.Tail()); Display(s4.Tail()); Display(s5.Tail()); cout cout cout cout cout << << << << << "" "" "" "" "" << << << << << endl; endl; endl; endl; endl;


5 The explicit use of string as a constructor for the literal "carrot", for example, is required in some compilers because of how templates are instantiated.

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

A CList is divided into two parts: the Head which is a string in a list of strings, an int in a list of ints, and so on; and the Tail, which is another CList, but without the rst element (the Head). The function cons makes a new list by creating a new head and using an existing tail.

prompt> listdemo size = 0: size = 0: --size = 1: tomato size = 0: --size = 2: carrot,tomato size = 1: tomato --size = 3: celery,carrot,tomato size = 2: carrot,tomato --size = 3: peapod,carrot,tomato size = 2: carrot,tomato ---

Figure 10.9 is a diagram of the ve lists from listdemo.cpp. The lists s4 and s5 share the same tail. All the lists except for the empty s1 share the list value "tomato", which is at the head of s2, is the tail of s3, and is part of s4 and s5 as well. The method CList::Printer acts like an I/O manipulator. The separator/delimiter argument to Printer separates each item in the list being inserted onto the stream, so commas appear between each list element as shown. If no parameter is used, that is, list.Printer(), then each list item appears on a separate line, the separator is the newline character \n. Its possible to insert a list directly on a stream. For the list s4 in listdemo.cpp, the call below generates the output shown with parentheses at the beginning and end of the output and commas separating each list element.
cout << "list = " << s4 << " size = " << s4.Size() << endl;

list = (celery, carrot, tomato) size = 3

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10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist







empty "carrot" "celery"



Tail( ) Head( )

Figure 10.9 Diagram of ve CList objects showing structure sharing.

10.5.2 Tail-ing Down a list

We can easily write a free function version of CList::Size as shown in Program 10.14. The rst, recursive version is emblematic of many CList functions. The empty list is the base case, and the simpler recursive call results from using a lists tail which has one fewer element than the list. The iterative version uses the associated CListIterator class; its slightly more cumbersome than the recursive version.
Program 10.14 listsize.cpp
int Size(const CList<string> & list) // post: returns # elements in list { if (list.IsEmpty()) return 0; return 1 + Size(list.Tail()); } int Size(const CList<string> & list) // post: returns # elements in list { CListIterator<string> iter(list); int count = 0; for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) { count++; } return count; }


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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

Maurice Wilkes (b. 1913)

Maurice Wilkes is one of the elder statesmen of computer science. He was a peer of Alan Turing and worked in England on the EDSAC computer. Wilkes was awarded the second Turing award in 1967. In work written in 1955 and published in 1956 [Wil56], Wilkes offers advice for team programming projects. It is interesting that the advice still seems to hold 40 years later. It is very desirable that all the programmers in the group should make use of the same, or substantially the same, methods. Not only does this facilitate communication and cooperation between the members of the group, but it also enables their individual experience more readily to be absorbed into the accumulated experience of the group as a whole the group should be organized to produce, on a common plan, the input routines, basic library subroutines, and error-diagnosis subroutines it will be much easier, once they are prepared, for an individual programmer to make use of them rather than to set about designing a system of his own. Wilkes wonders where computer science tswhether it is more closely tied to mathematics or to engineering [Wil95]: Many students who are attracted to a practical career nd mathematics uncongenial and difcult; certainly it is not the most popular part of an engineering course for the majority of students. Admittedly, mathematics trains people to reason, but reasoning in real life is not of a mathematical kind. Physics is a far better training in this respect. The truth may be that computer science does not by itself constitute a sufciently broad education, and that it is better studied in combination with one of the physical sciences or with one of the older branches of engineering. Wilkes pioneered many of the ideas in current computer architectures including microprogramming and cache memories. In 1951 he published the rst book on computer programming. About object-oriented programming he says: [Object-oriented programming is] in my view, the most important development in programming languages that has taken place for a long time. Object-oriented programming languages may still be described as being in a state of evolution. No completely satisfactory language in this category is yet available. For more information see [Wil87, Wil95, Wil56].

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10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist


10.5.3 Cons-ing Up a List

To see the benets of recursion, well look at readlist.cpp, Program 10.15. The program reads words from a le and uses a standard list technique of cons-ing up a list by assigning the cons return-value to the list thats the argument to cons. Since the last word read is the last word cons-ed to the front, the list is in reverse order. Wed like to have a version of Read that returns a list of words in the same order in which theyre read. To do this efciently (using cons) well need to think recursively. Well recursively read from a stream using the following ideas. 1. 2. If there are no words in the stream well return an empty list; this is the base case of the recursion. Otherwise, well make a recursive call. We must decide what the arguments in the call are and how to process the returned result. To get closer to the base case of no words in the stream, well read a word. The resulting stream will be shorter, and closer to the base case because it contains fewer words. What do we do with the result returned from the recursion?

Program 10.15 readlist.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #include "clist.h" #include "prompt.h" CList<string> Read(istream& input) // post: returns list, order of words reversed from input { CList<string> result; string word; while (input >> word) { result = cons(word,result); } return result; } int main() { string filename= PromptString("filename "); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); StringList list = Read(input); cout << "# words = " << list.Size() << endl; cout << "words: first = " << list.Head() << ", last = " << list.Last() << endl; return 0; }


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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

prompt> readlist filename melville.txt # words = 14353 words: first = death, last = Bartleby, prompt> readlist filename poe.txt # words = 2324 words: first = requiescat!,

last = The

In developing the recursive function, think about what the postcondition must be. We want the words to be in the same order in which theyre read. Combined with the base case this is what we have so far.
CList<string> Read(istream& input) // post: returns list, order of words same as in input { string word; if (input >> word) { // ??? must develop this code } else { return Clist<string>(); // an empty list }

Note that a temporary, or anonymous variable (see Section 7.4.1) is returned by constructing a CList<string> object. The following code is equivalent, but uses a named variable.
... else { CList<string> temp; return temp; }

In the recursive case, the recursive call will satisfy the postcondition. Remember that you must believe the recursion will work (see Program Tip 10.2.) What can you do with the returned result? What does it represent? The returned result represents a list of words except for the word just read, and the order in list is the same as the order in input according to the postcondition. This means you simply cons the word read to

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whats returned by the recursive call. If we use this function, the output of readlist.cpp changes.
CList<string> Read(istream& input) // post: returns list, order of words same as in input { string word; if (input >> word) { return cons(word,Read(input)); } return CList<string>(); }

prompt> readlist filename melville.txt # words = 14353 first word = Bartleby, prompt> readlist filename poe.txt # words = 2324 first word = The

last word = death.

last word = requiescat!

10.5.4 Append, Reverse, and Auxiliary Functions

In this section well look at one more list function, append, which adds a new element to the end of a list. Since we cannot change a list, a new element isnt really added. Instead, appending an element to a list creates a new list thats a copy of the old list, but with a new element added to the end. This is fundamentally different than cons. When cons creates a new list by adding an element to the front of a list, all the list storage, except that used by the new element at the front, is shared between the lists as diagrammed in Figure 10.9. When append is used, no storage can be shared. Program 10.16 illustrates the differences. The class, or static, function ConsCalls reports how much memory has been allocated by the CList class.
Program 10.16 listappend.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "clist.h"

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

int main() { CList<int> list,list2; int k; for(k=7; k >=0; k) { list = cons(k,list); } cout << list.Printer(",") << endl; cout << "memory = " << CList<int>::ConsCalls() << endl; for(k=0; k < 8; k++) { list2 = append(k,list2); } cout << list.Printer(",") << endl; cout << "memory = " << CList<int>::ConsCalls() << endl; return 0; }


prompt> listappend 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 memory = 8 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 memory = 44

To create a list of eight elements using cons requires only eight list elements. However, using append requires 36 elements (44 - 8 = 36, note that 1 + . . . + 8 = 36.) Essentially, creating an eight-element list using append requires creating a one-element list, a two-element list, a three-element list, and so on until the eight element list is created. So although append is a useful function, its an expensive function to use. ProgramTip 10.5: Dont worry about efciency until you know that you need to. If you can easily solve a list problem using append, then its the right tool to use until you determine that its inefciencies make a difference.

Suppose, for example, that you need to reverse a list. A natural recursive solution using append can be derived as follows. 1. The base case, as it is with many list functions, is an empty list. The reverse of an empty list is an empty list, so no recursion is needed.

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10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist


Table 10.1 Reversing a list using an auxiliary reversed-so-far list.

list being reversed (1,2,3,4) (2,3,4) (3,4) (4) ()

list reversed-so-far () (1) (2,1) (3,2,1) (4,3,2,1)


Most recursive list functions recurse on a lists tail. If weve successfully reversed the tail (remember, believe in the recursion) how can we reverse the entire list? Appending the head of the list to the reversed tail yields the reverse of the entire list.

This reasoning leads to the following function.

CList<string> Reverse(const CList<string>& list) { if (list.IsEmpty()) return list; return append(list.Head(),Reverse(list.Tail())); }

This solution is terse and elegant, but its expensive in time and memory. Reversing an n-element list requires calling append n times and a total of 1 + 2 + + n = n(n + 1)/2 allocated list elements. Wed like to develop a reversing algorithm using cons, but if you think about the recursion for a while, youll see that its not straightforward to develop. Well use a common technique of accumulating the reversed result in another list variable. Well use two parameters in the reversing function: The list being reversed. The function recurses on this list, using the standard technique of using the lists tail as the recursive argument. The list thats the reversed list so far. Initially this list is empty since nothing has been reversed. When theres one element left in the list being reversed, all the other elements from the original list will be in this reversed-so-far list, and will be in reverse order. Table 10.1 shows what we want the relationship between these two lists to be if we start with a list (1,2,3,4). The insight of using the auxiliary reversed-so-far list enables us to use cons to build the reversed list. We can add the head/rst element from the list being reversed to the front of the reversed-so-far list making progress towards the base case. Well call the auxiliary, two-parameter reversing function from a single parameter function so that client code can create a reversed list without knowing about the second parameter. Two reversing functions, Reverse and Reverse2, are shown in Program 10.17. Reverse2 uses the auxiliary function. The output shows the number of list elements

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

allocated when both functions are called. In this program we use an alias StringList for CList<string>. Well discuss the syntax for the alias after the program.
Program 10.17 listreverse.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "clist.h" StringList RevAux(StringList list, StringList sofar) // pre: list = (a_0, a_1, ..., a_(n-1)) // post: returns (a_(n-1), ..., a_1, a_0, sofar) { if (list.IsEmpty()) return sofar; return RevAux(list.Tail(), cons(list.Head(),sofar)); } StringList Reverse2(StringList list) // pre: list = (a_0, a-1, ..., a_(n-1)) // post: return (a_(n-1), ... a_1, a_0) { return RevAux(list,StringList()); } StringList Reverse(StringList list) // pre: list = (a_0, a-1, ..., a_(n-1)) // post: return (a_(n-1), ... a_1, a_0) { if (list.IsEmpty()) return list; return append(list.Head(),Reverse(list.Tail())); } void Print(StringList list) { cout << list.Printer(",") << endl; cout << "# cons calls = " << StringList::ConsCalls() << endl << endl; } int main() { StringList spices,spices2; spices = cons(string("paprika"), cons(string("cayenne"), cons(string("chili"), cons(string("turmeric"), cons(string("pepper"), StringList()))))); spices2 = cons(string("curry"), cons(string("coriander"), cons(string("cumin"), spices))); Print(spices); Print(spices2); Print(Reverse(spices)); Print(Reverse2(spices)); return 0; }


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10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist


prompt> listreverse paprika,cayenne,chili,turmeric,pepper # cons calls = 5 curry,coriander,cumin,paprika,cayenne,chili,turmeric,pepper # cons calls = 8 pepper,turmeric,chili,cayenne,paprika # cons calls = 23 pepper,turmeric,chili,cayenne,paprika # cons calls = 28

Using the name CList<string> each time we want to dene a variable or declare a parameter leads to lots of typing and code thats hard to read. Using an alias, implemented in C++ using a typedef, makes code simpler to read and can make some modications easier. The header le clist.h, Program G.12 in How to G introduces the typedefs StringList and StringListIterator. A typedef is a convenience, but the alias introduced often helps in reading and underSyntax: typedef standing code. For example, you might use the new name Integer, typedef CList<string> StringList; as shown in the syntax diagram. You typedef BigInt Integer; can use the name Integer like a type, but change it later to int and recompile your program to update all uses of Integer. Complicated declarations are often easier to understand with a typedef. For example, the denition CList<CList<string>> list will not compile, because the compiler misinterprets the >> as the insertion operator; you must include a space, as in CList<CList<string> > list. Using a typedef can make this simpler: CList<StringList> list.
Pause to Reect

10.13 In listdemo.cpp, Program 10.13, how will the output change if the call below (where X is 1,2,3,4)

is changed in all ve places it occurs to the following


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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

10.14 In the initialization of spices in Program 10.17, listreverse.cpp, the nal argument in the constructor is StringList(). Why is this argument used? Can it be replaced by spices? Can it be replaced by StringList::EMPTY? 10.15 If the following statement is added as the last statement in main in readlist.cpp, Program 10.15, what values are printed for each of the runs shown in the output box?
cout << "# cons calls = " << CList<string>::ConsCalls() << endl;

Suppose the call to cons in the while loop of the function Read is replaced by a call to append. What values are printed by the ConsCalls() statement? 10.16 Write a nonrecursive function that reverses a list using a CListIterator and cons. Use the same idea thats used in the recursive function, dene a variable sofar and maintain the invariant: sofar is the reverse of all the elements already processed. The loop test should be:
while (! list.IsEmpty())

10.17 Write a function append that appends one list to another. Conceptually, the call below yields the list (1,2,3,4,5,6).
append( (1,2,3), (4,5,6) )

The function should cons as many elements as there are in parameter lhs.
CList<int> append(const CList<int>& lhs, const CList<int>& rhs) // pre: lhs = (a1,a2,...,an), rhs = (b1,b2,...bm) // post: returns list (a1,a2,...,an,b1,b2,..,bm)

10.18 Write a function Flatten that creates one list from a list of lists. For example, the rst list below is attened into the second.
( ("apple", "cherry"), ("big", "little", "tiny"), ("november") ) ("apple", "cherry", "big", "little", "tiny", "november") StringList Flatten(CList<StringList> list) // post: return a flattened form of list

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10.19 Consider the function Create that follows. Whats printed by the statement calling Create?
cout << Create(5).Printer(",") << endl;

Youll need to think carefully about whats going on here and review what happens when a list is inserted onto an output stream (see listdemo.cpp, Program 10.13).
typedef CList<int> IntList; CList<IntList> Create(int n) { CList<IntList> result; int j,k; for(j=0; j < n; j++) { IntList nlist; for(k=j; k >= 0; k--) { nlist = cons(k,nlist); } result = cons(nlist,result); } return result; }

10.5.5 Polynomials Implemented with Lists

The class CList is simple to use and motivates recursion since many list functions are more easily implemented recursively than iteratively. But what good is the class other than as something to study? In general, when should we think about using a CList object rather than a tvector object? A tvector can grow to accommodate more elements, supports random access, and allows its elements to change. A CList cannot be changed, is grown by creating new lists, and access is sequential. Lists provide efcient representations of sparse structures. For example, consider the polynomial 2x 7 + 4x 3 + 6x 2 + 8. For the moment well consider just the exponents and ignore the coefcients. Conceptually the polynomials exponents are (7, 3, 2, 0). Should these be stored as a list or a vector? As with many questions, the answer is it depends. It depends on what operations well perform on polynomials. Suppose that we want to add 5x 4 + 3x 3 + x to the polynomial. Again using exponents we have (7, 3, 2, 0) + (4, 3, 1). The result (again without coefcients) is (7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0) since the resulting polynomial is 2x 7 + 5x 4 + 7x 3 + 6x 2 + x + 8. To add a term like 5x 4 to a polynomial requires shifting the terms of the polynomial to make room for the new term if we keep the terms in order, sorted by exponent. Keeping terms in order is a good idea because it will make arithmetic on polynomials much simpler. However, shifting vector elements is expensive. If we use vectors, we might choose to represent 2x 7 + 4x 3 + 6x 2 + 8 with coefcients as (2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 8) giving the coefcient for every term, where the position in the vector determines the exponent. This structure makes addition very simple. For example, (2x 7 +4x 3 +6x 2 +8)+(5x 4 +3x 3 +x) is realized with vectors as follows:

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(2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 0, 8) + (5, 3, 0, 1, 0) -------------------------(2, 0, 0, 5, 7, 6, 1, 8)

which is the result 2x 7 +5x 4 +7x 3 +6x 2 +x +8. This representation is very inefcient in its use of storage for the polynomial 7x 100 + 2x + 1. In general, polynomials are sparse because not every exponent between 0 and the degree of the polynomial is typically represented by a nonzero coefcient.6

10.5.6 CList and Sparse, Sequential Structures

Using CList objects to represent polynomials lets us represent sparse polynomials simply. Since most polynomials are accessed sequentially, processing each term of the polynomial in order, vectors dont supply an advantage since their principal strength is random access. As well see, CList representations of polynomials are efcient and easy to use in programs.
Program 10.18 polydemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "poly.h" // simple demo of polynomials int main() { Poly p1, p2, p3; p1 = Poly(5,7) + Poly(4,2) + Poly(3,1) + Poly(2,0); p2 = Poly(3,5) + Poly(2,4) + Poly(3,2); cout << "p1 = " cout << "p2 = " cout << "sum = " cout << "p3 = " return 0; } << << << << p1 << p2 << p1+p2 p3 << endl; endl; << endl; endl;


The degree of a polynomial is the largest exponent.

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10.5 Case Study: Lists and the Class Clist


prompt> polydemo p1 = 5x7 + 4x2 + 3x + 2 p2 = 3x5 + 2x4 + 3x2 sum = 5x7 + 3x5 + 2x4 + 7x2 + 3x + 2 p3 = 0

Polynomials are created in four ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. The default constructor creates the constant zero. A single term polynomial ax n is created by Poly p(a,n); Polynomials can be added together to create new polynomials. A polynomial can be multiplied by a constant to create a new polynomial.

The polynomial class is largely a wrapper class around a CList<Pair> object where a Pair is simply a struct with a coefcient and an exponent. For details on the implementation see poly.h, Program G.13 in How to G. A Poly object has a leading term, obtained via Poly::Head and all the other terms, obtained via Poly::Tail. Accessor functions supply the degree and leading coefcient of a polynomial as shown in the function MonoMult of polymult.cpp, Program 10.19. The program also shows how to evaluate a polynomial at a point, how to multiply by a constant, the static function Poly::TermsAllocated which reports memory usage for polynomials, and the static constant Poly::ZERO which represents the constant 0.
Program 10.19 polymult.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "poly.h" Poly MonoMult(const Poly& mono, const Poly& rhs) // pre: mono is a single term (monomial) // post: return monorhs // if mono is a polynomial, returns mono.Head()rhs { if (rhs.IsPoly()) { return Poly(mono.leadingCoeff()rhs.leadingCoeff(), mono.degree() + rhs.degree()) + MonoMult(mono,rhs.Tail()); } return Poly::ZERO; // base case accumulated properly } int main()

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

Poly p1,p2,p3,p4; double x; cout << "value of x "; cin >> x; p1 = Poly(3,2) + Poly(4,1) + Poly(3,0); p2 = Poly(4,2) + Poly(3,1) + Poly(2,0); p3 = Poly(5,3); cout cout cout p4 = cout cout << "p1 at " << x << ", " << p1.at(x) << "\t : " << << "p2 at " << x << ", " << p2.at(x) << "\t : " << << "p3 at " << x << ", " << p3.at(x) << "\t : " << MonoMult(p3,p1); << "p4 at " << x << ", " << p4.at(x) << "\t : " << << "5p4 at " << x << ", " << (5p4).at(x) << "\t : p1 << endl; p2<< endl; p3 << endl; p4 << endl; " << 5p4 << endl;

cout << "total # terms used = " << Poly::TermsAllocated() << endl; return 0; }


prompt> polymult value of x 3 p1 at 3, 36 : p2 at 3, 47 : p3 at 3, 135 : p4 at 3, 4860 : 5p4 at 3, 24300 : total # terms used 3x2 + 4x + -3 4x2 + 3x + 2 5x3 15x5 + 20x4 + -15x3 75x5 + 100x4 + -75x3 = 25

More details of the implementation are provided in How to G, but well reproduce the private section of the class Poly and mention three important points of the implementation.
class Poly { ... private: struct Pair // this is the (a,b) in axb { double coeff; int expo; Pair() : coeff(0.0), expo(0) { } Pair(double c, int e) : coeff(c), expo(e) { }

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}; typedef CList<Pair> Polist; typedef CListIterator<Pair> PolistIterator; static bool ourInitialized; Poly(Polist p); Polist myPoly; }; // poly from list of terms, helper // the list of terms

The struct Pair that represents a coefcient and an exponent is declared in the private section of Poly. Its used only in the implementation of polynomials. In general, its possible to declare structs and classes inside other classes. A private constructor is declared for creating a polynomial from a CList<Pair> object, though the alias Polist is used for the CList<Pair> object. Client programs dont need to know that a list is being used, so the constructor should not be accessible to clients, but its useful in implementing other member functions. (This is advanced, its ne to ignore it.) The static variable ourInitialized will be false until the program is run. Then Poly::ZERO will be constructed, creating a zero polynomial and making the value of ourInitialized true. Then, every time a client calls the default Poly constructor, the object Poly::ZERO will be used. This means if 10,000 zero polynomials are created, only one cons call is actually madesee Program 10.20, polycount.cpp.

Program 10.20 polycount.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "poly.h" int main() { int k; for(k=0; k < 1000; k++) { Poly p; } cout << "# terms created = " << Poly::TermsAllocated() << endl; for(k=0; k < 1000; k++) { Poly p(3,4); } cout << "# terms created = " << Poly::TermsAllocated() << endl; return 0; }


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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

prompt> polycount # terms created = 1 # terms created = 1001

10.6 The class tmatrix

A vector is a one-dimensional structure; an index accesses an element of the array by ranging from zero to one less than the number of elements stored. In some applications two-dimensional arrays are necessary. For example, the pixels on a computer screen are usually identied by a row and column position. Mileage tables that provide distances between cities on a road map also use two dimensions. Positions of pieces in a chess game are usually given by specifying a row and a column.

10.6.1 A Simple tmatrix Program

A two-dimensional array is sometimes called a matrix (the plural is matrices). The Cartesian (x, y) coordinate system uses two dimensions to specify a point in the plane. The system of latitude and longitude uses two dimensions to specify a location on the earth. Two-dimensional vectors, as we will implement them using the class tmatrix, use row and column indices to specify an entry of the matrix. The program matdemo.cpp, Program 10.21, denes a matrix, lls it with the equivalent of a multiplication table, and prints the matrix. As with tvector variables, the type used to dene the element stored in each matrix cell can be any built-in type or any programmer-dened type that has a default (parameterless) constructor. If a tmatrix is dened with the default constructor, the matrix has zero rows and columns. In that case the memSyntax: tmatrix denition ber function resize should be used to set the number of tmatrix<Type> mat; rows and columns. The rst tmatrix<Type> mat(row, col); parameter in a constructor or tmatrix<Type> mat(row, col, llvalue); with resize is the number of rows, the second parameter is the number of columns. Rows and columns are numbered starting with zero as with tvector variables. A third parameter can be used to provide initial values for all the cells of a matrix just as a second parameter provides values for charCounts in letters.cpp, Program 8.3. For example, the denition tmatrix<double> chart(3,5,1.0); denes a three-by-ve matrix of 15 doubles, all initialized to 1.0. Complete documentation for the tmatrix class is found in the header le tmatrix.h, see How to G for details.

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10.6 The class tmatrix


Program 10.21 matdemo.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "tmatrix.h" // demonstrate class tmatrix template <class T> void Print(const tmatrix<T>& mat) { int j,k; int rows = mat.numrows(), cols = mat.numcols(); for(j=0; j < rows; j++) { for(k=0; k < cols; k++) { } cout << endl; } } int main() { int rows, cols,j,k; cout << "row col dimensions: "; cin >> rows >> cols; tmatrix<int> mat(rows,cols); for(j=0; j < rows; j++) { for(k=0; k < cols; k++) { } } Print(mat); return 0; } mat[j][k] = (j+1)(k+1); // fill matrix cout << setw(4) << mat[j][k]; // for setw


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Chapter 10

Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

prompt> matdemo row col dimensions: 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10 3 6 9 12 15 prompt> matdemo row col dimensions: 7 4 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 3 6 9 12 4 8 12 16 5 10 15 20 6 12 18 24 7 14 21 28

10.6.2 Case Study: Finding Blobs

In this section well use the tmatrix class to assist in looking for organisms on the kinds of slides used under microscopes. Of course well be using a simulated slide, but the algorithm and design techniques could be used if we were guiding a digital microscope, radiological CT scan or MRI, or a graphics-painting program. Well use a characterbased picture, but a similar class based on the graphics library documented in How to H is included in the exercises from this chapter. Slides will be represented by a character bitmap, using the class CharBitMap declared in charbitmap.h. Program 10.22 illustrates most of the bitmap class.
Program 10.22 bitmapdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "charbitmap.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "randgen.h" int main() { int rows, cols; cout << "enter row col size "; cin >> rows >> cols; CharBitMap bmap(rows,cols); int pixelCount = PromptRange("# pixels on ",1,rowscols);

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10.6 The class tmatrix


int k; RandGen gen; for(k=0; k < pixelCount; k++) { bmap.SetPixel(gen.RandInt(0,rows1),gen.RandInt(0,cols1),CharBitMap::black); } bmap.Display(cout); return 0; }


The pixels in a CharBitMap object can have values CharBitMap::white and CharBitMap::black, the identiers black and white are class enum values. CharBitMap pixel coordinates are the same as tmatrix coordinates, ranging from zero to one less than the number of rows or columns.

prompt> bitmapdemo enter row col size 10 50 # pixels on between 1 and 750: 200 +--------------------------------------------------+ | *** ** * *** ** * * *** * * | | * * * ** * * *** ** ** * *| | * * ** * * * * *** * * ** ** | |* * * *** * * * * * *** ** * | |* * * * * ** * **** * * | |* * * * *** ** * * * | |*** * * * * * ** * * ***** *** | | * * * * ** *** * * * *** | | * * *** * * *** * * * ** * * * ** | | * * * * * * *** * * | +--------------------------------------------------+

We want to identify organisms on the slide. Well dene an organism to be a group of adjacent, black pixels where adjacent means connected horizontally or vertically. In the diagram below, there is a 14-pixel organism on the left; a 2-pixel organism in the middle, and a 5-pixel organism on the right.
*** ***** ** **** * * * * * * * * * * * **

The other asterisks in the diagram can be considered 1-pixel organisms or random noise. The middle organism is only a 2-pixel organism because diagonally adjacent pixels are not considered to be part of the same organism.

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

We want to design a class that counts the organisms in a CharBitMap object. The minimal size of an organism will be specied by the user; organisms smaller than this size will be considered noise. In the exercises well explore changing the denition of an organism to include diagonally adjacent cells, so well design the program to make extensions or modications as simple as possible. In our initial design well need only two member functions other than a constructor in the class Blobs.7 1. 2. A function Blobs::Display to display blobs. A function Blobs::FindBlobs to which we pass a bitmap and a minimal size.

The FindBlobs function does all the work of nding the organisms/blobs, setting up for a subsequent call of Display, and returning the number of organisms found. Well need some private, helper functions that do most of the work needed to implement FindBlobs. Helper functions are useful in general, but are particularly helpful when using recursion. Often, the method called by the client does not have the correct prototype for a recursive call or requires some initializing bookkeeping thats not appropriate in every recursive call. The method called by the client code can perform the initialization and then call the recursive helping function. Program Tip 10.6: Many member functions that use a recursive algorithm are most easily implemented by calling a recursive, private helper function. The public method can set up bookkeeping and sometimes pass private data as an argument to the initial call of the recursive helper method. The bookkeeping should only be done once, and the private data are not available for clients to pass as arguments. The recursive algorithm for nding an organism can be visualized by thinking of the recursive clones as scouts, sent out by an initial blob-counter to report on adjacent pixels and whether the adjacent pixels are part of the blob being counted. Find a blob containing pixel (x,y), return size of blob If (x,y) isnt black, its not part of a blob, stop and return zero Otherwise, (x,y) is part of a blob, send out blob-counting scouts/clones, accumulate results reported back Four clones are sent, one in each direction Each clone reports how many pixels it found that are part of the blob Each clone covers its tracks so that its work wont be duplicated by other clones Each call that nds a black pixel accumulates the results of the four clones and returns this result plus one for the found black pixel. If you believe that the clones work correctly (see Program Tip 10.2) then the correct result will be returned assuming each clone can cover its tracks. Its essential that each clone marks where it has been so that clones sent out later dont

Well use blobs rather than organism because its more fun to say blobs.

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10.6 The class tmatrix


count pixels that have already been counted. Well implement this marking mechanism by using an int matrix. Initially well use values for black and white that wont be used as blob-marking values. When we mark blobs, well use a different int value for each blob thats found. The recursive, helper function BlobFill in blobs.cpp, Program 10.23 does all the work. Before looking at the implementation, well discuss the interface and how BlobFill is called. In the calls below, the instance variable myBlobCount is the value of how many blobs have been found so far. The int constants PIXEL_ON and PIXEL_OFF are used to initialize the Blob grid based on values from the CharBitMap parameter passed to FindBlob.
int Blobs::BlobFill(int row, int col, int lookFor, int fillWith) // spec: look for blob with pixel-value lookFor, // color in this blob using fillWith value, // return size of blob // post: returns size of blob at (row,col) and colors // blob so that it wont be counted again //

Keeping this specication in mind, BlobFill is called as follows. If BlobFill reports a blob whose size is more than the minimal being searched for, the number of blobs is incremented; otherwise, the blob doesnt count. If the blob doesnt count, it must be erased since the BlobFill call and its clones may have marked the too-small blob.
// j and k range over all row, column values if (BlobFill(j,k, PIXEL_ON, myBlobCount+1)) > minSize) { myBlobCount++; } else // too small, erase { BlobFill(j,k, myBlobCount+1, PIXEL_OFF); }

When a too-small blob is erased, the lookFor value is the same as the fillWith value from the call to BlobFill that just reported the too-small value.
Program 10.23 blobs.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "tmatrix.h" #include "randgen.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "charbitmap.h" // find blobs in a two-dimensional grid/bitmap

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class Blobs { public:

Chapter 10

Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

Blobs(); int FindBlobs(const CharBitMap& cbm, int minSize); void Display(ostream& out) const; private: tmatrix<int> myGrid; int myBlobCount; int BlobFill(int row, int col,int lookFor, int fillWith); void Initialize(const CharBitMap& cbm); static int PIXEL_OFF, PIXEL_ON; }; int Blobs::PIXEL_OFF = 0; int Blobs::PIXEL_ON = 1; Blobs::Blobs() : myBlobCount(0) { // grid is empty } void Blobs::Display(ostream& out) const // post: display the blobs { int j,k; int rows = myGrid.numrows(); int cols = myGrid.numcols(); for(j=0; j < rows; j++) { for(k=0; k < cols; k++) { char ch = '.'; if (myGrid[j][k] > PIXEL_OFF) { ch = char ('0' + myGrid[j][k]); } out << ch;; } out << endl; } } int Blobs::FindBlobs(const CharBitMap& cbm, int minSize) // post: return # blobs whose size > minSize { int j,k; myGrid.resize(cbm.Rows(), cbm.Cols()); Initialize(cbm); int rows = myGrid.numrows(); int cols = myGrid.numcols(); for(j=0; j < rows; j++)

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10.6 The class tmatrix

{ for(k=0; k < cols; k++) { if (myGrid[j][k] == PIXEL_ON) { if (BlobFill(j,k,PIXEL_ON,myBlobCount+1) > minSize) { myBlobCount++; } else { BlobFill(j,k,myBlobCount+1,PIXEL_OFF); // erase it } } }


} return myBlobCount; } void Blobs::Initialize(const CharBitMap& cbm) // post: myGrid initialized from cbm { int j,k; int rows = myGrid.numrows(); int cols = myGrid.numcols(); for(j=0; j < rows; j++) { for(k=0; k < cols; k++) { if (cbm.GetPixel(j,k) == CharBitMap::black) { myGrid[j][k] = PIXEL_ON; } else { myGrid[j][k] = PIXEL_OFF; } } } myBlobCount = 0; // no blobs yet } int Blobs::BlobFill(int row, int col, int lookFor, int fillWith) // spec: look for blob with pixel-value lookFor, color in this // blob using fillWith value and return size of blob // post: returns size of blob at (row,col) and colors // blob so that it wont be counted again { static int rowoffset[] = { 1,+1,0,0 }; // north,south,east,west static int coloffset[] = { 0,0,+1,1 }; const int NBR_COUNT = 4; if (0 <= row && row < myGrid.numrows() && 0 <= col && col < myGrid.numcols()) { if (myGrid[row][col] != lookFor) // not part of this blob { return 0; } // we found a blob element, color it and its neighbors myGrid[row][col] = fillWith; int k,r,c; int size = 1; // count this pixel, add connected counts for(k=0; k < NBR_COUNT; k++)

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

r = row + rowoffset[k]; c = col + coloffset[k]; size += BlobFill(r,c,lookFor,fillWith); } return size; } return 0; // not on grid, not part of blob

int main() { int rows, cols; cout << "enter row col size "; cin >> rows >> cols; CharBitMap bmap(rows,cols); int k; RandGen gen; Blobs blobber; int pixelCount = PromptRange("# pixels on: ",1,rowscols); for(k=0; k < pixelCount; k++) { bmap.SetPixel(gen.RandInt(0,rows1),gen.RandInt(0,cols1), CharBitMap::black); } bmap.Display(cout); int bsize; int blobCount; do { bsize = PromptRange("blob size (0 to exit) ",0,50); if (bsize != 0) { blobCount = blobber.FindBlobs(bmap,bsize); blobber.Display(cout); cout << endl << "# blobs = " << blobCount << endl; } } while (bsize > 0); return 0; }


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10.6 The class tmatrix


prompt> blobs enter row col size 10 50 # pixels on: between 1 and 500: 200 +--------------------------------------------------+ | * * * * * ** * * *** * ** **| | * * * * * * ** ** * * * | |* ** ** *** * * ** *** * | |** ** * * * * * *** ** * * | | ** * * * * * ** *** *** | |* ****** * * * * * ** * | | * ** * ** * * * * *** * | |**** ** * * * **** ** ** | |* * ** **** ** * * * * | | * * ** ******** * * * *** ** * * * * | +--------------------------------------------------+

output continued

blob size (0 to exit) between 0 and 50: 10 ...............................111................ ..............................11.1................ .................................1.11............. .................................111.............. ................................111............... ..................................1............... ...................2.............................. ................22.2.............................. ................2222.............................. ...........22222222............................... # blobs = 2

output continued

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

blob size (0 to exit) between 0 and 50: 5 ...............................111......22........ ..............................11.1......2......... .................................1.11...222....... .................................111.............. .........3......................111............... .........333333...................1............... .4.................5...............6.6............ 4444............55.5..............6666............ 4...............5555..............6............... ...........55555555............................... # blobs = 6 blob size (0 to exit)

between 0 and 50: 0

Pause to Reect

10.20 Write the function RowSum that returns the sum of the entries in one row of a matrix and the function ColSum that returns the sum of the entries in one column of a matrix.
int RowSum(const tmatrix<int>& m, int r) // pre: 0 <= r < m.numrows() // post: returns sum of numbers in row r int ColSum(const tmatrix<int>& m, int c) // pre: 0 <= c < m.numcols() // post: returns sum of numbers in column c

10.21 A magic square is a square matrix whose rows, columns, and main diagonals all sum to the same number. A 3 3 magic square follows.
6 7 2 1 5 9 8 3 4

Write a boolean-valued function IsMagic that returns true if its square matrix parameter is magic and false otherwise. Call the functions RowSum and ColSum from the previous exercise. 10.22 The code in bitmapdemo.cpp, Program 10.22 prompts the user for the number of pixels to turn on. In fact, fewer than this number will be on in almost every run of the program. Why, and how can you change the code to ensure that exactly pixelCount pixels are on?

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10.7 Chapter Review


10.23 Its possible to change three lines in Blobs::BlobFill so that diagonally adjacent pixels are considered part of an organism. What are the three lines and how should they be changed? 10.24 In an N N bitmap, what is the big-Oh complexity of Blobs::FindBlobs? Base your answer on the number of pixels that are examined or changed by the function. 10.25 Suppose you want to add the capability of reading in a bitmap from data stored in a le. Wheres the right place to add this capability and why? Consider additions to CharBitMap, to Blobs, or writing another class or function. 10.26 The class Blobs counts blobs and prints them, but theres no way for clients to access the blobs either individually or collectively. Develop two ways to allow client programs to access individual blobs, (i.e., to get a collection of (x,y) pairs that make up a blob by calling appropriate Blob member functions). Consider using vectors or lists. The class Point from point.h, Program G.10 may help. 10.27 Discuss how to add features to the class Blob so that client code can nd the size of the largest blob (an int value). Develop two methods, one that runs in O(N 2 ) time for an N N bitmap and one that runs in O(T BP ) time where TBP is the total number of blob pixels.

10.7 Chapter Review

In this chapter we discussed recursion, a useful programming technique that can be misused. A recursive function does not call itself, but calls a clone function, an identical copy of itself. Each recursively called function has its own parameters and its own local variables. We also covered variable scope and lifetime. A variables scope is the part of the program in which the variable can be accessed. A variables lifetime is how long the variable exists. The class CList is useful for representing sparse structures and lists of objects. The class tmatrix is like a two-dimensional vector. Important topics covered include: Recursion is an alternative to iteration using loops. Recursive functions iterate by making recursive calls. Recursively called functions use memory; there is a limit on the number of recursive calls or recursively called functions. This limit depends on the amount of memory in the computer. Some problems are naturally solved with recursive functions and would be difcult to solve using loops. Some functions should not be coded recursively. One example is computing Fibonacci numbers. Recursive functions are often divided into two cases: a base case that does not involve a recursive call and a recursive case that makes a recursive call. The

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

recursive call should get closer to the base case so that there are a nite number of recursive calls. A variables scope determines in which part of the program the variable can be accessed. Variables can be dened globally, accessible in all functions, or locally, accessible in the function in which the variable is dened. Variables can be dened within the braces, { and }; this means a variables scope can be restricted to any compound statement, (e.g., accessible only within a loop). The scope resolution operator, ::, is used to access global variables when the variable identier is shadowed by a local variable. Static variables maintain values throughout program execution, unlike nonstatic variables, whose lifetime is for the duration of the function in which the variable is dened. Static class variables belong to a class rather than to an object. Class variables are useful for keeping track of statistics involving all objects, (e.g., counting the number of objects created). The class CList represents immutable lists. A list is homogeneous, all elements are the same type. Lists are created using cons and processed, usually recursively, using Head and Tail. The class CList represents sparse structures efciently. Representing polynomials provides one example. Two-dimensional vectors, or matrices, are useful for representing and manipulating data. We use a tmatrix class for two-dimensional arrays. Member functions that call for recursion are often most easily implemented using a private, helper function.

10.8 Exercises
10.1 An integer is printed with commas inserted in the proper positions similarly to the way in which digits in English are printed in digits3.cpp, Program 10.2. That is, to print the number 12345678 as 12,345,678, the 678 cannot be printed until after the preceding part of the number is printed. Write a recursive function PrintWithCommas that will print its BigInt parameter with commas inserted properly. The outline of the function is if (number < 1000) print normally, no commas needed else recursively print the number without the last three digits print a comma and the last three digits Youll need to be careful with leading zeroes to ensure, for example, that the number 12,003 is printed properly. Write the function nonrecursively also by creating a string from the BigInt value and then printing the string appropriately with commas.

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10.8 Exercises


Modify the recursive function to return a string equivalent of the BigInt, but with commas properly inserted. 10.2 Modify Program 10.5, subdir.cpp, so that instead of printing the names of all les and subdirectories, the size of each subdirectory is calculated, returned, and printed. Use the member function DirEntry::Size() to calculate the size (usually expressed in bytes) of each le. Print the size of each subdirectory in a format that makes it easy to determine where large les might be found. Do not print the names of every le; just print the names of the subdirectories and the size of all the les within the subdirectory. 10.3 Pascals triangle can be used to calculate the number of different ways of choosing k items from n different items. The rst seven rows of Pascals triangle are 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 15 4 10 20 3 6 10 15 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
n items from n, then C0 = 1 For values of k other than

n If we use Ck to represent the number of ways of choosing k n and Cn = 1 as shown in the outside edges of the triangle.

0 and n, the following relationship holds.

n1 n1 n Ck = Ck1 + Ck


Viewed in the triangle, each entry other than the outside 1s is equal to the two entries in the row above it diagonally up and to the left and right. For example,
5 4 4 C2 = 10 = (C1 + C2 ) = (4 + 6)

Write a function Choose, with two parameters n and k, that returns the number of ways that k items can be chosen from n. Use this function to print the rst 15 rows of Pascals triangle. 10.4 Repeat the previous exercise, but try to develop a mechanism for storing the results of each recursive call using a static local variable so that no calculation is made more than once. This is tricky using tvector variables, but it is possible if you can develop a method for calculating a unique index for each pair of values used in the recursive calls. Alternatively, you can also use a tmatrix.
n 10.5 The value Ck can also be computed using the factorial function and this equation: n Ck =

n Write two versions of a function to compute the value of Ck , one based on the factorial function (where factorial is computed iteratively, not recursively) and one based on the recursive denition in the previous exercise. Time how long it takes to comn n pute different values of Ck . Use BigInt values and compute Ck for large values of k and n.

n! k! (n k)!


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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

10.6 Implement multiplication of polynomials. For example, (x 3 + 2x 2 + 3) (2x 2 + x 2) = 2x 5 + 5x 4 + 2x 2 + 3x 6 You should use the function MonoMult from polymult.cpp, Program 10.19 as a helper function. Use this function to implement polynomial exponentation so that you can calculate (x 2 + 3x + 4)3 efciently. 10.7 The function Poly::at for evaluating polynomials is implemented inefciently. Evaluating x 100 + 3x 99 + 5 is done by raising x 100 , then adding the result of 3x 99 , then adding 5. It would be more efciently calculated using (x 99 + 3)x + 5. In general this method of evaluating a polynomial is called Horners Rule: an x n + an1 x n1 + + a1 x + a + 0 = (. . . ((an x + an1 )x + + a1 )x + a0 The coefcient of the largest exponent, an , is multiplied by x. Then an1 is added and the result multiplied by x; then an2 is added and the result multiplied by x and so on. The simplest way to implement Horners rule for evaluating polynomials requires a nonsparse representation, i.e., all coefcients, including zero coefcients, are needed. Write a function to produce a nonsparse representation of a polynomial. You wont be able to use a polynomial itself since the addition of polynomials with zero coefcients is ignored by operator += for polynomials. Instead, youll need to create a CList<int> object storing exponents and a CList<double> object storing coefcients; or you can create a list storing exponents and coefcients by declaring a struct like Pair used in the implementation of Poly. Use this to evaluate a polynomial using Horners rule and see if this method is more efcient in practice. 10.8 The towers of Hanoi puzzle is traditionally studied in computer science courses. The roots of the puzzle are apparently found in the Far East, where a tower of golden disks is said to be used by monks. The puzzle consists of three pegs and a set of disks that t over the pegs. Each disk is a different size. Initially the disks are on one peg, with the smallest disk on top, the largest on the bottom, and the disks arranged in increasing order. The object is to move the disks, one at a time, to another peg. No disk can be placed on a smaller disk. If four disks are used and all disks are initially on the leftmost peg, numbered 1 in Figure 10.10, the following sequence of disk moves shows how to reach the conguration of disks shown. A move is indicated by the pegs involved since the topmost disk is always moved. Move 1 to 3 Move 1 to 2 Move 3 to 2 To nish moving all the disks from the left peg to the middle peg, the top disk is moved from 1 to 3, then (recursively) the disks are moved from peg 2 to peg 3. The largest disk is then moved from peg 1 to peg 2. Finally (and recursively), the disks from peg 3 are moved to peg 2. Pegs are numbered 1, 2, and 3. To move 7 disks from peg 1 to peg 2, the function call Hanoi(1,2,3,7) is used. To move these seven disks, two recursive calls are necessary: Hanoi(1,3,2,6), which moves six disks from peg 1 to peg 3, with peg 2 as the auxiliary peg; followed by a nonrecursive move of the largest disk from peg 1 to peg 2; followed by a recursive Hanoi(3,2,1,6) to move the six disks from peg 3 to peg 2, with the now empty peg 1 as the auxiliary peg.

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10.8 Exercises


Figure 10.10 The Towers of Hanoi.

Write the function Hanoi. The base case, and the single-disk case, should print the peg moves. For example, the output for a 4-disk tower follows.

prompt> hanoi number of disks: move from 1 to 3 move from 1 to 2 move from 3 to 2 move from 1 to 3 move from 2 to 1 move from 2 to 3 move from 1 to 3 move from 1 to 2 move from 3 to 2 move from 3 to 1 move from 2 to 1 move from 3 to 2 move from 1 to 3 move from 1 to 2 move from 3 to 2 between 0 and 30: 4

Consider a function Hanoi using the following prototype. void Hanoi(int from, int to, int aux, int numDisks) // pre: top numDisks-1 disks on from peg // are all smaller than top disk on // aux peg // post: top numDisks disks moved from // from peg to to peg

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

10.9 Modify the hanoi.cpp program from the previous exercise to time how long it takes for different numbers of disks from 1 to 25. Comment out (put // before each statement) the statements that print disk moves so that the number of recursive calls is timed. Use a global variable that is incremented each time Hanoi executes. Print the value of this variable for each number of disks so that the total number of disk moves is printed, along with the time it takes to move the disks. This can lead to a new measure of computer performance: DIPS, for disks per second. 10.10 A square matrix a is symmetric if a[j][k] == a[k][j] for all values of j and k; that is, the matrix is symmetric with respect to the main diagonal from (0,0) to (n 1, n 1) for an n n matrix. Write a bool-valued function that returns true if its matrix parameter is symmetric and false otherwise. 10.11 The N-queens problem has a long history in mathematics and computer science. The problem is posed in two ways: Can N queens be placed on an N N chess board so that no two queens attack each other? How many ways can N queens be placed on an N N board so that no two queens attack each other? In chess, queens attack each other if theyre on the same row, the same column, or the same diagonal. The sample output below shows one way to place eight queens so that no two attack each other.

prompt> nqueens size of board: X....... ......X. ....X... .......X .X...... ...X.... .....X.. ..X..... between 2 and 12: 8

Solving the N-queens problem uses an algorithmic technique called backtracking thats related to the method used for generating permutations recursively in Section 10.3.3. The general idea of backtracking is to make a tentative attempt to solve a problem and then proceed recursively. If the tentative attempt fails, it is undone or backtracked and the next way of solving the problem is tried. In the N -queens problem, we try to place a queen in each column. When the backtracking function is called, queens are successfully placed in columns 0 through col, and the function tries to place a queen in column col+1. There are N possible ways to place a queen, one for each row, and each one is tried in succession. If a queen

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can be placed in the row, it is placed and a recursive call for the next column tries to complete the solution. If the recursive call fails, the just-placed queen is un-placed, or removed, and the next row tried for a placement. If all rows fail, the function fails. The backtracking comes when the function undoes an attempt that doesnt yield a solution. A partial class declaration for solving the N-queens problem is given below. Complete the class and then modify it to return the total number of solutions rather than just printing the rst solution found.
Program 10.24 nqueenpartial.cpp
class Queens { public: Queens(int size); bool Solve(); // return true if solvable void Print(ostream& out) const; // print the last board private: // helper functions bool NoQueensAttackingAt(int r, int c) const; bool SolveAtCol(int col); tmatrix<bool> myBoard; }; bool Queens::NoQueensAttackingAt(int r, int c) const // post: return true if row clear and diagonals crossing at // (row,col) clear bool Queens::Solve() // post: return true if n queens can be placed { return SolveAtCol(0); } bool Queens::SolveAtCol(int col) // pre: queens placed at columns 0,1,...,col-1 // post: returns true if queen can be placed in column col // if col == size of board, then n queens are placed { int k; int rows = myBoard.numrows(); if (col == rows) return true; // N queens placed for(k=0; k < rows; k++) { if (NoQueensAttackingAt(k,col)) // can place here? { myBoard[k][col] = true; // try it if (SolveAtCol(col+1)) // recurse { return true; } myBoard[k][col] = false; // backtrack } } return false; } // the board

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

int main() { int size = PromptRange("size of board: ",2,12); Queens nq(size); if (nq.Solve()) { nq.Print(cout); } else { cout << "no solution found" << endl; } return 0; }


10.12 An image can be represented as a 2-dimensional matrix of pixels, each of which can be off (white) or on (black). Color and gray-scale images can be represented using multivalued pixels; for example, numbers from 0 to 255 can represent different shades of gray. A bitmap is a two-dimensional matrix of 0s and 1s, where 0 corresponds to an off pixel and 1 corresponds to an on pixel. Instead of using the class CharBitMap for example, the following matrix of ints represents a bitmap that represents a 9 8 picture of a < sign. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

You can use the class CharBitMap used in Program 10.22, bitmapdemo.cpp, or you can create a new version of the class for use with the graphics package in How to H. Write a client program that provides the use with a menu of choices for manipulating an image. Read an image from a le Write an image to a le Invert the current image (change black to white and vice versa) Enlarge an image Enhance the image using median ltering (described below) Enlarging an Image. A bitmap image can be enlarged by expanding it horizontally, vertically, or in both directions. Expanding an image in place (i.e., without using an auxiliary array) requires some planning. In Figure 10.11 an image is shown partially expanded by three vertically, and by two horizontally. By beginning the expansion in the lower right corner as shown, the image can be expanded in placethat is without the use of an auxiliary array or bitmap. Enhancing an Image. Sometimes an image can be noisy because of the way in

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10.8 Exercises


0 0 0

1 1 1

0 1 0

0 1 1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

1 1 1

1 1 1

0 0 0

0 0 0

Figure 10.11 Enlarging a bitmap image.

which it is transmitted; for example, a TV picture may have static or snow. Image enhancement is a method that takes out noise by changing pixel values according to the values of the neighboring pixels. You should use a method of enhancement based on setting a pixel to the median value of those in its neighborhood. Figure 10.12 shows a 3-neighborhood and a 5-neighborhood of the middle pixel whose value is 28. Using median ltering, the 28 in the middle is replaced by the median of the values in its neighborhood. The nine values in the 3-neighborhood are (10 10 12 25 25 28 28 32 32). The median, or middle, value is 25there are four values above 25 and four values below 25. The values in the 5-neighborhood are (10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 18 18 18 25 25 25 25 25 25 32 32 32 32 32 32 32), and again the median value is 25, because there are 12 values above and 12 values below 25. The easiest way to nd the median of a list of values is to sort them and take the middle element. Pixels near the border of an image dont have complete neighborhoods. These pixels are replaced by the median of the partial neighborhood that is completely on the grid of pixels. One way of thinking about this is to take, for example, a 3 3 grid and slide it over an image so that every pixel is centered in the grid. Each pixel is replaced by the median of the pixels of the image that are contained in the sliding grid. This

3-neighborhood 10 12 28 10 28 25 25 32 32

5-neighborhood 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 12 32 32 25 10 28 18 18 25 25 32 32 18 32 32 32 25 25

Figure 10.12 Neighborhoods for median ltering.

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Chapter 10 Recursion, Lists, and Matrices

Figure 10.13 Median ltering of a noisy image.

requires using an extra array to store the median values, which are then copied back to the original image when the median ltering has nished. This is necessary so that the pixels are replaced by median values from the original image, not from the partially reconstructed and ltered image. Applying a 3 3 median lter to the image on the left in Figure 10.13 results in the image on the right (these images look better on the screen than they do on paper).

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Sorting, Templates, and Generic Programming


No transcendent ability is required in order to make useful discoveries in science; the edice of science needs its masons, bricklayers, and common labourers as well as its foremen, master-builders, and architects. In art nothing worth doing can be done without genius; in science even a very moderate capacity can contribute to a supreme achievement. Bertrand Russell Mysticism and Logic

Many human activities require collections of items to be put into some particular order. The post ofce sorts mail by ZIP code for efcient delivery; telephone books are sorted by name to facilitate nding phone numbers; and hands of cards are sorted by suit to make it easier to go sh. Sorting is a task performed well by computers; the study of different methods of sorting is also intrinsically interesting from a theoretical standpoint. In Chapter 8 we saw how fast binary search is, but binary search requires a sorted list as well as random access. In this chapter well study different sorting algorithms and methods for comparing these algorithms. Well extend the idea of conforming interfaces we studied in Chapter 7 (see Section 7.2) and see how conforming interfaces are used in template classes and functions. Well study sorting from a theoretical perspective, but well also emphasize techniques for making sorting and other algorithmic programming more efcient in practice using generic programming and function objects.

11.1 Sorting an Array

There are several elementary sorting algorithms, details of which can be found in books on algorithms; Knuth [Knu98b] is an encyclopedic reference. Some of the elementary algorithms are much better than others, both in terms of performance and in terms of ease of coding. Contrary to what some books on computer programming claim, there are large differences between these elementary algorithms. In addition, these elementary algorithms are more than good enough for sorting reasonably large vectors,1 provided that the good elementary algorithms are used. In particular, there are three classic simple sorting algorithms. Each of these sorts is a quadratic algorithm. Well dene quadratic more carefully later, but quadratic algorithms behave like a quadratic curve y = x 2 in mathematics: if a vector of 1000 elements is sorted in 4 seconds, a vector of 2000 elements will be sorted in 16 seconds using a quadratic algorithm. Well study sorting algorithms that are more efcient than these quadratic sorts, but the quadratic sorts are a good place to start. The three basic sorting algorithms are:

What is reasonably large? The answer, as it often is, is It dependson the kind of element sorted, the kind of computer being used, and on how fast pretty fast is.


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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

Selection sort Insertion sort Bubble sort

Well develop selection sort in this section. Youve already seen insertion sort in Section 8.3.4 where an element is inserted into an already-sorted vector and the vector is kept in sorted order. However, a few words are needed about bubble sort.

ProgramTip 11.1: Under no circumstances should you use bubble sort. Bubble sort is the slowest of the elementary sorts, for reasons well explore as an exercise. Bubble sort is worth knowing about only so that you can tell your friends what a poor sort it is. Although interesting from a theoretical perspective, bubble sort has no practical use in programming on a computer with a single processor.

11.1.1 Selection Sort

The basic algorithm behind selection sort is quite simple and is similar to the method used in shufing tracks of a CD explored and programmed in shufe.cpp, Program 8.4. To sort from smallest to largest in a vector named A, the following method is used:

1. 2. 3.

Find the smallest entry in A. Swap it with the rst element A[0]. Now the smallest entry is in the rst location of the vector. Considering only vector locations A[1], A[2], A[3], ; nd the smallest of these and swap it with A[1]. Now the rst two entries of A are in order. Continue this process by nding the smallest element of the remaining vector elements and swapping it appropriately.

This algorithm is outlined in code the function SelectSort of Program 11.1 which sorts an int vector. Each time through the loop in the function SelectSort, the index of the smallest entry of those not yet in place (from k to the end of the vector) is determined by calling the function MinIndex. This function (which will be shown shortly) returns the index, or location, of the smallest element, which is then stored/swapped into location k. This process is diagrammed in Figure 11.1. The shaded boxes represent vector elements that are in their nal position. Although only ve elements are shaded in the last snapshot, if ve out of six elements are in the correct position, the sixth element must be in the correct position as well.

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11.1 Sorting an Array


23 18 42 7 57 38 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 18 42 23 57 38 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 18 42 23 57 38 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 18 23 42 57 38 0 1 2 3 4 5

MinIndex = 3


MinIndex = 1 MinIndex = 3 MinIndex = 5


Swap(a[2],a[3]); Swap(a[3],a[5]);

7 18 23 38 57 42 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 18 23 38 42 57 0 1 2 3 4 5

MinIndex = 5


Figure 11.1 Selection sort.

Program 11.1 selectsort1.cpp

#include "tvector.h" int MinIndex(tvector<int> & a, int first, int last); // precondition: 0 <= first, first <= last // postcondition: returns k such that a[k] <= a[j], j in [first..last] // i.e., index of minimal element in a void Swap(int & a, int & b); // postcondition: a and b interchanged/swapped void SelectSort(tvector<int> & a) // precondition: a contains a.size() elements // postcondition: elements of a are sorted in non-decreasing order { int k, index, numElts = a.size(); // invariant: a[0]..a[k-1] in final position for(k=0; k < numElts 1; k+=1) { index = MinIndex(a,k,numElts 1); // find min element Swap(a[k],a[index]); } }


Each time the loop test k < numElts - 1 is evaluated, the statement elements a[0]..a[k-1] are in their nal position is true. Recall that any statement that is true each time a loop test is evaluated is called a loop invariant. In this case the statement

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

is true because the rst time the loop test is evaluated, the range 0 k-1 is [0 1], which is an empty range, consisting of no vector elements. As shown in Figure 11.1, the shaded vector elements indicate that the statement holds after each iteration of the loop. The nal time the loop test is evaluated, the value of k will be numElts - 1, the last valid vector index. Since the statement holds (it holds each time the test is evaluated), the vector must be sorted. The function MinIndex is straightforward to write:
int MinIndex(const tvector<int> & a, int first, int last) // pre: 0 <= first, first <= last // post: returns index of minimal element in a[first..last] { int smallIndex = first; int k; for(k=first+1; k <= last; k++) { if (a[k] < a[smallIndex] ) { smallIndex = k; } } return smallIndex; }

MinIndex nds the minimal element in an array; its similar to code discussed in Section 6.4 for nding largest and smallest values. The rst location of the vector a is the initial value of smallIndex, then all other locations are examined. If a smaller entry is found, the value of smallIndex is changed to record the location of the new smallest item.
Program 11.2 selectsort2.cpp
void SelectSort(tvector<int> & a) // pre: a contains a.size() elements // post: elements of a are sorted in non-decreasing order { int j,k,temp,minIndex,numElts = a.size(); // invariant: a[0]..a[k-1] in final for(k=0; k < numElts 1; k++) { minIndex = k; // for(j=k+1; j < numElts; j++) { if (a[j] < a[minIndex]) { minIndex = j; // } } temp = a[k]; // a[k] = a[minIndex]; a[minIndex] = temp; } } position minimal element index

new min, store index

swap min and k-th elements


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11.1 Sorting an Array


The function MinIndex, combined with Swap and SelectSort, yields a complete implementation of selection sort. Sometimes its convenient to have all the code in one function rather than spread over three functions. This is certainly possible and leads to the code shown in selectsort2.cpp, Program 11.2. However, as you develop code, its often easier to test and debug when separate functions are used. This allows each piece of code to be tested separately. The code in Program 11.2 works well for sorting a vector of numbers, but what about sorting vectors of strings or some other kind of element? If two vector elements can be compared, then the vector can be sorted based on such comparisons. A vector of strings can be sorted using the same code provided in the function SelectSort; the only difference in the functions is the type of the rst parameter and the type of the local variable temp, as follows:
void SelectSort(tvector<string> & a) // pre: a contains a.size() elements // post: elements of a are sorted in nondecreasing order { int j, k, minIndex, numElts = a.size(); string temp; // code here doesnt change }

Both this function and SelectSort in selectsort2.cpp could be used in the same program since the parameter lists are different. In previous chapters we overloaded the + operator so that we could use it both to add numbers and to concatenate strings. Weve also used the function tostring from strutils.h (see How to G) to convert both doubles and ints to strings; there are two functions with the same name but different parameters. In the same way, we can overload function names. Different functions with the same name can be used in the same program provided that the parameter lists of the functions are different. In these examples the function Sort is overloaded using three different kinds of vectors. DoStuff is overloaded, since there are two versions Syntax: Function overloading with different parameter lists. The names of the parameters do not matvoid Sort(tvector<string>& a); ter; only the types of the parameters void Sort(tvector<double>& a); are important in resolving which void Sort(tvector<int>& a); int DoStuff(int a, int b); overloaded function is actually int DoStuff(int a, int b, int c); called. It is not possible, for example, to use the two versions of FindRoots below in the same program, because the parameter lists are the same. The different return types are not sufcient to distinguish the functions:
int FindRoots(double one, double two); double FindRoots(double first, double second);

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

Sha Goldwasser (b. 1958)

Sha Goldwasser is Professor of Computer Science at MIT. She works in the area of computer science known as theory, but her work has practical implications in the area of secure cryptographic protocolsmethods that ensure that information can be reliably transmitted between two parties without electronic eavesdropping. In particular, she is interested in using randomness in designing algorithms. She was awarded the rst Gdel prize in theoretical computer science for her work. Socalled randomized algorithms involve (simulated) coin ips in making decisions. In [Wei94] a randomized method of giving quizzes is described. Suppose a teacher wants to ensure that students do a take-home quiz, but does not want to grade quizzes every day. A teacher can give out quizzes in one class, then in the next class ip a coin to determine whether the quizzes are handed in. In the long run, this results in quizzes being graded 50 percent of the time, but students will need to do all the quizzes. Goldwasser is a coinventor of zero-knowledge interactive proof protocols. This mouthful is described in [Har92] as follows: Suppose Alice wants to convince Bob that she knows a certain secret, but she does not want Bob to end up knowing the secret himself. This sounds impossible: How do you convince someone that you know, say, what color tie the president of the United States is wearing right now, without somehow divulging that priceless piece of information to the other person or to some third party? Using zero-knowledge interactive proofs it is possible to do this. The same concepts make it possible to develop smart cards that would let people be admitted to a secure environment without letting anyone know exactly who has entered. In some colleges, cards are used to gain admittance to dormitories. Smart cards could be used to gain admittance without allowing student movement to be tracked. Goldwasser has this to say about choosing what area to work in: Choosing a research area, like most things in life, is not the same as solving an optimization problem. Work on what you like, what feels right. I know of no other way to end up doing creative work. For more information see [EL94].

11.1.2 Insertion Sort

Weve already discussed the code for insertion sort and used it in stocks2.cpp, a program discussed in Section 8.3.4; the code is shown in that section. The invariant for selection sort states that elements with indexes 0..k 1 are in their nal position. In contrast, the insertion sort invariant states that elements with indexes 0..k 1 are sorted relative to each other, but are not (necessarily) in their nal position. Program 11.3 shows the code for insertion sort and Figure 11.2 shows a vector being sorted during each iteration of

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11.1 Sorting an Array


23 0

18 1 23

42 2 42 2 42

7 3 7 3 7 3 7

57 4 57 4 57 4 57 4 57 4

38 5 38 5 38 5 38 5 38 5

Original vector

loc = 0

hold = 18

0 18 0 18 0

loc = 1

hold = 23

1 23 1 18

loc = 2

hold = 42

2 23 2 23 2 23 2

3 42 3 42 3

loc = 0

hold = 7

0 7 0 7 0

1 18 1 18 1

loc = 4 4 42 5 57 5 loc = 3

hold = 57

hold = 38

Figure 11.2 Insertion sort. the outer for loop. To re-establish the invariant, the inner while loop shifts elements until the location where hold (originally a[k]) belongs is determined. If hold is already in its correct position relative to the elements that precede it, that is, its larger than the element to its left, then the inner while loop doesnt iterate at all. This is illustrated in Figure 11.2 when hold has the values 23, 42, and 57. In those cases no vector elements are shifted. When hold has the value 7, all the elements that precede it in the vector are larger, so all are shifted and the element 7 is stored in rst (index zero) vector location. Although the outer loops in Program 11.2 and Program 11.3 iterate the same number of times, its possible for the inner loop of insertion sort (Program 11.3) to iterate fewer times than the corresponding inner loop of selection sort (Program 11.2.)
Program 11.3 insertsort.cpp
void InsertSort(tvector<string> & a) // precondition: a contains a.size() elements // postcondition: elements of a are sorted in non-decreasing order

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Chapter 11

Sorting, Templates, and Generic Programming

int k,loc, numElts = a.size(); // invariant: a[0]..a[k-1] sorted for(k=1; k < numElts; k++) { string hold = a[k]; // insert this element loc = k; // location for insertion // shift elements to make room for hold/a[k] while (0 < loc && hold < a[loc1]) { a[loc] = a[loc1]; loc; } a[loc] = hold; } }


Well discuss why both insertion sort and selection sort are called quadratic sorts in more detail in Section 11.4. However, the graph of execution times for the quadratic sorts given in Figure 11.3 provides a clue; the shape of each curve is quadratic. These timings are from a single run of timequadsorts.cpp, Program 11.4, shown below. For more accurate empirical results you would need to run the program with different vectors, that is, for more than one trial at each vector size. A more thorough empirical analysis of sorts is explored in the exercises for this chapter.
Program 11.4 timequadsorts.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "ctimer.h" #include "tvector.h" #include "sortall.h" #include "randgen.h" #include "prompt.h" // compare running times of quadratic sorts void Shuffle(tvector<int> & a, int count) // precondition: a has space for count elements // postcondition: a contains 0..count-1 randomly shuffled { RandGen gen; // for random # generator int randIndex,k; // fill with valuesl 0..count-1 for(k=0; k < count; k++) { a[k] = k; } // choose random index from k..count-1 and interchange with k for(k=0; k < count 1; k++) { randIndex = gen.RandInt(k,count1); // random index

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11.1 Sorting an Array


16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1000 "Insertion" "Selection" "Bubble"

Time (seconds)










Number of elements

Figure 11.3 Execution times for quadratic sorts of int vectors on a Pentium II/300 running
Windows NT.

