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Times and Seasons

Part 3

The Bible Timeline

Declaring the End from the Beginning

Compiled by M. J. Beattie

Copyright 2009 M. J. Beattie

Permission is granted only for the unedited reproduction and free distribution of this paper. All rights reserved. (Comments or questions may be addressed to [email protected] .) 2-27-2009

Background information used in the construction of this timeline may be found in the following publications available free of charge at



Times and Seasons

Part 1

Times and Seasons

Part 2

The Biblical Evidence about

Gods Many Clocks

By M. J. Beattie

Seven Millennial Days

By M. J. Beattie

Discusses the units of time in Scripture.

Explores the symbolic implications of creation week.

The Jewish calendar defines the autumn of 3761 BC as the time of the creation of Adam. This is based on a timeline created by Rabbi Yose ben Halafta in the second century AD. His dates basically follow the Biblical genealogies and other Scriptures in the Hebrew Masoretic Text in about the same way as the present work. But his numbers shrink the period of the Persian Empire down to just over 50 years, putting the fall of Babylon in around 374 BC instead of 539. Rabbi Yoses dates are based on an interpretation of Daniel 9 that looked to Simon bar Kokhba (who died in the Jewish revolt in 135 AD) as a messiah, in fulfillment of the seventy weeks prophecy squeezing the time between the destructions of the first and second temples into a 490-year period. With this interpretation, the Rabbis (Pharisees) conveniently and deliberately denied that Jesus was the Messiah. Yet Rabbi Yoses dates for events in the pre-Christian era are clearly in conflict with the records of history. In the present work, the mainstream view of extra-biblical history is regarded as being generally accurate in agreement with the Scriptures. And the gap between the Testaments is bridged with an understanding of the seventy weeks prophecy that accepts Jesus as the Messiah. The Scriptural basis used in arriving at each date on this timeline is carefully documented. However it should be understood that many of these dates, even many computed exclusively from the Bible, are approximate. In gleaning numbers from the genealogies in Genesis, we cannot assume that all of the individuals mentioned were born on the same day of the year. The number of months more or less than the given number of years is seldom stated. However, having said that, it should be noted that the numbers given in the Bible add up in some very interesting ways especially when viewed against a backdrop of the various symbolic lengths of a day or of a time in Scripture. The Old Testament Scriptures give all of the information necessary to determine the number of years between the creation of Adam and the completion of the temple by Solomon which brings us to the end of the third millennium of human history. For the fourth millennium (the time of Solomon through Jesus), historians have used the Biblical numbers regarding the reigns of the various kings (of Judah, Israel, Babylon, etc.) along with archeological evidence to establish the BC dates. Although there has been resistance among atheistic historians to give much weight to the Scriptural record, the more evidence that has been unearthed, the more obvious it has become that the numbers found in Scripture are in harmony with the witness of secular history, some of which is literally written in stone, clearly establishing the timing of the most significant fourth millennium events. But, as with the genealogies, the exact date (month and day as well as year) of events in the fourth millennium are not always given. In such cases there is a small margin of error possible. Human error in understanding could also throw things off a bit, but the general timeframe is well established. And the story of the millennial days gives the key necessary to verify that the approximate dating of the kings of Israel and Judah (as computed by those who accept both the archeological evidence and the Biblical record) is generally accurate. Where to Begin The first order of business in making any timeline is to decide what number to start with. Many timelines inadvertently start with year zero as the first year of Adams life, so that he would be one year old in year 1, two in year 2, and 930 years old when he died in year 930. But here the year 1 AC is used as the first year After Creation and as the first year of Adam's life, such that he was one year old during year two and died during year 931. With this approach, if sabbatical years were counted from creation, then years evenly

divisible by seven (years 7, 14, 21, etc.) would have been sabbatical years. The Jews traditionally associate Adams creation with the beginning of the Biblical civil year. Here, the Sabbath of creation week is viewed as a jubilant memorial feast a day celebrating the completion of creation, a feast of blowing of wedding trumpets for the newly created Adam and Eve, and the day of the new moon commencing the civil year (Rosh Hashanah, the Biblical Feast of Trumpets). God set aside that day, the seventh day of the week, for mankind resting from His labor to spend the time with His children. And He saw that all He had created and made was very good! Setting Dates? It is not humanly possible for all of the dates presented on this timeline to be correct. One can only offer the evidence of Biblical and extra-biblical history to the best of ones ability up to the point of publication. Many numbers seem to fit perfectly (or nearly so),

such as those that allow for a 2520-year gap, or some other relevant length of time, between two significant dates. Alignment of sabbatical and jubilee years, like those observed in the fulfillment of the seventy weeks prophecy, also helps to verify dating. And when the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, is seen standing where it ought not, then some remaining details will fall into place. Although there was an expectation before beginning construction of this timeline that the events of the various millenniums should correspond directly to the events of creation week, every effort was made to be sure that there was no fudging of dates to force the numbers to fit. If Genesis One was to fit the timeline, the timeline had to be true. The timeline was not put together expressly to fit Genesis One; Genesis One just happens to fit the timeline. The way that it fits turns out to be somewhat different than expected, but it does fit amazingly well. And the events of creation week do appear to

have been meant to be prophetic, to illustrate in a parable how God would work with mankind throughout the ages. The production of this timeline was not begun to find out when Jesus Christ will return. The goal was to prove the veracity of the idea that all of the events of creation week foreshadowed things to come in a 7000-year plan for humans on earth. If the timing of the return of Jesus Christ is hidden in the story of Genesis One, then that is Gods doing. And, as the details of the story unfold, it behooves us to give glory to the Great Designer of such an intricately detailed and wonderfully laid out plan. One thing is certain: If the millennial days on this timeline are even close to being appropriately aligned, then the end of the age is upon us now. And, the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God stands at the door knocking (Revelation 3:14,20). Can we hear His voice?

Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure Isaiah 46:9-10*

*Except for the creation week scroll, and as otherwise noted, all Scriptures quoted in this document are from the New King James version.

"The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble" (Proverbs 4:19 RSV).
3922 3921 BC 3912 3911 BC 3902 3901 BC 3892 3891 BC 3882 3881 BC 3872 3871 BC 3862 3861 BC 3852 3851 BC 3842 3841 BC 3832 3831 BC 3822 3821 BC 3812 3811 BC 3802 3801 BC 3792 3791 BC 3782 3781 BC 3772 3771 BC 3762 3761 BC 3752 3751 BC 3742 3741 BC 3732 3731 BC 3722 3721 BC 3712 3711 BC 3702 3701 BC 3692 3691 BC 3682 3681 BC 3672 3671 BC 3662 3661 BC 3652 3651 BC 3642 3641 BC 3632 3631 BC 3622 3621 BC 3612 3611 BC 3602 3601 BC 3592 3591 BC 3582 3581 BC 3572 3571 BC 3562 3561 BC 3552 3551 BC 3542 3541 BC 3532 3531 BC 3522 3521 BC 3512 3511 BC 3502 3501 BC 3492 3491 BC 3482 3481 BC 3472 3471 BC 3462 3461 BC 3452 3451 BC 3442 3441 BC 3432 3431 BC 3422 3421 BC 3412 3411 BC 3402 3401 BC 3392 3391 BC 3382 3381 BC

3372 3371 BC 551 AC

Years according to BC or AD Western dating: 1000-year night watches: 80-year days:

each hour about 42 months (Revelation 3:10; 13:5; 17:12)

A thousand years is as a watch in the night. (Psalm 90:4)

1 2

The serpent's deception brought spiritual darkness upon mankind. So God cut the world as a whole off from the Light of the tree of Life until 3 4

an acceptable way for repentant sinners to access it was provided by the sacrifice of Christ. (Isaiah 59:1-2; 53:4-5; John 14:6; 6:47-58; 3:16) 5 6

E v e n i n g W a t c h in a nearly 4000-year night ( 3922 2934 BC / 6 to 9 p.m . )


0 AC 3922 BC

80 years is a day

COUNT 50 DAYS from the cutting of the Wave Sheaf (Deuteronomy 16:9). Christ, the ultimate Wave Sheaf, was slain (set apart / cut off) from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8).

Count 50 days to the bringing of the firstfruits of the New Testament church into the threshing floor, to the initial reaping of Jews and Gentiles out of the world. (Acts 2; James 1:18; Romans 16:5)

1000-year days:
(Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8)


(the name means "ruddy," as flushed with blood)

lived 930 years

326 AC

On this timeline, the sixth day of creation week is considered to be the last day of year 0 AC. Mankind's first year, the first year After Creation, is year 1 AC. Adam was one year old during year 2 AC, six years old during 7 AC, and 930 years old during 931 AC.

131 AC

Creation of Adam & Eve in autumn, 3922 BC on the eve of the first day of year 1 AC

Adam lived 130 years before Seth + 800 = 930 years


(means "put" i.e. "substituted" in place of Abel)

105 236 AC + 807 =

912 years


90 + 815

905 years
= 905

The numbers of the years in the lives of Adam through Noah are given in Genesis 5.


("fixed" as a nest / "their smith")

70 + 840 = 910 396 AC

910 years


("praise of God")
65 + 830 = 895 461 AC

895 years


("a descent")

962 years..

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1, RSV)



With the Lord a thousand years are as one day (2 Peter 3:8).
Adam was told, "In the day that you eat of it [of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil] you shall surely die" (Genesis 2:17). And so he did he ate, and he died within the first millennial day.

