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March 6, 2011

By Terence Dave S. Pelingon

START HERE For Items 1 and 2, refer to the diagram of the female reproductive system below: 8. The following are changes that occur among us during the age of puberty. Which of them take place in both boys and girls? I. Appearance of Adams apple apple. II. Growth of pubic hair hair. III. Development of breasts breasts. IV. Appearance of mustache. V. Occurrence of menstruation menstruation. VI. Occurrence of pimples. VII. Development of muscles. VIII. Increase in height and weight.
2008 Terence

1. On which part are the egg cells produced? A. I B. II C. IV D. V

A. I, IV and VII B. III and V For Items 9 and 10

C. II, VI and VIII D. III and VI

2. Where does fertilization take place? A. I B. II C. IV D. V

The diagram below shows the p path of air in the respiratory system. Fill in the missing parts in boxes numbered 1 and 2 to complete the path of air in our body. AIR
nose pharynx food is prevented to enter the system

, For items 3 and 4, refer to the diagram of the male reproductive system below:

Urinary bladder Prostate gland

lungs trachea larynx

2010 NAT VI Science

Glans penis
2008 Terence

3. Which part of the male reproductive system produces the sperm cell? A. I B. II C. III D. IV

9. Box 1 refers to the parts which prevents the food from entering the respiratory system. Which one is it? A. Alveoli B. Bronchi C. Lungs D. Epiglottis

4. Which part serves as passageway for both ich urine and semen? A. I B. II C. III D. IV

10. As air reaches Box 2, which of the following functions is done by that part? A. Air passes back to the lungs. B. Air is filtered, cleaned and moistened. C. Blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon carb dioxide. D. Air is distribu distributed to all the body cells. 11. On which part of the respiratory system does the exchange of gases take place? A. bronchial tube B. alveoli C. diaphragm D. trachea

. 5. Which reproductive organ in males works in the same way as fallopian tubes in females? A. testis B. vas deferens C. epididymis D. prostate gland

6. How many egg cells are released by ovaries w every month? A. one B. two C. three to five D. millions

12. What happens when the diaphragm relax? A. Air rushes into the lungs. B. Air rushes out of the lungs. C. Air stays in the lungs. D. Air stops flowing and lungs collapse.

7. Where does a fetus get its nourishment during pregnancy? A. umbilical cord B. amniotic fluid C. amniotic sac D. placenta

For Item 18 13. Which of the following are true about the kidneys? I. II. III. IV. Take nutrients from food and convert them to energy. Remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine. Keep stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood Alert a person when it is time to urinate. A. I and II B. II and III C. III and IV D. II and IV They usually live in swamps and rivers and they belong to the group of amphibians. 18. Why? A. They lay eggs in water and live in both land and water. B. They lay eggs and have rough and dry scales. C. They are born alive and feed their young with milk. D. They have wings and are covered with feathers. 19. What kind of coral reef is shown below? Below is a picture of a Red Salamander

14. Which organ stores urine before it can be released outside the body?

2008 Terence


15. Which group of animals consists of a fish, a bird, and an amphibian respectively? amphibian, A. shark, pigeon, frog B. turtle, heron, bat C. sardines, bat, snake D. sea star, eagle, salamander 16. Which of these animals are vertebrates? A. bat, goat, crab, fish, butterfly B. goat, elephant, spider, fish C. elephant, spider, monkey, butterfly D. bat, goat, elephant, fish, monkey For Item 17, refer to the animals in the box below: Frog Shark Bear Cat Penguin Toad Duck Chicken A. fringing reef B. barrier reef C. coral atoll D. artificial reef

20. Which group of animals consists of a coelenterate a mollusk, and an echinoderm, coelenterate, respectively? A. coral, snail, sea urchin B. sand dollar clam, jelly fish dollar, C. sea anemone, crab, sea cucumber D. brittle star, earthworm, spider 21. Sea stars like this one are invertebrates that belong to echino echinoderms family. Why? A. They have stinging tentacles B. They have rough and spiny skin. C. They have exoskeleton and plenty of legs. D. They have soft, fleshy body. 22. Which special characteristics allow the frog to hich escape from its enemies?

why? 17. Which of them are mammals and why ; A. Frog and toad; they have moist skin and can live both on land and in water. B. Duck and penguin; they live on land and in water. C. Bear and cat; they have fur that prevent the loss of heat D. Chicken and duck; they are covered in feathers.

