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Message from the General Manager

It is with highest gratitude to all customers and all other stakeholders and collaborators that I present this report on the Construction and Business Bank S.C's operation in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006. During 2005/06 fiscal year, the state of the Ethiopian economy was in general in good condition characterized by relatively high real GDP growth and monetary stability. Accordingly, real GDP grew by 9.6 percent during the fiscal year under review. This growth places Ethiopia among the top performing economies which are above the average of less than 6 percent GDP growth realized in the sub Saharan Africa. Although all the sectors contributed to this relatively high economic growth performance, agriculture leads first growing by 11.3 percent on its own and contributing about 48 percent of the country's GDP followed by Service and Industry each accounting respectively 34 and 18.6 percentage share in the review year. With respect to consumer prices, during the fiscal year under review, the general inflation rate has exhibited a significant rise to 12.3 percent compared with its level of 6.8 percent in 2004/05. In another development, the performance of the external sector exhibited a remarkable growth and export climbed to its maximum of 18.2 billion birr in 2005/06 from birr 15.8 billion in 2004/05, registering 15.2 percent growth. On the same note, the total import of the country has increased by about 22.5 percent and reached birr 37.8 billion from birr 30.9 billion in the preceding year. As a result, trade deficit widened to birr 28.1 billion from birr 22.0 billion in 2004/05 reflecting the surge in imports which more than offset a substantial increased performance in exports. The widening trade deficit was the main factor for the higher overall deficit despite improvements in net service receipts, transfers and the capital account according to the National Bank of Ethiopia report. Meanwhile, the international reserve of the country as at July 7, 2006 was sufficient to cover over 2.3 months of imports of goods and non-factor services unlike for 3.6 months of imports in the previous year. In the inter-bank foreign exchange market, the official exchange rate of birr against the US dollar continued its steady depreciation in the review year and stood at birr 8.6914 USD, reflecting a depreciation of 0.33 and 0.372 percent vis-a vis the year 2004/05 and 2003/04 respectively. On the other hand, the parallel market exchange rate appreciated by 3.3 percent to reach Birr 8.999/USD from Birr 8.711185/USD in the preceding year.

The number of investment projects approved during the year at the Federal and Regional level was 5,796. The total investment capital of these projects amounted to birr 79.6 billion, and when compared with the previous fiscal year performance it depicts an increment of 118 percent. To this effect, the demand for financial services in general and bank credit and international banking facilities in particular have grown considerably. As a result, CBB has benefited a lot from these developments achieved at the national level during the year. Accordingly, the Bank earned a record high gross profit of Birr 97.6 million (before provision and tax) during the reporting period. When compared with the previous years profit level it went up by 51.6 million or 112.2 percent. On the other hand its deposits level has exhibited a slight fall of 7.9 percent over the preceding years balance and reached Birr 973 million as at June 30, 2006. The outstanding balance of loans and advances grew by 37.7 percent and stood at Birr 1,179.3 million. Consequently, the total asset of the Bank has reached Birr 1,797.2 million, and showed a 1.9 percent fall over the preceding years balance of Birr 1,832.5 million. The level of capital and reserve rose to Birr 156.4 million from its level of Birr 106.5 million in the previous year, exhibiting 46.8 percent growth. In general, the Bank has registered commendable performance during the year as highlighted above. To attain our grand vision of becoming Customers First Choice Bank in the Country we at CBB are more than ever committed to deliver dependable services with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm. In this connection, the ongoing Business Process Reengineering Studies that aim at bringing efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery are well underway. A comprehensive computerization program is also being undertaken to automate our services and improve the management information system. In line with the objectives of increasing market share, Construction and Business Bank S.C in 2005/06 fiscal year has opened five additional number of city branches, and it has the intention to expand its branch network furthermore in order to stand strong in the competition. Finally, I would like to seize this opportunity to convey my special thanks to our esteemed customers for their confidence in our Bank. My appreciation also goes to the Board of Directors for the commitment and able guidance they demonstrated throughout the year. I am also grateful to the Management and Staff of the Bank for the exemplary team spirit and efforts exerted for the success of the Bank during the fiscal year. Thank you,

