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Choose the correct answer. This text is for questions no. 1 no.6. Jakarta (JP) : The cooking oil industry in North Sulawesi is facing a shortage of raw materials totaling about 100.000 tons of coconuts annually , a report said. Data at the research center of Sam Ratulangi Universty in Menado show that there are 30 cooking oil plants operating in the province at present with a combined capacity of processing about 350.000 tons of coconuts a year. Due to the limited supplies of coconuts, the cooking oil plants in the province can not operate at full capacity, the report was quoted by Kompas daily Monday as saying. North Sulawesis coconut production reaches about 2.500.000 tons per annum, but a portion of the output is sold to cooking oil mills in Java. Lucky Sondakh, chief of the research center, blamed the coconut shortage mainly join the old age of coconut plantation which are mostly owned by the local farmers. He said that the farmers whose income depend largely on coconut trees, have been reluctant to join the replanting program because they are required to fall their old tress before planting new ones. 1. What causes the oil cooking plants not operated at full capacity? (A) There is not enough coconuts supply (B) There are too many oil plants (C) Coconuts trees are mostly owned by local farmers (D) Most of the coconuts production is sent to Java (E) Farmers are not interested in planting coconut trees Coconut farmers should join the replanting program because (A) it is the governments program (B) the old trees have been unproductive (C) they live on the income from coconuts (D) North Sulawesi is the biggest coconut product (E) The research center causes them to fall there Farmers have been reluctant to join the replanting program. The underlined word means. (A) unwilling (D) efficient (B) supposed (E) disturbed (C) entitled Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text? (A) Cooking oil plants are out of business (B) Most of the coconuts belong to the farmers (C) There are various reports on the cooking oil industry (D) North Sulawesis cooking oil industries do not run well (E) Not all the coconut productions is processed by the local oil plants The cooking oil industry in North Sulawesi is facing a shortage of raw materials. (paragraph 1). The underlined word means (A) a lack of (D) a considerable (B) a number of (E) a satisfactory (C) a significant total of Due to the limited supplies of coconuts, the cooking oil plants in the province can not operate at full capacity, the report was quoted by Kompas daily Monday as saying. The word Quoted means (A) Fold (D) printed (B) Taken (E) described (C) copied






This text is for questions no. 7 no. 9. Once there was a young girl, Named Eliza. She was the daughter of a king and so she never had to work. She became very lazy. She had her servants do everything for her. She called her servants when she was so thirsty. Immediately a servant picked the glass up from the table next to Eliza and held it up to her lips until Eliza was no longer thirsty. Then the next day, Eliza was walking to dinner when her head fell off. She called for a servant and a young man over, picked up the hat, dusted it off, and placed it back on Elizas head. She continually called for her servants to do simple tasks for her. Her father noticed for her laziness and decided to punish her. He set her in a room with only a loom and some yarn. No servants were allowed in the room. Eliza called for her servants, but none appeared. Then remembered her father telling her about Athena, the goddess of the wisdom and handicraft. She called for Athena over and over until finally she fell asleep. While she was sleeping , she had a dream. Hermes spoke to her in her dream. He said that Athena was very angry with Eliza and she would tell Elizas punishment. Eliza woke very frightened. She then saw that there was an owl on the edge of her window. The owl spoke to her. She said that she was Athena. She would make Eliza a lowly animal because of her laziness. Eliza would have to work constantly just to say alive. People would look down at her in digest. She would be killed

just because she was insignificant. All of her children would have the same face. Finally, Eliza worked for the rest of her life. All of her children have the same fate. They are doomed to be ants for the rest of their lives. 7. Which of the following statements is NOT Elizas characteristic? (A) She was lazy (B) She had a servant do everything for her (C) She always asked her servant (D) She liked working (E) She never wanted to do simple tasks by herself What is Athena? (A) Elizas servant (B) Her father (C) A goddess of wisdom and handicraft (D) An owl in her dream (E) Hermess wife She would be killed just because she was insignificant. (paragraph 8). The word insignificant means. (A) not important (D) poor (B) sick person (E) valuable (C) not rich


