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Zstituto di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata, Padova, Italy
Received August 9, 1922

Sex-linked characters in man are well known; they are all pathological
characters, so far as known; they are transmitted according to the same
laws as the sex-linked characters in the little fruit-fly (Drosophila) and
explained in the same manner by means of the sex chromosome.
I propose the name “diagynic heredity” for this kind of heredity, as
the sex-linked character is transmitted from male to male, not directly,
but through the unaffected females (e. g., hemophilia, daltonism).
I n the currant moth ( Abraxas grosszclariata) the character “lacticolor”
is transmitted from female to female, not directly, but through the
“unaffected” males. This “dia-andric heredity” is not known in man.
A third kind of sex-linked heredity is possible. We know two pedi-
grees of this kind (daltonism, hemophilia), and two new pedigrees are
referred to in this paper (hemophilia, cataract). No one has considered
this special kind of heredity or noticed its theoretical and practical
For the pedigree of daltonism (CUNIER),see PLATE 1913,p. 379. Dalton-
ism is usually diagynic; but in this pedigree 12 females are affected in 5
generations. The authors have not emphasized the circumstance that
all the females are affected. The males are all unaffected. The transmis-
sion is direct from the affected female to her daughters.
I n another pedigree of hemophilia (GRANDIDIER, see PLATE1913, p.
379), an affected mother has three affected daughters and no other chil-
dren; her parents, according to the reference, are unaffected.
I propose for this type of heredity the name of “hologynic heredity.”
“Holo-andric heredity” has not been recognized, heretofore, but in
the Jozcrrtd of Heredity for November 1921 RICHARDSCHOFIELD has
published a pedigree of webbed toes with 14 affected males in 4 genera-
tions (all the males) and not one female. SCHOFIELD does not recognize
in this pedigree a new form of heredity and thinks that this hereditary
trait is inherited as a secondary sex character. But why are all the males
GENETICS ’I: 583 N 1922

This is probably the first known case of holandric heredity.

Two other pedigrees of hologynic heredity will be presented here.
The first is very small and concerns again hemophilia (figure 1). I n
the third generation the first daughter is probably becoming affected,
but this is not yet certain.

m Q 9
FIGURE 1.-Pedigree chart of a family showing hemophilia in the female line,-hologynic

Much more interesting is the second pedigree, of senile cataract (figure

2). My friend, Prof. GILBERTOROSSI,the well known physiologist in
Florence, has had the kindness to compile this pedigree and permit me to
publish it. I am much indebted to him for this.

I .i,-o-js t45

t40 t 50-40 t 6 8 tb

FIGURE 2.-Hologynic senile cataract. The numbers indicate the age that the individual, if
living, now has, or the age a t death. An oblique line from left to right indicates that the individ-
ual has not reached the age in which the cataract developed; from right to left that no informa-
tion is available as to whether the individual was affected or not; b indicates that the individual
died as a child.

I n the family of this pedigree, as the females approach the age of 50

years they expect to become affected with cataract. Really only one
female has had the good luck to constitute an exception to this rule;
she has reached 68 years with good sight. Fourteen males have arrived
a t or surpassed 50 years, but not one of them has become affected.
The pedigree begins with a couple of which little information about
the female is available, except that she died a t an age (45) a t which the
affection is not noted a t all in the other females of this family. The
sister of her husband was affected.
We cannot determine from this pedigree, or from the others of hologynic
heredity, whether the males can be conductors; it is not known whether
the cataract is brought into the family by the male of the first generation
as a conductor, or by the female.
Notwithstanding the fact that this pedigree is not so extensive as to
solve all the questions which suggest themselves, it is clear that we have
before us here a new form of heredity.
The direct transmission from female to female and the affection of all
the females exclude it as a case of dia-andric heredity; the number of the
affected females and of the unaffected males exclude also the hypothesis
that the affection might be dominant and independent of sex.
The same conclusion is justified in the case of hemophilia. This
affection is usually diagynic and females are usually unaffected, for
affected females could be born only if the father is affected and the
mother is a conductress. But DAVENPORT (1911) has published a pedi-
gree of hemophilia with some affected females. He noted this abnor-
mality, but did not point out that the method of transmission is in this
case very different from the usual diagynic; the hemophilia is here domi-
nant and independent of sex. There are two other unusual pedigrees of
hemohhilia, one of GRANDIDIER, and the one referred to in this paper
(figure 1),in which only the .females are affected.
Daltonism is usually inherited as a diagynic trait; but an unusual pedi-
gree is known with affected females, and in this case all the females (12)
are affected, with direct transmission, and not one male. It is not admis-
sible to assume that in all these cases the affection is a dominant one,
independent of sex, and that by chance only females (all the females) are
affected. Such a possibility exists, to be sure; if we find a short pedigree
of this kind among ten thousand ordinary pedigrees of brachydactyly, for
instance, this may be by chance. But we know only three extraordi-
nary pedigrees of hemophilia, with many affected females, and in two of
these all the females are affected; of two cases of daltonism one is also of

