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United States Code US Department of Health and Human

Title 42, Chapter 7, Subchapter IV, Part D* Services

Social Security Act
• Receives appropriation of IV-D funds allocated
Title IV, Part D (Title IV-D)* by the Social Security Act to be administered by
• Appropriates various forms of funding to assist states in the Administration of Children and Families.
their operation of Child Support Enforcement program.
*The US Code which created the federal “IV-D” Child Support Enforcement (CSE)
welfare program within Title IV-D of the Social Security Act is designed to recover
US Administration of Children and
taxpayer money spent on providing services from several other federal welfare Families
programs – specifically Titles IV-A, IV-E, XIX, and the federal Food Stamp Act of 1977. (ACF)
The intent of the federal child support program is supposed to be to recoup taxpayer
money already spent on providing these specific welfare services to children who have • Receives block grant funds from DHHS for use in
been willfully abandoned by a parent (or parents) and are therefore left to rely on the operation and administration of OCSE activities.
government to self-sustain through one of these programs.
Title IV-D provides for the appropriation of specific Social Security funding which is
administered by the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services US Office of Child Support
(DHHS) through various federal agencies to the states for their voluntary participation
i creating
in ti andd operating
ti ththeir
i own state
t t child
hild supportt enforcement
f t programs, which
hi h
o ce e t
are sometimes called “IV-D” or “CSE” programs. (OCSE)
These state-run IV-D programs provide public assistance with locating parents and • Oversees and administers central operation of
establishing paternity, as well as assistance with establishing, enforcing and collecting
on court-orders for child support. This is all done in an effort to recoup federal and state IV-D program activities throughout the states and
welfare expenditures and to offset any risk of need for public assistance. provides reporting
p p g to ACF and DHHS of
The states’ operational costs for voluntarily providing these child support enforcement distribution of incentive and reimbursement grant
services are currently reimbursed using Social Security funding through Section 455 of funding to state IV-D/CSE agencies’ programs.
Title IV-D at a rate of 66% for enforcement activities, 80% for technology costs, and
90% for genetic testing costs.
Section 458 of Title IV-D also provides participating states with a competitive pool of State IV-D Child Support Enforcement
incentive funding as well.
well The amount set aside for incentive funding totaled $452M in
FY2006, and was split up between states which had improved collection activities based Agencies
on a sliding scale using certain criteria. States can “waiver” this funding into their (Varies by state; in Michigan it’s OCS, who then contracts the
general fund for use as the states see fit; and until passage of the federal Deficit legal services of local prosecutors and foc offices. OCS is run
Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005, this funding was also federally matched if it was by the Michigan Department of Human Services, or DHS.)
reinvested in the state’s program – which made running a state program very lucrative,
if not profitable, for states. • Receives and administers state fundingg converted
According to the US DHHS budget, the US Taxpayer will have spent $4.2Billion in from federal IV-D program to fund contracts with
Fiscal Year 2006 on providing child support enforcement and collection services to local prosecutors and child support enforcement
children of mostly affluent families, with state and local taxpayers across the country offices.
spending billions more.
Michigan Department of Human Services Michigan Office of Child Support

• Receives and administers federal IV-D funding to • Receives state funding converted from
be converted and then appropriated by state federal IV-D program to operate state IV-D
legislature to use in operating state IV-D program program in compliance with federal
in compliance with federal guidelines. requirements
• Oversees operations of Michigan Office of Child • Oversees operation of contracts with
Support (OCS) branch within DHS. counties for performance of IV-D activities
•Contracts with county prosecutors and circuit within program guidelines.
court employees (friends of the court) throughout
the state to perform IV-D child support activities.

Circuit Courts / Chief Judges

g County Prosecutors
(Family Courts) (PA)
• Signs contract with state through county to provide
• Receives local funding directly
enforcement services of circuit court employee who reports
from taxpayers, and funding
directly to chief judge, friend of the court.
converted from state IV-D
program through contract with
Friends of the Court state, to perform paternity
(FOC) establishment and other
• Receives local funding through property taxes and state functions in compliance with
f di converted
funding t d ffrom federal
f d l IVIV-D
D program th
h contract
t t state/federal IV
D program
with state to perform child support order establishment and guidelines.
enforcement services in compliance with state/federal IV-D • Provides enforcement services
program guidelines. by bringing criminal charges
• Receives funding from statutory service fees added to against non-payers of support
support orders and collected from payers of support.

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