Swap(a,k,randIndex); } }

// swap in sortall.h

int main() { int size,minSize,maxSize,incr; // sort minSize, minSize+incr, ... maxSize CTimer timer; cout << "min and max size of vector: "; cin >> minSize >> maxSize; incr = PromptRange("increment in vector size",1,1000); cout << endl << "n\tinsert\tselect\tbubble" << endl << endl; for(size=minSize; size <= maxSize; size += incr) { tvector<int> copy(size), original(size); cout << size << "\t"; Shuffle(original,size); copy = original; timer.Start(); // sort using insertion sort

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

InsertSort(copy,copy.size()); timer.Stop(); cout << timer.ElapsedTime() << "\t"; copy = original; // sort using selection sort timer.Start(); SelectSort(copy,copy.size()); timer.Stop(); cout << timer.ElapsedTime() << "\t"; copy = original; // sort using bubble sort timer.Start(); BubbleSort(copy,copy.size()); timer.Stop(); cout << timer.ElapsedTime() << endl; } return 0;


prompt> timequadsorts min and max size of vector: 1000 10000 increment in vector size between 1 and 1000: 1000 n 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 insert 0.04 0.2 0.44 0.811 1.232 1.773 2.433 3.195 4.006 4.958 select 0.1 0.381 0.871 1.553 2.423 3.525 4.817 6.299 7.982 9.864 bubble 0.14 0.571 1.282 2.273 3.585 5.188 7.12 9.313 11.736 14.501

Pause to Reect

11.1 What changes are necessary in Program 11.2, selectsort2.cpp, so that the vector a is sorted into decreasing order rather than into increasing order? For example, why is it a good idea to change the name of the identier minIndex, although the names of variables dont inuence how a program executes? 11.2 Why is k < numElts - 1 the test of the outer for loop in the selection sort code instead of k < numElts? Could the test be changed to the latter?

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11.2 Function Templates


11.3 How many swaps are made when selection sort is used to sort an n-element vector? How many times is the statement if (a[j] < a[minIndex]) executed when selection sort is used to sort a 5-element vector, a 10-element vector, and an n-element vector? 11.4 How can you use the sorting functions to sort a number so that its digits are in increasing order? For example, 7216 becomes 1267 when sorted. Describe what to do and then write a function that sorts a number (you can call one of the sorting functions from this section if that helps.) 11.5 If insertion sort is used to sort a vector thats already sorted, how many times is the statement a[loc] = a[loc-1]; executed? 11.6 If the vector counts from Program 8.3, letters.cpp, is passed to the function SelectSort, why wont the output of the program be correct? 11.7 In the output from timequadsorts.cpp, Program 11.4 the ratio of the timings when the size of the vector doubles from 4000 elements to 8000 is given in Table 11.1.
Table 11.1 Timing Quadratic Sorts

Sort insertion select bubble

4000 elts. 0.811 1.553 3.585

8000 elts. 3.195 6.299 9.313

ratio 3.939 4.056 4.097

Assuming the ratio holds consistently (rounded to 4) how long will it take each quadratic algorithm to sort a vector of 16,000 elements? 32,000 elements? 1,000,000 elements?

11.2 FunctionT emplates

Although it is possible to overload a function name, the sorting functions in the previous sections are not ideal candidates for function overloading. If we write a separate function to use selection sort with a vector of ints, a vector of strings, and a vector of doubles the code that would appear in each function is nearly identical. The only differences in the code would be in the denition of the variable temp and in the kind of tvector passed to the function. Consider what might happen if a more efcient sorting algorithm is required. The code in each of the three functions must be removed, and the code for the more efcient algorithm inserted. Maintaining three versions of the function makes it much more likely that errors will eventually creep into the code, because it is difcult to ensure that whenever a modication is made to one sorting function, it is made to all of the sorting functions (see Program Tip. 4.1.) Fortunately, a mechanism exists in C++ that allows code to be reused rather than replicated. We have already used this mechanism behind the scenes in the implementation of the tvector class and the CList class.

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Chapter 11

Sorting, Templates, and Generic Programming

A function template, sometimes called a templated function, can be used when different types are part of the parameter list and the types conform to an interface used in the function body. For example, to sort a vector of a type T using selection sort we must be able to compare values of type T using the relational operator < since thats how elements are compared. We wouldnt expect to be able to sort Dice objects since theyre not comparable using relational operators. We should be able to sort ClockTime objects (see clockt.h, Program 9.9 in How to G) since theyre comparable using operator <. The sorting functions require objects that conform to an interface of being comparable using operator <. A templated function allows us to capture this interface in code so that we can write one function that works with any type that can be compared. Well study templates in detail, building towards them with a series of examples.

11.2.1 Printing a tvector with a FunctionT emplate

Program 11.5, sortwlen.cpp reads a les and tracks all words and word lengths. Both words and lengths are sorted using the templated function SelectSort from sortall.h. A templated function Print that prints both string and int vectors is shown in sortwlen.cpp.
Program 11.5 sortwlen.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "sortall.h" // illustrates templates, read words, sort words, print words template <class Type> void Print(const tvector<Type>& list, int first, int last) // post: list[first]..list[last] printed, one per line { int k; for(k=first; k <= last; k++) { cout << list[k] << endl; } } int main() { tvector<string> wordList; tvector<int> lengthList; string filename = PromptString("filename: "); string word; ifstream input(filename.c_str());

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11.2 Function Templates


while (input >> word) { wordList.push_back(word); lengthList.push_back(word.length()); } SelectSort(wordList,wordList.size()); SelectSort(lengthList,lengthList.size()); Print(wordList,wordList.size()5,wordList.size()1); Print(lengthList,lengthList.size()5,lengthList.size()1); return 0; }


prompt > sortwlen filename: poe.txt your your your your your 16 16 18 18 19

Just as not all types of vectors can be sorted, not all types of vectors can be printed. The function Print in sortwlen.cpp expects a vector whose type conforms to the interface of being insertable onto a stream using operator <<. Consider an attempt to print a vector of vectors.
tvector<tvector<int> > ivlist; ivlist.push_back(lengthList); Print(ivlist,0,1);

The rst two lines compile without trouble, but the attempt to pass ivlist to Print fails because the type tvector<int> does not conform to the expected interface: there is no overloaded operator << for tvector<int> objects. The error messages generated by different compilers vary from informative to incomprehensible.

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

The error message from Visual C++ 6.0 is very informative.

sortwlen.cpp(17) : error C2679: binary << : no operator defined which takes a right-hand operand of type const class tvector<int>

The error message from the Metrowerks Codewarrior compiler is less informative.

Error : illegal operand __ sortwlen.cpp line 17 { cout << list[k] << endl;

The error message from the Linux g++ compiler is informative, though difcult to comprehend.

void Print<tvector<int>>(const class tvector<tvector<int> >&): sortwlen.cpp:17: no match for _IO_ostream_withassign & << const tvector<int> &

In general, a call of a templated function fails if the type of argument passed cant be used in the function because the expected conforming interface doesnt apply. What that means in the example of Print is spelled out clearly by the error messages: the type const tvector<int> cant be inserted onto a stream and stream insertion using operator << is the interface expected of vector elements when Print is called. One reason the error messages can be hard to understand is that the compiler catches the error and indicates its source in the templated function: line 17 in the example of Print above (see the error message). However, the error is caused by a call of the templated function, whats termed the template function instantiation, and you must determine what call or instantiation causes the error. In a small program this can be straightforward, but in a large program you may not even be aware that a function (or class) is templated. Since the error messages dont show the call, nding the real source can be difcult. ProgramTip 11.2: If the compiler indicates an error in a templated function or class, look carefully at the error message and try to nd the template instantiation that causes the problem. The instantiation that causes the problem may be difcult to nd, but searching for the name of the class or function in which the error occurs using automated Find/Search capabilities may help.

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11.2 Function Templates


A function is declared as a templated function when it is preceded by the word template followed by an angle bracket delimited list of class identiers that serve as type parameters. At least one of the type parameters must be used in the functions parameter list. Any name can be the template parameter, such as Type, T, and U as shown in the syntax diagram. This name can be used for the Syntax: FunctionT emplate return type, as the type (or part template <class T> void doIt(T& t); of a type) in the parameter list, or as the type of a local varitemplate <class Type> able in the function body. It Type minElt(const tvector<Type>); is possible to have more than one template class parameter. template <class T, class U> The function doThat in the void doThat(CList<T> t, CList<U> u); syntax box has two template parameters, T and U. DoThat could be called as follows:
doThat(cons(3,CList<int>()), cons(string("help"),CList<string>()));

Here the template parameter T is bound to or unied with the type int, and the template type U is bound to string. If the template instantiation succeeds, all uses of T and U in the body of the function doThat will be supported by the types int and string, respectively.

11.2.2 FunctionT emplates and Iterators

Weve seen many different iterator classes: WordStreamIterator for iterating over each word in a le, CListIterator for iterating over the contents of a list, RandomWalk for iterating over a simulated random walk, and even Permuter for generating permutations of an int vector. Because all these classes adhere to the same naming convention for the iterating methods, namely Init, HasMore, Next, and Current, we can use the iterators in a general way in templated functions. Well use a simple example to illustrate how a templated function can count the number of elements in any iterator. Were not using this example because its powerful, but its the rst step towards a very powerful technique of writing and using templated functions and classes. The function CountIter in Program 11.6, countiter.cpp, counts the number of elements in an iterator. Well call the function in two ways: to count the number of words in a le and to calculate n! by generating every permutation of an n-element vector and counting the number of permutations. Counting words in a le this way is reasonably efcient; calculating n! is not efcient at all.
Program 11.6 countiter.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string>

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "permuter.h" "worditer.h" "tvector.h" "prompt.h"

template <class Type> int CountIter(Type& it) { int count = 0; for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { count++; } return count; } int main() { string filename = PromptString("filename: "); int k,num = PromptRange("factorial: ",1,8); tvector<int> vec; WordStreamIterator witer; for(k=0; k < num; k++) { vec.push_back(k); } witer.Open(filename); cout << "# words = " << CountIter(witer) << endl; cout << num << " factorial = " << CountIter(Permuter(vec)) << endl; return 0; }


prompt> countiter filename: poe.txt factorial: between 1 and 8: 6 # words = 2324 6 factorial = 720

The parameter it used in the function CountIter must conform to the iterator interface we use in this book. The variable it is used as an object that supports methods Init, HasMore, and Next. Since the function Current isnt used in CountIter, we could pass an object to CountIter that has a method named GetCurrent instead of Current. Since there is no call it.Current(), Current is not part of the

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11.2 Function Templates


interface that the compiler expects to nd when processing an argument passed in a call to CountIter.2 The method Current is used in UniqueStrings in Program 11.7 to count the number of unique strings in an iterator. We use it to determine the number of different strings in a le, and in a list constructed from the words in the le.
Program 11.7 uniqueiter.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "clist.h" "worditer.h" "stringset.h" "prompt.h"

template <class Type> int UniqueStrings(Type& iter) // post: return # unique strings in iter { StringSet uni; for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) { uni.insert(iter.Current()); } return uni.size(); } int main() { string filename = PromptString("filename: "); WordStreamIterator witer; witer.Open(filename); CList<string> slist; for(witer.Init(); witer.HasMore(); witer.Next()) { slist = cons(witer.Current(),slist); } cout << "unique from WordIterator = " << UniqueStrings(witer) << endl; cout << "unique from CList = " << UniqueStrings(CListIterator<string>(slist)) << endl; return 0; }


The function Permuter::Current is a void function; it returns a vector as a reference parameter. It doesnt have the same interface as other Current functions which arent void, but return a value.

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

prompt> uniqueiter.cpp filename: poe.txt unique from WordIterator = 1039 unique from CList = 1039 prompt> uniqueiter.cpp filename: hamlet.txt unique from WordIterator = 7807 unique from CList = 7807

Although only standard iterator methods are used with parameter iter, the object returned by iter.Current() is inserted into a StringSet. This means that any iterator passed to UniqueStrings must conform to the expected interface of returning a string value from Current. For example, if we try to pass an iterator in which Current returns an int, as in the call below that uses a CListIterator for an int list, an error message will be generated by the compiler when it tries to instantiate the templated function.
cout << UniqueStrings( CListIterator<int>(CList<int>::EMPTY) ) << endl;

The error message generated by Visual C++ 6.0 is reasonably informative in telling us where to look for a problem.
itertempdemo.cpp(16) : error C2664: insert : cannot convert parameter 1 from int to const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &

The call to insert fails and the error message says something about converting an int to something related to a basic_string. The basic_string class is used to implement the standard class string; the class basic_string is templated to make it simpler to change from an underlying use of char to a type that uses Unicode, for example. This is a great idea in practice, but leads to error messages that are very difcult to understand if you dont know that identier string is actually a typedef for a complicated templated class.3

3 The actual typedef for string is typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> > string; which isnt worth trying to understand completely.

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11.3 Function Objects


ProgramTip 11.3: The name string is actually a typedef for a templated class called basic_string, and the template instantiation is somewhat complicated. If you see an error message that you cant understand, generated by either the compiler or a debugger, look carefully to see if the error is about the class basic_string; such errors are almost always caused by a problem with string objects or functions.

The function templates weve seen for sorting, printing, and iterating are powerful because they generalize an interface. Using function templates we can write functions that use an interface without knowing what class will actually be used to satisfy the interface. Well explore an important use of templated functions in the Section 11.3 where well see how its possible to sort by different criteria with one function.

11.2.3 FunctionT emplates, Reuse, and Code Bloat

Function templates help avoid duplicated code since a templated function is written once, but can be instantiated many times. The template function Print in sortwlen.cpp, Program 11.5 is not compiled into object code as other functions and classes are when the program is compiled. Instead, when Print is instantiated, the compiler generates object code for the specic instantiation. If a templated function is never called/instantiated in a program, then it doesnt generate any code. A nontemplated function is always compiled into code regardless of whether its called. The word template makes sense here; a templated function works as a function-generator, generating different versions of the function when the template is instantiated. However, different code is generated each time the function is instantiated with a different type. For example, if the templated Print function is called from three different statements using int vectors, two statements using string vectors, and one statement using Date vectors, then three different functions will be instantiated and emit compiled object code: one each for int, string, and Date. ProgramTip 11.4: Function templates can generate larger than expected object les when theyre instantiated with several types in the same program. A function template saves programmer resources and time since one function is written and maintained rather than several. However, a function template can lead to code bloat where a program is very large because of the number of template instantiations. Smart compilers may be able to do some code sharing, but code bloat can be a real problem.

11.3 Function Objects

In the program sortwlen.cpp, Program 11.5 we used a templated function SelectSort to sort vectors of strings and ints. The vector of strings was sorted alphabetically.

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

Suppose we need to generate a list of words in order by length of word, with shortest words like a coming rst, and longer words like acknowledgement coming last. We can certainly do this by changing the comparison of vector elements to use a strings length. In the function SelectSort, for example, we would change the comparison:
if (a[j] < a[minIndex])

to a comparison using string lengths.

if (a[j].length() < a[minIndex].length())

This solution does not generalize to other sorting methods. We may want to sort in reverse order, zebra before aardvark; or to ignore case when sorting so that Zebra comes after aardvark instead of before it as it does when ASCII values are used to compare letters. We can, of course, implement any of these sorts by modifying the code, but in general we dont want to modify existing code, we want to re-use and extend it. ProgramTip 11.5: Classes, functions, and code should be open for extension, but closed to modication. This is called the open-closed principle. This design heuristic will be easier to realize when weve studied templates and inheritance (see Chapter 13.) Ideally we want to adapt programs without breaking existing applications, so modifying code isnt a good idea if it can be avoided. In all these different sorts, we want to change the method used for comparing vector elements. Ideally wed like to make the comparison method a parameter to the sort functions so that we can pass different comparisons to sort by different criteria. Weve already discussed how vector elements must conform to the expected interface of being comparable using the relational operator < if the sorting functions in sortall.h are used. We need to extend the conforming interface in some way so that in addition to using operator <, a parameter is used to compare elements. Since all objects weve passed are instances of classes or built-in types, we need to encapsulate a comparison function in a class, and pass an object thats an instance of a class. A class that encapsulates a function is called a function object or a functor. Well use functors to sort on several criteria.4

11.3.1 The Function Object Comparer

In the language C, there is no class string. Instead, special arrays of characters are used to represent strings. We wont study these kinds of strings, but well use the same convention in creating a class to compare objects thats used in C to compare strings. Just as certain method names are expected with any iterators used in this book (by convention)

In this section well use classes with a function named compare to sort. In more advanced uses of C++, functors use an overloaded operator() so that an object can be used syntactically like a function, (e.g., foo(x) might be an object named foo with an overloaded operator() applied to x). My experience is that using an overloaded function application operator is hard for beginning programmers to understand, so Ill use named functions like compare instead.

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11.3 Function Objects


and with iterators used by templated functions like UniqueStrings in Program 11.7, uniqueiter.cpp (enforced by the compiler), well expect any class that encapsulates a comparison function to use the name compare for the function. Well use this name in writing sorting functions and well expect functions with the name to conform to specic behavior. If a client uses a class with a name other than compare, the program will not compile, because the templated sorting function will fail to be instantiated. However, if a client uses the name compare, but doesnt adhere to the behavior convention well discuss, the program will compile and run, but the vector that results from calling a sort with such a function object will most likely not be in the order the client expects. Using a conforming interface is an example of generic programming which [Aus98] says is a set of requirements on data types. The sorting functions expect the conforming interface of StrLenComp::compare below. The method is const since no state is modied there is no state.
class StrLenComp { public: int compare(const string& a, const string& b) const // post: return -1/+1/0 as a.length() < b.length() { if (a.length() < b.length()) return -1; if (a.length() > b.length()) return 1; return 0; } };

The conforming interface is illustrated by the function prototype: it is a const function, returns an int, and expects two const-reference parameters that have the same type (which is string in the example above). The expected behavior is based on determining how a compares to b. Any function object used with the sorts in this book must have the following behavior. if a is less than b then 1 is returned if a is greater than b then +1 is returned otherwise, a == b and 0 is returned. As shown in StrLenComp::compare, the meaning of less than is completely determined by returning 1, similarly for greater than and a return value of +1. Program 11.8 shows how this function object sorts by word length.
Program 11.8 strlensort.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std;

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

#include "tvector.h" #include "sortall.h" #include "prompt.h" class StrLenComp { public: int compare(const string& a, const string& b) const // post: return -1/+1/0 as a.length() < b.length() { if (a.length() < b.length()) return 1; if (a.length() > b.length()) return 1; return 0; } }; int main() { string word, filename = PromptString("filename: "); tvector<string> wvec; StrLenComp slencomp; int k; ifstream input(filename.c_str()); while (input >> word) { wvec.push_back(word); } InsertSort(wvec, wvec.size(), slencomp); for(k=0; k < 5; k++) { cout << wvec[k] << endl; } cout << "-" << endl << "last words" << endl; cout << "-" << endl; for(k=wvec.size()5; k < wvec.size(); k++) { cout << wvec[k] << endl; } return 0; }


The sorts declared in sortall.h and implemented in sortall.cpp have two forms: one that expects a comparison function object as the third parameter and one that uses operator < so doesnt require the third parameter. The headers for the two versions of InsertSort are reproduced below.
template <class Type> void InsertSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size); // post: a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[size-1] template <class Type, class Comparer> void InsertSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size, const Comparer & comp); // post: first size entries sorted by criteria in comp

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11.3 Function Objects


The third parameter to the function has a type specied by the second template parameter Comparer. Any object can be passed as the third parameter if it has a method named compare. In the code from Program 11.8 the type StrLenComp is bound to the type Comparer when the templated function InsertSort is instantiated.

prompt> strlensort filename: twain.txt a I I I a ------last words ------shoulder--so--at discouraged-like, indifferent-like, shoulders--so--like "One--two--three-git!"

As another example, suppose we want to sort a vector of stocks, where the struct Stock from stocks.cpp, Program 8.6 is used to store stock information (see stock.h in on-line materials or Program 8.6 for details, or Program 11.9 below). We might want to sort by the symbol of the stock, the price of the stock, or the volume of shares traded. If we were the implementers of the class we could overload the relational operator < for Stock objects, but not in three different ways. In many cases, well be client programmers, using classes we purchase off-the-shelf for creating software. We wont have access to implementations so using function objects provides a good solution to the problem of sorting a class whose implementation we cannot access, and sorting by more than one criteria. In sortstocks.cpp, Program 11.9, we sort a vector of stocks by two different criteria: price and shares traded. Weve used a struct for the comparer objects, but a class in which the compare function is public works just as well.
Program 11.9 sortstocks.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std;

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#include #include #include #include #include

"tvector.h" "strutils.h" "prompt.h" "sortall.h" "stock.h"

// for atoi and atof

struct PriceComparer // compares using price { int compare(const Stock& lhs, const Stock& rhs) const { if (lhs.price < rhs.price) return 1; if (lhs.price > rhs.price) return +1; return 0; } }; struct VolumeComparer // compares using volume of shares traded { int compare(const Stock& lhs, const Stock& rhs) const { if (lhs.shares < rhs.shares) return 1; if (lhs.shares > rhs.shares) return +1; return 0; } }; void Read(tvector<Stock>& list, const string& filename) // post: stocks from filename read into list { ifstream input(filename.c_str()); string symbol, exchange, price, shares; while (input >> symbol >> exchange >> price >> shares) { list.push_back(Stock(symbol,exchange,atof(price),atoi(shares))); } } Print(const tvector<Stock>& list, ostream& out) // post: stocks in list printed to out, one per line { int k,len = list.size(); out.precision(3); // show 3 decimal places out.setf(ios::fixed); for(k=0; k < len; k++) { out << list[k].symbol << "\t" << list[k].exchange << "\t" << setw(8) << list[k].price << "\t" << setw(12) << list[k].shares << endl; } } int main() { string filesymbol = PromptString("stock file "); tvector<Stock> stocks; Read(stocks,filesymbol); Print(stocks,cout); cout << endl << "-" << endl << "# stocks: " << stocks.size() << endl; cout << "-sorted by price-" << endl; InsertSort(stocks,stocks.size(), PriceComparer());

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11.3 Function Objects

Print(stocks,cout); cout << "-sorted by volume-" << endl; InsertSort(stocks,stocks.size(), VolumeComparer()); Print(stocks,cout); return 0; }



prompt> sortstocks filename: stocksmall.dat KO N 50.500 DIS N 64.125 ABPCA T 5.688 NSCP T 42.813 F N 32.125 ---# stocks: 5 ----sorted by price---ABPCA T 5.688 F N 32.125 NSCP T 42.813 KO N 50.500 DIS N 64.125 ----sorted by volume---ABPCA T 5.688 DIS N 64.125 NSCP T 42.813 KO N 50.500 F N 32.125 735000 282200 49700 385900 798900

49700 798900 385900 735000 282200 49700 282200 385900 735000 798900

11.3.2 Predicate Function Objects

As a nal example, well consider the problem of nding all the les in a directory that are larger than a size specied by the user or that were last modied recently, (e.g., within three days of today). Well use a function templated on three different arguments: every entry (one template parameter) in an iterator (another template parameter) is checked and those entries that satisfy a criterion (the last template parameter) are stored in a vector.

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Chapter 11

Sorting, Templates, and Generic Programming

template <class Iter, class Pred, class Kind> void IterToVectorIf(Iter& it, const Pred& p, tvector<Kind>& list) // post: all items in Iter that satisfy Pred are added to list { for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { if (p.Satisfies(it.Current())) { list.push_back(it.Current()); } } }

The parameter it is used as in iterator in the function body, so we could pass a DirStream object or a CListIterator object among the many kinds of iterators weve studied. Since it has type Iter, when the function is instantiated/called, the rst argument should be an iterator type. The second parameter of the function, p, has type Pred. If you look at the function body, youll see that the only use of p is in the if statement. The object passed as a second parameter to p must have a member function named Satisfies that returns a bool value for the template instantiation to work correctly. Finally, the third parameter to the function is a vector that stores Kind elements. Elements are stored in the vector by calling push_back with it.Current() as an argument. The vector passed as the third argument to IterToVectorIf must store the same type of object returned by the iterator passed as the rst argument. I ran the program on May 16, 1999 which should help explain the output.
Program 11.10 dirvecfun.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "directory.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "tvector.h" // illustrates templated functions, function objects // find large files struct SizePred // satisfies if DirEntry::Size() >= size { SizePred(int size) : mySize(size) {} bool Satisfies(const DirEntry& de) const { return de.Size() >= mySize; } int mySize; };

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11.3 Function Objects


// find recent files struct DatePred // satisfies if DirEntry::GetDate() >= date { DatePred(const Date& d) : myDate(d) { } bool Satisfies(const DirEntry& de) const { return !de.IsDir() && de.GetDate() >= myDate; } Date myDate; }; void Print(const tvector<DirEntry>& list) // post: all entries in list printed, one per line { int k; DirEntry de; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { de = list[k]; cout << setw(10) << de.Size() << "\t" << setw(12) << de.Name() << "\t" << de.GetDate() << endl; } cout << "\n# entries = " << list.size() << endl; }; template <class Iter, class Pred, class Kind> void IterToVectorIf(Iter& it, const Pred& p, tvector<Kind>& list) // post: all items in Iter that satisfy Pred are added to list { for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { if (p.Satisfies(it.Current())) { list.push_back(it.Current()); } } } int main() { Date today; string dirname = PromptString("directory "); int size = PromptRange("min file size",1,300000); int before = PromptRange("# days before today",0,300); DatePred datePred(todaybefore); SizePred sizePred(size); DirStream dirs(dirname); tvector<DirEntry> dirvec; // // // // find files within before days of today find files larger than size iterate over directory entries store satisfying entries here

IterToVectorIf(dirs,datePred,dirvec); cout << "date satisfying" << endl << "" << endl; Print(dirvec); dirvec.resize(0); // remove old entries

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

cout << endl << "size satisfying"<< endl << "" << endl; IterToVectorIf(dirs,sizePred,dirvec); Print(dirvec); return 0;


prompt> dirvecfun directory c:\book\ed2\code min file size between 1 and 300000: 50000 # days before today between 0 and 300: 0 date satisfying --4267 directory.cpp May 16 1999 4814 directory.h May 16 1999 2251 dirvecfun.cpp May 16 1999 2316 nqueens.cpp May 16 1999 --# entries = 4 size satisfying --99991 64408 53760 165658 111163 --# entries = 5

foot.exe mult.exe mult.opt tap.zip tcwdef.csm

April March March April April

14 10 31 21 14

1999 1999 1999 1999 1999

The structs SizePred and DatePred are called predicates because theyre used as boolean function objects. We use the method name Satisfies from a term from mathematical logic, but it makes sense that the predicate function object returns true for each DirEntry object satisfying the criteria specied by the class. Program Tip 11.6: A function object species a parameterized policy. Functions that implement algorithms like sorting, but allow function object parameters to specify policy, such as how to compare elements, are more general than functions that hardwire the policy in code.

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11.4 Analyzing Sorts

Pause to Reect


11.8 If the function Print from sortwlen.cpp, Program 11.5 is passed a vector of DirEntry objects as follows, the call to Print will fail.
tvector<DirEntry> dirvec; // store values in dirvec Print(dirvec,0,dirvec.size()-1);

Why does this template instantiation fail? What can you do to make it succeed? 11.9 Show how to prompt the user for the name of a directory and call CountIter from countiter.cpp, Program 11.6 to count the number of les and subdirectories in the directory whose name the user enters. 11.10 Write a function object that can be used to sort strings without being sensitive to case, so that "ZeBrA" == "zebra" and so that "Zebra" > "aardvark". 11.11 Write three function objects that could be used in sorting a vector of DirEntry objects ordered by three criteria: alphabetically, by name of le, in order of increasing size, or in order by the date the les were last modied (use GetDate). 11.12 Suppose you want to use IterToVectorIf to store every le and subdirectory accessed by a DirStream object into a vector. Write a predicate function object that always returns true so that every DirEntry object will be stored in the vector. (see Program 11.10, dirvecfun.cpp.) 11.13 Write a templated function that reverses the elements stored in a vector so that the rst element is swapped with the last, the second element is swapped with the second to last, and so on (make sure you dont undo the swaps; stop when the vector is reversed). Do not use extra storage; swap the elements in place. 11.14 Write a function modeled after IterToVecIf, but with a different name: IterToVecFilter. The function stores every element accessed by an iterator in a vector, but the elements are ltered or changed rst. The function could be used to read strings from a le, but convert the strings to lowercase. The code below could do this with the right class and function implementations.
string filename = PromptString("filename: "); WordStreamIterator wstream; tvector<string> words; wstream.Open(filename); LowerCaseConverter lcConverter; IterToVecFilter(wstream,lcConverter,words); // all entries in words are in lower case

11.4 Analyzing Sorts

Using function objects we can sort by different criteria, but what sorting algorithms should we use? In this section well discuss techniques for classifying algorithms in

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

general, and sorting algorithms in particular, as to how much time and memory the algorithms require. We discussed several quadratic sorts in Section 11.1 and discussed selection sort and insertion sort in some detail. Which of these is the best sort? As with many questions about algorithms and programming decisions, the answer is, It depends5 on the size of the vector being sorted, on the type of each vector element, on how critical a fast sort is in a given program, and many other characteristics of the application in which sorting is used. You might, for example, compare different sorting algorithms by timing the sorts using a computer. The program timequadsorts.cpp, Program 11.4, uses the templated sorting functions from sortall.h Program G.14 (see How to G), to time three sorting algorithms. The graph in Figure 11.3 provides times for these sorts. Although the timings are different, the curves have the same shape. The timings might also be different if selection sort were implemented differently; as by another programmer. However, the general shapes of the curves would not be different, since the shape is a fundamental property of the algorithm rather than of the computer being used, the compiler, or the coding details. The shape of the curve is called quadratic, because it is generated by curves of the family y = ax 2 (where a is a constant). To see (informally) why the shape is quadratic, we will count the number of comparisons between vector elements needed to sort an N -element vector. Vector elements are compared by the if statement in the inner for loop of function SelectSort (see Program 11.2.)
if (a[j] < a[minIndex]) { minIndex = j; // new smallest item, remember where }

Well rst consider a 10-element vector, then use these results to generalize to an N element vector. The outer for loop (with k as the loop index) iterates nine times for a 10-element vector, because k has the values 0, 1, 2, . . . , 8. When k = 0, the inner loop iterates from j = 1 to j < 10, so the if statement is executed nine times. Since k is incremented by 1 each time, the if statement will be executed 45 times, since the inner loop iterates nine times, then eight times, and so on: 9(10) = 45 (11.1) 2 The sum is computed from a formula for the sum of the rst N integers; the sum is N(N + 1)/2. To sort a 100-element vector, the number of comparisons needed is 99(100)/2 = 4,950. Generalizing, to sort an N -element vector, the number of comparisons is calculated by summing the rst N 1 integers: 9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=

N2 N N2 N (N 1)(N ) = = (11.2) 2 2 2 2 This is a quadratic, which at least partially explains the shape of the curves in Figure 11.3. We can verify this analysis experimentally using a a templated class SortWrapper (accessible in sortbench.h) that keeps track of how many times sorted elements are

Note that the right answer is never bubble sort.

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11.4 Analyzing Sorts


compared and assigned. Weve discussed comparisons; assignments arise when vector elements are swapped. The class SortWrapper is used in Program 11.11.
Program 11.11 checkselect.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #include "sortbench.h" #include "sortall.h" #include "prompt.h" int main() { typedef SortWrapper<string> Wstring; string word, filename = PromptString("filename:"); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); tvector<Wstring>list; while (input >> word) { list.push_back(Wstring(word)); } cout << "# words read =\t " << list.size() << endl; Wstring::clear(); // clear push_back assigns SelectSort(list,list.size()); cout << "# compares\t = " << Wstring::compareCount() << endl; cout << "# assigns\t = " << Wstring::assignCount() << endl; return 0; }


prompt> checkselect filename: poe.txt # words read = 2324 # compares = 2699326 # assigns = 4646

The number of comparisons is 2323 2324/2 which matches the formula in Equation 11.2 exactly. The number of assignments is exactly 2(N 1) for an N -element vector because a swap requires two assignments and one construction, for example, for strings:

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

void Swap(string& x, string& y) { string temp = x; // construction, not assignment x = y; // assignment y = temp; // assignment }

In general, when there are N elements there will be N 1 swaps and 3(N 1) data movements (assignments and constructions). Before analyzing other sorts, we need to develop some terminology to make the discussion simpler.

11.4.1 O Notation
When the execution time of an algorithm can be described by a family of curves, computer scientists use O notation to describe the general shape of the curves. For a quadratic family, the expression used is O(N 2 ). It is useful to think of the O as standing for order, since the general shape of a curve provides an approximation on the order of the expression rather than an exact analysis. For example, the number of comparisons used by selection sort is O(N 2 ), but more precisely is (N 2 /2) (N/2). Since we are interested in the general shape rather than the precise curve, coefcients like 13.5 and lower-order terms with smaller exponents like N, which dont affect the general shape of a quadratic curve, are not used in O notation. In later courses you may learn a formal denition that involves calculating limits, but the idea of a family of curves dened by the general shape of a curve is enough for our purposes. To differentiate between other notations for analyzing algorithms, the term big-Oh is used for O notation (to differentiate from little-oh, for example). Algorithms like sequential search (Table 8.1) that are linear are described as O(N ) algorithms using big-Oh notation. This indicates, for example, that to search a vector of N elements requires examining nearly all the elements. Again, this describes the shape of the curve, not the precise timing, which will differ depending on the compiler, the computer, and the coding. Binary search, which requires far fewer comparisons than sequential search, is an O(log N ) algorithm, as discussed in Section 8.3.7. Table 11.2 provides data for comparing the running times of algorithms whose running times or complexities are given by different big-Oh expressions. The data are for a (hypothetical) computer that executes one million operations per second.

11.4.2 Worst Case and Average Case

When we use O-notation, were trying to classify an algorithms running time, or sometimes the amount of memory it uses. Some algorithms behave differently depending on the input. For example, when searching sequentially for an element in a vector, we might nd the element in the rst location, in the middle location, or we might not nd it after examining all locations. How can we classify sequential search when the behavior is different depending on the item searched for? Typically, computer scientists use two methods to analyze an algorithm: worst case and average case. The worst case analysis is based on inputs to an algorithm that take the most time or use the most memory. In

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Table 11.2 Comparing big-Oh expressions on a computer that executes one million instructions per second

N 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000

Running time (seconds) O(log N ) O(N ) O(N log N ) 0.000003 0.00001 0.000033 0.000007 0.00010 0.000664 0.000010 0.00100 0.010000 0.000013 0.01000 0.132900 0.000017 0.10000 1.661000 0.000020 1.0 19.9 0.000030 16.7 min 8.3 hours

O(N 2 ) 0.0001 0.1000 1.0 1.7 min 2.78 hours 11.6 days 318 centuries

sequential search, for example, the worst case occurs when the element searched for isnt found; every vector element is examined. Its more difcult to dene average case, and if you continue your studies of computer science youll encounter different ways of dening average. In this book Ill use average case very informally, to mean what happens with most kinds of input, not the worst and not the best. To get an idea of what average case means well consider sequential search again. In an N-element vector there are N + 1 different ways for a sequential search algorithm to terminate: The item searched for is found in one of N different locations. The item searched for is not found. If we look at the total number of vector items examined for every possible case when the search is successful well be able to apply Equation 11.2 again to get the total number of comparisons as N(N + 1)/2. Since there are N different ways to terminate successfully, we can argue that the average number of elements examined is (N + 1) N (N + 1)/2 = N 2 (11.3)

This is still O(N), so sequential search is O(N ) in both the worst and average case.

11.4.3 Analyzing Insertion Sort

The code for insertion sort in insertsort.cpp, Program 11.3 shows that the outer for loop executes N 1 times for an N-element vector since k varies from 1 to N 1. The number of times the inner while loop executes depends on the order of the elements and the value of loc after the while loop as shown in Figure 11.2. In the worst case, the vector is in reverse order and the inner loop will execute k times. The total number of times the body of the inner while loop executes is (N 1)N/2 using Equation 11.2 since were summing the rst N 1 numbers. There is one assignment each time the inner loop executes, and one assignment after the loop. The total number of assignments is (N 1)N/2 + N which is O(N 2 ) and exactly N (N + 1)/2. There is one vector

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comparison each time the inner loop executes and one comparison of 0 < loc. Well count only the vector comparison since although the comparison to see that the index loc is valid affects the execution time, it is independent of the kind of element being sorted. There are a total then of (N 1)N/2 comparisons in the worst case. In the best case, when the vector is already sorted, the inner loop body is never executed. There will be O(N ) comparisons and O(N ) assignments, which is about as good as we can expect since we have to examine every vector element simply to determine if the vector is sorted. We can argue informally that on average the inner loop executes k/2 times since the worst case is k and the best case is zero. The algorithm is still an O(N 2 ) algorithm, but the number of comparisons will be fewer than selection sort. This is why the timings in Figure 11.3 show insertion sort as faster than selection sortit wont be faster always, but on average it is. We can verify some of these results experimentally with Program 11.12, checkinsert.cpp.
Program 11.12 checkinsert.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "sortbench.h" "sortall.h" "prompt.h" "tvector.h"

typedef SortWrapper<string> Wstring; struct ReverseComparer // for sorting in reverse alphabetical order { int compare(const Wstring& lhs, const Wstring& rhs) const { if (lhs < rhs) return +1; if (rhs < lhs) return 1; return 0; } }; int main() { string word, filename = PromptString("filename:"); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); tvector<Wstring>list; while (input >> word) { list.push_back(Wstring(word)); } cout << "# words read =\t " << list.size() << endl; Wstring::clear(); // clear push_back assigns

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11.5 Quicksort
InsertSort(list,list.size()); cout << "# compares\t = " << Wstring::compareCount() << endl; cout << "# assigns\t = " << Wstring::assignCount() << endl; Wstring::clear(); cout << endl << "sorting a sorted vector" << endl; InsertSort(list,list.size()); cout << "# compares\t = " << Wstring::compareCount() << endl; cout << "# assigns\t = " << Wstring::assignCount() << endl; InsertSort(list,list.size(),ReverseComparer()); Wstring::clear(); cout << endl << "sorting a reverse-sorted vector" << endl; InsertSort(list,list.size()); cout << "# compares\t = " << Wstring::compareCount() << endl; cout << "# assigns\t = " << Wstring::assignCount() << endl; return 0; }



prompt> checkinsert filename: poe.txt # words read = 2324 # compares = 1339264 # assigns = 1339269 sorting a sorted vector # compares = 2323 # assigns = 2323 sorting a reverse-sorted vector # compares = 2673287 # assigns = 2674325

11.5 Quicksort
The graph in Figure 11.3 suggests that selection sort and bubble sort are both O(N 2 ) sorts.6 In this section well study a more efcient sort called quicksort. Quicksort is a recursive, three-step process.

6 To be precise, the graph does not prove that bubble sort is an O(N 2 ) sort; it provides evidence of this. To prove it more formally would require analyzing the number of comparisons.

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20 25 18 22


31 19


33 24 22

19 25 25


27 33

29 31 31

29 24 31



33 20 19 18 22 25 25 24 27 29 31 31


Figure 11.4 Quicksort.


2. 3.

A pivot element of the vector being sorted is chosen. Elements of the vector are rearranged so that elements less than or equal to the pivot are moved before the pivot. Elements greater than the pivot are moved after the pivot. This is called the partition step. Quicksort (recursively) the elements before the pivot. Quicksort (recursively) the elements after the pivot.

The partition step bears an explanation; well discuss the algorithm pictured in Figure 11.4. Suppose a group of people must arrange themselves in order by age, so that the people are lined up, with the youngest person to the left and the oldest person to the right. One person is designated as the pivot person. All people younger than the pivot person stand to left of the pivot person and all people older than the pivot person stand to the right of the pivot. In the rst step, the 27-year-old woman is designated as the pivot. All younger people move to the pivots left (from our point of view); all older people move to the pivots right. It is imperative to note at this point that the 27-year-old woman will not move again! In general, after the rearrangement takes place, the pivot person (or vector element) is in the correct order relative to the other people (elements). Also, people to the left of the pivot always stay to the left.

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11.5 Quicksort


After this rearrangement, a recursive step takes place. The people to the left of the 27-year-old pivot must now sort themselves. Once again, the rst step is to partition the group of seven people. A pivot is chosenin this case, the 22-year-old woman. All people younger move to the pivots left, and all people older move to the pivots right. The group that moves to the right (two 25-year-olds and a 24-year-old) are now located between the two people who are in their nal positions. To continue the process, the group of three (20, 18, and 19 years old) would sort themselves. When this group is done, the group of 25-, 25-, and 24-year-olds would sort themselves. At this point, the entire group to the left of the original 27-year-old pivot is sorted. Now the group to the right of this pivot must be recursively sorted. The code for quicksort is very short and reects the three steps outlined above: partition and recurse twice. Since the recursive calls specify a range in the original vector, well use a function with parameters for the left and right indexes of the part of the vector being sorted. For example, to sort an n-element int vector a, the call Quick(a,0,n-1) works, where Quick is
void Quick(tvector<int>& a,int first,int last) // postcondition: a[first] <= ... <= a[last] { int piv; if (first < last) { piv = Pivot(a,first,last); Quick(a,first,piv-1); Quick(a,piv+1,last); } }

The three statements in the if block correspond to the three parts of quicksort. The function Pivot rearranges the elements of a between positions first and last and returns the index of the pivot element. This index is then used recursively to sort the elements to the left of the pivot (in the range [first piv-1]) and the elements to the right of the pivot (in the range [piv+1 last]).

11.5.1 The Partition/ Pivot Function

There are many different ways to implement the partition function. All these methods are linear, or O(N), where N is the number of elements rearranged. Well use a partition method described in [Ben86] that is simple to remember and that can be developed using invariants. The diagrams in Figure 11.5 show the sequence of steps used in partitioning the elements of a vector between (and including) locations first and last. Understanding the second diagram in the sequence is the key to being able to reproduce the code. The second diagram describes an invariant of the for loop that partitions the tvector. The for loop examines each vector element between locations first and last once; this ensures that the loop is linear, or O(N ), for partitioning N elements. The loop has the following form, where the element with index first is chosen as the pivot element:

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Desired properties of vector, partitioned around pivot elements <= X First X Pivot elements >= X Last

After several iterations, partially re-arranged, more elements to process X First p All elements processed X First <= X p > X Last k <= X > X ??? Last

if (a[k] <= piv) { p++; Swap(a[k],a[p]) }


Final configuration after swapping first element into pivot location <= X First X Pivot > X Last return p;

Figure 11.5 Partitioning for Quicksort.

for(k=first+1; k <= last; k++) { if (a[k] <= a[first]) { p++; swap(a[k], a[p]) } }

As indicated by the question marks ??? in Figure 11.5, the value of a[k] relative to the pivot is not known. If a[k] is less than or equal to the pivot, it belongs in the rst part of the vector. If a[k] is greater than the pivot, it belongs in the second part of the vector (where it already is!). The if statement in Figure 11.5 compares a[k] to the pivot and then reestablishes the picture as true, so that the picture represents an invariant (true each time the loop test is evaluated). This works because when p is incremented, it becomes the index of an element larger than the pivot, as shown in the diagram. The statement Swap(a[k],a[p]) interchanges an element less than or equal to the pivot, a[k], and an element greater than the pivot, a[p]. This informal reasoning should help convince you that the picture shown is an invariant and that it leads to a correct partition function. One more step is necessary, however; the invariant needs to be established as true the rst time the loop test is evaluated. In this situation, the part of the vector labeled ??? represents the entire vector, because none of the elements have been examined.

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11.5 Quicksort


The rst element is arbitrarily chosen as the pivot element. Setting k = first+1 makes k the index of the leftmost unknown element, the ??? section, as shown in the diagram. Setting p = first makes p the index of the rightmost element that is known to be less than or equal to the pivot, because in this case only the element with index first is known to be less than or equal to the pivotit is equal to the pivot, because it is the pivot. The last step is to swap the pivot element, which is a[first], into the location indexed by the variable p. This is shown in the nal stage of the diagram in Figure 11.5. The partition function, combined with the three-step recursive function for quicksort just outlined, yields a complete sorting routine that is included as part of sortall.h, Program G.14. We can change the call of SelectSort to QuickSort in timequadsorts.cpp, Program 11.4 and remove the call to BubbleSort to compare quicksort and insertion sort. Well call the renamed program timequicksort.cpp, and wont show a listing since it doesnt change much from the original program.

prompt> timequicksort min and max size of vector: 6000 20000 increment in vector size between 1 and 10000: 2000 n 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 insert 1.792 3.185 5.177 7.331 10.075 13.009 16.604 20.52 quick 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.101 0.11

You can see from the sample runs that quicksort is much faster than insertion sort. If we extrapolate the data for insertion sort to a 300,000 element vector, we can approximate the time as 4660 seconds. The ratio 300,000/10,000 = 30 shows that the execution time jumps by a factor of 900 from 10,000 to 300,000 since insertion sort is an O(N 2 ) sort. Multiplying 5.177 900 = 4659.3, we determine that insertion sort takes a little more than 1 hour and 17 minutes to sort a 300,000 element vector. Removing the call to InsertSort so the program executes more quickly, we nd that QuickSort takes 2.16 seconds to sort a 300,000 element vector. Thats quick.

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11.5.2 Analysis of Quicksort

With the limited analysis tools we have, a formal analysis of quicksort that provides a big-Oh expression of its running time is difcult. The choice of the pivot element in the partition step plays a crucial role in how well the method works. Suppose, for example, that in Figure 11.4 the rst person chosen for the pivot is the 18-year-old person. All the people younger than this person move to the persons left; all the older people move to the persons right. In this case there are no younger people. This means that the two subgroups that would be sorted recursively are not the same size. If a bad partition continues to be chosen in the recursively sorted groups, quicksort degenerates into a slower, quadratic sort. On the other hand, if the pivot is chosen so that each subgroup is roughly the same size (i.e., half the size of the group being partitioned) then quicksort works very quickly.7 Since the partition algorithm is linear, or O(N ), for an N -element vector, the computational complexity, or running time, of quicksort depends on how many partitions are needed. In the best case the pivot element divides the vector being sorted into two equal parts. A more sophisticated analysis than we have the tools for shows that in the average case the vector is still divided approximately in half. If you examine the code for Quick below carefully, and assume that the value of piv is roughly in the middle, then you can reason about the sizes of the vector segments sorted with each pair of recursive calls.
void Quick(tvector<int>& a,int first,int last) // postcondition: a[first] <= ... <= a[last] { int piv; if (first < last) { piv = Pivot(a,first,last); Quick(a,first,piv-1); Quick(a,piv+1,last); } }

If Quick is rst called with a 1000-element vector, a good pivot generates two recursive calls on 500-element vectors.8 The number of elements being sorted is 2 500 = 1000. Each of the 500-element vectors generates two recursive calls on 250-element vectors. Since there are two 500-element vectors, each generating two recursive calls, the number of elements being sorted is 4 250 = 1000. This continues with four 250element vectors each generating two calls on 125-element vectors, but the total number of elements being sorted is still 8 125 = 1000. Every group of recursive calls yields a total of 1000 elements to sort, but the size of the vectors being sorted decreases. Eventually there will be 500 2-element vectors. Each of these will generate two recursive calls, but these recursive calls are the base case of a one- or zero-element vector. With

7 8

Its not an accident that C.A.R. Hoare named the sort quicksort. A perfect partition will yield one 499-element vector and one 500-element vector since the pivot element doesnt move. Well ignore this difference and treat each vector as a 500-element vector.

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11.5 Quicksort


each group of recursive calls, there are 1000 elements to sort. For an N-element vector there will be N elements to partition and sort. Since we know that the partition code is O(N), there is O(N ) work done at each recursive stage. How many recursive stages are there? As we saw in Section 8.3.7 the number N can be divided in half approximately log2 N times. Each group of recursive calls requires O(N) work, and there are log2 N groups of calls. This makes quicksort an O(N logN ) algorithm. We ignore the base 2 on the log because logb N/ log2 N is a constant, for any value of b. Since we ignore constants in O-notation, we ignore the base of the log. However, in computer science nearly all uses of a logarithm function can be assumed to use a base 2 log. Quicksort is an O(N logN ) algorithm in the average case, but not in the worst case where weve noted that its an O(N 2 ) algorithm. If we choose the rst element as the pivot, then a sorted vector generates the worst case. Its possible to choose the partition in such a way that the worst case becomes extremely unlikely, but there are other sorts that are always O(N log N ) even in the worst case. Nevertheless, quicksort is not hard to code, and its performance is extremely good in general. In the implementation of QuickSort in sortall.cpp, the median (or middle) of the rst, middle, and last vector elements is chosen as the pivot. This makes QuickSort very fast except in degenerate cases that are unlikely in practice, though still possible. Implementations of two other O(NlogN ) sorts, MergeSort and HeapSort, are accessible from sortall.h. These sorts have good O(N logN ) worst-case behavior, so if you must guarantee good performance, use one of them. Merge sort is particularly simple to implement for lists and well explore this in an exercise.
Pause to Reect

11.15 Why are the average and worst cases of selection sort the same, whereas these cases are different for insertion sort? 11.16 In the output of checkinsert.cpp, Program 11.12, the worst case for insertion sort, sorting a vector thats in reverse order, yields 2,673,287 comparisons for a vector with 2,324 elements. However, (2323 2324)/2 = 2, 699, 326. Explain this discrepancy (hint: are all the words in the vector unique?) 11.17 The timings for insertion sort are better than for selection sort in Figure 11.3. Selection sort will likely be better if strings are sorted rather than ints (int vectors were used in Figure 11.3.) If DirEntry objects are sorted the difference will be more pronounced, selection sort timings will not change much between ints, strings, and DirEntry objects, but insertion sort timings will get worse. What properties of the sorts and the objects being sorted could account for these observations? 11.18 If we sort a 100,000 element int vector using quicksort, where all the ints are in the range [0 . . . 100], the sort will take a very long time. This is true because the partition diagrammed in Figure 11.5 cannot result in two equal parts of the vectors; the execution will be similar to what happens with quick sort when a bad pivot is chosen. If the range of numbers is changed to [0 . . . 50, 000] the performance gets better. Why?

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Figure 11.6 Removing zeroes from an array/vector. 11.19 The implementation of quicksort in sortall.cpp uses a different stopping criterion than the one described in Section 11.5. The code presented there made recursive calls until the size of the vector being sorted was one or zero; that is, the base case was determined by if (first < last). Instead, the function below is used, where CUTOFF is 30.
void Quick(tvector<int>& a,int first,int last) // postcondition: a[first] <= ... <= a[last] { if (last - first > CUTOFF) { int piv = Pivot(a,first,last); Quick(a,first,piv-1); Quick(a,piv+1,last); } else { Insert(a,first,last); // call insertion sort } }

This speeds up the execution of quicksort. Why? 11.20 Write a function that removes all the zeros from a vector of integers, leaving the relative order of the nonzero elements unchanged, without using an extra vector. The function should run in linear time, or have complexity O(N ) for an N -element vector.
void RemoveZeros(tvector<int> & list, int & numElts) // postcondition: zeros removed from list, // numElts = # elts in list

If youre having trouble, use the picture in Figure 11.6 as an invariant. The idea is that the elements in the rst part of the vector are nonzero elements. The elements in the section ??? have yet to be examined (the other elements have been examined and are either zeros or copies of elements moved into the rst section.) If the kth element is zero, it is left alone. If it is nonzero, it must be moved into the rst section.

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11.6 Chapter Review


11.21 After a vector of words read from a le is sorted, identical words are adjacent to each other. Write a function to remove copies of identical words, leaving only one occurrence of the words that occur more than once. The function should have complexity O(N ), where N is the number of words in the original vector (stored in the le). Dont use two loops. Use one loop and think carefully about the right invariant. Try to draw a picture similar to the one used in the previous exercise. 11.22 Binary search requires a sorted vector. The most efcient sorts are O(N log N), binary search is O(log N ), and sequential search is O(N ). If you have to search an N element vector thats unsorted, when does it make sense to sort the vector and use binary search rather than to use sequential search?

11.6 Chapter Review

We discussed sorting, generic programming, templated functions, function objects, and algorithm analysis including O-notation. Two quadratic sorts: insertion sort and selection sort, are fast enough to use for moderately sized data. For larger data sets an O(N log N) sort like quicksort may be more appropriate. Functions that implement sorts are often implemented as templated functions so they can be used with vectors of any type, such as int, string, double, Date, and so on. A second template parameter can be used to specify a sorting policy, (e.g., to sort in reverse order or to ignore the case of words). This parameter is usually a function object: an object used like a function in code. Using big-Oh expressions allows us to discuss algorithm efciency without referring to specic computers. O-notation also lets us hide some details by ignoring low-order terms and constants so that 3N 2 , 4N 2 + 2N and N 2 are all O(N 2 ) algorithms. Topics covered include the following: Selection sort, an O(n2 ) sort that works fast on small-sized vectors (where small is relative). Insertion sort is another O(n2 ) sort that works well on nearly sorted data. Bubble sort is an O(n2 ) sort that should rarely be used. Its performance is much worse, in almost all situations, than that of selection sort or insertion sort. Overloaded functions permit the same name to be used for different functions if the parameter lists of the functions differ. Templated functions are used for functions that represent a pattern, or template, for constructing other functions. Templated functions are often used instead of overloading to minimize code duplication. Function objects encapsulate functions so that the functions can be passed as policy arguments; that is, so that clients can specify how to compare elements being sorted. O-notation, or big-Oh, is used to analyze and compare different algorithms. Onotation provides a convenient way of comparing algorithms, as opposed to implementations of algorithms on particular computers. The sum of the rst n numbers, 1 + 2 + + n, is n(n + 1)/2.

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Quicksort is a very fast sort, O(n log n) in the average case. In the worst case, quicksort is O(n2 ).

11.7 Exercises
11.1 Implement bogosort from Chapter 1 using a function that shufes the elements of a vector until theyre sorted. Test the function on n-element vectors (for small n) and graph the results showing average time to sort over several runs. 11.2 You may have seen the word game Jumble in your newspaper. In Jumble the letters in a word are mixed up, and the reader must try to guess what the word is (there are actually four words in a Jumble game, and a short phrase whose letters have to be obtained from the four words after they are solved). For example, neicma is iceman, and cignah is aching. Jumbles are easy for computers to solve with access to a list of words. Two words are anagrams of each other if they contain the same letters. For example, horse and shore are anagrams. Write a program that reads a le of words and nds all anagrams. You can modify this program to facilitate Jumble-solving. Use the declaration below to store a Jumble word. struct Jumble { string word; // regular word, "horse" string normal; // sorted/normalized, "ehors" Jumble(const string& s); // constructor(s) }; Each English word read from a le is stored along with a sorted version of the letters in the word in a Jumble struct. For example, store horse together with ehors. To nd the English word corresponding to a jumbled word like cignah, sort the letters in the jumbled word yielding acghin, then look up the sorted word by comparing it to every Jumble words normal eld. Its easiest to overload operator == to compare normal elds, then you can write code like this: string word; cout << "enter word to de-jumble"; cin >> word; Jumble jword(word); // look up jword in a vector<Jumble> A word with anagrams will have more than one Jumble solution. You should sort a vector of words by using the sorted word as the key, then use binary search when looking up the jumbled word. You can overload operator < for the struct Jumble, or pass a function object that compares the normal eld of two Jumble objects when sorting. You should write two programs, one to nd all the anagrams in a le of words and one to allow a user to interactively search for Jumble solutions. 11.3 Write a program based on dirvecfun.cpp, Program 11.10. Replace IterToVectorIf

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11.7 Exercises


with a function IterToListIf that returns a CList object rather than a vector object. 11.4 Write a program based on dirvecfun.cpp, Program 11.10, specically on the function IterToVectorIf, but specialized to the class DirStream. The program should allow the client to implement Predicate function objects and apply them to an entire directory hierarchy, not just to a top-level directory (see the run of the Program 11.10). The client should be able to specify a directory in a DirStream object and get back a vector of every le that matches some Predicate function objects Satisfies criteria thats contained in the specied directory or in any subdirectory reachable from the specied directory. Users of the program should have the option of printing the returned les sorted by several criteria: date last modied, alphabetically, or size of le. 11.5 In Exercise 7 of Chapter 6 an algorithm was given for calculating the variance and standard deviation of a set of numbers. Other statistical measures include the mean or average, the mode or most frequently occurring value, and the median or middle value. Write a class or function that nds these three statistical values for a tvector of double values. The median can be calculated by sorting the values and nding the middle value. If the number of values is even, the median value can be dened as either the average of the two values in the middle or the smaller of the two. Sorting the values can also help determine the mode, but you may decide to calculate the mode in some other manner. 11.6 The bubble sort algorithm sorts the elements in a vector by making N passes over a vector of N items. On each pass, adjacent elements are compared, and if the element on the left (smaller index) is greater it is swapped with its neighbor. In this manner the largest element bubbles to the end of the vector. On the next pass, adjacent elements are compared again, but the pass stops one short of the end. On each pass, bubbling stops one position earlier than the pass before until all the elements are sorted. The following code implements this idea. template <class Type> void BubbleSort(tvector<Type> & a, int n) // precondition: n = # of elements in a // postcondition: a is sorted // note: this is a dog of a sort { int j,k; for(j=n-1; j > 0; j--) { // find largest element in 0..k, move to a[j] for(k=0; k < j; k++) { if (a[k+1] < a[k]) { Swap(a[k],a[k+1]); } } } }

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Chapter 11 Sorting,Templates, and Generic Programming

Bubble sort can be improved by stopping if no values are swapped on some pass,9 meaning that the elements are in order. Add a bool ag variable to the preceding code so that the loops stop when no bubbling is necessary. Then time this function and compare it to the other O(n2 ) sorts: selection sort and insertion sort. 11.7 Write a function that implements insertion sort on CList objects. First test the function on lists of strings. When youve veried that it works, template the function and try it with lists of other types, e.g., int. Since a CList object cannot change, youll have to create a new sorted list from the original. The general idea is to insert one element at a time from the original list into a new list thats kept sorted. The new list contains those elements moved from the original list processed so far. Its easiest to implement the function recursively. You may also nd it helpful to implement a helper function: CList<string> addInOrder(const string& s, CList<string>& list) // pre: list is sorted // post: return a new list, original with s added, // and the new list is sorted Instrument the sort in a test program that prints the results from CList::ConsCalls. Graph the number of calls as a function of the size of the list being sorted. 11.8 Merge sort is another O(N log N ) sort (like quicksort), although unlike quicksort, merge sort is O(N log N ) in the worst case. The general algorithm for merge sort consists of two steps to sort a CList list of N items. Recursively sort the rst half and the second half of the list. To do this youll need to create two half-lists: one thats a copy of the rst half of a CList and the other which is the second half of the CList. This means youll have to cons up a list of N/2 elements given an N element list. The other N/2 element list is just the second half of the original list. Merge the two sorted halves together. The key idea is that merging two sorted lists together, creating a sorted list, can be done efciently in O(N ) time if both sorted lists have O(N ) elements. The two sorted lists are scanned from left to right, and the smaller element is copied into the list thats the merge of the two. Write two functions that together implement merge sort for CList lists. CList<string> merge(const CList<string>& a, const CList<string>& b); // pre: a and b are sorted // post: return a new list thats sorted, // containing all elements from a and b CList<string> mergesort(CList<string> list); // post: return a sorted version of list using mergesort

This improvement can make a difference for almost-sorted data, but it does not mitigate the generally atrocious performance of this sort.

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Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates


Something deeply hidden had to be behind things. Albert Einstein autobiographical handwritten note, The Einstein Letter That Started It All NY Times Magazine, August 2, 1964, Ralph E. Lapp

Although tvector variables can be resized and increase (or decrease) in capacity, excess storage is often allocated when vectors are used. Since vectors typically double in size when grown, memory will be wasted unless all vector cells are used. For example, consider a program that counts how many times each of the 3,124 unique words in the le melville.txt (Bartleby, the Scrivener) occurs by storing the words in a vector using push_back. The vector grows in size from 0 to 2, to 4, 8, 16, 4,096 elements. Since the automatic resizing operation throws out the old vector after copying elements into a new vector, a total of 2 + 4 + + 2048 = 4, 094 elements are thrown out while 4096 3124 = 972 elements in the nal vector are unused. Although the tvector class takes the necessary step to reclaim the storage thrown away, some applications require more precise memory allocation. Weve also studied an example of a sparse polynomial class (see Programs 10.18 and 10.19) that was more efciently implemented using a CList collection of terms than a tvector collection. In this chapter well study a data structure called a linked list which provides an alternative to using vectors. Well also study how pointers, which are used in implementing linked lists and trees, expand the kinds of programs we can write. Pointers are essential in working with large object-oriented programs in C++ and in exploiting inheritance which well cover in Chapter 13. However, once we use pointers, we have to be careful in designing classes to avoid problems we havent faced before.

12.1 Pointers as Indirect References

12.1.1 What is a Pointer?
Well cover three basic uses of pointers in this chapter. 1. Pointers are indirect references that permit resources to be shared among different objects. For example, several random walkers could share an object that records all their positions, or shows the positions graphically. Without pointers its not possible to share an object and to change which object is shared among all the walkers. Pointers let code allocate memory dynamically, on an as-needed basis during program execution rather than when the program is compiled. The programmer 571


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controls the lifetime of dynamically allocated memory unlike the statically allocated memory weve used so far. Here static is used as the opposite of dynamic, not to mean allocating static variables as discussed in Section 10.4.3. The variables weve used so far have a lifetime determined by the variables scope.1 Pointers are the basis for implementing linked data structures which are used in many applications. Well see how linked lists are the basis for the implementation of the class CList and how they are used to implement a set class similar to StringSet.

At a basic level, a pointer stores an address in computer memory. More abstractly, a pointer refers to something indirectly. If you look up pointer in the index of this book, youll see a reference, or pointer, to this page. Forwarding addresses also serve as indirect references. Suppose someone named Dave Reed lives at 104 Oak Street. If Dave moves, hell leave a forwarding address with the post ofce. If he moves to 351 Coot Lane, then mail addressed to him at 104 Oak Street will be delivered, with some delay, using the forwarding address. The forwarding address is a pointer, or indirect reference, to Daves new address. Program 12.1, pointerdemo.cpp, shows how pointers are dened and dereferenced. A pointer variable is dened when an asterisk * appears between a type/class name and a variable name. A pointer is an address, but its an address of a specic type of object, such as Dice, Date, int, or any other built-in or class type. Just as int x; denes variable x with no value, a pointer has no value unless one is assigned. Well allow pointers to point to (or reference) objects in two ways: alloSyntax: Pointers cating an object using new or sharing objects between pointers. The Date * d; // points to garbage new operator returns a pointer to an Date * d = new Date(); object created on the heap; well say Date * d2 = d; Date next = *d + 1; more about this later. We can also int month = d->Month(); assign one pointer value to another as shown with d and d2. To access the object pointed to by a pointer p, the expression *p is used, where * is the dereference operator. To select a member function in an object pointed to by p well use the selector operator -> and write p->Function(). The selector operator is shorthand for writing (*p).Function(), where dereferencing p yields an object on which the method Function is invoked.
Program 12.1 pointerdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" #include "date.h"

For example, the lifetime of a variable declared locally in a function is the duration of the function. See Section 10.4 for details.

