Student Discipline Is Declining School

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Student discipline is declining school

INTRODUCTION Parents should help the school solve social problems, "Bullying distort the spirit of learning" and "collaboration essential to tackle gangsterism". That's the headlines that appear in newspapers, local newspapers today. News like this reflect the decline in student discipline and discipline problems in schools today is very serious until it reaches an alarming Although students are taught to accept the values, but apparently this all just rhetoric alone. Students are important elements or assets in the country and to become leaders in the future. They will continue to implement its development programs to achieve Vision 2020. The rapid development of the country in the economic, social and cultural as well as the development of information technology has brought together the social diseases among adolescent. Moral decadence and moral values as well as unhealthy lifestyle has an adverse effect on families, communities and countries. Discipline problems in schools has become more complex with the existence of cases of students involved in cult activities and deviant teachings known 'Black Metal'. The fact is clearly demonstrated by the increased number of students involved in disciplinary cases like this and increase the number of types of misconduct committed by students. Truancy In recent years, rising rates of disciplinary problems in schools in Malaysia are suddenly questionable and confusing to the various parties about the real causes of this phenomenon. Truancy cases mainly recorded the highest number of cases compared with other

disciplines. School truancy among school students increased at a rate of serious like "mushrooms after the rain", although various measures have been implemented to address this problem. In fact, the main source of the practice of skipping school is starting with the problem of a student's own family. The emergence of conflict between mothers and fathers cause neglected the welfare of children. All the actions of their children outside the home and at school are not taken seriously. The desolation of love and the explosion pressure on the individual students come from troubled families will make them try to play truant. This indicates the collapse of the family influenced the discipline problems among students. In a family with parents who are being materialistic kind, caring practice for the welfare and needs of the children had been taken over by the attitude in pursuit of purely material. Their children on the fringes and full of love is not given. Problem above is consistent with the theory of functionalism (Durkheim and Spencer) in which the parents do not do their jobs properly (dysfunction). It is no wonder if the children choose to skip school and hang out with friends outside the school which is considered more closely with them. PARTNERS DARK (gangsterism) IN SCHOOL According to the third edition of the House Dictionary Oxford University Press 1996 700 pp., dark Share is defined as "assembly difficult in an activity for the purpose or criminal activity." According to the Chairman of the Complaints Bureau for Economic Research and Consumer Affairs Council of Johor, Mr Ng Ching Sea, the secret societies in Johor is at a critical point. Commenting on the matter, he said; "The secret societies in Johor now at a critical stage and requires an integrated approach from government agencies and communities to fight to the ground." (Utusan Malaysia February 20, 97) Student involvement in these activities to draw in people who help by giving information to the Complaints Bureau for Economic Research and Consumer Affairs Council in respect of Johor who are involved in these illegal groups. Utusan Malaysia's report on February 19, 1997 which quotes the Civil Ng Ching Sea, reported that there were 560 students from 39 secondary schools in the state of Johor involved in triad 22. The report reflects how serious the problem of school involvement in triad activities, especially in Johor. According to William Gladden Foundation (1992), four main factors that stimulate the formation of triad among students are: Teenagers have the feeling isolated and helpless due to lack of traditional support structures such as families and schools. This situation will lead to frustration and tension and led to efforts to get support outside of traditional institutions. Triad membership gives youth a sense of "sense of belonging" and a major source of identity appearances by their members. Next, the membership make youth feel that they are powerful and control in any group activities will be where they vent their anger or tension. Controls are essential to the integrity of the group in which violence is often used to control the area and its members. Recruiting new members and expansion of the influence it is

important to strengthen the power and authority. Thus, the inclusion of voluntary or compulsory is done to meet the requirements with the addition of resources and group membership. All four of the above factors contribute to the creation of another secret society that is more powerful and ruthless in line with efforts to maintain and expand their influence in the region and more widely among adolescents. In addition, there are also several increases in sources of student or youth to join the illegal group or secret society point of view and Lunghofer Schmidt (1993), namely: a. Looking for love, structure and discipline based on their understanding. b. Sense of commitment and "sense of belonging", admired and power. c. Friendship, exercise, fun and activities. d. The place where the self felt accepted and appreciated. e. The need for physical security and protection.

IMPACT Based on a study conducted in the United States in 1993 found that even a teenager or student participation in the activities of illegal groups, but increased by 10 percent, youth crime reports involving the illegal groups is less than 2 percent (Bodinger-deUriarte, 1993). Although statistics is shown to be low, but one thing for sure is that the illegal groups play a major role in the spread of delinquent acts in schools. A study by the National Institute of Education in the United States stated that there was violence or misbehavior in the school since 1978 in which school students are at high risk of becoming victims of violence in schools than in other places (Gaustad, 1991). This shows that the school is no longer a safe place if there is a group of illegal activity by their students. In summary we can state that the implications of disciplinary problems at school are: a. The existence of delinquent acts such as extortion, fighting and so on. b. High risk to other students for their victims. c. Tense environment among the students because he felt threatened. d. Image and credibility of the school as a center of educational excellence. e. Affect the smooth process of teaching and learning in those schools. Assess the aspects that have been highlighted, it is important for us to deal with discipline problems among students and even higher education center to ensure the integrity of the school as a social agent established and respected. Procedures in a systematic and effective prevention based on consideration of the causes of the involvement of students to the problems of this discipline is necessary for the maintenance of a positive future for students, schools and communities. Therefore, an integrated collaboration between students, schools, local authorities and communities is essential to the effective implementation of prevention programs and comprehensive. PROPOSAL

A. Report and cooperation from the community are needed to address this problem. Two. State Integration Programme To Tackle Anti-Social (SHORT) is a program intended to improve discipline and control student misbehavior in school. Method of implementation is made to fit the various cases of misconduct in school. Among the types of student misconduct is skipping school, smoking, against the teacher, punching and so on. Three. Guidance & Counseling Services - Teacher specialists in this field should be trained in order to carry out well for the purpose of providing advice and encouragement to those involved in disciplinary problems will be converted and then in accordance with prescribed school regulations. It is the hope that students who graduate from schools across the country have a good level of discipline. This is because they are what we will develop the country in the near future. 4. Establishment of Crime Prevention Clubs & Discipline in schools should be given proper and full support. Ministry of Education grant permission for the establishment of this club which aims to train and create awareness among students about various aspects of crime and prevention. Through adoption of good moral values and emphasize the importance of an honest attitude. Five. Notwithstanding programs implemented to overcome this discipline, but most important is the role of parents. Parents need to spend time with my children and always encourage them and try to solve the problem. CONCLUSION Teachers should be aware that students who are now different from the students at the time of the 60's and 70's before. Students first fear and respect for teachers, have clear direction in learning, not easily influenced by any party, more ambitious than was raised in a family environment filled with love, respect, and would not be involved in the current pursuit material only. Students first rich Eastern cultural values that gave them respect their elders. Words sacred teacher, teacher comments like advice. Most importantly, the first time that the students were exposed to various forms of foreign culture and popular values can erode the Oriental character. Previously, rattan is the most effective weapon in the treatment of student misconduct. What is happening now is very much different. Schools and teachers must accept the fact that students are more vocal and aware of the rights that protect them as students. They sometimes challenge the authority of the school. Therefore, traditional methods such as the scolding, spanking, suspend and remove the schools are no longer suitable with the current disciplinary crisis. Schools need to create a comfortable climate for students to gain knowledge that there is no space at all even for the children were not satisfied and encouraged him to rebel. Believe me, the problem of discipline among the students now largely due to family problems and the failure of teachers to present the best for its customers, namely students. sources of information: Internet

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