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1- What is IPE and what are the significant changes developing this field, what are the debates

on it (support and disagree, benefits and harms, who benefit and who lose)? International political economy (IPE) is the study of those international problems and issues that we can better understand by analyzing economics and international relations. In other word, it is the study of collaboration and interdependences among several stakeholders including the state, market, and international organizations. It has consisted of many different theories such as, liberalism, mercantilism, Marxism, feminism and environmentalism. International Political Economy (IPE) builds on the scholarly legacy of these great thinkers. At its most elementary, IPE is concerned with the connections between politics and economics, and explores the production, reproduction and distribution of power and wealth within contemporary world order. Since this research agenda was first proposed in the early. International Political Economy is concerned with the relationship between what people typically think of as the separate spheres of politics and economics. This core module explores why, how and with what consequences economic and political life are intertwined within contemporary world order. The module examines historical, theoretical, and empirical matters, aims to integrate conceptual and substantive concerns. The starting point of IPE theorizing and analysis is the recognition that world order, and the institutions which make it up, need to be studied as a complex whole in order to understand the interrelationships between the political and economic aspects. IPE is also interested in the power relationships that characterize the broader political and economic context in which particular institutions are embedded. Political analysis of this issue deals with international trade and is fundamentally different from domestic economic activity (while the economic theory does not see any significant difference between the two countries). International exchange of goods and services, or resources with another country raises many political questions of national interest, and issues especially with regard to the security, economic and military of the nation.

Although it is easy to simplify these security concerns (exports are desirable because they increase the reserves of the nation's monetary and create jobs while should be avoided imports they create a situation of dependency, and the reduction of national reserves, threatening local businesses and business interests) in the exercise of political analysis of trade International is a much more complex. Exports create jobs, but their full impact on national security depends on what is being exported to whom and under what conditions. On the export of technology that have critical applications, military and economic tend to weaken national security, not strengthen it. Nations and imposed export controls in many cases for reasons of economic and military. Can exports of primary products in terms of trade is favorable for the manufactured goods and technology, creating fears of economic dependency. In spite of the existence of trade surplus does not increase reserves, and can be a very large surplus of exports between the two countries on imports create political problems, such as those that confronted Japan with respect to the United States. Sometimes seen rising exports and penetrate the aggressive policy by the State of the target, which may interact to defend its security interests. And the nation-state, and therefore have an interest in the management of the nature of its exports to other countries and monitoring of trade relations with other countries. Imports also raise complex security issues. Although the imports may reduce or threaten local employment, creating the ability to rely on external sources, and reduce domestic cash reserve, there is more of IPE from protectionist trade policies of the simple. 2- What is globalization and what are the debates on it (support and disagree, benefits and harms, who benefit and who lose)? Globalization can be defined as the new status of the emergence and development of modernity that is characterized with its social relations at the global level, where there is no difference between local or domestic market and international markets. It also makes an excellent cultural, economic, and humanitarian connection and interaction. Globalization has many benefits that enable people and stakeholders to make the best use of it such as international markets and their integration in international trade field and they can take the advantage of direct investment and the transfer of funds. It can

help in the stability and flourishing of human life, in addition to creating a kind of cooperation between countries and people. It also can help in: Creating a good environment for mutual relations between different cultures and religions, that could lead to the cooperation between peoples. It makes no borders or distances between countries, that people can exchange products with the advantages of standardization all over the world, and enhancing quality. Help in the spreading of social democracy between nations.

How can it harm others? Globalization also can harm others through: Multinational corporations' control may be increased due to the investments and trade; this also may lead to more dependence of developing countries on imports from these companies. It affects badly on the poor countries because they are not able to compete. It also leads to the spread of unemployment, which drive people to migrate in search of work The wealth will be concentrated in certain category of people that would increase the differences between the layers of society by giving employment opportunities for 20% of the population. Lack of clarity of personal information and loss of identity, in addition to losing the main features of society such as the principles and values, religion and other elements of the development and spread of civil wars. It eliminates bonding between families and leads to increase the differences between countries in the world in an attempt to break up the community. Break the childhood of millions of industrial exploitation of the various departments and others.

