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RadialFlow to Pumping Wells


Problem 1


Fire Protection Well, River Bend Station Nuclear Power Plant, St. Francisville, Louisiana

Overview Radial flow of groundwater to a pumping well can be mathematically expressed

by combining various forms of Darcy's Law with equations of continuity. Flow to wells in confined or unconfined aquifers and under steady-state or transient conditions can be addressed mathematically. One of the most basic methods and simplest sets of conditions describes a confined aquifer with transient flow to a well that penetrates the entire saturated thickness of the aquifer (i.e., the well is fully penetrating). Theis (1935) was the first to represent these conditions in mathematical terms. Figure 3.4 shows flow to a fully penetrating well in a
confined aquifer where the flow is horizontal and radial.
- Pumping Well




Surface \_

. ]%



Confining Layer





Confined Aquifer
Confining Layer

Figure 3.4. Conceptualization of radial flow to a fully penetrating

pumping well showing initial and pumping potentiometric surfaces. Two observation welts at radii r% and r2 illustrate the spatial variation in drawdowns s, and s2. The saturated thickness of the aquifer is b and drawdown in the pumping well is sw.

In 1935 C.V. Theis published his original paper, which described the
analogous transient behavior of heat flow to a line sink in an infinite conductive


Chapter Three

solid and groundwater flow to awell in an infinite aquifer. The nrathematical

Dumping well at any time (/) after pumping commences, at any radial distance
design of the well. The Theis equation is as follows

ovulation he presented described the amount of dn^towoCi)jted by

WThfs mathematical model became known as the Theis equation and requires

certain assumptions about the nature of the aquifer, the pumping rate, and the
s-h h=4tvT




is drawdown at any time and distance from the pumping well


is hydraulic head at the same distance after elapsed time [/ - tj


is initial hydraulic head at any distance [t =0] (L),

is discharge from pumping well (L /T), is the transmissivity ofthe aquifer (L /T), and
is the Theis equation parameter. 3


The Theis equation parameter () is defined as




is radial distance from the pumping well to any distance (L),

is storage coefficient (L /LJ), is transmissivity (L IT), and

is elapsed time since the beginning of pumping stress (I).

The assumptions inherent in the Theis equation are as follows:

Aquifer -isotropic, homogeneous, uniform thickness flat lying, infinite

water instantaneously from storage.

inareal extent, overlain and underlain by impermeable layers, releases

Well -fully penetrates the aquifer, discharges at a constant rate, no

borehole storage.



The Theis equation (equation 3-1) cannot be integrated directly but can be
approximated using the following expansion.
-0.5772 -In u +-

S=h'h =-^Y




Radial Flow to Pumping Wells



To simplify the expression, the entire series expansion is usually denoted by the term W(u), which is called the Theis well function. Thus, the Theis equation can
be written in a simplified form.

Q_ s = K-h =-f- W{u)




is the Theis well function, and

is the Theis equation parameter and is the argument of the



Theis equation with Excel. (See Appendix Dfor a list of W(u) versus uvalues). This first exercise entails programming the Theis Well Function W{u) into the
"Distance-Drawdown' worksheet and solving the Theis equation for drawdown

We use the series expansion (equation 3-3) of the integral to solve the

(s)at various values of time (t) and distance (r). Because each successive term in

the infinite series becomes smaller and smaller, W(u) is approximated by

accounting for a finite number of terms. The separate terms are then summed to obtain an approximate value of the integral. The number of terms we use differs

between problems but is usually six to ten. We limit the approximation to ten
terms in this exercise to illustratethe nature of the Theis well function.

The Theis equation is a powerful tool for estimating the effects of future

and previous pumping stress on nearby water levels. These predictions are
; predicated on the Theis equation being a realistic model of the actual flow system. To determine whether the Theis equation is a realistic mathematical

< ;

model, the user must check to see if the simplifying assumptions required ofthe Theis equation compare favorably with the actual conditions at the site. Many of the assumptions apply only to the area influenced by the pumping stress. For
example, the aquifer must be isotropic and homogeneous throughout the area influenced by the pumping stress. If all the assumptions are met, then

calculations based on the Theis equation may be reasonable. Ifthe assumptions

are not met, then useof the Theis equation may yield erroneous estimates.