Addisu Habba, President




At the end of 2006/07 fiscal year, the aggregate deposits mobilized by the Bank stood at Birr 1,136.4 million showing a rise of 16.8 percent from the preceding year balance of Birr 973 million. On the other hand, the number of deposit customers rose to 104,479 registering a 14.32 percent increase from the previous fiscal year balance of 91,394. The opening of new full-fledged branches in Addis Ababa and the gradual penetration of the Bank into foreign banking activities are the major factors attributable to this commendable performance.

Component wise, saving deposits registered a 15.4 percent increase and reached Birr 722.3 million. Current accounts deposits also increased to Birr 182.6 million showing a 12.9 percent rise and time deposits stood at Birr 231.5 million exhibiting an 25.1 percent increment compared with the same period of the preceding fiscal year. Out of the total deposit balance, saving deposit accounted for 63.6% whereas fixed and demand deposits took up 204% and 16.1%, respectively.

Table 1 Deposit Mobilization Performance of the Bank

Type of Deposit Demand Deposit Saving Deposit 2006/07 161.8 626.1 2005/06 329.4 524.4 2004/05 115.7 399.8 In Millions of Birr Variation between 2006/07 and 2005/06 Absolute (167.6) 101.7 Percent (50.9) 19.4

Time Deposit Total

185.1 973.0

203.1 1,056.9

168.6 684.1

(18) (84)

(8.9) (7.9)

1.2. CREDIT OPERATIONS 1.2.1 Loan Approval

In the fiscal year under review, a total of Birr 574.4 million fresh loan was approved by the Bank Compared with the previous years approved loan, it has registered 82.9 percent growth. Component wise, from the total loan approved, 122.7 million was approved for residential construction purpose and 328.6 million was approved for the construction of different business premises, and the remaining goes for short-term, medium-term and overdraft business loans. The main accountable factor for this dramatic increase in the amount of approved loan is associated with the increase in the financing demand for new business premises construction and the better efficiency registered in the Banks, engineering services, and credit processing and analysis. Table 2 Loan Approval Performance of the Bank
In Millions of Birr

Type of Loans
Building Construction Residential Commercial .Short Term Medium Term

Variation between
2005/06 451.4 122.7 328.6 70.2 18.4 51.8 52.8 574.4 2004/05 281.6 68.2 213.4 26.8 8.6 18.2 5.7 314.1 2003/04 96.7 53.5 43.2 6.2 2.6 3.6 3.9 106.8
2005/06 and 2004/05

Absolute 169.8 54.5 115.2 43.4 9.8 33.6 47.1 260.3

60.3 79.9 54.0 161.9 114.0 184.6 826.3 82.9

Business Loans

Over Draft Loans Total


Loan Disbursement

During the reporting fiscal year, a total of Birr 420.8 million was disbursed to various sectors of the economy, which is higher by 92.9 percent compared with the previous year's performance. Out of the total disbursed loans, long-term loans granted for the construction of residential and commercial buildings claimed the highest share of 83.3 percent whereas short-term and medium-term business loans constituted the remaining 16.7 percent. The observed rise in building construction activities coupled with efficiency improvement in the Banks service delivery has greatly contributed for the remarkable performance attained during the fiscal year 2005/06. Table 3 Loan Disbursement Performance of the Bank
In Millions of Birr

Type of Loans
Building Construction Residential Commercial .Short Term Medium Term Total

Variation between
2005/06 350.6 101.5 249.1 70.2 18.4 51.8 420.8 2004/05 191.4 53.5 137.9 26.8 8.6 18.2 218.2 2003/04 94 33.6 60.4 6.2 3.6 2.6 100.2
2005/06 and 2004/05