"Sundown" Darkness descended upon mankind when Adam and Eve turned away from the light of God's words to walk in the shadows of the serpent's deception. 1 AC / autumn, 3922 BC

"The earth was [became] without form [lacking backbone, character, and family stability swayed by the serpent's guile] and void [of the true

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

The first six days of creation week all began with evening (darkening). Likewise, the first six millenniums each began with spiritual darkening. From the foundation of the world, Satan has been dimming the light of God's good, true knowledge by mixing it with his own corrupt, evil instructions. It was this mixture, the knowledge of good mixed with evil, that Adam and Eve swallowed when they ate of the forbidden fruit.

knowledge and spirit of God], and [mental and spiritual] darkness was upon the face of the deep [clouding the vision of the human 'waters']..." (Genesis 1:2)

"Sunrise" time 500 years into the 1st millennial day, the world remained spiritually dark densely clouded over with the gloom of deceit.

one long dark night

over half a millennium without any widely-influential prophet of God
Count 50 days (each "day" lasting forty years) to the time of the initial calling of Abram and Sarai, to separate them from their roots in Ur of the Chaldees, as the firstfruits brought into the Old Testament church. 1 \__ one day __/
101 AC 111 AC 121 AC 131 AC 141 AC 151 AC 161 AC 171 AC 181 AC 191 AC 201 AC 211 AC 221 AC 231 AC 241 AC 251 AC 261 AC 271 AC 281 AC 291 AC 301 AC 311 AC 321 AC 331 AC 341 AC 351 AC 361 AC 371 AC 381 AC 391 AC 401 AC 411 AC 421 AC 431 AC 441 AC 451 AC 461 AC 471 AC 481 AC 491 AC 501 AC 511 AC 521 AC 531 AC 541 AC 11 AC 21 AC 31 AC 41 AC 51 AC 61 AC 71 AC 81 AC 91 AC 1 AC

40-year days: (Hebrews 3:7-9) Years A fter C reation:

7 (14)

1 st

millennium's night

"The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day" (Proverbs 4:18 RSV).
3482 3481 BC 3472 3471 BC 3462 3461 BC 3452 3451 BC 3442 3441 BC 3432 3431 BC 3422 3421 BC 3412 3411 BC 3402 3401 BC 3392 3391 BC 3382 3381 BC 3372 3371 BC 3362 3361 BC 3352 3351 BC 3342 3341 BC 3332 3331 BC 3322 3321 BC 3312 3311 BC 3302 3301 BC 3292 3291 BC 3282 3281 BC 3272 3271 BC 3262 3261 BC 3252 3251 BC 3242 3241 BC 3232 3231 BC 3222 3221 BC 3212 3211 BC 3202 3201 BC 3192 3191 BC 3182 3181 BC 3172 3171 BC 3162 3161 BC 3152 3151 BC 3142 3141 BC 3132 3131 BC 3122 3121 BC 3112 3111 BC 3102 3101 BC 3092 3091 BC 3082 3081 BC 3072 3071 BC 3062 3061 BC 3052 3051 BC 3042 3041 BC 3032 3031 BC 3022 3021 BC 3012 3011 BC 3002 3001 BC 2992 2991 BC 2982 2981 BC 2972 2971 BC 2962 2961 BC 2952 2951 BC 2942 2941 BC 2932 2931 BC 2922 2921 BC 2912 2911 BC 2902 2901 BC 2892 2891 BC 2882 2881 BC 2872 2871 BC 1051 AC

E v e n i n g W a t c h in a nearly 4000-year night ( 3922 2934 BC / 6 to 9 p.m. )

7 8

While the earth waited for the Messiah's Light, the night watchmen (Enoch, Noah, Moses, the prophets...) were lights, called upon to expose the works of the devil. (Isaiah 21:6; Jeremiah 6:17; Ezekiel 3:17-21; 33:7-9) 9 10 11 12 13

9 p.m. changing of guard in 4000-year night



Adam's death



910 years Cainan


("praise of God")

895 years

65 + 830 = 895 461 AC


("a descent")

962 years
162 624 AC = 3299-98 BC + 800 = 962 989 AC = 2934-33 BC


("initiated" to do a special work hot and on fire with the Light of God)
65 689 AC + 300 = 365

lived 365 years



("man of a dart" pointing toward flood)

969 years
187 + 782 = 969


"Sunrise" time 500 years into the 1st millennial day, the world remained spiritually dark densely clouded over with the gloom of deceit.

Spiritual Daylight came to Enoch as God worked with him. And that light was shared with the world as Enoch boldly and openly lived and taught God's right and holy way. Yet, Enoch was hated because he prophesied of God's eventual judgment against the ungodly behavior of the men of his day men who loved the darkness of having their own way, rather than the light. (Genesis 5:21-24; Jude 14-15; Hebrews 11:5)

876 AC


777 years

"All the days of Enoch were 365 years" (Genesis 5:23).

This matches the number of days in a solar year and points to the fact that the spiritual light in Enoch came directly from God, from the "Sun of Righteousness" (Malachi 4:2), the daytime "Light of the world" (John 9:5) with whom Enoch walked. Enoch prophesied, "Behold the Lord comes... to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him" (Jude14-15).

About 70 years after the disappearance of Enoch, Lamech called his newborn son's name Noah, saying, "This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed." (Genesis 5:29)

1043 AC / 2879 BC

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

"... and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light' [of the knowledge of God, showing the right way to live]; and there was light [emanating from God through Enoch

as Enoch walked with God]. And God saw that the light [in Enoch] was good; and God separated the light from the darkness [by taking Enoch away from those who sought to kill him]. God called the

light Day [ meaning "Hot", on fire with the Truth], and the darkness he called Night ["Twisted" away from the light ]. And there was evening and there was morning, one [millennium-long ] day" (Genesis 1:2-5).

"Sundown" The 1st millennial day came to a close when Enoch walked off with God (the Light of Day) and disappeared. 989 AC / 2934-33 BC For want of the right foundation, because the world loved darkness and had the spirit of murder, the first "1000-year day" was cut short by about 11 or 12 years. Similarly, the rest of the days of Satan's rule over man appear to have been shortened (Matthew 24:22; Mark 13:20).

7 (14)

7 (21)

1001 AC

1011 AC

1021 AC

1031 AC

1 st

millennium's daytime

1041 AC

441 AC

451 AC

461 AC

471 AC

481 AC

491 AC

501 AC

511 AC

521 AC

531 AC

541 AC

551 AC

561 AC

571 AC

581 AC

591 AC

601 AC

611 AC

621 AC

631 AC

641 AC

651 AC

661 AC

671 AC

681 AC

691 AC

701 AC

711 AC

721 AC

731 AC

741 AC

751 AC

761 AC

771 AC

781 AC

791 AC

801 AC

811 AC

821 AC

831 AC

841 AC

851 AC

861 AC

871 AC

881 AC

891 AC

901 AC

911 AC

921 AC

931 AC

941 AC

951 AC

961 AC

971 AC

981 AC

991 AC

birth of Noah

1058 AC

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them... All things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatsoever makes manifest is light" (Ephesians 5:11,13).

931 AC = 2992-91 BC

"...The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt (Isaiah 57:20).
3002 3001 BC 2992 2991 BC 2982 2981 BC 2972 2971 BC 2962 2961 BC 2952 2951 BC 2942 2941 BC 2932 2931 BC 2922 2921 BC 2912 2911 BC 2902 2901 BC 2892 2891 BC 2882 2881 BC 2872 2871 BC 2862 2861 BC 2852 2851 BC 2842 2841 BC 2832 2831 BC 2822 2821 BC 2812 2811 BC 2802 2801 BC 2792 2791 BC 2782 2781 BC 2772 2771 BC 2762 2761 BC 2752 2751 BC 2742 2741 BC 2732 2731 BC 2722 2721 BC 2712 2711 BC 2702 2701 BC 2692 2691 BC 2682 2681 BC 2672 2671 BC 2662 2661 BC 2652 2651 BC 2642 2641 BC 2632 2631 BC 2622 2621 BC 2612 2611 BC 2602 2601 BC 2592 2591 BC 2582 2581 BC 2572 2571 BC 2562 2561 BC 2552 2551 BC 2542 2541 BC 2532 2531 BC 2522 2521 BC 2512 2511 BC 2502 2501 BC 2492 2491 BC 2482 2481 BC 2472 2471 BC 2462 2461 BC 2452 2451 BC 2442 2441 BC 2432 2431 BC 2422 2421 BC 2412 2411 BC 2402 2401 BC 2392 2391 BC 1531 AC

9 p.m. changing of guard in 4000-year night

Midnight Watch ( 9 p.m. to midnight / 2934 1946 BC ) 20

1539 AC / 2384 BC 14 15 16 17 18 19


931 AC = 2992-91 BC

1043 AC / 2879 BC

1058 AC 2865 BC

Adam's death Seth



950 years


1141 AC

"Sunrise" time The midpoint of the 2nd millennial day was overcast with the darkness of sin and clouds of impending doom. Cainan
1236 AC


1291 AC

Noah's message:
1423 AC

989 AC = 2934-33 BC

" Mankind's days will be 120 years." (Genesis 6:3) Repent or die!




777 years
182 years + 595 = 777 years

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

About 70 years after the disappearance of Enoch, Lamech called his newborn son's name Noah, saying, "This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed." (Genesis 5:29)

birth of Noah

another spiritually dark night

with no open intervention or major public prophecy from God
The first two millenniums were like winter days. They had long, cold nights (spiritually-speaking) and relatively short periods of daylight.