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References

#include "dice.h" // basic pointer demo int main() { Date today; Date nextDay = new Date(today+1); Date prevDay = new Date(today1); cout << "today\t\t tomorrow\t\yesterday" << endl; cout << today << "\t" << nextDay << "\t" << prevDay << endl; cout << today << "\t" << nextDay << "\t" << prevDay << endl; nextDay = prevDay; cout << today << "\t" << nextDay << "\t" << prevDay << endl; prevDay += 2; cout << today << "\t" << nextDay << "\t" << prevDay << endl; cout << today << "\t" << nextDay << "\t" << prevDay << endl; cout << endl << "k\tsides\troll\tcount" << endl <<endl; const int DICE_COUNT = 6; tvector<Dice > dice(DICE_COUNT); int k; for(k=0; k < DICE_COUNT; k++) { dice[k] = new Dice(2k+1); } for(k=0; k < DICE_COUNT; k++) { cout << k << "\t" << dice[k]>NumSides() << "\t" << dice[k]>Roll() << "\t"; cout << dice[k]>NumRolls() << endl; } return 0; }



Memory addresses in C++ are typically shown using the base 16, or hexadecimal, number system, where the letter a corresponds to 10, b to 11, and so forth, with f corresponding to 15. Dont worry about trying to understand hexadecimal notation; you can think of addresses as having values like 101 Main Street. The important relationship is that the value of a pointer is an address. In the output from Program 12.1, the printed values of the pointers nextDay and prevDay are the addresses of what each points to in memory. When the pointers are dereferenced, for example, in the expression *nextDay, the object being pointed to, a Date, is printed. I ran Program 12.1 on May 18, 1999. The rst line of output shows that nextDay and prevDay point to different objects since the addresses printed are different. The last line of Date output shows that these pointers refer to the same object since the addresses are the same. Since the two pointers refer to the same object, when that object is incremented by two in the statement *prevDay += 2, what happens to the value of *nextDay? Since *nextDay is the object pointed to by nextDay2 , and this

I pronounce *nextDay as star nextDay. Sometimes I say the object pointed to by nextDay to be precise.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

object is the same object as *prevDay, the statement *prevDay += 2 affects what nextDay points to as well.

prompt> pointerdemo today tomorrow May 18 1999 0x00142a10 May 18 1999 May 19 1999 May 18 1999 May 17 1999 May 18 1999 May 19 1999 May 18 1999 0x00142a20 k 0 1 2 3 4 5 sides 1 3 5 7 9 11 roll 1 2 3 4 3 5 count 1 1 1 1 1 1 yesterday 0x00142a20 May 17 1999 May 17 1999 May 19 1999 0x00142a20

The second part of the program creates a vector of Dice pointers and rolls each of the Dice objects once. Recall that its not possible to create a tvector<Dice> variable because there is no default Dice constructor. However, a vector of Dice pointers can be created as shown in Figure 12.1. When the vector is dened, the six pointers do not have specic values, they point at garbage. The word garbage means the value of a pointer may be something like 6 or it may be something like 0xffde2000; we dont know if the value is a valid memory location. We create a separate Dice object on the heap for each vector pointer to

tvector<Dice *> dice(6);

after calling new six times

Figure 12.1 A vector of pointers to Dice objects.

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reference, each Dice object with a different number of sides as shown in the code and the output. The selector operator -> accesses the member functions of each pointed-to Dice object. I pronounce d->NumRolls() as d arrow NumRolls, but sometimes I say the NumRolls method of the object pointed to by d. The latter pronunciation makes the pointer/pointed-to difference very clear. A few programmers prefer to write (*d).NumRolls(). The dot operator . has higher precedence than the dereference operator *, so parentheses are needed in the expression (*d).Roll(). Otherwise, the expression *d.Roll() results in an attempt to dereference the Roll() function of d. This would fail for two reasons: d is not a class object, so a dot cant follow it. Roll() is not a pointer, so it cant be dereferenced (assuming that d.Roll() made syntactic sense). Most programmers prefer ->, the selector operator which is typed using the minus sign followed by the greater-than sign. Its easier to read and type p->foo() than (*p).foo().

12.1.2 Heap Objects

The variables today, nextDay, and prevDay are dened in the function main of Program 12.1. The memory for these variables is associated with the function. In general, variables dened in a function are constructed when the function is called and cease to exist when the function exits. These variables are called automatic variables since the memory for them is automatically allocated when the function is called and de-allocated when the function exits. Sometimes the term stack variable is used and memory is said to be allocated on the runtime stack for variables dened in a function. In contrast, memory allocated by calling new is obtained dynamically when the new statement executes, not automatically. The memory initialized by new is allocated from the heap, sometimes called the freestore. Objects constructed on the heap last until the program specically de-allocates them (using delete, which well discuss in Section 12.1.7) unlike automatic variables which are de-allocated automatically when they go out of scope. If the class/type allocated by new uses a constructor, then arguments must be provided if the constructor requires them as shown Syntax: The new operator in the vector of Dice pointers of Program 12.1. A constructor with Thing * t = new Thing; no parameters does not require parenThing * t = new Thing(); theses so that Date * d = new Thing * t = new Thing(parameters); Date; creates an object representing today thats pointed to by d. Parentheses may be used, the statement Date * d = new Date(); creates the same kind object. Ill use parentheses even when no parameters are passed to the constructor. In this book Ill use pointers only to point to objects on the heap. In C++ its possible for objects to point to memory on the stack as well. Invariably this leads to problems

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

because memory on the stack goes away when a scope ends. A pointer to stack memory that is out-of-scope will eventually cause problems if the pointer is dereferenced. To help you read programs written by others, Ill show how the address-of operator & is used to get the address of stack variables, but its a good idea to stay away from the address-of operator until youre a reasonably accomplished programmer.
int main() { Date * d = new Date(); // d points to today Date * d2 = new Date(*d+1); // d2 points to tomorrow Date * d3; // d3 points to garbage if (*d < *d2) { Date yday(*d-1); // yesterday, all my troubles ... d3 = &yday; // d3 points to yesterday cout << "yesterday " << *d3 << endl; } cout << *d3 << " " << *d << " " << *d2 << endl; return 0; }

If I run this program on May 15, 1999, the output will be unpredictable:

yesterday May 14 1999 ????? May 15 1999 May 16 1999

The code is problematic: d3 points to an object that doesnt exist. The address-of operator & applied to yday returns the address of yday. This works as intended in the body of the if statement, but the variable yday doesnt exist after the body of the if statement executes. This means that d3 points to a nonexistent object, whats printed depends on a number of unknown factors including how the compiler works and how the operating system behaves. The program may produce whats expected the rst time it runs, but not the second. ProgramTip 12.1: Memory referenced by a pointer should be allocated from the heap. Using the address-of operator to obtain the address of memory allocated on the stack will eventually lead to problems if that memory goes out of scope. Tracking down this kind of error is difcult because the error often manifests itself differently on different runs of the program and sometimes occurs in code unrelated to where the address-of operator is used.

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References

Pause to Reect


12.1 Write code that denes two Dice pointers, allocates one 8-sided Dice object using new that both point to, and then rolls the Dice twice, once with each pointer. 12.2 Write a code fragment that denes a vector dicevec of 30 pointers to Dice objects, initializes dicevec[k] to point to a (k+1)-sided die (so that dicevec[0] is a one-sided die and dicevec[29] is a 30-sided die), and then rolls the dice object pointed to by dicevec[k] k times. 12.3 Write a code fragment that creates a vector datevec of pointers to Date objects. There should be as many pointers as there are days in the month the code is executed, (e.g., if run in April there should be 30 pointers, if run in May there should be 31 pointers). Initialize datevec[k] to point to an object representing the (k + 1)st day of the month, so datevec[0] is the rst day of the month. Print each day by looping over all the vector elements. 12.4 Write a function that returns a pointer to a Date object that represents exactly one year from the date the function is executed. 12.5 Consider the following function MakeDie that returns a pointer to a dice object.

Dice * MakeDie(int n) // post: return pointer to n-sided Dice object { Dice nSided(n); return &nSided; }

Explain why this function can cause problems in code. In particular, the code below may print 6, 4, or some unknown value.
Dice * cube = MakeDie(6); Dice * tetra = MakeDie(4); cout << cube->NumSides() << endl;

When compiled under Linux/g++, the code generates a warning address of local variable nSided returned . 12.6 In the worst case, selection sort makes O(N 2 ) comparisons and O(N ) swaps and assignments to sort an N-element vector of strings. Insertion sort makes O(N 2 ) comparisons and O(N 2 ) object assignments. If vectors of pointers to strings are sorted rather than vectors of strings, insertion sort may speed up, while selection sort slows down. Explain these observations, think about how comparisons are made (how does the code change) and how objects are swapped/assigned. The change in execution time is less noticeable if int vectors are sorted (compared to int * vectors) and more noticeable if vectors of large BigInt objects are sorted (compared to BigInt * vectors).

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Chapter 12

Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

12.7 Suppose that the following denition is made:

tvector<tvector<int> *> v(10);

so that v[0] is a pointer to a vector of integers. The following code fragment makes v[0] point to a vector of 100 integers, all equal to 2.
v[0] = new tvector<int>(100,2);

Since v[0] points to a vector of 100 integers, how is an element of this 100-integer vector indexed? Write a loop to print all elements of the 100-element vector. 12.8 What do you think happens if the new operator is called, but there is no memory on the heap? How could this happen in a program? 12.9 If a vector of pointers to strings is sorted using operator < to compare the pointers, the output will be based on the addresses of the strings, (i.e., a[0] will be the string with the lowest numerical address in memory). Complete the function object StrPtrCompare to sort vector<string *> a so that the strings pointed to will be in alphabetical order.
struct StrPtrCompare { int compare(string * lhs, string * rhs) { // fill in code here } };

12.1.3 Sharing Objects

In this section well see how pointers make it possible to share an object. In all the classes weve used so far, the instance variables in one object are independent from the instance variables in any another object. Suppose that we want to create several random walk objects (see Programs 7.10 and 7.12), but keep in one vector a record of the positions visited by all the walkers. Wed like to share the vector among all the random walkers, but without pointers we cannot do this. Well illustrate the problem with a more simple toy example before developing a solution for the posed problem with random walkers. Program 12.2 shows what happens when two Kid objects try to share a Toy. The situation wed like to have is illustrated in Figure 12.2. The gure and the program output show what actually happens.
Program 12.2 sharetoy.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string>

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References










Figure 12.2 Sharing without pointers. On the left what we want: objects erich and katie to share a toy. On
the right what we have: three copies of a toy, no sharing.

using namespace std; // references and pointers for sharing, a prelude class Toy // kids play with toys { public: Toy(const string& name); void Play(); // prints a message void BecomeBroken(); // the toy becomes broken private: string myName; bool myIsWorking; }; class Kid { public: Kid(const string& name, Toy& toy); void Play(); // plays with own toy private: string myName; Toy myToy; }; Toy::Toy(const string& name) : myName(name), myIsWorking(true) { } void Toy::Play() // post: toy is played with, message printed { if (myIsWorking) { cout << "this " << myName << " is so fun :-)" << endl; }

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

else { cout << "this " << myName << " is broken :-(" << endl; }

} void Toy::BecomeBroken() // post: toy is broken { myIsWorking = false; cout << endl << "oops, this " << myName << " just broke" << endl << endl; } Kid::Kid(const string& name,Toy& toy) : myName(name), myToy(toy) { } void Kid::Play() // post: kid plays and talks about it { cout << "My name is " << myName << ", "; myToy.Play(); } int main() { Toy plaything("choo-choo train"); Kid erich("erich", plaything); Kid katie("katie", plaything); erich.Play(); katie.Play(); plaything.BecomeBroken(); erich.Play(); katie.Play(); return 0; }

// the toy is now broken


Although the Toy object plaything is broken in main, the kids continue to enjoy a working toy. The problem is that the instance variable myToy in each kid is a copy of the toy dened in main. When we assign one variable to another, we dont expect the variables to share anything. In other words, we expect the output of the following statements to be hello world, not hello hello.
string a = "world"; string b = a; a = "hello "; cout << a << b << endl;

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References


prompt> sharetoy My name is erich, this choo-choo train is so fun :-) My name is katie, this choo-choo train is so fun :-) oops, this choo-choo train just broke My name is erich, this choo-choo train is so fun :-) My name is katie, this choo-choo train is so fun :-)

If we want the instance variable myToy to reference memory (a toy) allocated elsewhere, such as in main, we have two choices: use a reference variable or use a pointer.

12.1.4 ReferenceVariables
We can achieve the desired behavior by adding one character to the code in Program 12.2. If we change the declaration of Toy myToy to Toy& myToy the output changes as follows.

prompt> sharetoy My name is erich, this choo-choo train is so fun :-) My name is katie, this choo-choo train is so fun :-) oops, this choo-choo train just broke My name is erich, this choo-choo train is broken :-( My name is katie, this choo-choo train is broken :-(

Just as a reference parameter is an alias for memory allocated elsewhere, a reference variable refers to memory allocated elsewhere. In Program 12.2, making myToy a reference variable avoids creating a copy when myToy is initialized in the Kid initializer list. Instance variables that are references must be constructed and initialized using an initializer list, not in the body of the class constructor. Once a reference variable is constructed, it cannot be re-assigned to. In Program 12.2, sharetoy.cpp, this means that a Kid object cannot change toys; its impossible to add new member functions that change the toy a kid uses for play.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

12.1.5 Pointers for Sharing

In some situations wed like to change the object being shared, that is, change the toy shared in Program 12.2. Furthermore, its not possible to have vectors of references in C++ so we must turn to pointers. Using pointers for sharing allows a shared object to be changed and makes it possible to use a vector to share many objects. Well develop a program for several walkers to record their movements with a WalkRecorder object shared among the walkers. Well keep the example simple to illustrate the concept and to highlight a problem that arises frequently when several interdependent classes are used in the same program. The problem arises when class A uses class B and vice versa. This interdependency can create compilation problems if you dont design the class interfaces properly and write the header les with care. Well discuss the design of the walker program, then the problems with interdependencies, then well show the program implementation that addresses the interdependency problems. Well use two classes in the program: The class Walker simulates a one-dimensional walker recording the walk with a WalkRecorder object. The class WalkRecorder records a walkers position. A walker is passed to the recorder and the recorder then queries the walker to get its position to record it. To record a walk, each walker must know about a WalkRecorder object. Well design the Walker class so that each walker object maintains a pointer to the recorder thats recording the walkers movements. It will be possible to share a recorder among several walkers or to give each walker a separate recorder object. In designing the classes and programs we must consider at least three questions. A WalkRecorder records a walker. Who is responsible for passing the walker? How is the walker passed to the WalkRecorder? Where are Walker and WalkRecorder objects created? In main? Does a walker create its own recorder? How is the data recorded by a WalkRecorder displayed? To keep the program simple well create all the objects in main. In a more complex program you might create a class in charge of object creation. Well create a recorder, then pass the recorder to each Walker object when the Walker is created, but well also design a method for changing a walkers recorder. Since a walker knows its recorder, wed like the walker to ask the recorder to make a record of the walker itself. Each walker can pass itself to its recorder using the reserved word this which every object has as a pointer to itself. A variable named foo in main might be known as the parameter firstFoo in a function to which its passed as an argument. In general, objects have different names in different places in a program. However, in C++ every object uses the identier this as its own name. Because this is a pointer, *this is the way an object identies itself since star this is also the object pointed to by this which is itself!

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References


main Time



new rec rec2 Walker(rec) Walk(steps) Record(*this) Position Print(cout)


Figure 12.3 Interaction diagram for the classes Walker and WalkRecorder showing a
recorder being shared and changed.

Finally, the code in main will ask a recorder to print the data the recorder has kept track of. Again, in a more complex program we might provide member functions for retrieving the data, but for now well be content with printing the recorded data. A rst draft of the two classes is shown in Program 12.3. The interactions between these classes and the main of Program 12.4, frogwalk3.cpp are shown in the interaction diagram in Figure 12.3. As a program executes, time increases from the top of the diagram to the bottom. Arrows indicate when one class (or program segment) calls another, and the method used to make the call. The dashed line at the top of the diagram indicates an indirect call of a constructor via new.

12.1.6 Interdependencies,Class Declarations,and Header Files

Were ready to start implementing the classes. Although the nal program frogwalk3.cpp shows everything in one le, well discuss the class declarations and denitions assuming that separate .h and .cpp les are used. A high-level rst pass yields Walker on the right and WalkRecorder on the left.
Program 12.3 walkdesign.cpp
#infdef _WALKRECORDER_H #define _WALKRECORDER_H #include "walker.h" #ifndef _WALKER_H #define _WALKER_H #include "walkrecorder.h"

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class Walker { public: Walker(WalkRecorder wrec); void Walk(int steps); int Position() const; void ChangeRecorder(WalkRecorder wrec); private: int myPosition; WalkRecorder myRecorder; walkdesign.cpp };

class WalkRecorder { public: WalkRecorder(); void Record(const Walker& walker); void Print(ostream& out) const; private: tmatrix<int> myRecord };

This design wont compile when we create the main program that includes both header les. Remember that the preprocessor (see Section 7.2.3) literally cuts and pastes a .h le when a #include is processed, and that include les that are included by an include le are also cut-and-pasted (and include les that they include and so on.) This is why the #ifndef _CLASSNAME_H appears at the top of each include le. Without this, consider the following main program that includes both classes.
#include "walker.h" #include "walkrecorder.h" int main() { // ... return 0; }

Since walker includes walkrecorder which includes walker which includes there would be an innite chain of cut-and-paste includes without the protecting #ifndef statements. These protecting statements do stop an innite chain of includes, but theres a different problem. The line #include"walker.h" appears in walkrecorder.h (as simulated and shown in walkdesign.cpp, Program 12.3) because the class Walker is used as a parameter in WalkRecorder::Record. Similarly the class WalkRecorder is a parameter in two Walker methods. However, if the main program above is used, where the rst include is #include "walker.h", then the preprocessor creates the following compilation unit.
class WalkRecorder { ... }; class Walker { ... }; // more code here

The classes appear in the order shown, with WalkRecorder rst, because the preprocessor rst processes walker.h. The rst line in this header le is another #include so

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this include for walkrecorder.h is processed before the declaration of the class Walker is read by the preprocessor. The include le in walkrecorder.h isnt a problem, its not preprocessed because of the #ifndef protection, but the class WalkRecorder does appear rst when the compiler is called after the preprocessor nishes. The compiler stops at the declaration of the method WalkRecorder::Record because the compiler hasnt yet seen the class Walker, so it doesnt know anything about the parameter! How can this problem be xed? This problem is xable, but only because the classes make reference to each other in the class declarations using only references or pointers to the other class. The compiler doesnt need to know the names of Walker member functions or how big a Walker object is to compile the header le for WalkRecorder. Similarly, the header le for Walker can be compiled without knowing the details of WalkRecorder. Suppose, however, that the instance variable myRecorder isnt a pointer, but is declared as follows.
WalkRecorder myRecorder;

With this declaration we wont be able to share recorders since a Walker objects recorder will be a copy (see Program 12.2). In addition, the compiler must know how much memory a WalkRecorder requires (the sum of the sizes of its instance variables) to compile this declaration. Because all pointers and references are basically aliases or indirect references to memory allocated elsewhere, all pointers and references use the same amount of memory, regardless of the type of object being pointed to or referenced. If the class declaration in a header le uses another class with only pointers or references, its possible to create a forward reference to the class being used. For walker.h the forward reference of WalkRecorder looks like this.
class WalkRecorder; class Walker { public: Walker(WalkRecorder* wrec); void Walk(int steps); int Position() const; void ChangeRecorder(WalkRecorder* wrec); private: int myPosition; WalkRecorder * myRecorder; };

Now the preprocessor wont have any problems. The compiler parses the forward reference of WalkRecorder as a class whose declaration will be supplied later. Later is good enough since the compiler doesnt need to know the names of WalkRecorder methods nor how big a WalkRecorder object is to compile the Walker declaration.

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Chapter 12

Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

In the implementation le, walker.cpp, youll need to write

#include "walkrecorder.h"

since the implementation of Walker::Walk calls myRecorder->Record as shown in the interaction diagram Figure 12.3. This isnt a problem though because the header les dont include each other, theyre simply included in a .cpp le as needed. The complete Program 12.4 shows forward declarations, class declarations and implementations. A run follows the program listing. ProgramTip 12.2: Use forward references rather than #includes whenever possible in a header le. If a class Foo uses a class Thing and Thing objects appear only as pointers or references in parameters and instance variables, then the header le foo.h should use class Thing; as a forward reference rather than #include "thing.h".

Program 12.4 frogwalk3.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "prompt.h" "tvector.h" "randgen.h" "dice.h"

class Walker; class WalkRecorder { public: WalkRecorder(); void Record(const Walker& walker); void Print(ostream& out) const; private: static int MAX; tvector<int> myRecord; int myBeyondCount; }; class Walker { public: Walker(WalkRecorder wrec); void Walk(int steps);

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References

int Position() const; void ChangeRecorder(WalkRecorder wrec); private: int myPosition; WalkRecorder myRecorder;



int WalkRecorder::MAX = 100; WalkRecorder::WalkRecorder() : myRecord(2MAX+1,0), myBeyondCount(0) { // record -MAX..MAX, all zero } void WalkRecorder::Record(const Walker& walker) { int pos = walker.Position(); if (fabs(pos) > MAX) { myBeyondCount++; } else { myRecord[pos+MAX]++; } } void WalkRecorder::Print(ostream& out) const { int lowIndex=1,highIndex=0,k; for(k=0; k < 2MAX+1; k++) { if (myRecord[k] != 0) { if (lowIndex == 1) lowIndex = k; highIndex = k; } } if (lowIndex == 1) { out << " no steps taken" << endl; return; } for(k=lowIndex; k <= highIndex; k++) { cout << kMAX << "\t" << myRecord[k] << endl; } cout << endl << "beyond boundaries = " << myBeyondCount << endl; } Walker::Walker(WalkRecorder wrec) : myPosition(0), myRecorder(wrec) { } void Walker::Walk(int steps) { Dice d(2);

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int k;

Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

for(k=0; k < steps; k++) { if (d.Roll() == 1) { } else { } myRecorder>Record(this); } } int Walker::Position() const { return myPosition; } void Walker::ChangeRecorder(WalkRecorder wrec) { myRecorder = wrec; } int main() { WalkRecorder rec2 = new WalkRecorder(); WalkRecorder rec = new WalkRecorder(); myPosition; myPosition++;

Walker w1(rec); Walker w2(rec);

int steps = PromptRange("how many steps ",1,10000); w1.Walk(steps); w2.Walk(steps); rec>Print(cout); cout << endl << "another walk" << endl << endl; w1.ChangeRecorder(rec2); w2.ChangeRecorder(rec2); w1.Walk(steps); w2.Walk(steps); rec2>Print(cout); return 0; }


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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References


prompt> frogwalk3 how many steps -6 1 -5 2 -4 3 -3 5 -2 7 -1 7 0 5 1 6 2 4 between 1 and 10000: 20

beyond boundaries = 0 another walk -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 5 7 6 6 5 4 3 1

beyond boundaries = 0

12.1.7 Delete and Destructors

Whenever a program allocates memory from the freestore (heap) using new, the memory should eventually be returned to the freestore using delete when the memory is no longer needed. For example, at the end of main in Program 12.4 we could add the two lines shown here.
int main() { WalkRecorder * rec = new WalkRecorder(); WalkRecorder * rec2 = new WalkRecorder();

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... delete rec; delete rec2; return 0; }

Returning the WalkRecorder objects referenced by pointers rec and rec2 to the heap isnt really necessary here since all memory used by a program is reclaimed by the system when the program terminates. The delete operator returns memory allocated by new; it takes a pointer as an argument. Although the argument to delete is a pointer, an object is returned to the heap, not the Syntax: The delete operator pointer used in the statement when delete is called. The pointer must point to an object delete ptr; allocated by new or an error will occur. If you delete a stack object, for example, the system may think the object came from the heap and will be reused in a subsequent call of new. This almost always causes trouble in a program. Similarly, you should not delete an object twice since the systems bookkeeping may think the object is free twice, but there is only one object, not two.
Date * dptr = new Date(); delete dptr; delete dptr; // today // ok, reclaim memory // trouble, reclaimed twice

Deleting an object does not change the value of the pointer to the object, but the pointer is now referencing memory that is no longer valid having been returned to the freestore. It is also an error to dereference a pointer immediately after the object it points to has been deleted:
Date * dptr = new Date(); delete dptr; Date tomorrow(*dptr + 1); // today // ok, reclaim memory // trouble, *dptr doesnt exist

The code above may seem to work when you run it, but this style of programming will eventually lead to an error thats very difcult to track down. Some programmers assign the special pointer value zero to a pointer after deleting the object it points to.
Date * dptr = new Date(); delete dptr; dptr = 0; delete dptr; Date tomorrow(*dptr + 1); // // // // // today ok, reclaim memory errors easier to find ok, no memory immediate error caused

A pointer with the value zero is called a null pointer. In C++ you can write p = NULL where p is a pointer, but the identier NULL is not a reserved word, its a preprocessor macro dened in the standard header le <cstddef> which is almost always included by some other standard header le. Its better to use zero since no header les are needed. Dereferencing a null pointer causes an immediate error, a segmentation fault on

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References


Unix/Linux systems, a general protection fault or unhandled exception on other systems. Immediate errors are good because you can almost always nd the cause of the error using a symbolic debugger. It is not an error to delete a null pointer, so assigning zero to a pointer after deleting the object it points to is a reasonable defensive programming strategy. In general you should try to return memory no longer needed to the heap or its possible your program will eventually use up all the memory available. Consider the following code.
Date today; Date * dptr; while (true) { int month = PromptString("enter month (0 to exit)", 0,12); if (month == 0) break; dptr = new Date(1,month,today.Year()); MakeCalendar(*dptr); // should call delete dptr here, but forgot }

Each time the loop iterates a Date object is allocated from the heap. The next time the loop iterates, the previous Date object is lost; there is no pointer referencing it so it has become inaccessible. If the loop executes 10,000 times then 10,000 Date objects will have been allocated and remain unusable. In some languages, like Java, memory that is no longer accessible is automatically reclaimed using a technique called garbage collection. In standard C++ environments there is no automatic garbage collection, programmers are responsible for it. Program Tip 12.3: Deleting objects is a good idea, but deleting improperly will cause problems in your program. You cant, for example, delete an object twice without eventually causing problems. Nor can you delete an object that wasnt allocated using new without causing problems. When youre developing a program, add delete code only when you know your program is working correctly so that any error due to improper deletes can be found without looking at other code.

The Destructor Member Function. Just as a constructor is called automatically when an

object is dened; a special member function called the destructor is called automatically when an object goes out of scope.3 When an class object allocates memory, the object should be responsible for deleting the memory. If the memory is referenced by an instance variable it cannot be deleted until the object is no longer needed. The destructor will be called either when the program deletes the object using delete or when the object goes out of scope and isnt accessible. For any class named Thing, a member

You can think of going out of scope as becoming undened to contrast with denition and the constructor.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

function named Thing is the class destructor. Well discuss destructors in more detail in Section 12.10
Pause to Reect

12.10 Assume that a reference instance variable Toy& myToy is used in the class Kid as described in Section 12.1.4. The function MakeKid returns a pointer to a Kid object as follows.
Kid * MakeKid() { Toy block("wooden block"); Kid * kptr = new Kid("alex",block); return kptr; }

Explain why the object pointed to and returned by MakeKid will cause problems. 12.11 If the instance variable myToy is changed to a pointer, how do the member functions of the class Kid change?
class Kid { ... private: Toy * myToy; };

12.12 Write declarations and implementations of all methods of a modied Kid class. Each Kid creates his/her own toy allocated from the heap and stores a pointer to the toy. Three methods are added: GetToy, ShareFrom, and Unshare. The functions are used as follows.
Kid robert("robert"); Kid laura("laura"); laura.Play(); robert.Play(); // creates his own toy // creates her own toy // play with own toy

robert.ShareFrom(laura); // robert shares lauras toy robert.Play(); // with lauras toy robert.Unshare(); robert.Play(); // with roberts original toy

The function GetToy is called in the implementation of ShareFrom. Can GetToy be private?

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12.1 Pointers as Indirect References


12.13 Using forward references (see Program Tip 12.2) rather than #include statements can save on preprocessor time and make it less necessary to recompile a client program when classes the client uses are changed. Consider the program fragment in the previous exercise that shows two Kid objects playing. Explain why it is necessary to have #include "kid.h" in the program above, but it is not necessary to have #include"toy.h". Explain why class Toy can be a forward reference in kid.h but why #include "toy.h" is needed in kid.cpp. Finally, explain why the client code above does not need to be compiled if the implementation of Toy changes, but why kid.cpp will need to be recompiled, and why the program must be relinked. 12.14 Create an interaction diagram for the code fragment above in which two Kid objects play and share a toy. Show main, Kid, and Toy. Include details about when/where objects are created and when/where all member functions are called. 12.15 Design a class ToyChest that holds several pointers to toy objects. Kids should be able to get toys from the chest and put toys back in the chest. Consider at least two ways to have toys added to the chest: when constructed the chest creates its own toys; and a Kid can add a toy to a chest that originated in a different toy chest. Youll need to think carefully about the design so that a toy can be shared among kids playing with it, but reside in only one toy chest. 12.16 If a Kid allocates his/her own toy from the heap, who is responsible for deleting the toy? 12.17 In frogwalk3.cpp, Program 12.4, a new recorder is attached to the Walker objects in main. Write a new member function WalkRecorder::Clear() that clears a recorders memory. Show how to use this new function to achieve the same effect of frogwalk3.cpp, but using only one recorder thats cleared rather than using two recorders. 12.18 When should the WalkRecorder objects in frogwalk3.cpp be deleted? 12.19 How can the class WalkRecorder be changed to track every position, not just those between -MAX and MAX? 12.20 What is the purpose of the loop in WalkRecorder::Print? Why is the value of lowIndex compared to 1? 12.21 Write code to create a vector of 100 pointers to Dice objects, making a[k] point to a (2k + 1)-sided Dice. Roll each Dice 1000 times, then delete all the objects.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

Alan Perlis (19221990)

In 1966 Alan Perlis became the rst recipient of the Turing award. The award was given for his work in programming language design. In 1965 he established the rst graduate program in computer science at what was then the Carnegie Institute of Technology and is now Carnegie-Mellon University. In [AS96], Perlis is quoted with some important advice to novices and experts in computer science: I think that its extraordinarily important that we in computer science keep fun in computing. I hope the eld of computer science never loses its sense of fun. Whats in your hands, I think and hope, is intelligence: the ability to see the machine as more than when you were rst led up to it, that you can make it more. In his Turing award address, Perlis looked ahead to parallel and distributed computation, a eld that has been growing steadily and receiving increased attention in recent years. He also talked of the intellectual foundation of programming, from Turings work to the languages LISP and ALGOL, which have had a profound impact on programming language design. In [AS96] he writes about programming: To appreciate programming as an intellectual activity in its own right you must turn to computer programming; you must read and write computer programsmany of them. It doesnt matter much what the programs are about or what applications they serve. What does matter is how well they perform and how smoothly they t with other programs in the creation of still greater programs. A list of Perlis epigrams has been gathered; these include: Most people nd the concept of programming obvious, but the doing impossible. Once you understand how to write a program, get someone else to write it. The best book on programming for the layman is Alice in Wonderland ; but thats because its the best book on anything for the layman. For more information see [Per87]

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12.2 Linked Lists


Node * list;





tvector<string> vlist(4); "I" "learn" "to" "code"

Figure 12.4 Comparing vectors and linked lists.

12.2 Linked Lists

A linked list stores a sequence of items as does a vector. However, vectors support random access to any element: the time needed to access a[5] is the same as the time needed to access a[100] when a is a tvector. In contrast, items that are stored near the front of a linked list are accessed more quickly than items near the end of a linked list. This is analogous to how the songs, or tracks, on a cassette tape are arranged. Accessing the fth song requires skipping over the rst four, and songs near the end of the tape take longer to access than songs near the front. Arrays are more like compact discs; its as easy to play the last track of a CD as it is the rst because CD players provide random access to the tracks. Like any recording tape, linked lists permit new items to be spliced into the middle of a list. In the same way that tapes can become longer by splicing in new segments of tape and can be made shorter by cutting out segments of tape, linked lists can have items added and deleted from any location in the list without shifting other items in the list. In some sense, pointers link together the different items of a list in the same way that glue or tape is used to splice segments of magnetic tape. If a vector contains 100 items, the items must be allocated contiguously in memory. When linked lists are used, the different items (these items are usually called nodes in contrast with the cells of a vector) do not need to be allocated contiguously. Each node of a linked list has a pointer to the node that follows it; these pointers are the tape used to splice nodes together. Figure 12.4 shows a linked list and an array that store the same values. The last node of a list usually points to 0 (NULL) so that a program can determine when the last node has been reached. This is diagrammed in Figure 12.4 with the symbol for an electrical ground, three vertical bars. Abstractly, a linked list is very similar to a CList object, and in fact linked lists are used to implement the CList class. A linked list has a rst node, like the Head of a CList. The rst node points to all the other nodes in the linked list, specically to the rst of these other nodes. The other nodes are like the Tail of a CList object. More concretely, a node in a linked list contains the information stored in the node, and

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Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

a pointer to the next node in the list. In C++ a node storing a string is declared like this:
struct Node { string info; Node * next; };

The info eld of the struct stores information, in this case a string. The next eld stores a pointer to the next node in the list. This declaration is self-referential: the declaration for Node includes a pointer to a node. This is ne because a pointer can be declared without knowing completely how much memory the thing it points to uses as we saw in Section 12.1.6. It would be illegal, for example, to declare Node as
struct Node { string info; Node next; };

Here the next eld isnt a pointer, but a Node. This declaration is circular and will be rejected by the compiler. The g++ compiler generates an error message (in a program named foo.cpp):
foo.cpp:4: field next has incomplete type

When the compiler parses the declaration for next, the declaration for the struct Node is not yet complete. The declaration can be incomplete for a pointer to a Node to be used, but not for a Node. Program 12.5, strlink.cpp, shows how a tvector and a linked list are initialized to contain the four strings I, learn, to, code. A tvector of strings is stored in the variable vec and a linked list based on the struct Node is pointed to by a pointer variable first. When you write code that uses linked lists youll need to maintain a pointer to the rst node in the list. Often, youll need to maintain a pointer to the last node to make it easier to add a node at the end of the list. You could write code to nd the last node by starting at the beginning and traversing the list until the last node is found (the next eld of the last node points to 0). Its much faster, however, to maintain pointers to both the rst and last nodes. Only one pointer, to the rst node of a list, is maintained in strlink.cpp.
Program 12.5 strlink.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" // compare linked list construction to vector construction

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struct Node { string info; Node next; Node(const string& s, Node link) : info(s), next(link) { } }; void Print(Node list); void Print(const tvector<string> & list); int main() { Node first=0; // initially no nodes in list Node temp=0; // initialize to 0 for defensive programming int k; tvector<string> vec; string storage[] = {"I", "learn", "to", "code"}; for(k=0; k < 4; k++) { vec.push_back(storage[k]); temp = new Node(storage[k],first); first = temp; } cout << "vector:\t\t"; Print(vec); cout << "linked list:\t"; Print(first); return 0; } void Print(Node list) // pre: list is 0-terminated (last nodes next field is 0) // post: all info fields of list printed on one line { Node temp; for(temp = list; temp != 0; temp = temp>next) { cout << temp>info << " "; } cout << endl; } void Print(const tvector<string> & list) // pre: list contains list.size() entries // post: all elements printed on one line { int k; for(k=0; k < list.size(); k++) { cout << list[k] << " "; } cout << endl; }

// new node before first // make first point at new node

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates


prompt> strlink vector: linked list: I learn to code code to learn I

12.2.1 Creating Nodes with Linked Lists

The values stored in the built-in array storage are used to initialize the vector vec and the linked list pointed to by first. Since new values are added to the front of the list, the values are in reverse order from those stored in the vector as the output shows. To add new nodes at the end of the list requires maintaining a pointer to the last node. This is straightforward except for a fencepost problem of creating the rst node. As well see, its easy to add or splice-in a new node after another node. Initially there are no nodes, so theres no last node to add a new node after. Well need special case code to deal with this fencepost problem or well need to use a header node as discussed in Section 12.2.6. ProgramTip 12.4: Creating a linked list often requires special-case code to manage the creation of the rst node since this node is the only node that doesnt follow another node. Sometimes creating a dummy rst node (called a header node) avoids lots of special-case code. Since theres a constructor for the struct Node, its simple to create a new node and initialize its elds. If there were no constructor wed need three statements to allocate and initialize a node.
temp = new Node(); temp->info = storage[k]; temp->next = first; // create new node // store info // point at first node of list

The two statements creating the node and ensuring that first points at the new node can be combined into a single statement.
first = new Node(storage[k],first); // new first node

The old value of first is used to construct the node, so the new node points at the old rst node. The pointer to the newly created node is returned by new, and the pointer value is assigned to rst creating a new rst node. This statement mirrors exactly the use of cons with a CList object for adding a new node to the front of a list.

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12.2 Linked Lists


CList<string> list; list = cons(string("apple"), list);

12.2.2 Iterating over a Linked List

The for loop that prints all the nodes of the linked list in the function Print of Program 12.5, strlink.cpp, is the standard method for looping over all nodes of a linked list. If list points at the rst node, we write:
Node * temp; for(temp = list; temp != 0; temp = temp->next) { // process *temp }

The statement temp = temp->next advances the pointer temp so that it points at the next node, (e.g., at the second node if it used to point to the rst node). When the loop nishes, temp is zero, or NULL. Because list is passed by value to Print, changes to list dont affect the argument passed. Since the parameter is a copy, we dont need the temporary pointer and could write the following loop instead.
for( ; list != 0; list=list->next) { cout << list->info << " "; }

Theres no initialization in the for loop because list points at the rst node. Many programmers prefer to use a while loop for iterating over a list.
while (list != 0) { // process *list list = list->next; };

Theres nothing inherently wrong with using the temporary pointer, and well see that a temporary pointer is often required in a class-based use of linked lists. Of course Print can be written recursively too.
void Print(Node * list) { if (list != 0) { cout << list->info << " "; Print(list->next); } }

The recursive function doesnt insert an endl onto the stream. This would be done in the client code that calls the recursive Print.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

Program Tip 12.5: When a node-pointer is passed by value, changes to the pointer cannot affect the pointer passed as an argument, but changes can be made to the object pointed to; these changes have an effect on the node. The distinction here is between the pointer, which is passed by value, and the node, which isnt really passed, but the pointer to the node can be used to change the node. In other words, list = NULL doesnt affect a pointer parameter list passed by value, but *list = ... does affect the object pointed to.

12.2.3 Adding a Last Node to a Linked List

Well discuss modications to strlink.cpp that add new nodes to the end of the list instead of the front. Well use a pointer named last that always points to the last node of the list being constructed, so the statement last points to last node in linked list is a loop invariant. Since the invariant must be true the rst time the for loop test is evaluated, we must create a last node before the loop. Initializing last = 0 does not create a node, so we must create a node before the loop. We have two choices in creating an initial node. Store data in the node so that the initial last node is also the initial rst node storing "I" in Program 12.5. This is the approach used in the program fragment below. Since we use the same loop for creating nodes and vector elements, we would need to add a value to the vector before the loop too. Create a dummy, also called a header, node that does not store data, but is used so that even the rst node in a list has a node before it. With a header node, every node in the list has a predecessor node (the header node isnt considered part of the list.) The formation of the linked list at each iteration of the loop is diagrammed in Figure 12.5. Note that after each loop iteration the variable last points to the last node of the linked list. The variable first, initialized before the loop because of the fencepost problem, never moves and always points to the rst node of the linked list.
Node * first = 0; Node * last = 0; last = first = new Node(storage[0],0); // last is first for(k=1; k < 4; k++) { last->next = new Node(storage[k],0); // new last node last = last->next; // update last }

12.2.4 Deleting Nodes in a Linked List

The nodes allocated in Program 12.5, strlink.cpp, are not deleted. Well write a function DeleteNodes to delete all the nodes in a linked list whose rst node is passed to the

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12.2 Linked Lists


Node * last; Node * first;

Node * last; Node * first; "I" After k = 1, list has two elements "learn"

"I" Before loop, create first node

Node * last; Node * first; "I" After k = 2, list has three elements "learn" "to"

Node * last; Node * first; "I" After k = 3, list has four elements "learn" "to" "code"

Figure 12.5 Building a linked list by adding a last node.

function. Deleting nodes in a linked list requires careful coding. Well use recursion in DeleteNodes because its much easier than writing a loop. As with all recursive functions, some base case must be identied. When linked lists are used, the base case is usually the empty list (typically a NULL/zero pointer) although sometimes a one-node list can be used as a base case.
void DeleteNodes(Node * list) // post: all nodes in list are deleted { if (list != 0) { DeleteNodes(list->next); // delete after me delete list; // delete first node } }

If you believe that the recursion handles all nodes after the rst node, then the function works as intended since after deleting all the other nodes, the rst-node is returned to the freestore. Writing an iterative version of this function requires a temporary pointer as illustrated in Figure 12.6.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates


Node * temp = list->next; delete list; list = temp;

Figure 12.6 Deleting the rst node of a linked list. Since the rst node will be deleted, we must initialize a temporary pointer temp to point to the second node. After deleting the rst node, the pointer list can be reassigned to point to the second node whose value was saved in temp.
void DeleteNodes(Node * list) // post: all nodes in list are deleted { Node * temp; while (list != 0) { temp = list->next; // remember next node in list delete list; // first node gone list = temp; // new first node } }

At rst, you might think that a temporary pointer isnt necessary and that the following code can be used to delete the rst node pointed to by list:
delete list; list = list->next;

There is a problem with this code: you cant be sure what happens to the node pointed to by list after the deletion. Once deleted, the node is garbage and may be reclaimed by some other program or some other part of the system. Some programming environments may explicitly ll all deleted storage with garbage. In these cases, dereferencing list using list->next can result in a bad dereference, causing the program to abort. Although your code has not done anything with the storage that list used to point to, which was just deleted, you cannot be sure that the node still exists or that the next eld has the same value. You must use a temporary variable.

12.2.5 Splicing Nodes into a Linked List

One of the primary advantages of using a linked list instead of a vector is the ability to add new nodes to the middle of a list without shifting the other nodes. To add a new

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12.2 Linked Lists


value to a sorted vector we must shift the vector elements to make room for the new element. No shifting is required to add a new node to a sorted linked list so that the list remains sorted. Program 12.6 shows a function AddInOrder that inserts a new string into a sorted linked list of strings keeping the list sorted. Well discuss several different implementations of AddInOrder.
Program 12.6 orderedlist.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // read words in a file, store in order in a linked list struct Node { string info; Node next; Node(const string& s, Node link) : info(s), next(link) { } }; Node AddInOrder(Node list, const string& s) // pre: list is sorted // post: add s to list, keep list sorted, return new list with s in it { Node first = list; // hang onto first node // if new node is first, handle this case and return if (first == 0 || s < first>info) { return new Node(s,first); } // assert: s >= list->info while (list>next != 0 && list>next>info < s) { list = list>next; } // assert: s >= list->info and s < list->next->info (conceptually) list>next = new Node(s,list>next); return first; } void Print(Node list) { for(; list != 0; list=list>next) { cout << list>info << endl; } }

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

list "cow" "giraffe"

wptr "elephant" wptr->next = list->next; list->next = wptr;

Figure 12.7 Adding a new node to a sorted linked list.

int main() { Node list = 0; // empty string word, filename = PromptString("filename: "); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); while (input >> word) { list = AddInOrder(list,word); } Print(list); return 0; }


prompt> poe.txt !ugh!-ugh! A

2321 words not shown your

To add a new node in order using iteration we must maintain a pointer to the node before where the new node goes. In Figure 12.7 a new node containing "elephant" is added to a sorted linked list. In the diagram, the new node is pointed to by wptr and the node is added after the "cow" node pointed to by list. To search for the location to add the new node we must look one node ahead. For example, we dont know that "elephant" goes after "cow" until we know "giraffe" follows cow. If "dog" follows "cow", we need to keep searching. A recursive version of the function AddInOrder from Program 12.6 is simpler than the iterative version. Note that the base case is also handled in the original version of AddInOrder.

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12.2 Linked Lists


Node* AddInOrder(Node* list, const string& s) // pre: list is sorted // post: add s to list, keep list sorted, return new list { if (list == 0 || s < list->info) // new node goes first { return new Node(s,list); } list->next = AddInOrder(list->next,s); return list; }

The base case handles an empty list or a list in which all strings are greater than the string being added. The order of the boolean tests is important. If the test for s < list->info is made rst, the test will cause an error when list == 0 since a NULL/zero pointer will be dereferenced. Program Tip 12.6: Every pointer dereference should be guarded either explicitly by a check that the pointer is not NULL/ zero or implicitly by documenting and reasoning that the pointer cannot be zero. Each time you write code of the form list->data_member you should either check list != 0 before the dereference or be able to show with formal reasoning that list cannot be NULL/zero. We can change the function AddInOrder so that list is passed by reference. It may be harder to see that this function is correct.
void AddInOrder(Node* & list, const string& s) // pre: list is sorted // post: add s to list, keep list sorted { if (list == 0 || s < list->info) // new node goes first { list = new Node(s,list); } else { AddInOrder(list->next,s); } }

Two observations may help you see that this version of AddInOrder works correctly. 1. The base case correctly changes list when the list is empty or when the new node belongs before all other nodes. The base case creates a node that points to the old rst node and makes list point to the new node. Since list is passed by reference, the change is propagated back to the calling statement. In each recursive call, the argument list->next is passed by reference. This


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means that each clone called recursively uses the name list as an alias for some next eld of the linked list being processed. You may need to think carefully about the second observation, but it brings up a key point about creating new nodes and adding them to a linked list. Program Tip 12.7: Code that adds a new node to a list must assign a value to some next eld or the new node will not be linked into the list. Similarly, removing a node from a list also requires an assignment to some next eld. When recursion is used, the next eld can be an argument passed recursively. The required assignment to a next eld can be implemented by a recursive assignment to a parameter that is a reference to a next eld.

12.2.6 Doubly and Circularly Linked Lists, Header Nodes

Header Nodes. The special case code for adding a new node to the end of a list we saw in Sect. 12.2.3 can be avoided if we use a dummy or header node. Using a header node also makes it simpler to remove nodes from a list. A header node ensures that every node in the list has a predecessor. The rst node in the linked list is preceded by the header node which isnt considered part of the list.
Node * list = 0; // traditional empty list Node * header = new Node(); // dummy/header node

Program 12.7 listremove.cpp

void Remove(Node header, const string& key) // post: all nodes containing key removed from list/header { Node before = header; Node list = header>next; // first "real node" // invariant: list = before->next, key doesnt appear in header->..->before while (list != 0) { if (list>info == key) { before>next = list>next; // link around delete list; list = before>next; // invariant maintained } else // invariant maintained { before = list; list = list>next; } } }


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12.2 Linked Lists


Since the header node is never changed, and all list accesses go through the header, list functions can change the contents in a list without passing the list by reference. Youll need to think carefully about this code to see that its correct; the invariant should help. Initially no nodes have been examined and the invariant is true. Each time through the loop one of two cases occurs: The node being examined, list, doesnt contain key. In this case both before and list are advanced. We need to remove a node containing key. The node before the key-node is linked around the key-node node. We cant advance before since the code hasnt examined the node that now comes after before. Writing Remove iteratively without a header node is difcult to do correctly. Its much simpler to implement Remove recursively. In the following function we assume there is no header node; note that list is passed by reference since it changes.
void Remove(Node * & list, const string& key) // post: all nodes containing key removed from list (no header) { if (list != 0) { Remove(list->next,key); if (list->info == key) { Node * temp = list; list = list->next; delete temp; } } }

Doubly and Circularly Linked Lists. Linked lists are sequential structures, most operations traverse the list front to back. Some applications require traversal in two directions: from back-to-front as well as front-to-back. For example, a text-editor normally allows the user to move the cursor forward and backward. Implementing a simple editor using a linked list is not difcult if we use doubly linked list. In a doubly linked list each node maintains pointers to the node before it in the list as well as to the node after it. This requires one additional data member in the node struct. A diagram of a doubly linked list is shown in Figure 12.8. Well explore code for manipulating doubly linked lists in the exercises. In the modied version of Program 12.5, strlink.cpp, which we studied in Section 12.2.3, we maintained pointers to both the rst and last nodes of a linked list. When both pointers are needed, its a common convention to use a circularly linked list. In a circularly linked list the last node of the list points back to the rst node instead of pointing to NULL/zero. By keeping only a pointer to the last node of a circularly linked list we can nd the rst node very simply: last->next is the rst node. In a circularly linked list with only one node, the last node points to itself since the rst node is the last node. The following function counts the nodes in a circularly linked list.

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Figure 12.8 Doubly linked list and circular doubly linked list

int Count(Node * list) // pre: list is circularly linked, list points to last node // post: return # nodes in list { if (list == 0) return 0; // special case int count = 0; // # nodes Node * first = list->next; while (first != list) { count++; first = first->next; } return count + 1; // count the last node too }

Figure 12.8 shows a doubly linked list thats also a circularly linked list. The last node points back at the rst node, and the rst node points at the last node.
Pause to Reect

12.22 Write a function Count that counts the number of nodes in a linked list. Write the function recursively and with a while loop. 12.23 Write a function Clone that returns a copy of its list parameter (assume its a linked list of strings.)

Node * Clone(Node * list) // post: return copy of list

Its easiest to write this function recursively, especially if you take advantage of the Node constructor.

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12.2 Linked Lists


12.24 Write a function that returns a pointer to the Node of a linked list that has the minimal value in the list (assume a list of strings and that minimal means rst alphabetically.)
Node * FindMin(Node * list) // post: return pointer to minimal node, // return 0 if list is empty

12.25 Describe the effects of the function Change that follows.

void Change(Node * list) { while (list && list->next) { Node * temp = list->next; list->next = list->next->next; list = list->next; delete temp; } }

12.26 Describe the effects of the function Chop, where list is a linked list storing int values:
void Chop(Node * & list) { if (list != 0) { Chop(list->next); if (list->info % 2 == 0) { list = list->next; } } }

12.27 Write the function CreateList with header as shown. CreateList creates a linked list of n integers where the rst node contains 1 and the last node contains n. The call Print(CreateList(5)) should print 1 2 3 4 5, where Print is from strlink.cpp, Program 12.5.
Node * CreateList(int n) // pre: 0 < n // post: creates list 1->2->...->n // an n node list in which node k contains the int k

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12.28 Write the function GaussList with header as shown. The function calls Print(GaussList(4)) should print 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4.
Node * GaussList(int n) // pre: 0 < n // post: returns sorted list, in which // k occurs k times, 1 <= k <= n

12.29 Write a function Reverse that reverses the order of the nodes in a linked list. Reverse the list by changing pointers, not by swapping info elds.
void Reverse(Node * & list) // precondition: list = (a b c ... d) // postcondition: list = (d ... c b a), list is reversed.

12.30 Write a nonrecursive version of the function Remove from Section 12.2.6 where the list doesnt have a header node. 12.31 Write either an iterative or recursive version of Remove that works with doubly linked lists. Assume the list has a header and a tail node where the tail is an extra node at the end of the list serving as sentinel node so that every node has a successor node. 12.32 Write functions AddAtFront and AddAtBack that add new nodes to the front and back, respectively, of a circularly linked list. 12.33 Write a function that doubles a linked list by duplicating each node; that is, the list (a b c d) is changed to (a a b b c c d d). Use the header shown, where list is not passed by reference. (Hint: its probably easier to write this recursively.)
void DoubleList(Node * list) // precondition: list = (a b c d) // postcondition: list = (a a b b c c d d)

12.3 AT emplated Class for Sets

To show how linked lists are used in implementing classes well develop a class implementing sets similar to StringSet (see Section 6.5), but capable of storing elements of any kind, not just strings. Like classes tvector and CList, the class we design will be templated so that it can represent sets of any type, not just sets of strings. Well develop a testing program that illustrates how pointers used as instance variables in objects do not always behave as expected.

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


Program Tip 12.8: When developing a templated class, develop a nontemplated version of the class rst. T est and debug the nontemplated version rst, then implement the templated class. Develop, test, and debug simple programs whose inevitable errors may be easier to nd than those in more complex programs.

A set class based on linked lists will not be very efcient, but will eventually lead to a very efcient class when you study another kind of linked structure called a tree.

12.3.1 Sets of StringsWith Linked Lists

Well implement a class for representing sets of strings, test and debug the class, then use the tested class as the basis for a templated set class. Well implement the same methods used in the class StringSet (see Program G.7 in How to G) which makes the analysis phase of development simple. Since we know that searching in a linked list of N elements is an O(N ) operation, most of the set functions will be O(N ) since they require determining if a string is in the set. The functions well implement, their descriptions, and their complexities are given in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1 Operations for sets of strings implemented using linked lists. Complexities are for a set with O(N) elements.

operation construct insert erase clear contains size

description make an empty set add s to set remove s from set make set empty search for s in set number of elements in set

complexity O(1) O(N ) O(N ) O(1) O(N ) O(1)

All the O(N) operations require searching for an element in the set. For example, well add a new element at the front of a linked list which is a constant time or O(1) operation. However, we must rst determine that the element is not already in the set before adding it. The expression O(1) is used for an operation whose complexity does not depend on the size of the problem being measured, in this case on the number of elements in the set. Our clear function will actually be O(N ), but well explore a constant time version in the exercises. Well create a singly linked list with a header node and add new nodes to the front of the list. Well use the same declarations for member function found in stringset.h, Program G.7. Keeping in mind the advice from Programming Tip 9.5, well implement a constructor, a method to add elements to a set, and a method for printing the contents of a set. Eventually well want to implement an associated iterator class, but at rst well simply write a set to cout, the standard output stream. Our rst cut is shown below.

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class LinkStringSet { public: LinkStringSet(); int size() const; void print()const; void insert(const string& s); private: struct Node { string info; Node * next; Node(const string& s, Node * link) : info(s), next(link) { } }; Node * myFirst; // header node int mySize; // # elements in set };

Weve already developed code for inserting an element at the front of a linked list and for printing a linked list. Well need to search for a string before inserting it, but sequential search in a list is nearly identical to sequential search in a vector, so we dont anticipate any difculties. Well implement all these methods, test them, then turn to implementing other methods. We wont show the complete test program for these functions, but after testing them thoroughly we can add new methods, knowing any bugs will be in the new methods or in the interactions between the new methods and the already debugged methods.

12.3.2 Searching, Clearing, Helper Functions

Weve already written the code for LinkStringSet::contains since we searched the linked list before inserting a new node at the front. Wed like to reuse this code since we know duplicating code will inevitably lead to a maintenance headache (see Program Tip 4.1). Thinking ahead to the member function erase we see that well need to search the list to implement that function as well. Wed like to write a private, helper function (see Program Tip 7.14) but what should be the interface of the helper function? contains returns a boolean value; we need to know if the element is in the set. insert can use contains directly; the location of the element isnt needed since were adding a new node to the front. erase removes a node; we need a pointer to the node before the removed node to erase and link around the removed node. If we used a doubly linked list, the private searching function could return a pointer to the node containing the string being searched for. To remove a node from a singly linked list a pointer to the node being removed wont help; we need a pointer to the node before

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


the node being removed to unsplice the removed node and link around it. Well write a helper function findNode as follows.
Node * LinkStringSet::findNode(const string& s) const // post: returns pointer to node before s // returns NULL/0 if !contains(s)

We can use findNode to implement contains and insert very easily. Recall that myFirst points to a header node so a new node is added after the header node.
bool LinkStringSet::contains(const string& s) const // post: return true iff s in set { return findNode(s) != 0; } void LinkStringSet::insert(const string& s) // post: if ! contains(s) then s is added to set { if (! contains(s)) { myFirst->next = new Node(s,myFirst->next); mySize++; } }

Well leave the implementation of findNode as an exercise, but the header we use above failed to compile when we use it linkstringset.cpp. Visual C++ generates the following error message.
linkstringset.cpp(56):error C2501: Node:missing decl-specifiers (more errors here)

The problem is that the declaration Node is only known within the LinkStringSet declaration. We can use Node in parameter lists of member functions, and as the type for a local variable in member function, because member functions know about all the class declarations including Node. However, the return type of a function is not part of the functions prototype (see the explanation on function overloading in Section 11.1.1) so we must qualify Node as follows.
LinkStringSet::Node * LinkStringSet::findNode(const string& s) const // post: returns pointer to node before s // return NULL/0 if !contains(s)

If we use this helper function to implement contains, and call contains from insert, well need to test insert again since its implementation has changed. Once weve tested these functions well implement erase.

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void LinkStringSet::erase(const string& s) // post: ! contains(s), s is removed from set { Node * temp = findNode(s); if (temp != 0) { Node * removal = temp->next; // remove this node temp->next = removal->next; // link around delete removal; // delete mySize--; } }

After testing all the member functions well turn to the problem of designing, implementing, and testing an associated iterator class. Well see that the iterator class methods are very simple to implement, but well need to have the iterator access the linked list thats used to implement the LinkStringSet class.

12.3.3 Iterators and Friend Functions

Wed like to implement a class LinkStringSetIterator to access set elements one at a time. The version of Print below shows the class used just like any of the iterator classes weve studied so far since all the iterators we develop conform to the same interface. We could easily make this a templated function to work with any iterator as discussed in Section 11.2.2, but were concerned here with iterating over a LinkStringSet.
void Print(const LinkStringSet& set) { LinkStringSetIterator it(set); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { cout << it.Current() << endl; } cout << "size = " << set.size() << endl; }

To access elements one at a time we have two choices. Provide methods in the class LinkStringSet for accessing individual set elements, (i.e., strings stored in the underlying linked list). Permit the associated iterator class to access the linked list, but not allow client code to access individual elements. Well adopt the second of these options. In general, a container class is a collection of elements and should have an associated iterator class; the container class provides access exclusively via the associated iterator. The container class and its iterator are tightly coupled (see Program Tip. 6.8) and the iterator class will need to access the

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


private instance variables of the container class. Access to a class private section can be granted by the class by declaring another class to be a friend. The class Foo grants friend status to the class FooFriend Syntax: Declaring friends whose methods can access private data and helper functions of a Foo object. A class Foo declaration of friend status is made { by the class whose private data will be public: accessed. Its not possible for a class friend class FooFriend; to request friend status, only for a class private: to grant friend status. In the iterator }; class that follows, all the methods are implemented inline within the class declaration to make it simpler to read the code.
Program 12.8 linkstringsetiterator.h
class LinkStringSetIterator { public: LinkStringSetIterator(const LinkStringSet& lset) : mySet(lset), myCurrent(0) { } void Init() { myCurrent = mySet.myFirst>next; // first node } bool HasMore() const { return myCurrent != 0; } string Current() const { return myCurrent>info; } void Next() { myCurrent = myCurrent>next; } private: typedef LinkStringSet::Node Node; const LinkStringSet& mySet; Node myCurrent; };


Each function consists of a single statement that is part of a typical linked list traversal, (e.g., initialization, test, update, and process-element). An iterator is bound to a particular set when the iterator is constructed. As shown, the set is stored as a reference instance variable. We use a const reference so that we can iterate over constant sets, for example, in the function Print we showed above to demonstrate the LinkStringSetIterator class. More information on const-ness and iterators is found in How to D.

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12.3.4 InteractiveT esting

We now have both a set class and a friend iterator class. To test the classes well use an interactive testing program. The program is interactive because the user is given a menu of choices and each choice tests one of the LinkStringSet member functions or uses an iterator. The interactive nature allows us to test different cases that we anticipate might cause problems. These include the following. Adding the same element more than once Deleting an element more than once Deleting an element not in the set Deleting all the elements then adding new elements Clearing the set, adding elements, clearing again The interactive program can stress the relationships between the member functions, but its not designed to insert thousands of elements. Stressing the class with large input sets is best done with an automatic test program. Well use the interactive test program testlinkset.cpp, Program 12.9. In a larger program, we would use one function for each test case rather than incorporate the code within the switch statement. In other words, we would replace
case i : word = PromptlnString("enter word : "); set.insert(word); break;

With a function call that handles the set insertion.

case i: DoInsert(set); break;

The interactive test program shown here stresses only one set. After weve veried that the set member functions work as expected, or after nding bugs in the functions and xing them, well need to develop a program that uses more than one set to see if problems arise when more than one set is used in the same program. Testing one class is a difcult, time-consuming, but necessary process. Testing a larger program with interacting classes is made simpler if each class is tested separately so that any bugs found are more likely to be from the class interactions rather than from bugs within a class. Program Tip 12.9: Every class you develop should be developed with a test suite of programs. You may want to include both automatic and interactive programs in the test suite. More complex programs with interacting classes will be developed with fewer errors if each individual class is tested separately.

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


Program 12.9 testlinkset.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> using namespace std;

// for tolower

#include "linkstringset.h" #include "prompt.h" void Print(const LinkStringSet& set) { LinkStringSetIterator it(set); cout << "-" << endl; for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { cout << it.Current() << endl; } cout << "- size = " << set.size() << endl; } void Help() { cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << cout << }

"(h)elp print help" "(i)insert word into set" "(c)lear set" "(e)rase word from set" "(p)rint the set and size" "(s)earch for word in set" "(q)uit program" "" << endl;

<< << << << << << <<

endl; endl; endl; endl; endl; endl; endl;

void TestSet() { string word, commandLine; LinkStringSet set; char command = 'h'; while (command != 'q') { commandLine = PromptlnString("enter command : "); if (commandLine == "") { command = 'h'; } else { command = tolower(commandLine[0]); } switch (command) { case 'h' : Help(); break; case 'i' : word = PromptlnString("enter word : ");

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set.insert(word); break; case 'c': set.clear(); break; case 'e': word =PromptlnString("enter word : "); set.erase(word); break; case 'p': Print(set); break; case 's': word = PromptlnString("enter word : "); if (set.contains(word)) { } else { } case 'q': break; default: cout << "unrecognized command" << endl; break; } } cout << word << " was NOT found" << endl; cout << word << " was found" << endl;

int main() { TestSet(); return 0; }


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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


prompt> testlinkset enter command : h (h)elp print help (i)insert word into set (c)lear set (e)rase word from set (p)rint the set and size (s)earch for word in set (q)uit program --enter command : i enter word : apple enter command : i enter word : cherry enter command : p ---------cherry apple ---------- size = 2 enter command : i enter word : apple enter command : i enter word : watermelon enter command : p ---------watermelon cherry apple ---------- size = 3 enter command : s enter word : cherry cherry was found enter command : s enter word : grapefruit grapefruit was NOT found enter command : e enter word : apple enter command : p ---------watermelon cherry ---------- size = 2

output continued

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enter command : c enter command : p ------------------- size = 0 enter command : i enter word : cherry enter command : p ---------cherry ---------- size = 1 enter command : q

12.3.5 Deep Copy, Assignment, and Destruction

After thorough testing with an interactive test program we turn to testing more than one class in the same program. Since were developing a set class we might think about operations wed like to have that arent available in the simple StringSet class we used as the original model for this class. Typical set operations include union, intersection, and set difference. Before turning to these operations we nd a serious aw in the implementation revealed by the simple Program 12.10, linksetdemo.cpp. The program shows that assigning one set to another results in what at rst is unexpected behavior. However, thinking back to Program 12.1, pointerdemo.cpp, the rst program we studied that uses pointers, the results make sense.
Program 12.10 linksetdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "linkstringset.h" // demo of string sets implemented with linked lists void Print(const LinkStringSet& set) { LinkStringSetIterator it(set); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { cout << "\t" << it.Current() << endl; } cout << "- size = " << set.size() << endl; }

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets

int main() { LinkStringSet a,b; a.insert("apple"); a.insert("cherry"); cout << "a : "; Print(a); b = a; cout << "b : "; Print(b); a.clear(); cout << "a : "; Print(a); cout << "b : "; Print(b); return 0; }



prompt> linksetdemo a : cherry apple ---------- size = 2 b : cherry apple ---------- size = 2 a : ---------- size = 0 b : ---------- size = 2

The rst printed output for sets a and b is what we expect. However, after set a is cleared, there is nothing in set b either, although its size is still two. The problem is that executing the statement b = a results in copying the value of the pointer a.myFirst to b.myFirst. The value of the instance variable mySize is copied too, but that doesnt cause a problem. Each set has its own pointer, but both pointers reference the same linked list as shown in Figure 12.9. Since assignment of one class object to another simply copies the values of each instance variable, the pointers are copied, but the linked lists they point to are not copied. The call a.clear() removes all the nodes from as linked list, which are also the nodes in bs linked list. Theres nothing in the set b, though the value of b.mySize is still two since its not changed by calling a.clear(). When an instance variable points to an object, we may want to copy the object pointed to, not just the pointer, when assigning the class containing the pointer. Copying the object pointed to, and all the objects it may point to, is called a deep copy. The default assignment in C++ simply copies pointers, not objects, which is called a shallow copy. Before we used pointers we didnt need to worry about these differences because every class weve used behaves properly. Classes that require deep copies, like the tvector class, implement the required deep copy

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a.myFirst; b.myFirst; "header"

Figure 12.9 Assignment without copying, shared lists.

functions. There are three member functions that must be implemented to generate a deep copy properly: the copy constructor, the assignment operator, and the destructor. When you design a class, you should aim for the behavior of the class to meet user expectations. For classes like LinkStringSet and tvector this means that users should be able to assign objects to each other and pass parameters by value if necessary, since the built-in types support these operations. We didnt need to worry about deep copies and shallow copies with the CList class because there are no operations that change a CList object. Shared storage is only a problem when whats stored changes.

