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(Name of Project) by (Name of First Writer)

(Based on, If Any)

Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed)

Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date)

Name (of company, if applicable) Address Phone Number

Episode One - Violet Pages 4.2.04

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EXT. DUAL CARRIAGEWAY - DAY 1. 1500 Siren. The ambulance is going fast, swerving through traffic.


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HARRY PEARCE is lying down with an oxygen mask over his face. The left arm of his jacket is shredded. He is seriously injured. But he is giving two PARAMEDICS a bad time. He pulls at the mask and tries to get up. HARRY National emergency ...

PARAMEDIC Mr Pearce lie back ...

INT. LONDON CLUB - DAY 1. 1501 A cave of red leather furniture, wooden panels and yellowy lighting. Oliver Mace is sitting in a comfortable armchair sipping a cup of tea. A steward brings him a cordless telephone. STEWARD Telephone call, Mr Mace. OLIVER Thank you very much, John.

INT. AMBULANCE - DAY 1. 1502 Its swaying. equipment. Harry is causing all sorts of problems with

PARAMEDIC Mr Pearce lie down! HARRY I want a helicopter ambulance to London! I want to be patched through to ... to ... He is very faint. He does not resist an oxygen mask.

INT. CAR - DAY 1. 1503 DANNY is driving, Zoe beside him. The radio is on. speak over it. Zoe is taking a call. RADIO VOICE ... Im as near as I can get to the scene of the assassination of the Chief Of The Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshall Sir John Stone. They talk over the radio. They


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ZOE Right. (She puts the phone down) Harrys going to London by air ambulance. DANNY Is he fit enough? ZOE Hes lost a lot of blood.

INT. LONDON CLUB - DAY 1. 1503 Oliver Mace is on the phone. OLIVER No no just let me take this in. Tom Quinn shot the Chief Of The Defence staff? Then shot Harry Pearce to escape? Our very own M.I.5 golden boy? He thinks for a moment holding the phone away from him. Lower. OLIVER (contd) You know this is our chance. VOICE ON PHONE (Later revealed to be that of Jason Belling) Then take it. OLIVER I do have the Prime Ministers backing. I can rely on that, absolutely? VOICE ON PHONE Oh yes. OLIVER Right, Im going to move very fast.

INT. CAR - DAY 1. 1510 Danny is driving. Darkness. Zoe with a map.

Radio one is playing The

DANNY How far to the M11? ZOE Ten miles, less. time. Close to Danny. Were doing good


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A FLASHBACK: Very brief. Tom fires the gun at Harry. Back in the car, Danny swerves it. ZOE (contd) Danny pull over. DANNY Im OK. RADIO VOICE (Continuing) That from The Darknesss first album Permission to Land. And breaking news about the assassination of Sir John Stone. In the last few minutes the police have issued a description of a man they want to interview in connection with the shooting. DANNY This is all going too fast weve got to get back to London! RADIO VOICE He is described as white, tall, dark hair, around thirty years old. He is armed and dangerous. DANNY Theyre describing Tom. ZOE It must have been authorised by Thames House. DANNY But who? ZOE Anyway Toms dead. Is he? DANNY Do we know that? Danny is very upset.

Zoe turns the radio off.

DANNY (contd) I wont believe Tom Quinn killed himself. Never. Whatever hes done hed fight to stay alive. Danny swerves the car again. ZOE Danny stop the car!

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EXT. LAYBY - DAY 1. 1512 The car stops. Danny gets out and hammers his fists on the roof of the car then walks away along a wide grass verge.

SHOT: Zoe in the car. Shes weeping, tears down her cheeks. The phone in the car rings. She answers. ZOE Ruth?

INT. THAMES HOUSE. Ruth on the phone.

THE GRID - DAY 1. 1512

Around her there is chaos. SPECIAL BRANCH OFFICERS are opening desks and pulling out files. Papers fly in the air. As she speaks a distraught MALCOLM and SAM can be seen behind her, shouting. On TV monitors BBC 24 hour news is showing first a picture of SIR JOHN STONE in full uniform, then a picture of Tom. The caption is ASSASSINATION ... RUTH SAM You and Danny had better get Get your hands off my files! back here. RUTH Special branch plods are turning the place over. MALCOLM You ape! You crashed my programme!

ZOE (ON PHONE) On whose authority? RUTH They say the Joint Intelligence Committee have launched an investigation. But can the JIC do that? So fast? She glances at the pods. Oliver Mace is coming through the pods followed by two suited aides who are carrying large briefcases.


INT. CAR - DAY 1. 1512 Ruth. Oh no. ZOE What? ZOE Tell Harry. RUTH (ON PHONE)


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INT. GRID - DAY 1. 1512 RUTH The chairman of the JIC just walked in. Listen. Dog house. Now.


Oliver Mace is beside Ruth. He takes the telephone from her and replaces it in its cradle.


EXT. LAYBY - DAY 1. 1512 Danny is some yards away from the car. ZOE Dog house! Zoe calls.


Danny! go!

Weve got to He gets in. The car pulls

He turns then runs to the car. away.


INT. GRID - DAY 1. 1513 OLIVER No more calls please, I am launching an investigation. Sanctioned by Downing Street. So you are all suspended. RUTH Suspended? OLIVER Im afraid this is going to be something of a blood-bath. He smiles. TITLES


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Ruth walks along a corridor. She turns round suddenly. For a moment a MAN stands at the end of the corridor looking at her. Then he walks out of sight. She walks on along the corridor. She comes to a window white Venetian blinds - and sees Harry lying in bed, his eyes closed. Ruth goes to the door. A SPECIAL BRANCH HEAVY is sitting on a chair. He holds a heavy communications device. RUTH Ive come to see Mr Pearce.


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She shows him ID. He shakes his head slowly.

RUTH (contd) This is ridiculous, hes my boss. She goes for the door. away, hands held up. He stands. Hes huge. She backs

Ruth walks around a corner. She stops. NURSE on the nursing station. The nurse leaves the station.

She observes a young

Ruth smiles.

Opening her bag Ruth turns and catches up with her. RUTH (contd) Can I talk to you? NURSE Sorry? RUTH Its about Mr Pearce. NURSE (whisper) They say hes a spy. RUTH He is. The nurse: wide eyes. RUTH (contd) And the thing is, I work for him. And Im in love with him. And they wont let me see him. Could you give him a note? I mean ... Ill write it ... She takes a notebook out of her bag with fifty pounds. The nurse, seeing the money, hesitates. RUTH (contd) (Low) Im ... having his child. The nurse looks at her. The man following Ruth appears at the end of the corridor again. She walks towards him, blowing him a kiss as she passes.

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Harry is in bed. The young Nurse brings in a tray of food. A regulation NHS battered aluminium lid covers the food. The nurse smiles brightly and winks. Harry stares at her. The nurse goes. Harry lifts the lid. There is a note. CLOSE UP: the note is in morse code. Harry reads it. And still reading it he lifts a telephone.


EXT. HERON QUAYS STATION - DAY 1. 1625 Its dozy. is about. Mid afternoon, just before the rush hour.

No one

Zoe and Danny are on the station platform. looking nervous. RUTH Had to do the taxi trick. Malcolm and Sam hurry toward them. ZOE Did we all shake our tails? MALCOLM (proud) They had three on me. SAM I biked all over. Danny ignores her.

Ruth appears,

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DANNY So the Chairman of the JIC is stomping around Thames House going through all our files, down to old apple cores in our desks ... And weve got to sneak off here just to talk! I mean what the hell is going on? ZOE So whats Oliver Mace doing? SAM Maybe he thinks you all helped Tom. ZOE Thats so stupid, Sam. Sam recoils. Danny intervenes.


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DANNY Maybe ... not stupid. Maybe thats what this is about. What do we know about Oliver Mace? Has he ever done any real spying? ZOE Was MI6 before going over to chair the JIC. Got the reputation as desk spook. DANNY The worst. ZOE But I heard hes got a hidden past as a quizmaster. Northern Ireland. RUTH I heard worse. He steps over the line. When he was in Kosova three Serb agents died in detention. A beat. RUTH (contd) Hes a very dangerous man. ZOE Who is treating us like traitors, suspending us, having us followed ... RUTH I smell the stench of deep politics. Malcolm looks down the platform. A DRUNKEN TRAMP is talking to himself, waving his arms, laughing. (It is ADAM CARTER, in disguise.) The others have not seen him. ZOE The question is how do we stop him? Tail him. DANNY Get some dirt on him. Wed never get

RUTH Hes untouchable. near him.