"Sundown" The 1st millennial day came to a close when Enoch walked off with God (the Light of Day) and disappeared. 989 AC / 2934-33 BC For want of the right foundation, because the world loved darkness and had the spirit of murder, the first "1000-year day" was cut short by about 11 or 12 years. Similarly, the rest of the days of Satan's rule over man appear to have been shortened (Matthew 24:22; Mark 13:20).

How could Shem have been 100 years old when Arphaxad was born two years after the flood, if Noah was 500 when Shem was born and 600 when the flood came? For the numbers to fit, Noah must have been almost (but not quite) 501 years old when Shem was born, turning 600 shortly before the flood began. Then when Arphaxad was born about two years after the 40-day deluge, Shem would have been almost (but not yet) 101. The alternative explanation claims that it was not Shem, but rather Japheth who was born when Noah was 500 (and that it was not Abram, but rather his older brother Haran who was born when Terah was 70). But does this explanation make sense? The Bible is the story of Abraham. Genesis holds his family records, handed down through Moses, to whom God spoke face-to-face. The birth dates of Japheth and Haran are irrelevant to the story.

7 (28)

7 (35)

1001 AC

1011 AC

1021 AC

1031 AC

1041 AC

1051 AC

1061 AC

1071 AC

1081 AC

1091 AC

1101 AC

1111 AC

1121 AC

1131 AC

1141 AC

1151 AC

1161 AC

1171 AC

1181 AC

1191 AC

1201 AC

1211 AC

1221 AC

1231 AC

1241 AC

1251 AC

1261 AC

1271 AC

1281 AC

1291 AC

1301 AC

1311 AC

1321 AC

1331 AC

1341 AC

1351 AC

1361 AC

1371 AC

1381 AC

1391 AC

1401 AC

1411 AC

1421 AC

1431 AC

1441 AC

1451 AC

1461 AC

1471 AC

1481 AC

1491 AC

1501 AC

1511 AC

2 nd

millennium's night

For further clarification of apparent anomalies, see appendix.

1521 AC

921 AC

931 AC

941 AC

951 AC

961 AC

971 AC

981 AC

991 AC

The waters are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Revelation 17:15).
2482 2481 BC 2472 2471 BC 2462 2461 BC 2452 2451 BC 2442 2441 BC 2432 2431 BC 2422 2421 BC 2412 2411 BC 2402 2401 BC 2392 2391 BC 2382 2381 BC 2372 2371 BC 2362 2361 BC 2352 2351 BC 2342 2341 BC 2332 2331 BC 2322 2321 BC 2312 2311 BC 2302 2301 BC 2292 2291 BC 2282 2281 BC 2272 2271 BC 2262 2261 BC 2252 2251 BC 2242 2241 BC 2232 2231 BC 2222 2221 BC 2212 2211 BC 2202 2201 BC 2192 2191 BC 2182 2181 BC 2172 2171 BC 2162 2161 BC 2152 2151 BC 2142 2141 BC 2132 2131 BC 2122 2121 BC 2112 2111 BC 2102 2101 BC 2092 2091 BC 2082 2081 BC 2072 2071 BC 2062 2061 BC 2052 2051 BC 2042 2041 BC 2032 2031 BC 2022 2021 BC 2012 2011 BC 2002 2001 BC 1992 1991 BC 1982 1981 BC 1972 1971 BC 1962 1961 BC 1952 1951 BC 1942 1941 BC 1932 1931 BC 1922 1921 BC 1912 1911 BC 1902 1901 BC 1892 1891 BC 1882 1881 BC 1872 1871 BC

Midnight Watch ( 9 p.m. to midnight / 2934 1946 BC ) 20

1539 AC / 2384 BC 19

140 years


( 50 x 140 = 7000 )

23 24 25

Midnight changing of guard in 4000-year night 26

20-yr day

The story of Noah's ark is in Genesis 5:289:29. The numbers of the years in the lives of Shem through Terah are in Genesis 11:10-26,32.

1559 AC

preacher of righteousness
= 950

120 years
Noah lived 600 years before the flood + 350 after = 950 years (Genesis 7:6; 9:28-29)


500 ( + 450 )

"Sunrise" time The midpoint of the 2nd millennial day was overcast with the darkness of sin and clouds of impending doom.


("name" as in honor, authority, character) 100 +

600 years 500 ( = 600 )

(Genesis 11:10-11)

1660 AC

("stronghold of Chaldees") 403 ( = 438 )

438 years

35 +
1695 AC

"Cainan" (Luke 3:36) means "their smith". Salah may have been son of Arphaxad, the smith.

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

1725 AC

Noah's message: " Mankind's days will be 120 years." (Genesis 6:3) Repent or die!

Spiritual daylight came when God spoke to Noah, revealed His plans to him, and made him a preacher of righteousness. (Compare Ezekiel 33:9)

Salah ( "dart" / "growth shoot" / "branch" ) 30 + 403 ( = 433 )

433 years

"Sundown" ending the 2nd millennial day came as Noah's influence faded, and most of his descendants turned to idolatry. c. 1977 AC (1946 BC)

Eber ("a region across" / "on the opposite side") 34

1759 AC

464 years
1998 AC Abram : 86 + Hagar


( = 464 ) ("earthquake" or "division") 30 + 209 ( = 239 ) ("friend") 32

1821 AC

The Great Flood The Great Flood

God gave Methuselah the honor of the longest human lifespan (969 years). Methuselah ("man of a dart") Lamech lived 777 years 1659 AC / 2264 BC gave the land a year of rest

1789 AC

239 years


2008 AC / 1914 BC

Count seven weeks (of 20-year "days") from when Noah began to preach until the end of Israel's sojourning. Noah, as the first chosen to be saved into the post-flood world, foreshadowed Christ's having been set apart from the foundation of the world to become "the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep" (1 Corinthians 15:20). Then, Israel in the wilderness, as "holiness to the Lord, the Ancient world's last hour the 12th 140-year period since creation. firstfruits of His increase" (Jeremiah 2:2-3), prefigured those in the NT era who have been separated from the world as the "firstfruits of His creatures" (James 1:18). 2 4 1 3 5 6 7 Rest

2028 AC 2036 AC 1886 BC 100 2051 AC

Noah's 7th century

pictured the millennial rest


239 years ( = 239 ) ("tendril" / "intertwined") 30

1851 AC



died 1658 AC


230 years

1999 AC

died 1653 AC

40-day Deluge
autumn, 2264 BC Heshvan 17 Kislev 26, 1659 AC
(early in a sabbatical year)


( = 230 ) ("snorer" / "snorting") 29 + 119 ( = 148 ) 205 years

1950 AC 1972 BC


148 years


How could Shem have been 100 years old when Arphaxad was born two years after the flood, if Noah was 500 when Shem was born and 600 when the flood came? For the numbers to fit, Noah must have been almost (but not quite) 501 years old when Shem was born, turning 600 shortly before the flood began. Then when Arphaxad was born about two years after the 40-day deluge, Shem would have been almost (but not yet) 101. The alternative explanation claims that it was not Shem, but rather Japheth who was born when Noah was 500 (and that it was not Abram, but rather his older brother Haran who was born when Terah was 70). But does this explanation make sense? The Bible is the story of Abraham. Genesis holds his family records, handed down through Moses, to whom God spoke face-to-face. The birth dates of Japheth and Haran are irrelevant to the story.

The deaths of Lamech and Methuselah were signs of the imminence of the

Cush, son of Ham Nimrod ("the rebel")

confusion of languages 21642163 BC 1759 AC

1880 AC

Lamech's age at death seems to indicate that he lived a rather "perfect" (i.e. righteous) life.

Tower of Babel

Terah ("station")


70 ( + 135 ) = 205


Abram ("high father") Abraham ("father of Sarai ("ruler") Sarah ("princess") 127 Lot
1959 AC 1963 BC


that then existed (2 Peter 3:6). "The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come" (Isaiah 57:1 KJV).
Babel was built and abandoned at the end of Noah's seventh century, foreshadowing the rise and fall of Gog and Magog at the end of the seventh millennium (Revelation 20).

? Tammuz ( the "sun"-god / Baal )

The earth was divided, dispersed from Babel, in the days of Peleg's gestation. So the building of the city ceased (Genesis 10:25; 11:8-9). And the people of Babel, with their corrupt ideas about religious worship and about how to to treat one another, were scattered abroad to flow out over the face of all the earth. Thus they, and those who followed in their wicked ways, became the "waters below" or "seas" of the post-flood world as referred to in Revelation 17:15.

"And God said, 'Let there be a firmament [a space of air as in Noah's ark] in the midst of the waters [of flood and rain], and let it separate the waters from the waters. 'And God made the firmament [sealing Noah into the ark]

and separated the waters [people] which were under the firmament [under the ark in the flood] from the waters [people] which were above the firmament [floating up above in the air within the ark]. And it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven [meaning "lofty; aloft"]. And there was evening [as the light of what Enoch had taught faded] and there was morning [as Noah's preaching gave light to the world] a second day" (Genesis 1:6-8).