The Copy Constructor. The copy constructor is a special constructor called when an
object is rst dened and initialized from another object of the same type. For example, consider dening several date objects.

Date today; Date tomorrow(today+1); Date yesterday(today-1); yesterday = tomorrow; Date weekago = today-7;

// calls copy constructor // calls copy constructor // calls assignment operator // calls copy constructor

The objects tomorrow, yesterday, and weekago are each constructed and initialized from another Date object. The assignment yesterday = tomorrow doesnt call a copy constructor because the variable yesterday has already been dened. The class copy constructor is called only when an object is rst dened, not when its assigned to or reinitialized in some other way. Whenever an object is constructed from another object of the same type, a copy constructor is used for the construction and initialization. If you examine the Date class you wont see a special constructor, because none is needed.

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


Every class has a default copy constructor that simply copies the value of each instance variable from one object to another. If a shallow copy is acceptable, the default copy constructor is sufcient. Since shalSyntax: Copy Constructor low copies are ne except when there is shared storage, we only need to worry Foo::Foo(const Foo& f); about a copy constructor when theres Foo::Foo(Foo& f); a shared resource like an object pointed to by an instance variable. Normally only the copy constructor from a const object is needed (the top one in the syntax diagram). On rare occasions the behavior of copying from a nonconst object is different and both copy constructors are required. To copy a LinkStringSet object we must initialize both instance variables myFirst and mySize. In the copy constructor that follows, a header node is created in the initializer list. The next eld of the header node points to a copy of the linked list that stores the elements of the parameter set. The copy is created by the private helper function clone. Since a copy of a list will be needed in both the assignment operator and the copy constructor, the code to create the copy is factored out into a helper function.
LinkStringSet::LinkStringSet(const LinkStringSet& set) : myFirst(new Node("header",set.clone())), mySize(set.size()) { //initializer list makes deep copy }

If you think carefully about the list copy, youll realize that the private function clone is being called by a different object than is making the clone. Private variables and functions can be accessed by any object of the same class.

The Assignment Operator. The assignment operator is similar to the copy constructor
in making a deep copy, but the assignment operator is called to reinitialize an object that has already been constructed. Because the object being assigned to already exists, some extra bookkeeping is required that wasnt necessary in the copy constructor. After the assignment b = a, b will represent a different set than it did before the assignment. The nodes that were part of the old value of b should be reclaimed, (e.g., returned to the free store). Two additional requirements should be met by every implementation of an assignment operator. Assignments can be chained together, (e.g., a = b = c), so the assignment opSyntax: Assignment Operator erator must return a value. Since assignment is right associative, (e.g., a = const Foo& (b = c);) the value of the object afFoo::operator = (const Foo& f); ter assignment is returned. Users may inadvertently write a = a. This can cause problems if not checked, so self-assignment should be explicitly guarded in each assignment operator implementation. The return statement of every assignment operator should be
return *this;

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

since an object returns itself after assignment. We dont want to return a copy, we want to return the object itself, so the return type should be a reference, such as Foo&. Finally, the reference should be const to avoid allowing code like (a = b).clear() to compile:
const LinkStringSet& LinkStringSet::operator = (const LinkStringSet& set) { if (this != &set) { reclaimNodes(myFirst->next); myFirst->next = set.clone(); mySize = set.size(); } return *this; }

To protect against self-assignment, an object checks that the object being assigned to, itself, is different from the object being assigned, set in the operator above. We check addresses because we want to guard against assigning the same object, not objects with the same value.
string s = "hello"; string t = "hello"; s = t; // this is fine s = s; // guard against weird behavior

The Destructor A local variable dened in a function is not accessible outside the function. The variable is constructed when the function begins execution, and may accumulate resources as the function executes. Ideally the resources will be reclaimed when theyre not needed, which happens when the function returns in the case of a local variable. Consider the variable set in the following code.
int CountUnique(ifstream& input) //post: return # unique words in input { string word; LinkStringSet set; while (input >> word) { set.insert(word); } return set.size(); }

Function CountUnique correctly counts and returns the number of different or unique words in the stream input. What happens to the nodes allocated by set after the function returns the size? Although set is no longer accessible after CountUnique returns, the linked list referenced by set.myFirst just before the function returns

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


will continue to exist after the function returns because the nodes are allocated from the heap; their lifetime is the duration of the program unless the nodes are explicitly deleted. The destructor member function is called automatically when an object goes out of scope, (e.g., for the local variable set when the function above returns). The destructor should take care of reclaiming any resource, particularly storage allocated by new. The destructor has the same name as Syntax: Class Destructor the class it belongs to, but is preceded by a tilde: .4 When you rst imFoo::Foo(); plement a class, the destructor should be a stub function. After youve debugged other member functions, implement the destructor to reclaim storage (or other resources). The advice in Program Tip 12.3 makes particular sense when youre implementing a destructor.
LinkStringSet::LinkStringSet() { reclaimNodes(myFirst); myFirst = 0; }

We can call the helper function reclaimNodes that we used in the assignment operator. Since nodes are reclaimed in both places it makes sense to factor out the code into a helper function. In the implementation of LinkStringSet we would make reclaimNodes a stub function and implement it after debugging other member functions. Program Tip 12.10: When you implement one of the following three member functions,it is normally an indication that you should implement all three functions.
1. 2. 3. Copy constructor, for initializing an object based on another object of the same type. Assignment operator =, for assigning a new value of the same type to an existing object. Destructor, for reclaiming resources allocated by an object during its lifetime, (e.g., memory allocated by new).

12.3.6 AT emplatedVersion of LinkStringSet

With the string set class debugged, well turn to creating a templated version of the class. Well call the new class LinkSet and well dene variables of type LinkSet<string> and LinkSet<int> among the many kinds of sets we can create. Most of the changes in creating a templated class are syntactic in nature. I copied the header le linkstringset.h

The tilde is sometimes pronounced twiddle, but tilde is an acceptable pronunciation.

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(accessible with the code that comes with this book) to the le linkset.h. I automatically replaced every occurrence of string with T, the identier I used for the template parameter. I replaced all occurrences of LinkStringSet with LinkSet too. To indicate the class is templated, I added the following line whose syntax is the same as the declaration for creating a templated function as shown, for example, in Section 11.2.
template <class T>

The only other changes needed in the header le were for the iterator class. The name had been changed to LinkSetIterator when I changed all occurrences of LinkStringSet to LinkSet. I added the same template declaration before the class that I used to indicate that LinkSet was a templated class. Finally, I changed the friend declaration in LinkSet as follows to indicate that the iterator class is templated.
friend class LinkSetIterator<T>;

The compiler needs information that LinkSetIterator is a templated class to parse this friend declaration, so I added the following forward declaration just before the class LinkSet (see Program Tip 12.2 for reasons to use forward references).
template <class T> class LinkSetIterator;

In the iterator class declaration, all occurrences of LinkSet must be replaced with LinkSet<T> to indicate that the class LinkSet is templated. This yields the complete declaration linkset.h.
Program 12.11 linkset.h
#ifndef _LINKSET_H #define _LINKSET_H template <class T> class LinkSetIterator; template <class T> class LinkSet { public: LinkSet(); // methods for deep copy LinkSet(const LinkSet& set); const LinkSet& operator =(const LinkSet& set); LinkSet(); // accessors bool contains(const T& s) const; int size() const; // mutators void insert(const T& s); void erase(const T& s); // true iff s in set // # elements in set

// add to set // remove from set

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets

void clear(); // delete all elements


friend class LinkSetIterator<T>; private: struct Node { T info; Node next; Node(const T& s, Node link) : info(s), next(link) { } }; Node findNode(const T& s) const; void reclaimNodes(Node ptr); Node clone() const; Node myFirst; int mySize; }; template <class T> class LinkSetIterator { public: LinkSetIterator(const LinkSet<T>& lset) : mySet(lset), myCurrent(0) { } void Init() { myCurrent = mySet.myFirst>next; } bool HasMore() const { return myCurrent != 0; } T Current() const { return myCurrent>info; } void Next() { myCurrent = myCurrent>next; } private: typedef LinkSet<T>::Node Node; const LinkSet<T>& mySet; Node myCurrent;

// helper // delete/reclaim // copy list

// first node


#include "linkset.cpp" #endif


Notice that the last line of the header le (before the #endif) is an include directive:
#include "linkset.cpp"

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

Templated classes, like templated functions, are used to instantiate class code rather than being class code (see Section 11.2.3.) When client code instantiates a templated class by dening objects, the template class declarations are used to generate code for the specic type used in the instantiation.
ListSet<string> ListSet<int> ListSet<Date> ListSet<int> sset; iset; dset; iset2;

The four set denitions here generate code for three different ListSet instantiations: one for int sets, one for Date sets, and one for string sets. The compiler is smart enough to instantiate the int set code only once even though two objects are dened only the rst instantiation of a templated class actually creates code. The compiler must be able to nd denitions for the member functions of a templated class when the class is instantiated. This is a different process than is used for nontemplated classes. When we create nontemplated class denitions, such as, as in linkstringset.cpp or date.cpp, the denitions can be compiled into object code that is linked with client code to create an executable. Its not possible to compile the denitions in linkset.cpp because these denitions are not code, theyre used to generate code when a ListSet is instantiated. Because client programs typically include .h les that specify interfaces, a templated-class interface le usually includes the corresponding implementation or .cpp le as it does in linkset.h, Program 12.11. The compiler then has access to the template denitions so that they can be compiled into object code when theyre instantiated by the client program. Program Tip 12.11: The compiler must access both interface and implementation when instantiating a templated class. Typically templated classes are dened inline, within the class declaration, or separately in a .cpp le that is included by the corresponding .h le. In either case the compiler has access to the template denitions when client code instantiates a templated class. The C++ standard species that only those member functions that are called by a client program are instantiated.

If a client program that uses ListSet<int> objects calls only insert and size, but never contains, clear, or erase, then code for the functions not-called in the client program will not be instantiated by the compiler. The compiler tries to minimize the code created so that the programmer is freed from that worry.

The LinkSet Implementation: linkset.cpp. The code in linkset.cpp, Program 12.12,

highlights the massive syntactic ugliness of template-class member function denitions. When you rst read these denitions, try to ignore the template <class T> that precedes each method denition. This is the same syntax for declaring templated functions we saw in Section 11.2, but reproduced once for each method. Since LinkSet is

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets


a templated class, the class name that qualies each method must somehow indicate the template parameter. Instead of writing
int LinkSet::size() const

we must write
template <class T> int LinkSet<T>::size() const

to indicate that the denition is for the class LinkSet templated on a type argument T. I created linkset.cpp by copying the implementation le linkstringset.cpp. I rst replaced every occurrence of LinkStringSet with LinkSet<T>.5 I then replaced every occurrence of string with T. Finally, I added template <class T> before each member function.
Program 12.12 linkset.cpp
#include "linkset.h" template <class T> LinkSet<T>::LinkSet() : myFirst(new Node(T(),0)), mySize(0) { // header node created } template <class T> bool LinkSet<T>::contains(const T& s) const { Node temp = findNode(s); return temp != 0; } template <class T> int LinkSet<T>::size() const { return mySize; } template <class T> void LinkSet<T>::insert(const T& s) { if (! contains(s)) { myFirst>next = new Node(s,myFirst>next); mySize++; } } template <class T> void LinkSet<T>::erase(const T& s)

This caused two problems with constructors since LinkSet<T>::LinkSet() is the default constructor, not LinkSet<T>::LinkSet<T>(); and a a similar problem with the destructor name.

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Node temp = findNode(s); if (temp != 0) { Node removal = temp>next; temp>next = removal>next; delete removal; // can we reuse this? mySize; } } template <class T> void LinkSet<T>::reclaimNodes(Node ptr) { if (ptr != 0) { reclaimNodes(ptr>next); delete ptr; } } template <class T> void LinkSet<T>::clear() { reclaimNodes(myFirst>next); myFirst>next = 0; // nothing in the set mySize = 0; } template <class T> LinkSet<T>::Node LinkSet<T>::findNode(const T& s) const // post: returns pointer to node before s or NULL/0 if !contains(s) { Node list = myFirst; // list non-zero while (list>next != 0 && list>next>info != s) { list = list>next; } if (list>next == 0) return 0; return list; } template <class T> LinkSet<T>::LinkSet(const LinkSet<T>& set) : myFirst(new Node(T(),set.clone())), mySize(set.size()) { // initializer list made deep copy } template <class T> const LinkSet<T>& LinkSet<T>::operator = (const LinkSet<T>& set) { if (this != &set) { reclaimNodes(myFirst>next); myFirst>next = set.clone(); mySize = set.size(); } return this;

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12.3 A Templated Class for Sets

} template <class T> LinkSet<T>::LinkSet() { reclaimNodes(myFirst); myFirst = 0; } template <class T> LinkSet<T>::Node LinkSet<T>::clone() const { Node front(T(),0); // node, not pointer, anchors copy Node last = &front; // be wary of using address of operator! Node temp = myFirst>next; while (temp != 0) { last>next = new Node(temp>info,0); last = last>next; temp = temp>next; } return front.next; }



When I rst tested the templated class, I created LinkSet<string> objects and used the same testing programs that helped test the original nontemplated LinkStringSet class. Then I added LinkSet<int> denitions and discovered two small problems that were simple to x. The constructor denition for the nontemplated class LinkStringSet follows.
LinkStringSet::LinkStringSet() : myFirst(new Node("header",0)), mySize(0) { // header node created }

Using the cut-paste-and-change technique for creating a templated version generated this constructor.
template <class T> LinkSet<T>::LinkSet() : myFirst(new Node("header",0)), mySize(0) { // header node created }

This denition works ne with a string set, but fails with an int set. Can you see why? The problem is in the construction of the header node. The private struct Node is now templated, so it cannot be initialized with a string. Instead, we use the default

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

constructor for the template type T, written as T() as shown in each Node construction in linkset.cpp, Program 12.12. Following the advice outlined in Program Tip 12.8 made it very easy to create the templated class once the nontemplated class had been designed, implemented, debugged, and tested. Because the syntax of templated classes is daunting at rst, following this advice is a good idea. It remains a good idea even after you have considerable experience programming using C++.
Pause to Reect

12.34 In the implementation of linkset.cpp, Program 12.12, the function clone is a const function. Is this necessary? Is the function called somewhere on a const set? 12.35 Why is the declaration of Node in the set classes in the private section and not in the public section? 12.36 Why is the LinkSet<T>::clear() function O(N ) as implemented? Can you think of a modication to the class that results in a constant time O(1) implementation of clear? (Hint: put off deletion as long as possible.) 12.37 Suppose youre forming the union of two LinkStringSet objects a and b. The union is a new set containing all the elements in both a and b. If a has 10 elements and b has 100 elements, does the order in which elements from the sets are inserted into the new set being constructed make a difference (i.e., should elements from the small set be inserted before elements from the big set, or vice versa)? 12.38 If sets are implemented using a sorted vector instead of a linked list so that contains is an O(log N ) operation using binary search, does the order in which the union of two sets is done (see the previous question) make more of a difference? Why? 12.39 The assignment operator returns a reference to the object just assigned to. If the return type is a copy instead of a reference, (e.g., LinkStringSet instead of const LinkStringSet&), the copy constructor must be called to create the copy. Why is a copy less than ideal? 12.40 In the nal version of clone in linkset.cpp, Program 12.12, a local Node named front is dened, and the address of front assigned to last. Whats the purpose of the assignment and denition and whats an alternative that avoids using &, the address-of operator.

12.4 Chapter Review

In this chapter we discussed pointers. Pointers are indirect references, useful when data need to be accessed in more than one way and when data must be allocated dynamically. We discussed sharing objects between classes using reference variables and pointers. We

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12.4 Chapter Review


also discussed self-referential data structures called linked lists that have many applications. Its possible to insert new elements into a linked list without shifting the existing elements, making linked lists the method of choice for many sparse structures. We studied copy constructors, assignment operators, and destructors, three member functions often required when instance variables point to objects on the heap. We also saw an example of designing, implementing, and testing a templated class by starting with a nontemplated class. Topics covered include: Variables have names, values, and addresses. The address of a variable can be assigned to a pointer. As part of defensive programming, make pointers point to objects allocated on the heap using new, not to objects allocated on the stack. Several operators are used to manipulate pointers: ->, *, &, and operators new, and delete. Pointers can be used for efciency since a tvector of pointers to strings requires less space than a tvector of strings, especially if the tvector is not full. The new operator is used to allocate memory dynamically from the heap. Memory can be allocated using new in conjunction with a constructor with arguments. Pointers are dereferenced to nd what they point to. Pointers can be assigned values in four ways: using new, using & to take the address of existing storage (not a good idea, in general), assigning the value of another pointer, and assigning 0 or NULL. A destructor member function is called automatically when an object goes out of scope. Any memory allocated using new during the lifetime of the object should be freed using delete in the destructor. Reference instance variables can be used to share an object among more than one object. Reference instance variables must be initialized at construction; once constructed and bound to an object, a reference variable cannot be bound to a different object (unlike a pointer, for example.) Pointers can be used to change the values of parameters indirectly. This is how parameters are changed in C: addresses are passed rather than values. The indirect addresses are used to change values. Linked lists support splicing, or fast insertions and deletions (in contrast to vectors in which items are often shifted during insertion and deletion). However, items near the end of a linked list take more time to access than items near the front. Recursive linked list functions (sometimes with pointers passed by reference) are often shorter than an equivalent iterative version of the function. A header node can be used when implementing linked lists to avoid lots of specialcase code, especially when deleting and inserting elements. Doubly and circularly linked lists are alternatives to singly linked lists. Classes can be templated so that they can be used to generate literally thousands of different classes, just as templated functions represent thousands of functions.

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

12.5 Exercises
12.1 Implement quicksort for linked lists. The partition function should divide a list into two sublists, one containing values less than or equal to the pivot, the other containing values greater than the pivot. Conceptually the partition function returns three things: The pivot element (a node). The list of items less than or equal to the pivot element. The list of items greater than or equal to the pivot element. Since youll need to join lists together after recursively sorting, youll need to think carefully about how to develop the program. You might, for example, maintain pointers to the rst and last nodes of each list returned from the partition function. Alternatively, you could maintain a pointer to the last node and make these lists circular. When youve implemented the sort, develop a test program to verify that the original list is sorted. Then time the sort using either randomly constructed large lists or by reading words from a text le and sorting them. Consider writing a templated version of the sort as well. 12.2 Develop an implementation of merge sort for linked lists. Merge sort is described in the exercises of Chapter 11. Write two functions, one to merge two sorted lists and one to implement the merge sort. Node * merge(Node * lhs, Node * rhs) // pre: lhs is sorted, rhs is sorted // post: returns sorted list containing all nodes // from lhs and rhs no new nodes are created, // nodes are relinked, complexity is O(a + b), // where a = # nodes in lhs, b = # nodes in rhs void mergesort(Node * & list) // post: list is sorted // (re-arranging pointers, not copying values) Write a program to test the sort on linked lists of strings. Then compare the runtime of your sort with the time to copy the values from a list into a vector, sort the vector using the merge sort code from sortall.h, then copy the values back into the linked list. 12.3 The Josephus problem (see [Knu98b]) is based on a fair method for designating one person from a group of N people. Assume that the people are arranged in a circle and are numbered from 1 to N. If we count off every fourth person, removing a person as we count them off, then the rst person removed is number 4. The second person removed is number 8, the third person removed is 5 (because the fourth person is no longer in the circle), and so on. Write a program to print the order in which people are removed from the circle given N, the number of people, and M, the number used to count off. The problem originates from a group determined to commit suicide rather than surrender or be killed by the enemy. Consider using a doubly linked or a circularly linked list as appropriate.

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12.5 Exercises


12.4 Write a program to automatically stress/test the class LinkStringSet or its templated equivalent LinkSet. The program should insert thousands of items, delete thousands, and in general exercise each set method. For each test, develop a rationale for why youve chosen the test as a way of stressing the implementation. When youve developed the program, change the set implementation in the manner described below and see if the change results in improved running times. Youll need to instrument your test program using CTimer objects (see ctimer.h, Program G.5, in How to G) to judge if the implementation is more efcient. The current set implementations reclaims nodes by deleting them when one set is assigned to another or when a set objects destructor is called. Instead of deleting nodes, add the reclaimed nodes to a static class linked list of free nodes. // in linkset.h template <class T> class LinkSet { ... private: static Node * ourFreeList; }; // in linkset.cpp template <class T> LinkSet<T>::Node * LinkSet<T>::ourFreeList = 0; // initially empty The idea is that there is one linked list shared by all LinkSet<T> objects recall that a static class variable is shared by all objects (see Section 10.4.3). When nodes are reclaimed, they are added to the front of the static, shared linked list. When nodes are needed, (i.e., during insertion), the shared linked list of free nodes is used as a source of nodes before new is called. Nodes are allocated using new only if there are no nodes on the list pointed to by ourFreeList. Implement this change and time the program to see if its more efcient to maintain a free list of nodes than to use the system freestore. 12.5 In Section 10.5.5 a class for representing polynomials was developed. The class used a CList list to store terms. Reimplement the class using linked lists. Youll need to implement a copy constructor, an assignment operator, and a destructor that were not needed in the original implementation of the class Poly. Shallow copies were ne in that implementation because its not possible to change a CList object, only to create a new object. The new implementation should create copies of polynomials as needed, but change a polynomial, for example, when operator += is used to add a term to a polynomial. Test the program and compare its performance to the original implementation. Youll need to develop automated testing functions that stress the polynomial class by creating huge polynomials, adding them, multiplying them, and so on. 12.6 Implement free functions for creating the union and intersection of two LinkSet<T> objects. The union of two sets is denoted a b, it is a set containing all the elements

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Chapter 12 Dynamic Data, Lists, and Class Templates

in either a or b. The intersection of two sets is denoted a b; it is a set containing those elements that are common to both a and to b. LinkSet<string> a, b, c, d; // fill a and b with values c = union(a,b); // c is the union of a and b d = intersect(a,b); // d is the intersection of a and b When youve tested these functions, overload operator + for union and operator * for intersection. This means you should also implement overloaded operators += and *= (see the guidelines for overloading operators in Section 9.4 or How to E). 12.7 Write a program to implement a kid/toy simulation. A le stores information about available toys in a format specic to this problem. wooden blocks : sturdy choo-choo train : sturdy bucket and shovel : durable talking doll : sturdy hothot wheels : durable wickets, mallets, and croquet balls nose glasses : flimsy mr. zucchini head : flimsy

: durable

There are least three categories of toy: sturdy, durable, and imsy. These categories indicate how long a toy can be played with before it breaks and must be xed. Toys dont wear out in this model, they can be xed many times and last forever. All discussions are in play units, which can be thought of as hours. A sturdy toy breaks 2% of the time its played with, a durable toy breaks 15% of the time, and a imsy toy breaks 45% of the time. Well interpret this as a probability, so each hour (play unit) a sturdy toy is played with, theres a 2 in 100 chance it will break. Broken toys require time to repair: sturdy toys can be xed in one hour, durable toys in two hours, and imsy toys in four hours. The program should read a data le and construct a toy chest from which toys are borrowed to be played with. Kids use toys. The number of kids in a simulation is specied when the simulation begins. During one step of the simulation, each kid takes a turn playing with his/her toy. At the next step, the order in which kids take turns changes; the order should be shufed using a shufing function like the one in shufe.cpp, Program 8.4. The number of steps in the simulation is specied when the simulation begins. When a toy breaks, it must be placed back in the toy chest and remain there until it is xed. A kid putting a toy in the chest takes a new toy out of the chest. If there are no toys in the chest, the kid picks another kid at random and shares that kids toy. The toy is shared until it breaks or until one of the kids gets bored with the toy. A toy can be shared among everyone, theres no limit, but each time a kid plays with a toy counts as a play unit. Kids like imsy toys, so they get bored less often with imsy toys than they do with sturdy toys. After playing with a toy, a kid trades the toy in for a new toy (or for sharing someones toy) if bored. A kid gets bored after playing with the same toy for n play units/hours, where n = 2 for sturdy toys, n = 3 for durable toys, and n = 4 for imsy toys.

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12.5 Exercises


12.8 Boggle is a game of nding words by connecting letters on a two-dimensional grid. Design and implement a program to nd all the words on a grid based on structuring data using sets as described in this exercise. The output of some of the words that begin with a found on a randomly generated board is shown below. For each word, a list of the positions in which the letters of the word appear on the board is shown (positions give row and column indexes using matrix coordinates: (0,0) is the upper left corner).

prompt> wordgame board size between 3 and g n t b s h z d s w u u d r e n u a a i a z z m e b e a u a t y r i y i y n e v p a d s o s r t o file of words: gamewords abet (2, 4) (3, 4) (3, aid (4, 1) (5, 0) (6, air (5, 6) (4, 5) (4, airy (5, 6) (4, 5) (4, amaze (2, 3) (3, 2) (4, amuse (4, 1) (3, 2) (2, more words found ... 8: 7

3) 0) 4) 4) 1) 2)

(4, 2) (4, 3) (3, 1) (2, 0) (1, 1) (2, 0)

Letters are considered adjacent if they touch horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (see the output for examples). Once a grid position is used in forming a word, the position cannot be used again in the same word. There are many ways to nd all the words; the method suggested here uses sets and is relatively straightforward to implement, though certainly not trivial. Part of a class WordGame declaration is shown as wordgame.h
Program 12.13 wordgame.h

#ifndef _WORDGAME_H #define _WORDGAME_H #include <string> using namespace std; #include "point.h" #include "tvector.h" #include "linkset.h"

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class WordGame { public: WordGame(int size); void MakeBoard();

// max grid size // create a grid of letters

// is a word on the board? one version returns locations bool OnBoard(const string& s); bool OnBoard(const string& s, tvector<Point>& locations); // other functions private: typedef LinkSet<Point> PointSet; typedef LinkSetIterator<Point> PointSetIterator; tmatrix<char> myBoard; tvector<PointSet> myLetterLocs; PointSet myVisited; bool IsAdjacent(const Point& p, const Point& q); bool OnBoardAt(const string& s, const Point& p, tvector<Point>& locs); };


The instance variable myLetterLocs is the key to the program. Its a vector of 26 sets, each set stores positions (positions are recorded using the struct Point from point.h, Program G.10). The value of myLetterLocs[0] is the set of locations at which the letter da appears on the board. Similarly, myLetterLocs[1] records all locations of the letter b, and so on. These sets are initialized when the board is constructed. The private helper function OnBoardAt works using backtracking, discussed in the exercises from Chapter 11. You must determine how this function works and implement the other functions to nd all words in a le of words.
Program 12.14 wordgame.cpp

bool Boggle::OnBoardAt(const string& s, const Point& p, tvector<Point>& locs) // post: return true iff string s can be found on the board // beginning at location p (s[0] found at p, s[1] at a location // adjacent to p, and so on). If found, locs stores the locations // of the word, locations are added using push_back { if (s.length() == 0) return true; // all letters done, found the word PointSet ps = myLetterLocs['z' s[0]]; // set of eligible letters PointSetIterator psi(ps); // try all locations for(psi.Init(); psi.HasMore(); psi.Next()) { Point nextp = psi.Current(); if (IsAdjacent(p,nextp) && ! myVisited.contains(nextp)) { myVisited.insert(nextp); locs.push_back(nextp); if (OnBoardAt(s.substr(1,s.length()1),nextp,locs))

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12.5 Exercises
{ return true; } locs.pop_back(); myVisited.erase(nextp); } } return false; }


// tried all locations, word not on board


12.9 A stack is a data structure sometimes called a LIFO structure, for last in, rst out. A stack is modeled by cars pulling into a driveway: the last car in is the rst car out. In a stack, only the last element stored in the stack is accessible. Rather than use insert, remove, append, or delete, the vocabulary associated with stack operations is pushadd an item to the stack; the last item added is the only item accessible by the top operation. topreturn the topmost, or most recent, item pushed onto the stack; its an error to request the top item of an empty stack. popdelete the topmost item from the stack; its an error to pop an empty stack. For example, the sequence push(3), push(4), pop, push(7), push(8) yields the stack (3,7,8) with 8 as the topmost element on the stack. Stacks are commonly used to implement recursion, since the last function called is the rst function that nishes when a chain of recursive clones is called. Write a (templated) class to implement stacks (or just implement stacks of integers). In addition to member functions push, pop, and top, you should implement size (returns number of elements in stack), clear (makes a stack empty), and isEmpty (determines if the stack is empty). Use either a vector or a linked list to store the values in the stack. Write a test program to test your stack implementation. After youve tested the Stack class, use it to evaluate postx expressions. A postx expression consists of two values followed by an operator. For example: 3 5 + is equal to 8. However, the values can also be postx expressions, so the following expression is legal. 3 5 + 4 8 * + 6 * This expression can be thought of as parenthesized, where each parenthesized subexpression is a postx expression. ( ( (3 5 +) (4 8 *) +) 6 * ) However, its easy to evaluate a postx expression from left to right by pushing values onto a stack. Whenever an operator (+, *, etc.) is read, two values are popped from the stack, the operation computed on these values, and the result pushed back onto the stack. A legal postx expression always leaves one number, the answer, on the stack. Postx expressions do not require parentheses; (6 + 3) 2 is written in postx as 6 3 + 2 . Write a function to read a postx expression and evaluate it using a stack.

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Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design


Instead of teaching people that O-O is a type of design, and giving them design principles, people have taught that O-O is the use of a particular tool. We can write good or bad programs with any tool. Unless we teach people how to design, the languages matter very little. The result is that people do bad designs with these languages and get very little value from them. David Parnas personal note to Fred Brooks, in The Mythical Man Month, Anniversary Edition

In this chapter well explore inheritance, one of the cornerstones of object-oriented programming. Many experts in programming languages differentiate between objectbased programming, in which inheritance is not used, and object-oriented programming, in which inheritance is used. As youll see, inheritance makes it possible to reuse classes in a completely different way from what weve seen to this point. The key aspect of inheritance that well explore is essentially changing class behavior without having access to the class implementation. This kind of reuse allows companies to design class tool kits for different applications, (e.g., for graphics, networking, or games), and for clients to specialize these classes for their own purposes. The companies designing the tool kits do not need to release their implementations, which can be an attractive feature for those who do not want to release proprietary designs or code.

13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance

In Chapter 7 we designed and implemented Program 7.8, quiz.cpp, for giving students different kinds of quizzes. We developed classes for two different kinds of quiz questions: an arithmetic quiz question about simple addition problems (see Program 7.6, mathquest.h) and a geography quiz question about U.S. states and their capitals (see capquest.h.) By using the same class name, Question, for both different kinds of quiz question, we made it possible to reuse the same quiz program as well as the classes Quiz and Student dened in the quiz program. However, to have different quizzes we had to change the preprocessor include directive from #include "mathquest.h to #include "capquest.h" and recompile the program. In this chapter well study inheritance, a programming technique that permits a common interface to be inherited or reused by many classes. Client programs written to conform to the interface can be used with any of the interface-inheriting classes. Programs do not, necessarily, need to be recompiled to use more than one of the conforming classes. As well see, several different quiz questions can be used in the same program when we use inheritance. 641

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

13.1.1 The Inheritance Hierarchy for Streams

Youve already used inheritance in many of the C++ programs youve written, although you probably havent been explicitly aware of doing so. The stream hierarchy of classes uses inheritance so that you can write a function with an istream parameter, but pass as arguments, cin, an ifstream variable, or an istringstream variable. This use of streams is shown in streaminherit.cpp, Program 13.1
Program 13.1 streaminherit.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" // show stream inheritance void doInput(istream& input) // precondition: there are three strings to read in input { string s; int k; for(k=0; k < 3; k++) { input >> s; cout << k << ".\t" << s << endl; } cout << endl; } int main() { string filename = PromptString("filename: "); ifstream input(filename.c_str()); string firstline; getline(input,firstline); // first line of input file istringstream linestream(firstline); // stream bound to first line cout << "first three words on first line are\n" << endl; doInput(linestream); cout << "first three words on second line are\n" << endl; doInput(input); cout << "first three words from keyboard are\n" << endl; doInput(cin); return 0; }


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13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance


prompt> poe.txt first three words on first line are ----0. The 1. Cask 2. of first three words on second line are --0. Edgar 1. Allan 2. Poe first three words from keyboard are ---

this is a test of reading from the keyboard 0. this 1. is 2. a

The code in the function doInput from streaminherit.cpp uses only stream behavior that is common to all input streams, (i.e., extraction using operator >>). Other common stream behavior includes input using get or getline and functions clear, fail, and ignore. By conforming to the common input stream interface, the code is more general since it can be used with any input stream. This includes input stream classes that arent yet written, but that when written will conform to the common stream interface by using the inheritance mechanism discussed in this chapter. If the function doInput used the stream function seekg (see How to B) to reset the stream to the beginning, then unexpected behavior will result when cin is passed since the standard input stream cin is not a seekable input stream as are ifstream and istringstream streams.1 If doInput uses seekg the code is not conforming to the common interface associated with all streams (the seekg function can be applied to cin, but the application doesnt do anything).

A seekable input stream can be reread by moving or seeking the location of input to the beginning (or end, or sometimes middle). The standard input stream isnt seekable in the same way a le bound to a text le is seekable.

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Chapter 13

Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

13.1.2 An Inheritance Hierarchy: Math Quiz Questions

Well return to the example of giving a computer-based quiz to students. We discussed the development of a program to give quizzes to two students sharing a keyboard in Section 6.2. In this chapter well use a simpler quiz program to show the power of inheritance. Because the syntactic details of using inheritance in C++ are somewhat cumbersome, rather than discussing the syntax in detail at rst, well look at the program, make a modication to it to show what inheritance can do, and then look more at the implementation details. Program 13.2, inheritquiz.cpp, gives an arithmetic quiz to a student. Only one chance is given to get each question correct, and no score is kept. Three different kinds of questions are used in the program, ranging in difculty from easy to hard (depending, of course, on your point of view.) The program is a prototype to show what can be done, but is not a nished product (this program tip repeats Tip 6.6). Program Tip 13.1: A prototype is a good way to start the implementation phase of program development and to help in the design process. A prototype is a realistic model of a systems key functions [McC93]. Booch says that prototypes are by their very nature incomplete and only marginally engineered. [Boo94] A prototype is an aid to help nd some of the important issues before design and implementation are viewed as frozen, or unchanging. For those developing commercial software, prototypes can help clients articulate their needs better than a description in English. As well see when we explore implementation details of using inheritance in C++, pointers to objects are often used rather than objects themselves. All our uses of inheritance will use pointers or references; both are used in inheritquiz.cpp.2
Program 13.2 inheritquiz.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "tvector.h" "prompt.h" "randgen.h" "mathquestface.h"

// prototype quiz program for demonstrating inheritance void GiveQuestion(MathQuestion& quest) // post: quest is asked once, correct response is given { string answer;

All our examples of inheritance use polymorphism, which well dene later. Polymorphism requires either a pointer or a reference.

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13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance

cout << endl << quest.Description() << endl; cout << "type answer after the question" << endl; quest.Create(); quest.Ask(); cin >> answer; if (quest.IsCorrect(answer)) { cout << "Excellent!, well done" << endl; } else { cout << "I'm sorry, the answer is " << quest.Answer() << endl; } } int main() { tvector<MathQuestion > questions;


// fill with questions

questions.push_back(new MathQuestion()); questions.push_back(new CarryMathQuestion()); questions.push_back(new HardMathQuestion()); int qCount = PromptRange("how many questions",1,10); RandGen gen; int k; for(k=0; k < qCount; k++) { int index = gen.RandInt(0,questions.size()1); GiveQuestion(questions[index]); } for(k=0; k < questions.size(); k++) { delete questions[k]; } return 0; }


The parameter to the function GiveQuestion is a MathQuestion passed by reference. Based on the declaration and initialization of the vector questions, it appears that each vector element holds a pointer to a MathQuestion, but that the pointers actually point to a MathQuestion, a CarryMathQuestion, and a HardMathQuestion, respectively for indexes 0, 1, and 2. Examining the sample output that follows shows that three different kinds of question are, in fact, asked during one run of the program. Looking at the program carefully will help us develop some questions that will guide the discussion of inheritance, how it works, and how it is implemented in C++. 1. 2. 3. 4. How can a pointer to MathQuestion actually point to some other type of object (the other kinds of questions). How can different objects (dereferenced by the * in the GiveQuestion call) be passed to GiveQuestion which expects a MathQuestion by reference? How are different questions actually created by the call quest.Create() in GiveQuestion. How can we develop another kind of question and add it to the program?

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

prompt> inheritquiz how many questions between 1 and 10: 4 addition of three-digit numbers type answer after the question 134 + 122 -------

Excellent, well done! addition of three-digit numbers type answer after the question 175 + 192 -------

Im sorry, the answer is 367 addition of two-digit numbers with NO carry type answer after the question 11 + 18 -------

Excellent, well done! addition of two-digit numbers with a carry type answer after the question 38 + 39 -------

Excellent, well done!

To answer the four questions raised above, well look at inheritance conceptually, and how it is implemented in C++. The example of stream inheritance in Program 13.1, streaminherit.cpp, showed that a common interface allows objects with different types to be used in the same way, by the same code. The math quiz program, inheritquiz.cpp leverages a common interface in the same way. Each of the three question types stored

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13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance








Figure 13.1 Hierarchy of math and other quiz questions. in the vector question is a kind of MathQuestion. This is-a relationship is conceptual and realized in code. Conceptually, clients write quiz programs with code that conforms to the MathQuestion class interface and expect to use MathQuestion objects. For example, the function GiveQuestion has a MathQuestion parameter. Objects that are instances of other classes that inherit from MathQuestion, like CarryMathQuestion, can be used as though they were MathQuestion objects, (e.g., they can be elements of a vector like question in main). An inheritance hierarchy, like the one illustrated in Figure 13.1, models an is-a relationship, where is-a means has the same behavior and can be used in place of-a or as-a. This kind of hierarchy is realized in C++ by declaring subclasses, also called derived classes, to inherit from a base class, also called a super class. In Figure 13.1 the classes CarryMathQuestion and HardMathQuestion derive from the super class MathQuestion. However, MathQuestion itself is a derived or subclass of the super/base class Question. Derived classes have functions with the same names as functions in the super class, (e.g., the functions Create, Ask, and Answer for the Question hierarchy). These functions can have different behavior in each subclass which is what makes the different kinds of quiz question in the same program possible.

13.1.3 Implementing Inheritance

The interfaces for the three different kinds of MathQuestion classes are declared in mathquestface.h, Program 13.3. Well use four new syntactic constructs in C++ to implement an inheritance hierarchy. Three of the new syntactic constructs are shown in mathquestface.h, the fourth, the abstract base class, is discussed in Section 13.2. public inheritance virtual functions protected data members (and functions)

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

Program 13.3 mathquestface.h

#ifndef _MATHQUESTFACE_H #define _MATHQUESTFACE_H // // // // // // // // // quiz questions involving arithmetic (addition) see comments in questface.h for the naming conventions used in quiz classes MathQuestion() no carry involved, two-digit numbers CarryMathQuestion() does have carry, two-digit numbers HardMathQuestion() three digit addition these classes add method Description() to the question hierarchy

#include "questface.h" class MathQuestion : public Question { public: MathQuestion(); virtual bool IsCorrect(const string& answer) const; virtual string Answer() const; virtual void Ask() const; virtual string Description() const; virtual void Create(); protected: string myAnswer; int myNum1; int myNum2; }; class CarryMathQuestion : public MathQuestion { public: CarryMathQuestion(); virtual string Description() const; virtual void Create(); }; class HardMathQuestion : public MathQuestion { public: HardMathQuestion(); virtual string Description() const; virtual void Create(); }; #endif // create a new question

// store the answer as a string here // numbers used in question


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13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance


13.1.4 Public Inheritance

In mathquestface.h, the subclasses CarryMathQuestion and HardMathQuestion each express their dependence on the superclass from which theyre derived. This dependency is shown on the rst line of each class declaration.
class CarryMathQuestion : public MathQuestion {... }; class HardMathQuestion : public MathQuestion {... };

In general, each subclass expresses a dependency relationship to a superclass by using the keyword public and the name of the superclass. This is called public inheritance (we will not use private inheritance, virtual inheritance, or any of the other kinds of inheritance that are possible in C++.) As well see, a subclass inherits an interface from its superclass, and can Syntax: public inheritance inherit behavior (member functions) too. Inheritance is a chained, or tranclass Subclass : public Superclass sitive relationship so that if subclass { C inherits from superclass B, but B methods and instance variables is itself a subclass of superclass A, }; then C inherits from A as well, although this is not shown explicitly in the declaration of C. In Figure 13.1, the class HardMathQuestion is a subclass of both MathQuestion and Question. As we mentioned earlier, inheritance models an is-a relationship. When a subclass B inherits from a superclass A, any object of type B can be used where an object of type A is expected. This makes it possible, for example, to pass a HardMathQuestion object to the function GiveQuestion which has a parameter of type MathQuestion. However, as we use inheritance, the is-a relationship captured by public inheritance will not work correctly in a C++ program unless references or pointers are used. An object, say hmq, thats an instance of the HardMathQuestion class can be passed as a parameter to a function expecting a MathQuestion object MathQuestion object only if hmq is passed by reference or as a pointer. Similarly hmq can be assigned as a MathQuestion object only if the assignment of hmq uses a pointer to hmq. In inheritquiz.cpp objects are passed by reference to GiveQuestion and the vector question holds pointers to MathQuestion objects so that inheritance will work as intended. Well study why this restriction is necessary in Section 13.1.5. Program Tip 13.2: Public inheritance should model an is-a relationship. For is-a to work as expected, objects in an inheritance hierarchy should be passed by reference or as pointers and assigned using pointers whenever a subclass object is used as a superclass object.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

13.1.5 Virtual Functions

Inheritance is exploited in inheritquiz.cpp since we can pass any kind of math quizquestion to the function GiveQuestion and different questions are created depending on the type of the object passed. From the compilers perspective, the parameter to GiveQuestion is a reference to a MathQuestion object. How does the compiler know to call HardMathQuestion::Create when a hard question object is passed and to call CarryMathQuestion::Create when a carry question object is passed? The compiler does not determine which function to call at compile time (when the program is compiled), but delays choosing which function to call until run time (when the program is executing or running). At run time different objects can be passed to GiveQuestion. Although the compiler thinks of the parameter as having type MathQuestion, the actual type may be different because of inheritance. The compiler calls the right version of Create because the function Create is a virtual function. Virtual functions are called polymorphic functions because they can take many forms3 depending on the run time type of an object rather than the compile time type of an object. What does all that really mean? It means that if you put the key word virtual before a member function in a superclass, then the member function thats called will be the subclass version of the member function if a subclass is whats actually used when the program is running. In inheritquiz.cpp, Program 13.2, different kinds of question are created because the member functions Create in each of the three classes in the math question hierarchy are different, as you can see in mathquestface.cpp, Program 13.4. Well discuss when to make functions virtual in Section 13.2.2. Program Tip 13.3: The keyword virtual is not required in subclasses, but its good practice to include it as needed in each subclass. Any member function that is virtual in a superclass is also virtual in a derived class. Since a subclass may be a superclass at some point (e.g., as MathQuestion is a subclass of Question but a superclass of HardMathQuestion), including the word virtual every time a member function is declared is part of safe programming.

As you can see in the denitions of each member function in mathquestface.cpp, the word virtual appears only in the interface, or .h le, not in the implementation or .cpp le. Note that the constructors for CarryMathQuestion and HardMathQuestion each explicitly call the superclass constructor MathQuestion(). A superclass constructor will always be called from a subclass, even if the compiler must generate an implicit call. As well see in Section 13.2 some classes cannot be constructed which is why MathQuestion does not call the constructor for Question, its superclass.

The word polymorphic is derived from the Greek words polus, (many) and morphe, (shape).

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13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance


ProgramTip 13.4: Each subclass should explicitly call the constructor of its superclass. The constructor will be called automatically if you dont include an explicit call, and sometimes parameters should be included in the superclass constructor. Superclass constructors must be called from an initializer list, not from the body of the subclass constructor. If the superclass is an abstract base class (see Section 13.2) no superclass constructor can be called.

Program 13.4 mathquestface.cpp

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #include "mathquestface.h" #include "randgen.h" #include "strutils.h" MathQuestion::MathQuestion() : myAnswer("*** error ***"), myNum1(0), myNum2(0) { // nothing to initialize } void MathQuestion::Create() { RandGen gen; // generate random numbers until there is no carry do { myNum1 = gen.RandInt(10,49); myNum2 = gen.RandInt(10,49); } while ( (myNum1 % 10) + (myNum2 % 10) >= 10); myAnswer = tostring(myNum1 + myNum2); } void MathQuestion::Ask() const { const int WIDTH = 7; cout << setw(WIDTH) << myNum1 << endl; cout << "+" << setw(WIDTH1) << myNum2 << endl; cout << "-" << endl; cout << setw(WIDTHmyAnswer.length()) << " "; } bool MathQuestion::IsCorrect(const string& answer) const { return myAnswer == answer; }

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

string MathQuestion::Answer() const { return myAnswer; } string MathQuestion::Description() const { return "addition of two-digit numbers with NO carry"; } CarryMathQuestion::CarryMathQuestion() : MathQuestion() { // all done in base class constructor } void CarryMathQuestion::Create() { RandGen gen; // generate random numbers until there IS a carry do { myNum1 = gen.RandInt(10,49); myNum2 = gen.RandInt(10,49); } while ( (myNum1 % 10) + (myNum2 % 10) < 10); myAnswer = tostring(myNum1 + myNum2); } string CarryMathQuestion::Description() const { return "addition of two-digit numbers with a carry"; } HardMathQuestion::HardMathQuestion() : MathQuestion() { // all done in base class constructor } void HardMathQuestion::Create() { RandGen gen; myNum1 = gen.RandInt(100,200); myNum2 = gen.RandInt(100,200); myAnswer = tostring(myNum1 + myNum2); } string HardMathQuestion::Description() const { return "addition of three-digit numbers"; }


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13.1 Essential Aspects of Inheritance


MathQuestion Ask( ) IsCorrect( ) Answer( ) Create( ) Description( ) myNum1 myNum2 myAnswer

HardMathQuestion Create( ) Description( )

CarryMathQuestion Create( ) Description( )

Figure 13.2 Overriding functions in the MathQuestion hierarchy.

Overriding inherited functions. In mathquestface.h, Program 13.3 the declarations for CarryMathQuestion and HardMathQuestion include only a constructor and prototypes for Create and Description. Declarations for the other inherited, virtual functions IsCorrect, Ask, and Answer are not included. This relationship is diagrammed in Figure 13.2.
Nevertheless, its possible to call CarryMathQuestion::Ask() and have an addition question that requires carrying asked of the user. The functions Create and Description are included in the interfaces of the derived classes and implemented in mathquestface.cpp because their behavior is different from whats inherited from the superclass versions of these functions. When a subclass implements an inherited function it is called overriding the inherited function. When a method is overridden in a subclass, the subclass uses its own version of the method rather than the inherited version. Sometimes an inherited function works well even in subclasses. This is the case with the inherited functions Ask, Answer, and IsCorrect. The behavior, or implementation, of each of these functions does not need to be changed or specialized in the subclasses, so these inherited functions are not overridden. Since theyre inherited unchanged, the functions do not appear in the declarations of the derived classes.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

13.1.6 Protected Data Members

A subclass inherits more than behavior from its superclass, but also inherits state. This means that in addition to inheriting member function interfaces and, sometimes, implementations; a subclass inherits instance variables. Private instance variables are accessible only within member functions of the class in which the variables are declared; private data of a superclass are not accessible in any derived class. The private data are present in the derived classes, and if there are accessor functions or mutator functions inherited from the superclass these inherited functions can be used to access the private data, but no derived class member functions can access the private data directly. In some inheritance hierarchies it makes sense for derived classes to access the instance variables that make up the state. In the math question hierarchy, for example, the functions Create assign values to myNum1 and myNum2 and these values are used in the functions Ask (although Ask is not overridden by the derived classes.) Any variables and functions that are declared as protected are accessible to the member functions of the class in which theyre declared as protected, but also to the member functions of all derived classes. The instance variables myNum1, myNum2, and myAnswer are all declared as protected, so they are accessible in MathQuestion methods and also in the derived classes HardMathQuestion and CarryMathQuestion. This is diagrammed in Figure 13.2. Its often a good idea to avoid inheriting state, and to inherit only interface and behavior. The problems that arise from inheriting state invariably stem from trying to inherit from more than one class, so-called multiple inheritance. We wont use multiple inheritance in this chapter, although we do use it in conjunction with the graphics package discussed in How to H. ProgramTip 13.5: When possible,inherit only interface and behavior,not state. Minimize the inheritance of state if you think youll eventually need to inherit behavior or interfaces from more than one class. When youre designing an inheritance hierarchy, protected data are accessible in derived classes, but private data are not, although the private data are present.

Pause to Reect

13.1 If the call to new is not included in each call to push_back in Program 13.2, inheritquiz.cpp, will the program compile? Why?

13.2 Suppose the dereferencing operator isnt used in the call to GiveQuestion from main in inheritquiz.cpp. Explain how GiveQuestion should be modied so that it works with this call: GiveQuestion(questions[index]).

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class


13.3 Suppose you create a new class named MultMathProblem for quiz questions based on multiplying a one-digit number by a two-digit number. Explain why the method Ask should be overridden in this class although it wasnt necessary to override it in the addition quiz questions. 13.4 Arguably, the behavior of the Description function in each of the classes in the math question hierarchy is exactly the same, but the string returned differs. The behavior is the same because each function returns a string, but doesnt do anything else different. Explain modications to the three classes that make up the math question hierarchy so that the description is an argument when the class is constructed and the method Description is not overridden in each subclass. The constructor calls in main might look like this (arguments are abbreviated.)
questions.push_back( new MathQuestion("+, 2-digits, no carry")); questions.push_back( new CarryMathQuestion("+, 2-digits, carry")); questions.push_back( new HardMathQuestion("+, 3-digits"));

Why is this approach (arguably) not as good as the approach taken in the code (where Description is overridden)? Think about what client code should be responsible for and what classes used in client code should be responsible for. 13.5 If protected in MathQuestion is changed to private, the Create functions in each subclass will not compile. Why? 13.6 Design a new class for addition of three two-digit numbers with no carry. What inherited methods must you override? Why will you need to add a new data member in the new class? Why is it better to include the data member, say myNum3 in the new class rather than in the class MathQuestion? 13.7 Suppose you add state and behavior to the math question hierarchy so that each question tracks how many times its Create method is called. This number should be tracked and updated by the question classes, but readable by client code. In what class(es) should the data and methods go?

13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class

The question hierarchy shown in Figure 13.1 shows other kinds of questions than math questions. The class WhatsTheQuestion is designed to encapsulate and generalize the state-capital question generator declared in capquest.h, discussed in Section 7.2.6, and implemented in capquest.cpp, Program 7.9. The class is generalized because it permits questions like Whats the capital of Texas? and What artist recorded Slowhand ? (the answers, respectively, are Austin and Eric Clapton). Wed like to incorporate all these kinds of questions in the same quiz program: what-the questions, math questions, and other kinds of questions we havent yet designed or implemented.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

The new class WhatsTheQuestion should not derive from MathQuestion if the new class doesnt have anything to do with mathematics. Since inheritance models is-a relationships, it would be a mistake to derive a question about state capitals from MathQuestion since the state-capital question cannot be used as a math question, and is-a means can be used in a program as a in our use of inheritance. Instead, well create a new abstraction, one that captures the idea of any kind of question. Well call this new class Question; both MathQuestion and WhatsTheQuestion will derive from Question as shown in Figure 13.1. The class Question is an interface class. The class exists as a superclass, but primarily as an interface for client programs. Clients write code to the specications described in prose and code in questface.h, Program 13.5. As well see, it is not possible to create Question objects. Instead, we can create object that are instances of classes that derive from Question, and that inherit its interface. Since client programs are written to the interface, the new classes can be used in any client code that uses Question objects by reference or as pointers. For example, if we use Question instead of MathQuestion in the prototype of GiveQuestion in Program 13.2, inheritquiz.cpp, well be able to use the quiz prototype program for all kinds of questions. A new version of the function GiveQuestion is shown below. The call to quest.Description is commented out and the extraction operator >> is replaced by getline to allow the user to enter several words in response to a question.
void GiveQuestion(Question& quest) // post: quest is asked once, correct response is given { string answer; // cout << endl << quest.Description() << endl; cout << "type answer after the question" << endl; quest.Create(); quest.Ask(); getline(cin,answer); if (quest.IsCorrect(answer)) { cout << "Excellent!, well done" << endl; } else { cout << "Im sorry, the answer is " << quest.Answer() << endl; } }

The call of Description is commented out because its a method from the MathQuestion hierarchy, but not in our current version of the Question hierarchy declared in questface.h, Program 13.5. The declaration for Question is like other class declarations, but all the member functions, except the destructor, are declared with = 0 after the function prototype. As well see, these make Question an abstract base class.

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class


Program 13.5 questface.h

#ifndef _QUESTIONTERFACE_H #define _QUESTIONTERFACE_H // // // // // // // // // // abstract base class for quiz questions derived classes MUST implement four functions: void Ask() string Answer() bool IsCorrect(s) void Create() to to to to ask the question return the answer tell if an answer s is correct create a new question

This class conforms to the naming conventions of quiz questions in "A Computer Science Tapestry" 2e

#include <string> using namespace std; class Question { public: virtual Question() { } // accessor functions virtual bool virtual string virtual void IsCorrect(const string& answer) Answer() Ask() const = 0; const = 0; const = 0;

// must implement destructor, here inline

// mutator functions virtual void Create() = 0; }; #endif


13.2.1 Abstract Classes and PureVirtual Functions

A function with = 0 as part of its prototype in a class declaration must be overridden in subclasses; such functions are called pure virtual functions. The syntax and naming convention are ugly, its better to think of these functions as abstract interfaces. Theyre abstract because implementations are not provided,4 and theyre interfaces because subclasses must implement a member function with the same prototype, thus conforming to the interface declared in the base class.

The must be overridden rule is correct, but its possible to supply an implementation of a pure virtual function that can be called from the overriding function in the subclass. However, any class that contains a pure virtual function cannot be instantiated/constructed. For our purposes, pure virtual functions will not have implementations, theyre interfaces only.

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A class that contains one pure virtual function is called an abstract base class, sometimes abbreviated as an abc (or, redundantly, an abc class5 ). Ill refer to these as abstract classes. Its not possible to dene variables of a type thats an abstract class. Instead, subclasses of the abstract class are designed and implemented. Variables that are instances of these concrete subclasses can be dened. A concrete class is one for which variables can be constructed. Concrete is, in general, the opposite of abstract.

Why Use Abstract Classes? Designing an inheritance hierarchy can be tricky. One
reason its tricky is that to be robust, a hierarchy must permit new subclasses to be designed and implemented. Often, the original designer of the hierarchy cannot foresee everything clients will do with the hierarchy. Nevertheless, a well-designed hierarchy will be exible in both use and modication through subclassing. One design heuristic that helps make a class hierarchy exible is to derive only from abstract classes. Clients are forced to implement each pure virtual function and are thus less likely to forget to implement one, thus getting inherited, but unexpected behavior. The hierarchies we show in this book wont cause trouble as were using them. But what about how other programmers will use our hierarchies? In general, you cannot expect all programmers to use your code wisely and not make mistakes. I certainly dont. A lengthy description of why its a good idea to use abstract classes as superclasses is found in [Mey96] as item 33. This is one of several items that appear in a section called Programming in the Future Tense. Program Tip 13.6: Good software is exible, robust, and reliable. It meets current needs, but adapts well to future needs, ideally to ideas not completely anticipated when the software is designed and implemented. Good programmers anticipate that things will change and design code to be adaptable in the face of inevitable change and maintenance.

Program 13.6 whatsthequizmain.cpp

int main() { tvector<Question > questions; questions.push_back(new HardMathQuestion()); questions.push_back(new WhatsTheQuestion("what's the capital of ","statequiz.dat")); questions.push_back(new WhatsTheQuestion("what artist made ","cdquiz.dat")); int qCount = PromptlnRange("how many questions",1,10); RandGen gen; for(int k=0; k < qCount; k++) { int index = gen.RandInt(0,questions.size()1); GiveQuestion(questions[index]);

5 What does PIN stand for the thing you type as a password when you use an ATM? There is no such thing as a PIN number, nor an ATM machine. Well, there are such things, but there shouldnt be.

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class

} for(int k=0; k < questions.size(); k++) { delete questions[k]; } return 0; }



Well pass different objects to the modied function GiveQuestion that uses the Question interface. The main thats shown is part of whatsthequiz.cpp.6

prompt> whatsthequiz how many questions between 1 and 10: 5 type answer after the question whats the capital of South Dakota : pierre Excellent!, well done type answer after the question 191 + 102 -------

Excellent!, well done type answer after the question what artist made No Jacket Required : who knows Im sorry, the answer is Phil Collins type answer after the question 157 + 146 -------

Excellent!, well done type answer after the question what artist made Terrapin Station : grateful dead Excellent!, well done

We use PromptlnRange instead of PromptRange because were using getline in GiveQuestion instead of operator >> (see Program Tip 9.3.) The

The entire program is not shown here, but is available with the code that comes with this book.

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vector question is now a vector of pointers to Question objects instead of MathQuestion objects. Class WhatsTheQuestion is declared in whatstheface.h.
Program 13.7 whatstheface.h
#ifndef _WHATSTHEQUESTION_H #define _WHATSTHEQUESTION_H #include <string> using namespace std; // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // see "questface.h" for details on member functions A class for generating quiz questions like "Whats the capital of Arkansas" "Who wrote Neuromancer" "What artist recorded Are You Gonna Go My Way" A file of questions is read, one is used at random each time Create is called. The file is in the format question answer question answer i.e., a question uses two lines, the answer is the second line, the question is the first line: Terrapin Station Grateful Dead Hoist Phish Its A Shame About Ray Lemonheads The constructor and method Open take a prompt and a file of questions as parameters, e.g., WhatsTheQuestion capitals("Whats the capital of", "capitals.dat");

#include "questface.h" #include "tvector.h" class WhatsTheQuestion : public Question { public: WhatsTheQuestion(); WhatsTheQuestion(const string& prompt, const string& filename); virtual bool IsCorrect(const string& answer) const; virtual string Answer() const;

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class

virtual void virtual void virtual void Ask() Create(); Open(const string& prompt, const string& filename); const;


protected: struct Quest { string first; string second; Quest() {} // need vector of Quests Quest(const string& f, const string& s) : first(f), second(s) {} }; tvector<Quest> myQuestions; // list of questions read string myPrompt; // prompt the user, "whats the ..." int myQIndex; // current question (index in myQuestions) }; #endif


13.2.2 When Is a Method virtual?

Weve discussed the advantages of using an inheritance hierarchy and saw how few modications were needed in a client program like inheritquiz.cpp, Program 13.2, to use completely different kinds of questions. A case has been made to design inheritance hierarchies by deriving from abstract classes, but when should functions be virtual and when should they be pure virtual? One easy answer is that if youre designing an inheritance hierarchy, you should make every member function virtual. ProgramTip 13.7: Make all methods in a superclass virtual methods. The superclass may be an abstract class in which at least some of the methods are pure virtual. Its an easy decision to make all methods in a superclass virtual. The cost is a possible mild performance penalty since virtual functions are slightly more expensive to call than nonvirtual functions. However, until you know where your code needs performance tuning, do not try to anticipate performance problems by making methods in a superclass nonvirtual. Three classes in inheritdemo.cpp, Program 13.8, form a small inheritance hierarchy. Well use the superclass Person and subclasses Simpleton and Thinker to demonstrate what can happen when functions in a superclass arent virtual. In the listing and rst run of the program, all classes are virtual. The class Person is abstract since Person::ThinkAloud is a pure virtual method. Implementations are provided for

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the other methods in Person, but all methods are virtual, so they can be overridden in derived classes.
Program 13.8 inheritdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "dice.h" class Person // abstract base class for every Person { public: virtual Person() {} virtual void ThinkAloud() = 0; virtual void Reflect() const { cout << "...As I see it, ..."; } virtual string Name() const { return "Ethan"; } }; class Simpleton : public Person { public: Simpleton(const string& name); virtual void ThinkAloud(); virtual void Reflect() const; virtual string Name() const; private: string myName; }; class Thinker : public Person { public: Thinker(const string& name); virtual void ThinkAloud(); virtual void Reflect() const; virtual string Name() const; private: string myName; int myThoughtCount; }; // a cogent person // a simple thinker // makes class abstract

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class

Simpleton::Simpleton(const string& name) : myName(name) // postcondition: ready to think { } void Simpleton::ThinkAloud() // postcondition: has thought { cout << "I don't think a lot" << endl; } void Simpleton::Reflect() const // postcondition: has reflected { Person::Reflect(); cout << "I'm happy" << endl; } string Simpleton::Name() const // postcondition: returns name { return myName + ", a simpleton"; } Thinker::Thinker(const string& name) : myName(name), myThoughtCount(0) // postcondition: ready to think { } void Thinker::ThinkAloud() // postcondition: has thought { if (myThoughtCount < 1) { cout << "I'm thinking about thinking" << endl; } else { cout << "Aha! I have found the answer!" << endl; } myThoughtCount++; } void Thinker::Reflect() const // postcondition: has reflected { cout << "I'm worried about thinking too much" << endl; } string Thinker::Name() const // postcondition: returns name { return myName + ", a thinker"; } void Think(Person & p)


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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

// postcondition: p has thought and reflected once { cout << "I am " << p.Name() << endl; p.ThinkAloud(); p.Reflect(); } int main() { Simpleton s ("Sam"); Thinker t ("Terry"); int k; for(k=0; k < 2; k++) { Think(s); cout << "-" << endl << endl; Think(t); cout << "-" << endl << endl; } return 0; }


Note that Simpleton::Reflect calls the superclass Reflect method by qualifying the call with the name of the superclass. All superclass methods are inherited, and can be called even when the methods are overridden in a subclass.

prompt> inheritdemo I am Sam, a simpleton I dont think a lot ...As I see it, ...Im happy ---I am Terry, a thinker Im thinking about thinking Im worried about thinking too much ---I am Sam, a simpleton I dont think a lot ...As I see it, ...Im happy ---I am Terry, a thinker Aha! I have found the answer! Im worried about thinking too much ----

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class


If we make Person::Name non-virtual, the behavior of the program changes. Each subclass inherits the nonvirtual Name, but any call to Name through a pointer or reference to the superclass Person cannot be overridden. What this means is that in the function Think, where the parameter is a Person reference, the call p.Name() will call Person::Name regardless of the type of the argument passed to Think. Recall that nonvirtual functions are resolved at compile-time. This means that the determination of what function is called by p.Name() is made when the program is compiled, not when the program is run. The determination of what function is actually called by p.ThinkAloud() and p.Reflect() is made at runtime because these functions are virtual. Because of this late binding of the virtual function actually called, the execution reects arguments passed to the function at runtime rather than what the compiler can determine when the program is compiled. In the sample run that follows only one round of thinking and reecting is shown since this is enough to see the effects of the nonvirtual function Person::Name: every person in the program prints the name Ethan although thats not really any persons name!

prompt> inheritdemo I am Ethan I dont think a lot ...As I see it, ...Im happy ---I am Ethan Im thinking about thinking Im worried about thinking too much ----

Virtual Destructors. Although it hasnt mattered in the examples weve studied so far,
the destructor in any class with virtual methods must be virtual. Many compilers issue warnings if the destructor in a class is not virtual when some other method is virtual. As we noted in Program Tip 13.4, each subclass automatically calls the superclass constructor. The same holds for subclass destructors. Whenever a subclass destructor is called, the superclass destructors will be called as well. Superclass destructor calls, like all destructor calls, are automatic. This means you must implement a superclass destructor, even for abstract classes! Although abstract classes cannot be constructed, its very likely that youll call a destructor through a superclass pointer. The last loop in main of inheritquiz.cpp, Program 13.2, calls a destructor through a pointer to the superclass MathQuestion. The destructor should be virtual to ensure that the real destructor, the one associated with the actual object being destroyed, is called. This is illustrated in Figure 13.3 where the Subclass destructor is called through s, a

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

Superclass ~Superclass Superclass * s; s = new Subclass(); ... delete s;

Subclass ~Subclass

Figure 13.3 The subclass destructor automatically calls the superclass destructor, even when
the superclass is abstract. The superclass must provide a destructor implementation even when the destructor is pure virtual.

