Workshop 4b Nonlin Buckling

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Nonlinear Buckling Load Analysis (with spring)

s Demonstrate the use of a nonlinear static analysis restarted with buckling parameters.

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook



MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Model Description:
For the structure below:

P, w A = .1 E = 10E7 l F

Ks 1=z

100 = b

Add Case Control commands and Bulk Data Entries to:

1. 2. Calculate snap-through buckling load with Ks=0. Optionally, you can adjust the input le for Ks=3, and Ks=6. Use different solution points to see the effect on the calculated buckling load.

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Suggested Exercise Steps:

s Modify the existing MSC/NASTRAN input le by adding appropriate loading conditions and nonlinear static analysis control parameters. s For Case Control, insert the static load set selection (LOAD) and the nonlinear static analysis parameter selection (NLPARM) in for each subcase. s For Bulk Data, insert all the relevant nonlinear static analysis parameters for each subcase (NLPARM). s Prepare the model for a nonlinear static analysis. x PARAM, LGDISP, 1 s Generate an input le and submit it to the MSC/NASTRAN solver for nonlinear static analysis. s Review the results. s Restart the analysis, adding in input the appropriate restart parameters (RESTART, LOOPID, SUBID). s Add in the appropriate parameters for an eigenvalue extraction (METHOD, EIGRL) and buckling analysis. x PARAM, BUCKLE, 1 s Generate another input le and submit it to the MSC/ NASTRAN solver for a nonlinear static (with buckling parameter) analysis. s Review the results.


MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Input File from Workshop 4a for Modication: prob4a.dat

ASSIGN OUTPUT2 = prob4a.op2 , UNIT=12 ID NAS103, WORKSHOP 4A SOLUTION TIME 10 SOL 105 CEND TITLE=SIMPLE ONE DOF GEOMETRIC NONLINEAR PROBLEM LABEL=REF: STRICKLIN AND HAISLER; COMP. AND STRUCT.; 7:125-136 (1977) ECHO=UNSORT DISP(SORT2)=ALL SUBCASE 10 LOAD=6 SUBCASE 20 METHOD=30 BEGIN BULK PARAM,POST,0 $ $ GEOMETRY GRID, 1, , 0., 0., 0., , 123456 GRID, 2, , 100., 1., 0., , 13456 $ $ CONNECTIVITY CROD, 10, 10, 1, 2 $CELAS1, 20, 20, 2, 2, 0, 0 $ $ PROPERTIES $ PROD, 10, 1, .1 $PELAS, 20, 3. MAT1, 1, 10.E7 $ $ LOADS $ FORCE, 6, 2, , -6., 0., 1., 0. $ $ SOLUTION STRATEGY $ EIGB, 30, INV, 0.0, 3.0, 20, 2, 2, , +EIGB +EIGB, MAX ENDDATA MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-5

Exercise Procedure:
1. Users who are not utilitizing MSC/PATRAN for generating an input le should go to Step 6, otherwise, proceed to step 3.
Open the existing database called prob4a.db.


File/Open... Database List: OK Whenever possible click u Auto Execute (turn off). 3. Create a grounded spring at the right end of the beam. prob4a.db

First, create a 0-D element to be used for spring constant assignment at the end of the beam.

x Finite Elements
Action: Object: Method: Shape: Topology: Node 1 = Apply Next, create the grounded spring property for the recently created element. Create Element Edit Point Point Node 2
(Select the node on the right.)

x Properties
Action: Dimension: Type: Property Set Name Input Properties...
4b-6 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook

Create 0D Grounded Spring spring


Buckling Load Analysis

Spring Constant Dof at Node 1 OK Click in the Select Members databox. Click on the point element entity select icon to select the point element. Point Element 0 UY

Select Members

Elm 2
(Select the point element previously created.)

Add Apply 4. Now you are ready to generate an input le for the analysis.