As Paul (Acts 13:20) misunderstood the length of the period of the judges, so Stephen (Acts 7:4) was mistaken in saying that Terah was dead when Abram left Haran. However, Terah was indeed dead spiritually (Joshua 24:2), which is why Abram birth was told to leave him. betrothal Stephen, a man full of and marriage of faith, was in error in a number of the details that Sarai Acts 7 faithfully records the free woman that he said. His example picturing serves to instruct us that God's NT servants Jerusalem are not infallible. We above must prove all things. (Galatians 4:22-31) 7 (49) 1 (50)

Terah, with Abram, Lot and Sarai moved from Ur of the Chaldeans to Haran (Genesis 11:31) (date not given)

2050 AC 1872 BC Abram moved to Canaan at age 75 365 years after Noah left the ark 2025 AC 1897 BC (Genesis 12:4)


Circumcision Covenant
& Fall of Sodom Spring, 2049 AC 1873 BC

Birth of Isaac Spring, 2050 AC 1872 BC (Genesis 17; 21:5) 2 3

7 (42)

Jubile e
1441 AC 1451 AC 1461 AC 1471 AC 1481 AC 1491 AC 1501 AC 1511 AC 1521 AC 1531 AC 1541 AC 1551 AC 1561 AC 1571 AC 1581 AC 1591 AC 1601 AC 1611 AC 1621 AC 1631 AC 1641 AC 1651 AC 1661 AC 1671 AC 1681 AC 1691 AC 1701 AC 1711 AC 1721 AC 1731 AC 1741 AC 1751 AC 1761 AC 1771 AC 1781 AC 1791 AC 1801 AC 1811 AC 1821 AC 1831 AC 1841 AC 1851 AC 1861 AC 1871 AC 1881 AC 1891 AC 1901 AC 1911 AC 1921 AC 1931 AC 1941 AC 1951 AC 1961 AC 1971 AC 1981 AC 1991 AC 2001 AC 2011 AC 2021 AC 2031 AC 2041 AC 2051 AC

2 nd millennium's


To Abraham, God said, I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth and as the sand which is on the seashore... (Genesis 13:16; 22:17).
1982 1981 BC 1972 1971 BC 1962 1961 BC 1952 1951 BC 1942 1941 BC 1932 1931 BC 1922 1921 BC 1912 1911 BC 1902 1901 BC 1892 1891 BC 1882 1881 BC 1872 1871 BC 1862 1861 BC 1852 1851 BC 1842 1841 BC 1832 1831 BC 1822 1821 BC 1812 1811 BC 1802 1801 BC 1792 1791 BC 1782 1781 BC 1772 1771 BC 1762 1761 BC 1752 1751 BC 1742 1741 BC 1732 1731 BC 1722 1721 BC 1712 1711 BC 1702 1701 BC 1692 1691 BC 1682 1681 BC 1672 1671 BC 1662 1661 BC 1652 1651 BC 1642 1641 BC 1632 1631 BC 1622 1621 BC 1612 1611 BC 1602 1601 BC 1592 1591 BC 1582 1581 BC 1572 1571 BC 1562 1561 BC 1552 1551 BC 1542 1541 BC 1532 1531 BC 1522 1521 BC 1512 1511 BC 1502 1501 BC 1492 1491 BC 1482 1481 BC 1472 1471 BC 1462 1461 BC 1452 1451 BC 1442 1441 BC 1432 1431 BC 1422 1421 BC 1412 1411 BC 1402 1401 BC 1392 1391 BC 1382 1381 BC 1372 1371 BC 2551 AC

Midnight changing of guard in 4000-year night 26 27 28 29 30 31

Cockcrow Watch ( midnight to 3 a.m. / 1946 958 BC )


2008 AC / 1914 BC

Judah ("praise") + Tamar (his daughter-in-law) Hammurabi

6 th king of Babylonia founder of Babylonian Empire reigned c. 1792 1750 BC Er, Onan

Perez ( and Zerah ) Hezron ( and Hamul ) Ram

The genealogy of Judah through David is in 1 Chronicles 2:3-17; Ruth 4:18-22 and Luke 3:31-33. Josephus claims that Joshua led Israel 25 years (Antiquities 5.1.29)


Shem "Sundown" ending the 2nd millennial day came as Noah's influence faded, and most of his descendants turned to idolatry. c. 1977 AC (1946 BC)
2098 AC

2159 AC 1763 BC

Judah sold Joseph into Egypt 1703 BC / 2219 AC (Genesis 37:26-28) For this Judah would pay double by losing his first two sons. Jacob moved into Goshen 1683 BC / 2240 AC (Genesis 47:9) At restoration of Joseph, Judah got two new sons. And in the births of Perez, Zerah, Hezron and Hamul, Judah gave to Jacob fourfold. death of Jacob 1665 BC / 2257 AC The list of 70 of Jacob's family with him in Egypt (Genesis 46:8-27) was apparently compiled at Jacob's death since it included Judah's grandchildren, Hezron and Hamul, and also four sons of Reuben. Reuben had only two sons when entering Egypt (Genesis 42:37).

Amminadab Nahshon

Salmon + Rahab 1


2128 AC


the fathers
2189 AC 1733 BC

Joshua was an Ephraimite

Joshua 110 years (Joshua 24:29; Judges 2:8) Elders

Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua and the elders who saw all the great works God did for Israel. (Judges 2:7)

1998 AC 2173 AC 1749 BC Abram : 86 + Hagar


2036 AC 1886 BC 2028 AC

("God will hear")

Years of Ishmael: Genesis 16:16; 25:17

137 years


1999 AC

148 years


205 years
70 ( +135 ) = 205 1950 AC 1972 BC


2085 AC

"And God said, 'Let the waters under the heavens [peoples dispersed from Babel] be gathered together into one place [into Egypt], and let the dry land [heirs of Abraham] appear.' And it was so. God called the dry land Earth

[meaning "to be firm", i.e. stable, of good character, founded on Rock] and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas [meaning "to roar" as the nations roar]. And God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:9-10).

Abraham's seed was not permitted to take possession of the Promised Land until about 2520 years (seven 360-year periods) after Adam was kicked out of the garden of Eden. (Compare this with Leviticus 26:18.)

2051 AC

Crossed Jordan Abib 10, 2519 AC 1403 BC

Abram ("high father") Abraham ("father of a multitude") 175 years Sarai ("ruler") Sarah ("princess") 127 years Lot
1959 AC 1963 BC

2125 AC 1797 BC 2230 AC 1692 BC

The dates for Jacob and Joseph are computed from information given in Genesis 37:2; 41:29-30,46; 45:11; 47:9,28. Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were all miracle babies, born by direct intervention of God opening the wombs of barren women.

"Sunrise" The Light of day came to the 3rd millennium when God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt's spiritual darkness and illuminated them with His Presence and with His Law. 2479 AC / 1443 BC

2086 AC

Years of Sarah: Genesis 17:17; 23:1

100 Terah, with Abram, Lot and Sarai moved from Ur of the Chaldeans to Haran (Genesis 11:31) (date not given) 2050 AC 1872 BC Abram moved to Canaan at age 75 365 years after Noah left the ark 2025 AC 1897 BC (Genesis 12:4)

( + 75 ) = 175

< Years of Abraham: Genesis 21:5; 25:7



180 years
Genesis 25:26; 35:28 2257 AC 1665 BC

2090 AC 1832 BC marriage to Rebekah

60 (+120) = 180 2110 AC 1812 BC

Jacob ("supplanter") Israel ("contender with God") 147 years Esau ("hairy") Edom ("red")
( 91 ) + 17 ( + 22 )
2202 AC 1721 BC

+ 17 = 147

Job (possibly a great-grandson of Esau) 110 years 137 years

2312 AC 1611 BC

140 years

Joseph ("he shall add") Levi ("attached")

Job is dated (approximately) by the family and place names of his friends.

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

birth betrothal and marriage of

Isaac was a miracle baby, a child of promise. Isaac's father and mother were both too old to have children. They both laughed at the very idea. Imagine a 100-year-old man having a child? Wow! (Genesis 17:17; 18:12; Romans 4:19; Hebrews11:11-12) In alluding to the circumcision covenant and to the giving of the Law at Sinai, Galatians 3:17 gives only the general time frame of the 430 years of Israelite sojourning. Exodus 12:40 is more specific, indicating that the Exodus may have been exactly 430 years, to the day, after Isaac's birth, or after the circumcision covenant, when seed for Isaac began to form in Abraham's loins.

Abib 15-21

the free woman picturing Jerusalem above
(Galatians 4:22-31)
1 (50) 2

Circumcision Covenant & Fall of Sodom Spring, 2049 AC 1873 BC Birth of Isaac Spring, 2050 AC 1872 BC (Genesis 17; 21:5) 3

Jacob lived in Haran 20 years 2188 - 2207 AC 1735 - 1715 BC Genesis 30:25-32; 31:38-41

Joseph was in Egypt presumed dead 22 years 2219 - 2240 AC 1704 - 1683 BC

2479 AC 1443 BC

7 40-year

Kohath ("allied")

133 years

day of trial
in the wilderness

8 th day
The Israelites entered the

Amram ("high people")

1526 BC Information about Levi through Moses is in Exodus 6:16-20; 7:7 and Deuteronomy 34:7. 2399 AC 1523 BC

137 years Aaron 123 years

(Hebrews 3:7-9)
(Exodus 7:7; Numbers 33:3839)

Promised Land
at the beginning of the eighth 40-year day after Jacob went down into Egypt.
1 (15)

Moses ("drawing out" of water) 120 years

1483 BC
Moses in Midian

"Now the sojourning of the children of Israel [i.e. of Abraham's promised seed], who dwelt [for a while] in Egypt, was 430 years " (Exodus 12:40-41, KJV). They were oppressed 400 of these years (Genesis 15:13; Acts 7:6) counting from when Isaac reached maturity at age 30 and began doing business with the world. 4 5 6 7 1 (8) 2 3 4 5 6

After six "days" in Egypt, Israel failed to enter GOD'S REST (Psalm 95:11)

1941 AC 1951 AC 1961 AC 1971 AC 1981 AC 1991 AC 2001 AC 2011 AC 2021 AC 2031 AC 2041 AC 2051 AC

Abraham's heirs wandered around in Canaan 190 years.