Superclass pointer. The destructor Superclass() is automatically called by Subclass().

When to Make a Virtual Function Pure. Any class with one pure virtual method is
abstract. Every method thats an intrinsic part of a superclass interface, and that must be implemented in every subclass, should be pure virtual in the superclass. If you can decide at design time that a default implementation of a method in the superclass is a good idea, then the method can be virtual rather than pure virtual. A pure virtual method doesnt have a reasonable default implementation, but is clearly part of the interface in an inheritance hierarchy. Its possible that youll want default implementations for every method, but still want an abstract class. You can do this by making the destructor pure virtual, and still provide an empty-body implementation. This is a two-step process: Declare the destructor pure virtual, that is,
virtual Superclass() = 0;

Provide an empty-body implementation in a .cpp le that must be linked in creating the nal program.
Superclass::Superclass() { }

Youll get a link error if you fail to provide an implementation. Remember that a pure virtual function must be overridden, but you can provide an implementation (that can be called by subclass implementations).

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13.2 Using an Abstract Base Class

Pause to Reect


13.8 In the run of whatsthequiz.cpp in Section 13.2.1, the user types pierre as the capital of South Dakota, and the answer is acknowledged as correct. However, the entry for South Dakota in the data le statequiz.dat is Pierre, with a capital P. What method judges the lowercase version pierre as correct? Given the declaration whatstheface.h, Program 13.7, write the method. 13.9 If the user had typed Bismark for the capital of South Dakota, what would have been printed as the correct answer. In particular, what case would be used for the rst letter of the answer? 13.10 Suggest an alternative design to WhatsTheQuestion that would enable the user to construct an instance of the class by giving the lename, but without giving the prompt used for the question. (Hint: what information is stored in the le?) 13.11 There is no destructor WhatsTheQuestion() declared in whatstheface.h, Program 13.7 nor is there a destructor declared in mathquestface.h, Program 13.3. However, the nal loop that deletes objects through pointers in inheritquiz.cpp and its modication that uses class Question doesnt generate errors. Why? 13.12 If Question is modied to have a Description function similar to the function used by MathQuestion classes, but so that subclasses must override Description, then what does the declaration look like in questface.h, Program 13.5? 13.13 Should the function Person::Name() in Program 13.8 have a default implementation or would it be better to make the function pure virtual? Why? 13.14 Suppose an implementation of Person::ThinkAloud() is dened as follows (inline in the class declaration).
virtual void ThinkAloud() { cout << "My brain says..."; }

Show how this function can be called by Thinker::ThinkAloud() only in the case that Thinker prints the message below:
Aha! I have found the answer!

13.15 If the default implementation from the previous problem is provided, and the word virtual removed from the declaration of Person::ThinkAloud, how does the output of the program change (show your answer by modifying the full run of the program).

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

inverter, not



Figure 13.4 Three basic gates for building circuits.

13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns

In this section well study the design and implementation of a class hierarchy and set of programs for simulating logic gates and circuits.7 Well see how a well-designed class hierarchy enables us to model in software the same modular, component-based circuit construction that hardware designers use. Well use the heuristics for programming with inheritance discussed earlier in the chapter as well as some of the design patterns from [GHJ95] that have become part of the standard tool kit for object-oriented programmers.

13.3.1 An Introduction to Gates and Circuits

In both an abstract and concrete sense, current computers are built from gates and chips, sometimes called digital logic. Although computers now have specially designed chips for tasks like playing sound, doing graphics, and reading disks, at some low level everything can be built from gates that regulate when and how electricity ows through a circuit. Well use a standard set of three gates to construct different circuits and then use these circuits to construct other circuits. Eventually this process can lead to a working computer. Instead of physically building the gates well model them in software. The relationship between mathematical logic and digital logic was rst recognized by Claude Shannon (see his biography in Section 4.3.3.) The three gates well use are shown in Figure 13.4. They are the and-gate, the or-gate, and the inverter or not-gate. Each of these gates corresponds to a boolean operator with the same name in C++. Traditionally, the behavior of these gates is shown with truth tables identical to those in Table 4.3 for the logical operators. Program 13.9 simply creates one of each gate and tests it with all possible inputs to show how gate behavior is the same as the behavior of the logical operators shown in Table 4.3.

This example was motivated by a related example in [AS96]. If you read only one (other) book in computer science, that should be the one. It is simply the best introductory book on computer science and programming there is, though its not easy reading.

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13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns


Program 13.9 gatetester.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "gates.h" #include "wires.h" // show truth tables for each digital logic gate int main() { Gate andg = new AndGate(); Gate org = new OrGate(); Gate inv = new Inverter(); GateTester::Test(andg); GateTester::Test(org); GateTester::Test(inv); return 0; }


prompt> testing ----0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 -----testing ----0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 -----testing ----0 1 ------

gatetester and (0)

: : : : or (0) : : : : inv (0) : : 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

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Figure 13.5 Hierarchy of components for building circuits. The output is displayed using ones and zeros instead of true and false, but one corresponds to true and zero corresponds to false. If you look at gatetester.cpp carefully, youll notice that new is called for three different types, but the returned pointer is assigned to variables of the same type: Gate. The inheritance hierarchy that enables this assignment is shown in Figure 13.5. The class GateTester, included via #include"gates.h", contains a static method Test. We could have made Test a free function, but by making it a static function in the GateTester class we avoid possible name classes with other functions named Test.8 Gates by themselves arent very interesting; to build circuits we need to connect the gates together using wires. Complex circuits are built by combining gates and wires together. Once a circuit is built, it can become a component in other circuits, acting essentially like a more complex gate.

13.3.2 Wires, Gates, and Probes

Program 13.10, gatewiredemo.cpp shows another method of gate construction. Wires are created, and then gates are constructed with wires attached to each gates input(s) and output(s). The gates in Program 13.9 were constructed without wires attached to the inputs and outputs, but as well see later its possible to attach wires after a gate has been constructed as well as to construct a gate from wires as shown in Program 13.10. All three of the principle logic gates (and, or, inverter) can be given a name when constructed as shown for the andg gate pointer. The gates in gatewiredemo.cpp are wired together as shown in Figure 13.6. An and-gate and an or-gate are attached so that the output of the and-gate feeds into the or-gate. In addition, Probe objects are attached to the output wires of the gates. As

8 The C++ namespace feature (see Section A.2.3) could also be used to avoid name conicts, but several compilers still dont support namespaces.

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13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns


Probe p

Probe q

in in2 in3

aout oout

Figure 13.6 A simple example using gates, wires, and probes. shown in Figure 13.5, a Probe is-a Gate. Abstractly, gates are attached to wires (and vice versa), so a probe is similar to an and-gate in this respect. A Probe object prints a message whenever the current on the wire its monitoring changes, but also prints a message when its rst attached to a wire. When a wire is constructed, the current on the wire is set to zero/false. The current changes when its either explicitly changed using Wire::SetCurrent, or when a change in current propagates from an input wire to an output wire through a gate. A careful reading of the program and output shows that wires can be printed, and that each wire is numbered in the order in which its created (a static counter in wires.h, Program G.15, keeps track of how many wires have been created). After the circuit is constructed, the probes detect and print changes caused by changes in the circuit.
Program 13.10 gatewiredemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "gates.h" #include "wires.h" int main() { Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire

in = in2 = in3 = aout = oout =

new new new new new

Wire(); Wire(); Wire(); Wire(); Wire();

// // // // //

and-gate in and-gate in or-gate in and-gate out or-gate out

Gate andg = new AndGate(in,in2,aout,"andgate"); Gate org = new OrGate(in3,andg>OutWire(0),oout); cout << "attaching probes" << endl; Probe p = new Probe(aout); // attach to the and-out wire Probe q = new Probe(oout); // attach to the or-out wire cout << "set " << in << " on" << endl; in>SetSignal(true);

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

cout << "set " << in2 << " on" << endl; in2>SetSignal(true); cout << "set " << in << " off" << endl; in>SetSignal(false); cout << "set " << in3 << " on" << endl; in3>SetSignal(true); return 0;


After the probes are attached, the current on wire 0, one of the and-gate inputs, is turned on (or set). Since the other and-gate input has no current, no current ows out of the and-gate. When the current to wire 1 is set, the and-gate output (wire 3) becomes set and the probe detects this. Since the and-gate output is one of the or-gate inputs, the or-gate output (wire4) is also set and the other probe detects this change. The probes continue to detect changes as current is turned off and on as illustrated in the program and output.

prompt> gatewiredemo attaching probes (wire 3) signal= (wire 4) signal= set (wire 0) on set (wire 1) on (wire 4) signal= (wire 3) signal= set (wire 0) off (wire 4) signal= (wire 3) signal= set (wire 2) on (wire 4) signal= 0 0

1 1 0 0 1

13.3.3 Composite Gates and Connectors

Program 13.12 shows two ways of constructing the xor-gate illustrated in Figure 13.7. The output of an xor-gate is set when one of its inputs is set, but not when both are set. The truth-table generated by GateTester::Test for an xor-gate is shown in the output. Both methods create a CompositeGate object, another of the gates in the hierarchy shown in Figure 13.5. A CompositeGate is-a gate as shown in the diagram, but its a gate made up of other gates. In particular, a composite gate can be formed from the basic gate building-blocks, but also from other composite gates. A collection of connected gates is also known as a circuit, so a CompositeGate object represents a circuit. The key idea here is that a circuit is also a gate for building other circuits.

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13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns


Figure 13.7 Building an xor circuit. Program Tip 13.8: The class CompositeGate is a concrete example of the Composite design pattern [GHJ95]. There, the pattern is a solution to a problem stated as you want clients to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects. Clients will treat all objects uniformly.

A linked-list can also be viewed as a composite. A node is an individual item in a list, but it also represents a complete list since the node provides access to the rest of the list. Just as a node contains information and a pointer to another node, a CompositeGate contains information about the gate and many pointers to other gates, the gates that make up the circuit. Rather than dwell on the implementation of the class, well see how its used to create complex circuits. Its almost simpler to create a new class XorGate than to build a composite gate that works like an xor-gate. However, creating a new class requires writing code and recompiling a program. As well see in the nal program from this chapter, its possible to create a gate-construction language or program that can build new gates while a program is running. The only member function of a class XorGate that differs in a substantive way from either AndGate or OrGate is XorGate::Act, the method that determines how a signal propagates through the gate.
Program 13.11 xorgate.cpp
class XorGate : public Gate { public: virtual void Act() { myOuts[0]>SetSignal( (myIns[0]>GetSignal() || myIns[1]>GetSignal()) && !(myIns[0]>GetSignal() && myIns[1]>GetSignal()) ) } };


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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

The partial class declaration and denition shown above captures in boolean logic and code exactly the relationship shown in digital logic in Figure 13.7. The output is set when either input is set, but not when both inputs are set.

Constructing CompositeGate Objects. Three CompositeGate methods allow a complex gate to be constructed from other gates.
AddGate adds a gate to a composite gate. Presumably the added gates will be connected in some way (otherwise the composite gate wont be very useful.) AddIn adds an input wire to a composite gate. Presumably each input wire is connected to a gate thats part of the composite object. Each call of AddIn adds a new input wire. AddOut adds an output wire to a composite gate. As with AddIn, presumably each added output wire is connected to one of the gates added to the composite. Each of these methods is shown in MakeXOR of Program 13.12. Note that each call of AddIn and AddOut adds a wire that is an input (respectively output) of a gate already added to the composite. The input and output wires could be specied rst, then the gates added; the net effect is the same.

Using the Method Gate::clone. The MakeXOR function also shows the method Gate::clone applied to the AndGate object ag. The method clone is abstract9 in Gate so every concrete subclass must provide an implementation. Client programs typically dene objects and reference them through pointers of type Gate * more often than by pointers of a specic subclass like AndGate * or CompositeGate *. Since clone is virtual, the object actually cloned returns a copy of itself.
void DoStuff(Gate * g) // post: do something with a copy of g { Gate * copy = g->clone(); // what kind of gate is copy? we cant tell but // we can apply any generic Gate method to copy }

In this example, the object referenced by copy is some kind of gate, and if clone works as expected copy is a duplicate of the gate g passed to the function DoStuff. The Gate::clone method is an example of whats often called a virtual constructor. The clone method is used to create objects, like a constructor, but the clone method is virtual so it creates an object whose type isnt known at compile time.

Recall that I use abstract rather than the more C++ specic term pure virtual.

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13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns


Program Tip 13.9: The clone method is a concrete example of whats called the Factory Method design pattern in [GHJ95]. There, the pattern is a solution to a problem paraphrased as client code cant anticipate what kind of objects it must create or wants to delegate responsibility of creation to subclasses in a class hierarchy.

Using Connectors. The functions MakeXOR and MakeXOR2 illustrate the differences between calling Connect to connect wires to gate inputs and output (in MakeXOR) and constructing gates from existing wires (MakeXOR2). When gates are constructed without wires attached as they are in MakeXOR, the gate functions InWire and OutWire are used to access input wires and output wires, respectively, for attaching these wires to other wires using connectors. A connector is a gate that simply transfers current from one wire to another as though the wires are joined or soldered together. As the output shows, the circuit created by MakeXOR uses more wires than the circuit created by MakeXOR2. When gates are constructed without wires in client code, each gate creates its own wires for input and output. Counting the input and output wires for each gate in Figure 13.7 shows that there are 11 wires: 3(2 and-gates) + 3(1 or-gate) + 1(2 inverters). The wires for the gate created by MakeXOR2 are explicitly created in the client program. There are fewer wires since, for example, the connections between the inputs of the rightmost and-gate (whose output is the circuits output) and their sources (the outputs of the or-gate and inverter) require only two wires whereas four wires are used by MakeXOR.
Program 13.12 xordemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "gates.h" #include "wires.h" #include "tvector.h" // illustrate connecting wires to gates using Connect CompositeGate MakeXOR() // post: return an xor-gate { CompositeGate xorg = new CompositeGate(); // holds xor-gate Gate ag = new AndGate(); // build components Gate ag2= ag>clone(); // and gate a different way Gate og = new OrGate(); Gate inv = new Inverter(); Connect(og>InWire(0), Connect(og>InWire(1), Connect(ag>OutWire(0), ag>InWire(1) ); ag>InWire(0) ); inv>InWire(0)); // wire components

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

Connect(inv>OutWire(0), ag2>InWire(1)); Connect(og>OutWire(0), ag2>InWire(0)); xorg>AddGate(ag); xorg>AddGate(ag2); xorg>AddGate(inv); xorg>AddGate(og); // add gates to xor-circuit

xorg>AddOut(ag2>OutWire(0)); // add inputs/outputs xorg>AddIn(og>InWire(0)); xorg>AddIn(og>InWire(1)); return xorg; } CompositeGate MakeXOR2() // post: returns an xor-gate { CompositeGate xorg = new CompositeGate(); tvector<Wire > w(6); // need 6 wires to make circuit tvector<Gate > gates; // holds the gates in the xor-circuit int k; for(k=0; k < 6; k++) { w[k] = new Wire(); } gates.push_back(new OrGate( w[0], w[1], w[2]) ); // create wired gates gates.push_back(new AndGate(w[0], w[1], w[3]) ); // share inputs gates.push_back(new Inverter(w[3], w[4]) ); // and out->inv in gates.push_back(new AndGate(w[2], w[4], w[5]) ); // combine or, inv for(k=0; k < gates.size();k++) { xorg>AddGate(gates[k]); } xorg>AddIn(w[0]); xorg>AddIn(w[1]); xorg>AddOut(w[5]); return xorg; } int main() { CompositeGate g = MakeXOR(); CompositeGate g2 = MakeXOR2(); cout << "circuit has " << g>CountWires() << " wires" << endl; GateTester::Test(g); cout << "circuit has " << g2>CountWires() << " wires" << endl; GateTester::Test(g2); return 0; } // add gates to xor

// add inputs/outputs


The code in MakeXOR2 exploits the Gate class hierarchy by creating a vector of pointers to Gate * objects, but creating different kinds of gates for each pointer to reference. A vector of Gate * pointers is also used in the private section of the CompositeGate class to store the gates used in constructing the composite object. Although the functions MakeXOR and MakeXOR2 create different digital circuits, the circuits are identical from

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a logical view point: they compute the same logical operator as shown by the truth tables. The different functions create a CompositeGate using the same process. 1. 2. 3. 4. Create an initially empty composite. Construct gates, wire them together, and add the gates to the composite. Specify input wires and output wires for the composite. The composite object is nished.

As weve noted, steps two and three can be interchanged, the relative order in which these steps are executed does not affect the nal composite gate.

prompt> circuit testing ----0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 -----circuit testing ----0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 ------

xordemo has 11 wires composite: 4 gates, 2 in wires, 1 out wires

: : : : 0 1 1 0

has 6 wires composite: 4 gates, 2 in wires, 1 out wires : : : : 0 1 1 0

Pause to Reect

13.16 Suppose a probe pin is added to the input wire in as part of Program 13.10:
Probe * q = new Probe(oout); // in original program Probe * pin = new Probe(in); // added here

As a result of adding this probe three lines of output are added. What are the lines and where do they appear in the output? (Hint: one line is printed when the probe is attached.) 13.17 If the AndGate instance andg in Program 13.10 is tested at the end of main, the truth table printed is the standard truth table for an and-gate.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

This happens even though the output of andg is connected to the input of the or-gate org. Why? (Hint: is the circuit consisting of the and-gate and or-gate combined into a Gate object?)

13.18 The probe p can be removed from the wire aout at the end of Program 13.10 using a Wire member function. Whats the function and what call uses it to remove the probe (see wires.h, Program G.15 for Wire methods)? 13.19 Write the function RemoveProbe whose header follows. (See wires.h and gates.h in How to G.)
void RemoveProbe(Probe * p) // post: p is removed from the wire it monitors/probes

13.20 The return type of the function MakeXOR is CompositeGate * in Program 13.12, xordemo.cpp. If the return type is changed to Gate * an xor-gate is still returned, but the call of MakeXOR below fails to compile.
CompositeGate * g = MakeXOR();

If gs type is changed to Gate * the denition of g compiles, but then the output statement below fails to compile.
cout << "circuit has " << g->CountWires() << " wires" << endl;

Whats the cause of this behavior (hint: CountWires is not a Gate method.) 13.21 The circuit diagrammed in Figure 13.8 shows a circuit that is logically equivalent to an or-gate, but which is constructed from an and-gate and three inverters. Write a function MakeOR that returns a CompositeGate representing the circuit diagrammed in Figure 13.8. Draw a similar circuit thats logically equivalent to an and-gate using only inverters and or-gates.

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 1

Figure 13.8 Building an or-gate from other basic gates.

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Figure 13.9 A disabler circuit. 13.22 The circuit diagrammed in Figure 13.9 is a disabler circuit. The signal on the wire labelled Control determines if the signal on the (other) input wire is passed through to the output wire of the disabler. When the control signal is zero (off), the input signal goes through to the output, (i.e., the input and the output are the same). When the control signal is set, (i.e., true/one), the input signal is stopped, or disabled, and the output wire is false/zero regardless of the value on the input wire. Write a function MakeDisabler that returns a disabler circuit. Construct both gates without wires so that you must use Connect to wire the circuit together. How many wires are used in the circuit? (Do this exercise on paper, not necessarily by writing and testing a function.) Implement an alternative version called MakeDisabler2 which does not use Connect so that both gates in the circuit are constructed with wires. How many wires are used in the circuit? 13.23 Write the method Disabler::Act that represents the logic of a disabler circuit. Model the function on the version of XorGate::Act shown in Section 13.3.3. 13.24 The comparator circuit shown in Figure 13.10 determines whether the signal on the wire labeled R is less than the signal on the wire labeled C, where one/zero are used for true/false. (continued )


DC > disabler



Figure 13.10 A comparator circuit for selecting the larger of two values.

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Write a truth table for the circuit by tracing all four possible combinations of zero/one for inputs and labeling the corresponding outputs. Verify that if the signals are the same, the outputs are both zero. If R < C then the lower output wire labeled < is one/true and the upper wire is zero/false. If R > C then the upper output labeled > is one/true and the lower wire is zero/false. 13.25 Assume a function MakeDisabler is written that returns a disabler-gate/circuit. Use this function to write a MakeComparator function that returns a compositegate encapsulating a comparator circuit. 13.26 Do you expect the truth tables printed by the two calls of GateTester::Test that follow to be the same? Why?
void TruthTwice(Gate * g) { Gate * copy = g->clone(); GateTester::Test(g); GateTester::Test(copy); }

13.3.4 Implementation of the Wire and Gate Classes

The interactions between classes in the Gate hierarchy and the class Wire are fairly complex. Its not essential to understand these interactions to write simple programs like the ones we studied in previous sections, but a solid understanding of the interactions is needed before you write your own Gate subclasses or write more involved programs. Once weve looked at the classes and their implementations in more detail, well be able to make judgments about the overall design of the Gate/Wire framework. Well see that there are some problems in the Gate class hierarchy that make it more difcult to add an XorGate subclass than it should be. Its not difcult to add such a class, but the process would be considerably more simple with the introduction of a new class encapsulating behavior common to AndGate, OrGate, and what would be XorGate. As weve stressed, software should be grown: the design process does not nish when you have a working program or prototype. Since programs and classes evolve, it makes sense to step back and examine a design and implementation after the initial kinks have been ironed out. ProgramTip 13.10: Class methods sometimes need to be refactored into other classes, or into new classes that werent part of an initial design. Refactoring means you dont add new functionality, but you redistribute (to existing classes) or reassign (to new classes) existing behavior and functionality to make classes and code more reusable. As a start towards understanding the design well consider the simple code in Program 13.13 that creates an or-gate, attaches a probe to the output of the gate, and sets

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one of the input gates to true. The interactions and method calls made by all classes for the three lines of code in gwinteraction.cpp are shown in Figure 13.11.
Program 13.13 gwinteraction.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "gates.h" #include "wires.h" int main() { Gate org = new OrGate(); Probe p = new Probe(org>OutWire(0)); org>InWire(0)>SetSignal(true); return 0; }


prompt> gwinteraction (wire 2) signal= 0 (wire 2) signal= 1

Two separate concepts generate almost all the interactions shown in Figure 13.11. Well give an overview of each concept, discuss why theyre used in the Wire/Gate framework, and then provide a more in-depth look at each of them. 1. A Wire object can have any number of gates attached to it. Every time the signal on a wire changes, the wire noties all the attached gates that the signal has changed using the method Gate::Act. Each gate responds differently when its acted on, for example, probes print a value, or-gates propagate a true value to their output wire if one of their input wires is set, and so on. When a Gate is constructed without wires, such as in gwinteraction.cpp or in MakeXOR as opposed to MakeXOR2 of Program 13.12, xordemo.cpp, the gate creates its own wires. Rather than calling new Wire directly, a gate requests a wire from a WireFactory associated with the entire Gate hierarchy by a static instance variable of the Gate class.


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NMGate MakeWire new

Init AddGate(this) OutWire(0)


new Probe(org->OutWire(0)) AddGate(this) Act SetSignal(true)

// InWire(0)

Act Act


// OutWire(0)

Figure 13.11 Interaction diagram: creating an or-gate with no connected wires, attaching a probe to the output of
the gate, and setting the signal on the rst of the gates two inputs.

13.3.5 Gates andWires: Observers and Observables

Look carefully at the inputs to the xor-gate diagrammed in Figure 13.7 and the comparator diagrammed in Figure 13.10. In both cases one wire is attached to the inputs of two different gates. Any change in the wire must propagate a signal through both gates. Suppose a probe is attached to one of the input wires that feeds into more than one gate. Then a change in the wire must notify two gates and a probe, which is really three gates since a probe is-a gate. How are changes in a circuit propagated? In the framework discussed here, a gate attaches itself to a wire, or can be attached by another object to a wire using the method Wire::AddGate. For example, a Probe instance adds itself during construction to the wire it probes.
Probe::Probe(Wire * w) : myWire(w) // post: probe is attached to w {

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myWire->AddGate(this); }

Its almost as though each attached gate listens to the wire, waiting for a change. However, a gate doesnt actively listen, it is notied by the wire when the wires signal changes. The wire noties all the gates that have been attached to it using the following code.
void Wire::SetSignal(bool signal) // post: notify attached/listening gates if signal changes { if (signal != mySignal) { mySignal = signal; int k; for(k=0; k < myGates.size(); k++) { myGates[k]->Act( ); } } }

You can look at the code in wires.h for details (see How to G), but the code above is mostly self-explanatory from the names of the instance variables and the syntax of how theyre used for example, myGates seems to be a tvector object from how its used. Gates that have been attached using AddGate can subsequently be removed using Wire::RemoveGate. Gate identity for removal is based on pointer values, so any object added can be removed since the address of an object doesnt change. Program Tip 13.11: In [GHJ95] the Observer pattern is a solution to a problem when a change to one object requires changing others, and you dont know how many objects need to be changed. The Observer pattern is sometimes called Observer/Observable or Publish/Subscribe. In the code above you can see that a wires gates are notied in the same order in which they are added to the wire. Suppose Wire object w2 noties the rst of the two gates that are (hypothetically) attached to w2. Since a gates Act method may set other wires, that will in turn call other Act methods; the second gate attached to w2 may have its Act method invoked well after other gates have acted. In one of the modications in the Exercise section youll be asked to introduce time into the Wire/Gate framework to account for these anomalies. The Observer pattern is common outside of programming. Volunteer remen are notied when theres an event they must respond to, but the remen do not actively phone the re department to nd res. The remen correspond to gates in our framework; the re department is the wire notifying the remen. Auctions sometimes model the pattern: bidders are notied when a new, higher bid has been made. A bidder actively monitoring new bids doesnt quite t the model, but a bidder that responds only when notied of a new bid does.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

Bjarne Stroustrup (b. 195?)

Bjarne Stroustrup is truly the father of C++. He began its design in 1979 and is still involved with both design and implementation of the language. His interests span computer science, history, and literature. In his own words: C++ owes as much to novelists and essayists such as Martin A. Hansen, Albert Camus, and George Orwell, who never saw a computer, as it does to computer scientists such as David Gries, Don Knuth, and Roger Needham. Often, when I was tempted to outlaw a feature I personally disliked, I refrained from doing so because I did not think I had the right to force my views on others. In writing about creating software, Stroustrup (p. 693) [Str97] mentions several things to keep in mind, three are ideas weve emphasized in this book: (1) There are no cookbook methods that can replace intelligence, experience, and good taste in design and programming, (2) Experimentation is essential for all nontrivial software development, and (3) Design and programming are iterative activities. Stroustrup notes that it is as difcult to dene what a programming language is as to dene computer science. Is a programming language a tool for instructing machines? A means of communicating between programmers? A vehicle for expressing high-level designs? A notation for algorithms? A way of expressing relationships between concepts? A tool for experimentation? A means of controlling computerized devices? My view is that a general-purpose programming language must be all of those to serve its diverse set of users. For his work in the design of C++, Stroustrup was awarded the 1994 ACM Grace Murray Hopper award, given for fundamental contributions made to computer science by work done before the age of 30. Most of this material is taken from [Str94].

13.3.6 Encapsulating Construction in WireFactory

The simple three-line program in Program 13.13, constructs an or-gate without providing wires when the or-gate is constructed. The or-gate makes its own wires, and the program connects a probe to the created output wire. As we saw in the two different functions

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MakeXOR and MakeXOR2 of Program 13.12, a gate can be created by attaching existing wires to the gate when the gate is constructed, or by creating a gate and then connecting wires to the input/output wires the gate constructs itself. Where do these self-constructed wires come from? The simplest method is to create new wires using new Wire() sample code for the Inverter constructor shows this (this isnt the real constructor, which uses a different technique discussed later). An Inverter has an input, an output, a name, and a number.
Inverter::Inverter(const string& name) : myIn(new Wire(name)), myOut(new Wire(name)) myName(name), myNumber(ourCount) { ourCount++; myIn->AddGate(this); }

Since an Inverter creates the wires using the new operator, the class is responsible for deleting the wires in its destructor. This approach tightly couples the Gate and Wire classes. If a better wire class is designed, or we want to run a circuit simulation using a LowEnergyWire class representing a new kind of wire thats a subclass of Wire, well have to rewrite every gates constructor to use the new kind of wire. We cant reduce the coupling inherent in the circuit framework because wires and gates do depend on each other, but we can reduce the coupling in how gates create wires. To do this we design a WireFactory class. When a client wants a wire, the wire is ordered from the factory rather than constructed using new. If a new wire class is created, we order wires from a new factory that makes the new kind of wires. Because we use inheritance to model is-a relationships, the new kind of wires can be used in place of the original wires since, for example, a LowEnergyWire is-a Wire. By isolating wire creation in a WireFactory, changing the kinds of wires used by all gates means simply changing the factory, and the factory is created in one place so it can be changed easily. The Inverter constructor actually used in gates.cpp illustrates how a factory isolates wire construction in one place.
Inverter::Inverter(const string& name) : myIn(ourWireFactory->MakeWire(name)), myOut(ourWireFactory->MakeWire(name)), myName(name), myNumber(ourCount) { ourCount++; myIn->AddGate(this); }

The my/our naming convention tells us that ourWireFactory is a static instance variable. The factory is shared by every Gate object since its dened as a protected static data member in the abstract Gate superclass. This means every Inverter, every AndGate, and every gate subclass not yet implemented can share the factory.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

Program Tip 13.12: Using a factory class to isolate object creation decreases the coupling between the created objects and their collaborating classes. This design pattern is called Abstract Factory in [GHJ95]. A factory class is used when a system should be independent of how its products are created, composed, and represented or when a system should be congured with one of multiple families of products. Our WireFactory class is not abstract, but well explore how to create more than one kind of factory in the exercises by creating an abstract base class from which WireFactory derives. The Gate::clone method outlined in Program Tip 13.9 as a realization of a factory method shares characteristics with the WireFactory class that is a factory class: both isolate object creation so that clients can use objects without knowing how to create them.

13.3.7 Refactoring: Creating a BinaryGate Class

When I rst designed the Gate hierarchy in Figure 13.5 I anticipated creating classes like And3Gate, an and-gate with three inputs that sets its output only when all three inputs are set. I considered an And3Gate to be a 3-1-gate, a gate with three inputs and one output. The existing AndGate class represents a 2-1-gate while the comparator circuit diagrammed in Figure 13.10 is a 2-2-gate with two inputs and two outputs. Similarly, the full-adder diagrammed in Figure 13.13 is a 3-2-gate. Thinking there would be some common behavior in these gates I created a class NMGate to model an n-m-gate as Ive just described. Since a subclass is responsible for calling its superclass constructor, this leads to the constructor below for an AndGate instance constructed without wires.
AndGate::AndGate(const string& name) : NMGate(ourCount,name) // post: this and-gate is constructed { tvector<Wire *> ins(2), outs(1); ins[0] = ourWireFactory->MakeWire(myName); ins[1] = ourWireFactory->MakeWire(myName); outs[0] = ourWireFactory->MakeWire(myName); NMGate::Init(ins,outs); ourCount++; }

The AndGate constructor creates two input wires, one output wire, and puts these wires into vectors for initializing the parent NMGate class. The general class NMGate is initialized with vectors of wires for input and output so that it can be used for a 3-2gate as well as an 8-8-gate. The OrGate constructor shows striking similarities to the AndGate.
OrGate::OrGate(const string& name) : NMGate(ourCount,name)

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{ tvector<Wire *> ins(2), outs(1); ins[0] = ourWireFactory->MakeWire(myName); ins[1] = ourWireFactory->MakeWire(myName); outs[0] = ourWireFactory->MakeWire(myName); NMGate::Init(ins,outs); ourCount++; }

This duplicated code will be replicated in any new 2-1-gate, (e.g., if we implement an XorGate class). The Act methods of these classes differ because the gates model different logic, and the clone methods differ since each gate must return a copy of itself, but the other AndGate and OrGate methods are the same. Since 2-1-gates are quite common, and we may be implementing more basic 2-1-gates in the future, its probably a good idea to refactor the behavior in common to the 2-1-gates into a new class BinaryGate. The new class derives from NMGate and is a parent class to AndGate and OrGate. The AndGate constructor will change as follows.
AndGate::AndGate(const string& name) : BinaryGate(ourCount,name) // post: this and-gate is constructed { ourCount++; }

The behavior common to the AndGate and OrGate constructors has been factored out into the BinaryGate constructor. Similarly, all the methods whose behavior is the same in the binary gate subclasses are factored into the new BinaryGate superclass.
Pause to Reect

13.27 The method Wire::AddGate is implemented as follows.

void Wire::AddGate(Gate * g) // post: g added to gate collection, g->Act() called { myGates.push_back(g); g->Act(); }

Identify each call of g->Act() whose source is AddGate that appears in the interaction diagram of Figure 13.11. Which of the calls generate(s) output? 13.28 Constructing an Inverter and connecting a probe to its output generates the output shown. (continued )
Gate * inv = new Inverter(); Probe * p = new Probe(inv->OutWire(0));

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

(wire 1) signal= 1

Why is the wire labeled (wire 1), where is wire 0? Draw an interaction diagram like Figure 13.11 for these two statements. Trace all method calls, particularly the Gate::Act calls, and show why the call of g->Act() in Wire::AddGate shown in the previous exercise is necessary to get the behavior shown in the output what would the output of the probe be if the call g->Act() wasnt included in the method AddGate? Why? 13.29 The statements below construct a disabler circuit as diagrammed in Figure 13.9. The circuit isnt formed as a composite, but the gates and wires together make a disabler circuit with a probe attached to the circuits output wire.
Wire * controller= new Wire(); Gate * ag= new AndGate(); Gate * inv= new Inverter(controller, ag->InWire(1)); Probe * p= new Probe(ag->OutWire(0)); ag->InWire(0)->SetSignal(true); // send a signal through

Since the controller is false/zero when constructed, the signal set should propagate through the disabler. Draw an interaction diagram like Figure 13.11 for these ve statements. 13.30 As implemented, the WireFactory class cannot recycle used wires, (i.e., if a Gate is destroyed, the wires it may have ordered from the factory are not reused). The factory does keep track of all the wires ever allocated/ordered, and cleans the wires up when the factory ceases to exist. In what function does the current WireFactory destroy all the wires allocated during the factorys lifetime? Sketch a design that would allow the factory to recycle wires no longer needed. Youll need to identify how the factory stores recycled wires and how the factory collaborates with the Gate classes to get wires back when a gate no longer needs them. 13.31 The class NMGate is an abstract class because it has at least one abstract/pure virtual function, (e.g., Act). However, there is an NMGate constructor and an NMGate class has state: the input and output wires. Why is the class an abstract class, which means its not possible to create an NMGate object, but the class still has a constructor and state? Note that the statement below will not compile for two reasons: the constructor is protected and the class is abstract.
Gate * g = new NMGate(); // wont compile

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13.32 Why is ourCount++ used in the body of the refactored AndGate constructor at the end of Section 13.3.7? Why isnt the increment factored into the BinaryGate constructor? 13.33 The following statement, added as the last statement in main of Program 13.12, xordemo.cpp, produces the output shown.
cout << g2->deepString() << endl;

The output shows the components of the composite gate g2 created by MakeXOR2. The method deepString is implemented in each Gate subclasses, although it often defaults to the same function as tostring. Why are the and gates numbered 2 and 3? Where are and gates numbered 0 and 1? Draw the circuit for this composite and label every gate and wire with its number.

composite: 4 gates, 2 in wires, 1 out wires all-in all-out (wire 11) (wire 16) or (1) in ---and (2) in ---inv (1) in (wire 14) ---and (3) in --------(wire 13) (wire 15) out (wire 16) out (wire 15) (wire 11) (wire 12) out (wire 14) (wire 11) (wire 12) out (wire 13) (wire 12)

13.34 Instead of refactoring AndGate and OrGate into a new BinaryGate class, suppose a new constructor is added to the NMGate class in which the number of inputs and outputs is specied as shown in the following:

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Is this a better solution than introducing a new class BinaryGate? Why? Write the constructor that takes the number of inputs and outputs as parameters.
AndGate::AndGate(const string& name) : NMGate(2,1,ourCount,name) // post: this and-gate is constructed { ourCount++; }

13.3.8 Interactive Circuit Building

Program 13.12, xordemo.cpp, shows how a composite circuit can be built by creating gates and wires, then wiring them together. In Section 13.3.3 we described how to create new class declarations and denitions using an XorGate class as an example. Both these methods for creating circuits require writing, compiling, testing, and debugging programs. A different approach is outlined in the run of circuitbuilder.cpp. A complete version of this program is not provided; youll be asked to write it as an exercise. Well discuss why its a useful program and some of the design issues that arise in developing it. A graphical circuit-building program in which the user creates new gates by choosing from a palette of standard gates, uses the mouse to wire gates together, and tests the circuits built, might be the best way of designing and building new circuits. However, a text-base interactive circuit builder is easier to design and implement. Many of the classes and ideas in a text-based program may transfer to a graphics-based program, so well view the text-based program as a useful prototype.


Figure 13.12 Building A half-adder circuit. Well use the interactive circuit building program to build a half-adder, a circuit for adding two one-digit binary numbers diagrammed in Figure 13.12.10 Well use the halfadder to build a full-adder, a circuit that basically adds three one-bit numbers, though well view the inputs as two numbers and a carry from a previous addition, diagrammed


A binary digit is usually called a bit, which is almost an acronym for binary digit.

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in Figure 13.13. Full-adders can be wired together easily to form an n-bit ripple-carry adder for adding two n-bit binary numbers that well explore in an exercise. Binary, or base 2, numbers are added just like base 10 numbers, but since the only values of a binary digit (or bit) are zero and one, we get Table 13.1 as a description of the half-adder.
Table 13.1 Adding two one-bit numbers

A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

S 0 1 1 0

C 0 0 0 1

The output labeled S in Figure 13.12 and Table 13.1 is the sum of two bits. The output labeled C is the carry. Since we have 1 + 1 = 10 in base 2, the last line of the table shows the sum is zero and the carry is one, where the sum is the rightmost or least-signicant digit. Similarly in Figure 13.13 the sum and carry represent adding the three input bits. A table for the full-adder is shown in the output of circuitbuilder.cpp. Before looking at a run of the program well outline a list of requirements for an interactive circuit builder. The program doesnt meet all these requirements in the run shown, but you can add features as explored in chapter exercises. 1. The program should allow the user to choose standard gates for building circuits, but the list of gates should grow to include circuits built during the program. In other words, the program may start with only three gates (and, or, inverter), but any circuits built with the program become gates used in building other circuits. The program should be simple to use, commands should correspond to user expectations. First-time users should be able to use the program without much help, but experienced users should be able to use their experience to build circuits quickly. The program should be able to load circuits built by the program. This means the user should be able to save newly constructed circuits and load these circuits in a later run. Connecting gates and wires should not require an in-depth knowledge of the Gate and Wire classes weve studied. Circuit designers shouldnt need to be experts in object-oriented programming and design to use the program. The program should be exible enough to adapt to new requirements we expect to receive from users once the program has been reviewed and tested. For example, users make mistakes in building circuits; it would be nice to support undo features to change gates and connections already created.





In the run below there is no facility for saving and loading circuits and there is no undo command, but attempts are made to meet the other requirements. The program shows an initial collection of the three standard gates available for creating circuits. In the run,

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A B HA C in

Sum HA C out


Figure 13.13 Building a full-adder from half-adders and an or-gate. the user builds the half-adder diagrammed in Figure 13.12 by creating gates, printing the composite made from the gates in order to nd the name of each wire, then connecting the gates and specifying inputs and outputs for the composite gate constructed. After the new circuit is nished, the user types stop, the circuit is tested, and the new circuit is added to the list of available gates. The full-adder diagrammed in Figure 13.13 is built next using the same process: Gates are added to the composite: two half-adders and an or-gate. The composite is printed (the half-adders show up as composites), the wires between the gates are connected, and the inputs and outputs are specied. The circuit is nished, tested, and added to the tool kit of available circuits.

Designing for Both Novice and Expert Users. The command add which adds gates to the composite being constructed comes in three forms, each illustrated in the run.
add and, the user species the gate to add add, the user doesnt specify a gate, and is prompted for one the user presses enter/return when prompted for a gate and list of available gates is printed (see the end of the output)

Minimal Knowledge of Gate and Wire Classes. Every gate displayed is shown with inputs and outputs. The input and output wires are numbered, and users connect wires by using a wires number rather than typing and(1)->InWire(0) which might be used in a program, but shouldnt be demanded from a user11 .

11 Implementation aside: wire numbers can be used to nd wires only because a WireFactory supports wire lookup by number.

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13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns


prompt> circuitbuilder 0. and 1. or 2. inverter command: add and command: add and command: add or command: add inverter command: show current circuit composite: 4 gates, 0 in wires, 0 out wires all-in all-out and (1) in (wire 8) (wire 9) out (wire 10) ---and (2) in (wire 11) (wire 12) out (wire 13) ---or (1) in (wire 14) (wire 15) out (wire 16) ---inv (1) in (wire 17) out (wire 18) ----connections: none command: command: command: command: command: command: command: command: command: command: connect connect connect connect connect in 14 in 9 out 13 out 10 test 10 17 18 12 16 11 14 8 9 15

output continued

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

testing composite: 4 gates, 2 in wires, 2 out wires ----0 0 : 0 0 1 0 : 1 0 0 1 : 1 0 1 1 : 0 1 -----command: stop name for circuit: half command: add half command: add half command: add or command: show current circuit composite: 3 gates, 0 in wires, 0 out wires all-in all-out composite: 4 gates, 2 in wires, 2 out wires all-in (wire 25) (wire 20) all-out (wire 24) (wire 21)

output elided/removed -----composite: 4 gates, 2 in wires, 2 out wires all-in (wire 36) (wire 31) all-out (wire 35) (wire 32) output elided/removed -----or (4) in (wire 41) (wire 42) out (wire 43) connections: none command: connect 24 31 command: connect 21 42 command: connect 32 41 command: in 36 command: in 25 command: in 20 command: out 35 command: out 43 command: test output continued

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13.3 Advanced Case Study: Gates, Circuits, and Design Patterns


testing composite: 3 gates, 3 in wires, 2 out wires ----0 0 0 : 0 0 1 0 0 : 1 0 0 1 0 : 1 0 1 1 0 : 0 1 0 0 1 : 1 0 1 0 1 : 0 1 0 1 1 : 0 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 -----command: stop name for circuit: full command: add gate name: 0. and 1. or 2. inverter 3. half 4. full

13.3.9 SimpleMap: Mapping Names to Gates

In my prototype for the interactive builder program I used a structure called a map. Ill show the simple version I used in this prototype which is good enough for the prototype, easy to understand, and not fully functional. You dont need the class SimpleMap to write the interactive circuit builder, but youll need to implement something just like it (see simplemap.h, Program G.17.) A SimpleMap is templated on two classes: one class is the value stored in the map, the other is the key used to look up a value. In simplemapdemo.cpp, Gate * values are stored in the map and int values are keys to retrieve gate pointers. The same kind of map is used in circuitbuilder.cpp, but strings are used to lookup a gate rather than integers. Users are more comfortable typing add and than typing add 0, where 0 is the index of the and-gate stored in a map.
Program 13.14 simplemapdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std;

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

#include "simplemap.h" #include "gates.h" int main() { SimpleMap<int,Gate > gatemap.insert(0, new gatemap.insert(1, new gatemap.insert(2, new

gatemap; AndGate("map-and-gate")); OrGate("map-or-gate")); Inverter("map-not-gate"));

Gate g = 0; // get g from map SimpleMapIterator<int,Gate> git(gatemap); for(git.Init(); git.HasMore(); git.Next()) { int index = git.Current(); g = gatemap.getValue(index); cout << index << "\t" << g << "\t" << (g>clone()) << endl; } return 0; }


The program shows how a map works as a gate tool kit. The program retrieves a gate and makes a copy of it using clone. The copy could be added to a composite being constructed by the user. When a new circuit is nished it can be easily added to the tool kit using the method SimpleMap::insert.

prompt> 0 1 2

simplemapdemo and (0) map-and-gate or (0) map-or-gate inv (0) map-not-gate

and (1) map-and-gate or (1) map-or-gate inv (1) map-not-gate

13.4 Chapter Review

We discussed inheritance, a powerful technique used in object-oriented programming for reusing a common interface. We saw several examples of inheritance hierarchies in which superclasses specied an interface, and subclasses implemented the interface with different behavior, but using a common naming convention. Inheritance allows an object thats an instance of a subclass to be substituted for, or used-as-an instance of, the corresponding superclass. In this book inheritance always models an is-a relationship, which ensures that objects can be substituted for other objects up an inheritance hierarchy. Topics covered include: Streams form an inheritance hierarchy. A function with an istream parameter can receive many kinds of streams as arguments including cin, ifstream, and

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13.5 Exercises


istringstream objects. Prototypes are rst-attempts at designing and implementing a program or classes that allow the programmer and the client to get a better idea of where a project is headed. Inheritance in C++ requires superclass functions to be declared virtual so that subclasses can change or specialize behavior. We use public inheritance which models an is-a relationship. Virtual functions are also called polymorphic functions. (Other uses of inheritance are possible in C++, but we use inheritance only with virtual functions and only with public inheritance.) Virtual superclass functions are always virtual in subclasses, but the word virtual isnt required. Its a good idea to continue to identify functions as virtual even in subclasses, because a subclass may evolve into a superclass. Subclasses should call superclass constructors explicitly, otherwise an implicit call will be generated by the compiler. An inherited virtual function can be used directly, overridden completely, or overridden while still calling the inherited function using Super::function syntax. Data and functions declared as protected are accessible in subclasses, but not to client programs. Data and functions declared as private are not accessible to subclasses except using accessor and mutator functions that might be provided by the superclass. Nevertheless, a subclass contains the private data, but the data isnt directly accessible. Abstract base classes contain one pure virtual function, a function identied with the ugly syntax of = 0. An abstract base class is an interface, its not possible to dene an object whose type is an abstract base class. Its very common, however, to dene objects whose type is ABC * where ABC is an abstract base class. An abstract base/superclass pointer can reference any object derived from the superclass. Flexible software should be extendible, programming in the future tense is a good idea. Using abstract classes that can have some default function denitions, but should have little state, is part of good programming practice. Several design patterns were used in designing and implementing a Gate/Wire framework for modeling digital circuits. The patterns used include Composite, Factory, Abstract Factory, and Observer. Programs should be grown rather than built; refactoring classes and functions is part of growing good software. A class SimpleMap is a usable prototype of the map classes youll study as you continue with computer science and programming. The map class facilitates the implementation of an interactive circuit-building program.

13.5 Exercises
13.1 Design a hierarchy of math quiz questions that cover the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You might also consider questions involving

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

ratios, fractions, or other parts of basic mathematics. Each kind of question should have both easy and hard versions, (i.e., addition might require carrying in the hard version). Keep the classes simple to make it possible to write a complete program; assume the user is in fourth or fth grade. Design and implement a quiz class that uses the questions youve just designed (and tested). The quiz should use different questions, and the questions should get more difcult if the user does well. If a user isnt doing well, the questions should get simpler. The quiz class should give a quiz to one student, not to two or more students at the same time. Ideally, the quiz class should record a students scores in a le so that the students progress can be tracked over several runs of the program. 13.2 Implement the class MultipleChoice shown in Figure 13.1. Youll need to decide on some format for storing multiple choice questions in a le, and specify a le when a MultipleChoice question object is created. Incorporate the new question into inheritquiz.cpp, Program 13.2, or design a new quiz program that uses several different quiz questions. 13.3 We studied a templated class LinkSet designed and implemented in Section 12.3.6 (see Programs 12.11 and 12.12, the interface and implementation, respectively.) New elements were added to the front of the linked list representing the set elements. Design a class like the untemplated version of the set class, LinkStringSet, that was developed rst. The new class supports only the operations Add and Size. Call the class WordList; it can be used to track the unique words in a text le as follows. void ReadStream(WordStreamIterator& input, WordList * list) // post: list contains one copy of each word in input { string word; for(input.Init(); input.HasMore(); input.Next()) { word = input.Current(); ToLower(word); StripPunc(word); list->Add(word); } cout << list->Size() << " different words" << endl; } Make the function Add a pure virtual function and make the helper function FindNode from LinkStringSet virtual and protected rather than private. Then implement three subclasses each of which uses a different technique for maintaining the linked list (you may decide to use doubly linked lists which make the third subclass slightly simpler to implement).

A class AddAtFront that adds new words to the front of the linked list. This is similar to the class LinkStringSet. A class AddAtBack that adds new words to the end of the linked list (keep a pointer to the last node, or use a circularly linked list).

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13.5 Exercises


A class SelfOrg that adds new nodes at the back, but when a node is found using the virtual, protected FindNode, the node is moved closer to the front by one position. The idea is that words that occur many times move closer to the front of the list so that theyll be found sooner.

Test each subclass using the function ReadStream shown above. Time the implementations on several text les. Try to provide reasons for the timings you observe. As a challenge, make two additions to the classes once they work. (1) Add an iterator class to access the elements. The iterator class will need to be a friend of the superclass WordList, but friendship is not inherited by subclasses. Youll need to be careful in designing the hierarchy and iterator so the iterator works with any subclass. (2) Make the classes templated. 13.4 Program 12.4, frogwalk3.cpp in Section 12.1.6, shows how to attach an object that monitors two random walkers to each of the walkers. The class Walker is being observed by the class WalkRecorder, though we didnt use the term Observer when we discussed the example in Chapter 12. Create an inheritance hierarchy for WalkRecorder objects that monitor a random walker in different ways. Walkers should accept any number of WalkRecorders, rather than just one, by storing a vector of pointers rather than a single pointer to a WalkRecorder. Implement at least two different recorders, but try to come up with other recorders that you think are interesting or useful. Implement a recorder that works like the original WalkRecorder in tracking every location of all the walkers its recording. Implement an ExtremeRecorder class that tracks just the locations that are furthest left (lowest) and right (highest) reached by any walker being monitored by the ExtremeRecorder. Alternatively, have the recorder keep track of one pair of extremes per walker rather than one pair of extremes for all walkers (this is tricky). Use the graphics package in How to H and create a class that displays a walker as a moving square on a canvas. Each walker monitored should appear as a different color. Walkers can supply their own colors, or the recorder can associate a color with a walker (it could do this using a SimpleMap object or in several other ways). 13.5 Design a hierarchy of walkers each of which behave differently. The walkers should wander in two-dimensions, so a walkers location is given by a Point object (see point.h, Program G.10). The superclass for all walkers should be named Walker. Design a WalkerWorld class that holds all the walkers. WalkerWorld::Step asks the world to ask each of its walkers to take one step, taking a step is a virtual function with different implementations by different Walker subclasses. You can consider implementing a hierarchy of WalkerWorld classes too, but at rst the dimensions of the world in which the walkers room should be xed when the world is created. The lower-left corner of the world has location (0,0); the upper-right corner has location (maxX,maxY). In a world of size 50 100 the upper-right corner has coordinates (49,99).

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

Consider the following different behaviors for step-taking, but you should be imaginative in coming up with new behaviors. A walker should always start in the middle of the world. A random walker that steps left, right, up, and down with equal probability. A walker at the edge of the world, for example, whose location is (0,x), cant move off the edge, but may have only three directions to move. A walker in the corner of the world has only two choices. A walker that walks immediately to the north edge of the world and then hugs the wall circling the world in a clockwise direction. A walker that wraps around the edge of the world, for example, if it chooses to walk left/west from location (0,y) its location becomes (maxX,y). Youll probably want to add at least one WalkRecorder class to monitor the walkers; a graphics class makes for enjoyable viewing. 13.6 Function objects were used to pass comparison functions encapsulated as objects to sorting functions; see Section 11.3 for details. Its possible to use inheritance rather than templates to enforce the common interface used by the comparison function objects described in Section 11.3. Show how the function header below can be used to sort using function objects, although the function is only templated on one parameter (contrast it to the declaration for InsertSort in sortall.h, Program G.14.) template <class Type> void InsertSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size, const Comparer & comp); You should show how to dene an abstract Comparer class, and how to derive subclasses that are used to sort by different criteria. 13.7 The circuit constructed by the statements below is self-referential. Draw the circuit and trace the calls of Gate::Act through the or-gate, inverter, and probe. What happens if the circuit is programmed? What happens if the or-gate is changed to an and-gate? Gate * org = new OrGate("trouble"); Gate * inv = new Inverter(); Probe * p = new Probe(inv->OutWire(0)); Connect(org->OutWire(0),inv->InWire(0)); Connect(inv->OutWire(0), org->InWire(1)) 13.8 Implement a complete program for interactively building circuits. Invent a circuitdescription language you can use to write circuits to les and read them back. You should try to use a Factory for creating the gates and circuits used in the program, but youll need a factory to which you can add new circuits created while the program is running. Using a SimpleMap can make the factory implementation easier, but youll need to think very carefully about how to design the program. 13.9 Implement a class GateFactory that encapsulates creation of the four standard gate classes: AndGate, OrGate, Inverter, CompositeGate as well as a class

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13.5 Exercises


XorGate. The factory class is used like the WireFactory class, but for creating gates rather than wires, see the code on the next page. For example, the code below creates a disabler-circuit, (see Figure 13.9). GateFactory gf; Gate * cg = gf.MakeComposite(); Gate * ig = gf.MakeInverter(); Gate * ag = gf.MakeAndGate(); // connect wires, add gates, input and output wires, to cg This class enables gates to be created using a factory, but it doesnt force client programs to use the factory. Nor does it stop clients from creating hundreds of factories. The second concern can be addressed using a design pattern called Singleton. A singleton class allows only one object to be created. Clients can have multiple pointers to the object, but theres only one object. The class Singleton in singelton.h illustrates how to do this.
Program 13.15 singleton.h

#ifndef _SINGLETON_H #define _SINGLETON_H // demo code fora singleton implementation class Singleton { public: static Singleton GetInstance(); // methods here for Singleton behavior private: static Singleton ourSingleton; Singleton(); // constructor }; Singleton Singleton::ourSingleton = 0; Singleton Singleton::GetInstance() { if (ourSingleton == 0) { ourSingleton = new Singleton(); } return ourSingleton; }

// ok to construct

Singleton::Singleton() { // nothing to construct in this simple example } #endif


Show by example how client code uses a singleton object. Assume theres a void method Singleton::DoIt() and write code to call it. Explain how client programs are prevented from creating Singleton objects and how the class limits

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design

A7 B7

A2 B2

A 1 B1

A0 B

= 0

FA C3 S 7




C2 S2 S 1

C1 S 0

Figure 13.14 A ripple-carry adder for 8-bit numbers.

itself to creating one object. Then modify either your GateFactory or the existing WireFactory class to be singletons. 13.10 The circuit in Figure 13.14 is an 8-bit ripple-carry adder, a concrete version of the more general n-bit ripple-carry adder. The circuit adds two 8-bit numbers represented by A and B, where A = A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 , and A0 is the least-signicant bit. The largest 8-bit value is 1111111 which is 25510 (base 10). Each box labeled FA is a full-adder, see Figure 13.13 for details. This ripple-adder is a 17-9-gate circuit, with 17 inputs: 8 bits for A, 8 bits for B, and the initial carry-in value, and 9 outputs: 8 bits for the sum and a nal carry-out. Write an English description for how the ripple-carry adder works. Note that the initial carry-in C0 is set to zero. Other carries ripple through the circuit, hence the name. Then write a function RippleAdder to create and return a composite-gate representing an n-bit ripple-carry adder where n is a parameter to the function. Assume you have a function FullAdder. To test the function youll need to implement the FullAdder function which in turn will require implementing a HalfAdder function. 13.11 In real circuits, electricity does not travel through a circuit instantaneously, but is delayed by the gates encountered. Different gates have different built-in delays, and the delays of the built-in gates affect circuits built up from these gates. For example, well assume a delay of 3 time-units for an and-gate, 5 units for an orgate, and 2 units for an inverter (youll be able to change these values in the program you write). Assume a disabler-circuit as diagrammed in Figure 13.9 has the input to the and-gate from the outside on, the input to the inverter off, so that the output signal is on. If the inverter-input signal is set to true, the circuits output will change to false ve time-units later. There will be a 2-unit delay for the inverter followed by a 3-unit delay for the and-gate. Develop a new class called TimedGate that acts like a gate, but delays acting for a set amount of time. This is a nontrivial design, so youll need to think very carefully about how to incorporate delays into the circuit system. Assume youll be using only TimedGates, not mixing them with regular gates. One way to start is shown in the following:.

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13.5 Exercises


class TimedGate : public Gate { public: // substitute me for g TimedGate(Gate * g, int delay); virtual int InCount() {return myGate->InCount();} virtual int OutCount() {return myGate->OutCount();} virtual Wire * InWire(int n) {return myGate->InWire(n);} virtual Wire * OutWire(int n) {return myGate->OutWire(n);} virtual string tostring() // can use gs tostring const const const const const;

virtual Gate * clone() { return new TimedGate(myGate->clone(), myDelay); } virtual void Act(); // act with delay protected: Gate * myGate; int myDelay; }; This class can be used as-a gate. It forwards most requests directly to the gate it encapsulates as shown. The constructor and the TimedGate::Act function require careful thought. A TimedGate object must remove the Gate g it encapsulates from the wires connected to gs inputs. Then the TimedGate object substitutes itself for the the inputs. All this happens at construction. In addition, youll need to dene some kind of structure that stores timed events so that they happen in the correct order. In my program I used a static EventSimulator object that all TimedGates can access. Events are put into the simulator, and arranged to occur in the proper order. Again, youll need to think very carefully about how to do this. 13.12 The circuit in Figure 13.15 is designed to control an elevator. Its a simple circuit designed to direct the elevator up or down, which are the circuits outputs. The inputs are the current oor and the requested oor. The diagram shows a circuit for an elevator in a four-story building. The current oor is specied by the binary number C1 C0 , so that 00 is the rst oor,12 01 is the second oor, 10 is the third oor, and 11 is the fourth oor.


This is a book on C++, so oors are numbered beginning with zero.

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Chapter 13 Inheritance for Object-Oriented Design


1 1



R C Comp C DC

Comp 0

> DC < DC

> Control DC <


Figure 13.15 A circuit for choosing which direction an elevator travels. The inputs labeled C are the current oor
(2 bits) and the R inputs are for the requesting oor.

The digit C1 is the most signicant digit. Similarly, R1 R0 is a binary representation of the requested oor. The purpose of the circuit is to direct the elevator up when the requested oor is greater than the current oor, and down when the requested oor is less than the current oor. Write an English description of why the circuit works. Be attentive to the order of inputs to the comparator gates and see Fig 13.10 and Figure 13.9 and the associated descriptions. Write a truth table by hand for a 4-input 2-output circuit, or build the circuit with a program and have GateTester::Test print the truth table for the circuit. Try to generalize the circuit to a building with 2N oors rather than four oors.

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How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

In this howto we summarize the basic syntax of C++ and the rules and operators that are used in C++ expressions. This is a brief language reference for C++ as used in this book, not the entire language. We dont cover the use of dynamic memory in this howto.

A.1 Syntax
A.1.1 The function main
C++ programs begin execution with a function main. The smallest C++ program is shown below, it doesnt do anything, but its syntactically legal C++.
int main() { return 0; }

The return value is passed back to the system, a non-zero value indicates some kind of failure. Although not used in this book, the function main can have parameters, these are so-called command-line parameters, passed to the program when the function is run. A brief synopsis of command-line parameters is given in Sec. A.2.6.

A.1.2 Built-in and other types

The built-in types in C++ used in this book are int, double, bool, and char. A type void is used as a built-in empty-type, but we dont treat void as an explicit type. A function declared as void does not return a value of type void, but returns no value. In addition to double, the type float can be used to represent oating point values; but float is less precise and we do not use it. We also dont use the modiers short, long, and unsigned. The most useful of these is unsigned which effectively doubles the range of positive values, e.g., on many systems a char value is signed and ranges from -128 to 128, but an unsigned char value ranges from 0 to 255. The range of values represented by int and char expressions are accessible using values given in the header le <climits> (or <limits.h>). The range for oating point values is found in <cfloat> (or <float.h>.) See Howto F for information about these standard header les. 705

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

Non built-in types in C++ are called user-dened types. Many user-dened types are implemented for use in this book. Information about these types can be found in Howto G. Standard C++ user-dened types used in this book include string and vector. We use a vector class with error-checking rather than the standard vector class, but we use the standard C++ string class declared in <string>. For programmers without access to this class we provide a class tstring that can be used in place of string for all the programs in this book. The class tstring is accessible via the header le "tstring.h".

A.1.3 Variable Denition and Assignment

Variables are dened when storage is allocated. Variable denitions include a type and a name for the variable. An initial value may optionally be supplied. The C++ statements below dene an int variable without an initial value, a double variable with an initial value, two string variables with initial values and one without.
int minimum; double xcoord = 0.0; string first = "hello", second, third="goodbye";

In this book we usually dene only one variable per statement, but as the string denitions above show, any number of variables can be dened for one type in a denition statement. One good reason to dene only one variable in a statement is to avoid problems with pointer variables. The statement below makes foop a pointer to a Foo, but foop2 is a Foo, not a pointer.
Foo * foop, foop2;

To make both variables pointers requires the following.

Foo * foop, * foop2;

Variables that are instances of a class, as opposed to built-in types like int or bool are constructed when they are dened. Typically the syntax used for construction looks like a function call, but the assignment operator can be used when variables are dened as in the second line below. This statement constructs a variable only, it does not construct then assign, although the syntax looks like this is what happens.
Dice cube(6); // define/construct a 6-sided Dice Dice dodo = 12; // define/construct a 12-sided Dice Date usb(1,1,2000); // define/construct first date of year 2000

Its legal to use constructor syntax for built-in types too:

int x(0); int y = 0;

// both define ints with value zero

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A.1 Syntax


Table A.1 Arithmetic Assignment Operators.

Symbol += *= -= /= %=

Example x += 1; doub *= 2; n -= 5; third /= 3; odd %= 2;

Equivalent x = x + 1; doub = doub * 2; n = n - 5; third = third / 3; odd = odd % 2;

The Assignment Operator The assignment operator, operator =, assigns new values
to variables that have already been dened. The assignment operator assigns values to tomorrow and baker below.

