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I 1. IV: assertiveness training DV: effectiveness of psychiatric nurses 2. IV: postural positioning of patients DV: respiratory function 3.

IV: the job satisfaction of faculty DV: work motivation 4. IV: turnings of patients DV: incidence of decubitus 5. IV: time of day DV: hearing acuity of the elderly 6. IV: No independent variable-comparative form DV: No dependent variable-comparative form 7. IV: patients age and gender DV: tolerance of pain 8. IV: religion and ethnicity of fathers DV: choice of family planning method 9. IV: No independent variable-comparative form DV: No dependent variable-comparative form 10.IV: No independent variable-comparative form DV: No dependent variable-comparative form

II 1. No changes. It is already a directional hypothesis 2. The risk of hypoglycemia in term newborns affects the infants birth weight. 3. The use of isotonic sodium chloride solution before endotracheal suctioning produces an oxygen saturation. 4. The amount of narcotic analgesics received determines the gender of patients. 5. Fluid balance affects the degree of success in weaning older adults from mechanical ventilation.

III. 6. First time blood donors experience greater stress, anxiety, and fears during the donation than donors who have given blood previously. 7. Nurses who are polite, friendly and initiate more conversation with patients are rated as more effective in their nursing care by patients. 8. Women who give cesarean delivery are more likely to experience postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome than women who give birth vaginally. 9. Surgical patients who have given high ratings to the informativeness of nursing experience less preoperative stress and anxiety than do patients who give low ratings. 10.Appendectomy patients whose peritoneum is drained with a Jackson-Pratt drain will experience more peritoneal infection or bleeding in perineum than patients who are not drained.

IV. 1. What are the effects of prenatal instruction on the labor and delivery outcomes of pregnant women? Answer: Quantitative research. This research problem incites the effects of prenatal instructions such as the early detection of any potential problems before the delivery. Here, we can perform a research of the effects of prenatal instruction through looking in the data of histories or recent outcomes of the delivery or by looking at the success rate of the labor and delivery with the prenatal instruction performed during that time. 2. Does the therapeutic touch affect the vital signs of hospitalized patients? Answer: Quantitative research. We can perform a research on this by either looking on the effects of the recent cases where when a therapeutic touch is

performed or by collecting a set of data such as measuring the pulse rate, respiratory rate, or blood pressure and how does this affect the condition of patients. 3. What is the meaning of hope among stage IV cancer patients? Answer: Qualitative research. The research problem deals with the psychological aspects of patients who fight and struggle with IV cancer. Like those patients who give up knowing that whatever treatment cant save them compare to those who believe that God didnt give challenge that cannot be overcome with. We observe here the different perspective of every patient with different beliefs influenced by many factors like their family, lifestyle, career or religion.

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