this kind. The pedigree of cataract shown in figure 2, also can not be
reasonably explained on the ground of chance.
Thus, a new kind of heredity exists, sex-linked, but not diagynic or
dia-andric,-hologynic heredity. The features of this heredity are not
yet known, but its existence seems to me to be certain. Provisionally I
suppose that these features are very simple: (1) The daughters of an
affected mother are all affected; (2) The sons of an affected mother are all
unaffected and not conductors.
How can hologynic heredity be explained? The coexistence of diagynic
and hologynic heredity in the same species makes the explanation very
difficult. Nevertheless, I will make an attempt in this direction.
The diagynic heredity requires the existence of two kinds of spermato-
zoa, one of which possesses the X chromosome, the other not. Naturally,
it is possible that paired with the X chromosome there is a Y chromosome,
different from X, and destined to remain always in the male line. That is
really the case in some kinds of insects. If one should discover a hol-
andric heredity in the insects, its explanation would be very easy; the Y
chromosome, which remains in the male line, could well explain a sex-
linked character which remains always in the male line.
But we have to explain a hologynic, not a holandric, heredity. We
can imagine a scheme like that for the dia-andric heredity, with two
kinds of eggs and a W chromosome which remains always in the female
line. W can transmit the cataract or the hemophilia or the daltonism.
This explanation or a similar one is logically suggested by the ob-
served facts. It is necessary to suppose that something remains in the
female line and can not be transmitted by the male. Then an egg posses-
ses this thing or does not possess it, according to its sex. This would
require that the sex be determined already in the egg, independently
from the spermatozoon and fertilization.
I consider this almost a logical consequence of the facts. It is possible,
however, that, for example, the hologynic hemophilia is transmitted by
something that is in all the eggs of an affected female, independent of
sex, and that the male-determining spermatozoon destroys this thing.
But this mechanism is entirely different from the chromosomal mechan-
ism which explains the heredity of the diagynic hemophilia or of the not-
sex-linked dominant hemophilia. It seems too improbable that the same
character can be transmitted by two entirely different mechanisms; we can
suppose that in one family one chromosome transmits it, in another
family another chromosome, but the mechanism of the transmission must

be the same in all cases. Therefore, there should be two kinds of eggs,
and two kinds of spermatozoa, in order to explain the diagynic heredity.
This hypothesis requires a selective fertilization; the male-determining
egg must be fertilized by a male-determining spermatozoon and the
female-determining egg by a female-determining spermatozoon.
The following scheme will explain this type of heredity: Let F be
the chromosome which always remains in the female line; so that a
pair, Ff, in the female corresponds to a pair, ff, in the male; and let M
be the Y chromosome and m the X chromosome. Then a mating will
result in the following combinations, the impossible combinations being
written in parenthesis:
p1 Mmff mmFf

Germ cells Mf or mf mF or mf
Fi Mmff or (MmFf) mmFf or (mmff)
The hologynic character is transmitted by F. This scheme allows
also for the possibility of a holandric character transmitted by M.
The diagynic character is transmitted by m; the scheme provides also
for a dia-andric transmission which can be made by f.
This scheme can also be stated in a simpler form as follows:
P1 m- mmF
Germcells m or - mF or m
Fi m or (mF-) mmF- or (mm-)
This is the simplest symbolic expression of sex-linked heredity in man
(diagynic and hologynic). But M is also necessary to explain the hol-
andric heredity, and this is permitted by the type of sex chromosomes
which was described in man by WIEYAN(1917).
If we consider sex-linked heredity in a general way, we are surprised
by the circumstance that in some insects the female is heterozygous
(e. g., in the Lepidoptera), while in all the others the male is heterozygous.
It seems that the heterozygous constitution of the male is the more general
condition in animals. Heterozygous females are observed only in the
Lepidoptera and in birds. This difference, even in the same class, is very
difficult to explain; we cannot understand why the chromosome pair XX
of the female and the single X chromosome of the male can be replaced
by an inverted condition. But if we take the hypothesis of an Mmff
group in the male and an mmFf group in the female as a primitive arrange-
ment, we can easily explain the reverse cases. It is possible that in some
species certain chromosomes have disappeared before reduction, in which
case the possibility of certain kinds of heredity has been lost.
C w ~ n c s l :N 1922