Date today; Date tomorrow = today + 1; // definition, not assignment int dozen = 12, baker = 0; // definition, not assignment tomorrow = today - 1; // make tomorrow yesterday baker = dozen + 1; // a triskaidekaphobes nightmare

Assignments can be chained together. The rst statement using operator = below shows a single assignment, the second shows chained assignment.

double average; int min,max; average = 0.0; min = max = ReadFirstValue();

The assignment of 0.0 to average could have been done when average is dened, but the assignments to min and max cannot be done when the variables are dened since, presumably, the function ReadFirstValue is to be called only once to read a rst value which will then be assigned to be both min and max. In addition to the assignment operator, several arithmetic assignment operators alter the value of existing variables using arithmetic operations as shown in Table A.1. The expectation in C++ is that an assignment results in a copy. For classes that contain pointers as data members, this usually requires implementing/overloading an assignment operator and a copy constructor. You dont need to worry about these unless youre using pointers or classes that use pointers. See Howto E for details on overloading the assignment operator.

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

Table A.2 C++ keywords

asm auto bool break case catch char class const const_cast continue

default delete do double dynamic_cast else enum explicit extern false oat

for friend goto if inline int long mutable namespace new operator

private protected public register reinterpret_cast return short signed sizeof static static_cast

struct switch template this throw true try typedef typeid typename union

unsigned using virtual void volatile wchar_t while

A.1.4 C++ Keywords

The keywords (or reserved words) in C++ are given in Table A.2. Not all the keywords are used in this book. We either discuss or use in code all keywords except for the following: asm, auto, goto, register, throw, volatile, catch, wchar_t, short, try, extern, typeid, typename, union

A.1.5 Control Flow

We use most of the C++ statements that change execution ow in a program, but not all of them. We use the statements listed in Table A.3.
Table A.3 Control ow statements in C++

if ( condition ) statement if ( condition ) statement else statement switch ( condition ) case/default statements while ( condition ) statement do statement while ( condition ) for ( init statement ; condition ; update expression ) case constant expression : statement default : statement break; continue; return expression (expression is optional)

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A.1 Syntax


There are few control statements we do not use, these are: try and catch for handling exceptions. We do not use exceptions in the code in this book, so we do not need try and catch. goto for jumping to a labelled statement. Although controversial, there are occasions where using a goto is very useful. However, we do not encounter any of these occasions in the code used in this book.

Selection Statements The if statement by itself guards a block of statements so that theyre executed only when a condition is true.
if (a < b) { // statements only executed when a < b }

The if/else statement selects one of two blocks of statements to execute:

if (a < b) { // executed when a < b } else { // executed when a >= b }

Its possible to chain if/else statements together to select between multiple conditions, see Sec. 4.4.2. Alternatively, the switch statement selects between many constant values, the values must be integer/ordinal values, e.g., ints, chars, and enums can be used, but doubles and strings cannot.
switch (expression) { case 1 : // do this break; case 2 : // do that return; case 20: case 30: // do the other break; default: // if no case selected }

Conditional Expressions: the ?: operator Although not a control statement, the question-mark/colon operator used in a conditional expression replaces an if/else

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

statement that distinguishes one of two values. For example, consider the statement below.
if (a < b) { min = a; } else { min = b; } // assign to min the smallest of a and b

This can be expressed more tersely by using a conditional:

// assign to min the smallest of a and b min = (a < b) ? a : b;

A conditional expression consists of three parts, a condition whose truth determines which of two values are selected, and two expressions for the values. When evaluated, expression that comes before the conditional takes on one of the two values. The the question-mark is interpreted Syntax: conditional statement (the ?: operator) as boolean-valued. If it is true (non-zero), then expression a condition expression ? expression a : expression b is used as the value of the conditional, otherwise expression b is used as the value of the conditional. We do not use operator ?: in the code shown in the book although it is used in some of the libraries provided with the book, e.g., it is used in the implementation of the tvector class accessible in tvector.h.

Repetition There are three loop constructs in C++, theyre shown in Table A.3. Each looping construct repeatedly executes a block of statements while a guard or testexpression is true. The while loop may never execute, e.g., when a > b before the rst loop test in the following.
while (a < b) { // do this while a < b }

A do-while loop always executes at least once.

do { // do that while a < b } while (a < b);

A for statement combines loop initialization, test, and update in one place. Its convenient to use for loops for denite loops, but none of the loop statements generates code thats more efcient than the others.
int k; for(k = 0; k < 20; k++) { // do that 20 times }

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A.2 Functions and Classes


Its possible to write inite loops, the break statement branches to the rst statement after he inner-most loop in which the break occurs.
while (true) { // do forever } for(;;) { // do forever } while (true) { if (a < b) break; }

Occasionally the continue statement is useful to jump immediately back to the loop test.
while (expression) { if (something) { // do that continue; // test expression } // when something isnt true }

Function returns The return statement causes control to return immediately from a function to the statement following the function call. Functions can have multiple return statements. A void function cannot return a value, but return can be used to leave the function other than by falling through to the end of the function.
void dothis() { if (test) return; // do this } // function returns int getvalue() { if (test) return 3; // do that } // error, no value returned

A.2 Functions and Classes

A.2.1 Dening and Declaring Functions and Classes
A function is declared when its prototype is given and dened when the body of the function is written. A functions header must appear before the function is called, either as part of a function denition or as a prototype. Two prototypes follow.
int doThat(int x, int y); void readIt(const string& s);

The return type of a function is part of the prototype, but isnt used to distinguish one function from another when the function is overloaded. Overloaded functions have the same names, but different parameter lists:
void check(int x); void check(bool a, bool b); void check(string s); int check(int x); // conflict

A class is declared when member function prototypes and instance variables are provided, typically in a header le. The body of the member functions arent typically included as part of a declaration.

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

class Bug; // forward declaration class Doodle // Doodle declaration only, not definition { public: Doodle(); Doodle(int x); int getDoo() const; void setDoo(int x) ; private: int myDoo; Bug * myBug; };

Functions that dont alter class state should be declared as const. See Howto D for details. The class denition occurs in an implementation le, typically with a .cpp sufx.
int Doodle::getDoo() const { return myDoo; } // method definition

Its possible to dene member functions inline as part of the class declaration:
class Simple // declaration and inline definitions { public: Simple(const string& s) : myString(s) { } void Set(const string& s) { myString = s; } int Get() const { return myString; } private: string myString; };

The class Simple shows an initializer list used to construct private instance variables. Initializer lists are the preferred form of giving values to instance variables/data members when an object is constructed.

Initializer Lists A class can have more than one constructor, each constructor should give initial values to all private data members. All data members will be constructed before the body of the containing class is constructed. Initializer lists permit parameters to be passed to data member constructors. Data members are initialized in the order in which they appear in the class declaration, so the initializer list should use the same order. In C++ its not possible for one constructor to call another of the same class. When theres code in common to several constructors it should be factored into a private Init function thats called from the constructors. However, each constructor must have its own initializer list.

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A.2 Functions and Classes


A.2.2 Importing Classes and Functions: #include

Class and function libraries are typically compiled separately and linked with client code to create an executable program. The client code must import the class and function declarations so the compiler can determine if classes and functions are used correctly. Declarations are typically imported using the preprocessor directive #include which literally copies the specied le into the program being compiled. The C++ standard species that standard include les are specied without a .h sufx, that is, <iostream> and <string>. For the most part, these header les import declarations that are in the std namespace (see Sec. A.2.3). Using a le with the .h sufx, for example <iostream.h>, imports the le in the global namespace. This means that the directives below on the left are the same as that on the right.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <iostream.h>

Although most systems support both <iostream> and <iostream.h>, the namespaceversion is whats called for in the C++ standard. In addition, some les do not have equivalents with a .h sufxthe primary example is <string>.

A.2.3 Namespaces
Large programs may use classes and functions created by hundreds of sofware developers. In large programs it is likely that two classes or functions with the same name will be created, causing a conict since names must be unique within a program. The namespace mechanism permits functions and classes that logically related to be grouped together. Just as member functions are specied by qualifying the function name with the class name, as in Dice::Roll or string::substr, functions and classes that are part of a namespace must specify the namespace. Examples are shown in Prog. A.1 for a user-dened namespace Math, and the standard namespace std. Note that using namespace std is not part of the program.
Program A.1 namespacedemo.cpp
#include <iostream> // illustrates using namespaces namespace Math { int factorial(int n); int fibonacci(int n); } int Math::factorial(int n) // post: return n! { int product = 1;

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

// invariant: product = (k-1)! for(int k=1; k <= n; k++) { product = k; } return product;

} int Math::fibonacci(int n) // post: return n-th Fibonacci number { int f = 1; int f2= 1; // invariant: f = F_(k-1) for(int k=1; k <= n; k++) { int newf = f + f2; f = f2; f2 = newf; } return f; } int main() { int n; std::cout << "enter n "; std::cin >> n; std::cout << n << "! = " << Math::factorial(n) << std::endl; std::cout << "F_(" << n << ")= " << Math::fibonacci(n) << std::endl; return 0; }


prompt> namespacedemo enter n 12 12 = 479001600! F_(12)= 233

Writing std::cout and std::endl each time these stream names are used would be cumbersome. The using declaration permits all function and class names that are part of a namespace to be used without specifying the namespace. Hence all the programs in this book begin with using namespace std; which means function and class names in the standard namespace std do not need to be explicitly qualied with std::. When you write functions or classes that are not part of a namespace, theyre said to be in the global namespace.

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A.2 Functions and Classes


A.2.4 Operators

Table A.4 C++ Operator Precedence and Associativity

operator symbol :: () [] . -> ++ dynamic_cast<type> static_cast<type> const_cast<type> sizeof ++ new delete ! - + & * (type) .* ->* * / % + << >> < <= > >= == != & | && || = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= ? : throw ,

name/description scope resolution function call subsccript/index member selection member selection (indirect) post increment/decrement

associativity left left left left left right right right right right right right right right right right right right left left left left left left left left left left left left left right right right right right left

size of type/object pre increment create/allocate destroy/de-allocate logical not unary minus/plus address of dereference cast member selection multiply, divide, modulus plus (binary addition) minus (binary subtraction) shift-left/stream insert shift-right/stream extract relational comparisons equal, not equal bitwise and bitwise exclusive or bitwise or logical and logical or assignment arithmetic assignment shift assign conditional throw exception sequencing

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

The many operators in C++ all appear in Table A.4. [Str97] An operators precedence determines the order in which it is evaluated in a complex statement that doesnt use parentheses. An operators associativity determines whether a sequence of connected operators is evaluated left-to-right or right-to-left. The lines in the table separate operators of the same precedence.

A.2.5 Characters
Characters in C++ typically use an ASCII encoding, but its possible that some implementations use UNICODE or another encoding. Table F.3 in Howto F provides ASCII values for all characters. Regardless of the underlying character set, the escape sequences in Table A.5 are part of C++. The newline character \n and the carriage return character \r are used to indicate end-of-line in text in a platform-specic way. In Unix systems, textles have a single end-of-line character, \n. In Windows environments two characters are used, \n\r. This can cause problems transferring text les from one operating system to another.

A.2.6 Command-line parameters

Command-line parameters are not covered in this book, but Prog. A.2, mainargs.cpp shows how command-line parameters are processed by printing each paraemter. Parameters are passed in an array of C-style strings conventionally named argv (argument vector). The number of strings is passed in an int parameter named argc (argument count). Every program has one parameter, the name of the program which is stored in argv[0].

Table A.5 Escape sequences in C++

escape sequence \n \t \v \b \r \f \a \\ \? \ \"

name newline horizontal tab vertical tab backspace carriage return form feed alert (bell) backslash question mark single quote (apostrophe) double quote


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A.2 Functions and Classes


Program A.2 mainargs.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char argv[]) { int k; cout << "program name = " << argv[0] << endl; cout << "# arguments passed = " << argc << endl; for(k=1; k < argc; k++) { cout << k << "\t" << argv[k] << endl; } return 0; }


prompt> mainargs program name = c:\book\ed2\code\generic\tapestryapp.exe # arguments passed = 1

the run below is made from a command-line prompt, e.g., a Unix prompt, a DOS shell, or a Windows shell
prompt> ./tapestryapp this is a test program name = ./tapestryapp 1 this 2 is 3 a 4 test

As you can see if you look carefully at the output, the name of the program is actually tapestryapp, although weve used the convention of using the lename of the program, in this case mainargs, when illustrating output.

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Appendix A How to: use basic C++, syntax and operators

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How to: format output and use streams

B.1 Formatting Output

Most of the programs weve shown have generated unformatted output. We used the stream manipulator setw in windchill.cpp, Prog. 5.8 (and some other programs), to force column-aligned output, but we have concentrated more on program design and development than on making output look good. In addition to well-formatted code, good programs generate well-formatted output. The arrangement of the output aids the program user in interpreting data. However, it is altogether too easy for a programmer to spend an inordinate amount of time formatting output trying to make it pretty. The objective of this book is to present broad programming concepts, which include documenting code and formatting output. You should strike a balance between the objectives of producing working programs and writing programs so that users can understand both the program and the output. There are two methods for altering an output stream to change the format of values that are inserted into the stream: using stream member functions and using an object called a manipulator, accessible via the include le <iomanip> (or <iomanip.h>. Formatting functions and manipulators are summarized in Tables B.1 and B.2. In general its much easier to use a manipulator than the corresponding stream formatting member function. Three programs illustrate how the output functions and manipulators change a stream so that strings and numbers are formatted according to several criteria.

Using Flags. Stroustrup [Str97] calls using ags a time-honored if somewhat oldfashioned technique. Sticking to manipulators, which dont use ags, will make your life simpler than using the ag-based member functions of the ostream hierarchy. A ag is conceptually either on or off. Rather than using several bool variables, ags are normally packed as individual bits in one int. For example, since eight ags can be stored in an eight-bit number; one eight-bit number represents 256 different combinations of ags being on or off.

B.1.1 General and Floating Point Formatting

Table B.1 shows the stream member functions that take parameters and their corresponding manipulators. All stream formatting functions except for width are persistent, once applied to the stream they stay in effect until theyre removed. The width function, and 719

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Appendix B How to: format output and use streams

Table B.1 Parameterized Stream Formatting Functions and Manipulators

Stream Function width(int w) precision(int p) fill(), fill(int) setf(int ) unsetf(int) flags(), flags(int)

Manipulator setw(int w) setprecision(int p) setfill(int) setiosflags resetiosflags

Brief Description output eld-width # of digits pad/ll character add ags remove ags read, set ags

its corresponding manipulator setw, affect only the next string or number output. The functions in Table B.1 are used in Prog. B.1 as part of Sec. B.1.1, theyre summarized below. width(int n) sets the eld-width of the next string or numeric output to the specied width. Output is padded with blanks (see ll) as needed. Output that requires a width larger than n isnt truncated, it overows the specied width. precision(int n) sets the number of digits that appear in oating point output. This is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in either fixed or scientific format, and the total number of digits otherwise, see Prog. B.1 for examples. Values are rounded, not truncated. ll(int n) sets the ll character to n and returns the old ll value. Without a parameter fill() returns the current ll value. setf(int n) sets the ag(s) specied by n, without affecting other ag values. Similarly, unsetf unsets one or more ags. More than one ag can be specied by using bitwise-or as shown in Prog. B.3. ags(int n) sets the ags to n, the only ags set are those in n, and returns the old ags. In contrast, setf leaves other ags unaffected. WIthout a parameter flags returns the current ags. These functions are demonstrated in Prog. B.3.

B.1.2 Manipulators
Most of the ags that can be set using the stream member functions setf, flags, and unsetf are given in Table B.2. These ags are very cumbersome to use since some require specifying an additional parameter when using setf. For example, the following statements set left-justication (the default justication is right) then generate as output 1.23 with two spaces of padding/ll.
cout.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield); cout << ""; cout.width(6); cout << 1.23 << "" << endl;

Its much simpler to use a manipulator, the statement below has the same effect.
cout << left << "" << setw(6) << 1.23 << "" << endl;

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B.1 Formatting Output


Table B.2 Stream formatting ags and corresponding manipulators. The ags are used with the setf stream member function; all ags are static constants in the class ios_base, called ios in earlier versions of C++. See Prog. B.2.

Stream Flags hex, oct, dec left, right xed, scientic showbase showpoint boolalpha showpos

ag option io_base::basefield ios_base::adjustfield ios_base::floatfield none none none none

Manipulator hex, oct, dec left, right xed, scientic showbase, noshowbase showpoint, noshowpoint boolalpha, noboolalpha showpos, noshowpos

The ags and manipulators in Table B.2 are summarized here, they are used in the programs that follow. hex, oct, dec set the base of numeric output to 16, 8, and 10, respectively. The default base is 10. If showbase is specied octal numbers are preceded by a zero and hexadecimal numbers are preceded by 0x, see Prog. B.3. left, right set the justication of string and numeric output. These dont have a visible effect unless the output requires a width smaller than the default width, six, or than the width specied by using setw/width, then ll characters are added to the right and left, respectively (left-justication means adding ll characters to the right.) showbase, showpoint, showpos, respectively show what base is in effect, show a decimal point, and show a leading plus sign. Without showpoint, the value 70.0 is displayed as 70, regardless of the precision value. With showpoint as many zeros are shown as set by precision. boolalpha makes true and false display as those strings rather than 1 and 0. See Prog. B.3 for an example.

Precision and Justication for Floating Point Values Using Manipulators. Formatted
output for oating point numbers is shown in Prog. B.1, formatdemo.cpp.
Program B.1 formatdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; // formatting using manipulators

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Appendix B How to: format output and use streams

int main() { const double CENTIPI = 100 acos(1); // arccos(-1) = PI const int MAX = 10; const int TAB = 15; int k; cout << "default setting " << CENTIPI << ", with setprecision(4), " << setprecision(4) << CENTIPI << endl; cout << "\nfixed floating point, precision varies, fixed/scientific\n" << endl; for(k=0; k < MAX; k++) { } cout << endl << "width and justification vary, fixed, precision 2\n" << endl; cout << setprecision(2) << fixed; for(k=3; k < MAX+3; k++) { } cout << endl << "repeated, fill char = @\n" << endl; cout << setfill('@'); for(k=3; k < MAX+3; k++) { } cout << "wid. " << k << "\t+" << left << setw(k) << CENTIPI << right << "+\t\t-" << setw(k) << CENTIPI << "-" << endl; cout << "wid. " << k << "\t+" << left << setw(k) << CENTIPI << right << "+\t\t-" << setw(k) << CENTIPI << "-" << endl; cout << left << "pre. " << k << "\t" << setprecision(k) << setw(TAB) << fixed << CENTIPI << scientific << "\t" << CENTIPI << endl;

return 0; }


The manipulator setw affects the next numeric output only, other manipulators are persistent and last until changed, e.g., precision, left, and right. See Table B.2 for descriptions of manipulators. The manipulator precision rounds oating point values rather than truncating them. When oating point values are printed using either fixed or scientific, the precision is the number of decimal digits, otherwise (see the rst line of output) the precision is the total number of digits. The default precision is six, as shown on the rst line of output. The justication is set to left in the rst loop, but varies in the subsequent output.

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B.1 Formatting Output


prompt> formatdemo default setting 314.159, with setprecision(4), 314.2 fixed floating point, precision varies, fixed/scientific pre. pre. pre. pre. pre. pre. pre. pre. pre. pre. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 314 314.2 314.16 314.159 314.1593 314.15927 314.159265 314.1592654 314.15926536 314.159265359 3.141593e+002 3.1e+002 3.14e+002 3.142e+002 3.1416e+002 3.14159e+002 3.141593e+002 3.1415927e+002 3.14159265e+002 3.141592654e+002

width and justification vary, fixed, precision 2 wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 +314.16+ +314.16+ +314.16+ +314.16+ +314.16 + +314.16 + +314.16 + +314.16 + +314.16 + +314.16 + -314.16-314.16-314.16-314.16- 314.16- 314.16314.16314.16314.16314.16-

repeated, fill char = @ wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. wid. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 +314.16+ +314.16+ +314.16+ +314.16+ +314.16@+ +314.16@@+ +314.16@@@+ +314.16@@@@+ +314.16@@@@@+ +314.16@@@@@@+ [email protected]@@314.16-@@@314.16-@@@@314.16-@@@@@314.16-@@@@@@314.16-

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Appendix B How to: format output and use streams

Formatting Using Stream Member Functions. Program B.2 demonstrates some of the same formatting features shown in Prog. B.1, but using stream member functions instead of manipulators. As you can see, using manipulators is much simpler.
Program B.2 streamags.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { const double PI = acos(1); // arccos(-1) = PI radians const int MAX = 10; // max precision used in demo int k; // set right justified, fixed floating format cout.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield); cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); cout << "fixed, right justfied, width 10, precision varies\n" << endl; for(k=0; k < MAX; k++) { cout.precision(k); cout << k << "\t+"; cout.width(MAX); cout << PI << "+" << endl; } // use different fill characters int fillc = cout.fill(); cout.precision(2); cout << "\nshow fill char, precision is 2\n" << endl; for(k='a'; k <= 'd'; k++) { cout << "old fill = '" << char(fillc) << "' +"; cout.width(MAX); cout.fill(k); cout << PI << "+" << endl; fillc = cout.fill(); } return 0; }


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B.1 Formatting Output


prompt> streamags fixed, right justfied, width 10, precision varies 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 3+ + 3.1+ + 3.14+ + 3.142+ + 3.1416+ + 3.14159+ + 3.141593+ + 3.1415927+ +3.14159265+ +3.141592654+

show fill char, precision is 2 old old old old fill fill fill fill = = = = a b c +aaaaaa3.14+ +bbbbbb3.14+ +cccccc3.14+ +dddddd3.14+

Using Flags as Parameters. Program B.3 shows how to pass format ags as parameters. The stream member function flags returns the current ags, but also sets the ags to the value of its parameter as shonw in the function output. Flags can be combined using the bitwise or operator, operator |, as shown in main. Each ag as a bit is one or zero. The bitwise or operation corresponds to a boolean or, but uses bits instead. In Prog. B.3, the result of combining the bits with or is a single number in which both ags are set.
Program B.3 formatparams.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void output(ostream& out, ios_base::fmtflags flags) // post: print using flags, restore old flags { ios_base::fmtflags oldflags = out.flags(flags); out << "oldflags: " << oldflags << "\tnew: "

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Appendix B How to: format output and use streams

<< out.flags() << "\t"; out << 12.47 << "\t" << true << "\t" << 99.0 << "\t" << 255 << endl; out.flags(oldflags); // restore as before

} int main() { output(cout, output(cout, output(cout, output(cout,

cout.flags()); ios_base::showpos); ios_base::boolalpha); ios_base::showpoint);

// // // //

default leading + print true show .0 // bool on, base 16 // show 0x in front

output(cout, ios_base::boolalpha|ios_base::hex); output(cout, ios_base::hex|ios_base::showbase); return 0; }


prompt> formatparams oldflags: 513 new: oldflags: +513 new: oldflags: 513 new: oldflags: 513 new: oldflags: 201 new: oldflags: 0x201 new: 513 +32 16384 16 4800 0x808 12.47 +12.47 12.47 12.4700 12.47 12.47 1 1 true 1 true 1 99 +99 99 99.0000 99 99 255 +255 255 255 ff 0xff

B.1.3 Stream Functions

Weve used stream functions fail and open and mentioned close in Chap. 6. We summarize these and a few other stream functions here. open(const char *) opens an ifstream bound to the text le whose name is an argument. We use string::c_str() to obtain the c-string pointer needed as an argument. Its possible to open an output le for appending rather than writing, in general open takes an optional second argument we havent used: ios_base::app, open output for appending ios_base::out, open a stream for output ios_base::in, open a stream for input ios_base::binary, open for binary i/o ios_base::trunc, truncate to zero length

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B.2 Random Access Files


fail() returns true if an i/o operation has failed, but characters have not been lost. You may be able to continue reading after calling clear. clear() clears the error state of the stream. After a stream hsas failed it must be cleared before i/o will succeed. good() returns true if a stream is in a good state. This is a nearly useless function, good isnt well-dened. You shouldnt need to ever call good. close() ushes any pending output and manages all system resources associated with a stream. Many operating systems have a limit on the number of les that can be opened at one time. You dont often need to call close explicitly, its called by the appropriate destructor. eof() returns true if the end-of-le condition of a stream is detected. This is another worthless function (see good). If fail is true, this function may be able to tell you if fail is true because end-of-le is reached. ignore(int n, int sentinel) skips as many as n characters, stops skipping when the sentinel character is read or when n characters are read, whichever comes rst. seekg(streampos p) seeks an input stream to a position p. We use seekg(0) to reset a stream in the class WordStreamIterator, other uses are illustrated in the next section.

B.2 Random Access Files

Weve used ifstream and ofstream streams as character-based streams, all the input and output is done a character at a time. Although operators operator << and operator >> make it possible to insert and extract values of many types without reading one character at a time, underneath the streams are still character based. Occasionally les are written as raw binary data rather than as character-based text. If you think you must write binary les, you may be correct, but youll give up a great deal. Binary les arent readable (as text) in a text editor, so you cant examine them without writing a program to help and you cant x mistakes without writing a program. If youre writing objects whose size isnt xed, e.g., strings, or objects containing pointers, youll need to do lots of work to use les of raw binary data.

Seeking to a Fixed Position in a File. The le methods seekg and tellg shown in Prog. B.4 can be applied to text les as well as to binary les. Since text les are character based, seeking is based on the size of a character. Input les have a get position, which can be moved using seekg and whose position can be obtained using tellg, where the g is for get. Similarly, output les use seekp and tellp for the put position. Using the seek and tell functions makes it possible to randomly access data in a le, as opposed to the sequential access weve used so far. Here random access means that its

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Appendix B How to: format output and use streams

possible to jump to location p without reading locations 0 through p-1, just as vectors have random access and linked-lists do not. Youll need to consult a more advanced book on C++ for more information , a careful reading of binaryles.cpp, Prog. B.4, will show how to work with binary les. Prog. B.4 writes two les of Dates, one in text format, one as raw binary data. The low-level stream functions read and write manage a chunk of memory for reading or writing. The functions assume the memory is C-style array of characters, to interpret the memory as something else it must be cast to the appropriate type as shown by using the reinterpret_cast operator.
Program B.4 binaryles.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; #include "prompt.h" #include "date.h" // illustrates reading/writing raw bits, binary files int main() { string filename = PromptString("file for storing Dates: "); int limit = PromptRange("# of Dates ",10,10000); Date today; int start = today.Absolute(); string text = filename + ".txt"; string binary = filename + ".bin"; cout << "testing program on " << today << endl; ofstream toutput(text.c_str()); int k; for(k=start; k < start+limit; k++) { toutput << Date(k) << endl; } toutput.close(); // open text file // write text form of dates

// open binary file, write raw dates ofstream boutput(binary.c_str(),ios_base::binary); for(k=start; k < start+limit; k++) { Date d(k); boutput.write(reinterpret_cast<const char >(&d),sizeof(d)); } boutput.close(); // open input file to read raw dates from ifstream input(binary.c_str(),ios_base::binary); input.seekg(0,ios_base::beg); // to the beginning streampos startp= input.tellg(); // position of start input.seekg(0,ios_base::end); // seek to end of stream

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B.2 Random Access Files

streampos endp = input.tellg(); int size = endpstartp; // position of end // number of entries


cout << "size of file: " << size << ", # dates = " << size/sizeof(Date) << endl; // read alldates in file, start at front input.seekg(0, ios_base::beg); for(k=0; k < size/sizeof(Date); k++) { input.read(reinterpret_cast<char >(&today),sizeof(today)); cout << today << endl; } return 0; }


To show why you dont want to use binary les, the rst three lines of bindate.txt follow.
May 27 1999 May 28 1999 May 29 1999

Here are the rst few characters in bindate.bin


prompt> binaryles file for storing Dates: bindate # of Dates between 10 and 10000: 10 testing program on May 27 1999 size of file: 120, # dates = 10 May 27 1999 May 28 1999 May 29 1999 May 30 1999 May 31 1999 June 1 1999 June 2 1999 June 3 1999 June 4 1999 June 5 1999

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Appendix B How to: format output and use streams

B.3 I/ Redirection O
UNIX and MS-DOS/Windows machines provide a useful facility for permitting programs that read from the standard input stream, cin, to read from les. As weve seen, its possible to use the class ifstream to do this. However, we often use programs written to read from the keyboard and use the stream cin to read from les instead. You can use input redirection to do this. When you run a program that reads from cin, the input can be specied to come from a text le using the symbol < and the name of the text le. Running Prog. 6.7, countw.cpp, as shown in the following, indicates how input redirection works.

prompt> countw < melville.txt number of words read = 14353 prompt> countw < hamlet.txt number of words read = 31956

The less-than sign, <, causes the program on the left of the sign (in this case, countw) to take its cin input from the text le specied on the right of the < sign. The operating system that runs the program recognizes when the text le has ended and signals end of le to the program countw. This means that no special end-of-le character is stored in the les. Rather, end of le is a state detected by the system running the program. It is possible to run the word-counting program on its own source code.

prompt> countw < countw.cpp number of words read = 54

Among the words of Prog. 6.7, countw.cpp, are "main()", "{", "(cin", and "endl;". You should examine the program to see if you can determine why these are considered words.

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How to: use the class string

Experience shows that it is impossible to design the perfect string. Peoples taste, expectations, and needs differ too much for that. So, the standard library string isnt ideal. I would have made some design decisions differently, and so would you. Bjarne Stroustrup The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition, p. 579 Im a frayed knot A string going into a bar for the third time An old string joke

C.1 The class string

The standard C++ string class is imported into client programs using:

Its possible youll be programming in C++ using an older compiler that doesnt support the standard class, or that youll be using a different string class, e.g., the class apstring that is part of the Advanced Placement Computer Science C++ classes. A class tstring is provided with this book as a replacement for the standard class. It is identical to the class apstring except that the constant identifying an illegal position is tstring::npos instead of the global constant npos used in apstring. The standard class string is better than a simple encapsulation of the C-style string which is a zero-terminated array of characters. The class string is actually a typedef for a templated class. The template makes it possible to change more easily to an alphabet with more characters than can be represented by a char value. The type char typically limits an alphabet to 128 or 256 different characters. I wont discuss the templated class basic_string, see one of the more advanced books on C++ for details, e.g., [Str97]. I will outline some of the member functions that you may nd useful in writing programs. For information on all the string functions consult the header le <string> or a C++ reference.

C.1.1 Basic Operations

Strings can be read, written, assigned, copied, and compared using relational operators. The relational operators compare using lexicographical order, which is alphabetical order except that the underlying character sets ordinal values are used. This means that 731

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Appendix C How to: use the class string

in an ASCII environment the string "Zebra" comes before the string "aardvark" because the ASCII value of the character Z is 90 while the value of a is 97. Some string implementations may use efcient implementation techniques such as reference counting to share storage, but you can think of strings as working like the built-in types: assignment works as you should expect it to.
string a = "hello"; string b = a; // b constructed as copy of a b[0] = j; // a still represents "hello"

As this example shows, indivdual characters are accessed using the indexing bracket operator []. There is no range checking, an index that is greater than s.length()-1, the largest valid index, or less than zero, the smallest valid index, will be processed silently and almost certainly lead to an error later. The class tstring, like apstring, does do range checking for the indexing operator. The standard class supports at which does do range-checking:
string s = "hello"; s[30] = x; // problem eventually, bad index s.at(30) = x; // error, exception thrown

Characters are indexing beginning with zero, the last valid index is s.length()-1 as weve noted. The function length returns the number of characters in the string which is one larger than the largest valid index because the rst character has index zero.

C.1.2 Conversion to/ from C-style Strings

Many C++ functions pre-date the C++ standard; other functions are written to be used with C-style strings. The method string::c_str() returns a C-style string equivalent to a string. We use this method extensively in opening textles.
string filename = "c:\\data\\hamlet.txt"; ifstream input(filename.c_str()); // open file

A string can also be constructed from a C-style string. This is how strings are constructed from string literals since a string literal is treated as a C-style string.
string s = "hello world"; // string(const char *) constructor

Some of the useful C-style functions such as atoi and atof have equivalents in the library of string free functions from strutils.h, Prog. G.8. See Howto G for details.

C.2 String Member Functions

C.2.1 Adding Characters or Strings
In this book we use overloaded operator += and operator + extensively for appending characters to a string and concatenating strings, respectively.

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C.2 String Member Functions


string c = a; string s = "hello"; string t = " world"; string u = "el"; u += "ephant"; u += s; string v = s + t; v = t + s; v = string("") + t

// no good, cannot construct from char

// ok, u = "elephant" // ok to append char, u = "elephants" // ok, v = "hello world" // no good, cant concatenate to a char + s; // ok, concatenate char to string

As shown, its not possible to concatenate a string to a char, but it is possible to concatenate a char to a string. To guard against errors, there is no string constructor from one char, this is why concatenation of strings to chars doesnt work. It is possible, however, to concatenate a char to a string as shown in the examples above. Its also possible to add a string (or a string literal/C-style string) at a given position/index using the method string::insert. The local copy below is needed because the parameters are const.
string Fullname(const string& first, const string& last) // post: returns fullname, e.g., first + last { // return first + " " + last; string copy(last); copy.insert(0," "); // copy is now " " + last copy.insert(0,first); // copy is now first + " " + last return copy; }

C.2.2 Using Substrings

A substring can be extracted from a string using the method string::substr(). Substrings are specied using a starting index/position and the number of characters in the substring. The number of characters is optional.
string string::substr(int index = 0, int n = npos) const; // post: return substring of n characters starting at index

The method substr does the right thing when too many characters are specied, only as many as are available are returned. On the other hand, if the starting position is out of range an error occurs. Prog. C.1 shows the substr method used together with other string methods we discuss in the next section. The function prototype above shows default values for both parameters, but the rst argument is almost always provided. The method string::replace, also shown in Prog. C.1, uses a position and a length to replace a substring of characters in a string.
string& string::replace(int index, int n, const string& s); // post: replace n chars beginning at index with s, // return result

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Appendix C How to: use the class string

Thus substr reads (a copy of) part of a string and replace writes a part of a string. Both functions use as many characters as specied by the optional second parameter, but dont generate an error if there are fewer characters in the string than specied.
Program C.1 stringdemo.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string s = "I sing the body electric"; cout << s << endl; cout << s.substr(2,4) << endl; cout << s.substr(s.find("electric")5) << endl << endl; string copy(s); int bodyPos = copy.find("body"); copy.replace(bodyPos,copy.length(),"blues"); cout << copy << endl << endl; cout << "search for chars/strings" << endl; cout << "first e at " << s.find('e') << endl; cout << "last e at " << s.rfind('e') << endl; cout << "first z at " << s.find('z') << endl; cout << "space after body " << s.find(" ", bodyPos) << endl; return 0; }


prompt> stringdemo I sing the body electric sing body electric I sing the blues search for chars first e at 9 last e at 18 first z at 4294967295 space after body at 15

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C.2 String Member Functions


C.2.3 Finding (Sub)strings and Characters

The string member functions find and rfind return the index in a string at which another string or character begins. If the searched for value isnt found, the functions return string::npos. As the output shows, this is the largest positive value for an index. Your programs should not rely on string::npos having any particular value. The functions find and rfind come in many avors. Well only use the basic versions though these have an optional second argument indicating at what index the search begins as shown in Prog. C.1.
int string::find(const string& s, int loc = 0) const; // post: return position/index of first location of s // starting search at index loc, // return npos if not found int string::find(char ch, int loc = 0) const; // post: as above, search for character ch int string::rfind(const string& s, int loc = 0) const; // post: return position/index of first location of s // starting search at index loc, searching backwards // return npos if not found int string::rfind(char ch, int loc = 0) const; // post: as above, search for character ch backwards

Although weve used the type int for all indexes, the type size_type is actually used in all string member functions. In nearly every implementation this will be the same as size_t, an unsigned int or some other unsigned integer type, e.g., long.

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Appendix C How to: use the class string

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How to: understand and use const

An important factor, both for and against C++, was the willingness of the C++ community to acknowledge C++s many imperfections. Bjarne Stroustrup The Design and Evolution of C++, p. 178

The key word const in C++ is used in many contexts. Using classes that support object const-ness is straightforward, but developing classes that support constness requires some care in design and implementation and some knowledge of often overlooked C++features that facilitate designing with const.

D.1 Why const?

Many C++ programmers rely on object const-ness to combine efciency and safety. For example, passing parameters by value (the default mechanism in C++ and the only parameter passing mechanism in C and Java) creates a copy of the passed argument1 . For example consider passing a copy of a string:
void verse(int bottleCount, string beverage) { cout << bottleCount << " bottles of " << beverage << " on the wall" << endl; cout << bottleCount << " bottles of " << beverage << endl; // and so on }

This function might be called several times in a loop as shown here.

// illustration of function call and argument/parameter copy string bev; cout << "enter a beverage "; cin >> bev; for(int k = 100; k > 0; k--) { verse(k,bev); }

In Java everything is a pointer (or a reference, depending on your viewpoint), so making copies isnt expensive. In C nearly everything is a pointer so making copies isnt expensive. In C++ value semantics mean make a copy, so copies are expensive.


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Appendix D How to: understand and use const

In this example, the one hundred function calls create one hundred copies of the variable bev: one per call2 . If the prototype of the function verse is changed to use a constreference parameter as shown below, then no copies are made:
void verse(int bottleCount, const string & beverage) { // function here }

The pass-by-reference (indicated by the & in the parameter) means that no copy is made in passing an argument. The const modier means that the parameter beverage cannot be modied within the body of verse. The reference is for efciency and the const is for safety. Since many C++ programmers rely on passing const-reference parameters, class designers should now how to support this style of programming.

D.1.1 Literal Arguments

In the example above, its possible to use pass-by-reference without the const modier to achieve efciency without regard to safety3 . However, in C++ if the parameter beverage is a reference parameter, but not a const reference parameter, then the function call below will not compile:
verse(99,"orange juice");

Here, the second parameter is the string literal "orange juice". Literals must be passed by value or by const reference. In the latter case a temporary object will be constructed to hold the literal. The C++ standard requires a const reference parameter in this case; a reference parameter without the const modier wont support literal (constant) arguments.

D.2 const Member Functions

How does the compiler determine what functions are safe to call when a variable/parameter is dened as const? For example, in the verse function above, suppose the programmer adds the line below to convert the rst character of the beverage to its upper-case equivalent (toupper is accessible via the header le <cctype>, see Howto F).
void verse(int bottleCount, const string & beverage) { beverage[0] = toupper(beverage[0]); // verse output here }

The compiler might be able re-use the same copy, but not necessarily. This is typical, for example, in Pascal programs where arrays are passed as var parameters to avoid the overhead of copying the array (e.g., consider a binary-search function that searches in O(log n) time but takes O(n) time to copy the array; not the paradigm of efciency wed like.)

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D.2 const Member Functions


Compiling this code under Visual C++ 5.0 yields the error message
error C2106: left operand must be l-value

Thats an ell, where an l-value (for left-hand-side of an assignment value) is a value that can be assigned to. In the code above, it is not possible to assign to beverage[0] since the parameter beverage is const. How does the compiler determine this? In the example above, the compiler knows the prototype/signature of all string member functions. These member functions include two indexing operators: one operator [] for const strings and one operator [] for non-const strings. Both prototypes are shown below:
char operator[ ]( int k ) char & operator[ ]( int k ); const; // const strings // non-const strings

Note that the const indexing operator returns a char which will be a copy of the kth character in the string. The non-const function returns a char& , a reference to a character in the string. Returning a reference means that the actual character in the string can be modied, e.g., the code below turns "hello" into "jello" since string fruit is not const.
string fruit = "hello"; fruit[0] = j;

This code works because the value returned by the indexing operator is a reference (note the return type: char &) to a character in the string. Sometimes it helps to realize that the two statements below are equivalent:
fruit[0] = j; fruit.operator[](0) = j;

At rst it may seem strange to see a function call used as an l-value, i.e., the result returned by the call is assigned to. This is an essential part of how reference return-types are used in C++. As shown in the example above, some member functions have the word const as part of their prototype/signaturethe word const appears after the parameter list. To see another example, part of the header le for the class Date is reproduced below (see date.h, Prog. G.2) with some of the const methods shown.
class Date { public: Date(int m,int d,int y); // accessor functions int Month() int Day() int Year() ... }; const; const; const; // return month // return day // return year

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Appendix D How to: understand and use const

As shown in the comment in the code above, the terminology often used for const member functions is accessor, indicating that (private) data is accessed only, not modied. In contrast, non-const member functions are often called mutators. ProgramTip D.1: A const member function is a member function that can be applied to a const object. The compiler ensures that const member functions do not modify private data. The compiler also ensures that only const member functions are called for const objects const objects most often occur in programs as const reference parameters.

Const member functions can also be applied to non-const objects. As we saw with operator [] earlier, and as explained in the next section, its possible to have two versions of a function: one for const and one for non-const objects. The key here is that any member function that doesnt modify data should be declared const in both the .h le and in the .cpp le (prototypes of member functions must match declaration and denition, declaration is the .h le, denition is the .cpp le). Only const functions are called on const objects, non-const objects can call both const and non-const functions.

D.2.1 Overloading on const

Two functions are overloaded when they have the same name. Overloaded functions must have different parameter lists so that the compiler can determine which function to call. For example, typically a class has several constructors, all with the same name (the name of the class) but with different parameters. In the Date class there are three overloaded constructors. Its possible to have two member functions with the same name, where one is const and the other non-const. We saw this in the example of the overloaded indexing operators for the string class, which are reproduced below.
char char& operator[ ]( int k ) operator[ ]( int k ); const; // const strings // non-const strings

At rst glance these functions may appear to have the same parameter list and thus violate the rule requiring parameter lists of overloaded functions to be different. However, the const modier for a member function really is part of the parameter listit modies the parameter this that is implicit in every member function and that refers to the object actually passed to the member function. In some sense you can think of all member functions having an implicit rst parameter, a parameter of the type of the class to which the member function belongs. The string indexing functions would then be rewritten as follows as non-member functions (using self for this.)
char operator[ ](const string& self, int k ); char& operator[ ](string& self, int k );

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D.3 Mutable Data


If we actually developed the code like this, instead of using s.operator[](k) we would write operator[](s,k) where operator[] is now a free function with two parameters instead of a member function of the string class with one parameter.

D.3 Mutable Data

Sometimes a class is logically const, but not physically const. This means that from a user viewpoint a function doesnt appear to change the class, but internally a change is needed to implement the function. One prototypical instance of this is a group of member functions that iterate over data in a collection. Not all of our iterator classes have been developed in a const-friendly way because we didnt want to discuss the issues raised here, but in more advanced applications youll want const and non-const iterators. The class CListIterator is const friendly, but rst well discuss another iterator class. Consider a WordStreamIterator counting the words in a le:
WordStreamIterator ws; ws.Open("hamlet.txt"); int count = 0; for(ws.Init(); ws.HasMore(); ws.Next() { count++; }

Is the variable ws const? It doesnt seem to be since its reading data from the ifstream object it encapsulates. So we dont expect the WordStreamIterator methods to be const although HasMore is clearly an accessor and should be const. In a different context, what about iterating over a CList object? (See clist.h, Prog. G.12, recall that CList objects cannot change.)
void print(const StringList& list) { StringList iter(list); for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) { cout << iter.current() << endl; } }

The problem here is that parameter list is const, as it should be, since the print function doesnt modify list. However, the iterating member functions will need to keep a pointer to the current node of the CList list and advance the pointer as needed. For example heres the code from clist.cpp for the Next iterator function.
template <class Type> void CListIterator<Type>::Next() const { if (HasMore()) { myCurrent= myCurrent->next; } }

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Appendix D How to: understand and use const

Here the iterator function Next is labeled as a const function, meaning that it cannot modify any of the objects state/instance variables. As a result, if myCurrent is declared as a Node * pointer, the denition of Next above will not compile. If we make Next non-const, then we cannot support the concept of a const-iterator: an iterator over a const collection. Wed like to differentiate between const collections and nonconst collections, and have iterators that support both types. There are two solutions: one is to cast away the constness in the function Next. The other is to declare the private variable myCurrent as mutable. The key word mutable is a relatively new addition to C++, but is supported by most recent compilers. A mutable data member can be modied by a const function. Its a good idea to keep mutable data to a minimum. However, in some situations where logical constness (the iterator doesnt change the list) and physical constness (the iterator updates a pointer) dont coincide, mutable is a nice feature. The declaration for the CListIterator class is reproduced below, again see Prog. G.12 for full details.
template <class Type> class CListIterator { public: CListIterator(const CList<Type>& list); void bool void Type Init() HasMore() Next() Current() const; const; const; const;

private: typedef CList<Type>::TNode Node; Node * myFirst; // front of list mutable Node * myCurrent; // current node };

If your compiler doesnt support mutable you can cast away constness using either the const_cast operator or an old style cast. Both lead to incredibly ugly code. Since the iterator is const, the object *this must have its const-ness cast away as shown. Since this is a pointer to a const object (see Sec. D.4) we must cast so that *this isnt const, we want to change the object referenced by this.
template <class Type> void CListIterator<Type>::Next() const // post: iterator advanced to next item { if (HasMore()) { const_cast<CListIterator<Type> *>(this)->myCurrent = myCurrent->next; } }

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D.4 Pointers and const


For compiler that dont support const_cast the following alternative will work.
// use an old style cast (CListIterator<Type> *)(this)->myCurrent = myCurrent->next; }

In both cases, before the cast the pointer this has type
const CListIterator<Type> *

The cast changes this to point to a non-const object, so that the objects state can be changed. This non-const reference can be modied since it is an l-value. ProgramTip D.2: Its not a good idea to cast away constness. C++ allows this, but you shold try to minimize throwing away const since the use of const is for safety (a good thing). Using the keyword mutable marks logical constness in a way that is easy to see and easier syntactically than using casts.

D.4 Pointers and const

Many functions have pointer parameters modied by const. For example, the string constructor from a C-style string:
string::string(const char * p) // post: initialized to C-style string p

Since the asterisk follows the type it makes a pointer to, p is a pointer to a constant character. This means that the object pointed to by p cannot be changed, its constant. You cannot change an object through a pointer declared in this way. Pointers can be modied by const in other ways.
Date * tptr = new Date(); // points to today Date * const cptr = new Date(); // constant pointer const Date * coptr = new Date(); // constant object *tptr += 1; *cptr += 1; cptr = tptr; *coptr += 1; coptr = tptr; // // // // // ok, ok, no, no, ok, tomorrow object isnt const cptr is a constant pointer *coptr is a const object pointer isnt const, object is

These examples illustrate the differences between a pointer to a constant object: coptr in the code above, and a const pointer: cptr in the same code.

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Appendix D How to: understand and use const

D.5 Summary
Programming with const can be painful. Its easy to miss the appearance of const in compiler error messages be sure that you look for it when you get a member function foo not implemented error. Youll usually be told the function signature/prototype causing the error, look for const to see if you put a const in the header le, but forgot to add the const when dening the function. Some people decide const is too painful and never program with const reference parameters. However, its easy to use const when you dont have to write the classes, assuming that the class designer and implementer liked const too. So use const for safety and learn to design and implement classes that support use of const by others.

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How to: overload operators

Just as most people want government benets without having to pay for them, most C++ programmers want implicit type conversions without incurring any cost for temporaries. Scott Meyers More Effective C++, p. 105

E.1 Overloading Overview

C++ allows you to overload operators. This means, for example, that you can write expressions that are natural, e.g.,
BigInteger a,b; cout << "enter two integer values "; cin >> a >> b; cout << "a + b = " << (a+b) << endl;

Here operators <<, >> and + are overloaded for BigInteger values. Of course its possible to run amok with operator overloading and use + to mean multiply just because you can. Rather than dwell on when to overload operators, this howto will explain how to overload operators. Many books show the syntax for declaring overloaded operators, but few offer guidelines for keeping the amount of code you write to a minimum and for avoiding code duplication. The guidelines in this howto do not necessarily result in the most efcient code from an execution standpoint, but development efforts are minimized while efciency and maintainability from a coding standpoint is emphasized. Of course once youve succeed in implementing overloaded operators you can then concentrate on making things efcient. To quote Donald Knuth (as cited in [McC93]): Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

E.2 Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators include +=, -=, *=, /=, %= and their binary cousins +, -, *, /, %. The easiest way to implement these operators is to implement the arithmetic assignment operators as member functions, and then to implement the binary operators using the arithmetic assignment functions. The binary operators are implemented as free, nonmember functions. 745

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Appendix E How to: overload operators

E.2.1 Binary Operators

Here we assume that all arithmetic assignment operators have been implemented, and discuss how to implement the binary arithmetic operators. Well use + as an example, assuming were implementing addition for a class BigInt, but the example applies to all the binary arithmetic operators for any class.
BigInt operator + (const BigInt & lhs, const BigInt & rhs) // postcondition: returns lhs + rhs { BigInt copy(lhs); copy += rhs; return copy; }

The code here is straightfoward. A copy of the parameter lhs (left-hand-side) is made and the sum accumulated in this copy which is then returned. Assuming that += is implemented properly its possible to shorten the body of the function:
BigInt operator + (const BigInt & lhs, const BigInt & rhs) // postcondition: returns lhs + rhs { return BigInt(lhs) += rhs; }

This implementation actually uses the return value of operator += (see Sec. E.2.2) and is potentially more efcient though less clear to read at rst. The efciency gains are spelled out in some detail in [Mey96], well mention them briey later in this section.

Symmetry is good: why operator + is not a member function In some textbooks, operator + is implemented as a member function. In the example above operator + is a free function, not a member of any class. The problem with making it a member function is that it must have an object that it can be applied to. For example, consider operator + as a member function:
BigInt BigInt::operator +(const BigInt & rhs) // postcondition: returns (*this) + rhs { BigInt copy(*this); // code here to add rhs to copy, and return result }

The copy of *this is required since evaluating a + b should not result in changing the value of a. Note that a + b is the same as a.operator +(b) when operator + is a member function. The real drawback here is that the following statements are legal when operator + is a member function:
BigInt a = Factorial(50); // a large number BigInt b = a + 1; // one more than a large number

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E.2 Arithmetic Operators


However, the following statements are not legal:

BigInt a = Factorial(50); BigInt b = 1 + a; // a large number // one more than a large number

The expression a + 1 compiles and executes because (were assuming) that there is a BigInt constructor that will create a BigInt from an int, i.e., the constructor below is implemented. Well have more to say on constructors that act as implicit converters later.
BigInt::BigInt(int num); // postcondition: *this has the value num

This constructor creates an anonymous BigInt variable for the int value 1. This anonymous variable is passed to the function operator +. However, the symmetric expression 1 + a cannot be evaluated if operator + is a member function because the translation to 1.operator +(a) is syntactic nonsense 1 is a literal, it cannot have a member function applied to it nor will C++ create an anonymous variable so that a member function can be applied. Program Tip E.1: Overloaded operators for classes should behave like operators for built-in types The binary arithmetic operators are commutative. When theyre overloaded they should behave as users expect them to. So for symmetry and commutativity, binary arithmetic operators should not be member functions. The alternative is to make operator + a friend function, then it has access to the private instance variables of the class for which it is overloaded. However, the approach outlined above where operator + is implemented in terms of operator += avoids declaring friend functions. Since friend status should be granted sparingly, and since clients of a class cannot grant friendship after the class declaration is xed, the approach outlined here should be used.

Consequences The approach here uses a local variable that is a copy of one of the parameters. A copy is also made when the value is returned from the function. Since the function must return by-value, the copy on return cannot be avoided. Since we dont want a + b to have the side effect of altering the value of a a copy of a cannot be avoided. Furthermore, compiler optimization should be able to avoid the copy in many situations, particularly if the one-line implementation of the operator shown above is used. This implementation, reproduced here
return BigInt(lhs) += rhs;

facilititates whats called the return value optimization [Mey96]. Smart compilers can generate efcient code so that the cost of temporaries is negligible or nothing in evaluating statements like the following:
x = a + b;

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Appendix E How to: overload operators

If youve benchmarked a program, determined that the line below is executed millions of times and is using temporaries and time:
x = a + b + c + d + e;

then you can recode the line using the corresponding arithmetic assignment operator:
x += a; x += b; x += c; x += d; x += e;

This code wont create any temporaries. This code should be as efcient as you can get it to be, and you have two benets: ease of developing overloaded operators and efciency when you need it.

E.2.2 Arithmetic Assignment Operators

Again well use operator += for a class BigInt as an examplar of the syntax and semantics for overloading arithmetic assignment operators.
const BigInt& BigInt::operator += (const BigInt & rhs) // postcondition: rhs has been added to *this, // *this returned

Using this prototype the code below compiles:

BigInt a = Factorial(25); BigInt b = Factorial(30); a += b; BigInt c = (b += b);

Note that operator += returns a value (a constant reference) that is assigned to c. This isnt typical, but its legal C++ for the built-in arithmetic operators, so it should be legal for overloaded arithmetic operators. As we saw in the implementation of operator +, its possible to make good use of the return value of operator +=. Program Tip E.2: Overloaded operators should have the same semantics as their built-in counterparts. This means that arithmetic assignment operators should return values. The return type must be a reference to avoid a copy, and it should be const.

Return Values from Overloaded Operators. A reference is returned since there is no reason to make a copy. A const reference is returned so that the returned value is not an lvalue, i.e., so that it cannot be assigned to:
BigInt a = Factorial(25); BigInt b = Factorial(30); (a += b) = b; // this is NOT legal C++ !!!

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E.2 Arithmetic Operators


The expression (a += b) is not an lvalue since the value returned is const reference. The const modier is the essential piece of preventing the return value from being an lvalue. The expression returned from an overloaded arithmetic operator should be *this, the value of the object being operated on:
const BigInt& BigInt::operator += (const BigInt & rhs) // postcondition: rhs has been added to *this, // *this returned { // code here return *this; }

Aliasing In one of the examples above the expression b += b is used. In this case
the parameter rhs will be an alias for the object on which operator += is invoked. This can cause problems in some situations since the value of rhs may change during the computation of intermediate results (well rhs doesnt change, its const, but its an alias for *this whose instance variables may be changing as the function operator += executes). When aliasing could cause a problem this needs to checked as a special case just as it is for overloaded assignment operators (of which the arithmetic assignment operators are a special case).
if (this == &rhs) // special case

In some situations it may be possible to use other overloaded operators to handle the special cases. For example, the code below is from the implementation of the BigInt class operator +=.
if (this == &rhs) { *this *= 2; return *this; } // to add self, multiply by 2

This will not always be possible because operator *= will not always be overloaded for int values.

Special Cases Sometimes, often for efciency (but make it right before making it fast), arithmetic operators are overloaded more than once for a given class. For example, the class BigInt has the following overloaded member functions and free functions.
// member functions const BigInt & operator *= (const BigInt &); const BigInt & operator *= (int num); // free functions

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Appendix E How to: overload operators

BigInt operator *(const BigInt & lhs, const BigInt & rhs); BigInt operator *(const BigInt & lhs, int num); BigInt operator *(int num, const BigInt & rhs);

Here its possible to evaluate b * 5 for a BigInt b variable, without converting the 5 to an anonymous variable. This may be done for efciency or because the specialized versions of operator += and operator + are used in implementing the non-specialized versions. Note that for symmetry operator + is overloaded twice for adding BigInt and int values.

E.3 Relational Operators

Implementing the boolean relational operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, and != requires a technique similar to the method discussed in Section E.2.1 for binary arithmetic operators. This is because we want to be able to write the code below (all three comparison expressions involving <):
BigInt x; // code giving x a value if (x < y) // do something

if (x < 128) // do something if (1024 < x) // do something

For reasons similar to those outlined in Section E.2.1, the creation of anonymous variables for either left- or right-hand sides of a relational expression (e.g., involving < or ==) requires that these operators not be member functions. If theyre implemented as free functions, then theyll need to be friend functions unless the approach outlined here is used. Although relational operators can be implemented as friend functions, there is an easy method for implementing them that is similar to the method using arithmetic assignment operators such as += to implement the corresponding relational operator, in this case +, that avoids declaring any friend functions. For example, consider a class Date for representing calendar dates, e.g., January 23, 1999. Determining if two dates are equal, or if one comes before another, can be done simply if == and < (and the other relational operators) are overloaded for Dateobjects. The approach I use is illustrated by the partial declaration of the Date class that follows:

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E.3 Relational Operators


class Date { public: // constructors and other member functions elided // functions for implementing relational operators bool equal(const Date & rhs) const; bool less(const Date & rhs) const; private: // stuff here };

Here the functions equal and less determine if one Date is equal to or less than another, respectively. These functions are implemented to facilitate overloading the relational operators although these functions can be useful in debuggers. The code below shows equal in use.
Date a(1,1,1998), b(12,31, 1997); if (a.equal(b+1)) // just checking

Using functions equal and less is the method in Java for comparisons, so using this approach in C++ has the added benet of easing a transition to Java. But this method is useful on its own, especially with inheritance as well see later. Once the functions are implemented, implementing the overloaded relational operators is straightforward. Again, for the class Date we have:
Program E.1 datecomps.cpp
// relational operators for Date class bool operator == (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs) // post: return true iff lhs == rhs { return lhs.equal(rhs); } bool operator != (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs) // post: return true iff lhs != rhs { return ! (lhs == rhs); } bool operator < (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs) // post: return true iff lhs < rhs { return lhs.less(rhs); }

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Appendix E How to: overload operators

bool operator > (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs) // post: return true iff lhs > rhs { return rhs < lhs; } bool operator <= (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs) // post: return true iff lhs <= rhs { return ! (lhs > rhs); } bool operator >= (const Date & lhs, const Date & rhs) // post: return true iff lhs >= rhs { return rhs <= lhs; }


In these examples only == and < use the member functions equal and less directly, the other overloaded operators are implemented in terms of == and <. However, its clearly possible to use equal and less only for implementing all the overloaded operators. When using the STL (Standard Template Library) the header le <function> is typically included. Templated function declarations in this le implement all relational operators in terms of < and == so typically only these operators are overloaded for classes that are used in environments in which STL is available. For example, part of the SGI implementation of the header le function.h is shown below:
template <class T> inline bool operator!=(const T& x, const T& y) { return !(x == y); } template <class T> inline bool operator>(const T& x, const T& y) { return y < x; }

If you use STL, you typically will overload only operator < and operator ==; by including the header le <function>, youll include templated functions that will implement the other relational operators in terms of < and ==. Note that these templated functions are dened as inline functions for efciency. Functions dened as inline may be implemented without calling the function by literally substituting the code in the body of the function where the call is made, with parameters instantiated appropriately. The inline declaration is a request to the compiler, not a requirement.

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E.4 I/O Operators


E.4 I/ Operators O
Well look rst at overloading the insertion operator, operator <<, for stream output. Here its absolutely not possible to make the operator a member function of the class for which output is being dened. The statement
cout << x;

Could be interpreted by the compiler as cout.operator <<(x) , where the insertion operator is a member function of the ostream class of which cout is an instance. The insertion operator could also be a free function with two parameters, much like operator + is as discussed above. Since programmers dont typically have access to redening the standard I/O classes, the I/O operators are typically implemented as free functions. The header for the insertion operator for BigInt is shown below.
ostream& operator <<(ostream & out, const BigInt & big) // postcondition: big inserted onto stream out

The return type must be a reference type because the stream on which the object is inserted is returned for subsequent insertion operations. This is what allows insertions to be chained together:
BigInt b = factorial(val); string s = " factorial = "; cout << s << b;

The last statement could be written more cumbersomely as follows since operator << is overloaded as a free function for both string and BigInt objects.
operator << (operator << (cout,s), b);

However, its essential that operator << be an operator and not a function since the order in which arguments are evaluated in C++ is not dened. In the statement x = min(sqrt(x),sqrt(y)), compilers are not required to evaluate sqrt(x) before evaluating sqrt(y) (this is a C legacy, its too bad that the order in which arguments are evaluated isnt prescribed). However, the associativity of operator << is dened, its left associative, which means that
cout << x << y << z;

requires that x be inserted before y, and that y be inserted before z. Now that we know the prototype for the overloaded operator <<, how do we implement the operator? As with overloaded arithmetic operators there are two choices: Make operator << a friend of the class whose output is being overloaded, e.g., of BigInt in the examples above. Create a member function that can be used in implementing operator << as a free, non-friend function.

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Appendix E How to: overload operators

Well adopt the second approach, since it avoids the coupling entailed by creating friend classes and the solution well use is easily extensible to other, non-stream output, e.g., on a graphics display.

E.4.1 The Function tostring()

One very simple way to provide output is to create a member function tostring() that converts an object to a string-ized form. Assuming that tostring() returns a string, and that operator << is overloaded for strings, we can write:
ostream& operator <<(ostream & out, const BigInt & big) // postcondition: big inserted onto stream out { out << big.tostring(); return out; }

Note that in the code above you cannot determine just by reading if tostring() returns a standard string, an apstring, a tstring, or some other typeit must return a type for which stream insertion is overloaded. The implementation above works for any class for which a member function tostring() exists (this is how Java overloads + to work as a string catenator with any object, which is then used for output in Java).

Inheritance and tostring() In an inheritance hierarchy, requiring all subclasses to implement tostring by making it (pure) virtual in superclasses makes it possible to write one overloaded operator << that works with every class in the hierarchy. In Chap. 13 we explored a hierarchy of classes for implementing digital logic. Part of the abstract super class Gate and an appropriately overloaded operator are shown below.
// from gates.h class Gate { public: virtual Gate() {} virtual string tostring() const = 0; .. }; // from gates.cpp ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Gate& g) { out << g.tostring(); return out; }

All Gate subclasses: AndGate, Inverter, OrGate, and CompositeGate are printable since these concrete classes must supply an implementation of tostring

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E.5 Constructors and Conversions


and the overloaded operator << uses the polymorphic tostring. Clients designing new Gate subclasses get output for free as well.

The Function print() A member function print() is like using tostring().

Typically, print takes a stream parameter.
ostream& operator <<(ostream & out, const BigInt & big) // postcondition: big inserted onto stream out { big.print(out); return out; }

This works without using a string class, but is restricted to stream output. To write an object on a graphics screen, conversion to string is usually simpler since most graphics screens have functions to facilitate text display.

Overloading for Input. You can overload operator >> for input as operator << is overloaded for output. Its also possible to implement an overloaded getline function that reads a line at-a-time rather than using white-space delimited input which is expected with operator >>. By far the easiest way to do input is to convert from a string. This is easy, but not always completely general since string input is required to be white space delimited. For example, if youre implementing an overloaded input operator for the BigInt class what value is read by the line of text that follows?
1234567891234567890is a large number

Ideally the chacters is a number will remain on the stream and input of the BigInt will stop with the zero. However, this requires reading one character at a time rather than a string at a time. Youll need to decide on what method is best: converting from a string or parsing input one character at a time, based on the constraints of the problem youre solving.

E.5 Constructors and Conversions

The techniques we describe for overloading binary arithmetic and relational operators were motivated in part by concerns for symmetry. For example, we wanted to write both a + 2 and 2 + a when using BigInt variables. As we noted, symmetry in this case is made possible by a constructor that creates a BigInt from an int. Because constructors permit this kind of implicit conversion unexpected behavior can occur when conversions happen that the programmer doesnt expect. The second statement below may be a typo, or the programmer may mean to assign to u a vector of one element.
tvector<int> u = 1; u(10); // vector of 10 elements // we meant u[0] = 1

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Appendix E How to: overload operators

We know theres a vector constructor that takes an int argument since its used in the rst statement. This means its possible that the second statement does two things: Creates an anonymous/temporary int vector with one element. Assigns/copies this temporary to u. However, in the tvector class the second statement doesnt compile. To limit implicit conversions with the vector class, the keyword explicit is used with the constructor:
explicit tvector(int size); // size and capacity = size

A constructor modied by explicit cannot act as an implicit converter, an explicit use of the class name is required. The two statements that follow make an explicit use of the constructor:
tvector<int> u(10); // vector of 10 elements u = tvector<int>(1); // copy one-element vector to u

By using explicit, its harder for unanticipated conversions to take place in client codeits unlikely a programmer would type the second line above by mistake.