This text is for questions no. 13 no. 15. Today people often purchase travelers cheque when they must go from one city or country to another. They prefer travelers cheque to cash because of some reasons. First, the cheques can be replaced if they are lost or stolen. It means they who have the cheques should not be worried if the cheque is lost because they will get the another. Second, it is safer than taking cash. There is no need to be afraid if someone steals it. You wont lose your money since he wont be able to cash it. To cash it, it requires your signatures. Third, travelers cheque is acceptable in all banks over the world. You can cash in any banks, No matter you are in United States, Europe, or Africa. Based on the reasons above, most of the travelers like to use travelers cheque. 13. What does cheque mean? (A) Written order to a bank to pay money (B) Examination to make sure that something is correct (C) Cash money (D) Printed money publicly (E) Money owned by someone else 14. What is the purpose of the text above? (A) To describe about a cheque (B) To retell an event (C) To amuse the reader (D) To explain the use of cheque (E) To persuade the readers 15. Which of the following statements is not the benefits of using travelers cheque? (A) We can cash in any banks (B) It is safer than bringing cash money (C) It can be replaced if we lost it (D) It is not worrying if someone stole it (E) It can not be accepted in all banks This text is for questions no. 16 no. 19. Satellite space eye does not look like the satellite of the 1980s. It has large wings that gather solar power, The power is for the motor. It keeps the satellite in the same place above the earth. All the big farmers in the area have paid for the cost of satellite space-eye. Constanza is one of those farmers. His home computer makes the connection with satellite space-eye. He asks to see a picture of the field in the south west corner of his farm. The picture appears on a TV screen. It is a picture of a green wheat field. Everything looks fine. He then asks the computer to show the sane area, but in colors. The colors show the different temperatures in the field. He knows healthy wheat plants will all be green. The TV screen blinks and beautiful picture appears. It has many shades of blue, red, and green.


This text is for questions no. 10 no 12. Lyme Regis is a beautiful old seaside town, with a lively little harbor, beaches, and lovely walks, either by the sea or in the country nearby. For children there is the Marine Aquarium and Dinosaur land, and in summer you can escape from the crowds and relax in the Jane Austen Gardens with beautiful views over the sea. There are many interesting old streets with cafes and restaurants. The best restaurant is the Pilot Boat down by the beach, which has very good food and excellent wine. 10. The purpose of the text is.. (A) to describe Lyme Regis (B) to describe they way people live (C) to describe how Lyme Regis is (D) to inform some beautiful places (E) to amuse readers with a beautiful object 11. Many tourists are interested in coming to Lyme Regis. This means that Lyme Regis is. (A) Amazing (D) delightful (B) Excellent (E) advantageous (C) attractive 12. .and in simmer you can escape from the crowds. The underlined phrase means. (A) find (D) avoid (B) Keep (E) release (C) loose

Constanza looks closely at the large red spot near the middle of the wheat field. He knows that something is wrong in the wheat field. The red color means the spot is warmer than its surroundings. It may be due to lack moisture or not enough nutrients in the soil. Insects eating the wheat can also show a red spot. Constanza tells the computer to tell him more about the warm spot. The computer points out that the problem is a shortage of nitrogen in the soil. He asks the computer to predict the harvest if he adds the fertilizer. He then tells the computer the current market price for wheat. He also tells the price of the fertilizer. He asked for a costing. He wants to know if it will give him a profit to add the fertilizer. The computer gives him the answers. It is a science fiction? No, its happening now. 16. The text tells us about. (A) Constanza and his wheat-eye in farming (B) The use of Satellite Space-eye in farming (C) The blue, red, and green colors on the TV screen (D) The meaning of the colors appeared on the TV screen (E) The ability of the computer to predict 17. The main idea of paragraph two is.. (A) Constanza is one of the farmers who makes use of the Satellite Space-eye (B) Constanzas home computer is connected to Satellite Space-eye (C) The picture appears on the TV screen comes from Satellite Space-eye (D) Various information can be served by Satellite Space-eye (E) The Satellite Space-eye sent Constanza what he wanted 18. The red color showed on the TV screen means that (A) the plants are healthy (B) the soil does not have enough nutrients (C) the temperature is slow (D) the plants are not disturbed by any insects (E) the wheat field is in good condition 19. It may be due to lack of moisture. (paragraph 3). We can replace the underlined words with.. (A) Make (D) owning (B) Have (E) let (C) get This text is for questions no. 20 no. 22. Alongside Martin Luther King, Ralph Abernathy and Bayard Rustin, James Farmer is considered one of the principal leaders of the civil rights movement. He helped found core in 1924 and became its director, leading sit ins and the freedom rides. Freedom when? (1965) revealed his continuing commitment to non-violent resistance, though he

