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Oracle Data Provider for .

Developer's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1)

July 2007

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1) B28375-01 Copyright 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Janis Greenberg

Contributing Authors: Riaz Ahmed, Kiminari Akiyama, Steven Caminez, Naveen Doraiswamy, Neeraj Gupta, Sinclair Hsu, Alex Keh, Chithra Ramamurthy, Ashish Shah, Martha Woo, Arun Singh, Sujith Somanathan The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party.

Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xv
Audience..................................................................................................................................................... xv Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xv Related Documents ................................................................................................................................... xvi Conventions .............................................................................................................................................. xvii

What's New in Oracle Data Provider for .NET? ........................................................................ xix

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 11.1 ........................................................... New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 10.2............................................................ New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release .................................................... New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 10.1 ......................................................... New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release ..................................................... xix xx xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv

Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET

.NET Data Access in Oracle: Products and Documentation ............................................................ Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) .................................................................................. Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET............................................................................ Oracle Database Extensions for .NET ............................................................................................ Overview of Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) ................................................................. Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly ........................................................................................... Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace ............................................................................................ Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace ............................................................................................ Using ODP.NET Client Provider in a Simple Application ............................................................. 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6 1-8

Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET

System Requirements.............................................................................................................................. Oracle Data Provider for .NET Versioning Scheme .......................................................................... Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET............................................................................................ File Locations After Installation............................................................................................................ Windows Registry.............................................................................................................................. Search Order for Unmanaged DLLs................................................................................................ ODP.NET and Dependent Unmanaged DLL Mismatch .............................................................. 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4


Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET

Connecting to Oracle Database ............................................................................................................. 3-1 Connection String Attributes ........................................................................................................... 3-2 Specifying the Data Source Attribute.............................................................................................. 3-4 Connection Pooling ........................................................................................................................... 3-5 Connection Pool Management ......................................................................................................... 3-6 Connecting in Real Application Clusters (RAC) Database ......................................................... 3-7 Operating System Authentication .................................................................................................. 3-9 Privileged Connections ................................................................................................................. 3-10 Password Expiration....................................................................................................................... 3-10 Proxy Authentication...................................................................................................................... 3-11 Dynamic Distributed Transaction Enlistment ............................................................................ 3-13 Client Identifier ............................................................................................................................... 3-13 Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Callback Support .................................................... 3-14 ADO.NET 2.0 Features ........................................................................................................................ 3-16 About ADO.NET 2.0....................................................................................................................... 3-16 Backward Compatibility for ADO.NET....................................................................................... 3-17 Base Classes and Provider Factory Classes ................................................................................ 3-17 Connection String Builder.............................................................................................................. 3-18 Data Source Enumerator ................................................................................................................ 3-18 Support for Schema Discovery...................................................................................................... 3-18 System.Transactions Support ........................................................................................................ 3-19 Batch Processing Support .............................................................................................................. 3-22 ADO.NET 2.0 Only Classes and Class Members ....................................................................... 3-23 OracleCommand Object....................................................................................................................... 3-24 Transactions .................................................................................................................................... 3-24 Parameter Binding .......................................................................................................................... 3-24 Statement Caching .......................................................................................................................... 3-35 ODP.NET Types Overview .................................................................................................................. 3-37 Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object ....................................................................... 3-38 Typed OracleDataReader Accessors ............................................................................................ 3-38 Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data .................................................................................... 3-42 Obtaining LOB Data ....................................................................................................................... 3-43 Controlling the Number of Rows Fetched in One Database Round-Trip .............................. 3-47 PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor.................................................................................. 3-48 Obtaining an OracleRefCursor Object ......................................................................................... 3-48 Obtaining a REF CURSOR Data Type.......................................................................................... 3-49 Populating an OracleDataReader from a REF CURSOR........................................................... 3-49 Populating the DataSet from a REF CURSOR ............................................................................ 3-49 Populating an OracleRefCursor from a REF CURSOR ............................................................. 3-49 Updating a DataSet Obtained from a REF CURSOR ................................................................. 3-50 Behavior of ExecuteScalar Method for REF CURSOR............................................................... 3-50 Passing a REF CURSOR to a Stored Procedure .......................................................................... 3-50 LOB Support........................................................................................................................................... 3-51 Large Character and Large Binary Data Types .......................................................................... 3-52 Oracle Data Provider for .NET LOB Objects............................................................................... 3-52 Updating LOBs Using a DataSet................................................................................................... 3-53


Updating LOBs Using OracleCommand and OracleParameter .............................................. Updating LOBs Using ODP.NET LOB Objects........................................................................... Temporary LOBs ............................................................................................................................. ODP.NET XML Support....................................................................................................................... Supported XML Features ............................................................................................................... XQuery Support .............................................................................................................................. OracleXmlType and Connection Dependency ........................................................................... Updating XMLType Data in the Database .................................................................................. Updating XML Data in OracleXmlType ...................................................................................... Characters with Special Meaning in XML................................................................................... Retrieving Query Result Set as XML............................................................................................ Data Manipulation Using XML..................................................................................................... Database Change Notification Support ........................................................................................... Database Change Notification Classes ........................................................................................ Supported Operations .................................................................................................................... Requirements of Notification Registration.................................................................................. Using Database Change Notification ........................................................................................... Best Practice Guidelines and Performance Considerations ...................................................... OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping .......................................................................................... Comparison Between Oracle Data Types and .NET Types ...................................................... SafeMapping Property ................................................................................................................... OracleDataAdapter Requery Property .............................................................................................. Guaranteeing Uniqueness in Updating DataSet to Database ...................................................... What Constitutes Uniqueness in DataRow Objects? ................................................................. Configuring PrimaryKey and Constraints Properties ............................................................... Updating Without PrimaryKey and Constraints Configuration ............................................. Globalization Support ......................................................................................................................... Globalization Settings..................................................................................................................... Globalization-Sensitive Operations.............................................................................................. Debug Tracing........................................................................................................................................ Registry Settings for Tracing Calls ............................................................................................... ODP.NET Configuration......................................................................................................................

3-53 3-53 3-54 3-54 3-55 3-56 3-56 3-57 3-58 3-58 3-59 3-63 3-67 3-69 3-70 3-71 3-71 3-74 3-74 3-74 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-79 3-80 3-80 3-80 3-83 3-84 3-84 3-85

4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features

Introducing .NET Stored Procedure Execution Using ODP.NET ................................................... Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure................................. Implicit Database Connection .......................................................................................................... Transaction Support .......................................................................................................................... Unsupported SQL Commands......................................................................................................... Porting Client Application to .NET Stored Procedure...................................................................... 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-6 4-6

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes

OracleCommand Class ............................................................................................................................ OracleCommand Members............................................................................................................... OracleCommand Constructors ........................................................................................................ OracleCommand Static Methods ..................................................................................................... 5-2 5-4 5-7 5-9

OracleCommand Properties .......................................................................................................... OracleCommand Public Methods ................................................................................................ OracleCommandBuilder Class ........................................................................................................... OracleCommandBuilder Members .............................................................................................. OracleCommandBuilder Constructors ........................................................................................ OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods..................................................................................... OracleCommandBuilder Properties ............................................................................................. OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods ................................................................................... OracleCommandBuilder Events ................................................................................................... OracleConnection Class ....................................................................................................................... OracleConnection Members ......................................................................................................... OracleConnection Constructors ................................................................................................... OracleConnection Static Properties .............................................................................................. OracleConnection Static Methods ................................................................................................ OracleConnection Properties......................................................................................................... OracleConnection Public Methods ............................................................................................... OracleConnection Events............................................................................................................. OracleDataAdapter Class .................................................................................................................. OracleDataAdapter Members ..................................................................................................... OracleDataAdapter Constructors .............................................................................................. OracleDataAdapter Static Methods............................................................................................ OracleDataAdapter Properties.................................................................................................... OracleDataAdapter Public Methods .......................................................................................... OracleDataAdapter Events .......................................................................................................... OracleDataReader Class..................................................................................................................... OracleDataReader Members........................................................................................................ OracleDataReader Static Methods.............................................................................................. OracleDataReader Properties ...................................................................................................... OracleDataReader Public Methods ............................................................................................ OracleError Class................................................................................................................................. OracleError Members ................................................................................................................... OracleError Static Methods ......................................................................................................... OracleError Properties.................................................................................................................. OracleError Methods .................................................................................................................... OracleErrorCollection Class .............................................................................................................. OracleErrorCollection Members ................................................................................................. OracleErrorCollection Static Methods ....................................................................................... OracleErrorCollection Properties................................................................................................ OracleErrorCollection Public Methods ...................................................................................... OracleException Class ....................................................................................................................... OracleException Members ........................................................................................................... OracleException Static Methods ................................................................................................. OracleException Properties ......................................................................................................... OracleException Methods............................................................................................................ OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class ............................................................................................... OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members ................................................................................... OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Methods..........................................................................

5-10 5-27 5-42 5-45 5-48 5-50 5-54 5-59 5-64 5-65 5-67 5-70 5-72 5-74 5-77 5-86 5-107 5-110 5-112 5-115 5-118 5-119 5-125 5-130 5-134 5-137 5-141 5-142 5-152 5-197 5-199 5-200 5-201 5-204 5-205 5-207 5-208 5-209 5-210 5-211 5-213 5-215 5-216 5-219 5-221 5-223 5-224


OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties.................................................................................. OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Public Methods ........................................................................ OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate................................................................................... OracleParameter Class........................................................................................................................ OracleParameter Members .......................................................................................................... OracleParameter Constructors .................................................................................................... OracleParameter Static Methods................................................................................................. OracleParameter Properties......................................................................................................... OracleParameter Public Methods ............................................................................................... OracleParameterCollection Class..................................................................................................... OracleParameterCollection Members ........................................................................................ OracleParameterCollection Static Methods............................................................................... OracleParameterCollection Properties....................................................................................... OracleParameterCollection Public Methods ............................................................................. OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate.................................................................................. OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class............................................................................................... OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members.................................................................................. OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Constructor ............................................................................. OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Methods ........................................................................ OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Properties ................................................................................ OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods....................................................................... OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class ............................................................................................. OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members ................................................................................ OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructor............................................................................ OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Static Methods....................................................................... OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties ............................................................................... OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Public Methods ..................................................................... OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate ................................................................................ OracleTransaction Class ..................................................................................................................... OracleTransaction Members........................................................................................................ OracleTransaction Static Methods .............................................................................................. OracleTransaction Properties ...................................................................................................... OracleTransaction Public Methods ............................................................................................ OracleCollectionType Enumeration .............................................................................................. OracleDbType Enumeration ............................................................................................................. OracleParameterStatus Enumeration ..............................................................................................

5-225 5-227 5-228 5-229 5-231 5-233 5-244 5-245 5-260 5-263 5-265 5-267 5-268 5-271 5-289 5-290 5-291 5-293 5-294 5-295 5-296 5-297 5-298 5-300 5-301 5-302 5-303 5-304 5-305 5-308 5-309 5-310 5-312 5-320 5-321 5-323

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes

OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration ............................................................................................. 6-2 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class ......................................................................................................... 6-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Members............................................................................................. 6-7 OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructor ........................................................................................ 6-8 OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties ........................................................................................... 6-9 OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods .............................................................................. 6-12 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class ......................................................................................................... 6-13 OracleXmlSaveProperties Members............................................................................................. 6-16 OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor ........................................................................................ 6-17


OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties ........................................................................................... OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods ................................................................................. OracleXmlStream Class........................................................................................................................ OracleXmlStream Members........................................................................................................... OracleXmlStream Constructor ...................................................................................................... OracleXmlStream Static Methods ................................................................................................. OracleXmlStream Instance Properties ......................................................................................... OracleXmlStream Instance Methods ............................................................................................ OracleXmlType Class............................................................................................................................ OracleXmlType Members .............................................................................................................. OracleXmlType Constructors........................................................................................................ OracleXmlType Static Methods .................................................................................................... OracleXmlType Instance Properties ............................................................................................. OracleXmlType Instance Methods ...............................................................................................

6-18 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-32 6-37 6-38 6-40 6-43 6-44 6-49

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes

OracleClientFactory Class ...................................................................................................................... 7-2 OracleClientFactory Members ......................................................................................................... 7-4 OracleClientFactory Public Properties............................................................................................ 7-5 OracleClientFactory Public Methods .............................................................................................. 7-6 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class.............................................................................................. 7-10 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members .................................................................................. 7-13 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors ............................................................................ 7-16 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties..................................................................... 7-18 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods ....................................................................... 7-32 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class ................................................................................................. 7-35 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Members..................................................................................... 7-37 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Public Methods.......................................................................... 7-38

Database Change Notification

OracleDependency Class ........................................................................................................................ 8-2 OracleDependency Members ........................................................................................................... 8-3 OracleDependency Constructors..................................................................................................... 8-5 OracleDependency Static Fields ...................................................................................................... 8-9 OracleDependency Static Methods .............................................................................................. 8-11 OracleDependency Properties....................................................................................................... 8-12 OracleDependency Methods ......................................................................................................... 8-17 OracleDependency Events............................................................................................................. 8-20 OracleNotificationRequest Class ....................................................................................................... 8-21 OracleNotificationRequest Members ........................................................................................... 8-22 OracleNotificationRequest Static Methods ................................................................................. 8-23 OracleNotificationRequest Properties.......................................................................................... 8-24 OracleNotificationRequest Methods ............................................................................................ 8-27 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class................................................................................................... 8-28 OracleNotificationEventArgs Members ...................................................................................... 8-29 OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Fields.................................................................................. 8-30 OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Methods............................................................................. 8-31


OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties..................................................................................... OracleNotificationEventArgs Methods ....................................................................................... OnChangeEventHandler Delegate .................................................................................................... OracleNotificationType Enumeration ............................................................................................... OracleNotificationSource Enumeration ........................................................................................... OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration ................................................................................................

8-32 8-37 8-38 8-39 8-40 8-41

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes

OracleGlobalization Class...................................................................................................................... 9-2 OracleGlobalization Members.......................................................................................................... 9-4 OracleGlobalization Static Methods................................................................................................ 9-6 OracleGlobalization Properties ..................................................................................................... 9-12 OracleGlobalization Public Methods ........................................................................................... 9-22


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class .......................................................................................................... OracleFailoverEventArgs Members ............................................................................................. OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods ................................................................................... OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties............................................................................................ OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods .................................................................................. OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate ............................................................................................. FailoverEvent Enumeration............................................................................................................... FailoverReturnCode Enumeration ................................................................................................... FailoverType Enumeration ................................................................................................................ 10-2 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes

OracleBFile Class................................................................................................................................... OracleBFile Members...................................................................................................................... OracleBFile Constructors ............................................................................................................... OracleBFile Static Fields ................................................................................................................. OracleBFile Static Methods.......................................................................................................... OracleBFile Instance Properties .................................................................................................. OracleBFile Instance Methods..................................................................................................... OracleBlob Class ................................................................................................................................. OracleBlob Members .................................................................................................................... OracleBlob Constructors .............................................................................................................. OracleBlob Static Fields................................................................................................................ OracleBlob Static Methods........................................................................................................... OracleBlob Instance Properties ................................................................................................... OracleBlob Instance Methods...................................................................................................... OracleClob Class ................................................................................................................................. OracleClob Members .................................................................................................................... OracleClob Constructors.............................................................................................................. OracleClob Static Fields ............................................................................................................... OracleClob Static Methods .......................................................................................................... 11-2 11-4 11-7 11-9 11-11 11-12 11-19 11-38 11-40 11-43 11-45 11-46 11-47 11-53 11-73 11-75 11-78 11-80 11-81


OracleClob Instance Properties................................................................................................... OracleClob Instance Methods ..................................................................................................... OracleRefCursor Class ..................................................................................................................... OracleRefCursor Members ........................................................................................................ OracleRefCursor Static Methods............................................................................................... OracleRefCursor Properties....................................................................................................... OracleRefCursor Instance Methods..........................................................................................

11-82 11-88 11-113 11-115 11-116 11-117 11-118

12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures

OracleBinary Structure......................................................................................................................... 12-2 OracleBinary Members................................................................................................................... 12-4 OracleBinary Constructor .............................................................................................................. 12-7 OracleBinary Static Fields .............................................................................................................. 12-8 OracleBinary Static Methods ......................................................................................................... 12-9 OracleBinary Static Operators ..................................................................................................... 12-15 OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators ..................................................................... 12-21 OracleBinary Properties ............................................................................................................... 12-23 OracleBinary Instance Methods .................................................................................................. 12-26 OracleDate Structure .......................................................................................................................... 12-29 OracleDate Members .................................................................................................................... 12-31 OracleDate Constructors .............................................................................................................. 12-34 OracleDate Static Fields................................................................................................................ 12-39 OracleDate Static Methods ........................................................................................................ 12-41 OracleDate Static Operators ........................................................................................................ 12-47 OracleDate Static Type Conversions .......................................................................................... 12-52 OracleDate Properties................................................................................................................... 12-56 OracleDate Methods ..................................................................................................................... 12-60 OracleDecimal Structure.................................................................................................................... 12-65 OracleDecimal Members.............................................................................................................. 12-67 OracleDecimal Constructors........................................................................................................ 12-72 OracleDecimal Static Fields ......................................................................................................... 12-78 OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods........................................................................... 12-82 OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods ........................................................................ 12-87 OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods......................................................................... 12-101 OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods ..................................................................... 12-106 OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators ...................................................................... 12-112 OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal) .......... 12-120 OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET) .................... 12-124 OracleDecimal Properties .......................................................................................................... 12-129 OracleDecimal Instance Methods ............................................................................................. 12-133 OracleIntervalDS Structure............................................................................................................. 12-139 OracleIntervalDS Members ....................................................................................................... 12-141 OracleIntervalDS Constructors ................................................................................................. 12-144 OracleIntervalDS Static Fields................................................................................................... 12-149 OracleIntervalDS Static Methods.............................................................................................. 12-151 OracleIntervalDS Static Operators............................................................................................ 12-158 OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions........................................................................................ 12-166

OracleIntervalDS Properties...................................................................................................... OracleIntervalDS Methods ........................................................................................................ OracleIntervalYM Structure............................................................................................................ OracleIntervalYM Members ...................................................................................................... OracleIntervalYM Constructors................................................................................................ OracleIntervalYM Static Fields ................................................................................................ OracleIntervalYM Static Methods ............................................................................................ OracleIntervalYM Static Operators .......................................................................................... OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions....................................................................................... OracleIntervalYM Properties..................................................................................................... OracleIntervalYM Methods ....................................................................................................... OracleString Structure...................................................................................................................... OracleString Members................................................................................................................ OracleString Constructors.......................................................................................................... OracleString Static Fields ........................................................................................................... OracleString Static Methods ...................................................................................................... OracleString Static Operators .................................................................................................... OracleString Type Conversions ................................................................................................ OracleString Properties .............................................................................................................. OracleString Methods................................................................................................................. OracleTimeStamp Structure............................................................................................................ OracleTimeStamp Members ...................................................................................................... OracleTimeStamp Constructors................................................................................................ OracleTimeStamp Static Fields ................................................................................................. OracleTimeStamp Static Methods ............................................................................................ OracleTimeStamp Static Operators .......................................................................................... OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions............................................................................ OracleTimeStamp Properties..................................................................................................... OracleTimeStamp Methods ....................................................................................................... OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure .................................................................................................... OracleTimeStampLTZ Members .............................................................................................. OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors ........................................................................................ OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields.......................................................................................... OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods..................................................................................... OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators................................................................................... OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions .................................................................... OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties ............................................................................................. OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods ............................................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Structure....................................................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Members ................................................................................................. OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors........................................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields ............................................................................................ OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods ....................................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators ..................................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions....................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Properties ............................................................................................... OracleTimeStampTZ Methods ..................................................................................................

12-169 12-174 12-177 12-179 12-182 12-186 12-188 12-194 12-201 12-204 12-207 12-210 12-212 12-215 12-220 12-221 12-226 12-231 12-233 12-236 12-241 12-243 12-247 12-254 12-256 12-263 12-272 12-278 12-283 12-294 12-296 12-300 12-307 12-309 12-317 12-326 12-332 12-337 12-349 12-351 12-355 12-367 12-369 12-376 12-385 12-391 12-397


13 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions

OracleTypeException Class ................................................................................................................. OracleTypeException Members.................................................................................................... OracleTypeException Constructors.............................................................................................. OracleTypeException Static Methods .......................................................................................... OracleTypeException Properties .................................................................................................. OracleTypeException Methods................................................................................................... OracleNullValueException Class ..................................................................................................... OracleNullValueException Members ........................................................................................ OracleNullValueException Constructors .................................................................................. OracleNullValueException Static Methods............................................................................... OracleNullValueException Properties ....................................................................................... OracleNullValueException Methods ......................................................................................... OracleTruncateException Class ........................................................................................................ OracleTruncateException Members .......................................................................................... OracleTruncateException Constructors..................................................................................... OracleTruncateException Static Methods ................................................................................. OracleTruncateException Properties.......................................................................................... OracleTruncateException Methods ............................................................................................ 13-2 13-3 13-5 13-7 13-8 13-10 13-11 13-12 13-14 13-16 13-17 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-22 13-24 13-25 13-26

Oracle Schema Collections

Common Schema Collections ............................................................................................................... MetaDataCollections......................................................................................................................... DataSourceInformation ................................................................................................................... DataTypes .......................................................................................................................................... Restrictions ........................................................................................................................................ ReservedWords ................................................................................................................................ ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection ................................................................................................ Tables .................................................................................................................................................. Columns ............................................................................................................................................. Views .................................................................................................................................................. XMLSchema ...................................................................................................................................... Users ................................................................................................................................................... Synonyms .......................................................................................................................................... Sequences .......................................................................................................................................... Functions ........................................................................................................................................... Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... ProcedureParameters ..................................................................................................................... Arguments ....................................................................................................................................... Packages .......................................................................................................................................... PackageBodies ................................................................................................................................ JavaClasses ...................................................................................................................................... Indexes ............................................................................................................................................. IndexColumns ................................................................................................................................ PrimaryKeys ................................................................................................................................... ForeignKeys .................................................................................................................................... A-1 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-6 A-6 A-7 A-7 A-7 A-8 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-13 A-16 A-16 A-17


ForeignKeyColumns ...................................................................................................................... A-18 UniqueKeys ..................................................................................................................................... A-18

Glossary Index



This document is your primary source of introductory, installation, postinstallation configuration, and usage information for Oracle Data Provider for .NET. Oracle Data Provider for .NET is an implementation of the Microsoft ADO.NET interface. This document describes the features of Oracle Database for Windows that apply to the Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. This Preface contains these topics:

Audience Documentation Accessibility Related Documents Conventions

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide is intended for programmers who are developing applications to access an Oracle database using Oracle Data Provider for .NET. This documentation is also valuable to systems analysts, project managers, and others interested in the development of database applications. To use this document, you must be familiar with Microsoft .NET Framework classes and ADO.NET and have a working knowledge of application programming using Microsoft C#, Visual Basic .NET, or another .NET language. Although the examples in the documentation and the samples in the sample directory are written in C#, developers can use these examples as models for writing code in other .NET languages. Users should also be familiar with the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) to access information in relational database systems.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be

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Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace. Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites. TTY Access to Oracle Support Services Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY support, call 800.446.2398.

Related Documents
For more information, see these Oracle resources:

Oracle Database Installation Guide for Windows Oracle Database Release Notes for Windows Oracle Database Platform Guide for Windows Oracle Database Administrator's Guide Oracle Database Advanced Application Developers Guide Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developers Guide Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide Oracle Database New Features Oracle Database Concepts Oracle Database Reference Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide Oracle Database Object-Relational Developers Guide Oracle Database SQL Language Reference Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide Oracle Net Services Reference Guide Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide Oracle XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide


Oracle Database Security Guide Oracle Spatial Developers Guide

Many of the examples in this book use the sample schemas, which are installed by default when you select the Basic Installation option with an Oracle Database installation. Refer to Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information on how these schemas were created and how you can use them yourself. Printed documentation is available for sale in the Oracle Store at

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If you already have a username and password for OTN, then you can go directly to the documentation section of the OTN Web site at

For additional information, see:


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Convention boldface italic monospace Meaning Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary. Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values. Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



What's New in Oracle Data Provider for .NET?

This section describes new features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET 11g Release 1 (11.1) and provides references to additional information. New features information from previous releases is also retained to help those users migrating to the current release. The following sections describe the new features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET:

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 11.1 New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 10.2 New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 10.1 New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 11.1

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release 11.1 includes the following:

ODP.NET Configuration Developers can now configure ODP.NET using configuration files, including application config, web.config, or machine.config. Settings in the machine.config override the registry settings and the settings in the application config or the web.config override the values in the machine.config.
See Also:

"ODP.NET Configuration" on page 3-85

Performance Enhancements The following performance enhancements have been made: Improved Parameter Context Caching This release enhances the existing caching infrastructure to cache ODP.NET parameter contexts. This enhancement is independent of database version and it is available for all the supported database versions.


This feature provides significant performance improvement for the applications that execute the same statement repeatedly. This enhancement is transparent to the developer. No code changes are needed to use this feature. Efficient LOB Retrieval This release improves the performance of small-sized LOB retrieval by reducing the number of round-trips to the database. This enhancement is available only with Oracle 11g release 1.0 or higher database versions. This enhancement is transparent to the developer. No code changes are needed to use this feature.

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release includes the following:

64-bit ODP.NET for Windows x64 and Windows Itanium ODP.NET natively supports the 64-bit .NET Framework for both 64-bit Windows platforms: Windows x64 for AMD64 and Intel EM64T processors 64-bit Windows for Intel Itanium

64-bit systems allow for more scalable and better performing ODP.NET applications.

Configuring FetchSize Through the Windows Registry This feature enables applications to specify the default result set fetch size through the registry.

Local Transaction Support for System.Transactions This feature enables System.Transactions to use local transactions rather than distributed transactions. This can be specified either through the registry or through a connection string attribute.
See Also: "Local Transaction for System.Transactions Support" on page 3-25

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release includes the following:

Support for Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0, including: Provider Factory Classes and Base Classes Simplifies data access code to access multiple data sources with a provider generic API. Connection String Builder Makes creating connections strings less error-prone and easier to manage. Data Source Enumerator Enables the application to generically obtain a collection of the Oracle data sources that the application can connect to.


Support for Schema Discovery Permits application developers to find and return database schema information, such as tables, columns, and stored procedures.

System.Transactions Support ODP.NET supports implicit and explicit transactions using the System.Transactions namespace models.

Batch Processing Support Enables batch processing when the OracleDataAdapter.Update method is called.
See Also:

"ADO.NET 2.0 Features" on page 3-16

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 10.2

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release 10.2 includes the following:

Server-Side Features Server-side features for Oracle Data Provider for .NET provide data access from .NET stored procedures. Such procedures are enabled by Oracle Database Extensions for .NET, a new feature included with Oracle database on Windows.
See Also:

Chapter 4, "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features" Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide

Support for Client Identifier Oracle Data Provider for .NET exposes the OracleConnection.ClientId property, thus providing support for Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) and application context. Client identifier makes configuring VPD simpler for the developer.
See Also:

"Client Identifier" on page 3-13

Connection Pool Optimizations for Real Application Clusters (RAC) Oracle Data Provider for .NET optimizes connection pooling for Oracle RAC databases by balancing work requests across Oracle RAC instances, based on the load balancing advisory and service goal. Furthermore, the ODP.NET connection pool can be enabled to proactively free resources associated with connections that have been severed due to a down Oracle RAC service, instance, or node.
See Also:

"Connecting in Real Application Clusters (RAC) Database"

on page 3-7

Database Change Notification Support Oracle Data Provider for .NET provides a notification framework that supports Continuous Query Notification. This enables applications to receive notifications when there is a change in a query result set or a change in the state of the database.


See Also:

"Database Change Notification Support" on page 3-67 Chapter 8, "Database Change Notification"

Connection Pooling Management Oracle Data Provider for .NET connection pool management provides explicit connection pool control to ODP.NET applications. Applications can explicitly clear connections in a connection pool or all the connection pools.
See Also:

"Connection Pool Management" on page 3-6

Better LOB performance and functionality with Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) and later
See Also:

"InitialLOBFetchSize" on page 5-18

Support for IN and IN/OUT REF CURSOR Objects This feature enables applications to retrieve REF Cursors from a PL/SQL procedure or function and pass them to another stored procedure or function.
See Also: "Passing a REF CURSOR to a Stored Procedure" on page 3-50

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release includes the following:

Statement Caching This feature provides and manages a cache of statements for each session. The developer can control which statements are cached and how many. This improves performance and scalability.
See Also:

"Statement Caching" on page 3-35

.NET Framework 1.1 Enhancements These enhancements expose new ADO.NET functionality that was introduced in Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1.
See Also:

"EnlistDistributedTransaction" on page 5-92 "HasRows" on page 5-144

Support for Command Cancellation These two new features relate to command cancellation. The CommandTimeout feature cancels the execution of a command when a specified amount of time elapses after the execution, while the Cancel method can be called explicitly by the application to terminate the execution of a command.


See Also:

"CommandTimeout" on page 5-15 "Cancel" on page 5-27

DeriveParameters Method This method populates the parameter collection for the OracleCommand that represents a stored procedure or function by querying the database for the parameter information.
See Also:

"DeriveParameters" on page 5-50

LOB Retrieval Enhancement Entire LOB column data can be retrieved even if the select list does not contain a primary key, ROWID, or unique key. This enhancement is available by setting the InitialLOBFetchSize property value to -1 for CLOB and BLOB objects.
See Also:

"Setting InitialLOBFetchSize to -1" on page 3-45

LONG Retrieval Enhancement Entire LONG column data can be retrieved even if the select list does not contain a primary key, ROWID, or unique key. This enhancement is available by setting the InitialLONGFetchSize property value to -1.
See Also:

"Setting InitialLONGFetchSize to -1" on page 3-43

New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 10.1

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release 10.1 includes the following:

Support for Oracle Grids ODP.NET is grid-enabled, allowing developers to take advantage of Oracle Database Grid support without having to make changes to their application code.

Support for BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types in the database ODP.NET supports the new database native types BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_ DOUBLE
See Also: "Data Types BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE" on page 3-25

Support for Multiple Homes ODP.NET can be installed in Multiple Oracle Homes. In order to make multiple homes available, some of the ODP.NET files include a version number, and the use of a HOMEID is required.

Support for Schema-Based XMLType in the Database ODP.NET supports the native schema-based XMLType.


New Features in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release

Oracle Data Provider for .NET release, which was released on Oracle Technology Network (OTN), included the following:

XML Support in ODP.NET With XML support, ODP.NET can now: Store XML data natively in the database as Oracle Database native type, XMLType. Access relational and object-relational data as XML data from an Oracle Database instance into a Microsoft .NET environment, process the XML using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Save changes to the database using XML data.
See Also:

"ODP.NET XML Support" on page 3-54

Support for PL/SQL Associative Array Binding ODP.NET supports PL/SQL Associative Array (formerly known as PL/SQL Index-By Tables) binding. An application can bind an OracleParameter, as a PL/SQL Associative Array, to a PL/SQL stored procedure using OracleParameter properties.
See Also:

"PL/SQL Associative Array Binding" on page 3-29

Support for InitialLOBFetchSize property on OracleCommand and OracleDataReader objects

See Also:

"Obtaining LOB Data" on page 3-43


Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET
This chapter introduces Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET), an implementation of a .NET data provider for Oracle Database. This chapter contains these topics:

.NET Data Access in Oracle: Products and Documentation Overview of Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly Using ODP.NET Client Provider in a Simple Application

.NET Data Access in Oracle: Products and Documentation

This section discusses Oracle components and products that work together to provide .NET data access to Oracle Database, how they relate to each other, and what documentation is provided. These Oracle products provide .NET integration on the Windows operating system:

Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET provides data access for client applications from within Oracle database. ODP.NET data access is fast and includes access to Oracle advanced features, such as Real Application Clusters (RAC) and XML DB. Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide describes Oracle Data Provider for .NET features, their use, installation, requirements, and classes. The guide distinguishes which classes are supported in .NET stored procedures and which classes are supported for .NET clients. Additionally, Oracle Data Provider for .NET Dynamic Help, which is context-sensitive online help, contains the same reference sections available in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide, this guide. Oracle Data Provider for .NET Dynamic Help is integrated with Visual Studio Dynamic Help.

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET

Oracle Developer Tools is an add-in to Visual Studio that provides graphical user interface (GUI) access to Oracle functionality. It provides improved developer productivity and ease of use. Oracle Developer Tools provide the ability to build .NET stored procedures using Visual Basic .NET, C#, and other .NET languages. Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET Help describes Oracle Developer Tools. This help is in the form of dynamic help, which installs as part of the product.
Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET 1-1

Overview of Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)

Additionally, the Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET Help includes the following documentation:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Users Guide and Reference Oracle Database SQL Language Reference Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide Oracle Database Error Messages Access to Oracle Data Provider for .NET Dynamic Help

Oracle Database Extensions for .NET

Oracle Database Extensions for .NET provides the following:

Hosting of Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) in an external process on the server side, to execute .NET stored procedures. ODP.NET data access on the server side, from within the .NET stored procedure.

Oracle Database Extensions for .NET features, their use, installation, and requirements are described in Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide. Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide describes all ODP.NET classes. Classes that are not supported by Oracle Database Extensions for .NET are described as Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure.
See Also:

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET Help Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide for more information about .NET stored procedures and functions "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly" on page 1-3 for class listings Chapter 4, "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features"

Overview of Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) is an implementation of a .NET data provider for Oracle Database, using and inheriting from classes and interfaces available in the Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library. Following the .NET Framework, ODP.NET uses the ADO.NET model, which allows native providers to expose provider-specific features and data types. This is similar to Oracle Provider for OLE DB, where ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) provides an automation layer that exposes an easy programming model. ADO.NET provides a similar programming model, but without the automation layer, for better performance. Oracle Data Provider for .NET uses Oracle native APIs to offer fast and reliable access to Oracle data and features from any .NET application. The ODP.NET classes described in this guide are contained in the Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly.

Client Applications: All ODP.NET classes are available for use in client applications. .NET Stored Procedures: Most ODP.NET classes can be used from within .NET stored procedures and functions. Those classes which cannot, are labeled Not

1-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly

Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure. Additionally, some classes contain members which may not be supported, and this is so indicated in the member tables that follow the class descriptions, and listed in Chapter 4 of this guide.
See Also:

Table 41, " API Support Comparison Between Client Application and .NET Stored Procedure" "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly" on page 1-3 for class lists Chapter 4, "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features" Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide for more information about .NET stored procedures and functions

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly

The Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly provides two namespaces:

The Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace contains ODP.NET classes and enumerations for the client-side provider. The Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace contains the Oracle Data Provider for .NET data types (ODP.NET Types).

Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace
The Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace contains implementations of core ADO.NET classes and enumerations for ODP.NET, as well as ODP.NET specific classes. The following tables list ODP.NET classes, enumerations, and types that are supported by the Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace. The tables also indicated which classes are not supported in .NET stored procedures.

Table 11 lists the client classes.
Table 11 Class OnChangeEventHandler Delegate Oracle.DataAccess.Client Description The OnChangedEventHandler event delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the notification. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleClientFactory Class An OracleClientFactory object allows applications to instantiate ODP.NET classes in a generic way. An OracleCommand object represents a SQL command, a stored procedure or function, or a table name. An OracleCommandBuilder object provides automatic SQL generation for the OracleDataAdapter when the database is updated.

OracleCommand Class

OracleCommandBuilder Class

Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET 1-3

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly

Table 11 (Cont.) Oracle.DataAccess.Client Class OracleConnection Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class Description An OracleConnection object represents a connection to Oracle Database. An OracleConnectionStringBuilder object allows applications to create or modify connection strings. An OracleDataAdapter object represents a data provider object that communicates with the DataSet. An OracleDataReader object represents a forward-only, read-only, in-memory result set. An OracleDataSourceEnumerator object allows applications to generically obtain a collection of data sources to connect to. An OracleDependency class represents a dependency between an application and an Oracle database. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleError Class OracleErrorCollection Class OracleException Class The OracleError object represents an error reported by an Oracle database. An OracleErrorCollection object represents a collection of OracleErrors. The OracleException object represents an exception that is thrown when Oracle Data Provider for .NET encounters an error. The OracleFailoverEventArgs class provides event data for the OracleConnection.Failover event. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate The OracleFailoverEventHandler represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleConnection.Failover event. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleGlobalization Class The OracleGlobalization class is used to obtain and set the Oracle globalization settings of the session, thread, and local computer (read-only). The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event. The OracleInfoMessageEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event. The OracleNotificationEventArgs class provides event data for a notification. An OracleNotificationRequest class represents a notification request to be subscribed in the database. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure

OracleDataAdapter Class

OracleDataReader Class OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

OracleDependency Class

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationRequest Class

1-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly

Table 11 (Cont.) Oracle.DataAccess.Client Class OracleParameter Class OracleParameterCollection Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class Description An OracleParameter object represents a parameter for an OracleCommand. An OracleParameterCollection object represents a collection of OracleParameters. The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event. The OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event. The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event. The OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event. An OracleTransaction object represents a local transaction. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleXmlQueryProperties Class An OracleXmlQueryProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Query. An OracleXmlSaveProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete.

OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate

OracleTransaction Class

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

Oracle.DataAccess.Client Enumerations
Table 12 lists the client enumerations.
Table 12 Oracle.DataAccess.Client Enumerations Description FailoverEvent enumerated values are used to specify the state of the failover. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure FailoverReturnCode Enumeration FailoverReturnCode enumerated values are passed back by the application to the ODP.NET provider to request a retry in case of a failover error, or to continue in case of a successful failover. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure FailoverType Enumeration FailoverType enumerated values are used to indicate the type of failover event that was raised. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure

Enumeration FailoverEvent Enumeration

Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET 1-5

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly

Table 12 (Cont.) Oracle.DataAccess.Client Enumerations Enumeration OracleCollectionType Enumeration Description OracleCollectionType enumerated values specify whether or not the OracleParameter object represents a collection, and if so, specifies the collection type. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleDbType Enumeration OracleDbType enumerated values are used to explicitly specify the OracleDbType of an OracleParameter. OracleNotificationInfo enumerated values specify the database event that causes the notification. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleNotificationSource Enumeration OracleNotificationSource enumerated values specify the different sources that cause notification. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleNotificationType Enumeration OracleNotificationType enumerated values specify the different types that cause the notification. Not Supported in a .NET Stored Procedure OracleParameterStatus Enumeration The OracleParameterStatus enumeration type indicates whether a NULL value is fetched from a column, or truncation has occurred during the fetch, or a NULL value is to be inserted into a database column. The OracleXmlCommandType enumeration specifies the values that are allowed for the OracleXmlCommandType property of the OracleCommand class.

OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration

OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration

Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace
The Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace provides classes, structures, and exceptions for Oracle native types that can be used with Oracle Data Provider for .NET.

Oracle.DataAccess.Types Structures
Table 13 lists the type structures.
Table 13 Structure OracleBinary Structure OracleDate Structure OracleDecimal Structure OracleIntervalDS Structure Oracle.DataAccess.Types Structures Description The OracleBinary structure represents a variable-length stream of binary data. The OracleDate structure represents the Oracle DATE data type. The OracleDecimal structure represents an Oracle NUMBER in the database or any Oracle numeric value. The OracleIntervalDS structure represents the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type.

1-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assembly

Table 13 (Cont.) Oracle.DataAccess.Types Structures Structure OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleString Structure OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Structure Description The OracleIntervalYM structure represents the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type. The OracleString structure represents a variable-length stream of characters. The OracleTimeStamp structure represents the Oracle TimeStamp data type. The OracleTimeStampLTZ structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type. The OracleTimeStampTZ structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.

Oracle.DataAccess.Types Exceptions
Type Exceptions are thrown only by ODP.NET type structures. Table 14 lists the type exceptions.
Table 14 Exception OracleTypeException Class Oracle.DataAccess.Types Exceptions Description The OracleTypeException object is the base exception class for handling exceptions that occur in the ODP.NET Types classes.

OracleNullValueException Class The OracleNullValueException represents an exception that is thrown when trying to access an ODP.NET Types structure that is null. OracleTruncateException Class The OracleTruncateException class represents an exception that is thrown when truncation in an ODP.NET Types class occurs.

Oracle.DataAccess.Types Classes
Table 15 lists the type classes.
Table 15 Class OracleBFile Class Oracle.DataAccess.Types Classes Description An OracleBFile is an object that has a reference to BFILE data. It provides methods for performing operations on BFILE objects. An OracleBlob object is an object that has a reference to BLOB data. It provides methods for performing operations on BLOB objects. An OracleClob is an object that has a reference to CLOB data. It provides methods for performing operations on CLOB objects. An OracleRefCursor object represents an Oracle REF CURSOR. An OracleXmlStream object represents a sequential read-only stream of XML data stored in an OracleXmlType object. An OracleXmlType object represents an Oracle XmlType instance.

OracleBlob Class

OracleClob Class

OracleRefCursor Class OracleXmlStream Class

OracleXmlType Class

Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET 1-7

Using ODP.NET Client Provider in a Simple Application

Using ODP.NET Client Provider in a Simple Application

The following is a simple C# application that connects to Oracle Database and displays its version number before disconnecting:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class Sample { static void Main() { // Connect to Oracle string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Display Version Number Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle " + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Note: Additional samples are provided in the ORACLE_ BASE\ORACLE_HOME\ODP.NET\Samples directory.

1-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET
This chapter describes installation and configuration requirements for Oracle Data Provider for .NET. This chapter contains these topics:

System Requirements Oracle Data Provider for .NET Versioning Scheme Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET File Locations After Installation

System Requirements
Oracle Data Provider for .NET requires the following:

Windows operating system 32-bit: Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate Editions), Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional Edition. Oracle supports 32-bit ODP.NET on x86, AMD64, and Intel EM64T processors on these operating systems. 64 bit: Windows Vista x64 (Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate Editions), Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Server 2003 R2 x64, or Windows XP x64. Oracle supports 32-bit ODP.NET and 64-bit ODP.NET for Windows x64 on these operating systems. 64-bit: Windows Server 2003 for Itanium-based systems. Oracle supports 64-bit ODP.NET for Itanium on this operating system.

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 or later. For .NET Framework 2.0-specific features, ODP.NET or later is required 64-bit Windows platforms support only 64-bit .NET Framework for version 2.0 and higher. Thus, 64-bit ODP.NET only supports 64-bit .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. The first 64-bit ODP.NET version is on both Windows x64 and Itanium.

Access to Oracle9i Database Release 2 or later.

Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2-1

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Versioning Scheme

Oracle Client release 11.1 and Oracle Net Services (included with ODP.NET Software).

Additional requirements are the following:

Beginning with ODP.NET, two versions of the provider are available: ODP.NET for .NET Framework 1.x ODP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0

ODP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 supports ADO.NET 1.x and higher features. ODP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 supports both ADO.NET 1.x and ADO.NET 2.0 features. The API section of this guide indicates the .NET Framework requirement for each class, method, and property, in the class requirement sections and in the declarations.

Applications using Microsoft Enterprise Services transactions require Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server release 11.1. Applications using OracleXmlStream and OracleXmlType classes with schema-based XMLType require access to Oracle Database 10g release 1 (10.1) or later.
See Also: to download the Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Versioning Scheme

Starting with, Oracle Data Provider for .NET ships with two sets of binaries: one set for .NET Framework 1.x and another for .NET Framework 2.0 and higher. For example, ODP.NET binaries would be the following:

ODP.NET for .NET Framework 1.x Oracle.DataAccess.dll * * Built with .NET Framework 1.0 Assembly version number: 1.x.x.x

OraOps11.dll * * Used by ODP.NET for .NET Framework 1.x DLL version number: 1.x.x.x

ODP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 Oracle.DataAccess.dll * * Built with .NET Framework 2.0 Assembly version number: 2.x.x.x

OraOps11w.dll * * Used by ODP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 DLL version number: 2.x.x.x

2-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

File Locations After Installation

The convention for ODP.NET assembly/DLL versioning is n1.o1o2.o3o4.o5 where:

n1 is the most significant .NET Framework version number. o1o2 are the first two digits of the ODP.NET product version number. o3o4 are the third and forth digits of the ODP.NET product version number. o5 is the fifth and last digit of the ODP.NET product version number.

For example, if the ODP.NET product version number is, the corresponding ODP.NET assembly versions are:

.NET Framework 1.x version: .NET Framework 2.0 version:

Note that the Oracle installer and documentation still refer to the ODP.NET product version number and not the assembly/DLL version number. As with the .NET Framework system libraries, the first digit of the assembly version number indicates the version of the .NET Framework to use with an ODP.NET assembly. Publisher Policy DLL is provided as before so that applications built with older version of ODP.NET are redirected to the newer ODP.NET assembly, even though the versioning scheme has changed.

Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET

When you install Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Oracle Universal Installer automatically registers ODP.NET with the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Additionally, Oracle Data Provider for .NET Dynamic Help is registered with Visual Studio .NET, providing context-sensitive online help that is seamlessly integrated with Visual Studio Dynamic Help. With Dynamic Help, the user can access ODP.NET documentation within the Visual Studio IDE by placing the cursor on an ODP.NET keyword and pressing the F1 function key. Oracle Data Provider for .NET creates an entry in the machine.config file of the computer on which it is installed, for applications using ADO.NET 2.0 and OracleClientFactory class. This enables the DbProviderFactories class to recognize ODP.NET.
See Also: Oracle Database Installation Guide for Windows for installation instructions

File Locations After Installation

The Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly is installed as follows:

NET Framework 1.x ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\\bin\1.x directory

NET Framework 2.0 ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\\bin\2.x directory

Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET 2-3

File Locations After Installation

Documentation and the readme.txt file are installed in the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_ HOME\ODP.NET\doc directory. Samples are provided in the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\ODP.NET\Samples directory.

Windows Registry
Upon installation, ODP.NET creates entries for configuration and tracing within the Windows Registry. Configuration and tracing registry values apply across all ODP.NET applications running in that Oracle client installation. Individual ODP.NET applications can override some of these values by configuring them within the ODP.NET application itself (for example, FetchSize). The ODP.NET registry values are located under: HKLM\Software\Oracle\ODP.NET\version\. There is one key for .NET Framework 1.x and one key for .NET Framework 2.0 and higher.

Search Order for Unmanaged DLLs

The DllPath registry value is used to indicate the directory that contains dependent unmanaged DLLs. The Oracle.DataAccess.dll searches for dependent unmanaged DLLs (such as Oracle Client) in the following order:
1. 2.

Directory of the application/executable. Directory specified by: HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\Software\Oracle\ODP.NET\version\DllPath


Directories specified by the PATH environment variable.

Upon installation of ODP.NET, the DllPath registry value of type REG_SZ is set to the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\bin directory where the corresponding dependent DLLs are installed.

ODP.NET and Dependent Unmanaged DLL Mismatch

To enforce the usage of Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly with the correct version of its unmanaged DLLs, an exception is raised if Oracle.DataAccess.dll notices it has loaded a mismatched version of a dependent unmanaged DLL.

2-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET
This chapter describes Oracle Data Provider for .NET provider-specific features and how to use them to develop .NET applications. This chapter contains these topics:

Connecting to Oracle Database ADO.NET 2.0 Features OracleCommand Object ODP.NET Types Overview Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor LOB Support ODP.NET XML Support Database Change Notification Support OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping OracleDataAdapter Requery Property Guaranteeing Uniqueness in Updating DataSet to Database Globalization Support Debug Tracing ODP.NET Configuration

Connecting to Oracle Database

This section describes OracleConnection provider-specific features, including:

Connection String Attributes Connection Pooling Connection Pool Management Connecting in Real Application Clusters (RAC) Database Operating System Authentication Privileged Connections Password Expiration

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-1

Connecting to Oracle Database

Proxy Authentication Dynamic Distributed Transaction Enlistment Client Identifier Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Callback Support

Connection String Attributes

Table 31 lists the supported connection string attributes.
Table 31 Supported Connection String Attributes Description Maximum life time (in seconds) of the connection. Default Value 0

Connection String Attribute Connection Lifetime Connection Timeout Context Connection

Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a 15 free connection from the pool. Returns an implicit database connection false if set to true. Supported in a .NET stored procedure only

Data Source

Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect. Administrative privileges: SYSDBA or SYSOPER. Number of connections that are closed when an excessive amount of established connections are unused. Controls the enlistment behavior and capabilities of a connection in context of COM+ transactions or System.Transactions. Enables ODP.NET connection pool to proactively remove connections from the pool when an Oracle RAC service, service member, or node goes down. Works with RAC, Data Guard, or a single database instance. Enables ODP.NET connection pool to balance work requests across Oracle RAC instances based on the load balancing advisory and service goal.

empty string

DBA Privilege Decr Pool Size

empty string 1



HA Events


Load Balancing


Incr Pool Size

Number of new connections to be 5 created when all connections in the pool are in use. Maximum number of connections in a pool. Caches metadata information. Minimum number of connections in a pool. 100 True 1

Max Pool Size Metadata Pooling Min Pool Size Password

Password for the user specified by User empty string Id.

3-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database

Table 31 (Cont.) Supported Connection String Attributes Connection String Attribute Persist Security Info Pooling Promotable Transaction Description Retrieval of the password in the connection string. Connection pooling. Default Value false true

Indicates whether or not a transaction is promotable local or distributed throughout its lifetime. User name of the proxy user. Password of the proxy user. Statement cache purged when the connection goes back to the pool. empty string empty string false

Proxy User Id Proxy Password Statement Cache Purge Statement Cache Size

Statement cache enabled and cache size, 10 that is, the maximum number of statements that can be cached. Oracle user name. Validation of connections coming from the pool. empty string false

User Id Validate Connection

The following example uses connection string attributes to connect to Oracle Database:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ConnectionSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //using connection string attributes to connect to Oracle Database con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }

See Also:

"OracleConnection Properties" on page 5-77 for detailed information on connection attributes "OracleCommand Object" on page 3-24 for detailed information on statement caching

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-3

Connecting to Oracle Database

Specifying the Data Source Attribute

This section describes different ways of specifying the data source attribute. The following example shows a connect descriptor mapped to a TNS alias called sales in the tnsnames.ora file:
sales= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (

Using the TNS Alias

To connect as scott/tiger using the TNS Alias, a valid connection appears as follows:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=sales";

Using the Connect Descriptor

ODP.NET also allows applications to connect without the use of the tnsnames.ora file. To do so, the entire connect descriptor can be used as the "data source". The connection string appears as follows:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=" + "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)" + "(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA="+ "("

Using Easy Connect Naming Method

The easy connect naming method enables clients to connect to a database without any configuration. Prior to using the easy connect naming method, make sure that EZCONNECT is specified by the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the sqlnet.ora file as follows:

With this enabled, ODP.NET allows applications to specify the "Data Source" attribute in the form of:

Using the same example, some valid connection strings follow:

"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=//sales-server:1521/" "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=//sales-server/" "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=sales-server/"

If the port number is not specified, 1521 is used by default.

See Also:

Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide for details and requirements in the section Using Easy Connect Naming Method

3-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database

Connection Pooling
ODP.NET connection pooling is enabled and disabled using the Pooling connection string attribute. By default, connection pooling is enabled. The following are ConnectionString attributes that control the behavior of the connection pooling service:

Connection Lifetime Connection Timeout Decr Pool Size HA Events Incr Pool Size Load Balancing Max Pool Size Min Pool Size Pooling Validate Connection

Connection Pooling Example The following example opens a connection using ConnectionString attributes related to connection pooling.
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class ConnectionPoolingSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //Open a connection using ConnectionString attributes //related to connection pooling. con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" + "Min Pool Size=10;Connection Lifetime=120;Connection Timeout=60;" + "Incr Pool Size=5; Decr Pool Size=2"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connection pool successfully created"); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Connection is placed back into the pool."); } }

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-5

Connecting to Oracle Database

Using Connection Pooling

When connection pooling is enabled (the default), the Open and Close methods of the OracleConnection object implicitly use the connection pooling service, which is responsible for pooling and returning connections to the application. The connection pooling service creates connection pools by using the ConnectionString property as a signature, to uniquely identify a pool. If there is no existing pool with the exact attribute values as the ConnectionString property, the connection pooling service creates a new connection pool. If a pool already exists with the requested signature, a connection is returned to the application from that pool. When a connection pool is created, the connection pooling service initially creates the number of connections defined by the Min Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString property. This number of connections is always maintained by the connection pooling service for the connection pool. At any given time, these connections are in use by the application or are available in the pool. The Incr Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString property defines the number of new connections to be created by the connection pooling service when more connections are needed in the connection pool. When the application closes a connection, the connection pooling service determines whether or not the connection lifetime has exceeded the value of the Connection Lifetime attribute. If so, the connection pooling service closes the connection; otherwise, the connection goes back to the connection pool. The connection pooling service enforces the Connection Lifetime only when a connection is going back to the connection pool. The Max Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString property sets the maximum number of connections for a connection pool. If a new connection is requested, but no connections are available and the limit for Max Pool Size has been reached, then the connection pooling service waits for the time defined by the Connection Timeout attribute. If the Connection Timeout time has been reached, and there are still no connections available in the pool, the connection pooling service raises an exception indicating that the connection pool request has timed-out. The Validate Connection attribute validates connections coming out of the pool. This attribute should be used only when absolutely necessary, because it causes a round-trip to the database to validate each connection immediately before it is provided to the application. If invalid connections are uncommon, developers can create their own event handler to retrieve and validate a new connection, rather than using the Validate Connection attribute. This generally provides better performance. The connection pooling service closes connections when they are not used; connections are closed every 3 minutes. The Decr Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString property provides connection pooling service for the maximum number of connections that can be closed every 3 minutes.

Connection Pool Management

ODP.NET connection pool management provides explicit connection pool control to ODP.NET applications. Applications can explicitly clear connections in a connection pool. Using connection pool management, applications can do the following:
3-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database


These APIs are not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

Clear connections from connection pools using the ClearPool method. Clear connections in all the connection pools in an application domain, using the ClearAllPools method.

When connections are cleared from a pool, ODP.NET repopulates the pool with new connections that have at least the number of connections set by Min Pool Size in the connection string. New connections do not necessarily mean the pool will have valid connections. For example, if the database server is down when ClearPool or ClearAllPools is called, ODP.NET creates new connections, but these connections are still invalid because they cannot connect to the database, even if the database comes up a later time. It is recommended that ClearPool and ClearAllPools not be called until the application can create valid connections back to the database. .NET developers can develop code that continuously checks whether or not a valid database connection can be created and calls ClearPool or ClearAllPools once this is true.
See Also:

"ClearPool" on page 5-74 "ClearAllPools" on page 5-75

Connecting in Real Application Clusters (RAC) Database

This section discusses optimization and other aspects of connection and connection pooling for a Real Application Clusters (RAC) database. Oracle RAC is the technology that makes grids possible for Oracle database by providing the ability to access the database from multiple instances, each running on nodes in a cluster.

Connection Optimizations for Oracle RAC

Oracle Data Provider for .NET optimizes connection and connection pooling for Oracle RAC database by balancing work requests across Oracle RAC instances, based on the load balancing advisory and service goal. Furthermore, the ODP.NET connection pool can be enabled to proactively free resources associated with connections that have been severed due to a down Oracle RAC service, service member, or node. Oracle Data Provider for .NET uses the following features to optimize connection and connection pooling for Oracle RAC:

Runtime Connection Load Balancing When Runtime Connection Load Balancing is enabled: The ODP.NET connection pool dispenses connections based on the load balancing advisory and service goal. The ODP.NET connection pool also balances the number of connections to each service member providing the service, based on the load balancing advisory and service goal.

By default, this feature is disabled. To enable runtime connection load balancing, include "Load Balancing=true" in the connection string.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-7

Connecting to Oracle Database

This feature can only be used with an Oracle RAC database and only if "pooling=true". If "Load Balancing=true" is set and the connection attempts to connect to a non-RAC database, an OracleException is thrown with an error of "ORA-1031: insufficient privileges." In order to use Runtime Connection Load Balancing, specific RAC configurations must be set. For further information, see Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide. Oracle Net Services should also be configured for load balancing. See Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide for further details. The following connection string example enables Runtime Connection Load Balancing:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=erp;load balancing=true;"

See Also:

"Supported Connection String Attributes" on page 5-79 Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide

HA Events When HA events is enabled:

ODP.NET connection pool proactively removes connections from the pool when an Oracle service, service member, or node goes down. ODP.NET establishes connections to existing Oracle RAC instances if the removal of severed connections bring the total number of connections below the "min pool size".

By default this feature is disabled. To enable HA events, include "HA Events=true" in the connection string. This feature can only be used against a RAC database and only if "pooling=true". If the connection is established to a non-RAC database, the HA events setting is ignored and no error is returned.

The database service being connected to must be configured for AQ_ HA_NOTIFICATIONS. For more details, see Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide The following connection string example enables HA Events:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=erp;HA events=true;"

See Also:

"Supported Connection String Attributes" on page 5-79 Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide

3-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database

Pool Size Attributes in an Oracle RAC Database

When connection pools are created for a non-RAC database, pool size attributes are applied to the single service. Similarly, when connection pools are created for an Oracle RAC database, the pool size attributes are applied to a service and not to service members. For example, if "Min Pool Size" is set to N, ODP.NET does not create N connections for each service member. Instead, it creates, at minimum, N connections for the entire service, where N connections are distributed among the service members. The following pool size connection string attributes are applied to a service.

Min Pool Size Max Pool Size Incr Pool Size Decr Pool Size

Operating System Authentication

Oracle Database can use Windows user login credentials to authenticate database users. To open a connection using Windows user login credentials, the User Id ConnectionString attribute must be set to a slash (/). If the Password attribute is provided, it is ignored.

Operating System Authentication is not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

The following example shows the use of operating system authentication:

/* Create an OS-authenticated user in the database Assume init.ora has OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX set to "" and <OS_USER> is any valid OS or DOMAIN user. create user <OS_USER> identified externally; grant connect, resource to <OS_USER>; Login through OS Authentication and execute the sample. See Oracle documentation for details on how to configure an OS-Authenticated user */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OSAuthenticationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //Establish connection using OS Authentication con.ConnectionString = "User Id=/;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-9

Connecting to Oracle Database

con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }

See Also: Oracle Database Platform Guide for Windows for information on how to set up Oracle Database to authenticate database users using Windows user login credentials

Privileged Connections
Oracle allows database administrators to connect to Oracle Database with either SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges. This is done through the DBA Privilege attribute of the ConnectionString property. The following example connects scott/tiger as SYSDBA:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class PrivilegedConnectionSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //Connect scott/tiger as SYSDBA con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;" + "DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }

See Also:

DBA Privilege " Supported Connection String Attributes" on page 5-79 for further information on privileged connections in the database

Password Expiration
Oracle allows users passwords to expire. ODP.NET lets applications handle the password expiration by providing a new method, OpenWithNewPassword, that opens the connection with a new password. The following example uses the OracleConnection OpenWithNewPassword method to connect with a new password of panther:
/* Database Setup connect / as sysdba; drop user testexpire cascade; -- create user "testexpire" with password "testexpire" grant connect , resource to testexpire identified by testexpire;

3-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database

alter user testexpire password expire; */

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class PasswordExpirationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); try { con.ConnectionString = "User Id=testexpire;Password=testexpire;Data Source=oracle"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); } catch (OracleException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); //check the error number //ORA-28001 : the password has expired if (ex.Number == 28001) { Console.WriteLine("\nChanging password to panther"); con.OpenWithNewPassword("panther"); Console.WriteLine("Connected with new password."); } } finally { // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } } }


The OpenWithNewPassword method should be used only when the user password has expired, not for changing the password. "OpenWithNewPassword" on page 5-103

See Also:

Proxy Authentication
With proper setup in the database, proxy authentication enables middle-tier applications to control the security by preserving database user identities and privileges, and auditing actions taken on behalf of these users. This is accomplished by

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-11

Connecting to Oracle Database

creating and using a proxy database user that connects and authenticates against the database on behalf of a database user (that is, the real user) or database users. Proxy authentication can then be used to provide better scalability with connection pooling. When connection pooling is used in conjunction with proxy authentication, the proxy authenticated connections can be shared among different real users. This is because only the connection and session established for the proxy is cached. An additional session is created for the real user when a proxy authenticated connection is requested, but it will be destroyed appropriately when the proxy authenticated connection is placed back into the pool. This design enables the application to scale well without sacrificing security. ODP.NET applications can use proxy authentication by setting the "Proxy User Id" and "Proxy Password" attributes in the connection string. The real user is specified by the "User Id" attribute. Optionally, to enforce greater security, the real user's password can be provided through the "Password" connection string attribute. The following example illustrates the use of ODP.NET proxy authentication:
/* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE USER privilege. Create a proxy user and modified scott to allow proxy connection. create user appserver identified by eagle; grant connect, resource to appserver; alter user scott grant connect through appserver; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ProxyAuthenticationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); // Connecting using proxy authentication con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;" + "Data Source=oracle;Proxy User Id=appserver;Proxy Password=eagle; "; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }

3-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database

See Also:

Oracle Database Advanced Application Developers Guide for details on designing a middle-tier server using proxy users Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for the description and syntax of the proxy clause for the ALTER USER statement Oracle Database Security Guide section "Standard Auditing in a Multitier Environment"

Dynamic Distributed Transaction Enlistment

For those applications that dynamically enlist in distributed transactions through the EnlistDistributedTransaction or the EnlistTransaction method of the OracleConnection object, the "enlist" connection string attribute must be set to a value of either "dynamic" or "true". If "enlist=true", the connection enlists in a transaction when the Open method is called on the OracleConnection object, if it is within the context of a COM+ transaction or a System.Transactions. If not, the OracleConnection object does not enlist in a distributed transaction, but it can later enlist explicitly using the EnlistDistributedTransaction or the EnlistTransaction method. If "enlist=false", the connection cannot enlist in the transaction. For applications that cannot be rebuilt using "Enlist=dynamic", a registry string value, named DynamicEnlistment, of type REG_SZ, can be created under HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\Assembly_Version where Assembly_Version is the full assembly version number of Oracle.DataAccess.dll. If ODP.NET is properly installed, there should already be value names such as StatementCacheSize, TraceFileName, and so forth, under the same ODP.NET key. If the DynamicEnlistment registry key is set to 0 (or if the registry entry does not exist), it does not affect the application in any way. However, if DynamicEnlistment is set to 1, "Enlist=false" is treated the same as "Enlist=dynamic", enabling applications to enlist successfully through the EnlistDistributedTransaction method without any code change. Having DynamicEnlistment set to 1 does not affect OracleConnection objects that have "Enlist=true" or "Enlist=dynamic" in the connection string.
See Also:

"Connection String Attributes" on page 3-2 "EnlistDistributedTransaction" on page 5-92

Client Identifier
The client identifier is a predefined attribute from the Oracle application context namespace USERENV. It is similar to proxy authentication because it can enable tracking of user identities. However, client identifier does not require the creation of two sessions (one for the proxy user and another for the end user) as proxy authentication does. In addition, the client identifier does not have to be a database user. It can be set to any string. But most importantly, by using client identifier, ODP.NET developers can use application context and Oracle Label Security, and configure Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) more easily. To set the client identifier, ODP.NET applications can set the ClientId property on the OracleConnection object after opening a connection. If connection pooling is
Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-13

Connecting to Oracle Database

enabled, the ClientId is reset to null whenever a connection is placed back into the pool. ODP.NET exposes the ClientId property on the OracleConnection object. Setting the ClientId property internally sets the CLIENT_IDENTIFIER attribute on the session. To clear the ClientId property, simply set it to "" or string.Empty. The ClientId property is write-only.
See Also:

"ClientId" on page 5-77 Oracle Database Security Guide

Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Callback Support

Transparent Application Failover (TAF) is a feature in Oracle Database that provides high availability.

TAF is not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

TAF enables an application connection to automatically reconnect to another database instance if the connection gets severed. Active transactions roll back, but the new database connection, made by way of a different node, is identical to the original. This is true regardless of how the connection fails. With TAF, a client notices no loss of connection as long as there is one instance left serving the application. The database administrator controls which applications run on which instances, and also creates a failover order for each application. When a session fails over to another database, the NLS settings that were initially set on the original session are not carried over to the new session. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the application to set these NLS settings on the new session.

TAF Notification
Given the delays that failovers can cause, applications may wish to be notified by a TAF callback. ODP.NET supports the TAF callback function through the Failover event of the OracleConnection object, which allows applications to be notified whenever a failover occurs. To receive TAF callbacks, an event handler function must be registered with the Failover event.

When Failover Occurs

When a failover occurs, the Failover event is raised and the registered event handler is invoked several times during the course of reestablishing the connection to another Oracle instance. The first call to the event handler occurs when Oracle Database first detects an instance connection loss. This allows the application to act accordingly for the upcoming delay for the failover. If the failover is successful, the Failover event is raised again when the connection is reestablished and usable. At this time, the application can resynchronize the OracleGlobalization session setting and inform the application user that a failover has occurred. If failover is unsuccessful, the Failover event is raised to inform the application that a failover did not take place.

3-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Connecting to Oracle Database

The application can determine whether or not the failover is successful by checking the OracleFailoverEventArgs object that is passed to the event handler.

Registering an Event Handler for Failover

The following example registers an event handler method called OnFailover:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class TAFCallBackSample { public static FailoverReturnCode OnFailover(object sender, OracleFailoverEventArgs eventArgs) { switch (eventArgs.FailoverEvent) { case FailoverEvent.Begin : Console.WriteLine( " \nFailover Begin - Failing Over ... Please standby \n"); Console.WriteLine( " Failover type was found to be " + eventArgs.FailoverType); break; case FailoverEvent.Abort : Console.WriteLine(" Failover aborted. Failover will not take place.\n"); break; case FailoverEvent.End : Console.WriteLine(" Failover ended ...resuming services\n"); break; case FailoverEvent.Reauth : Console.WriteLine(" Failed over user. Resuming services\n"); break; case FailoverEvent.Error : Console.WriteLine(" Failover error gotten. Sleeping...\n"); return FailoverReturnCode.Retry; default : Console.WriteLine("Bad Failover Event: %d.\n", eventArgs.FailoverEvent); break; } return FailoverReturnCode.Success; } /* OnFailover */ static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); con.Failover += new OracleFailoverEventHandler(OnFailover); Console.WriteLine("Event Handler is successfully registered"); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-15

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

} }

The Failover event invokes only one event handler. If multiple Failover event handlers are registered with the Failover event, only the event handler registered last is invoked.

Distributed transactions are not supported in an environment where failover is enabled.

See Also:

Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide "OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate" on page 10-9 "OracleFailoverEventArgs Class" on page 10-2

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

Oracle Data Provider for .NET or higher supports Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 APIs and interfaces, for Oracle8i Database release 3 (8.1.7) and later. This section contains the following topics:

About ADO.NET 2.0 Backward Compatibility for ADO.NET Base Classes and Provider Factory Classes Connection String Builder Data Source Enumerator Support for Schema Discovery System.Transactions Support Batch Processing Support ADO.NET 2.0 Only Classes and Class Members

About ADO.NET 2.0

ADO.NET 2.0 is a Microsoft specification that provides data access features designed to work together for provider independence, increased component reuse, and application convertibility. Additional features make it easier for an application to dynamically discover information about the data source, schema, and provider.

Using ODP.NET with Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 requires ADO.NET 2.0- compliant ODP.NET.

See Also:

ADO.NET in the MSDN Library

3-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

Backward Compatibility for ADO.NET

For writing provider-independent, generic data access code, ADO.NET 1.x uses interfaces. For the same purpose, ADO.NET 2.0 provides an inheritance-based approach, while continuing to maintain interfaces from ADO.NET 1.x for backwards compatibility. ODP.NET for ADO.NET 2.0 supports backward compatibility so that ADO.NET 1.x APIs can be used. This guide provides the declarations for both ADO.NET 2.0 and ADO.NET 1.x when appropriate.
See Also:

Chapter 7, "ADO.NET 2.0 Classes"

Base Classes and Provider Factory Classes

With ADO.NET 2.0, data classes derive from the base classes defined in the System.Data.Common namespace. Developers can create provider-specific instances of these base classes using provider factory classes. Provider factory classes allow generic data access code to access multiple data sources with a minimum of data source-specific code. This reduces much of the conditional logic currently used by applications accessing multiple data sources. Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET, the OracleClientFactory class can be returned and instantiated, enabling an application to create instances of the following ODP.NET classes that inherit from the base classes:
Table 32 ODP.NET Classes that Inherit from ADO.NET 2.0 Base Classes Inherited from ADO.NET 2.0 Base Class DbProviderFactory DbCommand DbCommandBuilder DbConnection DbConnectionStringBuilder DbDataAdapter DbDataReader DbDataSourceEnumerator DbException DbParameter DbParameterCollection DbTransaction

ODP.NET Classes OracleClientFactory OracleCommand OracleCommandBuilder OracleConnection OracleConnectionStringBuilder OracleDataAdapter OracleDataReader OracleDataSourceEnumerator OracleException OracleParameter OracleParameterCollection OracleTransaction

In general, applications still require Oracle-specific connection strings, SQL or stored procedure calls, and declare that a factory from Oracle.DataAccess.Client is used.
See Also:

"OracleClientFactory Class" on page 7-10

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-17

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

Connection String Builder

The OracleConnectionStringBuilder class makes creating connection strings less error-prone and easier to manage. Using this class, developers can employ a configuration file to provide the connection string and/or dynamically set the values though the key/value pairs. One example of a configuration file entry follows:
<configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="Publications" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=inst1" /> </connectionStrings> </configuration>

Connection string information can be retrieved by specifying the connection string name, in this example, Publications. Then, based on the providerName, the appropriate factory for that provider can be obtained. This makes managing and modifying the connection string easier. In addition, this provides better security against string injection into a connection string.
See Also:

"OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class" on page 7-10

Data Source Enumerator

The data source enumerator enables the application to generically obtain a collection of the Oracle data sources that the application can connect to.
See Also:

"OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class" on page 7-35

Support for Schema Discovery

ADO.NET 2.0 exposes five different types of metadata collections through the OracleConnection.GetSchema API. This permits application developers to customize metadata retrieval on an individual-application basis, for any Oracle data source. Thus, developers can build a generic set of code to manage metadata from multiple data sources. The following types of metadata are exposed:

MetaDataCollections A list of metadata collections that is available from the data source, such as tables, columns, indexes, and stored procedures.

Restrictions The restrictions that apply to each metadata collection, restricting the scope of the requested schema information.

DataSourceInformation Information about the instance of the database that is currently being used, such as product name and version.

DataTypes A set of information about each data type that the database supports.

ReservedWords Reserved words for the Oracle query language.

3-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

See Also:

Appendix A, "Oracle Schema Collections"

User Customization of Metadata

ODP.NET provides a comprehensive set of database schema information. Developers can extend or customize the metadata that is returned by the GetSchema method on an individual application basis. To do this, developers must create a customized metadata file and provide the file name to the application as follows:

Create a customized metadata file and put it in the CONFIG subdirectory where the .NET framework is installed. This is the directory that contains machine.config and the security configuration settings. This file must contain the entire set of schema configuration information, not just the changes. Developers provide changes that modify the behavior of the schema retrieval to user-specific requirements. For instance, a developer can filter out internal database tables and just retrieve user-specific tables


Add an entry in the app.config file of the application, similar to the following, to provide the name of the metadata file, in name-value pair format.
<oracle.dataaccess.client> <settings> <add name="MetaDataXml" value="CustomMetaData.xml" /> </settings> </oracle.dataaccess.client>

When the GetSchema method is called, ODP.NET checks the app.config file for the name of the customized metadata XML file. First, the GetSchema method searches for an entry in the file with a element named after the provider, in this example, oracle.dataaccess.client. In this XML element, the value that corresponds to the name MetaDataXml is the name of the customized XML file, in this example, CustomMetaData.xml. If the metadata file is not in the correct directory, then the application loads the default metadata XML file, which is part of ODP.NET.
See Also:

"GetSchema" on page 5-95

System.Transactions Support
ODP.NET for .NET Framework 2.0 supports System.Transactions. When System.Transactions is used, the transaction becomes a distributed transaction (default) immediately, unless local transaction is specified. If applications use System.Transactions, it is required that the "enlist" connection string attribute is set to either "true" (default) or "dynamic". ODP.NET supports the following System.Transactions programming models for applications using distributed transactions.

Implicit Distributed Transaction Enlistment Using TransactionScope Explicit Distributed Transaction Enlistment Using CommittableTransaction Local Transaction for System.Transactions Support

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-19

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

Implicit Distributed Transaction Enlistment Using TransactionScope

The TransactionScope class provides a mechanism to write transactional applications where the applications do not need to explicitly enlist in distributed transactions. To accomplish this, the application uses the TransactionScope object to define the transactional code. Connections created within this transactional scope will enlist in a distributed transaction. Note that the application must call the Complete method on the TransactionScope object to commit the changes. Otherwise, the transaction is aborted by default.
// C# using using using using using System; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; System.Data; System.Data.Common; System.Transactions;

class psfTxnScope { static void Main() { int retVal = 0; string providerName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; string constr = @"User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;enlist=true"; // Get the provider factory. DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName); try { // Create a TransactionScope object, (It will start an ambient // transaction automatically). using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { // Create first connection object. using (DbConnection conn1 = factory.CreateConnection()) { // Set connection string and open the connection. this connection // will be automatically enlisted in a distributed transaction. conn1.ConnectionString = constr; conn1.Open(); // Create a command to execute the sql statement. DbCommand cmd1 = factory.CreateCommand(); cmd1.Connection = conn1; cmd1.CommandText = @"insert into emp (empno, ename, job) values (1234, 'emp1', 'dev1')"; // Execute the SQL statement to insert one row in DB. retVal = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Rows to be affected by cmd1: {0}", retVal); // Close the connection and dispose the command object. conn1.Close(); conn1.Dispose();

3-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

cmd1.Dispose(); } // The Complete method commits the transaction. If an exception has // been thrown or Complete is not called then the transaction is // rolled back. scope.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } }

Explicit Distributed Transaction Enlistment Using CommittableTransaction

The instantiation of the CommittableTransaction object and the EnlistTransaction method provides an explicit way to create and enlist in a distributed transaction. Note that the application must call Commit or Rollback on the CommittableTransaction object.
// C# using using using using using System; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; System.Data; System.Data.Common; System.Transactions;

class psfEnlistTransaction { static void Main() { int retVal = 0; string providerName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; string constr = @"User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;enlist=dynamic"; // Get the provider factory. DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName); try { // Create a committable transaction object. CommittableTransaction cmtTx = new CommittableTransaction(); // Open a connection to the DB. DbConnection conn1 = factory.CreateConnection(); conn1.ConnectionString = constr; conn1.Open(); // enlist the connection with the commitable transaction. conn1.EnlistTransaction(cmtTx); // Create a command to execute the sql statement. DbCommand cmd1 = factory.CreateCommand();

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-21

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

cmd1.Connection = conn1; cmd1.CommandText = @"insert into emp (empno, ename, job) values (1234, 'emp1', 'dev1')"; // Execute the SQL statement to insert one row in DB. retVal = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Rows to be affected by cmd1: {0}", retVal); // commit/rollback the transaction. cmtTx.Commit(); // commits the txn. //cmtTx.Rollback(); // rolls back the txn. // close and dispose the connection conn1.Close(); conn1.Dispose(); cmd1.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } }

See Also:

"EnlistTransaction" on page 5-94

Local Transaction for System.Transactions Support

Beginning with Oracle Data Provider for .NET release, applications can use local transactions with System.Transactions. Previous versions of ODP.NET supported only distributed transactions with System.Transactions. To use local transactions, either the PromotableTransaction registry entry must be created and set to "local" or the "Promotable Transaction" connection string attribute must set to "local". If "local" is specified, the first connection opened in the TransactionScope uses a local transaction. If any subsequent connections are opened within the same TransactionScope, an exception is thrown. If there are connections already opened in the TransactionScope, and an OracleConnection with "Promotable Transaction=local" attempts to open within the same TransactionScope, an exception is thrown. If "promotable" is specified, the first and all subsequent connections opened in the same TransactionScope enlist in the same distributed transaction. If both the registry and the connection string attribute are used and set to different values, the connection string attribute overrides the registry entry value. If neither are set, "promotable" is used. This is the default value and is equivalent to previous versions of ODP.NET which only supported distributed transactions. The registry entry for a particular version of ODP.NET applies for all applications using that version of ODP.NET.

Batch Processing Support

The OracleDataAdapter UpdateBatchSize property enables batch processing when the OracleDataAdapter.Update method is called. UpdateBatchSize is a

3-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ADO.NET 2.0 Features

numeric property that indicates how many DataSet rows to update the Oracle database for each round-trip. This enables the developer to reduce the number of round-trips to the database.
See Also:

"UpdateBatchSize" on page 5-123

ADO.NET 2.0 Only Classes and Class Members

In addition to classes which are ADO.NET 2.0 only, other ODP.NET classes that inherit from the System.Data.Common namespace include methods and properties which require ADO.NET 2.0. The following classes are ADO.NET 2.0 only:

OracleClientFactory Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

The following class members are ADO.NET 2.0 only:

OracleCommandBuilder Class Members CatalogLocation Property (Not Supported) CatalogSeparator Property (Not Supported) ConflictOption Property (Not Supported) QuotePrefix Property QuoteSuffix Property SchemaSeparator Property QuoteIdentifier Method UnquoteIdentifier Method

OracleConnection Class Members GetSchema Methods

OracleDataAdapter Class Members UpdateBatchSize Property ReturnProviderSpecificTypes Property

OracleDataReader Class Members HiddenFieldCount Property VisibleFieldCount Property GetProviderSpecificFieldType Method GetProviderSpecificValue Method GetProviderSpecificValues Method

OracleParameter Class Members SourceColumnNullMapping Property ResetDbType Method ResetOracleDbType Method

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-23

OracleCommand Object

OracleParameterCollection Class Members AddRange Method

OracleCommand Object
The OracleCommand object represents SQL statements or stored procedures executed on Oracle Database. This section includes the following topics:

Transactions Parameter Binding Statement Caching

Oracle Database starts a transaction only in the context of a connection. Once a transaction starts, all the successive command execution on that connection run in the context of that transaction. Transactions can be started only on an OracleConnection object, and the read-only Transaction property on the OracleCommand object is implicitly set by the OracleConnection object. Therefore, the application cannot set the Transaction property, nor does it need to.

Transactions are not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

Parameter Binding
When the DbType property of an OracleParameter object is set, the OracleDbType property of the OracleParameter object changes accordingly, or vice versa. The parameter set last prevails. An application can bind the data and have ODP.NET infer both the DbType and OracleDbType properties from the .NET type of the parameter value. ODP.NET allows applications to obtain an output parameter as either a .NET Framework type or an ODP.NET type. The application can specify which type to return for an output parameter by setting the DbType property of the output parameter (.NET type) or the OracleDbType property (ODP.NET type) of the OracleParameter object. For example, if the output parameter is set as a DbType.String type by setting the DbType property, the output data is returned as a .NET String type. On the other hand, if the parameter is set as an OracleDbType.Char type by setting the OracleDbType property, the output data is returned as an OracleString type. If both DbType and OracleDbType properties are set before the command execution, the last setting takes affect. ODP.NET populates InputOutput, Output, and ReturnValue parameters with the Oracle data, through the execution of the following OracleCommand methods:

ExecuteReader ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteScalar

An application should not bind a value for output parameters; it is the responsibility of ODP.NET to create the value object and populate the OracleParameter Value property with the object.

3-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Object

When binding by position (default) to a function, ODP.NET expects the return value to be bound first, before any other parameters. This section describes the following:

Data Types BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE OracleDbType Enumeration Type Inference of DbType, OracleDbType, and .NET Types PL/SQL Associative Array Binding Array Binding
See Also:

"OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321


Starting from Oracle Database 10g, the database supports two new native data types, BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE. The BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types represent single-precision and double-precision, floating-point values respectively. In OracleParameter binding, an application should use the enumerations OracleDbType.BinaryFloat and OracleDbType.BinaryDouble for BINARY_ FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types.
See Also:

"GetDouble" on page 5-161 "GetFloat" on page 5-163

OracleDbType Enumeration Type

OracleDbType enumerated values are used to explicitly specify the OracleDbType value of an OracleParameter object. Table 33 lists all the OracleDbType enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 33 OracleDbType Enumeration Values Description Oracle BFILE type Oracle BINARY_FLOAT type Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type Oracle BLOB type byte type Oracle CHAR type Oracle CLOB type Oracle DATE type Oracle NUMBER type 8-byte FLOAT type 2-byte INTEGER type 4-byte INTEGER type

Member Name BFile BinaryFloat BinaryDouble Blob Byte Char Clob Date Decimal Double Int16 Int32

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-25

OracleCommand Object

Table 33 (Cont.) OracleDbType Enumeration Values Member Name Int64 IntervalDS IntervalYM Long LongRaw NChar Object NClob NVarchar2 NestedTable Raw Ref RefCursor Single TimeStamp TimeStampLTZ TimeStampTZ Varchar2 Varray XmlType Description 8-byte INTEGER type Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH type Oracle LONG type Oracle LONG RAW type Oracle NCHAR type Oracle Object type Oracle NCLOB type Oracle NVARCHAR2 type Oracle Nested Table type Oracle RAW type Oracle REF type Oracle REF CURSOR type 4-byte FLOAT type Oracle TIMESTAMP type Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE type Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type Oracle VARCHAR2 type Oracle VARRAY type Oracle XMLType type

Inference of DbType, OracleDbType, and .NET Types

This section explains the inference from the System.Data.DbType, OracleDbType, and Value properties in the OracleParameter class. In the OracleParameter class, DbType, OracleDbType, and Value properties are linked. Specifying the value of any of these properties infers the value of one or more of the other properties. Inference of DbType from OracleDbType In the OracleParameter class, specifying the value of OracleDbType infers the value of DbType as shown in Table 34.
Table 34 Inference of System.Data.DbType from OracleDbType System.Data.DbType Object Object Single Double Byte StringFixedLength Object

OracleDbType BFile Blob BinaryFloat BinaryDouble Byte Char Clob

3-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Object

Table 34 (Cont.) Inference of System.Data.DbType from OracleDbType OracleDbType Date Decimal Double Int16 Int32 Int64 IntervalDS IntervalYM Long LongRaw NChar NClob NestedTable NVarchar2 Object Raw Ref RefCursor Single TimeStamp TimeStampLTZ TimeStampTZ Varchar2 Varray XmlType System.Data.DbType Date Decimal Double Int16 Int32 Int64 TimeSpan Int64 String Binary StringFixedLength Object Object String Object Binary Object Object Single DateTime DateTime DateTime String Object String

Inference of OracleDbType from DbType In the OracleParameter class, specifying the value of DbType infers the value of OracleDbType as shown in Table 35.
Table 35 Inference of OracleDbType from DbType OracleDbType Raw Not Supported Byte Not Supported Date TimeStamp Decimal

System.Data.DbType Binary Boolean Byte Currency Date DateTime Decimal

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-27

OracleCommand Object

Table 35 (Cont.) Inference of OracleDbType from DbType System.Data.DbType Double Guid Int16 Int32 Int64 Object Sbyte Single String StringFixedLength Time UInt16 UInt32 Uint64 VarNumeric OracleDbType Double Not Supported Int16 Int32 Int64 Object Not Supported Single Varchar2 Char TimeStamp Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported

Inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value In the OracleParameter class, Value is an object type that can be of any .NET Framework data type or ODP.NET type. If the OracleDbType and DbType properties of the OracleParameter class are not specified, the OracleDbType property is inferred from the type of the Value property. Table 36 shows the inference of DbType and OracleDbType properties from the Value property when the type of Value is one of the .NET Framework data types.
Table 36 Inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value (.NET Datatypes) System.Data.DbType Byte Binary String DateTime Decimal Double Single Int16 Int32 Int64 Single String TimeSpan OracleDbType Byte Raw Varchar2 TimeStamp Decimal Double Single Int16 Int32 Int64 Single Varchar2 IntervalDS

Value (.NET Datatypes) Byte Byte[] Char / Char [] DateTime Decimal Double Float Int16 Int32 Int64 Single String TimeSpan

3-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Object


Using other .NET Framework data types as values for the OracleParameter class without specifying either the DbType or the OracleDbType properties raises an exception because inferring DbType and OracleDbType properties from other .NET Framework data types is not supported.

Table 37 shows the inference of DbType and OracleDbType properties from the Value property when type of Value is one of Oracle.DataAccess.Types.
Table 37 Inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value (ODP.NET Types) System.Data.DbType Object Binary Object Object Date Decimal Object Int64 Object String DateTime DateTime DateTime String OracleDbType BFile Raw Blob Clob Date Decimal IntervalDS IntervalYM RefCursor Varchar2 TimeStamp TimeStampLTZ TimeStampTZ XmlType

Value (Oracle.DataAccess.Types) OracleBFile OracleBinary OracleBlob OracleClob OracleDate OracleDecimal OracleIntervalDS OracleIntervalYM OracleRefCursor OracleString OracleTimeStamp OracleTimeStampLTZ OracleTimeStampTZ OracleXmlType

PL/SQL Associative Array Binding

ODP.NET supports PL/SQL Associative Array (formerly known as PL/SQL Index-By Tables) binding. An application can bind an OracleParameter object, as a PL/SQL Associative Array, to a PL/SQL stored procedure. The following OracleParameter properties are used for this feature:

CollectionType This property must be set to OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray to bind a PL/SQL Associative Array.

ArrayBindSize This property is ignored for the fixed-length element types (such as Int32). For variable-length element types (such as Varchar2), each element in the ArrayBindSize property specifies the size of the corresponding element in the Value property.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-29

OracleCommand Object

For Output parameters, InputOutput parameters, and return values, this property must be set for variable-length variables.

ArrayBindStatus This property specifies the execution status of each element in the OracleParameter.Value property.

Size This property specifies the maximum number of elements to be bound in the PL/SQL Associative Array.

Value This property must be set to an array of values, null, or the DBNull.Value property.

Example of PL/SQL Associative Arrays This example binds three OracleParameter objects as PL/SQL Associative Arrays: Param1 as an In parameter, Param2 as an InputOutput parameter, and Param3 as an Output parameter. PL/SQL Package: MYPACK
/* Setup the tables and required PL/SQL: connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE TABLE T1(COL1 number, COL2 varchar2(20)); CREATE or replace PACKAGE MYPACK AS TYPE AssocArrayVarchar2_t is table of VARCHAR(20) index by BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE TestVarchar2( Param1 IN AssocArrayVarchar2_t, Param2 IN OUT AssocArrayVarchar2_t, Param3 OUT AssocArrayVarchar2_t); END MYPACK; / CREATE or REPLACE package body MYPACK as PROCEDURE TestVarchar2( Param1 IN AssocArrayVarchar2_t, Param2 IN OUT AssocArrayVarchar2_t, Param3 OUT AssocArrayVarchar2_t) IS i integer; BEGIN -- copy a few elements from Param2 to Param1\n Param3(1) := Param2(1); Param3(2) := NULL; Param3(3) := Param2(3); -- copy all elements from Param1 to Param2\n Param2(1) := Param1(1); Param2(2) := Param1(2); Param2(3) := Param1(3); -- insert some values to db\n FOR i IN 1..3 LOOP insert into T1 values(i,Param2(i)); END LOOP; END TestVarchar2; END MYPACK; /

3-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Object

*/ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class AssociativeArraySample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand( "begin MyPack.TestVarchar2(:1, :2, :3); end;", con); OracleParameter Param1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("1", OracleDbType.Varchar2); OracleParameter Param2 = cmd.Parameters.Add("2", OracleDbType.Varchar2); OracleParameter Param3 = cmd.Parameters.Add("3", OracleDbType.Varchar2); Param1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; Param2.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; Param3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; // Specify that we are binding PL/SQL Associative Array Param1.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray; Param2.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray; Param3.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray; // Setup the values for PL/SQL Associative Array Param1.Value = new string[3] { "First Element", "Second Element ", "Third Element " }; Param2.Value = new string[3] { "First Element", "Second Element ", "Third Element " }; Param3.Value = null; // Specify the maximum number of elements in the PL/SQL Associative Array Param1.Size = 3; Param2.Size = 3; Param3.Size = 3; // Setup the ArrayBindSize for Param1 Param1.ArrayBindSize = new int[3] { 13, 14, 13 }; // Setup the ArrayBindStatus for Param1 Param1.ArrayBindStatus = new OracleParameterStatus[3] { OracleParameterStatus.Success, OracleParameterStatus.Success, OracleParameterStatus.Success}; // Setup the ArrayBindSize for Param2 Param2.ArrayBindSize = new int[3] { 20, 20, 20 }; // Setup the ArrayBindSize for Param3

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-31

OracleCommand Object

Param3.ArrayBindSize = new int[3] { 20, 20, 20 }; // execute the cmd cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //print out the parameter's values Console.WriteLine("parameter values after executing the PL/SQL block"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Console.WriteLine("Param2[{0}] = {1} ", i, (cmd.Parameters[1].Value as Array).GetValue(i)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Console.WriteLine("Param3[{0}] = {1} ", i, (cmd.Parameters[2].Value as Array).GetValue(i)); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }

Array Binding
The array bind feature enables applications to bind arrays of a type using the OracleParameter class. Using the array bind feature, an application can insert multiple rows into a table in a single database round-trip. The following example inserts three rows into the Dept table with a single database round-trip. The OracleCommand ArrayBindCount property defines the number of elements of the array to use when executing the statement.
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ArrayBindSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected successfully"); int[] myArrayDeptNo = new int[3] { 10, 20, 30 }; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Set the command text on an OracleCommand object cmd.CommandText = "insert into dept(deptno) values (:deptno)"; cmd.Connection = con; // Set the ArrayBindCount to indicate the number of values cmd.ArrayBindCount = 3; // Create a parameter for the array operations OracleParameter prm = new OracleParameter("deptno", OracleDbType.Int32);

3-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Object

prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; prm.Value = myArrayDeptNo; // Add the parameter to the parameter collection cmd.Parameters.Add(prm); // Execute the command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Insert Completed Successfully"); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Value" on page 5-257 for more information

OracleParameter Array Bind Properties The OracleParameter class provides two properties for granular control when using the array bind feature:

ArrayBindSize The ArrayBindSize property is an array of integers specifying the maximum size for each corresponding value in an array. The ArrayBindSize property is similar to the Size property of an OracleParameter object, except the ArrayBindSize property specifies the size for each value in an array. Before the execution, the application must populate the ArrayBindSize property; after the execution, ODP.NET populates it. The ArrayBindSize property is used only for parameter types that have variable length such as Clob, Blob, and Varchar2. The size is represented in bytes for binary data types, and characters for the Unicode string types. The count for string types does not include the terminating character. The size is inferred from the actual size of the value, if it is not explicitly set. For an output parameter, the size of each value is set by ODP.NET. The ArrayBindSize property is ignored for fixed-length data types.

ArrayBindStatus The ArrayBindStatus property is an array of OracleParameterStatus values that specify the status of each corresponding value in an array for a parameter. This property is similar to the Status property of the OracleParameter object, except that the ArrayBindStatus property specifies the status for each array value. Before the execution, the application must populate the ArrayBindStatus property. After the execution, ODP.NET populates the property. Before the execution, an application using the ArrayBindStatus property can specify a NULL value for the corresponding element in the array for a parameter. After the execution, ODP.NET populates the ArrayBindStatus property, indicating whether the corresponding element in the array has a null value, or if data truncation occurred when the value was fetched.

Error Handling for Array Binding If an error occurs during an array bind execution, it can be difficult to determine which element in the Value property caused the error. ODP.NET provides a way to determine the row where the error occurred, making it easier to find the element in the row that caused the error.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-33

OracleCommand Object

When an OracleException object is thrown during an array bind execution, the OracleErrorCollection object contains one or more OracleError objects. Each of these OracleError objects represents an individual error that occurred during the execution, and contains a provider-specific property, ArrayBindIndex, which indicates the row number at which the error occurred. The following example demonstrates error handling for array binding:
/* Database Setup connect scott/tiger@oracle drop table depttest; create table depttest(deptno number(2)); */ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ArrayBindExceptionSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Start a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); try { int[] myArrayDeptNo = new int[3] { 10, 200000, 30 }; // int[] myArrayDeptNo = new int[3]{ 10,20,30}; // Set the command text on an OracleCommand object cmd.CommandText = "insert into depttest(deptno) values (:deptno)"; cmd.Connection = con; // Set the ArrayBindCount to indicate the number of values cmd.ArrayBindCount = 3; // Create a parameter for the array operations OracleParameter prm = new OracleParameter("deptno", OracleDbType.Int32); prm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; prm.Value = myArrayDeptNo; // Add the parameter to the parameter collection cmd.Parameters.Add(prm); // Execute the command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (OracleException e) { Console.WriteLine("OracleException {0} occured", e.Message); if (e.Number == 24381) 3-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Object

for (int i = 0; i < e.Errors.Count; i++) Console.WriteLine("Array Bind Error {0} occured at Row Number {1}", e.Errors[i].Message, e.Errors[i].ArrayBindIndex); txn.Commit(); } cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from depttest"; decimal rows = (decimal)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); Console.WriteLine("{0} row have been inserted", rows); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"ArrayBindIndex" on page 5-201 for more information

OracleParameterStatus Enumeration Types Table 38 lists OracleParameterStatus enumeration values.

Table 38 OracleParameterStatus Members Description For input parameters, indicates that the input value has been assigned to the column. For output parameters, indicates that the provider assigned an intact value to the parameter. NullFetched NullInsert Truncation Indicates that a NULL value has been fetched from a column or an OUT parameter. Indicates that a NULL value is to be inserted into a column. Indicates that truncation has occurred when fetching the data from the column.

Member Names Success

Statement Caching
Statement caching eliminates the need to parse each SQL or PL/SQL statement before execution by caching server cursors created during the initial statement execution. Subsequent executions of the same statement can reuse the parsed information from the cursor, and then execute the statement without reparsing, for better performance. In order to see performance gains from statement caching, Oracle recommends caching only those statements that will be repeatedly executed. Furthermore, SQL or PL/SQL statements should use parameters rather than literal values. Doing so takes full advantage of statement caching, because parsed information from parameterized statements can be reused even if the parameter values change in subsequent executions. However, if the literal values in the statements are different, the parsed information cannot be reused unless the subsequent statements also have the same literal values.

Statement Caching Connection String Attributes

The following connection string attributes control the behavior of the ODP.NET statement caching feature:

Statement Cache Size

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-35

OracleCommand Object

This attribute enables or disables ODP.NET statement caching. By default, this attribute is set to 10 (enabled). If it is set to 0, the attribute is disabled. If it is set to a value greater than 0, ODP.NET statement caching is enabled and the value specifies the maximum number of statements that can be cached for a connection. Once a connection has cached up to the specified maximum cache size, the least recently used cursor is freed to make room to cache the newly created cursor.

Statement Cache Purge This attribute provides a way for connections to purge all statements that are cached when a connection is closed or placed back into the connection pool. By default, this attribute is set to false, which means that cursors are not freed when connections are placed back into the pool.

Enabling Statement Caching through the Registry

To enable statement caching by default for all ODP.NET applications running in a system, without changing the application, set the registry key of HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\Assembly_Version \StatementCacheSize to a value greater than 0. This value specifies the number of cursors that are to be cached on the server. By default, it is set to 10. The default value for the system can be overridden at the connection pool level. The Statement Cache Size attribute can be set to a different size than the registry value or it can be turned off.

Statement Caching Methods and Properties

The following property and method are relevant only when statement caching is enabled:

OracleCommand.AddToStatementCache property If statement caching is enabled, having this property set to true (default) adds statements to the cache when they are executed. If statement caching is disabled or if this property is set to false, the executed statement is not cached.

OracleConnection.PurgeStatementCache method This method purges all the cached statements by closing all open cursors on the database that are associated with the particular connection. Note that statement caching remains enabled after this call.

Connections and Statement Caching

Statement caching is managed separately for each connection. Therefore, executing the same statement on different connections requires parsing once for each connection and caching a separate cursor for each connection.

Pooling and Statement Caching

Pooling and statement caching can be used in conjunction. If connection pooling is enabled and the Statement Cache Purge attribute is set to false, statements executed on each separate connection are cached throughout the lifetime of the pooled connection. If the Statement Cache Purge attribute is set to true, all the cached cursors are freed when the connection is placed back into the pool. When connection pooling is disabled, cursors are cached during the lifetime of the connection, but the cursors are closed when the OracleConnection object is closed or disposed of.

