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Fewtrell: Library: The Linacre School of Defence

07/07/2009 11:50

The Linacre School of Defence

Studying the historical British martial arts of smallsword, backsword and pugilism. Home > Library > Fewtrell

Fewtrell's Science of Manual Defence


Boxing Reviewed; or, the Science of Manual Defence, displayed on rational principles. Comprehending a complete description of the principle pugilists, from the earliest period of Broughton's time, to the present Day. Author: Thomas Fewtrell Published: 1790 Use of this work is freely granted subject to the conditions of this Creative Commons Licence <>. These images are scans of a text in the library of Trinity College, Oxford, and the president and fellows of Trinity College, Oxford must be given credit when these images are used. Format: jpeg images. View online <Fewtrell.php> Download: 52 images, zip archive (6.49 MB) <>

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

07/07/2009 11:49

Creative Commons

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

07/07/2009 11:49

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