Click on the Analysis radio button on the Top Menu Bar and set up the subcases as follows:

x Analysis
Action: Object: Method: Job Name Solution Type... Solution Type: OK Subcase Create... Subcase Name Output Requests... Form Type: Output Requests Advanced
(Deselect all except DISPL...) MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-7

Analyze Entire Model Analysis Deck prob4b_1



Delete Output Requests Sorting: Modify Intermediate Output Option: OK Apply Cancel Subcase Select... Subcases for Solution Sequence Subcases Selected OK Apply An input le called prob4b_1.bdf will be generated. This process of translating your model into an input le is called the Forward Translation. The Forward Translation is complete when the Heartbeat turns green. MSC/PATRAN users should now proceed to Step 6. nonlin,k=0
(Deselect Default.) DISPLACEMENT

By Freq/Time



MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Generating an input le for MSC/NASTRAN Users:

5. MSC/NASTRAN users can generate an input le using the data from the Model Description. The result should be similar to the output below (prob4b_1.dat):

ASSIGN OUTPUT2 = prob4b_1.op2 , UNIT=12 ID NAS103, WORKSHOP 4A SOLUTION TIME 10 SOL 106 CEND TITLE=SIMPLE ONE DOF GEOMETRIC NONLINEAR PROBLEM LABEL=REF: STRICKLIN AND HAISLER; COMP. AND STRUCT.; 7:125-136 (1977) ECHO=UNSORT DISP(SORT2)=ALL SUBCASE 10 LOAD=6 NLPARM=20 BEGIN BULK PARAM,POST,0 PARAM,LGDISP,1 $ $ GEOMETRY GRID, 1, , 0., 0., 0., , 123456 GRID, 2, , 100., 1., 0., , 13456 $ $ CONNECTIVITY CROD, 10, 10, 1, 2 CELAS1, 20, 20, 2, 2, 0, 0 $ $ PROPERTIES PROD, 10, 1, .1 PELAS, 20, 0. MAT1, 1, 10.E7 $ $ LOADS $ FORCE, 6, 2, , -6., 0., 1., 0. $ $ SOLUTION STRATEGY $ NLPARM, 20, 10, , , , , , YES ENDDATA MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-9

Submit the le for analysis:

6. Submit the input le to MSC/NASTRAN for analysis. 6a. To submit the MSC/PATRAN .bdf le, nd an available UNIX shell window. At the command prompt enter nastran prob4b_1.bdf scr=no. Monitor the analysis using the UNIX ps command. To submit the MSC/NASTRAN .dat le, nd an available UNIX shell window and at the command prompt enter nastran prob4b_1.dat. Monitor the analysis using the UNIX ps command.



When the analysis is completed, edit the prob4b_1.f06 le and search for the word FATAL. If no matches exist, search for the word WARNING. Determine whether the existing WARNING messages indicate any modeling errors. While still editing prob4b_1.f06, search for the word:


D I S P L A C E (spaces are necessary). What is the y-displacement of Node 2 at the end of the last step? T2 =

4b-10 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Comparison of Results:
8. Compare the results obtained in the .f06 le with the results on the following page:

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-11

4b-12 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook

0 POINT-ID = 2 D I S P L A C E M E N T STEP 1.000000E-01 2.000000E-01 3.000000E-01 4.000000E-01 5.000000E-01 6.000000E-01 7.000000E-01 8.000000E-01 9.000000E-01 1.000000E+00 TYPE G G G G G G G G G G T1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T2 -6.649350E-02 -1.535875E-01 -3.066659E-01 -2.185338E+00 -2.221229E+00 -2.254592E+00 -2.285845E+00 -2.315302E+00 -2.343210E+00 -2.369764E+00 T3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 V E C T O R R1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R2


R3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Buckling Load Analysis

9. This ends the rst part of the exercise for MSC/ NASTRAN users and should proceed to step 13. MSC/PATRAN users should proceed to the next step.
Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is, importing the prob4b_1.op2 results le into MSC/PATRAN. To do this, return to the Analysis form and proceed as follows:


x Analysis
Action: Object: Method: Select Results File... Selected Results File: OK Apply 11. When the translation is complete bring up the Results form. prob4b_1.op2 Read Output2 Result Entities Translate

Now we will generate the fringe plot of the model. x Results Action: Object: Create Fringe

Now click on the Select Results icon. Select Results

Select Result Case(s) Select Fringe Result Quantity:

Default, PW Linear: 100.% of Load Displacements, Translational Magnitude

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-13

Next click on the Target Entities icon. Target Entities

Target Entity:

Current Viewport

Click on the Display Attributes icon. Display Attributes

Style: Display:

Discrete/Smooth Free Edges

For better visual quality of the fringe plot, change the width of the line. Width:
(Select the third line from top.)