3-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET Types Overview

ODP.NET Types Overview

ODP.NET types represent Oracle native data types and PL/SQL data types as a structure or as a class. ODP.NET type structures follow value semantics, while ODP.NET type classes follow reference semantics. ODP.NET types provide safer and more efficient ways of obtaining Oracle native data and PL/SQL data types in a .NET application than .NET types. For example, an OracleDecimal structure holds up to 38 digits of precision, while a .NET Decimal only holds up to 28. Table 39 lists data types supported by ODP.NET and their corresponding ODP.NET types: data types in the first column refer to both Oracle native data types and PL/SQL data types of that name. Those data types that exist only in PL/SQL are indicated by (PL/SQL only) after the data type name. The entries for the PL/SQL data types also represent the subtypes of the data types, if any. The third column lists the .NET Framework data type that corresponds to the Value property of each ODP.NET type.
Table 39 Value Property Type of ODP.NET Type ODP.NET Type OracleBFile class OracleDecimal structure OracleDecimal structure OracleDecimal structure OracleBlob class OracleString structure OracleClob class OracleDate structure OracleIntervalDS structure OracleIntervalYM structure OracleString structure OracleBinary structure OracleString structure OracleClob class OracleDecimal structure OracleString structure OracleDecimal Structure .NET Framework Data Types System.Byte[] System.Decimal System.Decimal System.Decimal System.Byte[] System.String System.String System.DateTime System.TimeSpan System.Int64 System.String System.Byte[] System.String System.String System.Decimal System.String System.Decimal


Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-37

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

Table 39 (Cont.) Value Property Type of ODP.NET Type Oracle Native Data Type or PL/SQL Data Type RAW REF REF CURSOR (PL/SQL only) ROWID TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE UROWID VARCHAR2 XMLType ODP.NET Type OracleBinary structure OracleRef class .NET Framework Data Types System.Byte[] System.String

OracleRefCursor class Not Applicable OracleString structure OracleTimeStamp structure OracleTimeStampLTZ structure OracleTimeStampTZ structure OracleString structure OracleString structure OracleXmlType class System.String System.DateTime System.DateTime System.DateTime System.String System.String System.String

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

The ExecuteReader method of the OracleCommand object returns an OracleDataReader object, which is a read-only, forward-only result set. This section provides the following information about the OracleDataReader object:

Typed OracleDataReader Accessors Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data Obtaining LOB Data Controlling the Number of Rows Fetched in One Database Round-Trip

Typed OracleDataReader Accessors

The OracleDataReader class provides two types of typed accessors:

.NET Type Accessors ODP.NET Type Accessors

.NET Type Accessors

Table 310 lists all the Oracle native database types that ODP.NET supports, and the corresponding .NET types that can represent the Oracle native type. If more than one .NET type can be used to represent an Oracle native type, the first entry is the .NET type that best represents the Oracle native type. The third column indicates the valid typed accessor that can be invoked for an Oracle native type to be obtained as a .NET type. If an invalid typed accessor is used for a column, an InvalidCastException is thrown. Oracle native data types depend on the version of the database; therefore, some data types are not available in earlier versions of Oracle Database.

3-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

See Also:

"OracleDataAdapter Class" on page 5-110 "OracleDataReader Class" on page 5-134

.NET Type Accessors .NET Type System.Byte[] System.Double System.Single System.Byte[] System.String System.Char[] Typed Accessor GetBytes GetDouble GetFloat GetBytes GetString GetChars GetString GetChars GetDateTime GetTimeSpan GetInt64 GetString GetChars GetBytes GetString GetChars GetString GetChars GetDecimal GetByte GetInt16 GetInt32 GetInt64 GetFloat GetDouble GetString GetChars GetBytes GetString GetChars GetDateTime GetDateTime GetDateTime GetString GetChars

Table 310



System.String System.Char[]


System.DateTime System.Timespan System.Int64 System.String System.Char[]


System.Byte[] System.String System.Char[]


System.String System.Char[]


System.Decimal System.Byte System.Int16 System.Int32 System.Int64 System.Single System.Double


System.String System.Char[]


System.Byte[] System.String System.Char[]




Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-39

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

Table 310 (Cont.) .NET Type Accessors Oracle Native Data Type VARCHAR2 .NET Type System.String System.Char[] XMLType System.String System.Xml.XmlReader Typed Accessor GetString GetChars GetString GetXmlReader

Certain methods and properties of the OracleDataReader object require ODP.NET to map a NUMBER column to a .NET type based on the precision and scale of the column. These members are:

Item property GetFieldType method GetValue method GetValues method

ODP.NET determines the appropriate .NET type by considering the following .NET types in order, and selecting the first .NET type from the list that can represent the entire range of values of the column:

System.Byte System.Int16 System.Int32 System.Int64 System.Single System.Double System.Decimal

If no .NET type exists that can represent the entire range of values of the column, then an attempt is made to represent the column values as a System.Decimal type. If the value in the column cannot be represented as System.Decimal, then an exception is raised. For example, consider two columns defined as NUMBER(4,0) and NUMBER(10,2). The first .NET types from the previous list that can represent the entire range of values of the columns are System.Int16 and System.Double, respectively. However, consider a column defined as NUMBER(20,10). In this case, there is no .NET type that can represent the entire range of values on the column, so an attempt is made to return values in the column as a System.Decimal type. If a value in the column cannot be represented as a System.Decimal type, then an exception is raised. The Fill method of the OracleDataAdapter class uses the OracleDataReader object to populate or refresh a DataTable or DataSet with .NET types. As a result, the .NET type used to represent a NUMBER column in the DataTable or DataSet also depends on the precision and scale of the column.

3-40 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

See Also:

"OracleDataReader Class" on page 5-134 "OracleDataAdapter Class" on page 5-110 "Item" on page 5-146 "GetFieldType" on page 5-162 "GetValues" on page 5-193 "GetValue" on page 5-192

ODP.NET Type Accessors

ODP.NET exposes provider-specific types that natively represent the data types in the database. In some cases, these ODP.NET types provide better performance and functioning than the corresponding .NET types. The ODP.NET types can be obtained from the OracleDataReader object by calling their respective typed accessor.
See Also: "ODP.NET Types Overview" on page 3-37 for a list of all ODP.NET types

Table 311 lists the valid type accessors that ODP.NET uses to obtain ODP.NET types for an Oracle native type.
Table 311 ODP.NET Type Accessors ODP.NET Type OracleBFile OracleDecimal OracleDecimal OracleBlob OracleBlob OracleBinary CHAR CLOB OracleString OracleClob OracleClob OracleString DATE INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH LONG LONG RAW NCHAR NCLOB NUMBER NVARCHAR2 RAW ROWID OracleDate OracleIntervalDS OracleIntervalYM OracleString OracleBinary OracleString OracleString OracleDecimal OracleString OracleBinary OracleString Typed Accessor GetOracleBFile GetOracleDecimal GetOracleDecimal GetOracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate GetOracleBinary GetOracleString GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate GetOracleString GetOracleDate GetOracleIntervalDS GetOracleIntervalYM GetOracleString GetOracleBinary GetOracleString GetOracleString GetOracleDecimal GetOracleString GetOracleBinary GetOracleString


Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-41

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

Table 311 (Cont.) ODP.NET Type Accessors Oracle Native Data Type TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE UROWID VARCHAR2 XMLType ODP.NET Type OracleTimeStamp OracleTimeStampLTZ OracleTimeStampTZ OracleString OracleString OracleString OracleXmlType Typed Accessor GetOracleTimeStamp GetOracleTimeStampLTZ GetOracleTimeStampTZ GetOracleString GetOracleString GetOracleString GetOracleXmlType

Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data

ODP.NET fetches and caches rows from the database during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. The amount of LONG and LONG RAW column data that is retrieved from this operation is determined by InitialLONGFetchSize. The different behaviors observed when InitialLONGFetchSize is set to 0, greater than 0, and -1 are explained in the following sections.

ODP.NET does not support the CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess enumeration value. Therefore, LONG and LONG RAW data can be fetched randomly.

Setting InitialLONGFetchSize to Zero or a Value Greater than Zero

The specified amount of InitialLONGFetchSize characters or bytes for LONG or LONG RAW column data is retrieved into the cache during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. By default, InitialLONGFetchSize is set to 0. In this case, ODP.NET does not fetch any LONG or LONG RAW column data during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. The LONG or LONG RAW data is fetched when the typed accessor method is explicitly invoked for the LONG or LONG RAW column, which incurs a database round-trip because no data is cached. If InitialLONGFetchSize is set to a value greater than 0, that amount of specified data is cached by ODP.NET during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. If the application requests an amount of data less than or equal to the InitialLONGFetchSize through the typed accessor methods, no database round-trip is incurred. However, an additional database round-trip is required to fetch data beyond InitialLONGFetchSize. To obtain data beyond the InitialLONGFetchSize characters or bytes, one of the following must be in the select list:

Primary key ROWID Unique columns - (defined as a set of columns on which a unique constraint has been defined or a unique index has been created, where at least one of the columns in the set has a NOT NULL constraint defined on it)

3-42 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

To be able to fetch the entire LONG or LONG RAW data without having a primary key column, a ROWID, or unique columns in the select list, set the size of the InitialLONGFetchSize property on the OracleCommand object to equal or greater than the number of characters or bytes needed to be retrieved. The LONG or LONG RAW data is returned when the appropriate typed accessor method (GetChars, GetOracleString, or GetString for LONG or GetOracleBinary or GetBytes for LONG RAW) is called on the OracleDataReader object.

Setting InitialLONGFetchSize to -1
By setting InitialLONGFetchSize to -1, it is possible to fetch the entire LONG or LONG RAW data from the database for a select query, without requiring a primary key, ROWID, or unique column in the select list. When InitialLONGFetchSize is set to -1, the entire LONG or LONG RAW data is retrieved and cached during Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. Calls to GetString, GetOracleString, GetChars, GetBytes, or GetOracleBinary in the OracleDataReader return the entire column data.

Obtaining LOB Data

ODP.NET fetches and caches rows from the database during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. The amount of LOB column data that is retrieved from this operation is determined by InitialLOBFetchSize. The following sections explain the different behaviors observed when InitialLOBFetchSize is set to 0, greater than 0, and -1.

Setting InitialLOBFetchSize to Zero

By default, when the InitialLOBFetchSize property is 0, the GetOracleBlob and GetOracleClob methods can be invoked on the OracleDataReader object to obtain OracleBlob and OracleClob objects. The following is a complete list of typed accessor methods that an application can call for the CLOB and BLOB columns, if InitialLOBFetchSize is set to 0:

Methods callable for BLOB column GetBytes GetValue GetValues GetOracleBinary GetOracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate GetOracleValue GetOracleValues

Methods callable for CLOB column GetChars GetString GetValue GetValues

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-43

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

GetOracleString GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate GetOracleValue GetOracleValues

Setting InitialLOBFetchSize to a Value Greater than Zero

If InitialLOBFetchSize is set to a value greater than 0, ODP.NET caches LOB data up to InitialLOBFetchSize characters or bytes for each LOB selected during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. This section discusses the ways to fetch beyond the InitialLOBFetchSize characters or bytes that are cached. The functionality has changed from Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) and later. Obtaining Additional Data Prior to Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) With releases prior to Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2), obtaining data beyond InitialLOBFetchSize characters or bytes requires one of the following in the query select list:

Primary key ROWID Unique columns - (defined as a set of columns on which a unique constraint has been defined or a unique index has been created, where at least one of the columns in the set has a NOT NULL constraint defined on it)

The requested LOB data is fetched from the database when the appropriate typed accessor method is called on the OracleDataReader object. To be able to fetch the entire LOB data without having a primary key column, a ROWID, or unique columns in the select list, set the size of the InitialLOBFetchSize property on the OracleCommand object to equal or greater than the number of characters or bytes needed to be retrieved. When the InitialLOBFetchSize property is set to a nonzero value, the GetOracleBlob, GetOracleClob, GetOracleBlobForUpdate, and GetOracleClobForUpdate typed accessor methods are disabled. Obtaining Additional Data From Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) and Later Starting with Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2), the entire LOB data is returned when a typed accessor is invoked, regardless of the value set to the InitialLOBFetchSize property. Primary key, ROWID, or unique columns are not required to be in the query select list to obtain data beyond the specified InitialLOBFetchSize. The GetOracleBlob, GetOracleClob, GetOracleBlobForUpdate, and GetOracleClobForUpdate methods can now be invoked even if InitialLOBFetchSize is greater than 0, starting with Oracle Database 10g release 2. The following is a complete list of typed accessor methods that an application can call for the CLOB and BLOB columns if InitialLOBFetchSize is set to a value greater than 0:

Methods callable for BLOB column GetBytes GetValue

3-44 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

GetValues GetOracleBinary GetOracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate GetOracleValue GetOracleValues

Methods callable for CLOB column GetChars GetString GetValue GetValues GetOracleString GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate GetOracleValue GetOracleValues

Setting InitialLOBFetchSize to -1
By setting InitialLOBFetchSize to -1, it is possible to fetch the entire LOB data from the database for a select query, without requiring a primary key, ROWID, or unique column in the select list. When InitialLOBFetchSize is set to -1, the entire LOB column data is fetched and cached during the Read method invocations on the OracleDataReader object. Calls to GetString, GetOracleString, GetChars, GetBytes, or GetOracleBinary in the OracleDataReader allow retrieving all data. Methods Supported for InitialLOBFetchSize of -1 This section lists supported and not supported methods for the CLOB and BLOB data types when the InitialLOBFetchSize property is set to -1. Table 312 lists supported and not supported methods for the CLOB data types.
Table 312 Supported GetChars GetString GetValue GetValues GetOracleString GetOracleValue GetOracleValues OracleDataReader CLOB Methods Not Supported GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate

Table 313 lists supported and not supported methods for the BLOB data types.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-45

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

Table 313 Supported GetBytes GetValue GetValues

OracleDataReader BLOB Methods Not Supported GetOracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate

GetOracleBinary GetOracleValue GetOracleValues

Performance Considerations Related to the InitialLOBFetchSize Property

This section discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various InitialLOBFetchSize property settings in different situations. It also discusses ways to enhance performance, depending on which database release you are using. Prior to Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) Setting the InitialLOBFetchSize property to a nonzero value can improve performance in certain cases. Using the InitialLOBFetchSize property can provide better performance than retrieving the underlying LOB data using OracleBlob or OracleClob objects. This is true if an application does not need to obtain OracleBlob and OracleClob objects from the OracleDataReader object and the size of the LOB column data is not very large. The InitialLOBFetchSize property is particularly useful in cases where the size of the LOB column data returned by the query is approximately the same for all the rows. It is generally recommended that the InitialLOBFetchSize property be set to a value larger than the size of the LOB data for more than 80% of the rows returned by the query. For example, if the size of the LOB data is less than 1 KB in 80% of the rows, and more than 1 MB for 20% of the rows, set the InitialLOBFetchSize property to 1 KB.
See Also:

"LOB Support" on page 3-51 "InitialLOBFetchSize" on page 5-18 "InitialLONGFetchSize" on page 5-19

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) and Later An application does not have to choose between performance and OracleBlob and OracleClob functionality. Setting the InitialLOBFetchSize property results in a performance boost and still gives the flexibility to use the OracleBlob and OracleClob objects. If the size of the LOB data is unknown or if the LOB data size varies irregularly, then it is better to leave the InitialLOBFetchSize property to its default value of 0. This still gives better performance in most cases. Setting the InitialLOBFetchSize property to a size equal to or greater than the LOB data size for most rows improves performance. It is generally recommended that the InitialLOBFetchSize property be set to a value larger than the size of the LOB data for more than 80% of the rows returned by the query. For example, if the size of the LOB data is less than 1 KB in 80% of the rows, and more than 1 MB for 20% of the rows, set the InitialLOBFetchSize property to 1 KB.

3-46 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object

See Also:

"LOB Support" on page 3-51 "InitialLOBFetchSize" on page 5-18 "InitialLONGFetchSize" on page 5-19

Controlling the Number of Rows Fetched in One Database Round-Trip

Application performance depends on the number of rows the application needs to fetch, and the number of database round-trips that are needed to retrieve them.

Use of FetchSize
The FetchSize property represents the total memory size in bytes that ODP.NET allocates to cache the data fetched from a database round-trip. The FetchSize property can be set either on the OracleCommand or the OracleDataReader object, depending on the situation. Additionally, the FetchSize property of the OracleCommand object is inherited by the OracleDataReader object and can be modified. If the FetchSize property is set on the OracleCommand object, then the newly created OracleDataReader object inherits the FetchSize property of the OracleCommand object. This inherited FetchSize value can be left as is, or modified to override the inherited value. The FetchSize property of the OracleDataReader object can be changed before the first Read method invocation, which allocates memory specified by the FetchSize property. All subsequent fetches from the database use the same cache allocated for that OracleDataReader object. Therefore, changing the FetchSize value after the first Read method invocation has no effect.

Fine-Tuning FetchSize
By fine-tuning the FetchSize property, applications can control memory usage and the number of rows fetched in one database round-trip for better performance. For example, if a query returns 100 rows and each row takes 1024 bytes, then setting the FetchSize property to 102400 takes just one database round-trip to fetch 100 rows. For the same query, if the FetchSize property is set to 10240, it takes 10 database round-trips to retrieve 100 rows. If the application requires all the rows to be fetched from the result set, the first scenario is faster than the second. However, if the application requires just the first 10 rows from the result set, the second scenario can perform better because it fetches only 10 rows, not 100 rows.

Using the RowSize Property

The RowSize property of the OracleCommand object is populated with the row size (in bytes) after an execution of a SELECT statement. The FetchSize property can then be set to a value relative to the RowSize property by setting it to the result of multiplying the RowSize value times the number of rows to fetch for each database round-trip. For example, setting the FetchSize to RowSize * 10 forces the OracleDataReader object to fetch exactly 10 rows for each database round-trip. Note that the RowSize value does not change due to the data length in each individual column. Instead, the RowSize value is determined strictly from the metadata information of the database table(s) that the SELECT statement is executed against. The RowSize property can be used to set the FetchSize property at design time or at runtime, as described in the following sections.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-47

PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor

Setting FetchSize Value at Design Time If the row size for a particular SELECT statement is already known from a previous execution, the FetchSize value of the OracleCommand object can be set at design time to the result of multiplying that row size times the number of rows the application wishes to fetch for each database round-trip. The FetchSize value set on the OracleCommand object is inherited by the OracleDataReader object that is created by the ExecuteReader method invocation on the OracleCommand object. Rather than setting the FetchSize value on the OracleCommand object, the FetchSize value can also be set on the OracleDataReader object directly. In either case, the FetchSize value is set at design time, without accessing the RowSize property value at runtime. Setting FetchSize Value at Runtime Applications that do not know the row size at design time can use the RowSize property of the OracleCommand object to set the FetchSize property of the OracleDataReader object. The RowSize property provides a dynamic way of setting the FetchSize property based on the size of a row. After an OracleDataReader object is obtained by invoking the ExecuteReader method on the OracleCommand object, the RowSize property is populated with the size of the row (in bytes). By using the RowSize property, the application can dynamically set the FetchSize property of the OracleDataReader object to the product of the RowSize property value multiplied by the number of rows the application wishes to fetch for each database round-trip. In this scenario, the FetchSize property is set by accessing the RowSize property at runtime.

PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor

The REF CURSOR is a data type in the Oracle PL/SQL language. It represents a cursor or a result set in Oracle Database. The OracleRefCursor object is a corresponding ODP.NET type for the REF CURSOR type. This section discusses the following aspects of using the REF CURSOR data type and OracleRefCursor objects:

Obtaining an OracleRefCursor Object Obtaining a REF CURSOR Data Type Populating an OracleDataReader from a REF CURSOR Populating the DataSet from a REF CURSOR Populating an OracleRefCursor from a REF CURSOR Updating a DataSet Obtained from a REF CURSOR Behavior of ExecuteScalar Method for REF CURSOR Passing a REF CURSOR to a Stored Procedure

Obtaining an OracleRefCursor Object

There are no constructors for OracleRefCursor objects. They can be acquired only as parameter values from PL/SQL stored procedures, stored functions, or anonymous blocks. An OracleRefCursor object is a connected object. The connection used to execute the command returning an OracleRefCursor object is required for its lifetime. Once the connection associated with an OracleRefCursor object is closed, the OracleRefCursor object cannot be used.

3-48 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor

Obtaining a REF CURSOR Data Type

A REF CURSOR data type can be obtained as an OracleDataReader, DataSet, or OracleRefCursor object. If the REF CURSOR data type is obtained as an OracleRefCursor object, it can be used to create an OracleDataReader object or populate a DataSet from it. When accessing a REF CURSOR data type, always bind it as an OracleDbType.RefCursor parameter.

Populating an OracleDataReader from a REF CURSOR

A REF CURSOR data type can be obtained as an OracleDataReader object by calling the ExecuteReader method of the OracleCommand object. The output parameter with the OracleDbType property set is bound to OracleDbType.RefCursor. None of the output parameters of type OracleDbType.RefCursor is populated after the ExecuteReader method is invoked. If there are multiple output REF CURSOR parameters, use the NextResult method of the OracleDataReader object to access the next REF CURSOR data type. The OracleDataReader NextResult method provides sequential access to the REF CURSOR data types; only one REF CURSOR data type can be accessed at a given time. The order in which OracleDataReader objects are created for the corresponding REF CURSOR data types depends on the order in which the parameters are bound. If a PL/SQL stored function returns a REF CURSOR data type, then it becomes the first OracleDataReader object and all the output REF CURSOR data types follow the order in which the parameters are bound.

Populating the DataSet from a REF CURSOR

For the Fill method to populate the DataSet properly, the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter class must be bound with an output parameter of type OracleDbType.RefCursor. If the Fill method is successful, the DataSet is populated with a DataTable that represents a REF CURSOR data type. If the command execution returns multiple REF CURSOR data types, the DataSet is populated with multiple DataTable objects. With Oracle Database 11g release 1 (11.1), the extended property, REFCursorName, has been introduced on the DataTable, to identify the REF CURSOR that populates the DataTable. This property is particularly useful when a DataSet is being populated with more than one REF CURSOR, one or more of which is Null. For example, if a DataSet is populated by executing a stored procedure that returns three REF CURSORs and the second REF CURSOR is NULL, the REFCursorName property value for the first DataTable is REFCursor and for the second DataTable, REFCursor2 . No DataTable is populated for the NULL REF CURSOR.

Populating an OracleRefCursor from a REF CURSOR

When the ExecuteNonQuery method is invoked on a command that returns one or more REF CURSOR data types, each of the OracleCommand parameters that are bound as an OracleDbType.RefCursor gets a reference to an OracleRefCursor object. To create an OracleDataReader object from an OracleRefCursor object, invoke the GetDataReader method from the OracleRefCursor object. Subsequent calls to the GetDataReader method return a reference to the same OracleDataReader object.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-49

PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor

To populate a DataSet with an OracleRefCursor object, the application can invoke a Fill method of the OracleDataAdapter class that takes an OracleRefCursor object. Similar to the OracleDataReader object, an OracleRefCursor object is forward-only. Therefore, once a row is read from an OracleRefCursor object, that same row cannot be obtained again from it unless it is populated again from a query. When multiple REF CURSOR data types are returned from a command execution as OracleRefCursor objects, the application can choose to create an OracleDataReader object or populate a DataSet with a particular OracleRefCursor object. All the OracleDataReader objects or DataSet objects created from the OracleRefCursor objects are active at the same time, and can be accessed in any order.

Updating a DataSet Obtained from a REF CURSOR

REF CURSOR types cannot be updated. However, data that is retrieved into a DataSet can be updated. Therefore, the OracleDataAdapter class requires a custom SQL statement to flush any REF CURSOR data updates to the database. The OracleCommandBuilder object cannot be used to generate SQL statements for REF CURSOR updates.

Behavior of ExecuteScalar Method for REF CURSOR

The ExecuteScalar method returns the value of the first column of the first row of the REF CURSOR if it is one of the following:

A return value of a stored function execution The first bind parameter of a stored procedure execution
See Also: Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developers Guide for more information

Passing a REF CURSOR to a Stored Procedure

An application can retrieve a REF CURSOR type from a PL/SQL stored procedure or function and pass it to another stored procedure or function. This feature is useful in scenarios where a stored procedure or a function returns a REF CURSOR type to the .NET application, and based on the application logic, the application passes this REF CURSOR to another stored procedure for processing. Note that if you retrieve the data from a REF CURSOR type in the .NET application, you cannot pass it back to another stored procedure. The following example demonstrate passing a REF CURSOR:
/* connect scott/tiger@oracle create table test (col1 number); insert into test(col1) values (1); commit; create or replace package testPkg as type empCur is REF Cursor; end testPkg; / create or replace procedure testSP(param1 IN testPkg.empCur, param2 OUT NUMBER) as begin FETCH param1 into param2;

3-50 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

LOB Support

end; / */ // C#

using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using System.Data; class InRefCursorParameterSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection ("User Id=scott; Password=tiger; Data Source=oracle"); conn.Open(); // Open the connection to the database // Command text for getting the REF Cursor as OUT parameter String cmdTxt1 = "begin open :1 for select col1 from test; end;"; // Command text to pass the REF Cursor as IN parameter String cmdTxt2 = "begin testSP (:1, :2); end;"; // Create the command object for executing cmdTxt1 and cmdTxt2 OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(cmdTxt1, conn); // Bind the Ref cursor to the PL/SQL stored procedure OracleParameter outRefPrm = cmd.Parameters.Add("outRefPrm", OracleDbType.RefCursor, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Execute the anonymous PL/SQL block // Reset the command object to execute another anonymous PL/SQL block cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.CommandText = cmdTxt2; // REF Cursor obtained from previous execution is passed to this // procedure as IN parameter OracleParameter inRefPrm = cmd.Parameters.Add("inRefPrm", OracleDbType.RefCursor, outRefPrm.Value, ParameterDirection.Input); // Bind another Number parameter to get the REF Cursor column value OracleParameter outNumPrm = cmd.Parameters.Add("outNumPrm", OracleDbType.Int32, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //Execute the stored procedure // Display the out parameter value Console.WriteLine("out parameter is: " + outNumPrm.Value.ToString()); } }

LOB Support
ODP.NET provides an easy and optimal way to access and manipulate large object (LOB) data types. This section includes the following topics:

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-51

LOB Support

Large Character and Large Binary Data Types Oracle Data Provider for .NET LOB Objects Updating LOBs Using a DataSet Updating LOBs Using OracleCommand and OracleParameter Updating LOBs Using ODP.NET LOB Objects Temporary LOBs

Large Character and Large Binary Data Types

Oracle Database supports large character and large binary data types. Large Character Data Types CLOB - Character data can store up to 4 gigabytes.

NCLOB - Unicode National character set data can store up to 4 gigabytes.

Large Binary Data Types BLOB - Unstructured binary data can store up to 4 gigabytes.

BFILE - Binary data stored in external file can store up to 4 gigabytes.

Note: LONG and LONG RAW data types are made available for backward compatibility in Oracle9i, but should not be used in new applications.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET LOB Objects

ODP.NET provides three objects for manipulating LOB data: OracleBFile, OracleBlob, and OracleClob. Table 314 shows the proper ODP.NET object to use for a particular Oracle LOB type.
Table 314 ODP.NET LOB Objects ODP.NET LOB Object OracleBFile OracleBlob OracleClob OracleClob


The ODP.NET LOB objects can be obtained by calling the proper typed accessor on the OracleDataReader object, or by calling the proper typed accessor as an output parameter on a command execution with the proper bind type. All ODP.NET LOB objects inherit from the .NET Stream class to provide generic Stream operations. The LOB data (except for BFILE types) can be updated using the ODP.NET LOB objects by using methods such as Write. Data is not cached in the LOB objects when read and write operations are carried out. Therefore, each read or write request incurs a database round-trip. The OracleClob object overloads the Read method, providing two ways to read data from a CLOB. The Read method that takes a byte[] as the buffer populates it with CLOB data as Unicode byte array. The Read method that takes a char[] as the buffer populates it with Unicode characters.
3-52 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

LOB Support

Additional methods can also be found on the OracleBFile object. An OracleBFile object must be explicitly opened using the OpenFile method before any data can be read from it. To close a previously opened BFILE, use the CloseFile method. Every ODP.NET LOB object is a connected object and requires a connection during its lifetime. If the connection associated with a LOB object is closed, then the LOB object is not usable and should be disposed of. If an ODP.NET LOB object is obtained from an OracleDataReader object through a typed accessor, then its Connection property is set with a reference to the same OracleConnection object used by the OracleDataReader object. If a LOB object is obtained as an output parameter, then its Connection property is set with a reference to the same OracleConnection property used by the OracleCommand object. If a LOB object is obtained by invoking an ODP.NET LOB object constructor to create a temporary LOB, the Connection property is set with a reference to the OracleConnection object provided in the constructor. The ODP.NET LOB object Connection property is read-only and cannot be changed during its lifetime. In addition, the ODP.NET LOB types object can be used only within the context of the same OracleConnection referenced by the ODP.NET LOB object. For example, the ODP.NET LOB Connection property must reference the same connection as the OracleCommand object if the ODP.NET LOB object is a parameter of the OracleCommand. If that is not the case, ODP.NET raises an exception when the command is executed.
See Also: Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developers Guide for complete information about Oracle Database 10g LOBs and how to use them

Updating LOBs Using a DataSet

BFILE and BLOB data are stored in the DataSet as byte arrays while CLOB and NCLOB data are stored as strings. In a similar manner to other types, an OracleDataAdapter object can be used to fill and update LOB data changes along with the use of the OracleCommandBuilder object for automatically generating SQL. Note that an Oracle LOB column can store up to 4 GB of data. When the LOB data is fetched into the DataSet, the actual amount of LOB data the DataSet can hold for a LOB column is limited to the maximum size of a .NET string type, which is 2 GB. Therefore, when fetching LOB data that is greater than 2 GB, ODP.NET LOB objects must be used to avoid any data loss.

Updating LOBs Using OracleCommand and OracleParameter

To update LOB columns, LOB data can be bound as a parameter for SQL statements, anonymous PL/SQL blocks, or stored procedures. The parameter value can be set as a NET Framework type, ODP.NET type, or as an ODP.NET LOB object type. For example, when inserting .NET string data into a LOB column in an Oracle9i database or later, that parameter can be bound as OracleDbType.Varchar2. For a parameter whose value is set to an OracleClob object, the parameter should be bound as OracleDbType.Clob.

Updating LOBs Using ODP.NET LOB Objects

Oracle BFILEs cannot be updated; therefore, OracleBFile objects do not allow updates to BFILE columns.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-53


Two requirements must be met to update LOB data using ODP.NET LOB objects:

A transaction must be started before a LOB column is selected. The transaction must be started using the BeginTransaction method on the OracleConnection object before the command execution, so that the lock can be released when the OracleTransaction Commit or Rollback method is invoked.


The row in which the LOB column resides must be locked; as part of an entire result set, or on a row-by-row basis.

Locking the entire result set Add the FOR UPDATE clause to the end of the SELECT statement. After execution of the command, the entire result set is locked.


Locking the row - there are two options: Invoke one of the OracleDataReader typed accessors (GetOracleClobForUpdate or GetOracleBlobForUpdate) on the OracleDataReader object to obtain an ODP.NET LOB object, while also locking the current row. This approach requires a primary key, unique column(s), or a ROWID in the result set because the OracleDataReader object must uniquely identify the row to re-select it for locking. Execute an INSERT or an UPDATE statement that returns a LOB in the RETURNING clause.

Temporary LOBs
Temporary LOBs can be instantiated for BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB objects. To instantiate an ODP.NET LOB object that represents a temporary LOB, the OracleClob or the OracleBlob constructor can be used. Temporary ODP.NET LOB objects can be used for the following purposes:

To initialize and populate a LOB column with empty or non-empty LOB data. To pass a LOB type as an input parameter to a SQL statement, an anonymous PL/SQL block, or a stored procedure. To act as the source or the destination of data transfer between two LOB objects as in the CopyTo operation.

Temporary LOBs are not transaction aware. Commit and rollback operations do not affect the data referenced by a temporary LOB.


ODP.NET allows the extraction of data from relational and object-relational tables and views as XML documents. The use of XML documents for insert, update, and delete operations to the database is also allowed. Oracle Database supports XML natively in the database, through Oracle XML DB, a distinct group of technologies related to high-performance XML storage and retrieval. Oracle XML DB is an evolution of the database that encompasses both SQL and XML data models in a highly interoperable manner, providing native XML support.

3-54 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide


For samples related to ODP.NET XML support, see the following directory:

This section includes these topics:

Supported XML Features OracleXmlType and Connection Dependency Updating XMLType Data in the Database Updating XML Data in OracleXmlType Characters with Special Meaning in XML Retrieving Query Result Set as XML Data Manipulation Using XML

Supported XML Features

XML support in ODP.NET provides the ability to do the following:

Store XML data natively in the database as the Oracle database native type, XMLType. Access relational and object-relational data as XML data from an Oracle Database instance into the Microsoft .NET environment, and process the XML using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Save changes to the database using XML data. Execute XQuery statements.
See Also:

"XQuery Support" on page 3-56

For the .NET application developer, these features include the following:

Enhancements to the OracleCommand, OracleConnection, and OracleDataReader classes. The following XML-specific classes: OracleXmlType OracleXmlType objects are used to retrieve Oracle native XMLType data. OracleXmlStream OracleXmlStream objects are used to retrieve XML data from OracleXmlType objects as a read-only .NET Stream object. OracleXmlQueryProperties OracleXmlQueryProperties objects represent the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Query. OracleXmlSaveProperties OracleXmlSaveProperties objects represent the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-55


See Also:

"OracleCommand Class" on page 5-2 "OracleXmlType Class" on page 6-37 "OracleXmlStream Class" on page 6-23 "OracleXmlQueryProperties Class" on page 6-3 "OracleXmlSaveProperties Class" on page 6-13 Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

XQuery Support
Beginning with Oracle Database 10g release 2(10.2), ODP.NET supports the XQuery language through a native implementation of SQL/XML functions, XMLQuery and XMLTable. When executing XQuery statements, Oracle XML DB generally evaluates XQuery expressions by compiling them into the same underlying structures as relational queries. Queries are optimized, leveraging both relational-database and XQuery-specific optimization technologies, so that Oracle XML DB serves as a native XQuery engine. The treatment of all XQuery expressions, whether natively compiled or evaluated functionally, is transparent: programmers do not need to change their code to take advantage of XQuery optimizations.
See Also: Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide to learn more about Oracle's XQuery support

OracleXmlType and Connection Dependency

The read-only Connection property of the OracleXmlType class holds a reference to the OracleConnection object used to instantiate the OracleXmlType class. How the OracleXmlType object obtains a reference to an OracleConnection object depends on how the OracleXmlType class is instantiated:

Instantiated from an OracleDataReader class using the GetOracleXmlType, GetOracleValue, or GetOracleValues method: The Connection property is set with a reference to the same OracleConnection object used by the OracleDataReader object.

Instantiated by invoking an OracleXmlType constructor with one of the parameters of type OracleConnection: The Connection property is set with a reference to the same OracleConnection object provided in the constructor.

Instantiated by invoking an OracleXmlType(OracleClob) constructor: The Connection property is set with a reference to the OracleConnection object used by the OracleClob object.

An OracleXmlType object that is associated with one connection cannot be used with a different connection. For example, if an OracleXmlType object is obtained using OracleConnection A, that OracleXmlType object cannot be used as an input parameter of a command that uses OracleConnection B. By checking the Connection property of the OracleXmlType objects, the application can ensure that OracleXmlType objects are used only within the context of the OracleConnection referenced by its connection property. Otherwise, ODP.NET raises an exception.

3-56 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide


Updating XMLType Data in the Database

Updating XMLType columns does not require a transaction. However, encapsulating the entire database update process within a transaction is highly recommended. This allows the updates to be rolled back if there are any errors. XMLType columns in the database can be updated using Oracle Data Provider for .NET in a few ways:

Updating with DataSet, OracleDataAdapter, and OracleCommandBuilder Updating with OracleCommand and OracleParameter

Updating with DataSet, OracleDataAdapter, and OracleCommandBuilder

If the XMLType column is fetched into the DataSet, the XMLType data is represented as a .NET String. Modifying XMLType data in the DataSet does not require special treatment. XMLType data can be modified in the same way as any data that is stored in the DataSet. When a change is made and the OracleDataAdapter.Update method is invoked, the OracleDataAdapter object ensures that the XMLType data is handled properly. The OracleDataAdapter object uses any custom SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements that are provided. Otherwise, valid SQL statements are generated by the OracleCommandBuilder object as needed to flush the changes to the database.

Updating with OracleCommand and OracleParameter

The OracleCommand class provides a powerful way of updating XMLType data, especially with the use of an OracleParameter object. To update columns in a database table, the new value for the column can be passed as an input parameter of a command. Input Binding To update an XMLType column in the database, a SQL statement can be executed using static values. In addition, input parameters can be bound to SQL statements, anonymous PL/SQL blocks, or stored procedures to update XMLType columns. The parameter value can be set as .NET Framework Types, ODP.NET Types, or OracleXmlType objects. While XMLType columns can be updated using an OracleXmlType object, having an instance of an OracleXmlType class does not guarantee that the XMLType column in the database can be updated. Setting XMLType Column to NULL Value Applications can set an XMLType column in the database to a NULL value, with or without input binding, as follows:

Setting NULL values in an XMLType column with input binding To set the XMLType column to NULL, the application can bind an input parameter whose value is DBNull.Value. This indicates to the OracleCommand object that a NULL value is to be inserted. Passing in a null OracleXmlType object as an input parameter does not insert a NULL value into the XMLType column. In this case, the OracleCommand object raises an exception.

Setting NULL Values in an XMLType Column without input binding The following example demonstrates setting NULL values in an XMLType column without input binding:

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-57


// Create a table with an XMLType column in the database CREATE TABLE XML_TABLE(NUM_COL number, XMLTYPE_COL xmltype);

An application can set a NULL value in the XMLType column by explicitly inserting a NULL value or by not inserting anything into that column as in the following examples:
insert into xml_table(xmltype_col) values(NULL); update xml_table t set t.xmltype_col=NULL;

Setting XMLType Column to Empty XML Data The XMLType column can be initialized with empty XML data, using a SQL statement:
// Create a table with an XMLType column in the database CREATE TABLE XML_TABLE(NUM_COL number, XMLTYPE_COL xmltype); INSERT INTO XML_TABLE (NUM_COL, XMLTYPE_COL) VALUES (4, XMLType.createxml('<DOC/>'));

Updating XML Data in OracleXmlType

The following are ways that XML data can be updated in an OracleXmlType object.

The XML data can be updated by passing an XPATH expression and the new value to the Update method on the OracleXmlType object. The XML data can be retrieved on the client side as the .NET Framework XmlDocument object using the GetXmlDocument method on the OracleXmlType object. This XML data can then be manipulated using suitable .NET Framework classes. A new OracleXmlType can be created with the updated XML data from the .NET Framework classes. This new OracleXmlType is bound as an input parameter to an update or insert statement.

Characters with Special Meaning in XML

The following characters in Table 315 have special meaning in XML. For more information, refer to the XML 1.0 specifications
Table 315 Character < > " ' & Characters with Special Meaning in XML Meaning in XML Begins an XML tag Ends an XML tag Quotation mark Apostrophe or single quotation mark Ampersand Entity Encoding &lt; &gt; &quot; &apos; &amp;

When these characters appear as data in an XML element, they are replaced with their equivalent entity encoding. Also certain characters are not valid in XML element names. When SQL identifiers (such as column names) are mapped to XML element names, these characters are converted to a sequence of hexadecimal digits, derived from the Unicode encoding of

3-58 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide


the character, bracketed by an introductory underscore, a lowercase x and a trailing underscore. A blank space is not a valid character in an XML element name. If a SQL identifier contains a space character, then in the corresponding XML element name, the space character is replaced by _x0020_, which is based on Unicode encoding of the space character.

Retrieving Query Result Set as XML

This section discusses retrieving the result set from a SQL query as XML data.

Handling Date and Time Format

Table 316 lists the date and time format handling when retrieving data, for different database releases.
Table 316 Date and Time Format Handling When Retrieving Data Date and Time Format Supported

Database Release

Oracle9i release 2 (9.2.x) and Oracle DATE type data is retrieved in the format specified using Oracle Database 10g the NLS_DATE_FORMAT in the session. TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type data is retrieved in the format specified using the NLS_TIMESTAMP_ FORMAT and the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT in the session. If the result XML document is used to save changes back to the database, then all DATE and TIMESTAMP data must be retrieved in the XML document as the following ISO Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss (ISO Format notation). To do this, before the query is executed, the application must explicitly perform an ALTER SESSION statement on the session for the following NLS session parameters:

NLS_DATE_FORMAT - Must be set to the following Oracle Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT - Must be set to the following Oracle Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3 NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT - Must be set to the following Oracle Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3

Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) or later

The generated XML DATE and TIMESTAMP formats are based on the standard XML Schema formats. For more information on the XML Schema specification, see 028/datatypes.html#isoformats

Characters with Special Meaning in Column Data

If the data in any of the select list columns in the query contains any characters with special meaning in XML (see Table 315), these characters are replaced with their corresponding entity encoding in the result XML document. The following examples demonstrate how ODP.NET handles the angle bracket characters in the column data:
/* Database Setup connect scott/tiger@oracle drop table specialchars; create table specialchars ("id" number, name varchar2(255)); insert into specialchars values (1, '<Jones>');

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-59


commit; */ // C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Xml; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class QueryResultAsXMLSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); // Create the command OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("", con); // Set the XML command type to query. cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Query; // Set the SQL query cmd.CommandText = "select * from specialchars"; // Set command properties that affect XML query behavior. cmd.BindByName = true; // Set the XML query properties cmd.XmlQueryProperties.MaxRows = -1; // Get the XML document as an XmlReader. XmlReader xmlReader = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader(); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace = true; xmlDocument.Load(xmlReader); Console.WriteLine(xmlDocument.OuterXml); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

The following XML document is generated for that table: The XML entity encoding that represents the angle brackets appears in bold.
<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <id>1</id > <NAME>&lt;Jones&gt;</NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

3-60 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide


Characters in Table or View Name

If a table or view name has any non-alphanumeric characters other than an underscore (_), the table or view name must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, to select all entries from a table with the name test'ing, the CommandText property of the OracleCommand object must be set to the following string:
"select * from \"test'ing\"";

Case-Sensitivity in Column Name to XML Element Name Mapping

The mapping of SQL identifiers (column names) to XML element names is casesensitive, and the element names are in exactly the same case as the column names of the table or view. However, the root tag and row tag names are case-insensitive. The following example demonstrates case-sensitivity in this situation:
//Create the following table create table casesensitive_table ("Id" number, NAME varchar2(255)); //insert name and id insert into casesensitive_table values(1, 'Smith');

The following XML document is generated:

<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <Id>1</Id> <NAME>Smith</NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

Note that the element name for the Id column matches the case of the column name.

Column Name to XML Element Name Mapping

For each row generated by the SQL query, the SQL identifier (column name) maps to an XML element in the generated XML document, as shown in the following example:
// Create the following table create table emp_table (EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(4), LAST_NAME varchar2(25)); // Insert some data insert into emp_table values(205, 'Higgins');

The SQL query, SELECT * FROM EMP_TABLE, generates the following XML document:

The EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME database columns of the employees table map to the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME elements of the generated XML document. This section demonstrates how Oracle database handles the mapping of SQL identifiers to XML element names, when retrieving query results as XML from the

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-61


database. The demonstration uses the specialchars table involving the some id column.
// Create the specialchars table create table specialchars ("some id" number, name varchar2(255));

Note that the specialchars table has a column named some id that contains a blank space character. The space character is not allowed in an XML element name. When retrieving the query results as XML, the SQL identifiers in the query select list can contain characters that are not valid in XML element names. When these SQL identifiers (such as column names) are mapped to XML element names, each of these characters is converted to a sequence of hexadecimal digits, derived from the Unicode encoding of the characters, bracketed by an introductory underscore, a lowercase x, and a trailing underscore. Thus, the SQL query in the following example can be used to get a result as an XML document from the specialchars table:
select "some id", name from specialchars;

See Also: "Characters with Special Meaning in XML" on page 3-58

Improving Default Mapping You can improve the default mapping of SQL identifiers to XML element names by using the following techniques:

Modify the source. Create an object-relational view over the source schema, and make that view the new source. Use cursor subqueries and cast-multiset constructs in the SQL query. Create an alias for the column or attribute names in the SQL query. Prefix the aliases with an at sign (@) to map them to XML attributes instead of XML elements. Modify the XML document. Use Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to transform the XML document. Specify the XSL document and parameters. The transformation is done automatically after the XML document is generated from the relational data. Note that this may have an impact on performance. Specify the name of the root tag and row tag used in the XML document.

Object-Relational Data
ODP.NET can generate an XML document for data stored in object-relational columns, tables, and views, as shown in the following example:
// Create the following tables and types CREATE TYPE "EmployeeType" AS OBJECT (EMPNO NUMBER, ENAME VARCHAR2(20)); / CREATE TYPE EmployeeListType AS TABLE OF "EmployeeType"; / CREATE TABLE mydept (DEPTNO NUMBER, DEPTNAME VARCHAR2(20), EMPLIST EmployeeListType) NESTED TABLE EMPLIST STORE AS EMPLIST_TABLE; INSERT INTO mydept VALUES (1, 'depta', EmployeeListType("EmployeeType"(1, 'empa')));

The following XML document is generated for the table:

3-62 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide


<?xml version = "1.0"?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <DEPTNO>1</DEPTNO> <DEPTNAME>depta</DEPTNAME> <EMPLIST> <EmployeeType> <EMPNO>1</EMPNO> <ENAME>empa</ENAME> </EmployeeType> </EMPLIST> </ROW> </ROWSET>

ODP.NET encloses each item in a collection element, with the database type name of the element in the collection. The mydept table has a collection in the EMPLIST database column and each item in the collection is of type EmployeeType. Therefore, in the XML document, each item in the collection is enclosed in the type name EmployeeType, which appears in bold in the example.

NULL Values
If any database row has a column with a NULL value, then that column does not appear for that row in the generated XML document.

Data Manipulation Using XML

This section discusses making changes to the database data using XML.

Handling Date and Time Format

Table 317 lists the date and time format handling when saving data, for different database releases.
Table 317 Date and Time Format Handling When Saving Data Date and Time Format Supported

Database Release

Oracle9i release 2 (9.2.x) and All DATE, TIMESTAMP, and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type Oracle Database 10g data must be specified in the XML document in the ISO Date and Time Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss (ISO Format notation). The following string is the ISO Date and Time Format notation represented in the Oracle Date and Time Format notation: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3. In addition to using the ISO Format notation in the XML document, before the save is executed, the application must explicitly perform an ALTER SESSION command on the session for the following NLS session parameters:

NLS_DATE_FORMAT - Must be set to the following Oracle Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT - Must be set to the following Oracle Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3 NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT - Must be set to the following Oracle Date and Time Format: YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-63


Table 317 (Cont.) Date and Time Format Handling When Saving Data Database Release Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) or later Date and Time Format Supported The generated XML DATE and TIMESTAMP formats are based on the standard XML Schema formats. For more information on the XML Schema specification, see 028/datatypes.html#isoformats

Saving Changes Using XML

Changes can be saved to database tables and views using XML data. However, insert, update, and delete operations cannot be combined in a single XML document. ODP.NET cannot accept a single XML document and determine which are insert, update, or delete changes. The insert change must be in an XML document containing only rows to be inserted, the update changes only with rows to be updated, and the delete changes only with rows to be deleted. For example, using the employees table that comes with the HR sample schema, you can specify the following query:
select employee_id, last_name from employees where employee_id = 205;

The following XML document is generated:

<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <EMPLOYEE_ID>205</EMPLOYEE_ID> <LAST_NAME>Higgins</LAST_NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

To change the name of employee 205 from Higgins to Smith, specify the employees table and the XML data containing the changes as follows:
<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <EMPLOYEE_ID>205</EMPLOYEE_ID> <LAST_NAME>Smith</LAST_NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

Characters with Special Meaning in Column Data

If the data in any of the elements in the XML document contains characters that have a special meaning in XML (see Table 315), these characters must be replaced with appropriate entity encoding, or be preceded by an escape character in the XML document, so that the data is stored correctly in the database table column. Otherwise, ODP.NET throws an exception. The following example demonstrates how ODP.NET handles the angle bracket special characters in the column data, using entity encoding:
// Create the following table create table specialchars ("id" number, name varchar2(255));

3-64 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide


The following XML document can be used to insert values (1, '<Jones>') into the specialchars table. The XML entity encoding that represents the angle brackets appears in bold.
<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <id>1</id > <NAME>&lt;Jones&gt;</NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

Characters with Special Meaning in Table or View Name

If a table or view name has any non-alphanumeric characters other than an underscore (_), the table or view name must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, to save changes to a table with the name test'ing, the OracleCommand.XmlSaveProperties.TableName property must be set to "\"test'ing\"".

Case-Sensitivity in XML Element Name to Column Name Mapping

For each XML element that represents a row of data in the XML document, the child XML elements map to database column names. The mapping of the child element name to the column name is always case-sensitive, but the root tag and row tag names are case-insensitive. The following example demonstrates this case-sensitivity:
//Create the following table create table casesensitive_table ("Id" number, NAME varchar2(255));

The following XML document can be used to insert values (1, Smith) into the casesensitive_table:
<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <Id>1</Id> <NAME>Smith</NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

Note that the element name for the Id column matches the case of the column name.

XML Element Name to Column Name Mapping

This section describes how Oracle database handles the mapping of XML element names to column names when using XML for data manipulation in the database. The following specialchars table involving the some id column demonstrates this handling.
// Create the specialchars table create table specialchars ("some id" number, name varchar2(255));

Note that the specialchars table has a column named some id that contains a blank space character. The space character is not allowed in an XML element name.

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Saving Changes to a Table Using an XML Document

When an XML document is used to save changes to a table or view, the OracleCommand.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList property is used to specify the list of columns to update or insert. When an XML document is used to save changes to a column in a table or view, and the corresponding column name contains any of the characters that are not valid in an XML element name, the escaped column name must be specified in the UpdateColumnsList property as in the following example. The following XML document can be used to insert values (2, <Jones>) into the specialchars table:
<?xml version = '1.0'?> <ROWSET> <ROW> <some_x0020_id>2</some_x0020_id> <NAME>&lt;Jones&gt;</NAME> </ROW> </ROWSET>

The following example specifies the list of columns to update or insert:

/* Database Setup connect scott/tiger@oracle drop table specialchars; create table specialchars ("some id" number, name varchar2(255)); insert into specialchars values (1, '<Jones>'); commit; */ // C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Xml; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class InsertUsingXmlDocSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected Successfully"); // Create the command OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("", con); // Set the XML command type to query. cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Insert; // Set the XML document cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version = '1.0'?>\n" + "<ROWSET>\n" + "<ROW>\n" + "<some_x0020_id>2</some_x0020_id>\n" + "<NAME>&lt;Jones&gt;</NAME>\n" + "</ROW>\n" + "</ROWSET>\n"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.Table = "specialchars"; string[] ucols = new string[2];

3-66 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Database Change Notification Support

ucols[0] = "some_x0020_id"; ucols[1] = "NAME"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = ucols; // Insert rows int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Number of rows inserted successfully : {0} ", rows); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Improving Default Mapping You can improve the default mapping by using the following techniques:

Modify the target. Create an object-relational view over the target schema, and make the view the new target. Modify the XML document. Use XSLT to transform the XML document. Specify the XSL document and parameters. The transformation is done before the changes are saved. Note that this is may have an impact on performance. Specify the name of the row tag used in the XML document.

Object-Relational Data
Changes in an XML document can also be saved to object-relational data. Each item in a collection can be specified in one of the following ways in the XML document:

By enclosing the database type name of the item as the XML element name. By enclosing the name of the database column holding the collection with _ITEM appended as the XML element name.

Multiple Tables
Oracle Database does not save changes to multiple relational tables that have been joined together. Oracle recommends that you create a view on those relational tables, and then update that view. If the view cannot be updated, triggers can be used instead.
See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for the description and syntax of the CREATE VIEW statement

Commit Transactions
When the changes in an XML document are made, either all the changes are committed, or if an error occurs, all changes are rolled back.

Database Change Notification Support

Oracle Data Provider for .NET provides a notification framework that supports Continuous Query Notification, enabling applications to receive notifications when there is a change in a query result set, schema objects, or the state of the database. Using Continuous Query Notification, an application can maintain the validity of the client-side cache (for example, the ADO.NET DataSet) easily.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-67

Database Change Notification Support


The ODP.NET Database Change Notification feature uses the Continuous Query Notification feature in the Oracle database.


Database Change Notification is not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

Using the notification framework, applications can specify a query result set as a registered query for notification request on the database, and create this notification registration to maintain the validity of the query result set. When there is a change on the database that could affect the client-side cache's query results, the notification framework notifies the application.

The content of a change notification is referred to as an invalidation message. It indicates that the query result set is now invalid and provides information about the changes.

Based on the information provided by the invalidation message, the application can then act accordingly. For example, the application might need to refresh its own copy of the data for the registered query that is stored locally in the application.

If a registered object is dropped from the database and a new one is created with the same name in the same schema, re-registration is required to receive notifications for the newly created object.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Application Developers Guide for further information on Continuous Query Notification

By default, Windows Vista and Windows XP Service Pack 2 and higher enable the Windows Firewall to block virtually all TCP network ports to incoming connections. Therefore, for Continuous Query Notification to work properly on these operating systems, the Windows Firewall must be configured properly to allow specific executables to open specific ports.
See Also: Oracle Database Platform Guide for Windows for details on configuring the Windows Firewall

Beginning with Oracle Database 11g and ODP.NET 11g (11.1), Database Change Notification queries can be query-based (default) or object-based. The query-based registrations allow ODP.NET to notify applications when the selected rows have changed in the database. The object-based registrations allow ODP.NET to notify applications for any changes that occur in the table(s) containing the selected rows. Query-based notifications are supported only when all the following are true:
1. 2. 3.

The Oracle database version is at least 11.1. The select list contains no other column data types other than VARCHAR2 and NUMBER. The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter of the database is set to at least 11.0.0 and Automatic Undo Management (AUM) is enabled (the default).

3-68 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Database Change Notification Support

If 1) is not met, the notification is registered as object-based for backward compatibility. If 2) and other documented restrictions are not met, the notification is registered as object-based since ODP.NET uses the best-effort mode. If 3) is not met, an error is returned upon registration. For further details on the requirements for query-based change notification, please read the chapter "Using Continuous Query Notification" in Oracle Database Advanced Application Developers Guide. This section contains the following topics:

Database Change Notification Classes Supported Operations Requirements of Notification Registration Using Database Change Notification Best Practice Guidelines and Performance Considerations

Database Change Notification Classes

The following classes are associated with Continuous Query Notification Support:

OracleDependency Represents a dependency between an application and an Oracle database based on the database events which the application is interested in. It contains information about the dependency and provides the mechanism to notify the application when specified database events occurs. The OracleDependency class is also responsible for creating the notification listener to listen for database notifications. There is only one database notification listener for each application domain. This notification listener terminates when the application process terminates. The dependency between the application and the database is not established when the OracleDependency object is created. The dependency is established when the command that is associated with this OracleDependency object is executed. That command execution creates a database change notification registration in the database. When a change has occurred in the database, the HasChanges property of the OracleDependency object is set to true. Furthermore, if an event handler was registered with the OnChange event of the OracleDependency object, the registered event handler function will be invoked.

OracleNotificationRequest Represents a notification request to be registered in the database. It contains information about the request and the properties of the notification.

OracleNotificationEventArgs Represents the invalidation message generated for a notification when a specified database event occurs and contains details about that database event.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-69

Database Change Notification Support

See Also:

"OracleDependency Class" on page 8-2 "OracleNotificationRequest Class" on page 8-21 "OracleNotificationEventArgs Class" on page 8-28

Supported Operations
The ODP.NET notification framework in conjunction with Continuous Query Notification supports the following activities:

Creating a notification registration by: Creating an OracleDependency instance and binding it to an OracleCommand instance.

Grouping multiple notification requests into one registration by: Using the OracleDependency.AddCommandDependency method. Setting the OracleCommand.Notification request using the same OracleNotificationRequest instance.

Registering for database change notification by: Executing the OracleCommand. If either the notification property is null or NotificationAutoEnlist is false, the notification will not be made.

Removing notification registration by: Using the OracleDependency.RemoveRegistration method. Setting the Timeout property in the OracleNotificationRequest instance before the registration is created. Setting the IsNotifiedOnce property to true in the OracleNotificationRequest instance before the registration is created. The registration is removed once a database notification is sent.

Ensuring Change Notification Persistence by: Specifying whether or not the invalidation message is queued persistently in the database before delivery. If an invalidation message is to be stored persistently in the database, then the change notification is guaranteed to be sent. If an invalidation message is stored in an in-memory queue, the change notification can be received faster, however, it could be lost upon database shutdown or crashes.

Retrieving notification information including: The changed object name. The schema name of the changed object. Database events that cause the notification, such as insert, delete, and so on. The RowID of the modified object row. In Oracle SQL, the ROWIDTOCHAR(ROWID) and ROWIDTONCHAR(ROWID) functions convert a ROWID value to VARCHAR2 and NVARCHAR data types, respectively. If these functions are used within a SQL statement, ROWIDs are not returned in the OracleNotificationEventArgs object that is passed to the database change notification callback.

3-70 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Database Change Notification Support

Defining the listener port number. By default, the static OracleDependency.Port property is set to -1. This indicates that the ODP.NET listens on a port that is randomly picked when ODP.NET registers a database change notification request for the first time during the execution of an application. ODP.NET creates only one listener that listens on one port within an application domain. Once ODP.NET starts the listener, the port number cannot be changed; Changes to the static OracleDependency.Port property will generate an error if a listener has already been created.
See Also:

"OracleCommand Class" on page 5-2 "Notification" on page 5-20 "NotificationAutoEnlist" on page 5-21 "OracleDependency Class" on page 8-2 "OracleNotificationEventArgs Class" on page 8-28

Requirements of Notification Registration

The connected user must have the CHANGE NOTIFICATION privilege to create a notification registration. This SQL statement grants the CHANGE NOTIFICATION privilege:
grant change notification to user name

This SQL statement revokes the CHANGE NOTIFICATION privilege:

revoke change notification from user name

Using Database Change Notification

This section describes what the application should do, and the flow of the process, when an application uses Continuous Query Notification to receive notifications for any changes in the registered query result set.

Application Steps
The application should do the following:
1. 2.

Create an OracleDependency instance. Assign an event handler to the OracleDependency.OnChange event property if the application wishes to have an event handler invoked when database changes are detected. Otherwise, the application can choose to poll on the HasChanges property of the OracleDependency object. This event handler is invoked when the change notification is received. Set the port number for the listener to listen on. The application can specify the port number for one notification listener to listen on. If the application does not specify a port number, a random one is used by the listener. Bind the OracleDependency instance to an OracleCommand instance that contains the actual query to be executed. Internally, the Continuous Query



Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-71

Database Change Notification Support

Notification request (an OracleNotificationRequest instance) is created and assigned to the OracleCommand.Notification property.

Flow of Notification Process


When the command associated with the notification request is executed, the notification registration is created in the database. The command execution must return a result set, or contain one or more REF cursors for a PL/SQL stored procedure. ODP.NET starts the application listener on the first successful notification registration. When a change related to the registration occurs in the database, the application is notified through the event delegate assigned to the OracleDependency.OnChange event property, or the application can poll the OracleDependency.HasChanges property.

2. 3.

The following example demonstrates the database change notification feature.

// Database Setup // NOTE: unless the following SQL command is executed, // ORA-29972 will be obtained from running this sample /* grant change notification to scott; */ using System; using System.Threading; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; //This sample shows the database change notification feature in ODP.NET. //Application specifies to get a notification when emp table is updated. //When emp table is updated, the application will get a notification //through an event handler. namespace NotificationSample { public class MyNotificationSample { public static bool IsNotified = false; public static void Main(string[] args) { //To Run this sample, make sure that the change notification privilege //is granted to scott. string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = null; OracleDependency dep = null; try { con = new OracleConnection(constr); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from emp", con); con.Open(); // Set the port number for the listener to listen for the notification // request OracleDependency.Port = 1005; // Create an OracleDependency instance and bind it to an OracleCommand

3-72 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Database Change Notification Support

// instance. // When an OracleDependency instance is bound to an OracleCommand // instance, an OracleNotificationRequest is created and is set in the // OracleCommand's Notification property. This indicates subsequent // execution of command will register the notification. // By default, the notification request is using the Database Change // Notification. dep = new OracleDependency(cmd); // Add the event handler to handle the notification. The // OnMyNotification method will be invoked when a notification message // is received from the database dep.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(MyNotificationSample.OnMyNotificaton); // The notification registration is created and the query result sets // associated with the command can be invalidated when there is a // change. When the first notification registration occurs, the // notification listener is started and the listener port number // will be 1005. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Updating emp table so that a notification can be received when // the emp table is updated. // Start a transaction to update emp table OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction(); // Create a new command which will update emp table string updateCmdText = "update emp set sal = sal + 10 where empno = 7782"; OracleCommand updateCmd = new OracleCommand(updateCmdText, con); // Update the emp table updateCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //When the transaction is committed, a notification will be sent from //the database txn.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } con.Close(); // Loop while waiting for notification while(MyNotificationSample.IsNotified == false) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } public static void OnMyNotificaton(object src, OracleNotificationEventArgs arg) { Console.WriteLine("Notification Received"); DataTable changeDetails = arg.Details; Console.WriteLine("Data has changed in {0}", changeDetails.Rows[0]["ResourceName"]); MyNotificationSample.IsNotified = true; } } }

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-73

OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping

Best Practice Guidelines and Performance Considerations

This section provides guidelines for working with Continuous Query Notification and the ODP.NET notification framework, and discusses the performance impacts. Every change notification registration consumes database memory, storage or network resources, or some combination thereof. The resource consumption further depends on the volume and size of the invalidation message. In order to scale well with a large number of mid-tier clients, Oracle recommends that the client implement these best practices:

Few and mostly read-only tables There should be few registered objects, and these should be mostly read-only, with very infrequent invalidations. If an object is extremely volatile, then a large number of invalidation notifications are sent, potentially requiring a lot of space (in memory or on disk) in the invalidation queue. This is also true if a large number of objects are registered.

Few rows updated for each table Transactions should update (or insert or delete) only a small number of rows within the registered tables. Depending on database resources, a whole table could be invalidated if too many rows are updated within a single transaction, for a given table. This policy helps to contain the size of a single invalidation message, and reduces disk storage for the invalidation queue.
See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Application Developers Guide for further information on Database Change Notification

OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping

The ODP.NET OracleDataAdapter class provides the Safe Type Mapping feature to ensure that the following Oracle data types do not lose data when converted to their closely related .NET types in the DataSet:

NUMBER DATE TimeStamp (refers to all TimeStamp objects) INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND

This section includes the following topics:

Comparison Between Oracle Data Types and .NET Types SafeMapping Property

Comparison Between Oracle Data Types and .NET Types

The following sections provide more details about the differences between the Oracle data types and the corresponding .NET types. In general, the Oracle data types allow a greater degree of precision than the .NET types do.

3-74 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping

Oracle NUMBER Type to .NET Decimal Type The Oracle data type NUMBER can hold up to 38 precision, and the .NET Decimal type can hold up to 28 precision. If a NUMBER data type that has more than 28 precision is retrieved into a .NET Decimal type, it loses precision. Table 318 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle NUMBER and .NET Decimal types.
Table 318 Value Limits Oracle NUMBER to .NET Decimal Comparisons Oracle NUMBER .NET Decimal 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335

Maximum 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999 99 e125

Minimum -9.99999999999999999999999999999999999 -79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 99 e125

Oracle Date Type to .NET DateTime Type The Oracle data type DATE can represent dates in BC whereas the .NET DateTime type cannot. If a DATE that goes to BC get retrieved into a .NET DateTime type, it loses data. Table 319 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle Date and .NET DateTime types.
Table 319 Value Limits Oracle Date to .NET DateTime Comparisons Oracle Date .NET DateTime Dec 31, 9999 AD 23:59:59.9999999 Jan 1, 0001 AD 00:00:00.0000000

Maximum Dec 31, 9999 AD Minimum Jan 1, 4712 BC

Oracle TimeStamp Type to .NET DateTime Type Similar to the DATE data type, the Oracle TimeStamp data type can represent a date in BC, and a .NET DateTime type cannot. If a TimeStamp that goes to BC is retrieved into a.NET DateTime type, it loses data. The Oracle TimeStamp type can represent values in units of e-9; the .NET DateTime type can represent only values in units of e-7. The Oracle TimeStamp with time zone data type can store time zone information, and the .NET DateTime type cannot. Table 320 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle TimeStamp and .NET DateTime types.
Table 320 Value Limits Oracle TimeStamp to .NET DateTime Comparisons Oracle TimeStamp .NET DateTime Dec 31, 9999 AD 23:59:59.9999999 Jan 1, 0001 AD 00:00:00.0000000

Maximum Dec 31, 9999 AD 23:59:59.999999999 Minimum Jan 1, 4712 BC 00:00:00.000000000

Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND to .NET TimeSpan The Oracle data type INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND can hold up to 9 precision, and the .NET TimeSpan type can hold up to 7 precision. If an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type that has more than 7 precision is retrieved into a .NET TimeSpan type, it loses

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-75

OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping

precision. The Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type can represent values in units of e-9, and the .NET TimeSpan type can represent only values in units of e-7. Table 321 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND and .NET DateTime types.
Table 321 Value Limits Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND to .NET TimeSpan Comparisons Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND .NET TmeSpan +10675199 02:48:05.4775807 -10675199 02:48:05.4775808

Maximum +999999999 23:59:59.999999999 Minimum -999999999 23:59:59.999999999

SafeMapping Property
The OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping feature prevents data loss when populating Oracle data for any of these types into a .NET DataSet. By setting the SafeMapping property appropriately, these types can be safely represented in the DataSet, as either of the following:

.NET byte[] in Oracle format .NET String

By default, Safe Type Mapping is disabled.

Using Safe Type Mapping

To use the Safe Type Mapping feature, the OracleDataAdapter.SafeMapping property must be set with a hash table of key-value pairs. The key-value pairs must map database table column names (of type string) to a .NET type (of type Type). ODP.NET supports Safe Type Mapping to byte[] and String types. Any other type mapping causes an exception. In situations where the column names are not known at design time, an asterisk ("*") can be used to map all occurrences of database types to a safe .NET type. If both the valid column name and the asterisk are present, the column name is used.

Database table column names are case-sensitive. Column names in the hash table that correspond to invalid column names are ignored.

Safe Type Mapping as a string is more readable without further conversion. Converting certain Oracle data types to a string requires extra conversion, which can be slower than converting it to a byte[]. Conversion of .NET strings back to ODP.NET types relies on the formatting information of the session. SafeTyping Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class SafeMappingSample

3-76 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Requery Property

{ static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; // In this SELECT statement, EMPNO, HIREDATE and SALARY must be // preserved using safe type mapping. string cmdstr = "SELECT EMPNO, ENAME, HIREDATE, SAL FROM EMP"; // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the connection string OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr); // Get the connection from the adapter OracleConnection connection = adapter.SelectCommand.Connection; // Create the safe type mapping for the adapter // which can safely map column data to byte arrays, where // applicable. By executing the following statement, EMPNO, HIREDATE AND // SALARY columns will be mapped to byte[] adapter.SafeMapping.Add("*", typeof(byte[])); // Map HIREDATE to a string // If the column name in the EMP table is case-sensitive, // the safe type mapping column name must be case-sensitive. adapter.SafeMapping.Add("HIREDATE", typeof(string)); // Map EMPNO to a string // If the column name in the EMP table is case-sensitive, // the safe type mapping column name must also be case-sensitive. adapter.SafeMapping.Add("EMPNO", typeof(string)); adapter.SafeMapping.Add("SAL", typeof(string)); // Create and fill the DataSet using the EMP DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset, "EMP"); // Get the EMP table from the dataset DataTable table = dataset.Tables["EMP"]; // Get the first row from the EMP table DataRow row = table.Rows[0]; // Print out the row info Console.WriteLine("EMPNO Column: type = " + row["EMPNO"].GetType() + "; value = " + row["EMPNO"]); Console.WriteLine("ENAME Column: type = " + row["ENAME"].GetType() + "; value = " + row["ENAME"]); Console.WriteLine("HIREDATE Column: type = " + row["HIREDATE"].GetType()+ "; value = " + row["HIREDATE"]); Console.WriteLine("SAL Column: type = " + row["SAL"].GetType() + "; value = " + row["SAL"]); } }

See Also:

"SafeMapping" on page 5-121

OracleDataAdapter Requery Property

The OracleDataAdapter Requery property controls whether or not queries are reexecuted for OracleDataAdapter Fill calls after the initial Fill call.
Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-77

Guaranteeing Uniqueness in Updating DataSet to Database

The OracleDataAdapter Fill method allows appending or refreshing data in the DataSet. When appending the DataSet using the same query with subsequent Fill calls, reexecuting the query may not be desirable. When the Requery property is set to true, each subsequent Fill call reexecutes the query and fills the DataSet. This is an expensive operation, and if the reexecution is not required, set Requery to false. If any of the SelectCommand properties or associated parameters must be changed, Requery must be set to true. When the Requery property is set to false, the DataSet has all the data as a snapshot at a particular time. The query is executed only for the first Fill call; subsequent Fill calls fetch the data from a cursor opened with the first execution of the query. This feature is supported only for forward-only fetches. Fill calls that try to fetch rows before the last fetched row raise an exception. The connection used for the first Fill call must be available for subsequent Fill calls. When filling a DataSet with an OracleRefCursor object, the Requery property can be used in a similar manner. When the Requery property is set to false, both the connection used for the first Fill call and the OracleRefCursor object must be available for the subsequent Fill calls.
See Also:

"Requery" on page 5-121 "SelectCommand" on page 5-122

Guaranteeing Uniqueness in Updating DataSet to Database

This section describes how the OracleDataAdapter object configures the PrimaryKey and Constraints properties of the DataTable object which guarantee uniqueness when the OracleCommandBuilder object is updating DataSet changes to the database. Using the OracleCommandBuilder object to dynamically generate DML statements to be executed against the database is one of the ways to reconcile changes made in a single DataTable object with the database. In this process, the OracleCommandBuilder object must not be allowed to generate DML statements that may affect (update or delete) more that a single row in the database when reconciling a single DataRow change. Otherwise the OracleCommandBuilder could corrupt data in the database. To guarantee that each DataRow object change affects only a single row, there must be a set of DataColumn objects in the DataTable for which all rows in the DataTable have a unique set of values. The set of DataColumn objects indicated by the properties DataTable.PrimaryKey and DataTable.Constraints meets this requirement. The OracleCommandBuilder object determines uniqueness in the DataTable by checking if the DataTable.PrimaryKey is not a null value or if there exists a UniqueConstraint object in the DataTable.Constraints collection. This discussion first explains what constitutes uniqueness in DataRow objects and then explains how to maintain that uniqueness while updating, through the DataTable property configuration. This section includes the following topics:

What Constitutes Uniqueness in DataRow Objects? Configuring PrimaryKey and Constraints Properties Updating Without PrimaryKey and Constraints Configuration

3-78 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Guaranteeing Uniqueness in Updating DataSet to Database

What Constitutes Uniqueness in DataRow Objects?

This section describes the minimal conditions that must be met to guarantee uniqueness of DataRow objects. The condition of uniqueness must be guaranteed before the DataTable.PrimaryKey and DataTable.Constraints properties can be configured, as described in the next section. Uniqueness is guaranteed in a DataTable object if any one of the following is true:

All the columns of the primary key are in the select list of the OracleDataAdapter.SelectCommand property. All the columns of a unique constraint are in the select list of the OracleDataAdapter.SelectCommand property, with at least one involved column having a NOT NULL constraint defined on it. All the columns of a unique index are in the select list of the OracleDataAdapter.SelectCommand property, with at least one of the involved columns having a NOT NULL constraint defined on it. A ROWID is present in the select list of the OracleDataAdapter.SelectCommand property.

A set of columns, on which a unique constraint has been defined or a unique index has been created, requires at least one column that cannot be null for the following reason: if all the columns of the column set can be null, then multiple rows could exist that have a NULL value for each column in the column set. This would violate the uniqueness condition that each row has a unique set of values for the column set.

Configuring PrimaryKey and Constraints Properties

If the minimal conditions described in "What Constitutes Uniqueness in DataRow Objects?" on page 3-79 are met, then the DataTable.PrimaryKey or DataTable.Constraints properties can be set. After these properties are set, the OracleCommandBuilder object can determine uniqueness in the DataTable by checking the DataTable.PrimaryKey property or the presence of a UniqueConstraint object in the DataTable.Constraints collection. Once uniqueness is determined, the OracleCommandBuilder object can safely generate DML statements to update the database. The OracleDataAdapter.FillSchema method attempts to set these properties according to this order of priority:
1. 2.

If the primary key is returned in the select list, it is set as the DataTable.PrimaryKey property. If a set of columns that meets the following criteria is returned in the select list, it is set as the DataTable.PrimaryKey property. Criteria: The set of columns has a unique constraint defined on it or a unique index created on it, with each column having a NOT NULL constraint defined on it.


If a set of columns that meets the following criteria is returned in the select list, a UniqueConstraint object is added to the DataTable.Constraints collection, but the DataTable.PrimaryKey property is not set.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-79

Globalization Support

Criteria: The set of columns has a unique constraint defined on it or a unique index created on it, with at least one column having a NOT NULL constraint defined on it.

If a ROWID is part of the select list, it is set as the DataTable.PrimaryKey property.

Additionally, the OracleDataAdapter.FillSchema method performs as follows:

Setting the DataTable.PrimaryKey property implicitly creates a UniqueConstraint object. If a column is part of the DataTable.PrimaryKey property or the UniqueConstraint object, or both, it will be repeated for each occurrence of the column in the select list.

Updating Without PrimaryKey and Constraints Configuration

If the DataTable.PrimaryKey or Constraints properties have not been configured, for example, if the application has not called the OracleDataAdapter.FillSchema method, the OracleCommandBuilder object directly checks the select list of the OracleDataAdapter.SelectCommand property to determine if it guarantees uniqueness in the DataTable. However this check results in a database round-trip to retrieve the metadata for the SELECT statement of the OracleDataAdapter.SelectCommand. Note that OracleCommandBuilder object cannot update a DataTable created from PL/SQL statements because they do not return any key information in their metadata.

Globalization Support
ODP.NET globalization support enables applications to manipulate culture-sensitive data appropriately. This feature ensures proper string format, date, time, monetary, numeric, sort order, and calendar conventions depending on the Oracle globalization settings.
See Also:

"OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2

This section includes the following:

Globalization Settings Globalization-Sensitive Operations

Globalization Settings
An OracleGlobalization object can be used to represent the following:

Client Globalization Settings Session Globalization Settings Thread-Based Globalization Settings

Client Globalization Settings

Client globalization settings are derived from the Oracle globalization setting (NLS_ LANG) in the Windows registry of the local computer. The client globalization parameter settings are read-only and remain constant throughout the lifetime of the

3-80 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Globalization Support

application. These settings can be obtained by calling the OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo static method. The following example retrieves the client globalization settings:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ClientGlobalizationSample { static void Main() { OracleGlobalization ClientGlob = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); Console.WriteLine("Client machine language: " + ClientGlob.Language); Console.WriteLine("Client characterset: " + ClientGlob.ClientCharacterSet); } }

The properties of the OracleGlobalization object provide the Oracle globalization value settings.

Session Globalization Settings

Session globalization parameters are initially identical to client globalization settings. Unlike client settings, session globalization settings can be updated. However, they can be obtained only after establishing a connection against the database. The session globalization settings can be obtained by calling the GetSessionInfo method on the OracleConnection object. Invoking this method returns an instance of an OracleGlobalization class whose properties represent the globalization settings of the session. When the OracleConnection object establishes a connection, it implicitly opens a session whose globalization parameters are initialized with those values specified by the client computer's Oracle globalization (or (NLS)) registry settings. The session settings can be updated and can change during its lifetime. The following example changes the date format setting on the session:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class SessionGlobalizationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); OracleGlobalization SessionGlob = con.GetSessionInfo(); // SetSessionInfo updates the Session with the new value SessionGlob.DateFormat = "YYYY/MM/DD"; con.SetSessionInfo(SessionGlob); Console.WriteLine("Date Format successfully changed for the session");

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-81

Globalization Support

// Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Thread-Based Globalization Settings

Thread-based globalization parameter settings are specific to each thread. Initially, these settings are identical to the client globalization parameters, but they can be changed as specified by the application. When ODP.NET Types are converted to and from strings, the thread-based globalization parameters are used, if applicable. Thread-based globalization parameter settings are obtained by invoking the GetThreadInfo static method of the OracleGlobalization class. The SetThreadInfo static method of the OracleGlobalization class can be called to set the thread's globalization settings. ODP.NET classes and structures rely solely on the OracleGlobalization settings when manipulating culture-sensitive data. They do not use .NET thread culture information. If the application uses only .NET types, OracleGlobalization settings have no effect. However, when conversions are made between ODP.NET types and .NET types, OracleGlobalization settings are used where applicable.

Changes to the System.Threading.Thread. CurrentThread.CurrentCulture property do not impact the OracleGlobalization settings of the thread or the session, or the reverse.

The following example shows how the thread's globalization settings are used by the ODP.NET Types:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ThreadBasedGlobalizationSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Set the thread's DateFormat for the OracleDate constructor OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleDate from a string using the DateFormat specified. OracleDate date = new OracleDate("1999-DEC-01"); // Set a different DateFormat for the thread info.DateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Print "12/01/1999" Console.WriteLine(date.ToString()); } 3-82 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Globalization Support

The OracleGlobalization object validates property changes made to it. If an invalid value is used to set a property, an exception is thrown. Note that changes made to the Territory and Language properties change other properties of the OracleGlobalization object implicitly.
See Also: Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information on the properties affected by Territory and Language globalization settings

Globalization-Sensitive Operations
This section lists ODP.NET types and operations that are dependent on or sensitive to globalization settings.

Operations Dependent on Client Computer's Globalization Settings

The OracleString structure depends on the OracleGlobalization settings of the client computer. The client character set of the local computer is used when it converts a Unicode string to a byte[] in the GetNonUnicode method and when it converts a byte[] of ANSI characters to Unicode in the OracleString constructor that accepts a byte[].

Operations Dependent on Thread Globalization Settings

The thread globalization settings are used by ODP.NET types whenever they are converted to and from .NET string types, where applicable. Specific thread globalization settings are used in most cases, depending on the ODP.NET type, by the following:

The ToString method The Parse static method Constructors that accept .NET string data Conversion operators to and from .NET strings

For example, the OracleDate type uses the DateFormat property of the thread globalization settings when the ToString method is invoked on it. This returns a DATE as a string in the format specified by the thread's settings. For more details on the ODP.NET type methods that convert between ODP.NET types and .NET string types, and to identify which thread globalization settings are used for that particular method, read the remarks in Chapter 9. The thread globalization settings also affect data that is retrieved into the DataSet as a string using Safe Type Mapping. If the type is format-sensitive, the strings are always in the format specified by the thread globalization settings. For example, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data is not affected by thread settings because no format is applicable for this type. However, the DateFormat and NumericCharacters properties can impact the string representation of DATE and NUMBER types, respectively, when they are retrieved as strings into the DataSet through Safe Type Mapping.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-83

Debug Tracing

See Also:

"OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping" on page 3-74 Chapter 9, "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes" Chapter 12, "Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures"

Operations Sensitive to Session Globalization Parameters

Session globalization settings affect any data that is retrieved from or sent to the database as a string. For example, if a DATE column is selected with the TO_CHAR function applied on it, the DATE column data will be a string in the date format specified by the DateFormat property of the session globalization settings. Transmitting data in the other direction, the string data that is to be inserted into the DATE column, must be in the format specified by the DateFormat property of the session globalization settings.

Debug Tracing
ODP.NET provides debug tracing support, which allows logging of all the ODP.NET activities into a trace file. Different levels of tracing are available. The provider can record the following information:

Entry and exit information for the ODP.NET public methods User-provided SQL statements as well as SQL statements modified by the provider Connection pooling statistics such as enlistment and delistment Thread ID (entry and exit) HA Events and Load Balancing information

Registry Settings for Tracing Calls

The following registry settings should be configured under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\Assembly_Version where Assembly_Version is the full assembly version number of Oracle.DataAccess.dll.

The valid values for TraceFileName are: any valid path name and file name. TraceFileName specifies the file name that is to be used for logging trace information. If TraceOption is set to 0, the name is used as is. However, if TraceOption is 1, the Thread ID is appended to the file name provided.
See Also:

"TraceOption" on page 3-85

The valid values for TraceLevel are:

0 = None 1 = Entry, exit, and SQL statement information

3-84 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET Configuration

2 = Connection pooling statistics 4 = Distributed transactions (enlistment and delistment) 8 = User-mode dump creation upon unmanaged exception 16 = HA Event Information 32 = Load Balancing Information

TraceLevel specifies the level of tracing in ODP.NET. Because tracing all the entry and exit calls for all the objects can be excessive, TraceLevel is provided to limit tracing to certain areas of the provider. To obtain tracing on multiple objects, simply add the valid values. For example, if TraceLevel is set to 3, trace information is logged for entry, exit, SQL, and connection pooling information. The user-mode dump creation requires dbghelp.dll version 5.1.2600.0 or later.

The valid values for TraceOption are:

0 = Single trace file 1 = Multiple trace files

TraceOption specifies whether to log trace information in single or multiple files for different threads. If a single trace file is specified, the file name specified in TraceFileName is used. If the multiple trace files option is requested, a Thread ID is appended to the file name provided to create a trace file for each thread.

ODP.NET Configuration
Starting with ODP.NET 11.1, Oracle Data Provider for .NET reads config files for ODP.NET configuration settings. The registry entries remain to be used as machine-wide settings for a particular version of ODP.NET. However, the configuration settings in the machine.config are used as .NET framework-wide settings that override the registry values. The application or web config file is an application-specific setting that overrides the machine.config setting (and also overrides the registry). The application or web config file can be useful and sometimes essential in scenarios where more than one application on a computer use the same version of ODP.NET, but each application needs a different ODP.NET configuration. The registry value settings for a given version of ODP.NET affect all the applications that use that version of ODP.NET. However, having ODP.NET configuration values in the application or web config file assure that these settings are applied only for that application, thus providing more granularity. For example, if the application or web.config has a configuration setting of StatementCacheSize of 100, such application-specific settings force the version of ODP.NET that is loaded by that application to use 100 for the StatementCacheSize and override any setting in the machine.config and in the registry. Note that for any setting that does not exist in a config file (machine.config or application/web config), the value in the registry for a loaded version of ODP.NET is used, as in previous releases. Note that ODP.NET reads the machine.config files from the version of the .NET Framework in which ODP.NET runs, not from the version of ODP.NET.

Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-85

ODP.NET Configuration

The following is a sample application config for .NET Framework 1.x applications that overrides all the registry settings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <oracle.dataaccess.client> <add key="DllPath" value="C:\app\user\product\11.1.0\client_1\BIN"/> <add key="FetchSize" value="65536"/> <add key="StatementCacheSize" value="10"/> <add key="TraceFileName" value="c:\odpnet1.trc"/> <add key="TraceLevel" value="0"/> <add key="TraceOption" value="0"/> </oracle.dataaccess.client> </configuration>

The following is a sample application config for .NET Framework 2.0 applications that overrides all the registry settings. Note that the sample also demonstrates how to have a provider factory entry that is specific for the application, which references version of ODP.NET:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <> <DbProviderFactories> <add name="Oracle Data Provider for .NET Version" invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client Version" description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET Version" type="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" /> </DbProviderFactories> </> <oracle.dataaccess.client> <settings> <add name="DllPath" value="C:\app\user\product\11.1.0\client_1\BIN"/> <add name="FetchSize" value="65536"/> <add name="PromotableTransaction" value="promotable"/> <add name="StatementCacheSize" value="10"/> <add name="TraceFileName" value="c:\odpnet2.trc"/> <add name="TraceLevel" value="0"/> <add name="TraceOption" value="0"/> </settings> </oracle.dataaccess.client> </configuration>

3-86 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features
This chapter discusses server-side features provided by Oracle Data Provider for .NET. With the support for .NET stored procedures in Oracle Databases for Windows that Oracle Database Extensions for .NET provides, ODP.NET can be used to access Oracle data through the implicit database connection that is available from the context of the .NET stored procedure execution. Explicit user connections can also be created to establish connections to the database that hosts the .NET stored procedure or to other Oracle Databases.
See Also:

Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide

This chapter contains these topics:

Introducing .NET Stored Procedure Execution Using ODP.NET Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure Porting Client Application to .NET Stored Procedure

Introducing .NET Stored Procedure Execution Using ODP.NET

Oracle Data Provider for .NET classes and APIs provide data access to the Oracle Database from a .NET client application and from .NET stored procedures and functions. However, some limitations and restrictions exist when Oracle Data Provider for .NET is used within a .NET stored procedure. These are discussed in the next section. The following is a simple .NET stored procedure example.
using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; public class CLRLibrary1 { // .NET Stored Function returning the DEPTNO of the employee whose // EMPNO is 'empno' public static uint GetDeptNo(uint empno) { uint deptno = 0; // Create and open a context connection OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection();

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features


Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure

if( OracleConnection.IsAvailable == true ) { conn.ConnectionString = "context connection=true"; } else { //set connection string for a normal client connection conn.ConnectionString = "user id=scott;password=tiger;" + "data source=oracle"; } conn.Open(); // Create and execute a command OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DEPTNO FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO = :1"; cmd.Parameters.Add(":1",OracleDbType.Int32,empno, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); OracleDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.Read()) deptno = (uint)rdr.GetInt32(0); rdr.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return deptno; } // GetDeptNo } // CLRLibrary1

See Also:

Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developers Guide for more information about how to create .NET Stored procedures Table 41, " API Support Comparison Between Client Application and .NET Stored Procedure" on page 4-6

Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure

This section covers important concepts that apply when Oracle Data Provider for .NET is used within a .NET stored procedure.

Implicit Database Connection

Within a .NET stored procedure, an implicit database connection is available for use to access Oracle data. This implicit database connection should be used rather than establishing a user connection because the implicit database connection is already established by the caller of the .NET stored procedure, thereby minimizing resource usage. To obtain an OracleConnection object in a .NET stored procedure that represents the implicit database connection, set the ConnectionString property of the OracleConnection object to "context connection=true" and invoke the Open method. No connection string attributes can be used with "context connection=true", except the Statement Cache Size attribute. The availability of the implicit database connection can be checked at runtime through the static OracleConnection.IsAvailable property. This property always returns true when Oracle Data Provider for .NET is used within a .NET stored procedure. Otherwise, false is returned.

4-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure


DBLinks are not supported in .NET stored procedures.

Only one implicit database connection is available within a .NET stored procedure invocation. To establish more connections in addition to the implicit database connection, an explicit connection must be created. When the Close method is invoked on the OracleConnection that represents the implicit database connection, the connection is not actually closed. Therefore, the Open method of the same or another OracleConnection object can be invoked to obtain the connection that represents the implicit database connection. The implicit database connection can only be acquired by the Open method invocation by a native Oracle thread that initially invokes the .NET stored procedure. However, threads spawned from the native Oracle thread can use implicit database connections that are obtained by the native Oracle thread.
See Also:

"IsAvailable" on page 5-72

Transaction Support
The .NET stored procedure execution automatically inherits the current transaction on the implicit database connection. However, no explicit transaction can be started, committed, or rolled back inside a .NET stored procedure. For example, OracleConnection.BeginTransaction is not allowed for .NET stored procedure. Neither local nor distributed transaction support is available for a .NET stored procedure. If you have enlisted a client connection in a distributed transaction and call a .NET stored procedure or a function, an error occurs. If a .NET stored procedure or function performs operations on the database that are required to be part of a transaction, the transaction must be started prior to calling the .NET stored procedure. Any desired commit or rollback must be performed after returning from the .NET stored procedure or function. .NET stored procedures do not support distributed transactions. If you have enlisted a client connection in a distributed transaction and call a .NET stored procedure or function, an error occurs. The following example consists of a client application and a .NET stored procedure, InsertRecordSP, that inserts an employee record into an EMP table. Example (.NET Stored Procedure)
using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; // This class represents an Oracle .NET stored procedure that inserts // an employee record into an EMP table of SCOTT schema. public class InsertRecordSP { // This procedure will insert a row into the emp database // For simplicity we are using only two parameters, the rest are hard coded public static void InsertRecord( int EmpNo, string EmpName ) { if(OracleConnection.IsAvailable == true ) { OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection( "context connection=true"); conn.Open(); // Create new command object from connection context

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features


Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure

OracleCommand Cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); Cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO EMP( EMPNO, ENAME, JOB," + "MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO ) " + "VALUES ( :1, :2, 'ANALYST', 7566, " + "'06-DEC-04', 5000, 0, 20 )"; Cmd.Parameters.Add( ":1", OracleDbType.Int32, EmpNo, ParameterDirection.Input ); Cmd.Parameters.Add( ":2", OracleDbType.Varchar2, EmpName, ParameterDirection.Input ); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }

Example (Client Application) The example enters new employee, Bernstein, employee number 7950, into the EMP table.
// C# // This sample demonstrates how to start the transaction with ODP.NET client // application and execute an Oracle .NET stored procedure that performs // a DML operation. Since .NET stored procedure inherits the current // transaction from the implicit database connection, DML operation // in .NET stored procedure will not be in auto-committed mode. // Therefore, it is up to the client application to do a COMMIT or ROLLBACK // after returning from .NET stored procedure using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; // In this class we are starting a transaction on the client side and // executing a .NET stored procedure, which inserts a record into EMP // table and then verifies record count before and after COMMIT statement class TransactionSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleConnection Conn = null; OracleTransaction Txn = null; OracleCommand Cmd = null; try { Console.WriteLine( "Sample: Open DB connection in non auto-committed " + "mode," + "DML operation performed by .NET stored " + "procedure doesn't have an effect before COMMIT " + "is called." ); // Create and Open oracle connection Conn = new OracleConnection(); Conn.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;" + "Data Source=oracle;"; Conn.Open(); // Start transaction Txn = Conn.BeginTransaction( IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted ); // Create command object Cmd = new OracleCommand(); Cmd.Connection = Conn; Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.CommandText = "InsertRecord"; // .NET Stored procedure // Parameter settings OracleParameter EmpNoPrm = Cmd.Parameters.Add(

4-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Limitations and Restrictions on ODP.NET Within .NET Stored Procedure

"empno", OracleDbType.Int32 ); EmpNoPrm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; EmpNoPrm.Value = 7950; OracleParameter EmpNamePrm = Cmd.Parameters.Add( "ename", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 10 ); EmpNamePrm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; EmpNamePrm.Value = "Bernstein"; // Execute .NET stored procedure Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine( "Number of record(s) before COMMIT {0}", RecordCount() ); Txn.Commit(); Console.WriteLine( "Number of record(s) after COMMIT {0}", RecordCount() ); } catch( OracleException OE ) { Console.WriteLine( OE.Message ); } finally { // Cleanup objects if( null != Txn ) Txn.Dispose(); if( null != Cmd ) Cmd.Dispose(); if( null != Conn && Conn.State == ConnectionState.Open ) Conn.Close(); } } static int RecordCount() { int EmpCount = 0; OracleConnection Conn = null; OracleCommand Cmd = null; try { Conn = new OracleConnection( "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;" + "Data Source=oracle;" ); Conn.Open(); Cmd = new OracleCommand( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMP", Conn ); Object o = Cmd.ExecuteScalar(); EmpCount = Convert.ToInt32(o.ToString()); } catch( OracleException OE ) { Console.WriteLine( OE.Message ); } finally { if( null != Cmd ) Cmd.Dispose(); } return EmpCount; } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features


Porting Client Application to .NET Stored Procedure

Unsupported SQL Commands

Transaction controls commands such as COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT are not supported in a .NET stored procedure. Data definition commands such as CREATE and ALTER are not supported with an implicit database connection, but they are supported with an explicit user connection in a .NET stored procedure.

Porting Client Application to .NET Stored Procedure

All classes and class members provide the same functionality for both client applications and .NET stored procedures, unless it is otherwise stated. Table 41 lists those classes or class members that have different behavior depending on whether or not they are used in a client application or in a .NET stored procedure. Column Headings The column heading for this table are: Client application: The client application. Implicit connection: The implicit database connections in a .NET stored procedure. Explicit connection: The explicit user connections in a .NET stored procedure.
Table 41 API Support Comparison Between Client Application and .NET Stored Procedure Implicit Connection/ Explicit Connection No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No #1/No #1

Class or Class Members OnChangeEventHandler Delegate -all members OracleDependency Class -all members OracleNotificationEventArgs Class -all members OracleNotificationRequest Class -all members OracleFailoverEventArgs Class -all members OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate -all members OracleTransaction Class -all members OracleCommand Class -Transaction Property

Client Application Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

4-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Porting Client Application to .NET Stored Procedure

Table 41 (Cont.) API Support Comparison Between Client Application and .NET Stored Procedure Implicit Connection/ Explicit Connection Yes #3/Yes Yes #2/Yes No/No No/No No/Yes No/No No/Yes No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No No/No

Class or Class Members OracleConnection Class -ConnectionTimeout Property -DataSource Property -BeginTransaction Method -ChangeDatabase Method -Clone Method -EnlistDistributedTransaction Method -OpenWithNewPassword Method -Failover Event -OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate ODP.NET Enumerations -FailoverEvent Enumeration -FailoverReturnCode Enumeration -FailoverType Enumeration -OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration -OracleNotificationSource Enumeration -OracleNotificationType Enumeration

Client Application Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Comments on Items in Table 41 1. Always returns null.

2. 3.

Implicit database connection always returns an empty string. Implicit database connection always returns 0.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Server-Side Features


Porting Client Application to .NET Stored Procedure

4-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes
This chapter describes the following Oracle Data Provider for .NET classes.

OracleCommand Class OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleConnection Class OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataReader Class OracleError Class OracleErrorCollection Class OracleException Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate OracleParameter Class OracleParameterCollection Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate OracleTransaction Class OracleCollectionType Enumeration OracleDbType Enumeration OracleParameterStatus Enumeration

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes


OracleCommand Class

OracleCommand Class
An OracleCommand object represents a SQL command, a stored procedure, or a table name. The OracleCommand object is responsible for formulating the request and passing it to the database. If results are returned, OracleCommand is responsible for returning results as an OracleDataReader, a .NET XmlReader, a .NET Stream, a scalar value, or as output parameters. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component System.Data.Common.DbCommand (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleCommand : DbCommand, ICloneable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public sealed class OracleCommand : Component, IDbCommand, ICloneable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks The execution of any transaction-related statements from an OracleCommand is not recommended because it is not reflected in the state of the OracleTransaction object represents the current local transaction, if one exists. ExecuteXmlReader, ExecuteStream, and ExecuteToStream methods are only supported for XML operations. ExecuteReader and ExecuteScalar methods are not supported for XML operations. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleCommandSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open();

5-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

string cmdQuery = "select ename, empno from emp"; // Create the OracleCommand OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(cmdQuery); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // Execute command, create OracleDataReader object OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { // output Employee Name and Number Console.WriteLine("Employee Name : " + reader.GetString(0) + " , " + "Employee Number : " + reader.GetDecimal(1)); } // Clean up reader.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Members OracleCommand Constructors OracleCommand Static Methods OracleCommand Properties OracleCommand Public Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes


OracleCommand Members

OracleCommand Members
OracleCommand members are listed in the following tables:

OracleCommand Constructors
OracleCommand constructors are listed in Table 51.
Table 51 OracleCommand Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class (Overloaded)

Constructor OracleCommand Constructors

OracleCommand Static Methods

The OracleCommand static method is listed in Table 52.
Table 52 Method Equals OracleCommand Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleCommand Properties
OracleCommand properties are listed in Table 53.
Table 53 Name AddRowid AddToStatementCache ArrayBindCount OracleCommand Properties Description Adds the ROWID as part of the select list Causes executed statements to be cached, when the property is set to true and statement caching is enabled Specifies if the array binding feature is to be used and also specifies the maximum number of array elements to be bound in the Value property Specifies the binding method in the collection Specifies the SQL statement or stored procedure to run against the Oracle database or the XML data used to store changes to the Oracle database Specifies the number of seconds the command is allowed to execute before terminating the execution with an exception Specifies the command type that indicates how the CommandText property is to be interpreted Specifies the OracleConnection object that is used to identify the connection to execute a command Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Specifies whether or not the OracleCommand object is visible on designer controls. Specifies the size of OracleDataReader's internal cache to store result set data

BindByName CommandText


CommandType Connection Container DesignTimeVisible FetchSize

5-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Table 53 (Cont.) OracleCommand Properties Name InitialLOBFetchSize InitialLONGFetchSize Description Specifies the amount of data that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns Specifies the amount of data that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LONG and LONG RAW columns Indicates that there is a notification request for the command Indicates whether or not to register for a database change notification with the database automatically when the command is executed Specifies the parameters for the SQL statement or stored procedure Specifies the amount of memory needed by the OracleDataReader internal cache to store one row of data Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Specifies the OracleTransaction object in which the OracleCommand executes Not supported in a .NET stored procedure UpdatedRowSource Specifies how query command results are applied to the row being updated Not supported in a .NET stored procedure XmlCommandType XmlQueryProperties Specifies the type of XML operation on the OracleCommand Specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is created from the result set of a SQL query statement Specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is used to save changes to the database

Notification NotificationAutoEnlist

Parameters RowSize

Site Transaction


OracleCommand Public Methods

OracleCommand public methods are listed in Table 54.
Table 54 OracleCommand Public Methods Description Attempts to cancels a command that is currently executing on a particular connection Creates a copy of OracleCommand object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Creates a new instance of OracleParameter class Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

Public Method Cancel Clone CreateObjRef CreateParameter Dispose Equals

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes


OracleCommand Members

Table 54 (Cont.) OracleCommand Public Methods Public Method ExecuteNonQuery Description Executes a SQL statement or a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the number of rows affected Executes a command (Overloaded) Returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query Executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the results in a new Stream object Executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and appends the results as an XML document to the existing Stream Executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the result as an XML document in a .NET XmlTextReader object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject This method is a no-op Inherited from System.Object

ExecuteReader ExecuteScalar ExecuteStream



GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService Prepare ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class

5-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

OracleCommand Constructors
OracleCommand constructors instantiate new instances of OracleCommand class. Overload List: OracleCommand() This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class.

OracleCommand(string) This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class using the supplied SQL command or stored procedure, and connection to the Oracle database.

OracleCommand(string, OracleConnection) This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class using the supplied SQL command or stored procedure, and connection to the Oracle database.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand();

Remarks Default constructor.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class using the supplied SQL command or stored procedure, and connection to the Oracle database. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand(string cmdText);

Parameters cmdText

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes


OracleCommand Constructors

The SQL command or stored procedure to be executed.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

OracleCommand(string, OracleConnection)
This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleCommand class using the supplied SQL command or stored procedure, and connection to the Oracle database. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand(string cmdText, OracleConnection OracleConnection);

Parameters cmdText The SQL command or stored procedure to be executed.

