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Climate Change Community

Indias Eleventh Five Years Plan (EFYP) is the first plan that takes note of climate change in an independent vein. Environmental sustainability is addressed in the Eleventh Plan under different sections but not in a comprehensive, focused manner and is not analyzed from the climate lens. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and the Indian Institute of Science have been undertaking research in areas of climate change. The first guiding principle of the NAPCC is to protect the poor and vulnerable sections of society through an inclusive and sustainable development strategy, sensitive to climate change. Climate change is set to impact Indias economy, polity and society in deep and different ways. Indias economy is impacted because India is still an agriculture-based economy and primarily dependent on fossil fuel consumption. The impact of climate change on health will lower productivity and potential productivity of those who are under-or mal-nourished, primarily the excluded group like poor dalits, adivasis minorities and women. Climate change impacts Indias polity, as Centre-State relations determine the failure or success of Indias mitigation and adaptation endeavors. Climate change impacts society as the poorest and the socially marginalized people are the most vulnerable to the impacts and have the least wherewithal to cope with the changes. CCBOS make a community for Climate change. This community will promote energy saving devises , clean air initiatives on polluting vehicles and industries. Ours community aim to supply electricity to all areas including villages and hamlets. The community start Crop improvement programme including development of arid-land crops, pest management and capacity building of extension workers and CVOs on vulnerability reduction practices. The community work for Drought proofing to improve the socio-economic conditions of the resource poor and disadvantaged sections of society. CCBOS work Water harvesting programmes and watershed development. CCBOS construct of coastal protection infrastructure such as mangroves and building cyclone shelters. CCBOS community guide to Risk financing including crop insurance scheme which supports farmers against climate risks as well as guide to Credit Support Mechanism for crop failure due to climate variability. The community provide emergency medical relief and training of medical staff. Our community work for disasters and relief and response to those affected by disasters. CCBOS make an independent and representative body to guide and monitor government policies. It will develop regulations and standards, upgrade the facilities and enforce the compliance. The community will act as environmental watchdogs and to monitor the environmental situation in the area.

Solid Waste Management (SWM) Community

Solid Waste Management (SWM) is one among the basic essential services provided by the Municipal Corporation to keep city clean and hygienic. The present scenario of most of the towns in India shows the same dismal picture due to insufficient resources, unscientific and outdated technology. High cost for management of services lack of citizen partnership and poor efficiency. This has lead to unaesthetic living conditions in most of the Indian cities and towns. On the other hand municipal law governing the local bodies does not have adequate provisions to address the problem of SEM. India the world s second highest populated country is a land of various physiographic, climatic, geographic, ecological, social, cultural and linguistic characteristics. Thus a common of solid waste management does not suit every Indian city. Also, due to rapid urbanization in cities over last 10 years, cities are mounted with the problem of SWM. The urban population has grown five fold in last six decades with 285.35 million people living in urban areas ( as per the 2001 Census). The No. of town and cities have increased to 4378 of which 393 are Class-I town, 401 are Class-II towns, 1151 are class-III and remaining are classified as small towns with population ranging between 5000-20,000. The no. of metropolitan cities having million plus population has increased to 35 as per 2001 Census, and this has also seen growing public concern with exponential increase in sanitation and environmental issues. An analysis of data available with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) shows that waste generation has been count to be a functional of consumption and production activity, and thus strongly affected by household income and local production of goods and services. It clearly stats that waste generation is directly related with the consumption and production of cities, hence, small and medium scale towns tend to generate smaller per capita loads and therefore proportionally less waste. The average waste quantities in small and medium towns vary between 200 to 600 gms/capita/day depending upon the type of Urban Local Body (ULB) by population.

