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85 days of Rudram_Chanting for Swamis 85


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T9|6 9l +l T9|6 9l +l T9|6 9l +l T9|6 9l +l gaapati prrthana
V Tl+l t4l T9 |6 (4lP( T |4 T 4l +lP 9 P~ 4F6PP
om ga n tv ga apa tig havmahe ka vi
ka v nmu pa mara vastamam |
74 U l= O TlP OTF96 Hl + - ~ '4 |6| FBl( Bl( +P +
jye ha rja brahma m brahmaaspata na
ru vann tibhi ssda sda nam ||
9Tl ( 4l B F46l 4l= |4l |=+l46l
prao de v sara svat vjebhirvjinvat|
l +lP |4 -4 46 T Hl4 +P- B F4 t4 +P- ~l 6 4l +P- (|- Hl P +
dh nma vi trya vatu| ga e ya nama| sa ra sva tyai nama| r
gu rubhyo nama| hari om||
V Hl|-6 - Hl|-6 - Hl|-6 -+
om nti nti nti ||

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~l 6P Sri Rudram
V +Pl 46 6l 4+

om namo bhagavate rudr ya ||

Prostations to Lord rudra(who is the Destroyer of sin and sorrow)

V +P F6 6 P -44 7 6l 6 9 4 +P - +P F6 HF6 -4 + 4l-4l P 6 6 +P -

om nama ste rudra ma nyava u tota ia ve nama |nama ste astu dhanva ne b hubhy mu ta
te nama |

Oh! Rudra Deva! My salutations to your anger and also to your arrows. My salutations to your bow and to the
pair of your hands.

4l 6 9 - |H 46 Pl |H 4 4 4 6 + - |H 4l H -4l 4l 64 64l +l 6 P 74

y ta iu i vata m i va babhva te dhanu | i v a ra vy y tava tay no rudra
maya |

Oh! Destroyer! By that arrow of yours, that bow of yours and that quiver of yours which have become the most
peaceful, make us happy.

4l 6 6 |H 4l 6 + l l59l 9Tl|H+l 64l +F6 + 4l H-6 P4l || H 6l |l THl|(

y te rudra i v ta nragho r'p pakin | tay nasta nuv anta may giri at bhic kahi

Lord Rudra, by that supremely peaceful form of yours which destroys sin, and which is auspicious and blissful,
give us the knowledge Supreme.O! Resident of Kailas and Giver of all good.

4l|P9 ||H 6 (F6 |4 !4 F6 4 |H 4l | | 6l T 6 Pl |( Bl - 9 6 9 = 6

ymiu girianta haste bibha ryasta ve | i v gi ritra t ku ru m hig s puru a
jaga t |

O! Resident of the Mountains and Giver of all good! O! Protector! Make the arrow you hold in your hand
peaceful; do not destroy people or the material world.

|H 4 + 4 Bl t4l || Hl7l 4(lP|B 4l + - B4 |P= (4 P B P+l HB 6
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i vena vaca s tv giri cch vadmasi |yath na sarva mijjaga daya kmag su man asa t |

O! Resident of Mountains! In order that our world of relations and cattle may be prosperous, wholly free from
disease and of good mind, we propitiate you with auspicious words.

H\4 4l (|4l 9 Pl ( -4l | 9T H(l B4l V 4 -tB4l 4l6 l -4 -

adhya vocadadhiva kt pra tha mo daivyo bhi ak |ahg ca sarv ja mbhaya ntsarv ca
ytudh nya |

Let Him intercede on my behalf and speak in my favor, even Rudra, that foremost one, held high in honor by the
gods, the physician. Let him annihilate the enemies of mine like scorpions, snakes, and tigers, and the unseen
enemies like the Rakshasas, spirits and demons.

H Bl 4F6l Bl H 6 T 7 6 4 H - B Pq - 4 Pl 6 l H |6l |( |~ 6l- B (U Hl 54 9l ( 7 P(

a sau yast mro a ru a u ta babhru su ma gala | ye ce mg ru dr a bhito di ku ri t
sa hasra o'vai g hea mahe |

This Sun who is copperred when he arises, then goldenyellow, this highly auspicious and beneficent one is
truly Rudra. These other Rudras who are quartered round about in all directions of this earth, may I ward off
their anger by my praise.

H Bl 4l 54 B9 |6 +l l4l |4l |(6- 7 6 + l 9l H H H ((l 4 -

a sau yo 'va sarpa ti nla grvo vilo hita | u taina go p a da nnad annudah rya |

Let the bluenecked one render us happy, the one who rises in crimson splendour, whom the cowherds, the
watermaidens and all the creatures in the world can see.

7 6 + |4Hl 6l|+ B 7l P 74l|6 +-

u taina viv bh tni sa d o m ayti na |

Let Him grant Happiness to us.

+Pl HF6 +l l4l4 B(Ul l4 Pl 7 9 Hl 4 H F4 Bx4l +l 5( 6 -4l 5T P -

namo astu nla grvya sahasr kya m hue |atho ye a sya sattv no 'ha tebhyo
kara nnama |

Let my salutations be to the bluethroated one, who has a thousand eyes. I also bow to his followers.