I s the hypothesis of a selective fertilization a very improbable one?

Some other facts seem to support the same hypothesis.
I n the great fly, Calliphora erythrocephala, the sex ratio is exactly 1 : 1
in the best conditions of life. The experiments of Mrs. VALENTI(1913)
with manyisolated couples of this species have demonstrated that thesons
and the daughters of one couple are too often exactly equal in number,
or almost equal, than would result from statistical law, and there must
be a mechanism by which this result is obtained. We can assume that
the mechanism consists in a sexual division, namely, in the production
of a male egg and a female egg from a neutral cell; then the eggs of both
sexes are equal in number and if they all develop, the sons and the daugh-
ters are also equal in number. On the other hand, it is known that in
flies the male is heterozygous, and that consequently there is an equal
number of male and female spermatozoa; a selective fertilization is the
logical corollary of these facts.
I must admit thatfrom seeking an explanation of sex-linked heredity in
man, I have been led to the hypothesis of a selective fertilization, a result
which has exceeded my original purpose. Although it is a logical conse-
quence, I express it, nevertheless,with some reserve, for I know how
dangerous anddoubtfulisthe application of logic to experimental
science when data are stillinadequate.Future researches maybe ex-
pected to decide the question.
It is remarkable that a hologynic or diagynic character in man can also
be transmitted ina more ordinary way as a dominant one, independent of
sex. No sex-linked character is known in man, which behaves as a sex-
linked character in all the families in which it appears. Hemophilia is
the classical instance of diagynic heredity; now we also know two short
pedigrees of hologynic hemophilia, and a pedigree of dominant hemo-
philia. Many affections of the eye follow the diagynic method of heredity;
but some pedigrees are hologynic and others non-sex-linked dominant;
e. g., nystagmus,myopia (?), daltonism,hemeralopia,neuritisoptica.
Cataract has been known only as a dominant character. Now a case of
hologynic cataract is discovered.
The explanation of this variability is very simple if the chromosome
scheme formulatedaboveisaccepted. The charactercan be trans-
mitted by one chromosome or by another chromosome; there are three
possibilities, the chromosome m, F or an autosome. So far as is known,
the character is always transmitted, in any given family, by the same
chromosome. SO we can enunciate three principles which seem to apply
to the sex-linked characters in man:

1. Sex-linked characters in man can also be transmitted as ordinary

non-sex-linked dominants.
2. Sex-linked heredity in man is diagynic or hologynic; some characters
(all?)are transmissible as hologynic andas diagynic. Perhapsa hol-
andric heredity also exists.
3. I n a single family, each sex-linked character is transmitted accord-
ing toaconstant method (by the same chromosome). This principle
needs further confirmation.
Each sex-linked character of other animals, so far as is known, is trans-
mitted only according to a single rule, always as sex-linked.
Hologynic heredity isknown only in man.
The third principle, if confirmed, will constitute a further proof of the
individuality of the chromosomes in man.

DAVENPORT, C. B., 1911 Heredity in relation to eugenics.xi+298 pp. New York: Henry
Holt & Co.
PLATE,L., 1913 Vererbungslehre mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Menschen, fur Studier-
ende, Artzte und Zuchter. xii +S19 pp. 179 jigs., 3 colmed 91s. Leipzig: W. Engelmann.
SCHOFIELD, RICHARD, 1921 Inheritance of webbedtoes. Jour. Heredity 12: 400, 401. 2 jigs.
VALENTI, ANNALOUISA, 1913 Sulla detenninazione del sesso nello mosche. Bios 2: 265-298.
WEMAN, H. L., 1917 The chromosomes of human spermatocytes. Amer. Jour. Anat. 21:
1-22. 4Qls.

Cwrr~cs7: N 1922

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