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oedipus the king (script)

Part 1 Narrator: Here we are More than a thousand years before Christ Near the city of what is now known as Athens A palace ruled by a king whose name was Laius, married to a distant cousin, Iocasta, who bore him a son, only to be visited by the priestess of Delphi that reveals a prophecy. Apollo: Laius beware that you the king of Thebes would die in the hands of thy own son. As I the god of truth and forty the, I speak to you that any act to void this prophecy was as futile as to set oneself against the decrees of fate. So long King of Thebes. Narrator: The Kings belief was partial, as he believes no one could foretell his future but him. But he then ordered his son to be brought to the mountains and be slain by beast and thieves. Iocasta couldnt bear it but she knows the rules of the gods. Years have passed the Kingdom of Thebes live in harmony and tranquility. Until it was beset by a frightful monster, the Sphinx. She waits where the three roads meet on the way to Delphi for anyone who will pass and cast a riddle and if the person cannot answer it she devours them. And she does this from one person to another. Horror and fears filled the city and the seven great gates that were their pride remained close; famine drew near to the citizens. Until there came, a stranger, a man of great courage and intelligence, whose name was Oedipus. He left his kingdom, Corinth because Apollo has foreseen that his fate was to kill his own father and to marry his own mother and have children with her. Sphinx: (walking around the stranger, sniffing) Uhm quite a fresh one youre not from around here, arent you? (Oedipus just follows the Sphinx with a stair) Sphinx: Quite a shy young lad I shall give you a chance before I devour your flesh (Walks around one more) What creature goes on four feet in the morning, on two at noonday, on three in the evening? Oedipus: (Stares afar and stares back to the Sphinx) Man, in childhood he creeps on hands and feet; in manhood he walks erect; in old age he helps himself with a staff. Sphinx: Are you sure? (Oedipus nods) No You didnt get the Precious answer How could have somebody know the answer? (She screams and vanished) (Oedipus not so surprised, taps his clothes from dirt and turns around when five men appeared in front of him)

Soldier 1: (raises his sword) Death is the punishment for such insolence to our sire. Oedipus: I dont know you people, the truth is I dont know anyone around here. But to point your sword on my face is an insult to my being. (draws his sword) (A war erupted between Oedipus and the five men. Oedipus was the only one left standing) Narrator: Oedipus was then welcomed to the city, knowing that he was the one who slain the Sphinx. He married the Queen and had four children with her. Part II (Oedipus, seated in his throne talking to the three citizens who were begging for help) Citizen 1: (Holding her tummy) Sire, we do not mean to interrupt your sleep. But we appeal for your mercy and compassion. We are dying of hunger, my Lord. Half of your people were weed away by disease. We are vanishingly helpless, Sire! If we dont act now, there wont be a single Theban left in the next coming days. (Oedipus motioned & whispered to his servant) (The servant leaves) (Creon enters) (Oedipus whispered to Creon and Creon left) Narrator: Creon returned to the palace after heeding the help of the gods from the temple of Apollo and spread the news to all. The plague will only stop upon a condition fulfilled that whoever murdered King Laius will be punished. Oedipus: (Speaking aloud) Let no one of this land. Give shelter to him. Bar him from your homes. And solemnly I pray may he who killed wear out his life in evil, being evil. (Teirisias enters) Oedipus: Tell me, you have the gift who is the culprit? Teiresias: For the love of God Oedipus: (Stood in annoyance) If you have the knowledge, speak Teiresias: Fools all of you are fools (she walks and turns) I will not answer. Oedipus: I will punish you by death yourself if you dont speak what you know. Teiresias: You are yourself the murderer you seek. (Mad Oedipus, slapped the oracle and the soldiers grabbed her away) (Oedipus sat back in his throne frustrated)

Narrator: Iocasta was into confusion upon hearing what the oracle has said. She then told her husband about Apollos prophecy about Laius and explained how he died according to the only soldier who survived the ambush. Iocasta: Robbers murdered Laius, where the three roads meet on the way to Delphi. (Oedipus gave her a strange look) Oedipus: When did this happen? Iocasta: Just before you came. Oedipus: (Stood and walks) how many were they? Iocasta: Five in all. All were killed except one. Oedipus: I must see that man? Send for him. Narrator: Oedipus then told Iocasta about his story upon leaving Corinth due to a prophecy of Apollo that he will kill his own father and marry his own mother. Have children men would shudder to look upon. He said his father was the King Polybus of Corinth. Upon his way, where three roads meet he met a man with four attendants. They were mad at him for a reason he cannot understand and they draw their swords and fought until none of them can stand except him. And he left. (An old man enters with the messenger stood in front of the king) Messenger: He is the man who gave me the baby. Oedipus: And you? (Turns to the old man) (The old man did not answer) Messenger: (to the old man) You must remember! You gave me once a little child you had found and that the king here is the child. Old Man: Curse you! Hold your tongue. Oedipus: What (stands angrily) I will put the two of you to death, if you dont speak what I desire to know. Old Man: (begging) Oh do not hurt me please. Yes, I did give her the child, but do not ask me more, Please!!! Oedipus: If I ask you the second time youre finish. Old Man: Ask your lady, she knows best. Oedipus: She gave him to you?