9P -4 + Ft4P 4l l| 4l 74l P 4l 6 (F6 9 4 - 9l 6l 4l 49
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pramu ca dhanva na stvamubhayo rrtni yo rjym |yca te hasta ia va par t bha gavo
vapa |

Bhagavan Rudra, loosen the string from both ends of your bow and put into your quiver the arrows in your
(The Possesion of the following six completely is called Bhagapower,valour,fame,wealth,knowledge, and
renunciation. Rudra has go all of them and hence He is addressed as bhagawan).
H 4 6t4 + Ft4 B(Ul H6 9 |+ Hl4 H -4l+l P Gl |H 4l + - B P+l 4

a va tatya dhanu stvag saha srka ate udhe | ni rya a lyn
mukh i vo na su man bhava |

You having a thousand eyes, and bearing a hundred quivers, after loosening your bow, kindly blunt the edges of
your shafts. Assume your peaceful and auspicious Siva form and become wellintentioned towards us.

|474 + - T9 |( +l |4H -4l 4lT 4l 7 6 H+ H F4 9 4 Hl F4 |+9 | -

vijya dhanu kapa rdino via lyo ba vg u ta | ane anna syea va bhura sya
nia gathi |

Let the bow of Kapardin, Rudra of the matted locks, be without its string. Let there be no arrows in His quiver.
Let His arrows lose their capacity to strike and pierce. Let the sheath of his sword be not removed.
4l 6 ( |6Pl 7 7P (F6 4 4 6 + - 64l 5FPl+ , |4 H6 Ft4P 4 P4l 9| - =

y te he tirm huama haste babhva te dhanu | tay 'smn, vi vata stvama ya kmay
paribbhuja |

O! Supreme lord who showers mercy! Protect us from all wordly troubles with the weapons and bow in your
hands, which are not for hurting us.

+P F6 H Ft4l4 l 4l+l 66l4 !T4 7 l-4l P 6 6 +Pl 4l-4l 64 -4 +

nama ste a stvyu dh yn tatya dh ave |u bhbhy mu ta te namo b hubhy tava
dhanva ne |

Salutations to your sturdy and potent weapons, and also to both your hands and your bow.

9| 6 -4 +l ( |6 FPl-4 T |4 H6 - Hl 4 9 |F64l H FP| |( 6P +

pari te dhanva no he tira smnv aktu vi vata | atho ya i u dhistav re a smannidhe hi tam

Let the arrow of Your bow spare us in all ways. And place your quiver of arrows far away from us.

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+P F6 HF6 4|-4H H l4 P(l( 4l4 -44 Tl4 |9 l-6 Tl4 |Tl|PTl l4 Tll|P6 l4 +lT 'l4
P t4 V 4l4 B4 H l4 B(l|H 4l4 ~lP-P(l( 4l4 +P -+ {+

nama ste astu bhagavanviveva rya mahde vya tryamba kya tripurnta kya
trikgnik lya klgniru drya
nlaka hya mtyuja yya sarveva rya sadi vya rmanmahde vya nama ||1||

Let my salutations be to that great God who is the Lord of the universe; the great God the three eyed one, the
destroyer of Tripura, the extinguisher of the trika fire and the fire of death, the bluenecked one, the victor over
death, the lord of all, the ever peaceful one, the glorious God of gods.


+Pl |( '44l(4 B +l -4 |( Hl 96 4 +Pl

namo hira yabhave sen nye di ca pata ye namo

Salutations to Lord Rudra with the golden arms, commander of forces, to the Lord of all quarters, salutations.

+Pl 4 -4l (| T H -4- 9H +l 96 4 +Pl

namo v kebhyo hari keebhya pa n pata ye namo

Salutations to the trees tufted with green leaves; salutations to the Lord of the cattle.

+P - B |F9V l4 |t49l P6 9l +l 96 4 +Pl

nama sa spija rya tvi mate path n pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who is light yellow, red tinged and radiant; to the Lord of the pathways, salutations.

+Pl 4- Hl4 |4-4l |+ 5l +l 96 4 +Pl

namo babhlu ya vivy dhine'nn n pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who rides on the bull, to him who has the power to pierce all things, to the Lord of food,

+Pl (| T Hl4l 94l |6+ 9 7l+l 96 4 +Pl

namo hari keyopav tine pu n pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who is always blackhaired, who wears the yajnopavita (sacred thread); to him the Lord of
the healthy and strong, salutations.
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+Pl 4F4 ( t4 = 6l 96 4 +Pl

namo bha vasya he tyai jaga t pata ye namo

Salutations to the Lord of universe, the shield against the phenomenal world.
+Pl 6 l4l 66l |4+ l Tl 96 4 +Pl

namo ru dry tat vine ketr pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who protects the world by the might of His drawn bow, to Rudra the destroyer of all
miseries; to the Lord of the fields and sacred places, salutations.
+P - B 6l4l( -t4l4 4+l +l 96 4 +Pl

nama s tyha ntyya van n pata ye namo

Salutations to the charioteer, the indestructible one and the Lord of forests.

+Pl l |( 6l4 F 96 4 4 lTl 96 4 +Pl

namo rohi tya stha pata ye v k pata ye namo

Salutations to the red One, to the Lord of trees, salutations.
+Pl P |T 4l|T =l4 Tl Tl 96 4 +Pl

namo ma ntrie vijya kak pata ye namo

Salutations to the counselor of assemblies, the chief of traders, to the Lord of dense impenetrable clumps and
clusters of thickets, salutations.
+Pl 4 64 4l|4FT 6l4l 9 l+l 96 4 +Pl

namo bhuva taye vrivask tyaua dhn pata ye namo

Salutations to the creator of earth and Lord of medicines who is ever present in His devotees.

+P 7 l 9l4l4 -(4 6 9l +l 96 4 +Pl

nama u ccairgho ykra ndaya te patt n pata ye namo
Salutations to Him who is Lord of infantry, the thundering one, who makes the enemies shriek.