2061 AC 2071 AC 2081 AC 2091 AC 2101 AC 2111 AC 2121 AC 2131 AC 2141 AC 2151 AC 2161 AC 2171 AC 2181 AC 2191 AC 2201 AC 2211 AC 2221 AC 2231 AC 2241 AC

The Israelites dwelt in Egypt in the land of Goshen almost 240 years (six 40-year "days")
2251 AC 2261 AC 2271 AC 2281 AC 2291 AC 2301 AC 2311 AC 2321 AC 2331 AC 2341 AC 2351 AC 2361 AC 2371 AC 2381 AC 2391 AC 2401 AC 2411 AC 2421 AC 2431 AC 2441 AC 2451 AC 2461 AC 2471 AC 2481 AC 2491 AC 2501 AC 2511 AC 2521 AC 2531 AC 2541 AC

3 rd

millennium's night

"... The vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are his pleasant plant (Isaiah 5:7).
1522 1521 BC 1512 1511 BC 1502 1501 BC 1492 1491 BC 1482 1481 BC 1472 1471 BC 1462 1461 BC 1452 1451 BC 1442 1441 BC 1432 1431 BC 1422 1421 BC 1412 1411 BC 1402 1401 BC 1392 1391 BC 1382 1381 BC 1372 1371 BC 1362 1361 BC 1352 1351 BC 1342 1341 BC 1332 1331 BC 1322 1321 BC 1312 1311 BC 1302 1301 BC 1292 1291 BC 1282 1281 BC 1272 1271 BC 1262 1261 BC 1252 1251 BC 1242 1241 BC 1232 1231 BC 1222 1221 BC 1212 1211 BC 1202 1201 BC 1192 1191 BC 1182 1181 BC 1172 1171 BC 1162 1161 BC 1152 1151 BC 1142 1141 BC 1132 1131 BC 1122 1121 BC 1112 1111 BC 1102 1101 BC 1092 1091 BC 1082 1081 BC 1072 1071 BC 1062 1061 BC 1052 1051 BC 1042 1041 BC 1032 1031 BC 1022 1021 BC 1012 1011 BC 1002 1001 BC 972 971 BC 952 951 BC 992 991 BC 982 981 BC 962 961 BC 942 941 BC 932 931 BC 922 921 BC 912 911 BC 3011 AC Baasha

Cockcrow Watch ( midnight to 3 a.m. / 1946 958 BC )

31 32 33 34 35 36

Glory departed Israel

when ark of God was taken (1 Samuel 4:21-22)


29.5 years ? 4000-year night David's sole 38 reign in

3 a.m. in

with the throne of David provided the

c. 2845 AC / 1078 BC
The genealogy of Judah through David is in 1 Chronicles 2:3-17; Ruth 4:18-22 and Luke 3:31-33. Josephus claims that Joshua led Israel 25 years (Antiquities 5.1.29) This date allows for c.1078 BC departure is 120 years before God's glory filled the temple.

in autumn,

coregents 3.5 years ?

2991 AC

7.5 years in Hebron

Amminadab Nahshon

And in His Light, in the Light of His Word, And in His Light, in the Light of His Word, The Israelites were commanded to walk. The Israelites were commanded to walk.
(Compare 1 Samuel 8:6-7; Isaiah 44:6; Psalm 95:3-5.)


Salmon + Rahab
M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

Apparently Salmon "begot" Boaz as a distant ancestor. Obed, also, may have preceded Jesse by several generations. (Ruth 4:21-22; Matthew 1:5)

David David

Jesse 5
Restoration of ark of God to Israel in 1077 BC = 490 years before Solomon's temple was destroyed. (David)

Solomon ( "peaceful" )
40 yrs. 971 (967) - 931

40-yr reign c. 2914-2955 AC c.1008-967 BC 33 years in Jerusalem

The foundation of God's temple was laid in the 480th year after the Israelites came out of Egypt (1 Kings 6:1,37) after six 80-year "days"
WAR: Saul's house vs. David's Ishbosheth 2-yr reign, 1003-1001 Ibzan of Bethlehem 7 Philistines and Ammon vexed east of Jordan 18 years Elon, a Zebulonite & in Judah, Benjamin & Ephraim 10 years Abdon of Ephraim 8 Joshua was an Ephraimite

Israel served Cushan-Rishathaim of Mesopotamia (Judges 3:7-8)

20 years Canaan

Eli, priest at Shiloh in Ephraim judged 40 years lived 98.

land had rest 40 years after

Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua and the elders who saw all the great works God did for Israel. (Judges 2:7)

(2 Samuel 5:1-5; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3; 12:23-40)

of Judah

Crossed Jordan Abib 10, 2519 AC 1403 BC

Paul, in Acts 13:21, seems to say that Saul reigned forty years. But Old Testament evidence indicates that Saul's reign was probably considerably shorter than that.

Abraham's seed was not permitted to take possession of the Promised Land until about 2520 years (seven 360-year periods) after Adam was kicked out of the garden of Eden. (Compare this with Leviticus 26:18.)

Shamgar against Philistines (3:31)

The events of

Judges 17-21
occurred shortly after Joshua and the elders died, while Dan was still acquiring land, and Phinehas, grandson of Aaron, was chief priest.

land was at rest 40 years in the days of

a Gileadite judged 22 years (10:3-5)

Jephthath 6 yrs a Gileadite



Israel was oppressed by Midian 7 years

40 years


(Shamgar's years and tribe are not given. )


(chs. 45)


(chs. 1316)

The numbers of the years in the stories of the judges add up to 450, as alluded to by Paul in Acts 13:20. But since the temple foundation was laid in the 480th year after the exodus (1 Kings 6:1), it is evident that some of the judges overlapped. Shamgar arose after Ehud (Judges 3:31), but apparently before Ehud died (4:1). Generally, there seems to have been a division of leadership between the tribes east of the Jordan (led by Gileadite-Manassites), and the other tribes in the West.

a Manassite (of Gilead) (chs. 68)

Midian raided food supplies

(10:6 ch.12)

Israel dwelt in the land about 300 years before Jepthah was called upon to defend Israel against Ammon. (Judges 11:26)

Ark of God (1 Samuel 7:13) abode in (1 Samuel 14:52) Kirjathjearim 20 years before the Israelites sought God (1 Samuel 7:2). And it stayed there until David moved it into Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 15)

The LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel

There was fierce war with the Philistines all the days of Saul.

Temple was finished and dedicated 6 years later at the beginning of 2965 AC in autumn, c. 958 BC (1 Kings 6:1,37-38; 2 Chronicles 3:2)

Ephraim Simeon Dan Issachar Naphtali Zebulun

David was the lamp of Israel (2 Samuel 21:17). And God gave David a lamp in Jerusalem by setting up his son after him and by establishing

"Sunrise" The Light of day came to the 3rd millennium when God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt's spiritual darkness and illuminated them with His Presence and with His Law. 2479 AC / 1443 BC

Asher Reuben Manasseh Gad

"And God said, 'Let the earth [the Promised Land] put forth vegetation [people and families firmly rooted in the land], plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their

seed [descendants], each according to its kind [within its own family], upon the earth.' And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own

kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day" (Genesis 1:11-13).

a city set on a hill to be the light of the world reflecting the light of God. ( I Kings 15:4 )
931 BC / 2991 AC

division of monarchy
(1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10)

Exodus .
Abib 15-21

2479 AC . 7 1443 BC . 40-year

day of trial
in the wilderness

"Sundown" 2965 AC / autumn, 958 BC

8th day
The Israelites entered the "You have brought a vine out of Egypt; You have cast out the nations, and planted it. You prepared room for it, and caused it to take deep root, and it filled the land. The hills were covered with its shadow, and the mighty cedars with its boughs. She sent out her boughs to the Sea, and her branches to the River" (Psalm 80:8-11).
2 3 4 5


137 years

(Hebrews 3:7-9)

Aaron 123 years

(Exodus 7:7; Numbers 33:3839)

Promised Land
at the beginning of the eighth 40-year day after Jacob went down into Egypt.
1 (15)

Through intermarriage, the people of the land became thorns in the Israelites' sides. They seduced the Israelites into worshipping other gods and doing every abominable work. (Numbers 33:55; Joshua 23:11-13; Judges 2:1-3)

The close of the 3rd millennial day came at Solomon's completion of the temple. This foreshadowed the completion of God's spiritual temple, the bride of Christ, at the end of the 6th millennial day. But darkness descended as Solomon took and followed forbidden wives just as darkness came to the first millennial day when Adam ate the forbidden fruit.