Now click on the Plot Options icon. Plot Options

Coordinate Transformation: Scale Factor Apply

None 1.0

The resulting fringe plot should display the displacement spectrum superimposed over the undeformed bar. The nal fringe plot displaying the physical deformation of the model can be created as follows:

x Results Action: Object: Create Deformation

4b-14 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Now click on the Select Results icon. Select Results

Select Result Case(s) Select Fringe Result Show As:

Default, PW Linear: 100.% of Load Displacements, Translational Resultant

Click on the Display Attributes icon. Display Attributes

Line Width:

(Select the third line from top.)

In order to see the deformation results accurately, set the Scale Interpretation to True Scale with a Scale Factor of 1. Scale Interpretation Scale Factor s Show Undeformed Line Width:
(Select the third line from top.)

x True Scale 1.0

Now click on the Plot Options icon. Plot Options

Coordinate Transformation: Scale Factor Apply

None 1.0

Now that you have seen the fringe plot of the results of the nonlinear static analysis, reset the graphics and prepare to run a restart to obtain the eigenvalues of the loaded model. To clear the post-processing results and obtain the original model
MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-15

in the viewport, select the Reset Graphics icon. Reset Graphics 12. Prepare an analysis restart with buckling parameters.

Click on the Analysis radio button on the Top Menu Bar and set up the subcases as follows:

x Analysis
Action: Object: Method: Select An Initial Job: Restart Job Name: Subcase Create... Subcase Name: Subcase Parameters... Num of Load Increments = Matrix Update Method: Num of Iters per Update = OK Apply Cancel Subcase Select... Subcases for Solution Sequence: Subcases Selected should appear as: OK Restart Parameters... Start from Version Number = Start from Increment Number (LOOPID) =
4b-16 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook

Analyze Restart Analysis Deck prob4b_1 prob4b_1b


70 Controlled Iters. 1

buck,k=0 nonlin,k=0 buck,k=0

1 3


Buckling Load Analysis

Start from Subcase Number (SUBID+1) = s Save Old Restart Data OK Apply An input le called prob4b_1b.bdf will be generated. At this time, MSC/PATRAN does not allow for Direct Text input on a restart. What you will need to do is to modify the input le using a text editor. 13. Modify prob4b_1b.bdf using a text editor to allow for an eigenvalue analysis within a nonlinear static restart.

Below PARAM, SUBID, 2 add the following: METHOD = 30 Below BEGIN BULK add the following: PARAM, BUCKLE, 1 Below the second NLPARM entry, add the following: EIGRL, 30, 0.0, 3.0, 20 Save the le, and proceed to Step 14.

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-17

Generating an input le for MSC/NASTRAN Users:

14. MSC/NASTRAN users need to generate a restart input le. The result should be similar to the output below (prob4b_1b.dat):


4b-18 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Submit the input le for analysis:

15. Submit the input le to MSC/NASTRAN for analysis. 15a. To submit the MSC/PATRAN .bdf le, nd an available UNIX shell window. At the command prompt enter nastran prob4b_1b.bdf. Monitor the analysis using the UNIX ps command. 15b. To submit the MSC/NASTRAN .dat le, nd an available UNIX shell window and at the command prompt enter nastran prob4b_1b.dat. Monitor the analysis using the UNIX ps command. 16. When the analysis is completed, edit the prob4b_1b.f06 le and search for the word FATAL. If no matches exist, search for the word WARNING. Determine whether existing WARNING messages indicate any modeling errors.

