CHED Memo 37, Series 2007

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MAY 26, 2008



Commission on Higher Education





systems, and at the same time effectively reduce or eliminate environmental hazards as well as utilize agricultural waste and by products. It is in this context that the curriculum of the undergraduate program in Agricultural Engineering has been reviewed and consequently improved to make sure that the program will produce graduates who have the necessary skills and competence to respond to the changing needs of the local and international environment. ARTICLE II AUTHORITY TO OPERATE The Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering program shall be operated only by private institutions of higher learning with proper authority granted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Colleges and Universities (LCUs) should likewise adhere to the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE III PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS SEC. 2. Degree The degree program herein shall be called Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (BSAE). SEC. 3. Program Description The Agricultural Engineering program is designed to produced graduates who possess knowledge and skills in the application of engineering principles for the production, processing, handling and storage of food, fiber and materials of biological origin. The graduates are expected to understand and apply engineering principles particularly in the solution of problems concerning irrigation and drainage of agricultural land, soil erosion control, planning of agricultural buildings, agricultural waste management

In accordance with the pertinent provisions.of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994," and by virtue of Commission en Bane Resolution No. 318-2007 dated 7 May 2007 and for purpose of revising CMO 04, Series of 2001 entitled "Guiding Principles and Minimum Standards for Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering Program" with the end view of keeping apace with the demands of global competitiveness, the following policies and standards are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission. ARTICLE I INTRODUCTION SECTION 1. Rationale Agricultural Engineering is a discipline based on the application of engineering principles of the production, processing, handling and storage of food, fiber and materials of biological origin. Agricultural engineering covers such areas as irrigation and drainage of agricultural land, soil erosion control, the planning of agricultural buildings and structures, post harvest technology, agricultural waste management and the development of labor and energysaving agricultural equipment and systems. As a discipline that is continuously evolving in response to advances in information technology and bio-technology, changing market needs and policy environments, agricultural engineering is progressively challenged to further improve the efficiency of agricultural production



VOL. 104, No. 21 or Drainage

and the development of labor and energysaving agricultural equipment and systems. Its intent is to provide engineering education that will prepare students to pursue careers principally in the industry and entrepreneurship as well as in government, and the academe. 3.1 Objectives The BS Agricultural Engineering (BSAE) program aims to: 3.1.1 train students in the application of engineering principles particularly in the solution of problems related to agro-industrial development; 3.1.2 prepare them to become professionals with entry-level competencies; 3.1.3 develop appreciation in the students, of the potentials of an agricultural engineering business enterprise; 3.1.4 instil in the students a concern for the preservation and protection of the natural environment; and 3.1.5 prepare students advanced studies. for

3.2.2 Irrigation Engineer

3.2.3 Designer and Manager of production and postproduction facilities 3.2.4 Designer/Manufacturer of Agricultural Machinery
3.2.5 Researcher 3.2.6 Extension Worker 3.2.7 Instructor/Professor

3.2.8 Businessman/Entrepreneur
3.2.9 Project Manager 3.2.10 Project Consultant 3.2.11 Sales Engineer 3.2.12 Farm Manager

3.2.13 Municipal/Provincial Planner

3.2.14 Other Emerging Professions SEC. 4. Areas of Concentration The following are the areas concentration of the BSAE program: 4.1 Soil and Water Resources of

3.2 The BSAE graduate is adequately knowledgeable and can discuss competently with his counterpart from the allied programs on many related technical issues and concerns. A BSAE graduated may qualify as: 3.2.1 Agricultural Engineer

4.2 Agricultural power and Machinery

4.3 Agricultural Processing, Storage and Electrification

4.4 Agricultural Structures Environmental Science Protection and and

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Sections. Objective The purpose of offering areas of concentration in agricultural engineering is to strengthen/focus graduate expertise in the aforementioned areas for advanced studies or for career employment. Section 6. Allied programs Agricultural engineering has mechanical, civil, electrical and chemical engineering for allied courses in basic engineering. On the other hand, it has crop, soil, animal, fishery and forestry sciences for allied courses in agriculture.



Section 7 Curriculum Description The curriculum has a well-balanced general education and strong technical courses aimed at developing students with appropriate knowledge, skills, attitude and values. A unique feature of the BSAE curriculum is the requirement for the student to complete an undergraduate thesis or a practicum study. This considerably enhances the student's research ability for graduate studies, employment work or professional practice. Section 8. Curriculum Outline General Education Courses - General Education and legislated courses shall follow the existing requirements of CHED in accordance with CHED Memorandum Order Number 59, series 1996. 8.1 General Education
8.1.1 Language and Humanities a. English 1. 2. 3. 4. English 1 - Study and Thinking Skills in English English 2 - Writing in the Discipline Speech Communication Scientific and Technical Writing 3 3 3 3

92 Units
27 Units

b. Filipino 1. Filipino 1 - Sining Pakikipagtalastasan 2. Filipino 2 - Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba't-lbang Disipliha c. Humanities 1. Hum 1 - Introduction to Humanities 3 3 3

3872________________OFFICIAL GAZETTE_________VOL. 104. No. 21

2. Hum 2 - Philosophy and Ethics 3. Hum 3 - The Literatures of the Philippines 8.1.2 Mathematics and Natural Science and Information Technology a. Mathematics 1. Math 1 - College Algebra 2. Math 2 - Plane Trigonometry 3. Analytic Geometry and Calculus I 4. Analytic Geometry and Calculus II 5. Analytic Geometry and Calculus III 6. Elementary Statistics b. Natural Sciences
1. Nat. Sci. 1 - Inorganic Chemistry 2. Nat. Sci. 2 - General Biology

3 3 36 Units

3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3

4. General Physics I 5. General Physics II c. Information Technology 8.1.3 Social Sciences

3. Organic Chemistry

3 12 Units 3 3 3 3

a. Soc. Sci. 1 - General Economics

(with Taxation and Land Reform) b. Soc. Sci. 2 - Society and Culture with Family Planning c. Soc. Sci. 3 - Philippine History d. Soc. Sci. 4 - Philippine Government and Politics

8.1.4 Life and Works of Rizal

8.1.5 -Physical Education (PE) 8.1.6 National Service and Training Program (NSTP)

8 6 15 Units 3 3 3 3 3 44 Units 3 3 5 3 2

8.2 Outline and Total Units for Fundamental

Agriculture Courses 8.2.1 Introduction to Animal Science 8.2.2 Principles of Crop Science 8.2.3 Principle of Fishery Science 8.2.4 Principles of Soil Science 8.2.5 Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Management 8.3 Outline and Total Units for Basic Engineering Courses 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 Engineering Graphics Principles of Electricity and Electronics Engineering Mechanics Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Farm Shop Practice

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8.3.6 Fluid Mechanics 8.3.7 Engineering Economy 8.3.8 Computer Applications in Engineering 1 8.3.9 Surveying 8.3.10 Materials of Engineering 8.3.11 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 8.3.12 Computer Applications in Engineering 2 8.3.13 Introduction to Operations Research 8.3.14 Agricultural Engineering Law and Professional Ethics 8.4 Outline and Total Units for Professional Courses 8.4.1 Agricultural Power and Machinery

4 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 1 48 Units 12 Units Agricultural Power and Energy Sources 3 Agricultural Mechanization and Machinery Management 3 Agricultural Machinery Design 3 Tractor and Agricultural Equipment Operation 3 8.4.2 Agricultural Structures and Environment Agricultural Waste Management Agricultural Structures Engineering and Structures Forest Products Engineering 8.4.3 Soil and Water Resources Hydrology

12 Units 3 3 3 3 12 Units
3 Design and Management of Agricultural Buildings Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Aquaculture Engineering