OracleConnection The connection to the Oracle database.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

5-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

OracleCommand Static Methods

The OracleCommand static method is listed in Table 55.
Table 55 Method Equals OracleCommand Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes


OracleCommand Properties

OracleCommand Properties
OracleCommand properties are listed in Table 56.
Table 56 Name AddRowid AddToStatementCache ArrayBindCount OracleCommand Properties Description Adds the ROWID as part of the select list Causes executed statements to be cached, when the property is set to true and statement caching is enabled Specifies if the array binding feature is to be used and also specifies the maximum number of array elements to be bound in the Value property Specifies the binding method in the collection Specifies the SQL statement or stored procedure to run against the Oracle database or the XML data used to store changes to the Oracle database Specifies the number of seconds the command is allowed to execute before terminating the execution with an exception Specifies the command type that indicates how the CommandText property is to be interpreted Specifies the OracleConnection object that is used to identify the connection to execute a command Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Specifies whether or not the OracleCommand object is visible on designer controls. Specifies the size of OracleDataReader's internal cache to store result set data Specifies the amount of data that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns Specifies the amount that of data the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LONG and LONG RAW columns Indicates that there is a notification request for the command Indicates whether or not to register for a database change notification with the database automatically when the command is executed Specifies the parameters for the SQL statement or stored procedure Specifies the amount of memory needed by the OracleDataReader internal cache to store one row of data Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Specifies the OracleTransaction object in which the OracleCommand executes Not supported in a .NET stored procedure

BindByName CommandText


CommandType Connection Container DesignTimeVisible FetchSize InitialLOBFetchSize InitialLONGFetchSize

Notification NotificationAutoEnlist

Parameters RowSize

Site Transaction

5-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Table 56 (Cont.) OracleCommand Properties Name UpdatedRowSource Description Specifies how query command results are applied to the row being updated Not supported in a .NET stored procedure XmlCommandType XmlQueryProperties Specifies the type of XML operation on the OracleCommand Specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is created from the result set of a SQL query statement Specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is used to save changes to the database


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property adds the ROWID as part of the select list. Declaration
// C# public bool AddRowid {get; set;}

Property Value bool Remarks Default is false. This ROWID column is hidden and is not accessible by the application. To gain access to the ROWIDs of a table, the ROWID must explicitly be added to the select list without the use of this property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51 for further information on how this property used with LOBs

This property causes executed statements to be cached when the property is set to true and statement caching is enabled. If statement caching is disabled or if this property is set to false, the executed statement is not cached.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-11

OracleCommand Properties

// C# public bool AddToStatementCache{get; set;}

Return Value Returns bool value. A value of true indicates that statements are being added to the cache, false indicates otherwise. Property Value A bool value that indicates that the statements will be cached when they are executed, if statement caching is enabled. Remarks Default is true. AddToStatementCache is ignored if statement caching is disabled. Statement caching is enabled by setting the Statement Cache Size connection string attribute to a value greater than 0. When statement caching is enabled, however, this property provides a way to selectively add statements to the cache. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class AddToStatementCacheSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" + "statement cache size=10"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from emp", con); if (cmd.AddToStatementCache) Console.WriteLine("Added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText); else Console.WriteLine("Not added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText); // The execution of "select * from emp" will be added to the statement cache // because statement cache size is greater than 0 and OracleCommand's // AddToStatementCache is true by default. OracleDataReader readerEmp = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Do not add "select * from dept" to the statement cache cmd.CommandText = "select * from dept"; cmd.AddToStatementCache = false; if (cmd.AddToStatementCache) Console.WriteLine("Added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText); else

5-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Console.WriteLine("Not added to the statement cache:" + cmd.CommandText); // The execution of "select * from dept" will not be added to the // statement cache because AddToStatementCache is set to false. OracleDataReader readerDept = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Clean up con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Statement Caching" on page 3-35 ConnectionString on page 5-78

This property specifies if the array binding feature is to be used and also specifies the number of array elements to be bound in the OracleParameter Value property. Declaration
// C# public int ArrayBindCount {get; set;}

Property Value An int value that specifies number of array elements to be bound in the OracleParameter Value property. Exceptions ArgumentException - The ArrayBindCount value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = 0. If ArrayBindCount is equal to 0, array binding is not used; otherwise, array binding is used and OracleParameter Value property is interpreted as an array of values. The value of ArrayBindCount must be specified to use the array binding feature. If neither DbType nor OracleDbType is set, it is strongly recommended that you set ArrayBindCount before setting the OracleParameter Value property so that inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value can be correctly done. Array binding is not used by default. If the XmlCommandType property is set to any value other than None, this property is ignored.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-13

OracleCommand Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Array Binding" on page 3-32 "Value" on page 5-257

This property specifies the binding method in the collection. Declaration
// C# public bool BindByName {get; set;}

Property Value Returns true if the parameters are bound by name; returns false if the parameters are bound by position. Remarks Default = false. BindByName is ignored under the following conditions:

The value of the XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete. The value of the XmlCommandType property is Query, but there are no parameters set on the OracleCommand.

If the XmlCommandType property is OracleXmlCommandType.Query and any parameters are set on the OracleCommand, the BindByName property must be set to true. Otherwise, the following OracleCommand methods throw an InvalidOperationException.

ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteXmlReader ExecuteStream ExecuteToStream

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Array Binding" on page 3-32 "Value" on page 5-257

This property specifies the SQL statement or stored procedure to run against the Oracle database or the XML data used to store changes to the Oracle database.

5-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string CommandText {get; set;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string CommandText {get; set;}

Property Value A string. Implements IDbCommand Remarks The default is an empty string. When the CommandType property is set to StoredProcedure, the CommandText property is set to the name of the stored procedure. The command calls this stored procedure when an Execute method is called. The effects of XmlCommandType values on CommandText are:

XmlCommandType = None. CommandType property determines the contents of CommandText.

XmlCommandType = Query. CommandText must be a SQL query. The SQL query should be a select statement. CommandType property is ignored.

XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete. CommandText must be an XML document. CommandType property is ignored.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies the number of seconds that the command is allowed to execute before terminating with an exception. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int CommandTimeout {get; set;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int CommandTimeout {get; set;}

Property Value int

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-15

OracleCommand Properties

Implements IDbCommand.CommandTimeout Exceptions InvalidArgument - The specified value is less than 0. Remarks Default is 0 seconds, which enforces no time limit. When the specified timeout value expires before a command execution finishes, the command attempts to cancel. If cancellation is successful, an exception is thrown with the message of ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation. If the command executed in time without any errors, no exceptions are thrown. In a situation where multiple OracleCommand objects use the same connection, the timeout expiration on one of the OracleCommand objects may terminate any of the executions on the single connection. To make the timeout expiration of a OracleCommand cancel only its own command execution, simply use one OracleCommand for each connection if that OracleCommand sets the CommandTimeout property to a value greater than 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members for detailed information about this Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 feature

This property specifies the command type that indicates how the CommandText property is to be interpreted. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override CommandType CommandType {get; set;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public CommandType {get; set;}

Property Value A CommandType. Exceptions ArgumentException - The value is not a valid CommandType such as: CommandType.Text, CommandType.StoredProcedure, CommandType.TableDirect. Remarks Default = CommandType.Text If the value of the XmlCommandType property is not None, then the CommandType property is ignored.
5-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies the OracleConnection object that is used to identify the connection to execute a command. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get; set;}

Property Value An OracleConnection object. Implements IDbCommand Remarks Default = null

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies whether or not the OracleCommand object is visible on designer controls. Declaration
// C# public override bool DesignTimeVisible { get; set; }

Property Value A value that indicate whether or not OracleCommand object is visible in a control. The default is true. Remarks This property is used by developers to indicate whether or not OracleCommand object is visible in a control.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-17

OracleCommand Properties

This property specifies the size of OracleDataReader's internal cache to store result set data. Declaration
// C# public long FetchSize {get; set;}

Property Value A long that specifies the size (in bytes) of the OracleDataReader's internal cache. Exceptions ArgumentException - The FetchSize value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = 65536. The FetchSize property is inherited by the OracleDataReader that is created by a command execution returning a result set. The FetchSize property on the OracleDataReader object determines the amount of data the OracleDataReader fetches into its internal cache for each database round-trip. If the XmlCommandType property is set to any value other than None, this property is ignored.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members OracleDataReader "FetchSize" on page 5-143

This property specifies the amount of data that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns. Declaration
// C# public int InitialLOBFetchSize {get; set;}

Property Value An int specifying the number of characters or bytes to fetch initially. Exceptions ArgumentException - The InitialLOBFetchSize value specified is invalid. Remarks The value of InitialLOBFetchSize specifies the initial amount of LOB data that is immediately fetched by the OracleDataReader. The property value specifies the number of characters for CLOB and NCLOB data, and the number of bytes for BLOB data.

5-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

The InitialLOBFetchSize value is used to determine the length of the LOB column data to fetch, if the LOB column is in the select list. If the select list does not contain a LOB column, the InitialLOBFetchSize value is ignored. When InitialLOBFetchSize is set to -1, the entire LOB data is prefetched and stored in the fetch array. Calls to GetString, GetChars or GetBytes in OracleDataReader allow retrieving the entire data. In this case, the following methods are disabled.

GetOracleBlob GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate GetOracleBlobForUpdate

This feature works for retrieving data from Oracle Database 9i release 2 (9.2) and later Default = 0. For Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) and later: The maximum value supported for InitialLOBFetchSize is 2 GB. Prior to Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2), if the InitialLOBFetchSize is set to a nonzero value, GetOracleBlob and GetOracleClob methods were disabled. BLOB and CLOB data was fetched by using GetBytes and GetChars methods, respectively. In Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2), this restriction no longer exists. GetOracleBlob and GetOracleClob methods can be used for any InitialLOBFetchSize value zero or greater. For releases prior to Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2): The maximum value supported for InitialLOBFetchSize is 32 K. To fetch more than the specified InitialLOBFetchSize value, one of the following must be in the select list:

Primary key ROWID Unique columns - (defined as a set of columns on which a unique constraint has been defined or a unique index has been created, where at least one of the columns in the set has a NOT NULL constraint defined on it)

If this property is set to 0, none of the preceding is required

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Obtaining LOB Data" on page 3-43

This property specifies the amount of data that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LONG and LONG RAW columns. Declaration
// C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-19

OracleCommand Properties

public int InitialLONGFetchSize {get; set;}

Property Value An int specifying the amount. Exceptions ArgumentException - The InitialLONGFetchSize value specified is invalid. Remarks The maximum value supported for InitialLONGFetchSize is 32767. If this property is set to a higher value, the provider resets it to 32767. The value of InitialLONGFetchSize specifies the initial amount of LONG or LONG RAW data that is immediately fetched by the OracleDataReader. The property value specifies the number of characters for LONG data and the number of bytes for LONG RAW. To fetch more than the specified InitialLONGFetchSize amount, one of the following must be in the select list:

Primary key ROWID Unique columns - (defined as a set of columns on which a unique constraint has been defined or a unique index has been created, where at least one of the columns in the set has a NOT NULL constraint defined on it)

The InitialLONGFetchSize value is used to determine the length of the LONG and LONG RAW column data to fetch if one of the two is in the select list. If the select list does not contain a LONG or a LONG RAW column, the InitialLONGFetchSize value is ignored. When InitialLONGFetchSize is set to -1, the entire LONG or LONG RAW data is prefetched and stored in the fetch array. Calls to GetString, GetChars, or GetBytes in OracleDataReader allow retrieving the entire data. Default = 0. Setting this property to 0 defers the LONG and LONG RAW data retrieval entirely until the application specifically requests it.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data" on page 3-42 for further information

This instance property indicates that there is a notification request for the command. Declaration
// C# public OracleNotificationRequest Notification {set; get;}

5-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Property Value A notification request for the command. Remarks When a changed notification is first registered, the client listener is started in order to receive any database notification. The listener uses the port number defined in the OracleDependency.Port static field. Subsequent change notification registrations use the same listener in the same client process and do not start another listener. When Notification is set to an OracleNotificationRequest instance, a notification registration is created (if it has not already been created) when the command is executed. Once the registration is created, the properties of the OracleNotificationRequest instance cannot be modified. If the notification registration has already been created, the result set that is associated with the command is added to the existing registration. When Notification is set to null, subsequent command executions do not require a notification request. If a notification request is not required, set the Notification property to null, or set the NotificationAutoEnlist property to false. For Continuous Query Notification, a notification request can be used for multiple command executions. In that case, any query result set associated with different commands can be invalidated within the same registration. When the ROWID column is explicitly included in the query (or when AddRowid property is set to true), then the row ID information is populated into the OracleNotificationArgs.Details property when the OracleDependency.OnChange event is fired.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Database Change Notification Support" on page 3-67 Chapter 8, "Database Change Notification" on page 8-1

This instance property indicates whether or not to register for a database change notification with the database automatically when the command is executed. Declaration
// C# public bool NotificationAutoEnlist {set; get;}

Property Value A bool value indicating whether or not to make a database change notification request automatically, when the command is executed. If NotificationAutoEnlist is set to true, and the Notification property is set appropriately, a database change notification request is registered automatically; otherwise, no database change notification registration is made. Default value: true

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-21

OracleCommand Properties

Remarks A notification request can be used for multiple command executions using the same OracleCommand instance. In that case, set the NotificationAutoEnlist property to true.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "Database Change Notification Support" on page 3-67 Chapter 8, "Database Change Notification" on page 8-1

This property specifies the parameters for the SQL statement or stored procedure. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameterCollection Parameters {get;}

Property Value OracleParameterCollection Implements IDbCommand Remarks Default value = an empty collection The number of the parameters in the collection must be equal to the number of parameter placeholders within the command text, or an error is raised. If the command text does not contain any parameter tokens (such as,:1,:2), the values in the Parameters property are ignored.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies the amount of memory needed by the OracleDataReader internal cache to store one row of data. Declaration
// C# public long RowSize {get;}

Property Value A long that indicates the amount of memory (in bytes) that an OracleDataReader needs to store one row of data for the executed query.
5-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Remarks Default value = 0 The RowSize property is set to a nonzero value after the execution of a command that returns a result set. This property can be used at design time or dynamically during run-time, to set the FetchSize, based on number of rows. For example, to enable the OracleDataReader to fetch N rows for each database round-trip, the OracleDataReader FetchSize property can be set dynamically to RowSize * N. Note that for the FetchSize to take effect appropriately, it must be set after OracleCommand.ExecuteReader() but before OracleDataReader.Read().
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members OracleDataReader "FetchSize" on page 5-18

This property specifies the OracleTransaction object in which the OracleCommand executes. Declaration
// C# public OracleTransaction Transaction {get;}

Property Value OracleTransaction Implements IDbCommand Remarks Default value = null Transaction returns a reference to the transaction object associated with the OracleCommand connection object. Thus the command is executed in whatever transaction context its connection is currently in.

When this property is accessed through an IDbCommand reference, its set accessor method is not operational.

Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) Always returns null.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-23

OracleCommand Properties

This property specifies how query command results are applied to the row to be updated. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource {get; set;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource {get; set;}

Property Value An UpdateRowSource. Implements IDbCommand Exceptions ArgumentException - The UpdateRowSource value specified is invalid. Remarks Always returns UpdateRowSource, Set accessor throws an ArgumentException if the value is other than UpdateRowSource.None.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies the type of XML operation on the OracleCommand. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlCommandType XmlCommandType {get; set;}

Property Value An OracleXmlCommandType. Remarks Default value is None. XmlCommandType values and usage:

None - The CommandType property specifies the type of operation. Query - CommandText property must be set to a SQL select statement. The query is executed, and the results are returned as an XML document. The SQL select statement in the CommandText and the properties specified by the

5-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

XmlQueryProperties property are used to perform the operation. The CommandType property is ignored.

Insert, Update, or Delete - CommandText property is an XML document containing the changes to be made. The XML document in the CommandText and the properties specified by the XmlSaveProperties property are used to perform the operation. The CommandType property is ignored.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is created from the result set of a SQL query statement. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlQueryProperties XmlQueryProperties {get; set;}

Property Value OracleXmlQueryProperties. Remarks When a new instance of OracleCommand is created, an instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties is automatically available on the OracleCommand instance through the OracleCommand.XmlQueryProperties property. A new instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties can be assigned to an OracleCommand instance. Assigning an instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties to the XmlQueryProperties of an OracleCommand instance creates a new instance of the given OracleXmlQueryProperties instance for the OracleCommand. This way each OracleCommand instance has its own OracleXmlQueryProperties instance. Use the default constructor to get a new instance of OracleXmlQueryProperties. Use the OracleXmlQueryProperties.Clone() method to get a copy of an OracleXmlQueryProperties instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This property specifies the properties that are used when an XML document is used to save changes to the database. Declaration
// C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-25

OracleCommand Properties

public OracleXmlSaveProperties XmlSaveProperties {get; set;}

Property Value OracleXmlSaveProperties. Remarks When a new instance of OracleCommand is created, an instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties is automatically available on the OracleCommand instance through the OracleCommand.XmlSaveProperties property. A new instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties can be assigned to an OracleCommand instance. Assigning an instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties to the XmlSaveProperties of an OracleCommand instance creates a new instance of the given OracleXmlSaveProperties instance for the OracleCommand. This way each OracleCommand instance has its own OracleXmlSaveProperties instance. Use the default constructor to get a new instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties. Use the OracleXmlSaveProperties.Clone() method to get a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

5-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

OracleCommand Public Methods

OracleCommand public methods are listed in Table 57.
Table 57 OracleCommand Public Methods Description Attempts to cancels a command that is currently executing on a particular connection Creates a copy of OracleCommand object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Creates a new instance of OracleParameter class Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Executes a SQL statement or a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the number of rows affected Executes a command (Overloaded) Returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query Executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the results in a new Stream object Executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and appends the results as an XML document to the existing Stream Executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the result as an XML document in a .NET XmlTextReader object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject This method is a no-op Inherited from System.Object

Public Method Cancel Clone CreateObjRef CreateParameter Dispose Equals ExecuteNonQuery

ExecuteReader ExecuteScalar ExecuteStream



GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService Prepare ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This method attempts to cancel a command that is currently executing on a particular connection.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-27

OracleCommand Public Methods

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Cancel(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Cancel();

Implements IDbCommand.Cancel Remarks If cancellation of the command succeeds, an exception is thrown. If cancellation is not successful, no exception is thrown. If there is no command being executed at the time of the Cancel invocation, Cancel does nothing. Invoking the Cancel method does not guarantee that the command executing at the time will always be cancelled. The execution may complete before it can be terminated. In such cases, no exception is thrown. When multiple OracleCommand objects share the same connection, only one command can be executed on that connection at any one time. When it is invoked, the Cancel method attempts to cancel the statement currently running on the connection that the OracleCommand object is using to execute the command. However, when multiple OracleCommand objects execute statements on the same connection simultaneously, issuing a Cancel method invocation may cancel any of the issued commands. This is because the command designated for cancellation may complete before the Cancel invocation is effective. If this happens, a command executed by a different OracleCommand could be cancelled instead. There are several ways to avoid this non-deterministic situation that the Cancel method can cause:

The application can create just one OracleCommand object for each connection. Doing so assures that the Cancel invocation only cancels commands executed by the OracleCommand object using a particular connection. Command executions in the application are synchronized between OracleCommand objects that use the same connection.

These suggestions do not apply if Cancel is not used in the application. Because the termination on the currently running execution is non-deterministic, it is recommended that any non-atomic SQL or PL/SQL execution be started within a transaction. When the command execution successfully terminates with an exception of ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation, the transaction can be rolled back for data integrity. Examples of non-atomic execution are collections of DML command executions that are executed one-by-one and multiple DML commands that are part of a PL/SQL stored procedure or function. Example
// C# // // // // // // This example shows how command executions can be cancelled in a deterministic way even if multiple commands are executed on a single connection. This is accomplished by synchronizing threads through events. Since the Cancel method terminates the currently running operation on the connection, threads must be serialized if multiple threads are using the same connection to execute server round-trip incurring operations.

5-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

// Furthermore, the example shows how the execution and cancel threads should // be synchronized so that nth iteration of the command execution does not // inappropriately cancel the (n+1)th command executed by the same thread. using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; System.Threading;

class CancelSample { private OracleCommand cmd; Thread t1, t2; // threads signal following events when assigned operations are completed private AutoResetEvent ExecuteEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); private AutoResetEvent CancelEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); private AutoResetEvent FinishedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); AutoResetEvent[] ExecuteAndCancel = new AutoResetEvent[2]; // Default constructor CancelSample() { cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from all_objects", new OracleConnection("user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=oracle")); ExecuteAndCancel[0] = ExecuteEvent; ExecuteAndCancel[1] = CancelEvent; } // Constructor that takes a particular command and connection CancelSample(string command, OracleConnection con) { cmd = new OracleCommand(command, con); ExecuteAndCancel[0] = ExecuteEvent; ExecuteAndCancel[1] = CancelEvent; } // Execution of the command public void Execute() { OracleDataReader reader = null; try { Console.WriteLine("Execute."); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("Execute Done."); reader.Close(); } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The command has been cancelled.", e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("ExecuteEvent.Set()"); ExecuteEvent.Set(); } // Canceling of the command public void Cancel() { try

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-29

OracleCommand Public Methods

{ // cancel query if it takes longer than 100 ms to finish execution System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Cancel."); cmd.Cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Cancel done."); Console.WriteLine("CancelEvent.Set()"); CancelEvent.Set(); } // Execution of the command with a potential of cancelling public void ExecuteWithinLimitedTime() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Monitor.Enter(typeof(CancelSample)); try { Console.WriteLine("Executing " + this.cmd.CommandText); ExecuteEvent.Reset(); CancelEvent.Reset(); t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Execute)); t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Cancel)); t1.Start(); t2.Start(); } finally { WaitHandle.WaitAll(ExecuteAndCancel); Monitor.Exit(typeof(CancelSample)); } } FinishedEvent.Set(); } [MTAThread] static void Main() { try { AutoResetEvent[] ExecutionCompleteEvents = new AutoResetEvent[3]; // Create the connection that is to be used by three commands OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("user id=scott;" + "password=tiger;data source=oracle"); con.Open(); // Create instances of CancelSample class CancelSample test1 = new CancelSample("select * from all_objects", con); CancelSample test2 = new CancelSample("select * from all_objects, emp", con); CancelSample test3 = new CancelSample("select * from all_objects, dept", con); // Create threads for each CancelSample object instance Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(test1.ExecuteWithinLimitedTime));

5-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(test2.ExecuteWithinLimitedTime)); Thread t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(test3.ExecuteWithinLimitedTime)); // Obtain a handle to an event from each object ExecutionCompleteEvents[0] = test1.FinishedEvent; ExecutionCompleteEvents[1] = test2.FinishedEvent; ExecutionCompleteEvents[2] = test3.FinishedEvent; // Start all threads to execute three commands using a single connection t1.Start(); t2.Start(); t3.Start(); // Wait for all three commands to finish executing/canceling before //closing the connection WaitHandle.WaitAll(ExecutionCompleteEvents); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members for detailed information about this Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 feature

This method creates a copy of an OracleCommand object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleCommand object. Implements ICloneable Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-31

OracleCommand Public Methods

This method creates a new instance of OracleParameter class. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter CreateParameter();

Return Value A new OracleParameter with default values. Implements IDbCommand

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This method executes a SQL statement or a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the number of rows affected. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int ExecuteNonQuery(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int ExecuteNonQuery();

Return Value The number of rows affected. Implements IDbCommand Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The command cannot be executed. Remarks ExecuteNonQuery returns the number of rows affected, for the following:

If the command is UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE and the XmlCommandType property is set to OracleXmlCommandType.None. If the XmlCommandType property is set to OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, OracleXmlCommandType.Delete.

For all other types of statements, the return value is -1. ExecuteNonQuery is used for either of the following:

5-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Catalog operations (for example, querying the structure of a database or creating database objects such as tables). Changing the data in a database without using a DataSet, by executing UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements. Changing the data in a database using an XML document.

Although ExecuteNonQuery does not return any rows, it populates any output parameters or return values mapped to parameters with data. If the XmlCommandType property is set to OracleXmlCommandType.Query then ExecuteNonQuery executes the select statement in the CommandText property, and if successful, returns -1. The XML document that is generated is discarded. This is useful for determining if the operation completes successfully without getting the XML document back as a result. If the XmlCommandType property is set to OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, or OracleXmlCommandType.Delete, then the value of the CommandText property is an XML document. ExecuteNonQuery saves the changes in that XML document to the table or view that is specified in the XmlSaveProperties property. The return value is the number of rows that are processed in the XML document. Also, each row in the XML document could affect multiple rows in the database, but the return value is still the number of rows in the XML document. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ExecuteNonQuerySample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand( "select sal from emp where empno=7934", con); object sal = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); Console.WriteLine("Employee sal before update: " + sal); cmd.CommandText = "update emp set sal = sal + .01 where empno=7934"; // Auto-commit changes int rowsUpdated = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rowsUpdated > 0) { cmd.CommandText = "select sal from emp where empno=7934"; sal = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); Console.WriteLine("Employee sal after update: " + sal); } // Clean up

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-33

OracleCommand Public Methods

cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements For XML support, this method requires Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits (Oracle XDK) or later, to be installed in the database. Oracle XDK can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

Overload List: ExecuteReader executes a command specified in the CommandText.

ExecuteReader() This method executes a command specified in the CommandText and returns an OracleDataReader object.

ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) This method executes a command specified in the CommandText and returns an OracleDataReader object, using the specified CommandBehavior value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This method executes a command specified in the CommandText and returns an OracleDataReader object. Declaration
// C# public OracleDataReader ExecuteReader();

Return Value An OracleDataReader. Implements IDbCommand Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The command cannot be executed.
5-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

Remarks When the CommandType property is set to CommandType.StoredProcedure, the CommandText property should be set to the name of the stored procedure. The specified command executes this stored procedure when ExecuteReader is called. If parameters for the stored procedure consist of REF CURSOR objects, behavior differs depending on whether ExecuteReader() or ExecuteNonQuery() is called. If ExecuteReader() is invoked, REF CURSOR objects can be accessed through the OracleDataReader that is returned. If more than one REF CURSOR is returned from a single execution, subsequent REF CURSOR objects can be accessed sequentially by the NextResult method on the OracleDataReader. If the ExecuteNonQuery method is invoked, the output parameter value can be cast to a OracleRefCursor type and the OracleRefCursor object then can be used to either populate a DataSet or create an OracleDataReader object from it. This approach provides random access to all the REF CURSOR objects returned as output parameters. The value of 100 is used for the FetchSize. If 0 is specified, no rows are fetched. For further information, see "Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data" on page 3-42. If the value of the XmlCommandType property is set to OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, OracleXmlCommandType.Delete, or OracleXmlCommandType.Query then the ExecuteReader method throws an InvalidOperationException. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ExecuteReaderSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("select ename from emp", con); OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("Employee Name : " + reader.GetString(0)); } // Clean up reader.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-35

OracleCommand Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "OracleRefCursor Class" on page 11-113

This method executes a command specified in the CommandText and returns an OracleDataReader object, using the specified behavior. Declaration
// C# public OracleDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior);

Parameters behavior The expected behavior. Return Value An OracleDataReader. Implements IDbCommand Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The command cannot be executed. Remarks A description of the results and the effect on the database of the query command is indicated by the supplied behavior that specifies command behavior. For valid CommandBehavior values and for the command behavior of each CommandBehavior enumerated type, read the .NET Framework documentation. When the CommandType property is set to CommandType.StoredProcedure, the CommandText property should be set to the name of the stored procedure. The command executes this stored procedure when ExecuteReader() is called. If the stored procedure returns stored REF CURSORs, read the section on OracleRefCursors for more details. See "OracleRefCursor Class" on page 11-113. The value of 100 is used for the FetchSize. If 0 is specified, no rows are fetched. For more information, see "Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data" on page 3-42. If the value of the XmlCommandType property is set to OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, OracleXmlCommandType.Delete, or OracleXmlCommandType.Query then the ExecuteReader method throws an InvalidOperationException.

5-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members "OracleRefCursor Class" on page 11-113

This method executes the query using the connection, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override object ExecuteScalar(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public object ExecuteScalar();

Return Value An object which represents the value of the first row, first column. Implements IDbCommand Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The command cannot be executed. Remarks Extra columns or rows are ignored. ExecuteScalar retrieves a single value (for example, an aggregate value) from a database. This requires less code than using the ExecuteReader() method, and then performing the operations necessary to generate the single value using the data returned by an OracleDataReader. If the query does not return any row, it returns null. The ExecuteScalar method throws an InvalidOperationException, if the value of the XmlCommandType property is set to one of the following OracleXmlCommandType values: Insert, Update, Delete, Query. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ExecuteScalarSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open();

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-37

OracleCommand Public Methods

OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("select count(*) from emp", con); object count = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); Console.WriteLine("There are {0} rows in table emp", count); // Clean up cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members

This method executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the result as an XML document in a new Stream object. Declaration
// C# public Stream ExecuteStream();

Return Value A Stream. Remarks The behavior of ExecuteStream varies depending on the XmlCommandType property value:

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.None ExecuteStream throws an InvalidOperationException.

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Query ExecuteStream executes the select statement in the CommandText property, and if successful, returns an OracleClob object containing the XML document that was generated. OracleClob contains Unicode characters. If the SQL query does not return any rows, then ExcecuteStream returns an OracleClob object containing an empty XML document.

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, or OracleXmlCommandType.Delete. The value of the CommandText property is an XML document. ExecuteStream saves the data in that XML document to the table or view that is specified in the XmlSaveProperties property and an empty OracleClob is returned.

Requirements For database releases 8.1.7 and 9.0.1 only: This method requires Oracle XML Developer's Kit (Oracle XDK) release 9.2 or later to be installed on the database. Oracle XDK can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
5-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

This method executes a command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and appends the result as an XML document to the existing Stream provided by the application. Declaration
// C# public void ExecuteToStream(Stream outputStream);

Parameters outputStream A Stream. Remarks The behavior of ExecuteToStream varies depending on the XmlCommandType property value:

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.None ExecuteToStream throws an InvalidOperationException.

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Query ExecuteToStream executes the select statement in the CommandText property, and if successful, appends the XML document that was generated to the given Stream. If the SQL query does not return any rows, then nothing is appended to the given Stream. The character set of the appended data is Unicode.

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, or OracleXmlCommandType.Delete The value of the CommandText property is an XML document. ExecuteToStream saves the changes in that XML document to the table or view that is specified in the XmlSaveProperties property. Nothing is appended to the given Stream.

Requirements For database releases 8.1.7 and 9.0.1 only: This method requires Oracle XML Developer's Kit (Oracle XDK) release 9.2 or later to be installed on the database. Oracle XDK can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-39

OracleCommand Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

This method executes the command using the XmlCommandType and CommandText properties and returns the result as an XML document in a .NET XmlTextReader object. Declaration
// C# public XmlReader ExecuteXmlReader();

Return Value An XmlReader. Remarks The behavior of ExecuteXmlReader varies depending on the XmlCommandType property value:

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.None ExecuteStream throws an InvalidOperationException.

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Query ExecuteXmlReader executes the select statement in the CommandText property, and if successful, returns a .NET XmlTextReader object containing the XML document that was generated. If the XML document is empty, which can happen if the SQL query does not return any rows, then an empty .NET XmlTextReader object is returned.

XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Insert, OracleXmlCommandType.Update, or OracleXmlCommandType.Delete. The value of the CommandText property is an XML document, and ExecuteXmlReader saves the changes in that XML document to the table or view that is specified in the XmlSaveProperties property. An empty .NET XmlTextReader object is returned.

Requirements For database releases 8.1.7 and 9.0.1 only: This method requires Oracle XML Developer's Kit (Oracle XDK) release 9.2 or later to be installed on the database. Oracle XDK can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

5-40 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommand Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommand Class OracleCommand Members Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-41

OracleCommandBuilder Class

OracleCommandBuilder Class
An OracleCommandBuilder object provides automatic SQL generation for the OracleDataAdapter when updates are made to the database. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder (ADO.NET 2.0 only) OracleDataAccess.Client.OracleCommandBuilder Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleCommandBuilder : DbCommandBuilder // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public sealed class OracleCommandBuilder : Component

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks OracleCommandBuilder automatically generates SQL statements for single-table updates when the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter is set. An exception is thrown if the DataSet contains multiple tables. The OracleCommandBuilder registers itself as a listener for RowUpdating events whenever its DataAdapter property is set. Only one OracleDataAdapter object and one OracleCommandBuilder object can be associated with each other at one time. To generate INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements, the OracleCommandBuilder uses ExtendedProperties within the DataSet to retrieve a required set of metadata. If the SelectCommand is changed after the metadata is retrieved (for example, after the first update), the RefreshSchema method should be called to update the metadata. OracleCommandBuilder first looks for the metadata from the ExtendedProperties of the DataSet; if the metadata is not available, OracleCommandBuilder uses the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter to retrieve the metadata. Example The following example performs an update on the EMP table. It uses the OracleCommandBuilder object to create the UpdateCommand for the OracleDataAdapter object when OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called.
// C# using System; using System.Data;

5-42 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleCommandBuilderSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; string cmdstr = "SELECT empno, sal from emp"; // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the // connection string OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr); // Create the builder for the adapter to automatically generate // the Command when needed OracleCommandBuilder builder = new OracleCommandBuilder(adapter); // Create and fill the DataSet using the EMP DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset, "EMP"); // Get the EMP table from the dataset DataTable table = dataset.Tables["EMP"]; // Indicate DataColumn EMPNO is unique // This is required by the OracleCommandBuilder to update the EMP table table.Columns["EMPNO"].Unique = true; // Get the first row from the EMP table DataRow row = table.Rows[0]; // Update the salary double sal = double.Parse(row["SAL"].ToString()); row["SAL"] = sal + .01; // Now update the EMP using the adapter // The OracleCommandBuilder will create the UpdateCommand for the // adapter to update the EMP table adapter.Update(dataset, "EMP"); Console.WriteLine("Row updated successfully"); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-43

OracleCommandBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Members OracleCommandBuilder Constructors OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods OracleCommandBuilder Properties OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods OracleCommandBuilder Events

5-44 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

OracleCommandBuilder Members
OracleCommandBuilder members are listed in the following tables:

OracleCommandBuilder Constructors
OracleCommandBuilder constructors are listed in Table 58.
Table 58 OracleCommandBuilder Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleCommandBuilder class (Overloaded)

Constructor OracleCommandBuilder Constructors

OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods

OracleCommandBuilder static methods are listed in Table 59.
Table 59 Methods DeriveParameters OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods Description Queries for the parameters of a stored procedure or function, represented by a specified OracleCommand, and populates the OracleParameterCollection of the command with the return values Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)


OracleCommandBuilder Properties
OracleCommandBuilder properties are listed in Table 510.
Table 510 Name Container CaseSensitive CatalogLocation CatalogSeparator ConflictOption DataAdapter QuotePrefix OracleCommandBuilder Properties Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Indicates whether or not double quotes are used around Oracle object names when generating SQL statements Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Indicates the OracleDataAdapter for which the SQL statements are generated Specifies the beginning character or characters used to specify database objects whose names contain special characters such as spaces or reserved words Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET QuoteSuffix Specifies the ending character or characters used to specify database objects whose names contain special characters such as spaces or reserved words Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET SchemaSeparator Specifies the character to be used for the separator between the schema identifier and other identifiers Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-45

OracleCommandBuilder Members

Table 510 (Cont.) OracleCommandBuilder Properties Name Site Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component

OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods

OracleCommandBuilder public methods are listed in Table 511.
Table 511 OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods Description Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform deletions on the database Inherited from System.Object Gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform insertions on the database Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform updates on the database Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Returns the correct quoted form of the provided unquoted identifier, with any embedded quotes in the identifier properly escaped Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET RefreshSchema UnquoteIdentifier Refreshes the database schema information used to generate INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements Returns the correct unquoted form of the provided quoted identifier, removing any escape notation for quotes embedded in the identifier Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET ToString Inherited from System.Object

Public Method CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetDeleteCommand

GetHashCode GetInsertCommand

GetLifetimeService GetType GetUpdateCommand

InitializeLifetimeService QuoteIdentifier

OracleCommandBuilder Events
The OracleCommandBuilder event is listed in Table 512.
Table 512 Event Name Disposed OracleCommandBuilder Events Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component

5-46 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-47

OracleCommandBuilder Constructors

OracleCommandBuilder Constructors
OracleCommandBuilder constructors create new instances of the OracleCommandBuilder class. Overload List: OracleCommandBuilder() This constructor creates an instance of the OracleCommandBuilder class.

OracleCommandBuilder(OracleDataAdapter) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleCommandBuilder class and sets the DataAdapter property to the provided OracleDataAdapter object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleCommandBuilder class. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommandBuilder();

Remarks Default constructor.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleCommandBuilder class and sets the DataAdapter property to the provided OracleDataAdapter object. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommandBuilder(OracleDataAdapter da);

Parameters da The OracleDataAdapter object provided.

5-48 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-49

OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods

OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods

OracleCommandBuilder static methods are listed in Table 513.
Table 513 Methods DeriveParameters OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods Description Queries for the parameters of a stored procedure or function, represented by a specified OracleCommand, and populates the OracleParameterCollection of the command with the return values Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method queries for the parameters of a stored procedure or function, represented by a specified OracleCommand, and populates the OracleParameterCollection of the command with the return values. Declaration
// C# public static void DeriveParameters(OracleCommand command);

Parameters command The command that represents the stored procedure or function for which parameters are to be derived. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The CommandText is not a valid stored procedure or function name, the CommandType is not CommandType.StoredProcedure, or the Connection.State is not ConnectionState.Open. Remarks When DeriveParameters is used to populate the Parameter collection of an OracleCommand Object that represents a stored function, the return value of the function is bound as the first parameter (at position 0 of the OracleParameterCollection). DeriveParameters can only be used for stored procedures or functions, not for anonymous PL/SQL blocks. Invoking DeriveParameters deletes all existing parameters in the parameter collection of the command. DeriveParameters incurs a database round-trip and should only be used during design time. To avoid unnecessary database round-trips in a production environment,
5-50 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

the DeriveParameters method itself should be replaced with the explicit parameter settings that were returned by the DeriveParameters method at design time. DeriveParameters can only preserve the case of the stored procedure or function name if it is encapsulated by double-quotes. For example, if the stored procedure in the database is named GetEmployees with mixed-case, the CommandText property on the OracleCommand object must be set appropriately as in the following example:
cmd.CommandText = "\"GetEmployees\"";

Stored procedures and functions in a package must be provided in the following format:
<package name>.<procedure or function name>

For example, to obtain parameters for a stored procedure named GetEmployees (mixed-case) in a package named EmpProcedures (mixed-case), the name provided to the OracleCommand is:

DeriveParameters cannot be used for object type methods. The derived parameters contain all the metadata information that is needed for the stored procedure to execute properly. The application must provide the value of the parameters before execution, if required. The application may also modify the metadata information of the parameters before execution. For example, the Size property of the OracleParameter may be modified for PL/SQL character and string types to optimize the execution of the stored procedure. The output values of derived parameters return as .NET Types by default. To obtain output parameters as provider types, the OracleDbType property of the parameter must be set explicitly by the application to override this default behavior. One quick way to do this is to set the OracleDbType to itself for all output parameters that should be returned as provider types. The BindByName property of the supplied OracleCommand is left as is, but the application can change its value. If the specified stored procedure or function is overloaded, the first overload is used to populate the parameters collection.
// Database Setup /* connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE MyOracleStoredProc (arg_in IN VARCHAR2, arg_out OUT VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN arg_out := arg_in; END; / */ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class DeriveParametersSample { static void Main() {

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-51

OracleCommandBuilder Static Methods

// Create the PL/SQL Stored Procedure MyOracleStoredProc as indicated in // the preceding Database Setup string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("MyOracleStoredProc", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Derive Parameters OracleCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters(cmd); Console.WriteLine("Parameters Derived"); // Prints "Number of Parameters for MyOracleStoredProc = 2" Console.WriteLine("Number of Parameters for MyOracleStoredProc = {0}", cmd.Parameters.Count); // The PL/SQL stored procedure MyOracleStoredProc has one IN and // one OUT parameter. Set the Value for the IN parameter. cmd.Parameters[0].Value = "MyText"; // The application may modify the other OracleParameter properties also // This sample uses the default Size for the IN parameter and modifies // the Size for the OUT parameter // The default size for OUT VARCHAR2 is 4000 // Prints "cmd.Parameters[1].Size = 4000" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters[1].Size = " + cmd.Parameters[1].Size); // Set the Size for the OUT parameter cmd.Parameters[1].Size = 6; // Execute the command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Prints "cmd.Parameters[1].Value = MyText" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters[1].Value = " + cmd.Parameters[1].Value); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

5-52 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members OracleCommand Class OracleParameter Class OracleParameterCollection Class for detailed information about this Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 feature

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-53

OracleCommandBuilder Properties

OracleCommandBuilder Properties
OracleCommandBuilder properties are listed in Table 514.
Table 514 Name Container CaseSensitive CatalogLocation CatalogSeparator ConflictOption DataAdapter QuotePrefix OracleCommandBuilder Properties Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Indicates whether or not double quotes are used around Oracle object names when generating SQL statements Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Indicates the OracleDataAdapter for which the SQL statements are generated Specifies the beginning character or characters used to specify database objects whose names contain special characters such as spaces or reserved words Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET QuoteSuffix Specifies the ending character or characters used to specify database objects whose names contain special characters such as spaces or reserved words Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET SchemaSeparator Specifies the character to be used for the separator between the schema identifier and other identifiers Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Site Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property indicates whether or not double quotes are used around Oracle object names (for example, tables or columns) when generating SQL statements. Declaration
// C# bool CaseSensitive {get; set;}

Property Value A bool that indicates whether or not double quotes are used. Remarks Default = false

5-54 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override CatalogLocation CatalogLocation {get; set;}

Exceptions NotSupportedException - This property is not supported. Remarks This property is not supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string CatalogSeparator {get; set;}

Exceptions NotSupportedException - This property is not supported. Remarks This property is not supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property is not supported.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-55

OracleCommandBuilder Properties

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string ConflictOption {get; set;}

Exceptions NotSupportedException - This property is not supported. Remarks This property is not supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property indicates the OracleDataAdapter object for which the SQL statements are generated. Declaration
// C# OracleDataAdapter DataAdapter{get; set;}

Property Value An OracleDataAdapter object. Remarks Default = null

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property specifies the beginning character or characters used to specify database objects whose names contain special characters such as spaces or reserved words. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string QuotePrefix {get; set;}

Property Value The beginning character or characters to use. The default value is "\"". Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The input value is null.

5-56 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

NotSupportedException - The input value is not "\"". Remarks This property is independent of any OracleConnection or OracleCommand objects. Only "\"" is supported as the quote prefix.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property specifies the ending character or characters used to specify database objects whose names contain special characters such as spaces or reserved words. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string QuoteSuffix {get; set;}

Property Value The ending character or characters to use. The default value is "\"". Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The input value is null. NotSupportedException - The input value is not "\"". Remarks This property is independent of any OracleConnection or OracleCommand objects. Only "\"" is supported as the quote suffix value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This property specifies the character to be used for the separator between the schema identifier and other identifiers. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string SchemaSeparator {get; set; }

Property Value The character to be used as the schema separator.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-57

OracleCommandBuilder Properties

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The input value is null. NotSupportedException - The input value is not a dot (.). Remarks The default schema separator is a dot (.). The only acceptable value for this property is a dot (.). This property is independent of any OracleConnection or OracleCommand objects. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class SchemaSeperatorSample { static void Main(string[] args) { try { OracleCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new OracleCommandBuilder(); //schemaSeparator is dot(.) Console.WriteLine("schemaSeparator is {0}", cmdBuilder.SchemaSeparator); //set the schemaseparator, only '.' is allowed. cmdBuilder.SchemaSeparator = "."; // the only acceptable value for this property is a dot (.) // Hence the following line will throw NotSupportedException cmdBuilder.SchemaSeparator = "!"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

5-58 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods

OracleCommandBuilder public methods are listed in Table 515.
Table 515 OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods Description Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform deletions on the database Inherited from System.Object Gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform insertions on the database Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform updates on the database Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Returns the correct quoted form of the provided unquoted identifier, with any embedded quotes in the identifier properly escaped Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET RefreshSchema UnquoteIdentifier Refreshes the database schema information used to generate INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements Returns the correct unquoted form of the provided quoted identifier, removing any escape notation for quotes embedded in the identifier Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET ToString Inherited from System.Object

Public Method CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetDeleteCommand

GetHashCode GetInsertCommand

GetLifetimeService GetType GetUpdateCommand

InitializeLifetimeService QuoteIdentifier

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform deletions on the database when an application calls Update() on the OracleDataAdapter. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand GetDeleteCommand(); Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-59

OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods

Return Value An OracleCommand. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The OracleCommandBuilder object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - Either the SelectCommand or the DataAdapter property is null, or the primary key cannot be retrieved from the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform insertions on the database when an application calls Update() on the OracleDataAdapter. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand GetInsertCommand();

Return Value An OracleCommand. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The OracleCommandBuilder object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - Either the SelectCommand or the DataAdapter property is null, or the primary key cannot be retrieved from the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method gets the automatically generated OracleCommand object that has the SQL statement (CommandText) perform updates on the database when an application calls Update() on the OracleDataAdapter. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand GetUpdateCommand();

5-60 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

Return Value An OracleCommand. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The OracleCommandBuilder object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - Either the SelectCommand or the DataAdapter property is null, or the primary key cannot be retrieved from the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method returns the correct quoted form of the provided unquoted identifier, with any embedded quotes in the identifier properly escaped. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string QuoteIdentifier(string unquotedIdentifier);

Parameters UnquotedIdentifier An unquoted identifier string. Return Value The quoted version of the identifier. Embedded quotes within the identifier are properly escaped. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The input parameter is null. Remarks This method is independent of any OracleConnection or OracleCommand objects. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class QuoteIdentifierSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleCommandBuilder builder = new OracleCommandBuilder();

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-61

OracleCommandBuilder Public Methods

string quoteIdentifier = builder.QuoteIdentifier("US\"ER"); //quoteIdentifier for "US\"ER" is (\"US\"\"ER\") Console.WriteLine("quoteIdentifier is {0}" , quoteIdentifier); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method refreshes the database schema information used to generate INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void RefreshSchema(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void RefreshSchema();

Remarks An application should call RefreshSchema whenever the SelectCommand value of the OracleDataAdapter object changes.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

This method returns the correct unquoted form of the provided quoted identifier, removing any escape notation for quotes embedded in the identifier. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string UnquoteIdentifier(string quotedIdentifier);

Parameters quotedIdentifier The quoted string identifier. Return Value The unquoted identifier, with escape notation for any embedded quotes removed. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The input parameter is null.

5-62 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleCommandBuilder Class

ArgumentException - The input parameter is empty. Remarks This method is independent of any OracleConnection or OracleCommand objects. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class UnQuoteIdentifierSample { static void Main(string[] args) { //create an OracleCommandBuilder object. OracleCommandBuilder builder = new OracleCommandBuilder(); string identifier = "US\"ER"; Console.WriteLine("Identifier is {0}", identifier); // quote the identifier string quoteIdentifier = builder.QuoteIdentifier(identifier); //quoteIdentifier of "US\"ER" is (\"US\"\"ER\") Console.WriteLine("QuotedIdentifier is {0}" , quoteIdentifier); string unquoteIdentifier = builder.UnquoteIdentifier(quoteIdentifier); //And its unquoteIdentifier is US\"ER Console.WriteLine("UnquotedIdentifier is {0}" , unquoteIdentifier); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-63

OracleCommandBuilder Events

OracleCommandBuilder Events
The OracleCommandBuilder event is listed in Table 516.
Table 516 Event Name Disposed OracleCommandBuilder Event Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleCommandBuilder Class OracleCommandBuilder Members

5-64 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

OracleConnection Class
An OracleConnection object represents a connection to an Oracle database. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component System.Data.Common.DbConnection (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleConnection : DbConnection, IDbConnection, ICloneable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public sealed class OracleConnection : Component, IdbConnection, ICloneable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleConnectionSample { static void Main() { // Connect string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Execute a SQL SELECT OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select * from emp"; OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Print all employee numbers while (reader.Read()) Console.WriteLine(reader.GetInt32(0)); // Clean up reader.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-65

OracleConnection Class

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Members OracleConnection Constructors OracleConnection Static Properties OracleConnection Static Methods OracleConnection Properties OracleConnection Public Methods OracleConnection Events

5-66 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

OracleConnection Members
OracleConnection members are listed in the following tables:

OracleConnection Constructors
OracleConnection constructors are listed in Table 517.
Table 517 Constructor OracleConnection Constructors OracleConnection Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnection class (Overloaded)

OracleConnection Static Properties

The OracleConnection static property is listed in Table 519.
Table 518 Property IsAvailable OracleConnection Static Property Description Indicates whether or not the implicit database connection is available for use

OracleConnection Static Methods

The OracleConnection static method is listed in Table 519.
Table 519 Method Equals ClearPool OracleConnection Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Clears the connection pool that is associated with the provided OracleConnection object. Not supported in a .NET stored procedure ClearAllPools Clears all connections from all the connection pools Not supported in a .NET stored procedure

OracleConnection Properties
OracleConnection properties are listed in Table 520
Table 520 Name ClientId ConnectionString ConnectionTimeout Container Database DataSource OracleConnection Properties Description Specifies the client identifier for the connection Specifies connection information used to connect to an Oracle database Indicates the maximum amount of time that the Open method can take to obtain a pooled connection before the request is terminated Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Not Supported Specifies the Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-67

OracleConnection Members

Table 520 (Cont.) OracleConnection Properties Name ServerVersion Site State Description Specifies the version number of the Oracle database to which the OracleConnection has established a connection Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Specifies the current state of the connection

OracleConnection Public Methods

OracleConnection public methods are listed in Table 521.
Table 521 OracleConnection Public Methods Description Begins a local transaction (Overloaded) Not supported in a .NET stored procedure ChangeDatabase Clone Not Supported Creates a copy of an OracleConnection object Not supported in a .NET stored procedure Close CreateCommand CreateObjRef Dispose EnlistDistributedTransaction Closes the database connection Creates and returns an OracleCommand object associated with the OracleConnection object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Enables applications to explicitly enlist in a specified distributed transaction Not supported in a .NET stored procedure EnlistTransaction Enables applications to enlist in a specified distributed transaction Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Not supported in a .NET stored procedure Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetSchema Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetSessionInfo Returns or refreshes the property values of the OracleGlobalization object that represents the globalization settings of the session (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Opens a database connection with the property settings specified by the ConnectionString

Public Method BeginTransaction

GetType InitializeLifetimeService Open

5-68 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Table 521 (Cont.) OracleConnection Public Methods Public Method OpenWithNewPassword Description Opens a new connection with the new password Not supported in a .NET stored procedure PurgeStatementCache Flushes the Statement Cache by closing all open cursors on the database, when statement caching is enabled Alters the session's globalization settings with the property values provided by the OracleGlobalization object Inherited from System.Object



OracleConnection Events
OracleConnection events are listed in Table 522.
Table 522 Event Name Disposed Failover OracleConnection Events Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component An event that is triggered when an Oracle failover occurs Not supported in a .NET stored procedure InfoMessage StateChange An event that is triggered for any message or warning sent by the database An event that is triggered when the connection state changes

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-69

OracleConnection Constructors

OracleConnection Constructors
OracleConnection constructors instantiate new instances of the OracleConnection class. Overload List: OracleConnection() This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnection class using default property values.

OracleConnection(String) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnection class with the provided connection string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnection class using default property values. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection();

Remarks The properties for OracleConnection are set to the following default values:

ConnectionString = empty string ConnectionTimeout = 15 (default value of 0 is used for the implicit database connection) DataSource = empty string ServerVersion = empty string
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnection class with the provided connection string. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection(String connectionString);

5-70 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Parameters connectionString The connection information used to connect to the Oracle database. Remarks The ConnectionString property is set to the supplied connectionString. The ConnectionString property is parsed and an exception is thrown if it contains invalid connection string attributes or attribute values. The properties of the OracleConnection object default to the following values unless they are set by the connection string:

ConnectionString = empty string ConnectionTimeout = 15 (default value of 0 is used for the implicit database connection) DataSource = empty string ServerVersion = empty string
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-71

OracleConnection Static Properties

OracleConnection Static Properties

The OracleConnection static property is listed in Table 523.
Table 523 Property IsAvailable OracleConnection Static Property Description Indicates whether or not the implicit database connection is available for use

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property indicates whether or the implicit database connection is available for use. Declaration
// C# public static bool IsAvailable {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the implicit database connection is available for use. Remarks The availability of the implicit database connection can be checked at runtime through this static property. When Oracle Data Provider for .NET is used within a .NET stored procedure, this property always returns true. Otherwise, false is returned. To obtain an OracleConnection object in a .NET stored procedure that represents the implicit database connection, set the ConnectionString property of the OracleConnection object to "context connection=true" and invoke the Open method. Note that not all features that are available for an explicit user connection are available for an implicit database connection. See "Implicit Database Connection" on page 4-2 for details. Example
// C# (Library/DLL) using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; public class IsAvailableSample { static void MyStoredProcedure() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); if (OracleConnection.IsAvailable) { // This function is invoked as a stored procedure

5-72 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

// Obtain the implicit database connection by setting // "context connection=true" in the connection string con.ConnectionString = "context connection=true"; } else { // This function is not invoked as a stored procedure // Set the connection string for a normal client connection con.ConnectionString = "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=oracle"; } con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("connected!"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-73

OracleConnection Static Methods

OracleConnection Static Methods

The OracleConnection static method is listed in Table 524.
Table 524 Method Equals ClearPool OracleConnection Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Clears the connection pool that is associated with the provided OracleConnection object. Not supported in a .NET stored procedure ClearAllPools Clears all connections from all the connection pools Not supported in a .NET stored procedure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method clears the connection pool that is associated with the provided OracleConnection object. Declaration
// C# public static void ClearPool(OracleConnection connection);

Remarks When this method is invoked, all idle connections are closed and freed from the pool. Currently used connections are not discarded until they are returned to the pool. The ClearPool method should be invoked only when valid connections can be created (that is, the database is up and can be connected to). Otherwise, the ClearPool method may just create invalid connections to a downed database instance. Assuming valid database connections, a ClearPool invocation creates a connection pool with usable connections. Therefore, connection requests succeed even after the invocation of this method. Connections created after this method invocation are not cleared unless another invocation is made. This method can be invoked with an OracleConnection object before opening the connection as well as after, provided the ConnectionString is properly set. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Either the connection pool cannot be found or the provided connection string is invalid. Example
// C# // Sample demonstrating the use of ClearPool API in OracleConnection class using System;

5-74 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ClearPoolSample { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Running ClearPool sample..." ); // Set the connection string string strConn = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" + "Min pool size=5;"; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(strConn); // Open the connection conn.Open(); // Clears the connection pool associated with connection 'conn' OracleConnection.ClearPool (conn); // This connection will be placed back into the pool conn.Close (); // Open the connection again to create additional connections in the pool conn.Open(); // Create a new connection object OracleConnection connNew = new OracleConnection(strConn); // Clears the pool associated with Connection 'connNew' // Since the same connection string is set for both the connections, // connNew and conn, they will be part of the same connection pool. // We need not do an Open() on the connection object before calling // ClearPool OracleConnection.ClearPool (connNew); // cleanup conn.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method clears all connections from all the connection pools. Declaration
// C# public static void ClearAllPools();

Remarks (Oracle.DataAccess.Client only) This call is analogous to calling ClearPool for all the connection pools that are created for the application.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-75

OracleConnection Static Methods

Exceptions InvalidOperationException No connection pool could be found for the application. Example
// C# // Sample demonstrating the use of ClearAllPools API in OracleConnection class using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ClearAllPoolsSample { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Running ClearAllPools sample..." ); // Set the connection string string strConn = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" + "Min pool size=5;"; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(strConn); // Create another connection object with a different connection string string strConnNew = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; OracleConnection connNew = new OracleConnection(strConnNew); // Open the connections. Separate pools are created for conn and connNew conn.Open(); connNew.Open(); // Clears the pools associated with conn and connNew OracleConnection.ClearAllPools (); // cleanup conn.Close(); connNew.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "ClearPool" on page 5-74

5-76 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

OracleConnection Properties
OracleConnection properties are listed in Table 525
Table 525 Name ClientId ConnectionString ConnectionTimeout Container Database DataSource ServerVersion Site State OracleConnection Properties Description Specifies the client identifier for the connection Specifies connection information used to connect to an Oracle database Indicates the maximum amount of time that the Open method can take to obtain a pooled connection before the request is terminated Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Not Supported Specifies the Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect Specifies the version number of the Oracle database to which the OracleConnection has established a connection Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Specifies the current state of the connection

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property specifies the client identifier for the connection. Declaration
// C# public string ClientId {set;}

Property Value The string to be used as the client identifier. Remarks The default value is null. Setting ClientId to null resets the client identifier for the connection. Setting ClientId to an empty string sets the client identifier for the connection to an empty string. ClientId is set to null when the Close method is called on the OracleConnection object. Using the ClientId property allows the application to set the client identifier in the application context for every database session using ODP.NET. This enables ODP.NET developers to configure the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) more easily.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-77

OracleConnection Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "Client Identifier" on page 3-13 Oracle Database Security Guide

This property specifies connection information used to connect to an Oracle database. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string ConnectionString{get; set;} // ADO.NET: 1.x C# public string ConnectionString{get; set;}

Property Value If the connection string is supplied through the constructor, this property is set to that string. Implements IDbConnection Exceptions ArgumentException - An invalid syntax is specified for the connection string. InvalidOperationException - ConnectionString is being set while the connection is open. Remarks The default value is an empty string. ConnectionString must be a string of attribute name and value pairings, separated by a semi-colon, for example:
"User Id=scott;password=tiger;data source=oracle"

If the ConnectionString is not in a proper format, an exception is thrown. All spaces are ignored unless they are within double quotes. When the ConnectionString property is set, the OracleConnection object immediately parses the string for errors. An ArgumentException is thrown if the ConnectionString contains invalid attributes or invalid values. Attribute values for User Id, Password, Proxy User Id, Proxy Password, and Data Source (if provided) are not validated until the Open method is called. The connection must be closed to set the ConnectionString property. When the ConnectionString property is reset, all previously set values are reinitialized to their default values before the new values are applied. Starting with ODP.NET 11.1, password and proxy password connection string attribute values are accepted as case-sensitive strings. Thus, they are passed to the
5-78 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

database for authentication in the case provided in the connection string. Therefore, if the database is configured to support case-sensitive passwords, passwords must be passed in the correct case. If a connection string attribute is set more than once, the last setting takes effect and no exceptions are thrown. Boolean connection string attributes can be set to either true, false, yes, or no. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) To obtain an OracleConnection object in a .NET stored procedure that represents the implicit database connection, set the ConnectionString property of the OracleConnection object to "context connection=true" and invoke the Open method. Other connection string attributes cannot be used in conjunction with "context connection" when it is set to true. Supported Connection String Attributes Table 526 lists the supported connection string attributes.
Table 526 Supported Connection String Attributes Description Maximum life time (in seconds) of the connection. This attribute specifies the lifetime of the connection in seconds. Before the Connection is placed back into the pool, the lifetime of the connection is checked. If the lifetime of the connection exceeds this property value, the connection is closed and disposed of. If this property value is 0, the connection lifetime is never checked. Connections that have exceeded their lifetimes are not closed and disposed of, if doing so brings the number of connections in the pool below the Min Pool Size. Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a free connection from the pool. This attribute specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the Open() method can take to obtain a pooled connection before it terminates the request. This value comes into effect only if no free connection is available from the connection pool and the Max Pool Size is reached. If a free connection is not available within the specified time, an exception is thrown. Connection Timeout does not limit the time required to open new connections. This attribute value takes effect for pooled connection requests and not for new connection requests. (The default value is 0 for the implicit database connection in a .NET stored procedure.) Context Connection Returns an implicit database connection if set to true. An implicit database connection can only be obtained from within a .NET stored procedure. Other connection string attributes cannot be used in conjunction with "context connection" when it is set to true. Supported in a .NET stored procedure only Data Source Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect. empty string false 15 Default Value 0

Connection String Attribute Connection Lifetime

Connection Timeout

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-79

OracleConnection Properties

Table 526 (Cont.) Supported Connection String Attributes Connection String Attribute DBA Privilege Description Administrative privileges SYSDBA or SYSOPER. This connection string attribute only accepts SYSDBA or SYSOPER as the attribute value. It is case insensitive. Decr Pool Size Number of connections that are closed when an excessive amount of established connections are unused. This connection string attribute controls the maximum number of unused connections that are closed when the pool regulator makes periodic checks. The regulator thread is spawned every 3 minutes and closes up to Decr Pool Size amount of pooled connections if they are not used. The pool regulator never takes the total number of connections below the Min Pool Size by closing pooled connections. Enlist Controls the enlistment behavior and capabilities of a connection in context of COM+ transactions or System.Transactions. If this attribute is set to true, the connection is automatically enlisted in the thread's transaction context. If this attribute is false, no enlistments are made. If this attribute is set to dynamic, applications can dynamically enlist in distributed transactions. This attribute can be set to true, false, yes, no, or dynamic. HA Events Enables ODP.NET connection pool to proactively remove connections from the pool when a RAC service, service member, or node goes down. This feature can only used against a RAC database and only if "pooling=true". This attribute can be set to true, false, yes, or no. Load Balancing Enables ODP.NET connection pool to balance work requests across RAC instances based on the load balancing advisory and service goal. This feature can only used against a RAC database and only if "pooling=true". This attribute can be set to true, false, yes, or no. Incr Pool Size Number of new connections to be created when all connections in the pool are in use. This connection string attribute determines the number of new connections that are established when a pooled connection is requested, but no unused connections are available and Max Pool Size is not reached. If new connections have been created for a pool, the regulator thread skips a cycle and does not have an opportunity to close any connections for 6 minutes. Note, however, that some connections can be still be closed during this time if their lifetime has been exceeded. 5 false false true Default Value empty string

5-80 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Table 526 (Cont.) Supported Connection String Attributes Connection String Attribute Max Pool Size Description Maximum number of connections in a pool. This attribute specifies the maximum number of connections allowed in the particular pool used by that OracleConnection. Simply changing this attribute in the connection string does not change the Max Pool Size restriction on a currently existing pool. Doing so simply creates a new pool with a different Max Pool Size restriction. This attribute must be set to a value greater than the Min Pool Size. This value is ignored unless Pooling is turned on. Metadata Pooling Caches metadata information. This attribute indicates whether or not metadata information for executed queries are cached for improved performance. Min Pool Size Minimum number of connections in a pool. This attribute specifies the minimum number of connections to be maintained by the pool during its entire lifetime. Simply changing this attribute in the connection string does not change the Min Pool Size restriction on a currently existing pool. Doing so simply creates a new pool with a different Min Pool Size restriction. This value is ignored unless Pooling is turned on. Password Password for the user specified by User Id. This attribute specifies an Oracle user's password. Password is case-sensitive. Persist Security Info Retrieval of the password in the connection string. If this attribute is set to false, the Password value setting is not returned when the application requests the ConnectionString after the connection is successfully opened by the Open() method. This attribute can be set to either true, false, yes, or no. Connection pooling. This attribute specifies whether or not connection pooling is to be used. Pools are created using an attribute value matching algorithm. This means that connection strings which only differ in the number of spaces in the connection string use the same pool. If two connection strings are identical except that one sets an attribute to a default value while the other does not set that attribute, both requests obtain connections from the same pool. This attribute can be set to either true, false, yes, or no. Proxy User Id User name of the proxy user. This connection string attribute specifies the middle-tier user, or the proxy user, who establishes a connection on behalf of a client user specified by the User Id attribute. ODP.NET attempts to establish a proxy connection if either the Proxy User Id or the Proxy Password attribute is set to a non-empty string. For the proxy user to connect to an Oracle database using operating system authentication, the Proxy User Id must be set to "/". The Proxy Password is ignored in this case. The User Id cannot be set to "/" when establishing proxy connections. The case of this attribute value is preserved. empty string true empty string 1 True Default Value 100



Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-81

OracleConnection Properties

Table 526 (Cont.) Supported Connection String Attributes Connection String Attribute Proxy Password Description Password of the proxy user. This connection string attribute specifies the password of the middle-tier user or the proxy user. This user establishes a connection on behalf of a client user specified by the User Id attribute. ODP.NET attempts to establish a proxy connection if either the Proxy User Id or the Proxy Password attribute is set to a non-empty string. The case of this attribute value is preserved if it is surrounded by double quotes. Statement Cache Purge Statement cache purged when the connection goes back to the pool. If statement caching is enabled, setting this attribute to true purges the Statement Cache when the connection goes back to the pool. Statement Cache Size Statement cache enabled and cache size set size, that is, the maximum number of statements that can be cached. A value greater than zero enables statement caching and sets the cache size to itself. This value should not be greater than the value of the OPEN_ CURSORS parameter set in the init.ora database configuration file. User Id Oracle user name. This attribute specifies the Oracle user name. The case of this attribute value is preserved if it is surrounded by double quotes. For the user to connect to an Oracle database using operating system authentication, set the User Id to "/". Any Password attribute setting is ignored in this case. Validate Connection Validation of connections coming from the pool. Validation causes a round-trip to the database for each connection. Therefore, it should only be used when necessary. empty string 10 false Default Value empty string


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property indicates the maximum amount of time that the Open method can take to obtain a pooled connection before the request is terminated. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int ConnectionTimeout {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int ConnectionTimeout {get;}

5-82 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Property Value The maximum time allowed for a pooled connection request, in seconds. Implements IDbConnection Remarks This property indicates the connection timeout that has been set using the ConnectionString attribute Connection TimeOut. This property is read-only. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) There is no connection string specified by the application and a connection on the implicit database is always available, therefore, this property is set to 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string Database {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string Database {get;}

Property Value A string. Implements IDbConnection.Database Remarks This property is not supported. It always returns an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property specifies the Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-83

OracleConnection Properties

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string DataSource {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string DataSource {get;}

Property Value Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) The value of this property is always an empty string for the implicit database connection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property specifies the version number of the Oracle database to which the OracleConnection has established a connection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string ServerVersion {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string ServerVersion {get;}

Property Value The version of the Oracle database. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed. Remarks The default is an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This property specifies the current state of the connection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C#

5-84 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

public override ConnectionState State {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public ConnectionState State {get;}

Property Value The ConnectionState of the connection. Implements IDbConnection Remarks ODP.NET supports ConnectionState.Closed and ConnectionState.Open for this property. The default value is ConnectionState.Closed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-85

OracleConnection Public Methods

OracleConnection Public Methods

OracleConnection public methods are listed in Table 527.
Table 527 OracleConnection Public Methods Description Begins a local transaction (Overloaded) Not supported in a .NET stored procedure ChangeDatabase Clone Not Supported Creates a copy of an OracleConnection object Not supported in a .NET stored procedure Close CreateCommand CreateObjRef Dispose EnlistDistributedTransaction Closes the database connection Creates and returns an OracleCommand object associated with the OracleConnection object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Enables applications to explicitly enlist in a specified distributed transaction Not supported in a .NET stored procedure EnlistTransaction Enables applications to enlist in a specified distributed transaction Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Not supported in a .NET stored procedure Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetSchema Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetSessionInfo Returns or refreshes the property values of the OracleGlobalization object that represents the globalization settings of the session (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Opens a database connection with the property settings specified by the ConnectionString Opens a new connection with the new password Not supported in a .NET stored procedure PurgeStatementCache Flushes the Statement Cache by closing all open cursors on the database, when statement caching is enabled Alters the session's globalization settings with the property values provided by the OracleGlobalization object

Public Method BeginTransaction

GetType InitializeLifetimeService Open OpenWithNewPassword


5-86 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Table 527 (Cont.) OracleConnection Public Methods Public Method ToString Description Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

BeginTransaction methods begin local transactions. Overload List BeginTransaction() This method begins a local transaction.

BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) This method begins a local transaction with the specified isolation level.

This method begins a local transaction. Declaration
// C# public OracleTransaction BeginTransaction();

Return Value An OracleTransaction object representing the new transaction. Implements IDbConnection Exceptions InvalidOperationException - A transaction has already been started. Remarks The transaction is created with its isolation level set to its default value of IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted. All further operations related to the transaction must be performed on the returned OracleTransaction object. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) Using this method causes a Not Supported exception.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-87

OracleConnection Public Methods

This method begins a local transaction with the specified isolation level. Declaration
// C# public OracleTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel);

Parameters isolationLevel The isolation level for the new transaction. Return Value An OracleTransaction object representing the new transaction. Implements IDbConnection Exceptions InvalidOperationException - A transaction has already been started. ArgumentException - The isolationLevel specified is invalid. Remarks The following two isolation levels are supported:

IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted IsolationLevel.Serializable

Requesting other isolation levels causes an exception. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) Using this method causes a Not Supported exception. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class BeginTransactionSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand object using the connection object OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Start a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); // Update EMP table 5-88 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

cmd.CommandText = "update emp set sal = sal + 100"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Rollback transaction txn.Rollback(); Console.WriteLine("Transaction rolledback"); // Clean up txn.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void ChangeDatabase(string databaseName); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void ChangeDatabase(string databaseName);

Parameters databaseName The name of the database that replaces the current database name. Implements IDbConnection.ChangeDatabase Exceptions NotSupportedException - Method not supported. Remarks This method is not supported and throws a NotSupportedException if invoked.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method creates a copy of an OracleConnection object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-89

OracleConnection Public Methods

// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleConnection object. Implements ICloneable Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) This method is not supported for an implicit database connection. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class CloneSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Need a proper casting for the return value when cloned OracleConnection clonedCon = (OracleConnection)con.Clone(); // Cloned connection is always closed, regardless of its source, // But the connection string should be identical clonedCon.Open(); if (clonedCon.ConnectionString.Equals(con.ConnectionString)) Console.WriteLine("The connection strings are the same."); else Console.WriteLine("The connection strings are different."); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object clonedCon.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method closes the connection to the database.

5-90 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Close(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Close();

Implements IDbConnection Remarks Performs the following:

Rolls back any pending transactions. Places the connection to the connection pool if connection pooling is enabled. Even if connection pooling is enabled, the connection can be closed if it exceeds the connection lifetime specified in the connection string. If connection pooling is disabled, the connection is closed. Closes the connection to the database.

The connection can be reopened using Open().

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method creates and returns an OracleCommand object associated with the OracleConnection object. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand CreateCommand();

Return Value The OracleCommand object. Implements IDbConnection Example

// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class CreateCommandSample { static void Main() { // Connect Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-91

OracleConnection Public Methods

string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Execute a SQL SELECT OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select * from emp"; OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Print all employee numbers while (reader.Read()) Console.WriteLine(reader.GetInt32(0)); // Clean up reader.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method enables applications to explicitly enlist in a specific distributed transaction after a connection has been opened. Declaration
// C# public void EnlistDistributedTransaction(ITransaction transaction);

Parameters transaction An ITransaction interface. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is part of a local transaction or the connection is closed. Remarks EnlistDistributedTransaction enables objects to enlist in a specific transaction that is passed to the method. The ITransaction interface can be obtained by applying an (ITransaction) cast to the ContexUtil.Transaction property within the component that started the distributed transaction. The connection must be open before calling this method or an InvalidOperationException is thrown. If a connection is part of a local transaction that was started implicitly or explicitly while attempting to enlist in a distributed transaction, the local transaction is rolled back and an exception is thrown.

5-92 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

By default, distributed transactions roll back, unless the method-level AutoComplete declaration is set. Invoking the commit on the ITranasction raises an exception. Invoking the rollback on the ITransaction method and calling ContextUtil.SetComplete on the same distributed transaction raises an exception. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) Using this method causes a Not Supported exception. Example Application:
// C# /* This is the class that will utilize the Enterprise Services component. This module needs to be built as an executable. The Enterprise Services Component DLL must be built first before building this module. In addition, the DLL needs to be referenced appropriately when building this application. */ using System; using System.EnterpriseServices; using DistribTxnSample; class DistribTxnSample_App { static void Main() { DistribTxnSample_Comp comp = new DistribTxnSample_Comp(); comp.DoWork(); } }

// C# /* This module needs to be 1) built as a component DLL/Library 2) built with a strong name This library must be built first before the application is built. */ using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; System.EnterpriseServices;

namespace DistribTxnSample { [Transaction(TransactionOption.RequiresNew)] public class DistribTxnSample_Comp : ServicedComponent {

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-93

OracleConnection Public Methods

public void DoWork() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;enlist=false"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Enlist in a distrubuted transaction con.EnlistDistributedTransaction((ITransaction)ContextUtil.Transaction); // Update EMP table OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE emp set sal = sal + .01"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Commit ContextUtil.SetComplete(); // Dispose OracleConnection object con.Dispose(); } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "EnlistTransaction" on page 5-94 for detailed information about this Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 feature

This method enlists the connection to the specified transaction. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Declaration
// C# public override void EnlistTransaction(Transaction transaction)

Parameters transaction A System.Transactions.Transaction object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is part of a local transaction or the connection is closed.

5-94 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Remarks Invocation of this method immediately enlists the connection to a distributed transaction that is specified by the provided transaction parameter. If OracleConnection is still associated with a distributed transaction that has not completed from a previous EnlistTransaction method invocation, calling this method will cause an exception to be thrown. In general, for distributed transaction enlistments to succeed, the "enlist" connection string attribute must be set to either "true" or "dynamic" before invoking the Open method. Setting the "enlist" connection string attribute to "true" will implicitly enlist the connection when the Open method is called, if the connection is within a transaction context. Setting it to "dynamic" allows the connection to dynamically enlist in distributed transactions when an EnlistTransaction or EnlistDistributedTransaction method is called. The "enlist" attribute should be set to "false" only if the connection will never enlist in a distributed transaction.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "System.Transactions Support" on page 3-19 "EnlistDistributedTransaction" on page 5-92

GetSchema methods return schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Overload List GetSchema() This method returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection.

GetSchema (string collectionName) This method returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection using the specified string for the collection name.

GetSchema (string collectionName, string[] restrictions) This method returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection using the specified string for the collection name and the specified string array for the restriction values.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-95

OracleConnection Public Methods

This method returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DataTable GetSchema();

Return Value A DataTable object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException The connection is closed. Remarks This method returns a DataTable object that contains a row for each metadata collection available from the database. The method is equivalent to specifying the String value "MetaDataCollections" when using the GetSchema(String) method. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class GetSchemaSample { static void Main(string[] args) { string constr = "User Id=scott; Password=tiger; Data Source=oracle;"; string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName); using (DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection()) { try { conn.ConnectionString = constr; conn.Open(); //Get all the schema collections and write to an XML file. //The XML file name is Oracle.DataAccess.Client_Schema.xml DataTable dtSchema = conn.GetSchema(); dtSchema.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_Schema.xml"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }

5-96 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

} }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

GetSchema (string collectionName)

This method returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection using the specified string for the collection name. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DataTable GetSchema (string collectionName);

Parameters collectionName Name of the collection for which metadata is required. Return Value A DataTable object. Exceptions ArgumentException The requested collection is not defined. InvalidOperationException The connection is closed. InvalidOperationException The requested collection is not supported by current version of Oracle database. InvalidOperationException No population string is specified for requested collection. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class GetSchemaSample { static void Main(string[] args) { string constr = "User Id=scott; Password=tiger; Data Source=oracle;"; string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName); using (DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection()) { try Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-97

OracleConnection Public Methods

{ conn.ConnectionString = constr; conn.Open(); //Get MetaDataCollections and write to an XML file. //This is equivalent to GetSchema() DataTable dtMetadata = conn.GetSchema(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.MetaDataCollections); dtMetadata.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_MetaDataCollections.xml"); //Get Restrictions and write to an XML file. DataTable dtRestrictions = conn.GetSchema(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.Restrictions); dtRestrictions.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_Restrictions.xml"); //Get DataSourceInformation and write to an XML file. DataTable dtDataSrcInfo = conn.GetSchema(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataSourceInformation); dtDataSrcInfo.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_DataSourceInformation.xml"); //data types and write to an XML file. DataTable dtDataTypes = conn.GetSchema(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.DataTypes); dtDataTypes.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_DataTypes.xml"); //Get ReservedWords and write to an XML file. DataTable dtReservedWords = conn.GetSchema(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.ReservedWords); dtReservedWords.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_ReservedWords.xml"); //Get all the tables and write to an XML file. DataTable dtTables = conn.GetSchema("Tables"); dtTables.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_Tables.xml"); //Get all the views and write to an XML file. DataTable dtViews = conn.GetSchema("Views"); dtViews.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_Views.xml"); //Get all the columns and write to an XML file. DataTable dtColumns = conn.GetSchema("Columns"); dtColumns.WriteXml(ProviderName + "_Columns.xml"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

5-98 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

GetSchema (string collectionName, string[] restrictions)

This method returns schema information for the data source of the OracleConnection using the specified string for the collection name and the specified string array for the restriction values. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DataTable GetSchema (string collectionName, string[] restrictions);

Parameters collectionName The name of the collection of metadata being retrieved.

restrictions An array of restrictions that apply to the metadata being retrieved.

Return Value A DataTable object. Exception ArgumentException The requested collection is not defined. InvalidOperationException One of the following conditions exist: The connection is closed. The requested collection is not supported by the current version of Oracle database. More restrictions were provided than the requested collection supports. No population string is specified for requested collection.

Remarks This method takes the name of a metadata collection and an array of String values that specify the restrictions for filtering the rows in the returned DataTable. This returns a DataTable that contains only rows from the specified metadata collection that match the specified restrictions. For example, if the Columns collection has three restrictions (owner, tablename, and columnname), to retrieve all the columns for the EMP table regardless of schema, the GetSchema method must pass in at least these values: null, EMP. If no restriction value is passed in, default values are used for that restriction, which is the same as passing in null. This differs from passing in an empty string for the parameter value. In this case, the empty string ("") is considered the value for the specified parameter. collectionName is not case-sensitive, but restrictions (string values) are. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-99

OracleConnection Public Methods

using System.Data.Common; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class GetSchemaSample { static void Main(string[] args) { string constr = "User Id=scott; Password=tiger; Data Source=oracle;"; string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName); using (DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection()) { try { conn.ConnectionString = constr; conn.Open(); //Get Restrictions DataTable dtRestrictions = conn.GetSchema(DbMetaDataCollectionNames.Restrictions); DataView dv = dtRestrictions.DefaultView; dv.RowFilter = "CollectionName = 'Columns'"; dv.Sort = "RestrictionNumber"; for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count; i++) Console.WriteLine("{0} (default) {1}" , dtRestrictions.Rows[i]["RestrictionName"], dtRestrictions.Rows[i]["RestrictionDefault"]); //Set restriction string array string[] restrictions = new string[3]; //Get all columns from all tables owned by "SCOTT" restrictions[0] = "SCOTT"; DataTable dtAllScottCols = conn.GetSchema("Columns", restrictions); // clear collection for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) restrictions[i] = null; //Get all columns from all tables named "EMP" owned by any //owner/schema restrictions[1] = "EMP"; DataTable dtAllEmpCols = conn.GetSchema("Columns", restrictions); // clear collection for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) restrictions[i] = null; //Get columns named "EMPNO" from tables named "EMP", //owned by any owner/schema restrictions[1] = "EMP"; restrictions[2] = "EMPNO"; DataTable dtAllScottEmpCols = conn.GetSchema("Columns", restrictions); // clear collection

5-100 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) restrictions[i] = null; //Get columns named "EMPNO" from all //tables, owned by any owner/schema restrictions[2] = "EMPNO"; DataTable dtAllEmpNoCols = conn.GetSchema("Columns", restrictions); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Source); } } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

GetSessionInfo returns or refreshes an OracleGlobalization object that represents the globalization settings of the session. Overload List: GetSessionInfo() This method returns a new instance of the OracleGlobalization object that represents the globalization settings of the session.

GetSessionInfo(OracleGlobalization) This method refreshes the provided OracleGlobalization object with the globalization settings of the session.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method returns a new instance of the OracleGlobalization object that represents the globalization settings of the session. Declaration
// C# public OracleGlobalization GetSessionInfo();

Return Value The newly created OracleGlobalization object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-101

OracleConnection Public Methods

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class GetSessionInfoSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Get session info from connection object OracleGlobalization info = con.GetSessionInfo(); // Update session info info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD"; con.SetSessionInfo(info); // Execute SQL SELECT OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select TO_CHAR(hiredate) from emp"; Console.WriteLine("Hire Date ({0}): {1}", info.DateFormat, cmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Clean up cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method refreshes the provided OracleGlobalization object with the globalization settings of the session. Declaration
// C# public void GetSessionInfo(OracleGlobalization oraGlob);

Parameters oraGlob The OracleGlobalization object to be updated.

5-102 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method opens a connection to an Oracle database. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public overide void Open(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Open();

Implements IDbConnection Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The connection is already opened or the connection string is null or empty. Remarks The connection is obtained from the pool if connection pooling is enabled. Otherwise, a new connection is established. It is possible that the pool does not contain any unused connections when the Open() method is invoked. In this case, a new connection is established. If no connections are available within the specified connection timeout value, when the Max Pool Size is reached, an OracleException is thrown.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This method opens a new connection with the new password. Declaration
// C# public void OpenWithNewPassword(string newPassword);

Parameters newPassword A string that contains the new password.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-103

OracleConnection Public Methods

Remarks This method uses the ConnectionString property settings to establish a new connection. The old password must be provided in the connection string as the Password attribute value. This method can only be called on an OracleConnection in the closed state. Remarks (.NET Stored Procedure) This method is not supported with an implicit database connection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "Password Expiration" on page 3-10

This method flushes the statement cache by closing all open cursors on the database, when statement caching is enabled. Declaration
// C# public void PurgeStatementCache();

Remarks Flushing the statement cache repetitively results in decreased performance and may negate the performance benefit gained by enabling the statement cache. Statement caching remains enabled after the call to PurgeStatementCache. Invocation of this method purges the cached cursors that are associated with the OracleConnection. It does not purge all the cached cursors in the database. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class PurgeStatementCacheSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" + "Statement Cache Size=20"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from emp", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Purge Statement Cache

5-104 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

con.PurgeStatementCache(); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object Console.WriteLine("Statement Cache Flushed"); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "Statement Caching" on page 3-35 ConnectionString on page 5-78

This method alters the session's globalization settings with all the property values specified in the provided OracleGlobalization object. Declaration
// C# public void SetSessionInfo(OracleGlobalization oraGlob);

Parameters oraGlob An OracleGlobalization object. Remarks Calling this method is equivalent to calling an ALTER SESSION SQL on the session. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class SetSessionInfoSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Get session info from connection object OracleGlobalization info = con.GetSessionInfo(); // Update session info info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD"; con.SetSessionInfo(info); // Execute SQL SELECT

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-105

OracleConnection Public Methods

OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select TO_CHAR(hiredate) from emp"; Console.WriteLine("Hire Date ({0}): {1}", info.DateFormat, cmd.ExecuteScalar()); // Clean up cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

5-106 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

OracleConnection Events
OracleConnection events are listed in Table 528.
Table 528 Event Name Disposed Failover OracleConnection Events Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component An event that is triggered when an Oracle failover occurs Not supported in a .NET stored procedure InfoMessage StateChange An event that is triggered for any message or warning sent by the database An event that is triggered when the connection state changes

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members

This event is triggered when an Oracle failover occurs. Declaration
// C# public event OracleFailoverEventHandler Failover;

Event Data The event handler receives an OracleFailoverEventArgs object which exposes the following properties containing information about the event.

FailoverType Indicates the type of the failover.

FailoverEvent Indicates the state of the failover.

Remarks The Failover event is raised when a connection to an Oracle instance is unexpectedly severed. The client should create an OracleFailoverEventHandler delegate to listen to this event.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties" on page 10-7 "OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate" on page 10-9

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-107

OracleConnection Events

This event is triggered for any message or warning sent by the database. Declaration
// C# public event OracleInfoMessageEventHandler InfoMessage;

Event Data The event handler receives an OracleInfoMessageEventArgs object which exposes the following properties containing information about the event.

Errors The collection of errors generated by the data source.

Message The error text generated by the data source.

Source The name of the object that generated the error.

Remarks In order to respond to warnings and messages from the database, the client should create an OracleInfoMessageEventHandler delegate to listen to this event.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members "OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties" on page 5-225 "OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate" on page 5-228

This event is triggered when the connection state changes. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override event StateChangeEventHandler StateChange; // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public event StateChangeEventHandler StateChange;

Event Data The event handler receives a StateChangeEventArgs object which exposes the following properties containing information about the event.

CurrentState The new state of the connection.

OriginalState The original state of the connection.

5-108 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnection Class

Remarks The StateChange event is raised after a connection changes state, whenever an explicit call is made to Open, Close or Dispose.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnection Class OracleConnection Members Microsoft ADO.NET documentation for a description of StateChangeEventHandler

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-109

OracleDataAdapter Class

OracleDataAdapter Class
An OracleDataAdapter object represents a data provider object that populates the DataSet and updates changes in the DataSet to the Oracle database. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component System.Data.Common.DataAdapter System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleDataAdapter : DbDataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example The following example uses the OracleDataAdapter and the dataset to update the EMP table:
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleDataAdapterSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; string cmdstr = "SELECT empno, sal from emp"; // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the // connection string OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr); // Create the builder for the adapter to automatically generate // the Command when needed OracleCommandBuilder builder = new OracleCommandBuilder(adapter); // Create and fill the DataSet using the EMP DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset, "EMP"); // Get the EMP table from the dataset DataTable table = dataset.Tables["EMP"];

5-110 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

// Indicate DataColumn EMPNO is unique // This is required by the OracleCommandBuilder to update the EMP table table.Columns["EMPNO"].Unique = true; // Get the first row from the EMP table DataRow row = table.Rows[0]; // Update the salary double sal = double.Parse(row["SAL"].ToString()); row["SAL"] = sal + .01; // Now update the EMP using the adapter // The OracleCommandBuilder will create the UpdateCommand for the // adapter to update the EMP table adapter.Update(dataset, "EMP"); Console.WriteLine("Row updated successfully"); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Members OracleDataAdapter Constructors OracleDataAdapter Static Methods OracleDataAdapter Properties OracleDataAdapter Public Methods OracleDataAdapter Events

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-111

OracleDataAdapter Members

OracleDataAdapter Members
OracleDataAdapter members are listed in the following tables:

OracleDataAdapter Constructors
OracleDataAdapter constructors are listed in Table 529.
Table 529 Constructor OracleDataAdapter Constructors OracleDataAdapter Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleDataAdapter class (Overloaded)

OracleDataAdapter Static Methods

The OracleDataAdapter static method is listed in Table 530.
Table 530 Method Equals OracleDataAdapter Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleDataAdapter Properties
OracleDataAdapter properties are listed in Table 531.
Table 531 Name AcceptChangesDuringFill Container ContinueUpdateOnError DeleteCommand InsertCommand MissingMappingAction MissingSchemaAction Requery ReturnProviderSpecificTypes OracleDataAdapter Properties Description Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter A SQL statement or stored procedure to delete rows from an Oracle database A SQL statement or stored procedure to insert new rows into an Oracle database Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Determines whether or not the SelectCommand is reexecuted on the next call to Fill Determines if the Fill method returns ODP.NET-specific values or .NET common language specification values Creates a mapping between column names in the result set to .NET types, to preserve the data A SQL statement or stored procedure that returns a single or multiple result set

SafeMapping SelectCommand

5-112 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

Table 531 (Cont.) OracleDataAdapter Properties Name Site TableMappings UpdateBatchSize Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Specifies a value that enables or disables batch processing support, and specifies the number of SQL statements that can be executed in a single round-trip to the database Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET UpdateCommand A SQL statement or stored procedure to update rows from the DataSet to an Oracle database

OracleDataAdapter Public Methods

OracleDataAdapter public methods are listed in Table 532.
Table 532 OracleDataAdapter Public Methods Description Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet to match the data in the Oracle database (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter

Public Method CreateObjRef Dispose Equals Fill FillSchema GetFillParameters GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService ToString Update

OracleDataAdapter Events
OracleDataAdapter events are listed in Table 533.
Table 533 Event Name Disposed FillError RowUpdated OracleDataAdapter Events Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter This event is raised when row(s) have been updated by the Update() method

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-113

OracleDataAdapter Members

Table 533 (Cont.) OracleDataAdapter Events Event Name RowUpdating Description This event is raised when row data are about to be updated to the database

5-114 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

OracleDataAdapter Constructors
OracleDataAdapter constructors create new instances of an OracleDataAdapter class. Overload List: OracleDataAdapter() This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class.

OracleDataAdapter(OracleCommand) This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with the provided OracleCommand as the SelectCommand.

OracleDataAdapter(string, OracleConnection) This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with the provided OracleConnection object and the command text for the SelectCommand.

OracleDataAdapter(string, string) This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with the provided connection string and the command text for the SelectCommand.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with no arguments. Declaration
// C# public OracleDataAdapter();

Remarks Initial values are set for the following OracleDataAdapter properties as indicated:

MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.Add

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with the provided OracleCommand as the SelectCommand.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-115

OracleDataAdapter Constructors

// C# public OracleDataAdapter(OracleCommand selectCommand);

Parameters selectCommand The OracleCommand that is to be set as the SelectCommand property. Remarks Initial values are set for the following OracleDataAdapter properties as indicated:

MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.Add

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

OracleDataAdapter(string, OracleConnection)
This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with the provided OracleConnection object and the command text for the SelectCommand. Declaration
// C# public OracleDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, OracleConnection selectConnection);

Parameters selectCommandText The string that is set as the CommandText of the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter.

selectConnection The OracleConnection to connect to the Oracle database.

Remarks The OracleDataAdapter opens and closes the connection, if it is not already open. If the connection is open, it must be explicitly closed. Initial values are set for the following OracleDataAdapter properties as indicated:

MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.Add

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

5-116 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

OracleDataAdapter(string, string)
This constructor creates an instance of an OracleDataAdapter class with the provided connection string and the command text for the SelectCommand. Declaration
// C# public OracleDataAdapter(string selectCommandText, string selectConnectionString);

Parameters selectCommandText The string that is set as the CommandText of the SelectCommand property of the OracleDataAdapter.

selectConnectionString The connection string.

Remarks Initial values are set for the following OracleDataAdapter properties as indicated:

MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.Add

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-117

OracleDataAdapter Static Methods

OracleDataAdapter Static Methods

The OracleDataAdapter static method is listed in Table 534.
Table 534 Method Equals OracleDataAdapter Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

5-118 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

OracleDataAdapter Properties
OracleDataAdapter properties are listed in Table 535.
Table 535 Name AcceptChangesDuringFill Container ContinueUpdateOnError DeleteCommand InsertCommand MissingMappingAction MissingSchemaAction Requery ReturnProviderSpecificTypes OracleDataAdapter Properties Description Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter A SQL statement or stored procedure to delete rows from an Oracle database A SQL statement or stored procedure to insert new rows into an Oracle database Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Determines whether or not the SelectCommand is reexecuted on the next call to Fill Determines if the Fill method returns ODP.NET-specific values or .NET common language specification values Creates a mapping between column names in the result set to .NET types, to preserve the data A SQL statement or stored procedure that returns a single or multiple result set Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Data.Common.DataAdapter Specifies a value that enables or disables batch processing support, and specifies the number of SQL statements that can be executed in a single round-trip to the database Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET UpdateCommand A SQL statement or stored procedure to update rows from the DataSet to an Oracle database

SafeMapping SelectCommand Site TableMappings UpdateBatchSize

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-119

OracleDataAdapter Properties

This property is a SQL statement or stored procedure to delete rows from an Oracle database. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand DeleteCommand {get; set;}

Property Value An OracleCommand used during the Update call to delete rows from tables in the Oracle database, corresponding to the deleted rows in the DataSet. Remarks Default = null If there is primary key information in the DataSet, the DeleteCommand can be automatically generated using the OracleCommandBuilder, if no command is provided for this.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

This property is a SQL statement or stored procedure to insert new rows into an Oracle database. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand InsertCommand {get; set;}

Property Value An OracleCommand used during the Update call to insert rows into a table, corresponding to the inserted rows in the DataSet. Remarks Default = null If there is primary key information in the DataSet, the InsertCommand can be automatically generated using the OracleCommandBuilder, if no command is provided for this property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

5-120 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

This property determines whether or not the SelectCommand is reexecuted on the next call to Fill. Declaration
// C# public Boolean Requery {get; set;}

Property Value Returns true if the SelectCommand is reexecuted on the next call to Fill; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

This property determines if the Fill method returns ODP.NET-specific values or .NET common language specification compliant values. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Declaration
// C# public Boolean ReturnProviderSpecificTypes {get; set;}

Property Value A value that indicates whether or not the Fill method returns ODP.NET-specific values. A value of false indicates that the Fill method returns .NET common language specification compliant values. The default is false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

This property creates a mapping between column names in the result set to .NET types that represent column values in the DataSet, to preserve the data. Declaration
// C# public Hashtable SafeMapping {get; set;}

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-121

OracleDataAdapter Properties

Property Value A hash table. Remarks Default = null The SafeMapping property is used, when necessary, to preserve data in the following types:

DATE TimeStamp (refers to all TimeStamp objects) INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND NUMBER

Example See the example in "OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping" on page 3-74.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping" on page 3-74

This property is a SQL statement or stored procedure that returns single or multiple result sets. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand SelectCommand {get; set;}

Property Value An OracleCommand used during the Fill call to populate the selected rows to the DataSet. Remarks Default = null If the SelectCommand does not return any rows, no tables are added to the dataset and no exception is raised. If the SELECT statement selects from a VIEW, no key information is retrieved when a FillSchema() or a Fill() with MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey is invoked.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

5-122 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

This property specifies a value that enables or disables batch processing support, and specifies the number of SQL statements that can be executed in a single round-trip to the database. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Declaration
// C# public virtual int UpdateBatchSize {get; set;}

Property Value An integer that returns the batch size. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The value is set to a number < 0. Remarks Update batches executed with large amounts of data may encounter an "PLS-00123: Program too large" error. To avoid this error, reduce the size of UpdateBatchSize to a smaller value. For each row in the DataSet that has been modified, added, or deleted, one SQL statement will be executed on the database. Values are as follows:

Value = 0 The data adapter executes all the SQL statements in a single database round-trip

Value = 1 - Default value This value disables batch updating and SQL statements are executed one at a time.

Value = n where n > 1 The data adapter updates n rows of data per database round-trip.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "Batch Processing Support" on page 3-22

This property is a SQL statement or stored procedure to update rows from the DataSet to an Oracle database. Declaration
// C# public OracleCommand UpdateCommand {get; set;}

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-123

OracleDataAdapter Properties

Property Value An OracleCommand used during the Update call to update rows in the Oracle database, corresponding to the updated rows in the DataSet. Remarks Default = null If there is primary key information in the DataSet, the UpdateCommand can be automatically generated using the OracleCommandBuilder, if no command is provided for this property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

5-124 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

OracleDataAdapter Public Methods

OracleDataAdapter public methods are listed in Table 536.
Table 536 OracleDataAdapter Public Methods Description Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet to match the data in the Oracle database (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter

Public Method CreateObjRef Dispose Equals Fill FillSchema GetFillParameters GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService ToString Update

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

Fill populates or refreshes the specified DataTable or DataSet. Overload List: Fill(DataTable, OracleRefCursor) This method adds or refreshes rows in the specified DataTable to match those in the provided OracleRefCursor object.

Fill(DataSet, OracleRefCursor) This method adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet to match those in the provided OracleRefCursor object.

Fill(DataSet, string, OracleRefCursor) This method adds or refreshes rows in the specified source table of the DataSet to match those in the provided OracleRefCursor object.

Fill(DataSet, int, int, string, OracleRefCursor)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-125

OracleDataAdapter Public Methods

This method adds or refreshes rows in a specified range in the DataSet to match rows in the provided OracleRefCursor object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

Fill(DataTable, OracleRefCursor)
This method adds or refreshes rows in the specified DataTable to match those in the provided OracleRefCursor object. Declaration
// C# public int Fill(DataTable dataTable, OracleRefCursor refCursor);

Parameters dataTable The DataTable object being populated.

refCursor The OracleRefCursor that rows are being retrieved from.

Return Value The number of rows added to or refreshed in the DataTable. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The dataTable or refCursor parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleRefCursor is already being used to fetch data. NotSupportedException - The SafeMapping type is not supported. Remarks No schema or key information is provided, even if the Fill method is called with MissingSchemaAction set to MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

Fill(DataSet, OracleRefCursor)
This method adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet to match those in the provided OracleRefCursor object. Declaration
// C# 5-126 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, OracleRefCursor refCursor);

Parameters dataSet The DataSet object being populated.

refCursor The OracleRefCursor that rows are being retrieved from.

Return Value Returns the number of rows added or refreshed in the DataSet. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The dataSet or refCursor parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleRefCursor is already being used to fetch data. InvalidOperationException - The OracleRefCursor is ready to fetch data. NotSupportedException - The SafeMapping type is not supported. Remarks If there is no DataTable to refresh, a new DataTable named Table is created and populated using the provided OracleRefCursor object. No schema or key information is provided, even if the Fill method is called with MissingSchemaAction set to MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

Fill(DataSet, string, OracleRefCursor)

This method adds or refreshes rows in the specified source table of the DataSet to match those in the provided OracleRefCursor object. Declaration
// C# public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, string srcTable, OracleRefCursor refCursor);

Parameters dataSet The DataSet object being populated.

srcTable The name of the source table used in the table mapping.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-127

OracleDataAdapter Public Methods

The OracleRefCursor that rows are being retrieved from. Return Value Returns the number of rows added or refreshed into the DataSet. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The dataSet or refCursor parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleRefCursor is already being used to fetch data or the source table name is invalid. NotSupportedException - The SafeMapping type is not supported. Remarks No schema or key information is provided, even if the Fill method is called with MissingSchemaAction set to MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

Fill(DataSet, int, int, string, OracleRefCursor)

This method adds or refreshes rows in a specified range in the DataSet to match rows in the provided OracleRefCursor object. Declaration
// C# public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable, OracleRefCursor refCursor);

Parameters dataSet The DataSet object being populated.

startRecord The record number to start with.

maxRecords The maximum number of records to obtain.

srcTable The name of the source table used in the table mapping.

refCursor The OracleRefCursor that rows are being retrieved from.