Disaster Management Community

Disaster Management Community : Every year India has to face many natural disaster like droughts, cyclones, floods and earthquakes. Poor people, especially women and children, are more vulnerable to these disasters. CCBOS will make a community for disaster preparedness and mitigation with security of livelihoods for vulnerable communities. Strengthening skills and capacities for disaster preparedness and response at various levels by working with communities, local NGOs, local administration, state and national government donors. The community start a programme who maps disasters on an ongoing basis. Providing immediate relief to people affected by natural and man-made disaster. Networks with organizations with similar mandates to respond to emergencies in a coordinated manner. Supports

community based disaster preparedness work. Ensures gender is mainstreamed in all aspects of disaster preparedness and response. Builds capacities of civil society organization and the govt. for disaster preparedness and response. Influences policies and practices on disaster preparedness and disaster response. Advocates international standards of quality for humanitarian aid. Our environmentalist will closely watch for implementation of that programme at district level by approaching the local NGOs and SHGs for effective monitoring and evaluation process.

Water & Sanitation Community

Water & Sanitation Community : Water supply and sanitation were our national agenda, but the condition of water supply and sanitation is worse. CCBOS will make a community for water & sanitation. This community will providing regional schemes from alternative sources by extending new pipelines. This community will start new scheme for habitations served by outlived scheme. This community aware people for Rain Harvesting System. It conjunctive use of ground and surface water as a means of improving the sustainability of drinking water. CCBOS work for tapping external assistance for restoration of tanks and other water bodies along with rainwater harvesting for quality affected habitations. This community monitoring the water supply works as a mandatory condition for release of funds for completed works. CCBOS bring women ahead. Women SHGs can be encouraged for collection of maintenance funds and taking up O&M of water supply system. CCBOS focus on creating awareness on the importance of sanitation and look beyond the current just preventing open defecation norm. Decentralized solid and liquid waste management system as a business models needs to be developed. CCBOS will start campaign for special needs of women, adolescents , girls, disabled and the aged person. For developing a robust MIS on urban water supply and sanitation. Trained human resources will be a must for the implementation of programmes and organizations. CCBOS will ensure active participation of Local NGOs and ward level committee for maintenance of water & sanitation services covering each part of city.

HIV/AIDS Community

CCBOS, AHF Foundation (US) and Freedom Foundation, Indian Peoples Alliance for Combating HIV /AIDS start a programme for HIV/ AIDS. CCBOS in

collaborate with IPACHA renowned for its delivery of high quality treatment and support services and successfully campaign for affordable ARVs, availability of government-funded second line treatment. CCBOS with IPACH expanded its reach to all over India to strengthen Positive Networks and provide comprehensive HIV services for sex workers. We are also exploring the new rearch and development activities in naturalopathy and Ayurveda (Natural Herbal Medicine)

The objective of CCBOS is to build and strengthen a national Alliance which will serve as a platform for various stakeholders working on the issue of HIV and AIDS, TB, Malaria to come together to advocate for the right of PLHIV and ensure effective C.C. Response to HIV.

HIV / AIDS has been spreading its tentacles in the country thereby threatening to dislocate lives of the common people, some of them becoming victims unknowingly. IPACHA and CCBOS feels that HIV & AIDS poses political, economic, human rights and governance challenge in the region. The main aim of this alliance was to facilitate and support - democratic-social and political mobilizations locally, nationally and internationally, thereby address issues related to the causes and consequences of HIV & AIDS.

On 23 Feb. 2008 CCBOS and CATA delegates meets Honble Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh to urged him to help improve access to medical care and treatment for HIV & AIDS, including increasing access to both first and secondline lifesaving antiretroviral treatment in India. The CCBOS and CATA delegates also presented 10,000 plus letters of CCBOs members and well-wishers from all over the country for improved treatment access in India.

Decentralization Community
In 1993, the Government of India passed a series of constitutional reforms, which were intended to empower and democratize Indias rural representative bodies the Panchayats. The 73rd Amendment to the Constitution formally recognized a third tier of government at the sub-State level, thereby creating the legal conditions for local selfrule or Panchayati Raj. Since this time, the process of decentralization has been highly variable, ranging from ambitious attempts at Gram Swaraj (or village self-rule) in Madhya Pradesh to political re-centralization in Karnataka. Early experiences have

