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L Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science & Engineering B.E (Computer Science) 2012 CIRCULAR
All the final year students are hereby informed to note down the following. 1. Final project internal marks will be finalized by the internal guide in consultation with the panel members which is purely based on the demo. 2. Each student will be given 30 minutes for demo with power point presentation and 10 minutes for answering the viva. 3. PPT slides should be in the following order a. Title Slide College Name, dept. name, Project title, Student name with USN, Internal/External Guide names. b. Agenda c. Objective / Abstract [ Like key points ] d. Literature Survey Existing System and Proposed System with merits and demerits. e. Problem Formulation / System Architecture / System Designabout various modules (DFD/Sequence diagram/Use case diagram) f. Working of the proposed system g. Software Testing h. Implementation Issues Technical difficulties encountered i. Conclusions j. Challenges / Scope k. Sample Coding(Main Snippets) l. Snapshots m. Bibliography [at the end] 4. The chapters in the report can be in the above said PPT slides order with necessary changes wherever required. 5. The report should be as per the format specified below. 6. The report should contain minimum of 100+ pages, the base paper should be attached at the end of the report i.e. before bibliography and it should be hard bounded with cream color cover. Make N+1 copies of the report (N-No. of project team members).
Note: Refer Software Engineering Principles for the above mentioned [3rd Point].

PROJECT REPORT FORMAT Report should have the following in the specified order as below: Order: Cover Page, Certificate, Abstract, Acknowledgement, Content Sheet [just include the titles without page numbers], List of tables, List of figures, Abstract, Acknowledgement, Chapters, Sample coding, Snapshots, Bibliography. HEADER : Project title top right side. FOOTER: Dept. Of CSE/ B.T.L.I.T bottom left & Page num bottom right For figures & tables give the name below them and give numbering w.r.t chapter numbers, no bracket for figure & table numbers. For formulae and equations use the bracket. Dont give chapter number for BIBILOGRAPHY. Give line by line spacing as 1.5 & for paragraph to paragraph 1 line gap. Font: main heading & chapter names (centre aligned) 16, subheading & chapter num 14, content 12 and small heading that come in content but not numbered 12. All these should be bold. Contents, main heading, Chapter num & Chapter names in uppercase. Margins Left 1.2 inches Right 0.8 inches, Top 1 inches Bottom 1 inches. Attach CD[containing PPTs, Base Paper, Code, Certificate(If your project work has been published in National/International Conference)] at the end of the project report. Note: Next Review Date 25th-27th April2012 Final Demo 2nd 4th May2012 Project Report Submission 15th May2012 All are strictly instructed to follow the above mentioned report format and come with hard bound project report duly corrected by the concerned guide and signed by the concerned guide, HOD & Principal. Please come one week before the report submission demo for installing the required software and for loading the project. T Jayakumari, Project Coordinator

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