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Volume 72, Number 4 Oct-Nov-Dec 2011

Inside this issue:

Youth Fall Retreat This page Whats Up? Dr. Larry Taylor 2


Camp Timberline
On November 18th youth groups from around Colorado descended on Camp Timberline near Estes Park for the Fall Youth Retreat. More than 60 middle and high school students along with their youth leaders/pastors came to the retreat to spend time getting closer to God. The speaker for the retreat was Jared Newman, the youth pastor at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Newman shared several powerful messages with the youth and he also led them in some pretty energizing games. The camp staff did an amazing job in leading worship by sharing contemporary worship music from the stage in the "Party Barn." There were plenty of other activities for participants. Camp staff introduced us to riding a zip line and a large swingtype thing called the Gut Check where after being strapped-in the youth and some brave adult leaders (one at a time) were tossed from a platform some 3 stories above the ground. There was nearly a foot of new snow that fell on Camp Timberline on Saturday but that did little to dampen the enthusiasm of campers, leaders and staff. The Holy Spirit was certainly present. Communion was part of the final service on Sunday making for a powerful final message that was carried home by youth and leaders alike.

Going! Going! Gone! Colorado Church News More Colorado Church News IYC in 2012

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11)

I am also happy to report that two of the God Squad (First Church of God, Pueblo) youth that attended the retreat surrendered their lives to Jesus and were baptized the following Sunday.

God is good.

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Whats Up?
As a member of the Church of God Ministries Council, I recently had the opportunity to participate in a meeting facilitated by Dr. George Bullard (Church Consultant). The focus was on the current situation with the Church of God (Anderson, IN) and the future of the church. Much of what Dr. Bullard shared applies to the Church of God Colorado Conference as well as the future for not only the Conference, but also local churches within the Conference. During the dialogue, Dr. Bullard shared the following observations: Denominations (Regions) are Dying Because of Their Failure to Do the Following Things:

Dr. Larry and Bonnie Taylor

First, they are failing to renew themselves, and sustain vitality and vibrancy, by being catalysts to start a number of new congregations each year equal to at least three percent of the number of congregations affiliated with it at the beginning of the year. Second, they are failing to help their leading edge of faithful, effective, and innovative congregations to soar and fully express their spiritual gifts, strengths, and skills. Third, they are not selectively helping only those congregations who are ready and eager to transform to go through transformational processes. Instead, they are trying to help any plateaued and declining congregation who asks for help regardless of their capacity to benefit from the assistance or their readiness for transformation. Further, they define transformation as a healthy, faithful congregation rather than one that is also effective and innovative in fulfilling their mission and vision and thus becoming more vital and vibrant. Thus, they have lowered their expectations of congregations. Faithfulness has become a euphemism for mediocrity. Many denominational efforts at congregational transformation are built around a rescuer mentality that seeks to help congregations to be restored to a healthy status; whether or not the congregation wants to be restored. As a Conference that is declining in numbers of churches and congregants, we are intentionally focusing on church planting and church renewal. We have specific goals for the next five to ten years. The recent shift to a Leadership Accountability model of governance not only streamlines our leadership, but also facilitates our ability to focus on these priority goals of ministry. Please pray with us as we endeavor to move forward for the glory of God.

To Him be the glory, Dr. Larry C. Taylor

State Minister Church of God Colorado Conference

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The home of D.S. Warner, located on the grounds of historical Warner Memorial Camp near Grand Junction, MI, is facing demolition unless we, with roots in The Church of God Reformation Movement, come to its rescue. The Board of Directors of Warner Camp must soon decide its fate. This important piece of our church history is a gem of a little two bedroom Queen Anne house built and lived in by Daniel and Francis Warner until he died in 1895. It was restored and redecorated for the centennial of the campground in 1992 and is once more in need of restoration and redecorating if we are to preserve it for posterity. This time it needs professional contractorscarpenters, electricians, plumbers, bricklayers, as well as those who can paint, and someone who has knowledge of historical period interior dcor. It will cost an estimated $30,000 to $50,000, and a foundation fund will be needed for perpetual care. Funding has been sought, but is not available from our state or national agencies. Warner Camp cannot carry the financial burden of the home any longer without help. Surely, among us, there are those out there who have the expertise and/or the money to save the building and might consider it a service to the Lord and the church at large.