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How to: understand and use standard libraries

By its very nature, the library provided with a programming language is a mixed bag. P.J. Plauger The Standard C Library, p. x

F.1 Functions
C++ inherits many free (non-class) functions from C. A function library is a collection of cohesive functions that have a common domain. For example, the header le <cmath> imports mathematical functions, the le <cctype> imports character functions, and the library <cstdlib> imports standard algorithms like the C-based functions atoi and atof. In addition to the function libraries inherited from C, C++ includes several standard class libraries. In particular, the Standard Template Library, or STL, provides implementations of functions, algorithms, and container classes like vector. We use some of the ideas from STL, for example in the class tvector and in the sorting functions of sortall.h, but a complete discussion of STL is beyond the scope of this book. Complete though terse information on STL is available in [Str97]; a description of why the library works as it does and a wonderful book on generic programming is [Aus98]. The function libraries imported using header les of the form <cXXX> are in std namespace. For a brief introduction to namespaces see Sec. A.2.3 in Howto A. Functions in the global namespace are imported using <XXX.h>. For example, use <cmath> for functions in the std namespace, but <math.h> for functions in the global namespace. Older libraries/environments typically support only the .h versions of the function libraries.

F.1.1 The Library <cmath>

Functions in the standard math library, <cmath>, are given in Table F.1. On older systems this library is called <math.h>. All trigonometric functions use radian measure, see the functions in mathutils.h, Prog. G.9 for functions to convert between degrees and radians. Most of the functions in <cmath> are described sufciently in Table F.1. The arguments to atan2 are presumed to be x- and y-coordinates, so that, atan2(1,1) is the same as atan2(3,3) or atan(/4). 757

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Appendix F How to: understand and use standard libraries

Table F.1 Some functions in <cmath>

function name double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double fabs abs log log10 sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2 sinh cosh tanh pow

prototype (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double (double double (double (double (double (double double (double (double double (double int i) (double (double x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x) x, y) x) x) x) x, y) x) d, m) d, x) x)

returns absolute value of x absolute value of x (C++only) natural log of x base-ten log of x sine of x (x in radians) cosine of x (x in radians) tangent of x (x in radians) arc sine of x [/2, /2] arc cosine of x [0, ] arc tangent of x [/2, /2] atan(x/y) hyperbolic sine of x hyperbolic cosine of x hyperbolic tangent of x xy x, square root of x oating-point remainder d/m d*pow(2,i) largest integer value x smallest integer value x

double sqrt double fmod double ldexp double floor double ceil

F.1.2 The Library <cctype>

The functions in <cctype> operate on char values, theyre summarized in Table F.2. On older systems this library is called <ctype.h>. You would expect functions with the prex is, such as islower and isalnum, to have return type bool. However, to ensure compatibility with both C and C++ code, many libraries use integer values for the return type of these predicates in <cctype>. These boolean-valued functions return some nonzero value for true, but this value is not necessarily one. All the functions use int parameters, but arguments are expected to be in the range of legal char values.

F.2 Constants and Limits

Several header les import constants and functions that encapsulate platform specic limits on the maximum and minimal values of different built-in types. Unfortunately, the C++ standard does not require an int to be represented by 32 bits, nor a double

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F.2 Constants and Limits


Table F.2 Some functions in <cctype>

function prototype int int int int int int int int isalpha(int isalnum(int islower(int isdigit(int iscntrl(int isprint(int ispunct(int isspace(int c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c)

returns true when c is alphabetic (upper or lower case) c is alphabetic or a digit c is a lowercase letter c is a digit character 0-9 c is a control character c is printable character including space c is a punctuation (printable, not space, not alnum) c is any white-space character, ,\t,\n,\v, \r,\f c is an uppercase letter returns lowercase equivalent of c uppercase equivalent of c

int isupper(int c) int tolower(int c) int toupper(int c)

to be represented by 64 bits, although these are the standard sizes on 32-bit computers and are the standard sizes used in languages like Java.

F.2.1 Limits in <climits>

The header le <climits> (or <limits.h>) imports the constants shown in oldlimits.cpp, Prog. F.1. However, the value INT_MIN, for example, is almost certainly a preprocessor #define rather than a C++ constant. Although these constants are simple to use, consider using the constants and classes dened in <limits>, whose use is shown in Prog. F.2 below.
Program F.1 oldlimits.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <climits> #include <string> using namespace std;

// for setw

// illustrates range of values for integral types const int FIELD_SIZE = 13; // size of field for output chunk

void Print(const string& type, long low, unsigned long high); int main() { cout << setw(FIELD_SIZE) << "type"

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Appendix F How to: understand and use standard libraries

<< setw(FIELD_SIZE) << "low" << setw(FIELD_SIZE) << "high" << endl << endl; Print("char", CHAR_MIN, Print("uchar", 0, Print("short", SHRT_MIN, Print("ushort",0, Print("int", INT_MIN, Print("uint", 0, Print("long", LONG_MIN, Print("ulong", 0, return 0; CHAR_MAX); UCHAR_MAX); SHRT_MAX); USHRT_MAX); INT_MAX); UINT_MAX); LONG_MAX); ULONG_MAX);

} void Print(const string& type, long int low, unsigned long int high) // postcondition: values printed in field width FIELD_SIZE { cout << setw(FIELD_SIZE) << type << setw(FIELD_SIZE) << low << setw(FIELD_SIZE) << high << endl; }


prompt> oldlimits type char uchar short ushort int uint long ulong low -128 0 -32768 0 -2147483648 0 -2147483648 0 high 127 255 32767 65535 2147483647 4294967295 2147483647 4294967295

F.2.2 Double Limits in <cfloat>

The header le <cfloat> (or <float.h>) imports several constants including DBL_MIN and DBL_MAX which specify the minimal and maximal double values, respectively.

F.2.3 Limits in <limits>

The header le <limits> imports a templated class numeric_limits that provides values related to all the built-in types. Clients can create versions of numeric_limits

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F.2 Constants and Limits


for programmer-dened classes. For example, we could create a version for the class BigInt. All the methods and constants in numeric_limits are static, so no variables of type numeric_limits are created. We use only four of the methods available in the class numeric_limits. There are many more, for example, in the class numeric_limits<double> specically for oating point values. In the function printLimits we use the standard C++ operator typeid, imported from <typeinfo>. Basically, typeid allows types to be compared for equality, and provides access to a string form of a types name. For more information on numeric_limits and typeid see [Str97].
Program F.2 limits.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <typeinfo> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // print class-specific limits using numeric_limits from <limits> template <class Type> void printLimits(const Type& t) // post: print max,min values and # bits used by t { cout << "\ninformation for " << typeid(t).name() << endl; cout << "min =\t" << numeric_limits<Type>::min() << endl; cout << "max =\t" << numeric_limits<Type>::max() << endl; cout << "#bits=\t" << numeric_limits<Type>::digits << endl; cout << "is integral? " << boolalpha << numeric_limits<Type>::is_integer << endl; } int main() { printLimits(0); printLimits(0u); printLimits(0L); printLimits('a'); printLimits(static_cast<unsigned char>('a')); printLimits(0.0); printLimits(static_cast<float>(0.0)); return 0; }


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Appendix F How to: understand and use standard libraries

prompt> limits information for int min = -2147483648 max = 2147483647 #bits= 31 is integral? true information for unsigned int min = 0 max = 4294967295 #bits= 32 is integral? true information for long min = -2147483648 max = 2147483647 #bits= 31 is integral? true information for char min = -128 max = 128 #bits= 7 is integral? true

actually prints a char, not an int actually prints a char, not an int

information for unsigned char min = 0 max = 255 #bits= 8 is integral? true information for double min = 2.22507e-308 max = 1.79769e+308 # bits in mantissa #bits= 53 is integral? false information for float min = 1.17549e-38 max = 3.40282e+38 #bits= 24 is integral? false

# bits in mantissa

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F.2 Constants and Limits


F.2.4 ASCII values

Since most C++ environments use ASCII coding for characters, Table F.3 provides ASCII values for all the standard characters.

Table F.3 ASCII values

decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

char @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z escape fs gs rs us

decimal 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

ASCII character set char decimal char space 64 @ ! 65 A " 66 B # 67 C $ 68 D % 69 E & 70 F 71 G ( 72 H ) 73 I * 74 J + 75 K , 76 L 77 M . 78 N / 79 O 0 80 P 1 81 Q 2 82 R 3 83 S 4 84 T 5 85 U 6 86 V 7 87 W 8 88 X 9 89 Y : 90 Z ; 91 [ < 92 \ = 93 ] > 94 ? 95 _

decimal 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127

char a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } del

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Appendix F How to: understand and use standard libraries

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How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

G.1 A library of useful classes

This book supplies many classes for you to use in programming and exploring computer science. These classes extend whats available in the base C++ language by supplying off-the-shelf components that you can use to solve more problems than if you had to design and implement the classes from scratch. If someone tells you that youre not really using C++ if you use these supplied classes because the classes are not part of the C++ language, these people are narrow-minded and without a clue as to how people write software today. It may be prudent not to tell them this. The classes introduced in this book have been designed to be powerful but simple so that they are easy for beginning programmers to use. This means the classes may not be as powerful as similar classes that are designed to serve a larger audience of professional programmers. However, the classes are designed to be understandable by novice programmers while still being powerful enough to be used in large, real programs. Sometimes an industrial-strength class that covers 95% of all applications is not as powerful as a class that covers 65% of all applications if the industrial-strength class is much harder to learn and use. The Tapestry classes are used by people programming for a living and programming for fun. Sometimes this is the same group of people.

G.1.1 Summary of Classes and Functions

I refer to the core classes and function libraries introduced in this book as libtapestry. The easiest way to use these classes is to create a library which is then linked automatically with every program you write. With Unix you do this with a makele, with Windows or Macs you do this with a project as part of an IDE. Information on creating libraries is available in Howto I. Only the non-templated classes and functions are part of the library. There are many other programs used in the book, but the core classes and functions are summarized in Table G.1. The header les for most of these classes are reproduced in the following sections as documentation for each class. 765

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Appendix G How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

Table G.1 The classes and function libraries introduced in this book that make up libtapestry.

Class BigInt CList ClockTime CTimer Date Dice DirStream and DirEntry Permuter Point RandGen SimpleMap StringSet tvector tmatrix WordStreamIterator Free Functions deg2rad, PI, ... PromptRange, ... QuickSort, bsearch, ... ToLower, atoi, ... WaitForReturn

Header File bigint.h clist.h clockt.h ctimer.h date.h dice.h directory.h permuter.h point.h randgen.h simplemap.h stringset.h tvector.h tmatrix.h worditer.h Header File mathutils.h prompt.h sortall.h strutils.h utils.h

Description unbounded integers immutable lists clock times such as 13:24:09 stopwatch timing for code segments calendar dates such as July 16, 2007 simulate N-sided dice access le and directory information permutes int vectors represents two-dimensional points random int and double values rudimentary map class sets of strings range-checked vector class range-checked 2D matrix class reading les of words Description math utilities prompt for values in specic range sorting and searching functions converting and changing strings wait for user to press return

The classes CList, tvector, tmatrix, and SimpleMap are templated as are the functions in sortall.h. The classes in directory.h are implemented differently for Unix and Windows platforms. All other classes should be platform independent, although it is possible there are some differences I have not encountered.

G.1.2 Implementations ofTapestry Classes

I have designed the classes and functions in Table G.1 to be used from the beginning of an introductory course though some stress topics not typically covered in the rst weeks, such as vectors, matrices, and maps. Although the classes are designed to be used by client programs, most of them can be studied as examples of class design. However, some implementations depend on topics not covered in this book, or rely on platform specic libraries that arent of general interest. These include: Classes in directory.cpp use low-level operating-system specic functions. Classes in tvector.h allocate built-in arrays using operator new [], not covered in this text.

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes


Classes in date..cpp, randgen.cpp, and clockt.cpp use C-functions for accessing time to determine the current time of the day or the current day of the week. All other classes have been documented so that their implementations can be studied.

G.2 Header Files forTapestry Classes

G.2.1 Prompting Functions in prompt.h
Each prompting function comes in two forms, one using operator >> for input, the other using getline. For example, functions PromptRange and PromptlnRange both request integer input in a specic range though the latter reads an entire line of text while the former reads only the rst string. All the functions read strings and convert to the type requested, such as int or double.
Program G.1 prompt.h
#ifndef _PROMPT_H #define _PROMPT_H #include <string> using namespace std; // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // facilitates prompting for int, double or string each function has a PromptlnXXX equivalent that reads a line of text PromptRange: used for int or double entry int PromptRange(const string & prompt,int low, int high) returns int in range [low..high] Example: int x = PromptRange("enter weekday",1,7); generates prompt: enter weekday between 1 and 7 double PromptRange(const string & prompt,double low, double high) returns int in range [low..high] Example: double d = PromptRange("enter value",0.5,1.5); generates prompt: enter value between 0.5 and 1.5 const string & promptString(const string & prompt) returns a string Example: string filename = PromptString("enter file name"); bool PromptYesNo(const string & prompt)

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Appendix G How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

// returns true iff user enter yes // (or any string beginning with y, only strings beginning with y or // n are accepted) // // Example: // if (PromptYesNo("continue?")) // DoStuff(); // else // Quit(); long int PromptRange(const string & prompt,long int low, long int high); // precondition: low <= high // postcondition: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) long int PromptlnRange(const string & prompt,long int low, long int high); // precondition: low <= high // postcondition: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) // reads an entire line

int PromptRange(const string & prompt,int low, int high); // precondition: low <= high // postcondition: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) int PromptlnRange(const string & prompt,int low, int high); // precondition: low <= high // postcondition: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) // reads an entire line

double PromptRange(const string & prompt,double low, double high); // precondition: low <= high // postcondition: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) double PromptlnRange(const string & prompt,double low, double high); // precondition: low <= high // postcondition: returns a value between low and high (inclusive) // reads an entire line string PromptString(const string & prompt); // postcondition: returns string entered by user string PromptlnString(const string & prompt); // postcondition: returns string entered by user, reads entire line bool PromptYesNo(const string & prompt); // postcondition: returns true iff user enters "yes" (any string with // y as first letter, only y and n strings accepted) bool PromptlnYesNo(const string & prompt); // postcondition: returns true iff user enters "yes" (any string with // y as first letter, only y and n strings accepted) // reads entire line #endif

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes


G.2.2 The class Date

Program G.2 date.h
#ifndef _DATE_H #define _DATE_H / This code is freely distributable and modifiable providing you leave this notice in it. Copyright @ Owen Astrachan / #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // a class for manipulating dates Date class represents a date in the Gregorian calendar works only for dates after October, 1752 attempts to construct invalid dates, e.g., 15 month, or 38th day result in month == 1, day == 1. years arent checked for validity Date() Date(long days) construct default date (today) construct date given absolute # of days from 1 A.D., e.g., 710,347 = November 12, 1945

Date(int m,int d,int y) constructor requires three parameters: month, day, year, e.g., Date d(4,8,1956); initializes d to represent the date April 8, 1956. Full year is required

int Month() int Day() int Year()

return, respectively, month, day, and year corresponding to date with 1 = january, 2 = february, ... 12 = december

string DayName() string MonthName()

return string corresponding to day of week either "Monday", "Tuesday", ... "Sunday" return string corresponding to month either "January", "February",..."December" return number of days in month

int DaysIn()

long Absolute() returns absolute # of date assuming

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// that Jan 1, 1 AD is day 1. Has property // that Absolute() % 7 = k, where k = 0 is sunday // k = 1 is monday, ... k = 6 is saturday // // string ToString() returns string version of date, e.g., // d.SetDate(11,23,1963); then d.ToString() // returns string "November 23 1963" // // arithmetic operators for dates // // // dates support some addition and subtraction operations // // Date d(1,1,1960); // 1960 is a leap year // d++; // d represents January 2, 1960 // d; // d is back to January 1, 1960 // d += 31; // d is February 1, 1960 // d -= 32; // d is December 31, 1959 // Date d2 = d + 1; // d2 is January 1, 1960 // Date d3 = 365 + d2; // d3 is December 31, 1961 // Date d4 = d - 1; // d4 is December 30, 1959 // // class Date { public: // constructors Date(); // construct date with default value Date(long days); // construct date from absolute # Date(int m,int d,int y); // construct date with specified values // accessor functions int Month() int Day() int Year() int DaysIn() string DayName() string MonthName() long Absolute() string ToString() const; const; const; const; const; const; const; const; // // // // // // // // return month corresponding to date return day corresponding to date return year corresponding to date return # of days in month "monday", "tuesday", ... or "sunday" "january","february",... or "december" number of days since 1 A.D. for date returns string for date in ascii // for implementing <, >, etc

bool Equal(const Date & rhs) const; bool Less(const Date & rhs) const; // mutator functions Date operator ++(int); Date operator (int); Date& operator +=(long dx); Date& operator =(long dx); private: int myDay;

// add one day, postfix operator // subtract one day, postfix operator // add dx, e.g., jan 1 + 31 = feb 1 // subtract dx, e.g., jan 1 - 1 = dec 31

// day of week, 0-6

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes

int myMonth; int myYear; // month, 0-11 // year in four digits, e.g., 1899


void CheckDate(int m, int d, int y); // make sure that date is valid }; Date Date Date long operator operator operator operator + + (const Date & d, long dx); // (long dx, const Date & d); // (const Date & d, long dx); // (const Date & lhs, const Date & add dx to date d add dx to date d subtract dx from date d rhs);

ostream & operator << (ostream bool operator == (const Date & bool operator != (const Date & bool operator < (const Date & bool operator > (const Date & bool operator <= (const Date & bool operator >= (const Date & #endif

& os, const Date & d); lhs, const Date & rhs); lhs, const Date & rhs); lhs, const Date & rhs); lhs, const Date & rhs); lhs, const Date & rhs); lhs, const Date & rhs);


G.2.3 The class Dice

Changes from the rst edition code include making accessor functions const and moving the random number generator from dice.h to dice.cpp.
Program G.3 dice.h
#ifndef _DICE_H #define _DICE_H // // // // // // // // // // // // // class for simulating a die (object "rolled" to generate a random number) Dice(int sides) constructor, sides specifies number of "sides" for the die, e.g., 2 is a coin, 6 is a regular die int Roll() returns the random "roll" of the die, a uniformly distributed random number between 1 and # sides int NumSides() access function, returns # of sides int NumRolls() access function, returns # of times Roll called for an instance of the class

class Dice { public: Dice(int sides); int Roll(); int NumSides() const;

// constructor // return the random roll // how many sides this die has

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Appendix G
int NumRolls() const; private: int myRollCount; int mySides;

How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

// # times this die rolled

// # times die rolled // # sides on die

}; #endif / _DICE_H not defined /


G.2.4 The class RandGen

Program G.4 randgen.h
#ifndef _RANDGEN_H #define _RANDGEN_H #include <limits.h> // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // for INT_MAX

designed for implementation independent randomization if all system dependent calls included in this class, then other classes can make use of this class in independent manner all random numbers are uniformly distributed in given range RandGen() constructor sets seed of random # generator once per program, not per class/object

RandInt(int max) RandInt(int low,int max) - return random integer in range [0..max) when one parameter used, [low..max] when two parameters used examples: rnd.RandInt(6) is random integer [0..5] or [0..6) rnd.RandInt(3,10) is random integer [3..10] rnd.RandInt() is random integer [0..INT_MAX)

RandReal() returns random double in range [0..1) RandReal(double low, double max) returns random double in range [low..max)

class RandGen { public: RandGen(); // set seed for all instances int RandInt(int max = INT_MAX); // returns int in [0..max) int RandInt(int low, int max); // returns int in [low..max] double RandReal(); // returns double in [0..1) double RandReal(double low, double max); // range [low..max] static void SetSeed(int seed); // static (per class) seed set

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private: static int ourInitialized; }; #endif


// for per-class initialization


G.2.5 The class CTimer

Program G.5 ctimer.h
#ifndef _CTIMER_H #define _CTIMER_H // a class that can be used to "time" parts of programs // or as a general timer // // operations are: // // Start() : starts the timer // Stop() : stops the timer // ElapsedTime() : returns the elapsed time between // start and the last stop // CumulativeTime(): returns cumulative total of all // "laps" (timed intervals), i.e., sum of // calls to ElapsedTime // Reset() : resets cumulative time to 0 // so "removes" history of timer // // class CTimer{ public: CTimer(); void Reset(); void Start(); void Stop(); double ElapsedTime(); double CumulativeTime(); private: long myStartTime,myEndTime; double myElapsed; double myCumulative; }; #endif // _CTIMER_H not defined

// // // // // //

constructor reset timer to 0 begin timing stop timing between last start/stop total of all times since reset

// time since start and last stop // cumulative of all "lap" times


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G.2.6 The class WordStreamIterator

Changes from the rst edition include renaming the iterator functions.
Program G.6 worditer.h
#ifndef _WORDSTREAMITERATOR_H #define _WORDSTREAMITERATOR_H // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Owen Astrachan 7/3/95, modified 4/9/99 class WordStreamIterator void Open(string name) initializes iterator to file specified by name void Init(), void Next(), bool HasMore() "standard" iterating functions (see below) usage: call call call call Init(), before accessing Current() Next() to move to the next word in the stream Current() to access the current word HasMore() to determine if Current() is valid

string Current() returns current string (see below) WordStreamIterator iter; iter.Open("testfile.dat"); for(iter.Init(); iter.HasMore(); iter.Next()) cout << iter.Current() << endl;

#include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class WordStreamIterator { public: WordStreamIterator(); void Open(const string & name); void Init(); string Current(); bool HasMore(); void Next(); private: string myWord; bool myMore; ifstream myInput; };

// // // // //

bind stream to specific text file initialize iterator returns current word true if more words advance to next word

// the current word // true if more words // the stream to read from

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G.2.7 The class StringSet

Program G.7 stringset.h
#ifndef _STRINGSET_H #define _STRINGSET_H #include <string> #include "tvector.h" using namespace std; class StringSet { public: StringSet(); StringSet(int isize); // accessors bool contains(const string& s) const; int size() const; // mutators void insert(const string& s); void erase (const string& s); void clear(); friend class StringSetIterator; private: int myCount; tvector<string> myList; // # of entries stored in myList // storage for each string

// initialize size for efficiency

int search(const string & key) const; // returns index in myList of key }; class StringSetIterator { public: StringSetIterator(const StringSet& s); void Init() bool HasMore() void Next() string Current() const; const; const; const;

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Appendix G How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

private: const StringSet& mySet; mutable int myIndex;

}; #endif


G.2.8 The String Functions in strutils.h

Program G.8 strutils.h
#ifndef _STRUTILS_H #define _STRUTILS_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void ToLower(string & s); // postcondition: all alphabetic characters in s changed to lower case // (only upper case letters changed) void ToUpper(string & s); // postcondition: all alphabetic characters in s changed to upper case // (only upper case letters changed) void StripPunc(string & s); // postcondition: s has no leading/trailing punctuation void StripWhite(string & s); // postcondition: s has no leading/trailing white space string LowerString(const string & s); // postcondition: return lowercase equivalent of s string UpperString(const string & s); // postcondition: return uppercase equivalent of s

int atoi(const string & s); double atof(const string & s); string itoa(int n); string tostring(int n); string tostring(double d); #endif

// // // // //

returns int equivalent returns double equivalent returns string equivalent like itoa, convert int to string convert double to string


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G.2.9 The Math Helper Functions in mathutils.h

Program G.9 mathutils.h
#ifndef _MATHUTIL_H #define _MATHUTIL_H bool FloatEqual(double lhs, double rhs); // post: returns true iff lhs == rhs // where == is determined by using relative error, i.e. // |lhs-rhs| / min(|lhs|,|rhs|) // convert degrees to radians and vice-versa double deg2rad(double deg); double rad2deg(double rad); const double PI = 3.1415926535897; // returns smaller of lhs and rhs, operator < must // be overloaded for the type T template <class T> T min(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs < rhs ? lhs : rhs; } // returns larger of lhs and rhs, operator < must // be overloaded for the type T template <class T> T max(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs < rhs ? rhs : lhs; } #endif


G.2.10 The struct Point

Program G.10 point.h
#ifndef _POINT_H #define _POINT_H #include <string>

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using namespace std; struct Point { Point(); Point(double px, double py); string tostring() const; double distanceFrom(const Point& p) const; double x; double y; }; bool bool bool bool bool bool operator operator operator operator operator operator == != < > <= >= (const (const (const (const (const (const Point& Point& Point& Point& Point& Point& lhs, lhs, lhs, lhs, lhs, lhs, const const const const const const Point& Point& Point& Point& Point& Point& rhs); rhs); rhs); rhs); rhs); rhs);

ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Point& p); #endif


G.2.11 The classes in directory.h

Program G.11 directory.h
#ifndef _DIRECTORY_H #define _DIRECTORY_H

// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

author: Owen Astrachan date: 9/21/93 modified 11/28/94 modified 4/5/95 modified 1/18/96 modified 5/10/99, ported to 32-bit windows classes for manipulating directories provide a standard interface for directory queries from C++ programs that can, in theory, be implemented on several platforms currently supported: Unix, DOS, Windows the class DirEntry provides directory information

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// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // accessible via methods Name, Size, and IsDir the class DirStream does I/O on directories it supports "standard" (for the Tapestry book) iterator methods/member functions


DirEntry member functions: returns name of file returns size of file (in bytes) returns false if NOT directory, else true returns full path to file constructor, directory entry undefined attributes

string Name() int Size() bool IsDir() string Path() DirEntry()

DirStream member functions:

DirStream(string name) constructor (pass name of directory) DirStream() default constructor (use current directory) void open(string name) opens directory stream with given name bool fail() returns true if directory operations has failed, else returns false void close() close stream

void Init() bool HasMore() void Next() DirEntry Current()

set DirStream so first entry is accessible returns true if current ok, else false advance to next entry return current directory entry call only when HasMore = true

#include <string> using namespace std; const string DIR_SEPARATOR = "\\"; class DirStream; class WIN32_DATA; #include "date.h" #include "clockt.h" class DirEntry { public: DirEntry(); DirEntry(); string Name() const; // string Path() const; // long Size() const; // bool IsDir() const; // Date GetDate() const; ClockTime GetTime() const; friend DirStream; // class // platform specific

// need forward reference for friendship // defined in .cpp file (avoid parsing huge <windows.h>

// constructor // destructor return return return return name (not full path) of file canonicalized path of file size (bytes) of file false if file, true if directory

has access to internals

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private: // this is the private directory entry information // it is platform specific, probably should be a handle // to a class PrivateDirEntry defined in directory.cc DirEntry(WIN32_DATA dat); // from platform specific constructor string myName; string myPath; Date myDate; ClockTime myTime; long mySize; bool myIsDirectory; }; class HHandle; class DirStream { public: DirStream(const string & name); DirStream(); DirStream(); void open(const string & name); void close(); bool fail(); void Init(); void Next(); bool HasMore(); DirEntry Current(); // // // // // // forward, really a HANDLE, but avoid parsing <windows.h> // // // // // // NOT full path, just file name full, canonicalized path creation date creation time in bytes true if directory, else false

// // // // // //

name is path to directory current directory destructor open, bind to file with name close the stream return true if failed, else false

// standard iterator functions

stuff below is esoteric C++ the () method returning void is what allows the expression: while (dirstream) to work [see Teale, The I/O Stream Handbook]

operator void () const { return myStatus ? (void ) this : (void ) 0; }; // allow the expression if (!dirstream) int operator !() const { return !myStatus; } private:

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes

HHandle myStream; WIN32_DATA myData; bool myStatus; string myPath; DirEntry myEntry; bool myIsClosed; // // // // // // for Windows for Windows if true, everything ok, else all done full path to this directory cached, current entry already closed myStream? // private init commonality // common code (Init/Next)


void Initialize(const string & s); void SetEntry(); // disable assignment and copy

DirStream operator = (const DirStream & dir); DirStream(const DirStream & dir); }; #endif / _DIRECTORY_H not defined /


G.2.12 The class CList

Program G.12 clist.h
#ifndef _LIST_H #define _LIST_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; template <class Type> class CListIterator; template <class Type> class CListPrinter; // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // CList is a constant, or immutable list. Once a list is created, neither the list nor its contents can be changed. This means new lists can safely share storage with existing lists since none will be changed during program execution Head(), First() return the first element of a list, error if IsEmpty() Tail() returns a listi with all but first element list.Tail() is empty if list is empty Last() returns last element in list, constant time access Size() returns # elements in list, constant time IsEmpty() returns true if list is empty, else returns false Contains(Type t) returns true iff list contains t

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// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

Appendix G

How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

Find(Type t) returns a (sub)list with Head() == t, or EMPTY if !Contains(t) Address() returns a string-ized form of the hex address of the first element Printer(), Printer(const string& delimiter) effectively returns a stream manipulator, inserts the list onto a stream with delimiter between elements, the default/no-parameter function inserts newlines between elements usage: cout << list.Printer(",") << end; static ConsCalls() returns # times cons called static EMPTY effectively a constant for the empty list CListIterator is the standard tapestry iterator, constructed from a list

template <class Type> class CList { public: CList(); // make an empty list

// accessors, determine properties of list, get first/last values Type Type Type CList Head() First() Last() Tail() const; const; const; const; // abbreviation for First() // return copy of first element // return copy of last element

bool Contains(const Type & t) const; int Size() const; bool IsEmpty() const; CList<Type> Find(const Type& t) const; string Address() const;

// // // //

true if t in list # of items in list true if Size() == 0 return l with l.Head() == t

CListPrinter<Type> Printer() const; CListPrinter<Type> Printer(const string& delimiter) const; static CList<Type> cons(const Type & s, const CList<Type>& slist); static CList<Type> EMPTY; static int ConsCalls(); friend class CListIterator<Type>; private: CList(const Type& t, const CList<Type>& lst); struct TNode

// make a new list

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{ // data members Type info; TNode next; // value stored // link to next TNode


// constructors TNode() : next(0) { } TNode(const Type & val, TNode link=0) : info(val), next(link) { }

}; TNode myFirst; TNode myLast; int myCount; static int ourConsCount; }; // first node of list // last node of list // # of items in list // # calls of cons

template <class Type> inline CList<Type> cons(const Type& t, const CList<Type>& slist) { return slist.cons(t,slist); } template <class Type> CList<Type> append(const Type& t, const CList<Type>& slist); template <class Type> class CListPrinter { public: CListPrinter(const CList<Type>& list); CListPrinter(const CList<Type>& list, const string& delimiter); CList<Type> myList; string myDelimiter; }; template <class Type> ostream& operator << (ostream& output, const CListPrinter<Type>& p); template <class Type> ostream& operator << (ostream& output, const CList<Type>& list); template <class Type> class CListIterator { public:

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CListIterator(const CList<Type>& list); void bool void Type Init() HasMore() Next() Current() const; const; const; const;


private: typedef CList<Type>::TNode Node; Node myFirst; mutable Node myCurrent;

#include "clist.cpp" typedef CList<string> StringList; typedef CListIterator<string> StringListIterator; #endif


G.2.13 The class Poly

Program G.13 poly.h
#ifndef _POLY_H #define _POLY_H #include <string> using namespace std; #include "clist.h" // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // polynomials in x (can be easily modified for polys in any variable, and templated for polys of ..) coefficients are doubles Poly() or Poly::ZERO represent 0, otherwise Poly(a,b) represents axb polynomials of more than one term are constructed using +=, e.g., Poly a = Poly(5,3) + Poly(4,2) + Poly(3,1) + Poly(2,0) then a = 5x3 + 4x2 + 3x + 2 Head() returns the leading term, Tail() returns all but Head() both return Poly objects [and return non-poly on error] IsPoly() returns true if object is a "good" polynomial, e.g., Poly().Tail().IsPoly() == false accessors include leadingCoeff(), degree() for first term at(double x) to evaulate a polynomial at x

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// tostring() standard helper function // class Poly { public: Poly(); Poly(double coeff, int exp); const Poly& operator += (const Poly& rhs); const Poly& operator = (double c); string double int double tostring() at(double x) degree() leadingCoeff() const; const; const; const; const; const; const;


Poly Tail() Poly Head() bool IsPoly()

static Poly ZERO; static int TermsAllocated(); private: struct Pair // this is the (a,b) in axb { double coeff; int expo; Pair() : coeff(0.0),expo(0) { } Pair(double c, int e) : coeff(c), expo(e) { } }; typedef CList<Pair> Polist; typedef CListIterator<Pair> PolistIterator; static bool ourInitialized; Poly(Polist p); Polist myPoly; }; Poly operator + (const Poly& lhs, const Poly& rhs); Poly operator (double c, const Poly& p); Poly operator (const Poly& p, double c); ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Poly& p); #endif // make poly from list of terms, helper // the list of terms


G.2.14 The Sorting Functions in sortall.h

Program G.14 sortall.h
#ifndef _SORTALL_H

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#define _SORTALL_H

#include "tvector.h" #include "comparer.h" // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // prototypes for sort functions and search functions author: Owen Astrachan see also: comparer.h, sortall.cpp for "plain" sorts, the type being sorted must be comparable with < and for Merge and Quick also with <= for sorts with the Comparer template parameter the type for Comparer (see comparer.h) must have a member function named compare that takes two const Type arguments: lhs, rhs, and which returns -1, 0, or +1 if lhs <, ==, > rhs, respectively search functions take a Comparer object also

template <class Type> void InsertSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size); template <class Type, class Comparer> void InsertSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size, const Comparer & comp); template <class Type> void SelectSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size); template <class Type, class Comparer> void SelectSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size, const Comparer & comp); template <class Type> void BubbleSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size); template <class Type> void MergeSort(tvector<Type> & a,int n); template <class Type, class Comparer> void MergeSort(tvector<Type> & a, int n, const Comparer & comp); template <class Type> void QuickSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size); template <class Type, class Compare> void QuickSort(tvector<Type> & a, int size,const Compare& comp); template <class Type> void HeapSort(tvector<Type>& a, int size); template <class Type> void Swap(tvector<Type>& v, int j, int k);

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes

// post: v[k] and v[j] swapped


// searching functions template <class Type> int bsearch(const tvector<Type>& list, const Type& key); template <class Type, class Comparer> int bsearch(const tvector<Type>& list, const Type& key, const Comparer& c);

template <class Type, class Comparer> int search(const tvector<Type>& list, const Type& key, const Comparer& c); template <class Type> int search(const tvector<Type>& list, const Type& key); #include "sortall.cpp" #endif


G.2.15 Header Files from Circuit Simulation

Program G.15 wires.h
#ifndef _WIRES_H #define _WIRES_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" // // // // // // // // // // // A wire has current flowing through it. When the current changes, a wire notifies all the gates listening on the wire that the current has changed. The gates act accordingly (see gates.h) Some of the "gates" are really connectors to other wires A connector allows gates to be strung together, but connectors are more like solder than real gates. As such, connectors arent part of a CompositeGate. To facilitate finding a wires connectors, a ConnectorIterator can be used to access all a wires connectors.

class Gate; class Connector; class Wire {

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Appendix G

How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

public: Wire(const string& name=""); virtual Wire(); virtual bool GetSignal() const; virtual string tostring() const; virtual virtual virtual virtual void void void int SetSignal(bool signal); AddGate(Gate g); RemoveGate(Gate g); Number() const;

// true/false, on/off // for I/O // // // // set signal, propagate g monitors this wire g stops monitoring which wire is this?

friend class ConnectorIterator; private: tvector<Gate > bool string int static int }; myGates; mySignal; myName; myNumber; ourCount;

// access myGates

// class wide, keeps count

ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Wire& w); // // // // // // // // // A WireFactory is used to encapsulate wire creation If wires are "ordered" from the factory, the factory takes care of cleaning up the wires when the factory ceases to exist This is a rudimentary factory, theres no facility for clients to recycle wires and the factory doesnt clean up the gates attached to the wires it destroys MakeWire creates a new wire GetWire retrieves an already created wire by the wires number

class WireFactory { public: WireFactory(); virtual WireFactory(); virtual Wire MakeWire(const string& name="wire"); // create anew virtual Wire GetWire(int num) const; // get by number private: tvector<Wire > myWires; }; // standard tapestry iterator for iterating over all // connectors attached to a wire class ConnectorIterator { public: ConnectorIterator(Wire w); void Init(); bool HasMore(); void Next();

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes

Connector Current(); private: Wire myWire; Connector myConnector; int myIndex; }; #endif



Program G.16 gates.h

#ifndef _GATES_H #define _GATES_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "tvector.h" class Wire; class WireFactory; class Gate { public: virtual Gate() {} virtual void Act() = 0; virtual string tostring() const = 0; virtual int InCount() const = 0; virtual int OutCount() const = 0; virtual Wire InWire(int n) const = 0; virtual Wire OutWire(int n) const = 0; virtual Gate clone() = 0; virtual string deepString() const { return tostring();} static Wire WireByNumber(int num); protected: static WireFactory ourWireFactory;


ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Gate& g); class Connector : public Gate { public: Connector(Wire in, Wire out); virtual void Act(); virtual string tostring() const; int InCount() const {return 1;} int OutCount() const {return 1;} Wire InWire(int n) const {return myIn;}

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Wire Gate private: Wire Wire

Appendix G
OutWire(int n) clone(); myIn; myOut;

How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

const {return myOut;}


class Inverter : public Gate { public: Inverter(Wire in, Wire out, const string& name=""); Inverter(const string& name=""); virtual void Act( ); virtual string tostring() const; int InCount() const {return 1;} int OutCount() const {return 1;} Wire InWire(int n) const {return myIn;} Wire OutWire(int n) const {return myOut;} Gate clone(); virtual string deepString() const; private: Wire Wire string int static }; class NMGate : public Gate { public: virtual void Act( ) = 0; virtual string tostring() const = 0; int InCount() const {return myIns.size();} int OutCount() const {return myOuts.size();} Wire InWire(int n) const {return myIns[n];} Wire OutWire(int n) const {return myOuts[n];} virtual string deepString() const; protected : NMGate(int number=0, const string& name="generic"); void Init(const tvector<Wire >& in, const tvector<Wire >& out); tvector<Wire > myIns; tvector<Wire > myOuts; int myNumber; string myName;

myIn; myOut; myName; myNumber; int ourCount;

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes

}; class AndGate : public NMGate { public: AndGate(Wire in, Wire in2, Wire out, const string& name =""); AndGate(const string& name=""); virtual void Act( ); virtual string tostring() const; Gate clone(); private: static int ourCount; }; class OrGate : public NMGate { public: OrGate(Wire in, Wire in2, Wire out, const string& name =""); OrGate(const string& name = ""); virtual void Act( ); virtual string tostring() const; Gate clone(); private: static int ourCount; }; class CompositeGate : public NMGate { public: CompositeGate(); virtual string tostring() const; virtual void Act(); virtual void AddIn(Wire w); virtual void AddOut(Wire w); virtual void AddGate(Gate g); virtual Gate clone(); virtual string deepString() const; virtual int CountWires() const; private: tvector<Gate > myGates; }; class Probe : public Gate { public: Probe (Wire w); virtual void Act( ); virtual string tostring() const; int InCount() const {return 1;}


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How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

int OutCount() const {return 1;} Wire InWire(int n) const {return myWire;} Wire OutWire(int n) const {return myWire;} Gate clone() {return this;} protected: Wire myWire; }; class GateTester { public: static void Test(Gate gate); }; void Connect(Wire w1, Wire w2); #endif


G.2.16 The Map class SimpleMap

Program G.17 simplemap.h
#ifndef _SIMPLEMAP_H #define _SIMPLEMAP_H #include "tvector.h" // simple map, supports (for map m): // m.insert(Key,Value); // v = m.getValue(k); // returns default Value() if k not found

template <class Key,class Value> class SimpleMapIterator; template <class Key, class Value> class SimpleMap { public: SimpleMap() { } void insert(const Key& k, const Value& v) { myKeys.push_back(k); myValues.push_back(v); } Value getValue(const Key& key) const { for(int k=0; k < myKeys.size(); k++) { if (myKeys[k] == key) return myValues[k]; }

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G.2 Header Files for Tapestry Classes

return Value(); }


friend class SimpleMapIterator<Key,Value>; private: tvector<Key> myKeys; tvector<Value> myValues; };

template <class Key,class Value> class SimpleMapIterator { public: SimpleMapIterator(const SimpleMap<Key,Value>& map) : myMap(map), myIndex(1) { } void Init() { myIndex = 0; } bool HasMore() { return myIndex < myMap.myKeys.size(); } bool Next() { myIndex++; } Key Current() { return myMap.myKeys[myIndex]; } private: const SimpleMap<Key,Value>& myMap; int myIndex; }; #endif


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Appendix G How to: understand and use Tapestry classes

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How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

H.1 The Graphics Library: TOOGL 1.0

The documentation in this section describes version 1.0 of TOOGL, the Tapestry Object Oriented Graphics Library (for Exploring and Experimenting)1 . The graphics library consists of several classes for drawing and animating shapes. These classes provide support for client programs to create and manipulate shapes and images, and for the shapes to interact with the program and the user via the keyboard and mouse. The classes are built on a graphics engine underneath them doing the drawing and event-processing, the engine is not part of the library. The current implementation uses an engine created by a group at Carnegie Mellon University. The principal author of the CMU graphics engine is Geoff Washburn, the package is accessible via the following URL, this will also be linked to the website for this book (see below);

The current TOOGL classes are fully functional, but may evolve as theyre more extensively used. In particular, the origin is currently xed in the upper-left corner, with x-coordinates increasing to the right and y-coordinates increasing down the screen. Coordinates are expressed in pixels rather than in an absolute measure like centimeters. In the future the ability to choose the coordinate system will become part of the TOOGL classes and coordinates will be specied in centimeters or inches. If youre reading this as part of A Computer Science Tapestry, the pictures of the screen images created by the graphics classes will be in black-and-white. For full-color pictures, and a much more extensive set of examples, including animations rather than still screen captures, see the supporting web pages at the following URL:

The programs and examples in this Howto show the functionality of the graphics classes by using language features like arrays/vectors and inheritance. Its possible, however, to introduce every C++ concept with a graphical example, so that the rst graphics programs might have no control statements, just shapes drawn on a canvas. Again, for a fuller treatment see the website for the book.

TOOGL is pronounced too-gull, not too-gee-ell.


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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

H.2 Using the Canvas Class

The basic window for drawing with TOOGL is an instance of the class Canvas, accessible by using #include"canvas.h". A Canvas object is not double-buffered, and is intended for drawing shapes or gures once rather than as part of an animation. For drawing, redrawing, and animation, use the class AnimatedCanvas described in Sec. H.3.

H.2.1 Canvas Basics

A Canvas object is constructed by specifying its width, height, and distance in the xand y-direction of the upper-left corner of the canvas from the upper-left corner of the screen; constructor parameters are integers. Any number of Canvas objects can be created in the same program. When Syntax: Canvas constructor a Canvas object is used, the standard console window is still visible, Canvas can(width, height, x, y); and all standard output streams are functional, so text and graphical output can be easily mixed. However, if the console window covers part of a Canvas window, the Canvas window may be erased when the console window is moved. To ensure that all windows in a program are visible, the rst Canvas created in a program displays the message click with mouse to begin. Before clicking, you should move windows so that they dont overlap, ensuring that the console window wont erase any part of a Canvas window.

H.2.2 Drawing, Styles, and Colors

Program H.1, circles.cpp, draws seven circles, each in a different color. Circles are drawn in a lled style, in which the entire circle is lled with a color, and a frame style, in which just the outline of the circle is drawn. As the output of circles.cpp in Fig. H.1 shows, the default style of drawing uses lled gures, as though Canvas::SetFilled() had been explicitly called. The circles on the left of Fig. H.1 are lled, while the circles on the right are framed because the method Canvas::SetFrame() changes the drawing style just before the circles on the right are drawn. The largest radius circle must be drawn rst when the lled style is used or else each drawn circle would completely obscure the circles drawn previously. To ensure that the graphics window remains visible after drawing has nished, the method Canvas::runUntilEscape keeps the graphics window showing until the escape key is pressed when the graphics window has the focus2 . Its also possible to use the free function WaitForReturn() in utils.h, which pauses until the user presses the return (or enter) key3 .

2 A window has the focus when it is the active window. In most windowing systems you make a window active by clicking in the title bar of the window, or in the window itself. 3 On many systems the return key must be pressed twice.

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H.2 Using the Canvas Class


Program H.1 circles.cpp

#include "canvas.h" // show simple Canvas functions, change style and color of drawing void circles(Canvas& c, const Point& p, double size) // post: series of circles drawn on c, centered at p // initial size = size (decreased by 20% for each one { color spectrum[] = {CanvasColor::RED, CanvasColor::ORANGE, CanvasColor::YELLOW, CanvasColor::GREEN, CanvasColor::BLUE, CanvasColor::INDIGO, CanvasColor::VIOLET}; int k; for(k=0; k < 7; k++) { c.SetColor(spectrum[k]); c.DrawCircle(p,size); size = 0.80; } } int main() { const int WIDTH = 250, HEIGHT = 150; Canvas c(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 20,20); circles(c, Point(WIDTH/4, HEIGHT/2), WIDTH/4); c.SetFrame(); circles(c, Point(3WIDTH/4, HEIGHT/2), WIDTH/4); c.runUntilEscape(); return 0; }


Figure H.1 Circles drawn in different colors and styles using circles.cpp, Prog. H.1

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Table H.1 DrawXXX methods for the Canvas class. All methods are void.

Method DrawPixel DrawRectangle DrawCircle DrawEllipse DrawTriangle

Prototype (const Point& p); (const Point& p1, const Point& p2); (const Point& center, int radius); (const Point& p1, const Point& p2); (const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3); DrawPolygon (const tvector<Point>& a, int numPoints); DrawString (const string& s, const Point& p, int fontsize=14); DrawPieWedge (const Point& p, int radius, double startRad, double endRad);

H.2.3 Drawing Shapes andT ext

The DrawXXX methods described in Table H.1 make lines, curves, and other shapes appear on a Canvas object. Once set, the color and the style (lled/frame) in a canvas apply to all drawings, though both the color and style can be changed between invocations of DrawXXX methods using SetColor(..), SetFramed(), and SetFilled() as shown in Prog. H.1. Colors are described in Sec. H.3.8. The DrawPieWedge4 method draws a segment of a circle, whose center and radius are specied. Parameters startRad and endRad specify the angles (in radians) of the segment. For example, the call below draws a quarter-circle centered at point p with radius 1005 .
c.DrawPieWedge(p, 100, 0.0, PI/2);

Many of the Canvas methods are shown in drawshapes.cpp, Prog. H.2, which draws randomly-sized different shapes at random locations. Two runs are shown in Fig. H.2: the screen capture on the right uses the default lled drawing mode, the capture on the left uses the code shown in drawshapes.cpp where the call c.SetFrame() uses the framed, outline style for each gure.
Program H.2 drawshapes.cpp
#include #include #include #include "canvas.h" "prompt.h" "randgen.h" "dice.h"

4 The DrawPieWedge method is called by the StatusCircle class declared in statusbar.h and used in Prog. 6.16. 5 The constant PI and functions to convert degrees to radians can be found in mathutils.h, see Howto G.

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H.2 Using the Canvas Class

// fill screen with random shapes Point getPoint(Canvas& c) // postcondition: return a random point in Canvas c { RandGen gen; return Point(gen.RandReal(0,c.width()), gen.RandReal(0,c.height())); } void drawShape(Canvas & c) // postcondition: random shape/random size drawn on c { const int NUM_SHAPES = 4; // # different shapes const int MAX_SIZE = 30; // max size of a shape Dice shapeDie(NUM_SHAPES); // for randomizing selections Dice sizeDie(MAX_SIZE); // for randomizing size Point p1(getPoint(c)); Point p2(p1.x + sizeDie.Roll(), p1.y + sizeDie.Roll()); switch (shapeDie.Roll()) { case 1 : c.DrawRectangle(p1,p2); break; case 2 : c.DrawEllipse(p1,p2); break; case 3 : c.DrawCircle(p1, sizeDie.Roll()); break; case 4 : c.DrawTriangle(p1,p2,getPoint(c)); break; } } int main() { const int WIDTH= 200, HEIGHT= 200; RandGen rnd; Canvas c(WIDTH,HEIGHT,20,20); int numSquares = PromptRange("# of shapes: ",1,1000); int k; for(k=0; k < numSquares; k++) { c.SetFrame(); c.SetColor(CanvasColor(rnd.RandInt(0,255), rnd.RandInt(0,255), rnd.RandInt(0,255))); drawShape(c); } c.runUntilEscape(); return 0; }



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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Figure H.2 Many shapes of random size and random color.

Using DrawText. As shown in Table H.1, the DrawText method has an optional parameter that species the font size. Prog. H.3, grid.cpp, shows the DrawLine and DrawText methods used to create the labeled grids in Fig. H.3.
Program H.3 grid.cpp
#include "canvas.h" // for Canvas #include "strutils.h" // for tostring(int) // illustrates line and text drawing in Canvas class int main() { const int GRID_SIZE = 200; const int SIZE= 20; // fudge dimensions to make room for text Canvas c(GRID_SIZE+SIZE, GRID_SIZE+SIZE,100,100); int j; for(j=0; j <= GRID_SIZE; j+= SIZE) { c.SetColor(BLACK); c.DrawString(tostring(j), Point(0,j),12); // draw text labels c.DrawString(tostring(j), Point(j,0),12); } c.SetColor(BLUE); for(j=0; j <= GRID_SIZE; j+= SIZE) { c.DrawLine(Point(j,0), Point(j,GRID_SIZE)); // horizontal line c.DrawLine(Point(0,j), Point(GRID_SIZE,j)); // vertical line } c.runUntilEscape(); return 0; }


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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class


Figure H.3 Grids drawn with grid.cpp, on the left with default font size of 14, on the right
with a font size of 12.

H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class

The class AnimatedCanvas supports the same methods that Canvas supports6 but is double-buffered so it can be used for animations. Although both classes support the notion of Shape objects that draw themselves, these shapes dont work very well without double buffering. Double buffering is a technique that uses two canvases, one for displaying and one for drawing, that makes icker-free animations possible. All drawing takes place on an off-screen drawing buffer, which acts just like a canvas, but isnt visible. When drawing on the off-screen buffer is complete, the buffer is displayed on the visible canvas very quickly using an operation called bitblt, pronounced bit blit.

H.3.1 The Shape Hierarchy

Client code draws directly on a Canvas object using one of the DrawXXX methods from Table H.1. In contrast, shapes are added to an AnimatedCanvas, and each shape knows how to draw itself on the canvas (using one or more of the DrawXXX methods). Client programs dont normally draw on an AnimatedCanvas, although its possible to do so. It doesnt make sense to draw directly because each time the off-screen buffer is copied on-screen, any drawings made directly on the canvas will be erased.

The class Canvas is actually a subclass of AnimatedCanvas without double-buffering. This means Canvas doesnt support animations. Both classes are subclasses of a class BaseCanvas that communicates with the underlying graphics engine.

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h


CircleShape EllipseShape RectangleShape PolygonShape TriangleShape TextShape







Figure H.4 The hierarchy of shapes in shapes.h used with the AnimatedCanvas class. The shapes on the left
encapsulate a method of the corresponding name.

Instead, shapes are added to an AnimatedCanvas which then cycles through all the shapes asking each shape to draw itself. Animations are possible because a shape can draw itself at different locations. The double-buffering makes it seem as though the shapes are moving although whats actually happening is that all the shapes are erased, redrawn at new locations, and then displayed again. The different shapes are accessible in shapes.h which is included as part of canvas.h. The shape inheritance hierarchy is shown in Fig. H.4. The classes on the left correspond to a DrawXXX method, the other classes extend the kind of shape objects and the behavior of shape objects.

H.3.2 Properties of Shape Objects

Every shape has a current position, a color, and a bounding box. The abstract base class Shape, from which all classes in the hierarchy in Fig. H.4 derive, is shown as Prog. H.4 which shows just the superclass. As the declaration shows, all derived classes must implement the following methods (theyre abstract, or pure virtual, in Shape): draw(AnimatedCanvas& c) is the method that an AnimatedCanvas object calls, passing itself (the canvas), so that a shape object can draw itself. setLocation(const Point& p) sets the location of a shape object, see the related bbox method. getLocation() returns the current location of a shape object. bbox() returns the bounding box of a shape object. The bounding box is a

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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class


(minimal) rectangle that surrounds the shape. The bounding box is used to draw and detect overlap with other shapes. clone() returns a copy of a shape. The superclass Shape implements clone to return a NULL/0 pointer, which will cause immediate problems in most cases so subclasses should override clone. In most cases at rst youll be using the classes in Fig. H.4 rather than creating your own classes.
Program H.4 abcshape.h
class Shape { public: Shape(); virtual Shape() {} virtual void draw(AnimatedCanvas& c) = 0; virtual void setLocation(const Point& p) = 0; virtual Shape clone(); int virtual Point bool bool id () const {return myCount;} getLocation() const = 0; contains(const Point& p) const; overlaps(const Shape& s) const; const = 0; const;

virtual Box bbox() virtual string tostring() protected: static int ourCount; int myCount; };


H.3.3 Using Shapes: addShape and clone

Program H.5 shows how simple it is to create shapes with interesting behavior. A veline program creates a bouncing ball, snapshots are shown in Fig. H.57 . The program creates a CircleShape, adds bouncing behavior to the circle by creating a Bouncer object from the circle, then adds the bouncer to the canvas and runs the program until the user presses the ESCAPE key. Well discuss the Bouncer class in more detail in Sec. H.3.6, but the parameters are a shape, a direction in radians, and a velocity. One radian is approximately 57 degrees.

See the website whose URL is given at the beginning of this Howto for access to an animation, or run the program.

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Figure H.5 Three snapshots of a bouncing ball in an AnimatedCanvas.

Program H.5 bouncedemo.cpp

#include "canvas.h" // simple bouncer, one circle bouncing int main() { AnimatedCanvas canvas(200,200,20,20); CircleShape circle(Point(100,100), 10.0, CanvasColor::RED); Bouncer b(circle,1,2); canvas.addShape(b); canvas.runUntilEscape(10); return 0; }


An AnimatedCanvas object stores pointers to all the shapes it contains. Client code can create shapes on the heap by calling new, or can construct shapes as local (stack) variables as shown in Prog. H.5. Objects added to an AnimatedCanvas are cloned if theyre not added as pointers8 . In Prog. H.5, for example, the bouncer object b will be cloned by the addShape method. Normally client programs dont need to be concerned about cloning, but its difcult to remove cloned shapes from a canvas. New shape classes may implement cloning improperly, so fewer bugs are usually encountered when shapes are allocated on the heap and not cloned.

8 To be precise, clone is called when an object is passed by reference rather than by a pointer. Cloning can be circumvented using the address-of operator, but this is almost always a very bad idea.

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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class





Figure H.6 The CompoundShape sh and its bounding box from bouncesh.cpp

H.3.4 The CompositeShape class

The class CompositeShape allows you to construct a new shape by combining several shapes together. Prog. H.6, bouncesh.cpp, shows how one sh is made from several shapes, then cloned to create an aquarium. Just as the addShape method clones shapes added to a canvas when the shapes arent allocated on the heap, the CompositeShape::add method clones shapes not allocated on the heap. The CompositeShape sh thats part of bouncesh.cpp, Prog. H.6 is shown in Fig. H.6 with its bounding box, a snapshot of the bouncing sh is shown in Fig. H.7.

Figure H.7 An aquarium of 40 bouncing sh from bouncesh.cpp

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Program H.6 bouncesh.cpp

#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "canvas.h" #include "randgen.h" #include "prompt.h" #include "mathutils.h" int main() { const int WIDTH= 300; const int HEIGHT= 200; AnimatedCanvas display(WIDTH,HEIGHT,20,20); RandGen rgen; display.SetTitle("fish bouncer demo"); EllipseShape body (Point(10,10), Point(50,30), CanvasColor::YELLOW); EllipseShape bodyb(Point(9,9), Point(51,31), CanvasColor::BLACK); CircleShape eye (Point(40,15), 5, CanvasColor::RED); TriangleShape fin (Point(30,5), Point(30,11), Point(35,11), CanvasColor::BLUE); TriangleShape tail (Point(0,10), Point(0,30), Point(15,20), CanvasColor::GREEN); CompositeShape fish; fish.add(fin); fish.add(tail); fish.add(bodyb); fish.add(body); fish.add(eye); // fish should start on grid, not bouncing const int MAX_FISH_X = WIDTH fish.bbox().width(); const int MAX_FISH_Y = HEIGHT fish.bbox().height(); int numFish = PromptRange("how many fish: ",1,100); int k; for(k=0; k < numFish; k++) { fish.setLocation(Point(rgen.RandInt(0,MAX_FISH_X), rgen.RandInt(0,MAX_FISH_Y))); Bouncer fishb(fish, deg2rad(rgen.RandInt(0,360)), rgen.RandInt(2,7)); display.addShape(fishb); } display.runUntilEscape(10); return 0;


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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class


H.3.5 Processing Mouse and Key Events

An AnimatedCanvas object cycles through all the shapes that have been added calling Shape::draw on each one. Its possible to have individual shapes respond to mouse clicks and key presses, but its more often useful to add click/key behavior to an entire canvas. Well discuss methods for doing this with TOOGL. The simplest way to incorporate functions that respond to mouse presses and key clicks is to create a class that derives from MKAdapter (Mouse and Key Adapter) and add an instance of the new class to a canvas. In circlefun.cpp a simple class MakeCircle is created that responds to mouse clicks by creating a circle at the point of the click and labeling the center. The radius of the circle is chosen randomly as a multiple of ve between ve and thirty. Output from one run is shown in Fig. H.8
Program H.7 circlefun.cpp
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "canvas.h" #include "dice.h" // illustrate MKAdapter, make a circle where mouse is clicked class MakeCircle : public MKAdapter // stateless, make a circle where clicked { public: MakeCircle() { } void processClick(const Point& p, AnimatedCanvas& ac) // post: circle of random radius created at mouse click point // center labeled withcoordinates { Dice d(6); CircleShape circ(p,d.Roll()5, CanvasColor::MAGENTA); ac.addShape(circ); TextShape label(p,p.tostring(),CanvasColor::BLACK); ac.addShape(label); } }; int main() { AnimatedCanvas ac(200,200,20,20); MakeCircle mc; ac.addShape(mc); ac.runUntilEscape(10); return 0; }


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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Figure H.8 Responding to mouse clicks by creating circles in Prog. H.7, circlefun.cpp Its possible for a new class derived from MKAdapter to have a processClick method for responding to mouse clicks and a processKey method for responding to keys. Both methods are called by an AnimatedCanvas object which passes itself (the canvas) and either the point of the mouse click or the key press. An MKAdapter is also a Shape so that it can be added to a canvas via the addShape method. However, MKAdapter derives from EmptyShape, a shape with size zero and no drawing behavior. The EmptyShape class is often used to add behavior to a canvas via an invisible shape. As a simple illustration of responding to key presses, Prog. H.8 implements a version of the toy Etch-a-Sketch. By pressing arrow keys, the user can create pictures by moving a drawing pen around the screen. This program uses a Canvas rather than an AnimatedCanvas because lines are drawn rather than shapes and we dont want to erase the lines via double-buffering. A rudimentary drawing using the program is shown in Fig. H.9
Program H.8 sketchpad.cpp
#include "canvas.h" // illustrates MKAdapter with SketchAnEtch (stealing shamelessly // from EtchASketch, a trademarked product) class SketchPad : public MKAdapter { public: SketchPad(const Point& start); // begin to draw at start

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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class

void processKey(const Key& key, AnimatedCanvas& c); private: static const int DELTA; Point myPoint; }; const int SketchPad::DELTA = 2; SketchPad::SketchPad(const Point& start) : myPoint(start) { } void SketchPad::processKey(const Key& key, AnimatedCanvas& c) // post: line drawn from oldpoint to newpoint in given direction // specified by key (arrow key) { Point newPoint = myPoint; if (key.isuparrow()) { newPoint.y = DELTA; } else if (key.isdownarrow()) { newPoint.y += DELTA; } else if (key.isleftarrow()) { newPoint.x = DELTA; } else if (key.isrightarrow()) { newPoint.x += DELTA; } c.DrawLine(myPoint,newPoint); myPoint = newPoint; } int main() { const int WIDTH=200, HEIGHT=200; Canvas c(WIDTH,HEIGHT,20,20); // double buffering off c.SetColor(CanvasColor::BLACK); c.SetTitle("Tapestry SketchAnEtch"); SketchPad sp = SketchPad(Point(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2)); // start in middle c.addShape(sp); c.runUntilEscape(10); return 0; }


// each key-click moves this amount // current point in drawing


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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Figure H.9 Creative drawing using sketchpad.cpp.

H.3.6 Animations with Bouncer and Mover

The classes Bouncer and Mover make it relatively simple to write programs with animated shapes, either by using the classes directly or by creating new classes derived from them, but with motion behavior specic to a problem. A Bouncer object controls its own movement, a Mover object has its movement controlled by client code outside the class.

Bouncer Basics. When Bouncer objects are used, typically the objects are created, added to an AnimatedCanvas, and then the canvas is run for a set number of steps or until the user presses escape using, respectively AnimatedCanvas::run(int) or AnimatedCanvas::runUntilEscape(). Both functions take an optional second int parameter that species a millisecond delay between drawing cycles.
void AnimatedCanvas::run(int steps,int pause) // post: all objects in canvas drawn for steps cycles // with pause millisecond delay (pause is optional) void AnimatedCanvas::runUntilEscape(int pause) // post: all objects drawn until user presses Escape // with pause millisecond delay (pause is optional)

A Bouncer object bounces off the borders of the window its in, bouncing off so that the angle of impact equals the angle of reection. Clients can subclass Bouncer to create different behavior when a border is hit. For example, objects could disappear from the left and re-appear on the right with the same y-coordinate, could change color, or could do nearly anything when hitting a border. There are two ways to change

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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class


behavior: by overriding Bouncer::update or one of the methods it calls. The update function is called just before any Bouncer object draws itself as shown in the code for Bouncer::draw.
void Bouncer::draw(AnimatedCanvas& c) // post: bouncer updated and drawn { update(c); myShape->draw(c); }

As this example shows, a Bouncer object is a wrapper around an existing Shape object, stored in the bouncer as the instance variable myShape. The Bouncer class is an example of the design pattern Decorator [GHJ95]. ProgramTip H.1: (From [GHJ95]) Use Decorator to add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically and transparently and when extension by subclassing is impractical. For example, it would be impractical to create classes BouncingCircle, BouncingRectangle, BouncingText, and so on.

The word transparent here means that a shape object can be turned into a bouncingshape without affecting other shapes and it can still be used as a shape. Client programs can override update or one of the four methods update calls each time a bouncing object hits a border.
void void void void Bouncer::updatetop Bouncer::updatebottom Bouncer::updateleft Bouncer::updateright (AnimatedCanvas& (AnimatedCanvas& (AnimatedCanvas& (AnimatedCanvas& c, c, c, c, Point& Point& Point& Point& p) p) p) p)

A Bouncer subclass could, for example, override just updatebottom to change behavior when an object reaches the bottom of a canvas. Its also possible to add behavior as shown in the example below from backandforth.cpp (this program is online, and not shown completely here.) A subclass of Bouncer, called BackAndForthBouncer, constructs objects that change appearance when they hit the left or right border. For example, by creating a left-facing sh that mirrors the sh from bouncesh.cpp, Prog. H.6, we can make the sh appear to swim back and forth as shown in Fig. H.10. We do this by simply storing two shapes and alternating between which one is displayed depending on the direction the object is moving. We override only two of the updateXXX methods as shown in the code that follows. Since were creating a new shape, we need to override clone as well or else the new class will have the same behavior as the Bouncer class since it inherits Bouncer::clone. All other inherited methods can be used as is.