Moses ("drawing out" of water) 120 years

1483 BC
Moses in Midian

After six "days" in Egypt, Israel failed to enter GOD'S REST (Psalm 95:11)

7 (21)

(six 40-year "days")

2401 AC 2411 AC 2421 AC 2431 AC 2441 AC 2451 AC 2461 AC 2471 AC 2481 AC 2491 AC 2501 AC 2511 AC 2521 AC 2531 AC 2541 AC 2551 AC 2561 AC 2571 AC 2581 AC 2591 AC 2601 AC 2611 AC 2621 AC 2631 AC 2641 AC 2651 AC 2661 AC 2671 AC 2681 AC 2691 AC 2701 AC 2711 AC 2721 AC 2731 AC 2741 AC 2751 AC 2761 AC 2771 AC 2781 AC 2791 AC 2801 AC 2811 AC 2821 AC 2831 AC 2841 AC 2851 AC 2861 AC 2871 AC 2881 AC 2891 AC 2901 AC 2911 AC 2921 AC 2931 AC 2941 AC 2951 AC 2961 AC 2971 AC 2981 AC 3001 AC

3 rd

millennium's daytime

Jeroboam 22, 931-910


Abimelech reigned 3 years (ch. 9)

land had rest under 8 years

18 years Israel served Eglon king of

80 years land had rest under Ehud, a Benjamite (3:15-30)

King Jabin and Sisera mightily oppressed Israel

of Mt. Ephraim (with Barak of Naphtali) led against Jabin

David reigned in Jerusalem from c.2922 AC / 1001 BC

Joshua 110 years (Joshua 24:29; Judges 2:8)


of Issachar living in Shamir of Mt. Ephraim judged 23 years

LORD delivered Israel into the hand of the Philistines 40 years

Josephus says Saul reigned 18 years before & 2 years after Samuel's death. (Antiq. 6.14.9)

20-yr. reign 10281008

A time of millennial-like REST

Judah Benjamin Levi

united monarchy

foundation was laid in the springtime of 2958 AC / c. 964 BC

Samuel, a Levite, lived in Ephraim

Samson, a Danite judged 20 years began deliverance

Nadab, 2 yrs 910-909

17, 931-913

God was Israel's king

Naomi lived in the land of Moab about 10 years.

During the period of the judges During the period of the judges

Boaz + Ruth Obed

365 years of glory after God came in the pillar of cloud by day, fire by night.

Judah (Jeremiah 11:16) and King David (Psalm 52:8) were green olive trees.

lesser light
Abijah, 3 yrs 913-911

"Whereas you were as the stars of heaven for multitude, you shall be left few in number; because you did not obey... God (Deuteronomy 28:62 RSV).
1022 1021 BC 1012 1011 BC 1002 1001 BC 952 951 BC 812 811 BC 972 971 BC 782 781 BC 992 991 BC 982 981 BC 962 961 BC 942 941 BC 932 931 BC 922 921 BC 912 911 BC 902 901 BC 892 891 BC 882 881 BC 872 871 BC 862 861 BC 852 851 BC 842 841 BC 832 831 BC 822 821 BC 802 801 BC 792 791 BC 772 771 BC 762 761 BC 752 751 BC 742 741 BC 732 731 BC 722 721 BC 712 711 BC 702 701 BC 692 691 BC 682 681 BC 672 671 BC 662 661 BC 652 651 BC 642 641 BC 632 631 BC 622 621 BC 612 611 BC 602 601 BC 592 591 BC 582 581 BC 572 571 BC 562 561 BC 552 551 BC 542 541 BC 532 531 BC 522 521 BC 512 511 BC 502 501 BC 492 491 BC 482 481 BC 472 471 BC 462 461 BC 452 451 BC 442 441 BC 432 431 BC 422 421 BC 412 411 BC

29.5 years ? 4000-year night David's sole 38 reign in

3 a.m. in

with the throne of David provided the

coregents 3.5 years ?

Judah (Jeremiah 11:16) and David (Psalm 52:8) were green olive trees.
7.5 years in Hebron

lesser light
Abijah, 3 yrs 913-911

39 Jehoshaphat Asa
41 yrs. 911-870

"Once I have sworn by My holiness; I will not lie to David: His seed shall endure forever, And his throne as the sun before Me; It shall be established forever like the moon, Even like the faithful witness in the sky." (Psalm 89:35-37)
Ahaziah, 1 yr, 841 Athaliah, 6yrs. 841-835

God's prophets were the bright stars of the fourth millennium's night. (Daniel 12:3; compare Revelation 1:20)

Morning Watch ( 3 a.m. to sunrise / 958 BC 31 AD )

42 43 44


24th 140-year period Jerusalem's last days standing alone


Hosea ("deliverer")

time is cut short

573 BC
vision of millennial temple (Ezekiel 4048)

Isaiah ("Eternal saves")

29 yrs. 796-767
Jotham 16 yrs. 751-736 Ahaz 16 yrs

David's sons reigned about 384 years. There are 383 to 385 days in a 13-month lunar year.
25 yrs. 873-848 (853) Jehoram 8, 848-841 744-729

Amon 2 yrs. 642-640

Jehoiachin, 10 days Jehoahaz, 3 mos. 609

Jehoiachin 3 mos. 598-7 Jehoiakim 11, 608-598 Zedekiah 11, 597-587

David David


Solomon ( "peaceful" )
40 yrs. 971 (967) - 931

Jehoash (Joash)
40 yrs. 835-796


40-yr reign c.2914-2955 AC c.1008-967 BC 33 years in Jerusalem

Azariah (Uzziah) 52 yrs. 792-740 (leper 751-740)

29 years (729) 715-686

55 years 696-642 (repented in captivity)

Josiah 31 yrs. 640 - 609

587 BC / 3335 AC fall of Jerusalem

(2Kings 25; Jeremiah 39;52)

"Sunrise" The Light of day came to the 4th millennium when Ezra, a descendant of the chief priest Zadok, and a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses sought to learn the Law, to do it, and to teach it and thus to rebuild Jerusalem. This began the first fulfillment of the 70 weeks prophecy, counting weeks from when Ezra started guiding the people back to Jerusalem in the springtime of 457 BC / 3465 AC


17, 931-913

WAR: Saul's house vs. David's Ishbosheth 2-yr reign, 1003-1001

20-yr. reign 10281008

united monarchy

Elijah . . . ("my God is the Eternal")

David reigned in Jerusalem from c.2922 AC / 1001 BC

("servant of the Eternal") Joel ("the Eternal is God") ("God his salvation") Syrian Hazael oppressed Israel all the Jehoahaz days of Jehoahaz (2 Kings 13:22-23). 17, 814-798

753 BC

735 & 734 BC Syria & Israel vs. Judah & Assyria


A time of millennial-like REST

Judah Benjamin Levi

In Jehoram's reign Edom and Libnah revolted; Philistines and Arabians plundered Jerusalem (2 Kings 8:20-22; 2 Chronicles 21:8-17)


Judah did evil for 40 of her years ("who is like the Eternal?") after Samaria fell. (Ezekiel 4:6)


Obadiah (to Edom)

(2 Samuel 5:1-5; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3; 12:23-40)

foundation was laid in the springtime of 2958 AC / c. 964 BC Temple was finished and dedicated 6 years later at the beginning of 2965 AC in autumn, c. 958 BC (1 Kings 6:1,37-38; 2 Chronicles 3:2)

Glory left temple (Ezekiel 8-11) 592 BC (after c.365 years)

Samuel There was fierce war with the Philistines all the days of Saul.
(1 Samuel 14:52) Paul, in Acts 13:21, seems to say that Saul reigned forty years. But Old Testament evidence indicates that Saul's reign was probably considerably shorter than that.

Nadab, 2 yrs 910-909 Jeroboam 22, 931-910

Elah, 2 yrs. 886-885 Zimri, 7 days, 885 Omri (vs.Tibni)

12, 885-874

Ahaziah 2 yrs. 853-852 Jehoram 12, 852-841

Zachariah, 6 mos, 753-2 Shallum, 1 month, 752 Jehoash 16, 798-782 Menahem Jeroboam II 41 yrs. (793)782-753

("embrace") 604 BC 3318 AC deportation to Babylon (Daniel 1:1-3)

restored Jewish remnant 538 BC Zerubbabel, the governor, in David's line of kings (1Chronicles 3:19; Matthew 1:12), and Joshua, the high priest, returned with a congregation of 42,360 men, plus 7,337 male and female servants, and 8,136 beasts of burden. (Ezra 1-2; Nehemiah 7)

Walls were broken down, gates burned.


701 BC / 3221 AC Assyrian invasion of Judah Sennacherib took all the fortified (2 Kings 15:37; Isaiah 7) cities of Judah (2 Kings 18:13), boasting of 200,156 captives from 46 Pekahiah walled cities and many villages. But God 2 yrs. 742-740 humbled him at Jerusalem. (2 Kings19:35-36)
10, 752-742 20, 752-732 9, 732-722 .

("Eternal will lift up") Land kept Sabbath 70 years Zephaniah to make up for 61 unkept land sabbaths ("Eternal protects") and 9 unkept jubilees in 430 years iniquity (Leviticus 25;26:31-35; Jeremiah 29:10; Ezekiel 4:4-6; Daniel 9:2; 2Chr. 36:20-21) Jerusalem's desolation: 608538 BC

Jews fasted and mourned 70 years (Zechariah 7:5) 2nd temple was begun in spring, 537 BC and again on Kislev 24, 520 BC. In 515 BC it was finished on the 3rd of Adar, 3407 AC. (Ezra 3:8;5:14-15; Haggai 2:18)

7 weeks of years
(49 years) 457408 BC
12 yrs

Ahab (& Jezebel) 22 yrs. 874-853

Jehu 28 yrs. 841-814

Ephraim Simeon Dan Issachar Naphtali Zebulun

(a wayward vine) became like a prophetic milky way of stars as signs of how God deals with His people. (Genesis 15:5; Ezekiel 14:7-8)

David was the lamp of Israel (2 Samuel 21:17). And God gave David a lamp in Jerusalem by setting up his son after him and by establishing

Asher Reuben Manasseh Gad

Israel as a whole did evil (worshipped idols, profaned Sabbaths, corrupted ways) for 390 of her years between the Exodus and Samaria's fall. (Ezekiel 4:4-5)

722 or 721 BC / 3200 or 3201 AC Samaria fell to Assyria (2 Kings 18:9-12) Shalmaneser initiated the 3-year siege of Samaria, carrying Israelites captive into Medo-Persia (to southeast of the Caspian Sea settlements). These deportees were called "Scythians". "Thus says the LORD: 'Behold, what I have built I will break down, and what I have planted I will pluck up, that is, this whole land' " ( Jeremiah 45:4 ).