Absolute 159.2 48.0 111.2 43.4 9.8 33.6 202.6

83.2 89.7 80.6 161.9 184.6 114.0 92.9

Business Loans

1.2.3 Loan Collection During the fiscal year under review, the Bank collected Birr 198.2 million from its old outstanding loan balance and fresh loans disbursed during the period under consideration. When compared with the previous years level, it is higher by 54.5 percent. Improvements observed in the Banks loans recovery efforts and credit risk assessments are the major factors for the better performance during the reporting period. Of the total loans collected, Birr 141.4 million (71.3%) was collected from building construction loan. The remaining 15.1%, 4.3% and 9.2% were from medium-term, short-term loans and loans in foreclosure respectively.

Table 4 Loans Collection Performance of the Bank

In Millions of Birr

Variation between Type of Loans

Building & Construction Residential Commercial Business Loans Short Term Medium Term Foreclosure Total

141.4 46.3 95.1 38.5 8.5 30.0 18.3 198.2

100.3 36.8 63.5 19.4 5.4 14.0 8.6 128.5

84.1 32.5 51.6 15.4 3.7 11.7 6.0 105.5

2005/06 and 2004/05

Absolute 41.1 9.5 31.6 19.1 3.1 16.0 9.7 69.9

% 41.0 25.8 49.8 98.5 57.4 114.3 112.8 54.5


Outstanding Loans and Advances The outstanding loans and advances of the Bank as at June 30, 2006 reached Birr 1,179.3 million, indicating a considerable growth of 37.7 percent compared with the preceding fiscal year level. Out of this, building and construction loans constituted 84.9 percent. Business loans of medium-term, short-term and overdraft facilities constituted 8.38, 1.77 and 4.99 percent of the total outstanding loans balance respectively.

Table 5 Outstanding Loans & Advances of the Bank

In Millions of Birr

Variation between Description Building & Construction

- Residential - Commercial

2005/06 1,000.8 210.6 790.2 98.8 20.9 58.8 1,179.3

2004/05 760.4 135.0 625.4 65.0 13.4 17.9 856.7

2003/04 644.9 144.7 500.1 66.9 8.8 11.6 732.1

2005/06 and 2004/05 Absolute 240.4 75.6 164.8 33.8 7.5 40.9 % 31.6 56.0 26.3 52.0 56.0 228.3

Medium Term Short Term Overdraft Total



1.3. INTERNATIONAL BANKING OPERATIONS During the fiscal year under review, a total of 1,790 transactions in the form of Letter of Credit and other related services involving Birr 1,299.8 million were processed in the international banking operations, which enabled the Bank to generate revenue amounting to Birr 89.5 million. The Bank's uninterrupted and vigorous efforts to attract dependable customers and to improve its service were the major factors ascribed to such remarkable growth. On the same note, the Bank has also generated revenue amounting to Birr 3.98 million from about 72,922 payment transactions in the Western Union money transfer service. As a result, the Bank managed to earn total revenue to the tune of Birr 93.5 million from its international banking operation during the reporting period. This revenue is greater by Birr 33.5 million or 55.8 percent compared with the previous year.


INCOME AND EXPENSE ANALYSIS 1.4.1 Income Analysis During the fiscal year 2005/06, the Bank earned total revenue of Birr 158.5 million, showing an increase of 62.9 percent over the preceding year. Out of the total income, interest income and commission income constituted Birr 90.4 million (57.0 percent) and Birr 28.2 million (17.8 percent) respectively. The remaining Birr 39.9 is the share of other income. The main factor accountable for this dramatic increase is the rise in income from interest on loans and other incomes from the international banking service. Table 6

Income Earned by the Bank

In Millions of Birr

Variation between Description Interest Income Commission Income Other Income Total Income 2005/06 2004/05 2003/04
2005/06 and 2004/05

Absolute 90.4 28.2 39.9 158.8 47.6 33.7 16.0 97.3 40.0 20.0 9.1 69.1 42.8 (5.5) 23.9 61.2

