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Acceptance of Packed and Unpacked Milk

SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Deepak Jaroliya SUBMITTED BY: Aashish Kumar Prajapati Kapil Pathunda Maniram Prajapati Mahendra Dhanka Vipin Kumar Jatav MBA (CORE) SEM II B PIMR, Indore

Prestige Institute of Management & Research INDORE

This is to certify that Mr. Aashish Kumar Prajapati, Kapil

Pathund Maniram Prajapati, Mahendra Dhanka and Vipin Kumar Jatav

regular student of Master of Business Administration at Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore has worked under my guidance in the bona fide preparation of his dissertation entitled:

Acceptance of Packed and Unpacked Milk

I am fully satisfied with this project report, which is truly eligible & acceptable for the partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Business Administration. I wish him all luck & success for his future endeavours.
Date: Prof. Deepak Jaroliya

Faculty PIMR, Indore

The most awaited moment of successful completion of an endeavour is always a result of persons involved explicitly or implicitly there in and it is impossible without the help and guidance of the people around. I take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to each and every person who gave me the guidance and help for preparing the report. I wish to express my sincere gratitude towards Prof. Deepak Jaroliya, Faculty PIMR, Indore and my internal guide for his guidance & support. Last but not the least my heartfelt gratitude to all those people who knowingly & unknowingly supported me & boosted my morale to make this project a reality. My strength and inspiration are the blessings of my parents and my friends. I owe all my success and achievements to them.


Aashish Kumar Prajapati

Kapil Pathunda Maniram Prajapati Mahendra Dhanka Vipin Kumar Jatav MBA (CORE) SEM II B PIMR, Indore

In and out of dairy product

Dairy products:Are generally defined as foods produced from Cow's or Domestic Buffalo's milk. They are usually high-energy-yielding food products. A production plant for such processing is called a dairy or a dairy factory. Raw milk for processing mostly comes from Cows and to a lesser amount from Domestic Buffalos , but occasionally from other mammals such as goats, sheep, yaks, or horses. Dairy products are commonly found in European, Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine, whereas they are almost unknown in East Asian cuisine.

Conceptual framework : Deals with processes, formulae, project profiles, details of plant, machinery & raw materials with their resources etc. of various dairy products. Then find out their strategy about different- different area by the data collection tool like questionnaire, self observation, secondary data, meeting to key person etc. Then we analyze the data by different analyzing tool like graph, pie chart. And after our final assessment we will conclude the topic and share our suggestion on it.
The dairy industry plays an important roll in our daily life. It is difficult to realize how fast changes are taking place in the dairy industry. One of the important factors affecting the total amount of milk produced and the way in which this milk is utilized is the demand for the various products. In order to prepare such a diversity of products, many different processes have been developed by the industry. Each of these has been designed to take advantage of some particular property of milk. Developments in the dairy industry are enough to justify a revision of a considerable amount of material in this project. Deals with

processes, formulae, project profiles, details of plant, machinery & raw materials with their resources etc. of various dairy products. This project will help all its readers from entrepreneurs to food industries, technocrats and scientists. The effects of Operation Flood Program are more appraised by the World Bank in its recent evaluation report. It has been proved that an investment of Rs. 20 billion over 20 years under Operation Flood Program in 70s & 80s has contributed in increase of Indias milk production by 40 Million Metric Tone (MMT) i.e. from about 20 MMT in pre- Operation Flood period to more than 60 MMT at the end of Operation flood Program. Thus, an incremental return of Rs. 400 billion annually have been generated by an investment of Rs. 20 billion over a period of 20 years. This has been the most beneficial project funded by the World Bank anywhere in the World. One can continue to see the effect of these efforts as Indias milk production continues to increase and now stands at 90 MMT. Despite this four-fold increase in milk production, there has not been drop in the prices of milk during the period and has continued grow. First we find out top three companies of India and two international dairy companies then. Then find out their strategy about different- different area by the data collection tool like questionnaire, self observation, secondary data, meeting to key person etc. Then we analyze the data by different analyzing tool like graph, pie chart, z test, and t test. Then by the analysis we determine the result, suggestion to the company