Someone has said, If you dont know where youve been, you dont know where youre going. Our movement needs to be able to show our people and their children where it all began...our they can think about where we are now, and where we need to go from here with our message of unity.

During the centennial celebration in 1992, 760 guests visited the home and signed the register. Since then, 752 visitors have toured it, viewing D.S. Warners home with a reverence that becomes a worship experience. Some of our ministers have asked for, and been granted, permission to stay overnight spending time in prayer and meditation where D.S. Warner and the early saints prayed and worshiped together. Visitors from Germany, Canada, Russia, Australia, Honduras, China, Hungary, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Mexico, as well as 29 states in the USA have come to look, taken time to sing the heritage hymns of Brother Warner, fell on their knees in prayer, and asked questions about our history as a movement. Youth groups coming all summer long (for these grounds are Michigans state youth camp) have been told our story and walk softly through the home, and our children love to explore the little house and sign their names in the register with their childish scrawls.


Make Warner Historical Camp your choice for your next vacation or weekend trip, for also located on these sacred grounds are other historical buildings from the time of D.S. Warner: the cemetery where he is buried, the chapel where he preached, the dorm where the singing gospel workers were housed, not to mention the lovely eleven acre lake where he loved to fish. Bring your church groups for a memorable summer or winter retreat.

A dedicated and welcoming staff serves the church at Warner Camp. There are facilities for retreats (year around), an R.V. park, lodging in the lodge, ye olde farmhouse, cabins, A-frames and hogans. There are numerous recreational activitiesteenagers love it here. A dining hall overlooking the lake is open year around and during the annual camp meeting in July and family camps over Memorial and Labor Day weekends. The R.V. park is open for camping all summer long. You are so welcome!

Warner Memorial Camp (one mile north of Grand Junction, MI, on Lester Lake) 60 55th Street, Grand Junction, MI 49056 (ten miles east of South Haven/Lake Michigan) Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Doc Stevens, Program Director 264-434-6844 [email protected]

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News from First Church of God of La Junta
Today worship was postponed by the First Church of God La Junta, as a planned Community Ministry Day. How can that be you asked, well the congregation took a big step today in trying to take the Ministry of the Gospel out into the Community of La Junta. This was a new and different idea and approach that was a big success and one that will be tried again in the future. How you ask was this possible and what took place? The Ministry group has been trying to find some way in which the Church could be effective in the Community. There are so many programs and agencies, how can we give back or help and at the same time share the Gospel. We decided it doesnt have to take a lot of money, just people willing to give of their time and let others know that we care and want to help if we can. Below is what took place today. The congregation broke into four groups. Those who were willing to work outside on a cool and brisk day went to the Retirement Center called Casa Del Sol and assisted with the hanging of Christmas Lights around the facility. Another group went down to Carls Jr., bought breakfast for whomever walked through the doors and passed out cards and pens in reference to the Church of God here in La Junta. Another group did the same thing at the local restaurant called Boss Hoggs. Another group was at the Church providing refreshments and praying and singing Hymns in support of the groups in the field. In total there were 20 to 22 involved with the Community Ministry Day. The Church had t-shirts made up for the volunteers to wear, this was for the recognition of not only for the volunteers but the First Church of God here in La Junta as well.

News from La Junta (cont.)

This is just the beginning as we move forward. Who knows what the Lord has in store for us. With God, there is no limit on what can be done, just grab hold and be part of it. Its about to get exciting and after all, its all about relationships, our relationship with our Lord and God, and our relationships with others. We had a great time, even though we played hooky from worship today, God understood and supported us in our endeavor to become relevant in our Community. -Submitted by Bob Malden

News from Wiley Church of God

The month of July closed with the Sunday morning service being held outdoors in the country. It was a beautiful morning and it gave us a great opportunity to enjoy God's handiwork. Preceding the service at the home of Lorraine Brock, Jim and Cindy Schleining and Darrell and Jean Sykes prepared bacon, eggs and hash browns on the big outdoor grill and others brought sweet rolls. Seems as though meals are so tasty when prepared outdoors. This was a joint service with the Wiley Community Church, all enjoyed the praise and worship which was followed by the sermon. Church was enjoyed by all but the climax of the entire morning was when one person from the Church of God was baptized. What a blessed way to close the month of July. God is so good. -- Submitted by Lorraine Brock

(Colorado Church News continued on page 5.)

