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John Giduck has a wide-ranging background. He is a lawyer, a consultant on school safety and counter-terrorism, and the author of a number of books. These books include: The Terror at Beslan (2005) The Green Beret In You (2007) Shooter Down! (2011) When Terror Returns (2012)

John Giduck was romantically involved with cop-killer Donna Yaklich in the mid-1980s while serving as her defense counsel. Mr. Giducks legal fees were paid from the police death benefits of Ms. Yaklichs murdered husband. Costs of a romantic vacation to Jamaica prior to Ms. Yaklich being charged with the murder of her husband were also paid from this officers death benefit. John Giduck has made a number of false claims about his US military service and other qualifying credentials. More importantly, Mr. Giduck leaves false claims by others uncorrected about his background and US military service on his websites, in conference biographies, and other materials. John Giduck has left false claims uncorrected about having served and often retired as a member of the US Army Special Forces and the US Army Rangers. John Giducks actual US military experience spans a total of 58 days in the US Army. He did not finish basic combat training. See Tab A of this document. John Giduck has significant relationships with high-level Russian intelligence officials that might require US persons in sensitive positions to file contact reports. See Tab B for more details. John Giduck is an honorary lifetime member of the Special Operations Association. John Giduck mischaracterizes his membership to boost the belief that he is a former Special Forces soldier. John Giduck claims to have up to 18 years working with Russian Spetsnaz and other Russian military units. His actual time spent training with Russian Special Forces was a series of one-week military-style adventure camps spanning several years


The Penheaded blog started raising questions about John Giducks credentials and experience in Nov 2005 in this article: This organization has come up on the radar. John Giduck, president of Archangel, is pimping a book and has a series of seminars that are surrounded by confusion about his history. Additionally: On the orgs site Giducks book is featured and he is listed as having the highest level certification in homeland security. That certification is given by another organization where he sits on an executive advisory board. The certification is listed in the credentials of a number of members on that board. John Giducks credentials, experience, and books have been criticized by respected authorities and by investigative journalists. Terror At Beslan: Ms. Meg Stalcup and Mr. Joshua Craze question Mr. Giducks Beslan school siege conclusions as well as Mr. Giducks credentials in the Washington Monthly:

There is strong evidence that John Giduck was not at the Beslan School siege as claimed:

Shooter Down! David Cariens questions Mr. Giducks conclusions about the Virginia Tech shootings:


A complete timeline of John Giducks false claims can be found here:

Aside from false military qualifications listed below, John Giducks biography boasts multiple skillsets without explaining how they were obtained. Giduck has special training in many Homeland Security-related tactics, including hostage rescue, kidnapping negotiations, small unit tactics, surveillance, improvised explosives, interrogation and interrogation resistance, evasive driving, undercover protection techniques, and threat analysis. He regularly teaches in a wide variety of areas, including small unit tactics, CQB and hand-to-hand combat, improvised weapons, tactical underwater operations, emergency first responder tactics, cultural awareness and personal security for foreign operations, terrorism concerns in executive protection, first responder safety and tactics, kidnapping and ransom

negotiations, special anti-terrorism survival training, mail and package delivery safety, surveillance/counter-surveillance, anti-terrorism and flight operations, global organized crime and terrorism, U.S. law and constitution in the war on terrorism, criminal law and procedure in anti-terrorist actions, U.S. immigration law in the war on terrorism, organized crime and global terrorism, and fundamentals of militant Islam and terrorism.

There is no evidence that Mr. Giduck received any formal military or police training, or has any verifiable real-world experience in any of the listed specialties. Indeed, the sole areas where Mr. Giduck may have any expertise are in academic and legal arenas.