3 3 3

8.4.4 Agricultural Processing, and Electrification Agricultural Electrification Processing, Handling and Storage of Agricultural Products-1 Processing, Handling and Storage of Agricultural Products-2 Refrigeration Engineering 8.4.5 Undergraduate Seminar
8.4.6 Thesis/Field Practice

12 Units 3 3 3 3 1

8.5 Total Units of the Curriculum

8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 General Education courses Fundamental Agriculture Courses Basic Engineering courses Professional courses Agricultural Power and Machinery Agricultural Structures and Environment 92 15 44 48

206 Units

12 12


OFFICIAL GAZETTE Soil and Water 12 Agricultural Processing, and Electrification 12 Thesis/Field Practice Undergraduate Seminar

VOL. 104, No. 21

6 1

Section 9. Sample Curriculum First Semester English 1- Study and Thinking Skills in English Math 1 - College Algebra Information Technology Nat. Sci. 1 Inorganic Chemistry Nat Set. 2 General Biology Soc. Sci. 1 General Economics (with Taxation and Land Reform) PE1 NSTP Total Units 3 3 3 3 3 3
Lee. Hrs. 3 3 2 2 2 3 Lab. Hrs. 0 0 3 3 3 0

First Year Second Semester English 2 -Writing in the Discipline Filipino 1 - Sining Pakikipagtalastasan Math 2 - Plane Trigonometry Organic Chemistry General Physics I Soc. Sci. 2 - Society and Culture with Family Planning PE2 NSTP Total Second Year Units 3 3 3 3
3 3 Lee. Hrs. 3 3 3 2 2 3 Lab. Hrs. 0 0 0 3 3 0


2 3


2 3 23


First Semester Scientific and Technical Writing Filipino 2 - Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba'tIbang Disiplina Hum 1 - Introduction to Humanities Analytic Geometry and Calculus I General Physics II Principles of Crop Science Principles of Soil Science PE3 Total

Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 23

Lee. Hrs. 3 3
3 3 2 2 2 18

Lab. Hrs. 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 9

Second Semester Speech Communication Soc. Sci. 3 - Philippine History Hum 2 - Philosophy and Ethics Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Introduction to Animal Science Engineering Graphics Principles of Electricity and Electronics PE4 Total

Units 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 2 23

Lee. Hrs. 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 17

Lab. Hrs. 0 0 0 3 3 6 0 12

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First Semester Hum 3 - The Literatures of the Philippines Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Elementary Statistics Agricultural Electrification Engineering Mechanics Principle of Fishery Science Total

Units 3
3 3 3 5 3 20

Lee. Mrs. 3 3 2 2 2 2 14

Lab Hrs. 0 0 3 3 6 3 15

aeoong oenraner

uniw 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 21


Mrs. 3 3
2 3 1 2 3 17


Hr$. 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 9

Soc.Sci.4- Philippine Government and Politics Life and Works of Rizal Computer Applications in Engineering 1 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Farm Shop Practice Fluid Mechanics Engineering Economy Total

Fourth Year First Semester Hydrology Surveying Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Materials of Engineering Agricultural Entreprenuership and Management Agricultural Power and Energy Sources Total Units 3
3 5 3 3 3 20 Lee. Hrs. 2 1 2 2 3 2 12 Lab Hrs. 3 6 6 3 0 3 21

Second Semester Tractor and Agricultural Equipment Operation Aquaculture Engineering Agricultural Engineering Law and Professional Ethics Forest Products Engineering Agricultural Structures Engineering Refrigeration Engineering Computer Applications in Engineering 2 Total

3 3 1 3 3 3 3 19

Lee. Mrs. 1 3 1 2 2 2 2

Lab. Mrs. 6 0 0 3 3 3 3 18



VOL. 104, No. 21

Fifth Year
First Semester recessing, Handling and Storage of Agricultural Products1 Design and Management of Agricultural Buildings and Structures Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Introduction to Operations Research Agricultural Waste Management Undergraduate Seminar Thesis/Field Practice Total Units 3
Lee. Hrs. 2

Lab. Hrs. 3

Second Semester Agricultural Mechanization and Machinery Management Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Processing, Handling and Storage of Agricultural Products2 Agricultural Machinery Design Thesis/Field Practice Total

Units Lee. Mrs. 3 2

Lab. Hrs. 3

3 3 1 3 19

3 2 1 0 12

0 3 0 0 12

3 3 15

2 0 8

3 0 12


(See Attachment B)


Section 10. Program Administration 10.1 Qualifications of the dean of college The dean of college must be at least master's degree holder in any of the disciplines offered by the college; and must at least be a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional license, where applicable. 10.2Chairof the unit/department The chair of the department of agricultural engineering must at least be a master's degree holder in agricultural engineering and a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional license. Section 11 Faculty 11.1 Qualifications 11.1.1 Preferably, a master's degree holder in the discipline or its equivalent is required for teaching in the tertiary level.

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11.1.2 A minimum of 50% of the faculty must have a master's degree in the discipline or its equivalent. 11.1.3 The faculty who teaches major courses must be a registered agricultural professional engineer. In addition to the faculty for general education and fundamental agriculture, there should be a minimum faculty of four (4) full-time faculty who are registered agricultural professional engineers. One faculty should be assigned for each of the following major areas: Soil Resources; Water and and Power Agricultural Agricultural Machinery; Processing, Storage and Electrification; Agricultural Structures and Environmental Science and Protection. 11.2 Full time faculty members The institution shall maintain 50% of the faculty members teaching in the BSAE program as full time staff. 11.3 Teaching Load Teaching load requirements for the BSAE program shall be as follows: 11.3.1 A faculty should not be assigned more than four (4) different courses/subjects within a semester. 11.3.2 A faculty may be assigned a teaching overload based on the school's policy on teaching load.

research, 12.1.3 undertake activities and to publish their research output; ' extension/ 12.1.4 undertake training, production and entrepreneurial activities; and 12.1.5 give lectures and present national/ in papers international conferences, symposia and seminars. 12.2 The institution must provide opportunities and incentives such as: 12.2.1 tuition subsidy for graduate studies; 12.2.2 study leave with pay; 12.2.3 deloading to finish a thesis or carry out research activities; 12.2.4 travel grants for academic development activities such as special skills training and attendance in national/ international conferences, symposia and seminars.; and 12.2.5 awards & recognition. SEC. 13. Library 13.1 Policy The library responds to the instructional and research needs of the staff and the students, making it one of the most important service units of an HEI. It is for this reason that the library should be given HEI by attention special administrators, making sure that it has wide and up-to-date collection of reading materials, qualified staff, and communications and connectivity portals. 13.2 Library Personnel 13.2.1 Qualification Librarian of Head

SEC. 12. Faculty Development.

12.1 The institution must have a system of staff development that encourages the faculty to: 12.1.1 pursue graduate studies; 12.1.2 participate in seminars symposia and conferences for continuing education;


OFFICIAL GAZETTE PRC Registered librarian Appropriate or rel evant professional training

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13.7 Networking Libraries shall participate in interand activities institutional cooperative programs whereby resource sharing is encouraged.
13.8 Library Hours

13.3 Library Holdings The library holdings should conform to existing requirements for libraries. For the BSAE program, the libraries must provide five book titles per professional course found in the curriculum at a ratio of one volume per 15 students enrolled in the program. These titles must be published within the last 10 years or the latest edition. The HEI is likewise encouraged to maintain periodicals and other non-print materials relevant to agriculture, business and economics to aid the faculty and students in their academic work. CD-ROMs could complement a library's book collection but should otherwise not be considered as replacement for the same. 13.4 Internet Access Internet access is encouraged but should not be made a substitute for library holdings. 13.5 Space Requirements At least 126 m2 or approximately 2 classrooms shall be required for the library. It should include space for collections, shelving areas, stockroom, office space for staff and reading area. The library must be able to accommodate 5% of the total enrolment at any one time. 13.6 Finance All library fees should be used exclusively for library operations and development for collections, furniture and fixtures, equipment and facilities, maintenance and staff development.

