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The following write-up gives an insight into the experiment conducted by Reines and Cowan for the detection of neutrino. It gives a detailed analysis about all the aspects of the experiment. Firstly, it presents a small historical background of the time around which this discovery happened and some of the events which helped in shaping the discovery. Then, the paper has also tried to incorporate the findings of the experiment, some of the initial difficulties that the discoverers faced and the intelligent solutions they practised to resolve those problems. The two phases of the experiment which confirmed the existence of neutrino has been dealt with in some detail. The paper ends with comments from the author regarding the intelligent methodologies involved in conducting the experiment and giving a slight insight into the intelligent processes used by these gentlemen.

Historical background and landmarks:

In the early twentieth century, there was a lot of confusion/ misunderstanding over the exact mechanism of the beta decay process. In December 1930, Wolfgang Pauli suggested very tentatively that neutral particles might exist within atomic nuclei and carry away some of the beta-decay energy. Paulis conjecture, which he had called a neutron, had some properties in common with what we now call the neutron and some in common with what we now call the electron neutrino. Even the 1932 discovery of what we now call the neutron did not lead to immediate simplification. Finally, the satisfying nature of Enrico Fermis 1934 theory of beta decay began to resolve some of the confusion. In this theory the weak interaction, so-called because it is much weaker than the electromagnetic force, turns a neutron in the nucleus into a proton and simultaneously creates an electron and a neutrino. In Fermis scheme, the neutrino is uncharged and has a small mass and carries away some of the decay energy as kinetic energy. With Fermis weak force it was also possible to consider inverse beta-decay reactions by which a free neutrino would interact with matter and be stopped. In the simpler language that was appropriate before particle-antiparticle distinctions were clearly established, a neutrino interacting with a neutron would yield a proton and an electron. A neutrino interacting with a proton would give a neutron and a positron, a positively-charged electron. The positron also had been discovered in 1932. Unfortunately, Fermis weak force is so weak that the probability of inverse beta decay was predicted to be close to zero. Hans Bethe and Rudolf Peierls calculated the interaction cross section to be less than 10-44 cm2(corresponding to a penetrating power of 1016 km in solid matter) and stated that, It is therefore absolutely impossible to observe processes of this kind with the neutrinos created in nuclear transformations. It seemed as if the neutrino might ever remain a ghost particle if detection meant observation of the inverse reaction. Thus the neutrinos were being thought of as a particle whose theoretical existence was believed but its experimental detection was believed absolutely impossible. Thus, the experiment has aptly been referred as detecting the poltergeist. Many experiments were carried out in attempts to measure some neutrino property, such as mass, or to check on the role of the neutrino in conserving linear momentum by studying recoils in beta-decay experiments. The recoil experiments lent plausibility to the existence of the neutrino, but did no more than demonstrate repeatedly that the dynamics of the decays under study were consistent with the neutrino hypothesis.

Designed Experiment:
Frederick Reines and Clyde L. Cowan, Jr. who were both at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, decided to take step forward, to observe inverse beta decay away from the site of the neutrinos origin by exploiting two new recent developments: (1) the availability of highflux sources of neutrinos, in the form of nuclear fission bombs and reactors, and (2) the power, zest, and resources of Big Science that had emerged during World War II.

Basic idea and modifications in those:

Reines suggested using the intense burst of neutrinos from the detonation of a nuclear weapon, specifically from beta decays following the splitting of U235 in a fission bomb, as a source for a detection experiment. Reines estimated that a sensitive target volume of about one ton would be needed to stop a few neutrinos in inverse beta-decay reactions, and that the products
of these reactions would signal the presence of the neutrinos if the reaction products could be detected.

Reines and Cowan decided to exploit a new detection technology, a liquid scintillation counter, to detect the products of the inverse beta-decay reaction. The experiment required the detonation of a 20-kiloton fission bomb on a 30-meter high tower, with the base of the tower approximately 40 meters from the mouth of a vertical hole at the bottom of which a vacuum tank was placed beneath several meters of backfill to shield the detector from neutrons and gamma rays from the bomb. The detector was to fall freely in the vacuum tank for two seconds following the instant of detonation and come to a soft landing while detecting positrons and neutrons from the interaction of neutrinos with protons in the scintillation liquid. Reines and Cowan planned to return to the site a few days later, after the surface radioactivity had died down, to dig up the record. Work began on the hole (150 feet deep), on the vacuum tank (10 feet in diameter and 75 feet tall), and on the detector. In the fall of 1952, they realized that a nuclear reactor would also work as a source of neutrinos if they could reduce the background from other events, which they could do if they could detect the flashes from both the positron and the neutron as separate but related signals. There also were other advantages in the use of a reactor as the source, such as ease in repeating a measurement and the opportunity to extend the observation time to reduce statistical uncertainty. They abandoned the idea of detonating a bomb and turned their attention in this new direction.
The Hanford Neutrino Experiment of 1953