John Giduck and Donna Yaklich Were More Than Just Lawyer and Client. John Giduck has written that he was merely trying to help a woman in distress and to defend Ms. Yaklich in court. Here is what Mr. Giduck writes through one of his mouthpieces on the worldwide web: So what exactly is John Giduck guilty of? Supporting a woman first brutalized by her husband and then by the system that was supposed to protect her. Trying to help someone when no one else would? John Giduck may not have known Donna Yaklich when she committed the crimes of conspiracy to kill her husband and murder but he approached her at her husbands funeral. 00:25:33 Donna yaklich is in jamaica on vacation. 00:25:37 With her new boyfriend,a denver attorney by the name of john giduck. 00:25:42 He was at denniss funeraland gave donna his card and said, now, if you need anythingat all, be sure donna had called hima few days after the funeral, when pueblo police asked her to take a routine polygraph testto verify her statement. 00:25:58 Donna yaklich shows up with this john giduck as her attorney.!&p=2985113&viewfull=1#post2985113

It is still unclear why John Giduck was at Dennis Yaklichs funeral if he did not know Ms. Yaklich prior to the funeral. What is known and clear is that John Giduck and Donna Yaklich became intimate sometime after John Giduck approached Ms. Yaklich about being her lawyer, and offering any other help that she needed. 00:26:09 According to the yaklich children, donnas new attorney provided more than legal advice.

00:26:14 Just two weeks afterher husbands murder, donna had found herself another muscle man. 00:26:21 He also was a weightlifter. 00:26:22 Very flamboyant, big guy, not unlike dennis himself. 00:26:28 There were occasions in which she would tell me and little dennis to leave. 00:26:33 We would have to go play, or wed have to go to a different room because she wanted to be alone with john. 00:26:40 s office contacted john giduck in jamaica and told him they had issued a warrant for donnas arrest. 00:30:07 By then, shed dumped john giduck and found new attorneys: Richard Hostetler and stanley marks. 00:30:15 ( Stanley ) I WAS NOT THE ORIGINAL COUNSEL. 00:30:17 It was somewhat determined that one of the attorneys had a potential conflict of interest because of having some relationship with donna John Giduck and Officer Yaklichs Death Benefit Dennis Yaklich was murdered the night of Dec. 12, 1985, outside his home in Avondale, near Pueblo, CO, with a shotgun. Donna Yaklich was inside the home at the time. Following his death, Ms. Yaklich cashed in a $250,000 insurance policy on his life. [Donna Yaklich] received $360,000 in total cash and benefits from his life insurance, with which she went on giddy spending sprees (in Jamaica and elsewhere). She was later able to use this money to post bond and to pay her attorney fees as well. 522John%2BGiduck%2522%23689f4c8bc6a7dc03&ei=iGwTS6eaOpW8Qpmqic0O&sa=t&ct=res&cd=14&source =groups&usg=AFQjCNEB64g67JqXEmINTx13YDlxx-7JeA

So, evidence demonstrates that John Giduck benefited from a murdered police officers death in terms of attorney fees, a trip to Jamaica, and an intimate relationship with the murdered officers wife, the murderess herself. Evidence Refutes John Giducks Claims That Officer Yaklich Abused Steroids John Giducks defense of Ms. Yaklich includes the assertion that Officer Yaklich was overly aggressive due to his misuse of steroids. Apparently, only John Giduck and Donna Yaklich seem to believe that the murdered police officer, Dennis Yaklich, was taking steroids. Mr. Giducks account of events does not jive with official sources. [N]o trace of steroids were found in Denniss body upon autopsy. Such metabolites are highly fat-soluble and remain in the body at detectable levels for 2 to 3 months after even a single dose. The trackmarks which the movie shows were a Hollywood invention, pure and simple. There were no track marks found at autopsy. Indeed, an extensive police investigation failed to

uncover any evidence that Dennis ever took steroids in his entire life. Pueblo Colorado Homicide Detective Dan Snell, lead investigator in the case, told the press, We checked out every lead. We are obligated to do that. No one but her defense brought that up and we talked to virtually everybody. And of course, if Dennis HAD been abusing steroids in the weeks leading up to his death, as Donna alleged, his corpse would have tested postive for steroids. It didnt. Donna lied. As we shall see, this was not her first lie, nor her last. 522John%2BGiduck%2522%23689f4c8bc6a7dc03&ei=iGwTS6eaOpW8Qpmqic0O&sa=t&ct=res&cd=14&source =groups&usg=AFQjCNEB64g67JqXEmINTx13YDlxx-7JeA