The library shall be open during the regular school days. In no case shall it be less than 8 hours per regular school days. SEC. 14. Facilities and Equipment
14.1 Laboratory requirements Laboratories should conform to existing requirements as specified in the law "The National Building Code of the Philippines" and the Sanitation Code of the Philippines and its IRR. Required and recommended equipment are listed in the course specifications found in Attachment B. 14.2 Classroom The standard classroom shall be a minimum of 30 square meters for a class of 25 students and 56 square meters for a class of 50 students. Classroom must be well lighted and well ventilated. They should contain the necessary equipment and furniture such as chairs, instructor's podium, and black/white boards. 14.2.1 Class Size Lecture classes should be limited to 30 students per class. Laboratory size should be limited to 30 students or by the availability laboratory of equipment and facility

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3879 Special lectures with class size of more than 50 may be allowed as the as long attendant facilities are provided. 14.3 Educational Technology Centers The institution should provide facilities to allow preparation, presentation and viewing of audio visual materials to support instruction. SEC. 15. Land There should be a minimum area of 50 hectares that will be used for instruction, production, research and extension. Retention SEC. 16. Admission, Residency requirements and


SEC.18. Transitory Clause

HEIs that have been granted permit or recognition for Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering program are given one year from the date of effectivity hereof to fully comply with all the requirements as stipulated in this CMO. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Colleges and Universities (LCUs) shall also comply with th requirements herein set forth.

SEC. 19. Repealing Clause

All CHED issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof, pertinent rules and regulations or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this CMO, are hereby repealed. SEC. 20. Effectivity Clause This CMO shall take effect fifteen days after its publication in the Official Gazette, or in two newspapers of national circulation. This CMO shall be implemented beginning academic year 2008-2009. Pasig City, Philippines, June 22, 2007. FOR THE COMMISSION (SIGNED) CARLITO S. PUNO, DPA Chairman Attachments:
Attachment A - Duties and Competencies of an Agricultural Engineer Attachment B - Course Specifications

The basic requirement for eligibility for admission of a student to any tertiary level degree program shall be graduation from the secondary level recognized by the Department of Education. Higher education institutions must specify admission, retention and residency requirements as well graduate assistance policies. They should ensure that all students are aware of these policies.

SEC. 17. Graduate Placement Assistance

It is a must that a College should have a placement assistance program for its graduates. The program could be done Institutions are before graduation. encouraged to conduct tracer studies.



VOL. 104, No. 21



Course Description Objectives


Units for Lecture and Laboratory Contact Hours/week Prerequislte/s Lecture Topics

Conventional and renewable sources of power for agriculture; power measurement and alternative fuels At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1. identify different sources of energy and power in the farm, their applications and limitations, and estimate the power available from each source; 2. identify the parts and explain the principles of operation of the internal combustion engine; 3. explain the various power measurement methods and tractor performance tests. 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Thermodynamics 1. Introduction 2. Conventional farm power and energy sources a. Man and animal b. Electricity and electric motors c. Engines 3. Parts, principles and uses of internal combustion engines; lubricants and lubrication system 4. Parts, principles and uses of 2 wheel and 4 wheel tractor a. Transmission systems b. Traction c. Hitches and stability 5. Power measurements and tractor performance a. Power measurement methods b. Two-wheel tractor test 6. Renewable farm power and energy source a. Principles and uses of solar energy conversion; design of energy conversion devices b. Principles and uses of water energy conversion; design of energy conversion devices c. Principles and uses of wind energy conversion; design of energy conversion devices 7. Alternative Fuels a. Biogas 1. Principles of biogas production 2. Designs for utilization of biogas b. Alcohol 1. Principles of alcohol production 2. Designs for utilization of alcohol c. Fruit and vegetable oils 1. Processing for fuel 2. Designs for utilization d. Solid fuels 1 . Processing for fuel 2. Designs for utilization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Operations and Construction of ICE Valve system and Multi-cylinder Operation Fuel system Ignition system Cooling system Lubrication system Transmission system Hydraulic system Tractor operation


Laboratory Topics

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10. Power measurements 1 1 .Project study for presentation 1 . 1 unit Electric motor (2 hp, 220 volts, single-phase) 2. 1 unit Electric motor (2 hp, 220 volts, three-phase) 3. 1 unit Gasoline engine (5 hp, air-cooled, electronic ignition 4. 1 unit Diesel engine (5 hp, water-cooled) 5. 1 unit Two-wheel tractor with attachments (7 hp gasoline engine, moldboard plow, comb harrow, trailer, cage wheels and pneumatic tires) 6. 1 unit Four-wheel tractor with attachments (36 hp diesel engine, twobottom disc plow, double-action disc harrow, grass cutter, ) 7. 1 liter graduated cylinder 8. set of mechanic tools 1. Liljedahl, J. B. W. M. Carleton, P. K. Turnquist, and D. M. Smith. 1979. Tractors and Their Power Units. 2. Jones, F. P. 1963. Farm Gas Engines and Tractors. 3. Report of an Ad Hoc Panel. 1976. Energy for Rural Development. National Academy of Sciences. 4. Internet-based references



Textbook and References

COURSE NAME Course Description


Design, operation, performance, manufacture, marketing and management and extension of agricultural machinery At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 . explain the design, operation and performance of agricultural machinery; 2. discuss different methods of agricultural machinery manufacturing; 3. discuss different practices used in the marketing of agricultural machinery; 4. discuss the planning and management of agricultural machinery systems at the micro and macro levels 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory)

Units for Lecture and Laboratory Contact Hours/week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

Laboratory Topics


5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) 1. Agricultural Power and Energy Sources 2. Agricultural Machinery Design 3. Engineering Economy 1. Introduction 2. Design, operation and performance of production machinery and primary processing equipment 3. Manufacturing technologies and quality assurance for agricultural machinery 4. Characterization of marketing and credit facilities for agricultural machinery 5. Marketing strategies and credit facilities for agricultural machinery 6. Planning and management of agricultural machinery at the micro and L macro levels 1 . Construction, operation and performance of a. electric motors, engines and tractors b. tillage machinery c. crop establishment machinery d. crop protection machinery e. water pumping equipment f. harvesting and threshing machinery g. dryers 2. Characterization of agricultural machinery manufacturers, dealers and distributors 3. Project study for presentation 1 . 1 unit Electric motor (2 hp, 220 volts, single-phase) 2. 1 unit Electric motor (2 hp, 220 volts, three-phase) 3. 1 unit Gasoline engine (5 hp, air-cooled, electronic ignition 4. 1 unit Diesel engine (5 hp, water-cooled) 5. 1 unit Two-wheel tractor with attachments (7 hp gasoline engine, moldboard plow, comb harrow, trailer, cage wheels and pneumatic tires) 6. 1 unit Four-wheel tractor with attachments (36 hp diesel engine, twobottom disc plow, double-action disc harrow, grass cutter, ) 7. 1 unit Two-row corn planter 8. 1 unit Power sprayer 9. 1 unit Knapsack sprayer 10. 1 unit Centrifugal pump (2X2, belt driven, gasoline engine powered)


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Textbook and References 1 1 1 1 1 unit unit unit unit unit

Com picker Com husker/sheier Flatbed dryer (2 tons capacity) Electronic moisture meter Electronic weighing scale (50 kg capacity)