also revealed considerable uncertainty and confusion about the precise political, administrative and fiscal powers Panchayats have in relation to the States, line ministries, and local user groups. This, in part, reflects the fact that the 73rd Amendment gave the State governments considerable autonomy to interpret and implement the constitutional reforms. Political decentralization transfers policy and legislative powers from central government to autonomous, lower-level assemblies and local councils that have been democratically elected by their constituencies. Administrative decentralization places planning and implementation responsibility in the hands of locally situated civil servants and these local civil servants are under the jurisdiction of elected local governments. Fiscal decentralization accords substantial revenue and expenditure authority to intermediate and governments. On 23rd and 24th April is an historical day for Indian women. On this day she get decentralization power in politics From an early stage in this process, the reduction of poverty and the empowerment politically marginal groups in India have been strongly associated with at least some decentralization. Perhaps the most enduring decentralization in India is Gandhis vision of village Swaraj, in which universal economic self-sufficiency and village democracy would take the place of caste, untouchability other forms of rural exploitation. Although this vision has been hotly debated since time of independence (see, especially, Ambedkars debates with Gandhi, cited in 2000a: 5), Gandhis vision has had an enduring effect on the ways in which decentralization been argued and defended in Indian politics. Beyond the symbolic imagery of the village republic, an important element of this relates to the idea that formal, constitutional in Indias administrative system can have a lasting impact on informal and unequal structures caste, class and gender. The 73rd and 74th Amendments . . . are designed to promote self-governance through statutory recognition of local bodies. The latter are expected to move away from their traditional role of simply executing the programs handed down to them by higher levels of government and to formulate and implement their own programs of economic development and social justice. An underlying hypothesis here is that strong mechanisms of accountability will improve the distribution of benefits to groups that are traditionally marginalized in local political processes. CCBOS make a community who realize the govt. for participation, political transformation and the role that political parties can play in improving the effectiveness and accountability of local government bodies. 1. active participation among broad elements of society, involving activities such as voting, campaigning, attending meetings, running for office, lobbying representatives, etc.; 2. fiscal and political support from higher level authorities within government; 3. the existence of competitive political parties whose legitimacy depends at least in part on the support of the poor; and

4. deeper economic transformations, which embolden traditionally subordinate groups to challenge local authority structures. Our community approach to understanding the relationship between decentralization and accountability is comparative and empirical. decentralization can affect accountability and participation at the local level. Our principal unit of analysis is the Gram Panchayat and within it the Gram Sabha.

Education Community
CCBOS will make a Education Community for needs of education to all special children and girls child. The community ensure the quality of education, regular and trained teachers should be recruited in place of untrained and Para teachers. The community also ensure that adequate funds of education budgets are spent on adult literacy. CCBOS will trying to reversed the all forms of privatization of educational including the Public - Private Partnership. CCBOS desire to ensure that the Government commits 6% of the GDP to Public expenditure on Education. This community will work for girls education. It start a programme to support grassroots initiatives that can serve as best practice models. Encourages adult education with a focus on women. Advocate for a conductive policy environment for universal primary education.

Food & Nutrition Security Community

Malnutrition rates among both adults and children in India are unacceptably high. Almost half the children under the age of three are underweight and one-third adult women have a body mass index than normal. There is not much improvement in the malnutrition rates in the country in the last ten years. The result of the NFHS show very high level of anemia among young children, women and pregnant women and this has risen from NGHS-2 to NFHS-3. Poverty impacts malnutrition in multifarious ways-by reducing purchasing power for good quality calorie dense foods, by reducing access to health care, by giving rise to physical environment lacking in safe water and sanitation and by impact on education. CCBOS make a community for the food & nutrition security. The community will make an independent nutrition surveillance system must be set up so that we are able to monitor the progress made on malnutrition at least once in two years, at the district level. The effective implementation of ICDS and related intervention requires a highlevel overseeing authority, serving as a technical body and strategic oversight that centrally monitors both health and nutrition outcomes of children under six. CCBOs community improved the quality of the SNP given in anganwadi centers by providing

free food grains additional (in line with the MDM scheme) to the monetary allocation made and decentralizing the system of procurement and distribution to the lowest level so that there can be increased community monitoring. This community introduced a maternity benefit scheme. It will start an anganwadi-cum-creche scheme.