+P - T tH4l 6l4 l4 6 Bx4 +l 96 4 +P - +-+

nama ktsnav tya dhva te sattva n pata ye nama ||2||
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Salutations to Him who surrounds His enemies completely; to the omnipresent One, who protects saintly
devotees (those who seek refuge) by rushing to their help.

+P - B( Pl+l4 |+-4l |+ Hl-4l |+l +l 96 4 +Pl

nama saha mnya nivy dhina vy dhin n pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who cannot only withstand the shock of the onset of His enemies, but overpower them. He
who can effortlessly pierce His enemies; the Lord of those who can fight on all sides, salutations to Him.

+P - TT l4 |+9 |qT F6 +l+l 96 4 +Pl

nama kakubhya nia gie ste nn pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who stands prominent, the wielder of the sword; to the chief of thieves, salutations.

+Pl |+9 |qT 9 | P6 6FT lTl 96 4 +Pl

namo nia gia iudhi mate taska r pata ye namo

Salutations to the robber chief, armed with quiver and arrows.
+Pl 4 6 9| 4 6 F6l4 +l 96 4 +Pl

namo vaca te pari vaca te sty n pata ye namo

Salutations to the deceiving, elusive chief of marauders.
+Pl |+ 4 9| l4l '4l+l 96 4 +Pl

namo nice rave parica ryra yn pata ye namo

Salutations to the wandering, ever evasive chief of foresttheives!
+P - B Tl |4-4l |=l Bl P !T 6l 96 4 +Pl

nama sk vibhyoo jighg sadbhyo mua t pata ye namo

Salutations to the chief of thieves, ever alert in defense and eager to strike.

+Pl 5|B Pl + - 9T -6l+l 96 4 +Pl

namo 'si madbhyo nakta cara dbhya prak ntn pata ye namo

Salutations to the chief of dacoits, who are on the move by night, carrying swords.

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+P 7!Tl |9T || l4 T l+l 96 4 +Pl

nama u ie girica rya kulu cn pata ye namo

Salutations to Him who wears a turban, who wanders about the mountains; to the leader of the landlords,

+P 9 Pl -4l |4-4 4l +Pl

nama iu madbhyo dhanv vibhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who bear darts, who carry bows; to you salutations

+P Hl6-4l + -4 - 9|6 (l + -4 4l +Pl

nama tanv nebhya prati dadh nebhyaca vo namo

Salutations to you who strings the bow and releases the arrows.
+P Hl 47 l |4B = 4l +Pl

nama yaccha dbhyo visjadbhya ca vo namo
Salutations to you who stretches the bow and sends the arrows again.
+Pl 5F4 l |4\4 4l +Pl

namo'sya dbhyo vidhya dbhyaca vo namo

Salutations to you who makes the arrows reach the targets.
+P HlBl + -4- H4l + -4 4l +Pl

nama s nebhya ay nebhyaca vo namo

Salutations to you Rudras who are seated and who are reclining, salutations.

+P - F4 9l =l 4l +Pl

nama sva padbhyo jgra dbhyaca vo namo

To you Rudras who are in the form of those who are asleep and awake, salutations.

+P |F6U l l4 4l +Pl

nama stiha dbhyo dhva dbhyaca vo namo

To you Rudras who are in the form of those who stand and those who run, salutations.

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+P - B l-4 - B l9 |6-4 4l +Pl

nama sabhbhya sabhpa tibhyaca vo namo .

To you Rudras who are in the form of those who sit as members of assemblies and those who preside over them,

+Pl HH -4l 5H 9|6-4 4l +P -+(+

namo avebhyo'va patibhyaca vo nama ||3||

To you Rudras who are in the form of horses and those who command them, salutations.

+P Hl-4l |+l -4l |4 |4\4 -6l-4 4l +Pl
nama vy dhinbhyo vi vidhya ntbhyaca vo namo
Salutations to you who can hit and pierce from all sides, and you who can pierce in diverse and manifold ways.
+P 7 Tl-4F6 ( 6l-4 4l +Pl
nama uga bhyastgha tbhya ca vo namo
Salutations to you who manifests as hosts of shaktis, gentle and violent.
+Pl tB -4l tB9 |6-4 4l +Pl
namo g tsebhyo g tsapa tibhyaca vo namo
Salutations to you the covetous and greedy, and the leaders of such.
+Pl l6 -4l l6 9|6-4 4l +Pl
namo vrtebhyo vrta patibhyaca vo namo
Salutations to you who are present in diverse crowds and races, and the leaders of such.
+Pl T -4l T9 |6-4 4l +Pl
namo ga ebhyo ga apa tibhyaca vo namo
Salutations to you who are in the form of attendants of gods and their chiefs.
+Pl |4- 9 -4l |4 H- 9 -4 4l +Pl
namo vir pebhyo vi var pebhyaca vo namo

Salutations to you who are formless and yet manifest in universal forms.

+Pl P ( -, T -4 4l +Pl

namo ma hadbhya , kulla kebhya ca vo namo

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Salutations to you who are in the forms of the great ones and the small ones.

+Pl |-4l 5 -4 4l +Pl

namo ra thibhyo 'ra thebhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the forms of those who ride chariots and those who do not.
+Pl -4l 9|6-4 4l +Pl

namo rathebhyo ratha patibhyaca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of chariots and those who own them.

+P - B +l -4- B +l |+-4 4l +Pl

nama senbhya sen nibhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you in the form of armies and the leaders of such armies
+P - , -4 - B (l 6 -4 4l +Pl

nama , ka ttbhya sagrah tbhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of trained charioteers and those who learn chariot driving.