I. Long, elastic, and sticky tongue II. Short forearms and long hind legs III. Loud voice IV. Slimy skin A. I and II B. I and III . an C. I and IV D. II and IV
From 2010 NAT VI Science

23. How many food chains are there in this food web? rice grasshopper snail A. two B. three duck C. four D. five chicken snake

30. Which part opens and closes the electric circuit?

24. Which plant possesses the characteristic of a . gymnosperm?

A. I B. II For Item 31
coin rubber wood


cloth cyclone wire



31. Which of the things inside the box above . are insulators of electricity? A. coin and cloth B. rubber and wood C. cloth and cyclone wire D. wood and coin

32. Which statement is true about the changes in the two given examples in the box below? B. D.
I melting wax II melting ice
From 2009 NAT VI Science

. 25. Why does photosynthesis take place only at daytime? A. There is presence of sunlight at daytime. B. There is a great need for oxygen at daytime C. There is enough water at daytime. D. There is enough carbon dioxide at daytime 26. Which of these plants will likely remain healthy or alive after 15 days?

A. I is physical change. II is chemical change. B. I is chemical change. II is physical change. C. I and II are physical changes. D. I and II are chemical changes. 33. What two simple machines are present in this bicycle bicycle? I - lever II - pulley III - wheel and axle IV wedge A. I and II B. II and IV C. I and III D. II and III


not watered watered no air watered

watered no sunlight
2011 Terence

34. Which of these is a THIRD CLASS lever?

27. Which of the following situations shows chemical change? A. The boiling water B. The cut pieces of cloth C. The burning wick of a candle D. The melting wax 28. How many electrons does this atom have?
2008 Terence



B. 35. Lever A: Lever B:


A. one B. six C. five D. three 29. From the coiled wires on them, which of these models of an electromagnet is the WEAKEST? els A. B. C. D.

Which of these levers is stronger and w why? A. Lever A it has a longer effort arm. A, B. Lever B, it has a longer resistance arm. C. Lever A, it has shorter resistance arm. D. Lever B, it has shorter effort arm arm.

36. What kind of rock would you most likely find in areas near a volcano? A. igneous rocks C. metamorphic rocks . B. sedimentary rocks D. both A and C For Items 37 and 38 Study the pictures below.

. 43. The wind blows ____________ at day time. A. from sea to land B. from land to sea C. from east to west D. from north to south 44. How can you describe the daily weather . conditions onditions? A. Weather does not change. B. Weather changes from time to time. C. Weather remains the same all day. D. Weather is the same for one week. 45. What is the 4th planet from the Sun?


A. Mercury B. Jupiter

C. Venus D. Mars

46. Which of these is the hottest planet? 6.


A. Neptune B. Mercury

C. Mars D. Venus



2011 Terence

47. Which two planets are considered as twin planets? A. Saturn and Jupiter C. Mars and Earth B. Earth and Venus D. Mercury and Neptune For Items 48, 49, and 50 Study the patterns of tides in the diagram diagram.
Low Tide High Tide

37. Which of the following gives the correct order of the water cycle? A. II, III, I, IV B. III, II, IV, I C. IV, II, III, I D. II, I, III, IV

38. Which one shows the process of evaporation? A. I B. II C. III D. IV

New Moon Earth Full Moon

39. Which of these pictures show where evaporation is the fastest?


Last Quarter High Tide



Low Tide

Earth First Quarter

2011 Terence

I A. I B. II


III C. III D. none of these

48. At what phase of the moon does the phases neap tide happen? I - full moon II - new moon A. I B. I and II III first quarter IV last quarter C.III & IV D.III

40. What happens to air when it is cooled? . A. It changes to water. B. It does not change. C. It becomes lighter. D. It becomes heavier. 41. How does the wind blow? A. from a cold place to another cold place. B. from a warm place to another warm place C. from a cold place to a warm place D.. from a warm place to a cold place. 42. This tropical cyclone Neil has a wind speed of 108kph near it center. its What kind of cyclone is it? A. Tropical depression B. Storm C. Typhoon D. Tornado

49. What factors mainly affect the occurrence of tides? A. Suns gravity B. Moons gravity C. Both A & B D. none of these

50. At what time do we experie experience even sea levels during high tides and low tides? A. during neap tide C. during both tides B. during spring tide D. during full moon Thanks God, its over! Hope you had a great time in ts Grade Five. Wishing you the best in the years to come
TERENCE DAVE S. PELINGON Master Teacher I, Diclum Elementary School Tobias Fornier, Antique, Philippines

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