Return Value This method returns the number of rows added or refreshed in the DataSet. This does not include rows affected by statements that do not return rows.

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OracleDataAdapter Class

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The dataSet or refCursor parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleRefCursor is already being used to fetch data or the source table name is invalid. NotSupportedException - The SafeMapping type is not supported. Remarks No schema or key information is provided, even if the Fill method is called with MissingSchemaAction set to MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleDataAdapter Requery Property" on page 3-77

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-129

OracleDataAdapter Events

OracleDataAdapter Events
OracleDataAdapter events are listed in Table 537.
Table 537 Event Name Disposed FillError RowUpdated RowUpdating OracleDataAdapter Events Description Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter This event is raised when row(s) have been updated by the Update() method This event is raised when row data are about to be updated to the database

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members

This event is raised when row(s) have been updated by the Update() method. Declaration
// C# public event OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated;

Event Data The event handler receives an OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs object which exposes the following properties containing information about the event.

Command The OracleCommand executed during the Update.

Errors (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) The exception, if any, is generated during the Update.

RecordsAffected (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) The number of rows modified, inserted, or deleted by the execution of the Command.

Row (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) The DataRow sent for Update.

StatementType (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) The type of SQL statement executed.

Status (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) The UpdateStatus of the Command.

TableMapping (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) The DataTableMapping used during the Update.

5-130 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

Example The following example shows how to use the RowUpdating and RowUpdated events.
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class RowUpdatedSample { // Event handler for RowUpdating event protected static void OnRowUpdating(object sender, OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Row updating....."); Console.WriteLine("Event arguments:"); Console.WriteLine("Command Text: " + e.Command.CommandText); Console.WriteLine("Command Type: " + e.StatementType); Console.WriteLine("Status: " + e.Status); } // Event handler for RowUpdated event protected static void OnRowUpdated(object sender, OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Row updated....."); Console.WriteLine("Event arguments:"); Console.WriteLine("Command Text: " + e.Command.CommandText); Console.WriteLine("Command Type: " + e.StatementType); Console.WriteLine("Status: " + e.Status); } static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; string cmdstr = "SELECT EMPNO, ENAME, SAL FROM EMP"; // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the // connection string OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr); // Create the builder for the adapter to automatically generate // the Command when needed OracleCommandBuilder builder = new OracleCommandBuilder(adapter); // Create and fill the DataSet using the EMP DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset, "EMP"); // Get the EMP table from the dataset DataTable table = dataset.Tables["EMP"]; // Indicate DataColumn EMPNO is unique // This is required by the OracleCommandBuilder to update the EMP table table.Columns["EMPNO"].Unique = true; // Get the first row from the EMP table DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-131

OracleDataAdapter Events

// Update the salary double sal = double.Parse(row["SAL"].ToString()); row["SAL"] = sal + .01; // Set the event handlers for the RowUpdated and the RowUpdating event // the OnRowUpdating() method will be triggered before the update, and // the OnRowUpdated() method will be triggered after the update adapter.RowUpdating += new OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler(OnRowUpdating); adapter.RowUpdated += new OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler(OnRowUpdated); // Now update the EMP using the adapter // The OracleCommandBuilder will create the UpdateCommand for the // adapter to update the EMP table // The OnRowUpdating() and the OnRowUpdated() methods will be triggered adapter.Update(dataset, "EMP"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate" on page 5-289

This event is raised when row data are about to be updated to the database. Declaration
// C# public event OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating;

Event Data The event handler receives an OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs object which exposes the following properties containing information about the event.

Command The OracleCommand executed during the Update.

Errors (inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) The exception, if any, is generated during the Update.

Row (inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) The DataRow sent for Update.

StatementType (inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) The type of SQL statement executed.

Status (inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) The UpdateStatus of the Command.

TableMapping (inherited from RowUpdatingEventArgs) The DataTableMapping used during the Update.

5-132 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataAdapter Class

Example The example for the RowUpdated event also shows how to use the RowUpdating event. See RowUpdated event "Example" on page 5-131.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataAdapter Class OracleDataAdapter Members "OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate" on page 5-304

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-133

OracleDataReader Class

OracleDataReader Class
An OracleDataReader object represents a forward-only, read-only, in-memory result set. Unlike the DataSet, the OracleDataReader stays connected and fetches one row at a time. The following section contain related information:

"Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data" on page 3-42. "Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object" on page 3-38.

Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.Data.Common.DataReader System.Data.Common.DbDataReader (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleDataReader : DbDataReader, IEnumerable, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public sealed class OracleDataReader : MarshalByRefObject, IEnumerable, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks An OracleDataReader instance is constructed by a call to the ExecuteReader method of the OracleCommand object. The only properties that can be accessed after the DataReader is closed or has been disposed, are IsClosed and RecordsAffected. Example The following OracleDataReader example retrieves the data from the EMP table:
/* Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE TABLE empInfo ( empno NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, empName VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL, hiredate DATE, salary NUMBER(7,2), jobDescription Clob, byteCodes BLOB );

5-134 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (1,'KING','SOFTWARE ENGR', '5657'); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (2,'SCOTT','MANAGER', '5960'); commit; */ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleDataReaderSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); string cmdstr = "SELECT * FROM EMPINFO"; OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(constr); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(cmdstr, con); OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Declare the variables to retrieve the data in EmpInfo short empNo; string empName; DateTime hireDate; double salary; string jobDesc; byte[] byteCodes = new byte[10]; // Read the next row until end of row while (reader.Read()) { empNo = reader.GetInt16(0); Console.WriteLine("Employee number: " + empNo); empName = reader.GetString(1); Console.WriteLine("Employee name: " + empName); // The following columns can have NULL value, so it // is important to call IsDBNull before getting the column data if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) { hireDate = reader.GetDateTime(2); Console.WriteLine("Hire date: " + hireDate); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) { salary = reader.GetDouble(3); Console.WriteLine("Salary: " + salary); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) {

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-135

OracleDataReader Class

jobDesc = reader.GetString(4); Console.WriteLine("Job Description: " + jobDesc); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(5)) { long len = reader.GetBytes(5, 0, byteCodes, 0, 10); Console.Write("Byte codes: "); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) Console.Write(byteCodes[i].ToString("x")); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); } // Clean up reader.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Members OracleDataReader Static Methods OracleDataReader Properties OracleDataReader Public Methods OracleDataReader SchemaTable

5-136 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

OracleDataReader Members
OracleDataReader members are listed in the following tables:

OracleDataReader Static Methods

The OracleDataReader static method is listed in Table 538.
Table 538 Method Equals OracleDataReader Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleDataReader Properties
OracleDataReader properties are listed in Table 539.
Table 539 Property Depth FetchSize FieldCount HasRows HiddenFieldCount OracleDataReader Properties Description Gets a value indicating the depth of nesting for the current row Specifies the size of OracleDataReader's internal cache Gets the number of columns in the result set Indicates whether the OracleDataReader has one or more rows Gets the number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are hidden Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET IsClosed Item InitialLOBFetchSize InitialLONGFetchSize RecordsAffected VisibleFieldCount Indicates whether or not the data reader is closed Gets the value of the column (Overloaded) Specifies the amount that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns Specifies the amount that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LONG and LONG RAW columns Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement Gets the number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are not hidden Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET

OracleDataReader Public Methods

OracleDataReader public methods are listed in Table 540.
Table 540 OracleDataReader Public Methods Description Closes the OracleDataReader Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases any resources or memory allocated by the object

Public Method Close CreateObjRef Dispose

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-137

OracleDataReader Members

Table 540 (Cont.) OracleDataReader Public Methods Public Method Equals GetBoolean GetByte GetBytes Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Not Supported Returns the byte value of the specified column Populates the provided byte array with up to the maximum number of bytes, from the specified offset (in bytes) of the column Not Supported Populates the provided character array with up to the maximum number of characters, from the specified offset (in characters) of the column Not Supported Returns the ODP.NET type name of the specified column Returns the DateTime value of the specified column Returns the decimal value of the specified NUMBER column Returns the double value of the specified NUMBER column or BINARY_DOUBLE column Returns an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection Returns the Type of the specified column Returns the float value of the specified NUMBER column or BINARY_FLOAT column Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Returns the Int16 value of the specified NUMBER column Returns the Int32 value of the specified NUMBER column Returns the Int64 value of the specified NUMBER column Inherited by System.MarshalByRefObject Returns the name of the specified column Returns an OracleBFile object of the specified BFILE column Returns an OracleBinary structure of the specified column Returns an OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column Returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column Returns an OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column Returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column Returns an OracleDate structure of the specified DATE column

GetChar GetChars

GetData GetDataTypeName GetDateTime GetDecimal GetDouble GetEnumerator GetFieldType GetFloat GetGuid GetHashCode GetInt16 GetInt32 GetInt64 GetLifetimeService GetName GetOracleBFile GetOracleBinary GetOracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate GetOracleDate

5-138 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Table 540 (Cont.) OracleDataReader Public Methods Public Method GetOracleDecimal GetOracleIntervalDS GetOracleIntervalYM GetOracleString GetOracleTimeStamp GetOracleTimeStampLTZ Description Returns an OracleDecimal structure of the specified NUMBER column Returns an OracleIntervalDS structure of the specified INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column Returns an OracleIntervalYM structure of the specified INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH column Returns an OracleString structure of the specified column Returns an OracleTimeStamp structure of the Oracle TimeStamp column Returns an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure of the specified Oracle TimeStamp WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE column Returns an OracleTimeStampTZ structure of the specified Oracle TimeStamp WITH TIME ZONE column Returns an OracleXmlType object of the specified XMLType column Returns the specified column value as a ODP.NET type Gets all the column values as ODP.NET types Returns the 0-based ordinal (or index) of the specified column name Returns an Object that represents the underlying provider-specific field type Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetProviderSpecificValue Returns an object that represents the underlying provider-specific value of the specified ordinal Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetProviderSpecificValues Returns an array of objects that represent the underlying provider-specific values Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetSchemaTable GetString GetTimeSpan GetType GetValue GetValues GetXmlReader IsDBNull NextResult Read Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the OracleDataReader Returns the string value of the specified column Returns the TimeSpan value of the specified INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column Inherited from System.Object class Returns the column value as a .NET type Gets all the column values as .NET types Returns the value of an XMLType column as an instance of an .NET XmlTextReader Indicates whether or not the column value is null Advances the data reader to the next result set when reading the results Reads the next row in the result set

GetOracleTimeStampTZ GetOracleXmlType GetOracleValue GetOracleValues GetOrdinal GetProviderSpecificFieldType

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-139

OracleDataReader Members

Table 540 (Cont.) OracleDataReader Public Methods Public Method ToString Description Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class

5-140 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

OracleDataReader Static Methods

The OracleDataReader static method is listed in Table 541.
Table 541 Method Equals OracleDataReader Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-141

OracleDataReader Properties

OracleDataReader Properties
OracleDataReader properties are listed in Table 542.
Table 542 Property Depth FetchSize FieldCount HasRows HiddenFieldCount OracleDataReader Properties Description Gets a value indicating the depth of nesting for the current row Specifies the size of OracleDataReader's internal cache Gets the number of columns in the result set Indicates whether the OracleDataReader has one or more rows Gets the number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are hidden Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET IsClosed Item InitialLOBFetchSize InitialLONGFetchSize RecordsAffected VisibleFieldCount Indicates whether or not the data reader is closed Gets the value of the column (Overloaded) Specifies the amount that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns Specifies the amount that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LONG and LONG RAW columns Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement Gets the number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are not hidden Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This property gets a value indicating the depth of nesting for the current row. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int Depth {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int Depth {get;}

Property Value The depth of nesting for the current row. Implements IDataReader
5-142 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks Default = 0 This property always returns zero because Oracle does not support nesting.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This property specifies the size of OracleDataReader's internal cache. Declaration
// C# public long FetchSize {get; set;}

Property Value A long that specifies the amount of memory (in bytes) that the OracleDataReader uses for its internal cache. Exceptions ArgumentException - The FetchSize value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = The OracleCommand's FetchSize property value. The FetchSize property is inherited by the OracleDataReader that is created by a command execution returning a result set. The FetchSize property on the OracleDataReader object determines the amount of data fetched into its internal cache for each database round-trip.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members OracleCommand "ExecuteReader()" on page 5-34 OracleCommand "RowSize" on page 5-22

This property returns the number of columns in the result set. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int FieldCount {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-143

OracleDataReader Properties

public int FieldCount {get;}

Property Value The number of columns in the result set if one exists, otherwise 0. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks Default = 0 This property has a value of 0 for queries that do not return result sets.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This property indicates whether the OracleDataReader has one or more rows. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool HasRows {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool HasRows {get;}

Return Value bool Remarks HasRows indicates whether or not the OracleDataReader has any rows. The value of HasRows does not change based on the row position. For example, even if the application has read all the rows from the result set and the next Read method invocation will return false, the HasRows property still returns true since the result set was not empty to begin with. Rows are fetched to determine the emptiness of the OracleDataReader when HasRows property is accessed for the first time after the creation of the OracleDataReader object. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

5-144 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

class HasRowsSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand( "select * from emp where empno = 9999", con); OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.HasRows) Console.WriteLine("The result set is empty."); else Console.WriteLine("The result set is not empty."); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members for detailed information about this Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 feature

This property gets the number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are hidden. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Declaration
// C# public int HiddenFieldcount { get; }

Property Value The number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are hidden. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks OracleDataReader.FieldCount and OracleDataReader.VisibleFieldCount return the visible field count.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-145

OracleDataReader Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "VisibleFieldCount" on page 5-150 "FieldCount" on page 5-143

This property indicates whether or not the data reader is closed. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool IsClosed {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool IsClosed {get;}

Property Value If the OracleDataReader is in a closed state, returns true; otherwise, returns false. Implements IDataReader Remarks Default = true IsClosed and RecordsAffected are the only two properties that are accessible after the OracleDataReader is closed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This property gets the value of the column in .NET data type. Overload List: Item [index] This property gets the .NET Value of the column specified by the column index.

Item [string] This property gets the .NET Value of the column specified by the column name.

5-146 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

Item [index]
This property gets the .NET Value of the column specified by the column index. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override object this[int index] {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public object this[int index] {get;}

Parameters index The zero-based index of the column. Property Value The .NET value of the specified column. Implements IDataRecord Remarks Default = Not Applicable In C#, this property is the indexer for this class.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

Item [string]
This property gets the .NET Value of the column specified by the column name. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override object this[string columnName] {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public object this[string columnName] {get;}

Parameters columnName The name of the column.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-147

OracleDataReader Properties

Property Value The .NET Value of the specified column. Implements IDataRecord Remarks Default = Not Applicable A case-sensitive search is made to locate the specified column by its name. If this fails, then a case-insensitive search is made. In C#, this property is the indexer for this class.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This property specifies the amount that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns. Declaration
// C# public int InitialLOBFetchSize {get;}

Property Value The size of the chunk to retrieve. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks For Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) and later, the maximum value supported for InitialLOBFetchSize is 2 GB. For releases prior to Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2), the maximum value supported for InitialLOBFetchSize is 32K. Default is the OracleCommand.InitialLOBFetchSize, from which this value is inherited.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "InitialLOBFetchSize" on page 5-18 for further information on OracleCommand.InitialLOBFetchSize "Obtaining LOB Data" on page 3-43

5-148 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

This property specifies the amount that the OracleDataReader initially fetches for LONG and LONG RAW columns. Declaration
// C# public long InitialLONGFetchSize {get;}

Property Value The size of the chunk to retrieve. The default is 0. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks The maximum value supported for InitialLONGFetchSize is 32767. If this property is set to a higher value, the provider resets it to 32767. Default is OracleCommand.InitialLONGFetchSize, from which this value is inherited. This property is read-only for the OracleDataReader.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "InitialLONGFetchSize" on page 5-19 for further information on OracleCommand.InitialLONGFetchSize "Obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data" on page 3-42

This property gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement. Declaration
// C# public int RecordsAffected {get;}

Property Value The number of rows affected by execution of the SQL statement. Implements IDataReader Remarks Default = 0 The value of -1 is returned for SELECT statements. IsClosed and RecordsAffected are the only two properties that are accessible after the OracleDataReader is closed.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-149

OracleDataReader Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This property gets the number of fields in the OracleDataReader that are not hidden. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Declaration
// C# public override int VisibleFieldcount { get; }

Property Value The number of fields that are not hidden. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks If an application sets the AddRowid property on an OracleCommand object to true, then the application can access the RowId but it is not a visible field. If RowId is added in the select statement list, then it is a visible field. OracleDataReader.VisibleFieldCount and OracleDataReader.FieldCount always have the same value. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class VisibleFieldCountSample { static void Main(string[] args) { string constr = "User Id=scott; Password=tiger; Data Source=oracle;"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Oracle.DataAccess.Client"); using (DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = constr; try { conn.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = (OracleCommand)factory.CreateCommand(); cmd.Connection = (OracleConnection)conn;

5-150 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

//to gain access to ROWIDs of the table cmd.AddRowid = true; cmd.CommandText = "select empno, ename from emp;"; OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int visFC = reader.VisibleFieldCount; //Results in 2 int hidFC = reader.HiddenFieldCount; // Results in 1 Console.Write("Visible field count: " + visFC); Console.Write("Hidden field count: " + hidFC); reader.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "VisibleFieldCount" on page 5-150 "FieldCount" on page 5-143

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-151

OracleDataReader Public Methods

OracleDataReader Public Methods

OracleDataReader public methods are listed in Table 543.
Table 543 OracleDataReader Public Methods Description Closes the OracleDataReader Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases any resources or memory allocated by the object Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Not Supported Returns the byte value of the specified column Populates the provided byte array with up to the maximum number of bytes, from the specified offset (in bytes) of the column Not Supported Populates the provided character array with up to the maximum number of characters, from the specified offset (in characters) of the column Not Supported Returns the ODP.NET type name of the specified column Returns the DateTime value of the specified column Returns the decimal value of the specified NUMBER column Returns the double value of the specified NUMBER column or BINARY_DOUBLE column Returns an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection Returns the Type of the specified column Returns the float value of the specified NUMBER column or BINARY_FLOAT column Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Returns the Int16 value of the specified NUMBER column Returns the Int32 value of the specified NUMBER column Returns the Int64 value of the specified NUMBER column Inherited by System.MarshalByRefObject Returns the name of the specified column Returns an OracleBFile object of the specified BFILE column Returns an OracleBinary structure of the specified column Returns an OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column

Public Method Close CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetBoolean GetByte GetBytes

GetChar GetChars

GetData GetDataTypeName GetDateTime GetDecimal GetDouble GetEnumerator GetFieldType GetFloat GetGuid GetHashCode GetInt16 GetInt32 GetInt64 GetLifetimeService GetName GetOracleBFile GetOracleBinary GetOracleBlob

5-152 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Table 543 (Cont.) OracleDataReader Public Methods Public Method GetOracleBlobForUpdate GetOracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate GetOracleDate GetOracleDecimal GetOracleIntervalDS GetOracleIntervalYM GetOracleString GetOracleTimeStamp GetOracleTimeStampLTZ Description Returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column Returns an OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column Returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column Returns an OracleDate structure of the specified DATE column Returns an OracleDecimal structure of the specified NUMBER column Returns an OracleIntervalDS structure of the specified INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column Returns an OracleIntervalYM structure of the specified INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH column Returns an OracleString structure of the specified column Returns an OracleTimeStamp structure of the Oracle TimeStamp column Returns an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure of the specified Oracle TimeStamp WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE column Returns an OracleTimeStampTZ structure of the specified Oracle TimeStamp WITH TIME ZONE column Returns an OracleXmlType object of the specified XMLType column Returns the specified column value as a ODP.NET type Gets all the column values as ODP.NET types Returns the 0-based ordinal (or index) of the specified column name Returns an Object that represents the underlying provider-specific field type Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetProviderSpecificValue Returns an object that represents the underlying provider-specific value of the specified ordinal Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetProviderSpecificValues Returns an array of objects that represent the underlying provider-specific values Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET GetSchemaTable GetString GetTimeSpan GetType GetValue Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the OracleDataReader Returns the string value of the specified column Returns the TimeSpan value of the specified INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column Inherited from System.Object class Returns the column value as a .NET type

GetOracleTimeStampTZ GetOracleXmlType GetOracleValue GetOracleValues GetOrdinal GetProviderSpecificFieldType

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-153

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Table 543 (Cont.) OracleDataReader Public Methods Public Method GetValues GetXmlReader IsDBNull NextResult Read ToString Description Gets all the column values as .NET types Returns the value of an XMLType column as an instance of an .NET XmlTextReader Indicates whether or not the column value is null Advances the data reader to the next result set when reading the results Reads the next row in the result set Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method closes the OracleDataReader. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Close(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Close();

Implements IDataReader Remarks The Close method frees all resources associated with the OracleDataReader. Example The code example for the OracleDataReader class includes the Close method. See OracleDataReader Overview "Example" on page 5-134.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method releases any resources or memory allocated by the object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

5-154 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Implements IDisposable Remarks The Dispose method also closes the OracleDataReader.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool GetBoolean(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool GetBoolean(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions NotSupportedException - This property is not supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the byte value of the specified column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override byte GetByte(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public byte GetByte(int index);

Parameters index

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-155

OracleDataReader Public Methods

The zero-based column index. Return Value The value of the column as a byte. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method populates the provided byte array with up to the maximum number of bytes, from the specified offset (in bytes) of the column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override long GetBytes(int index, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public long GetBytes(int index, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length);

Parameters index The zero-based column index.

fieldOffset The offset within the column from which reading begins (in bytes).

buffer The byte array that the data is read into.

bufferOffset The offset within the buffer to begin reading data into (in bytes).


5-156 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

The maximum number of bytes to read (in bytes). Return Value The number of bytes read. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks This method returns the number of bytes read into the buffer. This may be less than the actual length of the field if the method has been called previously for the same column. If a null reference is passed for buffer, the length of the field in bytes is returned. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override long GetChar(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public long GetChar(int index);

Parameters index The zero based column index. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions NotSupportedException - This property is not supported.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-157

OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method populates the provided character array with up to the maximum number of characters, from the specified offset (in characters) of the column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override long GetChars(int index, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public long GetChars(int index, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length);

Parameters index The zero based column index.

fieldOffset The index within the column from which to begin reading (in characters).

buffer The character array that the data is read into.

bufferOffset The index within the buffer to begin reading data into (in characters).

length The maximum number of characters to read (in characters).

Return Value The number of characters read. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL.

5-158 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Remarks This method returns the number of characters read into the buffer. This may be less than the actual length of the field, if the method has been called previously for the same column. If a null reference is passed for buffer, the length of the field in characters is returned. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the ODP.NET type name of the specified column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string GetDataTypeName(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string GetDataTypeName(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The name of the ODP.NET type of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the DateTime value of the specified column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DateTime GetDateTime(int index);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-159

OracleDataReader Public Methods

// ADO.NET 1.x: C# public DateTime GetDateTime(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The DateTime value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the decimal value of the specified NUMBER column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override decimal GetDecimal(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public decimal GetDecimal(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The decimal value of the column. Implements IDataRecord

5-160 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the double value of the specified NUMBER column or BINARY_ DOUBLE column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override double GetDouble(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public double GetDouble(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The double value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. Starting with Oracle Database 10g, GetDouble now supports retrieval of data from BINARY_DOUBLE columns.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-161

OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection (record set). Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator();

Return Value An IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection (record set). Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the type of the specified column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override Type GetFieldType(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public Type GetFieldType(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The type of the default .NET type of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed.
5-162 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. Remarks GetFieldType returns a type that corresponds to the value that the application obtains after invoking the GetValue accessor or Item property on the OracleDataReader. For example, if the column is a string, this method returns a .NET Type object for a .NET string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the float value of the specified NUMBER column or BINARY_ FLOAT column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override float GetFloat(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public float GetFloat(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The float value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. Starting with Oracle Database 10g, GetFloat now supports retrieval of data from BINARY_FLOAT columns.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-163

OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override Guid GetGuid(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public Guid GetGuid(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions NotSupportedException - This property is not supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the Int16 value of the specified NUMBER column.

short is equivalent to Int16.

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override short GetInt16(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public short GetInt16(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index.

5-164 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Return Value The Int16 value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the Int32 value of the specified NUMBER column.

int is equivalent to Int32.

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int GetInt32(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int GetInt32(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The Int32 value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-165

OracleDataReader Public Methods

InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the Int64 value of the specified NUMBER column.

long is equivalent to Int64.

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override long GetInt64(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public long GetInt64(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The Int64 value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

5-166 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

This method returns the name of the specified column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string GetName(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string GetName(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The name of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleBFile object of the specified BFILE column. Declaration
// C# public OracleBFile GetOracleBFile(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleBFile value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-167

OracleDataReader Public Methods

InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleBinary structure of the specified column. Declaration
// C# public OracleBinary GetOracleBinary(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleBinary value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. GetOracleBinary is used on the following Oracle types:


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

5-168 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

This method returns an OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column. Declaration
// C# public OracleBlob GetOracleBlob(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleBlob value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

GetOracleBlobForUpdate returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column. Overload List: GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int) This method returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column.

GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int, int) This method returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column using a WAIT clause.

This method returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column. Declaration
// C# public OracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int index);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-169

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value An updatable OracleBlob object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks When the OracleCommand's ExecuteReader() method is invoked, all the data fetched by the OracleDataReader is from a particular snapshot. Therefore, calling an accessor method on the same column always returns the same value. However, the GetOracleBlobForUpdate() method incurs a database round-trip to obtain a reference to the current BLOB data while also locking the row using the FOR UPDATE clause. This means that the OracleBlob obtained from GetOracleBlob() can have a different value than the OracleBlob obtained from GetOracleBlobForUpdate() since it is not obtained from the original snapshot. The returned OracleBlob object can be used to safely update the BLOB because the BLOB column has been locked after a call to this method. Invoking this method internally executes a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement without a WAIT clause. Therefore, the statement can wait indefinitely until a lock is acquired for that row. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. Example The following example gets the OracleBlob object for update from the reader, updates the OracleBlob object, and then commits the transaction.
/* Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE TABLE empInfo ( empno NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, empName VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL, hiredate DATE, salary NUMBER(7,2), jobDescription Clob, byteCodes BLOB ); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (1,'KING','SOFTWARE ENGR', '5657'); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (2,'SCOTT','MANAGER', '5960'); commit; */ // C#

5-170 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

using using using using

System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class GetOracleBlobForUpdateSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Get the ByteCodes for empno = 1 string cmdstr = "SELECT BYTECODES, EMPNO FROM EMPINFO where EMPNO = 1"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(cmdstr, con); // Since we are going to update the OracleBlob object, we will //have to create a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction(); // Get the reader OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Declare the variables to retrieve the data in EmpInfo OracleBlob byteCodesBlob; // Read the first row reader.Read(); if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) { byteCodesBlob = reader.GetOracleBlobForUpdate(0); // Close the reader reader.Close(); // Update the ByteCodes object byte[] addedBytes = new byte[2] {0, 0}; byteCodesBlob.Append(addedBytes, 0, addedBytes.Length); // Now commit the transaction txn.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Blob Column successfully updated"); } else reader.Dispose(); // Close the connection con.Dispose(); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-171

OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int, int)
This method returns an updatable OracleBlob object of the specified BLOB column using a WAIT clause. Declaration
// C# public OracleBlob GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int index, int wait);

Parameters index The zero-based column index.

wait The number of seconds the method waits to acquire a lock.

Return Value An updatable OracleBlob object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks When the OracleCommand's ExecuteReader() method is invoked, all the data fetched by the OracleDataReader is from a particular snapshot. Therefore, calling an accessor method on the same column always returns the same value. However, the GetOracleBlobForUpdate() method incurs a database round-trip to obtain a reference to the current BLOB data while also locking the row using the FOR UPDATE clause. This means that the OracleBlob obtained from GetOracleBlob() can have a different value than the OracleBlob obtained from GetOracleBlobForUpdate() since it is not obtained from the original snapshot. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. The returned OracleBlob object can be used to safely update the BLOB because the BLOB column has been locked after a call to this method. Invoking this method internally executes a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement which locks the row. Different WAIT clauses are appended to the statement, depending on the wait value. If the wait value is:

5-172 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

0 "NOWAIT" is appended at the end of a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement. The statement executes immediately whether the lock is acquired or not. If the lock is not acquired, an exception is thrown.

n "WAIT n" is appended at the end of a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement. The statement executes as soon as the lock is acquired. However, if the lock cannot be acquired by n seconds, this method call throws an exception. The WAIT n" feature is only available for Oracle9i or later. For any version lower than Oracle9i, n is implicitly treated as -1 and nothing is appended at the end of a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement.

-1 Nothing is appended at the end of the SELECT..FOR UPDATE. The statement execution waits indefinitely until a lock can be acquired.

Example The GetOracleBlobForUpdate methods are comparable. See "Example" on page 5-170 for a code example demonstrating usage.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

This method returns an OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column. Declaration
// C# public OracleClob GetOracleClob(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleClob value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-173

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

GetOracleClobForUpdate returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column. Overload List: GetOracleClobForUpdate(int) This method returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column.

GetOracleClobForUpdate(int, int) This method returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column using a WAIT clause.

This method returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column. Declaration
// C# public OracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value An updatable OracleClob. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks When the OracleCommand's ExecuteReader() method is invoked, all the data fetched by the OracleDataReader is from a particular snapshot. Therefore, calling an accessor method on the same column always returns the same value. However, the GetOracleClobForUpdate() method incurs a database round-trip to obtain a

5-174 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

reference to the current CLOB data while also locking the row using the FOR UPDATE clause. This means that the OracleClob obtained from GetOracleClob() can have a different value than the OracleClob obtained from GetOracleClobForUpdate() since it is not obtained from the original snapshot. The returned OracleClob object can be used to safely update the CLOB because the CLOB column is locked after a call to this method. Invoking this method internally executes a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement without a WAIT clause. Therefore, the statement can wait indefinitely until a lock is acquired for that row. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. Example The following example gets the OracleClob object for update from the reader, updates the OracleClob object, and then commits the transaction.
/* Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE TABLE empInfo ( empno NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, empName VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL, hiredate DATE, salary NUMBER(7,2), jobDescription Clob, byteCodes BLOB ); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (1,'KING','SOFTWARE ENGR', '5657'); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (2,'SCOTT','MANAGER', '5960'); commit; */ // C# using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class GetOracleClobForUpdateSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Get the job description for empno = 1 string cmdStr = "SELECT JOBDESCRIPTION, EMPNO FROM EMPINFO where EMPNO = 1"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(cmdStr, con); // Since we are going to update the OracleClob object, we will // have to create a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction(); // Get the reader

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OracleDataReader Public Methods

OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Declare the variables to retrieve the data in EmpInfo OracleClob jobDescClob; // Read the first row reader.Read(); if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) { jobDescClob = reader.GetOracleClobForUpdate(0); // Close the reader reader.Close(); // Update the job description Clob object char[] jobDesc = "-SALES".ToCharArray(); jobDescClob.Append(jobDesc, 0, jobDesc.Length); // Now commit the transaction txn.Commit(); Console.WriteLine("Clob Column successfully updated"); } else reader.Close(); // Close the connection con.Close(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

GetOracleClobForUpdate(int, int)
This method returns an updatable OracleClob object of the specified CLOB column using a WAIT clause. Declaration
// C# public OracleClob GetOracleClobForUpdate(int index, int wait);

Parameters index The zero-based column index.

wait The number of seconds the method waits to acquire a lock.

5-176 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Return Value An updatable OracleClob. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks When the OracleCommand's ExecuteReader() method is invoked, all the data fetched by the OracleDataReader is from a particular snapshot. Therefore, calling an accessor method on the same column always returns the same value. However, the GetOracleClobForUpdate() method incurs a database round-trip to obtain a reference to the current CLOB data while also locking the row using the FOR UPDATE clause. This means that the OracleClob obtained from GetOracleClob() can have a different value than the OracleClob obtained from GetOracleClobForUpdate() since it is not obtained from the original snapshot. Invoking this method internally executes a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement which locks the row. The returned OracleClob object can be used to safely update the CLOB because the CLOB column is locked after a call to this method. Different WAIT clauses are appended to the statement, depending on the wait value. If the wait value is:

0 "NOWAIT" is appended at the end of a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement. The statement executes immediately whether the lock is acquired or not. If the lock is not acquired, an exception is thrown.

n "WAIT n" is appended at the end of a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement. The statement executes as soon as the lock is acquired. However, if the lock cannot be acquired by n seconds, this method call throws an exception. The WAIT n" feature is only available for Oracle9i or later. For any version lower than Oracle9i, n is implicitly treated as -1 and nothing is appended at the end of a SELECT..FOR UPDATE statement.

-1 Nothing is appended at the end of the SELECT..FOR UPDATE. The statement execution waits indefinitely until a lock can be acquired.

IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. Example The GetOracleClobForUpdate methods are comparable. See "Example" on page 5-175 for a code example demonstrating usage.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-177

OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

This method returns an OracleDate structure of the specified DATE column. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate GetOracleDate(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleDate value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

This method returns an OracleDecimal structure of the specified NUMBER column. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal GetOracleDecimal(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index.

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OracleDataReader Class

Return Value The OracleDecimal value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleIntervalDS structure of the specified INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS GetOracleIntervalDS(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleIntervalDS value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-179

OracleDataReader Public Methods

This method returns an OracleIntervalYM structure of the specified INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH column. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM GetOracleIntervalYM(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleIntervalYM value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleString structure of the specified column. The string is stored as a Unicode string. Declaration
// C# public OracleString GetOracleString(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleString value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read.

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IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. GetOracleString is used on the following Oracle column types:

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleTimeStamp structure of the Oracle TimeStamp column. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp GetOracleTimeStamp(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleTimeStamp value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-181

OracleDataReader Public Methods

IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks GetOracleTimeStamp is used with the Oracle Type TimeStamp. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure of the specified Oracle TimeStamp WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE column. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ GetOracleTimeStampLTZ(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleTimeStampLTZ value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks GetOracleTimeStampLTZ is used with the Oracle Type TimeStamp with Local Time Zone columns. IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

5-182 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

This method returns an OracleTimeStampTZ structure of the specified Oracle TimeStamp WITH TIME ZONE column. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ GetOracleTimeStampTZ(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleTimeStampTZ value of the column. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks Used with the Oracle Type TimeStamp with Local Time Zone columns IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an OracleXmlType object of the specified XMLType column. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType GetOracleXmlType(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The OracleXmlType value of the column. Exceptions InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-183

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method. Requirements This property can only be used with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) or later.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the specified column value as an ODP.NET type. Declaration
// C# public object GetOracleValue(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The value of the column as an ODP.NET type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method gets all the column values as ODP.NET types. Declaration
// C# public int GetOracleValues(object[] values);

Parameters values An array of objects to hold the ODP.NET types as the column values.

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Return Value The number of ODP.NET types in the values array. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. Remarks This method provides a way to retrieve all column values rather than retrieving each column value individually. The number of column values retrieved is the minimum of the length of the values array and the number of columns in the result set.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members "LOB Support" on page 3-51

This method returns the 0-based ordinal (or index) of the specified column name. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int GetOrdinal(string name); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int GetOrdinal(string name);

Parameters name The specified column name. Return Value The index of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. Remarks A case-sensitive search is made to locate the specified column by its name. If this fails, then a case-insensitive search is made.

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OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an Object that represents the underlying provider-specific field type. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType(int ordinal);

Parameters ordinal A zero-based column ordinal. Return Value A System.Type that represents the underlying provider-specific field type. Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed. Remarks The return type is a member of the Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an object that represents the underlying provider-specific value of the specified ordinal. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override object GetProviderSpecificValue (int ordinal);

Parameters ordinal A zero-based column ordinal.

5-186 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Return Value An Object that is a representation of the underlying provider-specific field type. Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns an array of objects that represent the underlying provider-specific values. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int GetProviderSpecificValues( object [ ] values);

Parameters values An array of objects. Return Value The number of Object instances in the array. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the OracleDataReader. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DataTable GetSchemaTable(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public DataTable GetSchemaTable();

Return Value A DataTable that contains the metadata of the result set.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-187

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Implements IDataReader Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed or the reader is closed. Remarks The OracleDataReader.GetSchemaTable method returns the SchemaTable. OracleDataReader SchemaTable The OracleDataReader SchemaTable is a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the OracleDataReader. The columns of the SchemaTable are in the order shown.
Table 544 Name ColumnName ColumnOrdinal ColumnSize OracleDataReader SchemaTable Name Type System.String System.Int32 System.Int64 Description The name of the column. The 0-based ordinal of the column. The maximum possible length of a value in the column. ColumnSize value is determined as follows:

CHAR and VARCHAR2 types: in bytes - if IsByteSemantic boolean value is true in characters - if IsByteSemantic boolean value is false

All other types: in bytes

See "IsByteSemantic" on page 5-190 for more information. NumericPrecision System.Int16 The maximum precision of the column, if the column is a numeric data type. This column has valid values for Oracle NUMBER, Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, and Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND columns. For all other columns, the value is null. NumericScale System.Int16 The scale of the column. This column has valid values for Oracle NUMBER, Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, and the Oracle TIMESTAMP columns. For all other columns, the value is null.

5-188 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Table 544 (Cont.) OracleDataReader SchemaTable Name IsUnique Name Type System.Boolean Description Indicates whether or not the column is unique. true if no two rows in the base table can have the same value in this column, where the base table is the table returned in BaseTableName. IsUnique is guaranteed to be true if one of the following applies:

the column constitutes a key by itself there is a unique constraint or a unique index that applies only to this column and a NOT NULL constraint has been defined on the column the column is an explicitly selected ROWID

IsUnique is false if the column can contain duplicate values in the base table. The default is false. The value of this property is the same for each occurrence of the base table column in the select list. IsKey System.Boolean Indicates whether or not the column is a key column. true if the column is one of a set of columns in the rowset that, taken together, uniquely identify the row. The set of columns with IsKey set to true must uniquely identify a row in the rowset. There is no requirement that this set of columns is a minimal set of columns. This set of columns can be generated from one of the following in descending order of priority:

A base table primary key. Any of the unique constraints or unique indexes with the following condition: A NOT NULL constraint must be defined on the column or on all of the columns, in the case of a composite unique constraint or composite unique index. Any of the composite unique constraints or composite unique indexes with the following condition: A NULL constraint must be defined on at least one, but not all, of the columns.

An explicitly selected ROWID. false if the column is not required to uniquely identify the row. The value of this property is the same for each occurrence of the base table column in the select list. IsRowID BaseColumnName BaseSchemaName BaseTableName DataType ProviderType AllowDBNull System.Boolean System.String System.String System.String System.RuntimeType true if the column is a ROWID, otherwise false. The name of the column in the database if an alias is used for the column. The name of the schema in the database that contains the column. The name of the table or view in the database that contains the column. Maps to the common language runtime type.

Oracle.DataAccess. The database column type (OracleDbType) of the Client.OracleDbType column. System.Boolean true if null values are allowed, otherwise false.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-189

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Table 544 (Cont.) OracleDataReader SchemaTable Name IsAliased IsByteSemantic Name Type System.Boolean System.Boolean Description true if the column is an alias; otherwise false. IsByteSemantic is:

true if the ColumnSize value uses bytes semantics false if ColumnSize uses character semantics

This value is always true when connected to a database version earlier than Oracle9i. IsExpression IsHidden IsReadOnly IsLong System.Boolean System.Boolean System.Boolean System.Boolean true if the column is an expression; otherwise false. true if the column is hidden; otherwise false. true if the column is read-only; otherwise false. true if the column is a LONG, LONG RAW, BLOB, CLOB, or BFILE; otherwise false.

Example This example creates and uses the SchemaTable from the reader.
/* Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE TABLE empInfo ( empno NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, empName VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL, hiredate DATE, salary NUMBER(7,2), jobDescription Clob, byteCodes BLOB ); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (1,'KING','SOFTWARE ENGR', '5657'); Insert into empInfo(EMPNO,EMPNAME,JOBDESCRIPTION,byteCodes) values (2,'SCOTT','MANAGER', '5960'); commit; */ // C# using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class GetSchemaTableSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); string cmdstr = "SELECT EMPNO,EMPNAME FROM EMPINFO where EMPNO = 1"; OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(cmdstr, con); //get the reader OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

5-190 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

//get the schema table DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable(); //retrieve the first column info. DataRow row = schemaTable.Rows[0]; //print out the column info Console.WriteLine("Column name: " + row["COLUMNNAME"]); Console.WriteLine("Precision: " + row["NUMERICPRECISION"]); Console.WriteLine("Scale: " + row["NUMERICSCALE"]); reader.Close(); // Close the connection con.Close(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the string value of the specified column. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string GetString(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string GetString(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The string value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks Call the IsDBNull method to check for null values before calling this method.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-191

OracleDataReader Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the TimeSpan value of the specified INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column. Declaration
// C# public TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The TimeSpan value of the column. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the column value as a .NET type. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override object GetValue(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public object GetValue(int index);

5-192 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value The value of the column as a .NET type. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. Remarks When this method is invoked for a NUMBER column, the .NET type returned depends on the precision and scale of the column. For example, if a column is defined as NUMBER(4,0) then values in this column are retrieved as a System.Int16.If the precision and scale is such that no .NET type can represent all the possible values that could exist in that column, the value is returned as a System.Decimal, if possible. If the value cannot be represented by a System.Decimal, an exception is raised. For example, if a column is defined as NUMBER (20,10) then a value in this column is retrieved as a System.Decimal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method gets all the column values as .NET types. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int GetValues(object[ ] values); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int GetValues(object[ ] values);

Parameters values An array of objects to hold the .NET types as the column values. Return Value The number of objects in the values array. Implements IDataRecord

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-193

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed, the reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. Remarks This method provides a way to retrieve all column values rather than retrieving each column value individually. The number of column values retrieved is the minimum of the length of the values array and the number of columns in the result set.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method returns the contents of an XMLType column as an instance of an .NET XmlTextReader object. Declaration
// C# public XmlReader GetXmlReader(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value A .NET XmlTextReader. Exceptions InvalidCastException - The accessor method is invalid for this column type or the column value is NULL. Remarks IsDBNull should be called to check for NULL values before calling this method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method indicates whether or not the column value is NULL. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool IsDBNull(int index);

5-194 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataReader Class

// ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool IsDBNull(int index);

Parameters index The zero-based column index. Return Value Returns true if the column is a NULL value; otherwise, returns false. Implements IDataRecord Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The reader is closed, Read() has not been called, or all rows have been read. IndexOutOfRangeException - The column index is invalid. Remarks This method should be called to check for NULL values before calling the other accessor methods. Example The code example for the OracleDataReader class includes the IsDBNull method. See "Example" on page 5-134.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method advances the data reader to the next result set. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool NextResult(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool NextResult();

Return Value Returns true if another result set exists; otherwise, returns false. Implements IDataReader Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed or the reader is closed.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-195

OracleDataReader Public Methods

Remarks NextResult is used when reading results from stored procedure execution that return more than one result set.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

This method reads the next row in the result set. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool Read(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool Read();

Return Value Returns true if another row exists; otherwise, returns false. Implements IDataReader Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The connection is closed or the reader is closed. Remarks The initial position of the data reader is before the first row. Therefore, the Read method must be called to fetch the first row. The row that was just read is considered the current row. If the OracleDataReader has no more rows to read, it returns false. Example The code example for the OracleDataReader class includes the Read method. See "Example" on page 5-134.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataReader Class OracleDataReader Members

5-196 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleError Class

OracleError Class
The OracleError class represents an error reported by Oracle. Class Inheritance System.Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleError Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleError

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks The OracleError class represents a warning or an error reported by Oracle. If there multiple errors, ODP.NET only returns the first error message on the stack.

// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleErrorsSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand object using the connection object OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); try { cmd.CommandText = "insert into notable values (99, 'MyText')"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (OracleException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Record is not inserted into the database table."); foreach (OracleError error in ex.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("Error Message: " + error.Message); Console.WriteLine("Error Source: " + error.Source); }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-197

OracleError Class

} } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Members OracleError Static Methods OracleError Properties OracleError Methods

5-198 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleError Class

OracleError Members
OracleError members are listed in the following tables:

OracleError Static Methods

The OracleError static method is listed in Table 545.
Table 545 Method Equals OracleError Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleError Properties
OracleError properties are listed in Table 546.
Table 546 Properties ArrayBindIndex DataSource Message Number Procedure Source OracleError Properties Description Specifies the row number of errors that occurred during the Array Bind execution Specifies the Oracle service name (TNS name) that identifies the Oracle database Specifies the message describing the error Specifies the Oracle error number Specifies the stored procedure that causes the error Specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error

OracleError Methods
OracleError methods are listed in Table 547.
Table 547 Methods Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleError Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Returns a string representation of the OracleError

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-199

OracleError Static Methods

OracleError Static Methods

The OracleError static method is listed in Table 548.
Table 548 Method Equals OracleError Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

5-200 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleError Class

OracleError Properties
OracleError properties are listed in Table 549.
Table 549 Properties ArrayBindIndex DataSource Message Number Procedure Source OracleError Properties Description Specifies the row number of errors that occurred during the Array Bind execution Specifies the Oracle service name (TNS name) that identifies the Oracle database Specifies the message describing the error Specifies the Oracle error number Specifies the stored procedure that causes the error Specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

This property specifies the row number of errors that occurred during the Array Bind execution. Declaration
// C# public int ArrayBindIndex {get;}

Property Value An int value that specifies the row number for errors that occurred during the Array Bind execution. Remarks Default = 0. This property is used for Array Bind operations only. ArrayBindIndex represents the zero-based row number at which the error occurred during an Array Bind operation. For example, if an array bind execution causes two errors on the 2nd and 4th operations, two OracleError objects appear in the OracleErrorCollection with the ArrayBindIndex property values 2 and 4 respectively.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-201

OracleError Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members "Array Binding" on page 3-32

This property specifies the Oracle service name (TNS name) that identifies the Oracle database. Declaration
// C# public string DataSource {get;}

Property Value A string.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

This property specifies the message describing the error. Declaration
// C# public string Message {get;}

Property Value A string.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

This property specifies the Oracle error number. Declaration
// C# public int Number {get;}

Property Value An int.

5-202 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleError Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

This property specifies the stored procedure that causes the error. Declaration
// C# public string Procedure {get;}

Property Value The stored procedure name. Remarks Represents the stored procedure which creates this OracleError object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

This property specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error. Declaration
// C# public string Source {get;}

Property Value A string.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-203

OracleError Methods

OracleError Methods
OracleError methods are listed in Table 550.
Table 550 Methods Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleError Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Returns a string representation of the OracleError

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

Overrides Object This method returns a string representation of the OracleError. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value Returns a string with the format Ora- error number: Class.Method name error message stack trace information. Example ORA-24333: zero iteration count
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleError Class OracleError Members

5-204 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleErrorCollection Class

OracleErrorCollection Class
An OracleErrorCollection class represents a collection of all errors that are thrown by the Oracle Data Provider for .NET. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ArrayList Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleErrorCollection Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleErrorCollection : ArrayList

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks A simple ArrayList that holds a list of OracleErrors. If there multiple errors, ODP.NET only returns the first error message on the stack. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleErrorCollectionSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand object using the connection object OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); try { cmd.CommandText = "insert into notable values (99, 'MyText')"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (OracleException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Record is not inserted into the database table."); foreach (OracleError error in ex.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("Error Message: " + error.Message); Console.WriteLine("Error Source: " + error.Source);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-205

OracleErrorCollection Class

} } } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleErrorCollection Members OracleErrorCollection Static Methods OracleErrorCollection Properties OracleErrorCollection Public Methods

5-206 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleErrorCollection Class

OracleErrorCollection Members
OracleErrorCollection members are listed in the following tables:

OracleErrorCollection Static Methods

OracleErrorCollection static methods are listed in Table 551.
Table 551 Methods Equals OracleErrorCollection Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleErrorCollection Properties
OracleErrorCollection properties are listed in Table 552.
Table 552 Name Capacity Count IsReadOnly IsSynchronized Item OracleErrorCollection Properties Description Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList

OracleErrorCollection Public Methods

OracleErrorCollection public methods are listed in Table 553.
Table 553 OracleErrorCollection Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

Public Method CopyTo Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleErrorCollection Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-207

OracleErrorCollection Static Methods

OracleErrorCollection Static Methods

The OracleErrorCollection static method is listed in Table 554.
Table 554 Method Equals OracleErrorCollection Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleErrorCollection Class OracleErrorCollection Members

5-208 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleErrorCollection Class

OracleErrorCollection Properties
OracleErrorCollection properties are listed in Table 555.
Table 555 Name Capacity Count IsReadOnly IsSynchronized Item OracleErrorCollection Properties Description Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleErrorCollection Class OracleErrorCollection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-209

OracleErrorCollection Public Methods

OracleErrorCollection Public Methods

OracleErrorCollection public methods are listed in Table 556.
Table 556 OracleErrorCollection Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Collections.ArrayList Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

Public Method CopyTo Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleErrorCollection Class OracleErrorCollection Members

5-210 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleException Class

OracleException Class
The OracleException class represents an exception that is thrown when the Oracle Data Provider for .NET encounters an error. Each OracleException object contains at least one OracleError object in the Error property that describes the error or warning. Class Inheritance System.Object System.Exception System.SystemException System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException (ADO.NET 2.0 only) System.Data.Common.DbException (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleException : SystemException

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks If there multiple errors, ODP.NET only returns the first error message on the stack. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleExceptionSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand object using the connection object OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); try { cmd.CommandText = "insert into notable values (99, 'MyText')"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (OracleException ex)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-211

OracleException Class

{ Console.WriteLine("Record is not inserted into the database table."); Console.WriteLine("Exception Message: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Exception Source: " + ex.Source); } } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Members OracleException Methods OracleException Static Methods OracleException Static Methods OracleException Properties OracleException Methods

5-212 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleException Class

OracleException Members
OracleException members are listed in the following tables:

OracleException Static Methods

The OracleException static method is listed in Table 557.
Table 557 Method Equals OracleException Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleException Properties
OracleException properties are listed in Table 558.
Table 558 Properties DataSource Errors OracleException Properties Description Specifies the TNS name that contains the information for connecting to an Oracle instance Specifies a collection of one or more OracleError objects that contain information about exceptions generated by the Oracle database Inherited from System.Exception Inherited from System.Exception Specifies the error messages that occur in the exception Specifies the Oracle error number Specifies the stored procedure that cause the exception Specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error Inherited from System.Exception Inherited from System.Exception

HelpLink InnerException Message Number Procedure Source StackTrace TargetSite

OracleException Methods
OracleException methods are listed in Table 559.
Table 559 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData GetType ToString OracleException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Exception Inherited from System.Object Sets the serializable info object with information about the exception Inherited from System.Object Returns the fully qualified name of this exception

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-213

OracleException Members

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class

5-214 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleException Class

OracleException Static Methods

The OracleException static method is listed in Table 560.
Table 560 Method Equals OracleException Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-215

OracleException Properties

OracleException Properties
OracleException properties are listed in Table 561.
Table 561 Properties DataSource Errors OracleException Properties Description Specifies the TNS name that contains the information for connecting to an Oracle instance Specifies a collection of one or more OracleError objects that contain information about exceptions generated by the Oracle database Inherited from System.Exception Inherited from System.Exception Specifies the error messages that occur in the exception Specifies the Oracle error number Specifies the stored procedure that cause the exception Specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error Inherited from System.Exception Inherited from System.Exception

HelpLink InnerException Message Number Procedure Source StackTrace TargetSite

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

This property specifies the TNS name that contains the information for connecting to an Oracle instance. Declaration
// C# public string DataSource {get;}

Property Value The TNS name containing the connect information.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

This property specifies a collection of one or more OracleError objects that contain information about exceptions generated by the Oracle database.

5-216 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleException Class

// C# public OracleErrorCollection Errors {get;}

Property Value An OracleErrorCollection. Remarks The Errors property contains at least one instance of OracleError objects.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

Overrides Exception This property specifies the error messages that occur in the exception. Declaration
// C# public override string Message {get;}

Property Value A string. Remarks Message is a concatenation of all errors in the Errors collection. Each error message is concatenated and is followed by a carriage return, except the last one.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

This property specifies the Oracle error number. Declaration
// C# public int Number {get;}

Property Value The error number. Remarks This error number can be the topmost level of error generated by Oracle and can be a provider-specific error number.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-217

OracleException Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

This property specifies the stored procedure that caused the exception. Declaration
// C# public string Procedure {get;}

Property Value The stored procedure name.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

Overrides Exception This property specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error. Declaration
// C# public override string Source {get;}

Property Value The name of the data provider.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

5-218 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleException Class

OracleException Methods
OracleException methods are listed in Table 562.
Table 562 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData GetType ToString OracleException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Exception Inherited from System.Object Sets the serializable info object with information about the exception Inherited from System.Object Returns the fully qualified name of this exception

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

Overrides Exception This method sets the serializable info object with information about the exception. Declaration
// C# public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);

Parameters info A SerializationInfo object.

context A StreamingContext object.

Remarks The information includes DataSource, Message, Number, Procedure, Source, and StackTrace.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-219

OracleException Methods

Overrides Exception This method returns the fully qualified name of this exception, the error message in the Message property, the InnerException.ToString() message, and the stack trace. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value The string representation of the exception. Example

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ToStringSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand object using the connection object OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); try { cmd.CommandText = "insert into notable values (99, 'MyText')"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // This will throw an exception } catch (OracleException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Record is not inserted into the database table."); Console.WriteLine("ex.ToString() : " + ex.ToString()); } } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleException Class OracleException Members

5-220 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class
The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs class provides event data for the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event. When any warning occurs in the database, the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event is triggered along with the OracleInfoMessageEventArgs object that stores the event data. Class Inheritance System.Object System.EventArgs Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class InfoMessageSample { public static void WarningHandler(object src, OracleInfoMessageEventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("Source object is: " + src.GetType().Name); Console.WriteLine("InfoMessageArgs.Message is " + args.Message); Console.WriteLine("InfoMessageArgs.Source is " + args.Source); } static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("User Id=scott;" + "Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); //Register to the InfoMessageHandler cmd.Connection.InfoMessage += new OracleInfoMessageEventHandler(WarningHandler); cmd.CommandText = "create or replace procedure SelectWithNoInto( " + " empname in VARCHAR2) AS " +

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-221

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

"BEGIN " + " select * from emp where ename = empname; " + "END SelectWithNoInto;"; // Execute the statement that produces a warning cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Clean up cmd.Dispose(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Methods OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Public Methods "OracleConnection Class" on page 5-65

5-222 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members
OracleInfoMessageEventArgs members are listed in the following tables:

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs static methods is listed in Table 563.
Table 563 Method Equals OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties
The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs properties are listed in Table 564.
Table 564 Name Errors Message Source OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the collection of errors generated by the data source Specifies the error text generated by the data source Specifies the name of the object that generated the error

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs methods are listed in Table 565.
Table 565 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-223

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Methods

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs static method is listed in Table 566.
Table 566 Method Equals OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members

5-224 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties
The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs properties are listed in Table 567.
Table 567 Name Errors Message Source OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the collection of errors generated by the data source Specifies the error text generated by the data source Specifies the name of the object that generated the error

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members

This property specifies the collection of errors generated by the data source. Declaration
// C# public OracleErrorCollection Errors {get;}

Property Value The collection of errors.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members

This property specifies the error text generated by the data source. Declaration
// C# public string Message {get;}

Property Value The error text.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-225

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Properties

This property specifies the name of the object that generated the error. Declaration
// C# public string Source {get;}

Property Value The object that generated the error.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members

5-226 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class

OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs methods are listed in Table 568.
Table 568 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-227

OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate

OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate
The OracleInfoMessageEventHandler represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event. Declaration
// C# public delegate void OracleInfoMessageEventHandler(object sender, OracleInfoMessageEventArgs eventArgs);

Parameters sender The source of the event.

eventArgs The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs object that contains the event data.

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 "InfoMessage" on page 5-108

5-228 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

OracleParameter Class
An OracleParameter object represents a parameter for an OracleCommand or a DataSet column. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.Data.Common.DbParameter (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleParameter : DbParameter, IDisposable, ICloneable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public sealed class OracleParameter : MarshalByRefObject, IDBDataParameter, IDataParameter, IDisposable, ICloneable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Exceptions ArgumentException - The type binding is invalid. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class OracleParameterSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleParameter[] prm = new OracleParameter[3]; // Create OracleParameter objects through OracleParameterCollection OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select max(empno) from emp"; int maxno = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); prm[0] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramEmpno", OracleDbType.Decimal, maxno + 10, ParameterDirection.Input); prm[1] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramEname", OracleDbType.Varchar2,

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-229

OracleParameter Class

"Client", ParameterDirection.Input); prm[2] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramDeptNo", OracleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.Input); cmd.CommandText = "insert into emp(empno, ename, deptno) values(:1, :2, :3)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Record for employee id {0} has been inserted.", maxno + 10); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Members OracleParameter Constructors OracleParameter Static Methods OracleParameter Properties OracleParameter Public Methods

5-230 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

OracleParameter Members
OracleParameter members are listed in the following tables:

OracleParameter Constructors
OracleParameter constructors are listed in Table 569.
Table 569 Constructor OracleParameter Constructors OracleParameter Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleParameter class (Overloaded)

OracleParameter Static Methods

OracleParameter static methods are listed in Table 570.
Table 570 Methods Equals OracleParameter Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleParameter Properties
OracleParameter properties are listed in Table 571.
Table 571 Name ArrayBindSize OracleParameter Properties Description Specifies the input or output size of elements in Value property of a parameter before or after an Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array Bind execution Specifies the input or output status of elements in Value property of a parameter before or after an Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array Bind execution Specifies whether or not the OracleParameter represents a collection, and if so, specifies the collection type Specifies the data type of the parameter using the Data.DbType enumeration type Specifies whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bi-directional, or a stored function return value parameter Not supported Specifies the offset to the Value property or offset to the elements in the Value property Specifies the Oracle data type Specifies the name of the parameter Specifies the maximum number of digits used to represent the Value property Specifies the number of decimal places to which Value property is resolved


CollectionType DbType Direction IsNullable Offset OracleDbType ParameterName Precision Scale

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-231

OracleParameter Members

Table 571 (Cont.) OracleParameter Properties Name Size Description Specifies the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of the data transmitted to or from the database. For PL/SQL Associative Array Bind, Size specifies the maximum number of elements in PL/SQL Associative Array Specifies the name of the DataTable Column of the DataSet Specifies a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Specifies the DataRowVersion value to use when loading the Value property of the parameter Indicates the status of the execution related to the data in the Value property Specifies the value of the Parameter

SourceColumn SourceColumnNull Mapping SourceVersion Status Value

OracleParameter Public Methods

OracleParameter public methods are listed in Table 572.
Table 572 OracleParameter Public Methods Description Creates a shallow copy of an OracleParameter object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases allocated resources Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Resets the type associated with the parameter so that it can infer its type from the value passed in the parameter Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET ResetOracleDbType Resets the type associated with the parameter so that it can infer its type from the value passed in the parameter Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET ToString Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

Public Method Clone CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService ResetDbType

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class

5-232 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

OracleParameter Constructors
OracleParameter constructors instantiate new instances of the OracleParameter class. Overload List: OracleParameter() This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleParameter class.

OracleParameter (string, OracleDbType) This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name and Oracle data type.

OracleParameter(string, object) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name and parameter value.

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, ParameterDirection) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, and parameter direction.

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, object, ParameterDirection) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, value, and direction.

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, and size.

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, string) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, and source column.

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, direction, null indicator, precision, scale, source column, source version and parameter value.

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, object, ParameterDirection) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, value, and direction.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleParameter class.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-233

OracleParameter Constructors

// C# public OracleParameter();

Remarks Default Values:

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

OracleParameter (string, OracleDbType)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name and Oracle data type. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType oraType);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

oraType The data type of the OracleParameter.

Remarks Changing the DbType implicitly changes the OracleDbType.

5-234 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

OracleParameter(string, object)
This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name and parameter value. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, object obj);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

obj The value of the OracleParameter.

Remarks Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

DbType - String

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-235

OracleParameter Constructors

ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, ParameterDirection)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, and parameter direction. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType type, ParameterDirection direction);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

type The data type of the OracleParameter.

direction The direction of the OracleParameter.

Remarks Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input

5-236 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, object, ParameterDirection)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, value, and direction. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType type, object obj, ParameterDirection direction);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

type The data type of the OracleParameter.

obj The value of the OracleParameter.

direction The ParameterDirection value.

Remarks Changing the DbType implicitly changes the OracleDbType. Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-237

OracleParameter Constructors

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, and size. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType type, int size);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

type The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of the OracleParameter value.

Remarks Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

DbType - String

5-238 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, string)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, and source column. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType type, int size, string srcColumn);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

type The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of the OracleParameter value.

srcColumn The name of the source column.

Remarks Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-239

OracleParameter Constructors

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object)
This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, direction, null indicator, precision, scale, source column, source version and parameter value. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType oraType, int size, ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, DataRowVersion srcVersion, object obj);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

oraType The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of the OracleParameter value.

direction The ParameterDirection value.

5-240 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

isNullable An indicator that specifies if the parameter value can be null.

precision The precision of the parameter value.

scale The scale of the parameter value.

srcColumn The name of the source column.

srcVersion The DataRowVersion value.

obj The parameter value.

Exceptions ArgumentException - The supplied value does not belong to the type of Value property in any of the OracleTypes. Remarks Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-241

OracleParameter Constructors

OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, object, ParameterDirection)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleParameter class using the supplied parameter name, data type, size, value, and direction. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter(string parameterName, OracleDbType type, int size, object obj, ParameterDirection direction);

Parameters parameterName The parameter name.

type The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of the OracleParameter value.

obj The value of the OracleParameter.

direction The ParameterDirection value.

Remarks Changing the DbType implicitly changes the OracleDbType. Unless explicitly set in the constructor, all the properties have the default values. Default Values:

DbType - String ParameterDirection - Input isNullable - true offset - 0 OracleDbType - Varchar2 ParameterAlias - Empty string ParameterName - Empty string Precision - 0 Size - 0 SourceColumn - Empty string SourceVersion - Current ArrayBindStatus - Success Value - null

5-242 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-243

OracleParameter Static Methods

OracleParameter Static Methods

The OracleParameter static method is listed in Table 573.
Table 573 Method Equals OracleParameter Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

5-244 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

OracleParameter Properties
OracleParameter properties are listed in Table 574.
Table 574 Name ArrayBindSize OracleParameter Properties Description Specifies the input or output size of elements in Value property of a parameter before or after an Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array Bind execution Specifies the input or output status of elements in Value property of a parameter before or after an Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array Bind execution Specifies whether or not the OracleParameter represents a collection, and if so, specifies the collection type Specifies the data type of the parameter using the Data.DbType enumeration type Specifies whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bi-directional, or a stored function return value parameter Not supported Specifies the offset to the Value property or offset to the elements in the Value property Specifies the Oracle data type Specifies the name of the parameter Specifies the maximum number of digits used to represent the Value property Specifies the number of decimal places to which Value property is resolved Specifies the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of the data transmitted to or from the database. For PL/SQL Associative Array Bind, Size specifies the maximum number of elements in PL/SQL Associative Array Specifies the name of the DataTable Column of the DataSet Specifies a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Specifies the DataRowVersion value to use when loading the Value property of the parameter Indicates the status of the execution related to the data in the Value property Specifies the value of the Parameter


CollectionType DbType Direction IsNullable Offset OracleDbType ParameterName Precision Scale Size

SourceColumn SourceColumnNull Mapping SourceVersion Status Value

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-245

OracleParameter Properties

This property specifies the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of the data for each array element transmitted to or from the database. This property is used for Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array execution. Declaration
// C# public int[] ArrayBindSize {get; set; }

Property Value An array of int values specifying the size. Remarks Default = null. This property is only used for variable size element types for an Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array. For fixed size element types, this property is ignored. Each element in the ArrayBindSize corresponds to the bind size of an element in the Value property. Before execution, ArrayBindSize specifies the maximum size of each element to be bound in the Value property. After execution, it contains the size of each element returned in the Value property. For binding a PL/SQL Associative Array, whose elements are of a variable-length element type, as an InputOutput, Out, or ReturnValue parameter, this property must be set properly. The number of elements in ArrayBindSize must be equal to the value specified in the OracleParameter.Size property. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ArrayBindSizeSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleParameter[] prm = new OracleParameter[3]; // Create OracleParameter objects through OracleParameterCollection OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select max(empno) from emp"; int maxno = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Set the ArrayBindCount for Array Binding cmd.ArrayBindCount = 2; prm[0] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramEmpno", OracleDbType.Decimal, new int[2] {maxno + 10, maxno + 11}, ParameterDirection.Input); prm[1] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramEname", OracleDbType.Varchar2, new string[2] {"Client1xxx", "Client2xxx"}, ParameterDirection.Input); 5-246 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

prm[2] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramDeptNo", OracleDbType.Decimal, new int[2] {10, 10}, ParameterDirection.Input); // Set the ArrayBindSize for prm[1] // These sizes indicate the maximum size of the elements in Value property prm[1].ArrayBindSize = new int[2]; prm[1].ArrayBindSize[0] = 7; // Set ename = "Client1" prm[1].ArrayBindSize[1] = 7; // Set ename = "Client2" cmd.CommandText = "insert into emp(empno, ename, deptno) values(:1, :2, :3)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Record for employee id {0} has been inserted.", maxno + 10); Console.WriteLine("Record for employee id {0} has been inserted.", maxno + 11); prm[0].Dispose(); prm[1].Dispose(); prm[2].Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "ArrayBindCount" on page 5-13 "Size" on page 5-253 and "Value" on page 5-257 for more information on binding Associative Arrays "ArrayBindStatus" on page 5-247

This property specifies the input or output status of each element in the Value property before or after an Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array execution. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameterStatus[] ArrayBindStatus { get; set; }

Property Value An array of OracleParameterStatus enumerated values. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The Status value specified is invalid.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-247

OracleParameter Properties

Remarks Default = null. ArrayBindStatus is used for Array Bind and PL/SQL Associative Array execution only. Before execution, ArrayBindStatus indicates the bind status of each element in the Value property. After execution, it contains the execution status of each element in the Value property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "ArrayBindCount" on page 5-13 "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "Value" on page 5-257 for more information on binding Associative Arrays "ArrayBindSize" on page 5-246

This property specifies whether or not the OracleParameter represents a collection, and if so, specifies the collection type. Declaration
// C# public OracleCollectionType CollectionType { get; set; }

Property Value An OracleCollectionType enumerated value. Exceptions ArgumentException - The OracleCollectionType value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = OracleCollectionType.None. If OracleParameter is used to bind a PL/SQL Associative Array, then CollectionType must be set to OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property specifies the data type of the parameter using the Data.DbType enumeration type.

5-248 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DbType DbType {get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public DbType DbType {get; set; }

Property Value A DbType enumerated value. Implements IDataParameter Exceptions ArgumentException - The DbType value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = DbType.String DbType is the data type of each element in the array if the OracleParameter object is used for Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array Bind execution. Due to the link between DbType and OracleDbType properties, if the DbType property is set, the OracleDbType property is inferred from DbType.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "Inference of OracleDbType from DbType" on page 3-27 "CollectionType" on page 5-248

This property specifies whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bi-directional, or a stored function return value parameter. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; }

Property Value A ParameterDirection enumerated value. Implements IDataParameter

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-249

OracleParameter Properties

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The ParameterDirection value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = ParameterDirection.Input Possible values: Input, InputOutput, Output, and ReturnValue.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property is not supported. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool IsNullable { get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool IsNullable { get; set; }

Implements IDataParameter Property Value This property is not supported.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property specifies the offset to the Value property. Declaration
// C# public int Offset { get; set; }

Property Value An int that specifies the offset. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Offset value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = 0
5-250 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

For Array Bind and PL/SQL Associative Array Bind, Offset applies to every element in the Value property. The Offset property is used for binary and string data types. The Offset property represents the number of bytes for binary types and the number of characters for strings. The count for strings does not include the terminating character if a null is referenced. The Offset property is used by parameters of the following types:

OracleDbType.BFile OracleDbType.Blob OracleDbType.LongRaw OracleDbType.Raw OracleDbType.Char OracleDbType.Clob OracleDbType.NClob OracleDbType.NChar OracleDbType.NVarchar2 OracleDbType.Varchar2
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property specifies the Oracle data type. Declaration
// C# public OracleDbType OracleDbType { get; set; }

Property Value An OracleDbType enumerated value. Remarks Default = OracleDbType.Varchar2 If the OracleParameter object is used for Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array Bind execution, OracleDbType is the data type of each element in the array. The OracleDbType property and DbType property are linked. Therefore, setting the OracleDbType property changes the DbType property to a supporting DbType.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-251

OracleParameter Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321 "Inference of DbType from OracleDbType" on page 3-26 "CollectionType" on page 5-248

This property specifies the name of the parameter. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string ParameterName { get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string ParameterName { get; set; }

Property Value String Implements IDataParameter Remarks Default = null Oracle supports ParameterName up to 30 characters.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property specifies the maximum number of digits used to represent the Value property. Declaration
// C# Public byte Precision { get; set; }

Property Value byte Remarks Default = 0 The Precision property is used by parameters of type OracleDbType.Decimal.
5-252 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

Oracle supports Precision range from 0 to 38. For Array Bind and PL/SQL Associative Array Bind, Precision applies to each element in the Value property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "Value" on page 5-257

This property specifies the number of decimal places to which Value property is resolved. Declaration
// C# public byte Scale { get; set; }

Property Value byte Remarks Default = 0. Scale is used by parameters of type OracleDbType.Decimal. Oracle supports Scale between -84 and 127. For Array Bind and PL/SQL Associative Array Bind, Scale applies to each element in the Value property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "Value" on page 5-257

This property specifies the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of the data transmitted to or from the database. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int Size { get; set;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int Size { get; set;}

Property Value int

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-253

OracleParameter Properties

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Size value specified is invalid. InvalidOperationException - The Size = 0 when the OracleParameter object is used to bind a PL/SQL Associative Array. Remarks For PL/SQL Associative Array Bind, Size specifies the maximum number of elements in PL/SQL Associative Array. If Size is not explicitly set, it is inferred from the actual size of the specified parameter value when binding only for input parameters. Output parameters must have their size defined explicitly. The default value is 0. Before execution, this property specifies the maximum size to be bound in the Value property. After execution, it contains the size of the type in the Value property. Size is used for parameters of the following types:

OracleDbType.Blob OracleDbType.Char OracleDbType.Clob OracleDbType.LongRaw OracleDbType.NChar OracleDbType.NClob OracleDbType.NVarchar2 OracleDbType.Raw OracleDbType.Varchar2

The value of Size is handled as follows:

Fixed length data types: ignored Variable length data types: describes the maximum amount of data transmitted to or from the database. For character data, Size is in number of characters and for binary data, it is in number of bytes.

If the Size is not explicitly set, it is inferred from the actual size of the specified parameter value when binding.
Note: Size does not include the null terminating character for the string data.

If the OracleParameter object is used to bind a PL/SQL Associative Array, Size specifies the maximum number of elements in the PL/SQL Associative Array. Before the execution, this property specifies the maximum number of elements in the PL/SQL Associative Array. After the execution, it specifies the current number of elements returned in the PL/SQL Associative Array. For Output and InputOutput parameters and return values, Size specifies the maximum number of elements in the PL/SQL Associative Array.

5-254 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

ODP.NET does not support binding an empty PL/SQL Associative Array. Therefore, Size cannot be set to 0 when the OracleParameter object is used to bind a PL/SQL Associative Array.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321 "CollectionType" on page 5-248 "ArrayBindSize" on page 5-246 "ArrayBindStatus" on page 5-247 "Value" on page 5-257

This property specifies the name of the DataTable Column of the DataSet. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override string SourceColumn { get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public string SourceColumn { get; set; }

Property Value A string. Implements IDataParameter Remarks Default = empty string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property specifies a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get; set; }

Property Value Returns true if the source column can be nullified; otherwise, returns false.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-255

OracleParameter Properties

Remarks The default value is false.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property specifies the DataRowVersion value to use when loading the Value property of the parameter. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get; set; }

Property Value DataRowVersion Implements IDataParameter Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The DataRowVersion value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = DataRowVersion.Current SourceVersion is used by the OracleDataAdapter.UpdateCommand() during the OracleDataAdapter.Update to determine whether the original or current value is used for a parameter value. This allows primary keys to be updated. This property is ignored by the OracleDataAdapter.InsertCommand() and the OracleDataAdapter.DeleteCommand().
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This property indicates the status of the execution related to the data in the Value property. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameterStatus Status { get; set; }

5-256 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

Property Value An OracleParameterStatus enumerated value. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Status value specified is invalid. Remarks Default = OracleParameterStatus.Success Before execution, this property indicates the bind status related to the Value property. After execution, it returns the status of the execution. Status indicates if:

A NULL is fetched from a column. Truncation has occurred during the fetch; then Value was not big enough to hold the data. A NULL is to be inserted into a database column; then Value is ignored, and a NULL is inserted into a database column. This property is ignored for Array Bind and PL/SQL Associative Array Bind. Instead, ArrayBindStatus property is used.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323 "ArrayBindStatus" on page 5-247

This property specifies the value of the Parameter. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override object Value { get; set; } // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public object Value { get; set; }

Property Value An object. Implements IDataParameter Exceptions ArgumentException - The Value property specified is invalid. InvalidArgumentException- The Value property specified is invalid.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-257

OracleParameter Properties

Remarks Default = null If the OracleParameter object is used for Array Bind or PL/SQL Associative Array, Value is an array of parameter values. The Value property can be overwritten by OracleDataAdapter.Update(). The provider attempts to convert any type of value if it supports the IConvertible interface. Conversion errors occur if the specified type is not compatible with the value. When sending a null parameter value to the database, the user must specify DBNull, not null. The null value in the system is an empty object that has no value. DBNull is used to represent null values. The user can also specify a null value by setting Status to OracleParameterStatus.NullValue. In this case, the provider sends a null value to the database. If neither OracleDbType nor DbType are set, their values can be inferred by Value. Please see the following for related information:

Tables in section "Inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value" on page 3-28 "ArrayBindCount" on page 5-13 "ArrayBindSize" on page 5-246 "ArrayBindStatus" on page 5-247 "OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321

For input parameters the value is:

Bound to the OracleCommand that is sent to the database. Converted to the data type specified in OracleDbType or DbType when the provider sends the data to the database.

For output parameters the value is:

Set on completion of the OracleCommand (true for return value parameters also). Set to the data from the database, to the data type specified in OracleDbType or DbType.

When array binding is used with:

Input parameter - Value should be set to an array of values. OracleCommand.ArrayBindCount should be set to a value that is greater than zero to indicate the number of elements to be bound. The number of elements in the array should be equal to the OracleCommand.ArrayBindCount property; otherwise, their minimum value is used to bind the elements in the array.

Output parameter - OracleCommand.ArrayBindCount should be set to a value that is greater than zero to indicate the number of elements to be retrieved (for SELECT statements).

When PL/SQL Associative Array binding is used with:

Input parameter Value should be set to an array of values. CollectionType should be set to OracleCollection.PLSQLAssociativeArray.Size should be set to specify the possible maximum number of array elements in the PL/SQL

5-258 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

Associative Array. If Size is smaller than the number of elements in Value, then Size specifies the number of elements in the Value property to be bound.

Output parameter - CollectionType should be set to OracleCollection.PLSQLAssociativeArray. Size should be set to specify the maximum number of array elements in PL/SQL Associative Array.

Each parameter should have a value. To bind a parameter with a null value, set Value to DBNull.Value, or set Status to OracleParameterStatus. NullInsert.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members "ArrayBindCount" on page 5-13 "OracleParameterStatus Enumeration" on page 5-323

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-259

OracleParameter Public Methods

OracleParameter Public Methods

OracleParameter public methods are listed in Table 575.
Table 575 OracleParameter Public Methods Description Creates a shallow copy of an OracleParameter object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases allocated resources Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Resets the type associated with the parameter so that it can infer its type from the value passed in the parameter Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET ResetOracleDbType Resets the type associated with the parameter so that it can infer its type from the value passed in the parameter Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET ToString Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

Public Method Clone CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService ResetDbType

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This method creates a shallow copy of an OracleParameter object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleParameter object. Implements ICloneable Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned.

5-260 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameter Class

// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class CloneSample { static void Main() { OracleParameter prm1 = new OracleParameter(); // Prints "prm1.ParameterName = " Console.WriteLine("prm1.ParameterName = " + prm1.ParameterName); // Set the ParameterName before cloning prm1.ParameterName = "MyParam"; // Clone the OracleParameter OracleParameter prm2 = (OracleParameter) prm1.Clone(); // Prints "prm2.ParameterName = MyParam" Console.WriteLine("prm2.ParameterName = " + prm2.ParameterName); prm1.Dispose(); prm2.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This method releases resources allocated for an OracleParameter object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-261

OracleParameter Public Methods

This method resets the type associated with the parameter so that it can infer its type from the value passed in the parameter. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void ResetDbType( );

Remarks If an application does not set the DbType or OracleDbType properties of an OracleParameter object, then these values are inferred from the value set by the application to that OracleParameter object. Calling ResetDbType method resets these properties so that OracleParameter can again infer its type from the value passed into the OracleParameter. Calling this method affects both the DbType and OracleDbType properties of the OracleParameter object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

This method resets the type associated with the parameter so that it can infer its type from the value passed in the parameter. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void ResetOracleDbType( );

Remarks If an application does not set the DbType or OracleDbType properties of an OracleParameter object, then these values are inferred from the value set by the application to that OracleParameter object. Calling the ResetOracleDbType method resets these properties so that OracleParameter can again infer its type from the value passed into the OracleParameter. Calling this method affects both the DbType and OracleDbType properties of the OracleParameter object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameter Class OracleParameter Members

5-262 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

OracleParameterCollection Class
An OracleParameterCollection class represents a collection of all parameters relevant to an OracleCommand object and their mappings to DataSet columns. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameterCollection Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleParameterCollection : DbParameterCollection, IDataParameterCollection, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public sealed class OracleParameterCollection : MarshalByRefObject, IDataParameterCollection, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks The position of an OracleParameter added into the OracleParameterCollection is the binding position in the SQL statement. Position is 0-based and is used only for positional binding. If named binding is used, the position of an OracleParameter in the OracleParameterCollection is ignored. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleParameterCollectionSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleParameter[] prm = new OracleParameter[3]; // Create OracleParameter objects through OracleParameterCollection OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "select max(empno) from emp"; int maxno = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-263

OracleParameterCollection Class

prm[0] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramEmpno", OracleDbType.Decimal, maxno + 10, ParameterDirection.Input); prm[1] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramEname", OracleDbType.Varchar2, "Client", ParameterDirection.Input); prm[2] = cmd.Parameters.Add("paramDeptNo", OracleDbType.Decimal, 10, ParameterDirection.Input); cmd.CommandText = "insert into emp(empno, ename, deptno) values(:1, :2, :3)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Record for employee id {0} has been inserted.", maxno + 10); // Remove all parameters from OracleParameterCollection cmd.Parameters.Clear(); prm[0].Dispose(); prm[1].Dispose(); prm[2].Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Members OracleParameterCollection Static Methods OracleParameterCollection Properties OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

5-264 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

OracleParameterCollection Members
OracleParameterCollection members are listed in the following tables:

OracleParameterCollection Static Methods

OracleParameterCollection static methods are listed in Table 576.
Table 576 Methods Equals OracleParameterCollection Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleParameterCollection Properties
OracleParameterCollection properties are listed in Table 577.
Table 577 Name Count Item OracleParameterCollection Properties Description Specifies the number of OracleParameters in the collection Gets and sets the OracleParameter object (Overloaded)

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

OracleParameterCollection public methods are listed in Table 578.
Table 578 OracleParameterCollection Public Methods Description Adds objects to the collection (Overloaded) Adds elements to the end of the OracleParameterCollection Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Clear Contains CopyTo Removes all the OracleParameter objects from the collection Indicates whether or not objects exist in the collection (Overloaded) Copies OracleParameter objects from the collection, starting with the supplied index to the supplied array Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Returns the index of the objects in the collection (Overloaded)

Public Method Add AddRange

CreateObjRef Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService IndexOf

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-265

OracleParameterCollection Members

Table 578 (Cont.) OracleParameterCollection Public Methods Public Method Insert Remove RemoveAt ToString Description Inserts the supplied OracleParameter to the collection at the specified index Removes objects from the collection Removes objects from the collection by location (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class

5-266 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

OracleParameterCollection Static Methods

The OracleParameterCollection static method is listed in Table 579.
Table 579 Method Equals OracleParameterCollection Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-267

OracleParameterCollection Properties

OracleParameterCollection Properties
OracleParameterCollection properties are listed in Table 580.
Table 580 Name Count Item OracleParameterCollection Properties Description Specifies the number of OracleParameters in the collection Gets and sets the OracleParameter object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This property specifies the number of OracleParameter objects in the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int Count {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int Count {get;}

Property Value The number of OracleParameter objects. Implements ICollection Remarks Default = 0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Item gets and sets the OracleParameter object. Overload List: Item[int] This property gets and sets the OracleParameter object at the index specified by the supplied parameterIndex.

5-268 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

Item[string] This property gets and sets the OracleParameter object using the parameter name specified by the supplied parameterName.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This property gets and sets the OracleParameter object at the index specified by the supplied parameterIndex. Declaration
// C# public object Item[int parameterIndex] {get; set;}

Property Value An object. Implements IList Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException - The supplied index does not exist. Remarks The OracleParameterCollection class is a zero-based index.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This property gets and sets the OracleParameter object using the parameter name specified by the supplied parameterName. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Item[string parameterName] {get; set;};

Property Value An OracleParameter. Implements IDataParameterCollection

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-269

OracleParameterCollection Properties

Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException - The supplied parameter name does not exist.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

5-270 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

OracleParameterCollection public methods are listed in Table 581.
Table 581 OracleParameterCollection Public Methods Description Adds objects to the collection (Overloaded) Adds elements to the end of the OracleParameterCollection Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Clear Contains CopyTo Removes all the OracleParameter objects from the collection Indicates whether or not objects exist in the collection (Overloaded) Copies OracleParameter objects from the collection, starting with the supplied index to the supplied array Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Returns the index of the objects in the collection (Overloaded) Inserts the supplied OracleParameter to the collection at the specified index Removes objects from the collection Removes objects from the collection by location (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object

Public Method Add AddRange

CreateObjRef Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService IndexOf Insert Remove RemoveAt ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Add adds objects to the collection. Overload List: Add(object) This method adds the supplied object to the collection.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-271

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

This method adds the supplied OracleParameter object to the collection.

Add(string, object) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name and object value.

Add(string, OracleDbType) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name and database type.

Add(string, OracleDbType, ParameterDirection) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, and direction.

Add(string, OracleDbType, object, ParameterDirection) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, parameter value, and direction.

Add(string, OracleDbType, int, object, ParameterDirection) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, parameter value, and direction.

Add(string, OracleDbType, int) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, and size.

Add (string, OracleDbType, int, string) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, and source column.

Add(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object) This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, direction, null indicator, precision, scale, source column, source version, and parameter value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method adds the supplied object to the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int Add(object obj); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int Add(object obj);

Parameters obj

5-272 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

The supplied object. Return Value The index at which the new OracleParameter is added. Implements IList Remarks InvalidCastException - The supplied obj cannot be cast to an OracleParameter object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method adds the supplied OracleParameter object to the collection. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(OracleParameter paramObj);

Parameters paramObj The supplied OracleParameter object. Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Add(string, object)
This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name and object value Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, object val);

Parameters name The parameter name.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-273

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

The OracleParameter value. Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Add(string, OracleDbType)
This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name and database type. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType);

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Add(string, OracleDbType, ParameterDirection)

This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, and direction. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, ParameterDirection direction);

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

5-274 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

direction The OracleParameter direction.

Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members "OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321

Add(string, OracleDbType, object, ParameterDirection)

This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, parameter value, and direction. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, object val, ParameterDirection dir);

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

val The OracleParameter value.

dir The ParameterDirection value.

Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection. Example
// C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class AddSample { static void Main() { OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Add parameter to the OracleParameterCollection OracleParameter prm = cmd.Parameters.Add( Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-275

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

"MyParam", OracleDbType.Decimal, 1, ParameterDirection.Input); // Prints "cmd.Parameters.Count = 1" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters.Count = " + cmd.Parameters.Count); prm.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members "OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321

Add(string, OracleDbType, int, object, ParameterDirection)

This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, parameter value, and direction. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, int size, object val, ParameterDirection dir;

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of OracleParameter.

val The OracleParameter value.

dir The ParameterDirection value.

Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members "OracleDbType Enumeration" on page 5-321

5-276 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

Add(string, OracleDbType, int)

This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, and size. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, int size);

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of OracleParameter.

Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class AddSample { static void Main() { OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Add parameter to the OracleParameterCollection OracleParameter prm = cmd.Parameters.Add( "MyParam", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 10); // Prints "cmd.Parameters.Count = 1" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters.Count = " + cmd.Parameters.Count); prm.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Add (string, OracleDbType, int, string)

This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, and source column.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-277

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, int size, string srcColumn);

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of OracleParameter.

srcColumn The name of the source column.

Return Value An OracleParameter.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Add(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object)
This method adds an OracleParameter object to the collection using the supplied name, database type, size, direction, null indicator, precision, scale, source column, source version, and parameter value. Declaration
// C# public OracleParameter Add(string name, OracleDbType dbType, int size, ParameterDirection dir, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string srcColumn, DataRowVersion version, object val);

Parameters name The parameter name.

dbType The data type of the OracleParameter.

size The size of OracleParameter.

dir The ParameterDirection value.


5-278 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

An indicator that specifies if the parameter value can be null.

precision The precision of the parameter value.

scale The scale of the parameter value.

srcColumn The name of the source column.

version The DataRowVersion value.

val The parameter value.

Return Value The newly created OracleParameter object which was added to the collection. Exceptions ArgumentException - The type of supplied val does not belong to the type of Value property in any of the ODP.NET Types.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method adds elements to the end of the OracleParameterCollection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void AddRange( Array paramArray );

Parameters paramArray An array of OracleParameter objects. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The input parameter is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-279

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

This method removes all the OracleParameter objects from the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Clear(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Clear();

Implements IList Example

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ClearSample { static void Main() { OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Add parameter to the OracleParameterCollection OracleParameter prm = cmd.Parameters.Add("MyParam", OracleDbType.Decimal); // Prints "cmd.Parameters.Count = 1" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters.Count = " + cmd.Parameters.Count); // Clear all parameters in the OracleParameterCollection cmd.Parameters.Clear(); // Prints "cmd.Parameters.Count = 0" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters.Count = " + cmd.Parameters.Count); prm.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

Contains indicates whether or not the supplied object exists in the collection. Overload List: Contains(object) This method indicates whether or not the supplied object exists in the collection.

5-280 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

Contains(string) This method indicates whether or not an OracleParameter object exists in the collection using the supplied string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method indicates whether or not the supplied object exists in the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool Contains(object obj) // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool Contains(object obj)

Parameters obj The object. Return Value A bool that indicates whether or not the OracleParameter specified is inside the collection. Implements IList Exceptions InvalidCastException - The supplied obj is not an OracleParameter object. Remarks Returns true if the collection contains the OracleParameter object; otherwise, returns false. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ContainsSample { static void Main() { OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Add parameter to the OracleParameterCollection OracleParameter prm1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("MyParam", OracleDbType.Decimal);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-281

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

// Check if the OracleParameterCollection contains prm1 bool bContains = cmd.Parameters.Contains(prm1); // Prints "bContains = True" Console.WriteLine("bContains = " + bContains); OracleParameter prm2 = new OracleParameter(); // Check if the OracleParameterCollection contains prm2 bContains = cmd.Parameters.Contains(prm2); // Prints "bContains = False" Console.WriteLine("bContains = " + bContains); prm1.Dispose(); prm2.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method indicates whether or not an OracleParameter object exists in the collection using the supplied string. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override bool Contains(string name); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public bool Contains(string name);

Parameters name The name of OracleParameter object. Return Value Returns true if the collection contains the OracleParameter object with the specified parameter name; otherwise, returns false. Implements IDataParameterCollection Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ContainsSample 5-282 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

{ static void Main() { OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Add parameter to the OracleParameterCollection OracleParameter prm = cmd.Parameters.Add("MyParam", OracleDbType.Decimal); // Check if the OracleParameterCollection contains "MyParam" bool bContains = cmd.Parameters.Contains("MyParam"); // Prints "bContains = True" Console.WriteLine("bContains = " + bContains); // Check if the OracleParameterCollection contains "NoParam" bContains = cmd.Parameters.Contains("NoParam"); // Prints "bContains = False" Console.WriteLine("bContains = " + bContains); prm.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method copies OracleParameter objects from the collection, starting with the supplied index to the supplied array. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void CopyTo(Array array, int index);

Parameters array The specified array.

index The array index.

Implements ICollection

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-283

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

IndexOf returns the index of the OracleParameter object in the collection. Overload List: IndexOf(object) This method returns the index of the OracleParameter object in the collection.

IndexOf(String) This method returns the index of the OracleParameter object with the specified name in the collection.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method returns the index of the OracleParameter object in the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int IndexOf(object obj); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int IndexOf(object obj);

Parameters obj The specified object. Return Value Returns the index of the OracleParameter object in the collection. Implements IList Exceptions InvalidCastException - The supplied obj cannot be cast to an OracleParameter object. Remarks Returns the index of the supplied OracleParameter obj in the collection.

5-284 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method returns the index of the OracleParameter object with the specified name in the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override int IndexOf(String name); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public int IndexOf(String name);

Parameters name The name of parameter. Return Value Returns the index of the supplied OracleParameter in the collection. Implements IDataParameterCollection
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method inserts the supplied OracleParameter object to the collection at the specified index. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Insert(int index, object obj); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Insert(int index, object obj);

Parameters index The specified index.

obj The OracleParameter object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-285

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

Implements IList Remarks An InvalidCastException is thrown if the supplied obj cannot be cast to an OracleParameter object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method removes the supplied OracleParameter from the collection. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Remove(object obj); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Remove(object obj);

Parameters obj The specified object to remove. Implements IList Exceptions InvalidCastException - The supplied obj cannot be cast to an OracleParameter object. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class RemoveSample { static void Main() { OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // Add 2 parameters to the OracleParameterCollection OracleParameter prm1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("MyParam1", OracleDbType.Decimal); OracleParameter prm2 = cmd.Parameters.Add("MyParam2", OracleDbType.Decimal); // Prints "cmd.Parameters.Count = 2" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters.Count = " + cmd.Parameters.Count); // Remove the 1st parameter from the OracleParameterCollection 5-286 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterCollection Class

cmd.Parameters.Remove(prm1); // Prints "cmd.Parameters.Count = 1" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters.Count = " + cmd.Parameters.Count); // Prints "cmd.Parameters[0].ParameterName = MyParam2" Console.WriteLine("cmd.Parameters[0].ParameterName = " + cmd.Parameters[0].ParameterName); prm1.Dispose(); prm2.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

RemoveAt removes the OracleParameter object from the collection by location. Overload List: RemoveAt(int) This method removes from the collection the OracleParameter object located at the index specified by the supplied index.

RemoveAt(String) This method removes from the collection the OracleParameter object specified by the supplied name.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method removes from the collection the OracleParameter object located at the index specified by the supplied index. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void RemoveAt(int index); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void RemoveAt(int index);

Parameters index

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-287

OracleParameterCollection Public Methods

The specified index from which the OracleParameter is to be removed. Implements IList
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

This method removes from the collection the OracleParameter object specified by the supplied name. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void RemoveAt(String name); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void RemoveAt(String name);

Parameters name The name of the OracleParameter object to be removed from the collection. Implements IDataParameterCollection
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleParameterCollection Class OracleParameterCollection Members

5-288 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate

OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate
The OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event. Declaration
// C# public delegate void OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs eventArgs);

Parameters sender The source of the event.

eventArgs The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs object that contains the event data.

Remarks Event callbacks can be registered through this event delegate for applications that wish to be notified after a row is updated. In the .NET framework, the convention of an event delegate requires two parameters: the object that raises the event and the event data. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 "RowUpdated" on page 5-130

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-289

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class
The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs class provides event data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event. Class Inheritance System.Object System.EventArgs System.RowUpdatedEventArgs System.OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs : RowUpdatedEventArgs

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example The example for the RowUpdated event shows how to use OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs. See RowUpdated event "Example" on page 5-131. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Constructor OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Methods OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Properties OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods OracleDataAdapter Class on page 5-110

5-290 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members
OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs members are listed in the following tables:

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Constructors
OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs constructors are listed in Table 582.
Table 582 Constructor OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Constructor OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs class

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs static method is listed in Table 583.
Table 583 Method Equals OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Properties
The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs properties are listed in Table 584.
Table 584 Name Command Errors RecordsAffected Row StatementType Status TableMapping OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the OracleCommand that is used when OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs properties are listed in Table 585.
Table 585 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-291

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members

Table 585 (Cont.) OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods Name ToString Description Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class

5-292 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Constructor
The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs constructor creates a new OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs(DataRow row,IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping);

Parameters row The DataRow sent for Update.

command The IDbCommand executed during the Update.

statementType The StatementType Enumeration value indicating the type of SQL statement executed.

tableMapping The DataTableMapping used for the Update.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-293

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Methods

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs static method is listed in Table 586.
Table 586 Method Equals OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members

5-294 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Properties
The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs properties are listed in Table 587.
Table 587 Name Command Errors RecordsAffected Row StatementType Status TableMapping OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the OracleCommand that is used when OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members

This property specifies the OracleCommand that is used when OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called. Declaration
// C# public new OracleCommand Command {get;}

Property Value The OracleCommand executed when Update is called.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-295

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods

OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs properties are listed in Table 588.
Table 588 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Members

5-296 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class
The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs class provides event data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event. Class Inheritance System.Object System.EventArgs System.RowUpdatingEventArgs System.OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs : RowUpdatingEventArgs

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example The example for the RowUpdated event shows how to use OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs. See RowUpdated event "Example" on page 5-131. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructor OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Static Methods OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Public Methods "OracleDataAdapter Class" on page 5-110

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-297

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members
OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs members are listed in the following tables:

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructors
OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs constructors are listed in Table 589.
Table 589 Constructor OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructor OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs class (Overloaded)

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs static methods are listed in Table 590.
Table 590 Methods Equals OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties
The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs properties are listed in Table 591.
Table 591 Name Command Errors Row StatementType Status TableMapping OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the OracleCommand that is used when the OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs public methods are listed in Table 592.
Table 592 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

5-298 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-299

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructor

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Constructor
The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs constructor creates a new instance of the OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs class using the supplied data row, IDbCommand, type of SQL statement, and table mapping. Declaration
// C# public OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow row, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping);

Parameters row The DataRow sent for Update.

command The IDbCommand executed during the Update.

statementType The StatementType enumeration value indicating the type of SQL statement executed.

tableMapping The DataTableMapping used for the Update.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members

5-300 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs static method is listed in Table 593.
Table 593 Method Equals OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-301

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties
The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs properties are listed in Table 594.
Table 594 Name Command Errors Row StatementType Status TableMapping OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the OracleCommand that is used when the OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs Inherited from System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members

This property specifies the OracleCommand that is used when the OracleDataAdapter.Update() is called. Declaration
// C# public new OracleCommand Command {get; set;}

Property Value The OracleCommand executed when Update is called.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members

5-302 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class

OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs public methods are listed in Table 595.
Table 595 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-303

OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate

OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate
The OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event. Declaration
// C# public delegate void OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler (object sender, OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs eventArgs);

Parameters sender The source of the event.

eventArgs The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs object that contains the event data.