+P F6 -4l Tl -4 4l +Pl

nama stakabhyo rathak rebhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of carpenters and chariot makers.

+P - T l -4- T Pl -4 4l +Pl

nama kul lebhya ka rmrebhyaca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of those who mold clay and make mud vessels, and artisans working in
the metals.

+P - 9 |V7 -4l |+9l ( -4 4l +Pl

nama pu jiebhyo ni debhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of fowlers and fishermen.

+P 9 T l -4 T 4l +Pl

nama iu kudbhyo dhanva kadbhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of those artisans who make arrows and bows.
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+Pl P 4 -4 - H |+-4 4l +Pl

namo mga yubhya va nibhya ca vo namo

Salutations to you who are in the form of hunters and huntsmen.

+P - H-4 - H9 |6-4 4l +P -+v+

nama vabhya vapa tibhyaca vo nama ||4||

Salutations to the you who are in the form of hounds and their keepers.

+Pl 4l4 6 l4

namo bha vya ca ru drya ca

Salutations to the creator and the destroyer.

+P - H 4l 4 9H 96 4

nama a rvya ca pau pata ye ca

Salutations to the destroyer and to the protector of all beings in bondage.
+Pl +l l4l4 |H|6 T'l 4

namo nla grvya ca iti kah ya ca

Salutations to Him whose throat is blue and whose throat is also white.

+P - T9 |( + -4 8T Hl4

nama kapa rdine ca vyu ptakeya ca

Salutations to Him who has matted hair, and to Him who is cleanshaven.
+P - B(Ul l4 H 6 -4+

nama sahasr kya ca a tadha nvane ca

Salutations to Him who has a Thousand eyes and a holder of hundred bows.
+Pl || Hl4 |H|9|4 7l4

namo giri ya ca ipivi ya ca

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Salutations to Him who dwells on the mountains and who is present in all beings.

+Pl Pl 7 7 Pl4 9 P6

namo m hua mya ceu mate ca

Salutations to Him who showers blessings very much and who bears arrows.

+Pl F4l4 4lP +l4

namo hra svya ca vma nya ca

Salutations to Him who assumes a small size, and to Him who is in the form of a dwarf.
+Pl 4 ( 6 49l 4B

namo bha te ca var yase ca

Salutations to the great and majestic one, to Him who is full of excellence.

+Pl 4&l4 B 4 \4 +

namo v ddhya ca sa vdhva ne ca

Salutations to the old venerable one, who grows in and by prayers.
+Pl H| 4l4 9 Pl4

namo agri yya ca pratha mya ca

Salutations to Him who was before all things and who is foremost.
+P Hl H4 l|= l4

nama ave cji rya ca

Salutations to Him who pervades all and moves swiftly.
+P - Hl| 4l4 Hl-4l 4

nama ghri yya ca bhy ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in fast moving things and in headlong cascades.
+P 7 4l 4 l4F4 -4l 4

nama rmy ya cvasva ny ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in great waves and in the still waters.
+P - Ul 6 F4l 4 l-4l 4 +-+

nama srota sy ya ca dvpy ya ca ||5||

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Salutations to Him who is in the floods and in the islands

+Pl 74 Ul4 T|+ Ul4

namo jye hya ca kani hya ca

Salutations to Him who is the eldest and the youngest.

+P - 9 4 =l4 l9 =l4

nama prvajya cparajya ca

Salutations to Him who is the primordial cause and subsequent effect.
+Pl P\4 Pl4 l9 -l4

namo madhya mya cpaga lbhya ca

Salutations to Him who is the eternal youth and who is also the infant.
+Pl = -4l 4 4 | 4l4

namo jagha ny ya ca budhni yya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the loins and in the roots.
+P - Bl -4l 4 9|6B 4l 4

nama sobhy ya ca pratisa ry ya ca

Salutations to Him who is present in vice and virtue and all that is dynamic.

+Pl 4l4l 4 4l 4

namo ymy ya ca kemy ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the worlds of death and of liberation.
+P 74 4l 4 G-4l 4

nama urva ry ya ca khaly ya ca

Salutations to Him who is present in the green fields and farm yards.

+P - Vl 14l 4 l54Bl -4l 4

nama loky ya c'vas ny ya ca

Salutations to Him who is praised by the Vedic Mantras and who is expounded in the Vedantic Upanishads.
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+Pl 4-4l 4 T4l 4

namo vany ya ca kaky ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the form of trees in the forests and of creepers in the shaded areas.
+P - ~ 4l4 9|6~ 4l4

nama ra vya ca pratira vya ca

Salutations to Him who is present in the sound and the echo of the sound
+P Hl H 9 Tl4 l H l4

nama ue ya c ura thya ca

Salutations to Him whose armies move swiftly and who rides on a swift chariot.
+P - H l 4 l4|-( 6

nama r ya cvabhinda te ca

Salutations to the warrior, He who destroys his enemies.
+Pl 4 |P T 4- |+

namo va rmie ca var thine ca

Salutations to Him who is clad in armor Himself, and who has provided for the safety of His charioteer.
+Pl |4 |-P+ T4 |+

namo bi lmine ca kava cine ca

Salutations to the armoured one.
+P - ~ 6l4 ~ 6B +l4 +\+

nama ru tya ca rutase nya ca ||6||

Salutations to Him who is praised in the Vedas and whose army is also praised.