DANNY Then well take his big stick away. ZOE What do you mean?


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DANNY Prove Tom was innocent. ZOE But he wasnt, forgive me ... he wasnt. He was accused of murder and treason and he shot Harry to get away! DANNY We dont know why he shot Harry, not really. I think we should see Christine Dale. Maybe Tom talked to her. Beyond them the tramp is now making a cheerfully erratic path toward them waving his arms. SAM (Gossip bright) Oh Christine Dale, C.I.A. London Station, who, you know ... with Tom? Zoe raises her eyebrows. TRAMP Youse ... bah! Youse ... Away away with ya!

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MALCOLM (To the tramp.) Please go away. And suddenly the tramp is talking to them fast, flat Essex accent low. TRAMP Sam. Theyve got a tracker device on you. Get rid and get out now. And I bet theres another one on your bike. And he peels away. TRAMP (contd) Youse snobby English lot ... Get lost the lot of yer. They all look at each other. RUTH Quick ... Zoe, Ruth, Malcolm and Danny run their hands all over Sams cycle clothing.


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SAM Oh Im sorry Im so sorry MALCOLM Got it! He lifts a small device - like a tiny button battery. They all turn to run from the station, Malcolm throwing the device onto an escalator. ...

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EXT. OUTSIDE HERON QUAYS STATION - DAY 1. 1630 They run from the station. ZOE Who was that? RUTH Guardian angel? They stop for breath.


Seconds after theyve disappeared Special Branch Officers run into the station.


EXT. ESTABLISHING. WHITEHALL - DAY 1. 1700 The camera takes in the heart of Government. takes in the Foreign Office. CAPTION: Foreign Office. Whitehall It turns and



INT. FOREIGN OFFICE. CORRIDOR - DAY 1. 1700 A grand door. Oak panelled.

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Caption: Joint Intelligence Committee, Foreign Office.



Ten MEN are seated around a very shiny oval table. There are files and papers before them. Oliver Mace is at the head of the table. SHOT: the camera pans along some of the place markers before the men. On them: Foreign Office, Home Office, Ministry of Defence, Treasury, Cabinet Office, Deputy Chief Defence Intelligence, M.I.6 and M.I.5. The M.I.5 chair is empty. HUGO WEATHERBY is the Deputy Chief of Defence Intelligence. He is a battered looking fifty year-old. But alcohol has not wholly destroyed his military build. OLIVER I aim to finish the investigation at M.I.5 in the next few days.


Episode One - Violet Pages 4.2.04 OLIVER(cont'd) CONTINUED: The whole culture at Thames House is rotten so we are cleaning the stables.

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HUGO What about Harry Pearce? Embarrassment that Hugo has spoken up. OLIVER Harry will retire on medical grounds. The rest of his department will be dismissed or, if the evidence is there, prosecuted for helping the rogue officer amongst them. HUGO Are you sure this is in the interests of National Security? OLIVER Absolutely. We cannot have another Tom Quinn. So could I have a vote to authorise the investigation ... HUGO (Interrupting) Which is nearly over. Did the Prime Minister personally order this? OLIVER He is fully informed. HUGO Not the same thing. OLIVER Hugo I know youre an old friend of Harry Pearce so I take your judgement to be clouded.. HUGO Oh, clouded am I? OLIVER Anyone against? A moment. Then Hugo raises his hand nervously. ignores him. OLIVER (contd) Then I proceed. Oliver

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EXT. CHRISTINE DALES FLAT - DAY 1. 1705 Zoe and Danny are outside Christine Dales flat. the bell. No response. ZOE Have we been followed? DANNY Nine O'clock.

Danny rings

Zoe looks sideways. A man is standing on the pavement looking at them. Zoe makes rude ears at him. He turns and walks away. Danny rings the bell again. A C.I.A MAN opens the door. ZOE We want to see Christine Dale. C.I.A MAN Shes not available at this time. DANNY And you are ... C.I.A MAN A friend of the family. He closes the door. Danny and Zoe stand on the doorstep. ZOE C.I.A heavy. DANNY Top vintage. Why are they leaning on her? ZOE She slept with our traitor. DANNY Dont call Tom that, I cant bear it. Zoes mobile beeps: a text. She looks at it. Now.

ZOE Oliver Mace wants to see me.


INT. CHRISTINES FLAT - DAY 1. 1706 CHRISTINE DALE is looking out into the street from behind gauze curtains. Danny and Zoe are walking away talking animatedly. Her face is ashen with strain. The C.I.A MAN comes into the room behind her.



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GENERAL POV of the room. It is full of men. equipment is on the table. CHRISTINE Again and again, Im loyal to the United States of America, so no, I didnt help Tom, no, no!




Zoe is being interrogated in the meeting room by Oliver Mace. She is shouting No! No! No! There are two SPECIAL BRANCH OFFICERS present.

On the table there is a sprawl of tape machines and microphones and the snipers weapon that killed the Chief Of The Defence Staff. Olivers interrogation technique is cool but with a steely, mocking edge which is really getting to Zoe. ZOE I never helped Tom Quinn! OLIVER So why does your computer reveal so many visits to sites selling illegal firearms? Some personal pornographic interest? ZOE Monitoring those sites is part of my job! OLIVER (Caressing the rifle) Shall I tell you what I think, Miss Reynolds? You procured this gun for Tom Quinn. ZOE How dare you accuse me ... OLIVER A little career advice. Let the waters close over your time in the service. And ... Danny comes into the room. He is very angry.

DANNY OK thats it! Whats behind this investigation? Just what is the Chair of the JIC doing down here getting his hands dirty with the likes of us?


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ZOE Danny ... OLIVER Well this is jolly. A nod from Oliver and the two Special Branch Officers stand. Big men. OLIVER (contd) Mr Hunter, I am minded to have you arrested. DANNY For what? OLIVER The Official Secrets Act is a whole supermarket of offences. DANNY Youve got some kind of hidden agenda here. And Harry is standing at the open door of the meeting room. He is bandaged about his chest beneath his shirt. His jacket is draped over his shoulders. He looks very ill. HARRY If there is to be an agenda its mine. Oliver, we speak. Now. Or must I embarrass you before junior personnel? A beat. No one moves.




Everyone - including the Special Branch officers - is looking at the window in Harrys office. Inside Harry and Oliver can be seen facing each other.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. HARRYS OFFICE - DAY 1. 1802 Harry and Oliver. HARRY The JIC will be recalled so I can defend this department. OLIVER Theres a serious threat to national security here, I cant keep to the niceties. HARRY I like the niceties. us against tyranny. They protect



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OLIVER The moral high grounds a bit of a sand bank for you, Harry. The tide is coming in. HARRY This department is still independent. OLIVER This department is rotten to the core! HARRY If you want to prove that youll have to do it by the book. A beat. OLIVER The JIC will meet again first thing in the morning. Harry smiles. HARRY See you then, Oliver. The smile goes. He looks ill.

OLIVER Hope youre feeling up to it.





Harry is holding court in the middle of the grid. Everyone is gathered around, some sitting on desks some standing. DANNY Whats going on, Harry? MALCOLM Yes on the station, there was this tramp ... Harry winces. RUTH Harry ... HARRY (Tetchy) Yes yes. He sees ADAM CARTER come through the pods.


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HARRY (contd) Ah, Adam, you come most presently upon your hour. (to the team) Let me introduce you to your ... vagrant. They look at each other: what is this?

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ADAM CARTER comes across. He is in his thirties, fit, relaxed. He is often casually but always well dressed - if Adam is wearing trainers they will of a rare brand. He is a chameleon: an expert at disguise. Despite his easy manner there is a coiled spring within him. He smiles but is watchful and can make sudden rapid decisions. They who like him find him democratic and warm and think he has a heart of gold; they who dislike him suspect there is calculation behind the charm, that he is always reading people and judging how to play them. Both friends and detractors are right. He grins at the company. Hello. They stare at him. HARRY This is Adam Carter. I have bulldozed some rules and seconded him from Six to help sort out the mess. Harry is in pain. He sits. ADAM How are you doing?

ADAM Yeah. Well. (Suddenly authoritative) Weve got one hell of a situation here. Fortunately there is a neat way to get the gremlins off our backs. ZOE (Hostile) What? ADAM We prove Tom Quinn was innocent. DANNY Yes! The others are stunned by Adams confidence. guy? ADAM Sorry about this. I think were in for an all-nighter. We need a heap of sandwiches, coffee, tea. SAM Ill get that. I mean I dont have to. I dont get the tea. Usually. Blushes. Who is this


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ADAM Thanks Sam, not still bugged? What? SAM Oh, no. The others are

A big smile. Sam goes red. And turns away. turning away. But Zoe stands her ground.