Another check on the suitability of using the Theis equation to make


predictions can be made with the results from a multiple-well aquifer test. This
test is a controlled field experiment performed to determine whether observed time-drawdown behavior matches theoretical time-drawdown behavior based on


the Theis equation. Ifthe observed response matches the response predicted by
the Theis equation, then use of the Theis equation as a mathematical model

should produce reasonable results, at least in the short term. The aquifer test data also can be used to estimate site-specific values of transmissivity and storage coefficient in other mathematical models that are used to make predictive calculations. More information about aquifer tests and their interpretation is
found in Chapter 5.

An additional aquifer characteristic used to describe the ability of water to move through an aquifer is transmissivity. Transmissivity (7) is the rate of

flow under a unit hydraulic gradient through a cross section of the aquifer that


Chapter Three

has a unit width for the entire saturated thickness of the aquifer. It is determined

by the following equation.




T K b

is the transmissivity of an aquifer (L IT), is the hydraulic conductivity (L/T), and is the saturated thickness of the aquifer (L).

It is tempting to use the Theis equation to compute the drawdown in the pumped well itself using a radius representing the size of the wellbore or the size of the sand filter or gravel pack. This approach may greatly underestimate the drawdown that actually occurs in the pumped well because of additional drawdown caused by frictional losses created as water moves through the sand filter or gravel pack and across the screen. The Theis equation does not account for this additional drawdown, which is collectively known as well loss. It is

possible to estimate the amount of additional drawdown in the pumped well owing to well losses for a given pumping rate on the basis of analysis of a stepdrawdown test performed in the pumping well (Kruseman and de Ridder, 1990).

Excel Tips
FACT(n) is an intrinsic Excel function that takes the factorial of the number "n." Use FACT(n) to increase the efficiency of programming the W(u)



PI() inserts the constant n into an equation. LN(n) calculates the natural logarithm of the number "." SUM() sums the cells designated within the parentheses. Cell anchor: $column$row anchors the cell (column, row) in a formula. Performing a relative copy will maintain the anchored cell within the formula and change only the other non-anchored cells in the formula (e.g., =SD$12+D2 will anchor cell D12 and not cell D2 during a relative copy).

Exponent symbol: Araises a number to the designated power (e.g., 3A2 = 9). Other intrinsic Excel functions are listed and explained by clicking thefx
button in the Toolbar.

Using the F2 key on a cell with a formula will highlight the reference cells
used in the formula. This allows you to more easily evaluate the accuracy of the formula programmed into the cell.

Excel will give an error message if a programming error occurs such as



illustrated below with missing parentheses. However, Excel will not necessarily give an error message if the formula is entered incorrectly.
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel round an error in the formula you entered. Do you want to accept the correction proposed below?

j HB7/7.4S) y To accept the

correction, clickYes. * To close this message and correct the formula yourself, clickNo.

Radial Flow to Pumping Wells


"#DIV/0!" will appear in cells if a division by zero error has occurred.

#DIV/0! displays if the denominator in any formula is zero including reference cells that may also contain an error. Thus, one "#DIV/0!" error may propagate through the worksheet to multiple cells. Check your formulas
for accuracy to avoid these errors. Save your work often to avoid losing information.



Saturated thickness of the aquifer (L)

Initial hydraulic head at any distance (L) Hydraulic head at the same distance after elapsed time (L)
Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer (L/T)



Discharge from pumping well (L7T) Radial distance from the pumping well to any distance (L)


Storage coefficient (L3/LJ)

Drawdown at any time and distance from the pumping well


Transmissivity of the aquifer (L2/T)

Elapsed time since the beginning of the pumping stress (T)
Theis equation parameter
Theis well function


Table 3.1 Parameter Definition Table - Chapter 3, Problem 1


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