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Further Trigonometry

1. 2. 3. Find lim sin . 5 sin 3 . 5

Evaluate lim

(i) Factorise . (ii) Hence, or otherwise, show that 2 sin sin if sin cos 0. 2 cos cos 2 sin 2 ,


Prove the following identity: sin cos sin cos sin sin tan 2 .


Prove the following identity: 2 tan 1 tan sin 2 .


Prove that sin 3 sin cos 3 cos 2 (for sin sin 2 for 0 0, cos 2 . 0).

7. 8.

Solve the equation 2 sin (i) Solve the equation sin 2 (ii) Show that if 0

2 sin

for 0

. .

, then sin 2 2 sin 4 (iii) Find the area enclosed between the curves sin 2 and 2 sin for 0


Find all the angles

with 0 sin

2 for which cos 1.

10. Find all angles , where 0 3 sin

2 , for which cos 1.

), where 11. (i) Express sin 4 3cos 4 in the form sin(4 is in radians. (ii) Hence, or otherwise, find the general solution of the equation sin 4 0 in exact form. 3cos 4 12. Find all values of in the range 0 1. cos 3 sin 2 for which

13. (i) On the same axes, sketch the curves sin , cos , and sin cos , for 0 2 . (ii) From your graph, determine the number of values of x in the interval 0 2 for which sin cos 1. (iii) For what values of the constant k does sin cos have exactly two solutions in the interval 0 2 . 14. (i) Sketch the graph of cos for 0 2 . (ii) By using (i), or otherwise, find those values of satisfying 0 2 for which the geometrical series 1 2 cos 4 cos 8 cos Has a limiting sum. 15. (i) Sketch carefully on the same set of axes the graphs of and cos( ) for 0 1.5. (Your diagram should be at least half a page in size. (ii) On the same diagram, sketch the graph of cos( Label clearly the three curves on your diagram. (iii) Using the graph, determine the number of positive real roots of the equation cos( 16. The parabola and ( ) 0.


2) intersect at a point .

(i) Find the coordinates of .

(ii) Find the angle between the tangents to the curves at . Give Find the angle between the tangents to the curves at your answer to the nearest degree. your answer to the nearest degree. 17. The angle between the lines in the diagram. Find the exact value of 18. The graphs of and . intersect at 1. and 1 is 45 as shown 45 2

Find the size of the acute angle between these curves at 19. Find the acute angle between the lines 2 2, to the nearest degree. , 20. Find the acute angle between the lines 3 te 5 9. 21. 2 4 and


8 and

Two yachts and subtend an angle of 60 at the base of a cliff. From yacht the angle of elevation of the point , 100 metres vertically above , is 20. Yacht is 600 metres from . (i) Calculate the length of .

(ii) Calculate the distance between the two yachts. 22. Uluru is a large rock on flat ground in Central Australia. Three tourists , and are observing Uluru from the ground. is due north of Uluru, is due east of Uluru, and is on the line-ofsight from to and between them. The angles of elevation to the summit of Uluru from , and are 26, 28 and 30 respectively. Determine the bearing of from Uluru.

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