ZOE But he wasnt innocent, God forgive me, he wasnt. Zoe is very upset. personally. Adam moves her aside a little, speaks

ADAM Zoe, with Tom, until we really know, lets assume that he was the man you knew.





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SHOT: Seen from the waist down a woman walks along the embankment, on her way to work. She is well dressed, a smart shirt, medium high heels. A bag dangles. THE CAMERA travels with her. She is passing a tramp huddled in the doorway of disused shop. He is hooded. We cannot see his face. He has a hand out. The woman ignores the tramp and passes BUT THE CAMERA STOPS. GO CLOSER to the tramp. We see it is Tom. He looks terrible. Stubble. His eyes flicker and look hunted. mutters to himself. TOM Each man kills the thing he loves. Each man kills the thing he loves. Each man ... He stands. He observes people passing, eyes darting to bags and pockets. Finally he sees what he wants: a girl in jeans with a bag over her shoulder. He walks out into the flow of passing people and in a flash his hand is in her bag and out of it. He returns to his doorway. He is staring across the road at the door of a Victorian Gothic church. SHOT: in his hand is the mobile phone. He

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INT. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM KENSINGTON - DAY 2. 0900 Main Hall. Huge dinosaurs. Echoes. Hugo


Harry is waiting, looking up at a vast rib cage. Weatherby joins him. HUGO I shouldnt be talking to you. HARRY Are the Spooks too spooked to talk to each other? HUGO Strange days Harry. Harry winces. HUGO (contd) Sure you ought to be out of hospital? HARRY (Ignores that) Shut up Hugo and just tell me whats going on. A beat. HUGO There is a conspiracy. In the darker corners of Government. HARRY Oh my prophetic soul. HUGO They want to establish a unified single track intelligence in a melded command structure. HARRY Whitehall speak for taking political control of the intelligence services. HUGO They want to run you, me, M.I.6 from Downing Street. With a political head sitting in Cabinet. HARRY Ive seen this coming. The nightmare of a Ministry of State Security. Our very own KGB ...


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HUGO They also want to give members of the security services the power to arrest people. Harry is shocked. HARRY But NOT being able to arrest people is the one thing that stops us being secret policemen. HUGO Absolutely. HARRY Why all this now? HUGO They fear whats coming in the Gulf. Al Qaedas final push to take over Saudi Arabia. We all know what that means: a terrible onslaught of terrorism in the West. To counter it they want a secret service that does exactly what the Government wants. And gives the public positive intelligence. HARRY Even if there isnt any. HUGO Politicians always believe voters cannot bear reality. HARRY Intelligence is about the impartial gathering and analysis of information, not the massaging of facts for political purposes. Look, does the Prime Minister know about this? HUGO The PM will bend his ear to anyone who whispers modernisation. Hugo takes out a hip flask. HARRY What are we going to do? HUGO We?. Sorry Harry. Im going to let go, take retirement. Cottage near Newmarket.

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Episode One - Violet Pages 4.2.04 HUGO(cont'd) CONTINUED: A sip of malt on a frosty morning, watching the horses on the gallops. Let them have their new world order. Offers Harry the flask. He shakes his head.

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HARRY I cant do that Hugo. HUGO Theyll crucify you, Harry. cant stop these people. HARRY Crucifixion it is then. He turns away. Hugo hesitates then leaves, walking quickly toward the door. CLOSE TO HARRY: he is in pain. walk slowly toward the exit. He waits. Then he begins to You


INT. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM - DAY 2. 0903 Harry comes down the central stairway into the main foyer. His mobile rings and he answers. TOM (ON PHONE) Harry. Harry stops dead. HARRY Tom. TOM (ON PHONE) Are you all right? HARRY You perforated my shoulder and damn well nearly got my lung. Otherwise things are just hunky dory. TOM (ON PHONE) I couldnt let you bring me in. HARRY Meet me.





Tom in his doorway, always looking at the door of the church opposite. TOM I cant. HARRY (ON PHONE) Why not? TOM I dont know if youll believe me. Trust me.


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HARRY (ON PHONE) Oh really, you think I cant trust you? Now why is that? Something to do with the memory of you holding a shot gun in my face? TOM Im innocent Harry. I didnt assassinate Sir John Stone.

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The great Victorian Gothic door and steps. Grass and trees. Parents and children. A few street people, drinking. A relaxed scene. Harry walks out and comes down the steps. HARRY Well youd just better be innocent. For all our sakes.


EXT. LONDON STREET - DAY 2. 0903 TOM What do you mean? HARRY (ON PHONE) There are conspirators. Your treachery is the perfect excuse they have to destroy the service as we know it. (A beat) Tom? TOM Ill get you proof! HARRY (ON PHONE) How? Looking at the church door. TOM Ive got a way.



EXT. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM - DAY 2. 0903 HARRY As far as Im concerned youre a dead man in the North Sea. And youll stay that way until you prove otherwise. He rings off.

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EXT. WEST LONDON STREET - DAY INTO EVENING INTO NIGHT A woman is passing with a low bag in her hand. phone into it.


Tom pops the


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He looks across the street at the church door, his eyes flickering with tension. CROSS-FADES from day time to evening to night. Toms attention on the church does not waver, even when someone gives him a few pence. Then, at night time, A MAN appears in a trench coat, collar turned up, and a Trilby, walking briskly. The man goes up the steps to the church door taking his hat off. Tom stands and is crossing the road quickly toward the church.

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OMITTED OMITTED INT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - NIGHT 2. 2201 Tom enters the church. Victorian gloom. An echo. around the walls. He can not see HERMANN JOYCE.

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He walks

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JOYCE kneels at the front of the church. He stands. Tom disappears into shadows. Joyce goes to an effigy of the Virgin Mary. candle and looks up at her. He lights a

JOYCE Our lady of sorrows, forgive me for what I have done. But my daughter loved you. A man destroyed her, now I have destroyed him. Do you understand?


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He crosses himself, bows and turns. He sees something. Joyce whips around, a pistol with a silencer already in his hand. And Tom comes out of the shadows behind him arm raised to strike. Joyce hears him and is beginning to turn, so the terrible blow does not catch him fully on the neck. The gun spins away across the stone floor. Tom puts Joyce into an arm lock and drags him across the floor. Joyce is in pain. JOYCE (contd) Hey Tom. (Winces) Neat move. TOM Shut up! Tom reaches the gun. He drags a half stumbling Hermann to the side of the aisle. JOYCE Bright fellow, knowing Id come here. TOM I said shut up. JOYCE (Ignores that) Hey Tom what are you going to do? Take me in? TOM That is the idea. Joyce scoffs. JOYCE Remember my CV? A year in the Lubianka a prisoner of the KGB? You think English gents in M.I.5 are going to get me to confess with a few sleepless nights and psychological games? Hey ... Lifts his face near to Tom.


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JOYCE (contd) Theyd have to burn my genitals off with red hot metal. (Grins) Even then I probably wont tell how I set you up. TOM Get up. JOYCE No. TOM Youre not going to win. Youre not going to destroy me. JOYCE No? Look at yourself. TOM Get up or Ill kill you, God help me. JOYCE God wont help you Tom. you do. Whatever

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TOM You want me to send you straight down to hell? JOYCE Well tell me what its like, arent you there right now? Hated by old friends, hunted by your country? When they pick you up how much will you get, thirty years? Tom is increasingly desperate, jamming the pistol to his chest, looking around the church. TOM You will do exactly what I say ...

JOYCE No no no ... (Fury) When you recruited Lisa to penetrate that terrorist cell. She was an innocent - and now shes lying in an asylum with her mind gone forever. I want you to go mad too Tom. A beat.


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TOM Deal. He shoots Joyce through the chest rolling away at the same time. The pistol has a silencer but there is still a sound. It reverberates about the church. Tom looks up and waits. Noone comes.


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He puts his hand in Joyces pocket. Then another pocket. He takes his mobile phone. He drags the body toward the door and pushes through it.

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EXT. THAMES HOUSE - NIGHT 2. 2300 A CCTV camera high on a wall pans. SECURITY MONITORS:


The view from the camera outside Thames House; then the foyer, empty; a corridor; an empty office; finally the grid with the team working.