Remarks Event callbacks can be registered through this event delegate for applications that wish to be notified after a row is updated. In the .NET framework, the convention of an event delegate requires two parameters: the object that raises the event and the event data. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 "RowUpdating" on page 5-132

5-304 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

OracleTransaction Class
An OracleTransaction object represents a local transaction. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.Data.Common.DbTransaction (ADO.NET 2.0 only) Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleTransaction Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleTransaction : DbTransaction // C# public sealed class OracleTransaction : MarshalByRefObject, IDbTransaction, IDisposable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks The application calls BeginTransaction on the OracleConnection object to create an OracleTransaction object. The OracleTransaction object can be created in one of the following two modes:

Read Committed (default) Serializable

Any other mode results in an exception. The execution of a DDL statement in the context of a transaction is not recommended since it results in an implicit commit that is not reflected in the state of the OracleTransaction object. All operations related to savepoints pertain to the current local transaction. Operations like commit and rollback performed on the transaction have no effect on data in any existing DataSet. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* connect scott/tiger@oracle DROP TABLE MyTable; CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyColumn NUMBER); --CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyColumn NUMBER PRIMARY KEY); */ // C# using System;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-305

OracleTransaction Class

using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleTransactionSample { static void Main() { // Drop & Create MyTable as indicated Database Setup, at beginning // // // // // This sample starts a transaction and inserts two records with the same value for MyColumn into MyTable. If MyColumn is not a primary key, the transaction will commit. If MyColumn is a primary key, the second insert will violate the unique constraint and the transaction will rollback.

string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Check the number of rows in MyTable before transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; int myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Print the number of rows in MyTable Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); // Start a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction( IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); try { // Insert the same row twice into MyTable cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (1)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // This may throw an exception txn.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { // Print the exception message Console.WriteLine("e.Message = " + e.Message); // Rollback the transaction txn.Rollback(); } // Check the number of rows in MyTable after transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Prints the number of rows // If MyColumn is not a PRIMARY KEY, the value should increase by two. // If MyColumn is a PRIMARY KEY, the value should remain same. Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); txn.Dispose();

5-306 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Members OracleTransaction Static Methods OracleTransaction Properties

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-307

OracleTransaction Members

OracleTransaction Members
OracleTransaction members are listed in the following tables:

OracleTransaction Static Methods

The OracleTransaction static method is listed in Table 596.
Table 596 Method Equals OracleTransaction Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleTransaction Properties
OracleTransaction properties are listed in Table 597.
Table 597 Name IsolationLevel Connection OracleTransaction Properties Description Specifies the isolation level for the transaction Specifies the connection that is associated with the transaction

OracleTransaction Public Methods

OracleTransaction public methods are listed in Table 598.
Table 598 OracleTransaction Public Methods Description Commits the database transaction Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Frees the resources used by the OracleTransaction object Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Rolls back a database transaction (Overloaded) Creates a savepoint within the current transaction Inherited from System.Object

Public Method Commit CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService Rollback Save ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class

5-308 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

OracleTransaction Static Methods

The OracleTransaction static method is listed in Table 599.
Table 599 Method Equals OracleTransaction Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-309

OracleTransaction Properties

OracleTransaction Properties
OracleTransaction properties are listed in Table 5100.
Table 5100 Name IsolationLevel Connection OracleTransaction Properties Description Specifies the isolation level for the transaction Specifies the connection that is associated with the transaction

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This property specifies the isolation level for the transaction. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override IsolationLevel IsolationLevel {get;} // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public IsolationLevel IsolationLevel {get;}

Property Value IsolationLevel Implements IDbTransaction Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The transaction has already completed. Remarks Default = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This property specifies the connection that is associated with the transaction. Declaration
// C#

5-310 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Property Value Connection Implements IDbTransaction Remarks This property indicates the OracleConnection object that is associated with the transaction.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-311

OracleTransaction Public Methods

OracleTransaction Public Methods

OracleTransaction public methods are listed in Table 5101.
Table 5101 OracleTransaction Public Methods Description Commits the database transaction Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Frees the resources used by the OracleTransaction object Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Rolls back a database transaction (Overloaded) Creates a savepoint within the current transaction Inherited from System.Object

Public Method Commit CreateObjRef Dispose Equals GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService Rollback Save ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This method commits the database transaction. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Commit(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Commit();

Implements IDbTransaction Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The transaction has already been completed successfully, has been rolled back, or the associated connection is closed. Remarks Upon a successful commit, the transaction enters a completed state.

5-312 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet /* connect scott/tiger@oracle DROP TABLE MyTable; CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyColumn NUMBER); --CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyColumn NUMBER PRIMARY KEY); */ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class CommitSample { static void Main() { // Drop & Create MyTable as indicated in Database Setup, at beginning // // // // // This sample starts a transaction and inserts two records with the same value for MyColumn into MyTable. If MyColumn is not a primary key, the transaction will commit. If MyColumn is a primary key, the second insert will violate the unique constraint and the transaction will rollback.

string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Check the number of rows in MyTable before transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; int myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Print the number of rows in MyTable Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); // Start a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction( IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); try { // Insert the same row twice into MyTable cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (1)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // This may throw an exception txn.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { // Print the exception message Console.WriteLine("e.Message = " + e.Message); // Rollback the transaction

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-313

OracleTransaction Public Methods

txn.Rollback(); } // Check the number of rows in MyTable after transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Prints the number of rows // If MyColumn is not a PRIMARY KEY, the value should increase by two. // If MyColumn is a PRIMARY KEY, the value should remain same. Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); txn.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This method frees the resources used by the OracleTransaction object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable Remarks This method releases both the managed and unmanaged resources held by the OracleTransaction object. If the transaction is not in a completed state, an attempt to rollback the transaction is made.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

Rollback rolls back a database transaction. Overload List: Rollback()

5-314 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

This method rolls back a database transaction.

Rollback(string) This method rolls back a database transaction to a savepoint within the current transaction.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This method rolls back a database transaction. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Rollback(); // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public void Rollback();

Implements IDbTransaction Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The transaction has already been completed successfully, has been rolled back, or the associated connection is closed. Remarks After a Rollback(), the OracleTransaction object can no longer be used because the Rollback ends the transaction. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* connect scott/tiger@oracle DROP TABLE MyTable; CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyColumn NUMBER); */ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class RollbackSample { static void Main() { // Drop & Create MyTable as indicated previously in Database Setup

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-315

OracleTransaction Public Methods

// This sample starts a transaction and inserts one record into MyTable. // It then rollsback the transaction, the number of rows remains the same string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Check the number of rows in MyTable before transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; int myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Print the number of rows in MyTable Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); // Start a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction( IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); // Insert a row into MyTable cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (1)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Rollback the transaction txn.Rollback(); // Check the number of rows in MyTable after transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Prints the number of rows, should remain the same Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); txn.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This method rolls back a database transaction to a savepoint within the current transaction. Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public override void Rollback(string savepointName); // ADO.NET 1.x: C#

5-316 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

public void Rollback(string savepointName);

Parameters savepointName The name of the savepoint to rollback to, in the current transaction. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The transaction has already been completed successfully, has been rolled back, or the associated connection is closed. Remarks After a rollback to a savepoint, the current transaction remains active and can be used for further operations. The savepointName specified does not have to match the case of the savepointName created using the Save method, since savepoints are created in the database in a case-insensitive manner.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

This method creates a savepoint within the current transaction. Declaration
// C# public void Save(string savepointName);

Parameters savepointName The name of the savepoint being created in the current transaction. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The transaction has already been completed. Remarks After creating a savepoint, the transaction does not enter a completed state and can be used for further operations. The savepointName specified is created in the database in a case-insensitive manner. Calling the Rollback method rolls back to savepointName. This allows portions of a transaction to be rolled back, instead of the entire transaction. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* connect scott/tiger@oracle DROP TABLE MyTable;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-317

OracleTransaction Public Methods

CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyColumn NUMBER); */ // C# using System; using System.Data; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class SaveSample { static void Main() { // Drop & Create MyTable as indicated in Database Setup, at beginning // // // // This sample starts a transaction and creates a savepoint after inserting one record into MyTable. After inserting the second record it rollsback to the savepoint and commits the transaction. Only the first record will be inserted

string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // Check the number of rows in MyTable before transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; int myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Print the number of rows in MyTable Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); // Start a transaction OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction( IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); // Insert a row into MyTable cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (1)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Create a savepoint txn.Save("MySavePoint"); // Insert another row into MyTable cmd.CommandText = "insert into mytable values (2)"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Rollback to the savepoint txn.Rollback("MySavePoint"); // Commit the transaction txn.Commit(); // Check the number of rows in MyTable after transaction cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable"; myTableCount = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); // Prints the number of rows, should have increased by 1

5-318 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTransaction Class

Console.WriteLine("myTableCount = " + myTableCount); txn.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleTransaction Class OracleTransaction Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-319

OracleCollectionType Enumeration

OracleCollectionType Enumeration
OracleCollectionType enumerated values specify whether or not the OracleParameter object represents a collection, and if so, specifies the collection type. Table 5102 lists all the OracleCollectionType enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 5102 Member Name None PLSQLAssociativeArray OracleCollectionType Enumeration Values Description Is not a collection type Indicates that the collection type is a PL/SQL Associative Array (or PL/SQL Index-By Table)

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 "OracleParameter Class" on page 5-229 "CollectionType" on page 5-248

5-320 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDbType Enumeration

OracleDbType Enumeration
OracleDbType enumerated values are used to explicitly specify the OracleDbType of an OracleParameter. Table 5103 lists all the OracleDbType enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 5103 Member Name BFile BinaryFloat BinaryDouble Blob Byte Char Clob Date Decimal Double Int16 Int32 Int64 IntervalDS IntervalYM Long LongRaw NChar NClob NVarchar2 Raw RefCursor Single TimeStamp TimeStampLTZ TimeStampTZ Varchar2 XmlType OracleDbType Enumeration Values Description Oracle BFILE type Oracle BINARY_FLOAT type Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type Oracle BLOB type byte type Oracle CHAR type Oracle CLOB type Oracle DATE type Oracle NUMBER type 8-byte FLOAT type 2-byte INTEGER type 4-byte INTEGER type 8-byte INTEGER type Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH type Oracle LONG type Oracle LONG RAW type Oracle NCHAR type Oracle NCLOB type Oracle NVARCHAR2 type Oracle RAW type Oracle REF CURSOR type 4-byte FLOAT type Oracle TIMESTAMP type Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE type Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type Oracle VARCHAR2 type Oracle XMLType type

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-321

OracleDbType Enumeration

Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 "OracleParameter Class" on page 5-229 "OracleParameterCollection Class" on page 5-263 OracleParameter "OracleDbType" on page 5-251

5-322 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleParameterStatus Enumeration

OracleParameterStatus Enumeration
The OracleParameterStatus enumeration type indicates whether a NULL value is fetched from a column, or truncation has occurred during the fetch, or a NULL value is to be inserted into a database column. Table 5104 lists all the OracleParameterStatus enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 5104 Member Name Success OracleParameterStatus Members Description Indicates that (for input parameters) the input value has been assigned to the column. For output parameter, it indicates that the provider assigned an intact value to the parameter. Indicates that a NULL value has been fetched from a column or an OUT parameter Indicates that a NULL value is to be inserted into a column Indicates that truncation has occurred when fetching the data from the column

NullFetched NullInsert Truncation

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 "OracleParameter Class" on page 5-229 OracleParameter "ArrayBindStatus" on page 5-247 OracleParameter "Value" on page 5-257

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes 5-323

OracleParameterStatus Enumeration

5-324 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes
This chapter describes ODP.NET XML-related classes and enumerations. This chapter contains these topics:

OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlType Class

All offsets are 0-based for OracleXmlStream object parameters.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes 6-1

OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration

OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration
The OracleXmlCommandType enumeration specifies the values that are allowed for the XmlCommandType property of the OracleCommand class. It is used to specify the type of XML operation. Table 61 lists all the OracleXmlCommandType enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 61 OracleXmlCommandType Members Description No XML operation is desired The command text is a SQL query and the result of the query is an XML document. The SQL query needs to be a select statement The command text is an XML document containing rows to insert. The command text is an XML document containing rows to update. The command text is an XML document containing rows to delete.

Member Name None Query Insert Update Delete

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3

6-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class
An OracleXmlQueryProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Query. Class Inheritance System.Object System.OracleXmlQueryProperties Declaration
public sealed class OracleXmlQueryProperties : ICloneable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks OracleXmlQueryProperties can be accessed, and modified using the XmlQueryProperties property of the OracleCommand class. Each OracleCommand object has its own instance of the OracleXmlQueryProperties class in the XmlQueryProperties property. Use the default constructor to get a new instance of the OracleXmlQueryProperties. Use the OracleXmlQueryProperties.Clone() method to get a copy of an OracleXmlQueryProperties instance. Example This example retrieves relational data as XML.
// C# using using using using using using System; System.IO; System.Data; System.Xml; System.Text; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class OracleXmlQueryPropertiesSample { static void Main() { int rows = 0; StreamReader sr = null; // Define the XSL document for doing the transform. string xslstr = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n" + "<xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\"" + " xmlns:xsl=\"\">\n" + " <xsl:output encoding=\"utf-8\"/>\n" + " <xsl:template match=\"/\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEES>\n" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"ROWSET\"/>\n" + " </EMPLOYEES>\n" +

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes 6-3

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

" </xsl:template>\n" + " <xsl:template match=\"ROWSET\">\n" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"ROW\"/>\n" + " </xsl:template>\n" + " <xsl:template match=\"ROW\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEE>\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"EMPNO\"/>\n" + " </EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_NAME>\n" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"ENAME\"/>\n" + " </EMPLOYEE_NAME>\n" + " <HIRE_DATE>\n" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"HIREDATE\"/>\n" + " </HIRE_DATE>\n" + " <JOB_TITLE>\n" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"JOB\"/>\n" + " </JOB_TITLE>\n" + " </EMPLOYEE>\n" + " </xsl:template>\n" + "</xsl:stylesheet>\n"; // Create the connection. string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Set the date, and timestamp formats for Oracle 9i Release 2, or later. // This is just needed for queries. if (!con.ServerVersion.StartsWith("9.0") && !con.ServerVersion.StartsWith("8.1")) { OracleGlobalization sessionParams = con.GetSessionInfo(); sessionParams.DateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD\"T\"HH24:MI:SS"; sessionParams.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD\"T\"HH24:MI:SS.FF3"; sessionParams.TimeStampTZFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD\"T\"HH24:MI:SS.FF3"; con.SetSessionInfo(sessionParams); } // Create the command. OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("", con); // Set the XML command type to query. cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Query; // Set the SQL query. cmd.CommandText = "select * from emp e where e.empno = :empno"; // Set command properties that affect XML query behaviour. cmd.BindByName = true; // Bind values to the parameters in the SQL query. Int32 empNum = 7369; cmd.Parameters.Add("empno", OracleDbType.Int32, empNum, ParameterDirection.Input); // Set the XML query properties. cmd.XmlQueryProperties.MaxRows = 1; cmd.XmlQueryProperties.RootTag = "ROWSET"; cmd.XmlQueryProperties.RowTag = "ROW";

6-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

cmd.XmlQueryProperties.Xslt =


// Test query execution without returning a result. Console.WriteLine("SQL query: select * from emp e where e.empno = 7369"); Console.WriteLine("Maximum rows: all rows (-1)"); Console.WriteLine("Return Value from OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery():"); rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine(rows); Console.WriteLine("\n"); // Get the XML document as an XmlReader. Console.WriteLine("SQL query: select * from emp e where e.empno = 7369"); Console.WriteLine("Maximum rows: all rows (-1)"); Console.WriteLine("XML Document from OracleCommand.ExecuteXmlReader():"); XmlReader xmlReader = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader(); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.PreserveWhitespace = true; xmlDocument.Load(xmlReader); Console.WriteLine(xmlDocument.OuterXml); Console.WriteLine("\n"); // Change the SQL query, and set the maximum number of rows to 2. cmd.CommandText = "select * from emp e"; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.XmlQueryProperties.MaxRows = 2; // Get the XML document as a Stream. Console.WriteLine("SQL query: select * from emp e"); Console.WriteLine("Maximum rows: 2"); Console.WriteLine("XML Document from OracleCommand.ExecuteStream():"); Stream stream = cmd.ExecuteStream(); sr = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Unicode); Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadToEnd()); Console.WriteLine("\n"); // Get all the rows. cmd.XmlQueryProperties.MaxRows =


// Append the XML document to an existing Stream. Console.WriteLine("SQL query: select * from emp e"); Console.WriteLine("Maximum rows: all rows (-1)"); Console.WriteLine("XML Document from OracleCommand.ExecuteToStream():"); MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream(32); cmd.ExecuteToStream(mstream); mstream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); sr = new StreamReader(mstream, Encoding.Unicode); Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadToEnd()); Console.WriteLine("\n"); // Clean up. cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes 6-5

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Members OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructor OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods

6-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

OracleXmlQueryProperties Members
OracleXmlQueryProperties members are listed in the following tables:

OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructors
The OracleXmlQueryProperties constructors are listed in Table 62.
Table 62 OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of the OracleXmlQueryProperties class

Constructor OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructor

OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties
The OracleXmlQueryProperties properties are listed in Table 63.
Table 63 Name MaxRows OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties Description Specifies the maximum number of rows from the result set of the query that can be represented in the result XML document Specifies the root element of the result XML document Specifies the value of the XML element which identifies a row of data from the result set in an XML document Specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT Specifies parameters for the XSL document

RootTag RowTag Xslt XsltParams

OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods

The OracleXmlQueryProperties public methods are listed in Table 64.
Table 64 Name Clone OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods Description Creates a copy of an OracleXmlQueryProperties object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes 6-7

OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructor

OracleXmlQueryProperties Constructor
The OracleXmlQueryProperties constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleXmlQueryProperties class. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlQueryProperties();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

6-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties
The OracleXmlQueryProperties properties are listed in Table 65.
Table 65 Name MaxRows RootTag RowTag Xslt XsltParams OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties Description Specifies the maximum number of rows from the result set of the query that can be represented in the result XML document Specifies the root element of the result XML document Specifies the value of the XML element which identifies a row of data from the result set in an XML document Specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT Specifies parameters for the XSL document

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

This property specifies the maximum number of rows from the result set of the query that can be represented in the result XML document. Declaration
// C# public int MaxRows {get; set;}

Property Value The maximum number of rows. Exceptions ArgumentException - The new value for MaxRows is not valid. Remarks Default value is -1. Possible values are:

-1 (all rows). A number greater than or equal to 0.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes 6-9

OracleXmlQueryProperties Properties

This property specifies the root element of the result XML document. Declaration
// C# public string RootTag {get; set;}

Property Value The root element of the result XML document. Remarks The default root tag is ROWSET. To indicate that no root tag is be used in the result XML document, set this property to null or "" or String.Empty. If both RootTag and RowTag are set to null, an XML document is returned only if the result set returns one row and one column.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

This property specifies the value of the XML element which identifies a row of data from the result set in an XML document. Declaration
// C# public string RowTag {get; set;}

Property Value The value of the XML element. Remarks The default is ROW. To indicate that no row tag is be used in the result XML document, set this property to null or "" or String.Empty. If both RootTag and RowTag are set to null, an XML document is returned only if the result set returns one row and one column.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

This property specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT.

6-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlQueryProperties Class

// C# public string Xslt {get; set;}

Property Value The XSL document used for XML transformation. Remarks Default value is null. The XSL document is used for XML transformation of the XML document generated from the result set of the query.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

This property specifies parameters for the XSL document. Declaration
// C# public string XsltParams {get; set;}

Property Value The parameters for the XSL document. Remarks Default value is null. The parameters are specified as a string of "name=value" pairs of the form "param1=value1; param2=value2;..." delimited by semicolons.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods

OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods

The OracleXmlQueryProperties public methods are listed in Table 66.
Table 66 Name Clone OracleXmlQueryProperties Public Methods Description Creates a copy of an OracleXmlQueryProperties object

This method creates a copy of an OracleXmlQueryProperties object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleXmlQueryProperties object Implements ICloneable

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlQueryProperties Class OracleXmlQueryProperties Members

6-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class
An OracleXmlSaveProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete. Class Inheritance System.Object System.OracleXmlSaveProperties Declaration
public sealed class OracleXmlSaveProperties : ICloneable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks OracleXmlSaveProperties can be accessed and modified using the XmlSaveProperties property of the OracleCommand class. Each OracleCommand object has its own instance of the OracleXmlSaveProperties class in the XmlSaveProperties property. Use the default constructor to get a new instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties. Use the OracleXmlSaveProperties.Clone() method to get a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties instance. Example This sample demonstrates how to do inserts, updates, and deletes to a relational table or view using an XML document.
// C# /* -- If HR account is being locked, you need to log on as a DBA -- to unlock the account first. Unlock a locked users account: ALTER USER hr ACCOUNT UNLOCK; */ using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleXmlSavePropertiesSample { static void Main() { string[] KeyColumnsList = null; string[] UpdateColumnsList = null; int rows = 0; // Create the connection. string constr = "User Id=hr;Password=hr;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open();

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

// Create the command. OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("", con); // Set the XML command type to insert. cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Insert; // Set the XML document. cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + "<ROWSET>\n" + " <MYROW num = \"1\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1234</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " <LAST_NAME>Smith</LAST_NAME>\n" + " <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>\n" + " <HIRE_DATE>1982-01-23T00:00:00.000</HIRE_DATE>\n" + " <JOB_ID>IT_PROG</JOB_ID>\n" + " </MYROW>\n" + " <MYROW num = \"2\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1235</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " <LAST_NAME>Barney</LAST_NAME>\n" + " <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>\n" + " <HIRE_DATE>1982-01-23T00:00:00.000</HIRE_DATE>\n" + " <JOB_ID>IT_PROG</JOB_ID>\n" + " </MYROW>\n" + "</ROWSET>\n"; // Set the XML save properties. KeyColumnsList = new string[1]; KeyColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID"; UpdateColumnsList = new string[5]; UpdateColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID"; UpdateColumnsList[1] = "LAST_NAME"; UpdateColumnsList[2] = "EMAIL"; UpdateColumnsList[3] = "HIRE_DATE"; UpdateColumnsList[4] = "JOB_ID"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.KeyColumnsList = KeyColumnsList; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.RowTag = "MYROW"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.Table = "employees"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = UpdateColumnsList; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.Xslt = null; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.XsltParams = null; // Do the inserts. rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows); // Set the XML command type to update. cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Update; // Set the XML document. cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + "<ROWSET>\n" + " <MYROW num = \"1\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1234</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " <LAST_NAME>Adams</LAST_NAME>\n" + " </MYROW>\n" + "</ROWSET>\n"; // Set the XML save properties. KeyColumnsList = new string[1];

6-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

KeyColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID"; UpdateColumnsList = new string[1]; UpdateColumnsList[0] = "LAST_NAME"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.KeyColumnsList = KeyColumnsList; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = UpdateColumnsList; rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows); // Set the XML command type to delete. cmd.XmlCommandType = OracleXmlCommandType.Delete; // Set the XML document. cmd.CommandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + "<ROWSET>\n" + " <MYROW num = \"1\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1234</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " </MYROW>\n" + " <MYROW num = \"2\">\n" + " <EMPLOYEE_ID>1235</EMPLOYEE_ID>\n" + " </MYROW>\n" + "</ROWSET>\n"; // Set the XML save properties. KeyColumnsList = new string[1]; KeyColumnsList[0] = "EMPLOYEE_ID"; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.KeyColumnsList = KeyColumnsList; cmd.XmlSaveProperties.UpdateColumnsList = null; // Do the deletes. rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows); // Clean up. cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Members OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

OracleXmlSaveProperties Members
OracleXmlSaveProperties members are listed in the following tables:

OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor
OracleXmlSaveProperties constructors are listed in Table 67
Table 67 OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor Description Instantiates a new instance of the OracleXmlSaveProperties class

Constructor OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor

OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties
The OracleXmlSaveProperties properties are listed in Table 68.
Table 68 Name KeyColumnsList OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties Description Specifies the list of columns used as a key to locate existing rows for update or delete using an XML document Specifies the value for the XML element that identifies a row of data in an XML document Specifies the name of the table or view to which changes are saved Specifies the list of columns to update or insert Specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT Specifies the parameters for the XSLT document specified in the Xslt property

RowTag Table UpdateColumnsList Xslt XsltParams

OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

The OracleXmlSaveProperties public methods are listed in Table 69.
Table 69 Name Clone OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods Description Creates a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

6-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

OracleXmlSaveProperties Constructor
The OracleXmlSaveProperties constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleXmlSaveProperties class. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlSaveProperties;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties

OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties
The OracleXmlSaveProperties properties are listed in Table 610.
Table 610 Name KeyColumnsList RowTag Table UpdateColumnsList Xslt XsltParams OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties Description Specifies the list of columns used as a key to locate existing rows for update or delete using an XML document Specifies the value for the XML element that identifies a row of data in an XML document Specifies the name of the table or view to which changes are saved Specifies the list of columns to update or insert Specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT Specifies the parameters for the XSLT document specified in the Xslt property

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

This property specifies the list of columns used as a key to locate existing rows for update or delete using an XML document. Declaration
// C# public string[] KeyColumnsList {get; set;}

Property Value The list of columns. Remarks Default value is null. The first null value (if any) terminates the list. KeyColumnsList usage with XMLCommandType property values:

Insert - KeyColumnsList is ignored and can be null. Update - KeyColumnsList must be specified; it identifies the columns to use to find the rows to be updated. Delete - If KeyColumnsList is null, all the column values in each row element in the XML document are used to locate the rows to delete. Otherwise, KeyColumnsList specifies the columns used to identify the rows to delete.

6-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

This property specifies the value for the XML element that identifies a row of data in an XML document. Declaration
// C# public string RowTag {get; set;}

Property Value An XML element name. Remarks The default value is ROW. Each element in the XML document identifies one row in a table or view. If RowTag is set to "" or null, no row tag is used in the XML document. In this case, the XML document is assumed to contain only one row.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

This property specifies the name of the table or view to which changes are saved. Declaration
// C# public string Table {get; set;}

Property Value A table name. Remarks Default value is null. The property must be set to a valid table or view name.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlSaveProperties Properties

This property specifies the list of columns to update or insert. Declaration
// C# public string[] UpdateColumnsList {get; set;}

Property Value A list of columns. Remarks Default value is null. The first null value (if any) terminates the list. UpdateColumnList usage with XMLCommandType property values:

Insert - UpdateColumnList indicates which columns are assigned values when a new row is created. If UpdateColumnList is null, then all columns are assigned values. If a column is on the UpdateColumnList, but no value is specified for the row in the XML file, then NULL is used. If a column is not on the UpdateColumnList, then the default value for that column is used. Update - UpdateColumnList specifies columns to modify for each row of data in the XML document. If UpdateColumnList is null, all the values in each XML element in the XML document are used to modify the columns. Delete - UpdateColumnsList is ignored and can be null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

This property specifies the XSL document used for XML transformation using XSLT. Declaration
// C# public string Xslt {get; set;}

Property Value The XSL document used for XML transformation. Remarks Default = null. The XSL document is used for XSLT transformation of a given XML document. The transformed XML document is used to save changes to the table or view.

6-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlSaveProperties Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

This property specifies the parameters for the XSLT document specified in the Xslt property. Declaration
// C# public string XsltParams {get; set;}

Property Value The parameters for the XSLT document. Remarks Default is null. This property is a string delimited by semicolons in "name=value" pairs of the form "param1=value1; param2=value2; ".
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods

The OracleXmlSaveProperties public methods are listed in Table 611.
Table 611 Name Clone OracleXmlSaveProperties Public Methods Description Creates a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties object

This method creates a copy of an OracleXmlSaveProperties object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleXmlSaveProperties object Implements ICloneable

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class OracleXmlSaveProperties Members

6-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

OracleXmlStream Class
An OracleXmlStream object represents a read-only stream of XML data stored in an OracleXmlType object. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.Stream System.OracleXmlStream Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleXmlStream : IDisposable, ICloneable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 This class can only be used with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) and later.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Members OracleXmlStream Constructor OracleXmlStream Static Methods OracleXmlStream Instance Properties OracleXmlStream Instance Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Members

OracleXmlStream Members
OracleXmlStream members are listed in the following tables:

OracleXmlStream Constructors
The OracleXmlStream constructors are listed in Table 612.
Table 612 Constructor OracleXmlStream Constructor OracleXmlStream Constructors Description Creates an instance of an OracleXmlStream object which provides a Stream representation of the XML data stored in an OracleXmlType

OracleXmlStream Static Methods

The OracleXmlStream static methods are listed in Table 613.
Table 613 Methods Equals OracleXmlStream Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleXmlStream Instance Properties

The OracleXmlStream instance properties are listed in Table 614.
Table 614 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection Length Position Value OracleXmlStream Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the XML stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operation can be performed Not Supported Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve the XML data Indicates the number of bytes in the XML stream Gets or sets the byte position within the stream Returns the XML data, starting from the first character in the stream as a string

OracleXmlStream Instance Methods

The OracleXmlStream instance methods are listed in Table 615.
Table 615 Methods BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close OracleXmlStream Instance Methods Description Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Creates a copy of an OracleXmlStream object Closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it

6-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

Table 615 (Cont.) OracleXmlStream Instance Methods Methods Dispose EndRead EndWrite Equals Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService Read ReadByte Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte Description Releases resources allocated by this object Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.Object Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Reads a specified amount from the current stream instance and populates the array buffer (Overloaded) Inherited from System.IO.Stream Sets the position within the current stream and returns the new position within the current stream Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Not Supported Not Supported

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Constructor

OracleXmlStream Constructor
This constructor creates an instance of an OracleXmlStream object which provides a Stream representation of the XML data stored in an OracleXmlType object. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlStream(OracleXmlType xmlType);

Parameters xmlType The OracleXmlType object. Remarks The OracleXmlStream implicitly uses the OracleConnection object from the OracleXmlType object from which it was constructed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

6-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

OracleXmlStream Static Methods

The OracleXmlStream static methods are listed in Table 616.
Table 616 Methods Equals OracleXmlStream Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Instance Properties

OracleXmlStream Instance Properties

The OracleXmlStream instance properties are listed in Table 617.
Table 617 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection Length Position Value OracleXmlStream Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the XML stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operation can be performed Not Supported Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve the XML data Indicates the number of bytes in the XML stream Gets or sets the byte position within the stream Returns the XML data, starting from the first character in the stream as a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Overrides Stream This property indicates whether or not the XML stream can be read. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanRead{get;}

Property Value If the XML stream is can be read, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Overrides Stream This property indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operation can be performed. Declaration
// C#

6-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

public override bool CanSeek{get;}

Property Value If forward and backward seek operations can be performed, this property returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

This instance property indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve the XML data. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Property Value An OracleConnection. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Overrides Stream This property indicates the number of bytes in the XML stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Length{get;}

Property Value An Int64 value representing the number of bytes in the XML stream. An empty stream has a length of 0 bytes. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Instance Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Overrides Stream This property gets or sets the byte position within the stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Position{get; set;}

Property Value An Int64 that indicates the current position in the stream. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Position is less than 0. Remarks The beginning of the stream is represented by position 0. Seeking to any location beyond the length of the stream is supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

This property returns the XML data, starting from the first character of the stream as a string. Declaration
// C# public string Value{get; set;}

Property Value A string. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

6-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

Remarks The value of Position is neither used nor changed by using this property. The maximum length of the string that can be returned by this property is 2 GB.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Instance Methods

OracleXmlStream Instance Methods

The OracleXmlStream instance methods are listed in Table 618.
Table 618 Methods BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close Dispose EndRead EndWrite Equals Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService Read ReadByte Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte OracleXmlStream Instance Methods Description Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Creates a copy of an OracleXmlStream object Closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it Releases resources allocated by this object Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.Object Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Reads a specified amount from the current XML stream instance and populates the array buffer (Overloaded) Inherited from System.IO.Stream Sets the position within the current stream and returns the new position within the current stream Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Not Supported Not Supported

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

This method creates a copy of an OracleXmlStream object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

6-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

Return Value An OracleXmlStream object. Implements ICloneable Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Overrides Stream This method closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it. Declaration
// C# public override void Close();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

This public method releases resources allocated by this object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable Remarks The object cannot be reused after being disposed. Although some properties can still be accessed, their values cannot be accountable. Since resources are freed, method calls can lead to exceptions.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

This method reads a specified amount from the current XML stream instance and populates the array buffer. Overload List: Read(byte[ ], int, int) This method reads a specified amount of unicode bytes from the current instance, advances the position within the stream, and populates the byte array buffer.

Read(char[ ], int, int) This method reads a specified amount of characters from the current instance, advances the position within the stream, and populates the character array buffer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Read(byte[ ], int, int)

Overrides Stream This method reads a specified amount of unicode bytes from the current instance, advances the position within the stream, and populates the byte array buffer. Declaration
// C# public override int Read(byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The byte array buffer that is populated.

offset The zero-based offset (in bytes) at which the buffer is populated.

count The maximum amount of bytes to be read.

Return Value The number of unicode bytes read into the given byte[] buffer or 0 if the end of the stream has been reached.

6-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlStream Class

Remarks This method reads a maximum of count bytes from the current stream and stores them in buffer beginning at offset. The current position within the stream is advanced by the number of bytes read. However, if an exception occurs, the current position within the stream remains unchanged. The XML data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Read(char[ ], int, int)

Overrides Stream This method reads a specified amount of characters from the current instance, advances the position within the stream, and populates the character array buffer. Declaration
// C# public override int Read(char[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The character array buffer to be populated.

offset The zero-based offset (in characters) in the buffer at which the buffer is populated.

count The maximum amount of characters to be read from the stream.

Return Value The return value indicates the number of characters read from the stream or 0 if the end of the stream has been reached. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks This method requires that the Position on the stream instance be zero or an even number.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlStream Instance Methods

The XML data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

Overrides Stream. This method sets the position within the current stream and returns the new position within the current stream. Declaration
// C# public long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin);

Parameters offset A byte offset relative to origin.

If offset is negative, the new position precedes the position specified by origin by the number of bytes specified by offset. If offset is zero, the new position is the position specified by origin. If offset is positive, the new position follows the position specified by origin by the number of bytes specified by offset.

origin A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.

Return Value The new Position within the current stream. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object Remarks Use the CanSeek property to determine whether or not the current instance supports seeking. Seeking to any location beyond the length of the stream is supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlStream Class OracleXmlStream Members

6-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

OracleXmlType Class
An OracleXmlType object represents an Oracle XMLType instance. Class Inheritance System.Object System.OracleXmlType Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleXmlType : IDisposable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks OracleXmlType objects can be used for well-formed XML documents with or without XML schemas or XML fragments. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 This class can only be used with Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) or later.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Members OracleXmlType Constructors OracleXmlType Static Methods OracleXmlType Instance Properties OracleXmlType Instance Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Members

OracleXmlType Members
OracleXmlType members are listed in the following tables:

OracleXmlType Constructors
The OracleXmlType constructors are listed in Table 619.
Table 619 Constructor OracleXmlType Constructors OracleXmlType Constructors Description Creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class (Overloaded)

OracleXmlType Static Methods

The OracleXmlType static methods are listed in Table 620.
Table 620 Methods Equals OracleXmlType Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleXmlType Instance Properties

The OracleXmlType instance properties are listed in Table 621.
Table 621 Properties Connection IsEmpty IsFragment IsSchemaBased RootElement Schema SchemaUrl Value OracleXmlType Instance Properties Description Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and store XML data in the OracleXmlType Indicates whether or not the OracleXmlType is empty Indicates whether the XML data is a collection of XML elements or a well-formed XML document Indicates whether or not the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType is based on an XML schema Represents the name of the top-level element of the schema-based XML data contained in the OracleXmlType Represents the XML schema of the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType Represents in the database for the XML schema of the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType. Returns the XML data starting from the first character in the current instance as a string

OracleXmlType Instance Methods

The OracleXmlType instance methods are listed in Table 622.
Table 622 Methods Clone Dispose OracleXmlType Instance Methods Description Creates a copy of the OracleXmlType instance Releases the resources allocated by this OracleXmlType object

6-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

Table 622 (Cont.) OracleXmlType Instance Methods Methods Equals Extract GetHashCode GetStream Description Inherited from System.Object Extracts a subset from the XML data using the given XPath expression (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Returns an instance of OracleXmlStream which provides a read-only stream of the XML data stored in this OracleXmlType instance Inherited from System.Object Returns a XmlDocument object containing the XML data stored in this OracleXmlType instance Returns a XmlTextReader object that can be used to manipulate XML data directly using the .NET Framework classes and methods Checks for the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the given XPath expression in the XMLdata (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Transforms the OracleXmlType into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document (Overloaded) Updates the XML node or fragment identified by the given XPath expression in the current OracleXmlType instance (Overloaded) Validates whether or not the XML data in the OracleXmlType object conforms to the given XML schema.

GetType GetXmlDocument GetXmlReader

IsExists ToString Transform Update


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Constructors

OracleXmlType Constructors
OracleXmlType constructors create instances of the OracleXmlType class. Overload List: OracleXmlType(OracleClob) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class using the XML data contained in an OracleClob object.

OracleXmlType(OracleConnection, string) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class using the XML data contained in the .NET String.

OracleXmlType(OracleConnection, XmlReader) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class using the contents of the .NET XmlReader object.

OracleXmlType(OracleConnection, XmlDocument) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType object using the contents of the XML DOM document in the .NET XmlDocument object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class using the XML data contained in an OracleClob object. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType(OracleClob oraClob);

Parameters oraClob An OracleClob object. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The OracleClob object is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The CLOB data depends on a valid connection object and the new OracleXMLType uses the OracleConnection in the OracleClob object to store data for the current instance.

6-40 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

OracleXmlType(OracleConnection, string)
This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class using the XML data contained in the .NET String. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType(OracleConnection con, string xmlData);

Parameters con An OracleConnection object.

xmlData A string containing the XML data.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The OracleConnection object is null. ArgumentException - The xmlData argument is an empty string. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The new OracleXmlType uses the given OracleConnection object to store data for the current instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

OracleXmlType(OracleConnection, XmlReader)
This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType class using the contents of the .NET XmlReader object. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType(OracleConnection con, XmlReader reader);

Parameters con An OracleConnection object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Constructors

reader An XmlReader object.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The OracleConnection object is null. ArgumentException - The reader argument contains no data. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The new OracleXMLType uses the given OracleConnection object to store data for the current instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

OracleXmlType(OracleConnection, XmlDocument)
This constructor creates an instance of the OracleXmlType object using the contents of the XML DOM document in the .NET XmlDocument object. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType(OracleConnection con, XmlDocument domDoc);

Parameters con An OracleConnection object.

domDoc An XML document.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The OracleConnection object is null. ArgumentException - The domDoc argument contains no data. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The new OracleXMLType uses the given OracleConnection object to store data for the current instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

6-42 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

OracleXmlType Static Methods

The OracleXmlType static methods are listed in Table 623.
Table 623 Methods Equals OracleXmlType Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Properties

OracleXmlType Instance Properties

The OracleXmlType instance properties are listed in Table 624.
Table 624 Properties Connection IsEmpty IsFragment IsSchemaBased RootElement Schema SchemaUrl Value OracleXmlType Instance Properties Description Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and store XML data in the OracleXmlType Indicates whether or not the OracleXmlType is empty Indicates whether the XML data is a collection of XML elements or a well-formed XML document Indicates whether or not the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType is based on an XML schema Represents the name of the top-level element of the schema-based XML data contained in the OracleXmlType Represents the XML schema of the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType Represents URL in the database for the XML schema of the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType Returns the XML data starting from the first character in the current instance as a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and store XML data in the OracleXmlType. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Property Value An OracleConnection object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The connection must explicitly be opened by the user before creating or using OracleXmlType.

6-44 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property indicates whether or not the OracleXmlType is empty. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEmpty {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the OracleXmlType represents an empty XML document. Returns false otherwise. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property indicates whether the XML data is a collection of XML elements or a well-formed XML document. Declaration
// C# public bool IsFragment {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType object is a collection of XML elements with no root element. Returns false otherwise. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Properties

This property indicates whether or not the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType is based on an XML schema. Declaration
// C# public bool IsSchemaBased {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType is based on an XML schema. Returns false otherwise. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property represents the name of the top-level or root element of the schema-based XML data contained in the OracleXmlType. Declaration
// C# public string RootElement{get;}

Property Value A string that represents the name of the top-level or root element of the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks If the OracleXmlType instance contains non-schema based XML data, this property returns an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property represents the XML schema for the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType.

6-46 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

// C# public OracleXmlType Schema {get;}

Property Value An OracleXmlType instance that represents the XML schema for the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks If the OracleXmlType instance contains non-schema based XML data, this property returns an OracleXmlType instance representing an empty XML document.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property represents the XML schema in the database for the XML schema of the XML data contained in the OracleXmlType. Declaration
// C# public string SchemaUrl {get;}

Property Value A string that represents the URL in the database for the XML schema of the XML data. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks If the OracleXmlType instance contains non-schema based XML data, this property returns an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This property returns the XML data starting from the first character in the current instance as a string.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Properties

// C# public string RootElement{get;}

Property Value The entire XML data as a string. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

6-48 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

OracleXmlType Instance Methods

The OracleXmlType instance methods are listed in Table 625.
Table 625 Methods Clone Dispose Equals Extract GetHashCode GetStream OracleXmlType Instance Methods Description Creates a copy of the OracleXmlType instance Releases the resources allocated by this OracleXmlType object Inherited from System.Object Extracts a subset from the XML data using the given XPath expression (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Returns an instance of OracleXmlStream which provides a read-only stream of the XML data stored in this OracleXmlType instance Inherited from System.Object Returns a XmlDocument object containing the XML data stored in this OracleXmlType instance Returns a XmlTextReader object that can be used to manipulate XML data directly using the .NET Framework classes and methods Checks for the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the given XPath expression in the XMLdata (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Transforms the OracleXmlType into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document (Overloaded) Updates the XML node or fragment identified by the given XPath expression in the current OracleXmlType instance (Overloaded) Validates whether or not the XML data in the OracleXmlType object conforms to the given XML schema.

GetType GetXmlDocument GetXmlReader

IsExists ToString Transform Update


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This method creates a copy of this OracleXmlType instance. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Implements ICloneable

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Methods

Return Value An OracleXmlType object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This method releases the resources allocated by this object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This method extracts a subset from the XML data using the given XPath expression. Overload List: Extract(string, string) This method extracts a subset from the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType object using the given XPath expression and a string parameter for namespace resolution.

Extract(string, XmlNameSpaceManager) This method extracts a subset from the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType object, using the given XPath expression and a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

6-50 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

Extract(string, string)
This method extracts a subset from the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType object using the given XPath expression and a string parameter for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType Extract(string xpathExpr, string nsMap);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression.

nsMap The string parameter used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMap has zero or more namespaces separated by spaces. nsMap can be null. For example:
xmlns:nsi"=" xmlns:nsz=""

Return Value An OracleXmlType object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Extract(string, XmlNameSpaceManager)
This public method extracts a subset from the XML data represented by the OracleXmlType object, using the given XPath expression and a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType Extract(string xpathExpr, XmlNameSpaceManager nsMgr);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Methods

The .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMgr can be null. Return Value An OracleXmlType. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This public method returns an instance of OracleXmlStream which provides a read-only stream of the XML data stored in this OracleXmlType instance. Declaration
// C# public Stream GetStream();

Return Value A Stream object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This public method returns a XmlDocument object containing the XML data stored in this OracleXmlType instance. Declaration
// C# public XmlDocument GetXmlDocument();

6-52 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

Return Value An XmlDocument object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The XML data in the XmlDocument object is a copy of the XML data in the OracleXmlType instance and modifying it does not automatically modify the XML data in the OracleXmlType instance. The XmlDocument instance returned has the PreserveWhitespace property set to true.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This public method returns a XmlTextReader object that can be used to manipulate XML data directly using the .NET Framework classes and methods. Declaration
// C# public XmlTextReader GetXmlReader();

Return Value An XmlTextReader object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The XmlTextReader is a read-only, forward-only representation of the XML data stored in the OracleXmlType instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

IsExists checks for the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the XPath expression in the XML data.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Methods

Overload List: IsExists(string, string) This method checks for the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the XPath expression in the XML data represented by the current OracleXmlType instance using a string parameter for namespace resolution.

IsExists(string, XmlNameSpaceManager) This method checks for the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the XPath expression in the XML document represented by the current OracleXmlType instance using a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

IsExists(string, string)
This method checks for the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the XPath expression in the XML data represented by the current OracleXmlType instance using a string parameter for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public bool IsExists(string xpathExpr, string nsMap);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression.

nsMap The string parameter used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMap has zero or more namespaces separated by spaces. nsMap can be null.

Return Value Returns true if the required set of nodes exists; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.

6-54 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

IsExists(string, XmlNameSpaceManager)
This method checks the existence of a particular set of nodes identified by the XPath expression in the XML document represented by the current OracleXmlType instance using a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public bool IsExists(string xpathExpr, XmlNameSpaceManager nsMgr);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression.

nsMgr The .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMgr can be null.

Return Value Returns true if the required set of nodes exists; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This method transforms the OracleXmlType into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document. Overload List: Transform(OracleXmlType, string)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Methods

This method transforms the current OracleXmlType instance into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document (as an OracleXmlType object) and a string of XSLT parameters.

Transform(string, string) This public method transforms the current OracleXmlType instance into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document and a string of XSLT parameters.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Transform(OracleXmlType, string)
This method transforms the current OracleXmlType instance into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document and a string of XSLT parameters. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType Transform(OracleXmlType xsldoc, string paramMap);

Parameters xsldoc The XSL document as an OracleXmlType object.

paramMap A string which provides the parameters for the XSL document. For this release, paramMap is ignored.

Return Value An OracleXmlType object containing the transformed XML document. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xsldoc parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

6-56 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

Transform(string, string)
This method transforms the current OracleXmlType instance into another OracleXmlType instance using the given XSL document and a string of XSLT parameters. Declaration
// C# public OracleXmlType Transform(string xsldoc, string paramMap);

Parameters xsldoc The XSL document to be used for XSLT.

paramMap A string which provides the parameters for the XSL document. For this release, paramMap is ignored.

Return Value An OracleXmlType object containing the transformed XML document. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xsldoc parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This method updates the XML node or fragment identified by the given XPath expression in the current OracleXmlType instance. Overload List: Update(string, string, string) This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the given string value and a string parameter for namespace resolution.

Update(string, XmlNameSpaceManager, string) This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the given string value and a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution.

Update(string, string, OracleXmlType) This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the XML data stored in the given OracleXmlType value and a string parameter for namespace resolution.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes 6-57

OracleXmlType Instance Methods

Update(string, XmlNameSpaceManager, OracleXmlType) This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the XML data stored in the given OracleXmlType value and a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Update(string, string, string)

This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the given string value and a string parameter for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public void Update(string xpathExpr, string nsMap, string value);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression that identifies the nodes to update.

nsMap The string parameter used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMap has zero or more namespaces separated by spaces. nsMap can be null. For example:
xmlns:nsi"=" xmlns:nsz=""

value The new value as a string.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

6-58 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

Update(string, XmlNameSpaceManager, string)

This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the given string value and a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public void Update(string xpathExpr, XmlNameSpaceManager nsMgr, string value);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression that identifies the nodes to update.

nsMgr The .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMgr can be null.

value The new value as a string.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Update(string, string, OracleXmlType)

This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the XML data stored in the given OracleXmlType value and a string parameter for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public void Update(string xpathExpr, string nsMap, OracleXmlType value);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression that identifies the nodes to update.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Methods

The string parameter used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMap has zero or more namespaces separated by spaces. nsMap can be null.

value The new value as an OracleXmlType object.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Update(string, XmlNameSpaceManager, OracleXmlType)

This method updates the XML nodes identified by the given XPath expression with the XML data stored in the given OracleXmlType value and a .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object for namespace resolution. Declaration
// C# public void Update(string xpathExpr, XmlNameSpaceManager nsMgr, OracleXmlType value);

Parameters xpathExpr The XPath expression that identifies the nodes to update.

nsMgr The .NET XmlNameSpaceManager object used for namespace resolution of the XPath expression. nsMgr can be null.

value The new value as an OracleXmlType object.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentNullException - The xpathExpr is null or zero-length. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The default namespace is ignored if its value is an empty string.

6-60 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleXmlType Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

This methods validates whether or not the XML data in the OracleXmlType object conforms to the given XML schema. Declaration
// C# public bool Validate(String schemaUrl);

Parameters schemaUrl A string representing the URL in the database of the XML schema. Return Value Returns true if the XML data conforms to the XML schema; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentNullException - The schemaUrl argument is null or an empty string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleXmlType Class OracleXmlType Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes


OracleXmlType Instance Methods

6-62 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes
This chapter describes the following Oracle Data Provider for .NET classes that support the ADO.NET 2.0 specification.
See Also:

"ADO.NET 2.0 Features" on page 3-16

OracleClientFactory Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-1

OracleClientFactory Class

OracleClientFactory Class
An OracleClientFactory object allows applications to instantiate ODP.NET classes in a generic way. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Class Inheritance System.Object System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleClientFactory : DbProviderFactory

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class FactorySample { static void Main() { string constr = "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=oracle"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Oracle.DataAccess.Client"); DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection(); try { conn.ConnectionString = constr; conn.Open(); DbCommand cmd = factory.CreateCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = "select * from emp"; DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) Console.WriteLine(reader["EMPNO"] + " : " + reader["ENAME"]); } catch (Exception ex) { 7-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClientFactory Class

Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Members OracleClientFactory Public Properties OracleClientFactory Public Methods

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-3

OracleClientFactory Members

OracleClientFactory Members
OracleClientFactory members are listed in the following tables:

OracleClientFactory Public Properties

The OracleClientFactory public properties are listed in Table 71.
Table 71 Property CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator OracleClientFactory Public Properties Description Indicates whether or not the CreateDataSourceEnumerator method is supported

OracleClientFactory Public Methods

OracleClientFactory Public Methods are listed in Table 72.
Table 72 Method CreateCommand CreateCommandBuilder CreateConnection CreateConnectionStringBuilder OracleClientFactory Public Method Description Returns a DbCommand object that represents an OracleCommand object Returns a DbCommandBuilder object that represents an OracleCommandBuilder object Returns a DbConnection object that represents an OracleConnection object Returns a DbConnectionStringBuilder object that represents an OracleConnectionStringBuilder object Returns a DbDataAdapter object that represents an OracleDataAdapter object Returns a DbDataSourceEnumerator object that represents an OracleDataSourceEnumerator object Returns a DbParameter object that represents an OracleParameter object Not Supported

CreateDataAdapter CreateDataSourceEnumerator

CreateParameter CreatePermission

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class

7-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClientFactory Class

OracleClientFactory Public Properties

The OracleClientFactory public properties are listed in Table 73.
Table 73 Property CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator OracleClientFactory Public Properties Description Indicates whether or not the CreateDataSourceEnumerator method is supported

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This property indicates whether or not the CreateDataSourceEnumerator method is supported. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator { get; }

Property Value Returns true. Remarks ODP.NET supports the OracleDataSourceEnumerator object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-5

OracleClientFactory Public Methods

OracleClientFactory Public Methods

The OracleClientFactory public method is listed in Table 74.
Table 74 Method CreateCommand CreateCommandBuilder CreateConnection CreateConnectionStringBuilder OracleClientFactory Public Method Description Returns a DbCommand object that represents an OracleCommand object Returns a DbCommandBuilder object that represents an OracleCommandBuilder object Returns a DbConnection object that represents an OracleConnection object Returns a DbConnectionStringBuilder object that represents an OracleConnectionStringBuilder object Returns a DbDataAdapter object that represents an OracleDataAdapter object Returns a DbDataSourceEnumerator object that represents an OracleDataSourceEnumerator object Returns a DbParameter object that represents an OracleParameter object Not Supported

CreateDataAdapter CreateDataSourceEnumerator

CreateParameter CreatePermission

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This method returns a DbCommand object that represents an OracleCommand object. Declaration
// C# public override DbCommand CreateCommand();

Return Value A DbCommand object that represents an OracleCommand object.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

7-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClientFactory Class

This method returns a DbCommandBuilder object that represents an OracleCommandBuilder object. Declaration
// C# public override DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder();

Return Value A DbCommandBuilder object that represents an OracleCommandBuilder object.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This method returns a DbConnection object that represents an OracleConnection object. Declaration
// C# public override DbConnection CreateConnection();

Return Value A DbConnection object that represents an OracleConnection object.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This method returns a DbConnectionStringBuilder object that represents an OracleConnectionStringBuilder object. Declaration
// C# public override DbConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder();

Return Value A DbConnectionStringBuilder object that represents an OracleConnectionStringBuilder object.

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-7

OracleClientFactory Public Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This method returns a DbDataAdapter object that represents an OracleDataAdapter object. Declaration
// C# public override DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter();

Return Value A DbDataAdapter object that represents an OracleDataAdapter object.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This method returns a DbDataSourceEnumerator object that represents an OracleDataSourceEnumerator object. Declaration
// C# public override DbDataSourceEnumerator CreateDataSourceEnumerator();

Return Value A DbDataSourceEnumerator object that represents an OracleDataSourceEnumerator object.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members "OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class" on page 7-35

This method returns a DbParameter object that represents an OracleParameter object. Declaration
// C# public override DbParameter CreateParameter(); 7-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClientFactory Class

Return Value A DbParameter object that represents an OracleParameter object.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

This method is not supported. Declaration
// C# public override CodeAccessPermission CreatePermission (PermissionState state );

Exceptions NotSupportedException - The method is not supported. Remarks This method is not supported.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleClientFactory Class OracleClientFactory Members

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-9

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class
An OracleConnectionStringBuilder object allows applications to create or modify connection strings. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Class Inheritance System.Object System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnectionStringBuilder Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleConnectionStringBuilder : DbConnectionStringBuilder

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks The following rules must be followed for setting values with reserved characters:

Values containing characters enclosed within single quotes If the value contains characters that are enclosed within single quotation marks, then the entire value must be enclosed within double quotation marks. For example, password = "'scoTT'" where the value is 'scoTT'.


Values containing characters enclosed within double quotes Values should be enclosed in double quotation marks to preserve the case and to avoid the upper casing of values. If the value contains characters enclosed in double quotation marks, then it must be enclosed in single quotation marks. For example, password = '"scoTT"' where the value is "scoTT".


Values containing characters enclosed in both single and double quotes If the value contains characters enclosed in both single and double quotation marks, the quotation mark used to enclose the value must be doubled each time it occurs within the value. For example, password = '"sco''TT"' where the value is "sco'TT".


Values containing spaces All leading and trailing spaces are ignored, but the spaces between the value are recognized. If the value needs to have leading or trailing spaces then it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For example, User ID = Sco TT where the value is <Sco TT>. For example, User ID = "Sco TT " where the value is <Sco TT>.

7-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class


Keywords occurring multiple times in a connection string If a specific keyword occurs multiple times in a connection string, the last occurrence listed is used in the value set. For example, with "User ID = scott; password = tiger; User ID = david" connection string, User ID value is david.

// C# using using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; System.Collections;

class ConnectionStringBuilderSample { static void Main(string[] args) { string connString = "user id=scott;password=tiger;Data source=oracle;"; bool bRet = false; // Create an instance of OracleConnectionStringBuilder OracleConnectionStringBuilder connStrBuilder = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder(connString); // Add a new key/value to the connection string connStrBuilder.Add("pooling", false); // Modify the existing value connStrBuilder["Data source"] = "inst1"; // Remove an entry from the connection string bRet = connStrBuilder.Remove("pooling"); //ContainsKey indicates whether or not the specific key exist //returns true even if the user has not specified it explicitly Console.WriteLine("Enlist exist: " + connStrBuilder.ContainsKey("Enlist")); //returns false connStrBuilder.ContainsKey("Invalid"); // ShouldSerialize indicates whether or not a specific key // exists in connection string inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder. // returns true if the key is explicitly added the user otherwise false; // this will return false as this key doesn't exists. connStrBuilder.ShouldSerialize("user"); // returns false because this key is nott added by user explicitly. connStrBuilder.ShouldSerialize("Enlist"); // IsFixedSize [read-only property] Console.WriteLine("Connection String is fixed size only: " + connStrBuilder.IsFixedSize); Console.WriteLine("Key/Value Pair Count: " + connStrBuilder.Count); //adding a new key which is not supported by the provider

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-11

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

//is not allowed. try { //this will throw an exception. connStrBuilder.Add("NewKey", "newValue"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } Console.WriteLine("Key/Value Pair Count: " + connStrBuilder.Count); //modifying a existing key is allowed. connStrBuilder.Add("Enlist", false); Console.WriteLine("Key/Value Pair Count: " + connStrBuilder.Count); // Get all the keys and values supported by the provider. ICollection keyCollection = connStrBuilder.Keys; ICollection valueCollection = connStrBuilder.Values; IEnumerator keys = keyCollection.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator values = valueCollection.GetEnumerator(); while (keys.MoveNext()) { values.MoveNext(); Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1} \n" ,keys.Current ,values.Current); } } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods

7-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members
OracleConnectionStringBuilder members are listed in the following tables:

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors
OracleConnectionStringBuilder constructors are listed in Table 75.
Table 75 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleConnectionStringBuilder class (Overloaded)

Constructor OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance properties are listed in Table 76.
Table 76 Properties BrowsableConnectionString ConnectionLifetime ConnectionString ConnectionTimeout ContextConnection OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties Description Inherited from System.Data.Common. DbConnectionStringBuilder Specifies the value corresponding to the Connection Lifetime attribute in the ConnectionString property Inherited from System.Data.Common. DbConnectionStringBuilder Specifies the value corresponding to the Connection Timeout attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Context Connection attribute in the ConnectionString property Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilde r Specifies the value corresponding to the Data Source attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the DBA Privilege attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Decr Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Enlist attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the HA Events attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Incr Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Indicates whether or not the Connection String Builder has a fixed size Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilde r


DataSource DBAPrivilege DecrPoolSize Enlist HAEvents IncrPoolSize IsFixedSize IsReadOnly

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-13

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

Table 76 (Cont.) OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties Properties Item Keys LoadBalancing Description Specifies the value associated with the specified attribute Specifies a collection of attributes contained in the Connection String Builder Specifies the value corresponding to the Load Balancing attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Max Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value that corresponds to the Metadata Pooling attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Min Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Password attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Persist Security Info attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Pooling attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Proxy User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Proxy User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Statement Cache Purge attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Statement Cache Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Validate Connection attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies a collection of values contained in the Connection String Builder

MaxPoolSize MetadataPooling MinPoolSize Password PersistSecurityInfo

Pooling ProxyPassword ProxyUserId StatementCachePurge


UserID ValidateConnection


OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods

OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance methods are listed in Table 77.
Table 77 Methods Add Clear ContainsKey OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Clears the connection string contents Indicates whether or not a specific attribute in the connection string is supported by ODP.NET

7-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

Table 77 (Cont.) OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods Methods EquivalentTo Remove ShouldSerialize ToString TryGetValue Description Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Removes the entry corresponding to the specified attribute from the connection string Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Returns the value corresponding to the supplied attribute, as an output parameter

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-15

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors
OracleConnectionStringBuilder constructors instantiate new instances of the OracleConnectionStringBuilder class. Overload List: OracleConnectionStringBuilder() This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleConnectionStringBuilder class.

OracleConnectionStringBuilder(string) This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnectionStringBuilder class with the provided connection string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnectionStringBuilder class. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnectionStringBuilder();

Remarks The ConnectionString property is empty after the object is created.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3

This constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleConnectionStringBuilder class with the provided connection string. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString);

Parameters connectionString The connection information. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The connectionString parameter is null. ArgumentException - The connectionString parameter is invalid.

7-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

Remarks The ConnectionString property of this instance is set to the supplied connection string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-17

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

OracleConnectionStringBuilder public properties are listed in Table 78.
Table 78 Properties BrowsableConnectionString ConnectionLifetime OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties Description Inherited from System.Data.Common. DbConnectionStringBuilder Specifies the value corresponding to the Connection Lifetime attribute in the ConnectionString property Inherited from System.Data.Common. DbConnectionStringBuilder Specifies the value corresponding to the Connection Timeout attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Context Connection attribute in the ConnectionString property Inherited from System.Data.Common. DbConnectionStringBuilder Specifies the value corresponding to the Data Source attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the DBA Privilege attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Decr Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Enlist attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the HA Events attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Incr Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Indicates whether or not the Connection String Builder has a fixed size Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuild er Specifies the value associated with the specified attribute Specifies a collection of attributes contained in the Connection String Builder Specifies the value corresponding to the Load Balancing attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Max Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value that corresponds to the Metadata Pooling attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Min Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property

ConnectionString ConnectionTimeout ContextConnection

Count DataSource DBAPrivilege DecrPoolSize Enlist HAEvents IncrPoolSize IsFixedSize IsReadOnly

Item Keys LoadBalancing

MaxPoolSize MetadataPooling MinPoolSize

7-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

Table 78 (Cont.) OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties Properties Password PersistSecurityInfo Description Specifies the value corresponding to the Password attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Persist Security Info attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Pooling attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Proxy User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Proxy User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Statement Cache Purge attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Statement Cache Size attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies the value corresponding to the Validate Connection attribute in the ConnectionString property Specifies a collection of values contained in the Connection String Builder

Pooling ProxyPassword ProxyUserId StatementCachePurge


UserID ValidateConnection


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Connection Lifetime attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public int ConnectionLifetime{get; set;}

Property Value An int that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than zero.

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-19

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Connection Timeout attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public int ConnectionTimeout{get; set;}

Property Value An int that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than zero. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Context Connection attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool ContextConnection {get; set;}

Property Value A bool that represents the value of the supplied attribute.

7-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Data Source attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string DataSource{get; set;}

Property Value A string that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the DBA Privilege attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string DBAPrivilege{get; set;}

Property Value A string that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Possible values are SYSDBA or SYSOPER. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null. OracleException - The specified value is invalid.

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-21

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Decr Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public int DecrPoolSize{get; set;}

Property Value An int that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than 1. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Enlist attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string Enlist{get; set;};

Property Value A string that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Values are case-insensitive. Possible values are: dynamic, true, false, yes, and no. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null.

7-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

OracleException - The supplied value is not one of following: dynamic, true, false, yes, or no. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the HA Events attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool HAEvents{get; set;}

Property Value A bool that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Incr Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public int IncrPoolSize{get; set;}

Property Value An int that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than 1.

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-23

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

Indicates whether or not the Connection String Builder has a fixed size. Declaration
// C# public override bool IsFixedSize{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the Connection String Builder has a fixed size; otherwise, returns false. Remarks Attributes cannot be added or removed. They can only be modified for connection strings with a fixed size.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value associated with the specified attribute. Declaration
// C# public override object this[string keyword]{get; set;}

Property Value An object value corresponding to the attribute. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified attribute is null. OracleException - The specified attribute is not supported or the specified value is invalid.

7-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies a collection of attributes contained in the Connection String Builder. Declaration
// C# public override ICollection Keys{get;}

Property Value Returns an ICollection that represents the attributes in the Connection String Builder.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Load Balancing attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool LoadBalancing {get; set;}

Property Value A bool that contains the value of the supplied attribute. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Max Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property.

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-25

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

// C# public int MaxPoolSize{get; set;}

Property Value An int that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than 1. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value that corresponds to the Metadata Pooling attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool MetadataPooling{get; set;};

Property Value A bool containing the value of the supplied attribute. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Min Pool Size attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public int MinPoolSize{get; set;}

7-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

Property Value An int that contains the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than 0. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Password attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string Password{get; set;}

Property Value A string that contains the value of the supplied attribute. Exception ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Persist Security Info attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool PersistSecurityInfo{get; set;}

Property Value A bool that represents the value of the supplied attribute.

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-27

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property gets set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Pooling attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool Pooling {get; set;}

Property Value A bool that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Proxy Password attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string ProxyPassword {get; set;}

Property Value A string that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exception ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null.

7-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Proxy User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string ProxyUserId {get; set;}

Property Value A string that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exception ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Statement Cache Purge attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public bool StatementCachePurge {get; set;}

Property Value A bool that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-29

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Statement Cache Size attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public int StatementCacheSize{get; set;}

Property Value An int that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exceptions OracleException - The specified value is less than zero. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the User Id attribute in the ConnectionString property. Declaration
// C# public string UserID{get; set;}

Property Value A string that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Exception ArgumentNullException - The specified value is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies the value corresponding to the Validate Connection attribute in the ConnectionString property.

7-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

// C# public bool ValidateConnection{get; set;}

Property Value A bool that represents the value of the supplied attribute. Remarks When an OracleConnectionStringBuilder instance is created, this property is set to the default value of the corresponding connection string attribute.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This property specifies a collection of values contained in the Connection String Builder. Declaration
// C# public override ICollection Values{get;}

Property Value Returns an ICollection that represents the values in the Connection String Builder. Remarks The order of the values in the ICollection is unspecified, but is the same as the associated attributes in the ICollection returned by the Keys property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-31

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods

OracleConnectionStringBuilder public methods are listed in Table 79.
Table 79 Methods Add Clear ContainsKey EquivalentTo Remove ShouldSerialize ToString TryGetValue OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Clears the connection string contents Indicates whether or not a specific attribute in the connection string is supported by ODP.NET Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Removes the entry corresponding to the specified attribute from the connection string Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder Returns the value corresponding to the supplied attribute, as an output parameter

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This method clears the connection string contents. Declaration
// C# public override void Clear();

Remarks All key/value pairs are removed from the OracleConnectionStringBuilder object and the ConnectionString property is set to Empty.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This method indicates whether or not a specific attribute in the connection string is supported by ODP.NET.
7-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class

// C# public override bool ContainsKey(string keyword);

Parameters keyword The attribute being verified. Return Value Returns true if the specified attribute exists; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified attribute is null. Remarks This method indicates if the attribute is part of the provider-supported attributes. It does not indicate if the user added the attribute to the connection string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

This method removes the entry corresponding to the specified attribute from the connection string. Declaration
// C# public override bool Remove(string keyword);

Parameters keyword The attribute that specifies the entry to be removed. Return Value Returns true if the attribute existed in the connection string and the corresponding entry was removed; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified attribute is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-33

OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods

This method returns the value corresponding to the supplied attribute, as an output parameter. Declaration
// C# public override bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value);

Parameters keyword The attribute for which the value is being retrieved.

value The value of the supplied attribute. Sets value to the default value if the attribute is not present in the connection string.

Return Value Returns true if the value that corresponds to the attribute has been successfully retrieved; otherwise, returns false. If the attribute is not present in the connection string, returns false and sets the value to null. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The specified attribute is null. Remarks If the function returns false, sets value to null. If the attribute is not present in the connection string, sets value to the default value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members

7-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class
An OracleDataSourceEnumerator object allows applications to generically obtain a collection of data sources to connect to. Supported Only in ADO.NET 2.0-Compliant ODP.NET Class Inheritance System.Object System.DbDataSourceEnumerator Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataSourceEnumerator Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleDataSourceEnumerator : DbDataSourceEnumerator

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using using using using System; System.Data; System.Data.Common; Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class DataSourceEnumSample { static void Main() { string ProviderName = "Oracle.DataAccess.Client"; DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName); if (factory.CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator) { DbDataSourceEnumerator dsenum = factory.CreateDataSourceEnumerator(); DataTable dt = dsenum.GetDataSources(); // Print the first column/row entry Console.WriteLine(dt.Columns[0] + " Console.WriteLine(dt.Columns[1] + " Console.WriteLine(dt.Columns[2] + " Console.WriteLine(dt.Columns[3] + " Console.WriteLine(dt.Columns[4] + " in the DataTable : " + dt.Rows[0][0]); : " + dt.Rows[0][1]); : " + dt.Rows[0][2]); : " + dt.Rows[0][3]); : " + dt.Rows[0][4]);

} else Console.Write("Data source enumeration is not supported by provider"); } }

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-35

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Members OracleDataSourceEnumerator Public Methods

7-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Members
OracleDataSourceEnumerator members are listed in the following tables:

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Public Methods

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Public Methods are listed in Table 710.
Table 710 Method GetDataSources OracleDataSourceEnumerator Method Description Returns a DataTable object with information on all the TNS alias entries in the tnsnames.ora file

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class

ADO.NET 2.0 Classes 7-37

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Public Methods

OracleDataSourceEnumerator Public Methods

The OracleDataSourceEnumerator static method is listed in Table 711.
Table 711 Method GetDataSources OracleDataSourceEnumerator Method Description Returns a DataTable object with information on all the TNS alias entries in the tnsnames.ora file

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class OracleDataSourceEnumerator Members

This method returns a DataTable object with information on all the TNS alias entries in the tnsnames.ora file. Declaration
// C# public override DataTable GetDataSources();

Return Value A DataTable object. Remarks This method returns a DataTable object for each TNS Alias entry that exists in the tnsnames.ora file. If the tnsnames.ora file is not found, then the returned DataTable object is empty. The following columns are returned for each row, but only the InstanceName column is populated.

InstanceName (type: System.String) ServerName (type: System.String) ServiceName (type: System.String) Protocol (type: System.String) Port (type: System.String)
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class OracleDataSourceEnumerator Members

7-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Database Change Notification
This chapter describes Oracle Data Provider for .NET Change Notification Classes, Event Delegates, and Enumerations, which support Continuous Query Notification.

Database Change Notification is known as Continuous Query Notification in Oracle database documentation. "Database Change Notification Support" on page 3-67

See Also:

This chapter contains these topics:

OracleDependency Class OracleNotificationRequest Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OnChangeEventHandler Delegate OracleNotificationType Enumeration OracleNotificationSource Enumeration OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration

Database Change Notification 8-1

OracleDependency Class

OracleDependency Class
An OracleDependency class represents a dependency between an application and an Oracle database, enabling the application to get notifications whenever the data of interest or the state of the Oracle database changes. Class Inheritance System.Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDependency Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleDependency

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Members OracleDependency Constructors OracleDependency Static Fields OracleDependency Static Methods OracleDependency Methods OracleDependency Properties OracleDependency Events

8-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

OracleDependency Members
OracleDependency members are listed in the following tables:

OracleDependency Constructors
OracleDependency constructors are listed in Table 81.
Table 81 OracleDependency Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleDependency class (Overloaded)

Constructors OracleDependency Constructors

OracleDependency Static Fields

The OracleDependency static field is listed in Table 82.
Table 82 OracleDependency Static Field Description Indicates the port number that the notification listener listens on, for database notifications

Static Field Port

OracleDependency Static Methods

OracleDependency static methods are listed in Table 83.
Table 83 OracleDependency Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Returns an OracleDependency instance based on the specified unique identifier

Static Methods Equals GetOracleDependency

OracleDependency Properties
OracleDependency properties are listed in Table 84.
Table 84 Properties DataSource HasChanges Id IsEnabled QueryBasedNotification RegisteredQueryIDs RegisteredResources OracleDependency Properties Description Indicates the data source associated with the OracleDependency instance Indicates whether or not there is any change in the database associated with this dependency Represents the unique identifier for the OracleDependency instance Specifies whether or not the dependency is enabled between the application and the database Specifies whether the change notification registration is object-based or query-based Provides a list of CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_IDs Indicates the database resources that are registered in the notification registration

Database Change Notification 8-3

OracleDependency Members

Table 84 (Cont.) OracleDependency Properties Properties UserName Description Indicates the database user name associated with the OracleDependency instance

OracleDependency Methods
OracleDependency methods are listed in Table 85.
Table 85 Methods AddCommandDependency Equals GetHashCode GetType RemoveRegistration ToString OracleDependency Methods Description Binds the OracleDependency instance to the specified OracleCommand instance Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Removes the specified dependency between the application and the database Inherited from System.Object

OracleDependency Events
The OracleDependency event is listed in Table 86.
Table 86 Event OnChange OracleDependency Events Description An event that is sent when a database notification associated with the dependency is received from the database

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class

8-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

OracleDependency Constructors
OracleDependency constructors create instances of the OracleDependency class. Overload List: OracleDependency ( ) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleDependency class.

OracleDependency(OracleCommand) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleDependency class and binds it to the specified OracleCommand instance.

OracleDependency(OracleCommand, bool, int, bool) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleDependency class and binds it to the specified OracleCommand instance, specifying whether or not a notification is to be removed upon notification, the timeout value of the notification registration, and the persistence of the notification.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

OracleDependency ( )
This constructor creates an instance of the OracleDependency class. Declaration
// C# public OracleDependency ()

Remarks Using this constructor does not bind any OracleCommand to the newly constructed OracleDependency. Use the AddCommandDependency method to do so.

The dependency between the application and the database is not established when the OracleDependency instance is created. The dependency is established when the command that is associated with this dependency is executed.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleDependency class and binds it to an OracleCommand instance.
Database Change Notification 8-5

OracleDependency Constructors

// C# public OracleDependency (OracleCommand cmd)

Parameters cmd The command that the OracleDependecy object binds to. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The cmd parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The specified OracleCommand instance already contains a notification request. Remarks When this OracleDependency constructor binds the OracleCommand instance to an OracleDependency instance, it causes the creation of an OracleNotificationRequest instance and then sets that OracleNotificationRequest instance to the OracleCommand.Notification property. The Continuous Query Notification is registered with the database, when the command is executed. Any of the command execution methods (for example, ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteReader, and so on) will register the notification request. An OracleDependency may be bound to more than one OracleCommand. When one of these OracleCommand object statements is executed, the statement is registered with the associated OracleCommand. Although the registration happens on each OracleCommand separately, one OracleDependency can be responsible for detecting and sending notifications that occur for all OracleCommand objects that the OracleDependency is associated with. The OnChangeEventArgs that is passed to the application for the OnChange event provides information on what has changed in the database. The OracleNotificationRequest instance that is created by this constructor has the following default property values:

IsNotifiedOnce is set to the value True. Timeout is set to 50,000 seconds. IsPersistent is set to the value False, that is, the invalidation message is not persistent, but is stored in an in-memory queue before delivery.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

OracleDependency(OracleCommand, bool, int, bool)

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleDependency class and binds it to the specified OracleCommand instance, while specifying whether or not a registration is to be removed upon notification, the timeout value of the notification registration, and the persistence of the notification.

8-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

// C# public OracleDependency (OracleCommand cmd, bool isNotifiedOnce, long timeout, bool isPersistent)

Parameters cmd The command associated with the Continuous Query Notification request.

isNotifiedOnce An indicator that specifies whether or not the registration is removed automatically once the notification occurs.

timeout The amount of time, in seconds, that the registration stays active. When timeout is set to 0, the registration never expires. The valid values for timeout are between 0 and 4294967295.

isPersistent Indicates whether or not the invalidation message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery. If the isPersistent parameter is set to True, the message is queued persistently in the database and cannot be lost upon database failures or shutdowns. If the isPersistent property is set to False, the message is stored in an in-memory queue before delivery and might be lost. Database performance is faster if the message is stored in an in-memory queue rather than in the database queue.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The cmd parameter is null. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The specified timeout is invalid. InvalidOperationException - The specified OracleCommand instance already contains a notification request. Remarks When this OracleDependency constructor binds the OracleCommand instance to an OracleDependency instance, it causes the creation of an OracleNotificationRequest instance and then sets that OracleNotificationRequest instance to the OracleCommand.Notification property. The Continuous Query Notification is registered with the database, when the command is executed. Any of the command execution methods (for example, ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteReader, and so on) will register the notification request. An OracleDependency may be bound to more than one OracleCommand. When one of these OracleCommand object statements is executed, the statement is registered with the associated OracleCommand. Although the registration happens on each OracleCommand separately, one OracleDependency can be responsible for detecting and sending notifications that occur for all OracleCommand objects that the OracleDependency is associated with. The OnChangeEventArgs that is passed to the application for the OnChange event provides information on what has changed in the database.

Database Change Notification 8-7

OracleDependency Constructors

The OracleNotificationRequest instance that is created by this constructor has the following default property values:

IsNotifiedOnce is set to the specified value. Timeout is set to the specified value. IsPersistent is set to the specified value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

8-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

OracleDependency Static Fields

The OracleDependency static field is listed in Table 87.
Table 87 OracleDependency Static Field Description Indicates the port number that the notification listener listens on, for database notifications

Static Field Port

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This static field indicates the port number that the notification listener listens on, for database notifications. Declaration
// C# public static int Port{get; set}

Property Value An int value that represents the number of the port that listens for the database notifications. If the port number is set to -1, a random port number is assigned for the listener when the listener is started. Otherwise, the specified port number is used to start the listener. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The port number is set to a negative value. InvalidOperationException - The port number is being changed after the listener has started. Remarks The port number specified by the OracleDependency.Port static field is used by the notification listener that runs within the same application domain as ODP.NET. This port number receives Continuous Query Notifications from the database. One notification listener is capable of listening to all Continuous Query Notifications and therefore, only one notification listener is created for each application domain. The notification listener is created when a command associated with an OracleDependency object is executed for the first time during the application domain lifetime. The port number specified for the OracleDependency.Port static field is used by the listener for its lifetime. The OracleDependency.Port static field can be changed after the creation of the notification listener, but doing so does not affect the actual port number that the notification listener listens on.

Database Change Notification 8-9

OracleDependency Static Fields

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

8-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

OracleDependency Static Methods

OracleDependency static methods are listed in Table 88.
Table 88 OracleDependency Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Returns an OracleDependency instance based on the specified unique identifier

Static Methods Equals GetOracleDependency

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This static method returns an OracleDependency instance based on the specified unique identifier. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDependency GetOracleDependency(string guid)

Parameters guid The string representation of the unique identifier of an OracleDependency instance. Exceptions ArgumentException - The specified unique identifier cannot locate an OracleDependency instance. Return Value An OracleDependency instance that has the specified guid parameter.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

Database Change Notification


OracleDependency Properties

OracleDependency Properties
OracleDependency properties are listed in Table 89.
Table 89 Properties DataSource HasChanges Id IsEnabled QueryBasedNotification RegisteredQueryIDs RegisteredResources UserName OracleDependency Properties Description Indicates the data source associated with the OracleDependency instance Indicates whether or not there is any change in the database associated with this dependency Represents the unique identifier for the OracleDependency instance Specifies whether or not the dependency is enabled between the application and the database Specifies whether the change notification registration is object-based or query-based Provides a list of CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_IDs Indicates the database resources that are registered in the notification registration Indicates the database user name associated with the OracleDependency instance

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This property indicates the data source associated with the OracleDependency instance. Declaration
// C# public string DataSource{get;}

Property Value A string that indicates the data source associated with the OracleDependency instance. Remarks The DataSource property is populated with the data source once the OracleCommand associated with the OracleDependency executes and registers for the notification successfully.

8-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This property indicates whether or not there is any change in the database associated with this dependency. Declaration
// C# public bool HasChanges{get;}

Property Value A bool value that returns True if the database has detected changes that are associated with this dependency; otherwise, returns False. Remarks As an alternative to using the OnChange event, applications can check the HasChanges property to determine if there are any changes in the database associated with this dependency. Once the HasChanges property is accessed, its value is reset to False so that the next notification can then be acknowledged.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This property represents the unique identifier for the OracleDependency instance. Declaration
// C# public string Id{get;}

Property Value A string that represents the unique identifier that was generated for the OracleDependency instance when it was created. Remarks This property is set when the OracleDependency instance is created.

Database Change Notification


OracleDependency Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This property specifies whether or not the dependency is enabled between the application and the database. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEnabled {get;}

Property Value A bool value that specifies whether or not dependency is enabled between the application and the database. Remarks The dependency between the application and the database is not established when the OracleDependency instance is created. The dependency is established when the command that is associated with this dependency is executed, at which time the notification request is registered with the database. The dependency ends when the notification registration is removed from the database or when it times out.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This instance property specifies whether the change notification registration is object-based or query-based. Declaration
// C# public bool QueryBasedNotification{get; set;}

Property Value Specifies whether the change notification registration is object-based or not. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks This property value will be ignored if it is set after the command execution that registers the command for change notification. By default, this property is true.

8-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

ODP.NET developers can register their queries on the row level, not just the object level, beginning with Oracle Data Provider for .NET release 11.1 and Oracle Database 11g release 1 (11.1). The application only receives notification when the selected row or rows change. Query-based notifications provide developers more granularity for using client-side cached data, as they can be more specific about what changes the application needs to be notified of. OracleNotificationType enumeration is set to Query for query-based notifications.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This instance property provides a list of CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_IDs. Declaration
// C# public ArrayList RegisteredQueryIDs {get;}

Property Value This property is an ArrayList of CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_IDs. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks This property provides a list of CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_IDs that uniquely identify the query that has been registered for change notification. The notification returned from the database will also contain these IDs, allowing applications to determine the query that the notifications are for. The QueryId at index n in RegisteredQueryIDs is for the statement at index n the RegisteredResources at index n.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This property indicates the database resources that are registered in the notification registration. Declaration
// C# public ArrayList RegisteredResources{get;}

Database Change Notification


OracleDependency Properties

Property Value The registered resources in the notification registration. Remarks The ArrayList contains all the command statement or statements that are registered for notification through this OracleDependency object. It is appropriately updated when the Continuous Query Notification is registered by a command execution.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This property indicates the database user name associated with the OracleDependency instance. Declaration
// C# public string UserName{get;}

Property Value A string that indicates the database user name associated with the OracleDependency instance. This database user registers the Continuous Query Notification request with the database. Remarks The UserName property is populated with the user name once the OracleCommand associated with the OracleDependency executes and registers for the notification successfully. Only the database user who creates the notification registration, or the database system administrator, can remove the registration. The user specified by this property must have the CHANGE NOTIFICATION privilege to register successfully for the Continuous Query Notification with the database.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

8-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

OracleDependency Methods
OracleDependency methods are listed in Table 810.
Table 810 Methods AddCommandDependency Equals GetHashCode GetType RemoveRegistration ToString OracleDependency Methods Description Binds the OracleDependency instance to the specified OracleCommand instance Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Removes the specified dependency between the application and the database Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

This instance method binds the OracleDependency instance to the specified OracleCommand instance. Declaration
// C# Public void AddCommandDependency (OracleCommand cmd);

Parameters cmd The command that is to be bound to the OracleDependency object. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The cmd parameter is null. InvalidOperationException - The specified OracleCommand instance already contains a notification request. Remarks An OracleDependency instance can bind to multiple OracleCommand instances. While it binds an existing OracleDependency instance to an OracleCommand instance, the AddCommandDependency method creates an OracleNotificationRequest instance, and sets it to the specified OracleCommand.Notification property. When this method creates an OracleNotificationRequest instance, the following OracleNotificationRequest properties are set:

Database Change Notification


OracleDependency Methods

IsNotifiedOnce is set to the value True. Timeout is set to 50,000 seconds. IsPersistent is set to the value False, indicating that the invalidation message is stored in an in-memory queue before delivery.

With this method, multiple commands can be associated with a single Continuous Query Notification registration request. Furthermore, the OracleNotificationRequest attribute values assigned to the OracleCommand can be changed once the association between the OracleCommand and the OracleDependency is established. However, when multiple OracleCommand objects are associated with a single OracleDependency object, the OracleNotificationRequest attributes (Timeout, IsPersistent, and IsNotifiedOnce) of the first executed OracleCommand object are used for registration, the attributes associated with subsequent OracleCommand executions will be ignored. Furthermore, once a command associated with an OracleDependency is executed and registered, all other subsequent command executions and registration associated with the same OracleDependency must use a connection with the same "User Id" and "Data Source" connection string attribute value settings. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members "OracleDependency(OracleCommand)" on page 8-5 for OracleNotificationRequest property value

This instance method removes the specified dependency between the application and the database. Once the registration of the dependency is removed from the database, the OracleDependency is no longer able to detect any changes that the database undergoes. Declaration
// C# public void RemoveRegistration(OracleConnection con)

Parameters con The connection associated with the OracleDependency instance. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The associated connection is not open. Remarks The notification registration associated with the OracleDependency instance is removed from the database.

8-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDependency Class

The OracleConnection parameter must be in an opened state. This instance method does not open the connection implicitly for the application. An exception is thrown if the dependency is not valid.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

Database Change Notification


OracleDependency Events

OracleDependency Events
The OracleDependency event is listed in Table 811.
Table 811 Event OnChange OracleDependency Event Description An event that is sent when a database notification associated with the dependency is received from the database

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

The OnChange event is sent when a database notification associated with the dependency is received from the database. The information related to the notification is stored in the OracleChangeNotificationEventArgs class. Declaration
// C# public event OnChangeEventHandler OnChange;

Remarks The OnChange event occurs if any result set associated with the dependency changes. For objects that are part of a Transaction, notifications will be received for each modified object. This event also occurs for other actions related to database or registration status, such as database shutdowns and startups, or registration timeouts.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleDependency Class OracleDependency Members

8-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationRequest Class

OracleNotificationRequest Class
An OracleNotificationRequest class represents a notification request to be subscribed in the database. It contains information about the request and the characteristics of the notification. Using the OracleNotificationRequest class, Oracle Data Provider for .NET can create the notification registration in the database. Class Inheritance System.Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleNotificationRequest Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleNotificationRequest

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Static Methods OracleNotificationRequest Properties OracleNotificationRequest Methods

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationRequest Members

OracleNotificationRequest Members
OracleNotificationRequest members are listed in the following tables:

OracleNotificationRequest Static Method

The OracleNotificationRequest static method is listed in Table 812.
Table 812 OracleNotificationRequest Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object

Static Method Equals

OracleNotificationRequest Properties
OracleNotificationRequest properties are listed in Table 813.
Table 813 Properties IsNotifiedOnce IsPersistent Timeout OracleNotificationRequest Properties Description Indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification Indicates whether or not the invalidation message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery Specifies the time that the registration remains alive

OracleNotificationRequest Methods
OracleNotificationRequest methods are listed in Table 814.
Table 814 Methods Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleNotificationRequest Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

8-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationRequest Class

OracleNotificationRequest Static Methods

The OracleNotificationRequest static method is listed in Table 815.
Table 815 OracleNotificationRequest Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object

Static Method Equals

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationRequest Properties

OracleNotificationRequest Properties
The OracleNotificationRequest properties are listed in Table 816.
Table 816 Properties IsNotifiedOnce IsPersistent Timeout OracleNotificationRequest Properties Description Indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification Indicates whether or not the invalidation message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery Specifies the time that the registration remains alive

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

This property indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNotifiedOnce{get; set;}

Property Value A bool value that indicates whether or not the registration is to be removed upon notification. Remarks Default is true. Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

This property indicates whether or not the invalidation message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery. Declaration
// C# public bool IsPersistent{get; set;}

8-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationRequest Class

Property Value A bool value that indicates whether or not the invalidation message should be queued persistently in the database before delivery. When the IsPersistent property is set to True, the message is queued persistently in the database and cannot be lost upon database failures or shutdowns. When the IsPersistent property is set to False, the message is stored in an in-memory queue before delivery and could be lost. This property does not apply to NotificationRegistration which is always persistent. This property only applies to the notification message after it has been sent. Remarks Default is false. Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect. The database performs faster if the message is stored in an in-memory queue rather than a database queue.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

This property specifies the time, in seconds, that the registration remains alive. Declaration
// C# public long Timeout{get; set}

Property Value A long value that specifies the time, in seconds, that the registration remains alive. The valid values for the Timeout property are between 0 and 4294967295. The default is 50000. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The specified Timeout is invalid. Remarks Modifying this property after the completion of a successful registration has no effect. When the Timeout property is set to 0, the registration does not expire. When the registration is removed because the registration has expired, the database sends a notification indicating the expiration.

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationRequest Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

8-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationRequest Class

OracleNotificationRequest Methods
OracleNotificationRequest methods are listed in Table 817.
Table 817 Methods Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleNotificationRequest Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationRequest Members OracleNotificationRequest Class

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class
The OracleNotificationEventArgs class provides event data for a notification. Class Inheritance System.Object System.EventArgs Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleNotificationEventArgs Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleNotificationEventArgs

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Members OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Fields OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Methods OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties OracleNotificationEventArgs Methods

8-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

OracleNotificationEventArgs Members
OracleNotificationEventArgs members are listed in the following tables:

OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Fields

The OracleNotificationEventArgs static field is listed in Table 818.
Table 818 Static Field Empty OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Field Description Inherited from System.EventArgs

OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleNotificationEventArgs static method is listed in Table 819.
Table 819 OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object

Static Method Equals

OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties
OracleNotificationEventArgs properties are listed in Table 820.
Table 820 Properties Details Info ResourceNames Source Type OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties Description Contains detailed information about the current notification Indicates the database events for the notification Indicates the database resources related to the current notification Returns the database event source for the notification Returns the database event type for the notification

OracleNotificationEventArgs Methods OracleNotificationEventArgs methods are listed in Table 821.

Table 821 Methods Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleNotificationEventArgs Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Fields

OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Fields

The OracleNotificationEventArgs static field is listed in Table 822.
Table 822 Static Field Empty OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Field Description Inherited from System.EventArgs

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members

8-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleNotificationEventArgs static method is listed in Table 823.
Table 823 OracleNotificationEventArgs Static Method Description Inherited from System.Object

Static Method Equals

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties

OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties
OracleNotificationEventArgs properties are listed in Table 824.
Table 824 Properties Details Info ResourceNames Source Type OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties Description Contains detailed information about the current notification Indicates the database events for the notification Indicates the database resources related to the current notification Returns the database event source for the notification Returns the database event type for the notification

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members

This property contains detailed information about the current notification. Declaration
// C# Public DataTable Details{get;}

Property Value A DataTable instance that contains detailed information about the current notification. Remarks The returned DataTable object contains column data about the current notification in order as shown in Table 825.
Table 825 Name ResourceName DataTable Object Column Data Type System.String Description The resource name of the invalidated object in the format <Schema_ name>.<object_name> The information about the database event that occurs on a resource The rowid for the invalidated table row The CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_ID

Info Rowid QueryId

OracleNotificationInfo System.String Int32

The QueryId column contains the CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_ID that corresponds to the pseudo-column that may have been retrieved by a SELECT statement at the time of the query-based notification. Also, the OracleDependency
8-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

object maintains all the CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_QUERY_IDs that are registered with it. For Continuous Query Notification:

The Details property indicates changes for each invalidated object in the notification in the data table. When the Rowid column is explicitly included in the statement, then the rowid information is populated into the Rowid column. However, if a lot of rows are modified in a table, then the whole table is invalidated, and rowid information is not provided. That means the Rowid column is set to Null. If the database event is related to a DDL change of the table or a table drop, then the Rowid column is set to Null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members

This property indicates the database events for the notification. Declaration
// C# public OracleNotificationInfo Info{get;}

Property Value An OracleNotificationInfo value that indicates the database event for the notification. Remarks The OracleNotificationInfo value is an enumeration type. If several events are received from the invalidation message, the Info property is set to one of the OracleNotificationInfo enumeration values associated with the database events. For example, if a table has been altered and a new row has been inserted into another table, the Info property is set to either OracleNotificationInfo.Altered or OracleNotificationInfo.Insert. To obtain more detailed information from the invalidation message, use the Details and the ResourceNames properties.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members "Details" on page 8-32 "ResourceNames" on page 8-34 "OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration" on page 8-41

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties

This property indicates the database resources related to the current notification. Declaration
// C# public string[] ResourceNames{get;}

Property Value A string array that indicates the database resources related to the current notification. Remarks For Continuous Query Notification, the ResourceNames property contains information about the invalidated object names in the format <schema_ name>.<object _name>. To obtain more detailed information about the changes for invalidated objects, use the Details property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members "Details" on page 8-32

This property returns the database event source for the notification. Declaration
// C# public OracleNotificationSource Source{get;}

Property Value The OracleNotificationSource value for the notification. Remarks The OracleNotificationSource value is an enumeration type. If several event sources are received from the notification message, the Source property is set to one of the OracleNotificationSource enumeration values related to the database event source. For example, if a table has been altered (by the ALTER TABLE command) and a new row has been inserted into the same table, the Source property is set to either OracleNotificationSource.Object or OracleNotificationSource.Data. For Continuous Query Notification:

When the Source property is set to OracleNotificationSource.Data: The Info property is set to one of the following: * * * OracleNotificationInfo.Insert OracleNotificationInfo.Delete OracleNotificationInfo.Update

8-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

The ResourceNames property is set, and the elements are set to the invalidated object names. The Details property contains detailed information on the change of each invalidated table.

When the Source property is set to OracleNotificationSource.Database: The Info property is set to one of the following: * * * * OracleNotificationInfo.Startup OracleNotificationInfo.Shutdown OracleNotificationInfo.Shutdown_Any OracleNotificationInfo.Dropped

When the Source property is set to OracleNotificationSource.Object: The Info property is set to either OracleNotificationInfo.Altered or OracleNotificationInfo.Dropped. The ResourceNames property is set, and the array elements of the ResourceNames property are set to the object names that have been altered or dropped. The Details property contains detailed information on the changes of the object.

When the Source property is set to OracleNotificationSource.Subscription: The Info property is set to the following: * OracleNotificationInfo.End

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members "OracleNotificationSource Enumeration" on page 8-40

This property returns the database event type for the notification. Declaration
// C# public OracleNotificationType Type{get;}

Property Value An OracleNotificationType enumeration value that represents the type of the database event notification. Remarks The OracleNotificationType value is an enumeration type. If several event types are received from the notification message, then the Type property is set to one of the OracleNotificationType enumeration values related to the database event type.

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationEventArgs Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members "OracleNotificationType Enumeration" on page 8-39

8-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationEventArgs Class

OracleNotificationEventArgs Methods
OracleNotificationEventArgs methods are listed in Table 826.
Table 826 Methods Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleNotificationEventArgs Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members

Database Change Notification


OnChangeEventHandler Delegate

OnChangeEventHandler Delegate
The OnChangeEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the notification. Declaration
// C# public delegate void OnChangeEventHandler(object sender, OracleNotificationEventArgs args);

Parameters sender The source of the event.

args The OracleNotificationEventArgs instance that contains the event data.

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class OracleNotificationEventArgs Members

8-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationType Enumeration

OracleNotificationType Enumeration
OracleNotificationType enumerated values specify the different types that cause the notification. Table 827 lists all the OracleNotificationType enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 827 OracleNotificationType Members Description A change occurs in the database. A change occurs in the subscription. A query-based change occurs in the database

Member Name Change Subscribe Query

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationSource Enumeration

OracleNotificationSource Enumeration
OracleNotificationSource enumerated values specify the different sources that cause notification. Table 828 lists all the OracleNotificationSource enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 828 OracleNotificationSource Members Description The data in a table has changed. A database event such as a database startup or shutdown occurs. A database object is altered or dropped. The subscription is changed.

Member Name Data Database Object Subscription

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3

8-40 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration

OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration
OracleNotificationInfo enumerated values specify the database event that causes the notification. Table 829 lists all the OracleNotificationInfo enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 829 OracleNotificationInfo Members Description A row is inserted. A row is deleted. A row is updated. A database starts. A database shuts down. A database instance in a Real Application Cluster (RAC) environment shuts down. An object is altered. An object or database is dropped. A registration is removed. A notification error occurs.

Member Name Insert Delete Update Startup Shutdown Shutdown_Any Alter Drop End Error

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3

Database Change Notification


OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration

8-42 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes
This chapter describes the ODP.NET globalization classes. This chapter contains these topics:

OracleGlobalization Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-1

OracleGlobalization Class

OracleGlobalization Class
The OracleGlobalization class is used to obtain and set the Oracle globalization settings of the session, thread, and local computer (read-only). Class Inheritance System.Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleGlobalization Declaration
public sealed class OracleGlobalization : ICloneable, IDisposable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks An exception is thrown for invalid property values. All newly set property values are validated, except the TimeZone property. Changing the OracleGlobalization object properties does not change the globalization settings of the session or the thread. Either the SetSessionInfo method of the OracleConnection object or the SetThreadInfo method of the OracleGlobalization object must be called to alter the session's and thread's globalization settings, respectively. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleGlobalizationSample { static void Main() { // Get thread's globalization info OracleGlobalization glob = OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); // Set language on thread's globalization info glob.Language = "FRENCH"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(glob); OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(glob); // Prints "glob.Language = FRENCH" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); glob.Dispose(); } }

9-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Members OracleGlobalization Static Methods OracleGlobalization Properties OracleGlobalization Public Methods Oracle Database SQL Language Reference Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-3

OracleGlobalization Members

OracleGlobalization Members
OracleGlobalization members are listed in the following tables: OracleGlobalization Static Methods The OracleGlobalization static methods are listed in Table 91.
Table 91 Name GetClientInfo GetThreadInfo OracleGlobalization Static Methods Description Returns an OracleGlobalization object that represents the Oracle globalization settings of the local computer (Overloaded) Returns or refreshes an OracleGlobalization instance that represents Oracle globalization settings of the current thread (Overloaded) Sets Oracle globalization parameters to the current thread


OracleGlobalization Properties
The OracleGlobalization properties are listed in Table 92.
Table 92 Name Calendar ClientCharacterSet Comparison Currency DateFormat DateLanguage DualCurrency ISOCurrency Language LengthSemantics NCharConversionException NumericCharacters Sort Territory TimeStampFormat TimeStampTZFormat TimeZone OracleGlobalization Properties Description Specifies the calendar system Specifies a client character set Specifies a method of comparison for WHERE clauses and comparison in PL/SQL blocks Specifies the string to use as a local currency symbol for the L number format element Specifies the date format for Oracle Date type as a string Specifies the language used to spell day and month names and date abbreviations Specifies the dual currency symbol, such as Euro, for the U number format element Specifies the string to use as an international currency symbol for the C number format element Specifies the default language of the database Enables creation of CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns using either byte or character (default) length semantics Determines whether or not data loss during an implicit or explicit character type conversion reports an error Specifies the characters used for the decimal character and the group separator character for numeric values in strings Specifies the collating sequence for ORDER by clause Specifies the name of the territory Specifies the string format for TimeStamp types Specifies the string format for TimeStampTZ types Specifies the time zone region name

9-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

OracleGlobalization Public Methods

OracleGlobalization public methods are listed in Table 96.
Table 93 OracleGlobalization Public Methods Description Creates a copy of an OracleGlobalization object Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component

Public Method Clone Dispose

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-5

OracleGlobalization Static Methods

OracleGlobalization Static Methods

The OracleGlobalization static methods are listed in Table 94.
Table 94 Name GetClientInfo GetThreadInfo OracleGlobalization Static Methods Description Returns an OracleGlobalization object that represents the Oracle globalization settings of the local computer (Overloaded) Returns or refreshes an OracleGlobalization instance that represents Oracle globalization settings of the current thread (Overloaded) Sets Oracle globalization parameters to the current thread


See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

GetClientInfo returns an OracleGlobalization object instance that represents the Oracle globalization settings of the local computer. Overload List: GetClientInfo() This method returns an OracleGlobalization instance that represents the globalization settings of the local computer.

GetClientInfo(OracleGlobalization) This method refreshes the provided OracleGlobalization object with the globalization settings of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This method returns an OracleGlobalization instance that represents the globalization settings of the local computer. Declaration
// C# public static OracleGlobalization GetClientInfo();

Return Value An OracleGlobalization instance.

9-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class GetClientInfoSample { static void Main() { // Get client's globalization info OracleGlobalization glob = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); glob.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This method refreshes the provided OracleGlobalization object with the globalization settings of the local computer. Declaration
// C# public static void GetClientInfo(OracleGlobalization oraGlob);

Parameters oraGlob The OracleGlobalization object being updated. Example

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class GetClientInfoSample { static void Main() { // Get client's globalization info OracleGlobalization glob = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); // Get client's globalization info using overload OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(glob);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-7

OracleGlobalization Static Methods

// Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); glob.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

GetThreadInfo returns or refreshes an OracleGlobalization instance. Overload List: GetThreadInfo() This method returns an OracleGlobalization object instance of the current thread.