VOL. 104, No. 21

1. Kepner, R. S. et. al. (3 edition) Principles of Farm Machinery 2. Hunt, D. Farm Power and Machinery Management Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards 2 (PAES 2) CD version Catalogue of AMTEC-Tested Agricultural Machinery for Prime Movers and Hand Tractors: CD and Primer 2004 Catalogue of AMTEC-Tested Agricultural Machinery for Centrifugal Pumps: CD and Primer 2004 Catalogue of AMTEC-Tested Agricultural Machinery for Dryers and Rice Mills: CD and Primer 2005 Directory of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers (regional distribution, size classification, after-sales service capability) 2001 Internet-based references_____________________

"Course Description Objectives


Design of machine elements and power transmission systems in agricultural machinery

Units for Lecture and Laboratory Contact Hours/week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 . Apply the fundamentals of mechanical design to solve problems in the design of specific machine elements; 2 Demonstrate Ingenuity and creativity in machine design; 3. Prepare a detailed drawing, bill of materials and cost estimates of a creative designed machine; and 4. Fabricate, test and evaluate a designed machine. 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Materials of Engineering, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, and Agricultural Power and Energy Sources 1. Introduction a. Designer's objective b. Decisions based on experience or analysis c. Invention and creative design d. Working model 1. Limit dimensioning a. Cylindrical parts b. Surface finish c. Natural variation in size of production parts

3. Materials and processes a. Steels b. Cast iron d. Non-ferrous metals d. Non-metals e. Standard sizes of materials



Laboratory Topics

4. Cyclic loads, stress concentrations, factors of safety a. Cyclic stress b. Stress concentration factors c. Fatigue factors d. Factors of safety and working stresses e. Vibration 5. Kinematics 6. Power Transmission Systems 1 . Design of relief valve springs 2. Critical speed of a shaft assembly 3. Leaf spring of a tractor 4. Sleeve bearings for a gear reduction unit 5. Kinematic design of gears

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6. Belt drive system 7. Creative design 8. Fabrication, testing and evaluation of the creative Design 9. Project study tor presentation_____________ 1. Computer System 2. Welding and cutting outfit, complete accessories 3. Drill press 4. Drill bits 5. Portable drill 6. Calipers 7. Sheet metal cutter 8. Compression tester 9. Tension machine 10.Torsion test machine 11 .Strain gauge meter 12. Set of mechanics tools 13. Lathe machine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Textbook and References

Shigley, J.E. 1963. Mechanical Engineering Design, 3 Ed. McGraw-Hill. Kogakusha Ltd. Tokyo. .Faires, M. 1965. Design of Machine Elements. 4th Ed. CollierMacMillan International Ltd.. Slaymaker, R.R. 1959. Machine Design. John Wiley And Sons, Inc. New York. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES 2) CD Version ASAE Journals Mechanical Engineer's Handbook Internet-based references

COURSE NAME Course Description Objectives

Units for Lecture and Laboratory Contact Hours/week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

TRACTOR & AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION Field operation of farm tractors, equipment, and machinery including preventive maintenance & troubleshooting. Standards for farm tractors, equipment & machinery operation, care and maintenance. At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 . Perform preventive maintenance procedures for tractors and other relevant farm equipment; 2. Perform simple troubleshooting for tractors and other relevant farm equipment; 3. Perform and understand field operation signs and symbols; 4. Perform safety procedures in the operation of tractors and various farm equipment in the field; 5. Perform tractor operation in trailing works, plowing, harrowing, and other relevant field operations; 6. Perform proper housekeeping for tractors and other related farm equipment, implements, and tools; and 7. Prepare a case study report for presentation to the class in relation to the course. 3 units (1 unit lecture and 2 units laboratory) 6 hours/week (1 hour lecture and 6 hours laboratory) 1. Agricultural Power and Energy Sources 2. Agricultural Machinery Design 3. Agricultural Machinery and Equipment 4. Engineering Economy 1. Introduction 2. Review of tractor parts, implements and attachments; 3. Review of irrigation and primary processing equipment parts and attachments; 4. Safety rules in tractor & agricultural equipment operation; 5. Symbols and signs in field operation; 6. Simple preventive maintenance and troubleshooting of tractor and related farm equipment in the inventory; 7. 5S of housekeeping in relation to field operation and storage of tractors & farm equipment; and 8. Preparation of and basics of case study approach relevant to the course for presentation.


OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

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Field Operations

Checks and maintenance activities to be made before starting tractor and various farm engines; Precautionary activities before applying loads to or running tractor and various farm engines; Emergency procedures in tractor operation and various farm equipment; General storage procedures for tractors and various farm engines; Simple troubleshooting of tractor engines and various farm equipment; Hitching farm implements a. Single point hitch b. Three-point hitch Tractor driving a. Without trailing implement (trailer or mower/grass cutter) b. With trailing implement Tractor operation with trailingfor integral-mounted) disc harrow, safety precautions, care, troubleshooting & maintenance; Tractor operation with disc (or moldboard) plow, safety precautions, care, troubleshooting & maintenance; Tractor operation with rotary tiller, safety precautions, care, troubleshooting & maintenance; Tractor operation with specialized plant care equipment, safety precautions, care, simple troubleshooting & maintenance; irrigation pump setting up, safety precautions, operation, troubleshooting & maintenance; Rice mill operation, safety precautions, care, simple troubleshooting & maintenance; Dryer operation, safety precautions, care, simple troubleshooting & maintenance; Other agricultural production machinery operation, safety precautions, care, simple troubleshooting & maintenance; and (optional) Minor repair activities (optional). 1 unit riding type agricultural tractor with 3-point and 1-point hitch linkages;
1 unit trailer for item 1;


1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1 unit mower attachment for item 1; 1 unit disk (or moldboard) plow for item 1; 1 unit furrower for item 1; 1 unit harrow for item 1; 1 unit rotary plow for item 1 ; 1 unit walking type agricultural tractor; 1 unit trailer for item 7; 1 set irrigation pump, centrifugal type, at least 3"x3" complete with gasoline engine, suction and discharge pipes or conduits, with matching foot valve; 11. 1 set irrigation pump, centrifugal type, at least 3"x3" complete with diesel engine, suction and discharge pipes or conduits, with matching foot valve; 12. 1 set mechanic tools and workshop facilities; and 13. Other related and relevant irrigation & primary post-harvest agricultural machinery in the inventory of the department or unit (please see above item).

Textbook and References

Owner's manuals of tractors & various farm equipment Operation manuals of tractor & various farm equipment Maintenance & service manuals of tractors & various farm equipment American Society Of Agricultural Engineers. 1999. ASAE standards engineering practices data. 46th ed. ASAE. U.S.A. American Society Of Agricultural Engineers. 1978. ASAE yearbook. ASAE. U.S.A. Agricultural Journals. Various dates and editions. Philippines and foreign editions Philippine Long Distance Company. Yellow pages. Various editions. Philippines.
Kepner, R. S. et. al. (3rd edition) Principles of Farm Machinery Hunt, D. Farm Power and Machinery Management Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards 2 (PAES 2) CD version Catalogue of AMTEC-Tested Agricultural Machinery for Prime Movers and

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Hand Tractors: CD and Primer 2004 Catalogue of AMTEC-Tested Agricultural Machinery for Centrifugal Pumps: CD and Primer 2004 Catalogue of AMTEC-Tested Agricultural Machinery for Dryers and Rice Mills: CD and Primer 2005 Directory of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers (regional distribution, size classification, after-sales service capability) 2001 Internet-based references