Women Empowerment Community

Women play a vary important role in Indian politics. Our President and Lok Sabha speaker is also women. Besides many big leader are women. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act introduced a new phase in the life of local government institution in India. In many states women are presently engaging with the third generation elections, and have continued to increase their participation beyond the minimum 33.3% stipulated by the constitution. The process has been as well characterized by passionate discussion, arguments, questions, doubts, hopes, expectations around womens participation in local governance. And this continues even now as the women themselves continue with their struggles to be visible and to get heard. But the Situation is as not like as it seen. Women could not participate in governance as she should do. Government start many plans for women every year but it cant reach to them. 73 and 74 amendment give power to women. 29 subjects are given to Panchayati Raj Institute but there is no follow up on them. Stats are not transfer power to them. If these are given to women, they became powerful. For 33% reservation In Indian State Assembly and Parliament women have to wait long time. Confederation of Community Based Organization of India is a civil society based organization who work for women and raise the social issue about women. Late Km. Nirmala Desh Pandey is a founder pattern of this organization who increased us. CCBOS respect of women leaders. We took oath on Rani Laxmi Bais tomb to initiate to work for grass-root level people and women. CCBOS make a women empowerment community which views through a gender perspective all work undertaken by the organization and its partners. This community generates public awareness and debate on violence against women at home and at the workplace. It provides shelter, legal aid, medical aid and counseling to victims of violence. This community start supports training and gender sensitization of authorities dealing directly with violence against women. This community advocate for legislation to safeguard women from domestic violence.

ICT for Development Community

Ministry of Panchayati Raj has announced an ambitious plan to computerized an ambitious plan to computerize 250,000 Panchayati Raj Institutions over the next three years. Nearly 40,000 odd Gram Panchayats have already opted for ICT. Applications vary from grassroots planning, financial accounting, implementing and monitoring of centrally sponsored schemes, offering birth and death certificates, handling revenue streams like house tax and automation of the functioning of the Gram Panchyats etc. Similarly, Ministry of Rural Development are considering consolidating all ICT applications as one mission mode project, establishment of decentralized data centre, a comprehensive automation of all land and land resources through a widespread usage of GIS. Ministry of Agriculture are in the process of activating the Mission Mode Project for enablement of all agriculture related interventions under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). Integrated Rural Health Mission (IRHM), Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and other important social, Bharat Nirman projects- all call for an integrated information system to better target the spending onone hand and visibility into and monitoring the outcomes on the other. All these imperatives together are creating a rural thrust for ICT from a governance perspective. 1. Rural Connectivity : Rural connectivity is an important issue if not dealt seriously will lead to the increase in digital divide between urban and rural. The ICT growth cannot be taken as complete unless rural areas also get the benefit of ICT and contribute to its growth. To achieve the targets of e-Governance in rural area, one of the important steps are to proliferate connectivity in rural areas. Some of the limitations felt in the implementation of e-Governance are as follow : Backhaul cost is vary high Absences of good business model, as operators are not sure about minimum number of subscribers and financial returns per month. Low PC penetration Low English literacy. 2. North Eastern States : The vision of the National e-Governance Plan (NEGP) is to make all the Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency and reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man. There are various initiatives, which have taken place in North East states for the NeGP. In this connection CCBOS make a community. There is a dearth of specialized manpower to handle e-governance programmes in the Rural and NE States. An elaborate Scheme for capacity building to provide technical support for e-governance in the State is under the consideration of the Central Government. Many of the NE States do not provide IT enabled citizen centric services at present. CCBOS community upgrade existing technical support in National Informatics Centre of the NE States for eGovernance. This community updated regularly; states should provide content as well as update it regularly. CCBOS undertake capacity building programmes for employees at all levels. CCBOS organize awareness campaigns in remote and interior areas for

optimum utilization of CICs (CSCs afterwards). Our community improve the quality of services in the Region. It improved the billing disputes which comes due to non-availability of online payment facility and processing centre being outside the Region. Our community improve the infrastructure. Electric supply and its quality is another issue in most of the States. Poor quality of roads hampers transportation of telecom equipment and machinery. Cables are frequently damaged due to natural causes like landslides and others like due to road widening and by miscreants. Frequent bandhs and blockades in the states lead to time overrun and cost escalation. CCBOS community will solve all this problems.

