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Questions 1. Which of these ionic solids decrease in solubility as temperature increases? CA (OH) 2, CASO4, COA, NACO3.

The ans=CA (OH) 2 AND CASO4 2. Which of these constraints has negligible effect on the solubility of solids and liquids? A. concentration. B. temperature. C. pressure. D. molar mass. 2C6H5OH (aq) +2NA(S) 2C6H5ONA+H2 From the above equation, phenol acts as a -------------. A. oxidizing agent. B reducing agent. C an acid. D an alcohol. 3. Why is carbon said to be tetravalent? The electrons in both 2s and 2p orbitals are equivalent. B the electrons in all the orbitals are equivalent. C the 2s and 2p orbitals are hybridized. D all atomic orbital of carbon are hybridized. 4. How many hybridized orbitals are there in the following hybrid orbitals.( A )sp3 ( B) sp2 (C) sp Solution, You have to just add one to the sp3= 1+3=4 hybrid orbitals Sp2= 1=2= 3 hybrid orbitals Sp= 1+1= 2 hybrid orbitals. 5. Agcl is mostly soluble in --------. A NaNO3. B water C Nacl Hint; consider common ion effect and solubility of salts (sparingly soluble) 6. the most active carbon in the compound below is------------CH3CCH2CH. A =4. B= 3. C =2. D. =1

The ans is d because it is carbon I1 that carrys the most active carbon.i.e the carbon that is attached directly to the functional group. Please note that you ought to start assigning numbers to the carbon atoms from that which is close to the functional group (alkynes).




The reaction above is .. A dehydrohalogenation. B halogenations. C addition reaction. D bond breakage. N.b electrophiles carries (+ve) but neucleophiles carrys (-ve) N.b it is only terminal alkynes which can react with ammoniacal copper (i) chloride or ammoniacal silver trioxonitrate (v) 9 which of these hydrogen halides undergoes anti-markovnikoffs rule? A HBr. B Hcl. C Hf. D HI N.b markovnikoffs rule states that while trying to add a hydrogen halide to an alkynes,(terminal),the halogen will always be attached to the carbon with the list number of hydrogen. This principle is only applied to alkynes. Illustration CH3CHCCH+HBr CH3CHC (Br) =CH2.

Please note that terminal alkynes are alkynes with a terminal carbon. A terminal carbon is that carbon which is directly attached to the triple bond in alkyne.any hydrogen which is attached to this carbon is strongly acidic or otherwise known as acidic hydrogen. Please n.b, unsymetric alkynes are terminal alkynes. 10. Which of these structures represents methoxyethane?

A CH3-O-CH2CH3.B CH2CH3-O-CH3 C. CH2CH3-O-CH2. D CH3-O-CH2CH3 11. X Kmno4/dilHno3 ketones. In the equation above, x is. And the reaction is called. A primary akanol, oxidation reaction. B secondary alkanol, dehydrogenation reaction. C tertiary alkanol, oxidation reaction. D secondary alkanol, oxidation reactions. Please note that primary alkanols are oxidized to aldehydes which may further be oxidized to carboxylic acids on excess us of the oxidizing agents. 12. ROH 3I2/NAOH RCOONA-+CHI3+3NAI. The reaction above is.. A oxidation. B dehydrohalogenation. C halogenation. D iodoform reaction 13. Lucas reagent can be used to test.. A amines. B alkanoic acids. C alkanols. D alkynes. Lucas reagent is a mixture of Hcl and zinc chloride. It is basically used to distinguish the three types of alkanols. (Primary, secondary and tertiary alkanols) DEHYDROGENATION OF ALKANOLS 1. Primary alkanols are dehydrogenated to aldehydes 2. Secondary alkanols are dehydrogenated to ketones(alkanones) 3. Tertiary alkanols are dehydrogenated to an alkenes. Variations in the boiling point of alkanols Primary>secondary>tertiary N.b. alkanols are polar due to hydrogen bonding.

2(C6H10O5) N+NH20 diastase n (C12H22O11).the process here is .. A fermentation. B malting. C mashing. D fractional distillation.

Which of the following is not true of benzene? A it is hexagonal or plannar in shape. B the c-c bonding distance is the same. C the c-c bond angle is the same. D it does not undergo addition reaction. E it is trigonal in shape.