COURSE NAME Course Description

AGRICULTURAL WASTE MANAGEMENT Survey and characterization of agricultural wastes, processes, and systems; analysis and design of agricultural waste utilization, treatment and management systems; economics, entrepreneurial, institutional and legal aspects of waste utilization, treatment and management systems. At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 . Undertake a survey of agricultural wastes, processes, systems, and technologies; 2. Describe waste management in relation to global warming; 3. describe the physical, biological and chemical properties of agricultural wastes; 4. Analyze and design biogas systems, treatment lagoons, composting and other related waste treatment technologies; 5. Assess the economics of waste management systems; and 6. Discuss the social, institutional, environmental, and legal aspects of waste treatment and management systems. 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Fluid mechanics, Animal Science, Crop Science, Organic Chemistry, 1 . Waste management in relation to GHG emissions, and pollution from agricultural operations; 2. Review of data gathering techniques (Survey, interview, rapid rural appraisal, focused group discussion, remote sensing, photography, immersion.) 3. Environmental scanning of waste processes, systems and treatment technologies; positive and negative features; analysis of best designs for specific applications. 4. Physical, biological, and chemical properties of agricultural wastes; 5. Evaluation techniques for effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural waste treatment systems; 6. Analysis, design, plan and construction of agricultural waste treatment and management systems e.g., biogas systems, treatment lagoons, composting and other similar technologies; 7. Assessment of financial indicators of waste utilization, treatment and management systems; and 8. Entrepreneurial aspects of waste treatment systems and technologies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Review of survey instruments and tools; Survey of waste treatment facilities and technologies in a selected locality; Physical, biological and chemical properties of selected agricultural wastes; Design of agricultural waste treatment facility (biogas, lagoon, compost pit, and other systems appropriate in the locality); Actual operationalization of a biogas system; Engineering aspect of organic fertilizer generation from solid wastes; and Evaluation of a waste treatment system for presentation.


Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

Laboratory Topics

Equipment Textbooks And References

Training vehicle (4x4 van), personal computer, digital camera, GPS unit, , pH meter, DO meter, electrical conductivity meter 1. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES Vol 1-3). Manila, Philippines.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


VOL. 104, No. 21

ASHLEY, W.L 1959. Modem farm buildings. John Wiley and Sons, BARRE, S. J. and SAMMET. B. R. 1960. Farm Buildings and Structures. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp 180. BENGTSSON, L.P. 1990. Farm structures on tropical climates. FAO-SIDA Cooperative Program. MAYA FARMS. 1976. Biogas - the Philippine experience. Manila, Philippines. CRC Press. 2000. Handbook of civil engineering. ELSEVIER SCIENCE. 1999. Housing for animals. FAJARDO, M.B. 1983. Simplified construction estimates. RICHEY, C.B. etal. 1961. Agricultural engineer's handbook. 6th ed. WHITAKER, J.A. 1969. Agricultural buildings and structures. WOOLEY, J.C. 1953. Planning farm buildings. Internet-based references

Course Description Objectives


Application of structural analysis to the design of agricultural structures including farm to market roads and bridges; At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 Apply the theory of structural analysis to the design of agricultural structures; Design farm-to-market roads and bridges. 2
3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory)

Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

Theory of structures, strength of materials, materials of engineering 1 Wood construction a. Beams - Design for bending, shear, bearing, deflection b. Design of joists and rafters c. Design for roof and floors d. Design of wooden columns (pure axial load and columns with both axial and bending loads) e. Design of wooden trusses 2 Reinforced concrete design a: Beams b. Spanning slabs c. Concrete column d. Footing and foundation 3 Steel Design a. Steel beams b. Steel column c. steel trusses d. steel framing systems 4 Other Structures a. Bridges b. Farm to market roads (FMR) c. Weirs and dams d. Retaining walls e. Erosion and tailrace control structures, i.e. gabions, groins, chutes, drops and other similar structures related to roads and bridges. 5 Functional requirements, design data and application for various agricultural structures, i.e. warehouse, farm house, machinery shed, workshop, grain and feed mills, roads, and bridges. 6 Economics of agricultural structures 7 Institutional and legal aspects of agricultural structures

Laboratory Topics

MAY 26, 2008

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. Equipment Textbooks and References

Design of a wood bridge Design of a concrete bridge Design of a weir for irrigation or power generation Design of a downstream erosion and control structure Design of a retaining wail for agricultural structures and roads Design of a farm to market road Erosion and downstream control structures in relation to FMR Economics of agricultural structures Institutional aspects of agricultural structures Legal aspects of agricultural structures Project study for presentation


Training vehicle (4x4 van), personal computer, digital camera, GPS unit,


Simplified engineering for architects and builders. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. 1999. ASAE standards. Michigan, USA. BARRE, S. J. and SAMMET, B. R. 1960. Farm buildings and structures. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp 180. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 2003. Philippine Agricutural Engineering Standards. Agricultural Structures (PAES 401:2001). Manila, Philippines. HIBBELER, R.C. Structural analysis. RICHEY, C.B. Agricultural engineers handbook. McGrawHill Book Co., Inc. US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1975. Biddings and drawings for the Upper Pampanga River Project. Colorado, USA. 10. WANG and ECKEL. 19. Theory of structures. Vols. I and II. 11. Internet-based references

COURSE NAME Course Description Objectives

DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS Engineering design principles for agricultural buildings; material estimates and standard specifications; maintenance, economics, entrepreneurial, institutional, legal and management aspects. At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 . design agricultural buildings by applying engineering principles; 2. supervise the construction of agricultural production and post-production buildings; 3. prepare material specifications and the corresponding bill of materials; 4. discuss the financial costs of owning and operating agricultural buildings; 5. maintain and manage agricultural buildings and related structures. 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Agricultural Structures Engineering 1 . Farmstead planning 2. Functional requirements of agricultural buildings, i.e., heat load, ventilation, space, water, light, feed, and other similar requirements. 3. Livestock buildings 4. Poultry buildings 5. Post production buildings 6. Storage facilities, i.e. grains, feed and cold storage facilities, and other similar facilities 7. Greenhouses 8. Agricultural equipment, machinery. 9. Construction materials specifications and estimates for agricultural buildings 10. Design, plan and specifications of related agricultural structures 1 1 . Financial and entrepreneurial aspects 12. Work and financial plan Implementation

Units For Lecture and Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisrte/s Lecture Topics

Laboratory Topics


VOL. 104, No. 21

Equipment Textbooks And References

1. Farmstead plan 2. Functional requirements of agricultural buildings and structures 3. Construction materials specifications and estimates 4. Design of livestock buildings 5. Design of poultry house 6. Design of post-production buildings 7. Design of a warehouse 8. Design of a greenhouse 9. Design of an agricultural machinery shed 10. Design of a machinery maintenance and repair workshop 1 1 . design of a grain mill facility 12. design of a slaughterhouse Training vehicle (4x4 van), personal computer, digital camera, GPS unit, 1. 2. 3. 4. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. 1999. ASAE standards. Michigan, USA. BARRE, S. J. and SAMMET, B. R. 1960. Farm buildings and structures. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp 180. PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING STANDARDS AGRICULTURAL STRUCTURES (vol 1-3, PAES). Manila, Philippines. RICHEY, C.B. Agricultural engineers handbook. McGrawHill Book Co., Inc.