% 90 (16.3) 149.4 62.9


Expense Analysis

In the fiscal year under consideration, the Bank incurred a total expense of Birr 60.9 million. This exceeded the preceding year's expense by 18.7 percent. The opening of five additional new city branches which has resulted increase in the total number of the Bank's employees salary and benefit and rent expense are the main reasons for the observed rise in total expense incurred. Out of the total expense, the highest share went to financial expense (39.4%) followed by general expense (32.0%) and salaries & benefits expense (28.6%). Table 7 Expenses Incurred by the Bank In Millions of Birr
Variation between 2005/06 Description Financial Expense Salary & Benefits Exp. General Expense Total Expense 24.0 17.4 19.5

2004/05 22.3 12.0 17.0


2003/04 20.0 11.8 25.5


2005/06 and 2004/05

Absolute 1.7 5.4 2.5


% 7.6 45.0 14.7


1.4.3 Profit In the fiscal year 2005/06, the Bank earned operating profit before provision and tax of Birr 97.6 million. When compared with the previous years achievement level of Birr 46 million, it is higher by 112.2 percent. On the same note, its net profit (after provision

and tax) increased dramatically by 188.4 percent to reach Birr 49.9 million. The commendable performance registered in international banking operations and the growth in interest income from loans and advances were the main factors attributed to the growth of the profit level. Table 8 Profit Level of the Bank (In Millions of Birr) Variation between 2005/06 and 2004/05
Absolute Profit before provision & tax Profit after provision & before tax Tax Net Profit 97.6 72.6 22.7 49.9 46.0 26.0 8.7 17.3 23.0 11.9 4.7 7.2 51.6 46.6 14.0 32.6 % 112.2 179.2 161 188.4






1.5.1 Assets

As at June 30, 2006 the Banks total assets reached Birr 1,797.2 million. It has shown a fall of 1.9 percent from the previous year closing balance of Birr 1,832.5 million. The registered fall was mainly attributable to the fall of cash on hand and bank balances with the National Bank of Ethiopia and the decrease in the interest receivable of the Bank. Out of the aggregate assets, loans and advances took the lions share of 58.3 percent followed by deposits and balances due from banking institutions of 24.0 percent. The remaining goes to the share of other assets. 1.5.2 Liabilities and Capital

The Banks total liability as at June 30, 2006 stood at about Birr 1,640.9 million. It has fallen by 4.9 percent from the preceding years balance of Birr 1,726 million owing mainly to the fall in customer deposits, for which its share has declined to 59.3 percent from the preceding years record level of 61.2 percent. Still, out of the total liabilities, customers deposit is increasingly becoming very important source of fund for the Bank.

In addition to this, the level of capital and reserves also rose to Birr 156.4 million from its level of Birr 106.5 million in the previous year, exhibiting 46.8 percent growth.



The number of employees of the Bank at the end of the fiscal year stood at 877, showing a net increase of 77 employees (9.6 percent) from the previous year. The growth is due to the rise in the volume of the Banks activities and the associated recruitment of additional staff for the five newly opened city branches of the bank. The Bank strongly believes that upgrading the skill and competencies of its employees through various trainings is very crucial for providing efficient and effective services to customers. To this end, 122 employees had attended different banking related training programs organized by the Ethiopian Institute of Banking and Insurance during the reporting period. Besides, the Bank covered tuition fee for 333 employees who were attending continuing education on relevant fields of studies at different educational institutions.


The Bank has twenty-six branches and two dedicated Western Union money transfer service centers as at June 30, 2006. Of these, eleven branches and the two dedicated Western Union money transfer service centers are located in Addis Ababa and the rest are distributed in major towns of the regional states. As part of its branch expansion program during the fiscal period, the Bank has opened five additional full-fledged Bank branches in the capital. This has raised number of branches by 23.9 percent as compared to the previous year. The Bank, in addition to this, has already planned to open other branches in the bankable areas of the city in the coming Ethiopian fiscal year.



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