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Figure H.10 Bouncing by creating a subclass as shown in backandforth.cpp

Program H.9 shforth.cpp

// from backandforth.cpp class BackForthBouncer : public Bouncer { public: BackForthBouncer(Shape left, Shape right, double angle, double velocity); virtual void updateright (AnimatedCanvas& c, Point& p); virtual void updateleft (AnimatedCanvas& c, Point& p); virtual Shape clone(); protected: Shape myLeft; Shape myRight; }; void BackForthBouncer::updateright(AnimatedCanvas& c, Point& p) { myShape = myLeft; // use left-facing shape myShape>setLocation(p); // update location Bouncer::updateright(c,p); // bounce } void BackForthBouncer::updateleft(AnimatedCanvas& c, Point& p) { myShape = myRight; // use right-facing shape myShape>setLocation(p); // update location Bouncer::updateleft(c,p); // bounce }

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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class


Shape BackForthBouncer::clone() { return new BackForthBouncer(myLeft,myRight,myAngle,myVelocity); }


H.3.7 Canvas Iterator

As a nal example of extending the class Bouncer by subclassing, well show how to process collisions using the Canvas iterator class. Part of the class MoleBouncer from bouncefun.cpp shows how to determine if a shape collides with another shape. The overridden update function is shown in Prog. H.10. The complete program isnt shown, but its nearly identical to circlefun.cpp, Prog. H.7, except it creates MoleBouncer objects where the mouse is clicked instead of drawing circles. Two snapshots are shown in Fig. H.11.
Program H.10 molebouncer.cpp
class MoleBouncer : public Bouncer { public: MoleBouncer(Shape& s, double angle, double v) : Bouncer(s,angle,v) { } virtual void update(AnimatedCanvas& ac) { RandGen rgen; Iterator<Shape> it(ac.makeIterator()); bool collided = false; // collision or still bouncing? Point p = getLocation(); double angle = getAngle(); for(it.Init(); it.HasMore(); it.Next()) { // check for collision, but not with myself if (it.Current().id() != this>id() && it.Current().overlaps(this)) { ac.removeShape(this); ac.addShape( new MoleBouncer( CircleShape(Point(rgen.RandReal(0,ac.width()/10), rgen.RandReal(0,ac.height()/10)), RADIUS, CanvasColor::BLUE), 2PI angle, 4)); collided = true; break; } } if (!collided) // no collision, update { Bouncer::update(ac); } } molebouncer.cpp };

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

Figure H.11 Molecules bouncing in bouncefun.cpp Collisions are detected using the method Shape::overlaps which is implemented in the abstract class Shape using bounding boxes. When a MoleBouncer object detects a collision, it removes itself and creates a new object that is placed initially in the upper left corner of the canvas. Mouse clicks create larger, magenta objects, collisions create smaller, blue objects. If no collision is detected, an object updates itself as a normal bouncer by calling the parent method Bouncer::update. Its essential that objects avoid checking themselves for collisions since every object will collide with itself. All Canvas objects support the makeIterator method used in molebouncer.cpp. The method Current in the class CanvasIterator (see canvasiterator.h) returns a reference to a shape, so the shapes can be modied via the iterator.

Mover Basics. Shapes can be wrapped (or decorated) by the Mover class and controlled by client programs rather than by the objects themselves, as when Bouncer objects are used. Client programs must call moveTo or moveBy and then explicitly ask an AnimatedCanvas to redraw its shapes. This differs from how Bouncer objects are moved, since bouncers are typically part of a canvas cycling through its shapes using run or runUntilEscape. In contrast, when Mover objects are used client programs usually call AnimatedCanvas::run(1) to redraw all shapes once.
void Mover::moveTo(const Point& p) // post: mover is at location p { myShape->setLocation(p); }

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H.3 Using the AnimatedCanvas Class


void Mover::moveBy(double dx, double dy) // post: mover moved by dx,dy from current point { Point p = myShape->getLocation(); p.x += dx; p.y += dy; myShape->setLocation(p); }

H.3.8 Specifying Color with Class CanvasColor

. The class CanvasColor supplies over 130 named constants for identifying and using colors. Each constant is specied using RGB values, supplying a value between 0 and 255 for red, green, and blue that contribute to the color. See the header le canvascolor.h for details and note that the CanvasColor class encapsulates the colors used by the CMU graphic engine that runs underneath TOOGL. Part of the header le is shown below.
class CanvasColor { public: CanvasColor(unsigned char red = 0, unsigned char green = 0, unsigned char blue = 0) : myRed(red), myGreen(green), myBlue(blue) { } // see canvascolor.h for details, note all data is public string tostring( ) const; unsigned char myRed; unsigned char myGreen; unsigned char myBlue; static const static const static const static const static const static const // about one .. }; color SNOW; color GHOSTWHITE; color WHITESMOKE; color GAINSBORO; color FLORALWHITE; color OLDLACE; hundred more constants

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Appendix H How to: use the graphics classes in canvas.h

H.3.9 The class Key in key.h

The class Key encapsulates key presses when used with TOOGL. Part of the class declaration is shown below, the entire class is accessible in key.h. As the declaration shows, a Key object responds to a wide variety of query/predicate methods for determining what key it represents.
class Key { public: enum Kind{ascii, escape, function, arrow, none}; Key(); Key(char ch); Key(char ch, Kind k); char aschar() const; // the key as a character bool isnothing() const; bool isasc() const; bool isfunction() const; bool isarrow() const; bool isescape() const; bool iscontrol() const; bool isleftarrow() const; bool isrightarrow() const; bool isuparrow() const; bool isdownarrow() const; bool ishome() const; bool isend() const; // more };

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How to: cope with C++ environments

The tools we use have a profound (and devious!) inuence on our thinking habits, and, therefore, on our thinking abilities. Edsger Disjkstra Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective, 1982.

I.1 Coping with Compilers

Compilers and programming environments are supposed to be our friends. Once mastered, they stay out of the way and let us concentrate on the task at hand: solving problems and writing programs. However, they can be unbelievably frustrating when they dont work as we expect them to (or just plain dont work). In this howto Ill provide some guidance on using compilers and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). More complete information can be found at the bookss website:

For the purposes of this Howto, compilers and IDEs fall into three groups as shown in Table I.1. Most compilers are available at very reasonable prices for educational use. In particular, the Cygwin suite of tools is available for both Linux and Windows NT/95/98, and its free. See http://www.cygnus.com for details. The libraries of code and classes discussed in this text are accessible via the books web site for each of the compilers listed in Table I.1. I realize that there are other
Table I.1 Compilers and IDEs.

Platform Windows 95, 98, NT

Compiler/IDE Metrowerks Codewarrior Visual C++ Borland C++ Builder/5.0x Cygwin egcs

Linux/Unix g++ egcs (preferred) Macintosh Metrowerks Codewarrior 817

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Appendix I How to: cope with C++ environments

compilers. Many people use Borland Turbo 4.5; although it runs all the examples in this book except for the graphical examples, it doesnt track the C++ standard and its really a compiler for an older operating system (Windows 3.1). I strongly discourage people from using it. In theory, all the programs and classes in this book run without change with any compiler and on any platform. In practice compilers conform to the C++ standard to different degrees. The only differences Ive encountered in using the code in this book with different compilers is that as I write this, the egcs compilers still use <strstream> and istrstream instead of <sstream> and istringstream for the string stream classes. Otherwise, except for the classes DirStream and DirEntry from directory.h which are platform specic, the other code is the same on all platforms.

I.1.1 Keeping Current

Once printed, a book lasts for several years before being revised. Compilers and IDEs have major new releases at least once a year. Rather than being out-of-date before publication, Ill keep the books web site current with information about the latest releases of common compilers and IDEs. Ill include a general discussion here about the major issues in developing programs that use a library of classes and functions, but detailed instructions on particular compilers and platforms, including step by step instructions for the common environments, can be found on the web.

I.2 Creating a C++ Program

The steps in creating a C++ program are explained in detail in Sections 7.2.2, 7.2.3, and 7.2.4. The steps are summarized here for reference, repeating material from those sections, but augmented with explanations of specic compilers/environments. 1. 2. 3. The preprocessing step handles all #include directives and some others we havent studied. A preprocessor is used for this step. The compilation step takes input from the preprocessor and creates an object le (see Section 3.5) for each .cpp le. A compiler is used for this step. One or more object les are combined with libraries of compiled code in the linking step. The step creates an executable program by linking together systemdependent libraries as well as client code that has been compiled. A linker is used for this step.

I.2.1 The Preprocessor

The preprocessor is a program run on each source le before the source le is compiled. A source le like hello.cpp, Prog. 2.1 is translated into a translation unit which is then passed to the compiler. The source le isnt physically changed by the preprocessor, but the preprocessor does use directives like #include in creating the translation unit that

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I.2 Creating a C++ Program


the compiler sees. Each preprocessor directive begins with a sharp (or number) sign # that must be the rst character on the line.

Where are include Files Located? The preprocessor looks in a specic list of directories to nd include les; this list is the include path. In most environments you can alter the include path so that the preprocessor looks in different directories. In many environments you can specify the order of the directories that are searched by the preprocessor. Program Tip I.1: If the preprocessor cannot nd a le specied, youll probably get a warning. In some cases the preprocessor will nd a different le than the one you intend; one that has the same name as the le you want to include. This can lead to compilation errors that are hard to x. If your system lets you examine the translation unit produced by the preprocessor you may be able to tell what les were included. You should do this only when youve got real evidence that the wrong header le is being included.

Changing the Include Path

In Metrowerks Codewarrior the include path is automatically changed when you add a .cpp le or a library to a project. The path is updated so that the directory in which the added le is located is part of the path. Alternatively, the path can be changed manually using the sequence of menus: Edit Console-App Settings Target Access Paths In Visual C++ the include path must often be changed manually, although projects do automatically generate a list of external dependencies that include header les. To change the include path use the sequence of menus below, then chose Include Files to specify where the preprocessor looks for les. Tools Options Directories In Borland, the include path is not always searched in the order in which les are given. To change the include path choose the sequence of menus below, then change the include path in the Source Directories section. Options Project Directories The include path for g++ and egcs is specied with a -I argument on the command line to the compiler or in a Makele. Multiple arguments are possible, the line below makes an executable named prog, from the source le prog.cpp, using the current directory and /foo/code as the include path (the current directory is always part of the path.)
g++ -I. -I/foo/code -o prog prog.cpp

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Appendix I How to: cope with C++ environments

I.2.2 The Compiler

The input to the compiler is the translation unit generated by the preprocessor from a source le. The compiler generates an object le for each compiled source le. Usually the object le has the same prex as the source le, but ends in .o or .obj. For example, the source le hello.cpp might generate hello.obj on some systems. In some programming environments the object les arent stored on disk, but remain in memory. In other environments, the object les are stored on disk. Its also possible for the object les to exist on disk for a short time, so that the linker can use them. After the linking step the object les might be automatically erased by the programming environment.

Libraries Often youll have several object les that you use in all your programs. For example, the implementations of iostream and string functions are used in nearly all the programs weve studied. Many programs use the classes declared in prompt.h, dice.h, date.h and so on. Each of these classes has a corresponding object le generated by compiling the .cpp le. To run a program using all these classes the object les need to be combined in the linking phase. However, nearly all programming environments make it possible to combine object les into a library which can then be linked with your own programs. Using a library is a good idea because you need to link with fewer les and its usually simple to get an updated library when one becomes available.

I.2.3 The Linker

The linker combines all the necessary object les and libraries together to create an executable program. Libraries are always needed, even if you are not aware of them. Standard libraries are part of every C++ environment and include classes and functions for streams, math, and so on. Often youll need to use more than one library. For example, I use a library called tapestry.lib for all the programs in this book. This library contains the object les for classes Dice, Date, RandGen and functions from strutils among many others. The sufx .lib is typically used for libraries. You arent usually aware of the linker as you begin to program because the libraries are linked in automatically. However, as soon as you begin to write programs that use several .cpp les, youll probably encounter linker errors. These errors may be hard to understand. The key thing to note is that they are linker errors. Programming environments differ in how they identify linker errors, but all environments differentiate between compilation errors and linker errors. If you get a linker error, its typically because you forgot a .cpp le in the linking step (e.g., you left it out of the project) or because you didnt implement a function the compiler expected to nd.

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[AA85] Donald J. Albers and G.L. Alexanderson. Mathematical People. Birkhuser, 1985.

[ACM87] ACM. Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years 1966-1985. ACM Press, 1987. [AS96] Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. Structure and Interpretion of Computer Programs. MIT Press, McGraw Hill Book Company, second edition 1996. William Aspray. Computing Before Computers. Iowa State University Press, 1990. Matthew H. Austern Generic Programming and the STL Addison-Wesley, 1998. Jon Bentley. Programming Pearls. Addison-Wesley, 1986. Jon Bentley. More Programming Pearls. Addison-Wesley, 1988. Guy E. Blelloch. Vector Models for Data-Parallel Computing. MIT Press, 1990. Grady Booch. Object Oriented Design with Applications. Benjamin Cummings, 1991. Grady Booch. Object Oriented Design and Alnaysis with Applications. Benjamin Cummings, second edition, 1994.

[Asp90] [Aus98] [Ben86] [Ben88] [Ble90] [Boo91] [Boo94]

[BRE71] I. Barrodale, F.D. Roberts, and B.L. Ehle. Elementary Computer Applications in Science Engineering and Business. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1971. [Coo87] [Dij82] [DR90] [(ed91] Doug Cooper. Condensed Pascal. W.W. Norton, 1987. Edsger W. Dijkstra. Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective. Springer-Verlag, 1982. Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold. Calendrical calculations. Software-Practice and Experience, 20(9):899928, September 1990. Allen B. Tucker (ed.). Computing Curricula 1991 Report of the ACM/IEEECS Joint Curriculum Task Force. ACM Press, 1991. 821

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Susan Epstein and Joanne Luciano, editors. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Computing Research Association, 1994. [email protected].

[Emm93] Michele Emmer, editor. The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics. MIT Press, 1993. [G95] [Gar95] Denise W. Grer. Pioneering women in computer science. Communications of the ACM, 38(1):4554, January 1995. Simson Garnkel. PGP: Pretty Good Privacy. OReilly & Associates, 1995.

[GHJ95] Erich Gamma and Richard Helm and Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Programming Addison-Wesley, 1995 [Gol93] [Gri74] [GS93] [Har92] [Hoa89] [Hod83] [Hor92] [JW89] [Knu97] Herman H. Goldstine. The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann. Princeton University Press, 1993. David Gries. On structured programming - a reply to smoliar. Communications of the ACM, 17(11):655657, 1974. David Gries and Fred B. Schneider. A Logical Approach to Discrete Math. Springer-Verlag, 1993. David Harel. Algorithmics, The Spirit of Computing. Addison-Wesley, second edition, 1992. C.A.R. Hoare. Essays in Computing Science. Prentice-Hall, 1989. (editor) C.B. Jones. Andrew Hodges. Alan Turing: The Enigma. Simon & Schuster, 1983. John Horgan. Claude e. shannon. IEEE Spectrum, April 1992. William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. MacMillan Publishing Co., third edition, 1989. Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, volume 1 Fundamental Algorithms. Addison-Wesley, third edition, 1997.

[Knu98a] Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2 Seminumerical Algorithms. Addison-Wesley, third edition, 1998. [Knu98b] Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, volume 3 Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley, third edition 1998. [KR78] [KR96] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. The C Programming Language. Prentice-Hall, 1978. Samuel N. Kamin and Edward M. Reingold. Programming with class: A C++ Introduction to Computer Science. McGraw-Hill, 1996.

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I.2 Creating a C++ Program


[Mac92] Norman Macrae. John von Neumann. Pantheon Books, 1992. [McC79] Pamela McCorduck. Machines Who Think. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1979. [McC93] Steve McConnell. Code Complete. Microsoft Press, 1993. [MGRS91] Albert R. Meyer, John V. Gutag, Ronald L. Rivest, and Peter Szolovits, editors. Research Directions in Computer Science: An MIT Perspective. MIT Press, 1991. [Neu95] [Pat96] [Per87] [PL90] Peter G. Neumann. Computer Related Risks. Addison Wesley, 1995. Richard E. Pattis. Get A-Life: Advice for the Beginning Object-Oriented Programmer. Turing TarPit Press, 1999. Alan Perlis. The synthesis of algorithmic systems. In ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years. ACM Press, 1987. Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Springer-Verlag, 1990.

[RDC93] Edward M. Reingold, Nachum Dershowitz, and Stewart M. Clamen. Calendrical calculations, ii: Three historical calendars. Software-Practice and Experience, 23(4):383404, April 1993. [Rie96] [Rob95] Arthur Riel. Object-Oriented Design Heuristics. Addison-Wesley, 1996. Eric S. Roberts. Loop exits and structured programming: Reopening the debate. In Papers of the Twenty-Sixth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pages 268272. ACM Press, March 1995. SIGCSE Bulletin V. 27 N 1. Eric S. Roberts. The Art and Science of C. Addison-Wesley, 1995. Robert Slater. Portraits in Silicon. MIT Press, 1987. Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison Wesley, 1987. Bjarne Stroustrup. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison-Wesley, 1994. Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Addison Wesley, third edition, 1997.

[Rob95] [Sla87] [Str87] [Str94] [Str97]

[Mey92] Scott Meyers. Effective C++. Addison Wesley, 1992. [Mey96] Scott Meyers. More Effective C++. Addison-Wesley, 1996. [Wei94] [Wil56] Mark Allen Weiss. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. Benjamin Cummings, 1994. M.V. Wilkes. Automatic Digital Computers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1956.

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Appendix I How to: cope with C++ environments

[Wil87] [Wil95] [Wir87]

Maurice V. Wilkes. Computers then and now. In ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years, pages 197205. ACM Press, 1987. Maurice V. Wilkes. Computing Perspectives. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995. Niklaus Wirth. From programming language design to compiler construction. In ACM Turing Award Lectures: The First Twenty Years. ACM Press, 1987.

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Symbols !, 112 !=, 108 %, 78 %=, 114 &&, 111, 112 *, 78 *=, 114 +, 78 ++, see postincrement +=, 114 --, see postdecrement -=, 114 ->, see Selector /, 78 /=, 114 ::, see Scope resolution <, 108 <<, 35 <=, 108 =, 100 = and ==, 117 ==, 108 >, 108 >=, 108 >>, 70 [], 343 ||, 111, 112 , 625 A Abstract base class dened, 658 examples, 657-661 interface classes, 656 question kinds, 655 virtual functions, 658-661 Abstract data types, dened, 407 Abstractions complexity and, 9-10 computer science and, 397-398 dened, 397 Accessor functions, 219 acos, see <cmath> Actual parameter, see Argument Address-of operator &, uses of, 576 Algorithms bogo-sort, 10 card arranging example, 6-7 computer science theory, 8 debugging, 17 defensive programming, 17 dened, 6-7 language and, 9, 12 problem identifying, 15-16 programs from, 16-17 searching, see Searching sorting, see Sorting testing, 7 verifying, 7 Aliasing, uses of, 228 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character code assumptions, 401 character sets and, 398 table, 763 Ampersand, reference parameter use, 226 Analysis, algorithm, 556-559 And-gates boolean operators and, 668 digital logic, 668 AP Computer Science apvector, 342 apstring, 403 Append with lists, 493-495 Architecture, 9 Argument as actual parameter, 49 dened, 49 order of, 57 uses of, 45, 84 Arithmetic assignment operators C++ and, 113, 715 symbols, 114, Arithmetic operators, 77-78 Array dening, size determining, 380-381 Array initializing, 381-382 Array as parameters C++ and, 382-383 const parameters, 385


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examples, 383-384 Array size, parameters of, 385-386 Array sorting bubble, 526 insertion, 529-535 programming tips, 526 quicksort, 559 selection, 526-529 sorting algorithms, 525 Arrays, see tvector, see Vector built-in, 380-386 characteristics, 342 examples, 340-346 lists using tvectors, 357-380 properties, 342 Arrays as counters, 340-343 asin, see <cmath> Assembly (language) high-level programs and, 17 machine language and, 17 origin of, 17 Assignment operator assignment chaining, 102 escape sequences, 103 examples, 101-102 left-associative, 103 object copying, 622 overloaded, 623-624 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 5 atan, see <cmath> atan2, see <cmath> atof, as function, 289 atoi, as function, 289 Automatic test programs, uses of, 616 Automatic variables dened, 575 uses of, 575 Auxiliary functions declaration complications, 497 examples, 496-497 header les, 497 reversed list building, 495-496 Average case, see O notation average case B Backslash, see Escape character Backtracking dened, 475 permutation generations and, 475

Balloon class, 86-92 Banana problem, dened, 153 Base class, C++ inheritance hierarchy, 647 Base class abstract method virtual, 661-667 virtual functions, 657-661 BASIC language, 73 Beatiful boy, see Ethan Bentley, John, 284 BigInt class, 160, 273, 468, 577, 766 Big-Oh, see O Notation, 556 Binary number systems, concepts of, 12 Binary search calculating, 375 dened, 374 function search post conditions, 380 middle number guessing, 374 versus sequential search, 374 BinaryGate class, creating, 686-687 Black box dened, 127 math library as, 127-128 robust programs, 136 Blobs nding (case study) class designing, 508 class enum values, 507 cloning use, 508-509 examples, 506-507, 509-514 Block delimiters, symbols, 114 Block statements dened, 144 program fragment indentations, 115 purpose of, 144 Bogo-sort, dened, 10 bool, 108 Boole, George, 108 Boolean expressions logical operators, 111 purpose of, 108 short-circuit evaluating, 113 true values and, 108 Boolean operators code reading, 145 De Morgans Laws, 145 developing, 144-145 if statement guarding, 144 logic gates, 668 Boolean-valued functions leap year determining, 130, 131-132 Break statements, loop writing, 182

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Brownian Motion, 321 Bubble Sort warning about, see Dog, 526 code, 569 Buffered input dened, 239 loop stopping, 239 Bugs, dened, 17 Built-in arrays benets, 380 initializing, 381-382 parameters, 382-386 properties of, 380

C C, 13 c_str(), 244 C++ ambiguity in, 121 arithmetic assignment operators, 113114 characteristics of, 13 le sufxes implementing, 217 global variable le scope, 479 indentation use in, 60 inheritance implementing, 647 inheritance use, 642 loop tests, 182 looping statements, 153 mathematics translating, 112 memory addresses, 573 non-void functions, 140 null pointer, 590 operations dened, 20 operator requirements, 179 pointer copying, 621 pointer use, 575-576 rational operators, 112 repetition program control, 99 simple programs, 30-31 standard libraries, 305 state encapsulating, 213-214 struct use in, 330 variable dening, 70 variable scope support, 191 vector referencing, 582 verse and, 71-72 word counting, 240 C++ class string, examples of, 213

C++ compiler, const reference parameter and, 232 Call by reference dened, 230 parameter passing, 230 Call by value dened, 230 parameter passing, 230 Calling functions and ow of control, 37 function writing, 141-142 non-void functions, 140-141 programming tips, 141 return statements, 142 Card arranging, algorithms examples, 6-7 Case label, switch statements, 312-313 Case studies blobs nding, 506-515 CD track shufing, 352-357 class CList, 491-504 comment removing, 417-426 exponentiation, 167-172 gates and circuits, 668-696 iteration and string sets, 259-265 lists and class CList, 486-504 logic gates, 668-696 overloaded operators, 426-440 pizza slices, 83-85 removing components, 417-426 tvector class, 352-357 Cast, 165, 245-246 <cctype>, 401-403, 758-759 CD shufing (case study) examples, 354-356 initializing, 353-356 permutations, 356 programming tips, 353, 354 track shufing, 356-357 Chapman, Gail, 249 char abstraction character codes assumptions, 400-401 character value storage, 398 examples, 399-400 memory needs, 398 versus int, 399 Character set ASCII set, 398 dened, 398 Unicode portability, 398 Characters

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examples, 415 getline function behaviors, 416 numbers, 416 streams and, 414 strings and, 414 Chips computer speed, 12 software use from, 12-13 Chocolate, 22 Choice conditional execution, 105 examples, 104-105 program development, 104 program maintenance, 104 test expression, 105 Choices, programming tips, 104 Church-Turing Thesis, 397 cin, as input stream, 69 Circuit building component hierarchy, 670 mathematical logic, 668 uses of, 668 wire use in, 670 Circularly linked lists, 607-608 Clancy, Mike 267, 411 Class behavior of, 213-214, 279 console window, 87-88 dened, 20, 86 documenting, 214 examples, 86-87 graphics window, 88 implementation syntax, 213 libraries for, 219 noun use in, 278-279 off-the-shelf components, 86 responsibility determining, 279 state of, 213-214 Class CList (case study), 489-504 Class design implementing, 282-284 int value converting, 289-299 iterative enhancement process, 282 library of, 277 member functions choosing, 277 nouns classes, 278-279 requirements, 278 responsibility assigning, 281-282 reusing, 277 verb nding scenarios, 279-280

Class design requirements, 278 Class documentation .h le interfaces, 213-214 class behavior, 213-214 examples of, 217-218 function prototypes, 216-217 private data, 214 public member functions, 214 Class implementation comments, 214-215 documentation, 213-214 private variables scope, 220-222 Class interfaces class design, 277-299 conforming interfaces, 300-309 Class member functions calling and writing functions, 140-142 date classes, 143-144 string member functions, 137-140 Class question implementing, 287-289 Class quiz implementing, 285-287 Class state client programs, 214 dened, 213 private data dening, 214 Class testing class separation for, 282-283 examples, 283-284 implementation denitions, 284 interface declarations, 284 programming tips, 282, 284 stub functions, 283 Class uses, client programmers, 191 Classes BigInt class, 160, 766 CList class, 487 ClockTime class, 426-440 CTimer class, 257-259 Date class, 191-194 Dice class, 195-200 DirEntry class, 459 DirStream class, 459 RandGen class, 220, 222 StringSet class, 259-261 WordStreamIterator, 247-249 implementing use, 213-222 iterator (case study), 259-265 member functions, 88-89 private, 91-93 problem domain extending, 153

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program design with functions, 222234 program reading, 89-91 public, 91-93 stream iteration, 234-249 <climits>, 759-762 CList creating, 487 characteristics, 499 i/o manipulator as, 488 linked list and, 595 polynomials and, 499 structure sharing, 489 uses of, 499 ClockTime class, programming tips, 431 Clone as factory method, 674-675 Clone function, recursive functions and, 453454 Clones recursion rules, 455-456 recursive calls for, 465 <cmath> and <math.h>, 126 acos, 125 asin, 125 atan, 125 atan2, 758 cos, 125 ceil, 125 fabs, 125 floor, 125 log, 125 log10, 125 pow, 125 sin, 125 sqrt, 125 tan, 125 use and table, 125-127, 757-758 close, and streams, 727 Code evaluating, 224-225 Cohesion, 225 Comment class, 214 dened, 34 out code, 520 pre- and post-conditions, 128 removal, 419 Combinatorics, permutation generation and, 475

Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL), 191 CompositGate class, 674 Comparator circuits, 679 Compile time, dened, 650 Compilers coping with different, 817-820 dependencies, 304-305 error messages, 197 numeric data processing, 75 purpose of, 17 syntax checking, 33 variety of, 14 Compiling C++ program creating, 301 dened, 13, 301 dependencies, 304-305 input sources, 304 libraries, 305 library code linking, 93 machine code translating, 93 object code output, 93-94 object le output, 304 optimized code, 304 programming tips, 304, 305 recompiling reasons, 304 Complexity, see O notation characteristics of, 9-10 efciency considerations as, 166 O notation, 556 Component uses, 20 Composite design pattern, 673 Composite gates building, 673 connector using, 675-680 Gate::clone method using, 674-675 linked-list as composite, 673 xor-gate constructing, 672 Computer science algorithms, 5-8 characteristics, 3-5 concepts, 8-11 discipline growth, 3 languages, 12-15 program creating, 15-18 program designing, 18-20 programming, viii, 3 tapestry of, 4 versus informatics, 3 Computer science tapestry

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contexture and, 4 study approaches, 4 Computers chips for, 12 digital logic, 668 economy of scale, 19 electric signals, 12 general purpose applications, 158 number crunchers as, 157 Concatenate, strings using +, 135 Concrete subclass, dened, 658 Condition, if statement testing, 105 Conditional compiling, preprocessor directives, 303 Conforming interfaces compiling, 304-305 preprocessors, 302-304 program creating, 301-302 text les and, 300 Connector comparator circuit, 679 disabler circuit, 679 examples, 675-677 or-gate building, 678 versus connect wires, 675 Cons-ing up, 491-492 Console window, dened, 87-88 const, using, 737-744 const reference parameters benets, 231 compiling, 232 copy constructors, 232-233 expression passing, 232 literal passing, 232 memory needs, 231 print, 232 programming tips, 232 space needs, 231 Constant identiers benets of, 189 meaning of, 188 programming uses of, 188 Constant time, 611 Construction encapsulating, 684-686 Constructors compiler uses, 193 date class and, 193 dened, 193 purpose of, 193 Container class, 614

Contexture, dened, 4 Control assignment operator, 100-103 block statements, 114-121 boolean operators, 144-145 choices, 103-107 class member functions, 137-144 conditional execution, 103-107 defensive programming, 114-121 functions, 37 nonsequential, 99 operators, 107-114 program control types, 99 return value functions, 123-137 Control-D as eof, 242 Control-Z as eof, 242 Converting, arithmetic uses, 81 Copy constructors default copy use, 623 header node, 623 object copying, 622 private variables, 623 shared resources, 623 syntax, 623 uses of, 232-233 Copy constructors, 622 cos, see <cmath> Cosines, law of, 129 Counters class tvector, 343-344 tvector counting, 344-346 Counting loops, dened, 166 Counting matches, uses of, 370 Counting searches, uses of, 370 Coupling, 224-225 cout, 44 Craps, 207 Cryptography ethical considerations, 163 public-key, 162 ctype, see <cctype> CTimer class, 256-259 D Dangling else problems, 121 Dartmouth Time Sharing System, 73 Data aggregates class writing for, 330 design rules for, 330-331 heterogeneous aggregate as, 330

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implementing, 330 as structs, 329 Data members protected inheriting state avoiding, 654 instance variable hierarchies, 654 member functions accessing, 654 programming tips, 654 state inheriting, 654 Date class constructors, 193 examples, 143-144, 192-193 member functions, 194 programming tips, 198 Y2K and, 191 De Morgans Law, see Boolean operators logical operators, 145 uses of, 145 Declaration, class 214, 711 Declaration, function, see Function prototype and denition, 711 Debugging, dened, 17 Deep copy assignment operators, 623-624 copy constructors, 622-623 dened, 621 destructors, 624-625 liked list coping, 621 unexpected behavior examples, 620621 Default constructor dened, 197 error messages, 197 Defensive programming, curly bracket use, 105 Defensive programming cascaded if/else statements, 118-122 conventions, 116-117 curly bracket use, 116 denition, 17 indentations, 117 programming tips, 116 Denition, variable, 70, 706 Denite loops dened, 166 purposes of, 178 Deleting argument for, 590 destructor member functions, 591-593 examples, 589-590

heap memory returning, 591 programming tips, 591 stack object, 590 syntax, 590 Depends, it, 376, 471 Dereferences, pointers and, 572 Derived classes, C++ inheritance hierarchy, 647 Design heuristics, 219, 692 Design pattern Abstract Factory, 686 as part of toolkit, 668 Composite pattern, 673, 805 Decorator pattern, 811 dened, 248 Factory method, 675 Iterator, 247-248 Observer Observable, 683 Destructors as member functions, 592-592 dened, 591 errors with local variables, 624 node reclaiming, 625 object copying, 622 programming tips, 625 syntax, 625 uses of, 591 Destructors member functions, uses of, 591592 Dice class, 195-200 Digital logic dened, 668 mathematical logic, 668 Directories hierarchy of, 458 recursive functions, 458 Directory traversal recursion examples, 461-463 for loops, 463-464 recursive clones, 464 subdirectory le numbering, 462 subdirectory lists, 460-461 Disabler circuits, 679 Divide and conquer program design and, 67 purpose of, 67 Division as arithmetic operator, 78 overloaded for int and double, 78, 80 stumbling block, 81

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Divisor efciency calculating, 166 loop functions and, 166 Dog house for, 19 of a sort, see Bubble sort do-while loop input prompts, 180-181 output statements, 181 uses of, 180 dot operator, 138 double, see Division circuitry for, 81 oating-point numbers, 75 Doubly linked lists examples of, 608 uses of, 607 Duvall, Robert, xiii Dynamic memory, versus static memory, 571572 Dynamic data excess storage, 571 indirect references, 571-593 linked lists, 571, 595-610 pointers, 571 templated classes, 610-632 vector size, 571 E Efciency, see Complexity characteristics, 9-10 complexity as, 166 factoring and, 167 prime number determining, 166 Electronic brain, conception of, 5 Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), 157 Element deleting examples, 368-369 pop_back, 368 Else statements dangling else problems, 121-122 if statements and, 105 purpose of, 106 syntax for, 106 Encryption, 166-167 End-of-le character, uses of, 242-243 Enumerated Type, see enum enum compared to int, 425

class based, 426 dened, 424 Enigma, coding machine, 5 Erich Narten, 579, 581 Error, off by one, 350 Error message and function prototypes, 59-60 and literals as parameters, 232 and lvalue with constants, 188 and string class, 542 and templated functions, 537-539 Escape sequence, 103 Ethan Astrachan, 662, 665 Euclids Algorithm for GCD, 204 Explicit constructor, 755-756 Exponent, meaning of, 77 Exponential numbers, Fibonacci numbers and, 474 Exponentiation (case study) C++ and, 167 dened, 158 duplicate code factoring, 170-171 invariant expressing, 169-170 loop development, 167-171 numerical analysis, 158 programming tips, 171 Expression, dened, 77 Expression evaluating C++ rules, 79 circuits specializing, 81 examples of, 79-81 pitfalls with, 81 Extraction operator >> and white space, 237 dened, 69 overloading, 755 Extreme value nding initializing, 252-254 largest/smallest values, 251-252 word frequencies, 254-256 F Factorial arithmetic operators, 160-161 combinatorics and, 158 dened, 158 integer value limitations, 160 loop testing, 159-160 Factorial functions alternative versions, 467-468

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examples, 468-470 programming tips, 471 recursion understanding, 469-471 Fence post problems alternatives for, 175 dened, 175 loops as, 238 string space in, 175 while loops, 180 Fibonacci numbers, 471-474 Field width nested loops, 185 printing, 185-186 File associations with streams error detecting, 245 examples of, 243-244 ofstream, 244-245 random access, 727-729 string lenames, 244 File scope, global variables and, 479 Finding scenarios, programming tips, 280 Fix, Sarah, xiii Floating-point numbers number processing and, 75 prime number computing, 166 Flow of control function calls, 37 function statements, 36 output streams, 37 statement sequencing, 36 switch statement selecting, 313 symbols for, 36 while loops, 154 for loops characteristics, 178 linked list iterating, 599 parenthesis use, 178 Formal parameter. see Parameter Formatting output, 719-729 Forward referencing and compilation problems 585 uses of, 585 programming tip, 586 Fractals, mathematical concept, 325 Freestore, see Heap objects Friend functions, 614-615 Full-adder, see Half-adder circuit building, 692 dened, 690 Function calls

prototype matching, 59 purpose of, 37 Function object comparing, 544-549 examples, 545-547, 547-549 function object behaviors, 545 generic programming, 545 predicate, 549-553 programming tips, 544 sort methods, 543-544 Function overloading, syntax, 529 Function prototype compilers, 216-217 dened, 59 as function signature, 59 header les, 216 as interfaces, 217 purpose of, 216 syntax, 59 Function signature, see Function prototype Function template, see Template functions Function use benets of, 40, 140-142 example, 40-41 modifying, 43 programming tip, 141 Function writing, encapsulating guidelines, 141-142 Functions header les and, 91 prompt range uses, 180 specializing, 653 using, 40-44 versus calling, 59 Functions with parameters examples, 45-48 parameter passing, 48-51 uses of, 44-45 Functions with several parameters, 51-60 argument order, 57 calling and prototype matching, 59 compiler error messages, 59-60 dening versus calling, 59 designing elegance, 56-57 examples, 52-53, 55-57, 58-60 functionality combinations, 54-55 Functor, see Function object G Gate class 680-681

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Gate clone method clone method, 674 MakeXOR function, 674 programming tips, 675 as virtual constructor, 674 Gate observables examples, 682-683 identity removing, 683 notifying wire gates, 683 pattern uses, 683 programming tips, 683 wire changes, 682 Gates, name mapping to, 695-696 Gates and circuits (case study) circuit building, 690-695 composing gates, 672-680 gate observers, 682-684 gates, 670-672 introduction, 668-670 probes, 670-672 refactoring, 686-690 wire observables, 682-684 Gates, William H., contributions, 216 Guass, C.F., 205 getline end of line markings, 409 examples, 408-409 parameters in, 409 programming tips, 410 purpose of, 407 return value, 410 syntax, 409 word-at-a-time versus line-oriented, 407 Global variables C++ and, 479 compiling, 480 dened, 221 examples, 479-480 local declaration shadowing, 480 programming acceptance of, 221 scope of, 479 uses of, 480 value maintaining, 483 variable differentiating, 480 zero initializing, 484 Goldwasser, Sha, contributions of, 530 Granularity, uses of, 256 Graphical user interfaces, code reusing, 19 Graphics window, dened, 88 Gries, David, contributions of, 373

Guard, if statement testing, 105 H Hailstone sequence, 272 Half-adder, see Full-adder circuit building, 690-691 dened, 690 Halting problem, dened, 5 Hangman, 445-447 Hardware, development rate of, 18 Head CList and, 488 dened, 488 Header les .h sufxes, 214 class dening, 343 class documentation, 214 compiler information, 215 example, 89-91 function group interfacing, 215 names, 215 private data variables, 215 programming use of, 215 purpose of, 33 Header nodes, 606-607 Heap objects, 575-576 Hello world, 30 Helper functions, 612-614 Herons formula, 129 Heterogeneous aggregates, see Struct data aggregates and, 330 dened, 330 Hexadecimal numbering, memory address, 573 High level languages benets of, 13 C++ and, 13 low language converting, 13 low language differences, 13-15 Hoare, Charles Anthony Richard, contributions of, 11, 564 Hopper, Grace Murray, contributions of, 201 Hromcik, Judy, xiii I Identiers, 61 Identiers hidden, 481-482 If/else statements, see Else statements abnormal exiting, 112-113 block statements for, 114

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contents of, 106 else statements and, 106 examples, 106-107 parentheses use, 105 programming tips, 107 relational operators in, 108 return statements, 142 rule exceptions, 134 syntax, 105 testing, 108 uses of, 105-107 If/else statements cascading dangling else problems, 121-122 examples, 118-120 nested statements, 118 ifstream as parameter, 261 dened, 243 open, 244 program tips, 248 word reading class, 247-249 Implementation as .cpp le, 94, 202, 216,220 interdependencies, 586 include statements as part of programs, 33-34, 713 code cut-and-pasting, 302 path altering, 302-303 Indentation and program style, 60 styles, K&R, 116-117 Indexing operator [] array and tvector indexing and, 402403 string indexing and, 403 overloading and const, 739 Indirect references. see Pointers Inductive denition dened, 467-468 uses of, 469 Innite loops examples, 156 loop and a half, 182-183 Innite recursion, 456-458 Informatics, computer science versus, 3 Information hiding, 215 Inheritance aspects of, 641-655 base class abstract, 655-667 gate and circuits (case study), 668-696

public, 649 purpose of, 641 stream hierarchy, 642-643 uses of, 641 virtual functions, 650-653 Initializer list syntax, 293 uses of, 293, 712 Inline functions, 288, 628 Inner loops iterations and, 184 nested loops and, 184 Input le streams, uses of, 244 Input Process Output Model (IPO), program design and, 67 Input streams, 69 Insertion operator 37, 44 Insertion sort empirical results, 532 examples, 531-532, 532-534 invariant for, 530-531 quadratic sorts and, 532 versus quicksort, 563 Instance, see Object, 218 Instance variable constructor giving values to, 219 private, 220 variable 214 Instantiation, dened, 538 int circuitry for, 81 double and, 78, 80 integer numbers and, 75 number sizing, 75 type char and, 82 int converting to strings, see atoi Interaction diagram, 583, 682 Interactive circuit building, 690-692 Interactive testing, 616-620 <iostream> as include le, 33 and <iostream.h>, 49, 214 Interdependencies compiling, 584 examples, 583-584, 586-589 forward referencing, 585 implementation les, 586 preprocessing, 584-585 programming tips, 586

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Interface classes, abstract base class and, 656 Interface diagram, class accessing from, 89 Invariant see Loop, Invariant data, 432 iomanipulator, 720-726 setf, 719-723 setw, 185, 186, 434, 720 setprecision, 719-723 Is a kind of as models, 647 uses of, 647 Is-a relationship as models, 647 uses of, 647 isalnum, 401 isalpha, 401 iscntrl, 759 isdigit, 401 islower, 401 isprint, 759 ispunct, 759 isspace, 759 istream, 261 istringstream, 411-413 istrstream, 411 It depends, see Depends, it Iteration class use and, 191-200 dened, 153 loop statement alternatives, 177-189 programs repetition as, 153 programming tips, 543 string sets (case study), 259-265 while loops, 153-177 Iteration case study iterations, 261 sets, 263-265 type ofstream, 261-263 word counting, 263-265 Iteration compared to recursion, 467-478 Iterators error message understanding, 542 examples, 539-540, 541-542 expected interface conforming, 542 function templates, 539-543 interface generalizing, 543 parameter use, 540-541 Iterative enhancement

dened, 45 techniques of, 46-47 Iteration functions container class, 614-615 element choices, 614 examples, 615 friend declaring, 615 set element accessing, 614 J Joke, 731 Joule, 95 Juggling, 122 K Katz, Beth, xiii Kemeny, John, contribution of, 73 Key words, meaning of, 61 Kmoch, Joe, xiii Knot, frayed, 731 Knuth, Donald, contributions of, 92 L Languages, see Algorithms; Assembly; High level languages; Lisp; Low level languages; Machine language; Scheme algorithms expressing, 9, 12 choices in, 9 high and low, 12-15 idea expressing, 12 Late binding, virtual functions and, 665 Leap year determining, 129-132 Lenstra, Arjen, 162 Levine, David, xiii Lexicographical order dened, 109 rational operators and, 109 Libraries assessing, 401 benets, 305 character set portability, 401 class and, 219 class design, 277 compiling, 305 dened, contents of, 33 math, 125-128 object le linking, 305 parameters for, 401 portable program writing, 402-403 programming tips, 401

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programs existing with, 305 purpose of, 33 Lifetime dened, 478-479 object properties, 449 limits.h, see <climits> <limits>, 761-762 Line-oriented data parsing, 411-413 Linked lists access speed, 595 characteristics of, 607 circularly, 607-608 CList objects and, 595-596 deleting nodes from, 601-602 doubly, 607-608 examples, 596-598 header nodes, 606-607 iterating over, 599-600 last nodes, 600-601 node creating, 598-599 node deleting, 600-602 node splicing, 602-606 nodes, 595 tvector and, 596 uses of, 571 Linking and compilation, 93-94 C++ program creating, 302 dened, 93, 302 error understanding, 306 library use, 305 linker error examples, 305-306 programming tips, 306 string compilation and, 306 LinkSet implementing, 628-632 LinkStringSet, 625-632 Lisp (language) development of, 486 list structure, 486 List, dened, 449 List using tvectors reserve using, 358-363 resize using, 358-363 List using tvector, push_back using, 358363 Lists using tvectors binary searching, 374-375 capacity, 358 element deleting, 368-369 sorted vector insertions, 366-368

vector idioms, 363-366 vector searching, 369-373 Local variable denition, 189-191 destructors and, 624 static, 483 use, 217 Logarithmic complexity for binary search, 375 running time, 557 aspects of quicksort, 565 Logic gates, 668-670 Logic gates (case study), 670-694 Logical operators, 111-112 long int, purpose of, 75 Loop body curly bracket guarding, 154 dened, 154 loop section developing, 177 Loop invariant adding last node to linked list and, 600 dened, 160, 527 exponentiation and, 169-171 insertion into sorted vector and, 367368 insertion sort and, 530-532 quick sort and, 561-563 selection sort and, 527-528 Loops and a half, 181-183 buffered input effect, 239 counting loops, 166 denite loops, 166 do-while loops, 180-181 for, 178-179 guidelines for choosing type, 183 nested, 183-188 priming, 181, 240 pseudo-innite loops, 181-183 purpose of, 153 sentinel loops, 238 statement of, 154 stopping, 238-239 syntax for, 178 test development, 177 Lovelace, Ada, contributions of, 51 Low level languages, 12-15 M Machine code, compiler translating into, 93

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Machine languages assembly language and, 13, 17 dened, 13 executing, 17-18 Macintosh, 24 Madlibs, 270-271 main dened, 34, 705 and command line parameters, 716 Manipulator, see iomanipulator Match collecting examples, 370-371 match recalling, 371 vector storage, 370 Match searching examples, 369-370 return values, 369 sequential searching, 369 unique matches, 369-370 Matching counting, examples, 370 Math library, see <cmath> black box behavior, 127-128 examples, 126-127 functions in, 125 uses of, 126 Math quiz questions inheritance hierarchy, 644-647 Mathematical functions loops and, 157-158 numerical analysis, 158 types of, 158 Matrix, two-dimensional arrays as, 504 Matrix class, see tmatrix blobs nding (case study), 506-515 programs, 504-506 Member functions accessibility of, 89 accessor functions, 219 C++ and, 220 categories, 219 characteristics of, 217 class documentation, 217 date other, 194 dened, 89 examples of, 88-89 header les and, 91 mutator function, 220 scope resolution symbol, 217 string examples, 398 symbol for, 89

verbs as, 279 Methods, see Member functions OOP languages and, 89 virtual, 661-667 Modulus, see operator, modulus Monte Carlo simulation, 336 Multiple inheritances, uses of, 654 Mutator functions, 220 member functions and, 219 Mxyzptlk, Mr. 374 N Namespace, 34, 713 Naming convention,61 Nested loops, 183-188 Nested scope, identiers hidden, 481 new and dynamic memory, 572, 575 and heap, 575 newline, 103 as white space, 235 and operator >>, 237 and getline, 409 Nodes, 595-599 Normalize and data invariant, 432 with ClockTime class, 432 with Rational class, 444 Not gates, 668 Nouns as classes, 278-279 Null pointer, 590 Number processing arithmetic operators, 77-79 examples, 74 expression evaluating, 79-82 oating-point numbers, 75 numeric data, 75-77 syntax for, 73-74 type char, 82-83 Numeric analysis, 158 Numbers to English, 132-135 Numeric data, 75-77 Numeric literals, dened, 37 O O notation average case, 557 curve family, 556 dened, 556 sequential searching, 556

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uses of, 556 worst case 556-557 Object, see Variable Object code, 93-94 Object les, 93-94, 304 Object sharing, 578-581 Object state, 91 Object-oriented programming (OOP) C++ use, 13 class library in, 277 classes, 86 component reusing, 20 design patterns for, 668 goal of, 19 inheritance and, 641 methods, 89 program designing, 18-19 program writing, 86 related parameter groupings, 330 OBOB, 350 off-by-one bug, see OBOB Off-the-shelf components class and, 86 dened, 19 objects as, 19-20 ofstream and pass by reference, 262 as parameter, 261 example, 244, 262 One-dimensional random walks, 310-322 open, see ifstream, open Operators ++ and --, 179 Operator arithmetic, 78 associativity, 103, 715 dened, 77 logical, 111-112 modulus, 78-79 output parameter, 333 overloading, 78, 333 precedence, 79,715 printing, 333 programming tips, 110, 333, 334 relational, 333-334 relational, 108-111 short-circuit evaluating, 112-113 symbol, 333 symbols for, 108 types of, 107 uses of, 77-78

operator >> cin >> expression, 71, 72, 240 code for, 240-241 end-of-le character, 242-243 examples, 242 if statements, 241 member function use, 241 while loop testing, 242 word counting, 240 Optimized code, uses of, 304 Or-gate 668, 678 ostream, 261 ostringstream output different value joining, 413 result values, 413 string stream values, 413 ostrstream, 413 Outer loop, 184-188 Out of range error, 404 Output, 37-40 arithmetic expressions in, 38 format, 719-729 number crunching, 37 numeric literals, 37 string literals, 37 Output le stream, 244 Output streams dened, 37 insertion operator, 37 Overloaded operators (case study) class design versus throw-away code, 428-429 clocktime class implementing, 429-432 clocktime class testing, 436-437 data invariants, 432-433 nal programs, 438-440 friend class, 433 how to, 745-756 operator += overloads, 435 operator + overloads, 435 operator overloads, 433-434 relational operator overloads, 435 Overriding inherited functions, 653 P Palindrome, 157 Parameter call by reference, 226-229 call by value, 227 dened, 45

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list, 34, 48 initializing, 70 order of, 57 passing 48-50, 229-230 variable similarities, 70 Partition function of quick sort, 561-563 Pathname, 463 Pattis, Richard, 89, 228 Pentium chips, 12, 23 Perfect number, 205 Perlis, Alan, contributions of, 594 Permutation generation, 475-578 Permutations, dened, 356 PermuteHelper, 477-478 Pig-latin, 152, 443 Pivot elements, see Partition function choosing, 563 swapping, 563 Pixels, dened, 339 Pizza slices (case study), 83-84, 141 Point struct, 331-333 Pointer sharing, 582 Pointers characteristics, 571-575 heap objects, 575-578 indirect references, 571 memory addresses, 573 reference variables, 581 selector operator symbol, 575 sharing and, 582-583 syntax, 572 vectors and, 574-575 Polymorphism, 650 Polynomials, 499-501 pop_back, element deleting, 368-369 Portable, dened, 398 Post-conditions, 128 Postdecrement, see Operator, postdecrement Postincrement, see Operator, postincrement Power-PC, 12 pow, see <cmath> Precedence, see Operator, precedence Predecrement, see Operator, predecrement Preincrement, see Operator, preincrement Precision, 720, 723 Pre-conditions, dened, 128 Predicate functions objects, 549-552 Predicates, 132, 552 Preprocessor #include statements, 302

C++ program creating, 301 compiling preventing, 303-304 dened, 301 include statement locations, 302-303 other directives, 303-304 source le stages, 302 Prime numbers, 158, 162-166 Priming loops, loop writing and, 181-182 Private sections header les, 91 objects state, 91-92 public member implementing, 91 uses of, 91 Private variable scope, 220-221 Probes as gates, 671-672 Program creating algorithm to programs, 16-17 executing machine language, 17-18 high-level to low-level programs, 17 problem to algorithms, 15-16 process of, 15 results displaying, 18 Program design classes, 86-93 compiling, 93-94 computation input phase, 68-72 execution stages, 67 IPO model, 67 linking, 93-94 Program design with functions, 40-60, 224230 Program designing, 18 Program development, maintenance versus, 104 Program forms function with parameters, 44-51 function with several parameters, 5160 function using, 40-44 output, 37-40 program style, 60-61 simple programs, 30-35 workings of, 35-37 Program maintenance, time spent in, 104 Program reading, 89-91 Program style, indenting, 60 Programmer-dened functions, 34 Programming tips <cctype> functions return with int values, 401

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abstract factories, 686 accessor functions, 220 bubble sorting, 526 C++ parenthesis use, 110 calling function postconditions, 128 cast, 246 case labels and statement quantity, 313 class design behaviors, 334 class designing, 280 class implementing with constructors, 431 class method refactoring, 680 classes cohesive code, 225 code coupling, 225 code modifying, 141 code optimization-off, 304 code-duplication helpers, 321 coding conventions, 116 common code factoring out, 171 compilation errors, 198 compiler warnings, 85 compiling templated classes, 628 composite design patterns, 673 constructors initializer list, 366 convention following, 132 different member functions value communicating, 291 duplicate code, 104 efciency, 494 extreme value approaches, 253 factory method designs, 675 forward references versus #include in header les, 586 function template object le size, 543 future tense programming, 658 getline and extraction operators, 410 global variables, 221 identiers and nested scope names, 481 if/else statement use, 107 inline member functions and small classes, 288 instance variable value assigning, 219 int versus long int, 77 interface and behavior inheriting, 654 interface class method minimizing, 319 iterative enhancement cornerstones, 282 linked list creating, 598 loop break statements, 182 loop documenting with invariants, 171 member function implementing, 625

memory allocating from Heap, 576 negative value avoiding, 79 nester loop coding, 188 new mode adding code, 606 non-void function return values, 141 object changing observable patterns, 683 object uses, 139 one member function variable dening, 220 open-closed principle 544 out-of-range indexes, 404 parameterized policy, 552 pattern uses, 240 pointer deference guarding, 605 preprocessor le nding, 303 program changing, 135 program development implementing, 644 program reading, 135 programming sequences, 284 programmer dened class parameters, 232 prototype programming designs, 222 public inheritances, 649 quick and dirty solutions, 428 recursive algorithm implementing, 508 recursive call clones, 471 recursive function calls, 456 return statements and ow of control, 165 source le dependencies minimizing, 305 state and instance variables, 220 stream passing by reference, 261, 262 string names for templated classes, 543 struct use, 331, 332 subclass calling superclass constructors, 651 superclass methods as virtual methods, 661 switch statement breaks, 313 templated class developing, 611 templated function error messages, 535 testing for classes, 616 tvector size as parameter, 354 tvector parameter passing, 350 unresolved reference errors, 306 value passing with node-pointers, 600 variable dening for values, 72

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vector size, 360 virtual subclass use, 650 writing function postconditions, 128 Programming art and science in, 29 key elements, 33-34 practicing, 29 purpose of, 30 Programming styles, identiers, 61 Programs (high-level), 17 Programs (simple), 31-35 Promotion, arithmetic uses, 81 Protected, dened, 654 Prototype, see Function prototype for program development, 222, 644, 695 Pseudo-innite loops, 181-183 Pseudocode, 236 Public inheritance, 649 Public section, 91, 93 Punctuation and whitespace, 237 Pure virtual functions, 658, 666 push_back dened, 359 programming tips, 360 sorted vector inserting, 366-368 Q Quadratic complexity sorts, 525-534 dened, 554 Question class, 306-308 Quicksort analysis of, 564-567 code for, 561 computational complexity, 564 dened, 559 partition function, 560-561 recursive processes, 559-560, 565 Quiz program class based, 225-226 inheritance based, 644-660 R Radian measure in <cmath>, 125, 321 mathutil.h conversion, 321, 766, 776777 Ramm, Dee, xiii RandomWalk interfaces

examples, 328 point objects, 327 two-dimensional walks, 327, 329 Random access, programming and, 340 RandomWalk characteristics of, 309 one-dimensional classes, 310-311 random walk classes, 314-321 random walk interfaces, 327-329 two-dimensional classes, 321-327 Reading code, 89-91 Read-only parameters, see const reference parameters Real numbers, number processing and, 75 Recursion and class matrix, 504-515 base case, 454-455 clones from, 455-456 dened, 449 directories, 458-466 functions, 449-458 innite recursive, 456-458 iteration comparing, 467-478 list and class CList (case study), 486504 purpose of, 449 scope, 478-486 Redirection, I/O, 730 Refactoring, 680, 686-687 Reference parameters, 226-229 Reference variables, 581 Relational operators, 108-111 Removing comments (case study), 417-426 Repetition, dened, 99 Reserve as tvector method, 360 Reserved words, see Key words Resize as tvector method, 360-362 Responsibility assigning, 281-282 Return value composing functions, 125 examples, 124 math libraries, 126-128 post conditions and, 128-129 pre conditions and, 128-129 purpose of, 34 return type, 129-137 Reuse, 18-20 Reversing functions, parameters for, 495 Ritchie, Dennis, contributions of, 32 Roberts, Eric, 181

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Robust programs black box functions, 136 error detecting, 245 Rodger, Susan, xiii, 249 Run time, dened, 67, 650 S Scenarios, 279-280 Schapira, Al, 284 Scheme (language), 486 Scientic American, 162 Scientic notation, see Exponent Scope global variables, 479-480 identiers hidden, 481-482 object properties, 449 static class variables, 484-486 static denitions, 483-484 variable denitions, 189-191 Scope resolution operator member functions and, 217 symbol, 140, 217, 282 uses of, 140, 282 Searching, see Binary Search, Sequential Search, Match code reusing, 612 error messages, 613-614 helper function interfacing, 612 Selection, dened, 99 Selection sort, 527-529 Selector operator, pointers and, 572 Semantics, 31-32 Semicolon, statement terminating symbol, 36 Sentinel loops, 238 Sequential access, programming and, 340 Sequential search, 375-376 setf, see iomanipulator, setf setprecision, see iomanipulator, setprecision Set as templated class, 610-611 setw, see iomanipulator, setw Shadowed, global variables and, 480 Shakespeare, William, 244, 351, 409 Shallow copy default copy construction, 623 uses of, 621 Shannon, Claude, 668 contribution of, 122 Shaw, Mary, contributions of, 281 Short-circuit evaluation, 112-113

Side effect, 141 SimpleMap, 695-696 Simulation, 195 sin, see <cmath> sizeof, 728 Software, development rate, 18 Sort analyzing algorithm classifying, 553-554 examples, 555 quadratic curves, 554-555 Sorted vector insertions examples, 366-367 push_back function, 366 Sorting, see Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quicksort analyzing, 553-559 arrays, 525-535 object functions, 543-553 quicksort, 559-567 template functions, 535-543 Source code, 93-94 Spam, 442-443 Sparse structures examples, 500-501, 501-504 polynomials accessing, 500 Specialized functions, dened, 653 Specication dened, 235 programming and, 235-236 Speech synthesizers, uses of, 132 sqrt, see <cmath> <sstream> and istringstream, 411-413 and ostringstream, 413-414 Stack ADT as exercise, 639 Stack variables dened, 575 uses of, 575 Stallman, Richard, contributions of, 146 Standard deviation, 271-272 Standard output stream, uses of, 37 State machines identifying words, 417-419 removing comments, 419-424 static_cast, 246 Static class variables, 484-486 Static function variables, 483-484 Static memory, versus dynamic memory, 571572 Stream inheritance hierarchy, 642-643

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Streams abstract data types as, 407 characters, 414-416 how to format using, 719-730 input getline, 407-410 line-oriented data passing, 411-413 output, 413-414 string, see <sstream> String building, 398 String characters library for, 401-403 strings, 403-406 type char, 398-401 String class compilation, 306 String literals, 37 string functions and constants c_str, 732 find, 138, 139, 735 length, 138, 732 npos, 140, 734-735 operator +=, 173-176, 733 operator <, 109, 731 rfind, 735 substr, 137, 138 String sets examples, 260 speed increasing, 259-261 String sets with linked lists, 611-612 String values, concatenating, 135 Strings abstractions, 398 characters in, 398-406 computing abstraction, 397-398 dened, 48 overloading operator (case study), 426440 programming tips, 404 removing comments (case study), 417426 streams, 406-416 StripPunc, see strutils StripWhite, see strutils Stroustrup, Bjarne, contributions of, 684 strstream.h, see <sstream> Structs data aggregates as, 329-331 operators for, 333-334 storing points, 331-333 strutils, 261, 766, 776 Stub function, iterative process, 318

Subclass inheritance hierarchy, 647 public inheritance, 649 Subscripted variable, 342 Super class inheritance hierarchy, 647 public inheritance, 649 Supercomputers, idea expression, 12 Swap implementing as an exercise, 234 in sorting, 527-528 in sorting analysis, 555-556 Switch statement, 313-314 Symbols accessor functions, 220 ampersand, 226-227 arithmetic operators, 78 assignment operators, 100-101 constant identiers, 188 ow of control, 36 insertion operator, 44 math library, 126 operator ++, 179-180 operator >>, 240-243 scope resolution operator, 140, 217, 282 selector operator, 575 semicolon use, 36 Syntactic sugar, 178 Syntax dened, 31 detail importance, 33 English word rules, 31-32 how to use C++, 705-717 error tolerance, 31 program rules, 33-34 T tab, see White space Tail CList and, 488 dened, 488 Tail-ing down, examples, 489 tan, see <cmath> Template functions code bloat, 543 code reuse, 535 comparable objects, 536 iterators and, 539-543 programming tips, 543

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reusing, 543 sorting algorithm efciency, 535 syntax, 539 tvector printing, 536-529 uses of, 536 Templated classes deep copy, 620-625 friend functions, 614-616 interactive testing, 616-620 iterator functions, 614-616 LinkStringSet templates, 625-636 searching functions, 612-614 string sets, 611-612 temporary and const ref parameter, 232 and anonymous construction, 333 Testing see Class testing see Dice class testing see Interactive testing Text le, see ofstream this as object pointer, 582 in assignment operator, 623-624 tmatrix, two-dimensional data, 449 tmatrix program default constructor dening, 504 documentation for, 504 example, 505-506 member function, 504 parameters, 504 syntax, 504 two-dimensional array as, 504 tolower, see <cctype> toupper, see <cctype> tostring, as function, 289 Translation unit, 302-304 true, 108 Truth tables and logical operators, 112 and digital gates, 669-670 Throw-away code, programming tips, 428 Turing, Alan Church-Turing Thesis, 397 contributions of, 5 Turing machine, 5 development, 397 tvector, see Vector array initializing, 381-382

CD track shufing (case study), 352357 characteristics, 343 counting with, 344-346 dened, 347 efciency, 343 function template printing, 536-539 initializing, 348 linked lists compared, 596 parameters, 348-352 tvector collections object storing, 357-358 vector size determining, 358 tvector denition, 347-348 tvector parameters examples, 348-351 programming tips, 350 variable passing, 348, 350 vector elements, 350 tvector printing examples, 536-537 function template, 536-539 programming tips, 538 templated function calls, 538 Two-dimensional arrays, matrix as, 504 Two-dimensional walk class Brownian motion, 321 calculating direction changes, 322 examples, 322-325 fractal characteristics of, 326-327 versus one-dimensional, 322 Type cast dened, 165 uses of, 165-166 Type casting correct average calculating, 245 number truncating, 246 precedence of, 245-246 programming tips, 246 static_cast, 246 Type char as characters represented, 82 int values and, 82 printing and, 83 string values building, 83 Type conversion, see strutils.h and constructors, 755 explicit keyword and, 755-756 tostring, see tostring typedef

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and standard string class, 542 deninition and examples, 497 U Unary operator !, 112 Underscore, 61 Unicode character code assumptions, 401 international characters, 398 non-English language use, 398 Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), 157 UNIX, pathname in, 463 Users output from, 68 prompts for, 68 V Value parameters, storage allocating, 228 Value passing call by reference, 230 call by value, 230 program performance, 230 Variable references, 581 Variable dening, terms for, 70 Variable scope, 189-191 Variables dening, 70 oating-point numbers, 75 initializing, 70 loop testing, 156 parameter similarities, 70 syntax, 70 Vector, see tvector Vector capacity constructor arguments, 358 determining, 358 doubling, 360 size and, 358 Vector idioms, 363-366 Vector searching applications for, 369 match collecting, 370-371 match counting, 370 unique match searching, 369-370 Vector size constructor argument, 358 element determining, 359 element number, 358 growth of, 360

Verbs as member functions, 279 Virtual constructor, 674 Virtual destructors, 665-666 Virtual functions abstract class using, 658-661 abstract classes and, 657-661 change behavior programs, 665 class declaration overriding, 657 compiler choices, 650 examples, 651-652, 662-664 inheritance hierarchy designing, 661 inherited functions overriding, 653 inherited superclass methods, 664 late binding, 665 program tips, 650, 651, 661 pure making of, 666 superclass constructors, 650 superclass functions, 661-662 uses of, 650 virtual destructors, 665-666 void as return type, 34, 40, 705 as type, 705 von Neumann, John, contributions of, 405 W While loops computing factors, 158-162 denition and diagram, 154 efciency considerations, 166-167 English number writing, 173-175 exponentiation (case study), 167-172 fence post problems, 175-177 ow of control, 154 innite loops, 156-157 loop test parts, 155-156 loop test reevaluating, 154 loop types, 166 mathematical functions, 157-158 prime number computing, 162-166 White space, elements in, 33 White space delimited input, 236-237 width, 720 Wilkes, Maurice, contributions of, 490 Windows, pathname in, 463 WireFactory, 684-686 Wire class, 670-672 Wirth, Niklaus, contributions of, 414 Word counts, 240-243 Word frequencies, 254-256

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Word reading, see Stream iteration authorship determining, 234-235 classes for, 247-249 counting words, 240-243 pseudocode solutions, 235-237 Word reading class, 247-248 WordStreamIterator, 247-248 Worst case, see O notation worst case X Xor-gate circuit building, 673 constructing, 672 Y Y2K, 191 Z Zero and false, 108 and NULL, 590 as rst array index, 343

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