Letter To Crandall 4.25.09 NXPowerLite

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April 25,2009

Special Agent Crandali

NCiSRA Parris island, 5C

P.O. Sox 5056, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, SC 29905-0056

Special Agent Crandall,

This is now the 2n<i time I have contacted you regarding the misconduct and violation of DoD Directive 6400.1 and applicable federal and state reporting requirements committed by Special agents at your facility aboard Parris Island MCRD and NCIS West, Camp Pendleton CA. I apologize in advance for this letter, as it may be construed as curt or rather to the point, much like my last correspondence to

From our previous conversation on December 11,2008 and my certified letter to you dated January 7,2009, where I advised you of the lack of reporting to the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and federal/state authorities by Special Agents at NCIS West {under case manger Special Agent Art Spafford) as well as your own people at Parris island, you still have not taken any steps to correct the inaccuracies and blatant disregard for the federal statutes as well as DoD Directives. Recently, while doing some research, I came across several documents that explained why, even after I provided you proof that the FAP was not contacted before, during or after the investigation of the alleged sexual assault of I < Skovranko and that the local police were not involved, you still have not reported this to the Investigations Department at NCfS Headquarters. I have enclosed quotes from your NCIS manuals that pertain to the reporting requirements of sexual assault in case you missed that day of training as weM. As asupervisor within NCIS, your 25 years experience and vast knowledge of the inner workings of the department, I would assume you are well aware of your legal obligation and duty to report agent misconduct and fraud. For my own peace of mind and not wanting to make an ass out of you and me, so we are both clear and understand your role, I have included the information in the following portions of my letter.

Paragraph 18-2.5, NCIS-1 "manual for administration" states "It is imperative that any information pertaining to allegations of misconduct or deficient performance coming to the attention of any NCIS employee be promptly and fully reported to the Assistant Director for Inspections (0006) via the employee's chain of command." This policy is effectively strengthened by additional language that makes it the responsibility of supervisors to ensure employees "fully understand" and "comply" with the requirement. I understand that NCIS has no specific timeliness standard for initiating internal agent misconduct investigations, but there is guidance pertaining to general investigative actions addressed in NCIS-1 Chapter 25, "Report Writing, and"Section 25-4, "Timeliness Requirements". Initiation requirements include one working day for Priority I cases and three working days for Priority II cases. I believe that these allegations of misconduct would fall under the Priority If case which means you had three working days to start the investigation-you have failed to do so. NCIS-1, Chapter 13, "Special Agent Standards and Performance," requires that "all investigations should be completed and reported as expeditiously as possible". Timeliness in resolving issues and reporting investigative results is emphasized as a critical, mandatory function of supervisors. Tell me, would you not fall under these requirements? You did inform me several times during our first conversation you ARE a supervisor within NCIS, and you have 25 years of experience with NCIS as well. You are a government employee and if I'm not mistaken, when you joined NCIS you took an oath to uphold our laws and not jeopardize the integrity of the system you are trying to protect. You may recall the fourteen principles of ethical conduct for federal employees as being part of your oath. If not, allow me to outline the specified ones that apply to you, 1} Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws and ethical principles above private gain Employees shall put_ forth honest effort in the performance of their duties Employees shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual. Employees shall disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities Employees shaii endeavor to avoid any actions creating the appearance that they are violating the law or the ethica! standards set forth in the Standards of Ethical Conduct. Whether particular circumstances create an appearance that the law or these standards have been violated shall be determined from the perspective of a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts

2) 3}



A quote from the Unites States Department of Justice, Departmenta! Ethics Office, states: You max hsve heard it said that "public sen/ice is 3 public trust," This means that each Federal employee has a responsfbiltty to the United States Government and Its citizens

to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws, and ethical principles above private gain. The public deserves and should expect no less."

Special Agent Crandall, I expect a response within 20 days of the receipt of this letter. I want to make sure that the agent misconduct and fraud is being reported through the proper chain of command. If you are unable to complete this, I would like and explanation why as of now, you have not reported this with all the evidence I supplied in January 2009.


Angela Ehlers

DoD Directive 6400.1 Family Advocacy Program Copy of e-mafl from FOiA to Beaufort Naval Hospital Family Advocacy Program Document dated January 28,2008

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