Literature review : Many researches have been conducted on dairy industry and they help us to understand these industries. "Support from ACOA to help develop our strategic plan has been critical to building a solid business case that there is a strong, international market for our ruminant nutrition services," said Wiebe Dykstra, executive director of the institute. He said the research done at the institute helps create a sustainable and environmentally-friendly dairy industry for the future. We are working a lot with feed stuffs that enhances the milk," said Dykstra. "Also we are looking at ways of how we can make it more healthy for the cows. "Once you have a good healthy cow it will make a healthier product. When researchers at the Atlantic Dairy and Forage Institute Types of dairy products Milk after optional homogenization, pasteurization, in several grades after standardization of the fat level and possible addition of bacteria Streptococcus lactic and Leuconostoc citrovorum
o o o o

Crme fraise, slightly fermented cream Clotted cream, thick spoon able cream made by heating Cultured buttermilk, fermented concentrated (water removed) milk using the same bacteria as sour cream e same bacteria as sour cream

Kefir, fermented milk resembling buttermilk but based on different yeast and bacteria culture

Kumis/Airgas, slightly fermented mares' milk popular in Central Asia

Milk powder (or powdered milk), produced by removing the water from milk Whole milk products Buttermilk products Skim milk Whey products Ice Cream High milk-fat & nutritional products (for infant formulas) Cultured and confectionery products o Condensed milk, milk which has been concentrated by evaporation, often with sugar added for longer life in an opened can o Evaporated milk, (less concentrated than condensed) milk without added sugar o Ricotta cheese, milk heated and reduced in volume, known in Indian cuisine as Khoa o Infant formula, dried milk powder with specific additives for feeding human infants o Baked milk, a variety of boiled milk that has been particularly popular in Russia Butter, mostly milk fat, produced by churning cream o Buttermilk, the liquid left over after producing butter from cream, often dried as livestock food o Ghee, clarified butter, by gentle heating of butter and removal of the solid matter o Anhydrous milk fat Cheese, produced by coagulating milk, separating from whey and letting it ripen, generally with bacteria and sometimes also with certain molds o Curds, the soft curdled part of milk (or skim milk) used to make cheese (or casein) o Whey, the liquid drained from curds and used for further processing or as a livestock food o Cottage cheese o Quark o Cream cheese, produced by the addition of cream to milk and then curdled to form a rich curd or cheese made from skim milk with cream added to the curd o Fro mage fraise Casein o Caseinates o Milk protein concentrates and isolates o Whey protein concentrates and isolates o Hydrolysates o Mineral concentrates

Yogurt, milk fermented by Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus sometimes with additional bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus o Aryan o Lassie Clabber (food), milk naturally fermented top yogurt-like state Gelato, slowly frozen milk and water, lesser fat than ice cream Ice cream, slowly frozen cream and emulsifying additives o Ice milk o Frozen custard o Frozen yogurt, yogurt with emulsifiers that is frozen Other o Viili o Kajmak o Filmjlk o Piim o Vla o Dulce de leche o Health risks of consuming dairy products

Dairy may cause health issues for individuals with lactose intolerance and asthma etc. Dairy products may be contaminated with the fungus Aspergillum fumigates which can cause asthma and other respiratory problems. Vegans and some vegetarians avoid dairy products due to a variety of ethical, dietary, environmental, political, and religious concerns. The dairy industry plays an important roll in our daily life. It is difficult to realize how fast changes are taking place in the dairy industry. One of the important factors affecting the total amount of milk produced and the way in which this milk is utilized is the demand for the various products. In order to prepare such a diversity of products, many different processes have been developed by the industry. Each of these has been designed to take advantage of some particular property of milk. Developments in the dairy industry are enough to justify a revision of a considerable amount of material in this project. deals with processes, formulae, project profiles, details of plant, machinery & raw materials with their resources etc. of various dairy products. This book will help all its readers from entrepreneurs to food industries, technocrats and scientists. The effects of Operation Flood Program are more appraised by the World Bank in its recent evaluation report. It has been proved that an investment of Rs. 20 billion over 20 years under Operation Flood Program in 70s & 80s has contributed in increase of Indias milk production by 40 Million

