Booksim Manual

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Simulator manual

James Hanlon [email protected] October 16, 2010

1 Introduction 2 System architecture 2.1 Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Compilation and Running 3.1 Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Output 5 Conguration Parameters 5.1 Simulator Modes . . . . 5.2 Topology . . . . . . . . 5.3 Routing . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Network . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Trac . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7

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6 Extensibility 6.1 Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Routing Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Experimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


This document describes a software network simulator. The simulator is cycle-based and models itlevel communication. It is intended to simulate arbitrary network topologies and routing algorithms based on virtual channel (VC) wormhole ow-control. It is based on the BookSim 1 software simulator accompanying [1]. It is assumed the reader is familiar with the concepts presented in the book.

System architecture

Cycle-based means that all network components are tied to a global clock and are synchronously updated each time-step. The updates are generally performed in two phases. The rst phase reads some input state and computes some output values as a function of these. The second phase copies each components output value into the inputs of the connected components. A network is composed of nodes and links. The arrangement of link connections between nodes determines the topology. Each node contains a processor which acts as a source and sink for packets, and a router which forwards or queues incoming its to an output port or towards the processor if it is

the destination. If it generation is less than it reception then source queues will grow and network will become saturated. Otherwise, the network will be in a stable state.



A node is comprised of a router (or switch) and a processor. The router is at the heart of the simulator. It simulates a non-blocking crossbar with input-buered VCs. It takes 1 cycle to transfer a it from an input to an output buer. VCs are used for ow control and as a resource for some protocols and the number available is a simulation parameter. Credit-based ow control is used to provide buer management and back-pressure. The processor generates messages according to the trac pattern and injection process, and to consume messages sent by other nodes. It is connected to the router by its own input and output ports which each have only a single virtual channel.



Links are used both to connect routers together and the processor the router. Links are unidirectional but are modeled to contain a second signal traveling in the opposite direction as the data to transmit the credit messages back upstream. Links have an associated propagation delay in cycles, modeling the physical propagation of electrical or optical signals along a cable or ber. If the delay is d cycles then the link can simultaneously carry d its and d credits in either direction at dierent stages along the journey.

Compilation and Running

The simulator is written in Java and can be built and run from source code with the included Makele, by running make. The simulator can then be run by setting the classpath variables (make classpath) and executing java sim.Main config .cfg or by running the command make run which both sets-up the classpath and executes the program.



The simulator uses the JGraphT2 library. The library jar must be included in the class path to build and run. The location of this can be specied in the Makele by setting the variable JGRAPHT JAR. GraphViz3 is used to visualise the network topology.


The simulator rst reads the conguration le and initialises itself by creating the network and setting up the routing. For example: Read configuration file default.cfg Created network topology of 16 nodes Initialised routing tables for DOR Each simulation run gives live summary statistics for each sample and when the run completes a summary of the run is given. For example:
2 3

Warmed up after 1000 cycles Sample Generated Received Flying Latency 99 6406 6400 6 83.31 Finished sampling, draining packets... 0, 6 left Done in 124 cycles [STATS]============================================ Packets generated 6406 Packets received 6406 Overall latency 81.00640240688723 Overall hops 6.95 Overall accepted 0.021857 Overall min accepted 0.00 Latency std dev 13389.207279223454 Accepted std dev 9.747225191757491E-4 ---------------------------------------------------

Throughput 0.02

Conguration Parameters

The simulator program takes a single command line argument specifying a conguration le (*.cfg) used to specify the run time parameters of a simulation. The conguration is plain text and each line is of the format: <variable> = <value> Comments can be added with a # character at the beginning of the line. The parameters mode, topology, routing and traffic pattern are required, but all other parameters can be optionally specied and if absent set to default values. Randomness is used in various parts of the simulator such as topology and trac generation, in these cases the random number generator seed can be explicitly specied so that the user can control the randomness. With a particular seed value, the output will be deterministic, which is important to be able to control between experiments. All seed parameters (* seed) can be set to time, so that the system time in milliseconds is used. Figure 1 shows an example conguration le for a 16 node mesh network with Dimension-Order routing.


Simulator Modes

The simulator can be run in two dierent modes, debug or run, set with the mode parameter. 5.1.1 Debug Mode

The debug mode launches the program with a GUI interface where each node is represented in a tab detailing the state of the input and output virtual channels of both the router and processor. Various status updates are written to separate consoles for the router and processor. The simulation can be run, paused and stopped, or stepped through to inspect the state each cycle. Figure 2 shows this interface. The following two parameters are used to bound the run time behaviour of the simulator when in debug mode: max cycles max msgs Sets the maximum number of cycles the simulation can run for, when reached execution is terminated. Sets the maximum number of messages that can be generated in a single simulation run.

