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"Paskong kaysaya, handog ni UL Santa" (A Gift -giving and christmas Party Charity Program)

INTRODUCTION Christmas season is fast approaching. Girls and boys selling lanterns, Christmas trees and Christmas lights in every house. People exchanging gifts, Christmas cards and greetings. We all know that Christmas is the time of giving, forgiveness, and happiness. It is also a time where nations are at peace and all are one in God. As the Unversity of Luzon-NSTP celebrates Christmas, we decided to share our blessings to those less fortunate children. We want them to realize that Christmas is for everybody and let them know that they deserve to be happy this coming Christmas. So, the NSTP of University of Luzon will conduct a Christmas party for children at Salisay, Dagupan,Pangasinan. We want to give happiness as the year 2011 ends.

NATURE OF THE PROJECT The University of Luzon had made a distinction and a hallmark to the country's view and perseption about National Service Training Program. The UL-NSTP is not just about communtiy service or literacy training. It is a training ground for young Filipino's to acquire knowledge and experiences and promote public service and love of fellowmen. With our great aim to pursue and envision the mission of the school's NSTP, a gift giving and Christmas party id formulated and agreed upon by everyone of our class. Games and gift giving together with fun-filled activities will be held. With this, we believe that it will help lessen the problem of health and nutrition in our country. It will also give entertainment, fun and enjoyment to those less fortunate and unwell-fed children. And since it is Christmas it will be a great time to share the bounty and countless blessings that our Lord had given us. This project would also be a preliminary move and an initiative of our long term project which wii be conducted next year.

PROPONENTS The students of the College of Liberal Arts who are currently enrolled in the NSTP 12 under the 8:00-11:00 am class of Mr.Anastacio B. Aquino had decided and come up to aproject entitled "Paskong Kay saya, Handog Ni UL Santa" PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This project willbe a stepping stone towards achieving and putting up in a mission athe vission of our group which are: To be able to establish friendship and close tie relationship with our benificiaries. To nourish the children not only physically but most especially spirirtually and morally. Let them realize that Christmas is for children. Let them know that they are worthy and cared for.

TARGET BENEFICIARIES: It was agreed that the chosen beneficiaries of the Christmas party and gift giving charity program are children ages 5-7 years old, 50-60 in numbers and in a school based area. The number is enough and will be a good number complementary to the population of our group. (2 is to 1 ratio) PROJECT OVERVIEW: Includes the flow of activities to be undertaken during the project. PROJECT COMMITTEE OR TEAM: Executive Committee Ricardo Jan Arghie Papilla Stephanie Guimere Roselle Joy Abadilla

FOOD AND REFRESHMEBBT COMMITTEE Cindy Bautista Elizabeth Tamayo Dayanara Gomez Veronica Alday

GIFTS AND PRIZES COMMITTEE: Aldritz John Peralta Joana Manaoat Katrina Camaso Aira Nava Quennie Casuga

PROGRAM COMMITTEE Beadine Joy Lopez Jessica June Mosada Jelyn Frias Rhoda Torio

PEACE AND ORDER COMMITTEE Jake Torio Ralph dela Cruz Roland Castillo Baltazar Luzadas


Ricardo Jan Arghie Papilla Roselle Joy Abadilla Devorah Mae Fuertes Rhoda Torio

WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE: Devorah Mae Fuertes Christina Veronica Alday Desiree Santos

PROGRAMME I. Invocation/ Opening prayer... II.National Anthem... III.Opening Remarks.... IV. Intermission Number... V. Party Proper A.Games Family Appear Pinoy Henyo Trip to Jerrusalem Calamansi Relay Stopdance Jelyn Frias Aldritz John Peralta Teacher incharge NSTP 12 Students

B.Food distribution or merienda



Jessica June Mosada Beadine Joy Lopez -Masters of Ceremony-

COMMITEE FUNCTIONS: Executive Committee- Overall incharge of the program both internaland external affairs, ways and means, fund raising, storing, restoration and usage of funds. Food and Refreshment Committee- responsible in buying goods and materials needed, cooking, preparing and distributing them. Gifts and Prizes commitee- incharge of storing, proper restoration of gifts and the ones responsible in prep;aring the gifts and prizes. Peace and Order Committee-incharge in maintaining peace and order in the flow of the program. Program Committee- incharge in the setting of the programand keeping the program running Documentation Committee- responsible in keeping records in the flow of the entire project. Ways and Means Committee- incharge in collecting funds, sollicitations, donationand in fund raising.

BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS: The proposed project will not be realized without enough funds and materials. With these, we decided to raise funds by means of selling bottles every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We also prepared donation boxes and sollicitations. We also collect voluntary contribution every other day.

BUDGET ALLOCATION: AMOUNT: I. FOOD Pancit: 6kilos Puto: 4kilos Sandwich: Juice: II.Prizes Pencils: Pad papers: Crayons: Over-all total 360.00php 450.00php 450.00php P 3,200.00 1,100.00php 320.00php 350.00php 170.00php

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