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+Pl - -4l 4 l(+ -4l 4

namo dundubhy ya chana ny ya ca

Salutations to Him who is the present in the beating sound of drums and the sound of bugle.

+Pl !T4 9P Hl4

namo dh ave ca pram ya ca

Salutations to Him who never retreats from battle and is skilled in reconnaissance.

+Pl 6l4 9|( 6l4

namo d tya ca prahi tya ca

Salutations to Him who is present in spies and courtiers.
+Pl |+9 |qT 9 | P6

namo nia gie ceudhi mate ca

Salutations to Him who has a sword and a quiver of arrows.
+P F6l T 9 4 l4 |+

nama st kea ve cyu dhine ca

Salutations to Him having keen sharp arrows and myriad weapons.
+P - F4l4 l4 B -4 +

nama svyu dhya ca su dhanva ne ca

Salutations to Him bearing a beautiful powerful weapon and bow.
+P - U t4l 4 94l 4

nama sruty ya ca pathy ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the narrow footpaths and the broad highways.
+P - Tl l 4 +l -4l 4

nama k y ya ca n py ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the narrow flow of waters and in their descent from higher to lower levels.

+P - B Hl 4 B F4l 4

nama sdy ya ca sara sy ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the marshy and muddy places and in the lakes.
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+Pl +l Hl4 4 H -6l4

namo n dyya ca vaia ntya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the flowing waters of rivers and in the still waters of mountain tarns.
+P - T -4l 4 l4 l 4

nama kpy ya cva y ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the wells and in the pits.
+Pl 4!4l 4 l4 !4l 4

namo vary ya cva ryya ca

Salutations to Him who is present in rains as well as drought.
+Pl P 4l 4 |4H t4l 4

namo me ghy ya ca vidyu ty ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the clouds and in the lightning.
+P |4l 4 l6 -4l 4

nama dhriy ya cta py ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the glittering white autumn clouds and who is in the rains and mixed with
+Pl 4lt4l 4 |!P 4l4

namo vty ya ca remi yya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the rains accompanied by winds and in the rains accompanied by hail.
+Pl 4lF6 -4l 4 4lF6 9l4 ++

namo vsta vy ya ca vstu pya ca ||7||

Salutations to Him who is the protector of land and cattle.

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V ( ( ( ( V

om hara hara hara hara om.

+P - Bl Pl 4 6 l4 +P F6l Bl4 l6 Tl4

nama som ya ca ru drya ca nama st mrya cru ya ca

Salutations to Him who is with His consort Uma, the destroyer of samsaric sorrow.
Salutations to Him who is crimson and rosyred also.
+P - Hql4 9H 96 4 +P 7 l4 l Pl4

nama a gya ca pau pata ye ca nama u grya ca bh mya ca

Salutations to Him who brings happiness and who is the Lord of all creatures.
Salutations to Him who is fierce and strikes terror at sight into His enemies.
+Pl H 4 l4 4 l4 +Pl ( (+l 4B

namo agreva dhya ca dreva dhya ca namo ha ntre ca han yase ca

Salutations to Him who destroys enemies, right in front and from afar.
Salutations to Him who is the killer of the arrogant and the irreverent.
+Pl 4 -4l (| T H -4l +P F6l l4 +P 7H 4 P4l 4

namo v kebhyo hari keebhyo nama st rya nama a bhave ca mayo bhave ca
Salutations to Him who is present in trees full of green leaves. Salutations to Him who is the Pravana mantra;
Salutations to Him who is the source of happiness earthly and heavenly.
+P - H l4 P4FT l4 +P - |H 4l4 |H 46 l4

nama aka rya ca mayaska rya ca nama i vya ca i vata rya ca

Salutations to Him who is inherently of the nature of conferring happiness directly in this world and the world
Salutations to Him the auspicious one, who is more auspicious than all others.
+P F6l4l 4 T -4l 4 +P - 9l 4l 4 l4l 4l 4

nama strthy ya ca kly ya ca nama p ry ya cv ry ya ca

Salutations to Him who is ever present in holy places and on the banks of the rivers.
Salutations to Him who is present in this shore and the other.
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+P - 9 6 Tl4 l Tl4 +P Hl6l 4l 4 ll Hl 4

nama pra tara ya co ttara ya ca nama t ry ya cl dy ya ca

Salutations to Him who ferries men over the sins and evils of Samsara (the Illusions of the world), and who by
the grant of knowledge ferries them over Samsara altogether.
Salutations to Him who is born again and again in Samsara and who tastes the fruits of Karmas in the form of
+P - H!-4l 4 T -4l 4 +P - |BT t4l 4 94l Gl 4 +<+

nama apy ya ca pheny ya ca nama sika ty ya ca prav hy ya ca ||8||
Salutations to Him who is in the form of tender grass and in transient foam.
Salutations to Him who is in the form of the sands and flowing water.
+P | '4l 4 99 4l 4 +P - |T |H l4 4 Tl4

nama iri y ya ca prapa thy ya ca nama kigi lya ca kaya ya ca

Salutations to Him who is present in fertile lands and wornout ways.
Salutations to Him who is in the rocky uninhabitable and rugged tracts and in habitable places.