Reines and Cowans first detector had a volume of 300 litres of liquid scintillator in a cylindrical tank 28 inches in diameter and 30 inches high and incorporated ninety 2-inchdiameter photomultiplier tubes. The detector was set up and heavily shielded near the wall of C Reactor, a new plutonium-producing reactor at the Hanford Engineering Works near Richland, Washington. The shielding was intended to stop reactor neutrons and gamma rays not induced by neutrinos from entering the detector and producing unwanted background. The scintillation liquid, a mixture of organic compounds that emitted a flash of light when excited by radiation, contained protons and served both as target and detector. Fission antineutrinos interacting with protons give rise to energetic positrons of significant intensities in the range of 15 MeV (million electron volts) and to neutrons with typical energies of 10 keV (thousand electron volts). The positrons slow down quickly and annihilate, giving rise to two oppositely-directed 0.511-MeV gamma rays. The scintillation liquid also contained a small amount of dissolved cadmium salts to capture the neutrons, giving rise to energetic

The scintillation detector for the 1953 neutrino detection experiment at Hanford.

Figure Basic idea involved

gamma rays. The neutrons slow down less rapidly, through elastic collisions, until they reach energies, typically below 0.2 eV, at which cadmium has a large neutron-capture cross section. Two independent electronic gates were set, one to accept pulses characteristic of the prompt positron signal (25 MeV in the final set of runs), the other set to accept the neutron-capture signal (energy range 27 MeV) which appeared later. If a pulse appeared in the neutron channel within a fixed time (19 microseconds) after a pulse in the positron channel, a delayed coincidence (presumably a neutrino-capture event) was counted. Counts were recorded with the reactor on and when it was off.

Results and Discussion:

The background turned out to be larger than expected, mostly owing to cosmic rays that mimicked the neutrino events. This gave rise to a very poor signal-to-noise ratio (about 1 to 20) even after a Geiger-Muller anticoincidence blanket and additional shielding had been added. Reines, Cowan, and their co-workers also had serious problems with the detector electronics, with intermittent electrical noise, and with varying reactor background. During their 1953 experiment, Reines and Cowan used their observed counting rate from time-totime to calculate the experimental cross section and to compare it with the theoretical value to determine whether the events they were seeing were actually due to neutrinos. The results of these checks, based on arbitrary assumptions about the signal-to-noise ratio, were not convincing. A net counting rate of 0.41+0.20 counts per minute (i.e., 25+12 events per hour) was the difference between a reactor-on counting rate of 2.55+0.15 counts per minute and a reactor-off rate of 2.14+0.13 counts per minute. . They reported that this net counting rate (0.41+0.20 events per minute) is to be compared with the predicted ~1/5 count/min due to neutrinos, using an effective [theoretical] cross section of ~ 610--44 cm2] for the process. They stated that it appears probable that this aim [to detect the free neutrino] has been accomplished although further confirmatory work is in progress.

Reines later said on many occasions, that the results were inconclusive. Indeed, they realized at an early stage that there were serious problems in the experiment; they already had begun in March two months before they saw what Reines later described as a hint of the neutrino to plan a new and bigger detector.
The First Savannah River Experiment of 1956

Reines and Cowan redesigned their inverse beta-decay experiment from top to bottom.. It had five components in a multi-layered (club-sandwich) arrangement. Each of two target tanks, the meat layers shown as A and B, was filled with 200 liters of water. The protons in the A and B tanks provided the target for inverse beta decay; cadmium chloride dissolved in the water provided the cadmium nuclei that would capture the neutrons. The two target tanks were placed between three bread layers, scintillation detector tanks (I, II, and III). Each detector (2 feet by 6 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 6 inches) contained 1400 liters of organic liquid scintillator that was viewed by 110 5-inch-diameter photomultiplier tubes. In this configuration, a neutrino event in target tank A, for example, would give rise to two sets of pulses from detectors I and II flanking target tank A. The first set (in time of appearance) would be from positron annihilation (two oppositely-directed gamma rays each of 0.511 MeV) and the second set, appearing 310 microseconds later, would be from neutron capture (three or more photons totalling about 9 MeV in energy). Coincidence signals triggered threebeam oscilloscopes showing the pulses in I, II, and III; the signals were recorded

photographically. Photographs were examined to reject spurious events, such as simultaneous appearance of signals in all three detector tanks signifying the passage of a cosmic ray. Late in 1955 Reines and Cowan moved their new detector to an underground location adjacent to a new tritium-production reactor at the Savannah River. Eleven meters of concrete separated the detector from the reactor core, and therefore from reactor-produced neutrons and twelve meters of shielding from above helped eliminate cosmic rays. They also showed that the first prompt-coincidence pulse was due to positron annihilation, which required, in part, comparison of the pulse-height spectrum of the first pulse to that obtained from a positron-emitting radioactive source; and that the second prompt-coincidence signal was due to neutron capture in cadmium, which they showed by observing the decrease in the mean time delay between the first (positron-annihilation) and second (neutron-capture) pulses after the cadmium concentration in the target was increased. Finally, to show that the signal was not due to neutrons and gamma rays from the reactor, they surrounded the detector with extra shielding and found that the signal rate remained constant while reactor-induced accidental coincidences decreased.