Course Description


FOREST PRODUCTS ENGINEERING Engineering properties of wood; survey of forest products manufacturing processes; handling, transport, processing systems; natural resource assessment inventory approaches and best practices in forestry management; economics, entrepreneurial, institutional and legal aspects of forest products engineering. At the end of the course, the students should be able to: understand the engineering properties of wood; survey forest products manufacturing processes; understand the handling, transport, processing and utilization of forest products; 4. assess the economic value and uses of forest products; 5. acquire entrepreneurial attitude in relation to forest products; 6. appreciate the institutional and legal aspects of forest products engineering; 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Senior Standing 1. Engineering properties of wood; 2. Survey of forest products manufacturing processes; 3. Handling, transport, processing and utilization of forest products; 4. Economics of forest products; 5. Entrepreneurial aspects in relation to forest products; 6. Institutional aspects of forest products engineering; and 7. Legal aspects of forest products engineering. 1. 2. Determination of engineering properties of wood; Forest products manufacturing processes; a. cutting and sawing b. drying of timber c. planning d. wood teatment e. sizing f. staining lumber and chipping g. bricquetting Project study for presentation 1. 2. 3.

Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

Laboratory Topics

3. Equipment

Chain saw, circular saw, planer-thicknesser, GPS unit, digital camera, personal computer

MAY 26, 2008



Textbooks And References

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. 1999. ASAE standards. Michigan, USA. BARRE, S. J. and SAMMET, B. R. 1960. Farm buildings and structures. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp 180. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 2003. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards. Agricultural Structures (PAES 401:2001). Manila, Philippines. RICHEY, C.B. Agricultural engineers handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. Internet-based references

COURSE NAME Course Description

HYDROLOGY The hydrologic cycle; streamflow hydrographs; frequency analysis; groundwater hydrology; water quality analysis; watershed and mathematical models for data synthesis At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. know and appreciate the concepts of surface and groundwater hydrology as applied in the related fields of agricultural engineering; solve problems in hydrology and its allied fields of interests; perform hydrologic studies such as frequency analysis, water balance analysis etc; and perform water quality analysis; calibrate and use watershed and mathematical models for streamflow prediction and system design.


Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/CoRequisite Lecture Topics

3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Fluid mechanics 1. Introduction: the importance of hydrology a. The hydrologic cycle b. Precipitation c. Infiltration, seepage and percolation d. Evaporation and evapotranspiration e. Streamflow Hydrographs Hydrologic routing Streamflow measurement Groundwater hydrology a. aquifer systems and lithography b. well hydraulics c. Groundwater models d.well development Water quality analysis Statistical methods in hydrology: frequency analysis Computer applications in hydrology Calibration and use of weather instruments Aerial rainfall analyses Measurement of infiltration and soil hydraulic conductivity Estimation of reference or potential evapotranspiration Streamflow measurement Groundwater pumping test Water quality analyses Statistical analysis of hydrologic data Maximum and minimum thermometers Psychrometer Recording and non-recording rain gages

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. Laboratory Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Textbooks And References


VOL. 104, No. 21

Current meter Computer system with applications software Centrifugal pumpset (with engine) Ground water level indicator DO meter, pH meter and other water quality analysis equipment and glass ware____________________. LINSLEY, R. et al. 1982. Hydrology for engineers, McGraw-Hill 3" edition LINSLEY, et al. Water resources engineering VIESSMAN, et al. 1989. Introduction to hydrology, Harper Collins College Publishers, 4th Edition FAO, Mathematical models in hydrology FAO, Groundwater hydrology TODD, Groundwater hydrology RICHEY, C.B. et al. 1961. Agricultural Engineering Handbook. 6" ed. Internet-based references

COURSE NAME Course Description


Soil-plant-water relationships; flow measurement; use and selection of pumps; survey of irrigation and drainage systems; system planning and design; legal, social and institutional aspects of water use and disposal At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1 . discuss the importance and purposes of irrigation and drainage for sustainable agriculture; 2. determine crop water requirements including water losses in the field; 3. discuss the applications and limitations of alternative irrigation and drainage systems; 4. know and appreciate the legal aspects of water use for irrigation and drainage water disposal 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Hydrology and surveying 1 . Basic soil-plant-water relations 2. Flow of water into and thru the soil 3. Crop water requirements 4. Measurement/estimation of irrigation water flow in open channels 5. The use of pumps for irrigation 6. Alternative irrigation methods 7. Estimation of farm drainage requirements 8. Surface and sub-surface drainage systems 9. Re-use of drainage water 10. Planning, design, operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems 1 1 . Computer applications in irrigation and drainage 12. Project study for presentation Determination of important soil physical properties related to irrigation and drainage (real and apparent specific gravity, porosity, field capacity and permanent wilting point) Measurement of soil moisture Estimation of crop water and field irrigation requirements Well pump tests Flow measurement in open channels Irrigation/drainage project design (for presentation) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Current meter Weirs, parshall flumes Centrifugal pumpset Computer system with applications software Soil Moisture Meter ISRAELSEN, O.W. et al. 1987. Irrigation principles and practices, John Wiley and Sons, 4th edition NIA, 1992. Irrigation development in the Ml A, Philippines


Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week \ Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

Laboratory Topics


Textbooks and References

MAY 26, 2008

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

RICHEY, C.B., ft !. Agricultural engineering handbook, McGraw-Hill ZIMMERMAN, J. 1968. Irrigation, John Wlley and Sons IRRI, 1987. Physical measurements in flooded rice soils FAO, 1977. Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements PCARRD, 1982. Philippines recommends for irrigation water ; management, Volumes 1 and 2 8: CIGR Handbook in Agricultural Engineering. Vol 1 1998 9. FAO CROPWAT Model. 2002 10. Internet-based references 11. PAES Planning, design, construction and maintenance of water conservation systems; soil erosion control systems At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. Design structures for soil and water conservation; Design vegetated waterways; and Understand the soil erosion process and the applications of various soil erosion control practices


Course Description Objectives


Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequlsite/s Lecture Topics

3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Hydrology , 1 . Importance of soil and water conservation; 2. Review of hydrology and basic watershed concepts 3. Principles for the planning, design and construction methods for water conservation structures; a. Small Farm Reservoirs (SFRs) b. Small Water Impounding Projects (SWIPs) 4. Mechanics of water-borne and wind-borne soil erosion 5. Methods of measuring soil loss 8. Soil erosion control systems (mechanical and biological) 7. Rainfall harvesting 8. Groundwater recharge 9. Computer applications in soil and water conservation 1 . Estimation or measurement of water discharge for various water conservation structures (SFRs, SWIPS); 2. Estimation of soil erosion using erosion control plots; the USLE and river sampling methods 3. Project designs (for presentation) design of a terrace system design of a small farm reservoir design of a rainfall harvesting system design of SWIPS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Current meter Sediment load samplers Laboratory glassware for sediment load measurement Recording rain gage Computer system with applications software Mechanical Run-off Recorder

Laboratory Topics


Textbooks And References

1. SHWAB, et al. 1990. Soil and water conservation engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 4th edition 2. RICHEY, C.B., et al. Agricultural engineering handbook, McGraw-Hill 4. CIGR Handbook in Agricultural Engineering. Vol 1 1998 5. Internet-based references

COURSE NAME Course Description


VOL. 104, No. 21

AQUACULTURE ENGINEERING Planning, design, operation and maintenance of aquaculture systems; layout of farm facilities At the end of the course, the student should be able to : 1. 2. 3. Understand the principles for the planning and design of aquaculture systems; Design an aquaculture system in relation to specific localities or situations; and Conduct an aquaculture system feasibility study.