Maternal & Child Health Community

Women are truly invisible to the public health system in the country. Few women have come in any contact with a health worker. As a consequence of poor public facilities and low health status large no. of women die due to child birth related cases every year. Women health, in many situations, is inextricable linked to violence that they face as a routine part of their lives. A Large majority of the death among children are in India. Availability of vaccines that can protect children against some threatening conditions. Vaccination coverage has actually worsened substantially in some states like Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat. Govt. of India give CCBOS two mother NGOs status of Orissa and Bihar but it is not enough. CCBOS make a community to save the life of women and children. Through community based organized it will give health facility to common women and child. GDP 33% is to spent on health. Our community will work on it. Our community will inclusion of accountability and monitoring mechanisms. Some of the maternal health issues that our community has focused is that maternal mortality, skilled birth attendance, emergency obstetrics care, maternal death review, reproductive tract infections (RTIs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and family planning. Some of the child health issues could include : new-born mortality, infant and neonatal core, preventable deaths, malnutrition, immunization coverage, referral related bottlenecks, and community participation. Additionally, some issue like adolescent health, nutrition, publicpartnership in health care delivery, intersectoral convergence and decentralization, establishing a right-based agenda, and ICT and eHealth. The communalization option, with public-people partnerships to replace the semi-privatization and privatization options. Need to have a framework of rights, Community Control and Accountability. Contrary to the NRHM goals of universal access to public health services, including womens health and access to integrated comprehensive primary health care, the overall perception of womens health continues to be limited to womens reproductive role which is extremely limited and does not acknowledge nor address other health needs of women.

Microfinance and Livelihoods Community

Microfinance have come a long way in meeting the financial needs of the poor. We are witnessing a transformation of micro-finance as a growth industry. More and more women are mobilized into SHGs all over the country. They are further mobilized into higher order federations. Bank linkages are growing rapidly. Some banks have started to offer cash credit lines of Rs. 5 lakh per group. Credit Cards to farmers, weavers etc. are not uncommon now. While a lot more poor still need to be reached out with access to microfinance services, and some more services can be loaded onto microfinance bandwagoan, many poor and their organizations are struggling to find ideas to invest the funds in remunerative activities. The problem moves form the lack of funds to the lack of ideas to invest the funds. The sector moves from the microfinance to microfinance plus all across. Each one is exploring the plus. The plus may include insurance, loans and repayments in kind, food loans, businesses by the groups and federations themselves, public services for fee etc. Vast majority of the poor have to become partners in the high growth of the country. The issue is how we take some poor out of the existing traditional activities so that the remaining poor have better returns. What kind of vocations we can think of offering to them so that they come out and prosper? The situation at migration is not great. How do we ensure that minimum wages come to workers? How do we address the issue of education and literacy on which the long-term solution to the poverty lies? How do we ensure that the poor have access to public services like health which form the most of the familys expenditure? We still have lot of gender disparities to cope with and address. Civil Society efforts are, at best, weak. MFIs are spreading across the country. SHG movement is growing rapidly. The proble of access to finance is being addressed. The need for the Govt. and the civil society is to move into livelihoods domain. These efforts require large number of human resources at the community level, grass-root and at higher levels- paraprofessionals, professionals and volunteers, with passion, commitment and best brains. The poor need to have a hope for better life and this support can give that hope. Further policy support in terms of institutional framework like Mutually Aided cooperative Societies Act, increased research into areas of livelihoods of the poor like dry land agriculture, minimum support prices for all products of the poor, ensuring minimum wages for all workers, risk covers for a wide variety of livelihoods of the poor etc. are important.