GetThreadInfo(OracleGlobalization) This method refreshes the OracleGlobalization object instance with the globalization settings of the current thread.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This method returns an OracleGlobalization instance of the current thread. Declaration
// C# public static OracleGlobalization GetThreadInfo();

Return Value An OracleGlobalization instance. Remarks Initially, GetThreadInfo() returns an OracleGlobalization object that has the same property values as that returned by GetClientInfo(), unless the application changes it by invoking SetThreadInfo(). Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

9-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

class GetThreadInfoSample { static void Main() { // Get thread's globalization info OracleGlobalization glob = OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); // Get thread's globalization info using overloaded OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(glob); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); glob.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This method refreshes the OracleGlobalization object with the globalization settings of the current thread. Declaration
// C# public static void GetThreadInfo(OracleGlobalization oraGlob);

Parameters oraGlob The OracleGlobalization object being updated. Remarks Initially GetThreadInfo() returns an OracleGlobalization object that has the same property values as that returned by GetClientInfo(), unless the application changes it by invoking SetThreadInfo(). Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class GetThreadInfoSample { static void Main() { // Get thread's globalization info

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-9

OracleGlobalization Static Methods

OracleGlobalization glob = OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); // Get thread's globalization info using overloaded OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(glob); // Prints "glob.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob.Language = " + glob.Language); glob.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This method sets Oracle globalization parameters to the current thread. Declaration
// C# public static void SetThreadInfo(OracleGlobalization oraGlob);

Parameters oraGlob An OracleGlobalization object. Remarks Any .NET string conversions to and from ODP.NET Types, as well as ODP.NET Type constructors, use the globalization property values where applicable. For example, when constructing an OracleDate structure from a .NET string, that string is expected to be in the format specified by the OracleGlobalization.DateFormat property of the thread. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class SetThreadInfoSample { static void Main() { // Get thread's globalization info OracleGlobalization glob1 = OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(); // Prints "glob1.Language = AMERICAN" Console.WriteLine("glob1.Language = " + glob1.Language);

9-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

// Set language on thread's globalization info glob1.Language = "FRENCH"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(glob1); OracleGlobalization glob2 = OracleGlobalization.GetThreadInfo(); // Prints "glob2.Language = FRENCH" Console.WriteLine("glob2.Language = " + glob2.Language); glob1.Dispose(); glob2.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-11

OracleGlobalization Properties

OracleGlobalization Properties
The OracleGlobalization properties are listed in Table 95.
Table 95 Name Calendar ClientCharacterSet Comparison Currency DateFormat DateLanguage DualCurrency ISOCurrency Language LengthSemantics OracleGlobalization Properties Description Specifies the calendar system Specifies a client character set Specifies a method of comparison for WHERE clauses and comparison in PL/SQL blocks Specifies the string to use as a local currency symbol for the L number format element Specifies the date format for Oracle Date type as a string Specifies the language used to spell day and month names and date abbreviations Specifies the dual currency symbol, such as Euro, for the U number format element Specifies the string to use as an international currency symbol for the C number format element Specifies the default language of the database Enables creation of CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns using either byte or character (default) length semantics Determines whether or not data loss during an implicit or explicit character type conversion reports an error Specifies the characters used for the decimal character and the group separator character for numeric values in strings Specifies the collating sequence for ORDER by clause Specifies the name of the territory Specifies the string format for TimeStamp types Specifies the string format for TimeStampTZ types Specifies the time zone region name

NCharConversionException NumericCharacters

Sort Territory TimeStampFormat TimeStampTZFormat TimeZone

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the calendar system. Declaration
// C# public string Calendar {get; set;}

9-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

Property Value A string representing the Calendar. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_CALENDAR setting of the local computer. This value is the same regardless of whether or not the OracleGlobalization object represents the settings of the client, thread, or session.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies a client character set. Declaration
// C# public string ClientCharacterSet {get;}

Property Value A string that the provides the name of the character set of the local computer. Remarks The default value is the character set of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property represents a method of comparison for WHERE clauses and comparison in PL/SQL blocks. Declaration
// C# public string Comparison {get; set;}

Property Value A string that provides the name of the method of comparison. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-13

OracleGlobalization Properties

Remarks The default value is the NLS_COMP setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the string to use as a local currency symbol for the L number format element. Declaration
// C# public string Currency {get; set;}

Property Value The string to use as a local currency symbol for the L number format element. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_CURRENCY setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on the L number format element

This property specifies the date format for Oracle Date type as a string. Declaration
// C# public string DateFormat {get; set;}

Property Value The date format for Oracle Date type as a string Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting of the local computer.

9-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the language used to spell names of days and months, and date abbreviations (for example: a.m., p.m., AD, BC). Declaration
// C# public string DateLanguage {get; set;}

Property Value A string specifying the language. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the dual currency symbol, such as Euro, for the U number format element. Declaration
// C# public string DualCurrency {get; set;}

Property Value A string that provides the dual currency symbol. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY setting of the local computer.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-15

OracleGlobalization Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on the U number format element

This property specifies the string to use as an international currency symbol for the C number format element. Declaration
// C# public string ISOCurrency {get; set;}

Property Value The string used as an international currency symbol. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_ISO_CURRENCY setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on the C number format element

This property specifies the default language of the database. Declaration
// C# public string Language {get; set;}

Property Value The default language of the database. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_LANGUAGE setting of the local computer.

9-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

Language is used for messages, day and month names, and sorting algorithms. It also determines NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE and NLS_SORT parameter values.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property indicates whether or not CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns use byte or character (default) length semantics. Declaration
// C# public string LengthSemantics {get; set;}

Property Value A string that indicates either byte or character length semantics. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property determines whether or not data loss during an implicit or explicit character type conversion reports an error. Declaration
// C# public bool NCharConversionException {get; set;}

Property Value A string that indicates whether or not a character type conversion causes an error message. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value of NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP is False, unless it is overridden by a setting in the INIT.ORA file.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-17

OracleGlobalization Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the characters used for the decimal character and the group separator character for numeric values in strings. Declaration
// C# public string NumericCharacters {get; set;}

Property Value A string that represents the characters used. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the collating sequence for ORDER by clause. Declaration
// C# public string Sort {get; set;}

Property Value A string that indicates the collating sequence. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_SORT setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

9-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

This property specifies the name of the territory. Declaration
// C# public string Territory {get; set;}

Property Value A string that provides the name of the territory. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_TERRITORY setting of the local computer. Changing this property changes other globalization properties.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.

This property specifies the string format for TimeStamp types. Declaration
// C# public string TimeStampFormat {get; set;}

Property Value The string format for TimeStamp types. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the string format for TimeStampTZ types.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-19

OracleGlobalization Properties

// C# public string TimeStampTZFormat {get; set;}

Property Value The string format for TimeStampTZ types. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT setting of the local computer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This property specifies the time zone region name or hour offset. Declaration
// C# public string TimeZone {get; set;}

Property Value The string represents the time zone region name or the time zone offset. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks The default value is the time zone region name of the local computer TimeZone is only used when the thread constructs one of the TimeStamp structures. TimeZone has no effect on the session. TimeZone can be either an hour offset, for example, 7:00, or a valid time zone region name that is provided in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES, such as US/Pacific. Time zone abbreviations are not supported.

PST is a time zone region name as well as a time zone abbreviation; therefore it is accepted by OracleGlobalization.

This property returns an empty string if the OracleGlobalization object is obtained using GetSessionInfo() or GetSessionInfo(OracleGlobalization). Initially, by default, the time zone of the session is identical to the time zone of the thread. Therefore, given that the session time zone is not changed by invoking ALTER SESSION calls, the session time zone can be fetched from the client's globalization settings.

9-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleGlobalization Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes 9-21

OracleGlobalization Public Methods

OracleGlobalization Public Methods

OracleGlobalization public methods are listed in Table 96.
Table 96 OracleGlobalization Public Methods Description Creates a copy of an OracleGlobalization object Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component

Public Method Clone Dispose

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

This method creates a copy of an OracleGlobalization object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleGlobalization object. Implements ICloneable Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleGlobalization Class OracleGlobalization Members

9-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes
This chapter describes the ODP.NET failover classes and enumerations. This chapter contains these topics:

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate FailoverEvent Enumeration FailoverReturnCode Enumeration FailoverType Enumeration

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes 10-1

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class
The OracleFailoverEventArgs class provides event data for the OracleConnection.Failover event. When database failover occurs, the OracleConnection.Failover event is triggered along with the OracleFailoverEventArgs object that stores the event data. Class Inheritance System.Object System.EventArgs Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleFailoverEventArgs Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleFailoverEventArgs

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example (Oracle.DataAccess.Client only)
// Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Setup // Refer Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide // C# using using using using System; System.Threading; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class FailoverSample { static void Main(string[] args) { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Register the event handler OnFailover con.Failover += new OracleFailoverEventHandler(OnFailover); Console.WriteLine("Wait for a failover for 5 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(5000); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } // TAF callback function static FailoverReturnCode OnFailover(object sender, OracleFailoverEventArgs eventArgs) { switch (eventArgs.FailoverEvent)

10-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class

{ case FailoverEvent.Begin: { Console.WriteLine("FailoverEvent.Begin - Failover is starting"); Console.WriteLine("FailoverType = " + eventArgs.FailoverType); break; } case FailoverEvent.End: { Console.WriteLine("FailoverEvent.End - Failover was successful"); break; } case FailoverEvent.Reauth: { Console.WriteLine("FailoverEvent.Reauth - User reauthenticated"); break; } case FailoverEvent.Error: { Console.WriteLine("FailoverEvent.Error - Failover was unsuccessful"); // Sleep for 3 sec and Retry Thread.Sleep(3000); return FailoverReturnCode.Retry; } case FailoverEvent.Abort: { Console.WriteLine("FailoverEvent.Abort - Failover was unsuccessful"); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Invalid FailoverEvent : " + eventArgs.FailoverEvent); break; } } return FailoverReturnCode.Success; } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes 10-3

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Members OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods "OracleConnection Class" on page 5-65 Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide

10-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class

OracleFailoverEventArgs Members
OracleFailoverEventArgs members are listed in the following tables:

OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleFailoverEventArgs static methods are listed in Table 101.
Table 101 Methods Equals OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties The OracleFailoverEventArgs properties are listed in Table 102.

Table 102 Name FailoverType FailoverEvent OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the type of failover the client has requested Indicates the state of the failover

OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleFailoverEventArgs public methods are listed in Table 103.
Table 103 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class "FailoverType Enumeration" on page 10-12

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes 10-5

OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods

OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods

The OracleFailoverEventArgs static methods are listed in Table 101.
Table 104 Methods Equals OracleFailoverEventArgs Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventArgs Members

10-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleFailoverEventArgs Class

OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties
The OracleFailoverEventArgs properties are listed in Table 105.
Table 105 Name FailoverType FailoverEvent OracleFailoverEventArgs Properties Description Specifies the type of failover the client has requested Indicates the state of the failover

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventArgs Members

This property indicates the state of the failover. Declaration
// C# public FailoverType FailoverType {get;}

Property Value A FailoverType enumeration value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventArgs Members "FailoverType Enumeration" on page 10-12

This property indicates the state of the failover. Declaration
// C# public FailoverEvent FailoverEvent {get;}

Property Value A FailoverEvent enumerated value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventArgs Members "FailoverEvent Enumeration" on page 10-10

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes 10-7

OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods

OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods

The OracleFailoverEventArgs public methods are listed in Table 106.
Table 106 Name Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleFailoverEventArgs Public Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventArgs Members

10-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate

OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate
The OracleFailoverEventHandler represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleConnection.Failover event. Declaration
// C# public delegate FailoverReturnCode OracleFailoverEventHandler(object sender, OracleFailoverEventArgs eventArgs);

Parameter sender The source of the event.

eventArgs The OracleFailoverEventArgs object that contains the event data.

Return Type An int. Remarks To receive failover notifications, a callback function can be registered as follows:
ConObj.Failover += new OracleFailoverEventHandler(OnFailover);

The definition of the callback function OnFailover can be as follows:

public FailoverReturnCode OnFailover(object sender, OracleFailoverEventArgs eventArgs)

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0 Comment: Not supported in a .NET stored procedure
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Client Namespace" on page 1-3 OracleFailoverEventArgs Class OracleFailoverEventArgs Members "Failover" on page 5-107

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes 10-9

FailoverEvent Enumeration

FailoverEvent Enumeration
FailoverEvent enumerated values are used to specify the state of the failover. Table 107 lists all the FailoverEvent enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 107 FailoverEvent Enumeration Values Description Indicates that failover has detected a lost connection and that failover is starting. Indicates successful completion of failover. Indicates that failover was unsuccessful, and there is no option of retrying. Indicates that failover was unsuccessful, and it gives the application the opportunity to handle the error and retry failover. The application can retry failover by returning FailoverReturnCode.Retry for the event notification.

Member Names FailoverEvent.Begin FailoverEvent.End FailoverEvent.Abort FailoverEvent.Error

FailoverEvent.Reauth Indicates that a user handle has been reauthenticated. This applies to the situation where a client has multiple user sessions on a single server connection. During the initial failover, only the active user session is failed over. Other sessions are failed over when the application tries to use them. This is the value passed to the callback during these subsequent failovers.

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

FailoverEvent Enumeration on page 10-10 "OracleFailoverEventArgs Class" on page 10-2 "FailoverEvent" on page 10-7 Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide Oracle Net Services Reference Guide

10-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

FailoverReturnCode Enumeration

FailoverReturnCode Enumeration
FailoverReturnCode enumerated values are passed back by the application to the ODP.NET provider to request a retry in case of a failover error, or to continue in case of a successful failover. Table 108 lists the FailoverReturnCode enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 108 FailoverReturnCode Enumeration Values Description Requests ODP.NET to retry failover in case FailoverEvent.Error is passed to the application Requests ODP.NET to proceed so that the application receive more notifications, if any

Member Names FailoverReturnCode.Retry FailoverReturnCode.Success

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

FailoverEvent Enumeration on page 10-10 "OracleFailoverEventArgs Class" on page 10-2 "FailoverEvent" on page 10-7 Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide Oracle Net Services Reference Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes 10-11

FailoverType Enumeration

FailoverType Enumeration
FailoverType enumerated values are used to indicate the type of failover event that was raised. Table 109 lists all the FailoverType enumeration values with a description of each enumerated value.
Table 109 FailoverType Enumeration Values Description

Member Names

FailoverType.Session Indicates that the user has requested only session failover. FailoverType.Select Indicates that the user has requested select and session failover.

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Client Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

FailoverEvent Enumeration on page 10-10 "OracleFailoverEventArgs Class" on page 10-2 "FailoverType" on page 10-7 Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide Oracle Net Services Reference Guide

10-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes
This chapter describes the large object and REF CURSOR objects provided by Oracle Data Provider for .NET. This chapter contains these topics:

ODP.NET Types (ODP.NET LOB objects) consisting of these object classes:

OracleBFile Class OracleBlob Class OracleClob Class

OracleRefCursor Class

All offsets are 0-based for all ODP.NET LOB object parameters.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-1

OracleBFile Class

OracleBFile Class
An OracleBFile is an object that has a reference to BFILE data. It provides methods for performing operations on BFILEs.

OracleBFile is supported for applications running against Oracle8.x and later.

Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.IO.Stream Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBFile Declaration

// C# public sealed class OracleBFile : Stream, ICloneable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks OracleBFile is supported for applications running against Oracle8.x and later. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY MYDIR AS 'C:\TEMP'; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleBFileSample { static void Main() { // Create MYDIR directory object as indicated previously and create a file // MyFile.txt with the text ABCDABC under C:\TEMP directory. // Note that the byte representation of the ABCDABC is 65666768656667 string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open();

11-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

OracleBFile bFile = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt"); // Open the OracleBFile bFile.OpenFile(); // Read 7 bytes into readBuffer, starting at buffer offset 0 byte[] readBuffer = new byte[7]; int bytesRead = bFile.Read(readBuffer, 0, 7); // Prints "bytesRead = 7" Console.WriteLine("bytesRead

= " + bytesRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = 65666768656667" Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); // Search for the 2nd occurrence of a byte pattern {66,67} // starting from byte offset 1 in the OracleBFile byte[] pattern = new byte[2] {66, 67}; long posFound = bFile.Search(pattern, 1, 2); // Prints "posFound = 6" Console.WriteLine("posFound // Close the OracleBFile bFile.CloseFile(); bFile.Close(); bFile.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

= " + posFound);

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Members OracleBFile Constructors OracleBFile Static Fields OracleBFile Static Methods OracleBFile Instance Properties OracleBFile Instance Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-3

OracleBFile Members

OracleBFile Members
OracleBFile members are listed in the following tables:

OracleBFile Constructors
OracleBFile constructors are listed in Table 111.
Table 111 Constructor OracleBFile Constructors OracleBFile Constructors Description Creates an instance of the OracleBFile class (Overloaded)

OracleBFile Static Fields

OracleBFile static fields are listed in Table 112.
Table 112 Field MaxSize OracleBFile Static Fields Description The static field holds the maximum number of bytes a BFILE can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleBFile instance


OracleBFile Static Methods

OracleBFile static methods are listed in Table 113.
Table 113 Methods Equals OracleBFile Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleBFile Instance Properties

OracleBFile instance properties are listed in Table 114.
Table 114 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection DirectoryName FileExists FileName IsEmpty OracleBFile Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed Indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing Indicates the connection used to read from a BFILE Indicates the directory alias of the BFILE Indicates whether or not the specified BFILE exists Indicates the name of the BFILE Indicates whether the BFILE is empty or not

11-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

Table 114 (Cont.) OracleBFile Instance Properties Properties IsNull IsOpen Length Position Value Description Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether the BFILE has been opened by this instance or not Indicates the size of the BFILE data in bytes Indicates the current read position in the LOB stream Returns the data, starting from the first byte in BFILE, as a byte array

OracleBFile Instance Methods

OracleBFile instance methods are listed in Table 115.
Table 115 Methods BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close CloseFile Compare CreateObjRef CopyTo Dispose EndRead EndWrite Equals Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService IsEqual OpenFile Read ReadByte OracleBFile Instance Methods Description Inherited from System.IO.Stream Not Supported Creates a copy of an OracleBFile object Closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with the stream Closes the BFILE referenced by the current BFILE instance Compares data referenced by the two OracleBFiles Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Copies data as specified (Overloaded) Releases resources allocated by this object Inherited from System.IO.Stream Not Supported Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Compares the LOB references Opens the BFILE specified by the FileName and DirectoryName Reads a specified amount of bytes from the OracleBFile instance and populates the buffer Inherited from System.IO.Stream

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-5

OracleBFile Members

Table 115 (Cont.) OracleBFile Instance Methods Methods Search Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte Description Searches for a binary pattern in the current instance of an OracleBFile Sets the position on the current LOB stream Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Not Supported Not Supported

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Members

11-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

OracleBFile Constructors
OracleBFile constructors create new instances of the OracleBFile class. Overload List: OracleBFile(OracleConnection) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBFile class with an OracleConnection object.

OracleBFile(OracleConnection, string, string) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBFile class with an OracleConnection object, the location of the BFILE, and the name of the BFILE.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBFile class with an OracleConnection object. Declaration
// C# public OracleBFile(OracleConnection con);

Parameters con The OracleConnection object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The connection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleBFile does not open the connection implicitly.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

OracleBFile(OracleConnection, string, string)

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBFile class with an OracleConnection object, the location of the BFILE, and the name of the BFILE.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-7

OracleBFile Constructors

// C# public OracleBFile(OracleConnection con, string directoryName, string fileName);

Parameters con The OracleConnection object.

directoryName The directory alias created by the CREATE DIRECTORY SQL statement.

fileName The name of the external LOB.

Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The OracleConnection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleBFile does not open the connection implicitly. To initialize a BFILE column using an OracleBFile instance as an input parameter of a SQL INSERT statement, directoryName and fileName must be properly set.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

11-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

OracleBFile Static Fields

OracleBFile static fields are listed in Table 116.
Table 116 Field MaxSize Null OracleBFile Static Fields Description The static field holds the maximum number of bytes a BFILE can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleBFile instance

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This static field holds the maximum number of bytes a BFILE can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes. Declaration
// C# public static readonly Int64 MaxSize = 4294967295;

Remarks This field is useful in code that checks whether or not the operation exceeds the maximum length allowed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleBFile instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleBFile Null;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-9

OracleBFile Static Fields

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

11-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

OracleBFile Static Methods

OracleBFile static methods are listed in Table 117.
Table 117 Methods Equals OracleBFile Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-11

OracleBFile Instance Properties

OracleBFile Instance Properties

OracleBFile instance properties are listed in Table 118.
Table 118 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection DirectoryName FileExists FileName IsEmpty IsNull IsOpen Length Position Value OracleBFile Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed Indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing Indicates the connection used to read from a BFILE Indicates the directory alias of the BFILE Indicates whether or not the specified BFILE exists Indicates the name of the BFILE Indicates whether the BFILE is empty or not Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether the BFILE has been opened by this instance or not Indicates the size of the BFILE data in bytes Indicates the current read position in the LOB stream Returns the data, starting from the first byte in BFILE, as a byte array

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanRead{get;}

Property Value If the LOB stream can be read, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

11-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanSeek{get;}

Property Value If forward and backward seek operations can be performed, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanWrite{get;}

Property Value BFILE is read only. Remarks BFILE is read-only, therefore, the boolean value is always false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property indicates the connection used to read from a BFILE. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Property Value An object of OracleConnection.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-13

OracleBFile Instance Properties

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property indicates the directory alias of the BFILE. Declaration
// C# public string DirectoryName {get;set;}

Property Value A string. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The value of the DirectoryName changed while the BFILE is open. Remarks The maximum length of a DirectoryName is 30 bytes.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property indicates whether or not the BFILE specified by the DirectoryName and FileName exists. Declaration
// C# public bool FileExists {get;}

Property Value bool Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

11-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

Remarks Unless a connection, file name, and directory name are provided, this property is set to false by default.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property indicates the name of the BFILE. Declaration
// C# public string FileName {get;set}

Property Value A string that contains the BFILE name. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The value of the DirectoryName changed while the BFILE is open. Remarks The maximum length of a FileName is 255 bytes. Changing the FileName property while the BFILE object is opened causes an exception.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property indicates whether the BFILE is empty or not. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEmpty {get;}

Property Value bool Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-15

OracleBFile Instance Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property indicates whether the BFILE has been opened by this instance or not. Declaration
// C# public bool IsOpen {get;}

Property Value A bool.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates the size of the BFILE data in bytes. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Length {get;}

Property Value Int64

11-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates the current read position in the LOB stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Position{get; set;}

Property Value An Int64 value that indicates the read position. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The value is less than 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance property returns the data, starting from the first byte in BFILE, as a byte array. Declaration
// C# public byte[] Value{get;}

Property Value A byte array. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-17

OracleBFile Instance Properties

Remarks The length of data is bound by the maximum length of the byte array. The current value of the Position property is not used or changed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

11-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

OracleBFile Instance Methods

OracleBFile instance methods are listed in Table 119.
Table 119 Methods BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close CloseFile Compare CreateObjRef CopyTo Dispose EndRead EndWrite Equals Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService IsEqual OpenFile Read ReadByte Search Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte OracleBFile Instance Methods Description Inherited from System.IO.Stream Not Supported Creates a copy of an OracleBFile object Closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with the stream Closes the BFILE referenced by the current BFILE instance Compares data referenced by the two OracleBFiles Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Copies data as specified (Overloaded) Releases resources allocated by this object Inherited from System.IO.Stream Not Supported Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Compares the LOB references Opens the BFILE specified by the FileName and DirectoryName Reads a specified amount of bytes from the OracleBFile instance and populates the buffer Inherited from System.IO.Stream Searches for a binary pattern in the current instance of an OracleBFile Sets the position on the current LOB stream Not Supported Inherited from System.Object Not Supported Not Supported

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-19

OracleBFile Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method creates a copy of an OracleBFile object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleBFile object. Implements ICloneable Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY MYDIR AS 'C:\TEMP'; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CloneSample { static void Main() { // Create MYDIR directory object as indicated previously and create a file // MyFile.txt with the text ABCDABC under C:\TEMP directory. // Note that the byte representation of the ABCDABC is 65666768656667 string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBFile bFile1 = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt");

11-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

// Prints "bFile1.Position = 0" Console.WriteLine("bFile1.Position = " + bFile1.Position); // Set the Position before calling Clone() bFile1.Position = 1; // Clone the OracleBFile OracleBFile bFile2 = (OracleBFile) bFile1.Clone(); // Prints "bFile2.Position = 1" Console.WriteLine("bFile2.Position = " + bFile2.Position); bFile1.Close(); bFile1.Dispose(); bFile2.Close(); bFile2.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance method closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it. Declaration
// C# public override void Close();

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method closes the BFILE referenced by the current BFILE instance.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-21

OracleBFile Instance Methods

// C# public void CloseFile();

Remarks No error is returned if the BFILE exists, but is not opened.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method compares data referenced by the two OracleBFiles. Declaration
// C# public int Compare(Int64 src_offset, OracleBFile obj, Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The offset of the current instance.

obj The provided OracleBFile object.

dst_offset The offset of the OracleBFile object.

amount The number of bytes to compare.

Return Value Returns a number that is:

Less than zero: if the BFILE data of the current instance is less than that of the provided BFILE data. Zero: if both the BFILEs store the same data. Greater than zero: if the BFILE data of the current instance is greater than that of the provided BFILE data.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The src_offset, the dst_offset, or the amount is less than 0.

11-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

Remarks The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object. The BFILE needs to be opened using OpenFile before the operation. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY MYDIR AS 'C:\TEMP'; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CompareSample { static void Main() { // Create MYDIR directory object as indicated previously and create a file // MyFile.txt with the text ABCDABC under C:\TEMP directory. // Note that the byte representation of the ABCDABC is 65666768656667 string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBFile bFile1 = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt"); OracleBFile bFile2 = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt"); // Open the OracleBFiles bFile1.OpenFile(); bFile2.OpenFile(); // Compare 2 bytes from the 1st byte of bFile1 and // the 5th byte of bFile2 onwards int result = bFile1.Compare(1, bFile2, 5, 2); // Prints "result = 0" (Indicates the data is identical) Console.WriteLine("result = " + result); // Close the OracleBFiles bFile1.CloseFile(); bFile2.CloseFile(); bFile1.Close(); bFile1.Dispose(); bFile2.Close(); bFile2.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } } Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-23

OracleBFile Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

CopyTo copies data from the current instance to the provided object. Overload List: CopyTo(OracleBlob) This instance method copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleBlob object.

CopyTo(OracleBlob, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified destination offset.

CopyTo(Int64, OracleBlob, Int64, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and character amounts.

CopyTo(OracleClob) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleClob object.

CopyTo(OracleClob, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified destination offset.

CopyTo(Int64, OracleClob, Int64, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and amount of characters.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleBlob object. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleBlob obj);

11-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

Parameters obj The OracleBlob object to which the data is copied. Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

CopyTo(OracleBlob, Int64)
This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified destination offset. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleBlob obj, Int64 dst_offset);

Parameters obj The OracleBlob object to which the data is copied.

dst_offset The offset (in bytes) at which the OracleBlob object is copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The dst_offset is less than 0. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-25

OracleBFile Instance Methods

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleBlob data, spaces are written into the OracleBlob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

CopyTo(Int64, OracleBlob, Int64, Int64)

This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and character amounts. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(Int64 src_offset,OracleBlob obj,Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The offset (in bytes) in the current instance, from which the data is read.

obj An OracleBlob object to which the data is copied.

dst_offset The offset (in bytes) to which the OracleBlob object is copied.

amount The amount of data to be copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The src_offset, the dst_offset, or the amount is less than 0. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

11-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleBlob data, spaces are written into the OracleBlob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleClob object. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleClob obj);

Parameters obj The OracleClob object to which the data is copied. Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-27

OracleBFile Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

CopyTo(OracleClob, Int64)
This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified destination offset. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleClob obj, Int64 dst_offset);

Parameters obj The OracleClob object that the data is copied to.

dst_offset The offset (in characters) at which the OracleClob object is copied to.

Return Value The amount copied. Exceptions Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The dst_offset is less than 0. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleClob data, spaces are written into the OracleClob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

11-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

CopyTo(Int64, OracleClob, Int64, Int64)

This instance method copies data from the current OracleBFile instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and amount of characters. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(Int64 src_offset,OracleClob obj,Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The offset (in characters) in the current instance, from which the data is read.

obj An OracleClob object that the data is copied to.

dst_offset The offset (in characters) at which the OracleClob object is copied to.

amount The amount of data to be copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The src_offset, the dst_offset, or the amount is less than 0. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the current OracleClob data, spaces are written into the OracleClob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-29

OracleBFile Instance Methods

This instance method releases resources allocated by this object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable Remarks Although some properties can still be accessed, their values may not be accountable. Since resources are freed, method calls may lead to exceptions. The object cannot be reused after being disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method compares the LOB references. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEqual(OracleBFile obj);

Parameters obj The provided OracleBFile object. Return Value Returns true if the current OracleBFile and the provided OracleBFile object refer to the same external LOB. Returns false otherwise. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks Note that this method can return true even if the two OracleBFile objects return false for == or Equals() since two different OracleBFile instances can refer to the same external LOB. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.

11-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method opens the BFILE specified by the FileName and DirectoryName. Declaration
// C# public void OpenFile();

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks Many operations, such as Compare(), CopyTo(), Read(), and Search() require that the BFILE be opened using OpenFile before the operation. Calling OpenFile on an opened BFILE is not operational.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance method reads a specified amount of bytes from the OracleBFile instance and populates the buffer. Declaration
// C# public override int Read(byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The byte array buffer to be populated.

offset The offset of the byte array buffer to be populated.

count The amount of bytes to read.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-31

OracleBFile Instance Methods

Return Value The return value indicates the number of bytes read from the BFILE, that is, the external LOB. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Either the offset or the count parameter is less than 0 or the offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length or the offset and the count together are greater than buffer.Length. Remarks The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY MYDIR AS 'C:\TEMP'; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ReadSample { static void Main() { // Create MYDIR directory object as indicated previously and create a file // MyFile.txt with the text ABCDABC under C:\TEMP directory. // Note that the byte representation of the ABCDABC is 65666768656667 string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBFile bFile = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt"); // Open the OracleBFile bFile.OpenFile(); // Read 7 bytes into readBuffer, starting at buffer offset 0 byte[] readBuffer = new byte[7]; int bytesRead = bFile.Read(readBuffer, 0, 7); // Prints "bytesRead = 7" Console.WriteLine("bytesRead

= " + bytesRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = 65666768656667" Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++)

11-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

{ Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); // Close the OracleBFile bFile.CloseFile(); bFile.Close(); bFile.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

This instance method searches for a binary pattern in the current instance of an OracleBFile. Declaration
// C# public int Search(byte[ ] val, Int64 offset, Int64 nth);

Parameters val The binary pattern being searched for.

offset The 0-based offset (in bytes) starting from which the OracleBFile is searched.

nth The specific occurrence (1-based) of the match for which the offset is returned.

Return Value Returns the absolute offset of the start of the matched pattern (in bytes) for the nth occurrence of the match. Otherwise, 0 is returned. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Either the offset is less than 0 or nth is less than or equal to 0 or val.Length is greater than 16383 or nth is greater than or equal to OracleBFile.MaxSize or offset is greater than or equal to OracleBFile.MaxSize.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-33

OracleBFile Instance Methods

Remarks The limit of the search pattern is 16383 bytes. Example

// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY MYDIR AS 'C:\TEMP'; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class SearchSample { static void Main() { // Create MYDIR directory object as indicated previously and create a file // MyFile.txt with the text ABCDABC under C:\TEMP directory. // Note that the byte representation of the ABCDABC is 65666768656667 string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBFile bFile = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt"); // Open the OracleBFile bFile.OpenFile(); // Search for the 2nd occurrence of a byte pattern {66,67} // starting from byte offset 1 in the OracleBFile byte[] pattern = new byte[2] {66, 67}; long posFound = bFile.Search(pattern, 1, 2); // Prints "posFound = 6" Console.WriteLine("posFound = " + posFound); // Close the OracleBFile bFile.CloseFile(); bFile.Close(); bFile.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

11-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Overrides Stream This instance method sets the position on the current LOB stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin);

Parameters offset A byte offset relative to origin.

origin A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.

Return Value Returns an Int64 that indicates the position. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks If offset is negative, the new position precedes the position specified by origin by the number of bytes specified by offset. If offset is zero, the new position is the position specified by origin. If offset is positive, the new position follows the position specified by origin by the number of bytes specified by offset. SeekOrigin.Begin specifies the beginning of a stream. SeekOrigin.Current specifies the current position within a stream. SeekOrigin.End specifies the end of a stream. Example
// Database Setup, if you have not done so yet. /* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege. CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY MYDIR AS 'C:\TEMP'; */ // C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-35

OracleBFile Instance Methods

using using using using

System; System.IO; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class SeekSample { static void Main() { // Create MYDIR directory object as indicated previously and create a file // MyFile.txt with the text ABCDABC under C:\TEMP directory. // Note that the byte representation of the ABCDABC is 65666768656667 string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBFile bFile = new OracleBFile(con, "MYDIR", "MyFile.txt"); // Open the OracleBFile bFile.OpenFile(); // Set the Position to 2 with respect to SeekOrigin.Begin long newPosition = bFile.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Prints "newPosition = 2" Console.WriteLine("newPosition // Prints "bFile.Position = 2" Console.WriteLine("bFile.Position

= " + newPosition);

= " + bFile.Position);

// Read 2 bytes into readBuffer, starting at buffer offset 1 byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4]; int bytesRead = bFile.Read(readBuffer, 1, 2); // Prints "bytesRead = 2" Console.WriteLine("bytesRead

= " + bytesRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = 067680" Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); // Close the OracleBFile bFile.CloseFile(); bFile.Close(); bFile.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

11-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBFile Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBFile Class OracleBFile Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-37

OracleBlob Class

OracleBlob Class
An OracleBlob object is an object that has a reference to BLOB data. It provides methods for performing operations on BLOBs. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.IO.Stream Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBlob Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleBlob : Stream, ICloneable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleBlobSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob = new OracleBlob(con); // Write 4 bytes from writeBuffer, starting at buffer offset 0 byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[4] {1, 2, 3, 4}; blob.Write(writeBuffer, 0, 4); // Append first 2 bytes from writeBuffer {1, 2} to the oracleBlob blob.Append(writeBuffer, 0, 2); // Prints "blob.Length = 6" Console.WriteLine("blob.Length

= " + blob.Length);

// Reset the Position for the Read blob.Position = 0; // Read 6 bytes into readBuffer, starting at buffer offset 0 byte[] readBuffer = new byte[6]; int bytesRead = blob.Read(readBuffer, 0, 6); // Prints "bytesRead = 6"

11-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class


= " + bytesRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = 123412" Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); // Search for the 2nd occurrence of a byte pattern '12' // starting from byte offset 0 in the OracleBlob byte[] pattern = new byte[2] {1, 2}; long posFound = blob.Search(pattern, 0, 2); // Prints "posFound = 5" Console.WriteLine("posFound

= " + posFound);

// Erase 4 bytes of data starting at byte offset 1 // Sets bytes to zero blob.Erase(1, 4); byte[] erasedBuffer = blob.Value; //Prints "erasedBuffer = 100002" Console.Write("erasedBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < erasedBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(erasedBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); blob.Close(); blob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Members OracleBlob Constructors OracleBlob Static Fields OracleBlob Static Methods OracleBlob Instance Properties OracleBlob Instance Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-39

OracleBlob Members

OracleBlob Members
OracleBlob members are listed in the following tables:

OracleBlob Constructors
OracleBlob constructors are listed in Table 1110.
Table 1110 Constructor OracleBlob Constructors OracleBlob Constructors Description Creates an instance of the OracleBlob class (Overloaded)

OracleBlob Static Fields

OracleBlob static fields are listed in Table 1111.
Table 1111 Field MaxSize Null OracleBlob Static Fields Description Holds the maximum number of bytes a BLOB can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleBlob instance

OracleBlob Static Methods

OracleBlob static methods are listed in Table 1112.
Table 1112 Methods Equals OracleBlob Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleBlob Instance Properties

OracleBlob instance properties are listed in Table 1113.
Table 1113 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection IsEmpty IsInChunkWriteMode IsNull OracleBlob Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations be performed Indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and write BLOB data Indicates whether the BLOB is empty or not Indicates whether or not the BLOB has been opened to defer index updates Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value

11-40 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

Table 1113 Properties IsTemporary Length

(Cont.) OracleBlob Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the current instance is bound to a temporary BLOB Indicates the size of the BLOB data Indicates the optimal data buffer length (or multiples thereof) that read and write operations should use to improve performance Indicates the current read or write position in the LOB stream Returns the data, starting from the first byte in BLOB, as a byte array


Position Value

OracleBlob Instance Methods

OracleBlob instance methods are listed in Table 1114.
Table 1114 Methods Append BeginChunkWrite BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close Compare CopyTo CreateObjRef Dispose EndChunkWrite EndRead EndWrite Equals Erase Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializedLifetimeService OracleBlob Instance Methods Description Appends the supplied data to the current OracleBlob instance (Overloaded) Opens the BLOB Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Creates a copy of an OracleBlob object Closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it Compares data referenced by the current instance and that of the supplied object Copies from the current OracleBlob instance to an OracleBlob object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases resources allocated by this object Closes the BLOB referenced by the current OracleBlob instance Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Erases data (Overloaded) Not supported Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-41

OracleBlob Members

Table 1114 Methods IsEqual Read

(Cont.) OracleBlob Instance Methods Description Compares the LOB data referenced by the two OracleBlobs Reads a specified amount of bytes from the ODP.NET LOB Type instance and populates the buffer Inherited from System.IO.Stream Searches for a binary pattern in the current instance of an OracleBlob Sets the position in the current LOB stream Trims or truncates the BLOB value to the specified length Inherited from System.Object Writes the supplied buffer into the OracleBlob Inherited from System.IO.Stream

ReadByte Search Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Members

11-42 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

OracleBlob Constructors
OracleBlob constructors are listed in Table 1110. Overload List: OracleBlob(OracleConnection) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBlob class bound to a temporary BLOB with an OracleConnection object.

OracleBlob(OracleConnection, bool) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBlob class bound to a temporary BLOB with an OracleConnection object and a boolean value for caching.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBlob class bound to a temporary BLOB with an OracleConnection object. Declaration
// C# public OracleBlob(OracleConnection con);

Parameters con The OracleConnection object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not opened. Remarks The connection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleBlob does not open the connection implicitly. The temporary BLOB utilizes the provided connection to store BLOB data. Caching is not turned on by this constructor.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-43

OracleBlob Constructors

OracleBlob(OracleConnection, bool)
This constructor creates an instance of the OracleBlob class bound to a temporary BLOB with an OracleConnection object and a boolean value for caching. Declaration
// C# public OracleBlob(OracleConnection con, bool bCaching);

Parameters con The OracleConnection object.

bCaching A flag for enabling or disabling server-side caching.

Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not opened. Remarks The connection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleBlob does not open the connection implicitly. The temporary BLOB uses the provided connection to store BLOB data. The bCaching input parameter determines whether or not server-side caching is used.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

11-44 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

OracleBlob Static Fields

OracleBlob static fields are listed in Table 1115.
Table 1115 Field MaxSize Null OracleBlob Static Fields Description Holds the maximum number of bytes a BLOB can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleBlob instance

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

The MaxSize field holds the maximum number of bytes a BLOB can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes. Declaration
// C# public static readonly Int64 MaxSize = 4294967295;

Remarks This field can be useful in code that checks whether or not the operation exceeds the maximum length allowed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleBlob instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleBlob Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-45

OracleBlob Static Methods

OracleBlob Static Methods

OracleBlob static methods are listed in Table 1116.
Table 1116 Methods Equals OracleBlob Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

11-46 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

OracleBlob Instance Properties

OracleBlob instance properties are listed in Table 1117.
Table 1117 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection IsEmpty IsInChunkWriteMode IsNull IsTemporary Length OptimumChunkSize Position Value OracleBlob Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations be performed Indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and write BLOB data Indicates whether the BLOB is empty or not Indicates whether or not the BLOB has been opened to defer index updates Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether or not the current instance is bound to a temporary BLOB Indicates the size of the BLOB data Indicates the optimal data buffer length (or multiples thereof) that read and write operations should use to improve performance Indicates the current read or write position in the LOB stream Returns the data, starting from the first byte in BLOB, as a byte array

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanRead{get;}

Property Value If the LOB stream can be read, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-47

OracleBlob Instance Properties

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanSeek{get;}

Property Value If forward and backward seek operations can be performed, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanWrite{get;}

Property Value If the LOB stream can be written, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance property indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and write BLOB data. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Property Value An object of OracleConnection. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

11-48 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance property indicates whether the BLOB is empty or not. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEmpty {get;}

Property Value A bool that indicates whether or not the BLOB is empty. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance property indicates whether or not the BLOB has been opened to defer index updates. Declaration
// C# public bool IsInChunkWriteMode{get;}

Property Value If the BLOB has been opened, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-49

OracleBlob Instance Properties

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance property indicates whether or not the current instance is bound to a temporary BLOB. Declaration
// C# public bool IsTemporary {get;}

Property Value bool

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates the size of the BLOB data in bytes. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Length {get;}

Property Value A number indicating the size of the BLOB data in bytes. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

11-50 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

This instance property indicates the optimal data buffer length (or multiples thereof) that read and write operations should use to improve performance. Declaration
// C# public int OptimumChunkSize{get;}

Property Value A number representing the minimum bytes to retrieve or send. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates the current read or write position in the LOB stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Position{get; set;}

Property Value An Int64 that indicates the read or write position. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Position is less than 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance property returns the data, starting from the first byte in the BLOB, as a byte array. Declaration
// C# public Byte[] Value{get;} Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-51

OracleBlob Instance Properties

Property Value A byte array. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Value is less than 0. Remarks The value of Position is not used or changed by using this property. 2 GB is the maximum byte array length that can be returned by this property.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

11-52 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

OracleBlob Instance Methods

OracleBlob instance methods are listed in Table 1118.
Table 1118 Methods Append BeginChunkWrite BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close Compare CopyTo CreateObjRef Dispose EndChunkWrite EndRead EndWrite Equals Erase Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializedLifetimeService IsEqual Read ReadByte Search Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte OracleBlob Instance Methods Description Appends the supplied data to the current OracleBlob instance (Overloaded) Opens the BLOB Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Creates a copy of an OracleBlob object Closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it Compares data referenced by the current instance and that of the supplied object Copies from the current OracleBlob instance to an OracleBlob object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases resources allocated by this object Closes the BLOB referenced by the current OracleBlob instance Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Erases data (Overloaded) Not supported Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Compares the LOB data referenced by the two OracleBlobs Reads a specified amount of bytes from the ODP.NET LOB Type instance and populates the buffer Inherited from System.IO.Stream Searches for a binary pattern in the current instance of an OracleBlob Sets the position in the current LOB stream Trims or truncates the BLOB value to the specified length Inherited from System.Object Writes the supplied buffer into the OracleBlob Inherited from System.IO.Stream

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-53

OracleBlob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Append appends the supplied data to the end of the current OracleBlob instance. Overload List: Append(OracleBlob) This instance method appends the BLOB data referenced by the provided OracleBlob object to the current OracleBlob instance.

Append(byte[ ], int, int) This instance method appends data from the supplied byte array buffer to the end of the current OracleBlob instance.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method appends the BLOB data referenced by the provided OracleBlob object to the current OracleBlob instance. Declaration
// C# public void Append(OracleBlob obj);

Parameters obj An object of OracleBlob. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The parameter has a different connection than the object, OracleConnection is not opened, or OracleConnection has been reopened. Remarks No character set conversions are made. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.

11-54 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Append(byte[ ], int, int)

This instance method appends data from the supplied byte array buffer to the end of the current OracleBlob instance. Declaration
// C# public void Append(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer An array of bytes.

offset The zero-based byte offset in the buffer from which data is read.

count The number of bytes to be appended.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class AppendSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob = new OracleBlob(con); // Append 2 bytes {4, 5} to the OracleBlob byte[] buffer = new byte[3] {4, 5, 6}; blob.Append(buffer, 0, 2); byte[] appendBuffer = blob.Value; // Prints "appendBuffer = 45" Console.Write("appendBuffer = ");

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-55

OracleBlob Instance Methods

for(int index = 0; index < appendBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(appendBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); blob.Close(); blob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method opens the BLOB. Declaration
// C# public void BeginChunkWrite();

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks BeginChunkWrite does not need to be called before manipulating the BLOB data. This is provided for performance reasons. After this method is called, write operations do not cause the domain or function-based index on the column to be updated. Index updates occur only once after EndChunkWrite is called.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method creates a copy of an OracleBlob object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

11-56 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

Return Value An OracleBlob object. Implements ICloneable Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CloneSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob1 = new OracleBlob(con); // Prints "blob1.Position = 0" Console.WriteLine("blob1.Position = " + blob1.Position); // Set the Position before calling Clone() blob1.Position = 1; // Clone the OracleBlob OracleBlob blob2 = (OracleBlob)blob1.Clone(); // Prints "blob2.Position = 1" Console.WriteLine("blob2.Position = " + blob2.Position); blob1.Close(); blob1.Dispose(); blob2.Close(); blob2.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-57

OracleBlob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method closes the current stream and releases any resources associated with it. Declaration
// C# public override void Close();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method compares data referenced by the current instance and that of the supplied object. Declaration
// C# public int Compare(Int64 src_offset, OracleBlob obj, Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The comparison starting point (in bytes) for the current instance.

obj The provided OracleBlob object.

dst_offset The comparison starting point (in bytes) for the provided OracleBlob.

amount The number of bytes to compare.

Return Value Returns a value that is:

Less than zero: if the data referenced by the current instance is less than that of the supplied instance Zero: if both objects reference the same data Greater than zero: if the data referenced by the current instance is greater than that of the supplied instance

11-58 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The parameter has a different connection than the object, OracleConnection is not opened, or OracleConnection has been reopened. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The src_offset, the dst_offset, or the amount parameter is less than 0. Remarks The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

CopyTo copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleBlob object. Overload List: CopyTo(OracleBlob) This instance method copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleBlob object.

CopyTo(OracleBlob, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBlob instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified destination offset.

CopyTo(Int64, OracleBlob, Int64, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleBlob instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and character amounts.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleBlob object. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleBlob obj);

Parameters obj
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-59

OracleBlob Instance Methods

The OracleBlob object to which the data is copied. Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

CopyTo(OracleBlob, Int64)
This instance method copies data from the current OracleBlob instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified destination offset. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleBlob obj, Int64 dst_offset);

Parameters obj The OracleBlob object to which the data is copied.

dst_offset The offset (in bytes) at which the OracleBlob object is copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The dst_offset is less than 0. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

11-60 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleBlob data, spaces are written into the OracleBlob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

CopyTo(Int64, OracleBlob, Int64, Int64)

This instance method copies data from the current OracleBlob instance to the provided OracleBlob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and character amounts. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(Int64 src_offset,OracleBlob obj,Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The offset (in bytes) in the current instance, from which the data is read.

obj The OracleBlob object to which the data is copied.

dst_offset The offset (in bytes) at which the OracleBlob object is copied.

amount The amount of data to be copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The parameter has a different connection than the object, OracleConnection is not opened, or OracleConnection has been reopened. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The src_offset, the dst_offset, or the amount parameter is less than 0.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-61

OracleBlob Instance Methods

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleBlob data, spaces are written into the OracleBlob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CopyToSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob1 = new OracleBlob(con); OracleBlob blob2 = new OracleBlob(con); // Write 4 bytes, starting at buffer offset 0 byte[] buffer = new byte[4] {1, 2, 3, 4}; blob1.Write(buffer, 0, 4); // Copy 2 bytes from byte 0 of blob1 to byte 1 of blob2 blob1.CopyTo(0, blob2, 1, 2); byte[] copyBuffer = blob2.Value; //Prints "Value = 012" Console.Write("Value = "); for(int index = 0; index < copyBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(copyBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); blob1.Close(); blob1.Dispose(); blob2.Close(); blob2.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

11-62 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method releases resources allocated by this object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable Remarks Once Dispose() is called, the object of OracleBlob is in an uninitialized state. Although some properties can still be accessed, their values may not be accountable. Since resources are freed, method calls may lead to exceptions. The object cannot be reused after being disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method closes the BLOB referenced by the current OracleBlob instance. Declaration
// C# public void EndChunkWrite();

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks Index updates occur immediately if there is write operation(s) deferred by the BeginChunkWrite method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-63

OracleBlob Instance Methods

Erase erases a portion or all data. Overload List: Erase() This instance method erases all data.

Erase(Int64, Int64) This instance method erases a specified portion of data.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method erases all data. Declaration
// C# public Int64 Erase();

Return Value The number of bytes erased. Remarks Erase() replaces all data with zero-byte fillers.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Erase(Int64, Int64)
This instance method erases a specified portion of data. Declaration
// C# public Int64 Erase(Int64 offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters offset The offset from which to erase.

amount The quantity (in bytes) to erase.

11-64 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

Return Value The number of bytes erased. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The offset or amount parameter is less than 0. Remarks Replaces the specified amount of data with zero-byte fillers.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method compares the LOB data referenced by the two OracleBlobs. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEqual(OracleBlob obj);

Parameters obj An OracleBlob object. Return Value If the current OracleBlob and the provided OracleBlob refer to the same LOB, returns true. Returns false otherwise. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks Note that this method can return true even if the two OracleBlob objects return false for == or Equals() because two different OracleBlob instances can refer to the same LOB. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-65

OracleBlob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method reads a specified amount of bytes from the ODP.NET LOB instance and populates the buffer. Declaration
// C# public override int Read(byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The byte array buffer to be populated.

offset The starting offset (in bytes) at which the buffer is populated.

count The amount of bytes to read.

Return Value The return value indicates the number of bytes read from the LOB. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset or the count parameter is less than 0. The offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length. The offset and the count together are greater than the buffer.Length.

Remarks The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ReadSample

11-66 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

{ static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob = new OracleBlob(con); // Write 3 bytes, starting at buffer offset 1 byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[4] {1, 2, 3, 4}; blob.Write(writeBuffer, 1, 3); // Reset the Position for Read blob.Position = 1; // Read 2 bytes into buffer starting at buffer offset 1 byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4]; int bytesRead = blob.Read(readBuffer, 1, 2); // Prints "bytesRead = 2" Console.WriteLine("bytesRead

= " + bytesRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = 0340" Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); blob.Close(); blob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

This instance method searches for a binary pattern in the current instance of an OracleBlob. Declaration
// C# public Int64 Search(byte[] val, int64 offset, int64 nth);

Parameters val The binary pattern being searched for.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-67

OracleBlob Instance Methods

offset The 0-based offset (in bytes) starting from which the OracleBlob is searched.

nth The specific occurrence (1-based) of the match for which the absolute offset (in bytes) is returned.

Return Value Returns the absolute offset of the start of the matched pattern (in bytes) for the nth occurrence of the match. Otherwise, 0 is returned. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset is less than 0. The nth is less than or equal to 0. The val.Length is greater than 16383. The nth is greater than or equal to OracleBlob.MaxSize. The offset is greater than or equal to OracleBlob.MaxSize.

Remarks The limit of the search pattern is 16383 bytes. Example

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class SearchSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob = new OracleBlob(con); // Write 7 bytes, starting at buffer offset 0 byte[] buffer = new byte[7] {1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3}; blob.Write(buffer, 0, 7); // Search for the 2nd occurrence of a byte pattern '23' // starting at offset 1 in the OracleBlob byte[] pattern = new byte[2] {2 ,3}; long posFound = blob.Search(pattern, 1, 2);

11-68 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

// Prints "posFound = 6" Console.WriteLine("posFound = " + posFound); blob.Close(); blob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method sets the position on the current LOB stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin);

Parameters offset A byte offset relative to origin.

origin A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.

Return Value Returns Int64 for the position. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks If offset is negative, the new position precedes the position specified by origin by the number of bytes specified by offset. If offset is zero, the new position is the position specified by origin. If offset is positive, the new position follows the position specified by origin by the number of bytes specified by offset. SeekOrigin.Begin specifies the beginning of a stream. SeekOrigin.Current specifies the current position within a stream. SeekOrigin.End specifies the end of a stream.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-69

OracleBlob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method trims or truncates the BLOB value to the specified length (in bytes). Declaration
// C# public override void SetLength(Int64 newlen);

Parameters newlen The desired length of the current stream in bytes. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The newlen parameter is less than 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method writes the supplied buffer into the OracleBlob. Declaration
// C# public override void Write(byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The byte array buffer that provides the data.

offset The 0-based offset (in bytes) from which the buffer is read.

count The amount of data (in bytes) that is to be written into the OracleBlob.

11-70 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBlob Class

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset or the count is less than 0. The offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length. The offset and the count together are greater than buffer.Length.

Remarks Destination offset in the OracleBlob can be specified by the Position property. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class WriteSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleBlob blob = new OracleBlob(con); // Set the Position for the Write blob.Position = 0; // Begin ChunkWrite to improve performance // Index updates occur only once after EndChunkWrite blob.BeginChunkWrite(); // Write to the OracleBlob in 5 chunks of 2 bytes each byte[] b = new byte[2] {1, 2}; for(int index = 0; index < 5; index++) { blob.Write(b, 0, b.Length); } blob.EndChunkWrite(); byte[] chunkBuffer = blob.Value; // Prints "chunkBuffer = 1212121212" Console.Write("chunkBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < chunkBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(chunkBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine();

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-71

OracleBlob Instance Methods

blob.Close(); blob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBlob Class OracleBlob Members

11-72 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

OracleClob Class
An OracleClob is an object that has a reference to CLOB data. It provides methods for performing operations on CLOBs.

The OracleClob object uses the client side character set when retrieving or writing CLOB data using a .NET Framework byte array.

Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.IO.Stream Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleClob Declaration

// C# public sealed class OracleClob : Stream, ICloneable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleClobSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob = new OracleClob(con); // Write 4 chars from writeBuffer, starting at buffer offset 0 char[] writeBuffer = new char[4] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; clob.Write(writeBuffer, 0, 4); // Append first 2 chars from writeBuffer {'a', 'b'} to the oracleClob clob.Append(writeBuffer, 0, 2); // Prints "clob.Length = 12" Console.WriteLine("clob.Length

= " + clob.Length);

// Reset the Position for the Read clob.Position = 0;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-73

OracleClob Class

// Read 6 chars into readBuffer, starting at buffer offset 0 char[] readBuffer = new char[6]; int charsRead = clob.Read(readBuffer, 0, 6); // Prints "charsRead = 6" Console.WriteLine("charsRead

= " + charsRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = abcdab" Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); // Search for the 2nd occurrence of a char pattern 'ab' // starting from char offset 0 in the OracleClob char[] pattern = new char[2] {'a', 'b'}; long posFound = clob.Search(pattern, 0, 2); // Prints "posFound = 5" Console.WriteLine("posFound

= " + posFound);

// Erase 4 chars of data starting at char offset 1 // Sets chars to '' clob.Erase(1, 4); //Prints "clob.Value = a b" Console.WriteLine("clob.Value = " + clob.Value); clob.Close(); clob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Members OracleClob Constructors OracleClob Static Fields OracleClob Static Methods OracleClob Instance Properties OracleClob Instance Methods

11-74 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

OracleClob Members
OracleClob members are listed in the following tables:

OracleClob Constructors
OracleClob constructors are listed in Table 1119.
Table 1119 Constructor OracleClob Constructors OracleClob Constructors Description Creates an instance of the OracleClob class bound to a temporary CLOB (Overloaded)

OracleClob Static Fields

OracleClob static fields are listed in Table 1120.
Table 1120 Field MaxSize Null OracleClob Static Fields Description Holds the maximum number of bytes a CLOB can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleClob instance

OracleClob Static Methods

OracleClob static methods are listed in Table 1121.
Table 1121 Methods Equals OracleClob Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleClob Instance Properties

OracleClob instance properties are listed in Table 1122.
Table 1122 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection IsEmpty IsInChunkWriteMode IsNCLOB OracleClob Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be written Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and write CLOB data Indicates whether the CLOB is empty or not Indicates whether or not the CLOB has been opened Indicates whether or not the OracleClob object represents an NCLOB.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-75

OracleClob Members

Table 1122 Properties IsNull IsTemporary Length

(Cont.) OracleClob Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether or not the current instance is bound to a temporary CLOB Indicates the size of the CLOB data in bytes Indicates the minimum number of bytes to retrieve or send from the database during a read or write operation Indicates the current read or write position in the LOB stream in bytes Returns the data, starting from the first character in the CLOB or NCLOB, as a string


Position Value

OracleClob Instance Methods

The OracleClob instance methods are listed in Table 1123.
Table 1123 Methods Append BeginChunkWrite BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close Compare CopyTo CreateObjRef Dispose EndChunkWrite EndRead EndWrite Equals Erase Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService OracleClob Instance Methods Description Appends data to the current OracleClob instance (Overloaded) Opens the CLOB Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Creates a copy of an OracleClob object Closes the current stream and releases resources associated with it Compares data referenced by the current instance to that of the supplied object Copies the data to an OracleClob (Overloaded) Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases resources allocated by this object Closes the CLOB referenced by the current OracleClob instance Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Erases the specified amount of data (Overloaded) Not supported Returns a hash code for the current instance Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject

11-76 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

Table 1123 Methods IsEqual Read ReadByte Search Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte

(Cont.) OracleClob Instance Methods Description Compares the LOB data referenced by two OracleClobs Reads from the current instance (Overloaded) Inherited from System.IO.Stream Searches for a character pattern in the current instance of OracleClob (Overloaded) Sets the position in the current LOB stream Trims or truncates the CLOB value Inherited from System.Object Writes the provided buffer into the OracleClob (Overloaded) Inherited from System.IO.Stream

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-77

OracleClob Constructors

OracleClob Constructors
OracleClob constructors create instances of the OracleClob class bound to a temporary CLOB. Overload List: OracleClob(OracleConnection) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleClob class bound to a temporary CLOB with an OracleConnection object.

OracleClob(OracleConnection, bool, bool) This constructor creates an instance of the OracleClob class that is bound to a temporary CLOB, with an OracleConnection object, a boolean value for caching, and a boolean value for NCLOB.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleClob class bound to a temporary CLOB with an OracleConnection object. Declaration
// C# public OracleClob(OracleConnection con);

Parameters con The OracleConnection object. Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The connection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleClob does not open the connection implicitly. The temporary CLOB utilizes the provided connection to store CLOB data. Caching is not enabled by default.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

11-78 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

OracleClob(OracleConnection, bool, bool)

This constructor creates an instance of the OracleClob class that is bound to a temporary CLOB, with an OracleConnection object, a boolean value for caching, and a boolean value for NCLOB. Declaration
// C# public OracleClob(OracleConnection con, bool bCaching, bool bNCLOB);

Parameters con The OracleConnection object connection.

bCaching A flag that indicates whether or not server-side caching is enabled.

bNCLOB A flag that is set to true if the instance is a NCLOB or false if it is a CLOB.

Exceptions InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks The connection must be opened explicitly by the application. OracleClob does not open the connection implicitly. The temporary CLOB or NCLOB uses the provided connection to store CLOB data.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-79

OracleClob Static Fields

OracleClob Static Fields

OracleClob static fields are listed in Table 1124.
Table 1124 Field MaxSize Null OracleClob Static Fields Description Holds the maximum number of bytes a CLOB can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleClob instance

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

The MaxSize field holds the maximum number of bytes a CLOB can hold, which is 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1) bytes. Declaration
// C# public static readonly Int64 MaxSize = 4294967295;

Remarks This field is useful in code that checks whether or not your operation exceeds the maximum length (in bytes) allowed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleClob instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleClob Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

11-80 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

OracleClob Static Methods

OracleClob static methods are listed in Table 1125.
Table 1125 Methods Equals OracleClob Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-81

OracleClob Instance Properties

OracleClob Instance Properties

OracleClob instance properties are listed in Table 1126.
Table 1126 Properties CanRead CanSeek CanWrite Connection IsEmpty IsInChunkWriteMode IsNCLOB IsNull IsTemporary Length OptimumChunkSize Position Value OracleClob Instance Properties Description Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read Indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed Indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be written Indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and write CLOB data Indicates whether the CLOB is empty or not Indicates whether or not the CLOB has been opened Indicates whether or not the OracleClob object represents an NCLOB. Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether or not the current instance is bound to a temporary CLOB Indicates the size of the CLOB data in bytes Indicates the minimum number of bytes to retrieve or send from the database during a read or write operation Indicates the current read or write position in the LOB stream in bytes Returns the data, starting from the first character in the CLOB or NCLOB, as a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not the LOB stream can be read. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanRead{get;}

Property Value If the LOB stream can be read, returns true; otherwise, returns false.

11-82 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not forward and backward seek operations can be performed. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanSeek{get;}

Property Value If forward and backward seek operations can be performed, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates whether or not the LOB object supports writing. Declaration
// C# public override bool CanWrite{get;}

Property Value If the LOB stream can be written, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property indicates the OracleConnection that is used to retrieve and write CLOB data. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-83

OracleClob Instance Properties

Property Value An OracleConnection. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property indicates whether the CLOB is empty or not. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEmpty {get;}

Property Value A bool. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property indicates whether or not the CLOB has been opened to defer index updates. Declaration
// C# public bool IsInChunkWriteMode{get;}

Property Value If the CLOB has been opened, returns true; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property indicates whether or not the OracleClob object represents an NCLOB.
11-84 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

// C# public bool IsNCLOB {get;}

Property Value A bool.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property indicates whether or not the current instance is bound to a temporary CLOB. Declaration
// C# public bool IsTemporary {get;}

Property Value A bool.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates the size of the CLOB data in bytes.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-85

OracleClob Instance Properties

// C# public override Int64 Length {get;}

Property Value An Int64 that indicates the size of the CLOB in bytes. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property indicates the minimum number of bytes to retrieve or send from the database during a read or write operation. Declaration
// C# public int OptimumChunkSize{get;}

Property Value A number representing the minimum bytes to retrieve or send. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance property indicates the current read or write position in the LOB stream in bytes. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Position{get; set;}

Property Value An Int64 that indicates the read or write position.

11-86 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Position is less than 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance property returns the data, starting from the first character in the CLOB or NCLOB, as a string. Declaration
// C# public string Value{get;}

Property Value A string. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The Value is less than 0. Remarks The value of Position is neither used nor changed by using this property. The maximum string length that can be returned by this property is 2 GB.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-87

OracleClob Instance Methods

OracleClob Instance Methods

The OracleClob instance methods are listed in Table 1127.
Table 1127 Methods Append BeginChunkWrite BeginRead BeginWrite Clone Close Compare CopyTo CreateObjRef Dispose EndChunkWrite EndRead EndWrite Equals Erase Flush GetHashCode GetLifetimeService GetType InitializeLifetimeService IsEqual Read ReadByte Search Seek SetLength ToString Write WriteByte OracleClob Instance Methods Description Appends data to the current OracleClob instance (Overloaded) Opens the CLOB Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Creates a copy of an OracleClob object Closes the current stream and releases resources associated with it Compares data referenced by the current instance to that of the supplied object Copies the data to an OracleClob (Overloaded) Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Releases resources allocated by this object Closes the CLOB referenced by the current OracleClob instance Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.IO.Stream Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Erases the specified amount of data (Overloaded) Not supported Returns a hash code for the current instance Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject Compares the LOB data referenced by two OracleClobs Reads from the current instance (Overloaded) Inherited from System.IO.Stream Searches for a character pattern in the current instance of OracleClob (Overloaded) Sets the position in the current LOB stream Trims or truncates the CLOB value Inherited from System.Object Writes the provided buffer into the OracleClob (Overloaded) Inherited from System.IO.Stream

11-88 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method appends data to the current OracleClob instance. Overload List: Append(OracleClob) This instance method appends the CLOB data referenced by the provided OracleClob object to the current OracleClob instance.

Append(byte [ ], int, int) This instance method appends data at the end of the CLOB, from the supplied byte array buffer, starting from offset (in bytes) of the supplied byte array buffer.

Append(char [ ], int, int) This instance method appends data from the supplied character array buffer to the end of the current OracleClob instance, starting at the offset (in characters) of the supplied character buffer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method appends the CLOB data referenced by the provided OracleClob object to the current OracleClob instance. Declaration
// C# public void Append(OracleClob obj);

Parameters obj An OracleClob object. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The parameter has a different connection than the object, OracleConnection is not opened, or OracleConnection has been reopened. Remarks No character set conversions are made.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-89

OracleClob Instance Methods

The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Append(byte [ ], int, int)

This instance method appends data at the end of the CLOB, from the supplied byte array buffer, starting from offset (in bytes) of the supplied byte array buffer. Declaration
// C# public int Append(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer An array of bytes, representing a Unicode string.

offset The zero-based byte offset in the buffer from which data is read.

count The number of bytes to be appended.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Either the offset or the count parameter is not even. Remarks Both offset and count must be even numbers for CLOB and NCLOB because every two bytes represent a Unicode character.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Append(char [ ], int, int)

This instance method appends data from the supplied character array buffer to the end of the current OracleClob instance, starting at the offset (in characters) of the supplied character buffer.

11-90 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

// C# public void Append(char[] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer An array of characters.

offset The zero-based offset (in characters) in the buffer from which data is read.

count The number of characters to be appended.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class AppendSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob = new OracleClob(con); // Append 2 chars {'d', 'e'} to the OracleClob char[] buffer = new char[3] {'d', 'e', 'f'}; clob.Append(buffer, 0, 2); // Prints "clob.Value = de" Console.WriteLine("clob.Value = " + clob.Value); clob.Close(); clob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-91

OracleClob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method opens the CLOB. Declaration
// C# public void BeginChunkWrite();

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks BeginChunkWrite does not need to be called before manipulating the CLOB data. This is provided for performance reasons. After this method is called, write operations do not cause the domain or function-based index on the column to be updated. Index updates occur only once after EndChunkWrite is called.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method creates a copy of an OracleClob object. Declaration
// C# public object Clone();

Return Value An OracleClob object. Implements ICloneable Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

11-92 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CloneSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob1 = new OracleClob(con); // Prints "clob1.Position = 0" Console.WriteLine("clob1.Position = " + clob1.Position); // Set the Position before calling Clone() clob1.Position = 1; // Clone the OracleClob OracleClob clob2 = (OracleClob)clob1.Clone(); // Prints "clob2.Position = 1" Console.WriteLine("clob2.Position = " + clob2.Position); clob1.Close(); clob1.Dispose(); clob2.Close(); clob2.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method closes the current stream and releases resources associated with it.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-93

OracleClob Instance Methods

// C# public override void Close();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method compares data referenced by the current instance to that of the supplied object. Declaration
// C# public int Compare(Int64 src_offset, OracleClob obj, Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The comparison starting point (in characters) for the current instance.

obj The provided OracleClob object.

dst_offset The comparison starting point (in characters) for the provided OracleClob.

amount The number of characters to compare.

Return Value The method returns a value that is:

Less than zero: if the data referenced by the current instance is less than that of the supplied instance. Zero: if both objects reference the same data. Greater than zero: if the data referenced by the current instance is greater than that of the supplied instance.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The parameter has a different connection than the object, OracleConnection is not opened, or OracleConnection has been reopened. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Either the src_offset, dst_offset, or amount parameter is less than 0.

11-94 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

Remarks The character set of the two OracleClob objects being compared should be the same for a meaningful comparison. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

CopyTo copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleClob object. Overload List: CopyTo(OracleClob) This instance method copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleClob object.

CopyTo(OracleClob, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleClob instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified destination offset.

CopyTo(Int64, OracleClob, Int64, Int64) This instance method copies data from the current OracleClob instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and character amounts.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method copies data from the current instance to the provided OracleClob object. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleClob obj);

Parameters obj The OracleClob object to which the data is copied. Return Value The return value is the amount copied.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-95

OracleClob Instance Methods

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

CopyTo(OracleClob, Int64)
This instance method copies data from the current OracleClob instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified destination offset. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(OracleClob obj, Int64 dst_offset);

Parameters obj The OracleClob object to which the data is copied.

dst_offset The offset (in characters) at which the OracleClob object is copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The dst_offset is less than 0. InvalidOperationException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. The LOB object parameter has a different connection than the object.

Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleClob data, spaces are written into the OracleClob until the dst_offset is met.

11-96 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection; that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

CopyTo(Int64, OracleClob, Int64, Int64)

This instance method copies data from the current OracleClob instance to the provided OracleClob object with the specified source offset, destination offset, and character amounts. Declaration
// C# public Int64 CopyTo(Int64 src_offset,OracleClob obj,Int64 dst_offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters src_offset The offset (in characters) in the current instance, from which the data is read.

obj The OracleClob object to which the data is copied.

dst_offset The offset (in characters) at which the OracleClob object is copied.

amount The amount of data to be copied.

Return Value The return value is the amount copied. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The parameter has a different connection than the object, OracleConnection is not opened, or OracleConnection has been reopened. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The src_offset, the dst_offset, or the amount parameter is less than 0. Remarks If the dst_offset is beyond the end of the OracleClob data, spaces are written into the OracleClob until the dst_offset is met. The offsets are 0-based. No character conversion is performed by this operation. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-97

OracleClob Instance Methods

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CopyToSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob1 = new OracleClob(con); OracleClob clob2 = new OracleClob(con); // Write 4 chars, starting at buffer offset 0 char[] buffer = new char[4] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; clob1.Write(buffer, 0, 4); // Copy 2 chars from char 0 of clob1 to char 1 of clob2 clob1.CopyTo(0, clob2, 1, 2); //Prints "clob2.Value = ab" Console.WriteLine("clob2.Value = " + clob2.Value); clob1.Close(); clob1.Dispose(); clob2.Close(); clob2.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method releases resources allocated by this object. Declaration
public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable

11-98 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

Remarks The object cannot be reused after being disposed. Although some properties can still be accessed, their values cannot be accountable. Since resources are freed, method calls can lead to exceptions.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method closes the CLOB referenced by the current OracleClob instance. Declaration
// C# public void EndChunkWrite();

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks Index updates occur immediately if write operation(s) are deferred by the BeginChunkWrite method.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Erase erases part or all data. Overload List: Erase() This instance method erases all data.

Erase(Int64, Int64) This instance method replaces the specified amount of data (in characters) starting from the specified offset with zero-byte fillers (in characters).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-99

OracleClob Instance Methods

This instance method erases all data. Declaration
// C# public Int64 Erase();

Return Value The number of characters erased.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Erase(Int64, Int64)
This instance method replaces the specified amount of data (in characters) starting from the specified offset with zero-byte fillers (in characters). Declaration
// C# public Int64 Erase(Int64 offset, Int64 amount);

Parameters offset The offset.

amount The amount of data.

Return Value The actual number of characters erased. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The offset or amount parameter is less than 0.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Object

11-100 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

This method returns a hash code for the current instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value An int representing a hash code.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method compares the LOB data referenced by two OracleClobs. Declaration
// C# public bool IsEqual(OracleClob obj);

Parameters obj An OracleClob object. Return Value Returns true if the current OracleClob and the provided OracleClob refer to the same LOB. Otherwise, returns false. Remarks Note that this method can return true even if the two OracleClob objects returns false for == or Equals() because two different OracleClob instances can refer to the same LOB. The provided object and the current instance must be using the same connection, that is, the same OracleConnection object.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Read reads a specified amount from the current instance and populates the array buffer. Overload List: Read(byte [ ], int, int)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-101

OracleClob Instance Methods

This instance method reads a specified amount of bytes from the current instance and populates the byte array buffer.

Read(char [ ], int, int) This instance method reads a specified amount of characters from the current instance and populates the character array buffer.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Read(byte [ ], int, int)

Overrides Stream This instance method reads a specified amount of bytes from the current instance and populates the byte array buffer. Declaration
// C# public override int Read(byte [ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The byte array buffer that is populated.

offset The offset (in bytes) at which the buffer is populated.

count The amount of bytes to be read.

Return Value The number of bytes read from the CLOB. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks Both offset and count must be even numbers for CLOB and NCLOB because every two bytes represent a Unicode character. The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property, which must also be an even number. OracleClob is free to return fewer bytes than requested, even if the end of the stream has not been reached.

11-102 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Read(char [ ], int, int)

This instance method reads a specified amount of characters from the current instance and populates the character array buffer. Declaration
// C# public int Read(char[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The character array buffer that is populated.

offset The offset (in characters) at which the buffer is populated.

count The amount of characters to be read.

Return Value The return value indicates the number of characters read from the CLOB. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset or the count is less than 0. The offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length. The offset and the count together are greater than buffer.Length.

Remarks Handles all CLOB and NCLOB data as Unicode. The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ReadSample

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-103

OracleClob Instance Methods

{ static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob = new OracleClob(con); // Write 3 chars, starting at buffer offset 1 char[] writeBuffer = new char[4] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}; clob.Write(writeBuffer, 1, 3); // Reset the Position (in bytes) for Read clob.Position = 2; // Read 2 chars into buffer starting at buffer offset 1 char[] readBuffer = new char[4]; int charsRead = clob.Read(readBuffer, 1, 2); // Prints "charsRead = 2" Console.WriteLine("charsRead

= " + charsRead);

// Prints "readBuffer = cd " Console.Write("readBuffer = "); for(int index = 0; index < readBuffer.Length; index++) { Console.Write(readBuffer[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); clob.Close(); clob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Search searches for a character pattern in the current instance of OracleClob. Overload List: Search(byte[ ], Int64, Int64) This instance method searches for a character pattern, represented by the byte array, in the current instance of OracleClob.

Search(char[ ], Int64, Int64) This instance method searches for a character pattern in the current instance of OracleClob.

11-104 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Search(byte[ ], Int64, Int64)

This instance method searches for a character pattern, represented by the byte array, in the current instance of OracleClob. Declaration
// C# public int Search(byte[ ] val, Int64 offset, Int64 nth);

Parameters val A Unicode byte array.

offset The 0-based offset (in characters) starting from which the OracleClob is searched.

nth The specific occurrence (1-based) of the match for which the absolute offset (in characters) is returned.

Return Value Returns the absolute offset of the start of the matched pattern (in bytes) for the nth occurrence of the match. Otherwise, 0 is returned. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset is less than 0. The nth is less than or equal to 0. The nth is greater than or equal to OracleClob.MaxSize. The offset is greater than or equal to OracleClob.MaxSize.

Remarks The byte[ ] is converted to Unicode before the search is made. The limit of the search pattern is 16383 bytes.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-105

OracleClob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Search(char[ ], Int64, Int64)

This instance method searches for a character pattern in the current instance of OracleClob. Declaration
// C# public Int64 Search(char [ ] val, Int64 offset, Int64 nth);

Parameters val The Unicode string being searched for.

offset The 0-based offset (in characters) starting from which the OracleClob is searched.

nth The specific occurrence (1-based) of the match for which the absolute offset (in characters) is returned.

Return Value Returns the absolute offset of the start of the matched pattern (in characters) for the nth occurrence of the match. Otherwise, 0 is returned. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset is less than 0. The nth is less than or equal to 0. The val.Length doubled is greater than 16383. The nth is greater than or equal to OracleClob.MaxSize. The offset is greater than or equal to OracleClob.MaxSize.

Remarks The limit of the search pattern is 16383 bytes. Example

// C#

11-106 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class SearchSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob = new OracleClob(con); // Write 7 chars, starting at buffer offset 0 char[] buffer = new char[7] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'c'}; clob.Write(buffer, 0, 7); // Search for the 2nd occurrence of a char pattern 'bc' // starting at offset 1 in the OracleBlob char[] pattern = new char[2] {'b', 'c'}; long posFound = clob.Search(pattern, 1, 2); // Prints "posFound = 6" Console.WriteLine("posFound = " + posFound); clob.Close(); clob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method sets the position on the current LOB stream. Declaration
// C# public override Int64 Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin);

Parameters offset A byte offset relative to origin.

origin A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-107

OracleClob Instance Methods

Return Value Returns an Int64 that indicates the position. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. Remarks If offset is negative, the new position precedes the position specified by origin by the number of characters specified by offset. If offset is zero, the new position is the position specified by origin. If offset is positive, the new position follows the position specified by origin by the number of characters specified by offset. SeekOrigin.Begin specifies the beginning of a stream. SeekOrigin.Current specifies the current position within a stream. SeekOrigin.End specifies the end of a stream.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Overrides Stream This instance method trims or truncates the CLOB value to the specified length (in characters). Declaration
// C# public override void SetLength(Int64 newlen);

Parameters newlen The desired length of the current stream in characters. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The newlen parameter is greater than 0.

11-108 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

This instance method writes data from the provided array buffer into the OracleClob. Overload List: Write(byte[ ], int, int) This instance method writes data from the provided byte array buffer into the OracleClob.

Write(char[ ], int, int) This instance method writes data from the provided character array buffer into the OracleClob.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Write(byte[ ], int, int)

Overrides Stream This instance method writes data from the provided byte array buffer into the OracleClob. Declaration
// C# public override void Write(byte[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The byte array buffer that represents a Unicode string.

offset The offset (in bytes) from which the buffer is read.

count The amount of data (in bytes) from the buffer to be written into the OracleClob.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-109

OracleClob Instance Methods

ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset or the count is less than 0. The offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length. The offset and the count together are greater than the buffer.Length. The offset, the count, or the Position is not even.

Remarks Both offset and count must be even numbers for CLOB and NCLOB because every two bytes represent a Unicode character. The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. The Position property must be an even number. If necessary, proper data conversion is carried out from the client character set to the database character set.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

Write(char[ ], int, int)

This instance method writes data from the provided character array buffer into the OracleClob. Declaration
// C# public void Write(char[ ] buffer, int offset, int count);

Parameters buffer The character array buffer that is written to the OracleClob.

offset The offset (in characters) from which the buffer is read.

count The amount (in characters) from the buffer that is to be written into the OracleClob.

Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. InvalidOperationException - The OracleConnection is not open or has been closed during the lifetime of the object. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The offset or the count is less than 0. The offset is greater than or equal to the buffer.Length.

11-110 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleClob Class

The offset and the count together are greater than buffer.Length. The Position is not even.

Remarks Handles all CLOB and NCLOB data as Unicode. The LOB data is read starting from the position specified by the Position property. If necessary, proper data conversion is carried out from the client character set to the database character set. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class WriteSample { static void Main() { string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); OracleClob clob = new OracleClob(con); // Set the Position for the Write; clob.Position = 0; // Begin ChunkWrite to improve performance // Index updates occur only once after EndChunkWrite clob.BeginChunkWrite(); // Write to the OracleClob in 5 chunks of 2 chars each char[] c = new char[2] {'a', 'b'}; for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++) { clob.Write(c, 0, c.Length); } clob.EndChunkWrite(); // Prints "clob.Value = ababababab" Console.WriteLine("clob.Value = " + clob.Value); clob.Close(); clob.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-111

OracleClob Instance Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleClob Class OracleClob Members

11-112 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRefCursor Class

OracleRefCursor Class
An OracleRefCursor object represents an Oracle REF CURSOR. Class Inheritance System.Object System.MarshalRefByObject Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleRefCursor Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleRefCursor : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// Database Setup /* connect scott/tiger@oracle CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MyFunc(refcur_out OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS refcur_ret SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN refcur_ret FOR SELECT * FROM EMP; OPEN refcur_out FOR SELECT * FROM DEPT; RETURN refcur_ret; END MyFunc; / */ // C# using using using using System; System.Data; Oracle.DataAccess.Client; Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

class OracleRefCursorSample { static void Main() { // Example demonstrates how to use REF CURSORs returned from // PL/SQL Stored Procedures or Functions // Create the PL/SQL Function MyFunc as defined previously string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr); con.Open(); // Create an OracleCommand OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("MyFunc", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-113

OracleRefCursor Class

// Bind the parameters // p1 is the RETURN REF CURSOR bound to SELECT * FROM EMP; OracleParameter p1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("refcur_ret", OracleDbType.RefCursor); p1.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; // p2 is the OUT REF CURSOR bound to SELECT * FROM DEPT OracleParameter p2 = cmd.Parameters.Add("refcur_out", OracleDbType.RefCursor); p2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; // Execute the command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Construct an OracleDataReader from the REF CURSOR OracleDataReader reader1 = ((OracleRefCursor)p1.Value).GetDataReader(); // Prints "reader1.GetName(0) = EMPNO" Console.WriteLine("reader1.GetName(0) = " + reader1.GetName(0)); // Construct an OracleDataReader from the REF CURSOR OracleDataReader reader2 = ((OracleRefCursor)p2.Value).GetDataReader(); // Prints "reader2.GetName(0) = DEPTNO" Console.WriteLine("reader2.GetName(0) = " + reader2.GetName(0)); reader1.Close(); reader1.Dispose(); reader2.Close(); reader2.Dispose(); p1.Dispose(); p2.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Members OracleRefCursor Static Methods OracleRefCursor Properties OracleRefCursor Instance Methods

11-114 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRefCursor Class

OracleRefCursor Members
OracleRefCursor members are listed in the following tables:

OracleRefCursor Static Methods

OracleRefCursor static methods are listed in Table 1128.
Table 1128 Methods Equals OracleRefCursor Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleRefCursor Properties
OracleRefCursor properties are listed in Table 1129.
Table 1129 Properties Connection OracleRefCursor Properties Description A reference to the OracleConnection used to fetch the REF CURSOR data

OracleRefCursor Instance Methods

OracleRefCursor instance methods are listed in Table 1130.
Table 1130 Methods Dispose Equals GetDataReader GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleRefCursor Instance Methods Description Disposes the resources allocated by the OracleRefCursor object Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Returns an OracleDataReader object for the REF CURSOR Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-115

OracleRefCursor Static Methods

OracleRefCursor Static Methods

OracleRefCursor static methods are listed in Table 1131.
Table 1131 Methods Equals OracleRefCursor Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class OracleRefCursor Members

11-116 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRefCursor Class

OracleRefCursor Properties
OracleRefCursor properties are listed in Table 1132.
Table 1132 Properties Connection OracleRefCursor Properties Description A reference to the OracleConnection used to fetch the REF CURSOR data

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class OracleRefCursor Members

This property refers to the OracleConnection used to fetch the REF CURSOR data. Declaration
// C# public OracleConnection Connection {get;}

Property Value An OracleConnection. Exceptions ObjectDisposedException - The object is already disposed. Remarks This property is bound to a REF CURSOR once it is set. After the OracleRefCursor object is created by the constructor, this property is initially null. An OracleRefCursor object can be bound to a REF CURSOR after a command execution. If the connection is closed or returned to the connection pool, the OracleRefCursor is placed in an uninitialized state and no operation can be carried out from it. However, the uninitialized OracleRefCursor can be reassigned to another REF CURSOR.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class OracleRefCursor Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-117

OracleRefCursor Instance Methods

OracleRefCursor Instance Methods

OracleRefCursor instance methods are listed in Table 1133.
Table 1133 Methods Dispose Equals GetDataReader GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleRefCursor Instance Methods Description Disposes the resources allocated by the OracleRefCursor object Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Returns an OracleDataReader object for the REF CURSOR Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.Object

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class OracleRefCursor Members

This instance method disposes of the resources allocated by the OracleRefCursor object. Declaration
// C# public void Dispose();

Implements IDisposable Remarks The object cannot be reused after being disposed. Once Dispose() is called, the object of OracleRefCursor is in an uninitialized state. Although some properties can still be accessed, their values may not be accountable. Since resources are freed, method calls can lead to exceptions.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class OracleRefCursor Members

This instance method returns an OracleDataReader object for the REF CURSOR. Declaration
// C#

11-118 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleRefCursor Class

public OracleDataReader GetDataReader();

Return Value OracleDataReader Remarks Using the OracleDataReader, rows can be fetched from the REF CURSOR.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleRefCursor Class OracleRefCursor Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes 11-119

OracleRefCursor Instance Methods

11-120 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures
This chapter describes the ODP.NET Types structures. This chapter contains these topics:

OracleBinary Structure OracleDate Structure OracleDecimal Structure OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleString Structure OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-1

OracleBinary Structure

OracleBinary Structure
The OracleBinary structure represents a variable-length stream of binary data to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleBinary Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleBinary : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleBinary : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleBinarySample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Initialize the OracleBinary structures OracleBinary binary1= new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1,2,3,4,5}); OracleBinary binary2 = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1,2,3}); OracleBinary binary3 = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {4,5}); OracleBinary binary4 = binary2 + binary3; // Compare binary1 and binary4; they're equal if (binary1 == binary4) Console.WriteLine("The two OracleBinary structs are equal"); else Console.WriteLine("The two OracleBinary structs are different"); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

12-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Members OracleBinary Constructor OracleBinary Static Fields OracleBinary Static Methods OracleBinary Static Operators OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators OracleBinary Properties OracleBinary Instance Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-3

OracleBinary Members

OracleBinary Members
OracleBinary members are listed in the following tables:

OracleBinary Constructors
OracleBinary constructors are listed in Table 121
Table 121 Constructor OracleBinary Constructor OracleBinary Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleBinary structure

OracleBinary Static Fields

The OracleBinary static fields are listed in Table 122.
Table 122 Field Null OracleBinary Static Fields Description Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleBinary structure

OracleBinary Static Methods

The OracleBinary static methods are listed in Table 123.
Table 123 Methods Concat Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals OracleBinary Static Methods Description Returns the concatenation of two OracleBinary structures Determines if two OracleBinary values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleBinary values are not equal

OracleBinary Static Operators

The OracleBinary static operators are listed in Table 124.
Table 124 Operator operator + operator == OracleBinary Static Operators Description Concatenates two OracleBinary values Determines if two OracleBinary values are equal

12-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

Table 124 (Cont.) OracleBinary Static Operators Operator operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= Description Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleBinary values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleBinary value is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary value is less than or equal to the second

OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators

The OracleBinary static type conversion operators are listed in Table 125.
Table 125 Operator explicit operator byte[ ] implicit operator OracleBinary OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators Description Converts an instance value to a byte array Converts an instance value to an OracleBinary structure

OracleBinary Properties
The OracleBinary properties are listed in Table 126.
Table 126 OracleBinary Properties

Properties Description IsNull Item Length Value Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Obtains the particular byte in an OracleBinary structure using an index Returns the length of the binary data Returns the binary data that is stored in an OracleBinary structure

OracleBinary Instance Methods

The OracleBinary instance methods are listed in Table 127.
Table 127 Methods CompareTo Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleBinary Instance Methods Description Compares the current instance to an object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines if two objects contain the same binary data (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the current instance Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleBinary structure to a string

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-5

OracleBinary Members

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure

12-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

OracleBinary Constructor
The OracleBinary constructor instantiates a new instance of the OracleBinary structure and sets its value to the provided array of bytes. Declaration
// C# public OracleBinary(byte[ ] bytes);

Parameters bytes A byte array.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-7

OracleBinary Static Fields

OracleBinary Static Fields

The OracleBinary static fields are listed in Table 128.
Table 128 Field Null OracleBinary Static Fields Description Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleBinary structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleBinary structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleBinary Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

12-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

OracleBinary Static Methods

The OracleBinary static methods are listed in Table 129.
Table 129 Methods Concat Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals OracleBinary Static Methods Description Returns the concatenation of two OracleBinary structures Determines if two OracleBinary values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleBinary values are not equal

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method returns the concatenation of two OracleBinary structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleBinary Concat(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value An OracleBinary. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleBinary structure has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-9

OracleBinary Static Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method determines if two OracleBinary values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleBinary values are equal; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method determines whether or not the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

12-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class GreaterThanSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleBinary binary1 = OracleBinary.Null; OracleBinary binary2 = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1}); // Compare two OracleBinary structs; binary1 < binary2 if (OracleBinary.GreaterThan(binary1, binary2)) Console.WriteLine("binary1 > binary2"); else Console.WriteLine("binary1 < binary2"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method determines whether or not the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-11

OracleBinary Static Methods

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method determines whether or not the first of two OracleBinary values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

12-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

This method determines whether or not the first of two OracleBinary values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method determines whether or not two OracleBinary values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleBinary values are not equal; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-13

OracleBinary Static Methods

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

12-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

OracleBinary Static Operators

The OracleBinary static operators are listed in Table 1210.
Table 1210 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= OracleBinary Static Operators Description Concatenates two OracleBinary values Determines if two OracleBinary values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleBinary values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleBinary value is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleBinary value is less than or equal to the second

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator +
This method concatenates two OracleBinary values. Declaration
// C# public static OracleBinary operator + (OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value OracleBinary Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OacleBinary structure has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-15

OracleBinary Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator ==
This method determines if two OracleBinary values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if they are the same; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator >
This method determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

12-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OperatorSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleBinary binary1 = OracleBinary.Null; OracleBinary binary2 = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1}); // Compare two OracleBinary structs; binary1 < binary2 if (binary1 > binary2) Console.WriteLine("binary1 > binary2"); else Console.WriteLine("binary1 < binary2"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator >=
This method determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-17

OracleBinary Static Operators

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator !=
This method determines if two OracleBinary values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleBinary values are not equal; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator <
This method determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < ( OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value2);

Parameters value1

12-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

operator <=
This method determines if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleBinary value1, OracleBinary value1);

Parameters value1 The first OracleBinary.

value2 The second OracleBinary.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleBinary values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-19

OracleBinary Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

12-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators

The OracleBinary static type conversion operators are listed in Table 1211.
Table 1211 Operator explicit operator byte[ ] implicit operator OracleBinary OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators Description Converts an instance value to a byte array Converts an instance value to an OracleBinary structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

explicit operator byte[ ]

This method converts an OracleBinary value to a byte array. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator byte[ ] (OracleBinary val);

Parameters val An OracleBinary. Return Value A byte array. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleBinary structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

implicit operator OracleBinary

This method converts a byte array to an OracleBinary structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleBinary(byte[ ] bytes);

Parameters bytes

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-21

OracleBinary Static Type Conversion Operators

A byte array. Return Value OracleBinary

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

12-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

OracleBinary Properties
The OracleBinary properties are listed in Table 1212.
Table 1212 Properties IsNull Item Length Value OracleBinary Properties Description Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Obtains the particular byte in an OracleBinary structure using an index Returns the length of the binary data Returns the binary data that is stored in an OracleBinary structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This property obtains the particular byte in an OracleBinary structure using an index. Declaration
// C# public byte this[int index] {get;}

Property Value A byte in the specified index. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-23

OracleBinary Properties

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ItemSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleBinary binary = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1,2,3,4}); // Prints the value 4 Console.WriteLine(binary[binary.Length - 1]); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This property returns the length of the binary data. Declaration
// C# public int length {get;}

Property Value Length of the binary data. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class LengthSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleBinary binary = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1,2,3,4}); // Prints the value 4 Console.WriteLine(binary.Length); } }

12-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This property returns the binary data that is stored in the OracleBinary structure. Declaration
// C# public byte[] Value {get;}

Property Value Binary data. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-25

OracleBinary Instance Methods

OracleBinary Instance Methods

The OracleBinary instance methods are listed in Table 1213.
Table 1213 Methods CompareTo Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleBinary Instance Methods Description Compares the current instance to an object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines if two objects contain the same binary data (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the current instance Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleBinary structure to a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method compares the current instance to an object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared. Return Value The method returns a number that is:

Less than zero: if the current OracleBinary instance value is less than obj. Zero: if the current OracleBinary instance and obj values have the same binary data. Greater than zero: if the current OracleBinary instance value is greater than obj.

Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The parameter is not of type OracleBinary.

12-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleBinary Structure

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleBinarys. For example, comparing an OracleBinary instance with an OracleTimeStamp instance is not allowed. When an OracleBinary is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.

// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CompareToSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleBinary binary1 = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1,2,3}); OracleBinary binary2 = new OracleBinary(new byte[] {1,2,3,4}); // Compare if (binary1.CompareTo(binary2) == 0) Console.WriteLine("binary1 is the same as binary2"); else Console.WriteLine("binary1 is different from binary2"); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

This method determines whether or not an object is an instance of OracleBinary, and has the same binary data as the current instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared. Return Value Returns true if obj is an instance of OracleBinary, and has the same binary data as the current instance; otherwise, returns false.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-27

OracleBinary Instance Methods

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleBinary that has a value is greater than an OracleBinary that has a null value. Two OracleBinarys that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleBinary instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value An int that represents the hash.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

Overrides Object This method converts an OracleBinary instance to a string instance. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value string Remarks If the current OracleBinary instance has a null value, the returned string "null".
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleBinary Structure OracleBinary Members

12-28 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

OracleDate Structure
The OracleDate structure represents the Oracle DATE data type to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Each OracleDate stores the following information: year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleDate Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleDate : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleDate : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleDateSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Initialize the dates to the lower and upper boundaries OracleDate date1 = OracleDate.MinValue; OracleDate date2 = OracleDate.MaxValue; OracleDate date3 = new OracleDate(DateTime.MinValue); OracleDate date4 = new OracleDate(DateTime.MaxValue); // Set the thread's DateFormat for output OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.DateFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY BC"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Print the lower and upper boundaries Console.WriteLine("OracleDate ranges from\n{0}\nto\n{1}\n", date1, date2); Console.WriteLine(".NET DateTime ranges from\n{0}\nto\n{1}\n", date3, date4); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-29

OracleDate Structure

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Members OracleDate Constructors OracleDate Static Fields OracleDate Static Methods OracleDate Static Operators OracleDate Static Type Conversions OracleDate Properties OracleDate Methods

12-30 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

OracleDate Members
OracleDate members are listed in the following tables:

OracleDate Constructors
OracleDate constructors are listed in Table 1214
Table 1214 Constructor OracleDate Constructors OracleDate Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleDate structure (Overloaded)

OracleDate Static Fields

The OracleDate static fields are listed in Table 1215.
Table 1215 Field MaxValue MinValue Null OracleDate Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleDate structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleDate structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleDate structure instance

OracleDate Static Methods

The OracleDate static methods are listed in Table 1216.
Table 1216 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals GetSysDate Parse OracleDate Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleDate values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleDate values are not equal Returns an OracleDate structure that represents the current date and time Returns an OracleDate structure and sets its value using a string

OracleDate Static Operators

The OracleDate static operators are listed in Table 1217.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-31

OracleDate Members

Table 1217 Operator operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <=

OracleDate Static Operators Description Determines if two OracleDate values are the same Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleDate values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second

OracleDate Static Type Conversions

The OracleDate static type conversions are listed in Table 1218.
Table 1218 Operator explicit operator DateTime explicit operator OracleDate OracleDate Static Type Conversions Description Converts a structure to a DateTime structure Converts a structure to an OracleDate structure (Overloaded)

OracleDate Properties
The OracleDate properties are listed in Table 1219.
Table 1219 Properties BinData Day IsNull Hour Minute Month Second Value Year OracleDate Properties Description Gets an array of bytes that represents an Oracle DATE in Oracle internal format Gets the day component of an OracleDate method Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Gets the hour component of an OracleDate Gets the minute component of an OracleDate Gets the month component of an OracleDate Gets the second component of an OracleDate Gets the date and time that is stored in the OracleDate structure Gets the year component of an OracleDate

OracleDate Methods
The OracleDate methods are listed in Table 1220.

12-32 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

Table 1220 Methods CompareTo Equals GetHashCode

OracleDate Methods Description Compares the current OracleDate instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleDate instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleDate instance Calculates the number of days between the current OracleDate instance and an OracleDate structure Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleDate structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure Converts the current OracleDate structure to a string

GetDaysBetween GetType ToOracleTimeStamp ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-33

OracleDate Constructors

OracleDate Constructors
The OracleDate constructors instantiates a new instance of the OracleDate structure. Overload List: OracleDate(DateTime) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value.

OracleDate(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and sets its value using the supplied string.

OracleDate(int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and set its value for date using the supplied year, month, and day.

OracleDate(int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and set its value for time using the supplied year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

OracleDate(byte [ ]) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in the internal Oracle DATE format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate (DateTime dt);

Parameters dt The provided DateTime value. Remarks The OracleDate structure only supports up to a second precision. The time value in the provided DateTime structure that has a precision smaller than second is ignored.

12-34 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and sets its value using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate (string dateStr);

Parameters dateStr A string that represents an Oracle DATE. Exceptions ArgumentException - The dateStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle DATE or the dateStr is not in the date format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.DateFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_ DATE_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The dateStr is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleDateSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Set the thread's DateFormat for the OracleDate constructor OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleDate from a string using the DateFormat specified. OracleDate date = new OracleDate("1999-DEC-01"); // Set a different DateFormat for the thread info.DateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-35

OracleDate Constructors

// Print "12/01/1999" Console.WriteLine(date.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on date format elements

OracleDate(int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and set its value for date using the supplied year, month, and day. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate (int year, int month, int day);

Parameters year The supplied year. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The supplied month. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The supplied day. Range of day is (1 to 31).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleDate (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

OracleDate(int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and set its value for time using the supplied year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Declaration
// C#

12-36 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

public OracleDate (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);

Parameters year The supplied year. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The supplied month. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The supplied day. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The supplied hour. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The supplied minute. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The supplied second. Range of second is (0 to 59).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleDate (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

OracleDate(byte [ ])
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDate structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in the internal Oracle DATE format. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate(byte [] bytes);

Parameters bytes A byte array that represents Oracle DATE in the internal Oracle DATE format. Exceptions ArgumentException - bytes is null or bytes is not in internal Oracle DATE format or bytes is not a valid Oracle DATE.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-37

OracleDate Constructors

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

12-38 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

OracleDate Static Fields

The OracleDate static fields are listed in Table 1221.
Table 1221 Field MaxValue MinValue Null OracleDate Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleDate structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleDate structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleDate structure instance

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This static field represents the maximum valid date for an OracleDate structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDate MaxValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This static field represents the minimum valid date for an OracleDate structure, which is January 1, -4712. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDate MinValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-39

OracleDate Static Fields

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to the value of an OracleDate instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDate Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

12-40 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

OracleDate Static Methods

The OracleDate static methods are listed in Table 1222.
Table 1222 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals GetSysDate Parse OracleDate Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleDate values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleDate values are not equal Returns an OracleDate structure that represents the current date and time Returns an OracleDate structure and sets its value using a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Overloads Object This method determines if two OracleDate values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleDate values are equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-41

OracleDate Static Methods

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

12-42 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second. Otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-43

OracleDate Static Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method determines if two OracleDate values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.


