Employee Assistance Professionals

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Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc.

has over twenty five years of experience, with a strong commitment to helping build quality organizations. Our focus is on developing: Positive response to change Exceptional customer service Effective communication Professional development Continuous growth and improvement

We believe that the key component to an organization's profitability and productivity is their people management. We offer customized services which are designed to maximize your staff's potential. Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. provides a system of individually customized programs to helpemployers and employees, to increase productivity and professionalism, to save money, and to save lives. All of our programs are customized and responsive to the unique needs of your business. Our services include a comprehensive needs assessment, program development, policy writing, staff development and training, consultation, crisis management, and direct treatment services. Through the development of a comprehensive program we can assist your business in enhancing individual and organizational effectiveness.

Why Retain the Services of Our Company Cost Savings Customized to Your Needs Professional Trained Staff Programs Conducted on Site

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) What is an Employee Assistance Program? An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a cost effective, confidential, early intervention system. The program is designed to assist employees with personal situations that if left unaddressed have the potential to interfere with their health and/or ability to perform their job responsibilities. Why Develop an EAP? Statistics show that if employee problems are left unaddressed, they can directly impact on the organization's bottom line.

A study published in 1998, and sponsored by the Health Enhancement Research Organization, surveyed over 46,000 workers at several U.S. companies and reported: 18.5% of the employees were screened as highly stressed and their medical claims averaged 46% higher than those without high stress. 2.2% of the employees were screened as depressed, and their medical claims averaged 70.2% higher than those without depression. Combined over 20% of the employees were either highly stressed or depressed. and averaged approximately 49% higher health care costs.
(CSAT, 1999)

70% of all current adult illegal drug users are employed.

Drug reliant employees incur 300% higher medical costs and benefits, compared with healthy co-workers. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Workers at Risk: Drugs and Alcohol on the Job. 1990) More than 54 million Americans have a mental disorder in any given year, although fewer than 8 million seek treatment. (Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, 1999) The estimated economic burden of depression in 2000 was $43.7 billion - $31.3 billion for indirect costs such as decreased productivity and lost work days, and $12.4 billion in direct costs such as medication and physician time. (NMHA, 2000) More than 80% of Americans say their lives are more stressful now than they were five years ago, citing pressures at work as the primary reason. (Utne Reader, January-February

A survey of 800,000 workers in over 300 companies, reported that the number of employees calling in sick due to stress had tripled from 1996 to 2000. This translates to an estimated 1 million workers being absent every day, due to stress related complaints. (The American Institute of Stress, 2000) More than 22 million families provide some kind of unpaid, informal elder care and 64% of caregivers in these families are employed full- or part-time. (Labor Project for Working
Families, January 2000)

Benefits of an EAP Studies have shown that a well publicized and effectively run EAP can: employee productivity, efficiency, and morale absenteeism sick leave and disability claims usage of health care benefits and Worker's Compensation costs related to turnover, accidents and stress related disability Provides support for managers in dealing with difficult employee issues. One study reported that 87% of poll respondents said that they would work harder for a company that is willing to help them deal with personal problems. (Roper Poll, 1995)

Just the facts: A study published in 2000 by Abbott Laboratories documented that clients whose Mental Health treatment was managed through an EAP showed annualized savings of $2,200 per year over a 3-year period vs. those clients who were not under an EAP.

A McDonnell Douglas study demonstrated a savings of $4 for every dollar invested in an EAP, and a decrease in absenteeism and tardiness. A 1996 Chevron study showed a return on investment of $14 for every $1 spent. Following implementation of an EAP program addressing alcohol use at Oldsmobile's Lansing, Michigan plant statistics showed lost man hours declined by 49%, health care costs decreased by 29%, leaves by 56%, grievances by 78%, disciplinary problems by 63%, and accidents by 82%.

Can your organization afford NOT to have an Employee Assistance Program?

Components of an EAP Once your organization has retained the services of our company, we will work with you to design an EAP package, that meets the unique needs of your business and its personnel. Some of the key components that may be incorporated into your program include: Basic EAP Components 1. Organizational Analysis Determine the specific needs of your organization via: 2. Questionnaires Surveys Interviews with Key People Focus Groups

Organizational EAP Policy Development of a written policy that defines the employee assistance program's relationship to the organization, describes the program as a confidential resource, and states the scope and limitations of the program's services


Supervisor Education Supervisors will be introduced to the key elements of the EAP, how to recognize a troubled employee, and how to document, intervene, and refer the individual to the EAP.