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More News from Wiley Church of God

Vista Grande Living Out Missional Calling!

On August 27 the church hosted a Celebrate Families festival on their campus. This was a free event to the community. Multiple air jump houses and slides were available for the children, carnival games and prizes, free door prizes on the hour, and lots of free food such as hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, popsicles, face painting, a fire truck tour, were all provided during the days activities. This was the churchs way of showing their community that they are there to serve them with no conditions or expectations in return. This is the third consecutive year the V.G.C. has hosted the event. It was a blessing to see families having so much fun and many commented how amazed they were that the event was free! Families were told that they needed to register so their children could be given participation cards for all the games and so parents could enter their names for the hourly prize drawings. Collecting that information from families gives the church a great system for future mailings of upcoming events. Prayer concerns were also collected from the community so the churchs prayer teams could remember them in their weekly prayer gatherings. All in all it was a great day, gorgeous weather, and many neighbors of the church were touched in a great way!

The Wiley Church of God recently held a service to install their new pastor, Michael Bowen. The service was held on Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 2:30 that afternoon. Many family and friends gathered to celebrate this day and to welcome Pastor Michael to the Church of God. The service was blessed with music presented by Dale and Ruth Hency, and Dale gave a musical tribute honoring God and challenging the church to stay the course with continuing to be a church that sings and praises the name of the Lord. "Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season," was a key part of scripture read by Karen Weber of the Wiley Church of God. Karen read 2 Timothy 3:164:5 which challenges the pastor to always be prepared to speak the Word of Christ and to use God's word as instruction for our lives in the ministry. The congregation was privileged to have guest speaker, Dr. Larry Taylor, State Minister for the Colorado Church of God Conference. Dr. Taylor challenged Pastor Michael and the church through the scripture of Joshua 1:9 which says "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (NASB)." Dr. Taylor reminded the church that our work for the Kingdom is everlasting and something we all do, even if our position isn't a pastor and that kingdom work is all about souls. It's about reaching the lost. Dr. Taylor lead Pastor Michael through the charge as being new pastor and the charge includes challenging the pastor to be faithful through prayer, teaching, discipleship, preaching, and living out a life that is a shining light. Pastor Michael gave his response to the church saying he would stand on the word of God and seek to lead others to walk with the Lord, come to know the Lord and to know how to lead others into walking and coming into a relationship with God. Pastor Michael spoke about the excitement he has to help lead this church and reminded the church that they should also be excited to be part of the great work the Lord is doing. Following the service, everyone was treated to wonderful desserts and punch served by the women of the church.

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IYC Denver, CO July 4-7, 2012


International Youth Convention of the Church of God will be in Denver, CO in 2012. If you are not currently escorting a group of youth to this event please consider becoming a volunteer. We are looking to have a collective group of people to represent the Church of God in Colorado to help support this event. This would be a tremendous opportunity for a church outreach event. Currently, Keah Redder is helping to organizing volunteers to help with hotel greeters on July 3rd and 4th, security during the services and venues, and prayer counselors. We might need volunteers to help with transportation (picking up guests and returning them to the airport). If you are interested in volunteering at this event please contact Keah Redder at [email protected].


Colorado Conference of the Church of God PO Box 26179 Colorado Springs, CO 80936-6179 (719) 5971818
Email: [email protected] Dr. Larry Taylor, State Minister Check out our website:


The Colorado Chronicles is published quarterly for the Colorado Conference of the Church of God. Mail pertaining to this publication, please address to Debbie Mahuron, 6430 W. 82nd Drive, Arvada, CO 80003 or email: [email protected]. Deadline for next issue: March 1, 2012

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