12-44 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

The second OracleDate. Return Value Returns true if two OracleDate values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method gets an OracleDate structure that represents the current date and time. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDate GetSysDate ();

Return Value An OracleDate structure that represents the current date and time.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method gets an OracleDate structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDate Parse (string dateStr);

Parameters dateStr A string that represents an Oracle DATE. Return Value An OracleDate structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-45

OracleDate Static Methods

Exceptions ArgumentException - The dateStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle DATE or the dateStr is not in the date format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.DateFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_ DATE_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The dateStr is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ParseSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Set the thread's DateFormat for the OracleDate constructor OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Construct OracleDate from a string using the DateFormat specified OracleDate date = OracleDate.Parse("1999-DEC-01"); // Set a different DateFormat on the thread for ToString() info.DateFormat = "MM-DD-YY"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Print "12-01-1999" Console.WriteLine(date.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on datetime format elements

12-46 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

OracleDate Static Operators

The OracleDate static operators are listed in Table 1223.
Table 1223 Operator operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= OracleDate Static Operators Description Determines if two OracleDate values are the same Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleDate values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

operator ==
This method determines if two OracleDate values are the same. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if they are the same; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-47

OracleDate Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

operator >
This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

operator >=
This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.


12-48 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

The second OracleDate. Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

operator !=
This method determines if the two OracleDate values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleDate values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

operator <
This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-49

OracleDate Static Operators

// C# public static bool operator < (OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

operator <=
This method determines if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleDate value1, OracleDate value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDate.

value2 The second OracleDate.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDate values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value.

12-50 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-51

OracleDate Static Type Conversions

OracleDate Static Type Conversions

The OracleDate static type conversions are listed in Table 1224.
Table 1224 Operator explicit operator DateTime explicit operator OracleDate OracleDate Static Type Conversions Description Converts a structure to a DateTime structure Converts a structure to an OracleDate structure (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

explicit operator DateTime

This method converts an OracleDate structure to a DateTime structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator DateTime(OracleDate val);

Parameters val An OracleDate structure. Return Value A DateTime structure.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

explicit operator OracleDate

explicit operator OracleDate converts the provided structure to an OracleDate structure. Overload List: explicit operator OracleDate(DateTime) This method converts a DateTime structure to an OracleDate structure.

explicit operator OracleDate(OracleTimeStamp) This method converts an OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleDate structure.

explicit operator OracleDate(string)

12-52 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

This method converts the supplied string to an OracleDate structure.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

explicit operator OracleDate(DateTime)

This method converts a DateTime structure to an OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleDate(DateTime dt);

Parameters dt A DateTime structure. Return Value An OracleDate structure.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

explicit operator OracleDate(OracleTimeStamp)

This method converts an OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public explicit operator OracleDate(OracleTimeStamp ts);

Parameters ts OracleTimeStamp Return Value The returned OracleDate structure contains the date and time in the OracleTimeStamp structure. Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStamp value can be lost during the conversion. If the OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value, the returned OracleDate structure also has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-53

OracleDate Static Type Conversions

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

explicit operator OracleDate(string)

This method converts the supplied string to an OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public explicit operator OracleDate (string dateStr);

Parameters dateStr A string representation of an Oracle DATE. Return Value The returned OracleDate structure contains the date and time in the string dateStr. Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The dateStr is null. ArgumentException - This exception is thrown if any of the following conditions exist:

The dateStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle DATE. The dateStr is not in the date format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.DateFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter.

Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleDateSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Set the thread's DateFormat to a specific format OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info);

12-54 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

// Construct OracleDate from a string using the DateFormat specified OracleDate date = (OracleDate)"1999-DEC-01"; // Set a different DateFormat on the thread for ToString() info.DateFormat = "MON DD YY"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "DEC 01 99" Console.WriteLine(date.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-55

OracleDate Properties

OracleDate Properties
The OracleDate properties are listed in Table 1225.
Table 1225 Properties BinData Day IsNull Hour Minute Month Second Value Year OracleDate Properties Description Gets an array of bytes that represents an Oracle DATE in Oracle internal format Gets the day component of an OracleDate method Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Gets the hour component of an OracleDate Gets the minute component of an OracleDate Gets the month component of an OracleDate Gets the second component of an OracleDate Gets the date and time that is stored in the OracleDate structure Gets the year component of an OracleDate

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property gets a array of bytes that represents an Oracle DATE in Oracle internal format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData{get;}

Property Value An array of bytes. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property gets the day component of an OracleDate.

12-56 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

// C# public int Day{get;}

Property Value A number that represents the day. Range of Day is (1 to 31). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property gets the hour component of an OracleDate. Declaration
// C# public int Hour {get;}

Property Value A number that represents Hour. Range of Hour is (0 to 23). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-57

OracleDate Properties

This property gets the minute component of an OracleDate. Declaration
// C# public int Minute {get;}

Property Value A number that represents Minute. Range of Minute is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property gets the month component of an OracleDate. Declaration
// C# public int Month {get;}

Property Value A number that represents Month. Range of Month is (1 to 12). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property gets the second component of an OracleDate. Declaration
// C# public int Second {get;}

Property Value A number that represents Second. Range of Second is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.

12-58 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public DateTime Value {get;}

Property Value A DateTime. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This property gets the year component of an OracleDate. Declaration
// C# public int Year {get;}

Property Value A number that represents Year. Range of Year is (-4712 to 9999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDate has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-59

OracleDate Methods

OracleDate Methods
The OracleDate methods are listed in Table 1226.
Table 1226 Methods CompareTo Equals GetHashCode GetDaysBetween GetType ToOracleTimeStamp ToString OracleDate Methods Description Compares the current OracleDate instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleDate instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleDate instance Calculates the number of days between the current OracleDate instance and an OracleDate structure Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleDate structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure Converts the current OracleDate structure to a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method compares the current OracleDate instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj An object. Return Value The method returns:

Less than zero: if the current OracleDate instance value is less than that of obj. Zero: if the current OracleDate instance and obj values are equal. Greater than zero: if the current OracleDate instance value is greater than obj.

Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj parameter is not an instance of OracleDate.
12-60 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleDates. For example, comparing an OracleDate instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleDate is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleDate instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals( object obj);

Parameters obj An object. Return Value Returns true if obj has the same type as the current instance and represents the same date and time; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDate that has a value compares greater than an OracleDate that has a null value. Two OracleDates that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleDate instance.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-61

OracleDate Methods

// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value A number that represents the hash code.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method calculates the number of days between the current OracleDate instance and the supplied OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public int GetDaysBetween (OracleDate val);

Parameters val An OracleDate structure. Return Value The number of days between the current OracleDate instance and the OracleDate structure. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance or the supplied OracleDate structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

This method converts the current OracleDate structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp ToOracleTimeStamp();

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure.

12-62 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDate Structure

Remarks The returned OracleTimeStamp structure has date and time in the current instance. If the OracleDate instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members

Overrides ValueType This method converts the current OracleDate structure to a string. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value A string. Remarks The returned value is a string representation of the OracleDate in the format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.DateFormat property. The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.DateLanguage and OracleGlobalization.Calendar properties. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ToStringSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Set the thread's DateFormat to a specific format OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.DateFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Construct OracleDate from a string using the DateFormat specified OracleDate date = (OracleDate)"1999-DEC-01"; // Set a different DateFormat on the thread for ToString() info.DateFormat = "YYYY/MM/DD"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999/12/01"

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-63

OracleDate Methods

Console.WriteLine(date.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDate Structure OracleDate Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

12-64 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Structure
The OracleDecimal structure represents an Oracle NUMBER in the database or any Oracle numeric value. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleDecimal Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleDecimal : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleDecimal : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Remarks OracleDecimal can store up to 38 precision, while the .NET Decimal data type can only hold up to 28 precision. When accessing the OracleDecimal.Value property from an OracleDecimal that has a value greater than 28 precision, an exception is thrown. To retrieve the actual value of OracleDecimal, use the OracleDecimal.ToString() method. Another approach is to obtain the OracleDecimal value as a byte array in an internal Oracle NUMBER format through the BinData property. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleDecimalSample { static void Main(string[] args) { // Illustrates the range of OracleDecimal vs. .NET decimal OracleDecimal decimal1 = OracleDecimal.MinValue; OracleDecimal decimal2 = OracleDecimal.MaxValue; OracleDecimal decimal3 = new OracleDecimal(decimal.MinValue); OracleDecimal decimal4 = new OracleDecimal(decimal.MaxValue); // Print the ranges Console.WriteLine("OracleDecimal can range from\n{0}\nto\n{1}\n", decimal1, decimal2); Console.WriteLine(".NET decimal can range from\n{0}\nto\n{1}", decimal3, decimal4); }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-65

OracleDecimal Structure

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Constructors OracleDecimal Static Fields OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal) OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET) OracleDecimal Properties OracleDecimal Instance Methods

12-66 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Members
OracleDecimal members are listed in the following tables:

OracleDecimal Constructors
OracleDecimal constructors are listed in Table 1227
Table 1227 Constructor OracleDecimal Constructors OracleDecimal Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded)

OracleDecimal Static Fields

The OracleDecimal static fields are listed in Table 1228.
Table 1228 Field MaxPrecision MaxScale MaxValue MinScale MinValue NegativeOne Null One Pi Zero OracleDecimal Static Fields Description A constant representing the maximum precision, which is 38 A constant representing the maximum scale, which is 127 A constant representing the maximum value for this structure, which is 9.99 x 10125 A constant representing the minimum scale, which is -84 A constant representing the minimum value for this structure, which is -1.0 x 10130 A constant representing the negative one value Represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleDecimal instance A constant representing the positive one value A constant representing the numeric Pi value A constant representing the zero value

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (comparison) methods are listed in Table 1229.
Table 1229 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods Description Determines if two OracleDecimal values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-67

OracleDecimal Members

Table 1229 Methods NotEquals

(Cont.) OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods Description Determines if two OracleDecimal values are not equal

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (manipulation) methods are listed in Table 1230.
Table 1230 Methods Abs Add AdjustScale OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods Description Returns the absolute value of an OracleDecimal Adds two OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal with the specified number of digits and indicates whether or not to round or truncate the number if the scale is less than original Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the ceiling of an OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with a new precision and scale Divides one OracleDecimal value by another Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the floor of an OracleDecimal structure Returns the maximum value of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures Returns the minimum value of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the modulus of two OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the result of multiplying two OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the negation of the supplied OracleDecimal structure Converts a string to an OracleDecimal Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to that of the supplied OracleDecimal structure and rounded off to the specified place Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with a new specified precision. Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to that of the supplied OracleDecimal structure, and its decimal place shifted to the specified number of places to the right Determines the sign of an OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the square root of the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to result of subtracting one OracleDecimal structure from another Truncates the OracleDecimal at a specified position

Ceiling ConvertToPrecScale Divide Floor Max Min Mod Multiply Negate Parse Round

SetPrecision Shift

Sign Sqrt Subtract


12-68 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (logarithmic) methods are listed in Table 1231.
Table 1231 Methods Exp Log OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods Description Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to e raised to the supplied power Returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded) Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal structure raised to the supplied power (Overloaded)


OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (trigonometric) methods are listed in Table 1232.
Table 1232 Methods Acos Asin Atan Atan2 Cos Sin Tan Cosh Sinh Tanh OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods Description Returns an angle in radian whose cosine is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns an angle in radian whose sine is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns an angle in radian whose tangent is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns an angle in radian whose tangent is the quotient of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures Returns the cosine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the sine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the tangent of the supplied angle in radian Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the hyperbolic sine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the supplied angle in radian

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators

The OracleDecimal static (comparison) operators are listed in Table 1233.
Table 1233 Operator operator + operator / operator == operator > operator >= OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators Description Adds two OracleDecimal values Divides one OracleDecimal value by another Determines if the two OracleDecimal values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-69

OracleDecimal Members

Table 1233 Operator operator != operator < operator <= operator * operator operator operator%

(Cont.) OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators Description Determines if the two OracleDecimal values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second Multiplies two OracleDecimal structures Subtracts one OracleDecimal structure from another Negates an OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the modulus of two OracleDecimal structures.

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal)

The OracleDecimal static operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal) are listed in Table 1234.
Table 1234 OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal) Operator implicit operator OracleDecimal explicit operator OracleDecimal Description Converts an instance value to an OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded)

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET)

The OracleDecimal static operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET) are listed in Table 1235.
Table 1235 Operator explicit operator byte explicit operator decimal explicit operator double explicit operator short explicit operator int explicit operator long explicit operator float OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET) Description Returns the byte representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the decimal representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the double representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the short representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the int representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the long representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the float representation of the OracleDecimal value

OracleDecimal Properties
The OracleDecimal properties are listed in Table 1236.

12-70 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Table 1236 Properties BinData Format IsInt IsNull IsPositive IsZero Value

OracleDecimal Properties Description Returns a byte array that represents the Oracle NUMBER in Oracle internal format Specifies the format for ToString() Indicates whether or not the current instance is an integer Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether or not the current instance is greater than 0 Indicates whether or not the current instance has a zero value Returns a decimal value

OracleDecimal Instance Methods

The OracleDecimal instance methods are listed in Table 1237.
Table 1237 Method CompareTo Equals OracleDecimal Instance Methods Description Compares the current instance to the supplied object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object is an instance of OracleDecimal, and whether or not the value of the object is equal to the current instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the current instance Inherited from System.Object Returns the byte representation of the current instance Returns the double representation of the current instance Returns the Int16 representation of the current instance Returns the Int32 representation of the current instance Returns the Int64 representation of the current instance Returns the Single representation of the current instance Overloads Object.ToString() Returns the string representation of the current instance

GetHashCode GetType ToByte ToDouble ToInt16 ToInt32 ToInt64 ToSingle ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-71

OracleDecimal Constructors

OracleDecimal Constructors
The OracleDecimal constructors instantiate a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure. Overload List: OracleDecimal(byte [ ]) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied byte array, which is in an Oracle NUMBER format.

OracleDecimal(decimal) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Decimal value.

OracleDecimal(double) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied double value.

OracleDecimal(int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Int32 value.

OracleDecimal(float) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Single value.

OracleDecimal(long) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Int64 value.

OracleDecimal(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied string value.

OracleDecimal(string, string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure with the supplied string value and number format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal(byte [ ])
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied byte array, which is in an Oracle NUMBER format. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(byte [] bytes);

12-72 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Parameters bytes A byte array that represents an Oracle NUMBER in an internal Oracle format. Exceptions ArgumentException - The bytes parameter is not in a internal Oracle NUMBER format or bytes has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The bytes parameter is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Decimal value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(decimal decX);

Parameters decX The provided Decimal value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied double value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(double doubleX)

Parameters doubleX The provided double value. Exceptions OverFlowException - The value of the supplied double is greater than the maximum value or less than the minimum value of OracleDecimal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-73

OracleDecimal Constructors

Remarks OracleDecimal contains the following values depending on the provided double value:

double.PositiveInfinity: positive infinity value double.NegativeInfinity: negative infinity value. double.NaN: null value
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Int32 value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(int intX);

Parameters intX The provided Int32 value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Single value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(float floatX);

Parameters floatX The provided float value. Remarks OracleDecimal contains the following values depending on the provided float value: float.PositiveInfinity: positive infinity value float.NegativeInfinity: negative infinity value

12-74 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

float.NaN: null value

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied Int64 value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(long longX);

Parameters longX The provided Int64 value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure and sets its value to the supplied string value. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(string numStr);

Parameters numStr The provided string value. Exceptions ArgumentException - The numStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an OracleDecimal. ArgumentNullException - The numStr parameter is null. OverFlowException - The value of numStr is greater than the maximum value or less than the minimum value of OracleDecimal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-75

OracleDecimal Constructors

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

OracleDecimal(string, string)
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleDecimal structure with the supplied string value and number format. Declaration
// C# public OracleDecimal(string numStr, string format);

Parameters numStr The provided string value.

format The provided number format.

Exceptions ArgumentException - The numStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an OracleDecimal or the numStr is not in the numeric format specified by format. ArgumentNullException - The numStr parameter is null. OverFlowException - The value of numStr parameter is greater than the maximum value or less than the minimum value of OracleDecimal. Remarks If the numeric format includes decimal and group separators, then the provided string must use those characters defined by the OracleGlobalization.NumericCharacters of the thread. If the numeric format includes the currency symbol, ISO currency symbol, or the dual currency symbol, then the provided string must use those symbols defined by the OracleGlobalization.Currency, OracleGlobalization.ISOCurrency, and OracleGlobalization.DualCurrency properties respectively. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleDecimalSample { static void Main(string[] args) {

12-76 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

// Set the nls parameters related to currency OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.Currency = "$"; info.NumericCharacters = ".,"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Construct an OracleDecimal using a valid numeric format OracleDecimal dec = new OracleDecimal("$2,222.22","L9G999D99"); // Print "$2,222.22" Console.WriteLine(dec.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-77

OracleDecimal Static Fields

OracleDecimal Static Fields

The OracleDecimal static fields are listed in Table 1238.
Table 1238 Field MaxPrecision MaxScale MaxValue MinScale MinValue NegativeOne Null One Pi Zero OracleDecimal Static Fields Description A constant representing the maximum precision, which is 38 A constant representing the maximum scale, which is 127 A constant representing the maximum value for this structure, which is 9.99 x 10125 A constant representing the minimum scale, which is -84 A constant representing the minimum value for this structure, which is -1.0 x 10130 A constant representing the negative one value Represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleDecimal instance A constant representing the positive one value A constant representing the numeric Pi value A constant representing the zero value

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field represents the maximum precision, which is 38. Declaration
// C# public static readonly byte MaxPrecision;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field a constant representing the maximum scale, which is 127. Declaration
// C# public static readonly byte MaxScale;

12-78 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the maximum value for this structure, which is 9.99 x 10125 (38 nines followed by 88 zeroes). Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal MaxValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the maximum scale, which is -84. Declaration
// C# public static readonly int MinScale;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the minimum value for this structure, which is -1.0 x 10130. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal MinValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the negative one value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-79

OracleDecimal Static Fields

// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal NegativeOne;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleDecimal instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the positive one value. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal One;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the numeric Pi value. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal Pi;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-80 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

This static field indicates a constant representing the zero value. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleDecimal Zero;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-81

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (comparison) methods are listed in Table 1239.
Table 1239 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods Description Determines if two OracleDecimal values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second. Determines if two OracleDecimal values are not equal

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines if two OracleDecimal values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleDecimal value1, OracleDecimal value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDecimal.

value2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleDecimal values are equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.

12-82 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleDecimal value1, OracleDecimal value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDecimal.

value2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleDecimal value1, OracleDecimal value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDecimal.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-83

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods

The second OracleDecimal. Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleDecimal value1, OracleDecimal value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDecimal.

value2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-84 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleDecimal value1, OracleDecimal value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDecimal.

value2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines if two OracleDecimal values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleDecimal value1, OracleDecimal value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleDecimal.

value2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleDecimal values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-85

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-86 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (manipulation) methods are listed in Table 1240.
Table 1240 Methods Abs Add AdjustScale OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods Description Returns the absolute value of an OracleDecimal Adds two OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal with the specified number of digits and indicates whether or not to round or truncate the number if the scale is less than original Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the ceiling of an OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with a new precision and scale Divides one OracleDecimal value by another Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the floor of an OracleDecimal structure Returns the maximum value of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures Returns the minimum value of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the modulus of two OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the result of multiplying two OracleDecimal structures Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the negation of the supplied OracleDecimal structure Converts a string to an OracleDecimal Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to that of the supplied OracleDecimal structure and rounded off to the specified place Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with a new specified precision. Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to that of the supplied OracleDecimal structure, and its decimal place shifted to the specified number of places to the right Determines the sign of an OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the square root of the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to result of subtracting one OracleDecimal structure from another Truncates the OracleDecimal at a specified position

Ceiling ConvertToPrecScale Divide Floor Max Min Mod Multiply Negate Parse Round

SetPrecision Shift

Sign Sqrt Subtract


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-87

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the absolute value of an OracleDecimal. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Abs(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal. Return Value The absolute value of an OracleDecimal. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method adds two OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Add(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns an OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.

12-88 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal with the specified number of digits and indicates whether or not to round or truncate the number if the scale is less than the original. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal AdjustScale(OracleDecimal val, int digits, bool fRound);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal.

digits The number of digits.

fRound Indicates whether or not to round or truncate the number. Setting it to true rounds the number and setting it to false truncates the number.

Return Value An OracleDecimal. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class AdjustScaleSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleDecimal dec1 = new OracleDecimal(5.555); // Adjust Scale to 2 with rounding off OracleDecimal dec2 = OracleDecimal.AdjustScale(dec1, 2, true); // Prints 5.56 Console.WriteLine(dec2.ToString()); // Adjust Scale to 2 with truncation OracleDecimal dec3 = OracleDecimal.AdjustScale(dec1, 2, false); Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-89

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

// Prints 5.55 Console.WriteLine(dec3.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the ceiling of the supplied OracleDecimal. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Ceiling(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal. Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with a new precision and scale. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal ConvertToPrecScale(OracleDecimal val int precision, int scale);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

precision The precision. Range of precision is 1 to 38.

12-90 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

scale The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Range of scale is -84 to 127.

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ConvertToPrecScaleSample { static void Main(string[] args) { OracleDecimal dec1 = new OracleDecimal(555.6666); // Set the precision of od to 5 and scale to 2 OracleDecimal dec2 = OracleDecimal.ConvertToPrecScale(dec1,5,2); // Prints 555.67 Console.WriteLine(dec2.ToString()); // Set the precision of od to 3 and scale to 0 OracleDecimal dec3 = OracleDecimal.ConvertToPrecScale(dec1,3,0); // Prints 556 Console.WriteLine(dec3.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method divides one OracleDecimal value by another. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Divide(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-91

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

An OracleDecimal. Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the floor of the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Floor(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the maximum value of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Max(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal structure.


12-92 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that has the greater value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the minimum value of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Min(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal structure.

val2 An OracleDecimal structure.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that has the smaller value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the modulus of two OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Mod(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal divider);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal structure.

divider An OracleDecimal structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-93

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

Return Value An OracleDecimal. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the result of multiplying two OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Multiply(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal structure.

val2 An OracleDecimal structure.

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the negation of the supplied OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Negate(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

12-94 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method converts a string to an OracleDecimal. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Parse (string str);

Parameters str The string being converted. Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The numStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an OracleDecimal. ArgumentNullException - The numStr parameter is null. OverFlowException - The value of numStr is greater than the maximum value or less than the minimum value of OracleDecimal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to that of the supplied OracleDecimal structure and rounded off to the specified place. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Round(OracleDecimal val, int decplace);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-95

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

decplace The specified decimal place. If the value is positive, the function rounds the OracleDecimal structure to the right of the decimal point. If the value is negative, the function rounds to the left of the decimal point.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with a new specified precision. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal SetPrecision(OracleDecimal val, int precision);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

precision The specified precision. Range of precision is 1 to 38.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks The returned OracleDecimal is rounded off if the specified precision is smaller than the precision of val. If val has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class SetPrecisionSample

12-96 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

{ static void Main(string[] args) { OracleDecimal dec1 = new OracleDecimal(555.6666); // Set the precision of dec1 to 3 OracleDecimal dec2 = OracleDecimal.SetPrecision(dec1, 3); // Prints 556 Console.WriteLine(dec2.ToString()); // Set the precision of dec1 to 4 OracleDecimal dec3 = OracleDecimal.SetPrecision(dec1, 4); // Prints 555.7 Console.WriteLine(dec3.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to that of the supplied OracleDecimal structure, and its decimal place shifted to the specified number of places to the right. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Shift(OracleDecimal val, int decplaces);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

decplaces The specified number of places to be shifted.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. If decplaces is negative, the shift is to the left.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-97

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method determines the sign of an OracleDecimal structure. Declaration
// C# public static int Sign(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value -1: if the supplied OracleDecimal < 0 0: if the supplied OracleDecimal == 0 1: if the supplied OracleDecimal > 0

Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The argument has a null value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the square root of the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Sqrt(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The provided OracleDecimal structure is less than zero.
12-98 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to result of subtracting one OracleDecimal structure from another. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Subtract(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal structure.

val2 An OracleDecimal structure.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method truncates the OracleDecimal at a specified position. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Truncate(OracleDecimal val, int pos);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

pos The specified position. If the value is positive, the function truncates the OracleDecimal structure to the right of the decimal point. If the value is

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-99

OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods

negative, it truncates the OracleDecimal structure to the left of the decimal point. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-100 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (logarithmic) methods are listed in Table 1241.
Table 1241 Methods Exp Log Pow OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods Description Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to e raised to the supplied power Returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded) Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal structure raised to the supplied power (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to e raised to the supplied OracleDecimal. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Exp(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Log returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Overload List: Log(OracleDecimal)
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-101

OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the natural logarithm (base e) of the supplied OracleDecimal structure.

Log(OracleDecimal, int) This method returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure in the supplied base.

Log(OracleDecimal, OracleDecimal) This method returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure in the supplied base.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the natural logarithm (base e) of the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Log(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure whose logarithm is to be calculated. Return Value Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the natural logarithm (base e) of val. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The supplied OracleDecimal value is less than zero. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has zero value, the result is undefined, and the returned OracleDecimal structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-102 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Log(OracleDecimal, int)
This method returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure in the supplied base. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Log(OracleDecimal val, int logBase);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure whose logarithm is to be calculated.

logBase An int that specifies the base of the logarithm.

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of val in the supplied base. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Either argument is less than zero. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. If both arguments have zero value, the result is undefined, and the returned OracleDecimal structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Log(OracleDecimal, OracleDecimal)
This method returns the supplied OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the logarithm of the supplied OracleDecimal structure in the supplied base. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Log(OracleDecimal val, OracleDecimal logBase);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure whose logarithm is to be calculated.

logBase An OracleDecimal structure that specifies the base of the logarithm.

Return Value Returns the logarithm of val in the supplied base.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-103

OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Either the val or logBase parameter is less than zero. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value. If both arguments have zero value, the result is undefined, and the returned OracleDecimal structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Pow returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal structure raised to the supplied power. Overload List: Pow(OracleDecimal, int) This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal value raised to the supplied Int32 power.

Pow(OracleDecimal, OracleDecimal) This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal structure raised to the supplied OracleDecimal power.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Pow(OracleDecimal, int)
This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal value raised to the supplied Int32 power. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Pow(OracleDecimal val, int power);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

power An int value that specifies the power.

12-104 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Pow(OracleDecimal, OracleDecimal)
This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the supplied OracleDecimal structure raised to the supplied OracleDecimal power. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Pow(OracleDecimal val, OracleDecimal power);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure.

power An OracleDecimal structure that specifies the power.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-105

OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods

OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods

The OracleDecimal static (trigonometric) methods are listed in Table 1242.
Table 1242 Methods Acos Asin Atan Atan2 Cos Sin Tan Cosh Sinh Tanh OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods Description Returns an angle in radian whose cosine is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns an angle in radian whose sine is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns an angle in radian whose tangent is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Returns an angle in radian whose tangent is the quotient of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures Returns the cosine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the sine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the tangent of the supplied angle in radian Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the hyperbolic sine of the supplied angle in radian Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the supplied angle in radian

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns an angle in radian whose cosine is the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Acos(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Range is (-1 to 1). Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.

12-106 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns an angle in radian whose sine is the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Asin(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Range is (-1 to 1). Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns an angle in radian whose tangent is the supplied OracleDecimal structure Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Atan(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Remarks If the argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-107

OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns an angle in radian whose tangent is the quotient of the two supplied OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Atan2(OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleDecimal structure that represents the y-coordinate.

val2 An OracleDecimal structure that represents the x-coordinate.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the cosine of the supplied angle in radian. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Cos(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Return Value An OracleDecimal instance. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The val parameter is positive or negative infinity.
12-108 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the sine of the supplied angle in radian. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Sin(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The val parameter is positive or negative infinity. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the tangent of the supplied angle in radian. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Tan(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Return Value An OracleDecimal instance.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-109

OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The val parameter is positive or negative infinity. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the hyperbolic cosine of the supplied angle in radian. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Cosh(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Return Value An OracleDecimal instance. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the hyperbolic sine of the supplied angle in radian. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Sinh(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Return Value An OracleDecimal instance.

12-110 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the hyperbolic tangent of the supplied angle in radian. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal Tanh(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure that represents an angle in radian. Return Value An OracleDecimal instance. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-111

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators

The OracleDecimal static (comparison) operators are listed in Table 1243.
Table 1243 Operator operator + operator / operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator * operator operator operator% OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators Description Adds two OracleDecimal values Divides one OracleDecimal value by another Determines if the two OracleDecimal values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleDecimal values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second Multiplies two OracleDecimal structures Subtracts one OracleDecimal structure from another Negates an OracleDecimal structure Returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the modulus of two OracleDecimal structures.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator +
This method adds two OracleDecimal values. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal operator + (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value An OracleDecimal structure.

12-112 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Remarks If either operand has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator /
This method divides one OracleDecimal value by another. Declaration
/ C# public static OracleDecimal operator / (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2)

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.


The second OracleDecimal. Return Value An OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either operand has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator ==
This method determines if two OracleDecimal values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-113

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators

Return Value Returns true if their values are equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator >
This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleDecimal values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator >=
This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second.

12-114 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator !=
This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleDecimal values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-115

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators

Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator <
This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator <=
This method determines if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

12-116 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleDecimal values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator *
This method multiplies two OracleDecimal structures. Declaration
// C# public static OracleDecimal operator * (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either operand has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator This method subtracts one OracleDecimal structure from another.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-117

OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators

// C# public static OracleDecimal operator - (OracleDecimal val1, OracleDecimal val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleDecimal.

val2 The second OracleDecimal.

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either operand has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

operator This method negates the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Declaration

// C# public static OracleDecimal operator - (OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal. Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleDecimal structure has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a new OracleDecimal structure with its value set to the modulus of two OracleDecimal structures.

12-118 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

// C# public static OracleDecimal operator % (OracleDecimal val, OracleDecimal divider);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal.

divider An OracleDecimal.

Return Value A new OracleDecimal structure. Remarks If either operand has a null value, the returned OracleDecimal has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-119

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal)

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal)

The OracleDecimal static operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal) are listed in Table 1244.
Table 1244 OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal) Operator implicit operator OracleDecimal explicit operator OracleDecimal Description Converts an instance value to an OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleDecimal structure (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

implicit operator OracleDecimal

implicit operator OracleDecimal returns the OracleDecimal representation of a value. Overload List: implicit operator OracleDecimal(decimal) This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a decimal value.

implicit operator OracleDecimal(int) This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of an int value.

implicit operator OracleDecimal(long) This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a long value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

implicit operator OracleDecimal(decimal)

This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a decimal value. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleDecimal(decimal val);

Parameters val A decimal value.

12-120 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

Return Value An OracleDecimal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

implicit operator OracleDecimal(int)

This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of an int value. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleDecimal(int val);

Parameters val An int value. Return Value An OracleDecimal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

implicit operator OracleDecimal(long)

This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a long value. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleDecimal(long val);

Parameters val A long value. Return Value An OracleDecimal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-121

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal)

explicit operator OracleDecimal

OracleDecimal returns the OracleDecimal representation of a value. Overload List: explicit operator OracleDecimal(double) This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a double.

explicit operator OracleDecimal(string) This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a string.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator OracleDecimal(double)

This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a double. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleDecimal(double val);

Parameters val A double. Return Value An OracleDecimal. Exceptions OverFlowException - The value of the supplied double is greater than the maximum value of OracleDecimal or less than the minimum value of OracleDecimal. Remarks OracleDecimal contains the following values depending on the provided double value:

double.PositiveInfinity: positive infinity value double.NegativeInfinity: negative infinity value. double.NaN: null value
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-122 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator OracleDecimal(string)

This method returns the OracleDecimal representation of a string. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleDecimal(string numStr);

Parameters numStr A string that represents a numeric value. Return Value An OracleDecimal. Exceptions ArgumentException - The numStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an OracleDecimal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-123

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET)

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET)

The OracleDecimal static operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET) are listed in Table 1245.
Table 1245 Operator explicit operator byte explicit operator decimal explicit operator double explicit operator short explicit operator int explicit operator long explicit operator float OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET) Description Returns the byte representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the decimal representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the double representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the short representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the int representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the long representation of the OracleDecimal value Returns the float representation of the OracleDecimal value

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator byte

This method returns the byte representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator byte(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A byte. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException- The byte cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.

12-124 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator decimal

This method returns the decimal representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator decimal(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A decimal. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException - The decimal cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator double

This method returns the double representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator double(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A double. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException - The double cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-125

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator short

This method returns the short representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator short(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A short. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException - The short cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator int

This method returns the int representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator int(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value An int. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException - The int cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.
12-126 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator long

This method returns the long representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator long(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A long. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException - The long cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

explicit operator float

This method returns the float representation of the OracleDecimal value. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator float(OracleDecimal val);

Parameters val An OracleDecimal structure. Return Value A float. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleDecimal has a null value. OverFlowException - The float cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-127

OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-128 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Properties
The OracleDecimal properties are listed in Table 1246.
Table 1246 Properties BinData Format IsInt IsNull IsPositive IsZero Value OracleDecimal Properties Description Returns a byte array that represents the Oracle NUMBER in Oracle internal format Specifies the format for ToString() Indicates whether or not the current instance is an integer Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Indicates whether or not the current instance is greater than 0 Indicates whether or not the current instance has a zero value Returns a decimal value

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This property returns a byte array that represents the Oracle NUMBER in an internal Oracle format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData {get;}

Property Value A byte array that represents the Oracle NUMBER in an internal Oracle format. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This property specifies the format for ToString(). Declaration
// C# public string Format {get; set;}

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-129

OracleDecimal Properties

Property Value The string which specifies the format. Remarks Format is used when ToString() is called on an instance of an OracleDecimal. It is useful if the ToString() method needs a specific currency symbol, group, or decimal separator as part of a string. By default, this property is null which indicates that no special formatting is used. The decimal and group separator characters are specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.NumericCharacters. The currency symbols are specified by the following thread properties:

OracleGlobalization.Currency OracleGlobalization.ISOCurrency OracleGlobalization.DualCurrency

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This property indicates whether or not the current instance is an integer value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsInt {get;}

Property Value A bool value that returns true if the current instance is an integer value; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C#

12-130 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

public bool IsNull {get;}

Property Value A bool value that returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This property indicates whether or not the value of the current instance is greater than 0. Declaration
// C# public bool IsPositive {get;}

Property Value A bool value that returns true if the current instance is greater than 0; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a zero value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsZero{get;}

Property Value A bool value that returns true if the current instance has a zero value; otherwise, returns false. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-131

OracleDecimal Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns a decimal value. Declaration
// C# public decimal Value {get;}

Property Value A decimal value. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. OverFlowException - The decimal cannot represent the supplied OracleDecimal structure. Remarks Precision can be lost when the decimal value is obtained from an OracleDecimal. See Remarks under "OracleDecimal Structure" on page 12-65 for further information.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

12-132 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

OracleDecimal Instance Methods

The OracleDecimal instance methods are listed in Table 1247.
Table 1247 Method CompareTo Equals OracleDecimal Instance Methods Description Compares the current instance to the supplied object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object is an instance of OracleDecimal, and whether or not the value of the object is equal to the current instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the current instance Inherited from System.Object Returns the byte representation of the current instance Returns the double representation of the current instance Returns the Int16 representation of the current instance Returns the Int32 representation of the current instance Returns the Int64 representation of the current instance Returns the Single representation of the current instance Overloads Object.ToString() Returns the string representation of the current instance

GetHashCode GetType ToByte ToDouble ToInt16 ToInt32 ToInt64 ToSingle ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method compares the current instance to the supplied object and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The supplied instance. Return Value The method returns a number:

Less than zero: if the value of the current instance is less than obj. Zero: if the value of the current instance is equal to obj. Greater than zero: if the value of the current instance is greater than obj.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-133

OracleDecimal Instance Methods

Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The parameter is not of type OracleDecimal. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleDecimals. For example, comparing an OracleDecimal instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleDecimal is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Overrides Object This method determines whether or not an object is an instance of OracleDecimal, and whether or not the value of the object is equal to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj An OracleDecimal instance. Return Value Returns true if obj is an instance of OracleDecimal, and the value of obj is equal to the current instance; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleDecimal that has a value compares greater than an OracleDecimal that has a null value. Two OracleDecimals that contain a null value are equal.

12-134 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the current instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value Returns a hash code.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the byte representation of the current instance. Declaration
// C# public byte ToByte();

Return Value A byte. Exceptions OverFlowException - The byte cannot represent the current instance. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the double representation of the current instance. Declaration
// C# public double ToDouble();

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-135

OracleDecimal Instance Methods

Return Value A double. Exceptions OverFlowException - The double cannot represent the current instance. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the Int16 representation of the current instance. Declaration
// C# public short ToInt16();

Return Value A short. Exceptions OverFlowException - The short cannot represent the current instance. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the Int32 representation of the current instance. Declaration
// C# public int ToInt32();

Return Value An int. Exceptions OverFlowException - The int cannot represent the current instance. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

12-136 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleDecimal Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the Int64 representation of the current instance. Declaration
// C# public long ToInt64();

Return Value A long. Exceptions OverFlowException - The long cannot represent the current instance. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

This method returns the Single representation of the current instance. Declaration
// C# public float ToSingle();

Return Value A float. Exceptions OverFlowException - The float cannot represent the current instance. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure

Overrides Object This method returns the string representation of the current instance.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-137

OracleDecimal Instance Methods

// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value Returns the number in a string. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the returned string is "null". The returned value is a string representation of an OracleDecimal in the numeric format specified by the Format property. The decimal and group separator characters are specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.NumericCharacters. The currency symbols are specified by the following thread properties:

OracleGlobalization.Currency OracleGlobalization.ISOCurrency OracleGlobalization.DualCurrency

If the numeric format is not specified, an Oracle default value is used.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleDecimal Members OracleDecimal Structure "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

12-138 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

OracleIntervalDS Structure
The OracleIntervalDS structure represents the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Each OracleIntervalDS stores a period of time in term of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and fractional seconds. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleIntervalDS : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleIntervalDS : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleIntervalDSSample { static void Main() { OracleIntervalDS iDSMax = OracleIntervalDS.MaxValue; double totalDays = iDSMax.TotalDays; totalDays -= 1; OracleIntervalDS iDSMax_1 = new OracleIntervalDS(totalDays); // Calculate the difference OracleIntervalDS iDSDiff = iDSMax - iDSMax_1; // Prints "iDSDiff.ToString() = +000000000 23:59:59.999999999" Console.WriteLine("iDSDiff.ToString() = " + iDSDiff.ToString()); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-139

OracleIntervalDS Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Members OracleIntervalDS Constructors OracleIntervalDS Static Fields OracleIntervalDS Static Methods OracleIntervalDS Static Operators OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions OracleIntervalDS Properties OracleIntervalDS Methods

12-140 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

OracleIntervalDS Members
OracleIntervalDS members are listed in the following tables:

OracleIntervalDS Constructors
OracleIntervalDS constructors are listed in Table 1248
Table 1248 Constructor OracleIntervalDS Constructors OracleIntervalDS Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleIntervalDS structure (Overloaded)

OracleIntervalDS Static Fields

The OracleIntervalDS static fields are listed in Table 1249.
Table 1249 Field MaxValue MinValue Null Zero OracleIntervalDS Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid time interval for an OracleIntervalDS structure Represents the minimum valid time interval for an OracleIntervalDS structure Represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleIntervalDS instance Represents a zero value for an OracleIntervalDS structure

OracleIntervalDS Static Methods

The OracleIntervalDS static methods are listed in Table 1250.
Table 1250 Methods Equals OracleIntervalDS Static Methods Description Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are equal (Overloaded) Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than or equal to another Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal Returns an OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value for time interval using a string



LessThan LessThanOrEqual

NotEquals Parse

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-141

OracleIntervalDS Members

Table 1250 Methods SetPrecision

(Cont.) OracleIntervalDS Static Methods Description Returns a new instance of an OracleIntervalDS with the specified day precision and fractional second precision

OracleIntervalDS Static Operators

The OracleIntervalDS static operators are listed in Table 1251.
Table 1251 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= OracleIntervalDS Static Operators Description Adds two OracleIntervalDS values Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than or equal to another Subtracts one OracleIntervalDS value from another Negates an OracleIntervalDS structure Multiplies an OracleIntervalDS value by a number Divides an OracleIntervalDS value by a number

operator != operator < operator <=

operator operator operator * operator /

OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions

The OracleIntervalDS type conversions are listed in Table 1252.
Table 1252 Operator explicit operator TimeSpan explicit operator OracleIntervalDS implicit operator OracleIntervalDS OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions Description Converts an OracleIntervalDS structure to a TimeSpan structure Converts a string to an OracleIntervalDS structure Converts a TimeSpan structure to an OracleIntervalDS structure

OracleIntervalDS Properties
The OracleIntervalDS properties are listed in Table 1253.

12-142 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

Table 1253 Properties BinData

OracleIntervalDS Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND in Oracle internal format Gets the days component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the hours component of an OracleIntervalDS Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Gets the milliseconds component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the minutes component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the nanoseconds component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the seconds component of an OracleIntervalDS Returns the total number, in days, that represent the time period in the OracleIntervalDS structure Specifies the time interval that is stored in the OracleIntervalDS structure

Days Hours IsNull Milliseconds Minutes Nanoseconds Seconds TotalDays


OracleIntervalDS Methods
The OracleIntervalDS methods are listed in Table 1254.
Table 1254 Methods CompareTo OracleIntervalDS Methods Description Compares the current OracleIntervalDS instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not the specified object has the same time interval as the current instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleIntervalDS instance Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleIntervalDS structure to a string


GetHashCode GetType ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-143

OracleIntervalDS Constructors

OracleIntervalDS Constructors
OracleIntervalDS constructors create a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure. Overload List: OracleIntervalDS(TimeSpan) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using a TimeSpan structure.

OracleIntervalDS(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using a string that indicates a period of time.

OracleIntervalDS(double) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using the total number of days.

OracleIntervalDS(int, int, int, int, double) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using the supplied days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.

OracleIntervalDS(int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using the supplied days, hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds.

OracleIntervalDS(byte[ ]) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in an internal Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using a TimeSpan structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS(TimeSpan ts);

Parameters ts A TimeSpan structure.

12-144 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using a string that indicates a period of time. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS(string intervalStr);

Parameters intervalStr A string representing the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. Exceptions ArgumentException - The intervalStr parameter is not in the valid format or has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null. Remarks The value specified in the supplied intervalStr must be in Day HH:MI:SSxFF format. Example "1 2:3:4.99" means 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds, and 990 milliseconds or 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds, and 990000000 nanoseconds.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using the total number of days. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS(double totalDays);

Parameters totalDays The supplied total number of days for a time interval. Range of days is -1000,000,000 < totalDays < 1000,000,000.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-145

OracleIntervalDS Constructors

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleIntervalDS.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

OracleIntervalDS(int, int, int, int, double)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using the supplied days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS (int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, double milliSeconds);

Parameters days The days provided. Range of day is (-999,999,999 to 999,999,999).

hours The hours provided. Range of hour is (-23 to 23).

minutes The minutes provided. Range of minute is (-59 to 59).

seconds The seconds provided. Range of second is (-59 to 59).

milliSeconds The milliseconds provided. Range of millisecond is (- 999.999999 to 999.999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleIntervalDS. Remarks The sign of all the arguments must be the same.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

12-146 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

OracleIntervalDS(int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value using the supplied days, hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS (int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int nanoseconds);

Parameters days The days provided. Range of day is (-999,999,999 to 999,999,999).

hours The hours provided. Range of hour is (-23 to 23).

minutes The minutes provided. Range of minute is (-59 to 59).

seconds The seconds provided. Range of second is (-59 to 59).

nanoseconds The nanoseconds provided. Range of nanosecond is (-999,999,999 to 999,999,999)

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleIntervalDS. Remarks The sign of all the arguments must be the same.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

OracleIntervalDS(byte[ ])
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in an internal Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND format. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS (byte[ ] bytes);

Parameters bytes

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-147

OracleIntervalDS Constructors

A byte array that is in an internal Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND format. Exceptions ArgumentException - bytes is not in internal Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND format, or bytes is not a valid Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. ArgumentNullException - bytes is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

12-148 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

OracleIntervalDS Static Fields

The OracleIntervalDS static fields are listed in Table 1255.
Table 1255 Field MaxValue MinValue Null Zero OracleIntervalDS Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid time interval for an OracleIntervalDS structure Represents the minimum valid time interval for an OracleIntervalDS structure Represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleIntervalDS instance Represents a zero value for an OracleIntervalDS structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static field represents the maximum value for an OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalDS MaxValue;

Remarks Maximum values:

Day: 999999999 hour: 23 minute is 59 second: 59 nanosecond: 999999999

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static field represents the minimum value for an OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalDS MinValue;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-149

OracleIntervalDS Static Fields

Remarks Minimum values:

Day: -999999999 hour: -23 minute: -59 second: -59 nanosecond: -999999999
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleIntervalDS instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalDS Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static field represents a zero value for an OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalDS Zero;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

12-150 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

OracleIntervalDS Static Methods

The OracleIntervalDS static methods are listed in Table 1256.
Table 1256 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals Parse SetPrecision OracleIntervalDS Static Methods Description Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are equal (Overloaded) Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than or equal to another Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal Returns an OracleIntervalDS structure and sets its value for time interval using a string Returns a new instance of an OracleIntervalDS with the specified day precision and fractional second precision

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value If the two OracleIntervalDS structures represent the same time interval, returns true; otherwise, returns false.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-151

OracleIntervalDS Static Methods

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than or equal to the second.

12-152 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-153

OracleIntervalDS Static Methods

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

12-154 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method returns an OracleIntervalDS instance and sets its value for time interval using a string. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS Parse(string intervalStr);

Parameters intervalStr A string representing the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. Return Value Returns an OracleIntervalDS instance representing the time interval from the supplied string. Exceptions ArgumentException - The intervalStr parameter is not in the valid format or intervalStr has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null. Remarks The value specified in intervalStr must be in Day HH:MI:SSxFF format.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-155

OracleIntervalDS Static Methods

Example "1 2:3:4.99" means 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds, and 990 milliseconds or 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds, and 990000000 nanoseconds.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This static method returns a new instance of an OracleIntervalDS with the specified day precision and fractional second precision. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS SetPrecision(OracleIntervalDS value1, int dayPrecision, int fracSecPrecision);

Parameters value1 An OracleIntervalDS structure.

dayPrecision The day precision provided. Range of day precision is (0 to 9).

fracSecPrecision The fractional second precision provided. Range of fractional second precision is (0 to 9).

Return Value An OracleIntervalDS instance. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - An argument value is out of the specified range. Remarks Depending on the value specified in the supplied dayPrecision, 0 or more leading zeros are displayed in the string returned by ToString(). The value specified in the supplied fracSecPrecision is used to perform a rounding off operation on the supplied OracleIntervalDS value. Depending on this value, 0 or more trailing zeros are displayed in the string returned by ToString(). Example The OracleIntervalDS with a value of "1 2:3:4.99" results in the string "001 2:3:4.99000" when SetPrecision() is called, with the day precision set to 3 and fractional second precision set to 5.

12-156 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-157

OracleIntervalDS Static Operators

OracleIntervalDS Static Operators

The OracleIntervalDS static operators are listed in Table 1257.
Table 1257 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator operator operator * operator / OracleIntervalDS Static Operators Description Adds two OracleIntervalDS values Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalDS value is less than or equal to another Subtracts one OracleIntervalDS value from another Negates an OracleIntervalDS structure Multiplies an OracleIntervalDS value by a number Divides an OracleIntervalDS value by a number

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator +
This static operator adds two OracleIntervalDS values. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS operator + (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value An OracleIntervalDS.

12-158 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator ==
This static operator determines if two OracleIntervalDS values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleIntervalDS values are the same; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator >
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-159

OracleIntervalDS Static Operators

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if one OracleIntervalDS value is greater than another; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator >=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.

12-160 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator !=
This static operator determines if the two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleIntervalDS values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator <
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-161

OracleIntervalDS Static Operators

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator <=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalDS values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.

12-162 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator This static operator subtracts one OracleIntervalDS structure from another. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS operator - (OracleIntervalDS val1, OracleIntervalDS val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

val2 The second OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value An OracleIntervalDS structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator This static operator negates the supplied OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS operator - (OracleIntervalDS val);

Parameters val An OracleIntervalDS. Return Value An OracleIntervalDS structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-163

OracleIntervalDS Static Operators

Remarks If the supplied OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator *
This static operator multiplies an OracleIntervalDS value by a number. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS operator * (OracleIntervalDS val1, int multiplier);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.

multiplier A multiplier.

Return Value A new OracleIntervalDS instance. Remarks If the OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

operator /
This static operator divides an OracleIntervalDS value by a number. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalDS operator / (OracleIntervalDS val1, int divisor);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalDS.


12-164 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

A divisor. Return Value An OracleIntervalDS structure. Remarks If the OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-165

OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions

OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions

The OracleIntervalDS type conversions are listed in Table 1258.
Table 1258 Operator explicit operator TimeSpan explicit operator OracleIntervalDS implicit operator OracleIntervalDS OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions Description Converts an OracleIntervalDS structure to a TimeSpan structure Converts a string to an OracleIntervalDS structure Converts a TimeSpan structure to an OracleIntervalDS structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

explicit operator TimeSpan

This type conversion operator converts an OracleIntervalDS structure to a TimeSpan structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator TimeSpan(OracleIntervalDS val);

Parameters val An OracleIntervalDS instance. Return Value A TimeSpan structure. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleIntervalDS structure has a null value. Remarks
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

explicit operator OracleIntervalDS

This type conversion operator converts a string to an OracleIntervalDS structure.

12-166 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

// C# public static explicit operator OracleIntervalDS (string intervalStr);

Parameters intervalStr A string representation of an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. Return Value An OracleIntervalDS structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The supplied intervalStr parameter is not in the correct format or has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null. Remarks The returned OracleIntervalDS structure contains the same time interval represented by the supplied intervalStr. The value specified in the supplied intervalStr must be in Day HH:MI:SSxFF format. Example "1 2:3:4.99" means 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes 4 seconds and 990 milliseconds or 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes 4 seconds and 990000000 nanoseconds.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

implicit operator OracleIntervalDS

This type conversion operator converts a TimeSpan structure to an OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleIntervalDS(TimeSpan val);

Parameters val A TimeSpan instance. Return Value An OracleIntervalDS structure. Remarks The returned OracleIntervalDS structure contains the same days, hours, seconds, and milliseconds as the supplied TimeSpan val.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-167

OracleIntervalDS Type Conversions

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

12-168 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

OracleIntervalDS Properties
The OracleIntervalDS properties are listed in Table 1259.
Table 1259 Properties BinData Days Hours IsNull Milliseconds Minutes Nanoseconds Seconds TotalDays Value OracleIntervalDS Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND in Oracle internal format Gets the days component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the hours component of an OracleIntervalDS Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Gets the milliseconds component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the minutes component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the nanoseconds component of an OracleIntervalDS Gets the seconds component of an OracleIntervalDS Returns the total number, in days, that represent the time period in the OracleIntervalDS structure Specifies the time interval that is stored in the OracleIntervalDS structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property returns an array of bytes that represents the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND in Oracle internal format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData {get;}

Property Value A byte array that represents an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND in Oracle internal format. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-169

OracleIntervalDS Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property gets the days component of an OracleIntervalDS. Declaration
// C# public int Days {get;}

Property Value An int representing the days component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property gets the hours component of an OracleIntervalDS. Declaration
// C# public int Hours {get;}

Property Value An int representing the hours component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# 12-170 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

public bool IsNull {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property gets the milliseconds component of an OracleIntervalDS. Declaration
// C# public double Milliseconds {get;}

Property Value A double that represents milliseconds component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property gets the minutes component of an OracleIntervalDS. Declaration
// C# public int Minutes {get;}

Property Value A int that represents minutes component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property gets the nanoseconds component of an OracleIntervalDS.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-171

OracleIntervalDS Properties

// C# public int Nanoseconds {get;}

Property Value An int that represents nanoseconds component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property gets the seconds component of an OracleIntervalDS. Declaration
// C# public int Seconds {get;}

Property Value An int that represents seconds component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property returns the total number, in days, that represent the time period in the OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public double TotalDays {get;}

Property Value A double that represents the total number of days. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

12-172 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This property specifies the time interval that is stored in the OracleIntervalDS structure. Declaration
// C# public TimeSpan Value {get;}

Property Value A time interval. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-173

OracleIntervalDS Methods

OracleIntervalDS Methods
The OracleIntervalDS methods are listed in Table 1260.
Table 1260 Methods CompareTo Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString OracleIntervalDS Methods Description Compares the current OracleIntervalDS instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not the specified object has the same time interval as the current instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleIntervalDS instance Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleIntervalDS structure to a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This method compares the current OracleIntervalDS instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to. Return Value The method returns:

Less than zero: if the current OracleIntervalDS represents a shorter time interval than obj. Zero: if the current OracleIntervalDS and obj represent the same time interval. Greater than zero: if the current OracleIntervalDS represents a longer time interval than obj.

Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj parameter is not of type OracleIntervalDS.

12-174 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalDS Structure

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleIntervalDSs. For example, comparing an OracleIntervalDS instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleIntervalDS is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

This method determines whether or not the specified object has the same time interval as the current instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj The specified object. Return Value Returns true if obj is of type OracleIntervalDS and has the same time interval as the current instance; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalDS that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalDS that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalDSs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleIntervalDS instance.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-175

OracleIntervalDS Methods

// C# public override int GetHashCode();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

Overrides Object This method converts the current OracleIntervalDS structure to a string. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value Returns a string. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the returned string contains "null".
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalDS Structure OracleIntervalDS Members

12-176 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

OracleIntervalYM Structure
The OracleIntervalYM structure represents the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH data type to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Each OracleIntervalYM stores a period of time in years and months. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalYM Declaration
// C# public struct OracleIntervalYM : IComparable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleIntervalYMSample { static void Main() { OracleIntervalYM iYMMax = OracleIntervalYM.MaxValue; double totalYears = iYMMax.TotalYears; totalYears -= 1; OracleIntervalYM iYMMax_1 = new OracleIntervalYM(totalYears); // Calculate the difference OracleIntervalYM iYMDiff = iYMMax - iYMMax_1; // Prints "iYMDiff.ToString() = +000000001-00" Console.WriteLine("iYMDiff.ToString() = " + iYMDiff.ToString()); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-177

OracleIntervalYM Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Members OracleIntervalYM Constructors OracleIntervalYM Static Fields OracleIntervalYM Static Methods OracleIntervalYM Static Operators OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions OracleIntervalYM Properties OracleIntervalYM Methods

12-178 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

OracleIntervalYM Members
OracleIntervalYM members are listed in the following tables:

OracleIntervalYM Constructors
OracleIntervalYM constructors are listed in Table 1261
Table 1261 Constructor OracleIntervalYM Constructors OracleIntervalYM Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleIntervalYM structure (Overloaded)

OracleIntervalYM Static Fields

The OracleIntervalYM static fields are listed in Table 1262.
Table 1262 Field MaxValue MinValue Null Zero OracleIntervalYM Static Fields Description Represents the maximum value for an OracleIntervalYM structure Represents the minimum value for an OracleIntervalYM structure Represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleIntervalYM instance Represents a zero value for an OracleIntervalYM structure

OracleIntervalYM Static Methods

The OracleIntervalYM static methods are listed in Table 1263.
Table 1263 Methods Equals OracleIntervalYM Static Methods Description Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalYM values are equal (Overloaded) Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than or equal to another Determines whether two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal Returns an OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value for time interval using a string

GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual

LessThan LessThanOrEqual

NotEquals Parse

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-179

OracleIntervalYM Members

Table 1263 Methods SetPrecision

(Cont.) OracleIntervalYM Static Methods Description Returns a new instance of an OracleIntervalYM with the specified year precision.

OracleIntervalYM Static Operators

The OracleIntervalYM static operators are listed in Table 1264.
Table 1264 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= OracleIntervalYM Static Operators Description Adds two OracleIntervalYM values Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalYM values are equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than or equal to another Subtracts one OracleIntervalYM value from another Negates an OracleIntervalYM structure Multiplies an OracleIntervalYM value by a number Divides an OracleIntervalYM value by a number

operator != operator < operator <=

operator operator operator * operator /

OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions

The OracleIntervalYM conversions are listed in Table 1265.
Table 1265 Operator explicit operator long explicit operator OracleIntervalYM implicit operator OracleIntervalYM OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions Description Converts an OracleIntervalYM structure to a number Converts a string to an OracleIntervalYM structure Converts the number of months to an OracleIntervalYM structure

OracleIntervalYM Properties
The OracleIntervalYM properties are listed in Table 1266.

12-180 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

Table 1266 Properties BinData

OracleIntervalYM Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH in an Oracle internal format Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Gets the months component of an OracleIntervalYM Returns the total number, in years, that represents the period of time in the current OracleIntervalYM structure Specifies the total number of months that is stored in the OracleIntervalYM structure Gets the years component of an OracleIntervalYM

IsNull Months TotalYears

Value Years

OracleIntervalYM Methods
The OracleIntervalYM methods are listed in Table 1267.
Table 1267 Methods CompareTo OracleIntervalYM Methods Description Compares the current OracleIntervalYM instance to the supplied object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not the specified object has the same time interval as the current instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleIntervalYM instance Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleIntervalYM structure to a string


GetHashCode GetType ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-181

OracleIntervalYM Constructors

OracleIntervalYM Constructors
The OracleIntervalYM constructors creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure. Overload List: OracleIntervalYM(long) This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure using the supplied total number of months for a period of time.

OracleIntervalYM(string) This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value using the supplied string.

OracleIntervalYM(double) This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value using the total number of years.

OracleIntervalYM(int, int) This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value using years and months.

OracleIntervalYM(byte[ ]) This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in an internal Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure using the supplied total number of months for a period of time. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM (long totalMonths);

Parameters totalMonths The number of total months for a time interval. Range is -12,000,000,000 < totalMonths < 12,000,000,000. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The totalMonths parameter is out of the specified range.

12-182 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM (string intervalStr);

Parameters intervalStr A string representing the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. Remarks The value specified in the supplied intervalStr must be in Year-Month format. Exceptions ArgumentException - The intervalStr parameter is not in the valid format or intervalStr has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null. Example "1-2" means 1 year and 2 months.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value using the total number of years. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM (double totalYears);

Parameters totalYears Number of total years. Range is -1,000,000,000 < totalYears > 1,000,000,000.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-183

OracleIntervalYM Constructors

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The totalYears parameter is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The totalYears parameter cannot be used to construct a valid OracleIntervalYM.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

OracleIntervalYM(int, int)
This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value using years and months. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM (int years, int months);

Parameters years Number of years. Range of year is (-999,999,999 to 999,999,999).

months Number of months. Range of month is (-11 to 11).

Remarks The sign of all the arguments must be the same. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleIntervalYM.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

OracleIntervalYM(byte[ ])
This method creates a new instance of the OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in an internal Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND format. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM (byte[] bytes);

12-184 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

Parameters bytes A byte array that is in an internal Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH format. Exceptions ArgumentException - The supplied byte array is not in an internal Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH format or the supplied byte array has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - bytes is null. Remarks The supplied byte array must be in an internal Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-185

OracleIntervalYM Static Fields

OracleIntervalYM Static Fields

The OracleIntervalYM static fields are listed in Table 1268.
Table 1268 Field MaxValue MinValue Null Zero OracleIntervalYM Static Fields Description Represents the maximum value for an OracleIntervalYM structure Represents the minimum value for an OracleIntervalYM structure Represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleIntervalYM instance Represents a zero value for an OracleIntervalYM structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static field represents the maximum value for an OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalYM MaxValue;

Remarks Year is 999999999 and Month is 11.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static field represents the minimum value for an OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalYM MinValue;

Remarks Year is -999999999 and Month is -11.

12-186 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an OracleIntervalYM instance. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalYM Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static field represents a zero value for an OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleIntervalDS Zero;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-187

OracleIntervalYM Static Methods

OracleIntervalYM Static Methods

The OracleIntervalYM static methods are listed in Table 1269.
Table 1269 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals Parse SetPrecision OracleIntervalYM Static Methods Description Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalYM values are equal (Overloaded) Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than or equal to another Determines whether two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal Returns an OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value for time interval using a string Returns a new instance of an OracleIntervalYM with the specified year precision.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method determines whether or not two OracleIntervalYM values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 An OracleIntervalYM structure.

val2 An OracleIntervalYM structure.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleIntervalYM values represent the same time interval, otherwise, returns false.

12-188 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-189

OracleIntervalYM Static Methods

public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value.

12-190 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than or equal to the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method determines whether two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-191

OracleIntervalYM Static Methods

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method returns an OracleIntervalYM structure and sets its value for time interval using a string. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalYM Parse (string intervalStr);

Parameters intervalStr A string representing the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. Return Value Returns an OracleIntervalYM structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The intervalStr parameter is not in the valid format or intervalStr has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null. Remarks The value specified in the supplied intervalStr must be in the Year-Month format. Example "1-2" means 1 year and 2 months.

12-192 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This static method returns a new instance of an OracleIntervalYM with the specified year precision. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalYM SetPrecision(OracleIntervalYM value1, int yearPrecision);

Parameters value1 An OracleIntervalYM structure.

yearPrecision The year precision provided. Range of year precision is (0 to 9).

Return Value An OracleIntervalDS instance. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - yearPrecision is out of the specified range. Remarks Depending on the value specified in the supplied yearPrecision, 0 or more leading zeros are displayed in the string returned by ToString(). Example An OracleIntervalYM with a value of "1-2" results in the string "001-2" when SetPrecision() is called with the year precision set to 3.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-193

OracleIntervalYM Static Operators

OracleIntervalYM Static Operators

The OracleIntervalYM static operators are listed in Table 1270.
Table 1270 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator operator operator * operator / OracleIntervalYM Static Operators Description Adds two OracleIntervalYM values Determines whether or not two OracleIntervalYM values are equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than or equal to another Determines whether two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than another Determines whether or not one OracleIntervalYM value is less than or equal to another Subtracts one OracleIntervalYM value from another Negates an OracleIntervalYM structure Multiplies an OracleIntervalYM value by a number Divides an OracleIntervalYM value by a number

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator +
This static operator adds two OracleIntervalYM values. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalYM operator + (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value OracleIntervalYM

12-194 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator ==
This static operator determines if two OracleIntervalYM values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if they are equal; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator >
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-195

OracleIntervalYM Static Operators

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than another; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator >=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if one OracleIntervalYM value is greater than or equal to another; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

12-196 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

operator !=
This static operator determines whether two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2)

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleIntervalYM values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator <
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than the second; otherwise, returns false.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-197

OracleIntervalYM Static Operators

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator <=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM val2);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleIntervalYM values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator This static operator subtracts one OracleIntervalYM structure from another. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalYM operator - (OracleIntervalYM val1, OracleIntervalYM

12-198 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure


Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

val2 The second OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value An OracleIntervalYM structure. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator This static operator negates an OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration

// C# public static OracleIntervalYM operator - (OracleIntervalYM val);

Parameters val An OracleIntervalYM. Return Value An OracleIntervalYM structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator *
This static operator multiplies an OracleIntervalYM value by a number.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-199

OracleIntervalYM Static Operators

// C# public static OracleIntervalYM operator * (OracleIntervalYM val1, int multiplier);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

multiplier A multiplier.

Return Value An OracleIntervalYM structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

operator /
This static operator divides an OracleIntervalYM value by a number. Declaration
// C# public static OracleIntervalYM operator / (OracleIntervalYM val1, int divisor);

Parameters val1 The first OracleIntervalYM.

divisor A divisor.

Return Value An OracleIntervalYM structure. Remarks If the supplied OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

12-200 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions

The OracleIntervalYM conversions are listed in Table 1271.
Table 1271 Operator explicit operator long explicit operator OracleIntervalYM implicit operator OracleIntervalYM OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions Description Converts an OracleIntervalYM structure to a number Converts a string to an OracleIntervalYM structure Converts the number of months to an OracleIntervalYM structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

explicit operator long

This type conversion operator converts an OracleIntervalYM to a number that represents the number of months in the time interval. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator long (OracleIntervalYM val);

Parameters val An OracleIntervalYM structure. Return Value A long number in months. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleIntervalYM structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

explicit operator OracleIntervalYM

This type conversion operator converts the string intervalStr to an OracleIntervalYM structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-201

OracleIntervalYM Type Conversions

// C# public static explicit operator OracleIntervalYM (string intervalStr);

Parameters intervalStr A string representation of an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH. Return Value An OracleIntervalYM structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The supplied intervalStr parameter is not in the correct format or has an invalid value. ArgumentNullException - The intervalStr parameter is null. Remarks The returned OracleIntervalDS structure contains the same time interval represented by the supplied intervalStr. The value specified in the supplied intervalStr must be in Year-Month format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

implicit operator OracleIntervalYM

This type conversion operator converts the total number of months as time interval to an OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleIntervalYM (long months);

Parameters months The number of months to be converted. Range is (-999,999,999 * 12)-11 <= months <= (999,999,999 * 12)+11. Return Value An OracleIntervalYM structure. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The months parameter is out of the specified range.

12-202 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-203

OracleIntervalYM Properties

OracleIntervalYM Properties
The OracleIntervalYM properties are listed in Table 1272.
Table 1272 Properties BinData IsNull Months TotalYears Value Years OracleIntervalYM Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH in an Oracle internal format Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Gets the months component of an OracleIntervalYM Returns the total number, in years, that represents the period of time in the current OracleIntervalYM structure Specifies the total number of months that is stored in the OracleIntervalYM structure Gets the years component of an OracleIntervalYM

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This property returns an array of bytes that represents the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH in Oracle internal format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData {get;}

Property Value A byte array that represents an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH in Oracle internal format. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This property indicates whether or not the value has a null value. Declaration
// C#

12-204 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

public bool IsNull {get;}

Property Value Returns true if value has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This property gets the months component of an OracleIntervalYM. Declaration
// C# public int Months {get;}

Property Value An int representing the months component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This property returns the total number, in years, that represents the period of time in the current OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration
// C# public double TotalYears {get;}

Property Value A double representing the total number of years. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-205

OracleIntervalYM Properties

This property gets the total number of months that is stored in the OracleIntervalYM structure. Declaration
// C# public long Value {get;}

Property Value The total number of months representing the time interval. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This property gets the years component of an OracleIntervalYM. Declaration
// C# public int Years {get;}

Property Value An int representing the years component. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

12-206 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

OracleIntervalYM Methods
The OracleIntervalYM methods are listed in Table 1273.
Table 1273 Methods CompareTo OracleIntervalYM Methods Description Compares the current OracleIntervalYM instance to the supplied object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not the specified object has the same time interval as the current instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleIntervalYM instance Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleIntervalYM structure to a string

Equals GetHashCode GetType ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

This method compares the current OracleIntervalYM instance to the supplied object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The supplied object. Return Value The method returns a number: Less than zero: if the current OracleIntervalYM represents a shorter time interval than obj. Zero: if the current OracleIntervalYM and obj represent the same time interval. Greater than zero: if the current OracleIntervalYM represents a longer time interval than obj. Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj parameter is not of type OracleIntervalYM.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-207

OracleIntervalYM Methods

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleIntervalYMs. For example, comparing an OracleIntervalYM instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleIntervalYM is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Overrides Object This method determines whether or not the specified object has the same time interval as the current instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj The supplied object. Return Value Returns true if the specified object instance is of type OracleIntervalYM and has the same time interval; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleIntervalYM that has a value compares greater than an OracleIntervalYM that has a null value. Two OracleIntervalYMs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleIntervalYM instance.

12-208 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleIntervalYM Structure

// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value An int representing a hash code.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Overrides Object This method converts the current OracleIntervalYM structure to a string. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value A string that represents the current OracleIntervalYM structure. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the returned string contain "null".
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleIntervalYM Structure OracleIntervalYM Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-209

OracleString Structure

OracleString Structure
The OracleString structure represents a variable-length stream of characters to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleString Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleString : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleString : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleStringSample { static void Main() { // Initialize OracleString structs OracleString string1 = new OracleString("AAA"); // Display the string "AAA" Console.WriteLine("{0} has length of {1}", string1, string1.Length); // Contatenate characters to string1 until the length is 5 while (string1.Length < 5) string1 = OracleString.Concat(string1,"a"); // Display the string of "AAAaa" Console.WriteLine("{0} has length of {1}", string1, string1.Length); } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0

12-210 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Members OracleString Constructors OracleString Static Fields OracleString Static Methods OracleString Static Operators OracleString Type Conversions OracleString Properties OracleString Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-211

OracleString Members

OracleString Members
OracleString members are listed in the following tables:

OracleString Constructors
OracleString constructors are listed in Table 1274
Table 1274 Constructor OracleString Constructors OracleString Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleString structure (Overloaded)

OracleString Static Fields

The OracleString static fields are listed in Table 1275.
Table 1275 Field Null OracleString Static Fields Description Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleString structure

OracleString Static Methods

The OracleString static methods are listed in Table 1276.
Table 1276 Methods Concat OracleString Static Methods Description Concatenates two OracleString instances and returns a new OracleString instance that represents the result Determines if two OracleString values are equal (Overloaded) Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is less than the second Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is less than or equal to the second Determines whether two OracleString values are not equal

Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual

LessThan LessThanOrEqual


OracleString Static Operators

The OracleString static operators are listed in Table 1277.

12-212 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

Table 1277 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <=

OracleString Static Operators Description Concatenates two OracleString values Determines if two OracleString values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleString values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleString values is less than the second Determines if two OracleString values are not equal

OracleString Type Conversions

The OracleString type conversions are listed in Table 1278.
Table 1278 Operator explicit operator string implicit operator OracleString OracleString Type Conversions Description Converts the supplied OracleString to a string instance Converts the supplied string to an OracleString instance

OracleString Properties
The OracleString properties are listed in Table 1279.
Table 1279 Properties IsCaseIgnored IsNull Item Length OracleString Properties Description Indicates whether or not case should be ignored when performing string comparison Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Obtains the particular character in an OracleString using an index. Returns the length of the OracleString

OracleString Methods
The OracleString methods are listed in Table 1280.
Table 1280 Methods Clone OracleString Methods Description Returns a copy of the current OracleString instance

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-213

OracleString Members

Table 1280 Methods CompareTo

(Cont.) OracleString Methods Description Compares the current OracleString instance to the supplied object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same string value as the current OracleString structure (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleString instance Returns an array of bytes, containing the contents of the OracleString, in the client character set format Inherited from System.Object Returns an array of bytes, containing the contents of the OracleString, in Unicode format Converts the current OracleString instance to a string


GetHashCode GetNonUnicodeBytes

GetType GetUnicodeBytes ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure

12-214 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

OracleString Constructors
The OracleString constructors create new instances of the OracleString structure. Overload List: OracleString(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a string.

OracleString(string, bool) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a string and specifies if case is ignored in comparison.

OracleString(byte [ ], bool) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array and specifies if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded.

OracleString(byte [ ], bool, bool) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array and specifies the following: if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded and if case is ignored in comparison.

OracleString(byte [ ], int, int, bool) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array, and specifies the following: the starting index in the byte array, the number of bytes to copy from the byte array, and if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded.

OracleString(byte [ ], int, int, bool, bool) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array, and specifies the following: the starting index in the byte array, the number of bytes to copy from the byte array, if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded, and if case is ignored in comparison.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a string. Declaration
// C# public OracleString(string data);

Parameters data

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-215

OracleString Constructors

A string value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

OracleString(string, bool)
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a string and specifies if case is ignored in comparison. Declaration
// C# public OracleString(string data, bool isCaseIgnored);

Parameters data A string value.

isCaseIgnored Specifies if case is ignored in comparison. Specifies true if case is to be ignored; otherwise, specifies false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

OracleString(byte [ ], bool)
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array and specifies if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded. Declaration
// C# public OracleString(byte[] data, bool fUnicode);

Parameters data Byte array data for the new OracleString.

fUnicode Specifies if the supplied data is Unicode encoded. Specifies true if Unicode encoded; otherwise, false.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The data parameter is null.

12-216 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

OracleString(byte [ ], bool, bool)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array and specifies the following: if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded and if case is ignored in comparison. Declaration
// C# public OracleString(byte[] data, bool fUnicode, bool isCaseIgnored);

Parameters data Byte array data for the new OracleString.

fUnicode Specifies if the supplied data is Unicode encoded. Specifies true if Unicode encoded; otherwise, false.

isCaseIgnored Specifies if case is ignored in comparison. Specifies true if case is to be ignored; otherwise, specifies false.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The data parameter is null.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

OracleString(byte [ ], int, int, bool)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array, and specifies the following: the starting index in the byte array, the number of bytes to copy from the byte array, and if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded. Declaration
// C# public OracleString(byte[] data, int index, int count, bool fUnicode);

Parameters data Byte array data for the new OracleString.


Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-217

OracleString Constructors

The starting index to copy from data.

count The number of bytes to copy.

fUnicode Specifies if the supplied data is Unicode encoded. Specifies true if Unicode encoded; otherwise, false.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The data parameter is null. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The count parameter is less than zero. IndexOutOfRangeException - The index parameter is greater than or equal to the length of data or less than zero.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

OracleString(byte [ ], int, int, bool, bool)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleString structure and sets its value using a byte array, and specifies the following: the starting index in the byte array, the number of bytes to copy from the byte array, if the supplied byte array is Unicode encoded, and if case is ignored in comparison. Declaration
// C# public OracleString(byte[] data, int index, int count, bool fUnicode, bool isCaseIgnored);

Parameters data Byte array data for the new OracleString.

index The starting index to copy from data.

count The number of bytes to copy.

fUnicode Specifies if the supplied data is Unicode encoded. Specifies true if Unicode encoded; otherwise, false.

isCaseIgnored Specifies if case is ignored in comparison. Specifies true if case is to be ignored; otherwise, specifies false.

Exceptions ArgumentNullException - The data parameter is null.

12-218 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The count parameter is less than zero. IndexOutOfRangeException - The index parameter is greater than or equal to the length of data or less than zero.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-219

OracleString Static Fields

OracleString Static Fields

The OracleString static fields are listed in Table 1281.
Table 1281 Field Null OracleString Static Fields

Description Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleString structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleString structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleString Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

12-220 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

OracleString Static Methods

The OracleString static methods are listed in Table 1282.
Table 1282 Methods Concat Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals OracleString Static Methods Description Concatenates two OracleString instances and returns a new OracleString instance that represents the result Determines if two OracleString values are equal (Overloaded) Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is less than the second Determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is less than or equal to the second Determines whether two OracleString values are not equal

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static method concatenates two OracleString instances and returns a new OracleString instance that represents the result. Declaration
// C# public static OracleString Concat(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.

str2 The second OracleString.

Return Value An OracleString. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleString structure has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-221

OracleString Static Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

Overloads Object This static method determines whether or not the two OracleStrings being compared are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.

str2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleStrings being compared are equal; returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.

12-222 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

str2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleStrings is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.

str2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleStrings is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-223

OracleString Static Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.

str2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the first is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static method determines whether or not the first of two OracleString values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.


12-224 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

The second OracleString. Return Value Returns true if the first is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This static method determines whether two OracleString values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleString str1, OracleString str2);

Parameters str1 The first OracleString.

str2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the two OracleString instances are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-225

OracleString Static Operators

OracleString Static Operators

The OracleString static operators are listed in Table 1283.
Table 1283 Operator operator + operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= OracleString Static Operators Description Concatenates two OracleString values Determines if two OracleString values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleString values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleString values is less than the second Determines if two OracleString values are not equal

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator +
This static operator concatenates two OracleString values. Declaration
// C# public static OracleString operator + (OracleString value1, OracleString value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Return Value An OracleString. Remarks If either argument has a null value, the returned OracleString structure has a null value.

12-226 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator ==
This static operator determines if two OracleString values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleString value1, OracleString value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleString values are equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator >
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleString value1, OracleString value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-227

OracleString Static Operators

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleString values is greater than the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator >=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleString value1, OracleString value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleString values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator !=
This static operator determines if two OracleString values are not equal.

12-228 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

// C# public static bool operator != (OracleString value1, OracleString value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleString values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator <
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleStrings is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleString value1, OracleString value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleStrings is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-229

OracleString Static Operators

Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

operator <=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleString values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleString value1, OracleString value1);

Parameters value1 The first OracleString.

value2 The second OracleString.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleString values is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

12-230 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

OracleString Type Conversions

The OracleString type conversions are listed in Table 1284.
Table 1284 Operator explicit operator string implicit operator OracleString OracleString Type Conversions Description Converts the supplied OracleString to a string instance Converts the supplied string to an OracleString instance

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

explicit operator string

This type conversion operator converts the supplied OracleString to a string. Declaration
//C# public static explicit operator string (OracleString value1);

Parameters value1 The supplied OracleString. Return Value string Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleString structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

implicit operator OracleString

This type conversion operator converts the supplied string to an OracleString. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleString (string value1);

Parameters value1
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-231

OracleString Type Conversions

The supplied string. Return Value An OracleString.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

12-232 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

OracleString Properties
The OracleString properties are listed in Table 1285.
Table 1285 Properties IsCaseIgnored IsNull Item Length OracleString Properties Description Indicates whether or not case should be ignored when performing string comparison Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Obtains the particular character in an OracleString using an index. Returns the length of the OracleString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This property indicates whether or not case should be ignored when performing string comparison. Declaration
//C# public bool IsCaseIgnored {get;set;}

Property Value Returns true if string comparison must ignore case; otherwise false. Remarks Default value is true. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class IsCaseIgnoredSample { static void Main() { OracleString string1 = new OracleString("aAaAa"); OracleString string2 = new OracleString("AaAaA"); // Ignore case for comparisons string1.IsCaseIgnored = true; string2.IsCaseIgnored = true; // Same; Prints 0 Console.WriteLine(string1.CompareTo(string2));

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-233

OracleString Properties

// Make comparisons case sensitive // Note that IsCaseIgnored must be set to false for both // OracleStrings; otherwise an exception is thrown string1.IsCaseIgnored = false; string2.IsCaseIgnored = false; // Different; Prints nonzero value Console.WriteLine(string1.CompareTo(string2)); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance contains a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull {get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance contains has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This property obtains the particular character in an OracleString using an index. Declaration
// C# public char Item {get;}

Property Value A char value. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

12-234 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This property returns the length of the OracleString. Declaration
// C# public int Length {get;}

Property Value A int value. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-235

OracleString Methods

OracleString Methods
The OracleString methods are listed in Table 1286.
Table 1286 Methods Clone CompareTo Equals GetHashCode GetNonUnicodeBytes GetType GetUnicodeBytes ToString OracleString Methods Description Returns a copy of the current OracleString instance Compares the current OracleString instance to the supplied object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same string value as the current OracleString structure (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleString instance Returns an array of bytes, containing the contents of the OracleString, in the client character set format Inherited from System.Object Returns an array of bytes, containing the contents of the OracleString, in Unicode format Converts the current OracleString instance to a string

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This method creates a copy of an OracleString instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleString Clone();

Return Value An OracleString structure. Remarks The cloned object has the same property values as that of the object being cloned. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class CloneSample { static void Main() { OracleString str1 = new OracleString("aAaAa");

12-236 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

OracleString str2 = str1.Clone(); // The OracleStrings are same; Prints 0 Console.WriteLine(str1.CompareTo(str2)); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This method compares the current OracleString instance to the supplied object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current instance. Return Value The method returns a number that is:

Less than zero: if the current OracleString value is less than obj. Zero: if the current OracleString value is equal to obj. Greater than zero: if the current OracleString value is greater than obj.

Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj parameter is not of type OracleString. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleStrings. For example, comparing an OracleString instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleString is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-237

OracleString Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This method determines whether or not supplied object is an instance of OracleString and has the same values as the current OracleString instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj An object being compared. Return Value Returns true if the supplied object is an instance of OracleString and has the same values as the current OracleString instance; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleString that has a value is greater than an OracleString that has a null value. Two OracleStrings that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleString instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value A number that represents the hash code.

12-238 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleString Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This method returns an array of bytes, containing the contents of the OracleString, in the client character set format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] GetNonUnicodeBytes();

Return Value A byte array that contains the contents of the OracleString in the client character set format. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, an OracleNullValueException is thrown.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

This method returns an array of bytes, containing the contents of the OracleString in Unicode format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] GetUnicodeBytes();

Return Value A byte array that contains the contents of the OracleString in Unicode format. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, an OracleNullValueException is thrown.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

Overrides Object This method converts the current OracleString instance to a string.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-239

OracleString Methods

// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value A string. Remarks If the current OracleString instance has a null value, the string contains "null".
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleString Structure OracleString Members

12-240 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

OracleTimeStamp Structure
The OracleTimeStamp structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP data type to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Each OracleTimeStamp stores the following information: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleTimeStamp Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleTimeStamp : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleTimeStamp : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleTimeStampSample { static void Main() { OracleTimeStamp tsCurrent1 = OracleTimeStamp.GetSysDate(); OracleTimeStamp tsCurrent2 = DateTime.Now; // Calculate the difference between tsCurrent1 and tsCurrent2 OracleIntervalDS idsDiff = tsCurrent2.GetDaysBetween(tsCurrent1); // Calculate the difference using AddNanoseconds() int nanoDiff = 0; while (tsCurrent2 > tsCurrent1) { nanoDiff += 10; tsCurrent1 = tsCurrent1.AddNanoseconds(10); } Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Nanoseconds = " + idsDiff.Nanoseconds); Console.WriteLine("nanoDiff = " + nanoDiff); } }

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-241

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Members OracleTimeStamp Constructors OracleTimeStamp Static Fields OracleTimeStamp Static Methods OracleTimeStamp Static Operators OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions OracleTimeStamp Properties OracleTimeStamp Methods

12-242 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

OracleTimeStamp Members
OracleTimeStamp members are listed in the following tables:

OracleTimeStamp Constructors
OracleTimeStamp constructors are listed in Table 1287
Table 1287 Constructor OracleTimeStamp Constructors OracleTimeStamp Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded)

OracleTimeStamp Static Fields

The OracleTimeStamp static fields are listed in Table 1288.
Table 1288 Field MaxValue OracleTimeStamp Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStamp structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStamp structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure



OracleTimeStamp Static Methods

The OracleTimeStamp static methods are listed in Table 1289.
Table 1289 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals GetSysDate Parse OracleTimeStamp Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal Gets an OracleTimeStamp structure that represents the current date and time Gets an OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value using the supplied string

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-243

OracleTimeStamp Members

Table 1289 Methods SetPrecision

(Cont.) OracleTimeStamp Static Methods Description Returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStamp with the specified fractional second precision

OracleTimeStamp Static Operators

The OracleTimeStamp static operators are listed in Table 1290.
Table 1290 Operator operator + OracleTimeStamp Static Operators Description Adds the supplied instance value to the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded) Determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second Subtracts the supplied instance value from the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded)

operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator -

OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions

The OracleTimeStamp static type conversions are listed in Table 1291.
Table 1291 Operator explicit operator OracleTimeStamp implicit operator OracleTimeStamp explicit operator DateTime OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded) Converts an OracleTimeStamp value to a DateTime structure

OracleTimeStamp Properties
The OracleTimeStamp properties are listed in Table 1292.
Table 1292 Properties BinData OracleTimeStamp Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP in Oracle internal format

12-244 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Table 1292 Properties Day IsNull Hour Millisecond Minute Month Nanosecond Second Value Year

(Cont.) OracleTimeStamp Properties Description Specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStamp Indicates whether or not the OracleTimeStamp instance has a null value Specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the minute component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the month component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the second component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStamp structure Specifies the year component of an OracleTimeStamp

OracleTimeStamp Methods
The OracleTimeStamp methods are listed in Table 1293.
Table 1293 Methods AddDays AddHours AddMilliseconds AddMinutes AddMonths AddNanoseconds AddSeconds AddYears CompareTo OracleTimeStamp Methods Description Adds the supplied number of days to the current instance Adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance Adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance Adds the supplied number of months to the current instance Adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Compares the current OracleTimeStamp instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-245

OracleTimeStamp Members

Table 1293 Methods Equals

(Cont.) OracleTimeStamp Methods Description Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStamp instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStamp instance Subtracts an OracleTimeStamp value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the time difference between the supplied OracleTimeStamp and the current instance Subtracts value1 from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the difference between value1 and the current instance using OracleIntervalYM Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleDate structure Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to a string

GetHashCode GetDaysBetween


GetType ToOracleDate ToOracleTimeStampLTZ ToOracleTimeStampTZ ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure

12-246 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

OracleTimeStamp Constructors
The OracleTimeStamp constructors create new instances of the OracleTimeStamp structure. Overload List: OracleTimeStamp(DateTime) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value.

OracleTimeStamp(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value using the supplied string.

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date using year, month, and day.

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int, int, int, int, double) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.

OracleTimeStamp(byte [ ]) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in the internal Oracle TIMESTAMP format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp (DateTime dt);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-247

OracleTimeStamp Constructors

Parameters dt The supplied DateTime value. Exceptions ArgumentException - The dt parameter cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStamp.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp (string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr value is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP or the supplied tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property of the thread, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The tsStr value is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleTimeStampSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the OracleTimeStamp(string) // constructor

12-248 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStamp from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStamp ts = new OracleTimeStamp("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on date format elements

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date using year, month, and day. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp(int year, int month, int day);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStamp (that is, the day is out of range for the month).

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-249

OracleTimeStamp Constructors

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStamp (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int, int, int, int, double)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.

12-250 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

// C# public OracleTimeStamp(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

milliSeconds The milliseconds provided. Range of millisecond is (0 to 999.999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStamp (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

OracleTimeStamp(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int nanosecond);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-251

OracleTimeStamp Constructors

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

nanosecond The nanosecond provided. Range of nanosecond is (0 to 999999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStamp (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

OracleTimeStamp(byte [ ])
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in the internal Oracle TIMESTAMP format. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp (byte[] bytes);

Parameters bytes A byte array that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP in Oracle internal format. Exceptions ArgumentException - bytes is not in an internal Oracle TIMESTAMP format or bytes is not a valid Oracle TIMESTAMP. ArgumentNullException - bytes is null.

12-252 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-253

OracleTimeStamp Static Fields

OracleTimeStamp Static Fields

The OracleTimeStamp static fields are listed in Table 1294.
Table 1294 Field MaxValue MinValue Null OracleTimeStamp Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStamp structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStamp structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static field represents the maximum valid date and time for an OracleTimeStamp structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OraTimestamp MaxValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static field represents the minimum valid date and time for an OracleTimeStamp structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStamp MinValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-254 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStamp Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-255

OracleTimeStamp Static Methods

OracleTimeStamp Static Methods

The OracleTimeStamp static methods are listed in Table 1295.
Table 1295 Methods Equals GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals GetSysDate Parse SetPrecision OracleTimeStamp Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal (Overloaded) Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal Gets an OracleTimeStamp structure that represents the current date and time Gets an OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value using the supplied string Returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStamp with the specified fractional second precision

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal; otherwise, returns false.

12-256 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-257

OracleTimeStamp Static Methods

// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

12-258 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-259

OracleTimeStamp Static Methods

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method gets an OracleTimeStamp structure that represents the current date and time. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStamp GetSysDate();

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure that represents the current date and time.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This static method gets an OracleTimeStamp structure and sets its value using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStamp Parse(string datetime);

Parameters datetime

12-260 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

A string that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP. Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP or the supplied tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property of the thread, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The tsStr value is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ParseSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the Parse() method OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStamp from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStamp ts = OracleTimeStamp.Parse("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-261

OracleTimeStamp Static Methods

This static method returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStamp with the specified fractional second precision. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStamp SetPrecision(OracleTimeStamp value1, int fracSecPrecision);

Parameters value1 The provided OracleTimeStamp object.

fracSecPrecision The fractional second precision provided. Range of fractional second precision is (0 to 9).

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure with the specified fractional second precision. Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - fracSecPrecision is out of the specified range. Remarks The value specified in the supplied fracSecPrecision is used to perform a rounding off operation on the supplied OracleTimeStamp value. Depending on this value, 0 or more trailing zeros are displayed in the string returned by ToString(). Example The OracleTimeStamp with a value of "December 31, 9999 23:59:59.99" results in the string "December 31, 9999 23:59:59.99000" when SetPrecision() is called with the fractional second precision set to 5.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-262 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

OracleTimeStamp Static Operators

The OracleTimeStamp static operators are listed in Table 1296.
Table 1296 Operator operator + OracleTimeStamp Static Operators Description Adds the supplied instance value to the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded) Determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second Subtracts the supplied instance value from the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded)

operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator -

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator +
operator+ adds the supplied object to the OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Overload List: operator + (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalDS) This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalDS to the OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure.

operator + (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalYM) This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalYM to the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure.

operator + (OracleTimeStamp, TimeSpan) This static operator adds the supplied TimeSpan to the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-263

OracleTimeStamp Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator + (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalDS)

This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalDS to the OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator + (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleIntervalDS value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp.

value2 An OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator + (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalYM)

This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalYM to the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator + (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleIntervalYM value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp.

value2 An OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp.

12-264 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator + (OracleTimeStamp, TimeSpan)

This static operator adds the supplied TimeSpan to the supplied OracleTimeStamp and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator + (OracleTimeStamp value1, TimeSpan value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp.

value2 A TimeSpan.

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Remarks If the OracleTimeStamp instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator ==
This static operator determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-265

OracleTimeStamp Static Operators

Return Value Returns true if they are the same; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator >
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStamp value is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-266 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

operator >=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStamp is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator !=
This static operator determines if two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStamp values are not equal; otherwise, returns false.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-267

OracleTimeStamp Static Operators

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator <
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStamp is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator <=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStamp values is less than or equal to the second.

12-268 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleTimeStamp value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStamp.

value2 The second OracleTimeStamp.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStamp is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator operator- subtracts the supplied value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Overload List: operator - (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalDS) This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalDS value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and return a new OracleTimeStamp structure.

operator - (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalYM) This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalYM value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure.

operator - (OracleTimeStamp, TimeSpan) This static operator subtracts the supplied TimeSpan value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-269

OracleTimeStamp Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator - (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalDS)

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalDS value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and return a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleIntervalDS value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp.

value2 An OracleIntervalDS instance.

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator - (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalYM)

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalYM value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStamp value1, OracleIntervalYM value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp.

value2 An OracleIntervalYM instance.

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure.

12-270 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

operator - (OracleTimeStamp, TimeSpan)

This static operator subtracts the supplied TimeSpan value, from the supplied OracleTimeStamp value, and returns a new OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStamp value1, TimeSpan value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp.

value2 A TimeSpan instance.

Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure. Remarks If the OracleTimeStamp instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-271

OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions

OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions

The OracleTimeStamp static type conversions are listed in Table 1297.
Table 1297 Operator explicit operator OracleTimeStamp implicit operator OracleTimeStamp explicit operator DateTime OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStamp structure (Overloaded) Converts an OracleTimeStamp value to a DateTime structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp converts the supplied value to an OracleTimeStamp structure Overload List: explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampLTZ) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to an OracleTimeStamp structure.

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampTZ) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to an OracleTimeStamp structure.

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(string) This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string to an OracleTimeStamp structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampLTZ)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1);

12-272 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ instance. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStamp contains the date and time of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp structure also has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampTZ)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampTZ value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStamp contains the date and time information from value1, but the time zone information from value1 is truncated. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp structure also has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(string)

This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-273

OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions

public static explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP. Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP or the tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleTimeStampSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the explicit // operator OracleTimeStamp(string) OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStamp from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStamp ts = new OracleTimeStamp("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

12-274 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on datetime format elements

implicit operator OracleTimeStamp

This static type conversion operator converts a value to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Overload List: implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleDate) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleDate value to an OracleTimeStamp structure.

implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(DateTime) This static type conversion operator converts a DateTime value to an OracleTimeStamp structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleDate)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleDate value to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleTimeStamp (OracleDate value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleDate instance. Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure that contains the date and time of the OracleDate structure, value1. Remarks If the OracleDate structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStamp structure also has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-275

OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(DateTime)

This static type conversion operator converts a DateTime value to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(DateTime value);

Parameters value A DateTime instance. Return Value An OracleTimeStamp structure.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

explicit operator DateTime

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStamp value to a DateTime structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator DateTime(OracleTimeStamp value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp instance. Return Value A DateTime containing the date and time in the current instance. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value. Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStamp can be lost during the conversion.

12-276 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-277

OracleTimeStamp Properties

OracleTimeStamp Properties
The OracleTimeStamp properties are listed in Table 1298.
Table 1298 Properties BinData Day IsNull Hour Millisecond Minute Month Nanosecond Second Value Year OracleTimeStamp Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP in Oracle internal format Specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStamp Indicates whether or not the OracleTimeStamp instance has a null value Specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the minute component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the month component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the second component of an OracleTimeStamp Specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStamp structure Specifies the year component of an OracleTimeStamp

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP in Oracle internal format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData {get;}

Property Value A byte array that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP in an internal format. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-278 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

This property specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Day{get;}

Property Value A number that represents the day. Range of Day is (1 to 31). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Hour{get;}

Property Value A number that represents the hour. Range of hour is (0 to 23). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-279

OracleTimeStamp Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property gets the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public double Millisecond{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a millisecond. Range of Millisecond is (0 to 999.999999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property gets the minute component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Minute{get;}

Property Value A number that represent a minute. Range of Minute is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property gets the month component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Month{get;}

12-280 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Property Value A number that represents a month. Range of Month is (1 to 12). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property gets the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Nanosecond{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a nanosecond. Range of Nanosecond is (0 to 999999999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property gets the second component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Second{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a second. Range of Second is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-281

OracleTimeStamp Properties

This property specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public DateTime Value{get;}

Property Value A DateTime. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This property gets the year component of an OracleTimeStamp. Declaration
// C# public int Year{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a year. The range of Year is (-4712 to 9999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-282 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

OracleTimeStamp Methods
The OracleTimeStamp methods are listed in Table 1299.
Table 1299 Methods AddDays AddHours AddMilliseconds AddMinutes AddMonths AddNanoseconds AddSeconds AddYears CompareTo OracleTimeStamp Methods Description Adds the supplied number of days to the current instance Adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance Adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance Adds the supplied number of months to the current instance Adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Compares the current OracleTimeStamp instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStamp instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStamp instance Subtracts an OracleTimeStamp value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the time difference between the supplied OracleTimeStamp and the current instance Subtracts value1 from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the difference between value1 and the current instance using OracleIntervalYM Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleDate structure Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to a string


GetHashCode GetDaysBetween


GetType ToOracleDate ToOracleTimeStampLTZ ToOracleTimeStampTZ ToString

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of days to the current instance.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-283

OracleTimeStamp Methods

// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddDays(double days);

Parameters days The supplied number of days. Range is (-1,000,000,000 < days < 1,000,000,000) Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddHours(double hours);

Parameters hours The supplied number of hours. Range is (-24,000,000,000 < hours < 24,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-284 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

This method adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddMilliseconds(double milliseconds);

Parameters milliseconds The supplied number of milliseconds. Range is (-8.64 * 1016< milliseconds < 8.64 * 1016). Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddMinutes(double minutes);

Parameters minutes The supplied number of minutes. Range is (-1,440,000,000,000 < minutes < 1,440,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-285

OracleTimeStamp Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of months to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddMonths(long months);

Parameters months The supplied number of months. Range is (-12,000,000,000 < months < 12,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddNanoseconds(long nanoseconds);

Parameters nanoseconds The supplied number of nanoseconds. Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

12-286 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddSeconds(double seconds);

Parameters seconds The supplied number of seconds. Range is (-8.64 * 1013< seconds < 8.64 * 1013). Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method adds the supplied number of years to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp AddYears(int years);

Parameters years The supplied number of years. Range is (-999,999,999 <= years < = 999,999,999) Return Value An OracleTimeStamp. Exceptions ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range. OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-287

OracleTimeStamp Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method compares the current OracleTimeStamp instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStamp instance. Return Value The method returns a number that is: Less than zero: if the current OracleTimeStamp instance value is less than that of obj. Zero: if the current OracleTimeStamp instance and obj values are equal. Greater than zero: if the current OracleTimeStamp instance value is greater than that of obj. Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj parameter is not of type OracleTimeStamp. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleTimeStamps. For example, comparing an OracleTimeStamp instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleTimeStamp is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

12-288 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

Overrides Object This method determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStamp instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStamp instance. Return Value Returns true if the obj is of type OracleTimeStamp and represents the same date and time; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStamp that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStamp that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStamps that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStamp instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value A number that represents the hash code.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-289

OracleTimeStamp Methods

This method subtracts an OracleTimeStamp value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the time difference between the supplied OracleTimeStamp structure and the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS GetDaysBetween(OracleTimeStamp value1);

Parameters value1 The OracleTimeStamp value being subtracted. Return Value An OracleIntervalDS that represents the interval between two OracleTimeStamp values. Remarks If either the current instance or the parameter has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method subtracts an OracleTimeStamp value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the time difference between the OracleTimeStamp value and the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM GetYearsBetween(OracleTimeStamp value1);

Parameters value1 The OracleTimeStamp value being subtracted. Return Value An OracleIntervalYM that represents the interval between two OracleTimeStamp values. Remarks If either the current instance or the parameter has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM has a null value.