Zoe, Danny, Ruth, Malcolm, Colin and Sam have pushed desks together. There are plates of food, fruit, thermos flasks. It is clear from the food eaten, the plastic cups and the way they are sitting - Adam has his feet up on the table - that they have been going for a few hours. And it is clear they have been getting nowhere. Adam lifts a sandwich and bites into it. Danny lifts a coffee cup. Zoe turns away.





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On monitors: outside Thames House, the foyer, offices, then the Grid with the team working.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. THE GRID - NIGHT 2. 2303 Now they have come alive but the exhaustion makes them ragged. ZOE Were going round and round He shot Harry! ...


DANNY Yeah but he was facing arrest for treason with zero chance of proving his innocence ... I mean, if it had been me Id have pulled the trigger. Zoe sees Harry standing in the door way of his office. has his back to him. A look of horror on Zoes face. ADAM (Not turning round) What about you, Harry? If you were in Toms position ... would you have shot you? Adam


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The flicker of a smile.


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ZOE (low) I dont want him to be guilty, you know. HARRY If you are talking about Tom Quinn. (beat) I suggest you all stop and have a break. Harry turns back into his office. The team stand. Danny stretches his arms above his head. Coffee is being drunk. Adam wanders into the meeting room. Danny goes after him. DANNY Do you have any kind of know ... plan? ... you

ADAM I dont know Danny. (beat) I did something once, when I was stationed in Damascus. I made up a story about a high ranking intelligence officer in the Syrian Secret Service. The guy was a torturer, a real pig. And the horror story was he was about to find out his wife was an agent I was running. I had to stop him. So I put it about that the pig was, well, not a pig, but a mole. Working for the Israeli secret service. And do you know what? It turned out to be true. DANNY What happened? ADAM The Syrians hanged him. The Israelis went ape of course. DANNY And the agent? ADAM I married her. DANNY Oh right.

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ADAM Youll meet her, shes gorgeous. See, dont plan too much Danny. Let things just crinkle out.


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Adam grins. Danny is impressed. He likes this man.




A car draws up fast. The door opens. A body is pushed out from the front passenger seat. The car speeds away. A moment, the body lying outside Thames House.


SCREEN: CCTV - NIGHT 2. 2310 On a monitor: the body lying on the edge of the pavement. The door of the car is closing.


* * *


INT. THAMES HOUSE. FOYER - NIGHT 2. 2320 The body is lying on the floor. down at it. Zoe, Danny and Adam look


* * * * *

ZOE Danny that cant be ... DANNY I think it is. ADAM Hermann Joyce. set him up. The man Tom said

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

ZOE But he was meant to have died five years ago! DANNY More like five minutes ago. ZOE But thats why ... why no one would believe Tom. ADAM Bit of a turn around. Zoe slides down the wall and crouches, overcome. Harry comes from the lifts. He stares at the corpse.

HARRY In doubting Tom Quinn I believe I made the worst mistake of my life. Harry walks away. DANNY Take him down to the medical room. Ill ring the duty doctor.

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Ruth comes running across the Grid with two big, shiny prints. Adam looks at them then hands them to Zoe. CLOSE UP: The first photograph. A man stands by a desert road, smiling, an automatic weapon in his hand. RUTH (O.S.) Taken during the first Iraqi war. Zoe looks at the second blown up photograph. ADAM Lets have a look at the widow who wasnt. (to Ruth) Have Registry come up with the C.I.A. video?

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A video clip is playing upon a computer screen. A funeral. Many men in big black cloaks. The video is official. There is a WOMAN in black - it is CARMEN JOYCE - and a young woman in a wheelchair, who is sobbing. A nurse leans over the comfort her. DANNY (V.O.) The funeral of Hermann Joyce, hero of the C.I.A. 17th of August, 1999. Official video from the Library of Congress. Not a dry eye in the cemetery. ZOE (V.O.) And here goes the flag to the widow. The American flag, folded, is handed to Carmen. CAMERA PULLS BACK.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. THE GRID - NIGHT 2. 0001 Danny, Zoe and Adam are looking at the screen. DANNY Hold it there. SCREEN: the image of Carmen receiving the flag. ADAM So whats this tell us? ZOE Well, theres the widow. the car accident. Survived

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ADAM Very moving scene. Only its not Hermann in the coffin is it.


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One car the The all DANNY hell of a thing to fix. A fake crash, another body, tricking C.I.A. into a heros funeral. wife must have been in on it the way.

ZOE Do you think she lied to her daughter, told her that her father was dead? Zoe hits keys. SCREEN: She moves into Carmens face, the image becomes grainier. But it is a clear picture. ZOE (V.O.) (contd) What it means is they must have hunted together. Planned everything that happened to Tom, together. And Oliver Mace is making his way out of a pod and across the Grid. Ruth immediately kills the picture. office. Harry comes out of his

* * * * *

OLIVER A fearsome hour to be awake, Harry. HARRY Til this is resolved no one sleeps. Follow me.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. HARRYS OFFICE - NIGHT 2. 0010 Harry and Oliver are mid-row.


Seen through the offices windows, Adam, Zoe and Danny come through the pods onto the grid. HARRY But we are now in an entirely different situation! OLIVER Quinn could have been working with Joyce anyway. You would have needed a confession. In its absence this investigation continues. HARRY But the body proves ...


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OLIVER It proves nothing. HARRY You are not acting in the interests of this service!


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OLIVER In this matter I AM the interests of this service! HARRY You think this service should be reduced to something like a firm of decorators. Only called in when you want a whitewash! OLIVER You are on very dangerous ground, Harry. (Sees Adam. Taken aback) Whats Adam Carter doing here? HARRY Ive drafted him in. OLIVER Carter is a loose cannon. his reputation. HARRY Its brilliant. OLIVER Its anti-establishment. Damascus debacle. HARRY Damascus was a triumph. OLIVER Carter wont help you stop the change thats coming to this building. HARRY I am going to remove any cause for you to wreck this service, I am going to prove Tom Quinn innocent. OLIVER And is he? HARRY Oh yes. A beat. OLIVER This is too big a game for you to win, Harry. HARRY We shall see. The You know

* * * * * * * *


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Oliver walks out of the office. Harry is in pain.




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The car is impressively ministerial. It is chauffeur driven with a partition making the back seat private. Oliver is sitting alone in the back. BELLING gets in. The car stops. JASON


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JASON Do we really have to meet like this, Oliver? OLIVER We are taking on spies. JASON Old school boys putting bugs in peoples trousers? Dinosaurs. All right, you wanted this. Whats so urgent? OLIVER Hermann Joyces body was delivered to Thames House at midnight. A beat. JASON There is no doubt it is the man Tom (MORE) Quinn claims set him up? OLIVER No doubt. It ... raises the possibility that Tom Quinn was innocent. JASON Have they hard evidence? confession, a tape? No. OLIVER But the truth may be A


JASON The truth is the intelligence services in this country are not giving the Government what it wants: clear unambiguous statements. OLIVER Raw intelligence is murky, never clear ... JASON Its time to dump the old fashioned spy.


Episode One - Violet Pages 4.2.04 JASON(cont'd) CONTINUED: The Government needs a secret service which will tell the Government and the public who the enemies of the state are. OLIVER And arrest them at will, some fear ... JASON Can we rely on you Oliver? Have you still got some of the old fuddyduddy thinking in you? OLIVER No no ... Ill press on with the investigation. JASON Do that. Its your head on the block over this. There are no phone records, e-mails back to us. Im quite good at the spy game too. Smiles. OLIVER I think Ill call in a favour with the C.I.A. Get them to let me talk to their bad girl.

Page 32.

* *


INT. BAR - NIGHT 2. 0035 Danny in a booth of a bar. Heads close together. Zoe brings two pints.

They sip.

ZOE (Low) Carmen or no Carmen, trouble is were still nowhere near proving anything for or against Tom. DANNY Interesting times. ZOE I miss him. DANNY Chinese curse, int it: may you live in interesting times.


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ZOE I am so tired.




Christine is being baby sat. Three large MEN sit in the room on chairs. She is on a sofa. She stares at a bottle of wine before her on a small coffee table. Then with a quick movement she lifts the bottle and the opener. But before she can open it the door opens. Oliver Mace comes in with the C.I.A MAN whom Danny and Zoe saw. C.I.A MAN Christine, this is Mr. Oliver Mace of British Intelligence. We have agreed to put your interrogation on hold so you can help him. OLIVER Ms. Dale. Christine looks scared. OLIVER (contd) Got another glass? One of the large men immediately goes to the kitchen. Oliver takes the bottle of wine from Christine. The man comes back with a wine glass and puts it on the coffee table. Oliver is pouring wine. A chill in the air. OLIVER (contd) I can help you. CHRISTINE I dont see how. Im suspected of being the accomplice of a British traitor. OLIVER We are prepared to intervene with the C.I.A on your behalf. If you will do this country a service. He sips his wine. OLIVER (contd) Meet Tom Quinn. No. CHRISTINE I wont, I cant. The men watch without emotion.