3- What is Liberal (free market, and the invisible hand) and what are the debates on it (support and disagree, benefits and harms, who benefit and who lose)? Free market is a concept that refers to the market economy that depends on supply and demand with little control from the government. In such free markets buyers and

sellers can behave freely (buy/sell/trade) depending on a mutual agreement that determine prices on price without state intervention in the form of taxes, subsidies, or regulation. We have also free markets in financial, in that case free market stocks are securities that are widely traded in addition the prices are not affected by availability. In foreign-exchange markets, in that case exchange rates are not fixed or controlled by government. It may rise or fall freely due to the supply and demand for currency. According to the invisible hand, a person who is working usually renders the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. He aims only to achieve his own gain, when he is led by an invisible hand that makes him to promote an end without his intention. By achieving his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectively than when he really intends to promote it. It is clear that free market economy can rise or fall on your own accord. This fall or rise may hurt a lot more when it falls, however, if it raises- not only do you become flourishing and feel satisfied. Free markets can be useful as following: 1. It offers continual innovation 2. It leads to better products 3. It provides people with more fairly salaries depending on the quality of work, as a result it create more equaling paying jobs. 4. The free market put an end to the monopoly actions because it depends on supply and demand. 5. The free market allows the free trade that makes the prices cheaper than other countries; it also can increase their live fund.

Free market also has some disadvantages 1. It does not achieve the determined consumption of merit goods. 2. It may also causes the increase of consumption demerit goods 3. The absence of public goods 4. Present of negative externalities 5. It may lead to increasing unemployment rates. 6. Unequal distribution of income 7. Create a monopoly market or companies. 4- What is the free trade, and what are the debates on it (support and disagree, benefits and harms, who benefit and who lose)? It refers to the group of countries which state no price or little controls in the form of tariffs or quotas between them. Free trade zones allow the countries to focus on its competitive advantage and trade freely on the goods they lack experience in the making, and thereby increase the efficiency and profitability in each country. It allow them to exchange goods and services (but not capital or labor) without any obstacles such as high tariffs or difficult requirements. Under the World Trade Organization treaty signed by 124 countries in 1995, being cut tariffs on a regular basis by 40 percent during the specified period of time. Arguments in favor Most people think that free trade gives them many advantages and benefits. It allows the market to determine the prices of goods as efficiently as possible and services as widely as possible. As it is lifting barriers to trade such as government taxes and customs duties, regulations, and proponents say the cost of providing a service or produce a product will decline, and this lower rate will be good for the net community. In general, large-scale production is more efficient than small-scale

production, and leads to greater profits, that drive greater efficiency, including the more advanced technology. According to some political scientists, they argued that a free trade helps in improving the national security by linking the countries economically in which it makes the possibility of armed conflict is not permitted or a remote choice. Free trade allows people to be engaged in some degree of market capitalism, this is clear when they trade by their own choice, regardless of national borders. As individual entrepreneurs to follow their own self-interest, the capital that they are using in such trade can support arts and culture within their communities. Arguments against Opponents of free trade argue that it defeats the economic benefits of the hidden costs trade. For example, free trade aims to promote the formation of large commercial organizations such as multinational corporations that gain profits at the expense of institutions, and smaller local. In addition, it can cut off the foreign capital industries in the prosperity of young people from developing economies; it may lead to increase the dependant on foreign companies rather than local ones that could affect badly on the local companies within this competition. Finally, some security experts claim that free trade practices may lead to unequal opportunities between the countries. This also may cause the instability of the growing economy and increase the risks of having such violence behaviors in the weak areas that are not well controlled. 5- What is the Multinational corporation and its role in economic development, what are the debates on it (support and disagree, benefits and harms, who benefit and who lose)? Multinational corporations refer to the industrial organizations that have many branches that are linked between each other and spread all over the world. There are two main features of this kind of organizations. First it is very large companies and their worldwide activities are centrally controlled by the main branch. These organizations can held some agreements with other countries according to the division of production, market, etc. mostly these multinational organizations can be found in