16a. While still editing prob4b_1b.f06, search for the word: R E A L E I G E N V A L U E S (spaces are necessary). What is the rst eigenvalue obtained from the analysis? EIG = What is the critical buckling load (eigenvalue * applied load)? Pcr = While still editing prob4b_1b.f06, search for the word: D I S P L A C E M E N T S (spaces are necessary). What is the y-displacement of Node 2? T2 =

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-19

Comparison of Results:
17. Compare the results obtained in the .f06 le with the results on the following page:

4b-20 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook



Buckling Load Analysis



EIGENVALUE 3.338991E-01

R E A L RADIANS 5.778400E-01

E I G E N V A L U E S CYCLES 9.196609E-02




MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-21

D I S P L A C E M E N T POINT ID. 1 2 TYPE G G T1 0.0 0.0 T2 0.0 -4.211797E-01 T3 0.0 0.0

V E C T O R R1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R2 0.0 0.0 R3

18. This ends the exercise for MSC/NASTRAN users. MSC/PATRAN users should proceed to the next step.
19. Proceed with the Reverse Translation process, that is, importing the prob4b_1b.op2 results le into MSC/ PATRAN. To do this, return to the Analysis form and proceed as follows:

x Analysis
Action: Object: Method: Select Results File... Selected Results File: OK Apply 20. When the translation is complete bring up the Results form. prob4b_1b.op2 Read Output2 Result Entities Translate

Now we will generate the fringe plot of the model. x Results Action: Object: Create Fringe

Now click on the Select Results icon. Select Results

Select Result Case(s) Select Fringe Result Quantity:

(Select the last case.)

Displacements, Translational Magnitude

4b-22 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

Next click on the Target Entities icon. Target Entities

Target Entity:

Current Viewport

Note: This feature allows you to view fringe plots of specic elements of your choice. Click on the Display Attributes icon. Display Attributes

Style: Display:

Discrete/Smooth Free Edges

For better visual quality of the fringe plot, change the width of the line. Width:
(Select the third line from top.)

Now click on the Plot Options icon. Plot Options

Coordinate Transformation: Scale Factor Apply

None 1.0

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-23

The resulting fringe plot should display the displacement spectrum superimposed over the undeformed bar. The nal fringe plot displaying the physical deformation of the model can be created as follows: x Results Action: Object: Create Deformation

Now click on the Select Results icon. Select Results

Select Result Case(s) Select Fringe Result Show As:

(Select the last case.)

Displacements, Translational Resultant

Click on the Display Attributes icon. Display Attributes In order to see the deformation results accurately, set the Scale Interpretation to True Scale with a Scale Factor of 1. Scale Interpretation Scale Factor s Show Undeformed Line Width:
(Select the third line from top.)

x True Scale 1.0

Now click on the Plot Options icon. Plot Options

Coordinate Transformation: Scale Factor

4b-24 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook

None 1.0


Buckling Load Analysis


To clear the post-processing results and obtain the original model In the viewport, select the Reset Graphics icon. Reset Graphics If you wish, you may adjust the spring constant and repeat the previous exercise to see the effect. Quit MSC/PATRAN when you have completed this exercise.

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-25

MSC/PATRAN .bdf le: prob4b_1.bdf

$ NASTRAN input le created by the MSC MSC/NASTRAN input le $ translator ( MSC/PATRAN Version 7.5 ) on January 15, 1998 at $ 14:19:44. ASSIGN OUTPUT2 = prob4b_1.op2, UNIT = 12 $ Direct Text Input for File Management Section $ Nonlinear Static Analysis, Database SOL 106 TIME 600 $ Direct Text Input for Executive Control CEND SEALL = ALL SUPER = ALL TITLE = MSC/NASTRAN job created on 15-Jan-98 at 14:11:15 ECHO = NONE MAXLINES = 999999999 $ Direct Text Input for Global Case Control Data SUBCASE 1 $ Subcase name : nonlin,k=0 SUBTITLE=Default NLPARM = 1 SPC = 2 LOAD = 2 DISPLACEMENT(SORT2,REAL)=ALL $ Direct Text Input for this Subcase BEGIN BULK PARAM POST -1 PARAM PATVER 3. PARAM AUTOSPC YES PARAM COUPMASS -1 PARAM K6ROT 100. PARAM WTMASS 1. PARAM LGDISP 1 PARAM,NOCOMPS,-1 PARAM PRTMAXIM YES NLPARM 1 10 AUTO 5 25 PW YES + A + A .001 1.-7 $ Direct Text Input for Bulk Data $ Elements and Element Properties for region : beam PROD 1 1 .1 CROD 1 1 1 2 $ Elements and Element Properties for region : spring PELAS 2 0. CELAS1 2 2 2 2 $ Referenced Material Records 4b-26 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