Units For Lecture And Laboratory______ Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Principles of Fishery Science 1. Importance of aquaculture systems 2. Survey of aquaculture systems in the Philippines 3. Review of basic biological characteristics and requirements of important aquaculture species (tilapia, milkfish, prawn, catfish, mudfish and eel) 4. Equipment for aquaculture production and harvesting 5. Types of aquaculture systems applicable to aquaculture species 6. Pond system 7. Pen and cage system 8. Tank and re-circulating system 9. Technical and economic feasibility considerations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Life cycles of important aquaculture Environmental requirements for aquaculture Measurement of pond water DO, BOD/COD, pH and turbidity Design of a pond system Design of a pen and cage system Design of a tank and re-circulating system Project study for presentation DO meter pH meter BOD/COD meters Turbidimeter Computer system with applications software Pond aerators Pump set

Laboratory Topics


Textbooks And References

Surveying Instruments

4. 5.

Apud, F., J.H. Primavera and P.L. Torres, Jr. 1983. Farming of prawns and shrimps. SEAFDEC Aqua. Dept., Tigbauan, lloilo Philippines. 67pp. Beveridge, M.C.M. 1984. Cage and pen fish farming. FAO Tech. Paper. FAO/UNDP. 131 pp. Boyd, C. E. 1982. Water quality management for pond fish culture. In: Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science. Vol 9. Elsevier Sci. Pub. Co., New York. 318 pp. DA Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 1991. The Philippine Fisheries Profile. 38 pp. DA BFAR, FIDC, BSWM and NEDA 1980. Smallholder Fishpond Estate Project. Pre-feasibility on the Vitali site. 217 pp. CIGR Handbook in Agricultural Engineering. Vol 8. 1998

Internet-based references

MAY 26, 2008




Course Description Objectives

Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

AGRICULTURAL ELECTRIFICATION Application and utilization of electric power; generators and motors for agricultural use; electrical equipment and its control; distribution lines; power load calculations. At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1 . Explain the importance and principles of agricultural electrification; 2. Design an agricultural electrification system; 3. Prepare cost estimates; 4. Perform actual installation of an agricultural electrification system; 5. operate electrical machines and equipment; and 6. troubleshoot and repair agricultural electrical systems 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Principles of Electricity and Electronics 1. Theory and principles of agricultural electrification 2. Sources of electric power for agricultural use 3. Application and utilization of electric power, generators and motors, electrical equipment, instrumentation and controls 4. Design criteria and parameters 5. Power load calculations 6. Distribution lines 7. Parts and components of an agricultural electrification system 8. Computation of electric power consumption 9. Determination of electric load center 1 . System of units and measurements 2. Panel board exercise a. Series b. Parallel c. Combination 3. Troubleshooting and repair 4. Site visit 5. Project study for presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. voltmeter ammeter tester ohmeter Rural Electrification by Brown Philippine Electrical Code Publications Internet-based references

Laboratory Topics


Textbooks And References

COURSE NAME Course Description

Principles of drying, storage and handling of agricultural products (durables); operations/activities such as cleaning, sorting, grading, treating drying, grinding, mixing, milling, tempering, packaging, repacking, transporting and other related activities. At the end of the course, the student should be able to: a. Explain the theory and practice of drying, storage and other agricultural processing activities; b. Operate and manage agricultural processing equipment; and Prepare a feasibility study of an agricultural processing project. 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer


Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s

Lecture Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


VOL. 104, No. 21

Theory and principles of agricultural processing of grains Heat and mass transfer principles Combustion systems Physical characteristics of grains Storage system for grains Drying and milling of grains Feeding milling system

Laboratory Topics

1. System of units and measurements 2. Determination of physical characteristics and properties of grains (rice corn and feeds) 3. Moisture Content Determination of grains a. Principles of calibration b. %MC Wet and dry basis calculations 4. Milling Equipment a. Identification, calibration and troubleshooting b. Cleaning c. Hulling d. Polishing e. Grading 5. Familiarization of commercially available agricultural processing machineries and equipment 6. Site visit 7. Project study for presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Oven Grain Moisture Meter Rice and Corn Dryer Rice and Corn Mill Feed Mill Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards. Manila, Philippines. Philippine Rice Postproduction consortium: Technical Reference Guide (Vol. 1). 2003 3. Grain Post-Harvest Technology Guide________________


Textbooks And References

COURSE NAME Course Description

PROCESSING, HANDLING AND STORAGE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS II Principles of cold storage and handling of perishable agricultural products and fishery; operations/activities such as cleaning, sorting, grading, treating drying, dehydrating, grinding, mixing, milling, canning, dressing, slaughtering, freezing, pasteurizing, conditioning, packaging, repacking, transporting and other related activities. At the end of the semester the students must be able to: 1 . discuss the physical characteristics of perishable agricultural products 2. explain the principles of refrigeration 3. design and operate a cold storage system 4. prepare technical specifications and cost estimates 5. supervise the installation of a cold storage system 3 units (2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory) 5 hours/week (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory) Refrigeration Engineering 1. Physical characteristics of perishable agriculture products 2. Storage 3. Inventory of controlled atmosphere system 4. Physical characteristics and properties of perishable agricultural products 5. Controlled atmospheric conditions 6. Principles of refrigeration a. analysis of vapor compression processes in refrigeration systems b. refrigerants and their properties c. application of psychometrics in air-conditioning 7. Cold storage cooling load calculations for


Units For Lecture And Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

MAY 26, 2008

a. meat b. fish c. vegetables d. fruits


Laboratory Topics

1 . System of units and measurements 2. Determination of physical characteristics and properties of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits 3. Refrigeration and storage requirements for perishables 4. Familiarization of commercially available refrigeration and cold storage equipment 5. Site visit 6. Project study for presentation Refrigerator, freezers Internet-based references

Equipment Textbooks And References


Course Description Objectives

Refrigeration Engineering Refrigeration processes and cycles; psychrometrics; cooling load calculation; cold storage system and components ______. a. explain the theory and principles of refrigeration and psychrometrics b. determine and calculate the cooling load of a cold storage room c. design a cold storage system and all its components for various farm products
3 units 5 hours a week (2 class; 3 lab) Heat transfer 1) Introduction a) Importance of the course b) Review of pertinent thermodynamic and heat transfer principles 2) Refrigeration a) Refrigeration processes b) Refrigerants c) Refrigeration cycles d) Components of the vapor compression system 3) Psychrometrics a) b) c) d) Properties of moist air Psychometric chart Processes in the psychrometric chart Air conditioning calculations

Units For Lecture Arid Laboratory Contact Hours Per Week Prerequisite/s Lecture Topics

4) Load calculations a) Product load b) Load due to people c) Appliances d) Infiltration e) Ventilation f) Heat transmission through storage structure 5) Design of a cold storage system ___________



VOL. 104, No. 21

a) b) c) d) Laboratory Topics

Sizing of system components Sizing of storage space Layout of components Economics of operation

1) Safety, refrigeration tools and materials 2) Vapor compression cycle : mechanical components 3) Vapor compression cycle : electrical components 4) Refrigeration load calculations I 5) Refrigeration load calculations II 6) Compressors 7) Evaporators and condensers 8) Expansion devices 9) Refrigeration and air-conditioning servicing 10) Psychrometry_________________________ Compressors, condensers W. F. Stoecker and J. W. Jones. 1982.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Equipment Textbooks And References


,'.*u,> b",fii';r



..... _... - __


ijp.Ki Conceptual Design 1 COMPETENCIES




;.vji}i; "??

A:; Apply knowledge of i ; ! 3 :=- mathematics arid ;',. engineering and other ni 1- applied sciences

I fc'

1 1\^''^ ^ v~ V"V'Wi.'-S'

4. Develop the ; ; Si-'Developfi"^ <& t: Understand the' ; 2., Determine ability to use proficiency in [ appropriate ' ^i-.principies of T techniques, skills computational, ; engineering i : a crops,! soils, | multi and medium tools principles and ;.,.-. ranimals forest ; dimensional such as computer atecrjniquei !-rnpde|ing/sirnul i , r.-j^fisnery^^icfc^ i ; fiapplicable;to q - - ation skills in -f necessary ibr~~'~ rrr^i .scJefKjes;- - y - the concept " engineering > the defined ,/ ; iTija^matics,. ; design practice ; ,^ knowledge

t 'Aht*i' ffl?