Old Man: (About to cry) Oh yes, oh yes, I was to kill the child because there is a prophecy that he will kill his father when he grows up. Oedipus: Enough (he shouted) (He sat back) its all true. Now shall my light be turned into darkness? I am a curse. Narrator: Iocasta over heard it all and she screamed & cried in a chamber before she killed herself Finding her, Oedipus sat beside her & pierces his eyes with his knife to blind himself. Part III Narrator: With Iocasta dead, all the evils came with it. Oedipus lived a blind life as his children; two sons and two daughters grow up. They were not like monster as what was prophesied. The Thebans like them. Oedipus resigned from his throne and none of his sons took it as a sign of respect as they now know the story of their kin. Creon, Iocastas brother took the throne. Who later sent Oedipus away from their kingdom in respect to the petition of the Theban citizens. (Antigone and Ismene help their father to travel to Colonus)

Narrator: The two daughters brought their father to a Kingdom much willing to accept him, The city called Colonus. But this is where Oedipus journey ends. He died a happy man with his two daughters beside him as contrary to the prophecy.

Part IV (Eteocles and Polynieces together with their faithful soldiers are in a war) Narrator: Ismene and Antigones arrival in Thebes was more unfortunate. To know that their two brother have committed themselves to war. Each was trying to grab the throne. Polynieces was the rebel while Eteocles ending up defending the Great Seven Gates of Thebes. But the two sisters were impossible to take sides. (A massive sword fighting leaving both brothers dead) (A glimpse before they die) (Eteocles trying to reach his brother) Polynieces: (crying) my brother, my enemy, but loved always loved. Bury me in my homeland to have so much at least of my city. Narrator: Well here we are, again These people that you see here are the ones to act the story of Antigone that tense, dark hair girl at the center is Antigone, she is going to die, she is young, she should much rather live than die The young man talking to the gay and golden Ismene is Haemon, Creons son, he is engaged to marry Antigone Creon, the king, forced to

rule the ill-fated kingdom of his sisters family And those pasty-faced card players, they are the guards. They are not bad, only they follow the law, the laws of the palace and of the king. Creon: (sitting in his hands) from this day forward, I declare that Eteocles, the faithful servant of the Great Seven Gates of Thebes be buried with honors while there should be no mourning and burial bestowed upon Polynieces, as he had dishonored our kingdom. Let beasts and birds devour his flesh until he rots. It is down clear that he who buries his body should be put to death. (Creon leaves) (Nurse and Antigone enters) Nurse: Where were you? Ive been looking for you? Have you eaten? Antigone: (seated on bed) Nowhere! Somewhere I can talk to my brother. Nurse: Arent you afraid the king will hear of this. I am only your servant, my lady, but I care for you. Antigone: Dont worry Nanny, Im a grown-up now. (stood up and walk) I can take care of myself. Youll see, its about a few days from now and I will be married to Haemon. (Nurse cries and embrace Antigone from the back) Nurse: Yes indeed, you are a lady now. Antigone: (Turns and dries Nurses eyes) Save your tears Nanny, you might still need them. (Ismene enters as the nurse exits) Ismene: (shouting) Antigone (sits in bed too), where have you been? Its still dark outside. Why are you up so early/?... Ive been thinking about what you said. No, we cannot do it. Antigone: Why not? Ismene: Creon will put us to death. Antigone: Of course he will. But still it is our duty to bury our brother. Ismene: (Draws up Antigones hand and kneels) I dont wanna die. He is the king. You know how he does things. He will have us tortured till we screamed to death. I cant do it Antigone! Antigone: No! For heavens sake! Dont touch me! (Stands) All right. You have made up your mind so be it! Ismene: Be sensible (stands) you were about to be married to Haemon and you have a beautiful, happy life ahead of you.