John Giducks Theory of Justifiable Homicide To date, in 2012, John Giduck continues to argue that Donna Yaklichs actions, including killing her husband, were justified. Here is what Mr. Giduck allegedly authorized another website to print about the situation in March 2012: the police and DA instead tried to get the death penalty against a woman who had been repeatedly brutalized. A woman who had been caught in an ongoing struggle for life and death for so long that, yes she had asked people to kill her husband. It was the only option left to her to save her own life. This was the evidence the police and DA entered against her at trial. John Giduck appears to be alleging that it is defensible to conspire to commit murder, to hire assassins, and to kill ones husband, rather than just drive away from a bad relationship. As Donna Yaklichs lawyer, John Giduck also knows (but omitted from his comments) that other members of the Yaklich family that lived in the same home, as well as close friends of the Yaklich family, strongly dispute that any abuse took place in the Yaklich household. Vanessa added that as someone who had lived under the same roof with Donna and Dennis for the entire 8 years of their marriage, she can testify that all Donnas stories about beatings from Dennis were an outright lie. Tom Greenwell, a longtime friend of the Yaklich family agrees, I was around the Yakliches every day. I helped them. They helped me. We fished and hunted together. And every word that woman said about them was nothing but a bald-faced lie. You would think somebody would see through that story and read between the lines. 522John%2BGiduck%2522%23689f4c8bc6a7dc03&ei=iGwTS6eaOpW8Qpmqic0O&sa=t&ct=res&cd=14&source =groups&usg=AFQjCNEB64g67JqXEmINTx13YDlxx-7JeA

Donna Yaklich Now Disagrees with John Giduck Does Donna Yaklich share John Giducks view that it was somehow permissible to kill Dennis Yaklich? Donna Yaklichs own words speak for her as she directly contradicts John Giduck.

Donna Yaklich said, I wish there was something I could do to make it better. What I did was wrong.


Featured Topics/Speakers: Terror at Beslan School: A Russian Tragedy with Lessons from America John Giduck MBA, JD, former Army Ranger and Yuri Ferdigalov, former Russian Special Forces veteran were called to Beslan, as consultants, days after the terrorists occupied the school and before the counter assault began. They have a compelling story for American schools and safety forces.

Presented by: John Giduck, MA, JD, former Army Ranger, and president of the Archangel Anti-Terror Group, is a recognized international terrorism expert


Uncorrected Special Forces Claims on John Giducks Own Website

John Giducks own website has maintained a comment that John Giduck is a former member of the US Army Special Forces for years. The comment was only recently addressed due to uncomfortable questions. The specific comment left on John Giducks website is as follows: This is the story of an event almost too horrible to imagine. John Giduck has the credentials to write this book he is not only a former Special forces soldier and expert on Russian history and culture, but he was on the ground in Beslan within hours of the assault. John Giducks Uncorrected Speaker Bios

The above biographical statement refers to John Giduck as a retired Green Beret.

