Course Outline - Summer 2009-2010 Semester - Principles of Management

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BBA Program
Principles of Management
Course Outline- Summer 2009-2010 Semester
Course Code Pre Requisite Course Credit Course Title Course Faculty Department Room Number Telephone Email Section

: BBA-1203 : Introduction to Business (BBA-1101) :3 : Principles of Management : Stanley S. Rodrick : Marketing : Campus 1, Level # 3, Faculty Room : 9890804, 9894641, 8820865 Ext: 116 : [email protected] Day
Monday & Wednesday

04:00 pm 06:00 pm


Vision AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY-BANGLADESH (AIUB) envisions promoting professionals and excellent leadership catering to the technological progress and development needs of the country. Mission AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY-BANGLADESH (AIUB) is committed to provide quality and excellent computer-based academic programs responsive to the emerging challenges of the time. It is dedicated to nurture and produce competent world class professional imbued with strong sense of ethical values ready to face the competitive world of arts, business, science, social science and technology. Course Description: This course is designed to provide an overview of basic management concepts with current business practice in a way that is both interesting and effective for the students. Studying this course, students will develop basic knowledge of different aspects of management as well as necessary skills of applying this knowledge in their workplace. This course covers a number of relevant areas that students need to know about thoroughly to develop a concrete understanding of management of a particular organization. These are management & organization, organization structure, planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

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Process of Teaching: The instruction method of this class is presentation of lecture. It integrates slide show, hand-out distribution, class discussion, problem analyzing, problem solving, quiz, assignment, term report and exam. Course Evaluation: The total 100% will be broken down as follows: MID TERM Category Attendance Class Participation Group Assignment Quizzes (Best of 2) Term Exam Total Marks (%) 5% 5% 20% 20% 50% FINAL TERM Category Attendance Class Participation Group Report Submission & Presentation Quizzes (Best of 2) Term Exam Marks (%) 5% 5% 20% 20% 50% 100%

100% Total Final Grade = 40% of Mid Term Total + 60% of Final Term Total

Evaluation Contents: Quiz: Quiz will give students an idea of the upcoming exam questions regarding the style and the level of difficulty. It will be a blend of key terms and short answer questions. Group Report: Group report is introduced to increase the students ability to develop teamwork, coordination, commitment and other relevant skills. There will be several groups formed where each group will comprise no more than 3-4 persons. Students are asked to form their own group as soon as possible. Exams: Mid Term and Final exams will be a mixture of key terms, case solving, short and long answer questions. The full format will be discussed in class before the actual exam. Grading Policy: The set policy of AIUB for grading the students performance will be strictly followed. Rules: Class attendance: At least 80%. Failure to do so will bring an automatic UW. Class performance: Student-centered. Each student has to participate on a regular basis. Assignments and Reports: Must be submitted within stipulated time frame. No late submissions will be entertained. Quizzes: No make-up will be taken for missed quizzes. Grading Policy: No request will be entertained for Mid Term and Final Term Grade.

Topics to be covered:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Management

Teaching Strategy & Suggested Activities

Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics.

Time Frame
Week 1 Week 2

& Organizations
Chapter 2: Management Yesterday and


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Chapter 3: Organizational Culture and

Teaching Strategy & Suggested Activities

Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics & providing assignment. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics.

Time Frame
Week 2 & 3

the Environment: The Constraints

Chapter 6: Decision Making: The

Essence of the Managers Job

Chapter 7: Foundations of Planning

Week 3

Week 4 Week 5

Revision on mid-term exam syllabus, Assignment submission & presentation

Mid-Term Exam: Week 6

Chapter 10: Organizational Structure &

Design Chapter 11: Communication & Information Technology Chapter 14: Foundations of Behavior

Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics. Lecture with power point slide & teacherstudent interaction & discussion on specified topics.

Week 7

Week 8

Week 7 & 8

Chapter 17: Leadership

Week 9

Chapter 18: Foundations of Control

Week 10 Week 11

Revision on Final exam syllabus, Assignment submission & presentation

Semester Final Exam: Week 12

* The instructor reserves absolute rights to change or modify this schedule as needed. Please use this schedule to stay current in your studies.

Grading System: The following grading system will be strictly followed in this class. 90- 86- 82- 78- 74- 70- 6694+ 93 89 85 81 77 73 69 Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C 4:00 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 Reference Text:

62- 58- 54- 50<50 65 61 57 53 CD+ D DF 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 0

Management , Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, 8th edition

Additional references, notes and articles will be provided in the class (if necessary).

Consulting Hours: Sunday/Tuesday Monday/ Wednesday Thursday

10:00 am to 12:00 pm, 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm 12:00 pm 04:00 pm 12:00 pm 06:00 pm Page | 3

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