Antigone: I will talk to Haemon in the morning. Go back to bed. Youre white with weariness. (Ismene exits) (Haemon Enters) Antigone: Haemon, forgive me for quarrelling you last night I was just tired. Haemon: You know Ive forgiven you, Antigone Darling, I love you exactly as you love me. With all of myself. Antigone: thats the way I feel, too. Now, there are two things I will tell you but first, you must swear that whatever they are you will instantly go away without asking me questions. Please swear. Haemon: (Kisses her) I love you so much. Now I swear... what are those things you will tell me? Antigone: Oh my Darling, my Darling forgive me. Im going to cause you a lot of pain. (Draws away form him and walks away) I want to let you know that I shall never be able to marry you. (Faces back Haemon) No, its not you? Theres no question to how we both feel. Its something else. (Haemon will approach) Antigone: Haemon, Im sorry but you took a solemn oath. (Antigone came to where Polynieces was tied) Narrator: Against the orders of Creon, the hands of his very own niece, Antigone, buried Polynieces. She couldnt help it. She knows it was her duty even she knows her life would be forfeited. (Guards confronted her and brought her to Creon) (Teiresias in Creons side) Creon: Whats the matter with you two? Take your hands-off her. (The guards untangles her) Now speak or Ill break your necks. Guard1: We saw her near the body, Sire. And not only that, she indeed buried the body with a toy shovel. Show him the shovel (Turns to Guard2) (Guard2 raises the shovel) Creon: Ok, leave us! (Points to the door) (The guards exit) (Antigone touches her arms were the guards grabbed her. She sat) Creon: Where did they find you? Antigone: Right by the body. Creon: What were you doing near the body?

Antigone: You heard it, they said it all. Its true. Creon: Ok, did you meet anybody on your way? Antigone: NoWhy? Creon: Very well, go straight to your room, go to sleep and tell everybody that you were sick since yesterday and Ill take care of everything. Antigone: No, Uncle Creon, you are going to kill these men for no reason. It is I who did it. It is I to be punished. Creon: Stop playing games with me, young lady. You would do as I say. Antigone: Im not playing games. Creon: You knew my edict! Antigone: Yes. Creon: And you transgressed the law? Antigone: Your law, but not the law of justice who dwells with the gods. The unwritten laws of heaven are not of neither today nor yesterday, but for all time. Creon: you listen to me. You have cast me for a villain in this little play of yours and yourself as the heroine. If I were another tyrant of Greece, you would be lying in a ditch this minute with your tongue pulled out. But as you can see I hesitated to send for the guards and turn you to them. Instead I let you argue and insult me. Antigone: Im not trying to listen to this. I want to frighten you. Creon: Very well Im afraid, does that satisfy you? Antigone: And you call that being a king? Poor Creon! My nails are broken, my fingers are bleeding, my arms are covered with welts left by the paves of your guards-but Im a queen. (Ismene enters weeping) Ismene: I helped do it. Antigone: No, she had no share in it. (To Ismene) your choice was to live and mine is to die. Thats how it goes. Creon: (shaking his head in confusion) Antigone, why cant you just think about Haemon. You are as stubborn and idealistic as your father is.


Creon: Guards take her away. (Guards enter and grab Antigone) (Both characters exit) (Inside the prison Antigone sees only the skies. Wondering) Narrator: Wondering in the sky 20 million diamonds hanging Darkness so precious but nobody to embrace though its cold Behold her, the sufferings, because she has upheld that which is high. (Antigone gone) (Haemon enters) Haemon: Father! Father! Creon: Haemon forget her. Forget Antigone. I did everything I could to save her, I swear I did. Haemon: Father, recall your edict, order the burial of Polynieces. Creon: Too late for that. A law is a law Haemon: But you are the king. You make the laws of our land. Creon: Yes, but I am a man under the law Forget her. Haemon: As if you are telling me to forget to live. Antigone is my life. I love her. I cannot live without her. Creon: The edict stands. (And now it is Creons turn, Antigone has just been thrust into the cave; they havent finished closing the entrance entirely when they heard a sudden scream followed by a sudden moan surprisingly the first voice was a lady and the last was from a man. It was Haemons voice from the tomb. Everybody looked at Creon and he struggled to open it again. Until he got in Antigone had hanged herself by a cord. Haemon was on his knees holding her in her arms and moaning. Creon tried to raise Haemon but he was deaf to his fathers voice, until he stood up and his eyes burning, draws his sword and stared at his father. He struck himself. He fell beside Antigone. A story destined to be sad ending.) (All actors exit) (Creon sitting on his throne. Eurydice enters)

Eurydice: (Approaching Creon and pounding him in the chest) You could have done something. You are the king; you can stop all of these. You are powerful. But you didnt. (Creon did not say anything) Eurydice: You lost Menoeceus in the battle and now Haemon. Our poor young sons. Who else do you want to lose? Me? (Pointing herself) huh? Tell me (Creon will be quiet) Eurydice: I promise you (on her knees) from this day forward, you will loose me too. I shall never show my face again. Vanished from the misfortunes of your kin. And you I know that your end will come soon. You will die alone. You will die a lonely man. (Eurydice exits) Creon (to Teiresias): I had them laid side by side. They are together at last and in peace they dont know but when the work is there to be done, a man cant fold his arms and say he wont do it. They say its a dirty work. But if you dont do it who would? Narrator: Creon is all alone now. Defeated by a little girl to whom he gave the first doll she never had. He who would not bury Polynieces will now have to bury a son. A great melancholy wave of unrest now settles down upon Thebes, upon the empty palace, upon Creon, who can now begin to wait for his own death.

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