* *

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INT. BAR - NIGHT 2. 0042 The suggestion of too much drink. ZOE You know, I dont believe anything anyone says to me any more. (Scoffs.) I mean Im meant to be a ... (Whispers the word) Spy. And if I cant believe anything I ... (Whisper again) spy on, what use am I?



INT. CHRISTINES FLAT - NIGHT 2. 0043 Christine and Oliver sit as before. CHRISTINE But if Joyce was alive then that would mean that would mean ... Tom ... Tom was telling the truth? Oh dear God. Oh ... OLIVER Tom is a traitor. We must know what he and his friends are up to. CHRISTINE He wont meet me. Oliver signals to one of the C.I.A men. machine.


He plays her answer

TOM (ANSWER MACHINE) Christine, meet me, lunchtime, tomorrow, the old place. Please, for me. (Click) CHRISTINE I wont meet him, I wont! OLIVER You will. Or I will give your masters a very hostile report. Youll be interrogated for months, drinking out of a toilet bowl in a C.I.A facility, standing up all night in a freezing cell. He suddenly slaps her on the side of the head, making her ear go dead. A deliberately brutal blow. She cries out. The men in the room are stone.


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OLIVER (contd) You know my reputation dont you Christine? I dont let people NOT do what I want them to do. Christine can hardly speak with fear. OLIVER (contd) So choose. A little emotional discomfort with an ex-lover or gaol for life. They say that, in American prisons, traitors have a worse time than paedophiles. He holds out a hand. One of the men gives him a small grey box. He puts it on the coffee table, opens it and lifts a listening device, a wire.


INT. BAR - NIGHT 2. 0047 Danny and Zoe, as before. ZOE Lets go home. DANNY I think Ill go on. Come?


ZOE Not that place on the Willesden Road. DANNY Its all right. ZOE (Standing) I dont think so, Danny.


EXT. DANNY AND ZOES FLAT - NIGHT 2. 0100 Zoe opens the door.



INT. DANNY AND ZOES FLAT - NIGHT 2. 0101 She walks into the living room. lamp. She is about to turn on a


A hand touches hers, stopping her. She turns. Tom is very close to hers, in the semi darkness. shabby and dirty and he is smiling. She gasps. He puts a hand to his lips. He is

He points at the curtains.


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She goes to them and closes them. Tom switches on the lamp. A big, dirty

SHOT from Zoes POV. Tom looks like a tramp. hold-all is on the floor beside him.

She is about to react but again he stops her - a quick gesture understood immediately: is it bugged? She nods. them. He shrugs, smiling again, meaning Lets get

CROSS FADES: as silently Zoe and Tom look for bugs. She finds one he finds two. CUT TO:


SAME - LATER. 0110 The bugs nestle in his hand. A beat, both still. Then she flies at him and pummels his chest with her fists. ZOE Bastard, you bastard, bastard, bastard oh Tom. She weeps they hold each other. Tears are in Toms eyes. Then she steps back with a grimace. ZOE (contd) God you ... Sorry. TOM Smell of the outsider.


He smiles. The old charm makes anger flood into her and she flies at him again. ZOE How could you do this to us? you ... You,

This time he grabs her wrists, they wrestle. Then he lets her go and they hug each other. And she breaks away abruptly, turned away from him, struggling to control herself. A beat. TOM Get Danny. Do that for me, are you going to do that for me? She hesitates. There is something feverish in Toms manner that she does not understand.

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INT. SAME - LATER. 0130 Danny opens the door of the flat. He stops.


Tom is sprawling on the sofa, his hold-all beside him. drinking a mug of tea. TOM Hello Danny. DANNY Tom. (A beat) Not dead, I see. TOM Dead inside, but we dont want to go there do we? I mean none of us want to go there. He smiles. about?

He is

Danny and Zoe think what the hell is he talking DANNY Do you have any idea what weve been through because of you? TOM Look Im drained. You want to fight me, youll win. ZOE Danny. DANNY OK OK. ZOE Do you want a shower TOM No I need the dirt. ...

He sits.

He takes a few deep breathes. TOM (contd) Amazing living rough. You know theres a market economy, even down there? Clothes are all. Steal some then you trade your way up. See. Im a king beggar.

He lifts his hold-all. ZOE Tom! What happened with Hermann Joyce?


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TOM Yeah about that. You see, no matter how brilliant Joyce was he had to have a flaw. Each man kills the thing he loves, you see. DANNY Right. On no they think: is he bonkers? decisive Tom. Then he is the old,

TOM And I remembered something Harry said once: in the great ones, the really brilliant agents, vices and virtues are linked together. And it hit me. What was Hermann Joyces great virtue? Family love. For his daughter. Lisa was a devout catholic. She had a favourite Church. So I staked it out. And staked my life on her father making a sentimental journey before he disappeared again, into his faked grave. And he did. But A beat. TOM Wed never have got a confession out of him. Just more lies. ZOE So what did you think, the body was the best you could do? TOM Sort of. Grotesque DANNY ... ... ZOE but did you kill him?

ZOE Not enough, either. While youve been playing King of the beggars Oliver Mace has been making havoc. He wants to fire us all and wreck the service. DANNY And you are the ammunition. The body hasnt stopped this. Weve got to have one hundred percent proof youre innocent.


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TOM OK. A beat. TOM (contd) Who else knows about Joyces death? (grin) His real death. Zoe and Danny are taken aback by Toms coolness. DANNY No one. ZOE Five are holding the body at the secret Croydon mortuary. TOM So no ones told her. ZOE Who? TOM The wife. He takes out Joyces mobile and holds it up.

* * *

* *

(MORE) TOM (contd) Joyces phone. They text each other. 59

INT. THAMES HOUSE. THE GRID - DAY 3. 0800 SHOT: close to Danny and Zoe as they walk across the grid.



INT. THAMES HOUSE. HARRYS OFFICE - DAY 3. 0801 Harry is with Adam. Danny and Zoe come in.


DANNY Weve got something to tell you. ADAM Youve heard from Tom. Stunned. ZOE How did you know? ADAM I didnt. It just popped into my head. Never believed he was dead, though. A guy with Toms record, top himself? Its not in his soul.


Episode One - Violet Pages 4.2.04 ADAM(cont'd) CONTINUED: Right, whats he been doing, living rough?

Page 39A.


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HARRY (To himself) The invisible option. ZOE Yes. Harry swivels his chair away, sunk in his own thoughts. DANNY He turned up at our flat last night. ZOE (Low) He killed Joyce. ADAM (Low) Dont tell us that! Well deal with that later, right Harry? Harry, a slight movement of his hand. mobile phone. Zoe takes out Joyces

ZOE This is Hermann Joyces mobile. Tom has an idea how to use it.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. GRID/FORGERY SUITE - DAY 3. 0820 Adam, Zoe, Danny and Harry walk from Harrys office to the forgery suite. HARRY It is vital we get Joyces wife. She shared everything with him. Shell have known what Hermann was doing all the way.


They enter the forgery suite. Malcolm is in a white coat, there is a magnifying device on his forehead, tilted up. He has a metal tray and a clipboard ... On it Joyces mobile phone, dismantled. MALCOLM Ive analysed the circuits in Joyces phone. He had a coding device for sending texts. Very natty. ADAM What do they say? MALCOLM Well, its a lot of sex. He blushes. Sorry.


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ADAM Is there an address for Carmen? MALCOLM (Consults clipboard) Yes. ADAM We keep the news of his death secret. We use the mobile to text the wife. A message that will seem to have come from Joyce. Something something something ... to get her to come to London at once. ZOE And we pick her up? ADAM Yup. Squeeze the whole story out of her, the whole plot against Tom. On the record cut and dried, wham bam thank you very much. DANNY Kick Oliver Mace out of the park. HARRY So we lure a United States citizen to this country and force a confession out of her. That is a totally illegal, madcap scheme! I like it. Great idea Adam. ADAM Its not mine its Toms. her from the airport. We tail

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DANNY Shes ex-C.I.A. Shell spot a tail. ADAM So well go to the movies, use CCTV all the way. Make sure she gets to the hotel, then lift her. ZOE But will she come? DANNY We sent a pretty sexy text. ADAM And Ive got a feeling Carmen Joyce is like her old man. HARRY In what way?