"B.1 Cohceptualizer design i-: and plan systems, products and services for the benefit of consumers


' . !.".''.';jsciences ' l^jiderstand- |- 2; Shbuld know--' - 3rAble~t6 explain - 4.--Aequire'-'an in- depth existing design subject s, understanding of engineering ' cofioQpts ^nd ' system principles and ; plans development, needs of kinematics, '^^M^ the j engineering strength of materials and i ^'engineering v:! fiiGonQnics :' C3i!30 aP'" 2.nFarhillarizewtthl 3fWAbK?to -1' C. Generate technical translate s/' specifications and __ . new Philippine research for [ Agricultural application to ] stendards into engineering Engineenng the conceptual solutions Standards design being * (PAES) i*f<tt^'!';v','<;,,Mii s 'j *'VM*ftlii;isi! ^**^t f--' .,:, developed



VOL. 104, No. 21












Project Planning and Implementation

1. 4. Restructure data and information 4. Respond to change 4. Identify resources

Undertake Environmental scanning

3. Organize and synthesize information 3. Use different types of risk analysis/tools 3. Exercise time management

5. Attend to details

J. Understand risk

K. Formulate/Prepare plans, programs, strategies, and budget 3. Mobilize resources 3. Source project funds 3. Do cost estimates of materials

2. Develop 1. Recognize planning project framework parameters and their relationships 2. Determine and 1. Choose examine each appropriate project element probability principles/tools 2. Appreciate 1. Conceptualize accounting/opti project workftow mization principles 4. Determine training needs

L Review project components

1. Review project components

5. Define measurable targets; perform sensitivity analysis; show methodical thinking

M. Prepare project feasibility studies


1. Write proposal

N. Implement project

1. Prepare project

w/iiuoua, uiu


. |rn _ 1 r

and awards specifications

2. Prepare project monitoring and evaluation plan 2. Work with project study teams 2. Supervise and monitor of project development

4. Prepare project

5. Do project monitoring and evaluation



Technology Innovationi and Information


2. Analyze competitive i " advantage *''-.

: -.S^ ?

OMIPETENCES 3. Apply r 4. Exercise; i incremental critical/later ; ' - technology i al thinking i innovation i

i ]

j E%;;^

1. Analyze**-^' O. Translate relevant information into product statistics and and/or services "._...._. product/service requirement s or system information P. Know contemporary 1 L" * 1. .UHde'rstand* ;?; -| issues, technological technology life trend and Intellectual 4. 'l. , _JcLt' "' ^J "^" """J""1 ~ Property Rights (IPR) 2^ AJdire ->P 33 Observe'rutes : information :-!?,a on intellectual j about product , 1 property rights


) j

sources in same industry

ioj; '"n


; i : 13. Establish 1 feedback ; mechanism^

j i Q. Create te^hnolc^r';^; 5; 1. Understand the 2. Adoptinter-'v^.?. :3. Identify? ^-u ' ; disdplinary , engineering system ! innovatioh | requirements ; ; contradiction| and prototypes | and resolve i -1 C'^ ""&*''

4. Diagnose ; production system ' -i failure or v deficiehcy characteris- 1 5ii^i u.v;t.,c;-,.JC3= i tic 4. Interpret^ i 5. Initiate change ; i -; product i design ; (improveme nt, changes)


m i

R. Apply technology transfer and facilitate innovation

i ;

appropriate technologies -

S. Identify and implement best practices

1; Be aware of industry practices

13; Conducts <>-.v :l>enchma,rkfigv,J

4. ! ! ; 4.

Demonstrat S. Seek interface ! between industry and e technology..: : academe leadership Seek further | -' rA'^JSI ;X> C.;.a..-,&|i^ improve ment

; ' ^




2. Understand process of technology' transfeF'.: 2 Know ethical and legal standards and practices on product innovation



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3. Demonstrate : 2. Demonstrate ^Promotion erf agricultural ,* 1i Explain to i the use of Tnachinery; agro-forestry : '-'i i ;:custbmers operation and ' - .s-.'-i.-producfe'^ 1-'-'-1 i 1 product, test and fishery products use of products y- >' ..:;>." .;*;* : ; -:.ahd.-.--*r':_', , r ,- - --specifications y-.i^i:- -;-, /i j(i.t^.''T.,;H;'/iJ-: ! y' . commissioning and advantages:
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i:i ".-(:'. ^-V'<-M..!Q.:

; V.-- : '-' System Development:!md Management ,

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^s-yiif"^. L M;.' -'"* >:rv:.*t,


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.......... Implement changes in system performance parameters

;:'f v.;;: JOUtJESaii^S -lK!Cfe^SI^';:M;^v COMPETENC1IBBI- ^sjs*- ss4a> =:j s*rv' 'ii-t ; 3. Document U. Evaluate technical system ;i 1. Understand the 2. ' Develop and evaluation assess periodic '- "work process \ : issues test ; -.'V<.":.: -and purpose i j:j.-,-.j <<:-. ::.'. of issues ; :;C! ' i -.t :. ~:.\- -.'-.' . :v. ; . ...'.; "-'. L^;Ki-.,3 r! -:.-;*;:': 'performance ' -?' ;,:/._' N'T j '-..-v.v/c >-;:,. " ; and system ..;' -J'- i. i monitoring I ! 4. Document 3. Develop 2. Define system 1. Review V. System analysis and design systems performance ^ systems design ! ; ..^rfV.v'.l'i.v'V;. ! design and parameters ' "- operations '3. Harmonize 4. Ensure 1. Comprehend : 2. Recognize W. Systems integration .."', ^ different , interrelation of : integrated - k systems subsystems system subsystems ;'_; ;< * - ;> operation is within the budget and on "' '"i :- '-''-!"C'' ' schedule 4. Review system 5. 2. Check/monitor 3. Maintain 1. Acquire X. Understand, implement performance system system knowledge of and manage change ._ parameters for perform performance the system possible ance change parameters

Y. Manage agricultural engineering system 3. Manage 2. Manage postharvest facilities plantation, integrated farms 4. Manage watershed management projects 5. Operate business enterprise

1. Design and manage irrigation and drainage systems



Supervision and Management of Personnel

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2. Communicate proficiently, the technical report and documentation 4. Create strategies for information dissemination

Z. Communicate effectively and efficiently

1. Demonstrate verbal, written and other forms of communication

AA. Understand engineering business organization 2. Supervise and monitor project performance based on operational targets and milestones

3. Demonstrate the art of public speaking as presenter, facilitator, mentor and trainer 3. Plan and allocate resources 4. Plan and deploy workloads

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5. Prepare budget and monitor utilization; comply with quality, cost and delivery standards

BB. Understand ethical practices

1. Understand basic concepts, tools and areas of business management applications with emphasis on project operation and management 1. Recognize ethical principles 2. Practice high 3. Promote social responsibility moral standards in all undertakings 2. Be an effective 3. Facilitate management team player change in line organization


Understand human behavior and develop strategies; and supervise a team

1. Understand organization, culture and situational leadership

4. Abide with legal obligations and contracts 4. Coach, counsel and motivate peers and subordinates


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DD. Promote agricultural engineering as a profession

EE.Engage continuing professional development

1. Participate in agricultural engineering conferences, seminars and workshops 1. Pursue graduate studies when needed

2. Publish papers in agricultural engineering journals and related publications 2. Attend relevant training programs

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