FEMA Giduck believes that every person should be part of a nationwide intelligence network, and that the end result is that we can utilize our resources and people to better prevent, or at least respond, to critical situations (Giduck, 2005). The advantages seen by department firefighters mirror those of this former Special Forces soldier. (page 30)

City of Colorado Springs

Mr. John Giduck, a former 10th Special Forces Group member and an international Anti-Terror School instructor

Eugene, OR Police,%203rd%20Quarter,%20Complete%20Quarte rly%20Summary.pdf


John Giduck has provided pro-bono legal, corporate, and tax assistance to the Special Operations Association (SOA), as well as making over $10,000 in donations. In an apparent quid pro quo, the SOA made John Giduck an honorary life member of the SOA. Mr. Giducks honorary membership number is #2521-HL (HL signifying honorary life membership). Since the criteria to be an actual member of the SOA are stringent enough that many combatdecorated Special Forces soldiers do not qualify, the SOA Bylaws are very clear about the status of honorary members. However, the persons who have Honorary Membership status in this Association are not Members of the Association and do not enjoy any privileges or rights of a Member. (pg 4)

The SOA Bylaws go on to state: The advertising of Association Membership or Operational Associate status for either commercial or political purposes is prohibited. (pg 7) John Giduck has claimed numerous times that he is a lifetime member of the Special Operations Association in an effort to leave the impression that he has met the stringent requirements required to be a full member of the SOA. One example is here:

Another example is here:

Another here:

And another here:



John Giduck claims to have spent enormous amounts of time in Russia training with Russian Special Forces, even though the timeframes conflict with his court cases as an attorney, his seminar appearances, and his book development periods. Here is what John Giduck claims: The vast majority of time I ever spent in a military uniform in my life, I spent in Russia in Russian uniforms with Russian Special Forces and I did ultimately end up spending about 18 years theregood periods of time every single year up to 6 month a year going to school there, living there, doing a lot of training with their units.

Evidence and extended discussion disputing that John Giducks claimed time in Russia with Russian Forces was anything other than one to two week commercial military style adventure camps in Russia can be found here:
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Evidence linking John Giducks Spetsnaz training photos on his website to the same photos taken at a commercial military style adventure camp:




TAB B JOHN GIDUCKS HIGH-LEVEL TIES WITH RUSSIAN FSB INTELLIGENCE (FORMERLY KGB) John Giduck brags about his ongoing personal relationships with high-level Russian FSB (formerly KGB) officials. Particularly troubling is that others describe Mr. Giducks initial meetings with Russian intelligence officials in a manner that is consistent with recruitment of foreigners. Here is how Mr. Giducks friend, Police Commissioner Joe Bail of the Chester PA Police describes those early meetings: John Giduck] explained that years before he had known the former director of the KGB for the St. Petersburg region while working on his masters degree at the university there. You see, the wife of that man KGB Lt. Gen. and Director Anatoli Kurkov was one of the professors in charge of the foreign students. Through her, John met Gen. Kurkov. This is something that John typically does not talk about in public or during trainings, unless specifically asked.

The photo above shows John Giduck at a friends house in the US with KGB Director Kurkov. John Guduck maintains ongoing friendships with a number of such foreign intelligence officials. Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently worked for General Kurkov, at one point. John Giduck was a practicing lawyer in the 1980s. Then, he says, during the late Gorbachev era, the American Bar Foundation dispatched him to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), where he met the head of the KGB for Leningrad. (Putins boss, he says.) They became fast friends, and Giduck began traveling frequently to Russia. He claims to have trained with multiple Russian special forces units, and to be certified by the Vityaz Special Forces Anti-Terror School.

John Giduck has never held a US Government security clearance. However, he has been given access to groups of people and to facilities that are surely of great interest to Russian intelligence.

1) Through his seminars and training, John Giduck regularly acquires biographical details about participants as well as information about their agencies. 2) John Giduck has surrounded himself with people that have high-level security clearances and access to sensitive facilities. 3) As of January 2012, John Giduck claims to be working as a consultant for an International Intelligence section of the Chester, PA Police Department even though Mr. Giduck has no verifiable intelligence experience or expertise. One has to wonder how Mr. Giduck will gain access to classified information in that position without a current clearance, and in light of his well-documented friendships with foreign intelligence officials. 4) Persons that hold US Government clearances should be forewarned that they may need to file contact reports if they attend Mr. Giducks training, seminars, or otherwise come into contact with him.


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