+P - T9 |( + 9 F64 +Pl l Ul 4 Gl 4

nama kapa rdine ca pula staye ca namo goy ya ca ghy ya ca

Salutations to Him who binds His matted locks and wears them majestically like a crown and to Him who is
easily attainable.
Salutations to Him who is in the cow sheds and in the homesteads.
+P F6--4l 4 Gl 4 +P - Tl l 4 Ul4

nama stalpy ya ca gehy ya ca nama k y ya ca gahvare hya ca

Salutations to Him who reclines on couches and who takes his ease in stately store yard buildings.
Salutations to Him who is in the thorny impenetrable forest places and in mountain caves.
+Pl ( 4l 4 |+4 !-4l 4 +P - 9l B -4l 4 = F4l 4

namo hrada yy ya ca nive py ya ca nama pg sa vy ya ca raja sy ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in deep waters and in the dew drops.
Salutations to Him who is present in atoms and dust.
+P - H !14l 4 (| t4l 4 +Pl l -4l 4 l -4l 4

nama uky ya ca hari ty ya ca namo lopy ya cola py ya ca

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Salutations to Him who is in dry and green things.
Salutations to Him who exists in difficult terrains and in green grass.
+P 7 -4l 4 B 4l 4 +P - 9 '4l 4 9T H Hl 4

nama rvy ya ca s rmy ya ca nama pa ry ya ca paraa dy ya ca

Salutations to Him who is in the earth and in the beautiful waves of rivers.
Salutations to Him who is in the green leaves and the dried ones.

+Pl 59 Pl Tl4 l| 6 +P Hl|G( 6 9|G( 6

namo 'pagu ram ya cbhighna te ca nama khkhida te ca prakhkhida te ca

Salutations to the Rudraganas (soldiers of Rudra) who have their weapons uplifted and who strike from the
Salutations to them (Rudraganas) who torments a little and also profusely.

+Pl 4- |T| T -4l ( 4l+l ( 4 -4l +Pl |4lT T -4l +Pl |4|-4 tT -4l

namo va kiri kebhyo de vn g hda yebhyo namo vika kebhyo namo vicinva tkebhyo

Salutations to you who shower wealth and who dwell in the hearts of the Gods.
Salutations to you who are not liable to decay (and who abides in the hearts of the Gods).
Salutations to you who search and examine the good and bad that each one does (and who abides in the hearts of
the Gods).
+P Hl|+G ( 6 -4l +P HlPl4 tT -4 - ++

nama nirha tebhyo nama mva tkebhya ||9||
Salutation to you who have rooted out sin utterly (and who abides in the hearts of the Gods).
Salutation to them who have assumed a gross form and stand in the material shape of the universe (and who
abides in the hearts of the Gods)
l9 H- BF96 (| l l |(6 | 9 9l 9 6 9lTlP 9l 9 H +l Pl Pl 5l Pl 9 9l |T +lP P6

drpe andha saspate dari dra nnla lohita| e m puru me pa n m bherm'ro
mo e kica nma mat

O! Lord of destruction! Lord of food! O! Blue and red one! O! Detached one! Let there not be fear in these people
and these cattle! Let not any of them stray away. Let not any of them be diseased!

4l 6 6 |H 4l 6 + - |H 4l |4 Hl( 9=l |H 4l 6 F4 9 =l 64l +l P 7 =l 4B +

y te rudra i v ta n i v vi vha bheaj| i v ru drasya bhea j tay no ma j vase ||

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Oh Lord Rudra ! Let his auspicious form of yours which is the expert physicians panacea for all the ills of the
world render us ever living and happy.

Pl 6 l4 6 4B T9 |( + 4l l4 9 lP( P |6P 4l + - HPB(|9( 6 !9( |4H 9 7

lP H |FP+l 6 P +

i mg ru drya ta vase kapa rdine ka yadv rya prabha rmahe ma tim| yath na
amasa ddvi pade catu pade viva pu a grme a sminnan turam||

We surrender our intellect to Rudra, the one with the matted hair, the destroyer of enemies, so that in this
village, all our people and cattle may flourish and everything prosper without disease.

P 7l +l 6l 6 +l P4 FT | 4l l4 +P Bl |4 P 6 47 4l P+ l4 = |9 6l 6( 74lP 64 6
9Tl 6l +

m no rudro ta no maya skdhi ka yadv rya nama s vidhema te| yaccha ca yoca
manu ryaje pi t tada yma tava rudra pra tau||

O! destroyer! Render us happy with material possessions and spiritual liberation. We render obeisance to you,
the destroyer of sin. Let us attain through your loving grace all that was attained by our forefather
Manu(materially and spiritually).

Pl +l P (l-6 P 6 Pl +l H T Pl + 7 -6P 6 Pl + 7| 6P Pl +l 54l- |9 6 Pl 6 Pl 6 |9 4l

Pl + F6 + 4l 6 l|9-

m no ma hnta mu ta m no arbha ka m na uka ntamu ta m na uki tam| m no 'vadh
pi tara mota m tara pri y m na sta nuvo rudra rria|

O! Destroyer! Dont torment our aged,our yound ones, our infants, our children in the wombs, our father, our
mother and our dear bodies.

Pl + F6l T 6+ 4 Pl + Hl4 |9 Pl +l l 9 Pl +l HH 9 l|9-

4l l-Pl +l 6 l|P 6l 54 l( |4!P -6l +P Bl |4 P 6

m na sto ke tana ye m na yu i m no gou m no ave u rria| v rnm no rudra
bhmi to'va dhrha vima nto nama s vidhema te |

O! destroyer! Do not , in your anger trouble our children, our sons,our lifespan,our cattle, horses or our
servants.we render homage to you through our rites.

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Hl l l 7 6 9 69 4l l4 B VP FP 6 HF6 l +l H| ( 4 Gl + - HP 47
| 4(l -

rtte go hna u ta p rua ghne ka yadv rya su mnama sme
te astu| rak ca no adhi ca deva br hyadh ca na arma yaccha dvi barh .