began to support some tenets of Black Power, such as black self-determination and local control. He left CORE in 1968 and stood for congress, losing to Shirley Chisholm, and was appointed assistant secretary of Health Education and Welfare by Nixon in 1969, but resigned from this position after a year. 20. Who became the director of CORE in 1942? (A) Martin Luther King (B) Ralph Abernathy (C) Bayard Rustin (D) James Farmer (E) Shirley Chisholm 21. When did farmer leave CORE? (A) 1942 (D) 1969 (B) 1965 (E) 1970 (C) 1968 22. Which of the following is not the positions of James Farmer in his life? (A) The principal leader on the civil-rights movement (B) The assistant on Nixon (C) The director of CORE (D) The assistant secretary (E) The founder of CORE This text is for questions no. 23 no. 25. COMPANY ACCOUNTANT Expanding wholesaler of stationary and office equipment requires. A responsible accountant for director to run smoothly the company finance with good salary and good working condition for good applicant. Apply with curriculum vitae to Mrs. Richard Office Equipment World and Efficiency Works PO BOX 36 Whistle Woods UK 23. In which section would you likely read the ads? (A) Company for sale (B) Office equipment (C) Job vacancy (D) Entertainment guide (E) Stationary and office 24. What position is offered in the advertisement? (A) Salesman (D) Office staff (B) Wholesaler (E) Director assistant (C) Accountant 25. Apply with curriculum vitae to Mrs.Richard. What information should the applicant include in it? (A) Experience in managing a company (B) A statement of salary wanted (C) A prove of knowing abut stationary

(D) A statement of responsibility (E) A statement of education and work experience This text is for questions no. 26 no. 29. Two students were discussing the schools new rule that all the students must wear a cap and a tie. One of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag rising ceremony. So, she was against the rule. Contrary to the girls opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that he didnt mind with the new rule because wearing a cap and a tie will make the students look great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the reasons that they would feel uncomfortable and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were not air conditioned. The second said it wasnt a big problem. He was sure that he students would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it anyway. 26. The two students are discussing (A) the facilities in school (D) their friends (B) their homework (E) their family (C) the uniform 27. The boy said that he agreed, with the new rule in his school. Which statement shows his agreement? (A) He was not annoyed (B) He would not obey the rule (C) He didnt care of the rule (D) He didnt like wearing a cap and tie (E) He didnt mind wearing a cap and tie 28. The boy believed that all students would (A) have a high spirit to study (B) solve their own problems (C) care for their environment (D) follow the new rule (E) feel uncomfortable 29. One of them showed her annoyance .(line 3). The underlined word means (A) responsibility (D) applause (B) displeasure (E) response (C) agreement 30. A polar bear goes into the sea when it is afraid. The underlined word is closest in meaning to (A) shy (D) furious (B) angry (E) shocked (C) scared 31. Ana : What did you buy at the grocery store yesterday? Andy : What did you say? Ana : I wanted to know what the grocery store yesterday. 32.