T= temperature, S=entropy.H=enthalpy. Important notes 1. When G is negative, a process or a chemical reaction proceeds spontaneously in the forward direction. 2. When G is positive, the process proceeds spontaneously in the backward direction. 3. When G is zero, the process is already in equilibrium with no net change taking place over time. 4. When S of a reaction is positive and H is positive, the process is spontaneous at a high temperature. 5. When S of a reaction is negative and the H is negative, the process is spontaneous at a low temperature. 6. When S of a reaction is negative and H is positive, the process is not spontaneous at any temperature. Additional questions and solutions. If 0.4g of ethanol reacts with certain acid to produce water and an ester. If the reaction occurred between a temperature range of 298.2 and 323k.if the mass of water produced after the reaction is 100g.taking the specific heat capacity of water as 4.2jg-1k-1 Calculate the heat of combustion of ethanol. Solution Mass of ethanol that was burned in the process was 0.4g.the relative atomic mass of ethanol is 46g. The mole ratio of ethanol that was burned was 0.4/46=0.0087mol. The heat evolved in producing was is given by H=MC . M=100g of water C=4.2jg-1k-1 . = (323-298.20 H= 100x4.2x24.8=10416j The heat of combustion of ethanol in the reaction is 10416j/0.0087=1197kj. But the standard heat of combustion of ethanol in the reaction is

-1197kjmol-1 because the reaction is exothermic. 2. 11g of cacl2 dissolved in 30cm3 of water caused a rise in temperature of 34c .the heat of the reaction ,all for cacl2 in kj per mole is------------A 71.1 B 171.1 C 4.18 D 111.0

Solution The mass of cacl2 that reacted is 11g.the relative molar mass of cacl2 is 111g The mole of cacl2 that reacted is 11/111= 0.099= 0.1 mol. Note; if 1000cm3 gives 1g of water. 50cm3 will give? =50x 1/1000=0.05g. The heat evolved in the reaction is H=MC =(34-0) c =34c m=0.05g c=4.2jg-1k-1 h=0.05x 4.2x34=7.14j The heat of the reaction =7.14/0.1=71.4j .

The actual heat of the reaction is 71.4/ the answer is not available. 4. 0.46g of ethanol when burned, raised the temperature of 50g of water by 14.3k.calculate the heat of combustion of ethanol? Specific heat capacity of water=4.2jg-1k-1 Solution Mass of ethanol burned= 0.46g Molecular mass of ethanol =46g Mass of water evolved=50g The ambient temperature=14.3k Mole of ethanol burned =0.46/46=0.01mol Heat evolved in the reaction = H=MC . H=50X 4.2X14.3=3003J Heat of combustion of ethanol=3003/0.01=300300jmol-1 which is 300.3kjmol-1 But because the reaction is exothermic, it now becomes300.3kjmol-1. Please note, all combustion reactions are exothermic. 5. WHEN H is negative ,a reaction is said to be--a. Endothermic. B exothermic. C reversible. D ionic.

6. NH3(g)+HCL(g)


The entropy change in the system above is-------A zero. B indeterminate. C positive. D negative. Since entropy is a measure of the disorderliness of a system. Systems in gaseous phase are the most disorderly system .when compared to a system in solid or liquid phase. Therefore in the reaction above, For the fact that there is a change in the phases of the system from gas to solid phases. It implies that there is a decrease in the disorderliness of the system (i.e. the entropy) Therefore, S products 7. C(s)+2S(g) S reactants = CS2(g) S of a system.

H =+89kjmol-1

The chemical equation above implies that. A 89kj of energy is absorbed. B each of carbon and sulphur has 89kj of energy. C both carbon and sulphur contributes 89kj of energy. D 89kj of energy is released. Explanation From the above eqation, the enthalpy of the reacting system is positive. (+89kjmol-1).this implies that the reaction is an endothermic reaction and hence heat is absorbed by the system. 8. Which of the following equations shows that a reaction is in equilibrium? A G=0. B G>0. C G<0. D G= H-T S

If the G >0,it shows that the G is positive ,therefore the reaction or the system will be spontaneous in the reverse or backward direction. But if G<0, it shows that it has a negative value, therefore the system will be spontaneous in the forward direction. But generally, when G=0, the reaction is said to be in equilibrium.

9. When dissolves in water, NAOH flakes shows.. A an exothermic change. B an endothermic change. C a rapid reaction. D a slow reaction. Clue; When oxides, and hydroxides of most reactive metals dissolves in water, a lot of energy is released and hence an exothermic reaction. 10.if an equilibrium reaction has H>0,the reaction will proceed favorably in the forward direction at A low temperature. B high temperature. C minimum temperature. D any temperature. Clue; H>0 shows a positive value. This shows that the reaction is endothermic. All endothermic reactions proceed favorably in the forward direction at a high temperature. But for exothermic reactions (-ve H) the reverse becomes the case. This implies that they can proceed in the forward direction at a low temperature. 11.if the heat of combustion of hydrogen is -285.8kj,what is the heat of formation of water?

Solution Equation for the reaction=2H2+O2 2 moles 2H20 2 moles

Since they have the same mole, their heat of combustion is the same.

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