Figure: The Savannah River neutrino Detector

A reactor-power-dependent signal was observed which was (within 5 percent) in agreement with a [theoretical] cross section for reaction of 6.310-44 cm2. The predicted cross section however, is uncertain by +25 percent
The Second Savannah River Experiment of 1956 Procedure:

In their new arrangement, tank III, formerly used only as a scintillation detector, became both target and detector. The 110 photomultiplier tubes of tank III were wired in two interleaved banks of 55each to reduce the effect of electronic noise; they provided a prompt coincidence trigger signal when annihilation radiation from the decay of a positron was seen in the tank. This trigger signal then initiated the same kind of data gathering and interpretation sequence as was used in their first 1956 experiment. Tank II served as a detector in a cosmic-ray anticoincidence arrangement: simultaneous signals in tanks II and III vetoed the output of tank III.

They reported the results of this second 1956 measurement in 1959. Because of the larger target volume, a counting rate of 36+4 events per hour was recorded. In conjunction with the new measurement of the fission neutrino spectrum mentioned above, their second 1956 experiment yielded a cross section for the inverse beta-decay process of 11+2.610-44 cm2. This, too, was consistent with the 1959 theoretical cross section.

Authors comments:
Intelligent methodologies involved:
1) Although at the time when Fermi gave the idea of neutrino, it was shown by theoretical physicists that it is impossible to detect these particles which are having so small cross-section. But, to solve this problem, Reines and Cowan used their mind to come up with the idea of using sources which provide intense flux of neutrinos. 2) According to theoretical beliefs (available in 1956), when an antineutrino is absorbed by a photon, neutron and positron are generated. Since there were no other known processes that could lead to the abovementioned products, thus they reduced their task of detecting the neutrino to the detection of simultaneous production of neutron and positron. 3) When their experiment was performed, Cowan and Reines obtained the results indicative of the presence of an anti-neutrino. They were also able to show that such a result being directly obtained from chance was extremely low. They concluded that the observed effects were indeed due to anti-neutrinos. As it was known in the scientific community that every particle has its exact counterpart, thus it was unproblematic in making the scientific community believe that the presence of antineutrino indeed indicated the existence of neutrinos as well. 4) They decided to use nuclear reactor as the source of the neutrinos because it helped them in getting the repeated measurements done quickly and efficiently. The usage

of nuclear reactor also provided the additional advantage of extending the observation time so that statistical uncertainty in terms of the counts is reduced. 5) The detector in their Hanford Experiment was heavily shielded to stop reactor neutrons and gamma rays which were not induced by neutrinos from entering the detector and thus producing unwanted background causing error in the calculations and thus making the experimental results not viable and trustable. 6) To capture the neutrons and the gamma rays generated due to them, they decided to use small amount of dissolved cadmium salts in the scintillator liquid. Cadmium was used by them because it has very large neutron capture cross-section at a time when neutrons have very low energies of about 0.2 eV. 7) The electric circuit and the logic gates they used to detect the pulses were very important in making the process successful. Also, it was a very intelligent design.2 independent gates were used to take the two signals independently, one to accept positron signal and the other to accept neutron capture signal. Counts were done of those signals only which appeared after a certain time delay only, thereby reducing the background from other processes like cosmic rays. They did this in their Hanford experiment. But in the Savannah River neutrino experiment, they used photographs to reject unwanted events, such as rejecting those in which signals were provided in all the three layers of detectors. 8) After experiencing problems in their Hanford experiment due to background caused by large amount of cosmic rays, they employed very intelligent and innovative methods in their Savannah River Neutrino Experiment. To eliminate problems due to reactor induced neutrons, they decided to separate the detector and the reactor core by 11 metres of concrete. To eliminate the problem of cosmic rays they made the detector underground, 12 metres below the surface. 9) Various measurements were undertaken to demonstrate that this signal was indeed due to neutrino-induced inverse beta decay. These entailed, for example, demonstrating that the signal rate was proportional to the total number of target protons, which was checked by remeasuring the signal rate after diluting the light water in the target with heavy water 10) Scintillator Liquid was used both as a target and as a detector. 11) To show that the signal was not due to neutrons and gamma rays from the reactor, they surrounded the detector with extra shielding and found that the signal rate remained constant while reactor-induced accidental coincidences decreased.

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