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The age of Shakespeare was a great time in English history.

The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) saw England emerge as the leading naval and commercial power of the Western world. England consolidated its position with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and Elizabeth firmly established the Church of England begun by her father, King Henry VIII (following Henry's dispute with the Pope over having his first marriage annulled). European wars brought an influx of continental refugees into England, exposing the Englishman to new cultures. In trade, might, and art, England established an envious preeminence. At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan Age. This atmosphere made London a leading center of culture as well as commerce. Its dramatists and poets were among the leading literary artists of the day. In this heady environment, Shakespeare lived and wrote. London in the 16th century underwent a transformation. Its population grew 400% during the 1500s, swelling to nearly 200,000 people in the city proper and outlying region by the time an immigrant from Stratford came to town. A rising merchant middle class carved out a productive livelihood, and the economy boomed Shakespeare's literary activity associated with a movement of thought and great art that appeal to Europe from the fourteenth century, known as the Renaissance art. It was an era full of bitter conflict in society. Due to the development of urban areas, the expansion of world markets thanks to the Americas and discovered the sea route to India, the seeds of capitalism is forming in the heart of feudalism. Class urban population grows quickly encountered resistance on stocks everything feudal: feudal situation any sand obstructing the formation of the nation; the feudal relations of production hinder productivity, while on a thoughts, ideas ascetic Wednesday, killing education, superstition, anti-science, submissive fate, lives under servitude of the Church as a deterrent against any great progress. Therefore, the emergence of a cultural movement to large: "It was a turning point that the greatest progress this ancient see of humanity, a time of need to those giants of ideology, the enthusiasm and personality, huge talent in all aspects, and deep understanding of them ". A series of "giant" appears: Danto in Italy, Cervantes in West-Ban-Houses, and Franois Rabelais in France. They built the new literature, to free ourselves from the bondage of religion and the feudal ideology. Its content is thought Humanism, the spirit of freedom and democracy; it is a form of ethnic language reaches a very high level of art. But the era of Renaissance art is also the era of primitive accumulation of capital, time farmers went bankrupt, exploitation and extreme violence emerged, opening the era of merciless domination currency. Two aspects of this conflict in life itself are more or less reflected in the works of Humanism, made in the depth of their people. But nowhere can say that these two sides expressed deep in Shakespeare , there making it into a painful contradiction in each work, making work more incredible temptation, because the reader difficult to distinguish this is laugh or cry, or a life stage. This also has the objective causes of it.

Indeed, nowhere are the glory and the dark side of the primitive accumulation of Capital in the concrete by native poets. With the sixteenth century, Britain has entered a turning point in all aspects: economic, social, cultural and turned into "typical of the primitive accumulation of Capital" as identified by Marx... Shakespeare lived during the period that the basis of feudal centuries ago proved to be solid is collapsing rapidly. XVI century, Britain has entered the path of capitalist development. If as before, the UK lives almost entirely in economic life naturally, the trade at that time had grown rapidly both in terms of domestic trade as foreign trade. Object is exported wool. To have more wool exports, they rob landlords of peasant land, turning the land into vast pasture for sheep. Farmers lost their homes, theirs farms and became hungry. The bourgeois class, along with new nobility supported the king tried to national unity, against feudal decentralization, implementation dominated the domestic market, as well as against Spain at that time the most powerful the navy, to gain hegemony over the sea is hegemony of foreign trade and colonial invasion, result in a short time, Britain was the world's top commercial and naval. Victory in 1588 Battle of the English fleet against the Spanish fleet, the most powerful fleet in the world at that time, paved the way for the trade, the colonial invasion of the scale. It is time to develop strong patriotism, as well as philosophy, literature and art.

Changes in economic and social were a good basis to acquire and develop ideas Humanism Renaissance. Countless works of Italian, French, and Spanish was translated into English. British cultural backwardness of the country has caught up with Italy, France, Spain and the European leader in terms of philosophy. Francis Bacon, a philosopher, has left a profound impact on the entire works of Shakespeare. Series of lyricist appeared, screenplay was thriving. But also in this country, extreme poverty of the farmers is more obvious in anywhere.

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