Metric Tone (MMT) i.e. from about 20 MMT in pre- Operation Flood period to more than 60 MMT at the end of Operation flood Program Thus, an incremental return of Rs. 400 billion annually have been generated by an investment of Rs. 20 billion over a period of 20 years. This has been the most beneficial project funded by the World Bank anywhere in the World. One can continue to see the effect of these efforts as Indias milk production continues to increase and now stands at 90 MMT. Despite this four-fold increase in milk production, there has not been drop in the prices of milk during the period and has continued to grow. Presently, the local milkmens has covered the local markets just like a spider web. Some company of India doing their business out side the country and most of can not do their business out side the country what is the reason behind it Milkmen are in more profit. Companies still increasing the milk prices. They all want to cover more market and maximize their profits. They want to have an edge over their competitors. This study is to find above points by this research project.

Rationale:1) To find out the reason why every company are not able to create business with the rest of the world. 2) This study has been conducted to know about the strengths and weakness about the listed companies in this project. 3) It also made to get adequate and apparent information about a specific product pertaining to a company which is at the top in position in competition. 4) To aware all organizations to remove cul-de-sac moment in assiduous manner to create more revenue with maximum profit. 5) It is made to give bear fruit to all industries. 6) It helps in finding out the competitive strategies of all company.

1) To study the market penetration and consumer perception of fresh milk. 2) To analyze the potential of dairy industries. 3) To formulate priorities and program to standardize production and processing facilities and to establish norms for uniform quality, standards among all members. 4) To ensure greater consumer acceptance of market product by developing and strengthening their brand images. 5) To ensure the quality factor of product to customers.

Research methodology:A- For data collection Tools for Data Collection: Primary: Data is collected though survey (through questionnaires). A self designed questionnaire with close and open ended questions is used for the purpose of data collection to meet the objectives of this study. Sampling Unit: Milk consumer in Indore City. Sampling Technique: Random. Sample Size: 50 respondents.

Through self design questionnaire By Self observation

B- for data analysis Pie chart has been used for the analysis of data collected via data questionnaire.

Expected outcome:Future of the dairy industry Potential of the industry Current focus of the companies We will get to know about the market leader We will get to know about the Current focus is on the e company analysis the dairy industry its product .

Still the first preference of majority people is unpacked milk According the questionnaire filled by different people we may conclude that 68% trust unpacked milk and 32% are their who prefer unpacked milk. Majority of person are not aware of dieses caused by milk. They are not educated enough to pay attention on hygienic factor and nutrient value. People who are using packed milk are conscious about their health same as who are using unpacked milk but the awareness of quality and purity was not known by unpacked milk drinkers. One of the factors is that marketing strategy of packed milk companies. Strategies are not effective enough to educated people who lie down in 62%. Home delivery is not present in every area by the packed milk companies. People think that packed milk better to use in making home products like sweets and ice creams.

Packed milk companies should make their customers aware of the various milk types. For this they can advertise more by using animated cartoon. They can also run some awareness programs for people who are not concern about the problems related to milk specially in rural areas.

Packed milk companies must assure its customer that the packed milk is safe and more hygienic.

Packed milk companies should provide home delivery services.

Place (optional) :. Dear Respondents, We are conducting a research on comparative study between more. You are requested to give your fair opinion for the questions asked. We undertake that the information provided by you would be kept confidential and to be used for academic purpose only. We shall be obliged for your supportive contribution in this purely academic Endeavour. Name (optional): Age: Gender: . Address (optional):. E- mail:.


Please indicate by ticking the appropriate boxes in questions:QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Do you buy open milk or tetra pack? o Open milk o Tetra pack milk o Combination of both

2. If you buy tetra milk then do you prefer Nestle Milk Pak? o Yes o No o Up to some extent 3. Are you satisfied with Milk Pak quality? o Yes o No
4. Is there a need of improvement in Milk Pak?

o Yes o No 5. Is the taste of MilkPak is good as compared to other tetra milk pack? o o o o o Very bad Bad Moderate Good Very good

6. Is the price of Milk Pak reasonable?

o Yes o No

7. Is Milk Pak is easily available to you?

o Yes o No

8. Which tetra pack you will buy if Milk Pak is not available o

o o

to you? Operas o Haled Good milk ANY , Please specify______________________

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