* * *


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ADAM Shes addicted to danger. DANNY (approvingly) Sex and danger.

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Tom is sitting on a bench. He is still dishevelled and bearded, but not quite the tramp he was. He does, however, have no socks on. He looks bohemian. Christine walks past.


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He does not react. Ten yards on she stops dead. She turns round and stares. He still does not look at her. She goes back to the bench and sits down. TOM You always lunch in our square. Prawn and wheat-germ salad. CHRISTINE Just because you know what someone eats doesnt mean you know them. She hates this. TOM Are you being tailed? CHRISTINE Theyve taken the minders off me. Ive been reinstated. Im free. Free. TOM Of what?

CHRISTINE What do you want Tom? TOM Christine, look at me. She will not. TOM (contd) Christine. She looks at him. TOM (contd) I was set up and I am on my way to proving it. CHRISTINE Well great. So you think you can just reappear in my life? TOM My life, your life ... Maybe theres a lottery committee somewhere, underground, throwing dice to decide what well be, day by day. Spy, tramp. Traitor, hero. For example how about this for fourteen million to one: a dead man died yesterday. M.I.5 have got the body.


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CHRISTINE Hermann Joyce. Tom is hit out of his stride. TOM You know? CHRISTINE Some one told me. TOM The C.I.A? Christine, a moments hesitation. CHRISTINE Yes. TOM Do you know if theyve told his wife? CHRISTINE Thats what you want from me is it? That and And what? TOM ... CHRISTINE To make up?

TOM I need to know about Carmen Joyce. CHRISTINE Why? A beat. TOM Five are planning to get her to London and lift her. Christine looks pained. This is being recorded. CHRISTINE When? Tom looks at her, hard. TOM Shes already on her way. Itll only work if she still thinks Joyce is alive. CHRISTINE I... Ill see what I can find out.


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TOM Contact Danny or Zoe. CHRISTINE When she gets to London... where are you going to lift her? I need details to help you. TOM Are you ... ? A horrible moment for Christine. CHRISTINE What, wearing a wire? Want to strip search me do you? Out here in public? Are you losing it Tom. TOM (A beat.) Portmans Hotel, Westminster. Christine we can get through this. Be together again. CHRISTINE If thats what you want. wash. TOM Against my new religion. Not She stands. TOM I love you. She does not reply and moves off. TOM (contd) (To himself) I do, I do, I do. GO TO CHRISTINE: tears are pouring down her face as she walks along. She pulls at her throat and rips out the wire. She dumps it in a bin. CHRISTINE I love you too Tom Quinn. She walks away quickly. ... CHRISTINE for a few days. And you





SHOT FROM ABOVE: Oliver sits at a table. The table fills the shot. A hand comes into view.


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CONTINUED: Puts a recording device on the table. Oliver presses a button.

TOM (ON TAPE) Portmans Hotel, Westminster.

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CARMEN JOYCE - elegantly dressed, with a smart medium sized wheeled suitcase, is waiting for a taxi at Heathrow Airport. DANNY (V.O.) OK thats her. Shes left the arrival hall shes ... shes ... getting a taxi.


EXT. OBSERVATION VAN OUTSIDE PORTMANS HOTEL - DAY 3. 1600 65 An expensive, Georgian hotel. An awning. big revolving door with DOORMAN. Shining brass, a

The observation van is parked amongst expensive cars just down the street on the opposite side.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - DAY 3. 1600 Adam, Zoe, Danny, Colin. An array of monitors.


COLIN Were patched into the Civil Contingency camera network ... following her all the way ... ZOE The taxis not leaving the airport, look ... The taxi is turning around. ADAM Foxy lady, tradecraft. Colin on a phone link. COLIN Control Room, shes turning. ZOE When shall we stake out the hotel? DANNY Now, this is all very smooth ...

* * *


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ADAM No. Just wait. a bit more. Shell dodge about CROSS FADE TO:

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LATER COLIN Theyve got her ...


* *

ON A MONITOR: Carmen getting off the London Heathrow Express. DANNY She got out of the taxi and took the Heathrow Express. ADAM OK shes coming here. Danny picks up a tie. Go go!




Danny and Zoe leave the van. We realise they are very well dressed. Danny is putting the tie on.




A beautiful, wide foyer, oak panelling, luxurious sofas and arm chairs for people waiting. Danny and Zoe, very well dressed, are sitting in the foyer some yards apart. Danny has head phones on that seem to be from a Walkman. Zoe is reading a broadsheet newspaper.

* 70


EXT. PORTMANS HOTEL - DAY 3. 1611 A taxi draws up. CARMEN JOYCE gets out. dressed in a film-star mode.

She is expensively

SHOT: go past Carmen to the observation van.

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INT. OBSERVATION VAN - DAY 3. 1611 Adam and Colin are inside. Alpha one. They have the foyer on screen.


DANNY (V.O.) Target has arrived.

ADAM We see her. COLIN So the plan is ... ADAM She checks into her room and I pay her a visit.


INT. PORTMANS HOTEL. FOYER - DAY 3. 1613 Carmen comes into the foyer. DANNY The Mark is in. is in. She stops and looks around.


Repeat, the Mark

Zoe looks at the scene, looking at guests flooding into the foyer. Then she realises that some in the foyer are not guests. She spins. She sees one, two, three other male HEAVIES ... ZOE Alpha one, there are goons everywhere repeat goons everywhere. I think theyre going to try to lift her out of the foyer ...


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - DAY 3. 1614 ADAM I bet you theyre Oliver Maces! The bastards trying to snatch her so we cant question her ... (into mic) Zoe! Flirt! Now. He tears off his earphones and stands.


* * * *



FOYER - DAY 3. 1615

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A heavy is moving toward Carmen. Zoe steps in front of him, runs her hands across his chest to his shoulder. ZOE Dennis, its been so long. For a second the heavy stops, stunned. foyer. Up to Zoe. Adam flies into the

* *


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ADAM (shouts) You cow!


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She hits him hard a full slap on the face. Carmen turns round, realises the foyer is full of spooks and immediately makes for the door. Adam and Zoe stage a fight in such a way as to clear Carmens path to the door - like an American football defence stopping the heavies from getting her. ADAM (contd) What are you up to? ZOE I can do anything I want! ADAM And you do, dont you! anyone. With

* * * * * * * * * * *

ZOE I dont know who you are any more you bastard! ADAM Well youre going to find out! ZOE If Im around! Danny helps. He intercepts another heavy.

* *

(MORE) Two HOTEL SECURITY MEN are making for Adam and Zoe. A heap of well-dressed guests and expensive luggage is piling up in the middle of the foyer.
Danny, still distracted by the heavy, sees Carmen slip out of the door.

* *


EXT. PORTMANS HOTEL - DAY 3. 1616 Carmen is getting into a cab.



INT. OBSERVATION VAN - DAY 3. 1616 Colin sees that Carmen is getting away. COLIN Oh no, no not that. (into mic) Adam! Carmens got away.


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The two Security Guards are manhandling Adam to the back of the foyer. Zoe follows. ADAM (Own voice, taking out a card)


Episode One - Violet Pages 4.2.04 ADAM(cont'd) CONTINUED: OK gentlemen thank you very much. Please ring that number.

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Gives the card to a security man who stares at it. Danny comes over. DANNY Carmen got away.


INT. LONDON CLUB - DAY 3. 1618 Oliver Mace is taking a call. Got away? OLIVER Wait!


Slams the phone down and lifts it again.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. THE GRID - DAY 3. 1619 Malcolm, Joyces phone in front of him. It gives a text received sound. Malcolm lifts it gingerly.



INT. THAMES HOUSE. HARRYS OFFICE - DAY 3. 1620 Harry is on the phone. Harry! HARRY (ON PHONE) (Holds up his hand) You ordered Special Branch to interfere with an operation being run by my officers! Malcolm rushes in.

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INT. CLUB - DAY 3. 1621 Oliver on the phone. OLIVER The woman is to be delivered to immigration at once. Oh dear. HARRY (O.V) Weve lost her. Woops.


He slams the phone down. SHOT: the livid face of Oliver Mace.


INT. THAMES HOUSE. HARRYS OFFICE - DAY 3. 1622 Malcolm holding up Joyces phone. MALCOLM She just texted Hermann Joyces mobile. Ive decoded it.



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HARRY And it says? MALCOLM Meet at safe house. HARRY Theyve got a safe house all of their own. But where? Ruth at the door. RUTH Shes in one of our cabs!