Work and Employment Community

Addressing the problem of unemployment is critical to reducing social inequality. Resolving the problem pertains to addressing problems of poverty and inequalities. The magnitude of unemployment has not come down even after over six decades of planned attempts to address the problem. The Eleventh Five Year plan too does not

promise to show an end to the tunnel. Any appraisal of the performance of the plans in India must recognize that Indian planning is basically indicative planning in an open door market economy with a large, informal and black economy and a social framework that respects many primordial linkages and mutual/reciprocal relationships. Thus, the plans make medium term economy-wide projections and supplement them with other projections, called targets. GDP growth has been relied upon as the main instrument to generate additional employment. NREGA : This programme is a afforded choice to poor, many more than 15 crore people would have availed of it and that too for close to 100 days they are currently entitled to rather than the current national average of about 15 days. If one were to take note of the regional variations in accessing it, the situation in many areas would hardly be any different from what it used to be under various discretionary partial coverage scheme. CCBOS make a community for work and employment. Our community will put pressure on Govt. to start this programme in City also. 100 days is not enough so our community urge govt. to increase to 150 days. It should be combined with the civil societies . But there is a big problems for making NAREGA come fully alive first it deliver to every adult of every rural household at her or his doorstep a job card that is the passport or any entry ticket to any actual works programme CCBOS community will co-ordinate with the forthcoming census operations. Make wage payment a function of the days and time spent on work during the specified working ours. Our community trying that NREGA administration has to hire and/or organize on voluntary basis groups with varied expertise in identifying and preparing development projects and to give concrete project shape to development of ideas of the local people and panchayats on the basis of studies of the local regional situation/development and employment potential and prepare a shelf of such project with as much details as possible. These projects have to be explained to the local community and they are to be encouraged to make suggestions based on their own felt needs. However, the choice of works should be taken up ultimately with the local community. The Plan is not exclusively in terms of growth acceleration. The emphasis of restoring growth may lead to a situation in which higher production may be obtained by economizing on labour. The usual impact is that the unemployment rate continues to rise even as output recovers. The more sticky and serious is the problem of those who never had any access to any regular wage employment and their survival or coping strategies are treated as informal employment. It is also serious that planners take credit for success of these coping strategies; they see it as a part of the plans achievements. The core condition for good employment that is a level of reward for work that is consistent with a minimum of human needs, remains sidelined and the beneficiaries of so-called anti-poverty programmes . Even more serious is the inability to equip crores of children for any gainful and productive work by education and training, either formal or informal. CCBOS Community will aware the people for this scheme and trying that this scheme can start in city also so the poor slum areas people also can took benefits of it and tell the govt. of its minus point to make this programme successful in all over country.

Minority Empowerment Community

Indian minorities and particularly the largest among them, the Muslims, who have been historically disadvantaged and vulnerable in spite of the Constitutional safeguards, continue to live in poverty and backwardness. Though there has been talk about welfare of minorities at different times since independence very little political towards really addressing the situation. Poor among the Muslims could not avail the opportunities in education, employment and economic activities because of isolation and various historical factor. Sachar Committee have highlighted the fact of socioeconomic exclusion and also about living under fear and insecurity. CCBOS make a community which opening more branches, priority sector lending, transparency, creating awareness, micro-finance, entrepreneurship development training (EDP), and enhancing authorized share capital of NMDFC. The access to education was sought to be improved through opening of girls only schools, emphasis on school education, literacy campaign, improving enrolment, study centers, teachers training girls hostels, madarsa modernization, madarsa equivalent, text books, promotion of Urdu language, CCBOS work on it. The Community would be taken care towards representation of minorities in selection committee. The community give training for sensitization of government officials, civil rights centers, posting of Muslims in such places would attempt to address the sensitization of the mindsets. A multimedia be undertaken to sensitize the public by the community. There is relatively very little civil society engagement with the minorities, Particularly Muslims. The different community largely works with the dalits, adivasis, women etc but not so much with minorities, particularly Muslims. It is left to religious groups to work with them. CCBOS work for minorities , specially for Muslims. For poor Muslim people we are working to given them in the OBC category we are working with National Commission for backward class. There is also need to create a conducive climate for citizens, both women and men, to be able to approach the authorities without fear of rejection and discrimination, CCBOS work in this connection. Special efforts will be made by the community to alleviate the plight of the dalits and backward within the minorities and the women. The community will monitor the programs progress and implementation, started by the government. The community will be informed about the steps taken to make programs work and the change it has brought about in the living conditions of minority communities. The community start demonstrate action plan of implementation the progress of which should be regularly shared with the public. The community laid out scheme aware them for education, financial assistance, marketing support assistance capacity building etc in the 90 MCDs as well as each state. The community made a aware of the findings of the Sachar Committee, the PMs New 15 point program, the constitutional obligations etc.

