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Full Name: Chandan Kumar Gupta Date: 19th March 2012 Appointment Letter/Rules and Regulations With reference

to your application and subsequent interview with us, we are pleased to appoint you as Designer in our organization on the following terms and conditions. Date of Joining: You will join us on March 26th 2012. Salary: Your Monthly Total Employment Cost to the company would be Rs8500 (Eight thousand and five hundred rupees only) Basic: Rs5000, HRA: Rs2000, Transport: Rs1500. Place: Your present place of work will be at Ranchi. Probation/Confirmation: You will be on a Probation period for two months. Based on your performance your services will be confirmed with the company in written after two months. If your services are found satisfactory during the probation period, you will be confirmed in the present position and thereafter your services can only be terminated on one months notice on either side. Absence for a continuous period of ten days without prior approval of the management including overstay on leave / training would result in your losing your lien on the service and the same shall automatically come to an end. Leave: You will be eligible to the benefits of the Companys Leave Rules on your confirmation in the Companys Service. During the period of your employment with the Company, you will devote full time to the work of the Company. Further, you will not take up any other employment or assignment or any office, honorary or for any consideration, in cash or in kind or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Company. 1. You will not (except in the normal course of the Company's business) publish any article or statement, deliver any lecture or broadcast or make any communication to the press, including magazine publication relating to the Company's products or to any matter with which the Company may be

concerned, unless you have previously applied to and obtained the written permission from the Company. 2. You will be required to maintain utmost secrecy in respect of Project documents, commercial offer, design documents, Project cost and Estimation, Technology, Software packages license, Companys polices, Companys patterns and Trade Mark and Companys Human assets profile. 3. You will be required to comply with all such rules and regulations as the Company may frame from time to time. 4. Any of our technical or other important information which might come into your possession during the continuance of your service with us shall not be disclosed, divulged or made public by you even thereafter. 5. If at any time in our opinion, which is final in this matter you are found a nonperformer or guilty of fraud, dishonest, disobedience, disorderly behavior, negligence, indiscipline, absence from duty without permission or any other conduct considered by us deterrent to our interest or of violation of one or more terms of this letter, your services may be terminated. 6. You will not accept any present, commission or any sort of gratification in cash or kind from any person, party or firm or Company having dealing with the company and if you are offered any, you should report the same to the Management. 7. You will be responsible for safekeeping and return in good condition and order of all Company property, which may be in your use, custody or charge and the company shall be entitled to recover the damages from you. 8. This appointment letter is being issued to you on the basis of the information and particulars furnished by you in your application (including CV), at the time of your interview and subsequent discussions. Please sign and return to the undersigned the duplicate copy of this letter signifying your acceptance. We welcome you to the orangemed!a family and look forward to a fruitful collaboration. With best wishes, Kimberly S. Kumar Director orangemed!a Signature of Employee:

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