O! God! Let that gentle form of yours(which spells destruction for the men and cattle of evilminded people) be
near us,protect us,plead for us,confer grace on us and grant earthly bliss and spiritual liberation.
F6 |( ~ 6 6 B( 4 4l + P l PP 9( P P P 7l = | 6 F64l +l H -4-6 H FP|4 9-6 B +l -

stu hi ru ta ga rta sada yuv na m ganna bh mamu paha tnumu gram| m ja ri tre
ru dra stav no a nyante a smanniva pantu sen |

Praise the reputed one,the dweller of the heart,the ever young one, terrible like a lion, the destroyer,the supreme
one! O! Destroyer! Render us, the praying mortals,happy. Let your hordes destroy others.

9| Tl 6 F4 ( |64 T 9| t4 9F4 P |6 l 4l - H4 |F l P 4 4F6+ !4 Pl7 4 F6l Tl4 6+ 4l4
P 74+

pari o ru drasya he tirv aktu pari tve asya durma ti ra gh yo| ava sthi r
ma ghava dbhayastanuva mhva sto kya tana yya maya||

Let the weapon and the will to strike of the destroyer who burns sinners through his anger,keep away from
us.O! granter of boons to the prostrate!Turn away your weapons from us, the worshipping ones.Grant
happiness to the children.
Pl7 7P |H4 6P |H 4l + - B P+l 4 9 P 4 Hl4 | l4 T | 4Bl + Hl |9+l T |4H (l |(+

mhu ama iva tama i vo na su man bhava| pa ra me v ka yu dhanni dhya ktti
vas na ca ra pin ka bibhra dga hi||

Supreme showerer of blessings. Supreme auspicious One! Be auspicious and beneficent, and bear goodwill to us.
Place your threatening and hurtful weapons on some tall and distant tree. Approach us wearing your tiger skin
and come bearing your Pinaka bow.

|4|T |( |4l |(6 +P F6 HF6 4- 4lF6 B (U ( 64l -4P FP|4 9-6 6l-

viki rida vilo hita nama ste astu bhagava| yste sa hasrag he tayo nyama smanniva pantu
t |

O! Lord! Destroyer of samsaric ills ! whitehued One! Lord Bhagavan! Salutations to you. Let your thousands
of weapons not destroy us, but rather destroy our enemies.

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B (Ul |T B(U l 4l 4l F64 ( 64 - 6lBl PlHl +l 4- 9l l+l P Gl T | +{+

sa hasr i sahasra dh b hu vostava he taya | ts m no bhagava par cn mukh kdhi

In your arms exist thousands of kinds of weapons in thousands of numbers. But Bhagavan, You are the Lord
and master of them. Turn them all away from us.
B (Ul |T B(U Hl 4 6 l H| 4l P 6 9l B(U4l = + 54 -4l |+ 6-P|B

sa hasr i sahasra o ye ru dr adhi bhmy m| teg sahasrayoja ne'va dhanv ni tanmasi|

Those Rudras who live on the face of the earth in thousands of varieties, we shall cause the strings of their bows
to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.

H |FP-P ( t4 T 4 5-6| 4l H|

a sminma ha tya ra ve 'ntari ke bha v adhi |

Those Rudras who dwell in the sublime ocean and the space between sky and earth, we shall cause the strings of
their bows to be loosened and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.

+l l4l- |H|6 T'l - H 4l H -, Pl l-

nla grv iti kah a rv a dha , ka mca r|

The Rudra Ganas, blue throated, where the Kalakuta poison rested; and white throated in other portions; those
Rudras who dwell in the nether regions; we shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows
themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.

+l l4l- |H|6 T'l |(4 6 l 79 |~6l-

nla grv iti kah divag ru dr upa rit|

Blue throated where the poison rested and elsewhere white throated Rudras who dwell in the heaven, we shall
cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far
away from us.

4 4 9 B |F9V l +l l4l |4l |(6l- 4 6l+l P| 964l |4|H GlB - T9 |( + -

ye v keu sa spija r nla grv vilo hit| ye bh tn madhi patayo vii khsa
kapa rdina |

Those Rudras who exist in trees as their overlords, yellowhued, like tender grass, crimson and blue necked; who
exist clean shaven and with matted hair as lords of ghosts and spirits; who afflict people.

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4 H 9 |4 |4\4 |-6 9l 9 |94 6l =+l+

ye anne u vi vidhya nti ptre u piba to jann |

Those Rudras who afflict people through their food and drink; who control the supply of food stuffs, we shall
cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far
away from us.

4 9 l 9 | 4 9 4 (l 4 -4 -

ye pa th pa thi raka ya ailab d ya vyudha |

Those Rudras who are the protectors of the pathways, the givers of food, who fight with enemies, we shall cause
the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away
from us.

4 6l l |+ 9 |-6 B Tl4 -6l |+9 |qT -+

ye t rthni pra cara nti s kva nto nia gia ||

Those Rudras who haunt the sacred places wearing short daggers and long swords, we shall cause the strings of
their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of yojanas far away from us.

4 9 6l4 -6 4l B |(Hl 6 l |4 6|F

ya e tva ntaca bhyg saca dio ru dr vi tasthi re|

Those Rudras so far mentioned, and over and above them, who have entered the quarters and occupied them, we
shall cause the strings of their bows to be loosened, and the bows themselves to be deposited thousands of
yojanas far away from us.