12-290 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate ToOracleDate();

Return Value The returned OracleDate contains the date and time in the current instance. Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStamp value can be lost during the conversion. If the value of the OracleTimeStamp has a null value, the value of the returned OracleDate structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ ToOracleTimeStampLTZ();

Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampLTZ contains date and time in the current instance. Remarks If the value of the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-291

OracleTimeStamp Methods

This method converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ ToOracleTimeStampTZ();

Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampTZ contains the date and time from the OracleTimeStamp and the time zone from the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread. Remarks If the value of the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Overrides Object This method converts the current OracleTimeStamp structure to a string. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value A string that represents the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStamp structure. Remarks The returned value is a string representation of an OracleTimeStamp in the format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property of the thread. The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the OracleGlobalization's DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;

12-292 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStamp Structure

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ToStringSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the OracleTimeStamp(string) // constructor OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStamp from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStamp ts = new OracleTimeStamp("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStamp Structure OracleTimeStamp Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-293

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure
The OracleTimeStampLTZ structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Each OracleTimeStampLTZ stores the following information: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleTimeStampLTZ Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleTimeStampLTZ : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleTimeStampLTZ : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleTimeStampLTZSample { static void Main() { // Illustrates usage of OracleTimeStampLTZ // Display Local Time Zone Name Console.WriteLine("Local Time Zone Name = " + OracleTimeStampLTZ.GetLocalTimeZoneName()); OracleTimeStampLTZ tsLocal1 = OracleTimeStampLTZ.GetSysDate(); OracleTimeStampLTZ tsLocal2 = DateTime.Now; // Calculate the difference between tsLocal1 and tsLocal2 OracleIntervalDS idsDiff = tsLocal2.GetDaysBetween(tsLocal1); // Calculate the difference using AddNanoseconds() int nanoDiff = 0; while (tsLocal2 > tsLocal1) { nanoDiff += 10; tsLocal1 = tsLocal1.AddNanoseconds(10); } Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Nanoseconds = " + idsDiff.Nanoseconds); Console.WriteLine("nanoDiff = " + nanoDiff);

12-294 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

} }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Members OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-295

OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

OracleTimeStampLTZ Members
OracleTimeStampLTZ members are listed in the following tables:

OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors
OracleTimeStampLTZ constructors are listed in Table 12100
Table 12100 Constructor OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors OracleTimeStampLTZConstructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded)

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static fields are listed in Table 12101.
Table 12101 Field MaxValue OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure



OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static methods are listed in Table 12102.
Table 12102 Methods Equals GetLocalTimeZoneName GetLocalTimeZoneOffset GetSysDate GreaterThan OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal (Overloaded) Gets the client's local time zone name Gets the client's local time zone offset relative to UTC Gets an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure that represents the current date and time Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second



12-296 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Table 12102 (Cont.) OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods Methods LessThanOrEqual Description Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal Gets an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string Returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStampLTZ with the specified fractional second precision

NotEquals Parse


OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static operators are listed in Table 12103.
Table 12103 Operator operator+ OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators Description Adds the supplied instance value to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded) Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second Subtracts the supplied instance value from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded)

operator == operator >

operator >=

operator != operator <

operator <=

operator -

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static type conversions are listed in Table 12104.
Table 12104 Operator explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-297

OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Table 12104 (Cont.) OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions Operator implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ explicit operator DateTime Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to a DateTime structure

OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties
The OracleTimeStampLTZ properties are listed in Table 12105.
Table 12105 Properties BinData OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format Specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Indicates whether or not the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance has a null value Specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the minute component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the month component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the second component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure Specifies the year component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ

Day IsNull Hour Millisecond Minute Month Nanosecond Second Value Year

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods
The OracleTimeStampLTZ methods are listed in Table 12106.
Table 12106 Methods AddDays AddHours AddMilliseconds OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods Description Adds the supplied number of days to the current instance Adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance Adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance

12-298 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Table 12106 (Cont.) OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods Methods AddMinutes AddMonths AddNanoseconds AddSeconds AddYears CompareTo Description Adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance Adds the supplied number of months to the current instance Adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Compares the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance to an object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance Subtracts an OracleTimeStampLTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the difference Subtracts an OracleTimeStampLTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the difference Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleDate structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to a string Converts the current local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)


GetHashCode GetDaysBetween


GetType ToOracleDate ToOracleTimeStamp ToOracleTimeStampTZ ToString ToUniversalTime

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-299

OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors

OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors
The OracleTimeStampLTZ constructors create new instances of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Overload List: OracleTimeStampLTZ(DateTime) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value.

OracleTimeStampLTZ(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string.

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date using year, month, and day.

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.

OracleTimeStampLTZ(byte [ ]) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in the internal Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ (DateTime dt);

12-300 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Parameters dt The supplied DateTime value. Exceptions ArgumentException - The dt parameter cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampLTZ.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ(string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE or the supplied tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property of the thread, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The tsStr value is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleTimeStampLTZSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the OracleTimeStampLTZ(string) // constructor

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-301

OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors

OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStampLTZ from a string using the format // specified. OracleTimeStampLTZ ts = new OracleTimeStampLTZ("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on date format elements

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date using year, month, and day. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ(int year, int month, int day);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampLTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month).

12-302 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampLTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-303

OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors

// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

milliSeconds The milliseconds provided. Range of millisecond is (0 to 999.999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampLTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

OracleTimeStampLTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int nanosecond);

12-304 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

nanosecond The nanosecond provided. Range of nanosecond is (0 to 999999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampLTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month).
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

OracleTimeStampLTZ(byte [ ])
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, which is in the internal Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE format. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ (byte[] bytes);

Parameters bytes A byte array that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-305

OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors

Exceptions ArgumentException - bytes is not in an internal Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE format or bytes is not a valid Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. ArgumentNullException - bytes is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-306 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static fields are listed in Table 12107.
Table 12107 Field MaxValue MinValue Null OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static field represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure, which is December 31, 9999 23:59:59.999999999. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStampLTZ MaxValue;

Remarks This value is the maximum date and time in the client time zone.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static field represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStampLTZ MinValue;

Remarks This value is the minimum date and time in the client time zone.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-307

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStampLTZ Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-308 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static methods are listed in Table 12108.
Table 12108 Methods Equals GetLocalTimeZoneName GetLocalTimeZoneOffset GetSysDate GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals Parse SetPrecision OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal (Overloaded) Gets the client's local time zone name Gets the client's local time zone offset relative to UTC Gets an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure that represents the current date and time Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal Gets an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string Returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStampLTZ with the specified fractional second precision

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-309

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method gets the client's local time zone name. Declaration
// C# public static string GetLocalTimeZoneName();

Return Value A string containing the local time zone.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method gets the client's local time zone offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Declaration
// C# public static TimeSpan GetLocalTimeZoneOffset( );

Return Value A TimeSpan structure containing the local time zone hours and time zone minutes.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-310 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

This static method gets an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure that represents the current date and time. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStampLTZ GetSysDate();

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure that represents the current date and time.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-311

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

12-312 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-313

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods

This static method determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This static method creates an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure and sets its value using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStampLTZ Parse(string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE or the tsStr is not in the timestamp

12-314 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property of the thread, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The tsStr value is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ParseSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the Parse() method OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStampLTZ from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStampLTZ ts = OracleTimeStampLTZ.Parse("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This static method returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStampLTZ with the specified fractional second precision. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStampLTZ SetPrecision(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1,

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-315

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods

int fracSecPrecision);

Parameters value1 The provided OracleTimeStampLTZ object.

fracSecPrecision The fractional second precision provided. Range of fractional second precision is (0 to 9).

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure with the specified fractional second precision Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - fracSecPrecision is out of the specified range. Remarks The value specified in the supplied fracSecPrecision parameter is used to perform a rounding off operation on the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value. Depending on this value, 0 or more trailing zeros are displayed in the string returned by ToString(). Example The OracleTimeStampLTZ with a value of "December 31, 9999 23:59:59.99" results in the string "December 31, 9999 23:59:59.99000" when SetPrecision() is called with the fractional second precision set to 5.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-316 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static operators are listed in Table 12109.
Table 12109 Operator operator+ OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators Description Adds the supplied instance value to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded) Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second Subtracts the supplied instance value from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded)

operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator -

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator+ adds the supplied value to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Overload List: operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalDS) This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalDS to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalYM) This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalYM to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, TimeSpan) This static operator adds the supplied TimeSpan to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-317

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalDS)

This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalDS to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator +(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleIntervalDS value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalYM)

This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalYM to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator +(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleIntervalYM value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalYM.

12-318 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, TimeSpan)

This static operator adds the supplied TimeSpan to the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator +(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, TimeSpan value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 A TimeSpan.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator ==
This static operator determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-319

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if they are the same; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator >
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampLTZ value is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.

12-320 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator >=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampLTZ is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator !=
This static operator determines if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-321

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStampLTZ values are not equal; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator <
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampLTZ is less than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.

12-322 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator <=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampLTZ values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleTimeStampLTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampLTZ is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator operator- subtracts the supplied value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Overload List: operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalDS) This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalDS value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and return a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalYM)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-323

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalYM value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, TimeSpan) This static operator subtracts the supplied TimeSpan value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalDS)

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalDS value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and return a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleIntervalDS value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalDS instance.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalYM)

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalYM value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# 12-324 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

public static operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, OracleIntervalYM value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, TimeSpan)

This static operator subtracts the supplied TimeSpan value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampLTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator -(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1, TimeSpan value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

value2 A TimeSpan.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-325

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions

The OracleTimeStampLTZ static type conversions are listed in Table 12110.
Table 12110 Operator explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ explicit operator DateTime OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to a DateTime structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ converts the supplied value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Overload List: explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleTimeStamp) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStamp value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleTimeStampTZ) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(string) This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleTimeStamp)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStamp value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ (OracleTimeStamp value1);

12-326 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp. Return Value The OracleTimeStampLTZ structure contains the date and time of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks If the OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure also has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleTimeStampTZ)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ (OracleTimeStampTZ value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Return Value The OracleTimeStampLTZ structure contains the date and time in the OracleTimeStampTZ structure (which is normalized to the client local time zone). Remarks If the OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure also has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(string)

This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-327

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions

// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ (string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. Return Value A OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions ArgumentException - ThetsStr parameter is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE or the tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT parameter. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OracleTimeStampLTZSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the OracleTimeStampLTZ(string) // constructor OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStampLTZ from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStampLTZ ts = new OracleTimeStampLTZ("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

12-328 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on datetime format elements

implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ

implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ converts the supplied structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Overload List: implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleDate) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleDate value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(DateTime) This static type conversion operator converts a DateTime structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleDate)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleDate value to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleDate value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleDate. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure contains the date and time in the OracleDate structure. Remarks If the OracleDate structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure also has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-329

OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(DateTime)

This static type conversion operator converts a DateTime structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(DateTime value1);

Parameters value1 A DateTime structure. Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ structure.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

explicit operator DateTime

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to a DateTime structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator DateTime(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ instance. Return Value A DateTime that contains the date and time in the current instance. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleTimeStampLTZ structure has a null value. Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStampLTZ value can be lost during the conversion.

12-330 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-331

OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties

OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties
The OracleTimeStampLTZ properties are listed in Table 12111.
Table 12111 Properties BinData Day IsNull Hour Millisecond Minute Month Nanosecond Second Value Year OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format Specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Indicates whether or not the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance has a null value Specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the minute component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the month component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the second component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ Specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure Specifies the year component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData {get;}

Property Value A byte array that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE internal format. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-332 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

This property specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Day{get;}

Property Value A number that represents the day. Range of Day is (1 to 31). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance contains a null value; otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Hour{get;}

Property Value A number that represents the hour. Range of Hour is (0 to 23). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-333

OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property gets the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public double Millisecond{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a millisecond. Range of Millisecond is (0 to 999.999999) Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property gets the minute component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Minute{get;}

Property Value A number that represent a minute. Range of Minute is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property gets the month component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Month{get;}

12-334 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Property Value A number that represents a month. Range of Month is (1 to 12). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property gets the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Nanosecond{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a nanosecond. Range of Nanosecond is (0 to 999999999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property gets the second component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Second{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a second. Range of Second is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-335

OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties

This property specifies the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public DateTime Value{get;}

Property Value A DateTime. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This property gets the year component of an OracleTimeStampLTZ. Declaration
// C# public int Year{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a year. The range of Year is (-4712 to 9999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-336 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods
The OracleTimeStampLTZ methods are listed in Table 12112.
Table 12112 Methods AddDays AddHours AddMilliseconds AddMinutes AddMonths AddNanoseconds AddSeconds AddYears CompareTo OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods Description Adds the supplied number of days to the current instance Adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance Adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance Adds the supplied number of months to the current instance Adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Compares the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance to an object and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance (Overloaded) Returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance Subtracts an OracleTimeStampLTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the difference Subtracts an OracleTimeStampLTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the difference Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleDate structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to a string Converts the current local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)


GetHashCode GetDaysBetween


GetType ToOracleDate ToOracleTimeStamp ToOracleTimeStampTZ ToString ToUniversalTime

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-337

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

This method adds the supplied number of days to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddDays(double days);

Parameters days The supplied number of days. Range is (-1,000,000,000 < days < 1,000,000,000) Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddHours(double hours);

Parameters hours The supplied number of hours. Range is (-24,000,000,000 < hours < 24,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.

12-338 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddMilliseconds(double milliseconds);

Parameters milliseconds The supplied number of milliseconds. Range is (-8.64 * 1016< milliseconds < 8.64 * 1016). Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddMinutes(double minutes);

Parameters minutes The supplied number of minutes. Range is (-1,440,000,000,000 < minutes < 1,440,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-339

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of months to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddMonths(long months);

Parameters months The supplied number of months. Range is (-12,000,000,000 < months < 12,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddNanoseconds(long nanoseconds);

Parameters nanoseconds The supplied number of nanoseconds. Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

12-340 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddSeconds(double seconds);

Parameters seconds The supplied number of seconds. Range is (-8.64 * 1013< seconds < 8.64 * 1013). Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ AddYears(int years);

Parameters years The supplied number of years. Range is (-999,999,999 <= years < = 999,999,999) Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-341

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method compares the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance. Return Value The method returns a number that is:

Less than zero: if the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance value is less than that of obj. Zero: if the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance and obj values are equal. Greater than zero: if the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance value is greater than that of obj.

Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj parameter is not of type OracleTimeStampLTZ. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleTimeStampLTZs. For example, comparing an OracleTimeStampLTZ instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleTimeStampLTZ is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.

12-342 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Overrides Object This method determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStampLTZ instance. Return Value Returns true if the obj is of type OracleTimeStampLTZ and represents the same date and time; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampLTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampLTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStampLTZ instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value A number that represents the hash code.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-343

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method subtracts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the difference. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS GetDaysBetween(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1);

Parameters value1 The OracleTimeStampLTZ value being subtracted. Return Value An OracleIntervalDS that represents the interval between two OracleTimeStampLTZ values. Remarks If either the current instance or the parameter has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method subtracts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the time interval. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM GetYearsBetween(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1);

Parameters value1 The OracleTimeStampLTZ value being subtracted. Return Value An OracleIntervalYM that represents the interval between two OracleTimeStampLTZ values.

12-344 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

Remarks If either the current instance or the parameter has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleDate structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleDate ToOracleDate();

Return Value The returned OracleDate structure contains the date and time in the current instance. Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStampLTZ value can be lost during the conversion. If the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleDate structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp ToOracleTimeStamp();

Return Value The returned OracleTimeStamp contains the date and time in the current instance. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-345

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ ToOracleTimeStampTZ();

Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampTZ contains the date and time of the current instance, with the time zone set to the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone from the thread. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Overrides Object This method converts the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure to a string. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value A string that represents the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Remarks The returned value is a string representation of the OracleTimeStampLTZ in the format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampFormat property of the thread. The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's

12-346 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure

OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ToStringSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the OracleTimeStampLTZ(string) // constructor OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStampLTZ from a string using the format // specified. OracleTimeStampLTZ ts = new OracleTimeStampLTZ("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); // Set the nls_timestamp_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM" Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This method converts the current local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ ToUniversalTime();

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-347

OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure OracleTimeStampLTZ Members

12-348 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure
The OracleTimeStampTZ structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type to be stored in or retrieved from a database. Each OracleTimeStampTZ stores the following information: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond, and time zone. Class Inheritance System.Object System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleTimeStampTZ Declaration
// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public struct OracleTimeStampTZ : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable // ADO.NET 1.x: C# public struct OracleTimeStampTZ : IComparable, INullable

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleTimeStampTZSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls parameters for the current thread OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeZone = "US/Eastern"; info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; info.TimeStampTZFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Create an OracleTimeStampTZ in US/Pacific time zone OracleTimeStampTZ tstz1=new OracleTimeStampTZ("11-NOV-1999 "+ "11:02:33.444 AM US/Pacific"); // Note that ToOracleTimeStampTZ uses the thread's time zone region, // "US/Eastern" OracleTimeStamp ts = new OracleTimeStamp("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); OracleTimeStampTZ tstz2 = ts.ToOracleTimeStampTZ(); // Calculate the difference between tstz1 and tstz2 OracleIntervalDS idsDiff = tstz1.GetDaysBetween(tstz2);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-349

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

// Display information Console.WriteLine("tstz1.TimeZone = " + tstz1.TimeZone); // Prints "US/Pacific" Console.WriteLine("tstz2.TimeZone = " + tstz2.TimeZone); // Prints "US/Eastern" Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Hours = " + idsDiff.Hours); // Prints 3 Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Minutes = " + idsDiff.Minutes); // Prints 0 } }

Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Members OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions OracleTimeStampTZ Properties OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

12-350 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Members
OracleTimeStampTZ members are listed in the following tables:

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors
OracleTimeStampTZ constructors are listed in Table 12113
Table 12113 Constructor OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors Description Instantiates a new instance of OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded)

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields

The OracleTimeStampTZ static fields are listed in Table 12114.
Table 12114 Field MaxValue OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStampTZ structure in UTC, which is December 31, 999923:59:59.999999999 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStampTZ structure in UTC, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure



OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods

The OracleTimeStampTZ static methods are listed in Table 12115.
Table 12115 Methods Equals GetSysDate GreaterThan OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal (Overloaded) Gets an OracleTimeStampTZ structure that represents the current date and time Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal





Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-351

OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Table 12115 (Cont.) OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods Methods Parse Description Gets an OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string Returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStampTZ with the specified fractional second precision


OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

The OracleTimeStampTZ static operators are listed in Table 12116.
Table 12116 Operator operator + OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators Description Adds the supplied instance value to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded) Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second Subtracts the supplied instance value from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded)

operator == operator >

operator >=

operator != operator <

operator <=

operator -

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions

The OracleTimeStampTZ static type conversions are listed in Table 12117.
Table 12117 Operator explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ explicit operator DateTime OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to a DateTime structure in the current time zone

12-352 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Properties
The OracleTimeStampTZ properties are listed in Table 12118.
Table 12118 Properties BinData OracleTimeStampTZ Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format Specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the minute component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the month component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the second component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Returns the time zone of the OracleTimeStampTZ instance Returns the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStampTZ structure in the current time zone Specifies the year component of an OracleTimeStampTZ

Day IsNull Hour Millisecond Minute Month Nanosecond Second TimeZone Value


OracleTimeStampTZ Methods
The OracleTimeStampTZ methods are listed in Table 12119.
Table 12119 Methods AddDays AddHours AddMilliseconds AddMinutes AddMonths AddNanoseconds OracleTimeStampTZ Methods Description Adds the supplied number of days to the current instance Adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance Adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance Adds the supplied number of months to the current instance Adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-353

OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Table 12119 (Cont.) OracleTimeStampTZ Methods Methods AddSeconds AddYears CompareTo Description Adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Compares the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance Subtracts an OracleTimeStampTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the time interval Returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStampTZ instance Gets the time zone information in hours and minutes of the current OracleTimeStampTZ Subtracts an OracleTimeStampTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the time interval Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to local time Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleDate structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to a string Converts the current datetime to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)



GetHashCode GetTimeZoneOffset GetYearsBetween

GetType ToLocalTime ToOracleDate ToOracleTimeStampLTZ ToOracleTimeStamp ToString ToUniversalTime

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

12-354 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors
The OracleTimeStampTZ constructors create new instances of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Overload List: OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value.

OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime, string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value and the supplied time zone data.

OracleTimeStampTZ(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, and day.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, and time zone data.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and time zone data.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double, string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and time zone data.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, string)

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-355

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond, and time zone data.

OracleTimeStampTZ(byte [ ]) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, that represents the internal Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied DateTime value. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ (DateTime dt);

Parameters dt The supplied DateTime value. Remarks The time zone is set to the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread. Exceptions ArgumentException - The dt parameter cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime, string)
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure with the supplied DateTime value and the time zone data. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ (DateTime value1, string timeZone);

Parameters value1 The supplied DateTime value.

12-356 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

timeZone The time zone data provided.

Exceptions ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ. Remarks timeZone can be either an hour offset, for example, 7:00, or a valid time zone region name that is provided in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES, such as US/Pacific. Time zone abbreviations are not supported. If time zone is null, the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used.

PST is a time zone region name as well as a time zone abbreviation; therefore it is accepted by OracleTimeStampTZ.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ (string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE or the tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampTZFormat property of the thread. ArgumentNullException - The tsStr value is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C#

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-357

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors

using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleTimeStampTZSample { static void Main() { OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampTZFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStampTZ from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStampTZ tstz = new OracleTimeStampTZ("11-NOV-1999" + "11:02:33.444 AM US/Pacific"); // Set the nls_timestamp_tz_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampTZFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM US/Pacific" Console.WriteLine(tstz.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80 Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for further information on date format elements

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, and day. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

12-358 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month). Remarks The time zone is set to the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, string)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, and time zone data. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day, string timeZone);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

timeZone The time zone data provided.

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month or the time zone is invalid). Remarks timeZone can be either an hour offset, for example, 7:00, or a valid time zone region name that is provided in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES, such as US/Pacific. Time zone abbreviations are not supported. If time zone is null, the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-359

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors


PST is a time zone region name as well as a time zone abbreviation; therefore it is accepted by OracleTimeStampTZ.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month). Remarks The time zone is set to the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread.

12-360 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, string)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and time zone data. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, string timeZone);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

timeZone The time zone data provided.

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range of the month or the time zone is invalid). Remarks timeZone can be either an hour offset, for example, 7:00, or a valid time zone region name that is provided in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES, such as US/Pacific. Time zone abbreviations are not supported. If time zone is null, the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-361

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors


PST is a time zone region name as well as a time zone abbreviation; therefore it is accepted by OracleTimeStampTZ.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

millisecond The millisecond provided. Range of millisecond is (0 to 999.999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month). Remarks The time zone is set to the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread.

12-362 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double, string)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and time zone data. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond, string timeZone);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

millisecond The millisecond provided. Range of millisecond is (0 to 999.999999).

timeZone The time zone data provided.

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month or the time zone is invalid). Remarks timeZone can be either an hour offset, for example, 7:00, or a valid time zone region name that is provided in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES, such as US/Pacific. Time zone abbreviations are not supported.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-363

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors

If time zone is null, the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used.


PST is a time zone region name as well as a time zone abbreviation; therefore it is accepted by OracleTimeStampTZ.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int nanosecond);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

nanosecond The nanosecond provided. Range of nanosecond is (0 to 999999999).

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month). Remarks The time zone is set to the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread.
12-364 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, string)

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using year, month, day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond, and time zone data. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int nanosecond, string timeZone);

Parameters year The year provided. Range of year is (-4712 to 9999).

month The month provided. Range of month is (1 to 12).

day The day provided. Range of day is (1 to 31).

hour The hour provided. Range of hour is (0 to 23).

minute The minute provided. Range of minute is (0 to 59).

second The second provided. Range of second is (0 to 59).

nanosecond The nanosecond provided. Range of nanosecond is (0 to 999999999).

timeZone The time zone data provided.

Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - The argument value for one or more of the parameters is out of the specified range. ArgumentException - The argument values of the parameters cannot be used to construct a valid OracleTimeStampTZ (that is, the day is out of range for the month or the time zone is invalid). Remarks timeZone can be either an hour offset, for example, 7:00, or a valid time zone region name that is provided in V$TIMEZONE_NAMES, such as US/Pacific. Time zone abbreviations are not supported.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-365

OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors

If time zone is null, the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used.


PST is a time zone region name as well as a time zone abbreviation; therefore it is accepted by OracleTimeStampTZ.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

OracleTimeStampTZ(byte [ ])
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value to the provided byte array, that represents the internal Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ (byte[] bytes);

Parameters bytes The provided byte array that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format. Exceptions ArgumentException - bytes is not in internal Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE format or bytes is not a valid Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. ArgumentNullException - bytes is null.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-366 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields

The OracleTimeStampTZ static fields are listed in Table 12120.
Table 12120 Field MaxValue MinValue Null OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields Description Represents the maximum valid date for an OracleTimeStampTZ structure in UTC, which is December 31, 999923:59:59.999999999 Represents the minimum valid date for an OracleTimeStampTZ structure in UTC, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0 Represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static field represents the maximum valid datetime time for an OracleTimeStampTZ structure in UTC, which is December 31, 999923:59:59.999999999. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStampTZ MaxValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static field represents the minimum valid datetime for an OracleTimeStampTZ structure in UTC, which is January 1, -4712 0:0:0. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStampTZ MinValue;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-367

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields

This static field represents a null value that can be assigned to an instance of the OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static readonly OracleTimeStampTZ Null;

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-368 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods

The OracleTimeStampTZ static methods are listed in Table 12121.
Table 12121 Methods Equals GetSysDate GreaterThan GreaterThanOrEqual LessThan LessThanOrEqual NotEquals Parse SetPrecision OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods Description Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal (Overloaded) Gets an OracleTimeStampTZ structure that represents the current date and time Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal Gets an OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string Returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStampTZ with the specified fractional second precision

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool Equals(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal. Returns false otherwise.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-369

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method gets an OracleTimeStampTZ structure that represents the current date and time. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStampTZ GetSysDate();

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure that represents the current date and time.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThan(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false.

12-370 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-371

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods

// C# public static bool LessThan(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool LessThanOrEqual(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

12-372 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool NotEquals(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal. Returns false otherwise. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This static method returns an OracleTimeStampTZ structure and sets its value for date and time using the supplied string. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStampTZ Parse(string tsStr);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-373

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods

Parameters tsStr A string that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE or the tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampTZFormat property of the thread, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter. ArgumentNullException - The tsStr value is null. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ParseSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_tz_format for the Parse() method OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampTZFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // construct OracleTimeStampTZ from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStampTZ tstz = OracleTimeStampTZ.Parse("11-NOV-1999 " + "11:02:33.444 AM US/Pacific"); // Set the nls_timestamp_tz_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampTZFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Prints "1999-NOV-11 11:02:33.444000000 AM US/Pacific" Console.WriteLine(tstz.ToString()); } }

12-374 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This static method returns a new instance of an OracleTimeStampTZ with the specified fractional second precision. Declaration
// C# public static OracleTimeStampTZ SetPrecision(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, int fracSecPrecision);

Parameters value1 The provided OracleTimeStampTZ object.

fracSecPrecision The fractional second precision provided. Range of fractional second precision is (0 to 9).

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure with the specified fractional second precision Exceptions ArgumentOutOfRangeException - fracSecPrecision is out of the specified range. Remarks The value specified in the supplied fracSecPrecision is used to perform a rounding off operation on the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value. Depending on this value, 0 or more trailing zeros are displayed in the string returned by ToString(). Example The OracleTimeStampTZ with a value of "December 31, 9999 23:59:59.99 US/Pacific" results in the string "December 31, 9999 23:59:59.99000 US/Pacific" when SetPrecision() is called with the fractional second precision set to 5.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-375

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

The OracleTimeStampTZ static operators are listed in Table 12122.
Table 12122 Operator operator + OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators Description Adds the supplied instance value to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded) Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second Determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second Determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second Subtracts the supplied instance value from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded)

operator == operator > operator >= operator != operator < operator <= operator -

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator +
operator+ adds the supplied structure to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Overload List: operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalDS) This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalDS to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalYM) This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalYM to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, TimeSpan) This static operator adds the supplied TimeSpan to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

12-376 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalDS)

This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalDS to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleIntervalDS value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalYM)

This static operator adds the supplied OracleIntervalYM to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleIntervalYM value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalYM.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-377

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, TimeSpan)

This static operator adds the supplied TimeSpan to the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ value1, TimeSpan value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 A TimeSpan.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampTZ instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator ==
This static operator determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator == (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1
12-378 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if they are equal; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator >
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator > (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampTZ value is greater than the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-379

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator >=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is greater than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator >= (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampTZ is greater than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator !=
This static operator determines if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator != (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

12-380 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if two OracleTimeStampTZ values are not equal; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator <
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator < (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampTZ is less than the second; otherwise returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-381

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator <=
This static operator determines if the first of two OracleTimeStampTZ values is less than or equal to the second. Declaration
// C# public static bool operator <= (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleTimeStampTZ value2);

Parameters value1 The first OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 The second OracleTimeStampTZ.

Return Value Returns true if the first OracleTimeStampTZ is less than or equal to the second; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator operator- subtracts the supplied value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Overload List: operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalDS) This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalDS value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and return a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalYM)

12-382 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalYM value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, TimeSpan value2) This static operator subtracts the supplied TimeSpan value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalDS)

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalDS value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and return a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, OracleIntervalDS value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalDS.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalYM)

This static operator subtracts the supplied OracleIntervalYM value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-383

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators

OracleIntervalYM value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 An OracleIntervalYM.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks If either parameter has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, TimeSpan value2)

This static operator subtracts the supplied TimeSpan value, from the supplied OracleTimeStampTZ value, and returns a new OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, TimeSpan value2);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ.

value2 A TimeSpan.

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampTZ instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-384 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions

The OracleTimeStampTZ static type conversions are listed in Table 12123.
Table 12123 Operator explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ explicit operator DateTime OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions Description Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure (Overloaded) Converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to a DateTime structure in the current time zone

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ converts an instance value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Overload List: explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStamp) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStamp value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStampLTZ) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(string) This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStamp)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStamp value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-385

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions

// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStamp value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStamp. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampTZ contains the date and time from the OracleTimeStamp and the time zone from the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread. Remarks The OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used to convert from an OracleTimeStamp structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. If the OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure also has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStampLTZ)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampLTZ value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStampLTZ value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampLTZ. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampTZ contains the date and time from the OracleTimeStampLTZ and the time zone from the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread. Remarks If the OracleTimeStampLTZ structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure also has a null value.

12-386 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(string)

This static type conversion operator converts the supplied string value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(string tsStr);

Parameters tsStr A string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ value. Exceptions ArgumentException - The tsStr is an invalid string representation of an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. or the tsStr is not in the timestamp format specified by the thread's OracleGlobalization.TimeStampTZFormat property, which represents the Oracle NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT parameter. Remarks The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the DateLanguage and Calendar properties of the thread's OracleGlobalization object. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class OracleTimeStampTZSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls_timestamp_tz_format for the explicit operator // OracleTimeStampTZ(string) OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeStampTZFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info);

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-387

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions

// construct OracleTimeStampTZ from a string using the format specified. OracleTimeStampTZ tstz = new OracleTimeStampTZ("11-NOV-1999" + "11:02:33.444 AM US/Pacific"); // Set the nls_timestamp_tz_format for the ToString() method info.TimeStampTZFormat = "YYYY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); Console.WriteLine(tstz.ToString()); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ

implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ converts a DateTime structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Overload List: implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleDate) This static type conversion operator converts an OracleDate value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure.

implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime) This static type conversion operator converts a DateTime structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleDate)

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleDate value to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleDate value1);

Parameters value1

12-388 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

An OracleDate. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampTZ contains the date and time from the OracleDate and the time zone from the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread. Remarks The OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used to convert from an OracleDate to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. If the OracleDate structure has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure also has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime)

This static type conversion operator converts a DateTime structure to an OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public static implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ (DateTime value1);

Parameters value1 A DateTime structure. Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampTZ contains the date and time from the DateTime and the time zone from the OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread. Remarks The OracleGlobalization.TimeZone of the thread is used to convert from a DateTime to an Oracle TimeStampTZ structure.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-389

OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions

explicit operator DateTime

This static type conversion operator converts an OracleTimeStampTZ value to a DateTime structure in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public static explicit operator DateTime(OracleTimeStampTZ value1);

Parameters value1 An OracleTimeStampTZ. Return Value A DateTime containing the date and time in the current instance, but with the time zone information in the current instance truncated. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value. Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStampTZ value can be lost during the conversion, and the time zone information in the current instance is truncated
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-390 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Properties
The OracleTimeStampTZ properties are listed in Table 12124.
Table 12124 Properties BinData Day IsNull Hour Millisecond Minute Month Nanosecond Second TimeZone Value Year OracleTimeStampTZ Properties Description Returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format Specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value Specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the minute component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the month component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Specifies the second component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Returns the time zone of the OracleTimeStampTZ instance Returns the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStampTZ structure in the current time zone Specifies the year component of an OracleTimeStampTZ

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property returns an array of bytes that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format. Declaration
// C# public byte[] BinData {get;}

Property Value The provided byte array that represents an Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE in Oracle internal format. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-391

OracleTimeStampTZ Properties

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property specifies the day component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public int Day{get;}

Property Value A number that represents the day. Range of Day is (1 to 31). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property indicates whether or not the current instance has a null value. Declaration
// C# public bool IsNull{get;}

Property Value Returns true if the current instance has a null value. Otherwise, returns false.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property specifies the hour component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public int Hour{get;}

12-392 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Property Value A number that represents the hour. Range of Hour is (0 to 23). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property gets the millisecond component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public double Millisecond{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a millisecond. Range of Millisecond is (0 to 999.999999) Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property gets the minute component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public int Minute{get;}

Property Value A number that represent a minute. Range of Minute is (0 to 59). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-393

OracleTimeStampTZ Properties

This property gets the month component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone Declaration
// C# public int Month{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a month. Range of Month is (1 to 12). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property gets the nanosecond component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public int Nanosecond{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a nanosecond. Range of Nanosecond is (0 to 999999999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property gets the second component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public int Second{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a second. Range of Second is (0 to 59).

12-394 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This property returns the time zone of the OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Declaration
// C# public string TimeZone{get;}

Property Value A string that represents the time zone. Remarks If no time zone is specified in the constructor, this property is set to the thread's OracleGlobalization.TimeZone by default
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This property returns the date and time that is stored in the OracleTimeStampTZ structure in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public DateTime Value{get;}

Property Value A DateTime in the current time zone. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-395

OracleTimeStampTZ Properties

This property sets the year component of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the current time zone. Declaration
// C# public int Year{get;}

Property Value A number that represents a year. The range of Year is (-4712 to 9999). Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-396 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods
The OracleTimeStampTZ methods are listed in Table 12125.
Table 12125 Methods AddDays AddHours AddMilliseconds AddMinutes AddMonths AddNanoseconds AddSeconds AddYears CompareTo OracleTimeStampTZ Methods Description Adds the supplied number of days to the current instance Adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance Adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance Adds the supplied number of months to the current instance Adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance Adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Compares the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values Determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance (Overloaded) Subtracts an OracleTimeStampTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the time interval Returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStampTZ instance Gets the time zone information in hours and minutes of the current OracleTimeStampTZ Subtracts an OracleTimeStampTZ from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the time interval Inherited from System.Object Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to local time Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleDate structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure Converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to a string Converts the current datetime to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)



GetHashCode GetTimeZoneOffset GetYearsBetween

GetType ToLocalTime ToOracleDate ToOracleTimeStampLTZ ToOracleTimeStamp ToString ToUniversalTime

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-397

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of days to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddDays(double days);

Parameters days The supplied number of days. Range is (-1,000,000,000 < days < 1,000,000,000) Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of hours to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddHours(double hours);

Parameters hours The supplied number of hours. Range is (-24,000,000,000 < hours < 24,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.

12-398 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of milliseconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddMilliseconds(double milliseconds);

Parameters milliseconds The supplied number of milliseconds. Range is (-8.64 * 1016< milliseconds < 8.64 * 1016). Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of minutes to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddMinutes(double minutes);

Parameters minutes The supplied number of minutes. Range is (-1,440,000,000,000 < minutes < 1,440,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-399

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of months to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddMonths(long months);

Parameters months The supplied number of months. Range is (-12,000,000,000 < months < 12,000,000,000). Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of nanoseconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddNanoseconds(long nanoseconds);

Parameters nanoseconds The supplied number of nanoseconds.

12-400 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of seconds to the current instance. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddSeconds(double seconds);

Parameters seconds The supplied number of seconds. Range is (-8.64 * 1013< seconds < 8.64 * 1013). Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method adds the supplied number of years to the current instance Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ AddYears(int years);

Parameters years The supplied number of years. Range is (-999,999,999 <= years < = 999,999,999).

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-401

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value. ArgumentOutofRangeException - The argument value is out of the specified range.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method compares the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to an object, and returns an integer that represents their relative values. Declaration
// C# public int CompareTo(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Return Value The method returns a number that is: Less than zero: if the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance value is less than that of obj. Zero: if the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance and obj values are equal. Greater than zero: if the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance value is greater than that of obj. Implements IComparable Exceptions ArgumentException - The obj is not of type OracleTimeStampTZ. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

The comparison must be between OracleTimeStampTZs. For example, comparing an OracleTimeStampTZ instance with an OracleBinary instance is not allowed. When an OracleTimeStampTZ is compared with a different type, an ArgumentException is thrown. Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value.

12-402 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Overrides Object This method determines whether or not an object has the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Declaration
// C# public override bool Equals(object obj);

Parameters obj The object being compared to the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Return Value Returns true if the obj is of type OracleTimeStampTZ and represents the same date and time; otherwise, returns false. Remarks The following rules apply to the behavior of this method.

Any OracleTimeStampTZ that has a value is greater than an OracleTimeStampTZ that has a null value. Two OracleTimeStampTZs that contain a null value are equal.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method subtracts an OracleTimeStampTZ value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalDS that represents the time interval. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalDS GetDaysBetween(OracleTimeStampTZ value1);

Parameters value1 The OracleTimeStampTZ value being subtracted.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-403

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

Return Value An OracleIntervalDS that represents the interval between two OracleTimeStampTZ values. Remarks If either the current instance or the parameter has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalDS has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Overrides Object This method returns a hash code for the OracleTimeStampTZ instance. Declaration
// C# public override int GetHashCode();

Return Value A number that represents the hash code.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method gets the time zone portion in hours and minutes of the current OracleTimeStampTZ. Declaration
// C# public TimeSpan GetTimeZoneOffset();

Return Value A TimeSpan. Exceptions OracleNullValueException - The current instance has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-404 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

This method subtracts an OracleTimeStampTZ value from the current instance and returns an OracleIntervalYM that represents the time interval. Declaration
// C# public OracleIntervalYM GetYearsBetween(OracleTimeStampTZ val);

Parameters val The OracleTimeStampTZ value being subtracted. Return Value An OracleIntervalYM that represents the interval between two OracleTimeStampTZ values. Remarks If either the current instance or the parameter has a null value, the returned OracleIntervalYM has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ instance to local time. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ ToLocalTime();

Return Value An OracleTimeStampLTZ that contains the date and time, which is normalized to the client local time zone, in the current instance. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleDate structure.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-405

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

// C# public OracleDate ToOracleDate();

Return Value The returned OracleDate contains the date and time in the current instance, but the time zone information in the current instance is truncated Remarks The precision of the OracleTimeStampTZ value can be lost during the conversion, and the time zone information in the current instance is truncated. If the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleDate structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleTimeStampLTZ structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampLTZ ToOracleTimeStampLTZ();

Return Value The returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure contains the date and time, which is normalized to the client local time zone, in the current instance. Remarks If the value of the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStampLTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

This method converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to an OracleTimeStamp structure. Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStamp ToOracleTimeStamp();

12-406 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTimeStampTZ Structure

Return Value The returned OracleTimeStamp contains the date and time in the current instance, but the time zone information is truncated. Remarks If the value of the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStamp structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

Overrides Object This method converts the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure to a string. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value A string that represents the same date and time as the current OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks The returned value is a string representation of an OracleTimeStampTZ in the format specified by the OracleGlobalization.TimeStampTZFormat property of the thread. The names and abbreviations used for months and days are in the language specified by the OracleGlobalization.DateLanguage and the OracleGlobalization.Calendar properties of the thread. If any of the thread's globalization properties are set to null or an empty string, the client computer's settings are used. Example
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; using Oracle.DataAccess.Types; class ToStringSample { static void Main() { // Set the nls parameters for the current thread OracleGlobalization info = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo(); info.TimeZone = "US/Eastern"; info.TimeStampFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM"; info.TimeStampTZFormat = "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS.FF AM TZR"; OracleGlobalization.SetThreadInfo(info); // Create an OracleTimeStampTZ in US/Pacific time zone Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures 12-407

OracleTimeStampTZ Methods

OracleTimeStampTZ tstz1=new OracleTimeStampTZ("11-NOV-1999 "+ "11:02:33.444 AM US/Pacific"); // Note that ToOracleTimeStampTZ uses the thread's time zone region, // "US/Eastern" OracleTimeStamp ts = new OracleTimeStamp("11-NOV-1999 11:02:33.444 AM"); OracleTimeStampTZ tstz2 = ts.ToOracleTimeStampTZ(); // Calculate the difference between tstz1 and tstz2 OracleIntervalDS idsDiff = tstz1.GetDaysBetween(tstz2); // Prints "US/Pacific" Console.WriteLine("tstz1.TimeZone = " + tstz1.TimeZone); // Prints "US/Eastern" Console.WriteLine("tstz2.TimeZone = " + tstz2.TimeZone); // Prints 3 Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Hours = " + idsDiff.Hours); // Prints 0 Console.WriteLine("idsDiff.Minutes = " + idsDiff.Minutes); } }

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members "OracleGlobalization Class" on page 9-2 "Globalization Support" on page 3-80

This method converts the current datetime to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Declaration
// C# public OracleTimeStampTZ ToUniversalTime();

Return Value An OracleTimeStampTZ structure. Remarks If the current instance has a null value, the value of the returned OracleTimeStampTZ structure has a null value.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure OracleTimeStampTZ Members

12-408 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions
This section covers the ODP.NET Types exceptions. This chapter contains these topics:

OracleTypeException Class OracleNullValueException Class OracleTruncateException Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-1

OracleTypeException Class

OracleTypeException Class
The OracleTypeException is the base exception class for handling exceptions that occur in the ODP.NET Types classes. Class Inheritance System.Object System.Exception System.SystemException Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleTypeException Declaration
// C# public class OracleTypeException : SystemException

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Members OracleTypeException Constructors OracleTypeException Static Methods OracleTypeException Properties OracleTypeException Methods

13-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTypeException Class

OracleTypeException Members
OracleTypeException members are listed in the following tables:

OracleTypeException Constructors
The OracleTypeException constructors are listed in Table 131.
Table 131 Constructor OracleTypeException Constructors OracleTypeException Constructor Description Creates a new instance of the OracleTypeException class (Overloaded)

OracleTypeException Static Methods

The OracleTypeException static methods are listed in Table 132.
Table 132 Methods Equals OracleTypeException Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleTypeException Properties
The OracleTypeException properties are listed in Table 133.
Table 133 Properties HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite OracleTypeException Properties Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Specifies the error messages that occur in the exception Specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

OracleTypeException Methods
The OracleTypeException methods are listed in Table 134.
Table 134 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode OracleTypeException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-3

OracleTypeException Members

Table 134 (Cont.) OracleTypeException Methods Methods GetObjectData GetType ToString Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Returns the fully qualified name of this exception

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class

13-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTypeException Class

OracleTypeException Constructors
The OracleTypeException constructors create new instances of the OracleTypeException class. Overload List: OracleTypeException(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTypeException class with the specified error message, errMessage.

OracleTypeException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTypeException class with the specified serialization information, si, and the specified streaming context, sc.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTypeException class with the specified error message, errMessage. Declaration
// C# public OracleTypeException (string errMessage);

Parameters errMessage The specified error message.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

OracleTypeException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTypeException class with the specified serialization information, si, and the specified streaming context, sc. Declaration
// C# protected OracleTypeException (SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext sc);

Parameters si The specified serialization information.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-5

OracleTypeException Constructors

sc The specified streaming context.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

13-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTypeException Class

OracleTypeException Static Methods

The OracleTypeException static methods are listed in Table 135.
Table 135 Methods Equals OracleTypeException Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-7

OracleTypeException Properties

OracleTypeException Properties
The OracleTypeException properties are listed in Table 136.
Table 136 Properties HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite OracleTypeException Properties Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Specifies the error messages that occur in the exception Specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

Overrides Exception This property specifies the error messages that occur in the exception. Declaration
// C# public override string Message {get;}

Property Value An error message.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

Overrides Exception This property specifies the name of the data provider that generates the error. Declaration
// C# public override string Source {get;}

Property Value Oracle Data Provider for .NET.

13-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTypeException Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-9

OracleTypeException Methods

OracleTypeException Methods
The OracleTypeException methods are listed in Table 137.
Table 137 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData GetType ToString OracleTypeException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Returns the fully qualified name of this exception

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

Overrides Exception This method returns the fully qualified name of this exception, the error message in the Message property, the InnerException.ToString() message, and the stack trace. Declaration
// C# public override string ToString();

Return Value The fully qualified name of this exception.

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTypeException Class OracleTypeException Members

13-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNullValueException Class

OracleNullValueException Class
The OracleNullValueException represents an exception that is thrown when trying to access an ODP.NET Types structure that has a null value. Class Inheritance System.Object System.Exception System.SystemException System.OracleTypeException Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleNullValueException Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleNullValueException : OracleTypeException

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Members OracleNullValueException Constructors OracleNullValueException Static Methods OracleNullValueException Properties OracleNullValueException Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-11

OracleNullValueException Members

OracleNullValueException Members
OracleNullValueException members are listed in the following tables:

OracleNullValueException Constructors
The OracleNullValueException constructors are listed in Table 138.
Table 138 Constructor OracleNullValueException Constructors Description

OracleNullValueException Constructors Creates a new instance of the OracleNullValueException class (Overloaded)

OracleNullValueException Static Methods

The OracleNullValueException static methods are listed in Table 139.
Table 139 Methods Equals OracleNullValueException Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleNullValueException Properties
The OracleNullValueException properties are listed in Table 1310.
Table 1310 Properties HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite OracleNullValueException Properties Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

OracleNullValueException Methods
The OracleNullValueException methods are listed in Table 1311.
Table 1311 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData OracleNullValueException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

13-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNullValueException Class

Table 1311 Methods GetType ToString

(Cont.) OracleNullValueException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Inherited from OracleTypeException

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-13

OracleNullValueException Constructors

OracleNullValueException Constructors
The OracleNullValueException constructors create new instances of the OracleNullValueException class. Overload List: OracleNullValueException() This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleNullValueException class with its default properties.

OracleNullValueException(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleNullValueException class with the specified error message, errMessage.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Class OracleNullValueException Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleNullValueException class with its default properties. Declaration
// C# public OracleNullValueException();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Class OracleNullValueException Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleNullValueException class with the specified error message, errMessage. Declaration
// C# public OracleNullValueException (string errMessage);

Parameters errMessage The specified error message.

13-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNullValueException Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Class OracleNullValueException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-15

OracleNullValueException Static Methods

OracleNullValueException Static Methods

The OracleNullValueException static methods are listed in Table 1312.
Table 1312 Methods Equals OracleNullValueException Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Class OracleNullValueException Members

13-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleNullValueException Class

OracleNullValueException Properties
The OracleNullValueException properties are listed in Table 1313.
Table 1313 Properties HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite OracleNullValueException Properties Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleNullValueException Class OracleNullValueException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-17

OracleNullValueException Methods

OracleNullValueException Methods
The OracleNullValueException methods are listed in Table 1314.
Table 1314 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData GetType ToString OracleNullValueException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from OracleTypeException

13-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTruncateException Class

OracleTruncateException Class
The OracleTruncateException class represents an exception that is thrown when truncation in a ODP.NET Types class occurs. Class Inheritance System.Object System.Exception System.SystemException System.OracleTypeException Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleTruncateException Declaration
// C# public sealed class OracleTruncateException : OracleTypeException

Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. Requirements Namespace: Oracle.DataAccess.Types Assembly: Oracle.DataAccess.dll Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 1.x or 2.0
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Members OracleTruncateException Constructors OracleTruncateException Static Methods OracleTruncateException Properties OracleTruncateException Methods

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-19

OracleTruncateException Members

OracleTruncateException Members
OracleTruncateException members are listed in the following tables:

OracleTruncateException Constructors
The OracleTruncateException constructors are listed in Table 1315.
Table 1315 Constructor OracleTruncateException Constructors OracleTruncateException Constructors Description Creates a new instance of the OracleTruncateException class (Overloaded)

OracleTruncateException Static Methods

The OracleTruncateException static methods are listed in Table 1316.
Table 1316 Methods Equals OracleTruncateException Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

OracleTruncateException Properties
The OracleTruncateException properties are listed in Table 1317.
Table 1317 Properties HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite OracleTruncateException Properties Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

OracleTruncateException Methods
The OracleTruncateException methods are listed in Table 1318.
Table 1318 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData OracleTruncateException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

13-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTruncateException Class

Table 1318 Methods GetType ToString

(Cont.) OracleTruncateException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object Inherited from OracleTypeException

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-21

OracleTruncateException Constructors

OracleTruncateException Constructors
The OracleTruncateException constructors create new instances of the OracleTruncateException class Overload List: OracleTruncateException() This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTruncateException class with its default properties.

OracleTruncateException(string) This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTruncateException class with the specified error message, errMessage.
See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class OracleTruncateException Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTruncateException class with its default properties. Declaration
// C# public OracleTruncateException();

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class OracleTruncateException Members

This constructor creates a new instance of the OracleTruncateException class with the specified error message, errMessage. Declaration
// C# public OracleTruncateException (string errMessage);

Parameters errMessage The specified error message.

13-22 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTruncateException Class

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class OracleTruncateException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-23

OracleTruncateException Static Methods

OracleTruncateException Static Methods

The OracleTruncateException static methods are listed in Table 1319.
Table 1319 Methods Equals OracleTruncateException Static Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded)

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class OracleTruncateException Members

13-24 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

OracleTruncateException Class

OracleTruncateException Properties
The OracleTruncateException properties are listed in Table 1320.
Table 1320 Properties HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite OracleTruncateException Properties Description Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from OracleTypeException Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class OracleTruncateException Members

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions 13-25

OracleTruncateException Methods

OracleTruncateException Methods
The OracleTruncateException methods are listed in Table 1321.
Table 1321 Methods Equals GetBaseException GetHashCode GetObjectData GetType ToString OracleTruncateException Methods Description Inherited from System.Object (Overloaded) Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from System.SystemException.Exception Inherited from System.Object Inherited from OracleTypeException

See Also:

"Oracle.DataAccess.Types Namespace" on page 1-6 OracleTruncateException Class OracleTruncateException Members

13-26 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Oracle Schema Collections
ODP.NET provides standard metadata collections as well as various Oracle database-specific metadata collections that can be retrieved through the OracleConnection.GetSchema API.
See Also:

"Support for Schema Discovery" on page 3-18 "GetSchema" on page 5-95

This appendix contains the following topics:

Common Schema Collections ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Common Schema Collections

The common schema collections are available for all .NET Framework managed providers. ODP.NET supports the same common schema collections.
See Also: "Understanding the Common Schema Collections" in the MSDN Library

MetaDataCollections DataSourceInformation DataTypes Restrictions ReservedWords

Table A1 is a list of metadata collections that is available from the data source, such as tables, columns, indexes, and stored procedures.
Table A1 MetaDataCollections Data Type string Description The name of the collection passed to the GetSchema method for retrieval.

Column Name CollectionName

Oracle Schema Collections A-1

Common Schema Collections

Table A1 (Cont.) MetaDataCollections Column Name NumberOfRestrictions Data Type int Description Number of restrictions specified for the named collection. Number of parts in the composite identifier/database object name.

NumberOfIdentifierParts int

Table A2 lists DataSourceInformation information which may include these columns and possibly others.
Table A2 Columns CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern DataSourceProductName DataSourceProductVersion DataSource nformation Data Type string string string Description Separator for multipart names: @ | \ . Database name: Oracle Database version. Note that this is the version of the database instance currently being accessed by DbConnection. A normalized DataSource version for easier comparison between different versions. For example: DataSource Version: Normalized DataSource Version: GroupByBehavior GroupByBehavior An enumeration that indicates the relationship between the columns in a GROUP BY clause and the non-aggregated columns in a select list. Format for a valid identifier. An enumeration that specifies whether or not to treat non-quoted identifiers as case sensitive. A boolean that indicates whether or not the select list must contain the columns in an ORDER BY clause. A string indicating whether or not parameter markers begin with a special character. The format of a parameter marker. Maximum length of a parameter. The format for a valid parameter name. The format of a quoted identifier. An enumeration that specifies whether or not to treat quote identifiers as case sensitive. The format for a string literal. An enumeration indicating the types of SQL join statements supported by the data source.



IdentifierPattern IdentifierCase

string IdentifierCase





ParameterMarkerPattern ParameterNameMaxLength ParameterNamePattern QuotedIdentifierPattern QuotedIdentifierCase

string int string string IdentifierCase

StringLiteralPattern SupportedJoinOperators

string SupportedJoin Operators

A-2 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

Common Schema Collections

Table A3 lists DataTypes Collection information which may include these columns and possibly others.

As an example, the description column includes complete information for the TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type.

Table A3

DataTypes Data Type string Description The provider-specific data type name. Example: TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE

ColumnName TypeName



The provider-specific type value. Example: 124



The length of a non-numeric column or parameter. Example:27



A format string that indicates how to add this column to a DDL statement. Example: TIMESTAMP({0} WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE)



The parameters specified to create a column of this data type. Example: 8



The .NET type for the data type. Example: System.DateTime



A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type can be auto-incremented. Example: false



A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type is the best match to values in the DataType column. Example: false



A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type is case-sensitive. Example: false



A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type has a fixed length. Example: true



A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type has a fixed precision and scale. Example: false



A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type contains very long data. Example: false

Oracle Schema Collections A-3

Common Schema Collections

Table A3 (Cont.) DataTypes ColumnName IsNullable Data Type bool Description A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type is nullable. Example: true IsSearchable bool A boolean value that indicates whether or not the data type can be used in a WHERE clause with any operator, except the LIKE predicate. Example: true IsSearchableWithLike bool A boolean value that indicates whether or not this data type can be used with the LIKE predicate. Example: false IsUnsigned MaximumScale MinimumScale IsConcurrencyType bool short short bool A boolean value that indicates whether or not the data type is unsigned. The maximum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. The minimum number of digits allowed to the right of the decimal point. A boolean value that indicates whether or not the database updates the data type every time the row is changed and the value of the column differs from all previous values. Example: false MinimumVersion String The earliest version of the database that can be used. Example: IsLiteralSupported bool A boolean value that indicates whether or not the data type can be expressed as a literal. Example: true LiteralPrefix string The prefix of a specified literal. Example: TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(' LiteralSuffix string The suffix of a specified literal. Example: ','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF')

Table A4 lists Restrictions, including the following columns.
Table A4 Restrictions Data Type string string int Description The collection that the restrictions apply to. The restriction name. A number that indicates the location of the restriction.

ColumnName CollectionName RestrictionName RestrictionNumber

A-4 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

The ReservedWords collection exposes information about the words that are reserved by the database currently connected to ODP.NET. Table A5 lists the ReservedWords Collection.
Table A5 ReservedWords Data Type string Description Provider-specific reserved words

ColumnName ReservedWord

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Oracle Data Provider for .NET supports both the common schema collections described previously and the following Oracle-specific schema collections:

Tables Columns Views XMLSchema Users Synonyms Sequences Functions Procedures ProcedureParameters Arguments Packages PackageBodies JavaClasses Indexes IndexColumns PrimaryKeys ForeignKeys ForeignKeyColumns UniqueKeys

Table A6 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Tables Schema Schema Collection.
Table A6 Tables Data Type String Description Owner of the Table.

Column Name OWNER

Oracle Schema Collections A-5

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A6 (Cont.) Tables Column Name TABLE_NAME TYPE Data Type String String Description Name of the Table. Type of Table, for example, System or User.

Table A7 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Columns Schema Collection .
Table A7 Columns Data Type String String String Decimal String Decimal Decimal Description Owner of the table or view. Name of the table or view. Name of the column. Sequence number of the column as created. Data type of the column. Length of the column in bytes. Decimal precision for NUMBER data type; binary precision for FLOAT data type, null for all other data types. Digits to right of decimal point in a number. Specifies whether or not a column allows NULLs. Indicates whether the column uses BYTE length semantics (B) or CHAR length semantics (C). Length of the column in characters. This value only applies to CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, and NVARCHAR2.



Decimal String String Decimal

Table A8 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Views Schema Collection.
Table A8 Views Data Type String String Decimal String Decimal String Decimal String String Description Owner of the view. Name of the view. Length of the view text. View text. Length of the type clause of the typed view. Type clause of the typed view. Length of the WITH OID clause of the typed view. WITH OID clause of the typed view. Owner of the view type if the view is a typed view.


A-6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A8 (Cont.) Views Column Name VIEW_TYPE SUPERVIEW_NAME Data Type String String Description Type of the view if the view is a typed view. Name of the superview. (Oracle9i or later)

Table A9 lists the column name, data type and description of the XMLSchema Schema Collection.
Note: This collection is only available with Oracle Database 10g and later.

Table A9

XMLSchema Data Type String String String String String String String Description Owner of the XML schema. Schema URL of the XML schema. Indicates whether the XML schema is local (YES) or global (NO). XML schema document. Internal database object name for the schema. Fully qualified schema URL. Hierarchy type for the schema.


Table A10 lists the column name, data type and description of the Users Schema Collection.
Table A10 Users Data Type String Decimal DateTime Description Name of the user. ID number of the user. User creation date.


Table A11 lists the column name, data type and description of the Synonyms Schema Collection.
Table A11 Synonyms Data Type String String Description Owner of the synonym. Name of the synonym.


Oracle Schema Collections A-7

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A11 (Cont.) Synonyms Column Name TABLE_OWNER Data Type String Description Owner of the object referenced by the synonym. Although the column is called TABLE_OWNER, the object owned is not necessarily a table. It can be any general object such as a view, sequence, stored procedure, synonym, and so on. Name of the object referenced by the synonym. Although the column is called TABLE_NAME, the object does not necessarily have to be a table. It can be any general object such as a view, sequence, stored procedure, synonym, and so on. Name of the database link referenced, if any.





Table A12 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Sequences Schema Collection.
Table A12 Sequences Data Type String String Decimal Decimal Decimal String String Decimal Decimal Description Name of the owner of the sequence. Sequence name. Minimum value of the sequence. Maximum value of the sequence. Value by which sequence is incremented. Indicates if sequence wraps around on reaching limit. Indicates if sequence numbers are generated in order. Number of sequence numbers to cache. Last sequence number written to disk. If a sequence uses caching, the number written to disk is the last number placed in the sequence cache. This number is likely to be greater than the last sequence number that was used.


Table A13 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Functions Schema Collection.
Table A13 Functions Data Type String String String Decimal Description Owner of the function. Name of the function. Name of the subobject (for example, partition). Dictionary object number of the function.


A-8 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A13 (Cont.) Functions Column Name DATA_OBJECT_ID CREATED LAST_DDL_TIME Data Type Decimal DateTime DateTime Description Dictionary object number of the segment that contains the function. Timestamp for the creation of the function. Timestamp for the last modification of the function resulting from a DDL statement (including grants and revokes). Timestamp for the specification of the function (character data). Status of the function (VALID, INVALID, or N/A). Whether or not the function is temporary (the current session can see only data that it placed in this object itself). Indicates whether the name of this function is system generated (Y) or not (N). Whether or not this is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartridge (Y | N).


String String String


String String

Table A14 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Procedures Schema Collection.
Table A14 Procedures Data Type String String String Decimal Decimal DateTime Decimal Description Owner of the procedure. Name of the procedure. Name of the subobject (for example, partition). Dictionary object number of the procedure. Dictionary object number of the segment that contains the procedure. Timestamp for the creation of the procedure. Timestamp for the last modification of the procedure resulting from a DDL statement (including grants and revokes). Timestamp for the specification of the procedure (character data). Status of the procedure (VALID, INVALID, or N/A). Whether or not the procedure is temporary (the current session can see only data that it placed in this object itself). Indicates whether the name of this procedure is system generated (Y) or not (N). Whether or not this is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartridge (Y | N).



String String String


String String

Oracle Schema Collections A-9

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A15 lists the column name, data type and description of the ProcedureParameters Schema Collection.
Table A15 ProcedureParameters Data Type String String String Decimal String Decimal String Description Owner of the object. Name of the procedure or function. Name of the package. Object number of the object. Indicates the nth overloading ordered by its appearance in the source; otherwise, it is NULL. Subprogram id for the procedure or function If the argument is a scalar type, then the argument name is the name of the argument. A null argument name is used to denote a function return value. If DATA_LEVEL is zero, then this column holds the position of this item in the argument list, or zero for a function return value. Defines the sequential order of the argument. Argument sequence starts from 1. Nesting depth of the argument for composite types. Data type of the argument. Default value for the argument. Length of the default value for the argument. Direction of the argument: [IN] [OUT] [IN/OUT]. Length of the column (in bytes). Length in decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT). Digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. Argument radix for a number. Character set name for the argument. Owner of the type of the argument. Name of the type of the argument. If the type is a package local type (that is, it is declared in a package specification), then this column displays the name of the package. Displays the name of the type declared in the package identified in the TYPE_NAME column. Relevant only for package local types. TYPE_LINK String Displays the database link that refers to the remote package. Relevant only for package local types when the package identified in the TYPE_NAME column is a remote package.





Decimal Decimal String String Decimal String Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal String String String



A-10 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A15 (Cont.) ProcedureParameters Column Name PLS_TYPE CHAR_LENGTH CHAR_USED Data Type String Decimal String Description For numeric arguments, the name of the PL/SQL type of the argument. Otherwise, Null. Character limit for string data types. Indicates whether the byte limit (B) or character limit (C) is official for the string.

Table A16 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Arguments Schema Collection.
Table A16 Arguments Data Type String String String String Description Owner of the object. Name of the package. Name of the procedure or function. If the argument is a scalar type, then the argument name is the name of the argument. A null argument name is used to denote a function return value. If DATA_LEVEL is zero, then this column holds the position of this item in the argument list, or zero for a function return value. Defines the sequential order of the argument. Argument sequence starts from 1. Default value for the argument. Length of the default value for the argument. Direction of the argument: [IN] [OUT] [IN/OUT]. Length of the column (in bytes). Length in decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT). Digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. Data type of the argument. Indicates whether the column uses BYTE length semantics (B) or CHAR length semantics (C).





Decimal String Decimal String Decimal Decimal Decimal String String

Table A17 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Packages Schema Collection.
Table A17 Packages Data Type String String String Description Owner of the package. Name of the package. Name of the subobject (for example, partition).


Oracle Schema Collections


ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A17 (Cont.) Packages Column Name OBJECT_ID DATA_OBJECT_ID CREATED LAST_DDL_TIME Data Type Decimal Decimal DateTime DateTime Description Dictionary object number of the package. Dictionary object number of the segment that contains the package. Timestamp for the creation of the package. Timestamp for the last modification of the package resulting from a DDL statement (including grants and revokes). Timestamp for the specification of the package (character data). Status of the package (VALID, INVALID, or N/A). Whether or not the package is temporary (the current session can see only data that it placed in this object itself). Indicates whether the name of this package was system generated (Y) or not (N). Whether or not this is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartridge (Y | N).


String String String


String String

Table A18 lists the column name, data type, and description of the PackageBodies Schema Collection.
Table A18 PackageBodies Data Type String String String Decimal Decimal DateTime DateTime Description Owner of the package body. Name of the package body. Name of the subobject (for example, partition). Dictionary object number of the package body. Dictionary object number of the segment that contains the package body. Timestamp for the creation of the package body. Timestamp for the last modification of the package body resulting from a DDL statement (including grants and revokes). Timestamp for the specification of the package body (character data). Status of the package body (VALID, INVALID, or N/A). Whether the package body is temporary (the current session can see only data that it placed in this object itself). Indicates whether the name of this package body is system generated (Y) or not (N).



String String String



A-12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A18 (Cont.) PackageBodies Column Name SECONDARY Data Type String Description Whether or not this is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartridge (Y | N).

Table A19 lists the column name, data type, and description of the JavaClasses Schema Collection.
Table A19 JavaClasses Data Type String String Decimal Decimal String String String String String String String String String Description Owner of the Java class. Name of the Java class. Major version number of the Java class, as defined in the JVM specification. Minor version number of the Java class, as defined in the JVM specification. Indicates whether the stored object is a Java class (CLASS) or a Java interface (INTERFACE). Accessibility of the Java class. Indicates whether this Java class is an inner class (YES) or not (NO). Indicates whether this Java class is an abstract class (YES) or not (NO). Indicates whether this Java class is a final class (YES) or not (NO). Indicates whether this Java class contains debug information (YES) or not (NO). Source designation of the Java class. Super class of this Java class. Outer class of this Java class if this Java class is an inner class.


Table A20 lists the column name, data type, and description of the Indexes Schema Collection.
Table A20 Indexes Data Type String String Description Owner of the index. Name of the index.


Oracle Schema Collections


ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A20 (Cont.) Indexes Column Name INDEX_TYPE Data Type String Description Type of the index:



String String String String String Decimal String Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal

Owner of the indexed object. Name of the indexed object. Type of the indexed object (for example, TABLE or CLUSTER). Indicates whether the index is UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE. Indicates whether index compression is enabled (ENABLED) or not (DISABLED). Number of columns in the prefix of the compression key. Name of the tablespace containing the index. Initial number of transactions. Maximum number of transactions. Size of the initial extent. Size of secondary extents. Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment. Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment. Percentage increase in extent size. Threshold percentage of block space allowed per index entry. Column ID of the last column to be included in index-organized table primary key (non-overflow) index. This column maps to the COLUMN_ID column of the *_TAB_COLUMNS data dictionary views. Number of process freelists allocated to this segment. Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment. Minimum percentage of free space in a block. Logging information. B*-Tree level: depth of the index from its root block to its leaf blocks. A depth of 0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same. Number of leaf blocks in the index.


Decimal Decimal Decimal String Decimal



A-14 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A20 (Cont.) Indexes Column Name DISTINCT_KEYS Data Type Decimal Description Number of distinct indexed values. For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is the same as the number of rows in the table (USER_TABLES.NUM_ROWS). Average number of leaf blocks in which each distinct value in the index appears, rounded to the nearest integer. For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is always 1. Average number of data blocks in the table that are pointed to by a distinct value in the index, rounded to the nearest integer. This statistic is the average number of data blocks that contain rows that contain a given value for the indexed columns. Indicates the amount of order of the rows in the table based on the values of the index. Indicates whether a nonpartitioned index is VALID or UNUSABLE. Number of rows in the index. Size of the sample used to analyze the index. Date on which this index was most recently analyzed. Number of threads per instance for scanning the index. Number of instances across which the indexes to be scanned. Indicates whether the index is partitioned (YES) or not (NO). Indicates whether or not the index is on a temporary table. Indicates whether the name of the index is system generated (Y) or not (N). Indicates whether the index is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartridge (Y) or not (N). Name of the default buffer pool to be used for the index blocks. Indicates whether statistics were entered directly by the user (YES) or not (NO). Indicates the duration of a temporary table. For a secondary index on an index-organized table, the percentage of rows with VALID guess. For a domain index, the owner of the index type. For a domain index, the name of the index type. For a domain index, the parameter string. For partitioned indexes, indicates whether statistics are collected by analyzing the index as a whole (YES) or estimated from statistics on underlying index partitions and subpartitions (NO).




Decimal String Decimal Decimal Date String String String String String String


String String String Decimal String String String String

Oracle Schema Collections


ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A20 (Cont.) Indexes Column Name DOMIDX_STATUS Data Type String Description Status of the domain index:

NULL - Index is not a domain index. VALID - Index is a valid domain index. IDXTYP_INVLD - Indextype of the domain index is invalid.



Status of the operation on the domain index:

NULL - Index is not a domain index. VALID - Operation performed without errors. FAILED - Operation failed with an error.



Status of a function-based index:

NULL - Index is not a function-based index. ENABLED - Function-based index is enabled. DISABLED - Function-based index is disabled.


String String

Indicates whether the index is a join index (YES) or not (NO). Indicates whether redundant primary key columns are eliminated from secondary indexes on index-organized tables (YES) or not (NO). Indicates whether the index has been dropped and is in the recycle bin (YES) or not (NO); null for partitioned tables.


Table A21 lists the column name, data type, and description of the IndexColumns Schema Collection.
Table A21 IndexColumns Data Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String Decimal Description Owner of the index. Name of the index. Owner of the table or cluster. Name of the table or cluster. Column name or attribute of object type column. Position of column or attribute within the index. Indexed length of the column. Whether the column is sorted in descending order (Y/N). Maximum codepoint length of the column. (Oracle9i or later)


Table A22 lists the column name, data type, and description of the PrimaryKeys Schema Collection.
A-16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A22

PrimaryKeys Data Type String String String String String String String String String String String String Description Owner of the constraint definition. Name of the constraint definition. Name associated with the table (or view) with constraint definition. Text of search condition for a check constraint. Owner of table referred to in a referential constraint. Name of the unique constraint definition for referenced table. Delete rule for a referential constraint (CASCADE or NO ACTION). Enforcement status of constraint (ENABLED or DISABLED). Whether or not the constraint is deferrable. Whether all data obeys the constraint (VALIDATED or NOT VALIDATED). Whether the name of the constraint is user or system generated. Indicates that this constraint specifies a century in an ambiguous manner. (Yes| No) To avoid errors resulting from this ambiguity, rewrite the constraint using the TO_DATE function with a four-digit year.



String DateTime String

Whether an enabled constraint is enforced or unenforced. When the constraint was last enabled or disabled. Name of the user owning the index. (Oracle9i or later)



Name of the index (only shown for unique and primary-key constraints). (Oracle9i or later)

Table A23 lists the column name, data type, and description of the ForeignKeys Schema Collection.
Table A23 ForeignKeys Data Type String Description Name of the constraint definition. Owner of the constraint definition. Name associated with the table (or view) with constraint definition. Owner of the constraint definition.




Oracle Schema Collections


ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A23 (Cont.) ForeignKeys Column Name FOREIGN_KEY_ CONSTRAINT_NAME FOREIGN_KEY_ TABLE_NAME SEARCH_CONDITION R_OWNER Data Type String String String String Description Name of the constraint definition. Name associated with the table (or view) with constraint definition. Text of search condition for a check constraint Owner of table referred to, in a referential constraint. Name of the unique constraint definition for referenced table. Delete rule for a referential constraint (CASCADE or NO ACTION). Enforcement status of constraint (ENABLED or DISABLED). Whether or not all data obeys the constraint (VALIDATED or NOT VALIDATED). Whether the name of the constraint is user or system generated. Whether an enabled constraint is enforced or unenforced. When the constraint was last enabled or disabled. Name of the user owning the index. (Oracle9i or later) INDEX_NAME String Name of the index. (Oracle9i or later)


Table A24 lists the column name, data type, and description of the ForeignKeyColumns Schema Collection.
Table A24 ForeignKeyColumns Data Type String String String String String Description Owner of the constraint definition. Name of the constraint definition. Name of the table with constraint definition. Name of the column or attribute of the object type column specified in the constraint definition. Original position of column or attribute in the definition of the object.


Table A25 lists the column name, data type, and description of the UniqueKeys Schema Collection.

A-18 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

Table A25

UniqueKeys Data Type String String String String String String String String String String String String Description Owner of the constraint definition. Name of the constraint definition. Name associated with the table (or view) with constraint definition. Text of search condition for a check constraint. Owner of table referred to in a referential constraint. Name of the unique constraint definition for referenced table. Delete rule for a referential constraint (CASCADE or NO ACTION). Enforcement status of constraint (ENABLED or DISABLED). Whether or not the constraint is deferrable. Whether all data obeys the constraint (VALIDATED or NOT VALIDATED). Whether the name of the constraint is user or system generated. Indicates that this constraint specifies a century in an ambiguous manner. (Yes| No) To avoid errors resulting from this ambiguity, rewrite the constraint using the TO_DATE function with a four-digit year.



String String String

Whether an enabled constraint is enforced or not. When the constraint was last enabled or disabled. Name of the user owning the index. (Oracle9i or later)



Name of the index (only shown for unique and primary-key constraints). (Oracle9i or later)

Oracle Schema Collections


ODP.NET-Specific Schema Collection

A-20 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developers Guide

assembly Assembly is Microsoft's term for the module that is created when a DLL or .EXE is complied by a .NET compiler. BFILES External binary files that exist outside the database tablespaces residing in the operating system. BFILES are referenced from the database semantics, and are also known as external LOBs. Binary Large Object (BLOB) A large object data type whose content consists of binary data. Additionally, this data is considered raw as its structure is not recognized by the database. Character Large Object (CLOB) The LOB data type whose value is composed of character data corresponding to the database character set. A CLOB may be indexed and searched by the Oracle Text search engine. data provider As the term is used with Oracle Data Provider for .NET, a data provider is the connected component in the ADO.NET model and transfers data between a data source and the DataSet. DataSet A DataSet is an in-memory copy of database data. The DataSet exists in memory without an active connection to the database. dirty writes Dirty writes means writing uncommitted or dirty data. DDL DDL refers to data definition language, which includes statements defining or changing data structure. DOM Document Object Model (DOM) is an application program interface (API) for HTML and XML documents. It defines the logical structure of documents and the way that a document is accessed and manipulated.


Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) The XSL W3C standard specification that defines a transformation language to convert one XML document into another. flush Flush or flushing refers to recording changes (that is, sending modified data) to the database. goodness The degree of load in the Oracle database. The lighter load is better and vice versa. implicit database connection The connection that is implicitly available from the context of the .NET stored procedure execution. instantiate A term used in object-based languages such as C# to refer to the creation of an object of a specific class. invalidation message The content of a change notification which indicates that the cache is now invalid Large Object (LOB) The class of SQL data type that is further divided into internal LOBs and external LOBs. Internal LOBs include BLOBs, CLOBs, and NCLOBs while external LOBs include BFILEs. Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library The Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library provides the classes for the .NET framework model. namespace

.NET: A namespace is naming device for grouping related types. More than one namespace can be contained in an assembly.

XML Documents: A namespace describes a set of related element names or attributes within an XML document.

National Character Large Object (NCLOB) The LOB data type whose value is composed of character data corresponding to the database national character set. Oracle Net Services The Oracle client/server communication software that offers transparent operation to Oracle tools or databases over any type of network protocol and operating system. OracleDataReader An OracleDataReader is a read-only, forward-only result set.


Oracle XML DB Oracle XML DB is the name for a distinct group of technologies related to high-performance XML storage and retrieval that are available within the Oracle database. Oracle XML DB is not a separate server. Oracle XML DB is based on the W3C XML data model. PL/SQL The Oracle procedural language extension to SQL. primary key The column or set of columns included in the definition of a table's PRIMARY KEY constraint. reference semantics Reference semantics indicates that assignment is to a reference (an address such as a pointer) rather than to a value. See value semantics. REF A data type that encapsulates references to row objects of a specified object type. result set The output of a SQL query, consisting of one or more rows of data. Safe Type Mapping Safe Type Mapping allows the OracleDataAdapter to populate a DataSet with .NET type representations of Oracle data without any data or precision loss. savepoint A point in the workspace to which operations can be rolled back. stored procedure A stored procedure is a PL/SQL block that Oracle stores in the database and can be executed from an application. Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Transparent Application Failover is a runtime failover for high-availability environments. It enables client applications to automatically reconnect to the database if the connection fails. This reconnect happens automatically from within the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) library. Unicode Unicode is a universal encoded character set that enables information from any language to be stored using a single character set. URL URL (Universal Resource Locator). value semantics Value semantics indicates that assignment copies the value, not the reference or address (such as a pointer). See reference semantics.


XPath XML Path Language (XPath), based on a W3C recommendation, is a language for addressing parts of an XML document. It is designed to be used by both XSLT and XPointer. It can be used as a searching or query language as well as in hypertext linking.


ADO, 1-2 ADO.NET, 1-2 backward compatibility, 3-17 ADO.NET 1.x, 2-1 ADO.NET 2.0, 2-3, 3-16 base or DbCommon classes, 3-17 DbCommon classes, 3-16 ADO.NET 2.x, 2-1 app.config file, 3-18 application config, 3-85 array bind OracleParameter, 3-33 array bind operations, 3-32 ArrayBindCount, 5-13 ArrayBindIndex, 5-201 ArrayBindSize, 5-246 ArrayBindStatus, 5-247 error handling, 3-33 array binding, 3-32 ArrayBindCount property, 5-13 ArrayBindIndex property, 5-201 ArrayBindSize property, 3-29, 3-33, 5-246 ArrayBindStatus property, 3-30, 3-33, 5-247 assembly, 1-3 ODP.NET, 1-3 change notification ODP.NET support, 3-70 change notification, Database Change Notification, 8-1 characters with special meaning in column data, 3-64 in table or view, 3-65 characters with special meaning in XML, 3-58 client applications, 1-1 client globalization settings, 3-80, 3-83 client identifier, 3-13 CLOB, 3-51 CLR, 1-2 CollectionType property, 3-29 column data special characters in, 3-64 CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, 3-42 commit transactions changes to XML data, 3-67 connection dependency, 3-56 connection pooling, 3-5 example, 3-5 for RAC database, 3-7 management, 3-6 Connection property, 3-53 connection string builder, 3-16 ConnectionString attributes, 3-5 Connection Lifetime, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Connection Timeout, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Data Source, 3-2 DBA Privilege, 3-2 Decr Pool Size, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Enlist, 3-2 HA Events, 3-2, 3-5 Incr Pool Size, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Load Balancing, 3-2, 3-5 Max Pool Size, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Metadata Pooling, 3-2 Min Pool Size, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Password, 3-2 Persist Security Info, 3-2 Pooling, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 Proxy Password, 3-2, 3-11 Proxy User Id, 3-2, 3-11 Statement Cache Purge, 3-2 Statement Cache Size, 3-2

batch processing support, 3-16 behavior of ExecuteScalar method for REF CURSOR, 3-50 BFILE, 3-51 BINARY_DOUBLE, 3-25 BINARY_FLOAT, 3-25 binding, 3-24 PL/SQL Associative Array, 3-29 BLOB, 3-51

callback support, 3-14 case-sensitivity column name mapping, 3-65


User Id, 3-2 Validate Connection, 3-2, 3-5, 3-6 ConnectionString property, 3-5, 3-6, 5-78 Constraints property, 3-78 configuring, 3-79 context connection, 4-2 Continuous Query Notification, 3-67 controlling query reexecution, 3-77

data loss, 3-74 data manipulation using XML, 3-63 data source enumerator, 3-16 data source enumerators, 3-18 database changes to, 3-63 Database Change Notification best practices, 3-74 performance considerations, 3-74 database change notification, 3-67, 3-69 ODP.NET support, 3-70 DataSet, 3-53 populating, 3-49 populating from a REF CURSOR, 3-49 updating, 3-50 updating to database, 3-78 DataTable, 3-79 Datatable properties, 3-78 DbCommon classes, 3-16 DBlinks, 4-2 DbProviderFactories class, 2-3, 3-17 DbType inference, 3-26 debug tracing, 3-84 registry settings, 3-84 default mapping improving, 3-67 documentation, 2-3 .NET, 1-1 dynamic help, 1-1, 2-3

description, 10-10 FailoverReturnCode Enumeration description, 10-11 FailoverType Enumeration description, 10-12 FAN, 3-7 Fast Application Notification (FAN), features, 3-1 new, xix FetchSize property fine-tuning, 3-47 setting at design time, 3-48 setting at runtime, 3-48 using, 3-47 file locations, 2-3


Global Assembly Cache (GAC), 2-3 globalization settings, 3-80 client, 3-80 session, 3-81 thread-based, 3-82 globalization support, 3-80 globalization-sensitive operations, 3-83 Grid environment, 3-7 grid-computing, xxii, xxiii grids, xxii, xxiii GUI access to ODP.NET, 1-1

HA Events, 3-2, 3-7 debug tracing information, 3-84 handling date and time format manipulating data in XML, 3-63 retrieving queries in XML, 3-59

implicit database connection, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 5-83 improving default mapping, 3-67 inference from Value property, 3-28 inference of DbType and OracleDbType from Value, 3-28 inference of DbType from OracleDbType, 3-26 inference of OracleDbType from DbType, 3-27 inference of types, 3-26 InitialLOBFetchSize property, 3-43 InitialLONGFetchSize property, 3-42 input binding XMLType column, 3-57 installation, 2-3 Oracle Data Provider for .NET, 2-3 integrated help, 2-3 interference in OracleParameter class, 3-26 introduction, overview, 1-2 invalidation message, 3-69 ensuring persistency of, 3-70 InvalidCastException, 3-38

enlist=dynamic,EnlistDistributedTransaction method,DynamicEnlistment, 3-13 enumeration type OracleDbType, 3-25 error handling, 3-33 example connection pooling, 3-5 ExecuteNonQuery method, 3-49 ExecuteScalar method, 3-50 explicit user connections, 4-1

failover, 3-14 registering an event handler, 3-14 FailoverEvent Enumeration Index-2

large binary datatypes, 3-52 large character datatypes, 3-52 limitations and restrictions, 4-2 Load Balancing, 3-2, 3-7 debug tracing information, 3-84 LOB Connection property, 3-53 LOBs temporary, 3-54 updating, 3-53 LOBs updating, 3-53 LONG and LONG RAW datatypes, 3-52

machine.config, 3-85 machine.config file, 2-3 metadata, 3-80 Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0, 3-16 Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR), 1-2 Microsoft .NET Framework, 2-1 Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library, 1-2 Microsoft Transaction Server, 2-2 MTS, 2-2 multiple notification requests, 3-70 Multiple Oracle Homes, xxiii multiple tables changes to, 3-67

namespace Oracle.DataAccess.Types, 1-6 native XML support, 3-54 NCLOB, 3-51 .NET Framework datatype, 3-37 .NET languages, 1-1 .NET products and documentation, 1-1 .NET stored procedures and functions, 4-1 .NET Stream class, 3-52 .NET type accessors, 3-38 .NET Types inference, 3-26 notification framework, 3-69 notification information retrieving, 3-70 notification process flow, 3-71 notification registration, 3-70 requirements of, 3-71 NULL values retrieving from column, 3-63 number of rows fetched in round-trip controlling, 3-47

object-relational data, 3-62 saving changes from XML data, obtaining a REF CURSOR, 3-49 3-67

obtaining an OracleRefCursor, 3-48 obtaining data from an OracleDataReader, 3-38 obtaining LOB data InitialLOBFetchSize property, 3-43 obtaining LONG and LONG RAW Data, 3-42 OCI statement caching, 3-35 ODP.NET installing, 2-3 ODP.NET Configuration, 3-85 ODP.NET LOB classes, 3-51 ODP.NET Type accessors, 3-41 ODP.NET Type classes, 3-37 ODP.NET Type exceptions, 13-1 ODP.NET Type structures, 3-37, 12-1 ODP.NET Types, 3-37 overview, 3-37 ODP.NET within a .NET stored procedure limitations and restrictions, 4-2 transaction support, 4-3 unsupported SQL commands, 4-6 ODP.NET XML Support, 3-54 OnChangedEventArgs Class instance properties, 8-32 members, 8-29 static fields, 8-30 static methods, 8-31 OnChangeEventHandler Delegate description, 8-38 operating system authentication, 3-9 Oracle Call Interface statement caching, 3-35 Oracle Data Provider for .NET installing, 2-3 system requirements, 2-1 Oracle Data Provider for .NET assembly, 1-3 Oracle Database Extensions for .NET, 1-2, 4-1 Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET, 1-1 Oracle Label Security, 3-13 Oracle native types, 3-37 supported by ODP.NET, 3-38 Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server, 2-2 Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), 2-3 Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD), 3-13 Oracle XML DB, 3-55 ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\\bin directory, 2-3 Oracle8i Database, ADO.NET 2.0 interfaces, 3-16 OracleBFile Class class description, 11-2 constructors, 11-7 instance methods, 11-19 instance properties, 11-12 members, 11-4 static fields, 11-9 static methods, 11-11 OracleBinary Structure constructor, 12-7 description, 12-2


instance methods, 12-26 members, 12-4 properties, 12-23 static fields, 12-8 static methods, 12-9 static operators, 12-15 static type conversion operators, 12-21 OracleBlob Class class description, 11-38 constructors, 11-43 instance methods, 11-53 instance properties, 11-47 members, 11-40 static fields, 11-45 static methods, 11-46 OracleClientFactory Class class description, 7-2 class members, 7-4 public methods, 7-6 public properties, 7-5 OracleClientFactory class, 2-3 instantiating, 3-17 OracleClob Class class description, 11-73 constructors, 11-78 instance methods, 11-88 instance properties, 11-82 members, 11-75 static fields, 11-80 static methods, 11-81 OracleCollectionType Enumeration, 5-320 OracleCommand ArrayBindCount property, 3-32 constructors, 5-7 InitialLOBFetchSize property, 3-43 InitialLONGFetchSize property, 3-42 Transaction property, 3-24 OracleCommand Class ArrayBindCount, 5-13 class description, 5-2 ExecuteScalar method, 3-50 FetchSize property, 3-47 members, 5-4 properties, 5-10 public methods, 5-27 RowSize property, 3-47 static methods, 5-9 OracleCommand object, 3-24 OracleCommand properties ArrayBindCount, 3-32 OracleCommand Transaction object, 3-24 OracleCommandBuilder Class, 3-80 class description, 5-42 constructors, 5-48 events, 5-64 members, 5-45 properties, 5-54 public methods, 5-59 static methods, 5-50 updating dataset, 3-78

OracleConnection ClearAllPools property, 3-6 ClearPool property, 3-6 ClientId property, 3-13 events, 5-107 OracleConnection Class class description, 5-65 constructors, 5-70 members, 5-67 obtaining a reference, 3-56 properties, 5-77 public methods, 5-86 static methods, 5-74 OracleConnection class GetSchema methods, 3-18 OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class class description, 7-10 class members, 7-13 constructors, 7-16 public methods, 7-32 public properties, 7-18 OracleConnectionStringBuilder class using, 3-18 Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace, 1-3 Oracle.DataAccess.dll, 1-3 Oracle.DataAccesss.dll assembly, 2-3 Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace, 1-3, 1-6 OracleDataAdapter, 3-74 constructors, 5-115 members, 5-112 SafeMapping Property, 3-76 SelectCommand property, 3-49 OracleDataAdapter Class, 5-110 events, 5-130 FillSchema method, 3-80 properties, 5-119 public methods, 5-125 SelectCommand property, 3-80 static methods, 5-118 OracleDataAdapter class FillSchema method, 3-79 Requery property, 3-77 SelectCommand property, 3-79 OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping, 3-74 OracleDataReader, 3-38, 3-42 members, 5-137 typed accessors, 3-38 OracleDataReader Class class description, 5-134 FetchSize property, 3-47 populating, 3-49 properties, 5-142 public methods, 5-152 static methods, 5-141 OracleDataReader Class SchemaTable, 5-188 OracleDataSource Enumerator class using, 3-18 OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class class description, 7-35 class members, 7-37


public methods, 7-38 OracleDate Structure constructors, 12-34 description, 12-29 members, 12-31 methods, 12-60 properties, 12-56 static fields, 12-39 static methods, 12-41 static operators, 12-47 static type conversions, 12-52 OracleDbType inference, 3-26 OracleDbType enumeration, 3-26 OracleDbType enumeration type, 3-25, 5-321 OracleDecimal Structure constructors, 12-72 description, 12-65 instance methods, 12-133 members, 12-67 properties, 12-129 static comparison methods, 12-82 static comparison operators, 12-112 static logarithmic methods, 12-101 static manipulation methods, 12-87 static operators, .NET Type to OracleDecimal, 12-120 static operators, OracleDecimal to .NET, 12-124 static trignonmetric methods, 12-106 OracleDependency Class change notification, 3-69 class description, 8-2 constructors, 8-5 database change notification, 3-67 events, 8-20 instance methods, 8-17 instance properties, 8-12 members, 8-3 static fields, 8-9 static methods, 8-11 OracleError Class ArrayBindIndex, 5-201 class description, 5-197 members, 5-199 methods, 5-204 properties, 5-201 static methods, 5-200 OracleErrorCollection members, 5-207 properties, 5-209 public methods, 5-210 static methods, 5-208 OracleErrorCollection Class, 5-205 OracleException members, 5-213 methods, 5-219 properties, 5-216 static methods, 5-215 OracleException Class, 5-211 OracleFailoverEventArgs

members, 10-5 properties, 10-7 public methods, 10-8 OracleFailoverEventHandler Delegate description, 10-9 OracleGlobalization Class class description, 9-2 members, 9-4 properties, 9-12 public methods, 9-22 OracleInfoMessageEventArgs members, 5-223 properties, 5-225 public methods, 5-227 static methods, 5-224 OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate, OracleIntervalDS Structure constructors, 12-144 description, 12-139 members, 12-141 methods, 12-174 properties, 12-169 static methods, 12-151 static operators, 12-158 type conversions, 12-166 OracleIntervalYM Structure constructors, 12-182 description, 12-177 members, 12-179 methods, 12-188, 12-207 properties, 12-204 static fields, 12-186 static operators, 12-194 type conversions, 12-201 OracleNotificationEventArgs Class change notification, 3-69 class description, 8-28 instance methods, 8-37 OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration description, 8-41 OracleNotificationRequest Class change notification, 3-69 class description, 8-21 database change notification, 3-67 instance methods, 8-27 instance properties, 8-24 members, 8-22 static methods, 8-23 OracleNotificationSource Enumeration description, 8-40 OracleNotificationType Enumeration description, 8-39 OracleNullValueException Class class description, 13-11 constructors, 13-14 members, 13-12 methods, 13-16, 13-18 properties, 13-17 OracleParameter array bind properties, 3-33



ArrayBindSize property, 3-33, 5-246 ArrayBindStatus property, 3-33, 5-247 constructors, 5-233 inferences of types, 3-26 members, 5-231 properties, 5-244 public methods, 5-260 static methods, 5-244 OracleParameter array bind feature, 3-32 OracleParameter Class, 5-229 Value, 3-28 OracleParameter object, 3-24 OracleDbType enumerated values, 3-25 OracleParameter property ArrayBindSize, 3-29 ArrayBindStatus, 3-30 CollectionType, 3-29 Size, 3-30 Value, 3-30 OracleParameterCollection members, 5-265 public methods, 5-271 static methods, 5-267 OracleParameterCollection Class, 5-263 OracleParameterStatus enumeration type, 3-35, 5-323 OracleRefCursor, 3-48 OracleRefCursor Class class description, 11-113 instance methods, 11-118 members, 11-115 populating from a REF CURSOR, 3-49 properties, 11-117 static methods, 11-116 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs constructor, 5-293 members, 5-291 properties, 5-295 public methods, 5-296 static methods, 5-294 OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class, 5-290 OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate, 5-289 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs constructor, 5-300 members, 5-298 properties, 5-302 public methods, 5-303 static methods, 5-301 OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class, 5-297 OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate, 5-304 OracleString Structure constructors, 12-215 description, 12-210 members, 12-212 methods, 12-236 properties, 12-233 static fields, 12-220 static methods, 12-221 static operators, 12-226 type conversions, 12-231

OracleTimeStamp Structure constructors, 12-247 description, 12-241 members, 12-243 methods, 12-283 properties, 12-278 static methods, 12-256 static operators, 12-263 static type conversions, 12-272 OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure constructors, 12-300 description, 12-294 members, 12-296 methods, 12-337 properties, 12-332 static fields, 12-307 static methods, 12-309 static operators, 12-317 static type conversions, 12-326 OracleTimeStampTZ Structure constructors, 12-355 description, 12-349 members, 12-351 methods, 12-397 properties, 12-391 static fields, 12-367 static methods, 12-369 static operators, 12-376 static type conversions, 12-385 OracleTransaction members, 5-308 properties, 5-310 public methods, 5-312 static methods, 5-309 OracleTruncateException Class class description, 13-19 constructors, 13-22 members, 13-20 methods, 13-26 properties, 13-25 static methods, 13-24 OracleTypeException Class class description, 13-2 constructors, 13-5 members, 13-3 properties, 13-8 static methods, 13-7 OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration, OracleXmlQueryProperties Class class description, 6-3 constructors, 6-8 members, 6-7 properties, 6-9 public methods, 6-12 OracleXmlSaveProperties Class, 6-13 constructors, 6-17 members, 6-16 properties, 6-18 public methods, 6-22 OracleXmlStream Class



class description, 6-23 constructors, 6-26 instance methods, 6-32 instance properties, 6-28 members, 6-24 static methods, 6-27 OracleXmlType Class, 3-56 class description, 6-37 constructors, 6-40 instance methods, 6-49 instance properties, 6-44 members, 6-38 static methods, 6-43

populating from OracleDataReader, 3-49 registry entries, 3-85 release Oracle8i (8.1.7), 3-63 release Oracle9i(9.0.x), 3-63 Requery property, 3-77 round-trip, 3-32 RowSize property, 3-47 Runtime Connection Load Balancing, 3-7

Safe Type Mapping, 3-74 SafeMapping Property, 3-76 Samples, 1-8, 2-3 saving change using an XML document, 3-66 saving changes using XML data, 3-64 schema metadata custominzing metadata, 3-18 SchemaTable, 5-188 SelectCommand property, 3-49 session globalization parameters, 3-84 session globalization settings, 3-81 shema discovery support, 3-16 simple application, 1-8 Size property, 3-30 SQL commands unsupported, 4-6 Statement Caching connection string attributes, 3-35 methods and properties, 3-36 Statement Cache Purge, 3-35 Statement Cache Size, 3-35 stored procedures and functions, 3-50, 4-1 Stream class, 3-52 support comparison client application versus .NET stored procedure, 4-6 SYSDBA privileges, 3-10 SYSOPER privileges, 3-10 system requirements Oracle Data Provider for .NET, 2-1 System.Data.Common, 3-16

parameter binding, 3-24 password expiration, 3-10 performance, 3-35 array binding, 3-32 connection pooling, 3-5 fine-tuning FetchSize, 3-47 number of rows fetched, 3-47 Obtaining LOB Data, 3-43 PL/SQL Associative Array binding, 3-29 PL/SQL Index-By Tables, 3-29 PL/SQL language, 3-48 PL/SQL REF CURSOR, 3-48 PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor, 3-48 PLSQLAssociativeArray, 5-320 populating an OracleDataReader from a REF CURSOR, 3-49 populating an OracleRefCursor from a REF CURSOR, 3-49 populating the DataSet from a REF CURSOR, 3-49 port number defining listener, 3-70 porting client application to .NET stored procedure, 4-6 preventing data loss, 3-74, 3-76 PrimaryKey property, 3-78 configuring, 3-79 privileged connections, 3-10 properties ClientId property, 3-13 provider factory classes, 3-16, 3-17 provider independence, 3-16 proxy authentication, 3-11

table or view special characters in, 3-65 TAF, 3-14 TAF callback support, 3-14 Temporary LOBs, 3-54 thread globalization settings, 3-83 thread-based globalization settings, 3-82 TraceFileName, 3-84 TraceLevel, 3-84 TraceOption, 3-85 Transaction object, 3-24 Transaction property, 3-24 transaction support, 4-3

RAC database pool size attributes, 3-9 RAC environment, 3-7 readme.txt, 2-3 REF CURSOR behavior of ExecuteScalar method, 3-50 obtaining, 3-49 passing to stored procedure, 3-50 populating DataSet from, 3-49


transactions commit, 3-67 Transparent Application Failover (TAF), 3-14 troubleshooting, 3-84 typed OracleDataReader accessors, 3-38

updating with OracleCommand, 3-57 XMLType columns setting to NULL, 3-57 XQUERY, 3-55 XQuery language, 3-55

unique columns, 3-42, 3-43 unique constraint, 3-42, 3-43 unique index, 3-42, 3-43 UniqueConstraint, 3-79 uniqueness in updating DataSet to database, 3-78 uniqueness in DataRows, 3-79 unsupported SQL commands, 4-6 updating LOBs, 3-53 updating a DataSet obtained from a REF CURSOR, 3-50 updating LOBs using a DataSet, 3-53 updating LOBs using ODP.NET LOB objects, 3-53 updating LOBs using OracleCommand and OracleParameter, 3-53 updating without PrimaryKey and Constraints, 3-80 using FetchSize property, 3-47

Value property, 3-30 Virtual Private Database(VPD), 3-13 Visual Studio .Net documentation, 2-3

web.config, 3-85 Windows registry, 2-4

XML characters with special meaning, 3-58 data manipulation using, 3-63 XML data saving changes using, 3-64 updating in OracleXmlType, 3-58 XML Database, 3-54 XML DB, 3-54 XML element name case-sensitivity in, 3-65 XML Element Name to Column Name Mapping, 3-65 XML related classes, 6-1 XML related enumerations, 6-1 XML Support, 3-54 XMLQuery, 3-55 XMLTable, 3-55 XMLType column as a .NET String, 3-57 fetching into the DataSet, 3-57


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