Baasha 24 yrs. 909-886



After 49 years of banishment

after "seven times" punishment, being in exile seven weeks of years (Leviticus 26:24), a small remnant was allowed to return to rebuild God's house in Jerusalem. But Judea remained part of the Persian Empire. It was not given independence.

444 432 BC + 3478 3490 AC + Nehemiah, the governor, went to rebuild Jerusalem's wall and gates (Nehemiah 2)

597 BC 10,000 Jews were deported to Babylon (2 Kings 24:10-16) 587 BC final deportation (2 Kings 25)



c. 837836 BC God began to cut Israel back in the days of Jehu when Hazael, king of Syria, conquered the areas east of the Jordan (2 Kings 10:32-33).

734-732 BC / 3188-3190 AC deportation to south of Caspian Sea Assyrian Tiglath-pileser, in the days of Pekah, carried away the trans-Jordan tribes and the inhabitants of Galilee (more than 31,500 people known as "house of Omri"/KMR/"Cimmerians") (2 Kings 15:29; Isaiah. 9:1) "Samaritans"
65-year remnant of Ephraim (Isaiah 7:8)

Nahum (to Nineveh) 70 Weeks Prophecy

("compassionate") (Daniel 9:24) came c. 539 BC

("festal") ("my messenger") (to Israel, 520 BC perhaps before the Zechariah ("Eternal remembers") Edomites fell under 519 BC Mordecai) 519 BC / 3403 AC Decree of Darius to finish temple (Ezra 6) 538 BC / 3384 AC Decree of Cyrus to return to Jerusalem and rebuild temple (Ezra 1; Isaiah 44:28; 2 Chronicles 36:22) 539 BC Tishri 16, 3384 AC Babylon city fell (Isaiah 4445; Daniel 5)

Decree of Artaxerxes (undated) to restore Jerusalem's temple and the temple services (Ezra 7:11-26; 9:9) Spring, 457 BC Aviv 1-12, 3465 AC Ezra the priest, with a group that included 1534 Israelite males and 220 temple servants, took silver and gold, wheat, wine, oil and salt, and began journey back to restore Jerusalem in the service of God. (Ezra 7-8; Daniel 9:24)

Babylonian Empire
autumn, 626 BC Nabopolassar defeated the Assyrians outside of Babylon Nineveh fell to Nabopolassar in 612 BC Assyria's army was defeated at Haran in 609 BC 609-539 BC This was the head of fine gold in Daniel 2:32 and the lion with eagle's wings in Daniel 7:4.

Samaria fell about 209 years after the northern kingdom was established.
931 BC / 2991 AC

took over Israel (2 Kings 17:24; Ezra 4:2,10)

("morning star") origin of Purim March, 473 BC

a city set on a hill to be the light of the world reflecting the light of God. (I Kings 15:4) division of monarchy
(1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10)

"Sundown" 2965 AC / autumn, 958 BC The close of the 3rd millennial day came at Solomon's completion of the temple. This foreshadowed the completion of God's spiritual temple, the bride of Christ, at the end of the 6th millennial day. But darkness descended as Solomon took and followed forbidden wives just as darkness came to the first millennial day when Adam ate the forbidden fruit.
4 5 6

"And God said, 'Let there be lights [spiritual leaders] in the firmament of the heavens [within God's family] to separate the day from the night [to differentiate between the ways of light and gloom]; and let them be for

[prophetic] signs and for [defining holy day] seasons and for days and years [of prophecy], and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give [spiritual] light upon the earth.' And it was so" (Genesis 1:14-15).

("God will strengthen")

Medo-Persian Empire
539 331 BC This was the chest and arms of silver in Daniel 2:32 and the bear-like beast in Daniel 7:5. driven away from the Promised Land and eating her bread unclean among the Gentiles, v.13) was to be seven times more than her sins (Leviticus 26:21).
Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) 465-424 Xerxes II Sogdianus Darius II 424-404

("God is my judge")
. .

According to the 390 years of her sins (Ezekiel 4:4-5), Israel dwelt 390 years (721-331 BC) in the land of her captivity. Yet, she did not repent. So her punishment, (being
Cambyses II pseudo-Smerdis

(Pul) TiglathPileser III 745-727 Shalmaneser V , 727-722 Merodach Sargon II Baladan 722-705

Ashurnasirpal II 884-859


(to Nineveh)
Shalmaneser II 859-824

Sennacherib Elam 705-681

Jonah ("dove")


The nations served the king of


Esarhaddon 681-669

Ashurbanipal (Osnapper) 669-631 or 626

605-562 BC

Darius I of Persia 521-486

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

7 (28) 1

At the beginning of this 12th week of 40-year days, Athaliah (Ahab's daughter) usurped David's throne, paralleling Satan's takeover of mankind in Eden.

Near the end of the 6th day of this week, Judea became a vassal state, first of Egypt, then of Babylon. This, and Chaldean, Syrian, Moabite, and Ammonite raids foreshadowed the Gentiles' trampling of Jerusalem at 6th millennium's end.

With Artaxerxes' help, Darius decreed Ezra and Nehemiah began Jerusalem's temple a great physical and spiritual revival should be finished. Xerxes made the restoration leading to Messiah. Esther Queen.

Cyrus began restoration.

Xerxes I (Ahazuerus) 486 465

70 years (Jeremiah 25:11-12) Nebuchadnezzar

3 kings Nabonidus Belshazzar 556-539 554-539 Persian Darius the Mede Cyrus (550) 539529



Nabopolassar 626 - 605

3091 AC 3101 AC 3111 AC 3121 AC 3131 AC 3141 AC 3151 AC

3161 AC 3171 AC 3181 AC 3191 AC

3201 AC 3211 AC 3221 AC 3231 AC

3241 AC 3251 AC 3261 AC 3271 AC

3281 AC 3291 AC 3301 AC 3311 AC

7 (35)
3321 AC 3331 AC 3341 AC 3351 AC 3361 AC 3371 AC Evil-Merodach 562-560 BC Neriglissar (Nergal-Sharezer) 560-556 Labashi-Marduk (ruled 2 months, 556)

There were 4 Persian kings (3 after Cyrus) who stood up for the Jews.
3381 AC 3391 AC 3401 AC 3411 AC 3421 AC 3431 AC 3441 AC 3451 AC 3461 AC 3471 AC 3481 AC 3491 AC 3501 AC 3511 AC

2901 AC

2911 AC

2921 AC

2931 AC

2941 AC

2951 AC

2961 AC

2971 AC

2981 AC

2991 AC

3001 AC

3011 AC

3021 AC

3031 AC

3041 AC

3051 AC

3061 AC

3071 AC

3081 AC

4 th millennium's


Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life (John 8:12).
392 391 BC 382 381 BC 372 371 BC 352 351 BC 332 331 BC 252 251 BC 142 141 BC 132 131 BC 542 541 BC 532 531 BC 522 521 BC 512 511 BC 502 501 BC 492 491 BC 482 481 BC 472 471 BC 462 461 BC 452 451 BC 442 441 BC 432 431 BC 422 421 BC 412 411 BC 402 401 BC 362 361 BC 342 341 BC 322 321 BC 312 311 BC 302 301 BC 292 291 BC 282 281 BC 272 271 BC 262 261 BC 242 241 BC 232 231 BC 222 221 BC 212 211 BC 202 201 BC 192 191 BC 182 181 BC 172 171 BC 162 161 BC 152 151 BC 122 121 BC 112 111 BC 102 101 BC 92 91 BC 82 81 BC 72 71 BC 62 61 BC 52 51 BC 42 41 BC 32 31 BC 22 21 BC 12 11 BC 9 10 AD 19 20 AD 29 30 AD 39 40 AD 49 50 AD 59 60 AD 69 70 AD 79 80 AD 2 1 BC

Morning Watch ( 3 a.m. to sunrise / 958 BC 31 AD)

45 46 47 48 49

The Light of the Messiah came at the end of the fourth millennium-long night watch. > 50

God's servants walk in the Light. The world continues in darkness. 1 2

"Sunrise" The Light of day came to the 4th millennium when Ezra, a descendant of the chief priest Zadok, and a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses sought to learn the Law, to do it, and to teach it and thus to rebuild Jerusalem. This began the first fulfillment of the 70 weeks prophecy, counting weeks from when Ezra started guiding the people back to Jerusalem in the springtime of 457 BC / 3465 AC
70 years
(Zechariah 7:5) 2nd temple

In Daniel 9:25 (KJV), the "commandment" to restore Jerusalem means the "word" to restore, as it is rendered in the RSV and other translations.

Count 70 weeks from the going forth of the Light of God's Word (as taught by Ezra) to restore and to build Jerusalem on the foundation of the Law and the prophets.