6 9l B(U4l = + 54 -4l |+ 6-P|B+

teg sahasrayoja ne'va dhanv ni tanmasi||

Those Rudras who are on this earth, to whom food turns into shafts, I bow to them with my speech. With my ten
fingers joined, I bow to them with my body facing all quarters, I bow to them with my mind. May they render
me happy. Oh Rudras, to whom we bow! I consign him whom we hate and he who hates us, into your yawning
+Pl 6 -4l 4 9 | -4l 4 5-6| 4 |( |4 4 9l P 4l6l 4 G 9|P9 4 F6 -4l (H 9ll ( H (| Tl (H
9 6ll ( Hl (l l ( Hl \4l F6 -4l +P F6 +l P 74-6 6 4 | !Pl 4 +l |7 6 4l = (l|P +{{+

namo ru drebhyo ye p thi vy ye 'ntari ke ye di vi ye manna vto va r amia va stebhyo
daa prc rdaa daki daa pra tc rdaod c rdao rdhvstebhyo nama ste no mayantu
te ya dvi mo yaca no dvei ta vo jambhe dadhmi

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We render obeisance to those myriad manifestations of Rudra whose weapons are food,wind and rain,who exist
in the earth,ether and heaven.Prostations to the east,to the south,to the west and to the north and upward.Let
them render us happy.whoever hates us and whomsoever we hate,consing them into your wide open mouth.

V -4 4T 4=lP( B |- 9 |7 4 +P 7 4l 6 T|P 4 4 +l-P t4l P l4 Pl5P 6l 6 +

om trya mbaka yajmahe suga ndhi pu i vardha nam| u rv ru kami va
bandha nnm tyormu kya m'mt t||

We worship the fragrant three eyes One, who confers ever increasing prosperity; let us be saved from the hold of
death, like the cucumber freed from its hold; let us not turn away from liberation.
4l 6 l H Pl 4l H -B 4 Hl 9 l9 4l 6 l |4Hl 4 +l |4 4 H 6FP 6 l4 +Pl HF6 +

yo ru dro a gnau yo a psu ya oa dhu yo ru dro viv bhuva n vi vea tasmai ru drya namo

Prostrations to that rudra, who exists in fire, water, herbs and all the worlds.
4 6 B (U P 4 6 9lHl P t4l Pt4l 4 (-6 4 6l+ , 4 F4 Pl 44l B4l +4 4=lP(

ye te sa hasra ma yuta p mtyo marty ya hanta ve| tn, ya jasya m yay sarv nava

O! Desroyer ! We remove through our good deeds all those bonds of yours,myriad in number,which are meant
to afflict all that is mortal.
P t44 F4l(l P t44 F4l(l +

m tyave svh m tyave svh ||

Let this offering be to the Destroyer( of sin and sorrow)
9lTl+l |-|B 6l Pl |4Hl -6T- 6 +l +l -4l4 F4 +Pl 6l4 |4!T4 P t4 P 9l |(+

prn granthirasi rudro m vi ntaka| tennnen pyya sva| namo rudrya viave
mtyu rme p hi||

O Rudra, you hold the strings of the life breaths. Pray, dont take away my life. Be pleased with my offerings
and cost your benevolent and auspicious sight on me. Let this offering be to the Destroyer(on sin and sorrow).
Prostrations to the allpervading Lord Rudra. Save me from earthly bondage.
6P 7 |( 4- |F4 9 - B -4l 4l |4H F4 4 |6 9 =F4 44l P ( Bl P+ Bl4 6 +Pl |( 4PB 4F4+

tamu u hi ya svi u su dhanv yo viva sya kaya ti bhea jasya | yakv ma he
sau mana sya ru dra namobhirde vamasu ra duvasya||
Attain great mental peace by worshipping that rudra who with good bow and arrows is the source of remedy for
all wordly ills, the destroyer of sorrow, who augments the life span and who exists in the form of knowledge.
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H 4 P (F6l 4l+ 4 P 4- H 4 P |4 H 9=l 54 |H 4l| PH +- +

a ya me hasto bhaga vna ya me bhaga vattara| a ya me vi vabhe ajo 'yag
i vbhi marana ||

This hand of mine which has touched the lords idol, is indeed blessed, this is very very lucky. This is the remedy
for all the worldly ills.
V Hl|-6 - Hl|-6 - Hl|-6 - +
om nti nti nti ||
Let there be Peace, Let there be Peace, Let there be Peace!
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Pl 9l +l Pl 9l +l Pl 9l +l Pl 9l +l kam prrthan
V 4(9(H7 Pl(l+ 6 4( 4 6
om yadakarapadabhraa mtrahna tu yad bhaveet|
6tB4 46l ( 4 +ll4T +Pl F6 6
tatsarva kamyat deeva nryaa namoostutee|
|4B |4-Pll|T 9(9l(ll|T
visargabindumtri padapdkari ca|
-4 +l|+ l|6|l|+ PF4 Bl74
nynni ctiriktni kamasva svara|
H9l B(Ul|T |44-6 5(|+ H P4l
apardha sahasri kriyantee'harnia may|
(lBl 54|P|6 Pl Pt4l PF4 Bl74
dsoo'yamiti m matv kamasva svara|
H-4l HT +l|F6 t4P 4 HT PP
anyath araa nsti tvameeva araa mama
6FPl6 Tl6'4 l4 + Bl74
tasmt kruya bhveena raka raka svara|
(|- V 6tB6 ~l Bl74l9 TPF6
hari om tatsat r svarrpaamastu|
V Hl|-6 - Hl|-6 - Hl|-6 -+
om nti nti nti ||

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