# Simulation mode ============================= mode = run # Topology parameters ========================= topology = mesh k = 4 n = 2 # Routing Parameters ========================== routing = dor # Network parameters ========================== buffer_size = 4 num_vcs = 4 link_delay = 1 rand_seed = time # Traffic parameters ========================== traffic_pattern = bitrev flits_per_packet = 20 injection_process = mmp burst_alpha = 0.1 burst_beta = 0.9 # Run mode simulation Parameters ============= sim_runs = 10 sample_period = 1000 num_samples = 100 latency_thresh = 1000 warmup_thresh = 0.05 Figure 1: Example conguration le for a 16 node mesh network with Dimension-Order routing. 5.1.2 Run Mode

Run mode initialises the simulator to perform experiments. Run mode uses the following extra parameters to specify the execution of the experiments. sim runs sample period num samples latency thresh Sets the number of complete simulation runs to be collated into the nal result. Sets the size of a sample period in cycles. Sets the number of samples to be taken, hence sample period * num samples is the number of executed cycles used for measurement. Sets a threshold latency value in cycles. If the average latency in the simulation exceeds this value then the simulation terminates. If this value is set to 0 this it is disabled. Sets the number of cycles necessary for the simulator to reach a steady state. If this value is set to 0, then this is ignored and the simulator warms up when the percentage change in latency and throughput is less than the parameter warmup thresh.

warmup cycles



The topology parameter species the network topology and can take the following values. The simulator supports two regular networks, the mesh and torus, which also includes the hypercube, a special binary 4

Figure 2: Debug GUI torus. It also includes irregular constructions of mesh and tori by introducing a specic level of link faults. mesh tori A k-ary n-mesh, where k and n are specied by parameters k and n respectively. A k-ary n-cube (torus), where k and n are specied by parameters k and n respectively. A hypercube is specied as a 2-ary n-cube.



The routing parameter species the routing algorithm to be used in the network and can take the following values. For each algorithm, some number of virtual channels may be required to provide freedom from deadlock. dor Dimension order routing, can only be used with mesh or torus topologies. For meshes, only one virtual channel is necessary for deadlock freedom. For tori, two virtual channels are necessary. Up*/down* routing, compatible with any topology. The spanning tree root node is randomly selected, or can be selected by setting root node with a node identier. Minimal path routing, used for debugging purposes, will deadlock.

updown minimal



The network parameters specify physical parameters of the network components. 5

buffer size num vcs link delay rand seed

Sets the size of the buers in its on input virtual channels. Sets the number of virtual channels to use for each input channel. Sets the number of cycles taken for its and credits to be transmitted along a link. Sets the random number generator seed for the random elements of network execution such as trac generation.



The spatial distribution of trac over the network is governed by a trac pattern, set using the traffic pattern parameter and can take the following values: uniform bitcomp bitrev transpose shuffle tornado neighbour randperm Each source sends a uniform amount of trac to each other node. Destination nodes are selected for each packet uniformly at random. Bit complement. di = si Bit reverse. di = sbi1 di = si+b/2 di = si1
mod b

mod b

di = sx + k/2 1 mod k dx = sx + 1 mod k Random permutation. A xed permutation of trac is chosen uniformly at random from the set of all permutations. The parameter perm seed can be used to control randomness.

The injection process determines the temporal distribution of trac in the network and is set with the injection process parameter and can take the following values: bernoulli onoff Bernoulli injection process, the injection rate r parameter injection rate must be set such that 0 < r 1. Modulated Markov Bernoulli process with two states on and o. The probabilities of transitions between on and o and respectively, can be set by burst alpha and burst beta such that 0 < , 1.

Finally, the flits per packet parameter can be set to specify a constant number of its per packet.


The simulator has been designed and written in an object-orientated style as the components of a network can intuitively be thought of as objects, for example Node and Link objects constitute a Network. The simulator has been designed to be an extensible platform that is non-specic to topologies or routing algorithms, consequently the addition of new topologies or routing algorithms is straight forward.



A Network is a set of interconnected Nodes. The static method Topology.createTopology() is responsible for creating the set of Nodes. This can be done in two ways, the rst is to create a Construction graph which allows you to specify the topology by adding edges between nodes to it. On completion, the Construction has a method create() to create the set of Nodes for the network. The code-snippet below shows how to randomly add edges between nodes to a Construction and return the set of nodes.

Construction graph = new Construction(numNodes); for(int i=0; i<numNodes; i++) { for(int j=0; j<numNodes; j++) { if(rand.nextDouble < 0.5) graph.addEdge(i, j); } } Node[] nodes = graph.buildTopology(); The second, slightly more indirect way, is to explicitly construct the Nodes. This way is used for Mesh and Torus constructions as greater control over the port constructions is necessary. To do this, each Node must be constructed, then the connectTo() method can be used to specify directional link connections. After all links have been connected the finishedConnecting() must be called for each Node. The code snippet below shows how this type of construction could be used to build a ring. Node[] nodes = new Node[numNodes]; for(int i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) nodes[i] = new Node(i, 2, 2); for(int i=0; i<numNodes; i++) { nodes[i].connectTo(nodes[(i+1) % numNodes], 1, 2); nodes[i].connectTo(nodes[(i-1) % numNodes], 2, 1); nodes[i].finishConnecting(); } For more examples, see the mesh and torus topologies included with the simulator.


Routing Algorithms

New routing algorithms can be added to the simulator by implementing the RoutingFunction interface. This species two methods to return an output port and an output virtual channel based on the current node, the input virtual channel and the destination node. Most of the algorithms implemented in the simulator are based on tables, where lookups are performed to obtain output ports and virtual channels. This requires a static conguration phase, and is implemented with a static method in the routing function class called in the Network objects constructor, passing in the Network object as an argument.



Custom experiments should be built within the RunMode class.

[1] William Dally and Brian Towles. Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2003.

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