The "Word" of God was Israel's LORD, her "sun and shield" (Psalm 84:11), who later became flesh and dwelt among men. (John 1:1-5,14; Genesis 15:1,4)

Out of Egypt, God called His Son (Matthew 2:15)

Jubilee (Leviticus 25:10) Liberty made possible for all




Going forth of Light of Day

40-year day (Hebrews 3:7-9) Church of God Apostolic ("Ephesian") Era

"Seventy weeks are determined for your prople and for your holy city, to finish the transgression [against the owner of the vineyard by slaying His son], to make an end of sins [providing escape through forgiveness, and] to make reconciliation for iniquity [atonement]..." (Daniel 9:24). These were accomplished in the sacrifice of Jesus as the Passover Lamb of God. But much more remains in this prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled. 2731 AD 39493952 AC Jesus' 3-year ministry 7 8 9 7 weeks of years 10


was begun in spring, 537 BC and again on Kislev 24, 520 BC. In 515 BC it was finished on the 3rd of Adar, 3407 AC.
(Ezra 3:8;5:14-15; Haggai 2:18)

ONE WEEK confirming

the covenant with many (until stoning of Stephen) 11 Aviv 14, 3952 AC 31 AD crucifixion of Jesus 64 AD completion of temple in Jerusalem Rome burned

7 weeks of years
(49 years) 457408 BC
12 yrs Walls were broken down, gates burned.

62 weeks of years
1 (counting jubilees) 2 3 4 5

(62 x 7 = 434 years)

408 BC 27 AD 6

restored Jewish remnant 538 BC Zerubbabel, the governor, in David's line of kings (1Chronicles 3:19; Matthew1:12), and Joshua, the high priest, returned with a congregation of 42,360 men, plus 7,337 male and female servants, and 8,136 beasts of burden. (Ezra 12; Nehemiah 7)

444 432 BC + 3478 3490 AC + Nehemiah, the governor, went to rebuild Jerusalem's wall and gates (Nehemiah 2)

Jesus Christ
The Word of God Is the Greater Light
"And God made the two great lights, the greater light [Christ] to rule the day [the yet future kingdom of God], and the lesser light [Jerusalem, with the throne of David] to rule the night [to guide in love toward God and to

"The queen of the south... came... to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here" (Luke 11:31). Jesus was "A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Israel" (Luke 2:32). "The people who sat in darkness saw a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light dawned" (Matthew 4:16).

birth of Jesus autumn, 4 BC Tishri, 3919 AC Herod was king c.(40) 373 BC

Jesus drew breath in the flesh


There were



("festal") ("my messenger") (to Israel, 520 BC perhaps before the Zechariah ("Eternal remembers") Edomites 519 BC . fell under Mordecai) 519 BC / 3403 AC Decree of Darius to finish temple (Ezra 6) 538 BC / 3384 AC Decree of Cyrus to return to Jerusalem and rebuild temple (Ezra 1; Isaiah 44:28; 2 Chronicles 36:22) 539 BC Tishri 16, 3384 AC Babylon city fell (Isaiah 4445; Daniel 5)

Decree of Artaxerxes (undated) to restore Jerusalem's temple and the temple services (Ezra 7:11-26; 9:9) Spring, 457 BC Aviv 1-12, 3465 AC Ezra, the priest, with a group that included 1534 Israelite males and 220 temple servants, took silver and gold, wheat, wine, oil and salt, and began journey back to restore Jerusalem in the service of God. (Ezra 7-8; Daniel 9:24)

fellow man in the age of darkness]; he made the stars [the prophets] also. And God set them in the firmament of the heavens [within His family] to give light upon the earth, to rule over the day and over the night,

and to separate the light from the darkness [to show the difference between right and wrong]. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day" (Genesis 1:16-19).

49 years
in Herod's restoration of Jerusalem & temple before Jesus died (John 2:20)

69 AD . Jerusalem Church of God fled to Pella 70 AD desolation of Jerusalem and temple

Although some people apparently left earlier, waves of Israelite migrations westward into Europe (out of the areas where they had been placed as war captives, and further away from the Promised Land) began during Greece's 334-330 BC conquest of the Persian Empire. (Assyrians and others also migrated westward.) Antiochus Epiphanes promoted Hellenization; replaced Judah's high priests; halted sacrifices; then later, desecrated Jerusalem 3 years: December (Kislev 25), 167 BC to December (Kislev 25), 164 BC put idolatry and swine's flesh on God's altar destroyed copies of Scripture and their owners forbid circumcision, keeping of sabbaths & holy days tortured many Jews into renouncing their religion sold 10,000 Jews into slavery; slaughtered many Judas Maccabaeus overcame Antiochus and restored temple worship. (1 Maccabees 1:60; Josephus Antiquities XII 5:4; 7:6) This was a partial fulfillment of Daniel 8:11. Antiochus IV Epiphanes The 164 BC rededication of God's temple was during a sabbatical year (I Macc. 6.49) at the end of the sixth jubilee cycle of the 70 weeks prophecy fulfillment. It is the origin of the Feast of Dedication Julius referred to in John 10:22. The remnant of the Seleucid Empire was annexed by Rome in 64 BC .

The 4th millennial day ended when Jesus, the Great Light, went down into the grave. 3952 AC / 31 AD

( "morning star" ) origin of Purim March, 473 BC

Medo-Persian Empire
539 331 BC This was the chest and arms of silver in Daniel 2:32 and the bear-like beast in Daniel 7:5 driven away from the Promised Land and eating her bread unclean among the Gentiles, v.13) was to be seven times more than her sins (Leviticus 26:21).
Xerxes II Sogdianus Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) 465-425 Darius II 424-404

Persian Darius the Mede Cyrus (550) 539529

174-163 BC

Alexander the Great (336) 331-323

civil war dividing empire 323-301 BC

According to the years of her sins (Ezekiel 4:4-5), Israel dwelt 390 years (721331 BC) in the land of her captivity. Yet, she did not repent. So her punishment (being
Cambyses II

7 x 390 = 2730 The 2730th year after 721 BC is 2009 AD. Then comes the rise of the Gentiles paralleling the rise of Gog and Magog at seventh millennium's end.
Artaxerxes III (Ochus) 358-338 Artaxerxes IV Darius III Artaxerxes II (Mnemon) 404-358 BC

Battle of Gaugamela defeat of Darius III Elul 24, 3591 AC autumn, 331 BC
and Darius' death the following summer ended Persian Empire
Cassander Lysimachus

c. 285 BC Greek Septuagint Old Testament (LXX) This version was begun in Alexandria, Egypt, for Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Legend claims 72 Israelites (six from each tribe) translated the Hebrew Torah into Greek in 72 days. The numbers in the Septuagint differ greatly from those in the Hebrew Masoretic text.

Julian calendar began January 1 46 BC

Greco-Macedonian Empire
331 30 BC This was the belly and thighs of bronze in Daniel 2:32 and the four-winged, four-headed leopard in Daniel 7:6. Seleucid Dynasty (King of the North) ruled Asia, Asia Minor, & Palestine

God gave His Passover Lamb so that people could be freed from bondage to sin and death.

Jesus' disciples were called to become fishers of men.


Mark Antony
Vespasian 69-79

Seleucus Ptolemy

Tiberius Caesar
14-37 AD

M. J. Beattie 2-27-2009

With Artaxerxes' help, Darius decreed Ezra and Nehemiah began Jerusalem's temple should be finished. Xerxes made a great physical and spiritual revival Esther queen. the restoration leading to Messiah.

Nero 54-68

Ptolemaic Dynasty (King of the South) ruled Egypt

Antiochus IV foreshadowed the Roman Empire and its end-time Beast.

Egypt became a province of Rome in 30 BC. independent Hasmonian Judea 5 6 7 (49)

(42) 27 BC14 AD

Medo-Persian Ram vs. Greek Goat

JUBILEE 1 (50)

Cyrus began restoration.

7 (42)
(Daniel 8:1-8,20-22; 11:3-4)

(Daniel 8:9-14,23-26; 11:21-45)

Galba, 68-69 Otho, 69 Vitellius, 69

There were 4 Persian kings (3 after Cyrus) who stood up for the Jews. (Daniel 11:2) 3551 AC 3381 AC 3391 AC 3401 AC 3411 AC 3421 AC 3431 AC 3441 AC 3451 AC 3461 AC 3471 AC 3481 AC 3491 AC 3501 AC 3511 AC 3521 AC 3531 AC 3541 AC 3561 AC

spring, 142 to 64 BC
3761 AC 3771 AC 3781 AC 3791 AC 3801 AC 3811 AC 3821 AC 3831 AC 3841 AC 3851 AC 3861 AC 3881 AC 3891 AC 3901 AC 3911 AC 3921 AC 3931 AC 3941 AC 3951 AC 3961 AC 3971 AC 3981 AC 3991 AC 3871 AC 4001 AC

3571 AC

3591 AC

3581 AC

3601 AC

3611 AC

3621 AC

3631 AC

3641 AC

3651 AC

3661 AC

3671 AC

3681 AC

3691 AC

3701 AC

3711 AC

3721 AC

3731 AC

3741 AC

4 th

millennium's daytime

3751 AC

Titus Domitian

Caligula Claudius 41-54

Darius I of Persia 521-486

Xerxes I (Ahazuerus) 486 465

Octavian Crassus Augustus Pompey Lepidus

Emperor Caesar Augustus

To be continued
The historical record of the Bible ends about four thousand years after creation. But the rest of the Bible's message is told in its prophecies and in secular history. This timeline is a work in progress. Hopefully, additional pages will be published soon.

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