(A) Buy (D) had bought (B) would buy (E) had to buy (C) had to buy Kevin : Excuse me.? Richard : Oh, of course. Here it is. (A) can you help me (B) could you help me (C) could you do me a favor (D) may I borrow your dictionary (E) would you mind opening the door John : Would you like me to lift that box? Mrs. Black : Please dont bother. I can manage it myself. From the underlined utterance we know that (A) John refuses an offer (B) John helps Mrs. Black (C) Mrs. Black cant lift that box (D) Mrs. Black refuses Johns help (E) Mrs. Black is pleased to help John Any : You have turned on the radio too loudly, Gina. Gina : Is that a problem? Ani : Yes, the baby is sleeping. Please..! (A) take care (D) pay attention (B) go ahead (E) behave yourself (C) switch off Meaty: Have you finished writing the article? Novy: Not yet. But I writing it by next month. (A) Finish (D) will have finished (B) would finish (E) should have finished (C) have finished Robby : We will have a party for my sisters birthday next Sunday. Would you like to come, Erika? Erika : Id love too. It must be a wonderful party. The underlined expression is used to express. (A) advice (D) satisfaction (B) intention (E) suggestion (C) invitation Randy : it seems that you enjoy listening to Pop music. Dekka : Youre right.. (A) I dislike it (D) I am annoyed with it (B) It makes me sick (E) I like Pop music very much (C) I hate annoyed with it Tantri : What seems to be the trouble..? Indy : Of course. I need your help. The file can not be printed out. (A) Can I help you (B) What is your trouble (C) Why dont you ask me (D) Could you do me a favor (E) Would you mind helping me

39. Willy : This cake is very delicious. Did you make it yourself? Brenda : Since I was busy, I had it made. From the underlined utterance we know that Brendathe cake. (A) Made (D) asked Willy to make (B) has made (E) ordered someone to make (C) had made 40. Yudi : You look tired. Lack of sleep? Nazar : Yes, I wish I had gone to bed earlier, but I couldnt. From the underlined sentence we conclude that. (A) went to bed late (D) had too much sleep (B) went to bed early (E) had gone to bed early (C) had enough sleep 41. Sue : I know you got a bad mark for the English test. Whats wrong with you? Cris : If I ..that there was a test, I would have prepared for it well. (A) know (D) have known (B) knew (E) would know (C) had known 42. Fuad : Look, Farah! Here is a nice watch from Dick for you. Farah : Oh,..Its really beautiful. Thanks. (A) It seems annoying (B) That sounds terrible (C) It makes me displeased (D) I dont think it is possible (E) I am delighted to have it 43. Always take off your jewelry before doing housework. Detergents and cleaning powders can make it dull. The bold-typed word means (A) ugly (D) dirty (B) broken (E) spotless (C) not bright 44. According to Adam Smiths ideas, free competition and free trade are vital in fostering the growth of an economy. The word free means (A) cheap (D) democratic (B) unvaluable (E) liberal (C) uncontrolled

45. Tiger Muscle Rub is a high quality analgesic cream, especially formulated for active people. The word Formulated means. (A) made (D) founded (B) built (E) planned (C) given 46. Tsunamis wash ashore often with disastrous effect such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning and damage to property. The synonym of underlined word is (A) Destructive (D) harmless (B) Suspicious (E) ultimate (C) sufficient 47. Some drugs taken in large quantities cause permanent brain damage. The opposite of the underlined word is (A) Lasting (D) ultimate (B) Forever (E) temporary (C) restricted 48. Anisah : Mom,could I have another cookie, please? Mother : , but dont forget to share it with your sister. (A) Of course (D) Listen, dont bother her (B) I dont know (E) You are kidding. I cant. (C) But it is so urgent 49. Adi: Did you come to Janess party? Ari: I wish I had gone there. I had a terrible headache. From the dialogue we may conclude that Janes party. (A) didnt come (D) has come (B) doesnt come (E) had come (C) would come 50. Indri : Why are you here? You are supposed to be at your history class, arent you? Indah : I wish there were no history class today. My parents asked me to pay the electricity bill. The underlined sentence means.. (A) Indah has no history class today (B) Indri had no history class today (C) Indri attended history class today (D) Indah has history class today (E) Indah didnt have history clas

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