$ Material Record : mat_1 $ Description of Material : Date: 11-Jun-97 Time: 11:15:21 MAT1 1 1.+8 $ Nodes of the Entire Model GRID 1 0. 0. 0. GRID 2 100. 1. 0. $ Loads for Load Case : Default SPCADD 2 1 3 LOAD 2 1. 1. 1 $ Displacement Constraints of Load Set : constraint_1 SPC1 1 123456 1 $ Displacement Constraints of Load Set : constraint_2 SPC1 3 13456 2 $ Nodal Forces of Load Set : load_1 FORCE 1 2 0 6. 0. -1. 0. $ Referenced Coordinate Frames ENDDATA 8f96f867

MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook 4b-27

MSC/PATRAN .bdf le: prob4b_1b.bdf

$ NASTRAN input le created by the MSC MSC/NASTRAN input le $ translator ( MSC/PATRAN Version 7.5 ) on January 15, 1998 at $ 21:38:10. ASSIGN OUTPUT2 = prob4b_1b.op2, UNIT = 12 $ Direct Text Input for File Management Section ASSIGN MASTER=prob4b_1.MASTER RESTART VERSION=LAST,KEEP $ Nonlinear Static Analysis, Database SOL 106 TIME 600 $ Direct Text Input for Executive Control CEND SEALL = ALL SUPER = ALL TITLE = MSC/NASTRAN job created on 15-Jan-98 at 21:38:06 PARAM,LOOPID,3 PARAM,SUBID,2 METHOD = 30 ECHO = NONE MAXLINES = 999999999 $ Direct Text Input for Global Case Control Data SUBCASE 1 $ Subcase name : nonlin,k=0 SUBTITLE=Default NLPARM = 1 SPC = 2 LOAD = 2 DISPLACEMENT(SORT2,REAL)=ALL $ Direct Text Input for this Subcase SUBCASE 2 $ Subcase name : buck,k=0 SUBTITLE=Default NLPARM = 2 SPC = 2 LOAD = 4 DISPLACEMENT(SORT2,REAL)=ALL $ Direct Text Input for this Subcase BEGIN BULK /,1,999999 PARAM, BUCKLE, 1 PARAM POST -1 PARAM PATVER 3. PARAM AUTOSPC YES PARAM COUPMASS -1 4b-28 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook


Buckling Load Analysis

PARAM K6ROT 100. PARAM WTMASS 1. PARAM LGDISP 1 PARAM,NOCOMPS,-1 PARAM PRTMAXIM YES NLPARM 1 10 AUTO 5 25 PW YES + + A .001 1.-7 NLPARM 2 70 ITER 1 25 PW YES + + B .001 1.-7 EIGRL, 30, 0., 3., 20 $ Direct Text Input for Bulk Data $ Elements and Element Properties for region : beam PROD 1 1 .1 CROD 1 1 1 2 $ Elements and Element Properties for region : spring PELAS 2 0. CELAS1 2 2 2 2 $ Referenced Material Records $ Material Record : mat_1 $ Description of Material : Date: 11-Jun-97 Time: 11:15:21 MAT1 1 1.+8 $ Nodes of the Entire Model GRID 1 0. 0. 0. GRID 2 100. 1. 0. $ Loads for Load Case : Default SPCADD 2 4 6 LOAD 2 1. 1. 3 $ Loads for Load Case : Default LOAD 4 1. 1. 3 $ Displacement Constraints of Load Set : constraint_1 SPC1 4 123456 1 $ Displacement Constraints of Load Set : constraint_2 SPC1 6 13456 2 $ Nodal Forces of Load Set : load_1 FORCE 3 2 0 6. 0. -1. 0. $ Referenced Coordinate Frames ENDDATA 743d3acf


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4b-30 MSC/NASTRAN 103 Exercise Workbook

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