Budget and Governance Accountability Community

CCBOS is aware about the accountability of Union Budget from the prospective of Social exclusion groups and with an aim to promote the direct participation of people in the making and implementation of the Union Budget. CCBOS is also responsible for facilitating the 'People Budget Initiative' which is a network of civil society/VOs organizations working to build awareness and public participation in the national and state budget processes. The CCBOS also works closely with a range of academic institutions and provides ongoing policy inputs to several government institutions. Social monitoring is based network of civil society organizations, citizens and communities to build a process of monitoring governance towards professed goals of social development, particularly with respect to the marginalized sections of our country. As an attempt to check rhetoric against the real, it tries to monitor the institutions of governance and their commitment towards citizens and principles of democracy. The innovative approach of the Social monitoring process is unique in terms of looking at the functioning and efficiency of the key institutions of governance-executive (in terms of policy and practices), the judiciary, the legislative (represented by the parliament), and the institution of local self-governance.

Social Monitoring
Every Social Monitoring Report undertakes the monitoring of the institutions of governance and democracy through the lenses of fundamental economic and social value such as rights, development, freedom, and security. CCBOS works towards putting an end to poverty and justice. CCBOS has been actively partnering communities and like-minded organizations to bring in a national movement of change. CCBOS works on national issue related to people living in poverty and helping them take control of their rights. CCBOS aims to be a larger force and a stronger voice in bringing positive changes to people lives. It strives to build bridges between Government and people.

International Youth Affairs Community

Youth constitute nearly 40% of Indias population. It is therefore, necessary not only to make this vibrant and strong resource of the country beneficiaries of, but also valuable partners in the process of our planning and development. In order that young men and women are able to contribute towards national development in a significant way, it is important that they should be able to effectively participate in the process of decisionmaking. Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has recently announced a National Youth Policy for the youth of the country so as to keep pace with the fast changing socioeconomic scenario and also to address the emerging concerns of the youth. CCBOS community set up to recommend to the Govt., measures to tackle effectively the problems faced by the youth of India, with particular focus on youth unemployment. Two new schemes viz Financial Assistance for the Development and Empowerment of Adolescents and Scheme for Establishment of National/State Youth Centers are proposed to be implemented during the Xth Plan. CCBOS make a community who monitoring the all govt. youth affairs schemes. The terms of reference of the community are as follows ; To construct and recommend an action oriented strategy and approach for the development of youth and suggest new policy measures and programmes, which are multi-dimensional and cross-cutting, after an in-depth analysis of the problems faced by them, with particular reference to the problem of youth unemployment, suggesting measures to identify, encourage and build up the capacity of talented youth I the North-Eastern region. To review existing youth related schemes and programmes implemented by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports as well as by other Ministries/Departments of the Government of India with particular reference to their potential for employment generation and to recommend measures to make them more effective and increase their outreach and coverage in line with Government thinking to cover the entire youth population with one or the other Youth Programmes such as NCC and NSS. To conceptualize a frame-work for coordination of youth related activities of State Govt., Ministries/Dept. of Govt. of India, NGOs and the private sector and to recommend measures for convergence. To look into the recommendations of the Working Group on Adolescents set up by the Planning Commission and suggest specific intervention strategies for catering to the needs of this group. To suggest measures for the implementation of the Plan of Action of the new National Youth Policy. While framing its recommendations, the Commission shall be guided by a realistic assessment of the resources that can be made available by the Government. To facilitated the Youth Exchange Programme by organizing the National Integration Camps and Seminars in different part of the country.

To organize International Youth Exchange Programme with the assistance of Ministry of Culture, Foreign Affairs and concerning embassies to increase the youth leadership development, art & cultural relationship, peace and communal harmony, war against terrorism.

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