* *

* 83
Ruth is


INT. THAMES HOUSE. GRID - DAY 3. 1626 On a monitor: Carmen in the back of a black cab. with Harry. RUTH We had a Spook taxi outside the hotel. Carmen hired it. HARRY Spook taxi? RUTH Ive been recruiting taxi drivers. Its cheaper than having our own cars. Should I have cleared ... ? No, no. HARRY Initiative.

RUTH The driver texted me. Theyre on their way to something called The New Concord in Peckham.

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INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. 1645 The door of the Obs van is open. Harry steps in, joining Adam, Danny, Zoe and Colin. Space is tight. Danny is texting a message. HARRY What are you doing? DANNY Texting Tom. HARRY Dont send that I dont want him here!


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The Obs van pulls away, it picks up speed. Danny and Adam look at each other. Adam gives a slight nod meaning send it. The van hits a bump. DANNY Oh damn. HARRY What? DANNY It went when we bumped. Harry looks daggers.




It is a back street. Nearby there is a high rise block, an old wall with trees above it and out of control. The area is run down and so is The New Concord, a derelict looking pub. Its walls are off-white and peeling, the windows of the rooms all have thick net curtains pulled, some untidily. Some are grey with dirt.


INT. ROOM IN THE NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. 1731 Carmen is looking out of the window. She turns away and paces, arms folded, tense. She stops and looks at her mobile. She paces again.

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* * * * * * * * * *

An Asian WOMAN and her two teenage DAUGHTERS are being ushered out of a room by Special Forces MEN and Danny. puts a finger to his mouth. Asian music is playing.




Danny comes into the room. The Asian family have been living here. The same music plays from an old-fashioned cassette recorder. Colin - headphones on - is on a chair probing the wall. is putting in an audio and visual probe. COLIN These walls are all crumbly. DANNY Victorian. COLIN What a hell hole. DANNY Joyce chose it. Perfect cover. He

* * * * * (CONTINUED)

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ON A MONITOR Carmen appears - she is moving around the room. DANNY (contd) Great. Right room. Danny goes to leave. Colin stays. Monitoring the equipment.

* *




Zoe is monitoring the camera and the bug. Danny comes into the van. Everyone has headphones on. It is very cramped and very tense. AN IMAGE ON A SCREEN: the room. Carmen goes to a corner of the room and pulls back the carpet.


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ZOE Whats she doing? Carmen pulls up a floorboard. She takes out something wrapped in a cloth. Undoes the cloth. It is a large automatic pistol. HARRY Im sending in Special Forces. ADAM We have a shoot out and we could lose her. Let me go in, alone. The back door opens. Harry. HARRY Face to face. Certain of the situation are you? TOM Hope so. All is very awkward. Adam a hand out, a big smile. ADAM Adam Carter. Ive been brought in as a kind of fire engine round here. For a moment Tom is taken aback. TOM Right. ADAM Carmens going to run. HARRY Were going to snatch her. TOM My guess is she wont be taken. Shes looking at the rest of her life in an American gaol. Let me go in there. Talk to her. HARRY We cant expose you. TOM Harry the wheels turning! Tom climbs in. TOM


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HARRY Wheel? TOM Lottery wheel. This is the chance! We need her story to clear me! ADAM I should do it. TOM Who the hell do you think you are? Adams temper flashes. ADAM Actually old son Im an officer who didnt get suckered by an American con artist. They are about to square up, in the confined space. HARRY Right both of you, outside!


EXT. STREET IN PECKHAM. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. 1736 Harry, Adam and Tom, very close. TOM It must be down to me! ADAM Shell kill him. TOM Ill go with a legend. HARRY You know shed spot you in seconds. ADAM And youd be dead. TOM Its my right to do this. ADAM Youre too involved. it. Right. No! Youll blow


HARRY Adam, its you. TOM


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HARRY Ive given an order. TOM Im going in. HARRY You are not. CLOSE UPS: Toms face, Harrys face. A beat. Tom turns to Adam. TOM Youve got my life. ADAM I know I have. TOM But its not about my life is it. ADAM (Ironic) The future of the service we love and suffer for. TOM Too right. They smile. ADAM Dont worry.

* * * *

* * * * * * * * * *


INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. 1745 The music is still playing from the other room.

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Carmen is sitting calmly on a chair, a coffee table before her, facing the door. Her mobile phone and the pistol are on the table. The music stops. She looks up. She lifts the gun.


EXT. ROOF OVER LOOKING NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. 1746 Two snipers have taken up position. A radio is heard crackling: RADIO VOICE (V.O.) Second floor second window from right ... confirm.


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* * *

The cassette machine has stopped. Colin is in a panic. tries to start it again. It wont work.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. 1746 HARRY Whats happened? DANNY The music stopped. HARRY (INTO RADIO MIC) Colin, get that music back on!


* *


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ZOE (Into a mike) X-ray two, there was music on, reinstate at once.

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INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. 1746 No music. The pistol is in Carmens hand. Adam speaks from the other side.

A knock on the door.

ADAM Mrs Joyce? (A beat) Your husband sent me. CARMEN Who are you? ADAM My names Ted Baxter. A beat. ADAM (contd) Landlord. The music begins to play again. Carmen goes to the door. She stands by the wall. the door and pulls it open. Adam walks in. ADAM (contd) Hi I ... At once she has the gun to the side of his head. With her free hand she pushes him and trips him up, slamming the door. ADAM (contd) Ow! CARMEN Shut up! ADAM Bit unnecessary. messenger boy. Im just the Then opens

CARMEN No youre not. You were in the hotel. Breaking up your marriage. True. ADAM But I do have a message.

* * *


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CARMEN Then deliver it. ADAM Your husbands dead.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS Shock at Adams tactics. ZOE What the hell does he think hes doing? HARRY This is blue reader. special forces ... No wait. to her. Stand-by


TOM Thats what Id have said


INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS Adam drops his Baxter persona. gun to his head.


He is still on the floor, the

ADAM You know what I am dont you. CARMEN Yes. ADAM I think you better view your options, dont you? OK sit up. CARMEN On this chair. She puts a chair

She backs away, the gun trained on him. before the coffee table. CARMEN (contd) Sit on your hands.

He sits on the chair his hands beneath his legs. CARMEN (contd) Youre all over the place I spose. ADAM Oh yes. This rooms ... well, the last bit of freedom youre ever going to have.


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CARMEN Last bit of freedom youll have too. ADAM (Looks at her gun.) Maybe. A beat. CARMEN How did Hermann die?


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS ADAM (SMALL SCREEN) He was flagged down on the outskirts of Heathrow. There was a shoot out. SMALL SCREEN: Carmen turns away to absorb this. Consternation in the van. ZOE What? DANNY Dazzling liar. CARMEN (SMALL SCREEN) Did he take many of you with him? Tom to himself. He is on Adams wavelength.

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* *

TOM Tell her he killed some of us. Tell he killed three, four ... Harry looks at Tom sharply.


INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS ADAM Five. CARMEN Good for Hermann. Now theres nothing else to do. He looks away, controlling herself. ADAM You achieved a lot though. up Tom was a great scam. A beat. Setting



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CARMEN More, it had elegance. To set up the patriotic English spy as an assassin.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS They are mesmerised. Zoe, tears on her face.


ZOE She said it. TOM Yes. HARRY Were saved. ZOE Get all of this Danny! Danny hyperactive with the equipment, setting levels checking dials. DANNY Dont worry its running to two tapes and a digital disk. CARMEN Are we bugged? O course. CARMEN (SMALL SCREEN) And youre asking me to confess. ADAM (SMALL SCREEN) Yeah. TOM Give her what she wants. her ... Praise (V.O.)



INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS They are very still. ADAM It was a masterpiece. How long did it take you to set up? CARMEN From when our daughter Lisa went to pieces, ten years ago, because of Tom Quinn.



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ADAM That was why you wanted revenge on Tom? CARMEN He recruited her when she was a student. He was undercover. She was left-wing, immature. He got hold of her. She couldnt stand the pressure. Broke down. Shes still in a facility in Maine, doped most of the time. When she isnt screaming. Hermann wanted to kill himself at first, you know. Hed cry in my arms like a baby. ADAM You got him through that. CARMEN I wasnt going to lose him too. The first task was to fake Hermanns death. ADAM And you staged the ...