the advanced countries, especially in the USA it also can spread around the developing countries. There is an argumentative issue that related to for and against the operation of MNCs in underdeveloped countries. Multinational organization has a positive role in which it has an important role in the economic development of underdeveloped countries as following: 1. Filling Savings Gap: it helps in filling the resource gap between targeted or desired investment and locally mobilized savings. If the country can fill the gap between the savings and economic growth depending on foreign direct investments from the multinational organizations, it will be in a better position to achieve its target rate of economic growth. 2. Filling Trade Gap: it also has a great role in filling the foreign exchange or trade gap. An inflow of foreign capital can reduce or even remove the shortage in the balance of payments if the Multinational Organizations can generate a net positive flow of export earnings. There are also many other beneficial roles of multinational organizations such as: (a) The advantage of the domestic labor that could be useful in higher real wages. (b) The consumers can get the advantage of having such goods in low prices and better quality products. (c) It can increase the domestic investment. For example, additional units can be set up to support the industry of multinational organizations. (d) The host country benefit from the development and researches that are implemented by the multinational organizations. Arguments against Multinational Organizations: it also has bad effects that make some people oppose it: 1. Although MNCs provide capital, the multinational organizations may cause some competition problem by decreasing the domestic savings and investment. This may

happen by concentrating the competition through certain agreements with the government of the host country. It also may fail to reinvest much of their profits and also they may prevent the investment of local firms. 2. Although Multinational Organizations aim to improve the foreign exchange position of the host country by its investments, its long-run impact may reduce foreign exchange earnings on both current and capital accounts. 3. While Multinational Companies contribute in the public revenue through its corporate taxes, it is considered to be less than it should be as a result of liberal tax, extreme investment allowances, subsidies, and tariff protection provided by the host country. 6- What is rule of law and its role enhancing economic development and stability and its role in protecting the environment, in and what are the debates on it (benefits and harms, who benefit and who lose)? It is necessary to formulate the national development policies, in accordance with national needs and circumstances and development priorities, and should take into account the lessons learned from decades of experience in the field of development. Among the latter, and the vital role of the private sector and contribute to the development of human resources in the creation of wealth figure. The challenge for public authorities is, inter alia, to develop and implement policies that lead to prosperity and poverty eradication and environmental conservation. 51. To this end, Governments should encourage a supportive environment for the private sector, including the active competition policies, and the application of the rule of law, an open framework for trade and investment and sound fiscal and monetary policies. In finance, it requires the development of policies to encourage domestic savings and attract external resources for productive investment. For both purposes, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of domestic financial markets. Meet the needs of people living in poverty, the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in society, and create more jobs and better requires paying attention to the conduct of macroeconomic policies and to issues such as human resources development, and gender equality, public participation, and social integration. Social and environmental factors should be taken as very important elements in mind by all countries in the

formulation and implementation of macroeconomic policies. The impact of structural adjustment programs should be given special attention to people who are living in poverty and the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in society. In fact, it may be the case in which the institutions of law is either absent or poor management, and social norms become complex enough to perform many tasks that would provide legal system works well. May be, then, should not be for lack of a legal system works well is taken as a sign that the community cannot sustain modern economic growth. It is possible that in developing societies, and social norms are the main evidence for good behavior, and they performed well in guiding the behavior to the efficiency of the channels that promote growth. It is not clear that the government will respond and choose to either update. They may conclude mistakenly that the costs exceed the benefits of modern growth. However, it seems likely that the government will respond to respond in favor of steady growth when the benefits far outweigh the costs. It is not clear that a responsive government will opt for modernization. It may mistakenly conclude that the costs of modern growth exceed the benefits. But it seems more likely that a responsive government will respond in favor of sustained growth when the benefits far exceed the costs.



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