Employee Orientation The orientation is designed to introduce employees to the EAP. provide them with a framework of the features and benefits of the program, and outline the procedures for accessing the EAP services.


EAP Contact Person Assignment of one EAP counselor to the organization to work with a designated company liaison, who together develop an ongoing, trusting relationships with managers, supervisors and employees.

6. 7.

EAP Access - 24 hours per day / 365 days a year 24 hour emergency access to an EAP counselor Assessment, Short term Counseling, and Referral

An EAP counselor will provide confidential and timely problem identification and assessment services, help develop an appropriate plan of action, provide short term counseling, and when appropriate refer the client to an appropriate resource for problem resolution. 8. Follow-up and Case Monitoring Ongoing follow-up of cases by the EAP counselor to determine if the situation is being properly addressed, if the matter has been resolved, or if there is a need for additional services. 9. Management Consultation Consultation with managers and supervisors in dealing with work related issues 10. Evaluation of Services In coordination with Human Resources, the EAP will evaluate the appropriateness, effectiveness, and efficiency of its services. 11. Program Visibility Promotion of the program within the organization (e.g. posters, educational handouts, newsletters) 12. Program Utilization Report An EAP Utilization Report will provide a summary of services provided, the number of employees who utilized these services, as well as the presenting problems addressed by the EAP. This report is provided to the organization at the conclusion of 10 months of services. Additional EAP Components Available 13. Development of an EAP Committee 14. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) (Professionally trained staff are available to assist company personnel in managing critical incidents following an incident such as threats or acts of violence, natural disasters, death, or serious injury.) 15. Education & Wellness Workshops - (Full day, 1/2 day, brown bag lunch) (e.g. Balancing Work and Family, Dealing with Aged Parents, Stress Management) 16. Staff Development and Training Workshops - (Full day, 1/2 day, brown bag lunch) (e.g. Supervision, Communication, Team Building) 17. Program & Policy Development (e.g. Sexual Harassment) 18. Conflict Resolution and Mediation Services 19. Organizational Consultation 20. Drug Free Workplace Programs (in compliance with State, Federal & DoT regulations) 21. Surveys 22. Focus Groups 23. Customer Service Enhancement

24. Performance Management Program 25. Work & Family Life Programs 26. Executive Coaching 27. Team Building 28. Train-the-Trainer Programs 29. Computer Education (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 30. Work - Life Services Depending on the specific options selected, our Work - Life services can assist employees and their families with questions on a range of a variety of issues including: Adoptions Childcare Eldercare Financial assistance Parenting skills Retirement planning Educational resources

To obtain more information or to request a consultation click on [email protected]

About Our Company Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. has over twenty five years of experience providing services for individuals, couples, families, and organizations. Our mission is to provide a broad range of high quality counseling, outreach, and consultation services to help clients assess their needs, evaluate their relationships, define their goals, and design action plans that includes specific and practical steps to achieve those goals. Our organizational goals are to: provide services regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion respect our clients' beliefs support our clients' individuality, diversity, and unique needs preserve our clients' independence, dignity, and confidentiality offer services to individuals, couples, and families consult with professionals, businesses, and other organizations design and run effective Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) conduct quality educational programs

The Caregiver Resource Center is a division of Employee Assistance Professionals, Inc. Our mission is to assist elders and their loved ones in understanding the aging process, facilitating open communication; and providing information, support and guidance through the caregiving process. Our goals are to: offer services that will help preserve an elder's health, safety and quality of life; while at the same time allowing them to maintain their independence and dignity. provide support, understanding, and guidance to all person's who are directly or indirectly responsible for the well-being of an elder; in an effort to improve the quality of their lives.

In addition to working with seniors, people with special needs and their families; The Caregiver Resource Center also provides a spectrum of services for businesses and their employees. Our services help maximize employee productivity, sustain supervisors' focus on operations, and equips senior management with an effective cost management tool. We are available to provide services on a case-by-case basis, or as a full service company program.

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