CARMEN It was like a movie set. ADAM Who was in the coffin? CARMEN Oh ... a street person. nothing. ADAM And what did you tell Lisa? CARMEN That her father was dead. It didnt mean anything to her. I want her taken care of whatever happens in this room. ADAM Absolutely. CARMEN Tell the Company that. ADAM We will. (He smiles, shaking his head) Destroying Tom Quinn. A

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INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS TOM (to Harry) Hell say Im a rogue officer ...

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INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS ADAM A lot of people didnt trust him. Were very happy to see him wrecked. How did you set up an operation like that? CARMEN It was financed out of Damascus. ADAM A fun town. Who was paying? CARMEN Iraqi Baathists, they wanted a big assassination in England. And we saw the chance to finger Tom Quinn as the killer.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS Zoe is frozen. Tears are streaming down Dannys face. is staring ahead. HARRY We all misjudged you so much. so very sorry. I am

TOM Its like its stopped raining in my head.


INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS ADAM Anyone help you with this? wheels? CARMEN Hermann was a loner. ADAM Husband and wife team. in the world. CARMEN Something like that. No friends Greased



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ADAM I know what its like. in M.I.6 CARMEN It can be so intimate. ADAM Like youre locked in a room together, for ever. CARMEN Youre good, arent you. good. Very My wifes

ADAM Not as good as Hermann was. CARMEN What happened to Tom Quinn? ADAM (Effortless lie) He drowned himself. CARMEN You mean Quinn is dead? ADAM Oh yeah the body turned up in a trawlers net this morning. CARMEN Oh I really want to believe that. But I cant tell if youre lying or not. ADAM Well there you go. The gun lies loose in her lap. ADAM (contd) What was it turned you and Hermann? Her sarcasm again. CARMEN You mean to the dark forces? ADAM It was more than Lisas breakdown, wasnt it.

* * * * * * *

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INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS DANNY Wheres he going with this? Why doesnt he just get out of there? ZOE Harry shes not holding the gun, send the heavies in before he gets himself killed ...



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Wait. do. TOM I know what hes trying to


INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS CARMEN Youre good enough to have felt what we felt. ADAM You mean ... whats happened to the peace? After all the risks, undercover in Russia, fighting communism? This is the victory of democracy? CARMEN You should have been part of our team. ADAM Its a thin line. CARMEN Tom Quinn is dead. ADAM The dog fish ate half his face away. Therere a lot of dogfish in the North Sea.



INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS DANNY (Under his breath) This guy. TOM (Low) Softly, softly, lie her down softly. ZOE Whats going on? DANNY You cant do this. HARRY No I cant allow it ... They are


He reaches for a switch. Tom grabs his wrist. looking at each other, hard.


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TOM Save the service? You want Oliver Mace to get hold of her, make her change her story?


INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS ADAM Your op was a total success. CARMEN But Im about to be taken in the field. ADAM You know what they say about that.



INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS Tom still holding Harrys hand. TOM Never be taken. ADAM (ON RADIO) Never be taken. HARRY Move your hand. A beat. Then Tom lifts his hand. Will Harry press the switch and stop the events in the room? He does not. Tom is staring at a screen. TOM She tried to ruin my life. But at this moment - shes beautiful. (Change) Go on you bitch, do it. Zoe looks at him with horror.



INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS A beat. They are both aware of the gun lying on her lap. ADAM Cul de sac. CARMEN And the cops are all at the open end.



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Thats it. down. ADAM No fire escape hanging

CARMEN No leap to the roof across the way. ADAM No. No rescue. CARMEN No door.

ADAM Oh theres a door, isnt there, Carmen. A beat. CARMEN Yes. ADAM Go through that and the copsll never get you. CARMEN No. ADAM A kind of act of mercy, to yourself.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS TOM (Low) Touch her hand. (Shouts at the monitor) Touch her hand!



INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS Adam leans forward and touches her hand. CARMEN Whats your real name? ADAM Adam Carter. CARMEN How good are your reflexes? ADAM I could stop you doing it.



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CARMEN But you wont. (A beat) Salu, Adam. Quickly she picks up the pistol, puts the barrel in her mouth and blows her brains out all over the net curtains.


INT. OBSERVATION VAN - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS They are all standing, open mouthed. Oh my God! DANNY Oh my God! Danny is shouting.



INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS The door is burst open by Special forces. ADAM All right all right! (Lower) Just get ... out. Out!


He looks at Carmens body and sits down, thoughtful.


INT. CORRIDOR. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS They have all come running, led by Tom.



INT. ROOM. NEW CONCORD - NIGHT 3. CONTINUOUS They burst into the room and stop before the body. ADAM She and Hermann used to be great. We all pay the price in different ways. Adam looks up at Tom. TOM Yes.





Tom is sitting at his station, legs out straight. He looks relaxed. Zoe, Danny and Ruth are nearby. There is tension. Tom looks around at the grid. TOM Do you know, I thought everything would look completely different. But it doesnt. Harry appears beside Tom.


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HARRY Tom send a signal to the American Ambassador. Tell him we have the bodies of two American citizens. Ask him if he wants them back. No need to be polite. TOM Yes Harry. Harry goes. Tom stands and goes over to Adam.

TOM (contd) I couldnt have got it out of Carmen Joyce. Harry was right to let you to do it. ADAM Maybe. Tom, how did Oliver Mace know wed lured her to London?


INT. UNDERGROUND CAR PARK - NIGHT 4. 2200 Christine is waiting. false smile. Tom ... ? TOM Oh! Did you think you were meeting Oliver Mace? Adam comes up behind her. ADAM Miss Dale, pleased to meet you. TOM This is Adam Carter. Were sort of doing the same job at the moment. CHRISTINE Oh right. A beat. TOM You wore a wire when we met. CHRISTINE I was frightened. Sorry. Sorry. TOM Thats enough is it? Why? Tom approaches.


She turns with a big


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CHRISTINE Ive resigned.


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No. do. I do. TOM (Angry) This work is in us, its second nature. CHRISTINE The colours of my life are changing Tom. Im going to work in the great outdoors. In Yosemite, Northern California. A lot of snow in the winter. Clean air. In a clean place. And the pay is double. So. TOM Are we over? TOM No-one resigns from what we CHRISTINE

Adam shrugs, takes out his mobile and walks away. Christine and Tom alone. CHRISTINE Im out of your world. None of you can touch me ever again. He stares at her. Its dead between them.

GO TO: Adam thirty yards away, keeping an eye on Christine and Tom. ADAM (ON PHONE) No dont go and sleep! Cocktails? Tomll be along. Alone by the look of things. RETURN TO Tom and Christine. CHRISTINE It nearly destroyed me. destroying you. TOM No Im fine. Dandy. She looks at him. It is


There is a flicker in his gaze.

CHRISTINE Goodbye Tom. She turns and walks away.

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INT. LONDON CLUB - DAY 5. 1306 Oliver Mace and JASON BELLING sit in the chairs. JASON It went wrong when you let Harry Pearce walk out of hospital. OLIVER What could I have done? legs? JASON Youve done worse. OLIVER Dont be impertinent. JASON Impertinent? Ive been cut out of the loop because of this. The loop. OLIVER Oh dear. Broken his


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JASON Dont worry. Youre going down with me. OLIVER Am I? Harry comes into view, a Scotch in his hand. OLIVER (contd) Ah Harry good of you to join us. Do you know Jason Belling? HARRY Only on certain tape recordings. Oliver and Harry laugh. Belling goes white.

HARRY (contd) Forgive us Mr Belling, Spook humour. OLIVER Convivial though this is, sadly Mr. Belling is not a member of this club. Nor is he my guest. Is he yours? HARRY No. OLIVER So I think you had better leave.


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Horrible moment. Then Jason Belling stands and leaves. Harrys mood changes.


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HARRY You cut down one but another will pop up in his place, I fear. OLIVER Indeed. HARRY You went over to them. OLIVER Yes. HARRY You damn well nearly landed us with a Ministry of Security running a secret police. OLIVER I ... was perhaps somewhat blinded by ambition. HARRY Somewhat blinded? OLIVER You cant force my resignation you know. This is only a one all draw. Oliver Mace looks away. A beat. Then Harry calls. Not

HARRY James, one more round I think. on my tab.

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EXT. JUBILEE BRIDGE - NIGHT 4. 2000 Danny and Zoe join Tom and Adam. DANNY So did we just save our jobs? ZOE I think we just saved the service. TOM From me. ADAM From the dark forces. I hope I dont ever have to go where youve been. TOM We lie about people a lot in this game. Whats really frightening is when someone lies about you.


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A beat. ADAM Just dont care. TOM I dont. They smile at each other. And the four walk away together. END OF EPISODE

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